Want to dive into the ever-evolving world of television and investigate its profound impact on society? Television has shaped cultures, influenced public opinions, and transformed the way we consume media. Trace the industry’s evolution and its role in shaping social norms. These television essay topics will help you answer all questions.
📺 TOP 7 Television Topics
🏆 Best Television Essay Topics
- Social Media vs. Television and News ChannelsSocial networks have become a key communication platform that shapes the knowledge and experience of young people.
- The Development of Radio and the Rise of TelevisionThe radio and the television were stimulating factors that made the economy grow and have remained consistent even after other innovations, such as the Internet, have been made.
- Role of TV in Today’s SocietyThis paper discusses the TV media as serving the sole purpose of entertainment and also discusses it in other capacities other than entertainment only.
- Behavior Analysis in “The Office” TV ShowThe TV show selected for this assignment is “The Office”. It is a mockumentary that portrays the daily lives of several employees and a manager.
- Violence on TV: Impact on ChildrenThis paper hypothesizes that there is a direct correlation between violent scenes on TV and the level of violence children and teenagers find acceptable in real life.
- Life in the 1950S through the Lens of a TV Show: “Leave It to Beaver”This paper aims to analyze life in the 1950s through the lens of a TV show – “Leave It to Beaver”, and what happened to the “Leave It to Beaver” cast.
- Nature vs. Nurture in the Television Series “Dexter”In “Dexter”, the theme of nature vs. nurture arises when trying to understand what caused Dexter to become a serial killer targeting other serial killers in his adult life.
- “TV, Ideology, and Emancipatory Popular Culture”: General Idea and Sub-PointsThe author sees mass media as a powerful tool of influence on the public as well as a great sphere for the social struggle against social unfairness.
- How Reality Television Influences TeenagersGiven that young people are more exposed to television and the internet, the impact of reality television shows on their lives cannot be overstated.
- Sky TV Business AnalysisSky TV is a major pay-television provider in the United Kingdom and the neighboring areas. Sky TV offers various choices to its customers.
- Television Impact on Children’s DevelopmentThe development of children is dependent on their exposure to television. Children are traumatized by television, which leads to unhealthy lifestyles, obesity, and aggression.
- NCIS TV Series: Narrative Structure and CharactersAlthough NCIS cannot be considered the longest-running show in the U.S. primetime broadcast, it has definitely cemented its position as one of the most popular TV series.
- Reality Music Television ShowsThe purpose of this paper therefore is to discuss the effects (both positive and negative in any) of reality music televising shows on the general music industries.
- Intercultural Communication in TV ShowsThe paper discusses filmmaking that used various television series and movies to examine the question of intercultural communication.
- Television and Violence in ChildrenChildren are more likely to be affected in a negative way by viewing violent television programmes, in comparison with their adult counterparts.
- Violence on TV and Violence in Society: ConnectionThe connection between violence on TV and violence in society is not direct because the progress of social violence depends on many factors.
- Should Sex and Violence Be Restricted on Television?Watching television is dangerous for family communication because the members of the family do not interact closely.
- The Television Series “South Park” AnalysisThis essay is based on the reflections of the television series South Park and how cultural issues are portrayed through its characters.
- Ethics in the Business World Based on Dilbert TV SeriesIn the fourteenth episode of the second season of the Dilbert TV series, the main character faces an ethical dilemma that makes him choose between his principles and temptations.
- Hyper-Reality in TelevisionThe concept of hyper-reality is defined as the blurring of the distinction between what is real and what is unreal, made possible through the process of simulation.
- Link Between Watching Television and ObesityOne of the primary causes of obesity is a sedentary lifestyle, which often includes excessive screen-watching periods.
- Improving CSI Simulation: Insights and RecommendationsCSI simulator provides a good insight into the work of a forensic examination. The process can be improved in several aspects.
- Is Binge-Watching Television Bad for You?The development of technologies and streaming services provided people with the chance to watch many episodes of their favorite shows or series in a row.
- Violence in Games: TV and Computer Games ViolenceSince most of the violent scenes in games will indicate stars as heroes when they escape punishment, children believe that violence can effectively solve issues of disagreement.
- Advancement in Technology: Invention of the TelevisionThis paper seeks to discuss the phenomenon of the invention era, the circumstances leading to the invention, and its evolution.
- The Television Industry AnalysisOne of the most notable changes within the mass media sector is with the development of the digital age. This has resulted into revolution within the television industry.
- “When They See Us” TV Mini-Series’ AnalysisThe mini-series titled “When They See Us,” released in 2019, tells the story of five young men falsely convicted of rape and assault of a young woman in Central Park.
- Black-ish: Cultural Values of Individualism & MulticulturalismBlack-ish is an American TV show about an upper-middle-class black family living in a predominantly white community. Black-ish includes some stereotypes and generalizations.
- Television Violence and Critical ThinkingT.V. viewing is one of the most influential forms of information distribution and behavioral modification in that people tend to believe what they hear from T.V.
- Al-Jazeera International and Arabic televisionThis paper explores the history as well as the effects of the Al-Jazeera network in the Middle East as well as the rest of the world.
🎓 Interesting Television Topics
- Divorce Rates and Mealtime Television Viewing: Is There a Connection?
- Does Television Violence Harm Children?
- Television Censorship and How It Changes the Way We Live
- Television and the Rise and Fall of Cinema
- Criminals: Gaining Cleverness Through Crime Television
- Aggressive Behavior: Television Violence and Its Effects on Children
- Hdtv the High-Resolution Television
- Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Broadcasting Regulatory Policy
- Competition and the Price of Municipal Cable Television Services
- Are Television, Movies, and Music Responsible for Teen Violence?
- How Television Has Altered Our World From Raymond Williams’ Perspective
- Television: America’s New Dictator
- Creating Memorable Performances for Film & Television
- How Television Images Affect Children
- Does Television Have Educational Value?
- Advertising Rates, Audience Composition, and Competition in the Network Television Industry
- Gender Behavior From Our Parents and Seeing Things on Television
- Television Between the Sixties and Now
- Are Television Shows, Video Games, and Homework Contributing to Making Americans Become Smarter
- How the Television Has Changed the Way America Spends Its Recreational Time
- Closed Circuit Television Promotes Social Inequality and Control
- Cultural and Spatial Levels of Australian Television
- Does Reality Television Have an Impact on Society?
- How Television Has Changed Our Lives Since the Late 1920‘s
- Contemporary Television and Adolescence
👍 Catchy Television Research Topics
- Sport and Television: Football SupportTo retain its target audience and remain a popular activity, the sport needs the support of television as one of the main media tools.
- Genderlect in the TV Show Parks and RecreationThe term genderlect refers to the different styles of communication that men and women have. It is a kind of language dialect that is shaped by the sex of an individual
- Prime Time Ideology: The Hegemonic Process in Television EntertainmentThe concept waylays the interrelations on how televised messages are relayed via the dominant system prevailing labor structures and the ideology of the hegemony process.
- Convention vs. Invention: Television GenresThe tension between convention and invention shapes CSI and The Wire as two different versions of the police series in each show’s narrative treatment of justice.
- Advertising of Chocolate Using TV as a Media Tool in the UKAdvertising of chocolate is based on the unique tastes and demands of consumers and requires messages and images to attract the potential target audience.
- Get Rid of Cable Commercial Compilation Direct TVThe Get Rid of Cable Commercial Compilation Direct TV is a short television commercial that promotes a satellite television company known as Direct TV.
- Understanding Television: the Focus of Television ProgrammingTelevision watching has become a habit for the majority of citizens in any given country and industry players are always on toes to serve the ever-changing needs.
- Sony TV: New Product or ServiceSony is a global company that continues to provide innovative and high-quality products to cut a niche in the market. This paper will focus on Sony coming up with a new TV card because it has been selling TVs.
- The Handmaid’s Tale: TV Show DiscussionFilms and TV shows in the genre of political drama are not only fascinating to watch but also to improve or change our views on many concepts.
- Twilight Zone Episode 4: TV Series ReviewTwilight Zone TV series reflects colonization and stereotyping in prison during the Christmas festival where an offender is to be released.
- TV Shows: Depiction of Criminal InvestigationWhat people see in the TV shows regarding a criminal investigation can encourage them to engage in crime-solving activities.
- Positive and Negative Images on Social Media and TVThe paper states that having lost its status as the most influential medium, TV still exposes society to various beneficial and negative images.
- The “Shameless” TV Series by John WellsIn the TV series “Shameless” by John Wells, the family with low socioeconomic status is shown as highly dysfunctional and prone to many misadventures.
- Discussion of Satire in “The Boys” TV ShowThe satire that is going to be analyzed and discussed is from the TV show “The Boys” where superheroes indeed exist, but they behave more like celebrities than classic heroes.
- The “Homeland” TV Series by Gordon and Gansa“Homeland” by Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa, is a television series that aired between 2011 and 2020 and falls into the genre of an espionage thriller.
- Television and Streaming Services in the United StatesMost Americans’ lives are dominated by television, although many young people today use online streaming services as their preferred media source.
- TV Series “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Bruce MillerThe Hulu original series, “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Bruce Miller, tells the story of a dystopian version of the United States, renamed Gilead.
- Gender Inequality and Feminism in a TV SeriesGender inequality indicators measure quantifiable aspects of biases against women or men. It is the women who suffer the most from gender discrimination.
- Middle Childhood: The Impact of TelevisionThis paper evaluates the impact of watching television on cognitive, physical, and psychosocial development during middle childhood.
- Constitutionality of Closed-Circuit Television SurveillanceThe work will emphasize closed-circuit television surveillance and provide an analysis of the constitutionality of the technique.
- Analyzing the US Cable TV IndustryThe US cable industry is one of the fast-growing in the US, and it is experiencing impacts from different environmental factors and forces that affect its attractiveness.
- The Changing Model of Female Athletes’ Representation on TVToday, the depiction of female athletes both in sports magazines and on TV is starting to shift from the sexualized model to equal representation.
- Analysis of “Finding Your Roots: Criminal Kind” TV SeriesThe paper analyzes “Finding Your Roots: Criminal Kind” TV series which fulfills an important social mission by encouraging people to learn more about their past.
- The Bachelor, a Widely Popular Reality TV ShowThe Bachelor is a widely popular reality TV show revolving around a single bachelor who is presented with a pool of potential romantic interests.
- Early Television as Social InstructionIn the Post-WWII period, television acquired the image of the global village, which implied excellent marketing potential.
- “The Baker and the Beauty”: A Failed Television ShowThe TV show “The Baker and the Beauty” received quite favorable reviews and had rather high ratings. At the same time, it has the lowest rating among ABC products.
- Impact of Weight Loss TV Series on Losing WeightThis paper will examine the effects of weight loss-based television series such as, “The Biggest Loser” and “I Used to be Fat” on the general perspective on losing weight.
- Lowe’s TV Commercial “Lawn and Garden”The rapid rhythm of the contemporary world and excessive workload make it difficult for families to spend time together.
- Television Program and Pro-Social Behavior in ChildrenAn ever-increasing awareness of children’s television potential significance on the creation of prosocial behavior has been mentioned in the paper.
- Canada’s Gaming, Music, and Television IndustriesThis paper discusses how Canadian gaming, music, and television productions fit in the internationalization that is shaping the media and cultural industries.
- Latinxs’ Image in the “Dynasty” TV ShowThis paper examines the TV show “Dynasty” and Latinx’s image as a significant part of the demographic that is mainly stereotyped on screen.
- Theory Application to Television SeriesIn this paper use, the television series called “The People v. O. J. Simpson: American Crime Story” and applies sociological theories to its particular scenes.
- Television, Attitudes, and BehaviorPeople are influenced by three types of responses and many of the theories treat these responses as independent constructs termed belief, attitude, and intention.
- Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission HearingThe 2020 public hearing held by the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) makes part of a comprehensive review of mobile wireless services.
- The ESPN Television Channel and Its CoverageESPN does attempt to cover major sports, particularly the NFL, NBA, and MLB alongside some less popular sports and college sports in great detail.
- Effect of Violent TV ProgrammingTV and social media have become significant indicators of childhood violence. The purpose of this paper is to define whether such data is exhaustive in terms of childhood violence.
- Innovations in Modern Media: The Case of TV ShowsThe comparison of old and new media proves that forms, impacts, and accessibility have transformed significantly.
- “ScoobyNatural” in the TV-Series “Supernatural”The message of the “monstrous” component of “ScoobyNatural” is that the real danger lies not in the ghosts or monstrosities but in the ordinary people who strive for glory.
- Television Effect on America’s CultureTelevision competes with other forms of interaction like school, church and family in advancing culture in America. It also develops the creativity of young individuals.
- Primetime TV Shows and Gender PortrayalsTV shows and advertising use gender portrayal for the purpose of direct influence on the target audience; the reasons for such situation depend on the strategies of commercials’ promotion and development.
💡 Television Essay Simple Ideas
- How Does Television Utilize the Components of Drama, Prose, and Poetry?
- How the Television Has Dominated and Influenced the Lives and Minds of Americans?
- Can Television Make You Smarter?
- Government Propaganda and Self-Censorship in Radio Television
- How the Internet Has Influenced Our View of Television?
- Disney’s Transition Into Television and Its Effects on Child Actors
- Children’s Violent Television Viewing: Are Parents Monitoring?
- Children and the Psychosocial Effects of Television Violence
- How Watching Television Affects Anxiety Levels in Children?
- Can Television Improve Social and Political Life in the United States?
- Television Engagement Has Negative Effects on Australian
- How Television Violence Affects Children Mentally and Physically?
- Television and Its Effects on Interfamilial Relationships
- American Television and Demographic Imperative
- Does Television Affect Social Interaction?
- Argument Against Too Much Television
- Film and Television Criticisms: Similarities and Differences of Male Characters
- Television, Education, and Technology in Today’s Society
- Evolution in Television Technology
- Comparing Television and the Internet
- Television and Its Effects on the Indian Population
- Can Television Reduce Xenophobia?
- Building Successful and Sustainable Film and Television Businesses
- Court Proceedings Should Not Be Documented for Television
- Gender Class and Race Stereotypes in American Television
🌶️ Hot Television Topics for Discussion
- Cigarette Advertising Ban on TelevisionSince cigarette smoking receives a lot of publicity from the commercials on television, many health organizations are against it.
- Films and Television: Visual Techniquesfilm production and television are inseparable spheres nowadays that influence one another in many ways and continue to develop and adopt different specific visual techniques.
- Social Psychology Experimental Hypothesis: Effects of Watching TV on ChildrenThis study will be guided by a hypothesis stated as: there is a constructive association between watching television and the children’s pro-social conduct.
- Violent Television and Increased Aggressive Behavior in ChildrenThis paper is aimed at answering the major thesis problem which is: Is there a direct relationship between violent television and the increased aggressive behavior in children?
- Television Network in the Struggle for Global Well-BeingThe broadcasting service group ‘The More You Know’ under NBC is telecasting live programs so it is much effective for knowing about the problems of people and the ways for charity.
- Television and Society: Cold Case Files SeriesThe cold case files may be a ray of light for many, and such television serials and shows should be encouragingly aired to attain maximum attraction from viewers.
- TV and Newspaper Advertising DeathThis paper relates the key causes of the death of TV and newspaper advertising to various marketing concepts covered in high-level studies.
- Television Habituation and Adolescent DepressionThe paper investigates the theory that there is a link between heavy TV viewing and adolescent depression and assess the strength of association.
- Does Television Make Children Significantly Violent?Many arguments have been put forward that support TV violence as a significant contributor to violence in children, including the 6 leading U.S. public health organizations.
- Story Telling and America’s Reality TV AddictionStorytelling is as ancient as the cave paintings found in ancient lands. It is as ancient as the oral histories passed on from generation to generation
- Complex Technology in Reality TV ShowsWe have reality shows with everything from finding the best stand-up comic, to facing our biggest phobias. Reality shows are a way of life for the television viewer of this era.
- Gender, Race and Class in American TelevisionUncle Tom’s Cabin by Stowe portrays the superiority of men over women. The stereotype of a black man can be compared to Michael Stivic from All in the Family.
- Reality TV. ‘Hard Knocks’ analysisThis essay analyzes reality TV ‘Hard Knocks’, describes viewers of reality programming, and its meaning for peoples’ life.
- Television Commercial Analysis: Apple ComputersRhetoric is used throughout the advertisement series for the Apple computers that first started coming out about a year ago.
- Violent Television and ChildrenThe existing children`s programming contains numerous violent acts that can trigger the emergence and evolution of inappropriate behavioral patterns and higher aggression levels.
- Greeting Cards Demonstrate Ageism in Modern SocietyAgeism is a term that was coined in 1969 after the passage of Federal Discrimination. It is a broad term that generally isolates and discriminates against the older population.
- How Local Television News Viewing Relates to Fear of Crime?The hypothesis was that “people watching more television would perceive their world in ways that reflect the recurrent messages from the media”.
- Foreign Markets: Demand, Competition & TV AdvertisingThe ability to select a viable foreign market is a crucial undertaking whenever there is need to expand and diversify operational strategies.
- Expanding Dubai TV: A Strategic Business Plan for GrowthThe Dubai Television Matrix company’s aim and mission are to become one of the biggest streaming services in the United Arab Emirates.
- Impact of TV File-Sharing: Value Shifts & Cultural ChangeThe first part of the author’s arguments illustrates and defends the point of the TV file exchange influencing the perceived status of television.
- Impact of To Catch a Predator Show on Public: Data AnalysisThis paper pays attention to the show To Catch a Predator and its impact on the way of how people understand various legal issues and practices.
- Gender Roles in Cooking Shows: Swenson’s Analysis of TV TrendsIn her project, Swenson reviewed Cooking Network for the purpose of studying the portrayal of gender roles that are changing rapidly in the modern society in relation to consumption and television.
- Michael Newman’s Insights on Evolving Trends and Viewership Patterns in Free TelevisionThe article “Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television” by Michael Newman focused on the changing trend in the circulation of television programs.
- Gender Display in TV Shows, Movies and NewsFrom the television to the movies going to the news, men have always been at the forefront, eventually overshadowing women in the media industry.
- Newman’s Take on the Transformative Impact of File Sharing on Modern TelevisionThe article “Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television” by Newman focuses on the new form of television that has become more popular recently – file-sharing.
- Racial Stereotyping in Media: Analyzing Television’s Impact on PerceptionsStereotyping is an act of generalizing gathered information. The aim of this study is to enumerate, giving examples, ways in which television media contributes to stereotyping.
- Analyzing Free TV File Sharing and Its Impact on Television’s ValueThe article ‘Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television’ by M. Newman focuses on the popular culture of sharing television files among peers in online platforms.
- Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television“Free TV: File-Sharing and the Value of Television” by Newman focuses on the popular culture of sharing television files among peers through online platforms and media.
- Engaging Television Audiences: Strategies Employed by ProducersThe goal of this paper is to demonstrate that television producers are successfully engaging viewers in program-related second screen activities.
- Old Age Representation on TV: Analyzing Descriptions and Stereotypes in MediaSome TV programs portray the aged according to popular stereotypes. But many people still have a rather energetic lifestyle despite the old age.
- 21st Century TV: Translation and Circulation in MediaDespite the fact that the innovations of the 21st century have shifted the role of TV in people’s lives into the background, many still find the traditional media appealing.
- The Psychological Impact of Television Violence: Issues and ImplicationsExposure to violent television scenes leads to the development of aggression through priming, mimicking, desensitization and learning.
- Women and Men TV RolesThe roles of men and women in society have always been different to a large degree. Television and media brought about problems that are evident in the modern day and age.
- The Evolution of Network Television: Oprah Winfrey’s Pivotal RoleOprah Winfrey was born in 1956 in Mississippi and she spent most of her early life with her poor grandmother. This paper explores how Winfrey changed network TV.
- Populist Movements and Their Representation in “The Wizard of Oz”: A Script AnalysisThis paper discusses interviews with Mr. William Bryan and share his own ideas as for the development of the Populist movement.
- Government Must Control TV Shows ContentsResearch conducted by various scholars show that media and television serve as the most significant influence on adolescents and children.
📌 More Television Topics for Discussion
- British Satellite Broadcasting Versus Sky Television
- Australia and the ABC: Australian Television in the Nineties
- Does the Excessive Viewership of Television by Children Aged Between 2-3 Years Old Affect Their Long-Term Cognitive Development?
- Are Children’s Television Programs More Violent Than Adult Programs?
- Attracted but Unsatisfied: The Effects of Arousing Content on Television Consumption Choices
- Can Educational Television Be Healthier for Your Toddler
- How Television Has Changed Since Its Invention
- Television Advertising Regulation and Programme Quality
- Television and Its Influence on Our Culture
- Television Commercials and Their Appeal
- How Television Presents About Career Life and Choices
- Postwar America: The Golden Age of Television
- Globalization and Its Profound Impact on British Television
- Culturally Sensitive Television Programming
- Concentration and Public Policies in the Broadcasting Industry: The Future of Television
- Avoiding Television Advertising: Some Explanations From Time Allocation Theory
- How Television Media Violence Influences Deviant Behavior, Specifically Criminal Behavior
- Factors That Affect How Much and What Children View on the Television
- Distance Education via Television: Some Reflections After Four Years
- Cable Television: Advanced Technologies
- Cybercrimes Reflected Through Television Programs
- How Has Online Consumption and Distribution Changed the Meaning of ‘Traditional’ Television
- Beyond Networks and Hierarchies: Latent Organizations in the U.K. Television Industry
- How Television Shaped American Culture
- Television and Its Effects on Society Over the Past Decades
❓ Research Questions about Television
- Does Sex and Violence on Television Have a Negative Effect on Children?
- Does Television Affect Social Interaction?
- What Is Traditional Television?
- How Children’s Television and Advertising Is Affected by the Media?
- Why Should Television Shows Not Be Allowed to Use Obscene Language?
- Are Suicidal and Violent Acts by College Students Caused by Television Violence?
- Can Television Make You Smarter?
- How Are Minority Groups Represented in Film and Television?
- What Factors Affect Cinema and Television Affect Society?
- What Was the Significance of Television in the Vietnam War?
- Does Television Entry Decrease the Number of Movie Theaters?
- Does Reality Television Have an Impact on Society?
- How Children Are Positively and Negatively Impacted by Television?
- Is Television Really Harmful to Kids?
- Does Television Advertisement Have Positive Impact on Consumer?
- What Society Can Learn From Reality Television?
- What Influences Advertising Price in Television Channels?
- Does Television Affect Our Perceptions of Ethnicity?
- Can Television Bring Down a Dictator?
- How Are Women Portrayed in Television Today?
- Do Television Shows Making Americans Become Smarter?
- Are Soaps Still Women’s Television?
- How Are Females and Male Portrayed on Prime Time Television?
- Can Television Improve Social and Political Life in the United States?
- Are Children’s Television Programs More Violent Than Adults Programmes?
- What Are Harmful Impacts of Television News on Adolescents?
- Can Television Reduce Xenophobia?
- Is Television for Teen Violence?
- Does Television Cause Autism?
- Is There Sex and Violence on Television?