313 Therapy Essay Topics

šŸ† Best Essay Topics on Therapy

šŸ”Ž Easy Therapy Research Paper Topics

  1. Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Reality Therapy
    Cognitive Behavior Therapy and Reality Therapy which is based on the Choice theory, are two notable frameworks that inform counselors’ approaches.
  2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Psychology
    This paper discusses the history of the cognitive-behavior theory and notes that it is an important model for treating mental disorders and restoring the mental health.
  3. Importance of Therapeutic Communication in Nursing
    The paper states that therapeutic communication is a key element in nursing care, and all professionals must be able to utilize it in their practice.
  4. Narrative and Internal Family Systems Therapies
    Narrative family therapy aims to have an empowering effect and provides non-blaming and non-pathological counseling.
  5. Therapeutic Diets Used in the Hospital
    A therapeutic diet is a meal plan that controls the ingestion of particular nutrients or foods, and it forms part of the management of a health condition.
  6. The Use of Gestalt Therapy With Adolescents
    The paper focuses on group therapy on adolescents through the Gestalt form of therapy. My interest surfaced in graduate school due to the fact there more open than other groups.
  7. Physical Therapist: Reasons to Choose the Profession
    Physiotherapists play a significant role in the prevention, treatment, and management of disabling health conditions that occur due to injuries, diseases, and aging.
  8. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Advantages & Disadvantages
    Cognitive behavioral therapy has several advantages that might significantly influence a patient’s well-being.
  9. Solution-Focused vs. Compared to Narrative Therapy
    This paper will discuss the two differences between NT and SFT, the pragmatism, and the mental health issues that each approach can address.
  10. Postmodern and Family Systems Therapy
    Postmodern therapy is a field in psychology that concentrates on deconstructing common beliefs as well as examining their value in a person’s life.
  11. Music Therapy: Review
    Music therapy is the controlled use of music in treatment, rehabilitation, and a means of optimizing creativeness and pedagogical work.
  12. The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy on Victims of Bullying
    This paper will be able to ascertain that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a very effective therapy that defies the ugly trend of bullying in schools.
  13. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy as an Empirically Supported Intervention for Children With Anxiety
    ACT focuses on six primary points to develop psychological flexibility: acceptance, diffusion, contact with the present moment, self-as-context, values, and committed action.
  14. Manual Therapy Techniques: Cases and Examples
    Manual therapy is classified as a specimen of complementary and alternative medicine and is used to treat the disorders and diseases related to the musculoskeletal system.
  15. The Structural Model and the Family Therapy
    The family unit consists of parents and children living together under one roof. Understanding that families are dynamic and can change over time is essential.
  16. Family Therapy: Juliaā€™s Case Study
    The case at hand features a young woman, Julia, who has moved from Detroit to Los Angeles and has been facing challenges in interacting with her family.
  17. Physical Therapy and Sprain/Strain
    The purpose of this research is to identify relevant clinical and therapeutic approaches discussed by researchers. This will include orthopedic diagnosis of strains and sprains.
  18. Occupational Therapy: The Key Features
    Occupational therapy aims to help people with physical and mental disabilities become as independent as possible in their daily lives.
  19. The Role of Resistance in Family Therapy
    Resistance protects family members from encountering phenomena they may not have sufficient resources to deal with.
  20. Structural Family Therapy and Its Application
    This paper discusses the structural family therapy approach that considers the family as a whole human system, made up of individual members.
  21. The Importance of Respiratory Therapist
    Respiratory therapy is a responsible profession as when the problem with breathing appears, only the professionalism of the doctor helps people to stay alive.
  22. Practical Ways to Use Existential Therapy
    The article discusses the holistic nature of existential therapy and person-centered therapy in promoting the wellness of children.
  23. A Fresh Look at Christianity in the Therapy Room
    When introducing biblical concepts during therapies, clients should understand that God is not far away because His spirit and work can be felt.
  24. Healthcare Professions: EMT and Occupational Therapist
    This paper discusses such healthcare professions in the U.S. healthcare system as emergency medical technician (EMT) and occupational therapist.
  25. Rational Emotive Therapy in Counseling
    Rational emotive behavior therapy helps clients accurately identify self-defeating thoughts, challenge their rationality, and successfully replace them with healthier feelings.
  26. Developmental Counseling and Therapy in Application
    Developmental Counseling and Therapy (DCT) is a novel approach to counseling patients that seeks to understand and help individuals grow and reform.
  27. Effective Use of Massage Therapy
    The current research aimed to investigate how massage therapies would impact patientsā€™ view of pain particularly in the intensive care environment.
  28. Group Therapy: Process and Practice
    Group therapy refers to a situation where one or more therapist or counselor is working with a group of people at once.
  29. Solution Focused Brief Therapy or Narrative Therapy
    The role of a therapist is to shift the focus from the problem of a client towards solutions through a positive mindset and hopeful attitude.
  30. Cultural Diversity Issues in Family Therapy
    The paper will address the problem of dealing with cultural diversity issues while working in the sphere of family therapy.
  31. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims at empowering an individual to take control of their lives, eliminate dysfunctional behaviors, and overcome destructive thoughts.
  32. Psychoeducational Group Therapy for Children
    Group psychotherapy as one of the most useful tools in psychological counseling obtains a variety of theoretical bases, approaches, and groups types.
  33. Ethical Considerations and Counseling Skills in Therapy
    This article explores ethical issues in counseling, including maintaining boundaries and confidentiality, and discusses the importance of trust, and adherence to ethical codes.
  34. Shockwave Therapy: Alternative for Osteitis Pubis
    Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy has become a preferred treatment method in recent years. ESWT is effective and has low risks compared to surgical treatment.
  35. Animal-Assisted Therapy: Definition and Benefits
    Animal-Assisted Therapy can take multiple forms and is used in different populations, which is why it does not have a very narrow definition.
  36. Dance Movement Therapy Review
    The term ā€˜dance movement therapyā€™ refers to the use of movement in improving the mental and physical health of a person.
  37. Music Therapy and Its Positive Psychological Impact
    Music therapy is defined as an evidence-based and clinical use of interventions related to the musical experience.
  38. Psychological Therapy of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a distressing condition that leads to brain disturbance due to exposure to dreadful situations.
  39. Family Therapy: Psychoanalytic and Cognitive Behavioral Approaches
    Psychoanalytic and cognitive behavioral concepts in family therapy are approaches that are used to help people with mental health problems.
  40. Narrative Therapy and Career Counselling
    Narrative therapy enables people to develop their alternative life stories, which is particularly beneficial during career counseling.

šŸ‘ Good Therapy Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Bill O’Hanlon’s Solution-Focused Therapy
    Bill O’Hanlon suggested solution-focused therapy. Instead of focusing on the barrier, individuals are encouraged to focus their attention on a potential solution.
  2. Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) Assays
    Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) refers to the measurement of chemical or biochemical parameters in the lab to inform drug prescribing procedures.
  3. Why Health Insurance Should Cover Art and Music Therapy?
    In the article, the author talks about the benefits of art therapy and music therapy for the mental health of patients.
  4. Psychological Therapy: Analysis of Covariance
    This paper provides an analysis of covariance of a data set describing the effects of two types of psychological therapy on a group of stalkers.
  5. Theoretical Approach: Family Systems Therapy
    Therapists who use this approach identify the patterns of communication in the family and suggest ways to interrupt them to facilitate change within a client’s relationships.
  6. High-Flow Oxygen Therapy to Speed Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation
    This article sought to evaluate whether high-flow oxygen (HFO) therapy improves efficiency when weaning patients from mechanical ventilation.
  7. Teenage Counseling and Family Therapy Goals
    Teenage counseling often involves teenager and their family. Jones & Colin explain that the first task in teenage counseling is establishing whether there is a problem.
  8. Individual Assessment Characteristics: FIRO-B Assessment and Recommendations for Future Therapy
    An individualā€™s history and background can outline many personal characteristics and features, including potential behaviors and attitudes.
  9. Psychotherapeutic Approach: Person-Centered Therapy
    Some people turn to psychotherapy to help them confront unresolved conflicts and deal with issues that prevent them from functioning normally.
  10. Family Therapy Techniques
    Family therapy is a branch of psychology, working for nurturing the intimate relationship between family members especially couples.
  11. The Play Therapy Process and Stages
    Play therapy consists of four stages: initiation, resistance, work, and termination. These phases have their peculiarities that should be considered while working with a client.
  12. Speech Therapy for Children With Down Syndrome
    The paper highlights the importance of speech therapy for children with Down syndrome. It emphasizes the significance of communication.
  13. Complementary Therapies in Nursing Practice
    Education and training programs for nurses are vital for the standardization of complementary therapies as one of the potential solutions to patientsā€™ problems.
  14. The Postmodern Techniques of Family Therapy
    Modern therapists take on the role of an expert in family conflict, intervening and implementing postmodern techniques to achieve the patientsā€™ well-being.
  15. The Marital Mystique and Strategic Models of Family Therapy
    In this research paper, metacommunication, symmetrical escalation, paradoxical injunction, and complementary relationships will be discussed.
  16. Conflict of Interest in Speech Therapy
    Conflict of interest in clinical practice and especially in speech therapy is a phenomenon emerging due to the presence of varying perspectives of personal and professional nature.
  17. Gene Therapy Overview and Advantages
    The critical advantage of gene therapy is that it provides the possibility of treating diseases that traditional approaches cannot cure.
  18. Professional Health Care Therapeutic Communication: Elaineā€™s Pregnancy
    The purpose of this paper is to discuss Elaineā€™s case in detail with a focus on the dilemma of adoption and the possibility of being sympathetic with Elaine.
  19. Brain Music System: Standardized Brain Music Therapy
    Changes of normal sound in tone, note, time durations, etc. create the melody. Each brain state is represented by brain waves named Gamma, Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta.
  20. Evidence for Healing Therapy: Art Therapy
    The purpose of this article is to review the effectiveness of art therapy and other alternative medicine practices for treating pain and psychological problems after surgery.
  21. Rogers and a Therapeutic Relationship
    This paper discusses Carl Rogers and a therapeutic relationship. In this work analysis of Rogers’ work is applied to authorā€™s personal experience.
  22. Chiropractic Therapy for Pain Management in Athletes
    The objective of the study is to examine articles that look into complementary alternative medicine for pain management in athletes with a special focus on chiropractic therapy.
  23. Self-Disclosure in Psychological Therapy
    Self-disclosure is revealing personal information to others. In the context of counseling, the implementation of this principle may significantly assist the client.
  24. Group Therapy Sessions for Addicts
    This study contrasts the effectiveness of group therapy, describes its helpful and potentially detrimental elements and evaluates the three types of group therapy sessions.
  25. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Major Depressive Disorder
    A major depressive disorder is one of the most widespread mental diseases. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the available options to treat MDD.
  26. Collaborative Therapy: Systemic Family Therapy
    Collaborative therapy is a philosophical and postmodern treatment model that encourages and promotes a change process that assists clients in finding solutions.
  27. Dog Therapy for Socially Isolated People
    Medical care workers could use dogs for therapy and support for socially isolated people. Companion animals may be used in nursing homes or rehabilitation centers.
  28. Family Systems Therapy by Virginia Satir
    Family Systems Therapy by Virginia Satir, is a combination of social work and psychiatry that focuses on working with couples and families.
  29. Agenda-Setting Process in a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Session
    The article explores the importance of agenda setting in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the collaborative process between the psychotherapist and the client.
  30. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy in Psychotherapy
    This paper explores Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) as a psychotherapeutic approach that focuses on challenging and changing irrational judgments and thoughts.
  31. Recreational Therapy Facilitation Techniques
    Recreational therapy can help reduce stress and depression and help improve the patient’s physical and emotional well-being.
  32. Family Therapy Related to a Child’s Homosexuality
    This case study focuses on a 16-year-old African American male who disclosed his homosexuality to his parents, who are religious people and do not accept their son’s sexuality.
  33. Therapeutic Models: The Common Features
    Common features constitute an essential part of any therapeutic model or treatment and may predict the outcomes.
  34. Implementing Sound Therapy in the Saudi Arabia Context
    This paper describes the essence of sound healing, its types, benefits, and origins to create a solid background for its implementation in national centers in Saudi Arabia.
  35. Foundations in Couple and Family Therapy
    The paper is an interview to gather information regarding marriage and family therapists because it aid comprehension of the various strategies when gathering information.
  36. Reduction of Nurse Burnout Through Group Therapy
    High burnout rates are detrimental to the United States healthcare system, causing major losses in both finances and lives.
  37. Therapy Comparison: Gestalt, Feminist and Cognitive-Behavioural
    The paper comparison three therapy and point out that among all therapies, Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy is the most specific and solution-focused one.
  38. Comparison Between Individual Approach and Group Therapy
    The term chemical dependency refers to a psychological and physiological process that entails the use of alcohol and other drugs in order to achieve the desired effect and feeling.
  39. Medication Safety and Drug Therapy Process
    This article reviews the literature on medication safety from a global perspective. It discusses how the drug therapy process has influenced medication safety.
  40. The Use of CAM Therapy to Manage Pain in Children
    CAM encompasses unconventional treatments, for example, acupuncture, homeopathy, massage, yoga, osteopathic medicine, dietary supplements and adjustments, and others.

šŸŒ¶ļø Hot Therapy Ideas to Write about

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  1. Bowenian Family Therapy Theory
    The first tenet that sets the Bowen Family Therapy theory aside from the others is its emphasis on the natural factors shaping the functioning of individuals and families alike.
  2. Music Therapy as ASD Individuals Alternative Treatment
    Within recent decades the chances of a child being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder have increased dramatically.
  3. Integrating Religion and Spirituality in Therapy
    This article asserts that religious or Christian counseling aims at promoting the spiritual growth of the patients apart from alleviating signs of diseases.
  4. Art and Dance Movement Therapy: Personal Experience
    This paper covers such concepts as art and dance therapy as well as personal experience in applying dance as a therapeutic practice.
  5. The Role of Family Therapy on Resolving the Problems
    Family therapy aims at resolving the problems of young people by using a family-based intervention that involves family members.
  6. Therapy and Culture in the Nurse-Patient Relationship
    Nurses should pay much attention to the impact of their therapeutic use of self and visions regarding culture on their nurse-patient relationships.
  7. Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
    Orthopedic manual physical therapy (OMPT) is defined as any ā€œhands-onā€ treatment that a physical therapist provides to a patient.
  8. Animal Assistance Therapy in Palliative Care
    Animal-assisted therapy is a type of therapy that employs animals for motivational and educational purposes to facilitate treatment and improve patients’ state.
  9. Legal and Ethical Issues in Physical Therapy
    The provided claim against a physical therapist raises legal issues pertaining to the case scenario and the prevalence of malpractice issues in healthcare.
  10. Treatment of Alcohol Dependency Through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
    Alcohol dependence results from a misconception that drinking alcohol can help to fulfill some needs in the victimā€™s life be it social, emotional or psychological needs.
  11. Conceptualization of Emotions-Focused Therapy
    This article explores the application of Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) in treating childhood trauma, focusing on its effectiveness in addressing depression, anxiety, and stress.
  12. Spinal Manipulation Therapy and Practice Concerns
    The five practice concerns that are relevant to spinal manipulation therapy for chronic low back pain are identified in this discussion.
  13. The Board Games Therapy: The Effectiveness of Intervention With Board Games
    A board game is considered a general term that includes the process of placing, moving, or removing pieces on the board.
  14. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Cognitive Behavior Therapy
    The cognitive behavior therapy provided in the initial month after trauma has long-term benefits for people at risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder.
  15. Complementary and Alternative Medicine: Bodies, Therapies, Senses
    Complementary and alternative medicine is a term that describes a wide range of healthcare practices and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicine.
  16. Gene Therapy: The Wellness and Autonomy of an Individual
    The paper states that intervention such as gene therapy is appropriate when it is being used to promote the wellness and autonomy of an individual.
  17. Assessment Tools in Recreational Therapy
    The paper states that assessment in recreational therapy involves evaluating an individual’s physical, cognitive, emotional, and social functioning.
  18. The Collaborative Therapy Approach
    Collaborative therapy is an approach that emphasizes a collaborative relationship between the therapist and the client. It was developed by Carl Rogers and Irvin Yalom.
  19. Context Specificity and Situativity Theory in Physical Therapy
    One example of context specificity and situativity theory in physical therapy is that patientsā€™ perspectives of diagnostic procedures might interfere with therapistsā€™ knowledge.
  20. Public Health: Person-Centered Therapy Practices
    The paper states that healthcare providers should be proficient in person-centered therapy practices for a favorable outcome of the disease.
  21. Family Solution-Focused Therapy
    Solution-focused therapy, in the example of a married couple, is one way to build a trusting relationship between clients and the therapist for productive work.
  22. Complicated Grief: Therapeutic Interventions
    This paper analyzed two interventions ā€“ cognitive-behavioral therapy and meaning reconstruction therapy ā€“ in relation to complicated grief.
  23. Therapeutic Work With Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors
    Sexual abuse in childhood is an urgent social issue, which reverberates into adulthood. People who have been subjected to sexual crimes need professional psychological help.
  24. MDMA-Assisted Therapy for Severe PTSD
    Post-traumatic stress disorder is a body condition that occurs when a stressful event happens. It is the period that does not mean that the person stays in a dangerous situation.
  25. Stimulant Therapy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    Despite the potential for negative consequences, stimulant therapy is an effective treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder signs.
  26. Rest Therapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    The rest therapy, proposed by Silas Mitchell in the nineteenth century, was used in the treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
  27. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Recommended Therapy
    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) causes abnormalities in the brain, which leads to the reduction of medial orbitofrontal, temporolimbic cortices, anterior cingulate, etc.
  28. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy’s Impact on Memory
    The bibliography evaluates the impact of cognitive-behavioral play therapy (CBPT) on working memory, short-term memory (STM), and sustained attention.
  29. A Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Utility of Schizophrenia
    The paper describes how cognitive-behavioral therapies may be utilized in mental health settings to aid schizophrenic patients in overcoming mental health problems.
  30. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy With a Professional
    The paper discusses a case where the patient is undergoing Cognitive behavioral therapy with a professional, which after a while has a positive effect.
  31. The Therapeutic Couple: Non-Working Relationships
    All psychotherapists’ codes of ethics contain clauses excluding non-working relationships in the therapeutic couple.
  32. The Occupational Therapy Assistant Profession
    Being an occupational therapy assistant has several significant advantages. It is a valuable opportunity to realize one’s desire to help people.
  33. Eating Disorders and Therapeutic Support
    Eating disorders are significant mental and physical diseases that entail complicated and harmful interactions with food, feeding, exercising, and self-image.
  34. Counseling: The Therapy Session
    Counseling is a therapy session meant to improve oneā€™s situation to a better one and ensure the healthy mental living of the client.
  35. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to a Group of Bereaved Patients
    The paper discusses cognitive-behavioral group therapy for bereaved patients. The needs of such a group have been explained and described.
  36. The Job of a Marriage and Family Therapist
    The job of a marriage and family therapist presupposes consulting people who are in close relationships or partners who are thinking about parting.
  37. Mental Health Therapist: Professional Resume
    When seeing a professional resume on a mental health therapistā€™s website, a patient is likely to be influenced by the presentation and the content of the information.
  38. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Anxiety and Depression
    Cognitive behavioral therapy analyzes the unconscious processes influencing the normal functioning of the human body, causing different pathologies.
  39. Change in Marriage: The Family Therapy
    Treatment planning process is continuous reassessment of the current state of the clientsā€™ marriage with the purpose of ascertaining specific changes that is needed in behavior.
  40. Trauma-Induced Total Knee Arthroplasty: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    The cognitive behavioral therapy can be applied to the patient with trauma-induced total knee arthroplasty in order to reduce psychological distress as well as alleviate the pain.

šŸŽ“ Most Interesting Therapy Research Titles

  1. Simone Giertz’s Video on Radiation Therapy
    Simone Giertz is a Swedish YouTube celebrity who has become popular because of her engineering skills. She makes creative appliances about which she talks in her videos.
  2. Aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
    This paper explains how cognitive behavioral therapy works in theory and practice and why it shows great results for the patient in the long term.
  3. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy in School Counseling
    Solution-focused brief therapy is highly valued in school counseling settings because it prioritizes finding the solution to the problem.
  4. Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Personal Practice
    The application of counseling theories on various platforms must be carefully evaluated not to bring more harm to patients than benefits.
  5. Family Counselling and Therapy for High-Conflict Couples
    The paper presents bibliography about role of family counselling on marries and divorces, especially structural family therapy and dialectical behavior therapy.
  6. Therapy Modality for Transformational P-12 School Counselors
    The paper is developing different guiding theoretical modalities with varying techniques that can be integrated into the future practice of transformational P-12 school counselors.
  7. Cognitive Therapy for a Client with a Physical Disability
    The main goal of cognitive therapy is to modify an individualā€™s cognitive processing to change how that person evaluates and interacts with the world.
  8. Adlerian Brief Therapy Advantages
    The introduction of Adlerian brief therapy to address the needs of clients seems to be one of the most optimal ways to eliminate various risks.
  9. The Strategic Family Therapy Model
    Strategic therapy is a treatment created to handle family functioning issues with a focus on adolescent behavioral problems and drug usage.
  10. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
    Group therapy is an evidence-based psychotherapy method that helps solve many problems, including relationship issues and personal difficulties.
  11. Participatory Horticultural Therapy for Dementia
    Horticultural therapy is effective at reducing agitated behavior, stabilizing emotions, and increasing social interaction in patients diagnosed with dementia.
  12. Monitoring Compliance of Intravenous Therapy Pumps
    Implementing a data migration and monitoring project in a healthcare setting is a complex aim that requires high-quality project management and risk mitigation.
  13. Therapy for Victims of Domestic Abuse
    Victims of domestic abuse require immediate exposure to life-saving knowledge and psychological assistance to understand the judicial process.
  14. Hallucinogens and Their Therapeutic Advantages
    Clinical studies on hallucinogenic substances as therapies to treat depression, terminal disease, and substance misuse issues have regained interest.
  15. Therapy for Building Meaningful Relationships
    The client reports that he faces anxiety at the thought of being in a meaningful relationship. His only sexual encounter happened with an older woman.
  16. The SARS-CoV-2 Virus: Effective Therapy
    This study hypothesizes the use of metal ions to suppress the RNA polymerase activity as the most effective therapy against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
  17. Pediatric Occupational Therapy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
    This is a systematic review of quantitative research studies and occupational therapy interventions for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
  18. Guillain-BarrƩ Disease and Therapy Options
    Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is an uncommon condition in which the immune system targets the nerves in the body leading to muscle weakness, tingling in the extremities, etc.
  19. Marketing of Recreational Therapy
    This paper aims to promote recreational therapy and discuss its benefits for patients, as well as the prospects for people who want to become recreational therapists.
  20. Recreational Therapy: The Freestyle Arm Stroke
    This paper will describe the specifics of the freestyle arm stroke and provide a diagram describing the muscles involved in this movement.
  21. CBT and Depression
    The paper discusses the short-term and long-term application of cognitive behavioral therapy for the purpose of relapse prevention in patients with major depressive disorder.
  22. Therapeutic Treating of Patients With Depressive Disorder
    The report will discuss acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) as the best method to treat a patient suffering from a depressive disorder.
  23. Occupational Therapy for the Kids: Marketing Campaign
    Since the purpose of this marketing campaign is occupational therapy for the kids, it is vital for the visuals to resonate with the parents of children that require rehabilitation.
  24. Assessment and Therapeutic Approaches for Drug Addiction Clients
    The paper uses various drug addiction assessment methods to examine the severity, give clinicians insight into the problem and assist in psychotherapy.
  25. Triple Therapy: Lung Function and Symptoms
    Triple therapy has contributed to lung function and symptoms, which has improved them, hence reducing exacerbation risks and disease progression.
  26. Reduction of Burnout Rates Among Hospital Nurses Through Group Therapy
    The purpose of the project is to assess the efficiency of different anti-stress measures and compare them with the purpose of creating recommendations for mass implementation.
  27. Bipolar Disorder: Causes, Symptoms, and Therapies
    Bipolar disorder (BPD), also known as manic depression, denotes a mental disorder characterized by significant mood fluctuations and can be life-threatening.
  28. PTSD: Prolonged Exposure Therapy
    Foa and colleagues developed Prolonged Exposure, a standardized treatment, 90-minute, weekly therapy procedure for the management of PTSD.
  29. Acupuncture vs. Medication: A Comparative Study for Migraine Prevention
    The current paper aims to compare the efficiency of managing migraines by employing acupuncture and pharmacotherapy clinical processes.
  30. Type 1 Diabetes and Appropriate Therapeutic Diet
    The food intake and knowledge needed can be related to the education and subsequent application of the therapeutic diet.
  31. Reducing Burnout Rates Among Hospital Nurses Through Group Therapy
    The existence of the issue of reduction of burnout rates among hospital nurses decreases the possibility of alleviating many other critical problems in the US healthcare system.
  32. Clinical Mental Health Counseling in Child-Centered Play Therapy
    This research paper aims to conduct a theoretical review of literature on the role and responsibilities of clinical mental health counseling in child-centered play therapy.
  33. Occupational Therapy in Modern Healthcare Market
    This proposal seeks to evaluate the market relevance of an occupational therapy provider in a clinic assisting children struggling with activities of daily living.
  34. Family Therapy Schools: Bowenian and Structural
    Bowen family therapy, like a Structural one, looks at the quality of communication within the family to identify the roots of the problems.
  35. Therapeutic Interventions for the Older Adult With Depression and Dementia
    The paper researches the therapeutic interventions which relevant for the older people with depression and dementia nowadays.
  36. Acupuncture vs. Standard Pharmacological Therapy for Migraine Prevention
    ā€œSystematic Review: Acupuncture vs. Standard Pharmacological Therapy for Migraine Preventionā€ is a study conducted by Zhang.
  37. Art Therapy in Social Sciences
    Mood and emotional reactions to various art during therapy are crucial pointers to the psychological aspects of a person.
  38. The Importance of Aaron Beck’s Researches for Therapy
    The article discusses as a result of Beck’s scientific research on therapy, that cognitive behavioral therapy has become the preferred treatment for mental disorders.
  39. The Allied Health Segment: Dietetics and Physical Therapy Career
    This paper aims to describe two careers of interest within the allied health segment: dietetics and physical therapy.
  40. Complementary Therapy in Mental Health Treatment
    The use of Complementary methods in addition to regular mental health approaches has great potential, and should be explored in detail.

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