Adolph Hitler’s Moral Conscience and Leadership

Introduction Despite an existing variety of attitudes towards Adolph Hitler and his violence, most people recognize his leadership style as one of the most successful and effective at the global level. Being one of the most popular world leaders, Hitler was able to start World War II and sent millions...

Racism, Ethnoviolence, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction I was surprised to learn that experiencing racism can induce post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Most people are aware that racism is psychologically disturbing, but do not draw a link between racism and PTSD (Helms et al., 2012). Discussion I think the hesitation to acknowledge how experiencing racism can trigger...

Interconnection of Ethics and Murder

Introduction The review of murder from the context of ethics has been a rather question due to the nature of those events. Ranging from self-defense and virtual murder of NPCs to revenge killing or premeditated murder, this issue has sparked different disagreements and conflicts between psychologists. The following text reviews...

Nutrition: Obesity Pandemic and Genetic Code

Obesity Pandemic People are the same way they were centuries ago in terms of DNA. However, the environment in which we access the food we consume has changed. Unhealthy foods are cheaper, and there is no motivation to eat healthily. The change in environment threatens the current generations, and as...

Applied Behavior Analysis with Children with Autism

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is broadly used with children with autism spectrum disorders as several studies presented their high effectiveness. Principles of respondent conditioning and instrumental conditioning are used in the basement of ABA. Respondent conditioning, or classical conditioning, is a process of learning in which two stimuli (neutral and...

Simone Giertz’s Video on Radiation Therapy

Social media enables people to communicate with large international audiences without any obstacles and in an open and transparent way. The popularity of social media can be largely attributed to its ability to offer people content that can inspire and encourage them to become better versions of themselves. Although there...

The U.S. Supreme Court Election System

The Theme of the Movie This documentary “Supreme Revenge: Battle for the Supreme Court” focuses on the evolution of the U.S. Supreme Court election system, illustrating procedures, nuances, and high-profile cases. The Bork, Thomas, and Kavanaugh cases are on the radar of most citizens, so it was exciting to delve...

Heteronormativity in Modern World

The notion of heteronormativity is deeply entrenched into modern society, affecting the way in which people challenging the norm are treated and shaping the relationships within communities. Although the strength of heteronormative standards depends on the community and its culture, the majority of the Western civilization is affected strongly by...

What Makes a Written Piece a Story: “Things Fall Apart” by Achebe

Naturally, the narrative element of a written piece is essential to present and describe a story from scratch. However, there are more elements that make the text more complex and exciting to the reader. For instance, a basic narrative cannot give characters their personalities, and thus, writers opt for using...

Over-the-Counter Oral Contraceptives’ Availability

The majority of pregnancies in the world are unexpected or unintentional. This has prompted several organizations and people to ponder what may be done to reduce such occurrences. An unforeseen or unintended pregnancy is one that occurs when no child or offspring are desired in the relationship. Making contraceptive pills...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Management Practice and Operating Assumptions

An effective manager can adapt to changing circumstances while staying focused on goals. How a manager introduces management techniques and creates, company culture depends on them. Internal and external influences affect management styles. Internal firm factors include organizational culture, employee competency, business priorities, performance management, training, and incentives and rewards...

The Song “With Arms Wide Open” by CREED

A piece of music is a complex structure made up of many parts. To analyze a musical composition, it is necessary to know the basic elements of music. According to Estrella (2019), the basic elements of music are Beat and Meter, Dynamics, Harmony, Melody, Pitch, Rhythm, and Tempo. To analyze...

Farmer’s Market for a Diverse Community: Risk Factors

Introduction There are several technology-related risks related to opening a farmer’s market. First, it is important to consider the security of the farmer’s market as a physical location. As a place where many products will be available for purchase, it is necessary to ensure proper protection against potential dangers. In...

Summary Statistics and Descriptive Analysis

The first step to using summary statistics is by understanding the type of data being dealt with. The fundamental difference between categorical and continuous level data is that quantitative variables prompt the question, how much? Whereas categorical variables prompt the question, what type? Hasted (2018) researched that quantitative variables can...

Poliovirus and Importance of Vaccination

The points on the poliovirus’s causes, manifestations, and outcomes presented in the discussion post are thorough and informative. To add to the discussion, it is relevant to address additional causes of poliovirus outbreaks to advance prevention approaches. Indeed, according to Georgieva et al. (2020), laboratory workers and medical staff working...

Gardener’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Different forms of intelligence can be estimated depending o the skills and values of an individual, social group, or culture. I feel most “intelligent” in intrapersonal type intelligence that influences my intellectual behavior, reasoning, problem-solving ability, and performance in various areas of cognition. According to Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligences,...

Simón Bolívar, The Jamaica Letter

The selected primary source is The Jamaica Letter, written by Simón Bolívar. The document was written when he was exiled to Jamaica in 1815. The content of the letter focuses on the unification of Latin American colonies to form a republican form of government. The text makes me wonder and...

Individual Differences Matter: Maracle’s Ravensong

Have you ever wondered about how challenging it is to live in the modern world? People are now free to express themselves to the extent that was not available a few years ago. For example, individuals may participate in a child-free movement, live a secluded life, and change their sex....

How to Be Successful as an Entrepreneur

Introduction Entrepreneurs are those people who are eager to take risks to start a new business. My first take on Tom’s advice on how to become a successful entrepreneur is “taking risks and making profits within the dynamic business environment” (Lennon, 2022). For entrepreneurs, the risk is the possibility of...

Plague Caused by Contact Between Humans and Animals

Plague has always been one of the major diseases that has killed large numbers of people over the centuries. It struck the imagination with her deadly power and was perceived as a punishment of the gods or God. For Europeans living in the 14th-18th centuries, regular outbreaks of the plague...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Potentially Dangerous Products or Services: False Promises or Marketing Moves

A few weeks ago, I saw an advertisement for a course that promised that one would start making millions after taking it. I wondered how this magical course could affect a person enough to change his earnings and his thinking in general. I read the description and several reviews and...

Fetal Death Rates: International Comparison

Introduction Data from the World Bank has been used to compare the fetal death rates across the nations. The nations have been chosen so that to include data from Europe, Asia, Africa, as well as Northern and Southern America. Namely, European countries include France, Poland, and Germany. Next, the Asian...

Death Of Student at LA High School Case Discussion

The case to be discussed further in this essay occurred in one of Los Angeles’s high schools, where a 15-year-old teenager died from a fentanyl overdose (Casiano, 2022). The suspects in the case are two teenagers who brought drugs to school after buying them in Hollywood Park. They have already...

Architecture: Special Features of Sankt Petersburg

Despite the current attitudes toward Russians and their history, it is hard to deny that this country has several remarkable places for fascination. St. Petersburg is one of the largest and greatest Russian cities, characterized by glorious buildings, landscapes, and other special features. After watching the offered YouTube clips picturing...

“Why We Need the Humanities to Improve Health Care” by Hall

The article “Why We Need the Humanities to Improve Health Care” highlights an increasing interest in a newly emerging field of medical humanities in nursing education and medical organizations. Hall (2014) emphasized the important role of humanities in medical care that comes through listening to music, telling stories, and enjoying...

Differencies Between Feeling and Perception

The difference between sensation and perception is that with sensation, a person receives information about the world around him through the senses. In contrast, with perception, the information is interpreted in the brain. When one looks at something on the phone, the information reaches the brain through the eyes, and...

Seminar: Skills for Project Management

Valuable individual skills that are usually associated with managers are creativity, the ability to negotiate, risk management, and strategic thinking. Creativity allows such people to boldly make decisions that often look marginal and risky at first glance. Such specialists know how to offer the customer an innovative product. The ability...

Behavior Management: Relapse Management

Introduction As already mentioned, framing may be a crucial tool for changing negative thoughts or goals into positive ones. Kennerley & Westbrook (2017) are right to note that reframing may be used to turn the negative ‘dead man’s solution’ goals into more positive targets, but there is more to that....

Theme of Marriage in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen

In A Doll’s House, Henrik Ibsen explores the theme of love and marriage. In particular, he is searching for the answers to whether there is love in marriage and how a successful marriage should be. In addition, he reflects upon the role of social standards and expectations in relation to...

Human Development in Early Adulthood

During their life, a person goes through many development stages, each associated with specific activities. At the moment, like many of my acquaintances, I am in my early adulthood. This period is significantly different from the previous stage, adolescence, primarily due to the many opportunities that open up (Huffman et...

Critical Retention Issues Related to Social Skills in Ghanaian Universities

The criteria for inclusion include factors such as age and citizenship, where older adults and non-Ghanaian individuals are excluded from the study. The goal is to obtain accurate information about the prevalent majority of seekers of higher education in the country, who are mostly young and live in Ghana as...

Media Portrayal of People With Mental Disorders

The news and entertainment media provide information and images that are distorted and dramatic about mental illness. Through such portrayals, the audience believes that people with mental disorders are unpredictable, have criminal intentions, and are dangerous (Srivastava et al., 2018). Further, as Srivastava et al. (2018) argue, the media also...

The Political Cartoon “Plumb-Pudding in Danger” by James Gillray

Cartoons provide a platform for critique and, by employing humor, may frequently address topics that are challenging to bring up in formal discussions. The 18th century became known as the Golden Age of Cartoons, with cartoonists engaging in social and political polemics. The Plumb-pudding in danger, or, State Epicures taking...

Hippocampal‐Dependent Learning and Memory Impairment

The paper investigates Cd2+ neurotoxicity over time by simulating Cd2+ contaminated water. Li et al. (2022) suggest that chronic Cd exposure resulted in neuron death in the hippocampus rather than a modification in neurogenesis. Furthermore, apoptosis of hippocampal neurons increased with time, as demonstrated by a rise in the number...

Is Google Making Us Stupid?

Carr argues in this article that typical Internet usage habits cause people to have shorter attention spans, have altered thought processes, and have lesser levels of culture and intellect. Carr’s original stance on technology is a solid argument in favor of his thesis. Carr has committed most of his working...

Servant Leadership and Personal Leadership Philosophies

Servant leadership revolves around empowering and developing people and the leader has the responsibility of showing humility, being authentic, accepting people for who they are, and providing direction. The element that seems most natural in servant leadership is humility. Humility is the ability to put one’s talents and accomplishments in...

The Mexico Profundo Article by Batalla

Batalla, Guillermo Bonfil. Mexico Profundo: Reclaiming a Civilization. University of Texas Press, 2012, pp. 4-39. This article discusses the Indians who rejected civilization and continued their way of life, preserving their primitiveness. There is no exact information about how many of them are left (Batalla, 19). In addition, the article...

Air Pollution in South Carolina

Environmental issues have become significant determinants of human health and longevity due to the disruptive influence of industrialization on nature. In particular, in South Carolina, one of the most significant environmental problems now is air pollution with ozone and particles, which is hazardous to human health due to deadly diseases...

Shewanella Oneidensis: Analysis

While Shewanella oneidensis is a bacterium that does not require oxygen for existence, it is vital to point out that there is a number of such bacteria in this family. Nearly 70 varieties of heterotrophs with various respiratory capabilities belong to the genus Shewanella (Ikeda et al., 2021). Shewanella oneidensis...

NYU Langone Health Center’s Strategic (SWOT) Analysis

Introduction SWOT analysis corresponds to the analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organization. SWOT analysis assesses internal and external factors, as well as current and future potential. In this paper, NYU Langone Health, a medical center, will be analyzed based on the SWOT framework. Based on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Huston Smith’s “The World’s Religions” Book

In his book The World’s Religions, Smith (2009) attempts to describe and analyze the major world’s religions. In Chapter 3, in particular, he addresses Buddhism, its origins, specifications, and geographical location characteristics. Smith (2009) begins with outlining the known facts about Buddha, as he is the root of this religion...

The Power of Positioning: Unleashing the Potential of Brand Storytelling

Positioning issues are directly related to trust, consumer loyalty, and desire to buy brand products. That is why positioning strategy is about differentiation, individuality, and strengthening positions in relation to competitors. It is also about what to rely on and how to create the right brand associations. A well-promoted and...

Morality of Stealing and Funding Life-Saving Research

The act of stealing is generally recognized as immoral since it violates the owner’s rights and autonomy. However, I incline toward the utilitarian perspective on theft which states that stealing might be morally acceptable in some cases (Abumere, 2019). Utilitarianism evaluates actions based on their positive and negative value to...

Abortion Abolitionists and Pro-Life Activists

While both abortion abolitionists and pro-life activists share a variety of fundamental beliefs, they also vary in their approach and interpretation of women’s rights to abortion. Both initiatives follow a religious doctrine and undertone, though it is compulsory and dominant among abolitionists. Pro-life beliefs aim at establishing slow but steady...

Dorothea Lange: Style, Purpose, and Contributions

One of the most influential photographers of the century, Dorothea Lange has left a significant legacy. She is considered to be a documentary photographer due to the interest and passion she has for capturing the real emotions of people. She is mostly known for her photographs of the Depression Era,...

Death Penalty and “Eye for an Eye” System

The argument that the death penalty fits the narrative of the “eye for an eye” idea is valid. However, the state does not seek to punish criminals with the same crimes they have committed but to isolate dangerous individuals from society and ensure public safety. Moreover, the fact that killing...

Psychology of Gratitude and Appreciation

Gratitude is a warm feeling of thankfulness, which involves being appreciative and thankful towards specific individuals or the world. The feeling of gratitude enables someone to express warmth, kindness, and generosity to other people. In psychology, gratitude has been associated with various physical and mental health advantages (Jans-Beken, 2021, pg....

Social Issues in Countries and Region

Barr, V. J. (2016). Planning for healthy and equitable communities in British Columbia: a critical analysis of the implementation of an equity lens in Healthy Built Environments initiatives (Doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia).  The article by Barr (2016) addresses the pressing social problems of poverty, inequality, poor health, and...

Republic as a Form of Government

Introduction In the course of history, a large number of different forms of government have been formed, each of which has its characteristics. One of them is the republic, which is defined as “the form of government in which representatives of the citizen body rule a state” (“Republic,” n.d., para....

Solution-Focused Brief Therapy in School Counseling

Solution-focused brief therapy is highly valued in school counseling settings because it prioritizes finding the solution to the problem. Thus, instead of discussing minor details in the student’s problem, the therapy targets finding a solution to the issue in a limited amount of time. The growing concern about child and...

The Connecticut vs. Georgia Charters

In the pre-colonial period, North America was divided into thirteen colonies: Virginia, Georgia, North Carolina, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Maryland, South Carolina, Delaware, and Connecticut. This discussion post will focus on the charters of Connecticut and Georgia. The Charter of Connecticut was secured because...

Limitations in Career Growth in Guam

Introduction As a matter of fact, in the present day, career growth in Guam may be regarded as relatively limited due to a highly negative impact of the pandemic caused by a global spread of COVID-19. It led to the decline of the island’s business and substantially affected its tourism...

Dunbar’s “Sympathy” and Hughes’s “I, Too” Poems

Captivity, specifically African Americans being trapped by society through racism, prejudice, and unfair laws, are an important theme in American poetry. Paul Laurence Dunbar’s “Sympathy” and Langston Hughes’s “I, Too” are both dedicated to these social issues. However, in my opinion, Paul Laurence Dunbar’s “Sympathy” is more hopeful than the...

Medical and Public Health History

Introduction In the early stages of medical and public health history, much trial and error were involved in finding treatments that worked, including vaccination. The medical history of smallpox is long and complicated; to put it briefly, it was the first disease to be eliminated globally. It killed millions of...

An Epistolary Device and Its Role in Literature

The assigned literary device is called epistolary, and the Literary Devices website defines it as follows “Epistolary is a literary genre pertaining to letters” (LiteraryDevices Editors, 2014). So, the use of the literary device contains a wide range of works from journals and newspapers, meaning the genre can be observed...

Psychiatric Assessment of a 13-Year-Old Ninth-Grader

Introduction Daphne is a 13-year-old ninth-grader who was brought to the psychiatrist for assessment since she was struggling with her behavior and academics. Her challenges were linked to the difficulty encountered starting and completing her schoolwork and following instructions, which led to failing grades in math. Daphne has had challenges...

Legalization of Marijuana in the US

The legalization of marijuana is one of the longest-running debates in the United States that has attracted public attention. This topic is related to the field of sociology as it has implications in various areas of society. From a sociological perspective, the use of marijuana and the debate about its...

Analysis of Investment Decision

Generally, the dilemma of whether to make investments or finance pending debts is a challenge. There are several factors that an individual must consider before opting to invest or pay current obligations. Based on the given situation, I bear three key personal liabilities which include a loan for the vehicle,...

Researching and Analysis of Survey Methods

Surveys are one of the most common research methods that allow directly getting information of a different nature from the respondent. The survey belongs to the group of quantitative methods, which makes it possible to apply various mathematical methods to analyze the results obtained (Glastonbury & MacKean, 2020). The instrument...

The Purchase Algorithm of Cosco and a Small Store

Cosco’s purchase flowchart Cosco does not put any specific emphasis on the buyers. Instead, Cosco’s qualification review includes the supplier’s background information, their achievements, capability, and guarantee, quality assurance, and compliance history. These suppliers appear in vendors’ list, and purchasers therefore will be able to select them (Cosco Shipping Lines...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Importance of Homeostasis for Human Bodies

Introduction Homeostasis is essential for the human body’s health and survival. The term refers to the maintenance of the internal environment of the body and cells (Rizzo, 2015). For instance, homeostasis is associated with sufficient blood sugar levels, heart rate, and temperature (Rizzo, 2015). Discussion Homeostasis is supported by various...

The Innovative Solutions Information Technology Startup

Introduction It is important to note that the company of interest is a small IT startup called Innovative Solutions (INOS), which was acquired by a multinational enterprise (MNE). The cultural attributes of INOS include horizontal, relaxed, non-hierarchal, and innovation-focused elements. Discussion However, the organizational culture of the MNE is hierarchal,...

“The Future of an Illusion” by Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud is a highly controversial figure among philosophers, often criticized. Despite the significant number of published works, they have often been considered frauds. Nevertheless, some of Freud’s writings, especially later ones, deserve more detailed attention. One such work is “The Future of an Illusion”, in which Freud examines the...

Psychology: Zimbardo Prison Experiment

Introduction The Stanford prison experiment is a classic example of a psychological study deifying the principles of ethics. The experiments should have been stopped when the participants started to be aggressive with each other under the impact of prison conditions. The violent behavior reported during that experiment is a direct...

The Navajo Nation Ecological Problems

Navajos are primarily located in Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico states. These people are descendants of the Navajo Nation, a Native American Tribe. Over the past decades, their homeland has been ecologically polluted, and the residents are being slowly poisoned every day. The problems of access to clean water, uranium...

Quantitative and Qualitative Studies as a Part of Economic Research

Introduction It is a great conclusion that the qualitative approach helps researchers ask more profound questions about any given topic, and I fully agree with this idea. As Gladwell (2004) describes in his speech, people do not always know what they want – it is difficult for them to answer...

The Cold War Era’s Impact on the US Politics

The Cold War era included many reforms that occurred internally and externally in relation to the politics of the United States. In terms of domestic conflicts, the anti-communist movement became a major cause of concern for the government. In that way, while the national statement itself called for an open...

Democrats and Republicans in the US Politics

A perfectly detailed perception of what political leaders think about the ordinary working citizens of any country is listed. The narrative that seemed to keep gaining traction amongst many of the voters, of whom the more considerable percentage falls on workers of all backgrounds who have no college degree, about...

Jesus Christ’s Natural Divinity

Jesus Christ is God’s only son; two essences converge in him: divine and human. The divinity of Christ is vital for Christians because it shows that the deification of the human body is possible, as well as the divine embodiment in the personality of an ordinary individual. In addition, it...

The Pesticide Use Risks and Regulations

Argentina: Prohibition of pesticide use on crops during loading and transportation. (2016). The Library of Congress.  The article describes a particular case of pesticide prohibition on the national level. Namely, pesticides cannot be applied to crops in Argentina when they are being packaged or shipped. The importance of this decision...

Cultural Impact on Gender and Sexuality

The module’s reading suggests that in terms of gender and sexuality, culture defines the conditions of sexual response. Thus, cultural conditioning determines which signals the human’s sexual responsiveness can detect. For example, exposure to specific body parts, such as legs, can be received by sexual response systems in one culture,...

Architecture: Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier

Introduction Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier contributed to the growth of architecture in America. Despite their differences in art styles, the architects significantly contributed to the buildings erected in America in the 1900s. The essay illustrates the two architects’ perceptions of architecture and gives an example of buildings created...

Simultaneous Language Acquisition

Many school systems in the English-speaking world use English for school activities and communication. Simultaneous or dual language learner (DLL) is a term used to describe children under the age of three who learn their first and second languages at the same time. When the language spoken at home is...

Food Habits and Acculturation of Immigrants

Food is an essential component of our lives as it is the primary source of nutrition. Dependent on the available resources, people in different areas have developed different food customs and preferences. As a result, food is not only a basic physical need, but it is part of a culture,...

Coser’s Theory and an Example of a Social Conflict

Social conflict results from growing contradictions that appear as a conflict between diverse social groups. Social conflicts unavoidably arise and worsen as a result of the heterogeneity of society and variations in status and well-being. Because this process involves disputes and their resolution, Coser saw social conflicts as one of...

Why Doctor-Patient Relationships Matter

Mutual understanding between doctor and patient influences the effectiveness of treatment just as much as correctly diagnosed and fully delivered medical care. A person who feels physical and psychological discomfort with a health condition and has insufficient medical knowledge may find it challenging to build a good relationship with a...

Relation Between Genetics and Intelligence

Intelligence is a mental ability to learn from experience, tackle issues and use knowledge to adapt to new situations (Myers & DeWall, 2019). According to a single intelligence hypothesis, there is a component known as the factor g that may access intelligence of a person (Myers & DeWall, 2019). This...

Energy Sustainability and Its Key Issues

Energy sustainability is becoming the most urgent socio-environmental problem, among other aspects of energy development. Almost 80% of the world’s energy production depends on fossil fuels, which leave a deep imprint on the environment (Ghobakhloo & Fathi, 2021). Consequently, energy systems need a lot of theoretical and practical understanding of...

Speech of Gubernatorial Candidate of Minnesota

Hello. First of all, I would like to thank everyone in this room for allowing me to express my thoughts here today. I am running for the gubernatorial candidate of Minnesota because I want to make the lives of our citizens better. It is not a secret that our state...

Infographic and Chartjunk in Information Design

While an infographic is the visual representation of data, ideas, or knowledge to convey information fast and effectively, chartjunk is the visual representation in graphs and charts that adds no significant value to the presented information. In order to enable effective data presentation, it is important to make them stand...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Colorado’s Political Culture and Influence Factors

The political culture that develops in an area or region is influenced by many factors. This is primarily because a given culture depends on society, and it can be defined by various elements, from geography to specific historical events. Therefore, it is helpful to study history and related fields to...

The Impact of Enlightenment Ideas on Education

The 18th century entered the history of culture as the age of the Enlightenment. Recent scientific advances, especially the discoveries of J. Newton and J. Locke, prompted philosophers, scientists, and writers to reconsider the former picture of the world radically. The eighteenth century radically changed European thought and brought significant...

“Dirigisme” Concept and Macron’s Reform Agenda

The dirigisme concept in French comes from the government having a vital and direct role in the market economy and not merely acting as a regulatory tool. French dirigisme has various elements, such as industries lacking autonomy over their operations due to government influence (Ansaloni & Smith, 2018). Market instruments...

How Sarah Rosetta Wakeman Overcame Challenges of the Civil War

The proposed project will discuss a notable person in a period of the United States from 1492 to 1877 who faced a significant challenge. It is interesting to consider the role of women in society throughout the years, how gender inequality affected it, and how they responded to different challenges...

Breast Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment

Recent efforts from medical professionals and interest groups like Breast Cancer Awareness Month facilitated open discussion around breast cancer. However, the stigma around health, especially women’s health, is still prevalent in society. This stigma leads to decreased awareness of the issue and more women being diagnosed in the later stages...

Christianity in Europe

Christianity has had a rather complicated history of development in Europe. It has experienced a rather complicated path from being ostracized due to paganist beliefs to being widely acknowledged by many people. The following text will reference 6 historical documents: Eusebius, The Edict of Toleration, The Edict of Milan and...

The National Arctic Reserve: Wildlife Preservation

The reserves of the Arctic, including the National Arctic Reserve, are places untouched by human, harsh, and wonderful nature. In this territory, economic activity is prohibited in every possible way; industry also cannot be located here, with the exception of small farms of indigenous people. The primary purpose of such...

Monkeypox: Epidemiology and Pathogenesis

The phenomenon of monkeypox, to which the chosen article is devoted, is insufficiently studied and attracts the attention of modern epidemiologists. At the moment, this disease and its spread have already been officially declared an epidemiological problem of a global scale, due to compliance with a number of global criteria....

The Mongols and the Vikings Impact on Eurasia

In the question of whether Vikings or Mongols had a greater impact on Eurasia, one should examine their conquests and political impact as well as cultural influence. Furthermore, it is necessary to consider that Viking expansion took place long before the Mongols started their expansion. Lastly, it is necessary to...

Intel Corporation’s Market Situation Analysis

The American multinational business and technology giant Intel Corporation, more frequently referred to as Intel, has its headquarters in Santa Clara, California. A substantial part of the world’s desktop computers use microprocessors that were created by Intel. The international technology corporation additionally produces a considerable portion of the semiconductor chips...

Presidential Power and Domestic Security Issues

Introduction The issues raised by the author in this chapter relate to the scope of presidential power and authority in various spheres of activity. In this context, Nixon’s War on Drugs and Saturday Night Massacre are initiatives closely related to domestic U.S. security issues. This allows them to be used...

“From He to She in First Grade” by Frankel Review

In “From He to She in First Grade,” Frankel tells the story of a child’s gender transition. The book is written from the perspective of the child, who is in first grade and has recently decided to start living as a girl. The book chronicles the protagonist’s experiences during the...

A Marketing Challenge of the Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence

The consulting project will be about a marketing challenge faced by the Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence (OAESV). It is a non-profit statewide sexual assault coalition, the mission of which is to promote rape crisis services and support communities in efforts to prevent sexual violence. Its marketing challenge is...

Core Aspects of Personal Identity: The Impact on Female

The most vital concept mentioned in the reading that significantly affected my personality development is gender. As it is defined by Weber, gender is the number of “biological and anatomical characteristics attributed to males and females” (8). It is vital to mention that, according to the author, gender is socially...

Depiction of Women’s Life in Dove’s “Daystar” Poem

The poem Daystar by Rita Dove depicts women’s lives in the role of a mother and a wife. The author illustrates the state of loneliness of the protagonist, as well as the peacefulness of her quiet moment of the day. It is also reflected in the title of the poem....

Relevance of Counseling Theories to Specific Interventions

The foundations of psychoanalytic therapy theories argue that psychological difficulties result from unconscious psychological urges or motivations that result from previous interpersonal connections and experiences. The clients’ past harmful thought and behavior patterns have matured into “cosmological models” that direct them toward continued unhealthy thought and behavior in the present...

Aspects of Indian Groups: The Aztecs

When it comes to the most widely known peoples of both of the pre-Columbian Americas, the Aztecs are one of them. National Geographic (n.d.) states that the Aztecs had to migrate from their homeland Aztlan to a land named Tenochtitlan, a modern Mexico. Initially, the Aztec people were subordinate to...

The Great Geographic Discoveries

Following the discovery of the New World, the conquest, Spanish invasions of the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries began. Small units opposed alliances of tribes and entire states. Their successful advance was facilitated not only by the availability of firearms but also by the skillful use of infighting among the...

Biotechnological Innovations in Medicine

Introduction Biology has endless possibilities for developing new technologies for genetic engineering and treating various diseases. Biotechnological innovations in medicine already bear the separate name of biomedicine. Thus, experiments are being conducted in editing human genes, which will help eradicate genetic diseases such as the aforementioned schizophrenia. This is why...

Reaction to “Einstein’s Dreams” by Alan Lightman

The chapter from the novel Einstein’s Dreams by Alan Lightman presents a short story set in a world that has rejected all watches and clocks. When the first mechanical clock was built, the invention amazed and frightened people. Filled with mixed feelings, society decided to replace the device that quantified...

Preventing Obesity Health Issues From Childhood

The Problem Selected The selected problem is childhood obesity, the rates of which increase nationwide yearly and require the attention of the government, society, and parents. Indeed, 19.7% (14.7 million) of children and adolescents in the USA suffered from the issue in 2017-2020 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022)....

Europeans in Guns, Germs and Steel by Diamond

Europeans have always had a high level of development, making them the first to develop new lands and tools. In the video “Guns, Germs and Steel,” Jared Diamond states that Europeans were “accidental conquerors” (SloBot 3000, 2008). The rationale is that Europeans were the first to master guns, germs, and...

Sources of Power Used in Leadership Positions

Power is defined as the ability to create transformation, have an impact on others, or possibly influence others. Leaders in organizations must utilize authority to accomplish individual, group, and corporate objectives. Leaders should be capable of persuading their subordinates to work better and make crucial decisions, as well as their...

Discussion of Poverty and Social Trends

Despite much progress over the years toward ending poverty, the global community still faces the threat of failing to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of ending poverty. According to recent estimates, one in five children come from poor backgrounds (Koball et al., 2021). The Universal Declaration of Human...

The Meaning of Global Jihad by Faisal Devji

Global jihad is a new phenomenon in the postmodern, post-Cold War world. Interest in Islam is on the rise, something is captivating the hearts and minds of Muslim people, but it is not Al-Qaeda. The end of coordinated terrorism can be observed while terrorist attacks are still performed by individuals...

How to Create a YouTube Channel

Introduction The channel Think Media has 2.17 million subscribers and is focused on providing weekly tips and tool for building online influence. The video “How to create a YouTube Channel for Beginners (Step-by-step tutorial)” is organized in an easy way that explains every step in detail. The video has a...

The Global Nature of Modern Economics

In his “The False Promise of International Institutions,” Mearsheimer presents a critique of institutionalism theories and the policies that ensue from them. He claims that these theories do not reflect the realities of the world and are disproved by the world’s history. According to him, the alternative, namely realism, is...

The Main Theme of “The Epic of Gilgamesh”

The Epic of Gilgamesh ponders on the matters of friendship, identity, courage, and pride. Its main character, Gilgamesh, wants to build a legacy for himself at the start of the epic: he wants to perform extraordinary acts so that he can be renowned. This desire pushes him, eventually leading to...

The Everyday Leadership TED Talk by Drew Dudley

Leadership is an exceptionally crucial ability in all areas of life, including business. Leaders influence others and can shape the direction of the development of their organization. The TED talk by Drew Dudley entitled Everyday Leadership is dedicated to the concept of small-scale leadership and how people can impact each...

The Biblical Verses Timothy 6:3-10 and 6:17-19

Introduction The biblical verses convey the overall religious tone of the work while dealing significantly with financial issues. Money is often defined in religious texts as an inherent evil. However, many of the verses do not refer to the problems of money itself but the negative aspects of behavior associated...

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Metabolic Rate and Impact of External Factors

Research Three things that I found interesting when researching the topic of metabolism rate were the dependence of metabolic rate on external factors, the importance of maintaining a high metabolic rate, and the predictability of metabolic flexibility. Indeed, metabolic rate is the energy transformation capacity, while basal metabolic rate is...

Ronald Takaki’s “A Different Mirror” Book

A Different Mirror: A History of Multicultural America is a book written by Ronald Takaki (published by Little, Brown and Company for the first time in 1993 and revised by Back Bay Books in 2008). The main idea is to describe the essence of multicultural America through the prism of...

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Aspects of Ethics, Religion, and Diversity

Introduction The institution of relations at the present stage of human development is undergoing major changes. Nowadays, in terms of uncertainty regarding the future or not yet strengthened economic condition, the number of marriages without a formal seal is growing. At the same time, often, for one member of the...

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Employee Motivation and Organizational Behavior

Introduction The topic chosen for research is as follows: The influence of employee motivation and relevant appraisal techniques on organizational behavior. The following research question can be posed: What tools to increase employee motivation have the most positive impact on organizational behavior? This type of research implies using a qualitative...

Sayeeda Sakina’s Biography After Karbala

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The Lucifer Effect Book by Philip Zimbardo

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The Gold Rush Impact on US History

Introduction The Gold Rush refers to the significant period in the history of the U.S. when many people migrated to California in pursuit of wealth. While the period was marked by negative consequences for the Native American population and natural environment, the Gold Rush had a significant role in the...

Hygiene Importance in Dentistry

Although the field of dental hygiene is not associated with a high risk to the life of patients, professionals should first of all take care of their safety and well-being. The most memorable piece of art related to the professional area is the British dramedy series “This is going to...

Mental Status Examination and Counseling Services

In the process of providing counseling services, it is essential to use the most effective tools. Among them, a mental status examination or MSE can be distinguished. This method helps get information about the patient’s mental state and is widely used in both non-neurological and psychiatric practice by many specialists....

“The Soft-Hearted Sioux” and “Tecumseh’s Speech to the Osages”

Zitkala-Sa’s story The Soft-Hearted Sioux and Tecumseh’s Speech to the Osages have certain similarities and differences. For example, both works are based on the experiences of Native Americans and their conflicting relationships with white people. The main character in Zitkala-Sa’s story is the young Sioux who leaves his tribe to...

Mothers’ vs. Fathers’ Caregiving Position Differences

Introduction Currently, there is no unanimity of opinion among researchers regarding the purely biological basis of the father’s or mother’s behavior toward the infant. The mother’s role is often emphasized as social, not just biological. The cause for this is, among other things, the observation of the behavior of mammals...

The Saqqara Bird Among Out of Place Artifacts

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Working on a Personal Budget and Managing Savings

I take a responsible approach to the distribution of my budget. Basically, I use a manual process for calculating planned and actual expenses. To optimize the process, I use the bank’s application, in which I see the distribution of the budget by month. Since I set aside enough money in...

Customer Analysis via Entropy and Information Gain in Banking

The introduction of big data analytics in the financial sector has provided bankers with countless opportunities to improve the quality of their services, enhance consumer segmentation, and modernize e-banking. In my experience in the banking sector, I have utilized data mining techniques to improve the quality of customer segmentation. This...

How to Talk to People You Don’t Like

Sometimes, it is difficult to converse with people whom you strongly dislike. They may have previously done something that harmed you personally, or they may have suspicious habits or a bad reputation. However, it might be necessary to talk to them because of circumstances. In this speech, I will explain...

Discussion: Epstein Barr Virus

The Epstein-Barr virus report covered all of the virus’s main characteristics, including its prevalence among humans, as the only carriers (Aliosis & Salvetti, 2022). Although the virus is transmitted through bodily fluids, it is common because it can lie dormant for many years (Patel et al., 2022). The virus, its...

Globalization and Its Ethical Implications

Introduction Globalization is the modern reality that influenced humanity from economic, social, and cultural perspectives and changed how diverse nations perceive one another. The outcomes of the process are a decrease in manufacturing costs with simultaneous expansion of production volume and overall quality of life improvement as more goods become...

Immigrant Adaptation Using Home Gardens

Introduction When crossing national boundaries, homes and gardens, parks and plazas, neighborhoods, and landmarks are some areas that immigrants leave behind. When these material anchors are missing, they can leave children feeling bewildered and alienated. Some people build a new home for themselves based on their memories of a place...

The COVID-19 Impact on Intimate Partner Violence

Selecting a topic for a research paper is quite a daunting task. I think it is crucial for the chosen topic to be current for the research to shed light on the critical social problem that has not yet been addressed or has been addressed poorly. For this research paper,...

Marketing Mix: The Main Elements

Digital marketing is a way to advertise goods through the Internet to develop communication and exchanges with customers (Pride & Ferrel, 2017). The four main elements of the marketing mix have been significantly influenced by digital marketing due to digital and social media advances and popularity. Firstly, it has noticeably...

Macy’s: The Marketing Issues’ Challenges

This post raises many excellent points regarding the marketing issues’ challenges. First, I would like to address the advertising of luxury products. Kotler and Keller (2016) highlight the importance of targeted branding and a selective approach to the luxury products’ industry image. However, labeling Macy’s as a high-end, luxurious brand...

Bias in the American News on Political Stories

Recently CNN and Washington Post have released news regarding the Russian army retreat in Ukraine’s village., which was ignored by FOX news and is mainly associated with a conservative news portal. On contrast CNN and Washington Post are known for its support for liberalism or, in other words, the left...

”US Wooed Alcohol Industry…” Rabin’s Article

Rabin, Roni Caryn. “U.S. Wooed Alcohol Industry for a Drinking Study.” New York Times, 2018, Web. The article discusses the issue of conducting scientific research aimed at justifying moderate drinking. Various observational studies throughout the years have found that light can have a positive impact on the cardiovascular system of...

Macronutrients: Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat

Macronutrients present the essential nutrients the human body needs to maintain its structure and healthy functioning. Macronutrients consumed in large quantities provide energy for the body in the form of calories. There are three primary macronutrient types: protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Every macronutrient has its role in maintaining the functioning...

Market Analysis for Apple Inc.

Introduction Market segments are created by subdividing a target market and afterward arranging the populace according to the major factors that influence their purchase behavior. Sex, age, wealth, ethnicity, career, culture, marital status, and locality are a few of these. Discussion Apple is a recognized brand with appeals to individuals...

Water Intake and Output: Mechanisms of Regulation

Did you know that more than 60% of the human body is water? Likely yes, it is one of the well-known anatomical facts, but the extent of it and complex mechanisms which regulate water in the bodies are often underestimated. It is important to start with statistics, with 73% of...

Drug Abuse and Its Impact on Creativity

The perception of weed smoking as a creativity amplifier is popularized in western cultures because substance abuse is frequently mentioned and even praised among famous artists. Moreover, the bias that masterpieces and exceptional works cannot be crafted without enhancing abstract thinking with drugs forces young people to underestimate their natural...

Violence against Women

There are several reasons why women experience higher rates of abuse. First, many societies worldwide still have a patriarchal structure, and even in those that seem to have changed, the history of patriarchal norms still influences the communities (Zara & Gino, 2018). This fact results in a variety of other...

Operant Conditioning in Learning and Parenting

Learning is a never-ending process to which all beings with at least a hint of intelligence are subjected. It can occur in various ways, for instance, depending on the stimulus from the external environment. In this case, the learning process is called conditioning (Blackman, 2017). It can be divided into...

Deviance, Dysfunction, Distress, and Danger

It can be challenging to determine whether a patient’s issue or symptom becomes severe enough to warrant a diagnosis of a mental illness, especially for novice practitioners. All clinicians can benefit from using the Four D’s, which stand for deviance, dysfunction, distress, and danger, to evaluate reported characteristics, symptoms, or...

Rhizobium Leguminosarum: Symbiosis With Plant

Rhizobium leguminosarum is a soil bacterium that is able to form symbiotic relationship with legumes and to fix nitrogen, even under various severe conditions and arid climate. This symbiosis between the bacteria and legumes is mutually beneficial. The main benefit for the plant is the fact that these bacteria can...

Sigmund Freud’s Book the Future of an Illusion

Sigmund Freud’s book The Future of an Illusion is a psychoanalytical work discussing the tenets of civilization and the impact of religious ideas on society. Success in any community is dependent on controlling people’s desires and harnessing their collective ability to create wealth. However, wealth congregates around the minority upper...

An Occult Website’s Design Analysis

This page is an occult web resource whose task is to present the audience with a conspiracy theory about the future coming of aliens. The page’s content is a mixture of Freemasonry theories, Christian theology, science fiction, and contemporary American politics. The fabrications of the author of the site are...

The Huskyboost Brand’s Social Media Marketing

In the modern world, small businesses struggle to promote their services for various reasons. Such is the case with, a company that provides various boosting services for players in online games. Boosting in-game services showcase a perfect example of an overrepresented market segment. For instance, World of Warcraft –...

Social Problems and Policy: Youth Unemployment and Mental Health

In the history of the US, the federal and state governments have been at the forefront to facilitate effective social programs to ensure the citizens achieve the necessary basic social life. There are several programs directed to the communities to promote the economic growth and development of the people across...

Thompson’s Lamp Paradox as a Philosophical Puzzle

Since the beginning of time, paradoxes have fascinated both scientists and laypeople, igniting debate. Some have not yet been resolved or cannot be resolved in general, while others appear paradoxical because the solutions defy logic. In science, the emergence of any new field of understanding often starts with discovering previously...