PepsiCo Inc.’s Risk Management in Purchasing Department

Introduction In the dynamic organizational operational environment, organizations face various unhealthy situations that influence their ability to achieve strategic plans, goals, and objectives. To deal with such situations, it becomes necessary to embrace the concept of risk management. In this paper, the author is a consultant who has been engaged...

Gender Stereotypes Developed Within Families

Any scientific research has its purpose and goals. An effective scientific research has a considerable scientific merit as it contributes to theory and advances knowledge. This paper will evaluate the scientific merit of the work by Croft, Schmader, Block and Baron (2014). This study explores the way gender stereotypes are...

Bidco Oil Refinery Ltd.’s Performance and Ethics

Analysis of the company’s mission, vision, and performance Bidco Oil Refinery Limited is a multinational company that specializes in edible oil production. The company has its headquarters in Thika, Kenya. It started in Kenya as a textile company in 1985. Due to the increased market liberalization in the country, the...

Curriculum Development in Language Teaching

Evaluation procedures In education, there are several methods of evaluating a learner. These methods are known as procedures. These procedures assume different approaches and have different objectives. One of the common evaluation procedures used in the evaluation of an individual in a learning setting is the diagnostic procedure. This method...

Decriminalization of Prostitution in Canada

Abstract Prostitution is one of the most ancient professions that attract criticism and praise at equal measures. The opponents of prostitution believe that it not only contributes to moral decadence, but also leads to erosion of cultural values. On the other hand, the proponents believe that it is a way...

Organizational Behavior: Principles, Models and Theories

Organizational behavior analysis is very important in explaining how people interact and relate within a given social setting. In the modern society, both for profit and non-profit making organizations are under a great pressure to deliver quality service to ensure their sustainability. Failure to deliver the best services or product...

Magic in Ancient Greece and Rome

Abstract This paper presents an examination of magic in antiquity, specifically in the Greco-Roman era. The article focuses on this specific era because it represents strong magical elements. Unlike the Egyptian civilization, sufficient evidence about the practice in the Greco-Roman period has survived to date. The paper begins by cataloging...

New Insights About Bachata Music in Latin America

A review of a previously completed essay on Bachata music highlights an idea that requires a deeper analysis. Scholarly sources providing insights on the origins of Bachata music seemed to suggest that the popularity of Bachata music was hindered due to the vulgar words in the lyrics and the sensual...

Sunburst Renewable Energy Corporation: Business Structuring

Organization Mission The mission of the Sunburst Renewable Energy Corporation will operate within the periphery of innovation and responding to the desire of the customers as a leading venture in the energy industry in the city of New York. In order to achieve this mission, the proposed Sunburst Renewable Energy...

Taiwanese Heritage Cultural Diplomacy Event

Event Details The ‘Taiwanese Heritage’ or TH event is a cultural diplomacy initiative that aims to improve Taiwan’s prominence and standing in Los Angeles. Cultural diplomacy utilizes cultural assets as an agent of influence in the global arena and as a means of promoting mutual understanding between cultures (Ross, 2002)....

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Excellent Project Manager’ Key Concepts

Introduction Project management is a complex concept and in order to understand its underlying principles one has to comprehend what a project and project management entails. A project is defined as an endeavor aimed at accomplishing a specific objective through a unique set of interrelated tasks and the effective utilization...

Sickle Cell Disease Concept

Introduction Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a major health concern in the United States. According to Akingbola et al. (2016), the introduction of hydroxyurea (HU) was a major relief to patients as it has been proven to alleviate symptoms of the disease. Adewoyin, Oghuvwu, and Awodu (2017) argue that this...

US Democracy and Its Media Representation

Introduction Democracy refers to a system of governance whereby the citizens are allowed to participate in the policymaking process. In a democratic state, the people elect their leaders in a general election. The elected leaders usually represent the public in the process of policy formulation. According to Monten (2005), the...

Database System Design for Clinical Tests Analysis

Data aggregation in healthcare is a vital process that facilitates medical research and analysis, as it provides access to the latest evidence acquired in hospital settings. Collecting many different types of information into one consolidated data asset is crucial for both scientists and managers. According to Longhurst, Harrington, and Shah...

Scientific Robotics Equipment Corporation’s Investment

Introduction In any business undertaking, selection of a good project is a vital step towards success. Many firms make big losses as a result of investing in projects that are not viable. In this regard, it is advisable that before any project is pursued, proper evaluation is done to ensure...

Chess Girls DC Organization’s Public Relations

Challenge Description Chess Girls DC is the non-profit organization that was founded in 2013 by Robin Floyd Ramson in Washington, DC. The organization seeks to inspire girls to play chess, thus developing spatial thinking skills and promoting personal development. The growth of confidence in girls is the paramount goal of...

Psychological Personality Tests: Objective Judgment

Why do Psychologists administer Personality tests and how do they apply the information obtained from Personality tests in real-world settings? Psychologists administer personality tests because these allow for producing more objective judgments about individuals (Reynolds & Livingston, 2012). Patients often tell their history poorly, in a biased manner, whereas tests...

Azercell Telecom Company’s Mobile Financial Services

Introduction Evidently enough, the development of contemporary technologies continues to have a vast impact on nearly every sphere of the life of modern society. Throughout the world, the use of mobile services and the Internet is steadily increasing, which implies the extension of opportunities for the development of various business...

Kemya Polyethylene Plant and Its Ergonomics

Introduction The manufacturing business environment has undergone considerable evolution over the years. The transformations have been spurred by different causes. Technological development is one of the critical forces that have changed the industry significantly. Manufacturing firms are progressively integrating different computing technologies in the quest to achieve efficiency in their...

Korean Language Learning: 4 Lessons

Korean is a language I know little (or rather nothing) about. However, I know that it is completely different from English and even such languages as Chinese, Japanese. Therefore, I am a bit anxious about my future lessons in Korean. I am aware of the fact that the communicative approach...

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Emerging Technology in Hospitality Business

Summary This report dwells upon the current strategies related to information systems management and the way these methods are utilized at Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Dubai. The proper management of information systems is one of the factors contributing to the effective performance of hospitality companies. These organizations try to meet customers’...

Mobile Commerce in Tourism and Hospitality Sector

Introduction The computer and the internet are two of the most vital innovations of the 20th century. These technological developments changed the manner in which communication took place and presented numerous opportunities for businesses. One novel technology that exploits the internet ability of mobile devices is mobile commerce (m-commerce). The...

Puerto Rico Court System

Background information Puerto Rico’s judicial system currently comprises of the Supreme Court, which is the highest court in the region and also mandated to direct the entire judicial system. Other courts include judicial districts courts, which are meant to deal with the most basic cases. Higher than the judicial district...

Ethical Business Conduct and Corporate Distrust

Introduction Businesses claim to be concerned with ethical conduct, which is still mainly seen as an instrument of the favorable image formation. Students of business schools have courses in ethics to be prepared for the work in companies that have well-established codes of ethics as well as those businesses that...

Yorkshire House Foods Ltd.’s Project Orion

Since business processes are complex and multifaceted, every change within them can potentially result in a wide range of complications and consequences, creating a powerful ripple effect. As a result, it is critical to plan and prepare carefully the projects intended to facilitate change. The preparation and planning processes are...

Motion Picture Analysis: “42” by Brian Helgeland

Introduction The issues of racism and inequality remain topical in present-day life. Nowadays, ethnic and social equity are regarded as essential rights of every human being, but only several decades ago a large part of the American non-major population was exposed to segregation and unjust treatment in every aspect of...

The 2007-2008 Economic Crisis

Causes of the 2007-2008 Economic Crisis The economic crisis of 2007-2008 had the most far-reaching financial repercussions for the U.S. economy since the Great Depression (Helleiner 2011). The significant increase in sub-prime mortgage defaults caused the bursting of a housing bubble. As a result of the growth in the number...

The 48 Laws of Power

In every society, there are two main groups of people. The first one is the ruling while the second group consists of people who are subjects of the ruling class. Power plays a major role in political, economic and social contexts. It also contributes to a person’s success in parenting,...

Key Skills in Education and Employment

Introduction Today’s workplace is in dire need of proficient workers who possess the necessary skills for the accomplishment of competitive tasks in industrial processes. Matching key skills acquired from middle-level colleges and the world’s universities with the workforce has become the leitmotif of the 21st century. Business organisations require skilful...

Green Infrastructure in Water Management

Introduction Green infrastructure provides a modern approach to the conceptualization and management of landscape resources. Green infrastructure has proved to be common in the UK, North America and in the European countries since it is able to meet the various challenges of spatial planning. Research indicates that the literature of...

Networked Society: Connectivity as a Human Right

Introduction The primary organization I would work for is Ericksson under their development program for greater internet access. One of the defining features of the internet is the sheer amount of information available on virtually every single possible subject that the human imagination can come up with. For most students...

Creole Religions of the Caribbean by Olmos et al.

Introduction The book under consideration, written by Margarite Fernandez Olmos and Lizabeth Parvisini-Gebert, represents a comprehensive investigation of the diversity of religious practices, beliefs, and traditions that originated in the Caribbean region as well as the current state of these religions. The introduction to the book begins with the description...

Asthma Factors Among African Americans in California

Discussion and Conclusion The purpose of this study was to examine risk factors predicting asthma among adult foreign-born African Americans in California. The study was premised on the backdrop of the failure of past researchers to investigate the health status of adult foreign-born African Americans as a significant minority group...

Educational Culture, Curriculum, and Assessments

Culture The traditional concept of culture Belonging to a traditional cultural concept, artifacts, and symbols such as music, clothing, and food are expressive elements of a given culture. For instance, culture is defined as a system of values, behaviors, social arrangements, and ideologies that help human beings interpret their world...

Leadership Style and Motivation in Health Care

Introduction There are two major factors that influence an individual performance within any given setting and these are leadership in place and individual motivation (McCutcheon 2004). There are also theories that try to explain what motivates people to perform better and what contributes to their behavioral changes. Motivation refers to...

Learning Disabilities in Organizations

There exist many issues that an organization may experience due to wrong decisions or poor company culture. Such organizations fall under certain system archetypes that outline the issues the company faces and the reasons for these problems. Additionally, these organizations may experience “learning disabilities” that prevent them from becoming learning...

Extremist Groups and Domestic Terrorism in the US

Introduction Law enforcement officers across the world face an increasingly facing complex combination of problems due to the emerging worldwide coordinated criminal networks. The modern day criminals continue to prove their prowess in the ownership of the world most sophisticated weapons and intelligence networks. In order to counteract this, local...

Paris as the Fashion Centre

Introduction The city of Paris was constructed as a centre for fashion. According to Hopkins (2012), some of the best fashions that are in use in the modern society are believed to have originated from Paris, France. For a long time, the global society viewed this city as the epitome...

Aramex Corporation’ Diversity Management Strategy

Introduction This is a diversity management strategy report for Aramex as a multinational corporation (MNC). It is expected that the strategy will enhance Aramex’s competitiveness in the global economy. The report clearly explains the principles of diversity management for the Aramex, identifies the challenges faced by the company in introducing...

Oil Supply Chain’s Power Relations and Actors

Introduction Oil is a natural resource and specific to a location. Oil continues to become difficult to harvest with time, as the topmost and easily available resources dwindle. Miners and explorers have to look for new technologies and examine new locations that did not feature as potential oil producing regions...

Nursing Leadership and Conflict Resolution

Introduction Nursing is one of the important constituents of the medical sphere, as it ensures sufficient collaboration and interaction between service providers and patients. Thus, the concepts of nursing continued to expand its boundaries while covering more and more duties, tasks, and responsibilities. Nowadays, being a nurse is associated with...

Cardiology: Care Plan Disorder

The disorder and the following elements: pathophysiology, signs/symptoms, progression trajectory, diagnostic testing, and treatment options Pathophysiology The primary pathophysiologic mechanisms for the patient’s condition for these signs emanated from a gradual process of atherosclerosis (arterial disease) (Ambrose & Singh, 2015; Sayols-Baixeras, Lluís-Ganella, Lucas, & Elosua, 2014). The arterial condition develops...

Group Decision Making Theory

Introduction Group decision-making refers to a situation where individuals have to make a choice collectively based on the alternatives presented to them (Fox, 2015). It is common to find cases where decisions have to be made by a group of people because of the prevailing circumstances. Sahin (2014) “Since managing...

Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms and Treatment

Abstract This paper is about rheumatoid arthritis, its symptoms and signs, and the existing methods of treatment. This library thesis is based on documentary analysis as the main method of investigation. The evaluation of the literature from different sources helps to get a clear picture of what researchers, journalists, and...

Type II Diabetes in Evidence-Based Pharmacology

Introduction Today, diabetes is a serious public health concern that bothers millions of people around the whole world. In the United States, approximately 30.3 million people have diabetes as their primary diagnosis, with only 23.1 million people who are diagnosed and 7.2 million people who are not diagnosed because of...

Social Welfare History in America

Introduction The establishment of the social welfare system in the United States of America was one of the most critical undertakings. The institution of social welfare dates back to a few centuries ago when Queen Elizabeth introduced it in the 15th century. The true “definition and perspective of looking at...

Theology: Discipleship and a Healthy Church

Introduction Being a believer requires a great deal of sacrifice and dedication but it is mainly synonymous with disciple-making. The church is expected to play a significant role in spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. Consequently, the task of making disciples is a core element of the church and it...

Financial Analysis of Organizational Management

Finance Systems Relationship between a Financial System/ Function and Other Systems / Functions The finance function represents the heart of every business. It is the ignition key for every business to thrive and prosper. In this case, it integrates all the other systems in the organization such, as the marketing...

Civilizations from Anthropological Perspective

Introduction While the human race takes great pride in the progressive nature of each subsequent civilization, there exist aspects from past civilizations that are hailed as marvels in the civilization process (Harris 2001). While some of this aspects gain their prominence primarily due to their impact on cultural and social...

Self-Efficacy in Improving Employee Innovation

Introduction Nowadays, many international, local, and private companies use new techniques and management strategies to organize their working processes. These actions are necessary for the age of globalization because employees should be more productive, whereas the products or services they provide are intended to meet the highest quality standards. Also,...

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Fiji: Political Risks and International Business

International companies face a risk that affects the performance and management of a business. This public risk service has come up with an international country risk guide that helps Multinational Corporation to asses the political stability of countries in which the corporations wish to operate. The public risk service bases...

Strategies to Help Students Retain Information

Introduction Children with disabilities are entitled to personalize learning curriculum. These programs are available in public schools and it is free of charge to any family. This rule lies under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act department that oversees the governance of public schools. This federal ensures public schools are...

Erikson’s, Havighurst’s, Bronfenbrenner’s Theories

Introduction The subject is a white male in the early adulthood developmental stage. He experienced emotional and physical abuse as a child and has a history of substance abuse, which affected his progression through developmental stages as defined by Erikson. The first stage of psychosocial development by Erikson is infancy,...

Nurse Practitioners, Educators, Administrators

Introduction Healthcare specialists who complete the master of nursing curriculum acquire new competencies that make it easier for them to complete a wide range of roles. Different advanced roles make it easier for healthcare workers to provide evidence-based support to patients from diverse backgrounds. This discussion gives a detailed comparison...

Sociological Research in Media Representations

Introduction: On the Sociological Research A sociological research is one of the experiments that can be carried out with the help of different means and from a number of viewpoints and aspects. Among the most widespread ones, the media representations and the sociological research can be spotted; each provides quite...

US Racial Inequality, Legislation and Immigration

The Significance of De Jure Segregation, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Civil Rights Act Society today can be described as a mosaic of races with different people living together as one society. This situation is starkly different from what the society practiced many years ago when they were pure...

Body Modifications: Reasons, Consequences, Ethical Issues

Abstract Various types of body modifications (tattooing, piercing, plastic surgery, etc.) have always caused controversy in society. Theoretically, people have the right to change their appearance; nevertheless, from an ethical point of view, a number of questions arise among those who live close to such people. One of the basic...

New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s Big Data

Abstract This paper shows how the use of big data analytics could help to improve the activities of the New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA). In detail, it demonstrates that big data management techniques could help MTA to improve stakeholder relationships, enhance organizational performance, increase business transparency, minimize customer complaints,...

Predicting the Future of Film Narrative

The History of Film Introduction What started as a novelty in the 1890s with the innovation of the cinema cameras has become a popular culture in the world. The art of cinema making has experienced tremendous innovation, growth, and development since the first less than a minute-long silent clips were...

“Crime in Post-Katrina Houston” Study by Settles and Lindsay

Introduction The research article analyzed in the discussed paper presents the results of the study conducted by Settles and Lindsay (2011). The article investigates the topic of moral panic in the United States because of Hurricane Katrina and its influence on crime rates and the general state of the region....

James Deem’s Auschwitz: Voices from the Death Camp

Introduction The goal of James Deem’s book Auschwitz: Voices from the Death Camp is to draw the reader’s attention to the problem of the Holocaust and realities of living in Auschwitz, the largest Nazi concentration camp and the greatest killing center ever created. Instead of providing the detailed description of...

Marshall Plan: US Involvement in European Integration

Introduction For the past six decades, efforts at European economic and political integration have been underway with enormous successes. Throughout these undertakings, the United States has been a strong supporter of European integration. It was the US that began the European integration process back in 1947 by necessitating that the...

Israeli-Palestine Conflict and Global Community

Introduction The Israel-Palestine conflict is enduring violence that started in the middle of the 20th-century ensuing between Israelis and Palestinians. The UN and the US have raised their views concerning the conflict. They suggest the need for a two-state solution, a plan that may yield the best solution to the...

Civil War Poetry by Whitman, Melville and Dickinson

American Civil War ignited the imagination and penmanship of many poets in the country. This resulted in an explosion of poetry written in the Union in the post-Civil War era. Poets created beautiful verses in response to the battles and conflicts with immense patriotic fervor of freedom and pathos for...

Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing

Introduction The master of nursing curriculum prepares many practitioners to take up different roles in healthcare. Each of these roles is critical towards supporting the diverse needs of different patients. A proper understanding of the roles and responsibilities associated with the major nursing careers can help more individuals get quality...

Starbucks Corporation’s Strategic Initiatives

Introduction Since its inception in 1987, Starbucks Company has grown to become one of the leading providers of coffee around the globe. Among the countries that the service provider operates, is the United States, Japan, and Australia. The company attributes its growth to the introduction of Howard Schultz, who speared...

The Litigation Process: Becker v. Pettku Case

Introduction Failure to resolve controversies through alternative dispute resolution (ADR) approaches prompt the parties involved to consider legal actions. Litigations concerning business matters usually affect the operations of the affected businesses by deviating attention and resources. The litigation process adopts a process that seeks to facilitate the realization of equality...

The UAE and Europe’ Work for Integration of Refugees

Proposal for Media and Awareness Campaign Importance of Media Awareness Campaign A media and awareness campaign is important because it creates an understanding among the members of the public as to why it is necessary for the country to take a leading role in settling regional refugees. According to Varvelli...

South Africa and Tanzania Education Policies Comparison

Introduction Africa, in the pre-colonial period, encompassed a large number of autonomous societies. Though they had distinct policies and regulations that orchestrated their ways of the norm, some of the policies, especially in education, had some commonality. In the early phase of the colonial administration, some missionaries in Africa believed...

The Overuse of Antibiotics and Its Role in Child Obesity

Abstract The issue of childhood obesity remains one of the top reasons for concern in the United States, as well as in the global setting. Childhood obesity has drastic effects on the health status of patients. Apart from leading to an array of complications and chronic diseases and disorders among...

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Future Antiterrorism Policies in the United States

Introduction The frequency of terrorist attacks against the United States of America is increasing. According to Bakker (2012), it is unclear whether or not the reason for this is the ineffectiveness of the strategies currently employed to deal with this crime. Despite various efforts made by the US government, attacks...

Castrol’s Benefits from Research and Development

The need for Castrol and similar businesses to invest in research and development Research and development (R&D) is extremely vital for a myriad of businesses especially those that serve a global market. Castrol has thrived in lubricating and motor oil industry due to intense investment in R&D. The following reasons...

“The Turn of the Screw” a Novel by Henry James

Introduction As literature about socioeconomic, cultural, and political differences and bias between genders continues to accumulate, some authors of books seem to change their writing agendas towards focusing on addressing the forgotten women influence in the modern world (McCollum 49). Feminism is a common theme that has dominated modern literature,...

The Rogerian and Person-Centred Theory Key Concepts

Introduction Karl Rogers contributed greatly in the development of counselling strategies in the field of psychology, as he formulated a humanistic theory based on the assumptions of the Abraham Maslow, which is of great help to caregivers. In his analysis, he observed that an individual needs a special environment if...

Women Role in Shakespeare’s Othello and Hamlet

Abstract The villain role of women in the Shakespeare’s plays Othello and Hamlet seems to have inspired the themes in both literary works. Currently, there exists an apparent insufficiency of analysis in the field of literature regarding the actual role of female characters in the plays. This paper seeks to...

Corporate Social Responsibility for Supply Chain Management

The role of business in the social sustainability can be described from multiple perspectives. To grow, develop new products, and ensure profitability, companies should establish a long-term and beneficial relationship with various groups of stakeholders. Some of those stakeholders, i.e., clients, employees, suppliers, etc., are of great influence on companies’...

Competitive Advantage and Success Strategies

Critical success factors, resources and capabilities There are several concepts that are useful for explaining the ways in which companies can gain a competitive advantage over other enterprises. At first, one should mention critical success factors. They can be defined as the essential elements or prerequisites that are vital to...

Cultural Competence in Nursing Practice

Abstract Cultural competence has been identified as one of the 21st Century challenges for nursing practice across the world. The contemporary health care work place environment is characterized by a desire to improve service delivery and reaching out to as many people as possible. Globalization has had a lot of...

Inclusion and Individual Differences in Classroom

Introduction The trickiest question for educationists and trainers in the field of education concerns the approaches and mechanisms to foster the learning abilities of students with mental disabilities. It is quite difficult to enhance collective learning for students with mental disabilities, especially when these students are incorporated in collective learning...

Chemical Hazards in First Responders

Introduction First responders are usually at risk of injuries and chemical poisoning during rescue missions in emergency situations. Toxic chemical substances that are released during and after a catastrophic event affect the health and safety of first responders adversely (Weinhold, 2010). The chemicals enter the body through natural openings such...

Free-Flow Speed Multiple Regression

Introduction Regression analysis is a statistical tool that is used to develop approximate linear relationships among various variables. Regression analysis formulates an association between several variables. When coming up with the model, it is necessary to separate between dependent and independent variables. Multiple regression analysis focuses on the regression between...

Social Media’s Design Implementation

Methodology Several qualitative data analysis methods can be used to analyze qualitative data. In this particular case, the best qualitative research method used in analyzing the data is the classical content analysis method. Classical content analysis is a qualitative data analysis technique in which the researcher counts the number of...

Organizational Learning, Culture, Recruitment

Introduction This paper has three sections. Section 1 is a commentary on developing learning and reflective practice. It involves preparing and conducting a structured interview with a classmate to determine his learning style, coupled with suggesting a suitable development tool for him. Section 2 is a report on two companies...

Chinese Bank’ Human Resources Management

Introduction Human Resource Management (HRM) is the most important corporate management department. It takes responsibility for managing the firm’s human resources to ensure its objectives are achieved according. Corporate leaders agree that people are the biggest assets of any firm (Armstrong, 2008). Unlike physical assets whose value can be easily...

Marx’s vs. Lenin’s Imperialism Theories

Introduction The term ‘imperialism’ is often used by different scholars and theorists in varying perspectives to refer to a number of ideologies. In most cases, the concept is defined as a measure of expanding the power and influence of a given nation. The process is achieved through colonisation. It entails...

Corporate Governance in the Banking Industry

Introduction Corporate governance refers to the processes, methodologies, and relations through which companies are run, directed and regulated. In every organization, structures have been established to illustrate how responsibilities and rights are distributed among shareholders. The structures also identify how rules and procedures are to be followed whenever crucial decisions...

Lebanese Weddings’ Traditions

Introduction The research at hand will investigate Lebanese Weddings as an important social phenomenon and track how they evolved from traditions to nowadays. A traditional Lebanese wedding is currently perceived as an indicator of power and social status, which makes it strongly tied to the market of luxury services and...

The Human Rights Act as a Protection Tool in the UK

Introduction Originally, the HRA (Human Rights Act) was introduced in the UK in 1998 as a means of implementing an internal judicial method of addressing human rights concerns (i.e. cases which cross into apparent violations of human rights) as outlined in the European Convention on Human Rights without having to...

The Role of Corporate Lobbyists in American Future

Abstract Corporate lobbyists are beneficial for the growth and development of corporate organizations for they ensure that the business environment is free from hindrances of corporate growth. They protect a corporation against legislation that would deter it from maximizing its profits. Hence, there is an increase in corporate contributions to...

Global Environmental Changes: Population’ Growth

The global environment refers to the things that surround living organisms and their change causes an impact on them either negatively or positively. The components of the global environment include; water, air, soil, climate, plants, and animals. Living things greatly depend on this component of the environment in one way...

Statistical Pairs Trading and Analyst Recommendation

Introduction Pair trade is a market-neutral trading technique. The approach helps business persons to benefit from any market conditions.1 It is made up of two categories of trading. The clusters include statistical arbitrage and convergence trading plan. The pair trading strategy was developed by Gerry Bamberger. In the mid-1980s, the...

Peer-Tutoring and Autistic Students’ Communication

Introduction A trend that has developed in recent years is the inclusion of children with special needs in settings where they can interact with their peers (that are exhibiting signs of normal development). Such a direction has resulted in the inclusion of children with autism disorders in elementary schools. As...

Banking and Inventory Management

Executive Summary Effective inventory (cash) management is crucial for achieving optimised supply chains and cost reductions to remain competitive and resilient in turbulent times. Retail banks must efficiently process and deliver cash to customers to lower inventory levels and reduce costs. They employ demand/supply strategies to ensure optimised replenishment of...

The Senkaku Islands Territorial Disputes

Introduction The current state of relationship between Japan and China is largely due to their conflict with regards to control of Senkaku Island. The two countries have been engage in a conflict to control the islands for a very long time. Senkaku Islands are situated in the East China Sea...

Leadership within Non-Profits Organizations

Introduction Statement of the Problem Nowadays, non-profit organizations, particularly charity ones, have a serious impact on society in the USA and the whole world. Since it is leadership that shapes the image and guide the actions of an organization, it is highly important to invest time and efforts in studying...

Project Risk and Procurement Management

Abstract Risk management is the key to successful projects. A risk management strategy gives a coherent approach for dealing with uncertainties that a project may face in a holistic manner. Uncertainty is unavoidable in projects because they have inherent variability of constraints and premises and involve diverse stakeholder interests. In...

Photo-Voltaic Module: Lifecycle & Risk Management

PV Module as an Asset in the Environmental Industry Key issues to be addressed for this asset in the Risk management process During the Photovoltaic Module (PV) life-cycle asset management, potential risks happen in each phase of the product lifecycle following the management approach of designing and operating the risk...

Capital Veterinarian Clinic’s Organizational Issues

Abstract Organizations have very complex structures and involve ongoing interactions between many departments and people. A strong and ethical leader is needed to maintain a thorough control of the communication and operations within the departments and secure their harmonious functioning. Capital Veterinarian Clinic (CVC) is facing a series of organizational...

The Age of Sultan Suleyman the Magnificent

Introduction Sultan Suleiman is one of the greatest leaders in history. Sultan was the leader of the Ottoman Empire was born in the year 1494 on the 6th of November. He was in the reign for the longest time beginning in the year 1520 until 1566 when he died. He...

Film Terms, Aesthetic and Cultural Analysis

Term Identification Racial Melodrama This descriptive term is concerned with the films that belong to the cinematographic subgenre melodrama, with their directors having made a deliberate point of using the ‘race card’ to increase the emotional appeal of these movies’ plots to the audiences. The most commonly explored motif in...

Case Study for Piaget Project

Jean Piaget has been referred to as the greatest psychologist of his time. In the 18th century, Piaget carried out extensive research in the field of child psychology. His findings are still applicable in today’s society. In fact, Piaget’s work has widely been accepted, and his ideas are used in...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Concept and Theories

Abstract An organization cannot operate efficiently without considering the social and environmental impacts of its operations. Therefore, organizations have a sense of social and environmental responsibility since their activities have either beneficial or detrimental implications to the environment. Therefore, the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) emerges whereby self-regulation is...

Diabetes Mellitus Type II: Diagnosis and Treatment

Diabetes mellitus Type II is an endocrine disorder that results from the resistance of tissues to the actions of insulin, inadequate secretion of insulin, and/or the excessive secretion of glucagon. Insufficient insulin discharge and increased hormone tissue resistance lead to poor glucose utilization and consequently hyperglycemia, which refers to high...

Freudian Perspective on Dreams

Abstract The progress of systematic knowledge has tried to touch on the analysis of dreams. By the time Freud inscribed about dream in the recent periods, the scrutiny of more complex kinds of psycho-neuroses as well as the sexual philosophy was in the initial stages. The understanding of dreams was...

New Strategies of Employee Training

Executive Summary This study seeks to evaluate the organizational training program in order to identify the various weaknesses that should be eliminated in line with the achievement of the institutional objectives. It reviews relevant literature concerning the leadership and management orientations when training employees. In addition, the research explores the...

Patriots: The Rebellions in Lower Canada 1837-38

The rebellions of Upper and Lower Canada were the revolts against the British colonial power in Canada, and these rebellions were held between the years 1837 and 1838. The Lower Canada Rebellion of 1837 refers to the armed conflict that ensued when the British Colonial authority clashed with armed rebels...

Hanbo Enterprise Company’ Analysis

Introduction SWOT analysis of a company basically means the evaluation of the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the company. The analysis can determine the area where the company has strengths to deal with competition in the specific industry where the company conducts its business. It also offers the idea...

Product Portfolio Management for Marketing

Introduction In the modern business world, people have to deal with several tasks and duties to achieve their goals, comprehend their abilities, and investigate outside sources and competitors. Any ordinary business model includes such processes as the selection of customers, the definition of products and services, the creation of values,...

Project Risk Measurement and Management

Introduction In the recent past, the topic of procurement and project risk management has attracted numerous researchers who seek to unravel the strategies for identifying and mitigating risks. The reason for the fast growth in the research about the stated topic is that many projects have failed because of poor...

Pathophysiology: Iron Deficiency Anemia

Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) is an abnormal body condition characterized by lack of enough erythrocytes in the blood (McCance et al, 2010). The disease is brought about by low amounts of iron in the body which then hinder the production of hemoglobin. Thus, oxygen transportation to the body tissues is...

Angel Island: Immigrant Gateway to America

Introduction People have been wondering about the history of the prehistoric America and the origin of the immigrants. Found in the archives and historical monuments, the historical development of America and its earliest immigration trends to wide and complex (Lee and Yung 2). The pursuit to understand the unique history...

Engineering Asset Management: Life Cycle Drivers

Hypothesis Life cycle cost drivers do not influence the whole life cycle in engineering asset management. Literature Review To collect academic sources (articles published in academic journals) about life cycle cost drivers and engineering asset management, a literature review was carried out. As a result, it has been investigated which...

Tradable Permit Schemes: Cap and Trade

Introduction Over the last one decade, policymakers and regulators have shown an increased and concerted effort towards mitigation of climate change. Market based pollution permit trading programs comprise the chief mitigation strategies that have been implemented to regulate industrial pollution. Tradable permit programs establish a clear price signal that serves...

Omeprazole Medication’s Pharmaceutical Analysis

Abstract Omeprazole is available in the market under the brand name Prilosec and Losec. It is a medication that is used for the treatment of reducing acid levels in the body. It was discovered in the year 1979. It was later introduced in the marketed in the United States in...

Communication Anxiety and Treatment Methods

Abstract Communication anxiety is one of the most common fears in the United States. It appears in particular contexts such as interviewing for a position, speaking in an unfamiliar environment, meeting new people, asking someone for a date, writing a letter, partaking in a wide range of public speaking situations,...

President Harry S. Truman’s Assassination Attempt

Introduction The American presidency is riddled with numerous successful and attempted assassinations. James A. Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy are among the presidents who have been assassinated in the American history (McCann, 2006). Andrew Jackson, William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, and Harry S. Truman are among the presidents...

GLOBE Study of Leadership for Multinationals

Introduction Effective leadership is considered essential in the development of nations and institutions. Although organizational leadership is a universal concept, its attributes and effectiveness differ across cultures. The multi-phase GLOBE study sought to define how culture shapes leadership efficiency in organizations (House et al. 2004). The large-scale project drew data...

UK Housing Industry Macro Analysis

Economic The 2008 financial crisis had had greater effect on the housing industry. However, in 2010, the industry has regained its normalcy of recording positive revenues. Following the re-structuring that characterised the industry in 2009 and 2010, the available data indicate that the turnovers of the top firms rose by...

Digital Sports Wear Collections’ Store

Abstract Traditionally, the buying and selling of products and services has always occurred either through a face to face transaction, a letter of intent or even a simple phone call where a person places an order and pays upon delivery. Yet due advances in technology where the scale and scope...

Illegal Immigrants and Its Effects on Crime

Introduction Due to its status as the world’s richest country and the land of opportunities, the United States has attracted millions of immigrants over the decades. The immigrants are mostly people who seek to benefit financially from the numerous economic opportunities available in the country. In addition to the legal...

The United States’ Foreign Policy towards Turkey 1958-1960

Introduction In the years between 1958 and 1960, the United States and Turkey made progress in their diplomatic ties. Turkey, because of its stability in the Middle East and its military traditions not to interfere with political affairs of other nations, served as the link between the western world and...

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia History

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia was established in 1964 as a military wing of the Columbian communist party (Livingstone 2004). The FARC is under the leadership of septuagenarian Manuel Marulanda alongside six other members.The rebel group grew from a small peasant group to an unprecedented military organization. The growth...

Goodmark Company’s Business Strategy

Introduction Business strategy refers to the “direction and scope of an organization in the long-term which enables it to achieve competitive advantage through configuring its resources within a challenging environment in order to meet the needs of the market and expectations of the shareholders” (Dess. 2010, pp. 67). It describes...

The Death Penalty and Mentally Retarded Capital Offenders

Introduction For decades in the United States of America, concerns about the death penalty were comparatively hinged on philosophical and occasionally religious discourse over the morality of state-sanctioned execution of another human being. As demonstrated in the literature, public opinion ebbed and flowed for the capital punishment, residing as civil...

Support in Significant Life Event

Introduction Life is characterised by diverse changes that can amount to happiness or sorrow. Some of the major life changes include getting married, dealing with death and bereavement, and retirement. These life changes have a significant impact on individuals due to the adjustments required in order to go through the...

CareTech Holding’s Accounting Finance Resources

The principles of costing and business control that may be adopted in CareTech Holding PLC The costing scheme that CareTech has adopted is based on the IFRS standard. According to the Companies Act of 2006, under section 408, the company has to present a comprehensive income statement. Following the regulations,...

The Changing Media Industry in Bahrain

Executive Summary Changes in media presentation and information delivery is a 21st-century issue that people embrace from different parts of the world. Pitiably, some parts of the world still strive to integrate such structures into existing systems. Besides giving an overview of the ethnic and socio-political environment of Bahrain, the...

Meteorological Principles and Concepts

A Scientific theory provides a vivid explanation of various aspects of the natural world (Suppe 32). It uses substantial facts that have undergone confirmation through numerous experimentation and observations. The hypothesis of the natural world, on the other hand, argues that the explanation of the world lies not in science...

Weather on Other Planets

Introduction All planets in the solar system experience varying weather conditions and seasons. However the occurrence of seasons on other planets is distinct from the conventional system of winter, autumn, summer and spring that is experienced on earth (Carson, 11). It may seem hat the weather system is different across...

Macroeconomic Analysis of Saudi Arabia

Introduction This paper presents a detailed macroeconomic analysis of Saudi Arabia. The study will focus on four areas, namely, unemployment and inflation; fiscal policy and monetary policy; economic reforms; and balance of payments and exchange rate. Saudi Arabia is the largest economy in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). It is...

Why Gun Control Laws Should be Scrapped

Introduction Columbine High School, Westroads Mall in Omaha, Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University, and Lane Bryant in Tinley Park are places that have more than one thing in common. These places are sites where numerous victims have fallen prey to vicious gunmen who shot them to their untimely demise. Surprisingly,...

Modern Issues of Gender Studies

Background of the Study Public responsibility in society and individual domestic set ups have been raising questions about gender. The general social evolutionary trend that has seen women rise up to take up roles that were previously played by men has also been a debatable issue in society. Arguments over...

Is Gender Natural or Acquired?

Introduction Gender may be categorized as both natural and acquired since one has the ability to transform from one gender to another. There is a myriad of theories that have been put forward to explain the two extremes of the argument (natural and acquired gender) in an attempt to support...

Common Core State Standards Mathematics

Common Core State Standards Mathematics-Grade 4 Learning Trajectories The learning trajectories for this Grade in reference to algebraic and mathematical calculations require that the student understands some basic rules regarding mathematics. There has been intensive input into this area from the state and as a standard requirement. Some of them...

Education: Peer Evaluation System

Introduction Teamwork is an imperative practice that establishes strong strategies for decision-making and development of ideas. In this regard, the assessment of the performances and directions taken by group members as well as their cooperation and participation when reaching a mutual target is critical. The aims of creating a peer...

Leadership Elements of the California State Library

Abstract Leadership is a crucial component of the operations of any given organization. It is a process of social influence in which an individual should be able to enlist the support and assistance of others so as to achieve a common goal. The focus of this paper is on the...

Addressing Bullying in Elementary and Middle School Classrooms

Nature of Study The study mainly focuses on teachers’ lack of knowledge on how to deal with the issue of bullying in the classroom in an effective manner; it also suggests some of the effective ways that they can rely on to address this problem. There will be a total...

Comparison between Florida and Maryland’s Legislative Frameworks

Introduction The US constitution acknowledges 50 states, which are regarded as entities independent from the federal government. Each of the states has its constitution, which is different from the others, implying that none of the states is identical to any other. However, as much as the states are different from...

E-Marketing Strategies Proposal

Introduction Background E-marketing is a part of e-business that makes use of electronic medium in the promotion of products and services using age-old marketing principles to meet the marketing objectives of the organization. According to Marketing Teacher (2000, 2005), e-marketing is by its very nature an aspect of an organizational...

Human Trafficking: Current State and Counteracts

Outline One of the emerging issues regarding criminology is human trafficking that is conducted through organized crime. It involves transportation of people from their mother country across interstate borders as well as within their mother countries to be sexually exploited as well as a become source of cheap unskilled labor...

The Current and Future Role of Nutrigenomics in Human Health

Nutrigenomics is a field of science that merges two smaller fields for application and research purposes (Müller & Kersten2003, p.8). Genome refers to the collective physical factor in a human being’s genetic definition. This collection of genes is primarily contained in the chromosome. Thus, the chromosome is the basic unit...

Solar System: the Weather on Other Planets

Introduction All planets in the solar system experience are varying weather conditions and seasons. However, the occurrence of seasons on other planets is distinct from the conventional system of winter, autumn, summer, and spring that is experienced on earth (Carson, 11). It may seem hat the weather system is different...