The Core of Christian Belief: Where Is Jesus?

Introduction The core of Christian belief is the life, teachings, crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Numerous books and essays were written after the death of the Son of God. However, the only original writings believed to describe Christ’s journey are considered the three gospels by Mark, Matthew, and Luke...

The Role of Economics in Shaping Public Policy

Introduction Economics is essential in steering public discussions about business taxation, household taxation, and import taxation by changing the public perspective of taxes. Taxes are essential in running a government by providing public resources and services for appropriate economic growth (Korenik & Węgrzyn, 2020). Without taxes, the government would be...

Multiculturalism and Power Dynamics

Introduction “It is a credit to Foua’s general equanimity, as well as her characteristic desire not to think ill of anyone, that although she found Lia’s birth a peculiar experience, she has few criticisms of the way the hospital handled it.” (Fadiman, 1999, Chapter 1) Discussion The quote is about...

Faking Orgasms: Reasons and Consequences

In the present day, sexually explicit media is very widespread. Not only is there an abundance of easily accessible pornographic videos, but more mainline movies show more than they used to in the past. It is not surprising that a general idea of orgasm is constructed within the viewers’ minds....

The Impact of Language Barriers on Knowledge Processing

Introduction It should come as no surprise that people from various cultural backgrounds have quite varied perspectives, ideas, and methods that they might use to alter an organization significantly. It is critical to understand how to create successful Business Communication Across Cultures in order to optimize international cooperation. The impact...

Christ’s Resurrection and the Strength of Love

Introduction The idea of love being stronger than death is a long-standing Biblical concept that is at the center of the core religious teachings. When Pope Benedict XVI preached to the group of pilgrims and prelates filling St. Peter’s Basilica, he reflected on the liturgy and readings of the Easter...

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Role of Leisure

Introduction The international health catastrophe triggered by the emergence of COVID-19 has led to the implementation of mechanisms to restrict the epidemic’s transmission. Care for others, such as bringing a loved one to dinner, and care for oneself, such as exercising at a fitness facility, and enjoyment like watching movies,...

Rituals and Cosmologies: The Role in Human Cultures

A ritual is a ceremonial act that has spiritual or religious significance. Rituals create cosmologies they enact in different ways; firstly, they promote a sense of cosmos and order by establishing recognizable patterns of behavior. Secondly, they foster community logic by uniting people with similar interests. Thirdly, the key moments...

Psychoanalytic Criticism of “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson’s story, which shook society in the last century’s forties, became a kind of accusatory revelation. The plot in The Lottery is reduced to the fact that in a particular abstract town a lottery is held, where all residents gather. From their conversations, it becomes clear that this is...

Workplace Ethical Standards Violations

In Wink and Corradino’s article, it is possible to observe how employees may violate ethical standards in pursuing their own interests. In general, the performance of IMA’s members should be based on the principles of fairness, honesty, responsibility, and objectivity. In addition, they should comply with the ethical standards of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Topic Selection for Leadership Research

Topic Option 1: Communication Filters in Strategic Leadership This topic is concerned with communication filter (CF) types and suggestions to overcome them, including communication frameworks, culture development recommendations, and other approaches. CFs in strategic leadership are multi-dimensional and have inspired practice-oriented communication models. Such filters find reflection in selective perception...

AutoEdge Relocating Manufacturing Operations to the US

AutoEdge is a company specializing in the production and supply of engine parts, which is now considering relocating its manufacturing operations to the United States. To finalize its decision, the company needs to assess possible strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities for relocation. The SWOT analysis identified that AutoEdge might face...

Nursing Management and Psychological Science

Addressing the problems related to organizational behavior requires the participation of different stakeholders. Relevant academic resources offer valuable insights into the raised issue of the shortage of registered nurses. By integrating the topics discussed in these sources, one can identify the background to the problem and the concomitant factors that...

Outsourcing Human Resource Functions

Organizations prefer to outsource HR functions to gain a competitive edge and improve efficiency in an era of globalization and heightened competition. Essentially, this is the process where a third party is involved in a business operation as part of the practice. The act has grown in popularity and is...

The Affordable Care Act’s Effects

Various factors impact the capacity of the population to receive medical care. One may consider politics as one of the most influential factors. Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a federal law that has significantly affected the American health care system, seeking to make insurance more affordable, promote Medicaid expansion, and...

Leadership Qualities: Nurture vs. Nature

The question about whether leaders are born or made has been a subject of many debates and speculations. Studies have supported different arguments from both sides of this question, and there is still controversy whether leadership traits are inherent in people in nature or developed through life experiences. If the...

Net Promoter Score System: Benefits and Drawbacks

A service system is an integrated technology with the company’s network, which help in attaining the need and requirements of the clients. It ensures that customers are satisfied with the organization’s products and services. Apple Inc. uses the Net Promoter Score system (NPS System), which has enabled the company to...

Workers’ Exploitation in the United States

People in America strongly felt domestic economic reforms were necessary at the start of the 20th century. The progressive movement was born in reaction to this need, and its goal was to hold the government more accountable for society. This essay will examine the working circumstances of employees prior to...

Aggressive, Defensive and Moderate Risk Portfolios

Notably, one of the most fundamental ideas in investing and finance is the portfolio. It is a concept with several meanings depending on the circumstances. O’Connell (2022) states that a portfolio, in its most basic form, is an accumulation of assets, such as bonds, stocks, real estate, or even cryptocurrencies,...

Working With Geriatric Patients: Nursing Philosophy

The metaparadigm of nursing is characterized by nursing, person, health, and environment. My nursing philosophy is providing optimal holistic care to every patient, showing compassion, and being empathetic and culturally sensitive. It is important to me that I advocate for my patients, treat everyone with respect and dignity, and coordinate...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Poem “The Iliad” by Homer: Achilles’ Motivation in Ransoming Hector

Internal motivation is to engage in an activity for its intrinsic satisfaction rather than seeking a separate benefit. When people are intrinsically driven, they are inspired to act by the impacts involved rather than by outside pressures. Achilles’ anger is fueled by his sadness and grief for Patroclus’ death before...

Comparison of the Jewish Religion

The ancient Jews considered themselves “God’s chosen people.” Their monotheism separated them from all surrounding neighbors, while their faith in God’s covenants offered a positive relationship with the deity and the promise of atonement for sin. According to the Book of Genesis, Abraham left Mesopotamia to lead a nomadic life...

The 1807 Abolition Bill: Continuing Human Rights Struggle

Creating a Research Question As part of future research work, the study of the issue of slavery and its abolition in the early nineteenth century was chosen. Personal assumptions, beliefs, and values played a unique role in this process. Hence, I believe that slavery was one of the most challenging...

Wild Planet Toy Company Case Study

Wild Planet toy company is a company created by Daniel Grossman, which is making socially-responsible toys for children with a purpose of sparking their imagination and creativity. The company is currently a subsidiary of Spinmaster, which it was sold to in 2012 (Gunther, 2013). Before the purchase, Wild Planet brought...

Environmental Issues in the United Arab Emirates

Ecological Problems Trends in UAE and How the Trend Will Be in Future Ecological problems result from the interaction of living organisms and the environment. One of the major problems in UAE is the high population growth rate; the fertility rate in 2005 was estimated at 2.49; however, it is...

Fraud and Abuse in Healthcare: Analysis

Fraud and abuse in the healthcare system have been one of the top enforcement priorities in the U.S. for the past few years. The Federal Department of Justice and U.S. attorneys are fighting Medicaid fraud and struggling to define abuse, fraud, and corresponding penalties. This research paper aims to identify...

Discussion of a Fable for Modern Times

A fable is a short narrative that can be written in prose or rhyme and conveys a straightforward moral or lesson. Examples of animal characters that are humorous, clever, or foolish creatures who reflect human flaws and vices abound in tales. The moral lesson of a fable may occasionally have...

Empowering the African-American Community

The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis plays an important role in empowering African-Americans within St. Louis. Accordingly, in a review of the mission statement, “The mission of the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, Inc. is to empower African Americans and others throughout the region in securing economic self-reliance,...

Patriots and the American Revolution

Introduction Most challenges in the USA were encountered in the 18th century. This was when the nation struggled for independence and freedom from European colonial rule. Americans’ role in the revolution was also characterized by the great awakening, whereby the protestants questioned the church leadership.1 The patriots helped in the...

Food Preparation in Upper Paleolithic Ohalo II

This article makes an effort to examine the spatial distribution of fourteen plant taxa found on floor III of brush hut 1, one of the six brush huts uncovered following the excavation of the Ohalo II Upper Paleolithic site in Israel. It then compares the results to other published works...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Informed Decision-Making in Healthcare

Physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals have specific knowledge that they use to treat patients. However, patients may feel excluded when their treatment depends solely on the ideas and opinions of their healthcare provider (Légaré et al., 2018). One of the core principles of modern medicine is patient-centered care, where...

Organ Transplant Allocation Ethics

Organ transplants are scarce, so they should be allocated, and decisions should be made about who will receive the transplant. Those are hard decisions, as people’s lives usually depend on them: if one will not obtain the transplant, they will die, or their lives will be miserable. However, for now,...

The Joint Body Commission and the CARF

History and Original Purpose for Creation The joint body commission was founded in 1951 with the original purpose of seeking continuous improvement in healthcare for the public. The bodywork works jointly with other stakeholders evaluating healthcare organizations and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of the...

Comparing the Attitudes Toward Gods and Authority in Greek and Egyptian Heroes

It is important to note that ancient texts provide insight into how humans viewed divinity, authority, and the world as a whole. By comparing the Tale of Sinuhe with the stories and heroes of Greek mythology, it is possible to see differences in regard to two aspects. These are related...

Choosing Between PCMH and ACO Models

Patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs) and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are two models of healthcare delivery that have the same objectives: To improve outcomes for patients at a reduced cost relative to standard care. However, there are differences between the two models. The PCMH model is a systems-based method that sets...

Slavery vs. Indentured Servants

How and Why Slavery Developed in American Colonies Slavery in American colonies developed primarily due to a shortage of labor. By the start of the 16th century, after Christopher Columbus discovered America, Portugal and Spain were in the business of buying or kidnapping slaves from Africa and transporting them to...

Apple Case Study – Core Competencies

Important Core Competences Innovation constitutes a necessary competence at Apple, Inc., as evidenced in the business period ending 2008. Ideally, the firm was incorporated in 1976, and its profitability has grown substantially. The firm operates in a competitive technology industry with rival firms providing similar products as Apple. However, innovation...

Differences Between Poetry and Prose

Introduction Differences between poetry and prose are highly noticeable even for people who are not knowledgeable in the forms of writing. The most obvious difference between prose and poetry lays in their structures – while poetry may be regarded as properly structured, the prose is more free and natural. Rhythm,...

“On Compassion” by Ascher Analysis

Compassion is a feeling one experiences when confronted with the suffering of someone else; it results in the motivation to release a certain person from the anguish. The world is full of torments for the homeless, and facing the reality, where people without a permanent home live, can teach others...

The Documentary Film “The Corporation”: Review

The documentary film “The Corporation,” released in 2003 and directed by the Canadian filmmaker Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott, discusses the phenomenon of modern corporations, i.e., large legal companies, the goal of which is to make a profit. Interestingly enough, at the legal level, corporations are treated as people who...

Dorothy Johnson’s Behavior System Model

Nursing models incorporate fundamental concepts and principles about nursing and thus may serve as guidelines for medical students. However, when being confronted with different theories that seem to be vague, excessively generalized, or rather irrelevant to nursing practice, students may experience confusion. Therefore, Orem states that in such a case,...

Flat Tyre: How to Change?

Introduction This is child’s play for most people but there are others out there who have never changed a tyre in their life. Maybe they live in an area with fantastic roads and in case they get a puncture there is always a tow-truck company that is a phone call...

Reflection on the Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights provided the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States in 1791 to guarantee civil liberties and rights to the citizens. It is generally agreed that the Constitution could not be ratified without the promises to add a Bill of Rights to it. These...

The Documentary “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” Analysis

The documentary tells the story of the biggest fraud in US history. It expresses the narrative of a firm collapse that led to a business scandal. The company was conducting power fraud in California, which led to the executives’ arrest. However, they managed to get away with more than a...

“The Red Dress” by Alice Munroe

Introduction “The Red Dress” is a short story by Alice Munroe, published in 1946. The tale is told from the point of view of a young girl who goes to high school and lives with her mother, who sews outfits for her daughter. The purpose of this paper is to...

Porter’s Factor Conditions in Sports and Business

Porter’s factor conditions explaining Switzerland’s victory of America’s Cup sailing competition in 2005 Porter’s factor conditions for countries’ competitiveness are demand condition, related industries, firm’s strategy, and the level of rivalry. Australia has been challenged for the trophy and there was an increased demand for the country to produce results...

“All Animals Are Equal” Article by Peter Singer

In his article, “All Animals Are Equal,” Peter Singer uses the analogies from various civil rights movements to advocate for all animals’ equality, irrespective of their species. He claims that people should extend the fundamental equality principle to non-human animals (Singer, 1974). In justifying his assertions, Singer examines the moral...

The Concept of Active Listening

Definition/Description of the Concept The effectiveness of communication depends on the capacity of the receiver to pay attention to the details of the message. In workplace settings, listening is critical for avoiding costly errors. It requires much practice, skill, and attentiveness. Active listening, as a concept, entails giving full attention...

YouTube as My Favorite Media Platform

In the constantly changing reality of the modern world, numerous forms of media allow people to communicate and share all types of information. Mass media is changing all the time, and there are different ways to define its forms. They can be divided into traditional (television, radio, books, newspapers, etc.)...

Why is Martin Luther King Jr. Speech “I Have a Dream” Still Important after 40 Years?

Martin Luther king’s Speech, “I Have a Dream” is still relevant today because it reflects the main problems and social issues affected modern society. In spite of great changes in social life and human rights, racial prejudices and stereotypes are common things in our society. This situation threatens national unity...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Allegory in “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Faith is Goodman Brown’s young wife; they have been married for three months. She is believed to symbolize his spiritual faith, and her pink ribbons are mentioned by the author as a symbol of her innocence. At the end of the story, when Goodman comes back to the village, he...

Leadership and Influence Process

A group of people always needs a reliable leader who will manage their activity and set the right direction. Otherwise, the productivity of people’s work, no matter what they do, is often low. Only led by the right person, a group of people can become a closely-knit team. Surely, a...

The Letters of Richard Frethorne About New World

The letters of Richard Frethorne, an indentured servant in 17th century Virginia, painted an unflattering picture of colonial America of that time. They presented the lives of destitute workers in the New World in the worst possible light. In the letters which were addressed to his parents Frethorne wrote about...

“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan: Overview and Analysis

In the article Mother Tongue, Amy Tan, a daughter of Chinese immigrants brought up in America, describes the importance of the mother tongue in her life. The definition of “mother tongue” relates to the language of the country of her origin, as well as the tongue her mother speaks. The...

Teacher’s Impact on Student’s Personal Life

Introduction The influence of teachers, as it is known, is not noticeable immediately but only over time when students demonstrate good abilities and skills that were timely identified. The development of personality and character in many respects depends on how successfully this or that teacher finds an approach to wards...

Virginia and Massachusetts Bay Colonies History

Introduction Virginia and the Massachusetts Bay Colonies were the two large settlements founded at the beginning of the seventieth century. Their appearance, though motivated by different ideologies and purposes, has made a significant contribution to the future of the USA. Taking into account the basic structural principles of these colonies,...

Chick-fil-A Fast-Food Network Brand Analysis

Introduction The analysis of this or that brand depends largely on consumer interest in specific products and clients’ satisfaction with the services provided. Based on customer demographic data, it is possible to analyze the Chick-fil-A fast-food network and compare some data to compile a relatively accurate picture of people’s preferences....

Literary Elements in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Introduction Gilman used her own personal experiences in her first marriage and postpartum depression as the inspiration for The Yellow Wallpaper, a story that details the deterioration of a woman’s mental health when she is a rest cure on a summer estate with her family. The unnamed narrator’s obsession with...

The Necklace: Mathilde Character Analysis

Introduction Every woman wants to be graceful and refined, beautiful and elegant, admirable and fascinating. Though the appearances can be deceptive, it is natural for people to pretend to be what they really want to be. Women are considered to be more deceptive than men because they use their natural...

Marxism in “Viva la Vida” Poster Interpretation

Introduction In the poster, a section of members of society is seen oppressing some individuals, by threatening and even eliminating them. The strong have weapons that are used to subjugate and force the weak to obey. Some of the weak members of society are unhealthy, as can be viewed from...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Paradise Lost” by John Milton

Paradise Lost is an epic poem written by John Milton which discloses the well-known biblical story of Adam and Eve. This book was originally written in 1667 in 10 books. There were a lot of authors who created their works based on this masterpiece and they reflected their vision of...

Values in Native American Oral Literature

Literature emerged as a way for people to describe what they held dear and what constituted a significant part of their lives. Many nations developed their art to convey their values and reflect their worldview, and Native Americans were no exception. Indigenous people had established their oral traditions before Europeans...

Reading as a Source of Knowledge, Intelligence, and Critical Thinking

Reading has always been a source of knowledge, intelligence, and critical thinking, which is an essential element of a contemporary human being. However, books, articles, and other publications seem to be replaced by social media, TV series, and cinema. People tend to spend their free time besides a computer or...

Dunkin’ Donuts Consumer Insights

Segmentation and Targeting Dunkin’ Donuts has been on the market for about six decades. Its brands and targeting strategies are designed to evolve along with the changing demands and tastes of its consumer segment. Currently, the consumer segment of Dunkin’ Donuts has a number of different characteristics. For example, the...

Diversity in Healthcare Organizations

Introduction In order to improve the quality of care provided to patients, healthcare organizations must practice equity, diversity, and inclusion. The company can promote multiculturalism by ensuring that all patients receive unbiased care. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated, “of all forms of inequity, injustice in health care is the...

The Time Warner Cable Business Brief

On the one hand, Fox News’s takeover has many advantages, which are supported by the quantitative values ​​​​of this platform in the form of the number of subscribers, growth over the past year, and profit. The audiences of CNN and Fox News are significantly different, which promises a 95% post-acquisition...

Response to “Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes

Introduction The short story “Thank You, M’am” written by the American author Langston Hughes is a perfect instance of a human being’s particular traits’ manifestations. The young boy was caught trying to steal a purse from a woman, but instead of being punished, he was shown kindness intended to change...

Literary Analysis of the Iroquois and Cherokee Creation Stories

Introduction One of the essential and eternal questions that have been worrying people since ancient times is the history of the creation of this world, nature, and humanity as a whole. Some persons are content with the existence of several different assumptions and simply prefer to concentrate on their daily...

Conceptual Frameworks in Nurses’ Practice

Conceptual frameworks are significant for guiding advanced nurses’ practice. They are related to concrete theories and provide a perspective on nursing meta paradigms. This paper presents an example of a conceptual framework that can be used in advanced nursing practice. The report describes its main ideas and shows how it...

The “Diamond Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant: The Character of Mathilde

Introduction The ‘Diamond Necklace’ is a short story written by Guy de Maupassant in 1907. In the story, the focus is on a lady known as Mathilde, who was married to Loisel, an employee at the ministry of public instruction. De Maupassant introduced Mathilde as a humble woman who had...

What Is Your Culture?

Culture is a multi-format concept that includes any elements of a person’s daily life. It is intertwined with personality traits that shape values and worldviews. Cultural stereotypes cover the assessment of ethnic and religious characteristics as the only markers that form a particular group’s vision. However, this essay will promote...

Socrates and Augustine on Choice and Virtue

Philosophers’ views on such topics as virtue and choice are usually based on their overall attitudes towards ethics and sources of their beliefs: either religious or non-religious. If to provide an example, Augustine and Socrates’ views on virtue and free will were completely different. In Plato’s Apology, Socrates argued that...

“Large Reclining Nude” Painting by Henri Matisse

Large Reclining Nude (1935) is a composition painted by Henri Matisse, showing a nude figure reclining in an interior space furnished with a chair and a flower vase. Thus, there are several ‘states’ of the same painting, with the composition changing to reach the desired degree of geometry (Kozbelt, 2006)....

Learning to Read and Write by Frederick Douglass: Analysis

Frederic Douglass was born in slavery. This misfortune did not prevent him from struggling for his life and striving for knowledge. In the fragment of his autobiography “Learning to Read and Write” he tells how he succeeds in the literacy. A lot of tricks help him to do that. In...

Statuettes in “Thinking as a Hobby” by William Golding

Introduction ‘Thinking as a hobby’ is a story written by William Golding where he explained how he considered thinking as his hobby. From the study, it can be revealed that Golding was introduced into the field of thinking by his headmaster who used statuettes in his study. On this basis,...

Living in the Urban Areas vs. Living in Rural Areas

Introduction Living in the urban and rural areas is entirely different. Each mentioned place has various advantages and disadvantages. People choose a suitable type of area according to their preferences and needs. Residents of the urban cities can quickly get a prestigious profession and work, but there is practically no...

“The Sanctuary of School” by Barry

There are many situations when children feel sad and unhappy at school. They may not like subjects, classmates, or teachers, and they leave school classes every day with the feeling of relief. However, Barry’s essay The Sanctuary of School tells readers about the opposite situation. The main character wanted to...

Quotes from “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie

“Inside our house, each family member existed as a separate paragraph, but still had genetics and common experiences to link us.” When Sherman Alexie began to learn reading, he discovered the usage of paragraphs in writing. He understood that it was “a fence that held words…that worked together for a...

The Skipper in the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

In the book “The Canterbury tales”, Geoffrey Chaucer (1977) presents 24 stories where the author satirically portrays life in medieval England and people who belong to various professions. The narrative begins with the prologue, where the author explains how such a company of people with different social backgrounds could form....

Nacirema Culture and Rituals

Who are the “Nacirema”? The Nacirema can be described as people of North American who lives in the Canadian Cree, the Yaqui and Tarahumare of Mexico, and the Carib and Arawak of the Antilles. There is little information concerning where these people came from even though their tradition holds that...

Intellect and Will in Religion

Religious Studies and Theology Intellect and will go hand in hand. One can do nothing with intellect if he or she has no will. On the other hand, if there is someone who is willing but does not have an intellect that is considered to be dangerous. Intellect is to...

The Difference Between Socrates’s and Aristotle’s Prescriptions of Way of Life

Socrates and Aristotle are among the most famous ancient philosophers who may be described as founders of Western philosophy. Their opinions concerning ethics and way of life do not coincide, and that is why both of them should be analyzed in order to figure out where the truth lies. Socrates...

Aspects of Social Change

Social change is a phenomenon that occurs in various ways in the modern society. In terms of communities and populations social change continues to manifest itself in the way populations are undergoing changes in structure and patterns. Urban and rural populations are developing distinguishing characteristics with things like technology and...

Friendship of Gilgamesh and Enkidu

In the ancient Mesopotamian poem, The Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the most important elements of the story is the friendship between the protagonist Gilgamesh and Enkidu. The formed friendship was unlikely given the opposite nature of the characters, but the two supernatural men forge the bond based on their...

Analysis of John Winthrop’s Sermon

John Winthrop, an English Puritan lawyer, was one of the central figures in founding the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Before he and the settlers reached New England, he delivered a sermon that later became famous. In his speech, Winthrop shared his expectations of their and the colony’s future. The purpose of...

Anne Boykin’s Theory of Nursing as Caring

Nursing theories guide nurses in their practice, research, and professional development. Anne Boykin, in collaboration with Savina O. Schoenhofer, introduced her theory of nursing as caring in the 1990s (Alligood, 2017). The theory has been widely utilized in diverse healthcare contexts since then. This paper includes a brief description of...

The Article “Blue-Collar Brilliance” by Mike Rose

Introduction In the article, Blue-Collar Brilliance, Mike Rose examines the assumptions about intelligence, vocation, and socioeconomic status. The author uses his family to illustrate how hard-working, intelligent people with skills that match those found in white-collar jobs. He stresses that the blue-collar workers are the unsung foot soldiers driving the...

“Flight from Conversation” by Sherry Turkle

Digital technologies altered people’s lives tremendously, making them more comfortable and safer but less human. Indeed, mailboxes overflow with messages, and notifications from multiple smartphone apps appear on screens every minute. The 2012 essay “Flight from Conversation” written by Sherry Turkle discusses the dilemma of the 21st century, when people...

“Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America”: Franklin’s Argument on Tolerance

In “Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America”, Benjamin Franklin mocks the manner in which colonists assumed that their culture was better than Indians’, and argues that people should be tolerant. The satire aims at educating the society on the need for the appreciation of everybody’s culture and lifestyle. Tolerance...

Theories of Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead about Human Development

Cooley and Mead Theories: Introduction Socialization is the process of acquiring knowledge and skills necessary for an individual to become a member of a community. When children are born, they start undergoing primary socialization taught by people who bring them up (Ritzer & Stepnisky, 2017). Although most scholars agree on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Art and History. Bull Headed Lyre of Ur

Introduction Interpreting different pieces of art throughout the history of humankind’s development allows connoisseurs to transfer back in time and feel what artists felt when making their pieces. By using the example of the bull-headed harp with an inlaid sound box from Pu-abi tomb (“King’s Grave”) the present exploration will...

“Clair de Lune” Piano Piece by Debussy

Classical music always remains the gold standard of art, capable of bringing something new to people’s lives even decades after writing. Unlike most modern pop songs, classical pieces are full of meaning and have a sophisticated, refined structure. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the work of Claude...

The Importance of Healthy Communities

The community’s health depends not only on the residents’ genetics but also on the environment in which the residents are located. As such, a person’s health is dependent on the environment in which they live. Hence, a healthy community can be described as one in which residents have access to...

Hidden Intellectualism by Gerald Graff: Analysis

The essay Hidden Intellectualism by Gerald Graff explores the idea that intellectualism can be found beyond traditional academia. He emphasizes the value of tapping into non-academic interests as a way to engage and develop students’ intellectual abilities. In this paper, we will consider how Graff’s personal experience of a “street-smart”...

Postmodern Criminology: The Violence of the Language

Starting from the 1990s, postmodern criminology has been gaining substantial importance. This discipline lays particular emphasis on such aspects as gender, class, and race in its theories of the origins of crime. According to Arrigo (2019), postmodern criminology recognizes the specific value of language as a non-neutral, politically charged instrument...

Primary Strengths and Weaknesses of Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs

Qualitative and quantitative research designs are often selected by nurses who need to conduct a study, investigate a certain phenomenon, or test a hypothesis. From this point, the primary strength of the qualitative research design is the possibility to conduct the in-depth analysis of the phenomenon with references to abstract...

Independence in the US and Mexico: Comparison

Introduction The desire of each country to be one of its kind usually developed into numerous independence movements which were observable from the end of the eighteenth up to the middle of the nineteenth century. Independence movements in different countries were similar in their participants’ desire to become free. Though...

Humanities, Social Science, and Natural Sciences

Introduction Humanities, social science, and natural sciences are major disciplines that deal with human beings and their culture. The main similarity between the three subjects is that they study society and human relationships. However, humanities deal with the heritage and the question of what makes us human, while social sciences...

Hypertension: Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

Assessment Data Analysis Health History The patient presents with high blood pressure. He complains that current medication does not improve his condition. He wants a new medicine. He has no other health concerns. Client’s strengths The client is aware of the importance of healthy living. He exercises every day in...

Maslow’s and Freud’s Psychological Theories

Introduction Abraham Maslow, a Psychologist Scholar carried out a research on the hierarchy of needs and presented his findings on humans’ innate curiosity. His research was based order of needs on the healthiest one percent people in the society [mostly fished from higher learning institutions]. The chose n individuals were...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Internal and External Customer Service

Customer service can be defined as the advice or assistance an organization gives to individuals who sell or buy its products. This entails reliability, attitude, accountability, knowledge, skills, communication, and efficiency (Melander, 2018). These services help customers to have an enjoyable and comfortable experience with the company; therefore, build trust...

Discussion of Endangered Species

In recent decades the list of endangered species has increased at a terrifying rate. The main reasons for it are such global issues as climate change, air, water and noise pollution. People have affected this process of animal extinction immensely, and are continuing to cause harm to wildlife by overhunting,...

Agamemnon in the Iliad: Character Analysis

Pride, ego, high self-esteem are all harbingers of dissatisfaction and clashes. In the classic Iliad by Homer, Agamemnon is shown to be a person with a high of all of these. He has to give up his prized possession, a girl whom he won when the city of Priam was...

Strategic Importance of Forecasting

Introduction Forecasting refers to the method of being able to predict what is going to happen in the future, and in business, the future is narrowly defined by the existing economic conditions. When organizations want to develop a forecast associated with their immediate performance, they collect data on previous experiences...

Patricia Benner’s Nursing Theory

The name of Patricia Benner’s theory is “From Novice to Expert”. The theory explains how “practical knowledge produces new ideas in applied disciplines such as nursing and medicine” (Hill, 2010, p. 25). The nursing model offers useful ideas and sources from other theorists. It also follows the background of Patricia...

Theories of Children’s Play

Introduction Child psychology is a specific science, which logically occurred due to the same reasons as pediatrics. Child psychology is not a simplified version o adult psychology, where it represents independent and even more complex science than general psychology. In that sense, analyzing such aspects as child play, where most...

Maternal Health Nursing Theories and Practice

Introduction Maternal health nursing is one of the most important nursing practices currently developed. This type of nursing helps mothers to build the proper system of interactions between themselves and their newborn children. Such practice is essential for the institution of family and society in general. That is why it...

“A Rose for Emily”: The Plot Analysis

“A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner is a mysterious and exciting story that tells about the life of a woman who, at first glance seems unremarkable, but is fraught with the mystery of the murder. Although the story’s events seem to be presented in chronological order, some digressions and...

Online Learning vs. In-Person Learning

With the rapid evolution of technology observed over the past couple of decades, the realm of education has been changed drastically, with innovative techniques, approaches, and tools being incorporated into the process. However, of all changes that the realm of education has experienced, the creation of online learning spaces is,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Importance of Theory in Health Promotion

Effectual health promotion initiatives assist persons uphold and advance health, lessen disease risks, and control persistent illness (State of Victoria, 1999). They can enhance the interests and independence of persons, family units, businesses, and societies. Regularly, such achievements necessitate behavior change at numerous stages. It should be noted that not...

The Ice-Cream Cone Project Marketing

The purpose of the marketing researcher is to produce insight to support the marketing manager’s decision-making. In order to discover and identify marketing challenges and opportunities as well as to create, enhance, and evaluate marketing activities, marketers do marketing research (Kotler & Keller, 2016). This activity establishes a connection between...

Substance Abuse Among Adolescents

Introduction At the adolescence level in human growth and development, behaviors begin ensuing and may define a person’s life for a long. Unhealthy traits such as addiction to substance use are rampant in society and have posed challenges to public health. When addicted to alcohol and drugs, a person’s physical...

Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan Development

Building a response plan for an emergency is a complex and multi-component task. At first glance, there is too much to consider in this process – from the needs of ordinary citizens to infrastructure issues. From my perspective, the scaffolding technique used during our course can significantly help to solve...

“The Truman Show” Film by Peter Weir

Thinking about how philosophy started, there are parallels in The Truman Show between myth and reason. The rationale for the similarities in the film is evident in how Christof has allowed Truman to have a “normal life.” Truman’s reality, the myth in the film, is created, and Christof makes him...

Assessing the Western High School’s Climate

School climates play a crucial role in the education process, as they can either stimulate learning or signal the need to revise the school’s structure or specific activities. In this case study, the principal of the school, Lucinda Murphy, wants to understand the current state of affairs within her school....

Stroke: Risk Factors and Preventive Measures

The presented case shows a woman who had suffered the symptoms of stroke, but after a while, her condition returned to normal. According to the CT of the carotids, the blockage rates are within the norm. The blood pressure can be considered high and corresponding to Stage 1 hypertension, which...

Nursing Education Under Historical Influences

Nursing is a significant area in the healthcare industry because nurses perform many essential tasks that promote care delivery. This field is flexible, which denotes that these healthcare professionals should engage in lifelong learning and improve their skills and competencies to meet emerging challenges. This statement also denotes that various...

Career-Related Decision-Making and Gender Differences

Summary of Research Findings The article by Gadassi et al. (2015) focuses on career-related decision-making differences between men and women in general and the incidence of depression in the context of career advancement in particular. The researchers conducted a study based on a self-reported questionnaire with a sample of 222...

Information System and Its Four Components

An information system is an interconnected set of tools, methods, and personnel used to store, process, and deliver information to achieve an individual goal. In today’s environment, the primary technical means of processing information is a personal computer. Most modern information systems transform data rather than information. Therefore, they are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Modern Technology for Children: Causes and Effects

Introduction The exposure of children to modern technology has been a debatable subject in society for at least a decade. When compared to the Baby Boomers or even the X generation, modern youth has overwhelming access to information technology. If 25 years ago a rare family could afford a console,...

What Is Digital Literacy?

Introduction Choosing to pursue higher education online becomes more and more frequent because of its efficiency. However, some specific tools and devices are required for online learning. Online students can access their courses from any part of the world via their mobile phone, tablet, or laptop – these are the...

The “Hand” Drawing by Charles White

For this assignment, I have decided to choose a painting by Charles White which is called “Hand.” This and other paintings of this artist can be found on the official website of Jerald Melberg Gallery that is situated in Charlotte, North Carolina. This painting was the one that attracted my...

Newton’s Theory of Gravity

Sir Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, philosopher, theologian, and astronomer, who lived between 1642 and 1727. It is alleged that Newton’s thinking about the gravitational force was initiated by a falling apple. Newton was seated under an apple tree one summer afternoon in 1665 taking tea when an...

The UAE and India: Comparison and Contrast

The United Arab Emirates and India both have a prominent influence in the Asian region. Due to the historic relations, more than two million of workers from India live now in the Gulf state. Both countries are marked by clear stratification of society. The people of the UAE and India...

Leadership Styles: The Example of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs

Introduction The leadership style determines the way the manager administers the work process. It is the leader’s behavior model, not depending on a certain management issue. Through a specific pattern the leader can achieve job satisfaction among workers and increase their productivity. The effectiveness depends on a specific management style....

Effect of Flooding on Cultures in Egypt and Mesopotamia

Egypt and Mesopotamia were two civilizations that bore as many similarities as did differences. Mesopotamia was originally concentrated in Tigris and Euphrates rivers valleys though it gradually spread to other areas. The effects of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers largely impacted the Mesopotamian culture more so about its frequent and...

Book Report “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll

Introduction “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll is one of the most significant provocative works in world literature. It is an unusual fairy tale that does not leave either adults or children indifferent. On the beautiful summer day on July 4, 1862, the English writer traveled on the River Thames...

What Is Shakespeare’s Definition of Love?

William Shakespeare, an English poet, and playwright wrote “Sonnet 116.” It was most likely written in the 1590s, during English literature when sonnets were famous, although it was not published until 1609. Although Shakespeare’s sonnets were not well received during his lifetime, “Sonnet 116” has become one of the most...

Categorical and Consequentialist Moral Reasoning

Introduction Every day people have to deal with various moral dilemmas. Each decision has outcomes, and everyone has different opinions about what is right and what is wrong. In certain situations, it is not that easy to make a choice because it might seem that there is no ethical resolution....

The Reliability and Validity of Assessment Tools

Introduction Reliability and validity are significant elements of any assessment tool. However thoroughly developed the tools are, if they are not valid or reliable, the research is doomed to fail. Reliability is the rate of consistency which involves the following methods: inter-rater, parallel forms, test-retest, and internal consistency. Validity is...

Child Development Theorist by Watson

Background Information John B. Watson was born in 1878 in South Carolina to a deeply religious mother and an alcoholic father. Struggling after divorce, Watson’s mother moved from a rural area to give him a better education (Malone, 2017). Despite poor academic performance at school and disciplinary issues, Watson entered...

Goals and Objectives of the Community Health Needs

Learning Goals and Objectives The learning objectives of this week’s placement will include the following. First of all, I am going to practice community health needs assessment. It is necessary to be aware of the existing problems and to be able to satisfy the most urgent needs first. Secondly, it...

Themes of Little Red Riding Hood Tale

Themes of Little Red Riding Hood: Thesis Statement Despite the fact that Little Red Riding Hood is typically viewed as a children’s story telling about the perils of the phenomenon known as stranger danger, the tale can also be viewed through the prism of transitioning from childhood to adulthood and,...

Cogito, Ergo Sum (“I Think, Therefore I Am”) – The Fundamental Position of Descartes

Introduction Many philosophers, researchers, and scientists have explored the question of whether a person can be sure about anything they know or perceive through their feelings. Rene Descartes, who shared the ideas of rationalism, claimed that the one, certain truth is that every time one thinks he or she exists,...

Durkheim and Marx: The Division of Labor

The division of labor can be described as the process of separating tasks in an economic system so that individuals can specialize based on their specific competencies. The concept was popularized by Adam Smith when he noted that productivity increases when workers are divided and assigned different roles. Emile Durkheim...

The Problem of Inadequate Nurse Staffing: PICOT Statement

The problem of inadequate nurse staffing affects nursing practice and health care agencies by impairing the care process. In units with low staffing levels, nurses often experience burnout and high workload, which can lead to medical errors, poor quality of care, and low patient satisfaction with services. As a result,...

“The Tempest” by William Shakespeare

Introduction The tragicomedy The Tempest by the great playwright William Shakespeare is an outstanding and world-famous work that is full of quotes and sayings, which, in turn, have become catchphrases. Some characters of this story are endowed with magical powers, which allows the author to convey his subtexts and ideas...

“The Myth of the Latin Woman” by Judith Ortiz Cofer

Your Last Name “The Myth of the Latin Woman” is a memoir essay written by Judith Ortiz Cofer, and it reveals the challenges Hispanic women have to go through due to their identity. The author recalls her own childhood while describing how different life was for her compared to the...

The Speech About a Piece of Paper

Introduction The given speech will be about a piece of paper. It is difficult for a modern person to imagine life without paper. Paper is a sheet of natural plant or artificial fiber, and its history and the development of the paper industry are not simple. Paper is one of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Ubiquity of Microorganisms in the Environment

Microbes are ubiquitous. Thus, they live everywhere and can be found in different environments, like water, air, and animals. In addition, they can live in extreme temperatures, like high heat, humidity, or salt concentration. There is no place on Earth where no microbes would exist; they have adapted to live...

Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words?

A picture can be worth a thousand words or even more but, as I will argue, that depends on who looks at it, why they look at it, and in what circumstances. In other words, a picture’s meaning is relative to the viewer, and changes as the viewer changes. Once...

The Marketing Philosophy of the Apple Inc. Company

Apple Inc. is one of the most powerful corporations operating in the current technology market. The large-scale brand founded positions itself as a trendsetter in mobile technologies (Kotabe and Helsen, 2020). It holds a strong brand loyalty supported by the resistant and long-established customer trust for the company. Therefore, by...

The Comparison of Classic Greek and Elizabethan Tragedy

The first theoretical explanation of the nature of tragedy is associated with Aristotle’s work Poetics. According to the Greek philosopher, tragedy has an advantage over other genres. It can emotionally affect a person, stimulate cathartic empathy, encourage the reader or viewer to participate in the moral and psychological assessment of...

Biological, Psychological, and Sociological Explanations of Behavior

The purpose of understanding human behavior and the attempt of its predicting demands a multidimensional approach to it. Various sciences may contribute to such understanding, and each of them considers the causes of behavioral patterns and, thus, the methods of altering them differently. In this paper, specificities of the major...

“Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost

The poem dramatizes the conflict between nature and the worldly activities, Frost places emphasis on natural things and reinforces his point that natural things are much better and beautiful than the worldly things. The poem is extremely well written and it is written in monosyllables throughout. Lines like “My little...

The Perfume Advertisement Review

The advertisement pictures a beautiful woman holding a bottle of perfume that is positioned right in the middle of the composition. The setting is motionless and does not imply any action or background story. The woman is lying on the floor covered with white and pink roses, holding one in...

Artificial Intelligence as a Potential Threat to Humanity

Artificial intelligence (AI) demonstrates immense potential in terms of improving society as long it is developed and implemented properly. More specifically, humanity should consider the potential threats of AI creation without falling into a state of paranoia. This area of research has been attracting the interest of scientific, expert, and...

Digital Technology in My Life

Introduction Digital technology has become a part of my life, but I still differentiate between the digital and real-world, although for some, this line is already blurred. I also understand that my life will be completely different without the numerous devices I have. Digital technology has shaped my personal, academic,...

Theodore Roosevelt’s “Who Is a Progressive?” Speech

In his 1912 captivating speech, Theodore Roosevelt discusses the meaning of progressivism coupled with highlighting the essential characteristics that progressives should embody. This speech was given at a time when the United States was undergoing significant socio-political changes that needed progressive minds to ensure social justice and equality together with...