The business industry is highly complicated, controversial, and fascinating at the same time. To run an organization effectively, there have to be rules and policies established. A compliance program, or CP, is a group of company policies integrated to fulfill all the laws and regulations that help maintain an organization’s...
Topic: Corporate Finance
Words: 611
Pages: 2
The summarized article is called “Clinically and culturally competent care for transgender and non-binary people: A challenge to providers of perinatal care” and is written by Lee Roosevelt, Sarah Pietzmeier, and Reed Robinson. The authors start their research by introducing the research context and explaining its relevance. They state that...
Topic: LGBTQ
Words: 576
Pages: 2
Individuals’ lives and professions are shaped by their values, which are the essential concepts that impact their behaviors and choices. Leadership principles are a subgroup of values that positively affect someone’s ability to govern or be a great leader successfully. According to Ashimolowo (2013), individuals may promote and strengthen leadership...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 641
Pages: 2
The Need for Leadership in Nursing Practice Due to the challenges and complexity of healthcare systems, effective leadership is an indispensable component that directly influences the quality of patient care and the attainment of positive outcomes. Leadership encompasses the elaborate process of setting goals and strategies, enhancing the commitment and...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 672
Pages: 2
The organs that aggravate or alleviate hypoglycemia entail the pancreas, liver, and muscles. Each organ contains specific enzymes and hormones that participate in the metabolic process, regulating blood sugar and maintaining equilibrium (Melmed et al., 2020). Glucagon raises blood sugar levels and keeps them from falling too low, whereas insulin...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 596
Pages: 2
Any medical institution must undergo specialized checks to obtain accreditation and continue working. This process is of particular value, as it directly affects the quality of healthcare and the level of well-being of the population. In the case under study, an example of Sunny Valley Medical Center was provided, which...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 575
Pages: 2
African countries harbor a myriad of vast cultures whose exclusive aspects transform and define their nations. Nigeria is a country in West Africa with a one-of-a-kind collection of ethnic groups, business practices, and languages. The Kanuri culture, in particular, is a dominant culture occupying the country’s North-Eastern region. Nigerians have...
Topic: Culture
Words: 634
Pages: 2
PESTLE Analysis The wine industry is highly intricate because of the nature of the product, which may have a high demand but is subject to restrictions in some places. As PESTLE analysis showed, macroenvironmental factors have a tremendous impact on this market. In terms of politics, governmental laws and regulations...
Topic: Wine
Words: 419
Pages: 2
The Belmont Report was created as an endeavor to summarize the core principles of ethical research identified by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. The need for the report emerged after the signing of the National Research Act in 1974 (“The Belmont...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 588
Pages: 2
The article by Mermelstein (2022) focuses on the exploration of the Jewish dietary laws and the practices of preparing meat that will be consumed by the people of this belief. Kosher food laws outline the types of foods and the preparation process that individuals must follow. This paper will summarize...
Topic: Food
Words: 322
Pages: 2
Stocks and bonds are the sources of dividends in the long term when income is generated by paying interest or returning invested funds when owning the relevant securities. In their financial statements, companies reflect stock and bond performance when comparing the results for a particular period with those of an...
Topic: Economics
Words: 611
Pages: 2
The name of low-cost carriers (LCCs) implies the main factor in determining these companies’ strategies. However, the low prices for customers do not mean that these businesses cannot stand out. In the case of Ryanair and EasyJet, the two competitors are similar in many aspects but different in others. First,...
Topic: Competition
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Healthcare managers occasionally encounter situations that require them to make critical decisions in healthcare facilities. Decision-making is considered a complicated affair that may involve clinical and non-clinical situations. Multiple factors such as financial resources, treatment options, ethics, quality, and legal aspects are some requirements that a health manager must consider...
Topic: Health
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Equipment Jars for baby food or little glass jars Cooking scale with timer Knife for cutting butter Crackers Convection glass bowl Hand-held mixer Background Information Fresh milk is made up of a combination of milk and cream; since the cream is less thick than the milk, it separates and rises...
Topic: Food
Words: 575
Pages: 2
The spread of communication technologies has given rise to a significant increase in information volume. This has led to the emergence of the big data phenomenon and related analytic models (McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2012). Most of them are considered within the data science, which actively uses machine learning to solve...
Topic: Machine Learning
Words: 678
Pages: 2
Introduction A professional is a person that is relied upon by others to help them succeed. A professional may work alone but in the service of others but most of the time a professional is a team player. A professional must learn to work with others. However, a worker, employee,...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 586
Pages: 2
Introduction In this paper, founding the arguments on the article of Amy Tan, problems that come from language barriers – with the emphasis on the related immigrants’ hardships – will be discussed. Summary Paragraph In her article “Mother’s tongue,” Amy Tan shares her views on different forms of English and...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 721
Pages: 2
Thesis Statement Changes in the healthcare field are always associated with difficulties since they affect the ways care is delivered, as well as medical professionals’ and clients’ experiences. For my research paper, I have chosen the topic of change management in healthcare. More specifically, I am planning to examine innovation...
Topic: Health
Words: 564
Pages: 2
Despite common misconception, law enforcement is highly hazardous and stressful position. In modern day, officers may confront arrogant, mentally disturbed, and potentially armed individuals. Furthermore, due to police’s negative reputation, officers are also facing more instances of harassment and insubordination among other conventional issues. In addition, police departments across the...
Topic: Health
Words: 575
Pages: 2
Among other people, followers can always be distinguished by referring to their behavior. According to their rank, they are one step down in the social hierarchy and do what the leader wants them to do. The authority and influence of the ruling class subjugates their will at the expense of...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 576
Pages: 2
A primary mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP) plays a crucial role in providing mental health services. Psychiatric nurse practitioners frequently function as educators to patients, their caregivers, medical peers, and communities, promoting the concept that mental health is an important part of overall health. The function of a PMHNP is...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 606
Pages: 2
Introduction Napster, the defendant, was a peer-to-peer file-sharing platform that allowed internet users to access music for free. Individuals could connect to a network of computers and search for mp3 files downloaded to other devices. The files mentioned above were created by “ripping” tracks from CDs and changing their format...
Topic: Law
Words: 670
Pages: 2
There is no correct method for determining the exact limitations of the influence that the leader’s personality has on the business development. However, a leader’s personality can certainly present a substantial component of a business’s success. The study conducted by Collins initially explored the topic of transformational good-to-great changes in...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 590
Pages: 2
Introduction Research results/findings objectively and simply report what a researcher found during the study. Research findings/results in a project are reported based on the data collected. After conducting data analysis in a research project, the first thing a researcher should do is to present his or her results/findings and then...
Topic: Education
Words: 551
Pages: 2
A positive corporate culture is pivotal to any organization concerned about its employees, clients, productivity, and public image. Strong leadership and a growth mindset are essential components of a company’s ethos (Tuleja, 2022). In this regard, Zappos is known for its unique and inclusive working environment that can be considered...
Topic: Business
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Introduction As people age, their bodies become frailer and they gradually lose stability. This process leads to a high number of fall-related injuries and deaths among adults 65 years and older, costing over $30 bill. annually for U.S. citizens alone (Stevens, 2013). The two articles by Stevens and Phelan propose...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 624
Pages: 2
The significance of health in human life and existence on earth is undisputed. The human race has made technological advancements among the central elements of the healthcare system to enhance their well-being. Revolutionary systems and applications have been developed to replace traditional treatment methods and foster advanced future care plans....
Topic: Health
Words: 602
Pages: 2
The development of nursing information structures is an essential factor in improving the delivery of health services. It includes the development of regulations that will make the mechanisms of the individual and the healthcare institution interaction safe and convenient. In addition, the goal is to provide patients with confidence in...
Topic: Health
Words: 580
Pages: 2
Introduction With the recent fierce fire in a high rise in the Bronx, New York, fire specialists acknowledged that it was the deadliest fire that has occurred in the last thirty years. It had many reeling due to the incident having claimed seventeen lives, including eight children. Despite the building...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 671
Pages: 2
Introduction Sometimes, there are cases in which the most morally correct conclusions might initially appear evident. The described situation introduces the readers to an honest manager from a small community and his seemingly egotistical boss, and the subjective reading of this narrative forces them to side with the sympathetic protagonist....
Topic: Business
Words: 673
Pages: 2
Introduction The three main instrumental values that have been determined through the Rokeach Values Survey have been formulated as broadmindedness, cheerfulness, and forgivingness. The three elements fit within the values hierarchy by highlighting the means through which goals are achieved. Thus, the instruments for objective-fulfilling aims include the aforementioned concepts....
Topic: Leadership
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Management in an architectural firm includes project management and firm management primarily. In addition, the manager’s functions cover the administration of construction contracts and related activities, if any. The application of modern management techniques can increase the efficiency of an architectural organization by 10-30% (Kocakaya, 2019). At the same time,...
Topic: Architecture
Words: 568
Pages: 2
Introduction A leader in the healthcare industry must possess certain leadership traits and skills in order to promote healthy team values and implement organizational changes successfully. In particular, a leader has to demonstrate interpersonal connection through listening and showing respect, exhibit commitment to the goal, have decent emotional intelligence, and...
Topic: Health
Words: 619
Pages: 2
Bazerman (2020) bases his judgments on a philosophical theory called utilitarianism. According to the utilitarian ethical perspective, the moral worth of behavior or act is determined by the overall satisfaction or pleasure experienced by all participants of the action. The author’s thesis is that individuals should base their decisions on...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 577
Pages: 2
Zappos is an active business entity that conducts its operations online. The organization stocks a wide range of products, including shoes, clothes, and appliances (Askin & Petriglieri, 2016). Accordingly, Zappos is a subsidiary of Amazon but operates independently. The following section covers the online retail firm’s financial consideration by focusing...
Topic: Business
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Holistic comfort is a theory proposed by Katherine Kolcaba in 1994. It is based on meeting a patient’s need for comfort and ensuring their recovery. This theory has gained popularity to such an extent that it is a requirement for nurses in the current healthcare system of most countries. This...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 662
Pages: 2
If an organization is going to run a business in the US brewery industry, it should be aware of the three-tier alcohol distribution system. The system was created in 1933 “as a result of an amendment to the US Constitution” (Meier & Wang, 2021, p. 3). According to this legislation...
Topic: Business
Words: 583
Pages: 2
Theory of mind (ToM) is an integral social-cognitive skill encompassing a person’s ability to attribute mental states. It is the ability to determine what others are thinking. The theory was coined by Premack and Woodruff in 1978, triggering various issues in human development (Meunier, 2017). It is one of the...
Topic: Mind
Words: 564
Pages: 2
Alfred Farwell Bemis was an American architect and educator best known for pioneering work in developing modular systems to standardize building elements. Ernst Neufert was a German architect and educator best known for his work on architectural standardization. This essay analyses the theories suggested by the two architects, the response...
Topic: Architecture
Words: 414
Pages: 2
Introduction The saying practice makes perfect is a fundamental principle for success in any endeavor. There is no shortcut to mastery; while some people may have an intrinsic aptitude for a particular subject or skill, mastery requires time, repetition, and stepping beyond the comfort zone. It is true for every...
Topic: Success
Words: 551
Pages: 2
Introduction Despite the benefits of DNA sequencing, it is marked with issues that reduce its reliability. As shown in the article, decoding a baby’s DNA should be done or not (Karlamangla). Maverick Coltrin is among the children who have benefited from the process. They found a change in one of...
Topic: DNA
Words: 588
Pages: 2
Living in a South African was hell for black people and lonely for a white child. During the apartheid period, it was a crime for black people to associate with white people, and it was difficult for people who were neither black nor white (Noah, 2016). The brown-skinned people were...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 636
Pages: 2
The Great Awakening was a liberal movement that spread through Britain’s thirteen colonies. The Great Awakening altered the idea and framework of religion in colonies. It was a religious awakening at a time when secular rationalism was emphasized. Instead of a commercial society, there was an emphasis on salvation and...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Introduction Beauty standards, particularly, in relation to women, have been incredibly fluid, changing from era to era and from culture to culture. Though often clashing in their perceptions of an image of an ideal woman, the specified interpretations of the female beauty lead to the detriment of female health, as...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 680
Pages: 2
Science fiction is a popular genre in many art forms that connects humans’ desire for knowledge with artists’ imagination of future society. Understanding the common tropes, iconography, and themes allows one to gain an understanding of what elements contribute to the unique experience science fiction provides. The appeal of such...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 557
Pages: 2
Cross-Functional Teams Cross-Functional Teams are characterized by diversity in participants’ functions, complex and efficient reporting systems, and more efficient time management. These teams are built of members that specialize in different disciplines and, regarding their specialization, provide different functions in the team, yet the actions of every specialist are dedicated...
Topic: Nissan
Words: 605
Pages: 2
Introduction The core thesis of the article by Kim & Mauborgne (2004) is centered around the concepts of red oceans and blue oceans. The former refers to existing markets and industries where competition is intense, and the latter refers to new industries and markets with untapped potential for profitability and...
Topic: Business
Words: 603
Pages: 2
Introduction American society underwent a significant transformation from the 1790s through the 1840s. During these years, there was rapid geographical and economic growth, the spread of democracy and political revivalism, the formation of the first labor and reform groups, the rise of industry, and substantial changes in the position and...
Topic: History
Words: 651
Pages: 2
DISPOSITION HISTORICAL EXAMPLE With Citation CURRENT PROPOSED APPLICATION SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Fairness, Justice, Equity Adam Smith Adam Smith believed in the ability and responsibility of each person to contribute to society, which could be achieved through universal education of as many people as possible (Doyle, 2018). According to Smith, equity and...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Summary The contract that Lazer company for a part of Boeing corporation has to have a diameter average equal to 6 inches and a standard deviation of 0.10 inches. Below are discussions and explanations to help the Lazer company with what they should conclude, given the mean of the diameter...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 563
Pages: 2
The new requirements regarding gender fluidity and people representing the LGBTQ+ community are debated within many prisons and correctional institutions. Ignorant people may assume that it is too complicated to endorse within the jails and that inmates should be treated in accordance with what they have in their pants. Yet...
Topic: Gender
Words: 552
Pages: 2
Introduction The Louvre is one of the most famous sights of Paris and one of the most famous art museums in the world. The trip to the Louvre took place at the end of May. The museum has an official website where the visitor can view all available information about...
Topic: Art
Words: 667
Pages: 2
Introduction Music streaming is a popular service with a global reach and an appeal to almost any customer segment. Technology enables both small and large firms to enter the market and affects the pricing strategies of their competitors. However, Spotify remains on top of the industry due to its availability,...
Topic: Music
Words: 580
Pages: 2
Introduction It is hard to disagree that many literary works are mysteries to some extent, and it may be interesting for the audience to solve them. Reading between the lines is a challenging but engaging process that can provide new views on the writing and interpretations of characters’ lines. Some...
Topic: The Story of an Hour
Words: 638
Pages: 2
Introduction After reviewing the third and fourth chapters of the attached book, I chose the four most attractive concepts. Next, I will reveal each of them and justify my choice based on specific preferences. The main criteria by which I chose these concepts are efficiency in practice, versatility, and depth....
Topic: Child Development
Words: 686
Pages: 2
Introduction Quality improvement (QI) initiative in healthcare is an effective method of gradually increasing the quality of the provided services. A wide variety of instruments, such as research, organizational changes, and innovative therapies, help achieve this objective (Gilbert et al., 2020). Moreover, the process generally involves various stakeholders, including clinicians,...
Topic: Health
Words: 624
Pages: 2
Introduction The literature of the early Middle Ages gives an idea of the people’s values and tastes who lived many centuries ago. Beowulf is a heroic poem, written by an unknown author between 700-1000. The reader witnesses a fantastic story about the struggle of a glorious war against villains, and...
Topic: Beowulf
Words: 604
Pages: 2
Introduction Michael Pearson is the author of Those Damned Rebels: The American Revolution as seen through British Eyes. The book seeks to provide a perspective of the British on the American Revolution. The historical argument that the book focuses on is that the British won the battle but the Americans...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 547
Pages: 2
As domestic markets become saturated and highly competitive, new ones should be explored in different foreign countries to enhance the performance of business organization. Therefore, it is necessary for firms to venture and offer their products to emerging markets to meet the customers’ needs. Most companies believe that the game...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 601
Pages: 2
Teaching is hard work because it requires continuous human involvement and communication. It falls on the shoulders of teachers and professors to organize the learning process in such a way as to capture the attention of everyone in the group and give them the material. In addition, groups are always...
Topic: Students
Words: 575
Pages: 2
Nursing is an essential area of the healthcare system dealing with the prevention and prevention of diseases, assistance to doctors, and patient care. The work of nurses is one of the most responsible since it is nurses who take care of patients, their well-being, monitor treatment and the recovery process,...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 564
Pages: 2
Introduction The increasing cost of housing during the 21st century pushes people to opt for mortgages despite having a low income. As a result, banks provide loans to help individuals settle mortgage charges. The loans depend on the type of mortgage selected by the loanee. However, during the purchase of...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 647
Pages: 2
The ability to operate supply chain (SC) and trade processes in an efficient manner is inextricably connected to modern states’ economic success and status in the international market. At the national level, optimal performance in this regard can be ascertained using a vast array of strategies. To promote trade and...
Topic: Trade
Words: 607
Pages: 2
Introduction The Malaysian government has been privatizing some state-owned companies, including power generation companies, to reduce its debt burden and promote efficiency in the usage of resources. The approach has positively impacted Malays’ entry into the power market, as private companies can now compete for contracts to build and operate...
Topic: Business
Words: 653
Pages: 2
The documentary True Justice tells about the inferiority of the judicial system in the United States. The US criminal justice system is far from perfect and is often seen as unfair to poor people and people of color. Justice should be concerned with the protection of citizens and not lawlessness,...
Topic: Equality
Words: 473
Pages: 2
Introduction The local community has a large number of elderly home owners. As a nursing professional and a part of a volunteer community assistance program, I am tasked with recognizing and remedying the problems faced by this demographic. The primary issue identified through discussion is a high number of falls...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Introduction The play The Tempest by William Shakespeare is one of the author’s most iconic literary works. Due to insufficient information, it is assumed that it was written in 1610-1611, and the first performance was in 1611, November 1. The play takes place on an island where the protagonists, the...
Topic: The Tempest
Words: 642
Pages: 2
Introduction The advancement in technology has facilitated the practice of visual representation as means of communicating knowledge. Currently, most educators have resorted to using emerging high tech to enable them to pass intended information to the audience. Some of the renowned visual communication includes videos, pie charts, infographics, slide decks,...
Topic: Education
Words: 611
Pages: 2
Introduction Islam is one of the major religions around the world that have shaped moral values and other social issues such as women’s rights. Some countries such as Iran underwent a religious revolution that determined their internal affairs and socialization. Islamization involves converting and shifting society towards Islam and becoming...
Topic: Islam
Words: 604
Pages: 2
Pop culture has always been a huge influence on films. From the very beginning, films have been used to reflect and comment on the popular culture of the time. In the early days of cinema, this was often done through satire and parody. Today, it can be seen that pop...
Topic: Culture
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Jonathan Bennett, a well-known philosopher, was intrigued by the role of sympathy in moral life. His study explored how people approach their moral views and personal sympathies. Bennet (1974) selected stories from the lives of people like Huckleberry Finn, Heinrich Himmler, and Jonathan Edwards to illustrate and support his point....
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 668
Pages: 2
Introduction Tim O’Brien, an American author, wrote “The Things They Carried,” a collection of interrelated short stories about a squad of American soldiers engaged in combat in the Vietnam War. Tim goes in-depth on the women’s experiences in Vietnam and how they influenced the soldiers. Women were right there at...
Topic: The Things They Carried
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Introduction Employee engagement is crucial to any organizational success. Several adequate organizational studies have concentrated on the importance of employee motivation in improving employee performance in a company. Furthermore, it is vital to recognize that individuals have various wants that constantly compete with other variables. Every employee has distinct needs...
Topic: Business
Words: 535
Pages: 2
Introduction Chapter 4 discusses Hesmondhalgh’s theory that music helps human communities thrive in specific locations and eras. Despite an individual’s difficulties, a link is formed that, as time passes, lifts one’s spirits (Hesmondhalgh, 2013). To illustrate this point, he presents several instances of the essence of music in human culture....
Topic: Music
Words: 548
Pages: 2
Introduction “The Fires of Jubilee” by Stephen B. Oates is an accurate, reliable source of Nat Turner’s biography regarding specific historical fragments – the Civil War and the Slave Rebellion. This text is one of the best examples of how this historian can be savvy on this topic. “The Fires...
Topic: Literature
Words: 862
Pages: 2
The topic of gender and its effect on one’s socialization is one of the most discussed concepts in social studies. Gender is a quality that society has been using as a source of information about a person for centuries, drawing conclusions about one’s personality and making assumptions about one’s abilities...
Topic: Gender
Words: 582
Pages: 2
Introduction Twitter’s main asset is its software platform, which unites more than 313 million monthly active users (Sweney, 2020). It depends on the technical staff who will support the platform, the sales department to promote it, and the support staff who will provide support. Some of Twitter’s more direct activities...
Topic: Twitter
Words: 624
Pages: 2
There is growing interest in using complex systems thinking approach when analyzing and improving sports performance. Sports have been prevalent for a very long time. However, difficulties and hardship also increase as fame grows. The sports business is struggling more than ever to discover strategies to get millennials to go...
Topic: Sport
Words: 552
Pages: 2
Introduction People aged 65 and over comprise a very diverse population, with some reporting excellent health, prosperity, and contentment, while others experience poverty, physical impairment, and loneliness. Youth and middle-life experiences influence the rate of aging. Similar to other developed economies, the United States’ citizenry is aging far more quickly...
Topic: Aging
Words: 562
Pages: 2
Introduction Art is a very unique way for people to communicate and exchange different ideas and cultural customs. Buddhist art is a visual expression of Buddhism that originated in Gandhara and is reflective of the Gandhara style (Ullah et al. 379; Yasuda et al. 128). One of the prominent exemplars...
Topic: Art
Words: 683
Pages: 2
Introduction The US-based technology company Amazon is currently the most prominent online retailer worldwide in terms of revenue and market capitalization. Under the Amazon vision, Bezos introduced two comprehensive ideas to e-commerce, which are building a customer-centric company globally and also creating a space where customers could easily purchase (Majed...
Topic: Amazon
Words: 575
Pages: 2
Introduction Netflix recently announced that it would join the UK’s Broadcast Audience Research Board, Double Verify, and Integral Ad Science in a bid to enhance transparency (Adams, 2022). The move will provide South African and global consumers with a clear picture of the company’s influence among audiences. The act has...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 526
Pages: 2
Introduction Fear for one’s health and the well-being of loved ones, financial stress, economic instability, and social isolation creates an ideal habitat for triggers that threaten mental health. Psychologists are asked to devote time to physical and psychological states in such a difficult time. Today it is important to remember...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Introduction The global coronavirus pandemic greatly affected the market equilibrium in several markets for personal care, medical, and consumer products (Anonymous “Supply, Demand, and Shortages,” 2022). The increased demand for a range of products led to increased product costs. This research paper explains – how increased demand for these products...
Topic: Pandemic
Words: 609
Pages: 2
Poetry is not simply rhyming but is elevated to the rank of magnificent art. Poetry has existed for many millennia; the first poems were songs and were transmitted orally, which is why many of them are not known today. It is essential to mention that the oldest poetry known to...
Topic: Literature
Words: 644
Pages: 2
Introduction James Cameron’s monumental movie The Titanic continues to stand out as one of the crowning film production achievements of the 90s. The film is extremely profitable and has received several awards over the years. The Titanic movie was the first few productions to apply a blend of practical and...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 676
Pages: 2
Introduction The authors used the method of observational study for their research, as they aimed to compare and contrast the specifics of diabetes treatment among different populations. Thus, the study provides qualitative evidence of the treatment process differences and similarities for three racial/ethnic groups: African Americans, Hispanics, and non-Hispanic Whites....
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 424
Pages: 2
Introduction Frederick Douglass was a formerly enslaved person who became an activist, novelist, and public speaker. He rose to prominence in the abolitionist movement, which worked to end slavery, both before and during the Civil War. He advocated for equality and human rights after the war and the Emancipation Proclamation...
Topic: Frederick Douglass
Words: 630
Pages: 2
Introduction The global development of any company and the popularization of new products require an enhanced understanding of the selected region’s peculiarities and how they can be used to boost the firm’s evolution. Thus, Microsoft and its most popular product Microsoft Office can benefit from improving its presence in India...
Topic: Culture
Words: 588
Pages: 2
Introduction In 1996, the commercial use of genetically modified (GM) crop production techniques had increasingly been accepted by many farmers. These crops primarily include canola, corn, soybeans, cotton, and cotton. It involved the use of genetic engineering, and two traits given to these crops by this technology are herbicide tolerance...
Topic: Environment
Words: 623
Pages: 2
Introduction By reviewing the available literature, a research tool (questionnaire) with 45 questions was created. The study’s research topic was tested using the structural equation modeling (SEM) method and AMOS 23.0 (Bhat, Pande, & Ahuja, 2017). SEM technique was selected because it can distinguish between direct and indirect links between...
Topic: Virtual Team
Words: 721
Pages: 2
The topic of coaching and training in today’s information-overloaded world is very much in demand. Nothing contributes to success like a clear, sweeping vision of the future and choosing the best path and strategy for development. Emotional intelligence expert Richard Boyatzis and Weatherhead School of Management colleagues Melvin Smith and...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 666
Pages: 2
At the poker table, manners are just as crucial as correct formal etiquette in determining a personality. It requires more than just possessing the correct cards and being able to rank the various poker hands to understand how to play poker. Before the person sits down at the table, there...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 607
Pages: 2
Introduction It is important to note that religion has always been a critical aspect of society, history, law, and family, where empires were built around them as the centers of power. Although one might state that the influence of religious thought was fundamentally oppressive, limiting, or hostile, the impact of...
Topic: Pluralism
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Purpose of Information Systems An information system is an integrated collection of components for collecting, storing, and processing data and delivering information, knowledge, and digital goods. Information systems used by organizations include transaction processing, managerial information, customer relationship, and decision support (Cin7, 2019). Companies in today’s globalized, constantly changing world...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 648
Pages: 2
Introduction Women in modern society can choose one of the two opposite worldviews to establish their values. Traditional women prioritize creating the nuclear family and supporting the patriarchal family structure. Traditional perception is often considered outdated in modern society because it is often associated with religion and supports conservative political...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 650
Pages: 2
The purpose of the study was a comprehensive examination and thorough analysis of the dynamics of changes in students’ self-direction in learning within a certain period. Consequently, according to the type of article, this paper is scientific, based on causal relationships and competent interpretation of data. In particular, one should...
Topic: Education
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Declaration of Topic The development of technologies alters every domain of human life, including healthcare. Artificial intelligence (AI) will be used increasingly in the healthcare industry as a result of the developments in this sector. Payers, healthcare organizations, and businesses involved in the life sciences are already utilizing a variety...
Topic: Health
Words: 563
Pages: 2
Any given nation should be seen as a form of collective action and thought. According to Hesmondhalgh (2013), a community could be maintained by means of cosmopolitanism, which is a form of moral standing that makes every person equal. As a musical genre, rap music seems perfectly related to cosmopolitanism,...
Topic: Music
Words: 601
Pages: 2
The topics of religion, ritual, and social organization are an important part of the discussion of different cultures. Religious ceremonies are essential to social communities in certain countries. For example, a recent study focused on exploring the issue of ritualized pain, which is a normalized and integral cultural aspect for...
Topic: Religion
Words: 572
Pages: 2
Introduction Leaders play a vital role in influencing the performance of the business organization. In any business setting, the performance of an entity is significantly influenced by the leadership style employed by the manager. Furthermore, practicing various leadership styles such as servant, democratic and transformational is effective because they allow...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 495
Pages: 2
Introduction Foreign policies are a technique that states utilize to direct their diplomatic talks and networks with other countries. A government’s foreign affairs attempt to improve its political and financial purposes at the international level while reflecting its principles and determinations. Various trade policy influences a country’s interactions with global...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 599
Pages: 2
Summary Over decades sports have become a serious activity that has increased worldwide, making investors earn from it while others do it for recreation. Since most games cannot be held in disclosed and unmanaged places, most business partners have invested in making stadiums for easy sports facilitation. As games are...
Topic: Business
Words: 617
Pages: 2
Problem Statement Despite the high academic discussion around the problem of the shortage of nurses, it is evident that governmental interventions do not definitively address the issue. This issue is directly related to the national quality indicator as the adequacy of care is not met due to the simple lack...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 697
Pages: 2
Introduction Professionalism to me as a nursing student means providing quality care to patients while adhering to the ethical and legal standards of the nursing profession. It also means being able to work well with other members of the healthcare team to provide the best possible care for patients. Further,...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 623
Pages: 2
Introduction There have been almost two centuries since Napoleon Bonaparte’s death, but he is still a significant figure in the political imagination of the West. Napoleon had artists like Jacques-Louis David, who was paid by the state to paint him positively, portraying him as a cool-headed and talented military leader,...
Topic: War
Words: 463
Pages: 2
Damaske, Sarah. For the Family? How Class and Gender Shape Women’s Work. Oxford University Press, 2011. This book is authored by Damaske Sarah, who is not only a scholar of unemployment, work-family, and gender but also a professor of sociology, labor and employment relations at Pennsylvania State University. Damaske examines...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 518
Pages: 2
Introduction Censorship is a way by which one can edit, suppress or remove something objectionable. A simple example of censorship is when some people impose their political or moral values on others by suppressing words, images, or ideas they find offensive. Thus, a censored person will not change his point...
Topic: Censorship
Words: 671
Pages: 2
In a working environment, witnessing one person with equal skills excel while another person fail is not a rare occurrence. Productivity and, hence, success depend not only on one’s skillset and qualification but also on intrinsic motivation and the level of effort. Chapter 7 dwells on the expectancy model of...
Topic: Motivation
Words: 571
Pages: 2
First Situation A director of marketing in a global corporation wants to reallocate budgeted funds to allow exploration of three potential emerging markets. This will require a reduction in the funds allocated to marketing efforts of new and existing products. As the CEO of this company, would you support this...
Topic: Business
Words: 664
Pages: 2
CAGE Assessment and Legal Issues: The Basics The CAGE Assessment has a high rate of false positives, which can lead to individuals being wrongly accused of drug abuse. Additionally, the CAGE Assessment may also be used to screen for other mental health conditions, such as depression or anxiety, which can...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 280
Pages: 2
Introduction SWOT analysis is an effective method for assessing the main performance factors of an organization or business. The purpose of the use is to identify the areas of opportunity and the main threats to the enterprise, covering all the necessary aspects (Clark, 2017). SWOT analysis includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,...
Topic: Tesla
Words: 533
Pages: 2
A prosecutor’s adherence to the ethics of legal proceedings is critically significant since only the relevant facts should be used to decide a case. That implies that a prosecutor must comply with ethical standards of criminal investigations and reporting, where clarity, dispassionate submissions, and fairness promotes balanced justice for the...
Topic: Law
Words: 601
Pages: 2
Introduction Diabetes is a widespread health issue with several serious adverse effects on the individual. This disease is characterized by a metabolic disorder and has a manifestation in the form of an increase in blood sugar levels. In this aspect, increasing glucose levels is critical because it damages human organs....
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 593
Pages: 2
The right to freedom of one’s speech is the foundation of the United States. Throughout this country’s history, different political sides used it to protect their ideals and resolve issues peacefully (Strossen 15-16). This notion is vital for liberating people from oppression for their opinions. Punishing free speech is counterproductive...
Topic: Speech
Words: 567
Pages: 2
As Spike Lee’s documentary attests, inconvenient realities were allowed to exist that contributed to the societal tragedy that Hurricane Katrina so dramatically displayed. When the Levees Broke: A Requiem In Four Acts, directed by Spike Lee, illuminates the complex network of social, legal, and environmental blind spots that contributed to...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 653
Pages: 2
The slave trade and slavery left behind a peculiar trace – the poisonous fruit of racism and discrimination, which still affects people of African descent. Frederick Douglas was one of the most influential writers about American slavery as he experienced the hard times himself. He was born in 1818 and...
Topic: Frederick Douglass
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Introduction Business ethics are significant since they help organizations avoid situations that may interfere with their routine activities. While ethical decision-making among organizations is anchored on their management, the employees are crucial in enhancing an ethical culture. Therefore, human resource management ought to involve processes and procedures that promote good...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 603
Pages: 2
A museum is an entity that showcases various historical artworks like paintings, photographs, and sculptures. The Birmingham Museum of Art is one of the most remarkable galleries in the United States, with a collection of over 24,000 prints, paintings, drawings, decorative arts, and sculptures from across the world (Youmna &...
Topic: Art
Words: 646
Pages: 2
The problem of global warming has become one of the most severe challenges for humanity in the twenty-first century. Human-caused climate change significantly impacts the ecological situation and many areas of human life, such as health care. In its 2022 policy brief presented at the Stockholm+50 conference, the WHO stated...
Topic: Climate
Words: 584
Pages: 2
Ethics is the center of the practice of administration. Therefore, to enhance ethical practice, the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) ensures respect for the constitution, democratic procedures, and accountability in public institutions (Aceves, 2022). However, several institutions face difficulty articulating meaningful behavioral standards and establishing means to uphold the...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 571
Pages: 2
Puritan faith was defined by several key characteristics that made it unique among other Christian denominations. In particular, the Puritans shared an exceptionally powerful religious fervor, believing that one should strictly adhere to the Bible and live as close to the model of Jesus Christ as possible (Mark). As a...
Topic: Young Goodman Brown
Words: 590
Pages: 2
The behavior under study is the Theory of the mind. This term is used in psychology to describe the ability to understand others by attributing mental states to them (Ho et al. 1). Previous research has revealed a lot concerning the Theory of the mind from which further research has...
Topic: Mind
Words: 553
Pages: 2
Concept Analysis Every therapeutic relationship requires the practitioner to possess some compassion and empathy degree since they form the essential ingredients to assist other people. The significance of compassion and empathy becomes aggravated when others are in need. However, the two components need help to work. Therefore, for every practitioner...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 552
Pages: 2
The political life of citizens in a democratic nation relies on media services. Media is the origin of universal communication and comes in numerous forms, from the internet to televisions and radios. The media and society field focuses on media’s background, structure, and societal contribution to mass communication: the World...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 464
Pages: 2
The health assessment may help healthcare professionals alleviate practice for one another. A health assessment is a small survey that asks questions about one’s well-being (Jarvis, 2018). This allows hospitals to find programs and services that will help a person feel better (Jarvis, 2018). In addition, this procedure is helpful...
Topic: Health
Words: 561
Pages: 2
In today’s highly competitive environment, in order to maintain their positions and develop successfully, companies need to use all available resources as efficiently as possible. This is a key task of management and requires, among other things, the correct and clear set of goals, assistance in achieving them, and increasing...
Topic: Management
Words: 548
Pages: 2
Introduction It is hard to disagree that, in most cases, adherence to the universal and one’s moral values is the key to positive social interactions and the promotion of the good. The code of ethics and moral principles should guide professionals who aim to earn society’s trust and meet people’s...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Helping People Change, written by Richard Boyatzis, Melvin Smith, and Ellen Van Oosten offers a unique personal and professional development approach. Based on decades of research in neuroscience and psychology, the authors explore ways to facilitate lasting change through coaching and self-directed learning. The book covers creating practical goals, building...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 630
Pages: 2
The nurse leader selected for the interview is E. G., a nurse supervisor at Thrive Skilled Pediatric Care. This nurse leader’s position is two levels above my own one since I work as RN skilled nurse at the same organization. The interview with the nurse leader is scheduled for November...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 558
Pages: 2
There is a saying that differences between men’s and women’s perceptions make them appear as beings from different planets. The differences may not seem evident in everyday activities and interactions. The theater allows viewers to observe the distinct worlds of men and women. Trifles is a one-act play written by...
Topic: Trifles
Words: 675
Pages: 2
Introduction Long-haul truck drivers must move large volumes of cargo across vast areas. They frequently operate specific vehicles with huge cargo capacities, and they are subject to stringent roadside safety requirements. Driving long-distance trucks is a physically strenuous occupation that also requires exceptional focus on accuracy and practical communication abilities....
Topic: Transportation
Words: 651
Pages: 2
After Rome’s final Etruscan king was deposed in 509 BCE, the Roman Republic was established. The following system of administration in Rome was a republican representative democracy. At first, only the wealthiest families in Rome, known as the patricians, had the right to assume positions of authority in politics or...
Topic: Roman Empire
Words: 731
Pages: 2
Introduction Two areas are particularly important to focus on when developing a concept for cloud computing technologies. The design should allow a user to secure data, and also, data assets that may be stored in the cloud should be easily accessed through the window of shared activities in the cloud...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 555
Pages: 2
The report focuses on religiosity in the United States and societal trends on this issue. The report is based on data from telephone surveys and compares the data to 2009. The number of people of faith in the U.S. has declined dramatically from 2009 to 2018, with the number of...
Topic: Religion
Words: 601
Pages: 2
Introduction Medical treatment and healthcare are basic human needs in modern society. It is considered that having the right to healthcare will prevent medical bankruptcies, enhance public health, lower overall health care costs, support small companies, and make healthcare a basic government function (Britannica 1). The American government should bear...
Topic: Health
Words: 551
Pages: 2
The digitalization process is constantly affecting today’s childhood: Facebook is becoming an increasingly common form of leisure and social development for children. Imagine a young child who turned on the computer and immediately plunged into a boundless and insecure virtual world. One immediately became interested in the unknown and ready...
Topic: Facebook
Words: 651
Pages: 2
Middle adulthood development does not differ in significant changes in human behavior, but rather is characterized by the final installation of the model of their life. Analyzing this stage of human development, it is important to take into account such aspects as cultural, physical, cognitive, social, and emotional development. In...
Topic: Adulthood
Words: 637
Pages: 2
Introduction Fundraising is a complex process that requires several steps and stages. One of the key ones is the preparation of a campaign marketing plan. With many organizations competing for the attention and support of donors, it is essential to find innovative ways to engage the audience and encourage them...
Topic: Fundraising
Words: 390
Pages: 2
There is one constant throughout the ongoing evolution of the human species. Simply because it is human nature, people are motivated by money and power. King Lear, one of Shakespeare’s most well-known tragedies, is a nihilistic story of destruction, money, and power conflicts that was originally performed in 1606. The...
Topic: King Lear
Words: 668
Pages: 2
Introduction I have always been a great fan of the commonwealth games. I have always watched them on television, and this year I plan to attend them. This year, the commonwealth games hit the 22nd time since they were launched and were being held in Birmingham, England, starting from July...
Topic: Business
Words: 434
Pages: 2
Introduction The wide range of cultural differences in customs and traditions creates a significant barrier to international cultural awareness. Failure to understand one another’s cultures and the roots of their customs is the fundamental barrier to global cultural flow since it increases prejudice and hostility. The inability to communicate effectively...
Topic: Culture
Words: 577
Pages: 2
Rock’ n’ Roll influenced racial acceptance in the United States in the 1950s, even though it is commonly blamed for worsening segregation. The idea that Rock n’ Roll contributed to segregation stems from the emphasis on the African-American origin of this genre. As many Americans in the 1950s acquainted themselves...
Topic: Rock Music
Words: 560
Pages: 2
Pagan religions have more similarities than differences due to their indigenous character and philosophy. Their distinctions are determined by the geographical location and cultural peculiarities of the nation where they developed, but in most cases, the differences are in detail, not in general aspects. Native American and African religions are...
Topic: Native American
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Today, animals live in nearly every household. Dogs, cats, parrots, hamsters, and other animals are considered family members. Such a tendency suggests that people become more compassionate while protecting and caring for animals. The interaction between humans and animals has a beneficial effect because it helps people cope with emotional...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 547
Pages: 2
The main point in each chapter is gentrification and how the United Nations (UN) has been documenting its impact on global cities since 1985. These impacts are focused on the poor who have to move out of urban places due to gentrification. This is a problem because they can no...
Topic: Gentrification
Words: 575
Pages: 2
Introduction The impact of early civilizations and cultures on the development and establishment of later and current societies cannot be overestimated. The issues people have resolved recently or are still fighting against in modern times worried those who lived centuries ago. Thus, it may be interesting to review some governmental...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 602
Pages: 2
Introduction Any successful organization requires a robust business plan that fuels success. Caterpillar Inc. produces building and mining machinery, diesel and natural gas engines, industrialized gas turbines, and gasoline locomotives. The corporation’s key business segments are construction services, resource industries, and energy and transportation (CAT, 2022). Due to their strong...
Topic: Strategic Analysis
Words: 689
Pages: 2
Introduction The chosen topic is Medicine Safety, which is considered under the prism of the introduction of modern technologies that allow medical staff to quickly prescribe the necessary treatment and monitor the well-being of patients. The primary solution that has been investigated is the introduction of a public system for...
Topic: Safety
Words: 506
Pages: 2
Step 1 Scientists apply three traditional study designs, namely experiment, quasi-experiment, and non-experimental study. Random assignment and control groups are the distinctive framework elements and tools that distinguish the first category from the others. According to Rogers and Reverz (2019), it is a procedure in which “participants are randomly placed...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 680
Pages: 2