Synopsis of Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry Special Issue Article

The concept of how biological compounds influence the health status of an individual is intriguing for research. For instance, how assimilated substrates such as glucose and amino acids induce obesity and other metabolic disorders make in-depth knowledge of nutritional biochemistry important. The article’s topic captivates attention since it informs the...

Life in the Iron Mills by Davis: Realism and Sentimentalism

In Life in the Iron Mills by Davis (1861), the possible function of mixing two modes of fiction is to highlight the moral importance of the story for readers while making it very real to the audience. Being focused on the truthful representations of life, realism supports the author in...

Adoption Issues in the Modern World

Introduction The issue of adoption is particularly acute now, given the significant stratification of society and the growing population of the Earth. It is a chance for the child to have a family and not to face adverse psychological and material consequences of its absence. At the same time, there...

A New Nation in Need of Change

In the summer of 1786, just several years after the end of the Revolutionary War, Shays’ Rebellion unfolded in Massachusetts. Many Merchants who had donated money to the Continental Congress started to call in their debts and demand upon payment in cash for future goods and services. As William Manning’s...

Public Order Offences

In order to avoid chaos and anarchy the society and the governments have created a set of rules and laws that guide the behavior of individuals in a civilized nation. Disorderly conduct is one of such laws that prevents people from acting recklessly and harmfully towards others in public. It...

Prostitution in the United States

Prostitution is a situation whereby a woman decides to practice underproductive sex to be paid in return (Prostitution is not a choice, n.d., para.1). People usually decide to become sexual objects to anyone who can pay them in return. Women are the highest placed victims of prostitution in the world....

Polio Prevention and Control

Polio is a very contagious disease that is caused by the poliovirus. In most of the victims, the disease affects the nerve cells, especially those of the spinal cord. As a result, the muscles that control voluntary movement are affected usually resulting in paralysis. Another name for polio is poliomyelitis....

“The Scarlet Letter” and Nathaniel Hawthorne Biography

“The Scarlet Letter”, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a novel about a woman named Hester who commits adultery. The setting of the story takes place in a Puritan settlement, in Boston. The year is 1642 and the community is very strict and religious. When Hester’s secret becomes known to the public...

The Most Significant Cold War Events

The Cold War lasted from 1947 to 1991 as an extended period of large-scale nuclear warfare threat. Although no real battles were fought, there was intense geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States (Norwich University Online). The documented timelines can help historians determine the most critical events...

National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey

It is apparent that the issue of nutrition and health in the United States of America has gained concern in recent years (Radimer et al., 2004). This is due to the fact that the growing population in the USA has increased significantly over the last decade, a factor that raises...

Market Failures and Governmental Interventions

Introduction The free market model based on voluntary exchange is assumed to be beneficial for all parties. However, markets are not perfect, and often they fail to meet social efficiency, and that is why the role of governmental regulation is justified. The cases when markets do not correspond to society’s...

SEC Fines KPMG 50 Million Dollars

Executives and professionals are expected to behave in a way that elicits public trust. CEOs, doctors, and accountants are careers that require high ethical standards in the course of duty to maintain general confidence. For instance, accountants depend on impeccable public image to paint a picture of skillfulness to potential...

Changes of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza

Introduction The most profound meanings are texts in which the conflict is expressed implicitly, and occurs inside the character. The story of the knight Don Quixote and his squire Sancho Panza is a brilliant example of how a writer skillfully recreates inner-personal conflicts leading to the radical metamorphosis. Thus, a...

Analysis of Articles by Kevles and Krauthammer on Cloning

In 1996, the successful cloning of a sheep stirred a tremendous debate around the ethics of this practice and its implications for the future of humankind. Indeed, once, cloning from a single adult somatic cell without sexual reproduction used to only exist in science fiction. Before 1996, not once had...

Female Genital Cutting and Social Justice

Female genital cutting (FGC) or female genital mutilation (FGM) is a form of female circumcision. According to World Health Organization (WHO), the practice is extremely detrimental to the natural function of female body because it significantly damages normal tissues of genitalia (as cited in Roux, 2012). WHO defines FGC as...

The Film “Wall Street” by Oliver Stone

The entire infrastructure of a people’s culture (political, economic, artistic, educational institutions, etc.) is interwoven with personal impressions, ideas, attitudes, and emotions. In terms of cinema/film – the visual/fine arts realm – there is no exception. Perfectly epitomizing this premise is the quote “Does art reflect life? In movies, yes....

Religious References in “Future Home of the Living God” by Erdrich

Introduction This dystopian novel by Louise Erdrich depicts the author’s views on the future of humanity under a religious rule. Beginning from the title of the book, the author mentions the name of the Lord, and this theme remains one of the primary topics throughout the chapters. Even the main...

Improvement in Aviation Safety Management Systems

Introduction This study aims at identifying and systematizing data on the potential impact of any existing legal and technological approaches to improving safety management systems (SMS) in aviation. Determining the relationship between the proposed approaches and SMS in aviation will allow identifying the optimal drivers that influence security parameters. In...

Osmosis Egg Lab Report

Introduction Osmosis is a process whereby water or any fluid moves from an area of less concentration of dissolved particles to a region of high concentration of dissolved particles across a semi-permeable membrane. Due to the difference in a concentration gradient, dissolve particles can move across a semi-permeable membrane tan...

The Capital Controls in Venezuela

Capital controls are critical for any country, including Venezuela, as they provide an opportunity to have a particular rate of exchange for a long time without a threat for the reserves of both hard and foreign currencies (Schulze, 2000). Unfortunately, such control is rather expensive for the investors, which makes...

Global Financial Crisis and Market Efficiency

Ray Ball proposes several lessons about market efficiency that people can learn from the global financial crisis. Among the lessons are the limitations to the efficient market hypothesis, which, according to Ball (2009), is silent on the supply side of the information market. This argument means that the theory of...

A UGV in My Life: Commercial Functions, Application

A UGV is not typically deemed as an item that one would have in their household as a means of transportation. However, due to the specifics of my professional life and the environment in which I live I need a UGV to reduce the time consumed by transportation and focus...

The Great Explanation of the Notions of Bourdieu

There are four basic concepts introduced by a popular French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu in the video item “Pierre Bourdieu: Introduction”. These basic concepts are Capital, Field, Habitus, and Symbolic Violence. These concepts help to explain the structure of the world and the nature of power. There are four kinds of...

Cockroach Infestation and Health Issues Caused by Cockroaches

Cockroaches, Bacteria with Antibiotic Resistance, and Prevention of Infestation The ability of cockroaches to harbor numerous infectious diseases and disseminate them, thus, contributing to a steep rise in the instances of diseases development, as well as the threat of epidemics (Pesquero & Carneiro, 2012). Therefore, there is a need to...

An Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner’s Role Delineation

An Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP) should complete his or her graduate-level education in an attempt to acquire appropriate skills for effective healthcare delivery (Hain and Fleck 6). I am currently focusing on the most appropriate practices that can support my program goals. Such activities are undertaken to develop the...

Struggles in ‘Immigrant City’ by David Bezmozgis

Introduction The hardships of settling in another state are not known to many people. Most of the population does not have to immigrate and adapt to new conditions; hence, it is informative to learn about the process from the perspective of a person who had to. The paragraph from the...

Legal Issues in Higher Education

According to White (2005), there are various legal issues that may affect the work of faculty college members. These may include faculty employment, gender discrimination, copyright infringement, and free expression among others. White also identifies sexual harassment, sexual orientation, and possession of weapons as legal issues that affect college administrators...

Importance of Governance in a Private Practice

Millions of people strive for power and leadership without thinking about possible expectations and consequences. In health care, effective leadership cannot be ignored because it is the only opportunity to control employees and make sure that all clients’ demands are met. In this paper, Case 6 about governance and infrastructure...

Analysis of Boeing Company’s Capital Structure

Boeing’s Capital Structure description It should be claimed that the company has been leveraging its capital structure even further for a long period by continuing the practice of a share buyback, which has been accompanied by the constant, equity-reducing pension liabilities regulations that finance the firm’s pension benefits. Then, this...

Yoga: A Key to Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Strength

Introduction The majority of people suffer and die from heart diseases, depression, or obesity, and these issues are vulnerabilities of our mental, physical, and even spiritual state. A person can solve these issues by practicing yoga on a regular basis. The subject is critical because a number of recent studies...

Recall Bias in Epidemiological Studies

Bias means deviations of outcome or conclusions from the reality or lack of internal authenticity in epidemiological studies. Selection, information and confounding are three types of biases (Recall bias can be a threat to Retrospective and Prospective Research Designs, 2011). Recall bias is a variety of information bias that threatens...

Family, Marriage, and Gender in “Gone With the Wind”

The questions related to family, marriage, and gender roles always played a crucial role in society. The norms established in these fields were changing in different historical periods. Sometimes, the mode of behavior considered as a rebellion against the social standards in one period could become a norm in the...

Research Design and Sampling

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals represent a significant portion of modern society, and these people often face numerous social challenges. As a result, various empirical articles address the issue, and the quantitative one by Hatzenbuehler et al. (2017) is among them. The research analyzes how social support for...

Army Leadership Foundation and Competencies

Introduction Leadership plays a crucial part in the proper functioning of modern society. People need leaders to communicate the goals and vision for errands and to help them achieve goals. One example of this is informal leadership, where individuals follow a person whom they consider credible or knowledgeable. Leadership is...

Social Control Theory: Informal Control Issue

Informal control is important in fostering a proactive communal coexistence. Reflectively, the process consists of a structured human control system that incorporates all the aspects of human living. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to explicitly review the implications of theories emphasizing informal social controls on family issues such as dual-income...

Biology: Aspects of Fruits

A fruit is the fleshy and sweet part of a tree or any flowering plant that contains seeds. Some fruits are poisonous while some are edible. Plants usually disseminate seeds using fruits. There are different types of fruits and each has its distinctive taste. Some fruits are sweet; some are...

Workplace Environmental Conditions and Job Satisfaction

For an employee, it is essential to work in a safe and favorable workplace environment to demonstrate a significant performance. However, there might be an issue regarding the extent to which the process of improving these environmental conditions affects the employee’s job satisfaction and whether this affectation takes place at...

Patrick’s Final Decision in Gone Baby Gone Film

Introduction Directed by Ben Affleck, Gone Baby Gone tells a story of two investigators looking to solve a mystery behind a girl’s abduction from her single mother. While attaining positive reviews, the final decision of Patrick, who is one of the investigators, caused many controversies. Some people perceived Patrick’s action...

Countering Workplace Abuse in Developing Countries

Laws and Regulations I will begin by introducing one of the main steps necessary for eradicating the problem of violence in the workplace in developing countries, which is the adoption of laws protecting workers’ rights and their health and safety. Abuse in the workplace is part of a systemic problem...

Analysis of Sea Lampreys Problem

Introduction Sea invasion is a common occurrence, for example, Lake Superior and Huron produced more than 7000 tons of fish in 1940 before the collapse of trout population after infestation by sea lampreys in 1962 (“U.S. fish & Wildlife Service n.d.”). In essence, sea lampreys have affected ecology in lakes...

Interval Estimation for Correlation Coefficients

The correlation study focuses on the assumption that there is some interrelation between two variables that cannot be controlled by the researcher. In other words, the correlation is not the causation. For example, the correlation study might suggest that there is an interrelation between public health and self-esteem, but it...

The Use of Contract Law in the Sports Industry

Davis, T. (2001). What is sports law? Marquette sports Law Review, 11(2), 211-243. Davis (2001) tried to explore what sports law was. He acknowledges the difficulty that many people including lawyers, students and other academicians encounter in answering this question. There are three different positions taken by people concerning sports...

A Membership in Association of Operating Room Nursing

AORN I am a member of AORN. AORN stands for Association of Operating Room Nursing. AORN is a non-profit association with members throughout the United States. The organization is based in Denver, Colorado. AORN represents the interest of over 160000 nurses. Notably, AORN provides numerous benefits to its members. These...

Restaurant Types for Private Dining in Ireland

Are you based in Ireland, used to live there, or have a connection to Ireland and seek to find the right dining option? Ireland offers a wide range of options when it comes to private or group dining. The sheer number of restaurants and their quality allows people to live...

Business Endeavors Aligning With the School’s Mission

The key mission of Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business and Management is to use the education that is global in orientation, ethical in focus, and entrepreneurial in spirit to advance responsible business practice. This is a rather significant goal that is oriented to taking business education to a new...

Kant’s Ideas About Enlightenment

Kant’s ideas about enlightenment and its impact on the human mind are essential views. The philosopher’s thoughts on this topic are clearly expressed in his essay “What is Enlightment?” where the author tells about his view of how exactly the human mind is transformed under the influence of progressive thinking...

Trends and Issues in Nursing: Leadership and Management

Introduction Due to the complex, critical and dynamic nature of the health sector in the world today, health practitioners are being faced with new challenges and issues that call for attention. Organization and management skills are very critical in ensuring quality health services delivery. Best practice in nursing management and...

Braintrust Toys: Evaluations, Compensation, and Firm Objectives

Introduction Braintrust Toys is a medium-sized company specializing in toy-making that decided to shift from product development to an innovative strategy. Its new objectives include enhancing attributes and convenience of existing products, launching new products, developing new markets, hiring personnel that thinks innovatively, and hiring customer service-oriented employees to support...

Poets: Elizabeth Browning and Emily Dickinson

Introduction Elizabeth Browning and Emily Dickinson are the most famous poets of the 19th century. While the masculine society insisted that women were not capable of doing poetry, Browning and Dickinson emerged as the refutation of this statement. Elizabeth gained popularity with her works on the abolition of slavery and...

Decubitus Ulcers: Nursing Concept Map, Medical Diagnosis

Concept Map Medical Diagnosis:Decubitus ulcers(15 yr. old disabled/bed-bound, epileptic patient, who suffered neglect from parent) Pathophysiology: Decubitus ulcers, also known as pressure ulcers, are usually caused by inappropriate blood supply that results in interruptions of blood circulations, hypoxic tissue damage, and even necrosis (Liao, Burns, & Jan, 2013). The main...

Modern Telecommunications System in Business Setting

Introduction In general telecommunication systems are the different ways in which the information is passed from one place to another covering a certain distance. The message passed may be verbal or written. The mode of communication used depends on several factors such as the urgency of the message, the magnitude...

Analysis of Disease and Caring for the Nguyens

Caring for the Nguyens During the interview and physical examination of Mr. Nguyen, the nurse is able to gather enough information and identify the existing problems. Relying on the complaints of the patient and his family history, certain conclusions have to be made. However, the creation of medical and nursing...

“Homage to My Hips” by Clifton

If anyone is asked in a small town, two-hour drive away from New Orleans, whether they know Lucie, their faces will be filled with joy as they begin speaking about the young, but already not so young, girl. Lucie is a brave and proud individual – she can make almost...

Understanding Biostatiscal Principles with Diabetes

According to Glover and Mitchell, for an individual to effectively communicate Biostatistics data, he had to first understand the public to which he wanted to convey the message. It was almost impracticable to alter the pre-existing values of the public except through addressing the matters unambiguously. Coming up with information...

“A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen and the Role of Ladies in Society

The struggles which women have in their daily life are real and universal. Females have been perceived as the subordinate of males who control societies. The role of ladies has always been to follow what the men say, and this has trapped communities in a patriarchal system. In their education,...

Workplace Discrimination Laws: Court Case

Case/Parties: Altitude Express v. Zarda (2020) Facts: An Altitude Express employee, Donald Zarda, warned female customers that he is gay to minimize possible sexual harassment complaints due to his work’s specificities that required him to be in close proximity to clients. However, one of the customers complained about the inappropriate...

Outbreak Investigation: Global Issues

A disease outbreak is defined as the occurrence of incidences of diseases that appear to be more than what is normally expected in a particular community, geographic area, or season. On the other hand, a cluster refers to the occurrence of incidences of diseases in several people which is more...

Nursing Education in Kenya and Ireland

Political History and Development of Nursing Education: Comparison of Kenya and Ireland The development of nursing in Kenya was greatly influenced by the country’s political history (Mule 1986, p. 83). Missionaries were keen to provide curative medicine to Kenyans and despite their efforts, they found it hard to provide treatment...

Application of Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring

Most United States hospitals adopted the Human Caring Theory in a move towards institutional changes and dissemination of professional nursing. This theory is termed by scholars as a Theory of Transpersonal Caring. The creative aspect, transpersonal compassionate bond, and the caring instance are basic elements in the theory propounded by...

Nursing Research: Types and Their Descriptions

Exploratory research is a specific type of inquiry intended to define a phenomenon. It is used in cases when the problem at hand has not been studied sufficiently, lacks clarity, or is not supported by systematized operational definitions (De Chesnay, 2015). Exploratory research can be based on primary data, such...

Injury and Violence Prevention in Children

Proposal for Health Education Children fall into the category of people that are most susceptible to injuries. Many young people die or become crippled because of suffering life-threatening injuries they cannot recuperate from. Injuries are not genetically predetermined, meaning they can be prevented. The process of growing up incorporates getting...

“The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus” by Edwin Williamson

Introduction This paper summarizes the plot of The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus. It also briefly describes the main character and analyzes the main ideas of the story. The book is written from a historical point of view, so it does not focus on a specific issue. Nevertheless, this essay...

Researching Hernandez Family Case

According to the scenario provided, in which the Hernandez family is undergoing the Children Services Program’s Administration, social workers tried to track several factors when drafting the tests. First, the most critical factor was parents’ attitudes towards their children and the nurturing patterns to manage their sons. Second, the question...

How Success or Talent Is Really the Outcome of Hard Work

Greatness is not determined by an individual’s natural talent or inborn intelligence. According to Geoffrey Colvin, the author of “What It Takes to Be Great”, success is a product of two fundamental ingredients: demanding and painful practice and hard work. Through the article, Colvin tries to debunk the myth that...

Disadvantages of Modern Portfolio Theory

This paper seeks to logically discuss and critique the modern portfolio theory (MTP) that emerged in the 1950s as the brain child theory of Harry Markowitz who spearheaded its advocacy as being the first scientific means to quantify investment risks. What was meant by this was that if the concept...

Shonagon’s “The Pillow Book” as Historical Document

Positive Analysis One of the main strengths of the book is the fact that it provides an invaluable insight into Heian Japan and how regular women lived at that time. It is a well-composed historical document in regards to reflecting the lifestyles and interests of both royal family members and...

Photosynthesis: The Solar Cells and the Plant Cells

Photosynthesis is a chemical process used by photoautotrophic plants and other organisms to change carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds like sugars with the help of solar energy. These organisms include green plants, algae and some bacteria. The process produces oxygen and vital products as waste products that enhance...

Human Destiny in the Works of Shakespeare and Nino Ricci

Introduction Human destiny has been one of the central subjects in literature at all times, and this theme can be tracked in literary pieces written in different centuries. The novel “Lives of the Saints” by Nino Ricci and the play “Othello” by William Shakespeare share a recurring idea: the destructive...

Consequences of Using LSD as a Therapeutic Agent

Over the past decades, scientists and psychologists all over the planet have conducted a variety of studies concerning LSD. The uncontrolled use of the hallucinogen has impacted nearly all areas of society, including religion, politics, and the art industry. The research confirms that hallucinogens can be beneficial for curing psychological...

Reflective Account about the Scrub Placement

For this reflective account, I am going to be looking at the standards of proficiency number 13.1 which requires operating department practitioners to understand the anatomy and physiology of the human body, together with knowledge of health, diseases, disorders, and dysfunctions relevant to their profession (Health & Care Professions Council,...

“Refresh, Refresh” by Benjamin Percy

Anticipate your Reader’s Responses The story Refresh, Refresh takes place in a small town Crow, which does not have many male citizens. The author describes that the town was populated only by three types of men: old, incapable, and vulturous (Percy 3). All the worthy men left to fight a...

Planning an Effective Healthcare Organization Restructure

Identifying the Aspects of the Plan that Should be Changed On the one hand, the idea of dividing an organization into smaller departments can provide better management to separate units. Introducing changes to each of the organized entities will be much more effective and easier (Kovner, 2009). On the other...

Definition of Financial Terms and Their Relation to Finance

Finance is the management of money, assets, banking, investments, liabilities, or anything to do with money. It involves the management of money and cash in various sectors of an organization using various instruments and means. Assets, liabilities, bonds, risks, loans, expenses are all measurable in terms of money. Finance is...

Michigan v. Tyler, Michigan v. Clifford and Fire Investigators

Case Facts 1 On January 21, 1970, a fire broke in a furniture store, and firefighters arrived to put the flames out. The fire chief found remnants of flammable liquid containers in the building and called in the police. Having retrieved the pieces as evidence and taken some photographs of...

Diversity and Cultural Competence in Adult Medical Daycare Facilities

Social workers and organizations providing social services need to support diversity, develop cultural competence, and consider their impact on cross-cultural interventions. According to Garthwait (2017), cultural competence is the ability to use “culturally appropriate” strategies and respect cultural differences, such as ethnicity, age, gender, religion, and sexual orientation (p. 111)....

Evidence-Based Practice, Paradigms, and Theories in Nursing

Introduction Like any science, nursing is based on a set of paradigms and theories that validate and guide the research efforts undertaken within the nursing field and practice implications for better patient outcomes. Scientific Paradigms of Nursing Science Nursing is an emerging science that evolves according to the theoretical and...

“A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by O’Connor: The Role of Foreshadowing

Foreshadowing is one of the most important techniques used by O’Connor in her story A Good Man Is Hard to Find. There are two aims of using this technique namely the suspense and preparing the reader for the events which happen further on. The author gives her readers the hint...

Common Lung Diseases Overview

The human lung is a respiratory organ made up of secondary lobules and Broncho vascular bundles, alveoli and blood vessels, and an interstitial. The diseases affecting the lungs, a primary respiratory organ in human beings, are called lung diseases. Most fatal lung diseases affect the interstitium. A Prolonged affliction of...

Laryngeal Mask Airways Made of Silicone Rubber

As temperature increases, at a constant volume, pressure also increases with the magnitude depending on the level of temperature for laryngeal mask airway made of silicon rubber. This research paper presents a calculation to show this effect due to decreasing barometric pressure. In addition, the complications of these changes on...

Alfred Nobel: Man Changed Everything

Explosive substances were not new to people who lived in the nineteenth century. For instance, gunpowder had been known to humanity in the Middle Ages. However, it was quite unsafe to use explosive powders and many accidents were associated with unmanageable explosive substances in the eighteenth century. However, one man...

Challenges Faced by Huffman and the Way Forward

From the enlightenment period up to the modern era, activists from all around the world have been fighting for the recognition of human rights and equality for all. Given the effort that has been put to fight for this course, it is unfortunate that there are still individuals, organizations, and...

Russia and the United States’ Cultural Correlations

Russia and the United States have a long history of rivalry and diplomatic confrontation. With the establishment of the USSR, the two cultures have become opposed to each other. While Soviet Union practiced socialism, the United States developed capitalism and even prosecuted people who were suspected to be communists. Nowadays...

Maintenance of Health and Nursing Intervention

Introduction In accordance to my medical experience, health maintenance is necessary for any individual, and most importantly, to persons suffering from chronic conditions. This is because of several unpleasant conditions that persons disregarding health maintenance, can possibly face. A common example in my line of expertise is metastatic breast cancer,...

Effects of Music Therapy on Depressed Elderly People

Purpose of the Study The study sought to “determine the effect of music therapy on depression and physiological parameters in elderly people who were living in a nursing home” (Gök Ugur et al., 2017, p. 1280). Music therapy has been shown to have positive effects among people, and thus the...

Internet-of-Things in the Military and Its Feasibility

Introduction The Internet of Military Things (IoMT) is a unique form of technology under the Internet-of-Things (IoT) framework applied in the execution of military operations. The IoMT has wide application in advanced combat operations and intelligence-oriented warfare processes (Suri et al., 2016). A majority of the highly advanced military units...

Clarifying Bias, Case Analysis and Interviewees’ Feedback in Research

Such issues as the credibility and validity of qualitative research have been discussed for decades (Creswell, 2007; Patton, 2002). Many researchers argue that qualitative research is often associated with misinterpretation. Admittedly, it is rather difficult to remain unbiased as even researchers are subjected to the influence of various factors. Nonetheless,...

Behavioral Disturbances in Dementia

Dementia can lead to a wide variety of psychological disorders, including depression and anxiety. The symptoms of depression are apathy, isolation, social withdrawal, impaired thinking, and concentration on the negative side of life (Kitching, 2015). The symptoms can be managed both pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. The usual pharmacological treatments include anti-depressants;...

Abdullah AlOthaim Markets’ Organizational Overview

Abdullah Al Othaim Markets is one of the leading Saudi food and non-food retailers. The company is famous for meeting the clients’ needs, participating in social responsibility programs, and others (Abdullah Al Othaim Markets, n.d.). That is why it is not a surprise that the business impresses with a significant...

Reasons to Become Parents in Middle Adulthood

Introduction Giving birth to a child is one of the most important decisions in the lives of the majority of individuals. At the same time, the mean maternal age at birth has increased steadily in the past several decades. Nowadays, a vast number of people tend to postpone the period...

Understanding of Kant’s Sublime Experience by Merritt

Melissa McBay Merritt is a philosopher whose works mainly concern Kant’s philosophy, history of ethics, and modern impact on society. She examines how moral rationalism can be implemented in contemporary ethics and what effect Kant’s legacy caused in the structure of today’s morality and the human mind. This essay considers...

Computer Communication and Its Influence on People’s Relationships

At present, the development of technology is so widespread that people use it almost in every sphere of their lives. Communication is one of the areas where modern devices and the Internet have become important instruments. Different interactions have appeared recently including, e-mails, instant messaging, cell phone calls, video chats...

Jack Turner, the Song of the White Pelican

Identity encompasses the unique signature that differentiates different works of literature. Essentially, this identity can be utilized to differentiate different works originating from different authors. Jack Turner is an author that has created an identity for himself, by not only writing interactive works on wildlife but also incorporating various figures...

Mind Mapping and Learning: A Persuasive Speech

Topic: Mind mapping General purpose: To persuade Specific purpose: To persuade the audience to make steps to improve people’s learning experience. Thesis: Mind mapping is a creative way to organize a person’s thoughts; images and words together are more engaging to people’s brains. Steps Attention. Over twenty-five million people all...

Senator Chris Dodd’s Finance Bill Key Points

Introduction The financial crisis that traces its way back to 2007 led to the collapse of large financial institutions and prompted national governments to bail out many from imminent collapse. The crisis affected other sectors of the economy like housing which led to the suffering caused by evictions and foreclosures....

Disease Management and Effects Regulation

Introduction Managing diseases is extremely significant, to an individual’s health or well being. Disease management entails the excellent healthcare interventions that aim at regulating the effects of a disease. It is, therefore, imperative for patients or individuals to manage their diseases to maintain their well being or wellness. Body In...

“Gone Baby Gone” by Ben Affleck

The movie “Gone Baby Gone” is an example of the moral dilemma of doing right things for right reasons. At the end of the movie, the main character, a detective Patrick Kenzie, has to answer the question what is morally right and what is good. This question can be analyzed...

Gentrification: Zone of Influence

Gentrification is a complex process that involves wealthy people occupying low-income communities, transforming them in many ways. While the general definition of the word is positive, its sociopolitical manifestation has ambiguous consequences. As the two sides are involved, the rich and the poor, some will benefit from the process, and...

Eid ul-Fitr as Significant Religious Occasions

Introduction Islam is the second-largest religion globally, and Eid is one of the significant religious occasions which Muslims faithfully celebrate worldwide. The occasion signals the end of a period of fasting from dawn to sunset, spiritual meditation and prayer. Usually, the day begins with prayers, and a big meal is...

“Impact of Racial/Ethnic Differences on Child Mental Health Care”: Critique

This article attempts to shed light on whether racial or ethnic groups receive differential mental health and treatment in the United States. It refers to various research findings of the existence of disparities in mental health and treatment. The author argues that in the United States, racial or ethnic differences...

Homeless Youth in Colorado: The Urge to Act

Body Copy Home is where people gather together to share their emotional state, have dinner with a family, and, simply, it is a place where anybody feels safe and happy. The problem is that not many are lucky to have a home where they can feel protected. In a time...

Expectancy Theory in the Healthcare Sector

Expectancy theory has been used by leaders and managers in all industries to better understand the motivations and choices of employees among various behavior alternatives. In theory, if the desired outcome is offered, each person or a group of employees will shift their behavior to what the manager requires. This...

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Case Study

The definition of ARDS It is a deadly respiratory disorder, which occurs due to rapid failure of lungs. The associated clinical indicators The associated clinical indicators are low blood pressure, increased heartbeat, low arterial oxygen tension, low arterial carbon dioxide tension, high bicarbonate concentration, alkaline condition of pH above 7.4,...

Discrimination in the Workplace: A Case Study

Case Elements of a Hostile Work Environment It is evident that any employee of the company wants their workplace to be distinguished not only by its benefits and privileges but also by a friendly corporate culture in which it is pleasant to develop professionally. On the contrary, if verbal humiliation,...

Healthcare Institutions Overview

Compliance with the standards of the industry refers to the situation where the standards have been met by an organization. However, for an organization to be said to have shown exceeding standard expectations, there is much more that it must do. Standards are made to reflect or show the behavior...

Vancouver Downtown East Side

Vancouver’s Downtown East Side is famous in Canada for having the worst postal policies characterized by high crime rates, high HIV and AIDS infection rates, drug abuse. The streets of this town are mostly under the surveillance of police officers who, harass people who reside in its corners. There are...

Conflict Management Styles

The Context of the Conflict I was in a queue waiting to pay for a pair of shoes which I had purchased. A customer ahead of me started complaining that the service representative was too slow. He aggressively demanded a refund for a shirt he had previously bought. The staff...

Water Cooling Tower Construction Site’s Problems

Introductory Summary I have been working at the construction site of the nuclear power plant in Jensen, Missouri for the past three weeks overseeing the construction of the water cooling tower. While the work at the site is only two days behind schedule, there are a few problems regarding safety...

Orlando Rubber & Tire Case Study

Maintaining profitability while resolving ethical issues are some of the main challenges that companies face. In the given scenario, Orlando Rubber & Tire (ORT) needs to raise funds for its expansion plans and sees issuing new security characterized by both debt and equity as a possible solution to the issue....

Unspoken Words Recognition Using EEG

Introduction The idea of human-machine communication has always been of interest to mankind. The recent technological developments prove that the use of specific low-end systems and EEG can allow recognizing unspoken speech and thus make direct communication without actually uttering words possible. In this respect, the impact of personal peculiarities...

Punishment is not the Answer

Parents are assumed to care for their children’s future the most, influencing them to attain progress and success in every sphere of life. Thus, academic accomplishments become the first step of the subsequent career and life achievements. Good grades in school are cherished and appreciated, whereas poor performance tends to...

“Health as Expanding Consciousness” Rogers and Neuman Theory

Neuman’s theory of “health as expanding consciousness” has been widely used by nurses and caregivers across the world. It is evident that Margaret Neuman is one of the greatest theorists who have contributed a lot to the field of nursing. Margaret developed the theory from the idea that “human health...

Biotechnology – Gene Therapy

Introduction Biotechnology is the use of organisms or their derivatives that are modified to suit human needs. This field is gaining popularity in different fields like medicine, agriculture, and food science where different products are produced in large amounts overcoming obstacles that have rocked these fields. For instance, it is...

Medical Care and Public Health in the USA

The United States is the richest and the most powerful nation, with the standard of living being the maximum. Medical and healthcare supplies to the citizens being the responsibility of the state should come from the budgetary allocations to meet the required needs. The public health system functions in a...

Automation for Minimal Human Intervention

Introduction Automation is the technology used to perform a process with minimal human intervention. Automation is concerned with discovering methods of increasing productivity, reducing idle time, cutting waste, and improving product quality. Nowadays, producers in every industry are active users of various software systems, aiming at the efficiencies of substitution...

The Modern Age and Health of the Nation

The modern age could be characterized by the growth of the level of attention given to tolerance and humanism. That is why, it is obvious that in terms of this process, the issue of the health of the nation and its main aspects are considered to be of great importance....

Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow” and Its Relation to Psychiatry

The New Jim Crow is a horrifying record by Michelle Alexander based on the race caste system’s return to the United States. According to the story, a large number of African Americans are imprisoned and afterward consigned to a perpetual inferior status (Alexander, 2020). The circumstance denied the rights such...

What You Pawn I Will Redeem: Annotated Bibliography

The What You Pawn I Will Redeem presents the message of cultural identity through the setting, symbolism, and historical context of the story. Skwiot, E., & Clugston, W. (2019). Journey into literature (3rd ed.). Web. First, the essential reference for this literary analysis is the primary source. What You Pawn...

Business Process Management

Introduction In the present day, Nike may be regarded as one of the most well-recognized international companies all over the world. Originally called Blue Ribbon Sports, it was found by a track athlete Phil Knight and his coach Bill Bowerman in 1964 (Ahmed, et al., 2016). Over the past decades,...

Nursing Process and Plan of Care

Phase 1: Assessment This phase is the initial start to the nursing process consisting of gathering information about the patient, their disease, and physiological, psychological, sociocultural, developmental, spiritual, and environmental information. Nurses can obtain subjective data such as observations and patient communication or objective data through examination and measurable vital...

Revenue Management: Term Definition

Introduction Pastry World Ltd is a company that is engaged in the sphere of semi-prepared and preserved foods. Although pastry is not the key component of a ratio of an average human, high-quality pastry is highly valued all over the world. The paper aims to analyze the revenue statement of...

The Concept of Servant Leadership and Its Difference From Followership

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to analyze the increasingly popular concept of servant leadership and to show in what way followership contrasts and at the same time complements it. The attitude to leaders in various spheres has changed dramatically, as young generations tend to be motivated by the...

Aspects of a Suburb and Suburbia

The notion of suburbia is often heard in the contemporary environment, being characteristic of 21st-century life. According to the general understanding, a suburb implies a city’s remote areas, which are usually adjacent to its borders and remains mostly residential. Suburbs tend to be low-story, convenient areas with a calmer atmosphere...

The Explaining of Essence of Tsunami Term

The term “tsunami” comes from the Japanese language and means “big wave in the bay”. It occurs during an earthquake in the sea or ocean when conditions are created for the formation of powerful waves in the water column. These waves diverge in all directions from the epicenter onto the...

Sallie Mae’s Health History Overview

Introduction Let us begin by finding out what is Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) and Atrial Fibrillation (AF) as well as their main causes. According to the American Geriatrics Society (2003), CHF is a cardiovascular condition that is common in older people, and the ailment increases considerably with age. American Geriatrics...

The Transition of Roman Art Into the Christian and Byzantine Eras

The Transition The Roman Empire had a huge impact on the artistic and architectural patterns of many places where the empire ruled. The artistic impressions that were depicted in the art and architectural forms addressed various forms of human activities and emotions. Roman Empire art and architecture reflected the value...

Is Insurance a Right or a Privilege?

Health care is one of the most important parts of the U.S. social system (Kovner & Knickman, 2008). Yet, many perceive the system as vague and not accessible to the poor. With millions of U.S. citizens uninsured, health care cost escalating, access to health care difficult, and health disparities eminent...

American Consensus in the 50s and 60s

Introduction The unity of the people is a fundamental factor for the productive and prosperous existence of any state. The idea of unification is especially essential for such a multi-ethnic and multicultural country like the US. The first significant measures to unite the Americans were launched by the government in...

Online vs. Face-To-Face Meetings in Business

During these unprecedented times of strict quarantine and worldwide pandemic, online communication became the centrepiece of education and business operations. Meetings play a vital role in all these processes, which is why it is important to discuss the pros and cons of online meetings in contrast with the face-to-face version....

The Effects of Food on ADHD

Patient Introduction: patient care practice The issue of ADHD and its relation to food has been a concern for quite a while. In their recent study, Plesser et al. (2008) have raised the topic in question once again. According to the outcomes of the study, the daily intake of food...

Designing Oligonucleotide Primers in Biology

Introduction Molecular biology tools include polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which requires a mRNA template or a cDNA template, polymerase enzyme and a primer; mainly an oligonucleotide primers. The design of the best primer is important for the success of many molecular biology techniques such as polymerase chain Reaction, hybridization, sequencing...

How Ageism Affects Mental Health and Addiction?

Introduction Recent developments in the social sciences of the 20th and 21st centuries started attracting public attention to a variety of issues that used to be ignored. One of such problems is ageism or the discrimination of people based on their age. This essay will address such topics as the...

The Importance of the Statute of Limitation

The United States of America law has an endorsement that sets the limit within which a legal lawsuit ought to start. The law has a statute that disqualifies prosecution for crimes or debt, which took place over two years. The statute of limitation does not allow prosecution for an offense...

The Orange Door Health Center: Solution

Strategic Plan for the Orange Door Health Center Addressing Environmental Issues and Perspectives for Development Because three areas will be considered in a strategic plan – staff development, managerial approaches and technological advancement – a transformation of the Orange Door Health Center should be carried out about these aspects (Filipovitch,...

Breast Cancer: Analysis and Data Collection

Introduction This study seeks to answer question relating to a pilot research study done in two health centers in Connecticut to determine the effect of dance and movement on the quality of life for 32 breast cancer survivors. It was undertaken in a period of 12 weeks. Data Collection Method...

Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Dimethoxybenzene

Introduction A Friedel-Crafts Alkylation reaction is an eletrophilic aromatic substitution reaction that is employed in introducing tert-butyl alcohol sets on an activated benzene derivative ring. Eletrophilic aromatic substitution entails production of a positively charge tert-butyl compound as a result of the reaction between the acid catalyst and tert-butyl alcohol. After...

LGBT Populations and Health

In today’s world, there is so much in regards to sexuality. People have varied sexual behaviors and identities. Some of the categories that define the sexuality of a person include bisexuality, homosexuality, and trans-sexuality. People have moved from addressing Lesbianism, gayness, and bisexuality as alternatives. Today, people refer to lesbians,...

The Role of Nurses in Disaster Management

I am a Plastic and Reconstructive Nurse with the majority of my patients being Breast Cancer victims who have undergone mastectomy and are after Breast Reconstruction. Most of my patients have undergone the procedure successfully and have maintained healthier lives with them following the recommended practices expected of them as...

Organizational Structure of The Ambulatory Surgery Center

A Description of the Organizational Structure or Design of Your Practice Setting The Ambulatory Surgery Center I worked at was not sufficiently equipped with all technical devices necessary for performing daily operations. Though the Medical Director of this center was a good manager, the organizational structure left much to be...

Voice Over Internet Protocol: Technology Introduction

Introduction The principles of IP telephony are based on transferring the voice using the Internet Protocol, which is currently considered the most perspective and used protocol for data transfer over the networks. The world market for IP telephony is actively developing and currently, VoIP (Voice-over-IP) technology is supported by almost...

Patient and Family-Centered Care: Positive and Negative Effects

Patient and family-centered care were brought to the fore in the 1980-90s. Notably, this approach has proved to have many positive effects as it contributed to the rise of patients’ satisfaction. However, this method also has certain negative outcomes. Fortunately, these negative effects can be diminished. Therefore, health care organizations...

Informatics and Healthcare Documentation

In the course of the development of computer technologies, data transmission acquired a new electronic status. Needless to say that paper documentation is in the past and there is a tangible tendency to download all necessary information into the computer as it is considered to be the safest and effective...

The Healthcare Manager’s Role in Information Technology Management

Introduction The current economic climate has influenced the use of information technology in almost all sectors of society. The current healthcare environment is becoming more complex and dynamic, thanks to the advancement of information technology. Quality and efficient service delivery are very critical for institutions to survive in the ever-competitive...

Anaesthesia: From Its Origin to the Modern Times

Anaesthesia is a Greek term whish refers to ‘minus feeling’ and analgesia refers to ‘without pain’. The modern anaesthesia is thought to date from 16th October 1846, when a Boston dentist called William Morton administered ether successfully to a young man whose operation for a tumor on his neck was...

Critical Path Method in Construction Practice

The critical path method has a significant role to play in managing resources on construction projects by relating time and money. Different combinations of construction methods, equipment, crew sizes, and working hours are performed in any construction project. The key factors dominating the selection of the best combination may be...

Human Sexuality and Media Relations

Several changes in sexual standards have happened since the beginning of the American industrial revolution. Towards the last phase of the 20th century, the United States started witnessing the creation of various social movements. One of these movements was the queer – LGBTQ rights, which has greatly helped bring out...

Philadelphia Public Health Department: Mosquito Issue

Mosquito bites are usually associated with common rash and itch, but also with the risk of mosquito-borne diseases, such as malaria, West Nile fever, and Zika virus. Philadelphia is one of the top cities in the U.S. with a persisting mosquito problem, according to the national pest control company Terminix...

Substance Abuse: Alcohol and Drugs in the Movie “Ray”

The movie “Ray” by Taylor Hackford depicts the life journey of Ray Charles, a famous American pianist, and singer. The plot evolves as Charles grows up, from the age of seven when he loses his vision to adulthood when he tours across the United States as a rhythm and blues...

Environmental Issues: Problems of Climate Change

Unquestionably, global transformation is becoming a challenge encompassing a broad scope of human life, including its economic and social features. Conducted investigations indicate that climate change will continuously affect the globe so long as necessary precautions are not taken to preserve the environment. Therefore, I believe in all the hype...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Nursing Metaparadigm

Introduction Every professional nurse has to work according to specific rules and approaches that allow them to deliver high-quality care to patients and develop effective treatment programs. Therefore, starting from the nursing school, specialists have to get acquainted with certain nursing values, beliefs, and ethics and learn to implement them...