Afghanistan and Global Counterterrorism

Afghanistan has long been known for its increased levels of terrorism across the whole land, which is the primary reason for the US government’s decision to assist the country’s administration. In fact, the government of the USA and Afghanistan deemed it reasonable to unite their effort to decrease terrorism on...

Social Class and Discrimination Practices

Introduction People are united into different social groups by social interests, which are the real reasons for action. Various individuals form them due to their positions and roles in social life. The social structure of society and its dynamics are critical themes in contemporary society. This is because there are...

“Where My Characters Come From” by Haruki Murakami

Introduction Murakami, in his article “Where My Characters Come From,” gives an overview of how he chooses the characters in his novel and what motivates the choices of characters (2). Murakami’s purpose is to explain how he develops his characters over time in his writing career and how the characters’...

The Use of Rhetoric in Advertisements

It is essential to understand the nature of linguistic styles applicable to the general audience in order to create an efficient advertisement. The persuasive power of ads stems from the development of rhetorical elements specific to marketing purposes that focus on making customers get interested in a product or service...

Ethics of Vioxx Withdrawal From the Market

Introduction Merck launched Vioxx in 1999 as a substitute for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications to manage osteoarthritis pain. After research found an elevated risk of major cardiovascular events, including stroke and heart attack, five years later, Merck withdrew Vioxx, one of the best-selling painkillers internationally, from the market. Nevertheless, there had...

Economic Chaos of a Taiwan War

Tense and conflictual relations between countries can have an impact on all parties involved. Thus, a precise analysis of the situation, the reasons for the involvement of countries in a potential military conflict, and the possible consequences are necessary. The central topic of the paper is the effect that a...

Decision Efficiency and Effectiveness in Company

Introduction There are some metrics concerning decision-makers’ performance and decisions themselves: efficiency and effectiveness. As a rule, decision efficiency is defined by the number of resources consumed in a decision-making process. Such resources may include time, during which all advantages and disadvantages are considered, money, which decision-maker is paid for...

Starbucks Corporation’s Cost Allocation Problem

Introduction Starbucks is the world’s largest coffee shop retail chain operator. It faces keen competition from Mc Donald’s Corporation and Dunkin’ Donuts Inc. in the coffee market of United States. Luxury end products are supplied by them. The spending habit among the target customer group towards loyal products provides competitive...

Collaborative Learning Community: Genre Matrix

The essence of collaborative learning is in the joining of “intellectual efforts by students, or students and teachers together” (Smith & MacGregor, 1992, 1). Though there is a great variety of activities in collaborative learning, all of them may be characterized as being student-centered, and they are aimed at “students’...

Family Ecomap and Genogram Analysis

The objective of this study is to question a household and then create a genogram and ecomap to highlight their interfamilial links along with their environmental support networks and stresses. In addition, the essay will evaluate the ecomap and genogram by examining a family’s connections, support programs, and concerns during...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Why the Hurricane Katrina Response Failed

Hurricane Katrina was the most destructive hurricane in US history, hit in late August 2005. The most severe damage from Hurricane Katrina was caused to New Orleans in Louisiana, where about 80% of the city area was underwater, and about 700,000 people lost their homes (Rohland, 2017). Artificial accidents, oil...

Why People Should Play Basketball

Basketball belongs to games that most significantly affect the comprehensive development of a person, improving one’s physiological indicators. Basketball is based on natural movements — running, jumping, throwing, and passing, which is why it has a positive impact on a person’s musculoskeletal, respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems. Moreover, systematic basketball...

Researching of Talon Investment

Introduction A succession plan is critical for the survival of companies in case of unforeseen situations. The consideration helps avert company shutdowns and job losses and ensures continuity of supply chain and corporate strategies. It is also vital to reassure stakeholders to continue trusting the company. Companies whose identities cannot...

Analysis of Shakespeare’s Play “Romeo and Juliet”

Introduction Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet” is one of the most classic and exemplary works in the tragic play’s genre. The greatest poet skillfully and masterfully revealed in his creation the theme of love and freedom of choice, the problems of anger, revenge, and unforgiveness, as well as the piece of...

Abortion Is a Woman’s Right and Should Be Legal

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in our society today. Some believe that a woman has the right to choose what happens to her body and believe that abortion is murder. The debate over abortion is often highly emotional and can be difficult to discuss rationally. However, it...

The Reconstruction Period in the United States

The Reconstruction Period Reconstruction was a vital era to the development of the modern United States. The period lasted for 12 years, from 1865 to 1877, and followed the American Civil War. Throughout the years of the Reconstruction, various attempts at integrating African Americans into the society were made, in...

Post-American Revolution Changes Over Time

This essay will cover the broad changes in the newly-born state after the American Revolution. The aim is to trace the major political, economic, and social changes that determined the further evolution of the nation. The critical junctures throughout the period from the 1790s to the 1840s will be outlined...

Facebook Keeps Growing Manipulative

Introduction The use of Facebook has become so integral to our routine we do not notice how it happens. Reading news while drinking morning coffee, skipping or closing annoying ads and saving interesting to examine later – how conscious are we about these everyday actions? Not quite, apparently; they are...

Zero Hunger Problem Through Nature Lens

Zero Hunger program is a prospective solution to the problem of world hunger, which focuses on approachability to food, cost-effectiveness of food supply, and the constant flow of it to bereft regions of the world. As it stands, the world has an overproduction of food of 50%, whereas 11% of...

Foreign Subsidiaries and Their Conflicting Demands

The efforts of host governments in maintaining their national economies through policy interventions under influences such as taxation and request for joint ventures or buying power of state-owned companies restrict the freedom of MNEs in deploying economic resources as they do in their home country while making decisions that are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Engine Producer’s Business Opportunities

Automotive Manufacturing Industry The problem the company is facing is the lack of growth due to the limited sources of income. In order to ascertain other business opportunities, it is important to analyze motor demand as qualitative data and motor sales as quantitative. The company operates within the U.S. automotive...

Studying White Collar Crimes Relative to Other Crimes

Introduction White-collar crime refers to those offenses committed by people of high social strata, respectable status, or position in the course of their profession. White-collar crime is further attributed to interpersonal learning and interaction and forms a part of commercial crime because it occurs within corporate settings. Some of the...

Staffing Problem Solution: HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics

Introduction HE metrics program and workforce analytics will play a significant role at Regional Hospital, especially when it comes to improving quality of care and performance efficiency. According to Kassick (2019), HR metrics “are data (numbers) that provide descriptive detail about given processes or outcomes” (p. 55). Therefore, the metrics...

Is Binge-Watching Television Bad for You?

People spend a significant amount of their time watching TV. Moreover, the emergence and evolution of streaming services increased the number of hours individuals spend in front of screens. The popularity of TV series and shows proves that millions of people like this content and wait for new episodes. For...

Republican Party of Louisiana: Lawrence Bagley’s Political Summary

The Republican Party of Louisiana was chosen for this review dedicated to the political structure at the state level. It goes without saying that it supports the main principles of the Republican Party’s platform that include economic libertarianism, support for the free market and the private sector, the low level...

Work-Family Conflict and Women of Impact

Managing a work-family balance is an essential task for modern people. Since individuals typically spend much time on work, some of them can have difficulties having families and taking care of their relatives. In this case, men and women need help thinking about what decisions they should make to achieve...

The Neuroergonomics of Aircraft Cockpits by Peysakhovich et al.

Peysakhovich et al.’s (2018) article, The Neuroergonomics of aircraft cockpits, outlines the four stages of eye-tracking integration to enhance flight safety. Among the safest transportation modes today include commercial aviation, with reduced accidents per departure. However, inadequate cross-checking monitoring provokes a destabilized approach and subsequent drastic speed diminution, resulting in...

Interview on Closing the Gap Between College and Career

Interview Summary Whether we go to college to get an education or secure good pay alongside the diploma has deluded many students. The tension between these dual expectations has made students scramble between getting concrete skill sets and workplace knowledge. Mr. Majette notes that the increasingly competitive job market puts...

Dell Computers: Executive PC Launch

The Perceptor Model The position of a company in the industry, relative to its competitors, can be determined by the use of various market analysis models. The preceptor model, which involves a structured trial and repeat process used to estimate market share for a new product, can be utilized to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How a Folk Singer’s Murder Forced Chile to Confront Its Past: Victor Jara Story

The film’s name is “How a Folk Singer’s Murder Forced Chile to Confront Its Past” This film is from Chile, a country on South America’s coastline. I saw the film on YouTube on the 23rd of November, 2022. Before I clicked the link and watched the video, I felt emotional...

The Line Operation Safety Audit (LOSA) Benefits

Line operation safety audit (LOSA) is a safety tool designed to gather cockpit observation without jeopardy whenever a normal flight operation occurs. It provides insights through knowing observable behavior by identifying latent and overt threats and aggregating crew performance and errors (Li et al., 2021). Analyzing threat management and error...

How to Make an Enemy: A Process Guide with Steps

In the present-day world, where the significance of inclusivity and acceptance is prioritized, making an enemy may seem a nearly impossible task. However, with several simple steps, one will be able to find an arch nemesis comparatively easily and build mutual lifelong resentment fuelled by frequent heated disagreements online. By...

Literary Analysis of Ward’s “Sing, Unburied, Sing”

Jesmyn Ward: A Celebrated Author in American Literature Jesmyn Ward is considered an important author in American literature owing to her ability to showcase an intimate and in-depth understanding of language. Ward’s works explore American families and their diverse cultures. All of Ward’s novels are set in the small town...

The Tragedy of “A Streetcar Named Desire” by T. Williams

Tragedy, as a form of drama, is defined not necessarily by the overall sorrowful atmosphere of a literary piece, but by the comeuppance that the protagonist receives due to their faults. With this distinction, the calamity of the situation is achieved using having no one to blame for the ending...

South Korea’s New Coronavirus Outbreak in News

News Accounts Detailing South Korea’s New Coronavirus Outbreak South Korea has been praised for its efforts at slowing down the spread of the coronavirus. However, media outlets reported on a recent outbreak where several individuals contracted the virus at clubs in a gay neighborhood. Many journalists have covered this story,...

Network Design in Business Organizations

Introduction Network design refers to a process that involves topological design, synthesis of network, and network realization. The main reason behind network design is to ensure that the business acquires a network that meets its business model. Many organizations are now focusing their attention towards designing information system network that...

Project Planning and Management

Introduction Project planning is the foundation of any project work success. Managers need to understand all the steps in the project planning process. There are several approaches to project planning but a few are universally acceptable as vital in project planning. This essay seeks to address the topic of detailing...

Post-COVID-19 Federal Reserve Policies

The COVID-19’s impact on the economy is immeasurable, as firms and individuals across the world have to readjust to the new reality. This event has caused the U.S. to a 30 percent drop in its gross domestic product (GDP), which is similar to the Great Depression rate (Clarida et al.,...

Automation in Aviation by Chialastri

In his seminal piece, Automation in Aviation, Chialastri asserted that automation in aviation should adapt to pre-existing conditions. The purpose of the article was four-fold: the definition and advantages of automation in safeguarding complex systems like aviation; history and reasons for aviation accidents and associated safety paradigms; ergonomics in complex...

Employee Empowerment and Its Benefits for Business

By definition, employee empowerment is the manner an organization provides its employees with a certain degree of control and autonomy over their tasks. Companies can achieve this in several ways, and employee empowerment includes helping subordinates create and manage new tactics and systems (Thompson et al., 2020). Further, Thompson et...

Transportation Forecasting: Strategic Planning

Summary Logistics is an important part of the everyday activity of the armed forces. The process of transportation that involves goods, equipment, and personnel might be expensive (Xiong et al., 2017). As a part of my education course, I have researched a paper on transportation forecasting by Xavier Smith, a...

Does Training Have to Be Fun: Article Review

This discussion is based on the article by Tews and Noe (2019) entitled: “Does training have to be fun? A review and conceptual model of the role of fun in workplace training”. The main takeaway is that training should be enjoyable; it should be fascinating, motivating, stimulating, and demanding to...

“L’AbbĂ© Sonnet” by Shakespeare Review

L’AbbĂ© Sonnet 1 poem argues for the relationship between procreation and the speaker’s obsession with beauty. “From fairest creature we desire increase… Feed’s thy light’s flame with self-substantial fuel” (Shakespeare 1). The lines in the poem are unforgettable because they question the impacts of the man’s beauty and his unwillingness...

Sofia Coppola’s Marie Antoinette Review

A historical film may be produced to entertain audiences, educate viewers about the past, evaluate the present through the lens of the past, or shed new light on the past as it is being recounted by dispelling misconceptions. Sofia Coppola’s intention in making Marie Antoinette was to depict France’s 18th-century...

Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competency: Quality Improvement

Introduction In the modern world, technology plays a more and more significant role, and many human manual jobs become substituted by robots that assist other people in their professional activities. Due to that fact, there is a constant change in the requirements set by employers towards competencies in many professions....

Aspects of Utility in Healthcare Industry

Defining the Concept of Utility The concept of utility is closely associated with the value and benefit that a specific product or service brings to a consumer. When consumers buy goods, they seek to get the maximum benefit from it, either physical or psychological. In this respect, utility contributes much...

Ontario Pension Board: Insights From our Leadership Team

The Public Service Pension Plan, a significant fixed benefits retirement plan supported by the Government of Ontario, is administered by the Ontario Pension Board (OPB) – a chosen tribunal for the discussion. Some personnel of the local administration’s departments, committees, and bodies make up its constituency. The PSPP is one...

Human Services Resources: Annotated Bibliography

Northern, Academy. (2018). National conference on coaching in human services 2018. OER Commons. Web. This conference reveals various coaching opportunities in the field of social services. This resource benefits me as a professional, as I can learn how to work with secondary injuries and emotional burnout and develop critical thinking....

Anti-Trust Case Analysis in the Health Sector

Marion Healthcare LLC v. Southern Illinois Healthcare In this case, the Department of Justice submitted a Statement of Interest related to a civil action in a case between Marion Health Care LLC and Southern Illinois Healthcare. The complainant, Marion LLC, is an ambulatory surgery center, which offers surgical services for...

Beauty Pageants: Importance and Benefits

Beauty pageants are contests that have been held in almost all the countries of the world for a long time, where participants demonstrate their talents and, first of all, beauty. Their popularity can be explained by the fact that these pageants entertain viewers who cheer for their compatriots. Besides, such...

Multiple Intelligence Existence: Interactional Cognitive Skills

In my opinion, everyone has the ability to understand the universe through language, logical-mathematical analysis, spatial depiction, musical reasoning, using their bodies to create things or solve issues, knowing other people, and understanding themselves. The extent to which this intelligence is used and combined to accomplish various activities tackle multiple...

Divorce Influence on Children’s Social Development

Annotated Bibliography Brand, J. E., Moore, R., Song, X., & Xie, Y. “Parental divorce is not uniformly disruptive to children’s educational attainment.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116.15, 2019. 7266-7271. Web. Children with divorced parents typically perform worse academically than children with married parents. However, not every child...

Drug Use, Dealing and Violence

Introduction Research shows that the issues of drug use, actual dealing in drugs, and violence are interrelated. De La Rosa, Lambert, and Gropper assert that this relationship is complex with increased research conducted on the causes, consequences, connections, and implications of this relationship from varying disciplines such as medicine, psychology,...

The Most Recent Technology: Blackberry Messenger

Introduction Thanks to the world’s move towards becoming a global village, new technological advancements have emerged and smart phone users are not an exception. Latest models of blackberry phones have one of the most recent technological infrastructures embedded in them. Among its most recent feature being Blackberry messenger, which has...

Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes

A nurse must take into account all aspects of the recommended for the patient treatment. In the case of prescribing recommendations regarding drugs for weight loss, it is necessary, first of all, to use the evidence base for understanding the effectiveness of drugs. It is important to know the side...

Poverty Relation With Immigrants

Background information Following the current changes in technology and modernization, the poverty-related immigration rate has been reported to be very high. It has been revealed that; the current advancement in technology and modernization has resulted in many environmental hazards; which have led to a decline in land productivity. More specifically,...

Originality as Interpretation Philosophy of Law

Introduction Originality is a philosophy that is associated with interpretation. It has been used since the 1980s after being coined by Paul Brest. In this case, originality can be termed as a hypothesis of explanation and interpretation. Originality is a theory that tends to shy away from construction. Basically, this...

Classical Music and Composers of That Era

Classical music is one of the directions of music that originated in the middle of the 17th century and is developing to this day. One of the most exceptional stages of the formation of classical music was the 18th century, which gave people the most talented composers, such as Ludwig...

How to Measure the Health of the Economy

Use of gross domestic product in the business cycle Gross domestic product is used to measure the total income and output which have been produced in a given year in a country. It’s obtained by adding all the cash inflow and outflow together so as to come up with the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Amazon Firm’s Acculturation in the Middle East

Acculturation occurs when someone is introduced to a new culture or placed in one, and they accept, learn, and adjust to the unique cultural context. Organic growth is when a business expands by boosting internal sales and production. The expansion excludes revenues or expansion related to acquisitions and mergers but...

Innovation Differences When Crossing Borders

Introduction Innovation is a multiple-stage process in which both profit and nonprofit making organizations changes ideas into new or improved products, services, or even processes with a view/aim to advance, compete and differentiate them successfully in the business world. Innovation takes one of these two categories; evolutionary which don’t need...

Humans and Preserving of Representative Sample of All Biomes and Aquatic Zones

Introduction Biodiversity is normally the change in the life cycle of living things in a given geographical zone or area. In this research, the focus will be on the effects of extinction on various aquatic organs and their biodiversity. Biological systems of living things are measured by taking into consideration...

Proposal for New Leadership Training

Introduction Leadership training is important for managers since it equips them with skills necessary to enable them lead the organization towards attainment of organizational goals. Leadership training enables managers to create amicable working relationships with the employees. This enhances sharing of experiences among employees within the organization (Ashraf, n.d, p....

Children and Gender: Growing Up Trans by Frontline PBS Review

In today’s world, there is a distinct difference between gender and sex, the spread of which is especially important. Increasingly people are faced with the problem of identifying themselves as male or female. As a consequence of this fact, adults have an opportunity to make a transition to living a...

Department of Homeland Security: The Biggest Challenge

Introduction On September 11, 2001, the United States of America suffered terrible terrorist attacks. Al Qaeda terrorists were believed to be behind the attacks. They hijacked four jetliners and crashed two into the Twin Towers, one into the pentagon and the last one into a field near rural-Pennsylvania. The death...

Whole Foods Market: Company Analysis

Introduction Whole Foods Market is a Texas based supermarket chain which deals in the supply and distribution of organic and natural food products ranging from bakery products, coffee and tea, groceries, meat and poultry products as well as sea food products. Since it was founded in 1980, the company has...

Dance for Self-Expression and Social Change

Art has long been considered a form of undirect self-expression where people could reveal their feelings and emotions on a disturbing matter without directly speaking about them. Naturally, the government realized this and either started to use various forms of art as propaganda to influence society or wholly banned it....

The Power of Cyberterrorism

Introduction The definition of cyberterrorism is quite elusive as many experts have their own understanding of the terminology (Denning, 2000). However, it is best analyzed through a breakdown of the elements that constitute it. The paper will look at what cyberterrorism could do to opponents and the actual possibility of...

The American Revolution Period (1775-1784)

This essay will consider some crucial questions about the essence of the American Revolution between 1775 and 1784. Scholars admit that the revolution was one of the most improbable events in the 18th century because of quite stable relationships between Britain and the colonies.1 In addition, there were many controversies...

Leasing vs. Buying a Car: Math & Critical Thinking

Often, the buyer is faced with a difficult question as to whether to buy a car or lease it. On the one hand, among the positive features of leasing, one can single out relatively lower investments. In addition, leasing allows you to drive a vehicle that people cannot buy due...

The 24 Hour Fitness Firm’s Employee Conflict

On March 12, 2018, a complete story documenting the ongoing conflict between 24 Hour Fitness’s staff and management appeared in Capital & Main. At the heart of these conflicts is National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) claim that the organization’s staff negotiation arrangements breach federal employment regulations (Goodheart, 2018). In federal...

Education Under Impact of Globalization

Introduction The most serious identified negative impact of globalization is the widening gap in access to education. Globalization has made English the primary language of education, which can lead to discrimination. For further analysis of the topic, it is necessary to identify the factors influencing the process of globalization in...

Shubert Music Analysis the Work of Shubert Die SchöNE Müllerin, No 19

Introduction; analysis of the sound Analyzing the work of Shubert Die schöne MĂĽllerin, no 19, and its part ‘Der MĂĽller und der Bach’ I used the technology of LaRue (1992), who suggests paying attention to sound, harmony, melody, rhythm and the growth of form. The work consists of two parts...

Iago in Shakespeare’s Othello Play

Iago is the traitor and perhaps the most significant character in the play “Othello” by William Shakespeare. He is a man with a sinister plan of deception and death and loses focus of what he was formerly: a genuinely good husband and strong soldier. Necessity compels him to act and...

Social Identity and Intersectionality

An individual’s understanding of self is sourced from communication with other people. Thus, understanding of self presents a multidimensional process in which the individual acts from different social perspectives. The identity can represent an intersection of different aspects, such as gender, race, socioeconomic class, and sexual orientation. This essay will...

The Attraction-Selection-Attrition Framework

Organizational psychology’s field of personnel psychology focuses primarily on hiring, selecting, and evaluating employees and other job-related issues like morale, job satisfaction, and relationships between managers and employees. The Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) framework is used to characterize the kind of individuals who make up a firm, which dictates the nature of...

Reducing Accidents in the Meatpacking Industry

Given the opportunity to choose just one thing to tell the meatpacking company to change, I would choose to improve the company safety standards on the night shift. This shift is often considered to be the most dangerous shift, and this is for a variety of reasons. It is when...

Breast Feeding From the DNP Perspective

Common Myths and Barriers Regarding Breast Feeding Breastfeeding guidelines are crucial for supporting mothers and their newborn infants. Due to the presence and strong influence of breastfeeding myths in numerous communities, a DNP has to encourage patient education to prevent the instances that involve health issues in mothers and infants....

The Low-Cost Provider Strategy: Pros and Cons

It is hard to disagree that one of the primary goals of most businesses is to maintain high competitiveness and be the main choice of numerous clients. In order to achieve these objectives, it is of vital importance for companies to select appropriate and effective strategies that would help them...

Jazz Music as Reflection of Social Injustices

Summary During the civil rights movement, jazz music took a decidedly political tone to undertake an active role in the fight for civil rights. Jazz music provided soundtracks used in most liberation movements by utilizing vocal arrangements to create sound expressing injustices against marginalized African Americans, acting as a force...

Student Lounge in Educational Institutions

Introduction This essay deals with analysis of student lounge and its role in educational institutions. Its thesis statement is: Student lounge has positive qualities and is needed for all students. This assumption is further developed in three main points which prove its coherence: student lounge has all necessary preconditions for...

Paraphilias and Paraphilic Disorders in Psychiatry

The realm of psychology is diverse and involves a number of disorders, their causes and consequences, along with a potential course of treatment. While many psychological disorders are quite well-known, such as narcissism, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder, other conditions might be heard of but are not necessarily analyzed by many;...

Social Issues in “Effi Briest” by Theodor Fontane

Introduction Effi Briest by Theodor Fontane is one of the most famous realist novels, which stands in line with masterpieces like Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina. This book tells the story of a girl who enters into an arranged marriage and eventually becomes its victim. The novel’s plot is centered...

Gender as a Social Process: Theoretical Foundation

Introduction The process of acquiring gender identity can be explained with reference to certain theoretical perspectives on gender socialization. These theories are social learning theory, identification theory, symbolic interaction, and cognitive development theory. According to these theoretical models, different components in the process of gender formation are accentuated by researchers...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Benner’s Theory

Key concepts of the philosophy Some of the key meaningful elements of daily nursing philosophy that I would like to incorporate in practice are an empathic connection between nurse and patient, the relationships of care, relationships of trust, monitoring as with care, and cultural specifics of nursing care. An empathic...

Manet’s “Olympia” and Gauguin’s “Manao Tupapau”

Introduction When looking at Edouard Manet’s Olympia (1863) and Paul Gauguin’s Manao Tupapau (1892), it is possible to notice certain similarities in these remarkable paintings. The reason is that Gauguin was inspired by Manet’s Olympia in order to create his own proclamation of “indecent” nudity, but he chose another approach...

Negative Outcomes of High Sugar Consumption

Introduction Sugar is one of the most common nutritional elements present in the majority of plants and many animal products. The benefits of consuming sugar include increased energy level and improved thinking capacity. However, these and other advantages are related only to natural sugars. Meanwhile, modern supermarkets offer a wide...

ESL Curriculum Objectives and Assessment

What Needs Are Being Met by School Curricula? The curriculum for English as a second language is important because in most cases the curriculum focuses on students from different backgrounds whose first language is not English. Basically, the curriculum is designed to cover the basic language needs for conversation and...

Health Services Pricing and Its Factors

Consumer price-quality assumptions about health services Consumers tend to equate price to quality in ordinary healthcare decision making. They generally hold a belief that whenever a price is set, it is a true reflection of the underlying quality provided by healthcare providers. Due to this inherent assumption, consumers of health...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Principles of Children Development and Learning

Abstract Children have an innate propensity to learn; however, they still need a teacher to guide them on their path to successful knowledge acquisition. Adults are responsible for providing a favorable learning environment allowing children to experiment with real-life materials and situations, ask questions, and find answers. Teachers should guide...

Understanding Blogspace: Types, Comparison and Significance

Introduction The act of blogging has diversified since it began in the 1990s. At the moment, has trailed over a hundred million blogs (David 369). In the past, blogspace was used by unknown people who created a network for communication purposes. Today, blogspace is being used by various institutions...

Personality Tests and Their Application in the Future

Since personality tests are utilized to diagnose psychological issues and screen applicants for various sectors in current society, they play a significant role in psychological evaluations. The measurement and evaluation of personality characteristics, emotions, sense of humor, attitudes, values, interests, worldview, acculturation, cognitive and behavioral styles, and associated individual qualities...

Cultural Evolution in Vietnam’s Early 20th Century Article Review

The article entitled “Cultural evolution in Vietnam’s early 20th century: A Bayesian networks analysis of Hanoi Franco-Chinese house designs” investigates how diverse cultures and religious creeds influenced the architecture of Hanoi in the early 20th century. The paper states that by looking at facades and architectural features of buildings, one...

Revolutionary Movements in Mexico and Cuba

Introduction Across the globe, government systems forcefully overthrow prevailing social orders in favor of new ones. Revolutions often trigger disastrous consequences in society’s economic, political infrastructural, and cultural sectors (Skidmore & Smith, 1984). In Mexico, the Revolution took place ten decades ago, while Cuba experienced its Revolution in 1960 (Jenkins,...

Jazz Styles and Artists: Louis Armstrong and Others

Introduction Jazz is one of the most famous music genres, and its influence on various communities of American cities is immense. There are numerous performers from cities like New Orleans, Chicago, New York, St.Louis, and Kansas City who, in their time, managed to reach the souls of their audiences and...

Liz Kotz’s Statement About Artists` Personalities

In most cases, all the artworks can be effectively perceived with reference to the context in which they were created. In this case, much attention should be paid to the artist’s personality as well as social, cultural, and political environments. When discussing the specifics of Simone Forti’s Dance Constructions (1960-1961),...

“In Search of a Discourse and Critique That Center the Art of Black Women Artists” by Tesfagiorgis

In her article, Wasikhongo Tesfagiorgis examined the scientific and cultural discourse of Black feminist art. The author has outlined the cornerstones on which this discourse should be based. According to her, this includes focusing on the artist’s identity and contrasting one’s vision with existing Euro-patriarchal, Afro-patriarchal, and Euro-feministic approaches. This...

Grammy Award for Best Artist: Speech Preparation

Ladies and gentlemen, First of all, I should say that it is a great honor for me to be here today and present the Grammy award for the best new artist of the year. Since 1959, when the first ceremony was held, the Grammy Award has aimed to recognize major...

Social Motivation of an Artist and Business Owner

This paper studies the social motivation on the example of Maggie, who has created a business providing services as a graphic designer and a photographer. The research suggests that her motives are intrinsic and are caused by internal factors. It also explains the reasons behind her motivation based on external...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Introduction The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is a government department located in America, Washington state. It performs essential and meaningful work for the whole country, society, and individuals, preserving natural balance and harmony. This paper aims to describe WDFW in terms of its historical context, primary mission,...

The COVID-19 and Anxiety Disorders Infographic Analysis

Infographic Analysis I chose this organizational pattern to help people understand the concepts of anxiety and depression about COVID-19. The concepts of suffering from depression and anxiety is a global phenomenon that has increased due to COVID-19. According to Markel & Selber (2018) about 5% of adult populations worldwide experience...

Marriage as a Topic in Cultural Anthropology

Different cultures usually have other practices that are unique to their origin. Marriage can be very different depending on where one comes from. For example, some tribes in Asia practice fraternal polyandry, which is a rare case for other tribes in the world. Some tribes also practice polygamy, which is...

Community-Based Services for Family Health

As a rule, nursing professionals who work in the community utilize family approaches. It is significant to differentiate them because of the possibility to maintain the wrong operations. The family-focused approach presupposed that a family is a whole with its specific health responsibilities. Thus, nursing is to ensure that family...

Cross-Cultural Evangelism Strategies

Cross-cultural evangelism is the sharing of the gospel with people from other cultures. It involves getting to know people from other cultures, learning about their customs and beliefs, and then sharing the gospel with them in a culturally relevant way. An example of cross-cultural evangelism would be a missionary who...

Information Technology’s Positive Impact on Medicine

The rapid development of technology should first be introduced into the most critical areas of science and infrastructure. Introducing IT in the healthcare sector can improve quality and significantly speed up work. However, the benefits are not limited to stakeholders solely on the part of employees and patients interacting with...

”Doctor Strange”: Description and Interpretation

Description Doctor Strange, a 2016 action-fantasy film, existing exists as a part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Created as a part of an ongoing series of films, this movie manages to both tell its own, unique story and provide a set upsetup for future installations in the franchise. The plot...

Clinical and Management Tracks for Nursing Advancement

Introduction During the last several years, the field of nursing has been considerably changed and improved. There are more people, both, males and females, who want to become nursing and help people in hospitals and at home. They choose among the existing variety of academic institutions, consider their advancement opportunities,...

Management of Children in Early Childhood Education

Early childhood is a critical stage in the development of individuals, as the stage is linked with numerous growth aspects. Individuals who care for children at this stage should be very concerned with developing the best skills that will allow them to develop critical skills that will allow them to...

The Role of the “Other” in “Strong Opposition” by Gay

The definition of people as “others” can be based on the conscious or unconscious assumption that a specifically identified group poses a threat to a privileged group. This is primarily determined by politicians and the media, not by personal contact. In most cases, people do not know who they are....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of Sophocles Oedipus’s Cycle

Introduction Sophocles is a contemporary of the golden age of Athens; his writings reflect the ideals of polis democracy. These are the political equality and freedom of all full-fledged citizens, selfless service to the motherland, respect for the gods, and the nobility of people’s aspirations. Independence in their decisions and...

Immigration: Causes and Effects

Introduction For a long time, immigration has been a significant policy subject in the United States, with numerous reports and studies conducted on its motives and implications. Immigration is the movement or relocation of people from one country to another. Factors that promote immigration can be categorized to economic, social,...

Natural vs. Artificial Sweeteners

Introduction In the current increasingly health-aware culture, sugar receives substantial criticism. However, contrary to popular belief, sugar consumption is not a negative as it is often presented. Refusal of sugar is usually justified by two reasons: excessive weight and weight loss or health problems. Regular consumption of sweet food leads...

“The Sage from Galilee” by D. Flusser and S. Notley

David Flusser and R. Steven Notley wrote the Sage from Galilee. The novel’s twelve chapters detail Flusser’s new theories and research that were not included in his 1968 English edition, making it the fourth edition. This book aims to challenge widespread beliefs that existed before its publication. I give this...

Constitution, Declaration of Independence, and Letter to Danbury Baptists

The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are among the fundamental documents in the history of the United States that set the cornerstone of American values and beliefs. In turn, the Letter to the Danbury Baptists serves as a corroboration for these values. The given documents are significant to today’s...

Schizophrenia: Chapters 15-16 of Psychology by Spielman et al.

Introduction Schizophrenia is a complex psychological condition characterized by Delusions, hallucinations, and aberrant thinking and behavior. Schizophrenia makes it difficult to carry out routine responsibilities and is caused by genetic and environmental factors. Schizophrenia is a severe mental condition in which people have abnormal perceptions of the world around them....

E-Commerce Software and Its Basic Functions

The growth of online commerce, which the Corona pandemic has additionally caused, is attracting more companies to the Internet. They need their own online store to cope with changing consumer buying behavior and to compensate for falling sales in the stationary trade. It is essential to note that creating a...

Ethical Audits and Management System

Ethics audit is an external, independent assessment of a company’s ethics management system. The procedure is necessary for companies that want to build the most conscientious and sustainable business, avoid risks associated with unethical or illegal behavior, and systematically test the quality of their existing ethics management system. Ethical audits...

Christian History of Brazil From Global Perspective

Brazil has the world’s largest Catholic population, indicating Christianity’s importance in developing this country. The history of this religion’s emergence and development in Brazil is directly related to the European influence on this country. In this aspect, the characteristics of the spread of Christianity are similar to other countries of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ankle Arthrodesis and Total Ankle Replacement

Post-traumatic arthritis is among the most often recorded kind of ankle arthritis. Inflammation, soreness, and a loss of movement and flexibility are all symptoms of the incapacitating illness known as ankle arthritis (Clough et al. 1353). An efficient option to reduce the discomfort of ankle arthrodesis and to obtain proper...

Human Energy Consumption and Water Power

Environmental problems and energy are closely related topics in that consuming energy without a significant impact on the surroundings is impossible. Humans primarily consume energy for various purposes, such as heating, lighting, air conditioning, and cooling. The natural flow of energy is determined by the equilibrium set on incoming and...

The Role of Stress Hormones: Physiology

Working as a volunteer dealing with infants asserts a certain degree of service to the setting that is inspirational. The well-being and growth of a toddler later in life are greatly influenced by their early years. The rapid rate of brain development, beginning before delivery and lasting throughout early childhood,...

Nikola Tesla: The Eccentric Genius

Opening “How convenient is electricity in our lives? What would you do if you could no longer charge your phones? Reflect on that for a moment. If someone told me that I would be here reading the eulogy of this great man, I would have laughed and shrugged it off....

The Connection Between Obama’s Comment and Garvey’s Speech

Marcus Garvey’s speech If You Believe the Negro Has a Sole in 1921 is one of the most influential speeches that protect equal rights for all races. It discusses the problem of discriminatory treatment of African American people which has been ongoing for more than a century. The theme of...

Organizational Analysis: Thrive Skilled Pediatric Care

This paper will analyze the organization called Thrived Skilled Pediatric Care. First, the organization will be introduced and explored in terms of its mission, philosophy, and administrative structure. Second, the strengths and limitations of the organization will be examined. Third, the paper will describe the organization’s nursing care delivery system....

Science of Human Flourishing and Health

Human flourishing, which is also known as personal fulfillment, can be defined as a subjective state in which a person’s experiences comply with dimensions of wellbeing that are highly valued. The state of human flourishing determines the happiness, longevity, and prosperity of both the individual and the entire nation. However,...

Leveraging Soft Skills Into Career Opportunities

Soft skills can be defined as critical skills for a successful career and interpersonal communication in a team. They are necessary for any profession and are subject to change with diligent work on. At the same time, it is important to understand that this is an area that requires constant...

How Popular Culture Influences Morality in Society

Popular culture is an initiative that was established to give voice to the common masses through various forms of media such as magazines, TV shows, sports, folklore, fashion, pop music, paintings, and technology, among others. In understanding how popular culture influences ethics, it is essential to assess how TV information...

The Ananda Site as a Resource for the Inner Adventure

Inner adventure, way of faith, and realization are some of the most crucial parts of many people’s spiritual lives. Individuals who value self-improvement, seek enlightenment and strive to become the better version of themselves always learn from the appropriate resources. One way to enrich the capacity of knowledge on that...

Kantian Ethics Case Application

Ethical practices are crucial for business operations since they promote social and economic growth. Therefore, it is primal for organizations to always consider the welfare of the communities they operate in. Manufacturing and mining companies can expose the community to hazardous materials that are detrimental to their lives. Kantian ethics...

Changes in American Society from the 1790s to 1840s

Over time, change is an inevitable aspect of society. Specifically, America witnessed drastic societal revitalization from the 1790s to 1840s regarding politics, economics, and social and geographical alteration. These changes were influenced by various factors that have since inculcated the American civilization. For example, the Missouri crisis influenced America’s politics...

Epistemology From Rationalist and Empiricist Perspectives

Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, is well-known for his work in epistemology and metaphysics. The question, “What can we know?” is central to much of his work. The short answer is that human understanding is limited to mathematics and the natural and empirical sciences. Kant argues that it is impossible...

Sensory Aides: Informative Narration

Introduction Sensory aides involve various toys and equipment that provide sound (auditory), sight (visual), smell (olfactory), taste (oral), and touch or movement (proprioceptive) stimulation. In this case, such sensory aides assist in promoting motor skills and brain activity or are utilized for therapy or relaxation. In my view, sensory stimulation...

Corporate Culture and Its Key Components

Any company may be regarded as unique due to an individual combination of its elements that constitutes its corporate culture. In general, corporate culture is defined as the collection of shared values, beliefs, standards, ethics, attitudes, and behaviors that characterize a company, guide its practices, and determine interactions between management...

MySQL Security Policies and Controls

Introduction MySQL’s use as an open-source management framework for relational databases is widespread in the data industry. In reality, some of the globe’s most popular websites and web apps, including YouTube, Facebook, WordPress, phpBB, and Twitter, utilize this technology (Isiaka et al., 2020). Therefore, this essay sheds light on MySQL’s...

The Significance of Sourcing: the Importance of Sourcing for the Company

The supply chain strategy is a critical aspect of a company’s operations since it directly affects the level of costs for purchasing materials and resources. International supply chains in this aspect are crucial because they allow organizing the purchase of resources in different business conditions. In the context of the...

Importance of Female Characters in Hamlet

Introduction Gender relationships are always complex and associated with concepts like power, responsibility, and concession. William Shakespeare is one of the authors whose works are intended to change the audience’s opinions on common events and expected feelings. His Hamlet is not just a story of a man who loses his...

The Effectiveness of Reform Movements in 1865–1912

Introduction The years from 1865 to 1912 were the time of radical reforms in the United States. After the end of the Civil War, it was necessary not only to eliminate the former authorities in the South, replacing them with new ones, but also to break the laws, institutions, and...

Racism in Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif”

Introduction Like Morrison’s other work, Recitatif focuses on the issue of prejudice and racial identity. However, in the short story, the races of the main characters are concealed. Although the author indicates that one of Roberta and Twyla is white and the other black, it is ambiguous which is which....

Popular Research Paper Topics

“COVID-19 Aerosol and Surface Stability” by Van Doremalen et al.

Shortly after the beginning of the pandemic, extensive academic research was devoted to finding differences between the emerging SARS-CoV-2 and the prior similar strains to identify the most effective prevention and mitigation strategies. Van Doremalen et al. compared the stability of SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV-1 in different environmental conditions. Namely, they...

Emily Dickenson’s Poem “Because I Could Not Stop for Death”

Introduction Emily Dickenson’s poem Because I Could Not Stop for Death illustrates phenomena such as the circle of life, death, immortality, and the afterlife. The topic of death becomes rather welcoming as the feeling with which it is met calmness, which directly illustrates how the narrator came to terms with...

“Murder of a President”: Analysis of Documentary

After watching the documentary about President Garfield, I believe that he could have become one of the greatest presidents of the United States. Garfield’s attitude and the willingness to drive change were unmatched, but they got him killed eventually. The scenery and the costumes represented the time period perfectly, focusing...

Overcoming Racism in “The Blood of Jesus” Film

Belittling the status of a person based on his gender or race is impossible and terrible in modern society, but it is the tendency of the present time. For a long time, such a belief as racism existed and humiliated people. People belonging to racial minorities suffered because of prejudices...

Father-Son Relationship in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” Play

Often children respect and honor their parents even after they have passed. In many movies, for instance, Disney movies, a child’s motivation is a result of their parent(s) passing and that becomes their new reason to keep them going. Another example of this is when a child grows up with...

Rhetoric of Article “Want to Save Civilization?” by Malady

To improve life and the normal functioning of civilization, people must adhere to certain social norms. Many publicists put forward their theories, and Malady (2013) is one of them. In his opinion, to save civilization, people need to respect each other and calmly stand in line. The author writes an...

“A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway: A Literary Analysis

Hemingway’s work – as well as his personality – causes a lot of controversial opinions. To someone, it is attractive and intriguing, while for other people, it is completely alien. Still, there is no point in arguing that Hemingway is an iconic writer, one of those who shaped the literary...

7 Principles for Building Better Cities Speech by Calthorpe

The analysis of speeches is a valuable contribution to understanding how information should be presented and how to express the ideas effectively. The video about the principles for organizing space in cities and designing the streets is one of the speeches that might help the learners to define the main...

Green Building and Design Promotion

Natural capitalism is a global economy concept that emphasizes human dependence on natural resources and ecosystems provided by nature. In the context of ordinary capitalism, these values are usually not taken into account. However, man’s dependence on nature and the continuing struggle of humanity with the natural order of things...

Building the American Way: Public Subsidy, Private Space

Redlining was an approach that divided areas with nonwhite residents from others by highlighting them with signs or red lines on maps. The establishment of Home Owners Load Corporation (HOLC) improved real estate and made it more affordable, however, the practice of “redlining” to rate neighborhoods caused issues in the...