Illegal immigrants should receive social services because of the following reasons; first of all, the majority of them pay their taxes, so denying them social services is both unethical and illogical; second of all, their access to social benefits, such as health services, limits the risk of spreading infectious diseases....
Topic: Ethics
Words: 580
Pages: 3
The most useful law associated with homeland security is the Homeland Security Act of 2002. It established the primary mission of the newly created Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The main objectives included reducing the vulnerability of the United States to various domestic and foreign security threats as well as...
Topic: Homeland Security
Words: 830
Pages: 3
Which would be the most appropriate researchable population for use in your research project? The researchable population should focus on delivering the objective of the study. In this case, the risks associated with early elective delivery would provide the objective of the study. Therefore, the most appropriate researchable population will...
Topic: Population
Words: 617
Pages: 3
Identifying the key elements to be included into the project is an essential step towards completing the latter successfully (Larson & Grey, 2011). By listing the key components, one creates the layout of the project that will help complete specific objectives and, therefore, reach the primary goals within a comparatively...
Topic: Success
Words: 561
Pages: 3
Important Elements of the Description The first key element in the description of the patient’s worsening depression and development of various mental illnesses, includes her having had a fifth child while being only 29 years old. The second important element is that she smokes pot twice a day which is...
Topic: Depression
Words: 665
Pages: 3
The significance of environmental awareness has risen several times over the past few years compared to its previous rates (Reinhardt & Stavins, 2014). As a result, a range of organizations adopt green policies in order to satisfy all stakeholders involved. However, not all companies manage to comply with the key...
Topic: Environmental Sustainability
Words: 556
Pages: 3
What are your biggest communication weaknesses? And what are your strengths in communication? Knowing your communication strengths and weaknesses can help you develop more effective communication skills. Introduction Communication can be simply defined as the process through which people interact to share information, ideas as well as personal feelings. The...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1029
Pages: 3
Current Processes Coding errors are not uncommon in hospitals due to the complexity of the coding system and entering procedures. Below are coding errors that are often seen in the industry, many of which also apply to the Lower Mountain Hospital audit. Lack of data to support claims – a...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 913
Pages: 3
The presented case explores how a human service professional finds himself in a precarious situation. According to the case, the professional realizes that the targeted community engages in specific rituals such as smoking marijuana. This kind of ritual is a critical attribute of their meditation processes (Diller, 2015). The professional...
Topic: Marijuana
Words: 556
Pages: 3
Introduction Human interactions appear in the form of communication, and this communication can either be in terms of spoken or written discourse. Discourse is a word derived from a Latin word, discursus, and it means conversation or speech. Therefore, in any communicative event, discourse is the dominant feature. In fact,...
Topic: Communication
Words: 579
Pages: 3
Outsourcing can be regarded as one of the byproducts of globalization. Many early movers benefited from this strategy especially when it comes to the production of the products (Carbaugh, 2015). Outsourcing has been associated with a competitive advantage, but it led to significant losses for some firms (Mourdoukoutas, 2013). HP...
Topic: Outsourcing
Words: 562
Pages: 3
Introduction Available scholarship in cognitive and motivational psychology shows that people are naturally predisposed to demonstrate a multiplicity of biases and prejudices in not only judging and deciding who they relate to in social relationships but also in attempting to safeguard the status quo (Johnson & Levin, 2009). Biases originating...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 574
Pages: 3
Abstract Breast cancer is a common malignant neoplastic disease in women and mostly develops in the stage of women postmenopausal. Introduction Breast cancer is the most disseminated cancer disease and a primary cause of death among women. Though, a substantial number of younger women are grievously affected, commonly in families...
Topic: Breast Cancer
Words: 746
Pages: 3
Environment plays a very vital role in the developmental studies of children. A larger percentage of children’s literacy skills are learned through observing the immediate environment. They then try to imitate the observed phenomenon before finally making it a habit and eventually a learnt skill. A good reading strategy should...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Service of Vietnam During the Conflict The primary service that Vietnam rendered came in the form of local resistance groups and sparsely armed militia that helped to repel Japanese troops from the shores of Vietnam. Without the intelligence and manpower provided by the locals, it would have been likely that...
Topic: History
Words: 555
Pages: 3
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental and neurological condition typically diagnosed in childhood; the affected individuals experience challenges with social interactions, present repetitive behaviors, known as stimming, and maybe nonverbal or have restricted speech patterns known as prosody. Their poor social skills lead to problems in securing employment and...
Topic: Autism
Words: 873
Pages: 3
Introduction Autism, a pervasive development disorder that appears early in life and involves a lack of many basic skills is a grave matter of concern in the health care field. The prevalence of Autism among children is high with six in a thousand kids being autistic. If diagnosed early such...
Topic: Autism
Words: 948
Pages: 3
After Ferguson witnessed one of the highest voter turnouts in its history, residents of this town are now hopeful of changes in governance policies. For the first time, this Missouri neighborhood has witnessed the election of three African American officials to its city council. Previously, Ferguson’s city council consisted of...
Topic: African American
Words: 590
Pages: 3
Hans Hofmann was an abstract artist who transformed the art world due to the way he synthesized the traditional methods of painting with the new avant-garde ideas regarding the philosophy of painting. His work was based to a great degree upon the earlier works of famous Modern painters such as...
Topic: Art
Words: 1032
Pages: 3
What article did you choose? The article chosen for the assignment was Mindfulness meditation for chronic pain: systematic review and meta-analysis by Hilton et al. (2017). Why did you select this article versus the others? There are several reasons why I chose this article. First, the type of study used...
Topic: Chronic Pain
Words: 621
Pages: 3
Introduction High levels of stress can hinder the efficiency of a person’s undertakings, thus resulting in undesirable outcomes. The management of stress is vital for the enhancement of aspects of spirituality and communication (Seaward, 2015). Fear can emerge due to stress whereby an individual loses self-confidence, which can be portrayed...
Topic: Communication
Words: 622
Pages: 3
Ways of Addressing the Problem of HIV at the Population Level Addressing the issue of high HIV rates among the gay population is not an easy matter. The challenges are presented by men’s unawareness of their infection, discrimination and stigma problem, and undiagnosed sexually transmitted diseases (CDC, 2016a). To solve...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 584
Pages: 3
Introduction Many people die yearly due to handgun linked incidents in the country. The number of casualties who die from gun-related accidents, in the country, is much higher compared to other bordering countries. The difference can be attributed to the other countries having much stricter gun control laws. In addition,...
Topic: Gun Control
Words: 562
Pages: 3
Introduction There is no doubt that obesity at an early age causes a variety of health complications. Worse still, it is known that high body mass in children leads to a greater risk of chronic disease comorbidity. Its etiology relates to the consumption of junk food and decreased physical activity...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 703
Pages: 3
My friend, in experiencing the world, you have no doubt stumbled across the problem of suffering, which is ever-present. All have experienced suffering and have seen its toll on the outside world. What is it that causes suffering and pain? The answer is desire. Desire for material goods, for social...
Topic: Religion
Words: 934
Pages: 3
Introduction In the healthcare setting collaboration and teamwork entails collective planning, decision-making, problem-solving, coordinating efforts, and establishing effective communication. The main goal of the collaboration is to enhance the holistic and safe delivery of care to patients. Studies in disciplines such as aviation and military have demonstrated that teamwork is...
Topic: Collaboration
Words: 616
Pages: 3
Strategies to elicit student misconceptions Students often have misconceptions regarding the principles of reproduction and heredity. To elicit these misconceptions and develop strategies to overcome them, it is necessary to encourage the students’ participation in discussions. Furthermore, a teacher can receive important information regarding possible mistakes and wrong ideas while...
Topic: Reproductive Health
Words: 562
Pages: 3
The topic of the given study is women in Afghanistan, their position within the local communities, and the treatment of women in the country. For a long time, Afghanistan has been subject to constant military conflicts with various regimes, with the current regime completely and ruthlessly disconnecting Afghani women from...
Topic: Afghanistan
Words: 1037
Pages: 3
Quantitative analysis refers to the study of values of data expressed in statistics, with each array having a distinct numerical score. This data usually represents any measurable information that may be utilized for arithmetic operations and statistical analysis with the goal of making real-world decisions based on the results. This...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 814
Pages: 3
The introduction of the newest technologies in the health care sector has greatly affected health outcomes and contributed to the emergence of new opportunities for improving the overall quality of care. In particular, the foundation for such an enhancement is the implementation of the so-called health information technologies that make...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 600
Pages: 3
Introduction In the article submitted for consideration, the author demonstrated a clear understanding of the influence of specific historical events on cultural and ecological development or other regional changes. This work is dedicated to reviewing significant environmental changes in South Carolina’s Piedmont using the specific example of Rose Hill, a...
Topic: Environment
Words: 923
Pages: 3
1. Characteristics of healthcare performance dashboards. Due to expansion within the healthcare system, there is a need for sustenance of the required data by the use of information technology. The data obtained should be organized and processed efficiently to assist in decision making. The creation of performance dashboards allows for...
Topic: Data Management
Words: 658
Pages: 3
Introduction In the framework of health care, health promotion plays a critical role. It educates individuals regarding activities that can improve their health condition, prevent diseases and even premature death. Health promotion is significant not only for individuals but also for the whole communities, as it can influence the health...
Topic: Health
Words: 582
Pages: 3
Introduction There exist a number of definitions of health promotion (HP); one provided by the World Health Organization states that HP is “the process of enabling individuals and communities to increase control over the determinants of health and thereby improve their health” (as cited in Dawson & Grill, 2012, p....
Topic: Health
Words: 669
Pages: 3
Katrina: A History is a book by Andy Horowitz that dwells on the importance of the hurricane that redefined the American approach to calamity management. New Orleans became the most affected location because Katrina struck the infrastructure and flooded the city, making entire neighborhoods disappear underwater. Million-dollar damage caused uneasiness...
Topic: Environment
Words: 825
Pages: 3
Introduction Today, the question of health insurance remains extremely important to the citizens of the USA. The fact is that its healthcare sector is one of the most expensive in the world. The quality of the suggested services is high; however, the problem remains. Insurance is one of the main...
Topic: Health
Words: 581
Pages: 3
Different Information Needs Within My Organization The use of health information technology has led to improved quality of healthcare across the world (Reddy, McDonald, Pratt & Shabot, 2005; Schleyer & Beaudry, 2009; Weng, Levine & Mun, 2009). A hospital has many sections which have personnel with different information needs. Our...
Topic: Health
Words: 578
Pages: 3
The health status of my community, Miami, is influenced by various factors. First of all, it is affected by individual characteristics of the population. Their knowledge, attitudes, and skills determine the way they interact with the healthcare system and treat it. For example, the majority of the population believes that...
Topic: Health
Words: 576
Pages: 3
Abstract The paper outlines the primary challenges of Zimbabwe economic system and provides a consistent account of inefficient economic strategies that disrupt the country’s well-being. The notion of Mugabenomics is reviewed in the case study. Due to the findings of the case, there is a threat of Zimbabwe becoming the...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 665
Pages: 3
Analyzing My Philosophy of Epistemology Philosophers from the 13th to the 16th century all believed in the concept that the Earth was flat, yet today we know that it is round. Belief in knowledge being absolute invites the possibility of error and misjudged truths. It is due to this that...
Topic: Epistemology
Words: 568
Pages: 3
Introduction The work in question is entitled “Hamzanama” or “Dastan-e Amir Hamza.” From Urdu, the title translates as “The Adventures of Amir Hamza” (Lakhnavi & Bilgrami 2012). The book is an old Persian dastan – a heroic story usually told orally. The manuscript is known to be accomplished as late...
Topic: Culture
Words: 563
Pages: 3
Introduction In the recent past, the debate on gun control has intensified following President Obama’s 2013 proposal to give 23 executive orders towards tightening gun control across the United States (Lucas par. 1). Even before this occurrence, the adherents and critics of gun control had heightened differences concerning the issue....
Topic: Gun Control
Words: 593
Pages: 3
Groupthink Concept As discussed by Julia Wood in the book, Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication, groupthink refers to a psychological phenomenon happening within a cluster of persons under which the aspiration for conventionality within this cluster results in a biased outcome in the decisions made. The...
Topic: Communication
Words: 558
Pages: 3
Regulation involves government actions that are used to guide the behavior of businesses and citizens so as to reach social and economic goals. The government’s action of regulating businesses has led to the reduction of discrimination, freed competition, banned dangerous products, reduced workplace accidents, enhanced business competition, protected the environment,...
Topic: Policy Regulation
Words: 666
Pages: 3
Why did Gorbachev choose the United Nations as his forum for this speech? The speech of Gorbachev in the United Nations in 1988 was not accidental. The fundamental tasks of the United Nations are the following ones, namely strengthening peace and providing security for the global community. Any speech that...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 637
Pages: 3
The engagement of the General Motors employees into the test drive is a quality innovation, which brings the production closer to the consumers. The policy promotes trust between an employer and employees. Second, it enhances the sales, for many of the satisfied testers might like to purchase a car after...
Topic: General Motors
Words: 646
Pages: 3
Introduction The prime principle of globalization is featured by the interconnected holistic phenomenon. Due to globalization, the world has become a village on the periphery of politics, economical endeavors, and cultural interaction. Thus, this analytical treatise attempts to explicitly review the political, cultural, and economic impacts of globalization in the...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 597
Pages: 3
There are fundamental concerns, issues, and resolutions arising from the association of the communities living across the world as a global community. They merge to form a self-sustaining system that facilitates further developments related to their mutual capabilities and abilities. These aspects termed as globalization make them massive and undefeatable...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 621
Pages: 3
One of the most troubling ecological issues of the contemporary world is global warming. It is defined as an increase of global average surface temperature at an alarming rate; due to extra release of greenhouse gases, the temperature rose 0.6 to 0.9 degrees over the approximate span of the last...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 572
Pages: 3
The global warming and the melting of the glaciers on our planet has been one of the most discussed issues of the last several decades. The effects of the melting started to be noticeable and it began to worry the scientists. After many researches and measurements the geologists came up...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 627
Pages: 3
Summary of Article Nowadays, there are many serious issues that can be dangerous for human health. These issues include diseases and viruses that are constantly transforming and adapting to new conditions and various means of disease control and prevention invented by people. The article by Lupton (2016) is devoted to...
Topic: Disease
Words: 625
Pages: 3
Introduction The study of historical events is of particular value for understanding such aspects as the formation of society, the influence of the past on the present, and awareness of the experience of ancestors. However, almost any historical event is accompanied by a sufficiently large number of fiction and myths...
Topic: Literature
Words: 877
Pages: 3
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the importance of genograms and relationship maps as medical tools. The methodology and when these exercises can be introduced in the medical field, the advantages of the practices from an evaluative viewpoint and how the maps may be applied in treatment are...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 566
Pages: 3
Topic Selection: Rationale and Terminology Although genetics is a comparatively recent branch of sciences, it has already warranted the title of one of the most controversial areas of study. Because of the opportunities at altering the genetic makeup of certain species, possibly including humans, it is often branded as an...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 676
Pages: 3
These are plants and animals that are created by scientists through combining genes from other animals or plants. The combination of genes from different species creates a special species that does not occur naturally. Scientists believe that the use of GMOs as they are commonly referred to, is the way...
Topic: Food
Words: 561
Pages: 3
Introduction Christian education and its role in American schools have a long history. It takes the beginning from the Puritan era until the World War and the American revolution. Today, the significance and the function of religion in school education have changed back from the 16th century. The number of...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 792
Pages: 3
For many years now, women have been pushed to the periphery regarding managerial positions in many institutions. This has been a result of restrictions that were imposed on women, thus hindering their upward mobility. On the same note, there have been different types of discrimination directed towards women. Whenever administrative...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 561
Pages: 3
Gender differences exist for different reasons, but their most significant feature is that they have an impact on social interactions and building up relationships between men and women. This paper will explore the causes of gender differences including biological, cognitive, and social ones, discuss the influence of gender differences on...
Topic: Gender
Words: 651
Pages: 3
The 1918 pandemic caused by the flu influenza, also known as Spanish flu, led to the death of more than 50 million people worldwide and was believed to be one of the tremendous diseases in the history of humanity. Many reports, books, and articles were published to shed the light...
Topic: Pandemic
Words: 928
Pages: 3
The arrival of the Pilgrims to the shores of the future United States of America has been viewed as a turning point in the history of the U.S. Although the colony established by the Pilgrims was not the first or the largest on the land of the New World, it...
Topic: History
Words: 848
Pages: 3
The civil rights movement was a four-century legacy in American history that resulted in the end of racism, slavery, and white supremacy. The discrimination associated with white supremacy was central in the political, economic, and social development in the United States. The African-American search of civil liberties was encouraged by...
Topic: Civil Rights Movement
Words: 841
Pages: 3
The Vietnamese War escalated in 1969 after Kissinger and Nixon agreed on an important strategic decision. It was determined that the most viable way to alter the military balance in favor of South Vietnam was through the destruction of bases in Laos and Cambodia. The US military held the notion...
Topic: Vietnam War
Words: 827
Pages: 3
The American Revolutionary War, also referred to as the American War of Independence, was a war from 1775 to 1783 between Britain and its colonies established in North America. In many ways, it changed the world’s balance of power and defined the course of future history. This war can be...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 827
Pages: 3
When Europeans discovered America in 1492, there were more than 2,000 different cultures flourishing that, while having similarities, were different from certain perspectives. An example is a fact that the Native Americans spoke several hundred different languages depending on the tribe and the locations where individuals would either settle or...
Topic: Native American
Words: 829
Pages: 3
About Hans Christian Andersen Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875) was born in Denmark in a poor family. Interestingly, his father loved books and encouraged Hans Christian to compose fairy tales. At an early age, the author had to start working at a factory to support his family, but then his poetry...
Topic: Literature
Words: 691
Pages: 3
School nurses face ethical and legal challenges while working with teenagers because of issues associated with supporting young pregnant females and disclosing important information to parents. This paper aims to discuss the case of Lucie, a 17-year-old student who has type I diabetes and whose pregnancy test is positive. Furthermore,...
Topic: Communication
Words: 649
Pages: 3
Use of English and Hindi Prepositions Unlike Hindi, where a postposition is used, the English language is more likely to apply to prepositions. For instance, in the English language, this part of speech is placed before the identified noun whereas Hindi postposition is put after the noun or pronoun. In...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 573
Pages: 3
The United States is known for its promotion of the idea of American exceptionalism. The premise that this society combines morals and practices unprecedented in history is an extremely appealing political platform. Although the question of America’s uniqueness is very debated today, it is not new. This ideology can be...
Topic: History
Words: 873
Pages: 3
Introduction One of the most critical issues in American history, which appeared before the Civil War, is racial supremacy. Its importance is conditional upon the fact that it has not been fully resolved yet, and, consequently, the recent publications reflect on complications in this regard. Therefore, it is critical to...
Topic: History
Words: 836
Pages: 3
To answer public concerns on the availability of jury trials, Parliament enacted the Guarantee of Juries Act 2016 (‘the GJA’). It provided that anyone charged with an offense punishable by at least six months’ imprisonment was entitled to a trial by jury. In 2019, the Allocation of Trial Act (‘the...
Topic: Law
Words: 843
Pages: 3
Introduction The attack of the U.S. on Hiroshima was one of the most devastating military actions in human history. Nowadays, the historians still discuss whether it was done in order to force Japan to surrender, or to intimidate the USSR. Different sources reflect different sides of the situations and present...
Topic: History
Words: 829
Pages: 3
In the aftermath of the Second World War, the United States focused on re-establishing peace and rejuvenating its economic growth. Primarily, the leading superpowers, including the United States, knew a need to invest in a tactical approach to re-settle the population, having fought for a long duration. As such, the...
Topic: History
Words: 833
Pages: 3
Bartscher, Alina Kristin, Danmarks Nationalbank, Sebastian Seitz, Sebastian Siegloch, Michaela Slotwinski, and Nils Wehrhöfer. “Social capital and the spread of Covid-19: Insights from European countries.” Journal of Health Economics (2021): 102531. The article investigates the relationship between social capital and the COVID-19. Contrary to the investigation conducted by Pitas and...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 574
Pages: 3
Each country has a complex legal system that enforces the rule of law. England and Wales have a reputation for having one of the most effective and widely respected legal systems in the world. It is divided into civil and criminal law branches, each with its own procedure and independent...
Topic: Civil Law
Words: 924
Pages: 3
Several individuals participated in the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1970s. However, most of these people’s stories, especially women’s, were sometimes overlooked despite their efforts in fighting for African Americans’ equal rights. Even though their encounters may not be widely known, many courageous and dedicated women were the...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 819
Pages: 3
Background Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is one of the most well-known examples of the classic Medieval Arthurian romances. While the poem’s author is unknown, historians and literary scholars have speculated that it was written by the same Gawain-poet who wrote other narrative poems, including Pearl, Cleanness, and Patience,...
Topic: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Words: 835
Pages: 3
Frida Kahlo was a stunning woman who expressed her tragedies in the form of paintings. She was a Mexican native-born on 16th July in 1907. Her father was from Germany, while her mother was a descent of Spanish and India. Moreover, she had three siblings named Adriana, Christine, and Matilde....
Topic: Frida Kahlo
Words: 895
Pages: 3
Throughout the colonial period of US history, religion remained an essential part of social, political, and everyday life. Unlike other colonies, which Catholicism dominated, different religious denominations co-existed in the British colonies. This diversity inevitably led to the adoption of the principle of religious tolerance and formed a unique ideological...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 813
Pages: 3
The course on human growth and development was an excellent opportunity to enhance my knowledge of various issues connected to growing up and aging. I believe that a solid understanding of the various developmental stages can help me in my future work as a nurse, as it will enable me...
Topic: Death
Words: 560
Pages: 3
Cardiovascular diseases are one of the primary causes of mortality among patients in the United States (Wilson et al., 2013). Kendall Regional Medical Center in Miami, Florida, provides high-quality cardiac health services for different groups of patients, including ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) patients. This group of patients is the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 807
Pages: 3
What is Nursing? Nursing is a profession that involves providing essential health care to the patients, so they are able to live a full life and maintain proper health level. There are different definitions of what it means to work as a nurse, but all of them share a common...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 618
Pages: 3
Understanding the basics of organizational behavior (OB), as well as the principles that the staff members are guided by when choosing a specific behavioral pattern, is essential for managers, as the skill in question enables them to not only coordinate the performance of the staff, thus, increasing the overall productivity...
Topic: Organizational Theory
Words: 557
Pages: 3
US Wage Growth Shows Trump Will Inherit Solid Labour Market (Jan. 6) The end of 2016 saw the most significant wage increase since 2009. The year added more than two million jobs to the economy of the country (even though December’s job creation failed to meet the prognosis). Such considerable...
Topic: Law
Words: 923
Pages: 3
The band called Franz Ferdinand was first formed in 2002, it is an indie rock group, all of its members are of Scottish origin, and the band initially was based in Glasgow. The four musicians playing in Franz Ferdinand are over thirty years old, yet the music they play is...
Topic: Music
Words: 609
Pages: 3
Introduction Creating the environment, in which the improvement of product quality becomes a possibility, requires a substantive amount of effort. In their study, Foster, Howard, and Shaninon (2002) make it quite clear that the variables are tightly connected to each other in a case. Particularly, by linking the strong leadership...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 588
Pages: 3
Introduction Since the new hazards connected to terrorism have a great impact on many states globally, they have been recognized as the core threats to tranquility and national security (Kamien, 2012). ‘Terrorism’ originated from the term ‘terror’, which is attributable to the fact that the main plan of terrorists is...
Topic: Terrorism
Words: 824
Pages: 3
Introduction After the government was recovered by the military, many events followed afterwards. There was looting among other major crimes that followed in the late republic. This essay seeks to discuss the problems that followed after this event. The paper will also show how the events led to the problems...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 592
Pages: 3
There is no use denying the fact that nowadays, the sphere of education is given great attention. Coherent society believes that knowledge obtained in the process of studying can help a person to find a good job and make a good career. That is why education becomes more and more...
Topic: Vehicles
Words: 582
Pages: 3
The First World War, considered as one of the deadliest confrontations in the world’s history, started on July 28, 1914, and finished on November 11, 1918. Almost all the major players on the political scene of that time were involved in this confrontation. The War took place all over Europe,...
Topic: War
Words: 644
Pages: 3
Why does the U.S. government need to intervene in international trade by setting up the U.S. Commercial Service? Living in the realm of the 21st century means realizing that the question of the U.S. companies starting to export worldwide by using new information and communication technology is the question of...
Topic: Information Technology
Words: 626
Pages: 3
Introduction The PICOT framework provides a convenient method of developing researchable questions in nursing. It is important because to research and address a problematic issue, it is needed to set up boundaries, i.e. to identify exactly the types of cases that are to be studied and examined and to define...
Topic: Health
Words: 598
Pages: 3
Dave Reed of The Pennsylvania House of Representatives is involved in resolving state educational issues in a variety of ways. This is mainly through oversight on the funding aspect of education at the state level. This funding constitutes a significant portion of the funding for the local school districts. Through...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 701
Pages: 3
The Coming of the Micro-States by Fred Weir This author claims that the declaration of Montenegro an independent state in 2006 triggered other stateless territories to demand their sovereignty and separation from their mother nations and named Kosovo, South Ossetia and Transdniestria as some of those that were already planning...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 616
Pages: 3
One of the most critical and vulnerable stages of human development is adolescence. This period is true for any boy or girl and, factually, is the most susceptible to changes, broadly affecting the psychological level of the human being (Craig & Baucum, 2001). In the modern culture, both audio and...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 624
Pages: 3
Summary The article “Disney and Other Companies, CFOs Help Drive Sustainability” delves into the subject of corporate sustainability practices and how they are increasingly becoming intertwined with new operational initiatives in creating a means by which factories and supply chains operate in a sustainable manner. Jay Rasulo, the chief financial...
Topic: Corporate Sustainability
Words: 581
Pages: 3
During the outbreak of a disease, healthcare facilities must act in a very fast and efficient manner in order to bring the rates of those, who have already got sick, down and prevent the disease from spreading further. Therefore, it is crucial that the standards created for healthcare facilities to...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 561
Pages: 3
In the speech, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen talks about the inequality in income and wealth distribution in the United States. Before the Great Recession, the gap was relatively small. However, the losses that people incurred widened the gap. High rates of consumption widened the gap further and made the...
Topic: Inequality
Words: 579
Pages: 3
Introduction Renewable energy can be used to identify any forms of electrical energy power plant generation such as sunlight as well as geothermal heat. In addition some other renewable sources have been introduced, suchlike small hydro carbon. For instance, wind power is growing annually worldwide and is widely used in...
Topic: Natural Gas
Words: 887
Pages: 3
Introduction International law is defined as the amalgamation of rules of conduct which are deduced from reasoning as components to justice, from the societal constructs existing among independent states. Main body The sources of international laws are: Thus international law may be defined as “the law of the international system...
Topic: International Law
Words: 835
Pages: 3
The book Fahrenheit 451 is a novel written by Ray Bradbury reflecting a society that is insensitive to the plight of the minority. The book presents a society where the majority has their way, while the minorities do not have their right. The protagonist of this book is Guy Montag....
Topic: Dystopia
Words: 573
Pages: 3
Fahrenheit 451 has been written by Ray Bradbury, an American author who has received numerous awards. This work is paramount for the writer because he wanted to express his concerns about the future. It is ironic that this book has often been censored and even expurgated because of the events...
Topic: Dystopia
Words: 570
Pages: 3
Solution The issue of fad diets is rather broad as it encompasses every cluster of the population regardless of their age, gender, socio-economic status, and other factors. To reach the goal of educating the population on healthy eating habits and eating behavior, a nurse can start with educating patients whose...
Topic: Diet
Words: 821
Pages: 3
How important is eyewitness testimony in criminal cases? Nowadays, criminal justice is one of the most complicated procedures. This situation takes place, as the original sequence of events is not clear (Fulero & Wrightsman, 2008). Using the testimony of eyewitnesses is important. They help to add missing details to the...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 689
Pages: 3
Compliance Standard: Strict Substance Abuse Compliance Program Our team here at Exxon Mobil is dedicated to sustaining a safe, productive, and healthy environment for all workers. We recognize that the abuse of substances such as alcohol and drugs will inevitably limit the performance of your workers as well as have...
Topic: Culture
Words: 567
Pages: 3
Introduction The ethical issues in medicine are among the most complicated and most frequently discussed. One of the problems that recently appeared is the cherry-picking of patients by doctors. Another topic with ethical roots is an old one and is related to keeping patients alive and doctor’s decisions. The opponents...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 575
Pages: 3
Introduction When Jules Ferry was the Prime Minister of France, the state began colonial expansion. In a debate with the French Parliament, Ferry defended the decision to expand as a right and a moral duty of a higher race over lower races. Certain developments in the world trade made the...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 584
Pages: 3
Available literature demonstrates that the terms “management” and “leadership” are often confused and used interchangeably despite the different timing of their evolution, as well as their differing functions based on their underlying conceptualisations, philosophies, functions and intended outcomes (Toor & Ofori, 2008). In this paper, I purpose to demonstrate the...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 570
Pages: 3
The purpose of this paper is to outline the NAEYC (2010) Standard 2 and prepare a plan for its exploration to improve my skills. A Summary of Standard 2 The NAEYC (2010a) Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs include Standard 2 (S2): “building family and community relationships” (p. 1)....
Topic: Childhood
Words: 663
Pages: 3
Typical local business in my community The typical local business which I have identified in my community is banking. The political environment under which the bank operates is very stable with minimal political risks. In 2008, the world underwent a global recession, which was the biggest since the great depression...
Topic: Banking
Words: 590
Pages: 3
The main idea of the text is the major cause behind the increased failing of information technology projects. The writer, herein called Levinson, explored the results of a report conducted by a US-based research and consultancy firm which had surveyed projects in 400 firms (1). The results had shown a...
Topic: Information Technology
Words: 599
Pages: 3
Family-oriented and family-focused nursing care The modern approach to the delivery of nursing care is focused on the significant improvement of peoples quality of life and the environment in which they live. For this reason, there are various models of care that are considered to be efficient under modern conditions....
Topic: Family
Words: 565
Pages: 3
An interview with an IT representative helped explore the existing variety of different types of data collection and reporting tools that are available to be used by nurse leaders to clarify and comprehend quality performance process parameters. At the beginning of the conversation, it became clear that today’s healthcare organizations...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 565
Pages: 3
This discussion outlines the strategic measures at the community level to address increased prevalence of HIV cases among Caucasian, African American and Latino gay men. Although the prevalence among African American is higher in comparison to the other groups, addressing the health challenge in a holistic manner is inevitable. The...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 563
Pages: 3
Philip Zimbardo’s Stanford Experiment brought him critical acclaim. At the same time, it accorded him a certain level of notoriety; because of the methodologies, he utilized to conduct the said experiment. Nevertheless, his landmark study created shockwaves within the scientific community, when the unexpected results radically altered what people previously...
Topic: Experiment
Words: 691
Pages: 3
The evolution of animal rights has lead to improved animal healthcare. It is imperative to state that while modern medicine is intended to cure animals’ diseases, there are instances where the quality of a pet’s life is threatened by an incurable, irreversible and insufferable condition, injury or old age. In...
Topic: Animal Rights
Words: 597
Pages: 3
Introduction The complexity of tasks modern nurses face in their functioning introduces a significant need for efficient tools that could help them to perform an in-depth investigation of a particular problem and choose the most appropriate model of care delivery. Therefore, the diversity of patients demands and cases stipulates the...
Topic: Health
Words: 584
Pages: 3
Introduction Evaluation is an indispensable part of any program development process, and various evaluation designs exist (Kinsey and Miller 477). In many cases, continuous evaluation can be needed, which is the case with the proposed project as the program is associated with extensive training and the change of several procedures...
Topic: Health
Words: 557
Pages: 3
Evaluating the quality of the products released by the company is part and parcel of its existence. Unless a set of efficient quality assessment tools is introduced into the company’s framework of operations, the target customers are most likely to abandon the firm and move on to another organization. However,...
Topic: Business
Words: 551
Pages: 3
Defining the Community This paper assesses the geriatric population within the state of Florida, the US, who live in the nursing homes in Baker County. This population represents the elderly who are currently unable to live with their families because of health issues that require supervision and assistance or absence...
Topic: Health
Words: 591
Pages: 3
Introduction In order to function efficiently in the environment of the global economy, an organization must conform to the existing quality standards and make sure that the services and goods produced to meet the stated expectations. Since navigating in the process of quality management is rather difficult due to the...
Topic: Communication
Words: 561
Pages: 3
Nowadays, there are various social programs targeted at improving the local or global situation in communities. It is crucial to not only draft a program but also to measure its results to find out whether it helps to reach the initial goals. This process is usually referred to as the...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 603
Pages: 3
The article by Diogenes Allen, “Christianity and the Creed of Postmodernism”, examines the intellectual positions on the end of the world. According to Allen (1993), there are grouped views referred to as postmodern that claim the modern universe’s end. The end of the world is considered important since it was...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 938
Pages: 3
After reading ‘Created Equal,’ the third president of the USA seemed a man of struggles and choices as it was harsh for him to break stereotypes and common beliefs due to the essential radical time for black people when Jefferson was in the government. The dialogue with one of the...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 855
Pages: 3
The most fundamental right of every human being is the right to life. Consequently, care should be taken to ensure that every person lives until he or she dies naturally. However, there may come a time when a person’s life will become a burden to society. In such a scenario,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 568
Pages: 3
The discussion in this paper will center on the book, The Radical Marriage of a Runaway Nun and a Renegade Monk by Michelle DeRusha. The 320-page book was first published by Baker Publishing Group in January 2017. The book is further divided into 18 chapters, with other additional information contained...
Topic: Literature
Words: 959
Pages: 3
While implementing crisis intervention strategies to work with terminally ill patients, nurses and physicians can face a lot of ethical, moral, and legal dilemmas. One of the most problematic situations in this case is the patient’s plan to commit suicide. On the one hand, the terminally ill patient can suffer...
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
Words: 598
Pages: 3
Is a vegetarian diet ethically preferable? Explain why or why not using ethical theories to support your position To answer the question whether a vegetarian diet is ethically preferable, one should consider a number of theories. It is vital to point out that different ethical teachings recognize various spheres of...
Topic: Animal Abuse
Words: 638
Pages: 3
Ethical Challenges The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act involves several ethical issues connected with failing to protect some of the most fundamental rights, including the individual’s rights to abortion. This defect in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is not only unable to correct the past mistakes linked...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 561
Pages: 3
Gamma- ray spectroscopy refers to either art or science of selecting and quantification of radionuclide through examination of gamma- ray films as generated by the spectrometer. Gamma-ray spectroscopy is extensively applied in areas such as geology, safeguarding nuclear materials, industrial processes, forensics, and radiopharmaceuticals among others. In this experiment, our...
Topic: Environment
Words: 807
Pages: 3
Introduction The American Psychological Association provides ethical guidelines to ensure that the rights of research participants are upheld and to safeguard the reputation of the psychological researchers and the discipline of psychology (McLeod, 2015). Researchers have a moral duty to preserve the dignity and rights of the study participants. Thus,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 576
Pages: 3
Medieval Japan came under a new system of government after the Taika reform edicts. All of the provinces were unified under the central, imperial government, and the emperor, who ruled by the dictates of the Heavens, was the central figure of this government. In the unification of Japan, the main...
Topic: History
Words: 940
Pages: 3
The task of gaining economic and financial success is typically quite complicated, especially for people belonging to the lower class tier, due to the multiple risks with which most business endeavors swarm. Moreover, the process of gaining financial well-being may become quite intricate even for those that are not planning...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 830
Pages: 3
Establishing a sensitive and appropriate compensation system is crucial for any workplace. Lack of fair and equitable appraisal and payment will lead to a number of issues, among which there will be employee shortage and turnover. Experienced and high performing workers will be likely to leave their jobs first. To...
Topic: Management
Words: 554
Pages: 3
People living today observe the rise of the new era characterized by the wide use of digital technologies and their wide implementation into different spheres of human activities. The emergence of new devices and software provides society with new options to improve the standards of their living or assist communities...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 817
Pages: 3
There is no doubt that the recent coronavirus pandemic poses a serious threat to the national security of the United States. In order to combat the spread of the virus, the Americans have implemented strict quarantine measures, including self-isolation, and the military help to control the situation. There are many...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 647
Pages: 3
Statement of Thesis Over the past few years, environmental issues in general and the issue of carbon emission in particular have gained impressive significance. In order to prevent the CO2 emissions from destroying the ozone layer and slacken down the process of ozone depletion, two major methods of reducing the...
Topic: Tax
Words: 556
Pages: 3
Starting new business ventures is not always problematic. Nevertheless, new enterprises present challenges that are significantly different from those of established corporations (Longenecker, Petty & Palich, 2011, p. 31). The complexity of a new venture and the entrepreneur’s preparedness to meet the demands of the new business determine the severity...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 598
Pages: 3
Taking a Sexual History from an Adolescent Taking a sexual history is a necessary part of a gynecologic examination (Hawkins, Roberto-Nichols, & Stanley-Haney, 2016). It is crucial in case there is a probability of sexually transmitted diseases which are also frequent among adolescents (Neinstein, 2009). Taking a sexual history from...
Topic: Health
Words: 560
Pages: 3
Economic activities are internationally integrated at present to an exceptional degree. Alteration in one country’s economy can be swiftly transmitted to its business partners. The rise and fall of economic activities are replicated almost instantly on fluctuations in exchange values. As a result, multinational corporations having incorporated cross-border productions and...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1002
Pages: 3
Capital Purchase Summary The capital purchase is the ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) management system within the medical regional center. This purchase project will ensure that there is a reduced door to balloon time within the heart center in the hospital. Management goals The primary management goal of carrying out...
Topic: Heart Attack
Words: 592
Pages: 3
Introduction The article, titled “Using Specialized Information Technology to Reduce Errors in Emergency Cardiac Care”, describes the development and implementation of information technology (IT) that incorporates the existing Acute Cardiac Ischemia Time-Insensitive Predictive Instrument (ACI-TIPI) decision-support technology into a patient safety/quality enhancement reporting Time-Insensitive Predictive Instrument Information System (TIPI-IS) database...
Topic: Information Technology
Words: 551
Pages: 3
Rationale The lesson on writing arguments is developed for students from Grade 9. Although students develop their skills in writing arguments in different grades, it is important to enhance their knowledge and train practical skills. Therefore, the purpose of this lesson is to improve students’ skills in analyzing speeches, formulating...
Topic: Lesson Plan
Words: 647
Pages: 3
While reading a short story called Chrysanthemums by Steinbeck, I have immediately understood that problems of gender attitudes are going to be discussed. The main heroine, Elisa Allen, belongs to stereotypical American housewives who are often ignored by their husbands and who are mistakenly believed to be not intelligent enough....
Topic: Gender
Words: 570
Pages: 3
Introduction Eliezer Wiesel’s novel, ‘Night’, presents its audience with a dark tale that explains his tormenting moments with the Nazis. ‘Night’ is a novel that is based on the Jewish holocaust that took place in the 1940s. Eliezer Wiesel, the narrator of the story, lives in Sighet, a small town...
Topic: Night by Elie Wiesel
Words: 607
Pages: 3
Introduction Eliezer’s has a very close relationship with his father in the beginning. However, the relationship between Eliezer and his father, Chlomo, change in the course of the novel. Initially, Eliezer and his father have a close relationship, even if Chlomo is very dedicated to the community, and Chlomo does...
Topic: Concentration Camp
Words: 556
Pages: 3
Introduction: A Long Way from Idolization to Understanding Admittedly one of the most shocking autobiographic novels of the XX century, Elie Wiese’s Night mostly renders the issue of Holocaust and the treatment of Jewish people by Nazis. However, the novel also taps on a range of more general issues, such...
Topic: Family
Words: 589
Pages: 3
Abstract This article explores some self-care tips that might be used by professionals working in the field of human services. The article provides three strategies that are useful to human-services professionals especially those in the field of domestic disputes. Introduction Human service professionals reap several benefits from their work but...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 579
Pages: 3
Public Service Announcements (PSAs) are powerful social issue ads targeting a great variety of problems, including human trafficking. To increase the effectiveness of an advertisement campaign and address the issues more efficiently, it is important to understand what the project’s target audience is and select the appropriate communication means which...
Topic: Human Trafficking
Words: 648
Pages: 3
According to the VARK testing, my leading learning strategy is kinesthetic. As per scores, they were visual – 2, aural – 3, read/write – 7, and kinesthetic – 14 points. Kinesthetic perception is a way of obtaining information through the establishment of direct physical contact through any type of feeling...
Topic: Learning Styles
Words: 565
Pages: 3
Changes in the sphere of healthcare are required because they provide an opportunity to improve not only the process of healthcare delivery but also the patient’s health outcomes. For example, STEMI patients need efficient and effective treatment procedures, which presupposes the improvement of primary PCI. Unfortunately, professionals can face various...
Topic: Health
Words: 611
Pages: 3