Iraq and Afghanistan Wars for American Safety

Introduction After the September 11 attacks, the USA started paying much attention to the protection of its population from terrorists. One of the most significant initiatives implemented for this purpose was the War on Terror. In its framework, several military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq were developed. The US considered...

Inter-Professional Electronic Documents and eClinicalWorks

Introduction The use of ICT has proved to be beneficial in the healthcare context as it diminished medical errors, ensures rapid exchange of information, enables healthcare professionals to make decisions more efficiently. Bowman (2013) stresses that Electronic Health Record systems (EHR) are crucial for the improvement of safety and quality,...

Implementation of Health Policy: Role of Nursing Advocacy

Access to healthy food and nutrition is one of the basic human needs and largely defines the overall health of individuals. As stated by Ascend at the Aspen Institute (2019) in its recent policy brief, many families across the country currently have limited opportunities to maintain adequate nutrition and, as...

ICARE Model and Nursing

Introduction The emergency room setting is notoriously a high-stress environment where interprofessional teams must collaborate to ensure quick and efficient delivery of care to patients, particularly those who are in crisis. The emergency room consists of various teams such as physicians, front-end nurses, advanced trainees, paramedics, and medical students that...

How Do Search and Seizure Relate to the B.I.G. Case?

Trial Description This paper considers a trial on the murder of an influential rapper Biggie Smalls aka Notorious B.I.G., whose name is Christopher Wallace. The murder happened on the 9th of March, 1997, only six months after another famous rapper, Tupac Shakur, was shot to death. These two murders remain...

The Rules of St. Columba: Exploring Irish Catholicism

Irish Catholic Church history is filled with notable and authoritative figures that defined the further development of Christianity and contributed to the evolution of the theological discourse, as well as the spreading of Jesus Christ’s philosophy. St. Columba, or St. Columbanus, was one of the people that predetermined the further...

Small Business Organization’s Structure

Introduction Organizational structure is an important determinant of the organization’s performance. Depending on the size, scope, and character of the operations, the structure can improve or disrupt the product’s quality. The following paper analyzes the organizational structure of a small business organization. Chart Description The chart used for the paper...

Phytoremediation Lab With Hyacinth Plants

Introduction Phytoremediation is when green plants are used to treat and control hazardous chemicals and contaminants from groundwater and soil by uptaking the pollutants into the plant tissue or leaves. Examples of these contaminants are metal and metalloids, sludge, convectional wastes, and xenobiotic pollutants. The process is eco-friendly, which can...

The Life-Cycle Model of the Smartphone Industry

Introduction For a leader of any company, be it a small business or a large corporation, it is essential to analyse its current state, define the factors that influence it and try to predict the future of the firm itself or its product. Various methods and models allow managers to...

Health Information Exchange (HIE) Models

The management of the Memorial Hospital has faced the challenge of coordinating patient data between its different facilities, which has led to unnecessary tests, diagnostics issues, and poorer patient outcomes. Hence, this hospital has to implement a hybrid HIE model with a consumer-mediated exchange. This report will analyze the three...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Harley-Davidson Company’s Strategic Management

Summary Strategic management is an essential element of an organization that aims to analyze its external and internal factors affecting performance and sustainability. To thrive in a fast-paced business environment, corporations must understand different forces that influence production, financial growth, and societal cohesiveness. This essay delves into the specific processes...

Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations

Introduction In the 21st century, global economic activities have acquired an unprecedented scope, which is enabled by rapid technological progress. Communication and transportation have become easier than ever, bringing nations closer together and promoting the international exchange of goods and services. In this regard, prosperous companies have been actively developing...

Floria: Violence in the Workplace

Workplace or occupational violence including both verbal and physical aggression, harassments, abuse, threats and other acts of aggression for a long time has been a major issue in occupational safety and health practice. According to statistics collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US Department of Labor, 17%...

Evidence-Based Practice’s Impact on Nursing

Evidence-based practice (EBP) models are the approaches that are used by nurses to solve problems, improve their knowledge, and develop the required number of professional and personal skills. These models are focused on current evidence and the importance to interpret the material properly. Many models can be offered to nurses....

Ethics of Abortion and Over-the-Counter Drugs

The argument for the impermissibility of abortion The widely disputed argument about abortion being wrong has been a subject of heated debates. Still, an agreement between the opponents and the proponents of the position has never been reached. According to the argument made by Don Marquis, abortion is seriously wrong...

Ethics Matrix: Sarbanes Oxley Act and Enron Scandal

Regulatory Requirements Enron’s Scandal Factors Members of the Boards of Directors it is prohibited to extend loans to subsidiary companies (Neblett, 2003); auditing financial statements should be performed by the audit committee under a company’s board of directors (or by the board of directors itself); audit committee members of the...

Disparity or Inequality in Health Care

Introduction There are many studies dedicated to the significance of culturally competent care in contemporary nursing. The diversity of the population, which resulted from the global migration, demands knowledge of racial and ethnic peculiarities of health and diseases to provide adequate care and reduce the existing health disparities. The module...

Drone Warfare: Speaker’s Notes

The large-scale investments and intensive research on autonomous and remotely-controlled weapons affirm the revolutionary impacts of drones as cheap and highly effective systems for conducting modern warfare. Currently, almost all conventional militaries worldwide, guerrilla groups, and even drug traffickers operate drones that range from rudimentary systems to highly advanced surveillance...

Description of the Problem Poliomyelitis

Introduction At the beginning of the twentieth century, one of the most feared and dangerous diseases in most countries was poliomyelitis. Every year, it used to paralyze thousands of children temporarily or even permanently, and a significant number of them died (“History of Polio,” n.d.). The purpose of this paper...

Design: Times Square as a Main Street USA

Introduction: Strolling down the New York Streets Of all places to visit in New York, Times Square is easily the best choice for a tourist. It incorporates every single American stereotype and allows one to plunge into the delightful world of flashy lights and public entertainment. Though the place still...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Delegation of Leadership Skills

Introduction Delegation of leadership is viewed as an essential tool for attaining improvement in operational performance of subordinates. Employees interested in responsible and challenging position can be motivated through effective delegation of leadership to them. Delegated works seem to be enhancing the operational performance of the employees. “Delegation is a...

Aaron Douglas’ “Into Bondage” Artwork Analysis

The first impression from the artwork Into Bondage by Aaron Douglas was positive because of the feeling of warmth from the sunshine and hope coming from a man looking up to the sky. Belief, light, future are the first words appearing in mind after looking at the picture. Some seconds...

Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”

Edgar Allan Poe is a well-known master of macabre stories, saturated with Gothic atmosphere, madness, and decay. One example is “The Tell-Tale Heart,” similar to other authors’ works, such as “The Black Cat,” because of the murder and concealment motif. However, the story is distinctive insomuch as the wrongdoer is...

Absence in War by Candlelight by Daniel Alarcon

In his story, Daniel Alarcon, raises an important topic and conveys the secret of all immigrants from disadvantaged countries. The author says: “leaving is no problem. It’s exciting actually; in fact, it’s a drug. It’s the staying gone that will kill you. This is the handed-down wisdom of the immigrant.”...

Uber: Agency Law, Liability, and Recommendations for Limiting Legal Exposure

The Main Principles of Agency Law Agency relationships exist between the company and its labor force. Agency is a relationship between two parties – the principal and the agent – in which the agent acts on behalf of the principal (Miller, 1, p. 574). An agent is a person who...

Sexual Health and Identity Analysis

Sexual health and identity are versatile subjects with numerous sides and elements to consider. It concerns the majority of different social groups, from teenagers to older people, and intersects with other fields of human lives. In order to understand its core and view from various sides, the best option is...

Robbery in Queens Neighborhoods in New York

The Pitch Letter To Zach, I have been following the stories you cover, and I must say they inspire a lot as they always address emerging issues affecting society and give possible solutions to the problems. As a New York resident, I thought you would like to join me as...

Researching the Disease Prevention

Along with the development of new technologies and methods of patient care, modern medicine is characterized by progress in the field of prevention. The interest in this problem is connected with the fact that there was an awareness of the individual’s health as one of society’s values. It plays a...

Cancer Screening Promotion for Middle-Aged Adults

Public health is a comprehensive notion that encompasses an array of serious points of concern that pose threats to modern society’s well-being. Among the many factors that affect public health, cancer-related conditions retain one of the leading positions in terms of damage and mortality. This group of diseases includes dozens...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Stock Market Crash of 1929

Introduction The stock market crash of 1929 is currently defined as the most significant economic collapse in US history. It created unbelievable chaos in the country’s financial markets and resulted in the Great Depression regarded as the longest period of contraction and unemployment in modern history. However, even though the...

Communication Strategies for Virtual Teams

Introduction The COVID-19 forced drastic changes on many companies, which had to close down offices and allocate their staff to work from home. This practice significantly affected the effectiveness of communication strategies and team cohesion. Working from home puts additional obstacles between managers and workers, creating a sense of isolation...

Cyber and Public Relations in an Organization

Cyber and Public Relations Public relations professionals play a critical role in promoting an organization’s activities to the public. The advancement of technology in the modern era has introduced various digital media that have shifted the dynamics of traditional forms of public relations, thus creating a new form of PR...

Acromegaly: Disease Prognosis and Treatment

The endocrine system is an integral part of the human body because it impacts growth and development, sexual mood, and metabolism. Endocrine diseases can occur when hormone levels in the body are too low or too high. Additionally, endocrine disorders can happen if human bodies respond differently to hormones. An...

Analysis of Populism in Latin America

Populism as a type of political leadership was initially introduced due to social changes and economic growth. This concept emerged with the new ideas of caudillos catering to the population’s needs, however distinct they were. In addition, leaders aimed at sustaining the balance between demands of different social groups to...

Climate Change Impacts on Oceans

Introduction Climate change changes climatic patterns linked to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, causing the greenhouse effect. Man undertakes the activities after using fossil fuels, resulting in the emission of gases; therefore, the ocean has been impacted. This has resulted in the fluctuation of temperatures, acidity, and...

Civil and Criminal Law in the English Legal System

Each country has a complex legal system that enforces the rule of law. England and Wales have a reputation for having one of the most effective and widely respected legal systems in the world. It is divided into civil and criminal law branches, each with its own procedure and independent...

Transport Security Administration Screening Process Using the Lean Six-Sigma

Introduction of TSA Process and History Behind It Travel Security Administration (TSA) is a US Department of Homeland Security tasked with monitoring security issues for traveling individuals in the US. On November 19, 2001, TSA was formed to respond to September 11 attacks during the tenure of former President George...

William Bradford: A Prominent Politician in New England

One of the most eminent representatives of American literature in the 17th century was the Governor of the Plymouth Plantation, William Bradford (1590–1657). He went down in history as a prominent politician in New England and as the author of many works, including the journal Of Plymouth Plantation. Through this...

Theories of Criminal Behavior

Introduction Criminal psychology studies mental phenomena and patterns manifested in the process of activities associated with crimes. These activities include the formation of a criminal attitude of the personality, the formation of a criminal motive, the personality of a criminal and a victim, and other means. However, it is the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cultural Competence in the Nursing Practice

The modern nursing practice calls for cultural competence due to the vast diversification of the patients. Cultural competence in the nursing practice implies respect, inclusiveness, the valuing of cultural and religious differences, commitment, as well as equity (Canadian Nurses Association, 2009, p. 1). It is especially important since the cultural...

The Right to Privacy on a Constitutional Basis

Freedom and independence are the foundations of the modern world community. Despite their ancient history, for most countries, these principles were fully formed only in the last centuries. For American settlers, this approach was the only option to free themselves from the oppression of the British crown. That is why...

Continuing Competence in Nursing Practice

Nursing is a sphere that requires both professional knowledge concerning the right way to conduct necessary medical manipulations and the knowledge of psychology that helps nursing professionals to understand the needs of their patients and address possible communication problems before they occur. Nowadays, there is a range of nursing theories...

Conscious Capitalism: Marketing Plan Actions

The actions taken in regards to the marketing plan are based on the brand profitability derived from the financial performance. The brand profit for VALOR, Roli Royce 2, Yeeezy Peeezy, and Speedy Gee are $642505, $438153, $90863, and $164675 respectively. Therefore, the former one can be considered as the most...

Communication and Leadership in Nursing

Introduction Communication is an essential part of life. No institution can operate without communication between its staff, leaders, and customers. In nursing, leaders have to utilize effective communication strategies to ensure professionalism in the workplace. This paper will examine various aspects of effective communication and conflict resolution in nursing settings....

Common-Law Method and Ethics

Introduction Slavery and servitude are the offenses attracting the attention of both UK courts and the European Court of Human Rights. As can be seen from the case, the consideration of such crimes is complicated by the ambiguity of specific legal regulations and the presumptions stemming from them. Therefore, this...

“Coalition Brings Pressure to End Forced Uighur Labor” Article Analysis

Introduction The article under analysis is titled “Coalition Brings Pressure to End Forced Uighur Labor.” It was published on July 23, 2020, in The New York Times. It is centered on an ethnic conflict within China that led to restrictions of freedom and other human rights violations. The conflict in...

“Christianity and the Creed of Postmodernism” by Diogenes Allen

The article by Diogenes Allen, “Christianity and the Creed of Postmodernism”, examines the intellectual positions on the end of the world. According to Allen (1993), there are grouped views referred to as postmodern that claim the modern universe’s end. The end of the world is considered important since it was...

Change and Conflict Management in Nursing

Introduction Conflict and change are commonly occurring issues in any organization where people interact in the working environment. Nursing is not an exception because a fundamental dependence of the healthcare field on evidence-based practice, research, and policies implies continuous updates and changes. However, the changes as the basis of development...

Canadians’ Reconciliation with Indigenous People

Formal reconciliation efforts in Canada were initiated in 1998 when the Federal Government responded to the Commission’s report on Indigenous Affairs. The process aimed to improve the experience of indigenous peoples in the field of child welfare, education, and culture. Reconciliation refers to actions taken to address the harm to...

Budgeting for Events: Venue Reports

The first chapter of this report discusses many issues concerned with event organization. The author writes about how the feasibility of a sports event can be determined, how finances can be organized and budgeted in order to realize the success of a particular sports event, and the risk management involving...

Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding: Advantages and Disadvantages

As a natural act of feeding newborn and young children with the mother’s milk from her breast, breastfeeding is practiced worldwide. At the same time, in the present day, with the development of technologies, it has become optional. It goes without saying that breastfeeding has multiple obvious advantages, however, there...

Brazil and the United States Relations

Introduction Brazil is the most powerful country in the South American continent. Its social-economic status evokes the diplomatic enthusiasm of the United States of America[1]. To determine a country’s status in the sphere of global and regional leadership, three dimensions are critical to examine. These include territorial, economic, and military...

Autism and Vaccination: The False Health Claim

Health is one of the most valuable attributes for humans, and they tend to be curious about it. Nowadays, using the Internet seems easier than consulting a specialist, so many people are exposed to unfiltered information. Some of it might include false claims, which are further perpetuated by conspiracies. A...

Artificial Intelligence in Business Administration Changes

Technology is transforming many fields of study by introducing new tools and possibilities for people to communicate, collect data, and use it to test hypotheses. Business administration is not an exception, with more non-technology oriented companies adopting artificial intelligence (AI). This paper will examine how artificial AI is transforming business...

American Nursing Informatics Association Programs

Specialty Nursing Organization For this assignment, I chose the American Nursing Informatics Association [ANIA] (2016a), which is a national specialty nursing organization as it “links nurses who practice in a particular area” (nursing informatics), creates a “subculture of nurses with common interests” operates in 50 states of the US (Leddy...

America Express Charity Food Overview

America Express (Amex) is an American international business Services organization headquartered in New York City, 200 Vesey Street. The corporation was founded in 1850 and is one of the constituents of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (“100 best companies to work for”, 2020). Amex is widely acknowledged for its travelers...

Accountability Within a Medical Organization

Nursing practice has always been associated with making various decisions within a limited period of time. The recent demographic shifts have led to a shortage of nursing staff, which results in nurses’ work overload and a high turnover rate. Nurses overwhelmed with numerous tasks, long working hours, and numerous consecutive...

Addressing Abuse in Tennis

Introduction The legal scandal with the involvement of Larry Nassar has had a drastic influence not only on gymnastics but on the world of sports in general. During the investigation, it was revealed that multiple people were involved in the sexual abuse of girls and women under the guise of...

A Baby Boomer and a Millennial

Conversation The context: a job interview; an interviewer is a millennial, and an interviewee is a baby boomer. Millennial: Welcome to our office, John. I’m Mary Davis. Your look’s really on fleek. Baby boomer: Hello, Miss Mary. It’s nice to meet you. Millennial: You can just call me Mary. Ok,...

“The Iliad of Homer” by Butler

Homer’s epic poem, The Iliad, raises some existential questions pertaining to the roles of humans and gods in determining destiny. The extent and proportions of free will and fate in the poem are not clear as there is an ongoing struggle between the mortals and the immortals. People make plans...

Alternative Dispute Resolution in Healthcare

Introduction Instances of medical malpractice have become a topical issue in the healthcare professional community. Such cases cause major disputes, and the potential ways of their resolution have been an area of intense interest across industries. In the case of medical malpractice, namely allied health professionals, there is a growing...

Information Technology Application in Nursing

Introduction Medical organizations do not bypass the rapid development of technology. Nurses can access information about a patient and view his medical history and current diagnosis in a convenient database. At a minimum, these measures can increase the chance of a correct diagnosis, and easy accessibility can reduce the time...

The Concept of Cultural Diversity

For each work, a necessary aspect is the application of a particular literary theory. With its help, authors can have a clear idea of the problem that will be raised in the text and in which direction it is better to develop thoughts. A critical race theory (CRT) was chosen...

Operation Managers: Eli Whitney and Others

Eli Whitney was an American inventor and industrialist. He invented the cotton-cleaning machine (cotton-gin), was one of the first to design the milling machine, and laid the foundation for mass production in mechanical engineering. He was also interested in the construction and modification of weapons. Eli Whitney saw the potential...

Budget Narrative for Markia Crime Stopper Program

The following is the budget narrative to enable the Markia crime-stopper program initiative to effectively protect, respond to, and report criminal acts in the community. The program requires a budget to acquire proper machines, qualified personnel, software, and a vehicle and ensure effective marketing to attract customers. The items discussed...

Defense of Civil Rights in “Letter From Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King

Introduction Justice is a principle according to which people receive what they deserve. In ethics, as well as in legal and political philosophy, justice occupies a central position. The government, as well as society, are tasked to achieve this concept to the greatest extent possible. As the foundation of an...

Forensics Analysis of Terrorism Crime Scene

Introduction Terrorism uses calculated violence to generate public fear and panic to establish a specific political agenda within the general population. Terrorism is likely to be practiced by political movements with both rightist and leftist goals and objectives, religious, revolutionary, and nationalist groups, and state institutions such as police, armies,...

Work Reintegration Strategies Analysis

Summary The article under discussion is devoted to the analysis of the strategies aimed at assisting clients in returning to work. According to the article, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) has formulated a series of offers that are intended to help clients in rehabilitative care to return previous place work...

The New Regulation Model for Advanced Practice Nurses

Introduction At present, local laws regarding advanced practice nurses (APNs) vary widely between different states and countries. As a consequence, specialists with the same degrees of knowledge, experience, and competence would receive different treatment depending on the state, including restrictions on the scope of their activities. The introduction of a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Globalization Index and Singapore as the Leading State

According to the standards developed by Ernst & Young and titled as the Globalization Index (“HK, Singapore: top 2 most globalized economies, 2010), cannot be viewed as a fully objective instrument for measuring the extent, to which a state has succeeded in the process of becoming globalized. Instead, the index...

Takht and Dabke as Part of Musical Heritage

My family’s musical heritage Since my early childhood, my parents and especially my grandparents have taught me that music is an essential part of our culture. I agree with them because growing up, I have realized how much it influenced my identity. That is why I knew what music they...

Same-Sex Marriage: US Laws and Attitudes

Introduction There has been a heated debate regarding the legalization of same-sex marriage for over a decade now. While the idea still seems novel to many American citizens, there seems to be a general trend of acceptance of same-sex couples, similar to how the US society has come to embrace...

Practice Learning Assignment: Morbidity and Mortality

Introduction The terms “morbidity” and “mortality” are used to analyze the impacts and severity of a given health condition or disease. The leading health indicator (LHI) selected for this week’s Public Health Program Planning is nutrition, physical activity, and obesity. Healthy People 2020 LHI has been used by different agencies...

Patent on Genetic Discoveries and Supreme Court Decision

Abstract Supreme Court did not recognize the eligibility of patenting Myriad Genetics discoveries due to the natural existence of the phenomenon. Nonetheless, I do not agree with this perspective, as the topic is novel, socially beneficial with the recognition of similar discoveries in the past. In turn, legal regulation regarding...

Nursing Project: Implementation Barriers

The implementation of an evidence based nursing project requires the participation of several stakeholders with diverse interests and personal orientations (Bohnenkamp, Pelton, Rishel, & Kurtin, 2014). Indeed, as demonstrated by Gallagher-Ford, Fineout-Overholt, Melnyk, and Stillwell (2011), it is important for nursing professionals to engage key stakeholders to a project in...

Obesity in Florida and Prevention Programs

There are two reasons why obesity is an important issue for consideration in Florida. First, the citizens of Florida, as well as the representatives of other states, need to understand that obesity is one of the main causes of health problems. Approximately 350,000 Americans die annually because of an unhealthy...

Alzheimer’s Disease as a Neurological Disease

Introduction to the Disease History Alzheimer’s disease is a rather common condition in aging patients. Progressing at a moderate pace affects their nervous system and cognitive abilities significantly. The disease was discovered by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1906 (Prasad, 2020). Despite the time passed since its identification and recognition as...

National Council of State Boards of Nursing

NCSBN Website and Ethics Sources The website of the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is easy to navigate due to its comprehensive menus and searching possibilities. It contains a bulk of materials that are related to ethical nursing conduct. For example, it includes the NCSBN (2012) rules...

Mental Health Care System Gaps and Challenges Analysis

Family Unit Approach The Parkers case highlights the significant shortcomings of the current US mental health care system. One is the mental health care system’s structural approach to patients with chronic mental illnesses as isolated objects. Health care and social professionals treated Sara and Stephanie as unrelated patients, although they...

Medical Harms of Hormonal and Surgical Interventions

The video discussed in this essay depicts a panel of various people who have had experiences with transgender-affirming therapies, whether applied to themselves or others close to them. A number of different speakers make speeches in order, including a mother of a gender-dysphoric child, an endocrinologist, an emergency medicine specialist,...

Inconvenient Lockout/Tagout Likely Gets Ignored

Although Lockout/Tagout procedures are required by law and regulated by OSHA as well as other worldwide safety organizations, not all companies have their own written LO/TO programs. What is even more surprising, even those organizations that do have such programs not always adhere to them. Berke (2011) argues that when...

Health Statistics and Populations With Coronary Heart Disease

Identify the population of interest and health condition/event to your practice. Specify how you define the population (e.g., age, gender, health status, etc.). The selected health condition for this assignment is coronary heart disease, medically identified as coronary artery disease (CAD) or ischemic heart disease (IHD). It is the most...

Health Policy: Ohio’s Consensus Model

A Consensus Model is a document that was developed by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) and the Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) Consensus Work Group. The key purpose of the Consensus Model is to foster the collaboration of APRN educators, regulatory bodies, and other professionals across...

Healthcare Policy Change Implementation Plan

The health care system should be continuously evolving to keep up with the patient’s needs. Nevertheless, in the USA, there are several legislation pieces that may provoke the potential barriers to the improvement of medical services and the increase of the nursing practice efficiency. According to the report published by...

Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution

To Cuban exiles, Cuba – prior to the mid-1950’s iconic Cuban Revolution – was a paradise, one of the most successful and advanced countries in Latin American. To others, it was a hellhole, a bastion for U.S. mob activity, the brothel and playground of the Western hemisphere, an island inhabited...

Community Needs and Health Screening Initiative

Health screening is known as one of the best ways of identifying and preventing diseases at early stages. Childhood obesity is one of the most serious health problems nowadays. Thus, it is crucial to perform screening for this dangerous condition. The suggested initiative complies with the U.S. Preventive Services Task...

Changes in Air Cargo and Passenger Transportation Industries

Introduction Since the beginning of the 20th-century, air cargo and passenger transportation have become an integral part of the global economy. The alternative route for shipping, in some cases, has replaced sea and surface transportation. Nonetheless, the growth of the air freight business has experienced a decline in the 21st...

American Nurses Association Personal Benefits

Delegation According to the official document adopted by Florida Board of Nursing, Registered Nurses (RNs) may apply the delegation to ensure high-quality health care services and positive health outcomes (“Nurse Practice Act,” 2007). The delegation may be addressed to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) in combination with supervision, education, and training....

Advanced Practice Registered Nurses

The advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) consensus model is a model that presents regulations and recommendations for accreditation, licensure, education, and certification across America. Its purpose is to support Aprn’s ability to provide high-quality care to the full extent of their skills. This report reflects on the model, its applications,...

The Broken Relationship Interview Analysis

Olivia’s Broken Relationship Interview In order to understand romantic relationships, I interviewed a 24-year-old lady Olivia, who had a broken relationship. When I asked Olivia to describe her past relationship, she told me that she had been in the relationship for three years with a man, Jim, whom she described...

Classification of Social Media Users

Social media has become an increasingly important tool for personal and business development goals. The most common social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. People engage on social media at different levels and for various purposes. Business administrators and innovators have realized the potential of social media to...

Women in Congress: Current State and Role of Partisanship

Introduction According to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, which unites the parliaments of many countries (the US Congress is not part of it), before the midterm elections, America ranked 104th out of 193 countries in terms of the number of women in the lower house of the legislature. After the record for...

PICOT Question: Postpartum Hemorrhage as a Care Issue

Summary Bleeding during pregnancy and childbirth remains one of the leading causes of maternal death in the world. Pregnancy-related blood loss can occur in women in all trimesters of pregnancy, in the first and postpartum periods of childbirth, as well as in the early and late postpartum periods. Often, postpartum...

Philosophical Teachings About the State

Introduction The state is the leading central institution of society, which is a political and territorial organization of public power that has a special apparatus capable of making its dictates binding and exercising its governance. Philosophers tend to discuss their own opinions about what they think is the state and...

Use of Selective and Differential Media

Purpose The purpose of this lab experiment is to enhance learners’ understanding of unique bacterial behavior in various media and relevant skills necessary for microorganism identification. This experiment will allow us to use both selective and differential media to identify gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. The three types of media used...

Analysis of Municipality of Lubao

When you think of something to see in the Philippines, the first things coming to mind are likely Manila, the beaches of El Nido, or Mayon volcano. But what if I tell you there is a place just as deserving of your attention, and a mere two-hour drive from the...

The Judicial Review Process and the UK Constitution

Any judicial decision, including a verdict, represents the opinion and conclusions of a person, even if one has a special judicial authority, special status, and exceptional competence. Therefore, on the one hand, the criminal procedural system cannot fail to take into account at the institutional level that, by its very...

Fast-Food Expansion Strategy for Indian Market

With the increasing globalization of the world economy as a whole and the fast-food industry in particular, major fast-food chains continuously seek new markets to expand their operations. Populous and rapidly developing non-Western countries are a fairly obvious option in this respect, but due to cultural differences, operating there entails...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Are Hinduism’s Practices Philosophical or Strictly Religious?

Introduction As one of the world’s oldest religions, Hinduism also serves functions of a considerable philosophical direction. On the one hand, millions of individuals throughout the whole world follow the main principles of Hinduism, thereby making this system of thought the third-largest religion after Christianity and Islam. On the other...

“Jesus’ Son” and “The Lame Shall Enter First” Comparison

Jesus’ Son, a related collection of short stories named after the lyrics of The Velvet Underground’s song, is often described as one of the most important literary works of Johnson’s generation. It was even included in The New York Times’ Top 25 Best Writings 2006 – a list of the...

Hate Crimes Against Asian Americans During the Pandemic

Introduction An outbreak of hate crimes targeting Asian Americans after the outbreak of the pandemic has led to thousands of violent episodes against members of the group. This situation is a consequence not only of long-term historical racism towards the Chinese and other Asians in the United States but also...

Reducing Risks Facing a Healthcare Organization

Healthcare organizations have a vital role in ensuring that nations have healthy populations. The organizations’ management teams influence their effectiveness in delivering services to their clients. Hospitals and other healthcare institutions face various challenges regarding how to avoid and minimize risks. Therefore, the management team led by the Chief Executive...

Telemonitoring Blood Pressure in African Americans

Background Information: PICOT Question What is the impact of utilizing telemonitoring blood pressure (BP) (I) in African Americans with hypertension (P) relative to conventional treatment (C) on BP control? (O). In the United States, approximately 45% of adults have high blood pressure, and only around 54% can control it (CDC,...

Initiating Tourism Recovery: New Approach to COVID-19 Travel

Specific Purpose: To persuade my listeners that novel traveling measures are required to alleviate the impact of COVID-19 on world tourism. Central Idea: Supplementary policies are needed to improve the economic state of the world countries and elevate the interest in international travel. Introduction Attention Getter: The consequences of COVID-19...

Clothing for Social and Cultural Identities

Introduction Clothing and appearance are factors that might significantly shape the individual and cultural identity. This influence is particularly noticeable in a bicultural setting, which is a common environment for foreign people coming to the USA. The dissertation by Maria Gracia Inglessis emphasizes the value of clothing as a method...

Organelles Disease and Its Consequences on Human Health

Introduction The faulty physiology of the cell’s organelles can result in a multitude of serious diseases. The development of technology and a better understanding of the human body have allowed scientists and medical professionals to examine the smallest elements of the body, such as organelles, and define their dysfunctions that...

Researching of Patient Safety and EPB System

Introduction Patient safety is a medical discipline that has emerged in response to the growing complexity of providing health services, which is accompanied by an increase in the scale of harm caused to patients in medical institutions. The task of this discipline is to prevent and reduce the level of...

Researching of Hypothesis of Dreaming

Summary Continuity of hypothesis is the presumption that problem resolving is an advanced step-by-step process of experimentation. Strengthened reactions will result in an associative endurance that yields a slow but effective learning process. Unsuccessful responses are ceased since they will not bring any meaningful learning. The hypothesis of dreaming draws...

Second World War’s Impact on United States Economy

Introduction The Great Depression, which started in 1929, was characterized by severe unemployment, deflation, a drastic decline in output, and falling stocks and businesses. The country’s industrial production reduced by 47%, the wholesale price index by 33%, and the real GDP by 26% (Jaworski 1048). Studies also show that the...

Machiavelli: The Medieval Christian View of Politics

Machiavelli breaks the medieval Christian view of politics by basing leadership on secular morals and values. He believes that kingship and political power are not events attributed to God. Instead, they are attributed to an individual’s needs and hard work to remain in the political powers (Radasanu, 2020). Machiavelli believes...

How Biblical Worldview Helps in Everyday Life

Defining Worldview At its core, a worldview can be defined as a set of beliefs, philosophy, and comprehensive conception of the world that is held by each individual. Gray (2011) identifies it as a collection of attitudes, values, and expectations which go on to inform thoughts and actions. Each person’s...

Researching of Criminal Justice in America

Summary According to the American constitution, Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 states that the representative and taxes shall be based on the several states in the US, Indians not included. Story commentators argue that Indians who inhibited several states at the time of writing were not considered citizens and...

The Sphere of Leadership: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction For the past two years, the world has faced a severe challenge that influenced all the spheres and changed many people’s life. The COVID-19 pandemic still impacts all spheres of life in all countries around the world. It repeatedly causes crises that negatively affect not only the public health...

Cross-Cultural Communication in American Organization

Today, I will talk about how effective multicultural teams can be. I will also talk about multicultural communication. A team is the synergy of different mindsets and talents which work together to achieve a shared goal. A team with different personalities is always tough to manage. The challenge is to...

Spinoza’s Views on God’s Infiniteness

There are many views and positions regarding the existence and form of God. Spinoza was the first who dared to refute the concept of the dualism of matter and spirit, uniting these concepts in the concept of God, who is equal to Nature. This approach was revolutionary in the 17th...

The American Dream Discussion Based on the Film “The Great Gatsby”

Introduction The expression “The American Dream” has different ideas in people’s imaginations, but it is united by the idea of wealth and happy life. Most often, this idea also includes a successful career, a loving family, and a respectful place in society. According to Franklin, anyone can achieve this dream...

Loblaw and Empire Companies Inventory Analysis

Empire Company Limited and Loblaw Companies Limited are large conglomerates operating primarily in food retail. Consequently, both companies expand by utilizing corporate investments, including franchise subsidiaries in other industries. Nevertheless, the emphasis and areas of operations of the organizations slightly differ. According to annual reports, Loblaw focuses substantially on peripheral...

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Integrated Public Alert & Warning System Recommendations

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The Wars by Timothy Findley: A Novel Analysis

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Secondary Sources on “A&P” Story by John Updike

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A Legal or Ethical Obligation of Facebook to Assist a Crime Victim

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Pollution Rights Trading Will Effectively Control Environmental Problems

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George Bridgetower: Life and Musical Work

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Baptist Christians Versus Deism

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A Model of Christian Charity by Winthrop

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The Influence of Police Bias on Disparity in Juvenile Crime: Methodology

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Personal Culture and Worldview

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“Why Summer Makes Us Lazy”: Rhetorical Analysis

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Civil Rights Movements in America

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News on the Internet vs. Traditional Media

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Technology in Burning Chrome by William Gibson

Introduction William Gibson’s story Burning Chrome depicts an advanced but soulless society where most technological advances are portrayed as distorted by commercialization and human mechanization rather than improving the quality of life. However, the main characters are depicted as completely dependent on technology. Technology is not only a global achievement...