Institutional and Community Corrections

Community corrections are facilities in which some convicted offenders and juveniles are taken instead of imprisonment and the conditions here are not as strict as those of the jails. The offenders remain under the custody of the government and serve their term as set by the courts. They are used...

The Novel “Hoot” by Carl Hiaasen: Domestic and Adventure Fiction Traits

American fiction has a plethora of notable representatives whose works left a significant mark in the genre. It would be reasonable to claim that Carl Hiaasen is among these writers. Hence, his books might always be considered as a relevant and pertinent theme to discuss. Plenty of scholars have recognized...

The Parinirvana of Siddhartha Sculpture and Its Religious Aspects

One of the fundamental aspects of Buddhism is meditation. It allows people to concentrate on the current moment and notice the tiniest details of what is happening around them. This is a complex skill that requires patience and time, but its development allows people to be more balanced and conscious...

Sustainability in the Modern World and the Prospects of the Third Industrial Revolution

Introduction The First and Second Industrial Revolutions were not about sustainability. Significant changes to the way people approach production were made and an extensive infrastructure for fossil fuel energy use was built and exploited. However, this era is about to end, and the global community, including businesses, does not have...

Cabels: Compare and Contrast Study

Unshielded Twisted Pair Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) is probably one of the most regularly used types of cabling (Khavkine, 2017). Twisted pair is a combination of insulated wires that are twisted together to form a single cable. The twisting is used to eliminate potential interference from various outside sources. Although...

Capital Punishment in Texas

Introduction Capital punishment also referred to as the death penalty, is the putting to death of an individual through a legal process as a penalty for a crime. Offenses that call for a death sentence are called capital crimes. The word capital can trace its origins to Latin, ‘capitalis’, which...

Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis

Introduction Living multicellular organisms are fragile biological systems that have the potential to be damaged by negative factors. Thus, touching the edge of the blade on the skin surface usually causes injury to the epidermis’ soft tissues. Nevertheless, somatic cells, which form the basis of tissues, are protected with regeneration,...

Cities as Social and Environmental Systems

Deep theoretical study of urban structures and their subsequent improvement to qualitatively improve the living standards of the population are the fundamental directions of modern urbanism. Since the ancient human located in civil settlements, it has been important for the inhabitants to create favorable and reliable conditions for comfortable living....

Government and Private Health Insurance

Nowadays, most American people receive health insurance from private health insurance companies. According to the Census Bureau, government insurance plans have 38% of Americans in comparison to 67% of people who get private health insurance services (Berchick et al., 2018). Nevertheless, managed care models and primary types of insurance businesses...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The FCA Development and the Law Purposes

Introduction With the government offering health care programs for the population, the number of frauds in the field increases, as well. False Claims Act violation in health care is becoming a serious concern for medical workers, insurers, and governors. Billions of dollars paid, the government is forced to pledge money...

Embryo Disposal and Its Ethical Aspects

An in vitro fertilized human ovum is recognized as juridical person and a biological human being neither owned by the in vitro fertilization patients nor by the physician who acts as an agent of fertilization. The facility in which the IVF takes place cannot also claim ownership of this IVF...

“The Sorrow of War” by Bao Ninh Review

Introduction The book The Sorrow of War is a narration of one of the Vietnamese soldiers who narrowly escaped a massacre that left almost all his colleagues dead. As he went back to the Jungle of Screaming Souls, Kien, the narrator, remembers how his 27th Battalion was obliterated by the...

S.O.S. Magic Scouring Pads: Ad Analysis

Despite the progress humanity has made in this regard during the last 100 years, household chores may still be a genuine challenge – a never-ending stream of uncreative mechanical actions performed daily. Due to this fact, the products that promise to ease this burden – such as the S.O.S. scouring...

Depression Treatments and Therapeutic Strategies

Major depression, which is an aphasic and multifactorial disorder, has become widespread. This disorder’s lifetime prevalence is currently at 16%, with females more affected than males (Duval et al. 191). The disease involves exposure to stressful and traumatic events, biological susceptibility, predisposing temperament, and personality traits. This article examines the...

History of Differential Equations

The historical and practical significance of differential equations cannot be overstated. Centuries of research conducted by hundreds of mathematicians, physicists, economists, chemists and other scientists around the world have broadened the range of applications and solutions. For a better understanding of the thought processes behind those equations, there is a...

Political Ecology and Water Wars in Bolivia

Water is an essential human need without which people cannot survive and strive for growth. The case of Bolivia is an example of how privatization of water supply can result in a major backlash and political unrest. The main issue lies in the fact that the government decided to make...

Musical Instrument Families and Ensembles

Instrument families It is important to note that several instrument families possess unique characteristics. In the case of country music, the most used one is the strings family, which includes dobro, banjo, or autoharp. Similarly, rock also belongs to the strings family, such as bass and guitars. However, jazz mostly...

Drug Trade. “Crack” Book by David Farber

The history of countries can be understood by studying numerous explicit and hidden processes of economics, politics, and trade. Thus, for example, for America in the 20th century, the development of crack production and trade was a striking phenomenon. This drug was popular among different population segments, but it was...

“Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allan Poe

In 19th century American literature, Edgar Allan Poe (1809 – 1849) took his rightful place as a writer and poet, whose works became the first examples of American national literature. Edgar’s endeavor played a significant role in world literature: he stands at the origins of the poetry of symbolism, detective,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Christianity in the Roman Empire

Christianity began its existence as a small sect and ended up being a major worldwide religion. Its history starts in the Roman Empire, where it managed to survive the cruel persecutions and was legalised by Emperor Constantine I, who has become a Christian himself. The reason for the triumph of...

Simulating the Natural Selection and Genetic Drift

Introduction Theoretically, the evolution of behaviors amongst organisms’ populations gets necessitated by diverse forces such as genetic drift and natural selection, which alter the rate of occurrence of the alleles in populaces. The change in population over time occurs in reaction to preference to or against a population subclass difference....

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in the US Society

Introduction Sexually transmitted diseases in general and chlamydial infection, in particular, are a serious threat to the U. S. nation’s health. Although there are many ways to treat some of the most common conditions, some diseases (for example, AIDS) remain impossible to recover from fully which may lead to death....

Working Full-Time in the Office vs. Freelancing

Employees have long been experimenting with different types of work in order to achieve a perfect work-life balance. One of the most desirable options for millions of specialists worldwide is freelancing. The reasoning behind most decisions to become a freelancer is centered around a person’s ability to manage time most...

Hamas Commander Killing in Dubai

Introduction: Facts about the case: Hamas Commander, Mr. Mabhouh, assassinated in Dubai, was the chief Hamas operative. Pursher (Para 1) mentions that he was the main person of Hamas who used to pass on weapons from Iran to Gaza. Mr. Mabhouh was found dead in a luxury hotel on 20...

The Uniform Commercial Code not Apply to a Sale of Goods

In response to the question of whether the contract was created between GC and Pros, one should state that the contract was not formed. The rules of UCC apply to the regulation of buyers’ and sellers’ relationships under contract terms (Legal Information Institute, n.d.). According to Hamblen (2018), UCC does...

Genghis Khan: The History of Life

Introduction Genghis Khan was a Mongolian Emperor and prominent military leader in the 13-14th centuries AD. He is notably one of the most prominent leaders of the region and strongly contributed to the spread of the Mongol Empire which encompassed most of Eurasia and Southeast Asia becoming the second largest...

Ecuador-Galapagos Islands: Overview

Historical Background The Discovery of the islands in 1535 by the Bishop of Panama, Fray Tomas de Berlanga. “The first scientific mission to the Galápagos came in 1790 under the leadership of Alessandro Malaspina, a Sicilian captain, sent by the King of Spain.” (Jackson, 1993, p. 2) The Galapagos archipelago...

Inequality of Digital Divide in Education

With each year, technology is becoming more integrated into people’s lives. In education, teachers try to blend it with other tasks to prepare students for using devices in the future. Moreover, COVID-19 forced educators to transition to online teaching, which cannot be facilitated without the technology that allows them to...

The Origins of the Soul Food and Barbeque in the USA

Introduction Food is an essential part of our life, and it is hard to imagine the world without a variety of cuisines. Nowadays, it is not only a basic need for a human but also a source of pleasure and a good reason to spend time together with your relatives...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Advocacy Letter to the Minister of Indigenous Services

Dear Mr. Miller, I write this letter to address the problems in An Act Respecting First Nations, Inuit and Metis children, Youth and Families, or Bill C-92. I believe that the policy was a significant step towards government collaboration with Inuit, Metis, and First Nations representatives, as it strengthened the...

Warrior With Trophy Head Sculpture and Its Value

Abstract The tradition of figural sculpture that emphasizes the role of warriors presents significant research opportunities, especially in the context of Costa Rican art, the history of which relies heavily on militarism. Warrior with Trophy Head is a sculpture depicting a helmeted warrior holding a trophy head in the right...

The Impact of Industrialization

Industrialization is a significant process that had a crucial impact on the development of society for several centuries. These modifications are associated with the implementation of new technologies. Their primary purpose is to increase the level of productivity in the manufacturing and distribution of goods. It is important to mention...

Biometrics in IT Security

Introduction Biometrics refers to the use of uniquely identifiable human characteristics to secure systems. Biometric information like height, hair color, weight, and eye color has been used for a long to assist in the physical identification of individuals. However, the constant change of biometrics and the ease with which they...

“Hurt People Hurt People” by Sandra D. Wilson

The title of the book Hurt People Hurt People by Dr. Wilson clearly expresses the first premise. She demonstrates how the process of hurting others is an ongoing process that repeats itself from generation to generation or from one individual to the other. Wilson argues that the cycle begins right...

MNO: Cost of Quality

Introduction Every company desires to produce high-quality products that are free from defects. However, the production of flawless products comes with a price. Other than the normal production costs, the company must undergo some quality costs that are associated with the detection of defective products before they reach the customer...

The Spanish Fashion Industry: Business Model Innovation

Business model innovation is associated with the development of an essentially new approach to building business processes and commercializing a company’s products. Thus, in the context of this concept, a business model itself but not a “product or service becomes subject to innovation” (Spieth & Schneider, 2016, p. 672). Still,...

Statistical Data in Health Care

Introduction Health care settings require decision-makers to navigate the complexity of medical data, which is why the application of statistics needs to guide the operations of hospitals, government entities, and pharmaceutical companies. The utilization of statistical knowledge helps health care providers to identify the problem, develop appropriate interventions to solve...

Comparison of the Views of Hobbes and Machiavelli

Human nature has been and remains one of the most relevant topics for the study of philosophers of various specializations. People approach this problem from different points of view and at multiple levels. Despite the tremendous amount of research on this topic, the works of ancient masters remain relevant to...

Caring, Professional Identity, and Professional Organizations in Nursing

Introduction Nursing is a career tasked with the provision of the upkeep for the ailing and the feeble. Caring is generally defined as the ethical model of nursing enshrined with the safeguarding, improving, and conserving dignity of the people. Caregiving and nursing care get employed interchangeably on the caring concept....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of the Articles About a Primary Quantitative and Primary Qualitative Research

Introduction There is a number of various information sources that are related to the nursing discipline and are available on the Internet and in certain journals. Thus, it is necessary to understand the basic principles of a critical assessment of research and know how to use them in interprofessional healthcare...

“The Passionate Shepherd to His Love” by Christopher Marlowe Review

Love has always been an eternal resource of inspiration for poets. Sentimental and flattering, love helps to reveal the most hidden feeling and emotions. Therefore, the narrators use vivid poetic elements to describe this flourishing phenomenon. This paper seeks to explore how love is addressed in the poems “The Passionate...

Transportation Museum Analysis: People in Cities

Michael de Certeau, the author of The Practice of Everyday Life, explores the spatial logic and cultural consumption. The particular part the I focus on is Walking in the City, which investigates the phenomenon of a modern city, its importance in people’s lives, and how pedestrians create the city. He...

Chazelle’s “La La Land”: Mixing the Old With the New

Introduction This paper will be covering the opening scene of a famous 2016 musical called La La Land. It is often referred to as the freeway dance scene because it was filmed on a busy Los Angeles freeway interchange. The vast list of dancers includes Reshma Gajjar, Hunter Hamilton, Damian...

Racism Within the Public Health Framework

Introduction Health promotion and overall satisfaction with one’s life have always been some of the key notions in both personal and social agendas. However, it is always the government that plays a crucial role in terms of ensuring policies aimed at securing these life aspects for the population. Hence, over...

Cultural Identity Formation of Black Americans and African Americans

Culture plays an important role in understanding diverse populations (Betancourt & Lopez, 1993) and in making sense of the complexities of human psychology, feeling, cognition and behavior, and interactions between people and their environment. People from different racial or ethnic groups or cultures have different or varying interpretations of self...

Heterosexuality as a Standard

Adrienne Rich’s analysis of heterosexuality reveals its compulsory nature: In the present day, men enforce heterosexuality on women by means of various social and cultural leverages. Although Rich is convinced that women are more victimized by the imposed heterosexuality, its standardization affects both sexes; therefore, society should stop considering heterosexuality...

Human Factor in Personal and Global Marketing Contexts

Often, advertisements use unethical messages to attract buyers. The most common practice is the use of gender biases. These biases are systemic since there is an inherent tendency to favor one side of the human or social system in such ads. This question is important because ads target personal assumptions,...

Is the Course Management System Effective in Providing Ease of Learning, and Fulfilling Standardized Test Scores to Students?

Requirements the Superintendant Taking into account the three primary requirements that are required by the Superintendant: (a) financial and budget constraints, and (b) the primary requirement of effectiveness of the Course Management System for learning ease, and (c) fulfilling standardized test score results. The hypothesis that must be researched is:...

Health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Various non-governmental organizations and governmental agencies contribute to the improvement of people’s lives in different areas, including health care. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a governmental agency that aims to improve public health through research and dissemination of information regarding potential and current health and security...

Sacrifice and Art in Meso- and South American Cultures

The Aztec civilization existed between 1325 and 1525 and this historical period coincides with the period in which sacrifices were carried out. When the Spaniards came to Mesoamerica in 1517, they encountered violent ritual practices by the Maya and Aztecs (Cummins 172). These rituals were public, and people knew that...

NCHL: Organizations of the Leadership

The National Center for Healthcare Leadership (NCHL) seems to provide a significant mission and vision statement. In this statement, NHL claims that it is a non-profit organization that aims to improve the overall healthcare system by appealing and implementing the best leadership practices. Such an approach makes those getting acquainted...

Abraham Lincoln in Eric Foner’s The Fiery Trial

Written by Eric Foner, The Fiery Trial is a historical nonfiction book with a major focus on the African Americans in the United States during the Civil War period. The author spans his story around Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the US, and his life at the height of...

“Should Drugs Be Legalized?” by William Bennett

The war against drugs in the United States has reached a new level. Such an outcome is conditional upon the recent measures that politicians are discussing. More specifically, they are related to the emergence of an idea to legalize drug consumption in order to decrease the number of drug addicts...

Mental Health Conditions Among Military Veterans

Introduction This proposal paper presents information about a study aimed at addressing the prevalence of mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among military veterans. The research will analyze whether the incidence of symptoms and their link to individuals’ experiences relate to their military service....

Poverty in Young and Middle Adulthood

The issue of poverty is a major one that affects societies across all nations. The selected theory is functionalism, and it views the social unit as a well-organized system comprised of structural and functional elements (Zastrow et al., 2019). According to the given perspective, poverty is a dysfunctional aspect of...

Developing Patient Treatment Plan

Introduction/Identification Findings: Alcohol: The patient admits that he drinks alcohol. Depression: The patient claims that he often feels anxious and depressed. Prescribed medicines: Prescribed medicines have a lot of unpleasant side effects. Lifestyle: According to the interview, the patient does not work and obviously leads a passive lifestyle. Reasons: The alcohol has a negative...

Women in Senegal in Bâ’s “So Long a Letter” Novel

Representing a strictly patriarchal society, where the rights of women are heavily infringed upon, postcolonial Senegal is one of the places where women suffer particularly harsh injustices. In her semi-autobiographical novel, “So Long a Letter,” Mariama Bâ depicts the struggles of Senegal women in a disturbingly vivid and realistic manner,...

Project-Based Learning for the Holistic Development of Engineering Students

Though theoretical knowledge is essential, there is a growing belief that while teaching applied sciences, particularly engineering, a great emphasis should be put on the development of students practical skills. Therefore, some courses and curriculums need to be revised to improve the current state of education in this sphere. Many...

Reflections on the Team Learning Process

The Importance of Leadership A project team can work well and achieve high results or work poorly. Of course, the personal competence of each participant plays a significant role in the discussion of team productivity. However, the importance of leadership remains a determining factor. Even when everyone inside a team...

Maternal Mortality: Audience Analysis Assessment

The publication under consideration, the article on maternal mortality rates, presents a narrow topic, and this fact explains the need to define the target audience. Such a measure will allow addressing the issue in an efficient manner while taking into account the interests of its readers. In this case, the...

The Tragedy “Hamlet” by Shakespeare: Evidence of Religious Beliefs

The Tragedy of Hamlet is among Shakespeare’s notable plays which have been performed across the world. In the tragedy, the ghost of the King of Denmark tells his son, Hamlet, to avenge his death by murdering the new king who is Hamlet’s uncle. Hamlet pretends to be mad, envisions life...

Metabolism and Energy: Cellular Organisms Adaptive Features

Introduction All Chemical reactions, reproduction processes, cellular functioning, and general body development require energy for proper functioning. Deficiency in energy supply to body parts leads to death in all living organisms. Photosynthetic organisms utilize the sun as their main source of energy, through the conversion of solar energy to chemical...

Structural Empowerment and Leadership

Introduction A leader has leadership roles to play. In this case study, Ted is charged with the responsibility to motivate, empower, communicate, and develop his employees. This essay looks at how he can act as a team builder, manage cultural diversity, and give a plan he can use to create...

Argument for the Implementation of the DREAM Act

Introduction Presented in the Congress in different versions since 2001, the DREAM Act promises to grant legal residency to approximately two million undocumented young people living in the U.S without legal status. Since it was first debated, the DREAM Act has elicited sharp reactions from proponents and opponents alike. In...

Literacy Practices in Different Contexts

Maintaining one’s language is an essential part of developing as a person. A child or an adult in a foreign country may acquire spoken language skills without much effort, but writing and reading are deliberate processes that require full attention and certain techniques. Literacy is honed depending on the setting...

Leadership Styles and Approaches in Detail

The concept of leadership style encompasses all possible interactions and relationships between the leader and other group members, where the leader is the initiator of the connection. The term leadership style itself can be defined as a set of means and psychological influence methods that a leader uses to influence...

John Stuart Mill’s Ethical System Analysis

Introduction The classical text Utilitarianism contains John Stuart Mill’s ethical theory in the most extensively articulated manner. Utilitarianism is the norm that something, such as an action, is considered to be right as long as it provides happiness and pleasure, while at the same time an action is considered wrong...

Psychotherapy and Mental Health Biases

The aim of this paper is to discuss the portrayal of psychology in modern cinema and television. The paper will attempt to shed light on inaccurate depictions of psychotherapy and mental health that fuel people’s biases and prevent many from seeking help. Discussion For me, the word ‘psychology’ means the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Importance of Strategic Management and Planning

Abstract The following paper is devoted to strategy, strategic management, and strategic planning. The paper outlines the abovementioned notions, which constitute the baseline for strategic management as a whole, and discusses the importance of strategic management in business. The traits of effective strategies are outlined and some relevant examples are...

Nintendo and Sony Companies’ Financial Fundamentals

The company’s strategy determines its choice of financial decisions, and revenues depend on the effective realization of this strategy (Piper, 2010). The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how to apply such steps of the financial assessment process as the evaluation of strategies and revenues to the analysis of...

Radio-Frequency Identification Metrics in Transportation

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a system for tracking and tagging objects, in a manner not dissimilar to barcodes. The information is stored in the tags through the use of electromagnetic fields and does not require line-of-site for the reader devices to scan them, unlike barcodes. This provides more freedom of...

Abnormality and Mental Illness in Social Psychology

Describe and evaluate the definition of abnormality The first explanation of abnormality is nonconformity to social standards. The main problem with this definition is that social norms change quickly. A situation that is not socially acceptable now may change and become acceptable in the future. For example, an individual may...

Ethnic and Cultural Bias in Human Service

One of the most persistent issues in psychiatry is ethnic and cultural bias. The article under the title “Mental health misdiagnosis twice more likely for socially disadvantaged groups” dwells upon this matter. It is noted that the recent research shows that therapists tend to misdiagnose people who have a different...

Fad Diets’ Impact on Human Health: Problem Solution

Solution The issue of fad diets is rather broad as it encompasses every cluster of the population regardless of their age, gender, socio-economic status, and other factors. To reach the goal of educating the population on healthy eating habits and eating behavior, a nurse can start with educating patients whose...

Tesla Motors Company’s Market Metrics Analysis

Market Size For Tesla Motors, Inc. (TM), the most general definition of the market is the automotive one; about 88 million units a year worldwide is sold within it (Perkowski, 2014, para. 1). However, TM concentrates on producing luxury cars, and this sub-market reached 350 billion euros in 2014, demonstrating...

Bring Your Own Device: Embracing Technology

Introduction Bring Your Own Device is a recent approach adopted by various organizations. Despite being in the early stage of development, it offers several advantages that can be utilized in a nursing setting. The current paper provides a description of the approach as well as an overview of its viability...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Identification and Control

Anderson’s Research (2009) Conceptual Framework The measurement of kidney function in people of older ages is rather difficult due to age-related changes. Design/Method The end-stage of chronic kidney disease has been analyzed. Sample & Setting The members of the sampling were approximately 75 years old with pre-clinical kidney disease. Major...

Hurricane Katrina, Its Economic and Social Impact

Hurricane Katrina is one of the worst disasters that ever happened on the territory of the United States, and the magnitude of the damage that it has caused is nearly impossible to measure. It is necessary to note that this catastrophe has led to numerous economic and social problems. The...

Climate Change and Its Evidence

Climate change has been one of the central topics in mass media for more than four decades. Still, the opinion of scientists traditionally varies and remains skeptical when it comes to evaluating the real consequences of global warming. On the other side, some small changes known as the greenhouse effect...

Dell Company’s Manufacturing and Just-in-Time Model

Manufacturing activities at DELL are organized according to the Just-in-Time (JIT) model, which implies that all materials and production components are purchased and supplied just before the start of an assembly process (Songini, 2000). The JIT model is an integral part of the lean production (LP) system, which helps to...

Wal-Mart Stores: Development History

Business development and its main markers and determinants are very important for the contemporary business makers and practitioners. The successes and failures of the world’s largest businesses are used as the sources of knowledge for the future generations. Reviewing the paths and strategies of the most successful and unsuccessful companies...

COVID-19: Not Just Here, Not Just There

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone on the planet; the lives of billions of people came to a halt both literally and figuratively. Some adapted and safely self-isolated in the comfort of their homes, while others had to toil to the point of exhaustion to maintain a flicker of...

Assessment of Professional Communications Skill

The ability to express oneself adequately, considering the main components of a communicative situation such as the type of rapport between communicators, their cultural backgrounds, individual peculiarities, and setting, is of immense significance. Nowadays, with the expansion of social media, the net of relationships that an average person is engaged...

“The Tempest” Performance by St. Louis Shakespeare

St. Louis Shakespeare performed a version of The Tempest using a period drama approach to the adaptation of the popular play. Acting and stage presence was the centerpiece of this theatrical performance. The main stage was then used for the majority of ongoing events in the play. The set consisted...

Ear Infections and Pain

Overview Otitis media is a group of infectious diseases accompanied by inflammation, which affects the middle ear (Qureishi, Lee, Belfield, Birchall, & Daniel, 2014). This condition could be caused by various infection agents: respiratory viruses (rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, bocaviruses, and metapneumoviruses) (Nokso-Koivisto, Marom, & Chonmaitree, 2015). bacteria from the respiratory tract...

The Role of Law in Electronic Health Information

The proposed policy seeks to promote the use of electronic health records (EHRs) and technologies to improve the outcomes of more patients. The use of health technologies is a powerful approach that can transform the nature of healthcare delivery (Silow-Carroll, Edwards, & Rodin, 2012). The policy should be implemented immediately...

American Nurses Association Fast Facts in Research

Review of the ANA Fast Facts The ANA Fast Facts is a great source of information that provides nursing professionals with an opportunity to obtain information regarding their job and its peculiarities. For instance, those facts that are discussed in this paper reveal details regarding the characteristics of the nursing...

Relations Between Organizational Structures and Behavior

Researching organizational behavior helps employers obtain an insight into covert patterns of their employees’ performance at work. As organizations are in continual exploration of new methods to enhance efficiency, competitiveness, and increase in revenue, the issue focuses attention from researchers in the domain. Organizational structure and communication are the aspects...

Nursing’s Personal Philosophy

The nursing profession forms the backbone of the healthcare workforce. It aims to deliver quality nursing care to the patient, family, and the community as a whole. As a profession, it relies on philosophy to aid in critical thinking and reflection on personal values to influence professional practice. The sole...

Coca-Cola’s Consumers’ Awareness About Sugar

Consumers’ behavior has a strong impact on the marketing sector. One of the most vivid examples, in the relevant context, is Coca-Cola’s case. Thus, according to authoritative sources, the company has recently faced a challenge due to the growing concern about sugar content and obesity problems in the society. As...

Patient Safety Culture and Its Elements

Introduction Every patient expects to be safe inside a hospital. It is one of the core priorities of a health provider, to avoid all possible harm that can come to the patient. The lack of safety can also cause indirect issues such as higher occurrence rate of human error of...

Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus: Nursing Care Plan

Presumptive Nursing Diagnosis The accuracy of diagnosis is dependent on various factors. Subjective and objective assessments assist in acquiring the information about the patient’s condition (Rosdalh & Kwalski, 2008). In the context of the presented case, the presumptive nursing diagnosis is Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus. This autoimmune disease has a special...

Electronic Health Record, Its History and Goals

Introduction Electronic health record (EHR) is also known as the computer-based patient record. Generally speaking, EHR is “electronically maintained information about an individual lifetime health status and healthcare [including] medical history, current medications, laboratory tests, x-ray images, etc.” (Leavitt, 2002, p. 257). It indeed is a breakthrough in the field...

Creationism, Its Theories and Forms

This research project provides an overview of the famous life origin theory that dwells on religious beliefs. Specifically, the report outlines the foundation of the Creationism theory that regards God as a creator of life on the earth. Thus, the argument relies on Christianity and is supported by numerous theological...

Nurse-to-Patient Ratios Legislation Proposal

Situation The problem/concern The problem at hand is insufficient nurse-to-patient ratios often occurring in healthcare facilities of different kinds and specializations. The major causes of this problem are the shortage of skilled nurses and high nurse turnover in healthcare organizations. The lack of clear legislation limiting the ratios based on...

Vacation Time and Employees’ Burnout

Determining the Employee Burnout Of course, the vice-president should remember that employee burnout can be caused by the lack of vacation time. Still, it is also critical to pay attention to such factors as the frequency of working long hours, amount of appreciation and recognition, employee satisfaction, monotonous activities, challenge...

Inter-Agency Cooperation and Aviation Security

The Importance of Inter-Agency Cooperation The security and economic prosperity of any nation depend on the security of the Aviation Transportation System. There is a need to prevent terrorist attacks and other criminal acts while minimizing the impacts of these acts and ensuring that the aviation system continues to facilitate...

Language Power: Experience, Knowledge, Skills

The power of language is a unique ability peculiar to human beings. Although some animals can communicate in non-verbal ways, making different sounds can hardly be called a speech. The language became the primary tool for communication between people, with which thoughts were transmitted from one person to another, from...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nestlé Animal Testing and Business Ethics

Introduction Business ethics has emerged as a critical field in different parts of the world. The term “business ethics refers to various principles of morality used to guide different business issues” (Sethi, 2012, p. 19). Unethical behaviors can have negative impacts on the performance of every business organization. The notion...

Meditech System as an Electronic Health Record’ Tool

Standards A consistent improvement in the quality of the nursing services provided to the target audience is the first step toward promoting wellbeing and meeting the essential responsibilities of a nurse (Kisokanth, Prathapan, Indrakumar, & Joseph, 2015). Therefore, the introduction of the latest technological advances is crucial to maintaining the...

Development Strategies to Protect Natural Assets

Many benefits have been achieved after conservation and maintaining of the resources that attract tourists. Several strategies need to be incorporated in order to mitigate loss of natural resources. There should be collaboration between the various players like the natural resources department and the tourism sector who should also involve...

Role of Women in Public Relations

Public relations is a top industry that requires professionalism, experience, and success. For a PR professional, there is a huge number of daily struggles that he or she has to overcome and find some other innovative ways to handle them. There is no exact job description for public relations because...

Aunt Connie’s Cookies Maximizing the Profit

The objective of the simulation exercise is to maximize the profit of Aunt Connie’s Cookies. The simulation is attempted to help Maria Villanueva, the company’s CEO, to execute cost, volume, and price decisions, which might lead to the maximum profits for the company. This simulation demands Maria decide as to...

Dislocation of the Temporomandibular Joint

Yvonne, a 38-year-old housewife and mother of three, complains that she has a hard time closing her jaws. In fact, she says that she is unable to close her mouth completely. She says that this started 2 days ago when she opened her mouth really wide and yawned, right after...

Health for All: Community Teaching Plan

Introduction The proposed community teaching plan is intended for university/school health centers. However, it can also be implemented in any other setting if the audience is similar to the one targeted by the initial program. The location of teaching is North Shore Medical Center, as agreed with its managers. As...

Legislative Issues in Texas: The Death Penalty

While the death penalty has been banned and condemned as an inhumane and barbaric punishment in most of the world, it remains a highly controversial topic in the United States. Proponents of capital punishment claim that convicted murderers can never be reintegrated into society, and claim that execution is the...

Discovery of America: The Land of Opportunities and Resources

Introduction Discovery of America is known to be one of the most significant events in world history, as it became one of the fundamental steps towards the formation of many great nations. America did indeed offer plenty of opportunities and resources to its colonizers. However, the processes occurring were not...

Common Law Method and Ethical Rules

One of the principal challenges in the work of a lawyer is the need to find a balance between the interests of the affected persons and society as a whole. It defines the necessity to estimate the role and scope of responsibility of these professionals to determine ethical considerations applicable...

The Application of Ethical Principles in Nursing

In modern medical practice, nurses and patients can be in a variety of forms of social interaction. As a consequence, in the current stable system, the course of such events should be built by the application of certain ethical principles. In particular, it can happen by respecting the patient’s personality,...

Studying Liberal Arts and Sciences Essence and the Role

Abstract The research describes the essence and the role of liberal education. The definition of the liberal arts and sciences has been provided; the role of liberal education in the democratic society has been described; the importance of studying liberal arts and sciences has been applied to the field of...

Public Health in 21st Century

Public Health can be defined as the science and art of preventing disease and looking after the health-related welfare of the citizens. Basically, it is a preventive measure, not a curative process. Institutions like World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF they also wholeheartedly participate in the different public health programs. For...

Visual and Sound Editing of Memento

Memeno Shower Scene Editing, Transitions, and Their Effect The scene starts with the closeup of the identifiable memento of a liquor bottle. Given the movie’s non-linear plot, the montage has to link the crucial props to the events that happened beforehand. The closeup of a bottle, as an application of...

Institutional Racism Existing in the United States

Right now, the rebellious protests are still strong in the streets across the whole country of the United States. People of all skin colors are infuriated by the murders of African Americans by the racist police officers, their violence and abuse of the innocent people who did nothing wrong but...

Principal-Agent Relationships: Business Law Concept

Introduction The lawful basis for the implementation of intermediary services through an agency contract is legally fixed. According to the agency agreement, one party – the agent, undertakes, for a fee, to perform, on behalf of the other party – the principal, legal and other actions on its behalf, but...

PHP and MySQL Systems Design

Advantages of PHP Provides increased ability to control the content on a page. A web page is developed using HTML tags that allow us to control specific attributes and content. Static web pages do not contain dynamic content and limit functionality of the website, hence the need to include programs...

Margaret Sanger and Her Contribution to Women’s Freedom

The American dream is a belief in a society free from prejudice, and in the success of people that depends only on their personal qualities. This dream is based on the principle of individual freedom and the protection of human rights. In search of these privileges, new migrants came to...

Tangible & Inevitable: Globalization as a Worldwide Phenomenon

In general, globalization may be defined as the process of integration and interaction among countries worldwide and the growing interdependence of their economies, populations, and cultures. Globalization is stimulated by international trade-in technologies, products, and services and the flows of people, investment, and information. That is why the development of...

Community Health Nursing: Home Care

The health and general well-being of citizens should always be a priority for local authorities. It is hard to deny that it is not enough to give people equal access to the healthcare sector. Besides making the healthcare system simple and available for patients, it is also important to control...

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“Kids Behind Bars”: Juvenile Justice System

Introduction The video Kids Behind Bars addresses several important questions regarding juvenile justice, the most important of which is the necessity of rehabilitating and reforming juvenile delinquents. Even though the juvenile justice system currently tends to “get tough” on juveniles and treat them as adults, this approach seems to be...

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The Twilight Vision Exhibition and Tsara and Brenton’s Essays

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Population Growth Rates Analysis

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Sino-Indian Border Dispute: Casual Analysis

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How Climate Changes Affect Coastal Areas

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Nutritional Analysis and Recommendations

The current report contains the analysis of the food intake for one week, from June 2 till June 9, and the recommendations on how to improve the diet and make it more nutritious and balanced. It should be noted that the average caloric intake during the indicated period equals 1798...

Free Trade as a Fundamental Principle of Modern Globalization

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Licensed Practical Nursing: Practice Ethics and Standards

Introduction Both during one’s nursing education and career, it is essential to understand and remember the profession’s fundamental aspects. The most vital parts are the code of ethics and the scope of practice that nurses have to keep in mind to perform as competent medical professionals. As an integral part...

Government-Funded Welfare Program

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How Constitutional Developments Amounted to American Civil War

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The Effect of Climate Change on the Environment

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The Superiority of Socialism Over Capitalism

In most western countries, capitalism is typically lauded as the most effective way of regulating market relationships, whereas socialism is traditionally frowned upon as a threat to free trade. However, not only does socialism suffer from a prejudiced attitude reinforced by the infamous witch-hunts, but also has a range of...

False Confessions in the US Criminal Justice System

Introduction False confessions present a major issue in any criminal justice system. The situation becomes even more complicated when the system is so decentralized as in the USA. In every state, police traditionally rely on psychological pressure as a leading interrogation technique. Suspects suffer from innumerable threats, hours of sleep...

Aesthetic Encounter Report: Atlanta Masjid of Al-Islam

Introduction Mosques are a place of communication of Muslim people with Allah. It can be noted that usually, Islamic mosques are built as spacious and beautiful places reflecting the postulates of Islam. The uniqueness and beauty of religion are shown not only in the internal design but also in external...

Communication Amongst Different Countries: Example of Ukraine

My task was to choose one country and to discuss its’ different aspects that militaries have to be aware of during communication with local colleagues and their partners. I preferred to choose Ukraine, which is situated in the middle of Europe. Different points and aspects of communicating with Ukrainian militaries...

Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley

Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley was first published in 1818. It is now referred to as one of the first pieces of science fiction. The reception of the book was somewhat controversial, and literary critics’ views were mixed. John Wilson Croker’s review, published right after the novel...

A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Literature has always been a tool used by authors to attract people’s attention to a particular aspect of their lives of problems topical for society. At the same time, some issues have always been topical for communities because of their universal character. These include love, relations, faith, morals, and values...

The Borderlands of the United States and Mexico

The boundaries separating one state from another are always a controversial issue. Borders were often built in the course of hostilities and the division of land after any wars. However, is this land division so strict and uncompromising? This paper aims to analyze the significance of the border between the...

Turnover Around Teachers: Educational Research

Teacher turnover is a considerable bother not only for public schools but also for private schools worldwide. Therefore, private schools need to understand the reasons for teacher turnover in order to design efficient strategies for addressing the problem. In the article titled “Factors affecting job turnover: A case study of...

Italian American Women and Their Cultural Tradition

Every culture devises gender roles for its members and expects them to fulfill said roles because it should supposedly be good for society at large. Yet for most of human history, genders were far from being treated equally and held in similar regard – most societies one finds in human...