Promotion The history of Chinese culture shows that each company that wants to enter the countryâs market has to consider Chinese traditions and beliefs. Apple should also pay increased attention to its marketing strategy since its core principles are heavily based on its American origins. Currently, Appleâs plan does not...
Topic: IPhone
Words: 565
Pages: 3
Acquire training resources For any training to occur, the trainer and the trainee have to be ready for transfer and acquisition of knowledge. The training resources include writing materials, training locations, and facilities. It may also require the trainer to use electronic gadgets like the projector, laptop, and the public...
Topic: Business
Words: 582
Pages: 3
Introduction The audit plan is prepared after collecting basic information of the client. The information will then be used for identifying the risk level and developing audit strategies (Pickett 43). The basic information of Sun Life Financial is provided in the following. Products Sun Life Financial is a leading financial...
Topic: Auditing
Words: 552
Pages: 3
The main characters in “The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” include the following: Mona Stangley â a “madam” or the owner of the “House,” presiding it over by rigid behavior rules both for the girls and their clients. She is charming, sweet, and well-known due to generous donations to political...
Topic: Texas
Words: 958
Pages: 3
The First Strategic Option In the first place, PepsiCo’s Organic Gatorade is targeted at athletes, as its primary intention is to restore sugar and sodium levels after training (George, 2016). To interest this consumer group, it is critical to pay attention to the drink’s positive features. For example, employing “Hello...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 615
Pages: 3
Interest group and website information Food Policy Action (established in 2012) was created from collaboration efforts of U.S. food policy leaders for holding legislators accountable on those votes that have a direct impact on the food and farming industry in the country. Its website contains key information about the interest...
Topic: Food
Words: 604
Pages: 3
An understanding of family relationships and the worth of the ties between generations play a crucial role in personal development. The family turns out to be a powerful platform for an individual to identify attitudes, determine beliefs, create habits, and enhance opportunities. As soon as a person demonstrates some emotional...
Topic: Family
Words: 879
Pages: 3
Booker T. Washingtonâs vision of freedom is more compelling than Duboisâ, and thus preferable. Abdication of violence and riots, as well as a focus on self-improvement through work, is a better strategy for addressing segregation. Moreover, it would have offered African Americans an opportunity to improve their social and economic...
Topic: W.E.B. Du Bois
Words: 946
Pages: 3
Clinical Case A 56-year-old male was brought to the hospital by ambulance. He had earlier complained of severe chest pain, which had started in the past 24 hours. He went into cardiac arrest on his way to the hospital. His son stated that the patient was a heavy smoker. Other...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 844
Pages: 3
As early as the 20th Century, the United States has been associated with a high number of individuals involved in drug abuse. The situation worsened in the late 1950s and 1960s, a time when the federal government lacked well-defined laws on drugs. It was not until the early 1970s that...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 977
Pages: 3
Introduction Human trafficking is often referred to as a modern form of slavery as people are deprived of their basic rights and are often treated poorly. Sex exploitation of women has been mainly associated with human trafficking for decades, although victims are often exploited in different ways (OâBrien, 2015). Human...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Introduction According to Mullineux, (1984) economic growth and development are an integral part of a healthy economy. The analysis of the economyâs health requires the use of economic indicators. Economic indicators are classified into different categories. These include; the leading economic indicators, lagging and coincident. This classification helps in the...
Topic: Economics
Words: 846
Pages: 3
In any health institution, the most fundamental thing is the quality health care provision to patients and safe work environment to its workers. Decontamination of medical equipments is proving to be a substantial challenge to health professionals thus makes it difficult to prevention and control of nosocomial infections. This has...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1114
Pages: 3
Step One: Product Selection In this step, it was suggested to choose one of the products that fictitious company Prodserve, Corp. will plan to release. Among the proposed options, the choice was stopped on the Humidifierâą with a built-in aromatization function. The device allows cooling the ambient air and increasing...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1160
Pages: 3
Introduction There has been a debate between scientists and theologians about evolution. Many individuals believe that accepting the scientific theory of evolution, which is based on the notion of natural selection, is equal to holding atheistic views. They interpret the story of Adam and Eve literally and use it to...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Since the genesis of the US judicial system, the notion of the Supreme Court has always been one of the major bodies of justice and law implementation. Although the impartiality and promptness of the Supreme Court can barely be objected to, there is an ongoing debate on the correlation between...
Topic: Court
Words: 541
Pages: 3
Conficker, which is also referred to as Downup, Downadup and Kido, is a worm that affects Microsoft Windows operating system which was discovered at first in November 2008. It checks for defects in the Windows software to designate computers and connect them into a virtual machine which can be dominated...
Topic: Microsoft
Words: 930
Pages: 3
Are women less privileged in todayâs society than men? Undoubtedly, the principle of gender equality is of utmost importance for any modern society. Political changes of the last century aimed to gradually build the status of an empowered woman, with the number of opportunities and privileges equal to that of...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 864
Pages: 3
The Gospels of Mark and Luke contain many of the same stories, often in similar sequences and comparable wording when describing the events. However, distinct similarities in the way the events are expressed can be seen when comparing Mark 14:3-9 with Luke 7:36-50 and Mark 3:31-35 with Luke 8:19-21. This...
Topic: Religion
Words: 827
Pages: 3
A drug can fit in various descriptions depending on the function intended in the body, mode of delivery, and the form taken. Generally, when drugs are taken they modify the normal biological homeostasis of the body anatomy. For a drug to be considered so, it has to be introduced from...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 933
Pages: 3
The duration, amplitude, and shape of the compound action potential change with an increase in stimulus strength. When stimulation increases in strength, more fiber nerves are activated and the AP of the fibers summates a CAP and as a result, when the stimulus happens to be stronger a large segment...
Topic: Nervous System
Words: 792
Pages: 3
The company under consideration, ROBoInc., experiences specific difficulties resulting from the improper organizational structure and culture. Due to their intention to expand the scope of business activity and the existing issues, global market penetration would be possible only in the case if the CEO solves all of the problems. Therefore,...
Topic: Business
Words: 1003
Pages: 3
For many people, the first image that comes to mind when hearing the word âmeditationâ is a yoga guru in the lotus pose – probably, at an exotic location with a murmur of the jungle forest in the background. As the Covid-19 pandemic is swaying a country after a country,...
Topic: Meditation
Words: 833
Pages: 3
If there will always be dominating, self-serving institutions, why is the corporate rule today any worse than the alternatives? The movie The corporation gives us a good and clear description of the main processes peculiar to the economy of the majority of states in the world nowadays. It states the...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 712
Pages: 3
The concept of integrity is complex and subject to many interpretations as it means different things to different people and varies based upon the context of use (Baxter et al. 11; Duggar 2). What is in agreement is that integrity is a much-desired concept that is minimally understood by individuals...
Topic: Integrity
Words: 574
Pages: 3
During this project, I worked in a suburban public library, located in a more or less affluent community. This library serves the needs of approximately fifteen thousand people of various age groups. I cooperated with an acquisition librarian whose primary responsibility was to order new books for the library. Five...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 554
Pages: 3
Health care constitutes the most vital element of people’s lives’ social structure. It is necessary to allocate financial sources to the development of new treatment methods and medical technologies because, with the help of them, the quality of people’s lives will become higher. However, it is not possible to pay...
Topic: Finance
Words: 578
Pages: 3
Introduction A challenging task faces writers who want to evoke readersâ emotions and provoke them into thinking about crucial life issues. They need to make readers believe their characters, sympathize with them, and identify with them; otherwise, the audienceâs attention will be lost. Joseph Conrad once stated his opinion about...
Topic: Literature
Words: 955
Pages: 3
Introduction New technological advancements in any field are always met with some form of resistance due to precautions and concerns regarding the safety of use. It is especially true in the field of radiology and imaging, which is primarily reliant on technology for its proper functioning. Imaging developments made a...
Topic: Technology
Words: 847
Pages: 3
Introduction This paper will cover the Real Estate industry in the United States. The Real Estate industry is part of the Real Estate and Rental and Leasing sector, which includes renting and leasing assets and services, such as cars, houses, computers, and other goods (NAICS, 1). The Real Estate subsector...
Topic: Inflation
Words: 849
Pages: 3
Garcia, HĂ©ctor R. “Beholding Chicano History.” Athanor, vol. 37, 2019, pp. 53-58. This article mainly reflects Chicano history from the time that the movement emerged. One of the aspects is a period of disobedience, which is evident through the practices of the people. For instance, it was considered inhuman to...
Topic: History
Words: 914
Pages: 3
Introduction Shakespeare and Sophocles present the audience with two complex main characters who share a particular passion for discovering the truth, which ultimately brings them to their doom. Shakespeare’s tragic hero in Hamlet has an eye-opening encounter with a ghost that leads him to seek vengeance. Oedipus prides himself on...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 840
Pages: 3
Advancement in Technology has, to a larger extent, eliminated different forms of jobs in the recent past. Job automation technology coupled with globalization has been the principal force behind the moribund wages together with diminished prospects of most workers around the globe. Within the next 25 years, job growth is...
Topic: Economics
Words: 932
Pages: 3
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) distresses a patientâs immune arrangement hence weakening the defence system against numerous infections encompassing some forms of cancer. With the virus destroying and impairing the operation of immune cells, an infected person progressively becomes immunodeficient. Peopleâs immunity is characteristically gauged by the number of CD4...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 921
Pages: 3
Introduction Few religions are as interconnected socially, historically, and culturally as Christianity and Islam. Both faiths have similar origins, historical roots, with Islam recognizing some Christian elements and figures. Both Islam and Christianity represent monotheistic religions with one supreme entity. Each religion incorporates the divine message and prophets who spread...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 888
Pages: 3
Paracetamol is an analgesic, originally discovered in the late 19th century. It was initially developed as a metabolite of phenacetin, a common analgesic at the time, but overlooked due to several research errors leading to its side effects being overestimated (Brune et al., 2014). It remained relatively unknown until its...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 864
Pages: 3
Since I began working, I have interacted with various types of system software. I have found it very interesting working on different types of BIOS and device firmware, operating systems, utility systems, and operating software. Over time, I have been able to set up several websites using different server operating...
Topic: Software
Words: 1230
Pages: 3
Introduction Privacy and confidentiality are important components of universal human rights used in medical care. Healthcare workers are obliged to ensure that discretion in the use of patientsâ information is maintained in all settings. Respect for these rights helps in supporting and strengthening the social wellbeing of the sick person....
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 875
Pages: 3
This paper is a critical review of a position statement that discusses the impact of pharmacogenomics on individual drug effectiveness, specifically addressing the validity and sustainability of individual genotyping. The position paper identified three key issues regarding the validity of developing individual genotyping for drug effectiveness and a further four...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 899
Pages: 3
There are various labor laws as well as acts in the United States of America that specify the criteria on which American firms should use to carry out their employment, treat their workforce and the process they adopt while trading locally and internationally. The Fair Labor Standard Act is an...
Topic: Law
Words: 838
Pages: 3
Rodney King Case The case of Rodney King is one of many demonstrations of police brutality in the United States. The incident initiated the movement against the injustice concerning racial inequality in the country, severely impacted the law enforcement system, and left a polarizing effect on American society. This paper...
Topic: Police
Words: 926
Pages: 3
The ANA Code of Ethics is intended to guide nursesâ behavior in situations related to their work. In particular, it teaches the practice of independent creative making of decisions, a humanistic view of the patient, and protecting their rights. At the same time, using the ANA Code of Ethics in...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 317
Pages: 3
Introduction Love Actually is a popular motion picture watched by millions on Christmas Eve all around the world. The entire plot of the film is a compilation of short life stories that many viewers can easily relate to. Despite being labeled as overly melodramatic and, at times, boring by numerous...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 950
Pages: 3
Introduction Contracts comprise an integral part of the health care system of the United States of America. Naturally, the managed care contracts are viewed as the core of this system as they regulate the relations between the medical facilities and patients at the legal level. As defined by the Dictionary...
Topic: Health
Words: 865
Pages: 3
To provide better health care, it is necessary to ensure that the process of improvement in it is ongoing and promoted. In this regard, the notion of positive change (i.e., the improvement of current practices and policies) is a key component of designing a better approach to the delivery of...
Topic: Health
Words: 561
Pages: 3
Introduction In this paper, the arguments of the opponents that were presented to advocate for a national healthcare insurance (NHI) are going to be countered. Our opponents have provided a clear and succinct overview of their position, and their arguments are most convincing, but we find that we disagree with...
Topic: Health
Words: 758
Pages: 3
Introduction Everyone knows what bullying is. A great number of people experienced bullying as either victims, perpetrators, or bystanders. It is a problem that has existed ever since the creation of first public schools in the 18th century. While the society is aware of the problem, little is done to...
Topic: Bullying
Words: 651
Pages: 3
Comparison of the Different Versions of LRRH Little Red Cap is a folk text initially written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Today, it is also widely known as Little Red Riding Hood (LRRH). This fairy tale reveals a story about a young girl who goes through the woods to visit...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 628
Pages: 3
Introduction Contemporary society faces numerous moral issues. Organ transplantation is one of those topics that attract much attention of both professionals and the representatives of the general public. Different parties argue whether this medical procedure is the best option that should turn into a common practice or immoral action that...
Topic: Transplantation
Words: 626
Pages: 3
Design Description Time-series research design is a prevalent method used for mathematical statistics. There are several different areas where time-series research can be found useful (Yadav & Toshniwal, 2011). In this particular situation, a time-series research design is applied within the framework of the educational environment. Even though there are...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 559
Pages: 3
This is a chronic disease that results from a high level of glucose or sugar within the blood. This disease also arises from the bodyâs inability to produce and utilize insulin effectively. Insulin is important within the body because it enhances the transportation of glucose to various body cells for...
Topic: Diabetes
Words: 996
Pages: 3
Introduction The issue concerning adult education is one of the most controversial and significant. Allen Tough, a Canadian scholar and educator, made a valuable contribution to the development of teaching projects. The researcher highlights the importance of education, proving that learning is not about age, but motivation and desire. Main...
Topic: Education
Words: 848
Pages: 3
Comparison of the Different Versions of LRRH Two versions of Little Red Riding Hood (LRRH), including the original written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and the retelling by Charles Perrault, focus on similar themes and have a lot in common. However, regardless of the fact that they describe the same...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 560
Pages: 3
Introduction The Oscar ceremonies became a proverbial event in the history of the American culture quite a while ago (English 73). Defining the cultural choices made by the critics and the viewers alike and serving as the means of summing up the progress that the moviemaking industry has made, the...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 592
Pages: 3
Toys hold a very special place in every adultâs heart, no matter whether they were hand-made or bought in an expensive store. Although the specified product might seem unimportant to some, educators and child psychologists know that toys play a crucial role in shaping a childâs personality, values, skills, and...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 839
Pages: 3
Capitalism brings wealth, and not everyone can reach it, but in socialism, there is no wealth. Both capitalism and socialism were major influencing socio-economic theories, which reached their peak of manifestation in the 20th century. Capitalism is a system where the concept of ownership and free markets is at its...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 882
Pages: 3
Teams are crucial building blocks in the organization structure that can increase productivity and cost-efficiency of a business. Effective teams initiate not only change and innovation, but also provide benefits for their members, including learning opportunities and personal rewards. A team is different from a group since it performs as...
Topic: Communication
Words: 948
Pages: 3
Nurses are the most significant force within the healthcare system because they spend more time caring for patients than any other medical professional. In 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued a report titled “The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health.” This Institute outlined the main challenges that the...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 901
Pages: 3
Introduction Nowadays the choice of higher education plays an important role in professional self-determination. Making the choice is not easy as the market of educational services is very wide and varied. To help their children to decide, parents are trying to contribute the right solution resulting in various aspects comprising...
Topic: Gender
Words: 879
Pages: 3
Introduction Of all deaths occurring in the United States, pancreatic cancer accounts for more than 6%. The article analyses the most recent techniques in diagnosis and management pancreatic cancer a malignancy with very poor prognosis. Pancreatic cancer has a very low 5-year survival rate with some studies showing levels below...
Topic: Cancer
Words: 967
Pages: 3
The subject is the National Museum of Women in the Arts because it is a manifestation of women empowerment and art appreciation. A characteristic feature of modern culture is the increased attention to the issue of gender equality, which, along with the problems of globalization, migration, the strengthening of fundamentalist...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Writers, activists, public speakers, poets, and other creators tend to influence people around them and society as a whole through their unique depictions of a journey. Some individuals share their emotions and ways to understand them. Others document their political aspirations and means to achieve peace or social equality. Overall,...
Topic: W.E.B. Du Bois
Words: 851
Pages: 3
Paul Laurence Dunbar was born into a family of former slaves. He is considered the first African-American writer in the United States to be widely known. His poems written in dialect, a folk speech of the American South, were most popular. They reflect all the ambivalence, torment, and contradictions that...
Topic: Literature
Words: 904
Pages: 3
Spirituality, according to Wallace (2007) is âthe essence of our being, which permeates our living and infuses our unfolding awareness of who and what we are, our purpose in being, and our inner resources; and shapes our life journeyâ. There has been a renewed interest in the healthcare profession about...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 912
Pages: 3
The US hospitals lose much money through medical supply wastage yearly. According to Elizabeth McLellan, the creator of Partners for World Health, a non-profit establishment, which gathers infirmary supply âwasteâ from various sanatoriums around Portland Mane, the organization collects medical âfritterâ worth $20 million per year (Allen, 2017). Therefore, it...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 885
Pages: 3
Military diversity means the inclusion of different genders, ethnicities, and sexual minorities that contribute to an adaptive, varied army. It means embracing differences, recognizing their value, and leveraging the uniqueness of each. Inclusiveness ensures soldiers feel valued and promote better teamwork, which allows them to fully develop (De Angelis et...
Topic: Army
Words: 827
Pages: 3
The physician is a well-educated professional, so he knows which complications James has, and is aware of possible negative consequences in case of refusal to undergo a kidney transplant. It seems that the doctor has to take a firm position and urge parents to do all the needed procedures, but...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 924
Pages: 3
On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina swept through the city of New Orleans (Lachlan & Spence, 2007). The hurricane caused extensive losses in the Gulf Coast region. In the aftermath of the damage, thousands of residents were left homeless. As the victims escaped from the region to safer grounds, millions...
Topic: Disaster
Words: 829
Pages: 3
Morgan Godvin’s first incarceration was a book-and-release: she asked for a seven-day sentence in jail to avoid a heroin relapse and continue Suboxone, an approved medication to treat opioid use disorder that she was previously using. The woman led a somewhat normal life: she worked in the service sector, went...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 825
Pages: 3
This paper will look at one of Sanyika Shakurâs first violent crimes and attempt to explain them using the modeling theory and the social disorganization theory. The subject was born Kody Dejohn Scott on November 12, 1963, and received the street moniker âMonsterâ after stomping an elderly black man for...
Topic: Law
Words: 882
Pages: 3
The Problem of Error is an essential philosophical and theological question that has been a matter of debate for many centuries, especially during the Middle Ages and the early modern period. The discussion examines the reasons for human imperfection, including the error of senses, despite the existence of a perfect...
Topic: Interpretation
Words: 958
Pages: 3
At the present time, Twitter is one of the strongest instruments that allow companies to communicate with their existing and potential consumers without having to invest additional resources in organization-customer relationships. This ultimately means that Twitter is the utmost filter of corporate communication that establishes the companyâs image. When it...
Topic: Twitter
Words: 883
Pages: 3
Introduction Ever since the scientific community developed the concept of the scientific method, there has been a centuries-old dispute between them, philosophers, and theologians about the existence of God. This topic is particularly relevant to Christian discourse and is viewed by many atheists as the ideological crisis of Christianity. However,...
Topic: The Problem of Evil
Words: 825
Pages: 3
Introduction The idea of adaptation is presented in many nursing theories and aims at describing the patientsâ prospects of decision-making and self-managing various health problems. However, this concept was initiated by Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain (2005) in their modeling and role modeling theory. Erickson, Tomlin, and Swainâs Adaptation Theory The...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 616
Pages: 3
Asthma is a common condition in children. Except for medication, treatment should involve other methods to manage the disease. Asthma management is important to maintain a high quality of life. However, the effectiveness of such control depends on the education of patients. The main goals of this paper are to...
Topic: Asthma
Words: 627
Pages: 3
Transgender individuals resort to a vulnerable population that has issues in the framework of healthcare services. A lot of them are so afraid of discrimination that they delay visits to physicians until the last moment, which may have not just an adverse influence on their condition but also fatal outcomes....
Topic: Health
Words: 633
Pages: 3
Primary Recommendation (#1) General Electric can greatly increase revenues by tapping into the renewable energy markets of developing countries A large portion of the companyâs revenues comes from developing countries, with Thailand, Algeria, Turkey, and Indonesia passing the threshold of $1 billion in recent years (Rudarakanchana, 2014). The growing rate...
Topic: Business
Words: 807
Pages: 3
Introduction Wellness refers to deliberate actions to live a healthy life by eating or drinking recommended foods and drinks respectively. In addition, it refers to other activities that are associated with healthy living and this includes avoiding all substances or activities that may risk human health like, alcoholism, overworking, drug...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 588
Pages: 3
Identify the public company you have selected and include the publicly traded stock symbol The company selected for the analysis is the Wal-Mart Stores organization, which is famous for its unbelievably low prices and at the same time provides the products of consistently good quality. WMT is the publicly traded...
Topic: Walmart
Words: 575
Pages: 3
Introduction I chose to watch the video about Virginia Henderson as she was one of the most influential nurses in history (Group E, 2010), and her theory of nursing is interesting to me. The video addressed the life and work of Virginia Henderson, as well as provided information regarding her...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 589
Pages: 3
Introduction In nursing, the scope of practice of a nurse practitioner is rather diverse and multifaceted. Their list of duties, responsibilities, and tasks to accomplish on a daily basis is long and may vary from one day to another. Nursing is one of the most flexible and fast-developing career fields...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 563
Pages: 3
The cases of Terri Schiavo and Jahi McMath are among the most publicized instances of ethical and legal debates over the end-of-life question. Both cases have a lot in common, but the Jahi McMath case introduces several new factors that offer further insights into the ethical as well as legal...
Topic: Law
Words: 601
Pages: 3
Objective and Subjective Data In order to determine a presumptive nursing diagnosis, it is necessary to collect and document all subjective and objective data that can be obtained from a patient. Accurate physical assessment, medical history, laboratory data, and verbal reports from either the patient or their friend are the...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 575
Pages: 3
The USPSTF is considered to be an independent commission of the experts who aim to outline recommendations for the preventive services based on the review of their effectiveness. The fundamental idea of the Task Force is to improve the health status of people in the United States. The recommendations are...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 614
Pages: 3
Planning is an indispensable part of the process of managing any organization, a governmental organization in particular. Furthermore, to manage one, it is pivotal to create a budget of the organization or activity in question. A budget can be defined as a financial plan which includes items that need to...
Topic: Economics
Words: 641
Pages: 3
Introduction For this assignment, it was chosen to compare an Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) specialty of Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNM) with the specialty of Family Nurse Practitioners (FNP) that fall under the category of Primary Care Providers (PCP). Educational Requirements To qualify for the position of a CNM, a nurse should...
Topic: Family
Words: 565
Pages: 3
Introduction Modern nurses know and implement numerous different frameworks into their clinical practice. From Nightingale to Henderson, these frameworks largely revolve around four pillars of nursing and assist in framing both clinical practice and clinical research by outlining goals and purposes of interventions, as well as providing an ethical and...
Topic: Health
Words: 579
Pages: 3
Napoleon Bonaparte is one of the most remarkable figures in the history of humanity. Along with his outstanding military talent, this charismatic man can be praised for his ability to inspire people around him to act in a heroic way. In the following paper, the biography of this remarkable historical...
Topic: French Revolution
Words: 833
Pages: 3
The health of the nation is one of the major concerns of any state. Healthy populations guarantee the ability of a country to evolve and move towards the achievement of new goals. However, today the situation remains complex because of multiple problems and health issues linked to the environmental or...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 873
Pages: 3
Introduction Effective organizations are cornerstones of healthy societies where individuals strive to achieve what is best for themselves and the community. However, there are implications of continuously keeping workplace efficacy at high levels. Stress, miscommunication, differences in personalities can contribute to lower performance and unfavorable mental health outcomes. Therefore, it...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 833
Pages: 3
The four-day slave rebellion organized by Nat Turner in Virginia is among the most remembered events in African-American history. In his book titled The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turnerâs Fierce Rebellion, Stephen Oates, who is an expert in 19th century America, explores the biography of âthe most famous slaveâ (p....
Topic: Literature
Words: 870
Pages: 3
All conventional norms established by members of society have a specific purpose and a prevailing ideology as a basis. Generally, rules are created by a hierarchical elite based on an ideology that is either initially shared by the majority as in Orwell’s Animal Farm or eventually imposed on it as...
Topic: Animal Farm
Words: 915
Pages: 3
Literature is an essential means of delivering critical ideas regarding the surrounding world and the distinguishing features of society. Authors do not only aim at entertaining their readers but also focus on sharing personal views and opinions on various issues and processes happening in the communities. For instance, a philosophical...
Topic: Literature
Words: 843
Pages: 3
Legalizing physical-assisted suicide has been providing a ground for debates in the scientific community for a long time. Some scholars assume that the legitimation of euthanasia is an ethically correct and necessary decision, while others firmly disagree that doctors should have a right to take a patient’s life. The papers...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction Climate change is a serious issue that affects people around the globe. Although it is primarily discussed due to its adverse impact on the environment, its effect on public and individual health is also significant. Severe changes in typical weather conditions and different pollution types can lead to numerous...
Topic: Air Pollution
Words: 880
Pages: 3
Among the numerous milestones of the twentieth century, World War II occupies a specific place for its profound influence on the entire world. Claiming millions of peopleâs lives and leaving thousands of cities in ruins, transformed the existing economic and social relations. One of the most remarkable changes in this...
Topic: Communism
Words: 926
Pages: 3
Introduction The design of the Calhoun Community College home page is simple, concise, and visual, but the structure and logic of the site remain uninformative. Searches for relevant information by applicants risk being unsuccessful, as the page is a combination of multi-directional links to the rest of the site. The...
Topic: Web Technology
Words: 853
Pages: 3
Introduction Lately, live music events have become very popular and almost every artist is striving to give their audience value for their money. The current demand for live music events seems to overwhelming the industry players. All the same, it is evident that live music gives the audience more thrill...
Topic: Dance & Music
Words: 869
Pages: 3
Background The study by Chaboyer et al. (2016) identifies the problem of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers as a significant patient safety concern with poor patient outcomes and rising healthcare costs. This is a nursing issue since pressure ulcers are an indicator of nursing care quality. The objective of the study is...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 956
Pages: 3
Art Creation There is a significant number of topics that are especially loved by both authors and readers and used in literature rather often. Though all of them were being discussed for many centuries, poets can still find ways of expressing their thought and feelings about such themes in unusual...
Topic: Literature
Words: 460
Pages: 3
One of the topics that can be discussed indefinitely is the existence or unreality of God. Neither this discussion nor any other can ever answer that question. Moreover, the debate about God or Deities has been going on since the human mind (Feuerbach, 2018). It is crucial to understand this...
Topic: God
Words: 945
Pages: 3
Thorough analysis and study of trans individuals’ sexual and gender identities, as well as their orientation, might help to separate highly interlinked ideas of sex and gender. Sex is mostly understood as a biological feature of a person, and it is primarily binary, which includes male and female. However, it...
Topic: Gender
Words: 916
Pages: 3
The Seinfeld Episode When young people meet their elders, they should address them with respect and courtesy. However, Aaron seems to lack these critical values when he meets Jerryâs parents. He addresses them like his colleagues and does not employ the basic communications virtues. In contrast, Monica and her colleagues...
Topic: Culture
Words: 942
Pages: 3
Introduction The main character of Battle Royal, a short story which was written by Ralph Ellison, describes the life of a young black man, who is forced to endure violent acts of racism towards him and other African-Americans. Even though it depicts the events from centuries ago, the issue that...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 851
Pages: 3
In the graphic novel They Called Us Enemy, George Takei provides his memoir after the presidential proclamation ordering all people of Japanese origin to be relocated to isolated camps. The title of the book and its cover page sums the struggles illustrated inside. The image of a policeman holding a...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 940
Pages: 3
Introduction Spirituality describes a relationship with God (Spirituality Information, 2010). It is the inward spirit away above or greater oneself. The greater power and Spirit is God (Live strong, 2009) Spiritual needs Assessment Organizations need to describe spiritual content and capacity for her assessment and the individual requirements taking the...
Topic: Health
Words: 705
Pages: 3
Introduction Advertising is a crucial concept in the success of the company, its perception by the audience, and the social impact that it might have. Numerous businesses launch unique, controversial, influential, and robust campaigns that can stay in the memories of individuals for a prolonged period. Nike is a company...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 885
Pages: 3
The Book of Questions by Pablo Neruda is a complicated and stimulating poem that encourages readers to delve deeper into the fundamental questions of life and reality. From the very beginning, the speaker asks a set of four questions that are seemingly unrelated to one another at first glance. The...
Topic: Literature
Words: 839
Pages: 3
Any science is based on the analysis of evidence regarding diverse phenomena, individuals, or events. Historians try to unveil the secrets of the past by extracting information from different types of sources, including specific objects, documents, pictures, peopleâs accounts, and even literary works. Although the literature is associated with fictional...
Topic: Iliad
Words: 875
Pages: 3
Belonging to a particular culture is central to the very human nature since it creates a sense of security and satisfies peopleâs need for belonging. Although the concept of culture can be stretched fairly far, and some cultures might seem less significant than others, it is possible to gain deep...
Topic: Culture
Words: 977
Pages: 3
The renowned safety of air transport is dependent on three factors. These are the many safety and redundant systems built into modern passenger aircraft, the rigorous training and monitoring accorded pilots, and the multitasking skill of air traffic controllers (ATCs). Not surprisingly, therefore, ATC salary scales are very attractive early...
Topic: Air Transport
Words: 880
Pages: 3
Introduction Eisensteinâs theory of montage establishes how a film must be âbuiltâ to convey a certain brand of politics by stating that the viewersâ emotions can be directed through the juxtaposition of images (Eisenstein 2). To illustrate, in the âOdessa stepsâ sequence in Battleship Potemkin, the audience sees the juxtaposition...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 820
Pages: 3
War stories are one of the primary sources of historical memory about the significant events of the past wars. However, they regularly contain personal exaggerations, either for dramatic effect or as simple attention grab. Despite that, they provide an insight into one of the most crucial moments of modern history....
Topic: War
Words: 843
Pages: 3
iCARE Assignment The interprofessional teams are currently present and developing in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). According to ANA (2015), interprofessional care stands for care implemented by a healthcare team, which includes professionals with different expertise. Their roles and obligations are overlapping in practice, while everybody has a unique contribution....
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 931
Pages: 3
Introduction The purpose of this report is to capture drug abuse in the U.S. Navy and to analyze some of the measures that the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) has put in place to control the problem. The report presents a critical analysis of drug abuse in the U.S. Navy...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 1005
Pages: 3
Introduction The goal of social networks is the formal representation of the structure of personal relationships beyond the dyad (Webb, & Wright 2011). Social media like, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube are all part of the innovative methods of communicating with a distant person using modern electronic development, each with its...
Topic: Activism
Words: 815
Pages: 3
The approach to the marketing mix theory is changing dramatically due to the transformation of business processes and customer behavior, as well as the evolution of the digital age. Researchers state that the rapid development of the digital environment and related products âhave redefined the routine lives of individuals and...
Topic: Amazon
Words: 752
Pages: 3
It is impossible to make an organization function correctly if there is no list of the fundamental company values. In the period of the Talent Management changes (2003-2008), provided by the senior director of Maersk Groupâs HR department and the head of HR, a significant meaning was attached to implementing...
Topic: Performance
Words: 840
Pages: 3
Clinical depression mainly refers to the mental disorder which affects an individualâs feelings and thoughts, causing a negative shift in daily activities. While it can occur to any individual regardless of age, it can compound its effect on older adults. The failure to detect some of the symptoms associated with...
Topic: Depression
Words: 844
Pages: 3
âSkylark,â written by an outstanding Hungarian author Dezso Kosztolanyi, is a novel about the change of one senior couple’s life during the impermanent absence of their unattractive and unmarried daughter. At the same time, this work provides essential information about Hungary, especially its political environment, at the end of the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 963
Pages: 3
Introduction As stated by Northouse (2016), leaders are determined to perform with all of their followers rather than interacting with just a small group of them. This is the primary principle that determines what leadership is for me. While answering the questions in the questionnaire, I realized that some of...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 975
Pages: 3
The Triptych of Dorian Gray (1890â91): Reading Wildeâs Novel as Three Print Objects This article provides the differences between the original version of The Portrait of Dorian Gray and the censored ones. The author analyzes three sources – the typescript, the magazine version, and the first edition of the novel....
Topic: Literature
Words: 863
Pages: 3
The question of confidentiality in nursing is considered to be one of the most controversial and open-to-discussion points. In our case, a nurse, Hathaway, promised to maintain patientâs confidentiality to gain necessary trust and clarifications; however, with some period, patientâs problem is regarded as a disease the outcomes of which...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 836
Pages: 3
Boeing faced the biggest blow in 1999 when airbus, their biggest competitor delivered more airplanes than Boeing. This was then followed by a shrank down of Boeingâs earnings and a consequent laying off of 9,300 employees out of the 126,000 employees that it had. During the gulf war, there was...
Topic: Boeing
Words: 813
Pages: 3
Yanet The US healthcare system is now undergoing certain changes so it can be a perfect time for considerable and timely improvements. One of the most serious issues is associated with many groupsâ limited access to high-quality care. American veterans turn out to be a vulnerable group as they have...
Topic: Health
Words: 555
Pages: 3
One of the most controversial folkways is that a young person is required to give up a seat during a commute on public transportation to a person that is a child, elderly, disabled, or pregnant. It is considered social etiquette and a person can be severely judged if they fail...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 676
Pages: 3
Introduction It would be impossible to run a campaign without a candidate who is capable of attracting the attention of voters and promote the ideas. More often than not, political figures tend to be white and wealthy middle-aged men who support mostly conservative ideas. Another interesting factor is that the...
Topic: Political Parties
Words: 849
Pages: 3
The movement known as Black Lives Matter is one of the most controversial initiatives of present-day American society. Its beginning was justified by various brutalities against the representatives of this population group. However, despite the initial reasonability of such actions in ensuring the safety of this category of citizens, it...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 829
Pages: 3
Introduction Criminal justice usually seizes public intrigue in relation to high-profile cases and their media representation. However, people working in the legal system also help to regulate day-to-day activities of people. Criminal justice professionals are an integral part to the prosperity and stability of any nation. The government grants citizens...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 833
Pages: 3
The sample of people who participated in the the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment consisted of African-American farmers. They were recruited through the Rosenwault Foundation, which aimed to support the African-American communities and help them get an education (Today I found out, 2019). However, after the Great Depression, this organization could no...
Topic: Experiment
Words: 389
Pages: 3
Introduction While in the early 1960s, the civil rights movement gradually began to take radical forms, which was supported by the leader Malcolm X, Martin Luther King was right because he denied the violence. He insisted that only nonviolent methods would lead to equal civil rights. King followed the ideas...
Topic: Civil Rights Movement
Words: 1008
Pages: 3
Relationships between partners are considered by psychologists as a laborious process that requires each of its participants to be able to work on themselves and their relationships. This approach is rational, given that almost every person associates relationships not only with serious obligations to each other but also with romance...
Topic: Divorce
Words: 795
Pages: 3
Introduction The articles reviewed touch upon the problem of dead/dying brain and the ethical question of organ transplantation from brain dead patients. The definition of death is thoroughly connected to the phenomenon of the loss of consciousness. The topic of consciousness is also connected to the ethical issues regarding the...
Topic: Brain
Words: 900
Pages: 3
Virgil’s poem “Aeneid” is an epic work that was based on Roman mythology. The narration is describing a story about legendary Aeneas, who was the son of the goddess Venus and the king of Troy Priam. It is argued that he was the ancestor of Romulus and Remus, who were...
Topic: Literature
Words: 839
Pages: 3
Introduction Recycling is an effective strategy of cleaning the environment from hazardous materials and pollution (Zailani, Eltayeb, Hsu & Tan, 2012). The following research proposal focuses on how recycling can be conducted in the city of Dubai. The proposal provides insightful information as to why recycling has become a necessity...
Topic: Environment
Words: 560
Pages: 3
Introduction With the technological revolution of the 21st century, data has become an important tool in decision-making. However, to derive meaning out of raw data, it has to be analyzed â a task done by data scientists. These professionals transform data into insight, thus giving elaborate guidance for users of...
Topic: Scientists
Words: 839
Pages: 3
Introduction The word âoutsourcingâ gained popularity in the information era though the activity was undertaken by many traders and entrepreneurs from time immemorial. Though the word is used to connote different meanings generally, outsourcing literally means sub-contracting an assignment to a third party. Mainly it is between organizations that assign...
Topic: Outsourcing
Words: 1010
Pages: 3
The major postulation of the social learning theory is that behavior is a result of learning the norms, values and behaviors from society. This essay will review the three most prominent forms of social learning theory that explain the delinquent activity. These are differential association theory, differential reinforcement theory and...
Topic: Law
Words: 965
Pages: 3
During the trade war between China and the US, the former seeks to promote lower tariffs in international trade. China is currently lowering tariffs on other countries to find new trade partners and enhance relationships with existing ones. This paper provides information on trade barriers and the ways the countries...
Topic: Trade
Words: 930
Pages: 3
Introduction Deforestation to create land for agriculture is an issue of great importance, it destroys native forests and affects the ecological balance. A greater percentage of global biodiversity is located in forests (Celentano et al. 2017). Cutting down trees hinders the survival of various animal and plant species. The forest...
Topic: Deforestation
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Introduction There are various standpoints on spirituality across a variety of disciplines and discourses, including culture, sociology, philosophy, and religious beliefs. The meaning of spirituality has advanced over the years, with each generation attempting to evaluate the existing belief systems. It may refer to a religious process where believers hope...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 953
Pages: 3
Banner Health Banner Health is a non-governmental not-for-profit healthcare organization that has its headquarters in Phoenix. Arizona. The institution was created following the merger of the Samaritan Health system that was based in Phoenix, Arizona, and Lutheran Healthcare Systems that had its headquarters in North Dakota (National Academies of Sciences,...
Topic: Health
Words: 865
Pages: 3
Accountability entails measures and procedures that are taken to ensure justification and assumption of responsibilities for various actions in an organization. In other words, it means that an individual is ready to assume responsibility as a result of any negative impacts or due to errors of commission or omissions with...
Topic: Accountability
Words: 876
Pages: 3
Introduction of a Modifiable Risk Factor The patient has been diagnosed with renal failure. The modifiable risk factors of this disease include anemia, dyslipidemia, metabolic perturbations, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease (Parikh et al., 2006). The present assignment shall focus on hypertension as a modifiable risk factor for kidney disease. Important...
Topic: Disease
Words: 649
Pages: 3
With the development of technology, informatics entered nursing as well as many other spheres. Nursing informatics is expected to reduce the time needed for documentation, streamline searching activities, and provide more opportunities for communication with healthcare professionals and patients. Some of its areas are also relevant to my current position....
Topic: Nursing
Words: 565
Pages: 3
Introduction The aim of correctional facilities is not only to punish offenders but also to help them change their attitudes and encourage them for a better life without crimes and violence. At the end of their sentence, criminals reenter the community. However, releasing offenders is a challenging task because it...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 872
Pages: 3
Starting a new business is always a great challenge for any entrepreneur â it involves the creation of a detailed business plan, the consideration of all accompanying opportunities and threats that await him or her in the future process of operation. Everything has to be planned carefully to achieve success;...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 861
Pages: 3
Introduction Children are delicate, and they should be given all the necessary support that they need at school, including being offered free lunch. Hungry children cannot learn efficiently because they lack the capacity to tolerate the effects of an empty stomach. However, whether school lunches should be free or not...
Topic: School
Words: 861
Pages: 3
Alexander Pichushkin was born on April 9, 1974, near Moscow. The boy’s father was fond of alcohol and left the family when his son was not even a year old (Harrington 8). Pichushkin did not like his studies. He was only fond of tennis, checkers, and drawing. Due to his...
Topic: Law
Words: 880
Pages: 3
Modern medicine is inextricably linked to the constant stress conditions created by high daily patientsâ flow, a variety of problems, and the search for an individual approach to each patient. Such a chaotic state can be confusing, as medical personnel does not always understand exactly which tasks are more important...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 922
Pages: 3