The Legacy of Emmett Till: The Power of Imagery in Media

The media plays an indispensable role in the spread of information to people around the world with the purpose of entertaining, educating, or informing. Therefore, how such information is presented to the intended audience matters significantly if the message is to be passed effectively. Specifically, media leverages the power of...

Climate Change: Forecast of Possible Events

Introduction If the world does not address climate change, workforce shifts, apocalyptic issues, water shortage, and biodiversity decline will occur, and we will end up with collapsed civilization. According to Amanda Ruggeri (2017), major climatic changes will heavily impact the workforce, where organizations will become more concerned about global threats...

Intensive Care Unit Nursing ( ICU)

Job descriptions We live in a world wherein medical care becomes a very important part of the aging process. As we near the end of our life cycle, we find ourselves requiring more and more specialized medical care both at home and in the hospital. As such, nurses have slowly...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Symptoms, Prevalence, Treatment

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative disease of the brain. It is categorized by the WHO into the broader Dementia family of brain syndromes, along with vascular dementia, front temporal dementia, and dementia with Lewy bodies (Duthey 6). Like other forms of dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease is characterized by an impairment...

Luxury Brands After Economic Crisis in 2008-2020

Introduction Luxury brands have been at the centre of interest for scholars and economists for a long time due to their specific and exceptional performance in times of economic hardships. In 2007-2011 the last severe and global financial crisis hit almost all areas of the world economy and trade. The...

COVID-19 Mortality Among African Americans

Why does coronavirus kill so many African Americans? Should the US society grieve about these deaths or try to learn a lesson? Did all those people die for no reason? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2020), African Americans are overrepresented among hospitalized patients with coronavirus...

Impact of COVID-19 Pandemics on the Environment

The COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus, significantly changed the world and forced humanity to revise its values and set health as the priority instead of production and growth. Most of the nations had to deal with the spread of disease by establishing lockdowns, obligating people to wear protective items, and...

The Repercussions of Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

In recent times, the socio-economic and legal problem of migration to the US has begun to acquire an increasingly political connotation. It became not only an object of discussion about the methods and forms of migration regulation but also a battlefield for leading political parties and opposition between legislative and...

Identity: Personal and Social

Curiosity is a basic and natural drive in human behavior. The desire for self-knowledge is highly common among people. Defining and understanding the self is an intricate subject and has been a ponderous research topic in social psychology. From childhood, people start to differentiate themselves from the outside world and...

Lifespan Development and Personality Theories

Physical Development Adolescence is usually described as the age between 12 and 18 years old. It starts with puberty, which is characterized by a number of physical changes connected to a human body becoming capable of reproducing. At this stage, primary sexual characteristics and secondary sexual characteristics are developed (Spielman,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Fall Prevention in Aging Patients: Education of Patients

Introduction The problem of managing and preventing falls from happening in aging patients remains one of the core focuses of contemporary nursing. Therefore, studying the approaches toward managing falls is needed to examine the existing options and defining the most relevant and effective method of fall prevention. Methodologies and Designs...

Pathophysiology of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition in which the reflux of gastric contents causes symptoms and complications that impair quality of life (Patti, 2019). The usual symptoms of GERD are regurgitation and heartburn; however, several difficulties with breathing, such as chronic cough, asthma, laryngitis, etc. may occur. The pathogenesis...

American Society Police Brutality Causes and Effects

Introduction With the recent death of George Floyd, police misconduct is especially topical in the United States. The statistics are given by the Police Violence Report (2017) states that while the police killed 1,147 civilians, only thirteen officers were legally persecuted. Thus, the lack of control over the rapid coercion...

The Concept of Staff Welfare

Introduction Contemporary businesses are continually working on improving the environment in their corporations and influencing the outcomes of various activities in a positive way. This tendency is relevant mainly because the emergence of new organizations is able to create a competitive atmosphere and challenge individuals in different ways. For this...

ReDefine: Consumer Persona Analysis

ReDefine key customer is a young person who uses the internet to research and plan their travel around the world. The exact consumer can be described as an escapist and learner. As an escapist, they are thrill seeking and adventurous, always open and ready for destination and content discovering and...

Leadership Styles & Qualities in Healthcare Field

Introduction To understand the differences between leadership and management, an individual should consider his own experience with the terms. The concept of leadership always includes one individual’s influence on a person or a group of people. The influence could occur as a sequence of multiple aspects that include trust, care,...

“Out, Out” by Robert Frost

“Out, Out” is a poem by the US poet Robert Frost published in Frost’s Mountain Interval collection in 1916, and based on the actual incident which occurred to the son of Frost’s friend. The poem starts in remote Vermont, where his sister calls a young boy chopping firewood with a...

An Ideal Hero in the “Beowulf” Old English Poem

A hero is believed to be an individual of great strength, courage, and fortitude, or one of the central protagonists in a literary or cultural work, including a movie or video game. Facing overwhelming adversities, the leader uses creative abilities, valor, or power in order to overcome them. Hero and...

Legal Drinking Age in the United States

The legal drinking age in the world The alcohol minimum purchase age differs from country to country across the world. As Howard reports, research was carried out in 2016 by the World Health Organization to study the legal age to buy and consume alcohol in different countries. The results showed...

“American Patients First“ by Trump

Introduction Healthcare policy has a significant impact on access to high-quality care among diverse populations. Policymakers can develop bills and legislation that improves or hinder access to care by affecting out-of-pocket costs, insurance prices, and care providers’ work. One example of a recent healthcare policy impacting access to high-quality, cost-effective...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Quality of Implementation of Health Care Programs

Introduction When implementing health initiatives, it is essential to evaluate their success after the fact. Quality and safety are two particularly relevant indicators, as they determine whether the intervention improves outcomes and is not associated with danger. However, the determination of each of these factors can be complicated due to...

Nursing Profession Ethical Considerations: Qualitative Research Critique

Introduction Nursing is a noble but undoubtedly stressful profession, and certain interventions are necessary to keep the functioning of medical institutions steady and efficient. Therefore, researchers have expressed an interest in the techniques that can counteract the effects of pressure on healthcare workers. Two qualitative studies, “Can Nurses’ Shift Work...

Epidemiology. Healthy People 2020 Program in Miami

Healthy People is a nationwide program set by the United States Department of Health and Human Services to accomplish health promotion and disease prevention goals. First launched in 1979, it is updated and reviewed every ten years to reflect the changes and address current public welfare concerns. The program is...

Opioid Crisis Policy in the United States

Introduction The opioid crisis in the United States is the term used to explain the addiction to analgetics that leads to substance abuse disorders and is a cause of thousands of deaths due to overdose. This issue requires policy action from communities since the government and the market system were...

Opposing the Use of Medical Marijuana

Introduction There has been great debate regarding the legalization of marijuana. Although many people are against the use of marijuana, some individuals have been advocating the legalization of marijuana. The protagonists of the use of marijuana base their arguments on two main aspects. The first and greatest factor is that...

VipShop Holdings Limited: Management and Strategic Analysis

Background VipShop Holding Ltd. is an online discount retail company based in The People’s Republic of China (RPC). It was among the first internet shops that successfully implemented a third e-commerce model, which allowed VipShop to become highly profitable and scalable. The company regularly provides major discounts and special offers...

Nursing Turnover: Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management

Introduction The success of organizations usually depends on a variety of factors. According to Kurnat-Thoma et al. (2017), the necessity to evaluate the facility’s operational effectiveness by means of employee turnover enhances the creation of a supportive work environment and quality improvement. Managers and leaders have to recognize the needs...

Applied Strategies and Difficulties in English-French Translation

Introduction The translation may be defined as the complex process of text transformation from one language into another one. There are a substantial number of peculiarities connected with the difference of languages that should be familiar for a competent translator. Two texts in the English and French languages were translated,...

Motivation and Improving Employee Behavior

Introduction All companies and managers face issues regarding leadership, conflict resolution, and motivations of employees. My name is (Name Surname), and my partner is (Name Surname); we will talk about crucial questions related to the company Wayfair, the e-commerce retailer that sells furniture. Today we will discuss essential topics related...

Sigmund’s Gourmet Pasta Restaurant Marketing Plan

Introduction Sigmund’s Gourmet Pasta is developing a popular consumer brand and expanding its customer base. The restaurant has created a signature line characterized by innovative pasta dishes, such as fresh mussels and clams in a marinara sauce and pesto with smoked salmon. It also serves distinctive salads, desserts, drinks. Sigmund’s...

Noise Pollution Issue Investigation

Introduction Environmental issues are particularly serious and urgent in the modern world. A broad range of environmental concerns includes such problems as climate change, waste disposal, and various types of pollution. Sound pollution is not the most popular topic among them, although it is a serious concern that mostly affects...

All Police Officers Should Wear a Body Camera

For many decades, the relationship between minority groups in various American cities and law enforcement has been described as tense. Scholars recognize that hostility between police and multiple communities became one of the leading causes of massive civil unrest in the 1960s (White et al. 690). However, to resolve this...

Apple Inc. Work-Life Balance

Introduction The biggest challenge to human resource managers today is realizing the best approach of economically recruiting, training, and retaining workers. This has resulted in most organizations developing a culture that upholds work-life balance programs to ensure that workers maintain equilibrium both in their professional and non-occupational lives. All organizations...

The Intersection of Hip-Hop, Sport, and Movies

Hip-hop has become one of the best-known genres in the world. Although the focus of hip-hop is on music, it has influenced many other industries. The most notable is the intersection of hip-hop, sport, and film. The connection between hip-hop and sports is in the competitiveness that both sectors have....

Algebra as a Requirement in High School and College

Introduction In modern conditions, mathematics is the language of science and technology. With its help, many processes and phenomena occurring in the world, society, and nature are modeled, studied, and predicted, therefore the mathematical training of students is a necessary condition for accelerating technological progress. The scientific, economic, production, and...

World War I: History and Causes

Introduction World War I was one of the most important events in the history of the world and globalization. According to Roe (2015), The First World War was in many senses an “apocalypse for the world that existed before 1914” (p. 1). It was truly the Great War, which involved...

Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet

Introduction Healthy eating has been a point of concern for many people over the years. With a variety of social statuses, lifestyles, schedules, managing one’s diet is becoming increasingly harder. In the ever-changing world of today, taking care of the body and health is a necessity, especially when the other...

The Dissemination of Infectious Diseases

Introduction The health of the nation is a prominent issue, which the United States needs to deal with nowadays. One of the most difficult problems is preventing the spread of communicable diseases. Many infections are hard to control, and different measures are taken to stop their dissemination. There are several...

Economics. America: The Next Greece?

Introduction America is projected to be in the same economic situation as Greece because of its budget that is mainly financed by the deficit. Not only are they financed by debts but also they show weakness in the ability to repair the loans. America takes this likeness from the fact...

Childhood Obesity: Problem Analysis

Introduction Changes in lifestyle, coupled with poor feeding habits and lack of physical exercise have contributed to the rise in the cases of childhood obesity. There are various causes of childhood obesity that health care providers and parents or families need to understand to guarantee the well-being of their lids....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Behaviors of a Person in the Society

Introduction Macro-Level One of the social norms that were observed was greetings between different nations. It was observed while standing in a queue. An Arab man saw another Arab man who apparently was his friend. They had extended greetings that included kisses on the cheeks and holding their hands for...

Assessing Inputs and Outputs of a Summer Obesity Prevention Program

Input and Output Diagram Discussion Health management information systems (HMIS) compose a relevant and feasible way to collect, store, and analyze data collected from the participants of the study. The information system (IS) can also be understood as a way to provide information support at various levels. Management and the...

Martin Luther King, “Letter From Birmingham Jail”

Introduction In the late 1950s and the early 1960s, Birmingham, Alabama, was notorious for the harsh segregation policy against black people. In 1963, the Civil Rights Movement started a non-violent campaign to protest against the coeval discriminatory laws. Peaceful marches, sit-ins, and boycotts on segregationist merchants took place in Spring,...

Plagiarism Prevention in Nursing Education

An essential issue in the academic writing world is the use of work developed and presented by other people. While it is not forbidden, as using such material can help build a strong argument, it is critical to give credit to people who have put efforts and time into the...

Cross-Species Intersensory Perception of Infants

This article was about a study carried out to investigate whether younger infants are better in discriminating voices and faces when compared with those older than them. According to Lewkowicz and Ghazanfar (2006), current theoretical views assume that basic intersensory perceptual ability are either present at birth and they become...

Systems Analysis & Design for a Mobile App to Enrich Search Results

Technology Solution Today, businesses are not only using mobile apps to deliver goods and services to their customers but also to increase their returns on investments. Many businesses are rapidly coming to the realization that their can effectively interact with their customers through the use of mobile apps. This is...

What is the Condition of National and Local Economy?

Staffing services gain importance as the economy is rising after recession. Staffing service specifies towards the employment and economic growth as they both go hand in hand. The companies suffer huge cost for recruitment. Since recession, these costs add towards extra liability because most of the time they go for...

Market-Oriented and Product-Driven Companies

A company that arranges its products, services and activities such that they are pertaining to the demand and needs of the consumers is called a market-oriented company. On the other hand, a product driven company is one that makes interesting and intriguing products. It is believed that for a company...

Creative Management of Bill Gates and Michael Porter: Innovations

Creativity is a term that is used to refer to the general act of generating fresh ideas. Management of creativity implies that the ideas are managed to such an extent that they are put into application in a certain specific context and that they are able to bear fruit. The...

General Motors Company: Inventory Systems Summary

Supply Chain Management Supply chain management is the control of all the processes involved in the production of goods and services to ensure that the end consumers meet their expectation. It starts from the raw material, work in progress, storage, and finally the delivery of the finished products. It is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Dominant Minority Relations and Impact of Globalization

Introduction Initially, the United States was formed as a heterogeneous society, and the traditions of cultural and religious tolerance were historically strong. However, this did not exclude violent clashes based on religious, ethnic, or racial hostility. Now the relative stability of American society is promoted by the promotion of tolerance...

Advertisers: Family and Social Relations

Introduction Advertisers target the youth market more and more these days. The thirteen to fifteen age brackets are perhaps the most coveted group for marketers today. The main industries focusing on this age group are tobacco, alcohol, drug, food and cloth industries. The advertisements are presented through important means of...

Phones and Society: The Relationship

Over the years, various spheres of the society have experienced improvement in technology. There has been a continued application of practical knowledge from generation to generation especially in the field of communication technology. Communication technology evolution initiated in1876 with the introduction of the telephone by Alexander Graham. At that moment...

Features of the Economic Development of Zambia

Introduction The Millennium Summit of September 2000 marked the official kick-off the worldwide effort to help fight poverty, hunger and disease within a fifteen-year period. Some countries have managed to achieve success in some of these areas but several of the goals might never be accomplished in many others (The...

A Journey to the Self in a Philosophical Paradigm

Although we have been studying history of ideas throughout the semester, the course could as easily be considered to be a history of the self or the rise of individualism as the ideas presented continued to advance new concepts of the self. These concepts changed in relation to the dominant...

Plagiarism and the Ways to Avoid Plagiarism

Plagiarism has been given different definitions by many institutions. According to Merriam (2009), plagiarism can be defined as stealing another person’s ideas and passing them as one’s own without crediting the original source. Plagiarism is committing a literary theft where one may derive an idea from another author and present...

Effectiveness of the Learning Process: Study Skills Concepts

Introduction Within increasingly higher educational standards and expectations throughout the country, there is great pressure on students to study and perform well. Yet, Americans often fail to equip their children with fundamental study skills that are needed for academic achievement. A national survey of school guidance counselors by the American...

Political Sampling: Pros and Cons of Probability and Non-Probability Sampling

Introduction In many parts of the world, politics is an area of interest for many people, given the immense weight that political systems confer over the wellbeing and the governance of societies. Political systems are categorized as part of social systems and are among the major sectors in the world’s...

The Rise of Cancel Culture: Social Media Users’ Perspective

Introduction The modern perception of media discourse has become one of the major contributors to the genesis and development of an innovative model of social cognition driven by the influence of events and images represented in social media platforms. As the impact of social media increases at an unprecedented rate,...

A Review of “Understanding Intercultural Communication”

Introduction Today, hundreds of unique cultures exist on the planet, and they are espoused by millions of people who promote and develop them further. Thus, cultural diversity is an essential part of the modern world which constitutes a challenge for those who have chosen to fulfill the Great Commission. In...

Liberty and the French Revolution Reflections

Introduction The reflections on the French Revolution by Burke are not meant to explain the event but help the general public in the United Kingdom come to terms with the exercise’s impact. The French Revolution’s occurrence had a far-reaching impact on the French society and the neighboring countries, considering the...

Discrimination of the Indians in the Boarding Schools

American history is not as long as the history of many other civilizations. However, it has its special issues: one of them is racism and its terrible diversity in the United States, almost from its very foundation. The most ancient and cruel direction of racism on the part of the...

Actual Preference Theory

Well-being is focused on defending what is intrinsically good for an individual and contributing to better their life. The goodness of others can also contribute to their wellness by counting and considering everyone equally. Different theories determine the wellness of an individual. They can be either psychological or philosophical. The...

Loyalty as a Source of Tragedy in Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

Introduction Being a thematically intricate and unbelievably nuanced work, Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” incorporates a plethora of ideas. However, of all concepts that the play embraces, the one of loyalty seems to be particularly persistent and ubiquitous throughout the narrative. Although vengeance and the corruption of power are usually regarded as the...

Polanski’s and Kurzel’s Film Adaptations of Macbeth

Introduction Film adaptations of plays have been common throughout the existence of the movie industry. However, even more so than book adaptations, plays are notoriously hard to get right as they were specifically created to be played out on stage. This is even more applicable to Shakespeare’s work, which has...

Junot Diaz’s Literary Works: The Theme of Racial Superiority

Junot Diaz is among the most artistic, literary writers of all time. Diaz has won many awards for his creative writing, including the innovative 2008 Pulitzer award for best fiction literary works. Diaz’s literary works mainly focus on racial issues, prejudice, Dominican attitudes and immigrant assumptions on U.S culture. Diaz...

New York City STD-HIV Prevention Training Center

Agency The New York City STD/HIV Prevention Training Center (NYC STD/HIV PTC) was founded in 2015 by the representatives of the National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Trading Centers to research STD-related issues and reduce the levels of mortality and STD contraction among teenagers and young adults. Furthermore, the organization...

Pentax Incorporation: Market Research

Market Research Pentax incorporation is a firm that is well established within the information technology industry. The firm deals with the development of software. The management of the firm has realized that the magnitude of competition within the software industry has increased in the recent past (Joshua 1). This is...

Computer-Based Communication Technologies in Business

Introduction Communication has got a major role in the field of business organizations. Without effective communication nothing is possible in business activities. This made computer based communication technologies more important. This includes communication technologies such as instant messaging and wikis. Both these technologies made lot of impact in the business...

Traditional and Modern Employee Compensation Systems

The practice of providing a title rather than substantial compensation The business environment today is different. The difference has been brought about by new knowledge of work, global competition as well as outsourcing. The employee compensation plan of many companies, however, is still rooted in past practices. Modern employee compensations...

Is Bilingualism Beneficial or Harmful for America?

Bilingualism means the individual’s ability to read, write, speak and hear two languages. Monolingualism is the opposite of bilingualism and it means someone’s knowledge of one language only. Today, Spanish is the second most common language in the United States after English. It is very common because there are a...

The Work of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare is believed to have been born on 23rd April 1564 in Stratford near London. Though little is known about the life of this great actor and renowned writer, his parents John Shakespeare and Mary Arden are assumed to have taken him to a grammar school where he read...

The Function of the International Monetary Fund

Abstract Much can be said about the differences and similarities of the IMF and WB. But that is not the concentration of this paper. Instead, this paper shall concentrate and focus on the various functions that fall upon the International Monetary Fund as a part of the world economic foundation....

Real Estate and Affordable Housing

Introduction The recent financial crisis in the world has had negative impact on real estate development. Many people have suffered the consequences of the crisis financially. This crisis calls for a measure that provides shelter at a reasonable rent or price. This situation requires developers of real estate to come...

Global Warming: Causes and Consequences

Introduction Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere and its oceans, a change believed to be permanent. ( ). The National Geographic website explains that global warming is the result of high levels of greenhouse gases(carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and ozone) in...

How Diabetes Works: Medical Analysis

Introduction Diabetes, a disease which alters the body’s capability to utilize glucose effectively, plays a significant role in the deaths of more than 200,000 Americans each year, six times the number in 1950. Diabetes is the fifth deadliest disease in the United States, and it has no cure. The total...

Economic Crisis: Bailout Plan as Solution

Introduction The financial crisis that is facing our country is the biggest since the great depression. No one expected that the country’s industrial capitalism could end up in huge financial crisis like the one that the country is experiencing right now. This paper is going to tackle how the bailout...

Wealth and Power: The Class Structure in the U.S.

Your class will soon be graduating from college. Some of your friends keep saying how their parents will buy them cars and pay for their holidays abroad. Is the most you can hope for a family photograph? Whatever one gets on graduation day is a clear reflection of their social...

Social Class in America

Your class will soon be graduating from college. Some of your friends keep saying how their parents will buy them cars and pay for their holidays abroad. The most you can hope for is a family photograph. Whatever one gets on graduation day is a clear reflection of their social...

Treatment of Blacks by Law Enforcement

Introduction Blacks have for long been victims of various forms of discrimination in many aspects of their lives. They have been denied access to vital areas of life and been treated as sub-human species for many years. The mood has changed to a great extent from the days of legal...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Fate vs. Free Will in Beowulf, The Wanderer, and The Seafarer

Nowadays, it is being commonly assumed that name, the Christian worldview defines the essence of Western civilization, as we know it. However, the close reading of the earliest Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon poetical pieces, such as “Beowulf”, “The Seafarer”, and “The Wanderer”, provides us with insight into the spiritual foundation of...

The Cultural Relevance of Post-Colonial Literature

Introduction Literature as a form of art scopes a wide array of topics that reflect personal struggles and social issues. The concepts of culture and traditions often get intertwined with the characters who are bound by various social and gender constructs. The post-colonial literature seeks to cover these topics more...

Racism, Its Origins, and Evolution

Introduction Racism is a controversial topic that has sparked hundreds of debates on equality issues. Society has become committed to the belief in equality and freedom. The revolutionary concepts regarding equal rights have become widespread. Some people are discriminated against based on race because they have some outstanding deficiencies that...

The New York Kouros: Style, Function, and Context

A Kouros is a term given to a free-standing ancient Greek sculpture that made its first appearance during the archaic period in Greece. The sculpture is a representation of a nude male youth (Von Bothmer 616). The name Kouros in Greek refers to a young boy, particularly of noble rank....

Wealth to Create Wealth: Social Class in America

Your class will soon be graduating from college. Some of your friends keep saying how their parents will buy them cars and pay for their holidays abroad. Is the most you can hope for a family photograph? Whatever one gets on graduation day is a clear reflection of their social...

Du Firm’s Possibilities for Expansion Outside UAE

Introduction Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company is a vibrant and multiple award-winning telecommunication service in the United Arab Emirates, which is more commonly known as Du. It has more than 9 million customers providing mobile, fixed-line, broadband internet and Home services using LTE network (“Company Overview”). The company is the second...

Code of Ethics Necessarity Within the Industry or Field

Introduction This part begins with a set of fundamental ethical principles that have found general international acceptance. Next is a brief list of general principles of informatics ethics that follow from these fundamental ethical principles when these are applied to the electronic gathering, processing, storing, communicating, using, manipulating and accessing...

Pyeongchang Ghost Town After the 2018 Olympics

The 2018 Winter Olympics, officially known as the XXIII Olympic Winter Games was the global winter multiple-sport event that took place between 9 and 25 February of 2018 in PyeongChang County, Gangwon Province, South Korea. The event was highly valuable for the host city because the Olympics has been hosted...

Monitoring Toddlers, Technology, and Education

Modern technological advancements have enabled the use of a variety of technologies that are now used to educate children of all ages in schools. Their convenience has also led many parents to resort to various child-oriented electronic tools in everyday life. As such, the idea of using digital media to...

Heir of Prometheus – Jack London’s “To Build a Fire” Analysis

Greek legend has it that when it was time for men to be created, it was delegated by the gods to Prometheus, the Titan who had sided with Zeus in the war with the Titans. Prometheus whose name means forethought was very wise, wiser even than the gods. Prometheus took...

The Enhancement of Nursing Leadership as the Fundamental Policy Change

Current Nursing Issues Related to Globalization of Healthcare Nowadays, the healthcare sector must face a lot of issues worldwide. One of the most significant reasons explaining such a tendency is the process of globalization, which equally affects the medical sphere. According to Jones and Sherwood (2014), “As nurses move within...

Russian Cyber Terrorism and the United States: A Research Proposal

Introduction Cyberattacks have become a political weapon relatively recently, but this new development poses significant threats to the national security of countries all over the world.1 For example, in 2016, Russia performed a number of activities aimed at interfering with the federal elections in the United States (US). Among other...

Leadership in the Context of Globalization

Contemporary organisations face a large number of issues connected to globalisation and the need to develop leadership skills that will allow responding to the challenge. Unfortunately, many practices, approaches, tools, and competencies that were appropriate several decades ago no longer help leaders achieve success. This paper aims to outline the...

Negotiation Plan Development: Elements & Tactics

Introduction Negotiations are an important business instrument that helps companies make good deals, thus increasing profits and extending the scope of their activities. Negotiating is a skill that can be learned, so procurement specialists should be trained to do their best at the bargaining table. This training guide will explore...

HIV Management in African American Residents of Houston, TX

Interview Summary The problem of HIV management has recently become one of the major points of concerns for a local health organization. Due to the drop in health literacy levels among vulnerable groups, along with restricted access to the necessary healthcare resources, the levels of HIV have risen among the...

Homelessness in Rochester, NY Analysis

Homelessness is a prevalent issue in some areas in the United States, particularly in the state of New York. For various reasons, such as poverty, people lose their places of residence and are forced to live on the streets. The government provides shelters where these people can pass nights safely,...

The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting

The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting is one of the deadliest school shootings in American history, along with Virginia Tech shooting and Stoneman Douglas High School shootings. This paper aims at providing an overview of the tragic case, addressing the events leading to the incident, and discussing legal considerations associated...

Importance of Self-Serve Kiosks

Modern technological developments are transforming human activities, processes, and behaviors. The proliferation of handheld devices and smartphones is discouraging more people from visiting libraries physically. The traditional reading culture in this community has also been affected negatively. Many people are currently busy focusing on their career goals and aims. Long...

The Concept of Consolidation Accounting in Company

Decision to Consolidate The decision to consolidate financial statements when a company acquires a small company is based on the general rules listed below. The acquiring company will own the majority of the voting interest. The ownership of the voting interest exceeds 50%. In either case, the company has to...

Miami-Based Sources for Patients Living With HIV

This paper reports on three Miami-based sources for patients living with HIV. They include AIDS Drug Assistance Program, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS, and South Florida AIDS Network. The research discusses their services, the eligibility criteria, and the enrollment processes. It also reflects on their advantages and possible disadvantages...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Diagnosis and Overview

Introduction This paper addresses the human immunodeficiency virus and the aspects associated with it. It discusses the support needs of the interviewee who is living with HIV. The study also refers to the Healthy People 2020 objectives and investigates how they can be implemented to increase patients’ wellness. The paper...

Literary Analysis: “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe

Introduction From the poem, the speaker demonstrates an unmatched love and affection for Annabel Lee who died unexpectedly. This love survives considerably after the mentioned death. Poe, the poet, uses literary styles to unveil the theme of lasting love between two characters. It is possible to recognize and understand that...

Successful Entrepreneurship: Main Components

Organizational Skill Organizational skills are among the main components of the psychological culture of a person. This concept defines a person’s ability to properly allocate their time for work, study, rest and other activities. How well a person has organized this distribution largely depends on his or her success in...

Economic Development of Canada, Norway, Saudi Arabia, and the UK

The choice of the countries for the paper was directed by the following information. Canada is a member of OECD that ranks fifth among oil exporters in the world (“The World Factbook” par. 1-3). However, Canada’s export is relatively diversified and is dominated by various types of petroleum (crude oil...

Achieving the New Labor Internationalism in Germany

The Second World War (WWII) brought the end of fascism in Europe and marked the beginning of another round of struggle over the future power structure of the western and global civilization. Post-WWII was an era of a contest between pro-democratic-capitalist and their communist contenders. The Cold War period between...

Classism in Patient Care Provision

Modern U.S. society lives according to the principles and ideas of meritocracy and individualism, which imply that every person is responsible for their success and happiness. Unfortunately, such a system of values leads to significant class-related disparities, as the population is not motivated to help each other establish good living...

Development of the Future STEM Workforce Analysis

Workforce In the modern world, it becomes hard to neglect the need for the workforce in such fields as science, technology, engineering, and math, also known as STEM. Many communities and specific organizations pay their attention to the development of this sphere and the necessity to improve the level of...

New Sustainable Development Goals in Healthcare

Sustainable development goals (SDGs) are “a new, universal set of goals, targets, and indicators” that the countries-members of the United Nations are expected to apply as a pattern for planning their activities and developing political policies during the following 15 years (Ford, 2015, para. 1). These goals apply to diverse...

LactMed: Medical Application Critical Appraisal Assessment

Name: LactMed Author: the Toxicology Data Network maintains LactMed. Endorsement: Yes, LactMed is a part of the National Library of Medicine’sMedicine’s (NLM) Toxicology Data Network, which is operated by the United States federal government. Operation: A web-based platform is more suitable for an app as it allows accessing the database....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Jackson Health System’s Quality Improvement

Jackson Health System (JHS), a collection of care facilities residing all over the city of Miami, provides a wide variety of services. The hospital claims to deliver “world-class care” to anyone who comes through its doors, assisting patient requests ranging from emergencies to plastic surgery (“About Jackson Health System”, n.d.)....

Differences Between Traditional and Digital Marketing

Introduction The primary objective of marketers is to inform and influence a target audience to buy a particular product or service. Therefore, they use the most suitable and effective ways to promote or advertise their products. Large companies carry out a marketing function to improve their position in the target...

Care Plan Development for Miami Residents

Introduction Developing a relevant care plan in a particular community is the task that requires an integrated approach to assessing all current factors affecting health and highlighting the most significant ones. Based on such characteristics as population, average income, and other indicators, it is possible to determine which interventions are...

Procedural Pain Relief During Intravenous Cannulation

Abstract The paper provides a thorough summary of research purposes, methods, results, and conclusions as described in the study by Canbulat, Ayban, and Inal (2015), “Effectiveness of external cold and vibration for procedural pain relief during peripheral intravenous cannulation in pediatric patients.” The first section, Purpose, explains the rationale for...

The Diplomat Parkway Community’s Health Status

The Diplomat Parkway neighborhood is located in the Broward County, Miami, FL. The county has multiple municipalities administering the communities that they comprise. The Diplomat Parkway neighborhood is a part of Hallandale PD. It is upscale and is mainly intended for the residential purposes. Nevertheless, it also comprises some commercial...

Public Mental Health Program Planning

Leading Health-Care Indicators and Related Public Health Program in Florida Mental health is a leading health indicator included in the Healthy People 2020 national plan. Various mental disorders can equally affect individuals of differing multicultural backgrounds, and the prevalence of severe mental illnesses remains high in the United States. According...

TechFite: Case Study

The Organizational Needs of TechFite As evidenced in the case study, TechFite is an organization that worries about the inadequacy of its cybersecurity systems. At the same time, due to being involved in NASA’s space program, it represents a likely target for hacking attempts and corporate espionage. Its vulnerabilities are...

Tobacco Regulation: Policy Analysis

Tobacco regulation is an important and challenging policy topic that must balance the health and interests of smokers. The purpose of this analysis is to focus on the impact of tobacco regulation on public and social health. It is significant because tobacco and smoking are strong risk factors for several...

Jackson Health System: Description and Analysis of the Medical System

Introduction Jackson Health System (JHS) is a medical system, which is regulated and managed by Public Health Trust. It is a non-profits organization that aims to provide high-quality medical service to all people, including those who cannot afford such services. JHS is comprised of a number of hospitals and care...

Health Promotion in Native Hawaiian Population

Health promotion is an approach that aims to enable people to control their health and its social determinants. Often, gender, race or ethnicity, education, income, disability, geographic location, and sexual orientation factors have a decisive influence on the level of health care accessibility. The nurse’s task is to identify and...

Economics for Management. Taxation in the UK

Introduction Taxation is important to the prosperity of a country as governments need to impose charges on businesses and citizens to raise revenue and meet the demands of the budget. Since different countries have varied approaches to taxation, understanding that there is no unified solution to every taxation issue is...

Budget Consolidation vs. Redistribution Policies

Introduction Priority areas for the development of domestic policies regarding the allocation of budgetary funds are the essential components of economic development. Relevant strategies aimed at controlling costs, the growth of public debt, and other aspects are designed to regulate cash flows and prevent potential financial crises. In developed countries,...

Environmental Protection Agency’s Guerrilla Tactics

This paper is dedicated to the application of guerilla tactics by the staff of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the 1980s. Here, the ethical issues that were present throughout the period will be described, and the solutions of EPA staff (the guerilla participants) will be evaluated. The case...

Professional Development of Nurses

The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report has become a document that offers the most comprehensive range of recommendations and changes for improving and transforming healthcare. Its main points are aimed at reforming the education and practice of nurses since they are the most numerical in medicine and have the broadest...

Effective Approach to Leadership Management in Nursing

Introduction Healthcare facilities are integrated environments where multiple factors can influence the quality of care provided to patients. However, without the availability of a necessary number of nurses in healthcare facilities, practice settings will be unable to function the way they should. Because of this, it was chosen to focus...

Future of American Nursing and How to Implement It

In 2008, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) joined their efforts in order to create a plan for transforming the healthcare system in the U.S. by improving nursing care education. Operating under-consumption that high-quality care is impossible without qualified and educated nurses, the cooperation...

“How It All Began” by Brockway

Introduction The anthropological origins of human development, ranging from prehistoric times to ancient civilizations, is an important but highly debatable topic. There are numerous disagreements about methods to studying fossils, the evolutionary process of homo sapiens, and the introduction of language. In the chapter How It All Began, Brockway claims...

Car Accidents Statistics and Policy Change

Car accidents pose a significant threat to people’s health and wellbeing. In the United States, the number of police-reported car accidents is over 7 million, and every person who uses cars for transportation is at risk (National Center for Statistics and Analysis, 2018). One of the most prevalent causes of...

Recidivism: What It Is and How to Prevent It

Introduction Recidivism is one of the most complex concepts pertaining to the sphere of criminal justice. It refers to the relapse of an individual into criminal behavior, predominantly after receiving a sanction or undergoing intervention for one’s previous crime. Recidivism occurrence is measured by the number of criminal acts resulting...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Slavery in Hispaniola and Mexico

Abstract Slavery had become common malpractice in many Spanish and French American colonies by the early 16th century. After Christopher Columbus arrived in America, a new opportunity for promoting the economy of European nations emerged. The idea of forced labor became a reality in many regions after the first Europeans... Inc.’s Corporate Valuation

Overview The company to be analyzed is, Inc. (Amazon), a listed company located in the United States that operates in the technology industry and the consumer cyclical market. The company has online and physical stores and provides a third-party marketplace to buyers and sellers. In terms of retail, Amazon...

FedEx Corporation’s Leadership Experience Interview

About the Interviewee Claude R. who is among the key financial officers of FedEx was born in Jackson. Almost eighteen years ago, he graduated from the University of Mississippi and started his career in goods delivery (FedEx, n.d.). During that period, FedEx was a young and promising company providing freight...

Courtelaney Pass: Evaluation and Analysis of the Current Policies

This report provides an evaluation and analysis of the current policies and practices of the police in Courtelaney Pass. It addresses the employment concerns and racial unrest of the community, as well as presents the accomplishments of the interim chief of police and his further recommendations. The report concludes that...

Privacy Threats in the 21-Century Data Collection

Since the aim of the questionnaires was answering the question of “What are the threats to privacy in the twenty-first-century data collection?”, the analysis of respondents’ attitudes toward the key problem will focus on several important indicators. The first aspect relates to respondents’ demographic data about questionnaire’s respondents. This type...

Health Issues and Policy Frameworks in the US

Introduction This paper identifies three significant health issues in the United States and attempts to relate these issues to existing policy frameworks that have been formulated to solve them. The health issues that will be discussed in this paper include children’s oral health, fluoridation of drinking water, and chronic kidney...

Gender Quotas in Saudi Arabia: Unpacking the Political Conditions

Talking about gender quota and its sociology, it is interesting to take a look at the example of Saudi Arabia. It is the seemingly most unexpected place to introduce a policy aimed at the representation of women in politics and increase their role in internal and external affairs in general....

Supreme Court’s Marbury v. Madison (1803) Case

Controversy and the Significance of the Supreme Court As the then President John Adams Secretary of State in 1801, Marshall had a duty of giving judicial commissions to appointees, which included Wiliam Marbury, who was at the center of a dispute. Marshall failed to deliver the commissions and later presided...

Romero vs. Voces Innocentes: Films Comparison

Introduction Romero was filmed in commemoration of Oscar Romero, former leader of Salvadoran who organized several peaceful protests against violent military regime. Oscar Romero organized and led the protests at the expense of his life. The core ideas of the film are expressed through fictional characters and true events. On...

Song of the Hummingbird by Graciela Limon

Introduction: Summary and Major Themes The book, Song of a Hummingbird by Graciela Limon, describes the story of an indigenous woman named Huitzitzilin who narrates her experience to a Spanish monk. The setting is in 1582, when Huitzitzilin, the 82-year-old protagonist, talks about her encounter during the Spanish conquest and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Intra- and Inter-Generational Social Mobility and Related Barriers

Modern society is characterized by a crisis of family identity and relationships between generations. Today’s society is losing its main social dimension, which refers to the ability to create sustainable communities based on solidarity and the common good (Edwards, 2019). Intra-generational social mobility considers the social movements of a person...

International Women’s Day: Professional Pathways Reflection

The event that this reflection essay will focus on is the International Women’s Day that took place in Belmore Sports Ground. This gathering celebrated mothers’ and daughters’ roles in society by involving the local community in competitions, creative activities, life-skills workshops, and discussions. International Women’s Day in the city of...

Beefsteak Firm Reinforcing Culture Through Human Capital Development

Current Company Culture Beefsteak is an authentic company that believes that vegetables are not as boring as many people think. They are beautiful, fresh, and nutritious. At the moment, the company culture lacks organizational responsibility and unity which is caused by the fact that there are many individuals working on...

Archaeological Research Report

Introduction Archeology is a broad discipline that relies on excavation, survey, historical documentation (publication), and aerial photography to discover various activities and cultures of the human past. There are many factors to consider when deciding on the research method to use. Primarily, the site and objective of the study influence...

Teleological and Deontological Ethical Models

For centuries modern philosophy has been discussing the possibility of applying two models or approaches to the problem of ethics. The principles by which a person functions and makes decisions are often at the center of philosophical works. Ethical philosophy tries to understand what should lie in the causality of...

Assessing as an Important Task of a Social Worker

Introduction One of the primary tasks of a social worker lies in assessing. It not solely allows to be aware of the atmosphere in the family but also enables gathering essential information on each particular client. The data to collect may, notably, be related to “the client’s unique circumstances, social...

Abortion Safety as Topic of Sociological Studies

Summary Throughout history, abortion has been the concern of medical ethics, philosophy, law and theology. At present, abortion is legalized in multiple countries worldwide, but there are still many restrictions on its implementation. Sociological studies show that about half of all abortions are unsafe, while every third abortion is performed...

Artificial Intelligence: Integrated in Healthcare

Introduction Artificial intelligence is one of the innovations that promise to have a significant impact on healthcare delivery. AI refers to the simulation of human performed tasks by machines such as computer systems and robots. AI helps in data analysis through electronic health records, diagnosis, and disease management (Bresnick, 2018)....

Beta-Interferon in Multiple Sclerosis

Introduction The general purpose of treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS) is to diminish warning signs and to get better results for individual clients. Three interferon-beta (IFNβ) remedies are existing for taking care of MS, and in close to comparisons high-dose, regularly apply as a medication course of therapy (250 μg...

And Tango Makes Three: A Book Banned in Vain?

And Tango Makes Three is a real-life story that was shaped into the literary form by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell. The book tells the readers the story of two penguins from the Central Park Zoo, who hatched an egg together and practically gave birth to another penguin named Tango....