Motivation Theory of Henry Murray and Abraham Maslow

Henry Murray Henry Murray’s need based motivation theory is open to numerous criticisms. The most widely cited criticism is by Witt and Wright (1992) who said that though this theory is very useful in understanding the different needs of the consumer, but this theory is incapable of illustrating how those...

Starbucks Corporation’s Management Skills

Executive Summary This section indicates that the primary goal of any business is to increase its market share in its industry to increase sales which in turn lead to an increase in profit levels. Research indicates that for a firm to attain such objectives it should be efficient and effective...

Impact of Globalization on Australia

The Meaning of Globalization Globalization can be described as an economic system that is open and allows the international movement of people, goods, services, and capital. It involves greater integration of economic systems of countries through international trade, the flow of capital, and international investments. Economic globalization connotes the interrelationship...

Learning Theories: Behavioral Theory, Constructivism, Multiple Intelligence Theory

Learning is a complicated and time-consuming process. In the course of this process, a person acquires certain knowledge and skills and goes through “measureable change in behavior that continues over time.” (Stanhope & Lancaster 2006) There exists a number of learning theories that can be applied in a group or...

“The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

Introduction Robert Frost was born in 1874 in San Francisco, California, which is a surprising fact to many people. Although he lived in small apartments throughout the city during his first 11 years, Frost is more commonly associated with the natural scenes of the New England countryside that is used...

Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Biography

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was known as one of the most dangerous women in America because she was the only brave one who dared to ask for something unreal and unbelievable. It was the right to vote. She was a woman who demanded equal rights for men and women and who...

Document and Documentary in Examples

Webster’s dictionary defines a document as “an original or official paper relied on as the basis, proof, or support of something” and “something that serves as evidence or proof” (Websters Dictionary, 2008). This something can be an audio or video recording, electronic mail, a photograph, and other materials that can...

Main Values in the Work of a Social Worker

The primary task of the social work profession is to promote human well-being and help meet the fundamental human needs of all people, with particular attention to the requirements and empowerment of people who are at risk, oppressed, and living in conditions of poverty [Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW,...

Multiculturalism in the Canadian Society

Introduction Multiculturalism is one of the dominant features of Canadian society. Canada has a unique history, important elements of which are an indigenous population, a British and French colonial past, and recent extensive immigration of people from many different countries and cultures. This has resulted in one of the most...

“The Gilded Six-Bits” by Hurston and “Babylon Revisited” by Fitzgerald

The stories “The Gilded Six-Bits” by Zora Neale Hurston and “Babylon Revisited” by F. Scott Fitzgerald seem to be very different at the first sight. The first one is about the life of two young Afro-Americans who lived happily before meeting a rich white person named Otis D. Slemmons who...

The Analysis of the Structure of Human Relationships

Current essay deals with the analysis of the structure of human relationships, which are those relations between different people, which occur during their multidimensional patterns of interactions. There is no denying the importance of the fact that we can speak about different types or forms of human relations. As the...

Importance of Corporate Responsibility and Ethics

Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) allows the society or its participants to account financially when there is a certain involvement of the monetary values or assets of organization. Financial accountancy provides us with many dimensions to identify and communicate issues of public interest to both internal and external stakeholders. This...

Race Has Nothing to Do With Relationships

Have you ever noticed how racial profiling and discrimination discussions have seemed to reach a peak this year because of the presidential elections? Somehow the media seems to want us to believe that the race of a person is a big deal. That the color of skin or a particular...

Urbanization and Poverty in “Slumdog Millionaire” Film

Cinematography has ceased being a kind of art focusing on purely entertainment purposes and is becoming more and more useful in representing significant issues that affect people’s lives. Boyle’s (2009) movie, Slumdog Millionaire, is one of many successful attempts to depict the conditions in which people who are below the...

Music and Poetry Perception Ideas

Introduction From all art forms, music possesses the greatest force of influence on the person, directly addressing to his soul, to the world of own experiences, and moods. It can be called the language of feelings, and the model of human emotions. Music plays a huge role in the course...

“Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King

Racism and racial inequalities, segregation, and discrimination are the most important problems that affected American society. Letter from Birmingham Jail was written in 1963 by Martin Luther King. This Letter is addressed to all black people and racial minorities who suffered from racism and discrimination. King appeals to black people...

Italian Neo-Realism: An Exclusive Film Genre

Introduction Italian neo-realism is a film genre is featured by stories of the people belonging to poor and working class, shot on position, regularly using amateur actors. Italian neo-realist movies frequently competed with the intricate financial and decent stipulations of post-World War II Italy, revealing the modifications in the Italian...

“Introducing Cultural Studies” by B. Longhurs

The space surrounding people, in every diversified meaning of the word “space”, can be considered topographically non-uniformed. There are rises, overcoming which demands exponentially increasing efforts. Along with these rises each following step demands greater expenses – forces, time, energy, mind or simply material resources. During any moment of such...

Dynamics of Ethics, Ethical Principles and the Technology of Ethics

Every human individual is brought up with the idea that they should strive to achieve. As such, everyone learns to work towards avoiding bad to achieve an element of goodness. As such, if every single individual was to strive towards the good, the human race will ultimately move towards an...

The Coca-Cola Environmental Sustainability Claims

Introduction Sustainability is understood as the process of maintaining change with regard to environmental concerns. This approach encompasses the exploitation of resources, investments in lean manufacturing, and smart use of technology. Coca-Cola is one of the major players in the food industry that is trying to uphold the image of...

Films and Tourism: Antecedent Relationship

The focal point of this paper is to present a critical analysis of the relation between films and tourism. For this purpose, the aspect of the enhanced tourism industry in China would be taken into account in the parameters of two successful movies in the US based on China. Georgette...

Fiction Versus Reality: Crime as a Social Phenomenon

While making an analysis of various societies of the world at large, it becomes evident that no human society has ever been free from crimes, perversion and deviance at all since the arrival of man on the Earth. It is therefore the theorists view crime as a social phenomenon and...

“The Boat” by Alistair MacLeod and “The Loons” by Margaret Laurence

Introduction While analyzing any work of literature, especially prose, it is of the crucial importance to give extra attention to the role of the narrator, because, the reader perceives the events through the eyes of this person. As a rule literary critics single out several types of story telling, like...

When Should We Trust Our Senses to Give Us the Truth?

Introduction The most difficult thing is getting to know the truth, to know the truth takes a lot and there is no prescribed procedure for getting to know the same. So the question is how exactly can a person know whether his perception of a given thing is true or...

Analysis of Puzzle, Quize, and Sports Game

Small PC games are aimed to train, entertain and have a pastime, as they may assist in developing attention, logic memory and so on. It is stated, that Computer games have been used for learning and training in lots of various spheres, such as academic, business, military, and medical. Investigators...

Declining Labor Force of Men and the Rising Labor Force Participation in Women

Introduction Increased participation of women in the labor force is caused by different factors and social changes that occurred during the 20th century. New economic, social and political ideologies allow women to become equal to men and understand their role in society. Following Claudia Goldin, this process can be explained...

Coca-Cola Company’s Strategy & Globalization Issues

Introduction As trade barriers are minimized and information is being de-regularized the world is becoming a ‘global village’. Elements like outsourcing, environmental stability, globalization; sustainability etc has changed the working patterns of organizations. Multinational corporations are increasing day by day and they are usually criticized because of issues like environmental...

Should Parents Spank Their Children?

Introduction Spanking or striking children as a method to correct bad behavior has been widely used by parents in many cultures as a primary means of discipline. Lately, though, this disciplinary technique has been the subject of criticism among experts who have adopted a philosophy of positive parenting. Corporal punishment...

Pharmacology: Drug Licensing Opportunity

Statement of the problem Merck & Co. Inc. is a large multinational pharmaceutical company engaged in research and manufactures a wide range of medicines and drugs for human and veterinary use. The problem currently facing the company is that four of its most popular drugs would be facing substitutes in...

“Introducing Cultural Studies” by Brian Longhurs

The book “Introducing Cultural Studies” by Brian Longhurst et al. deals with cultural studies considering it as “one of the most stimulating areas of activity in intellectual life” (Longhurst et al. 2008). The main points of the extract under consideration are defining the notion of culture, discussing the issues connected...

Nuts!: Southwest Airlines’ Business Success

The book “Nuts!” Southwest Airlines’ proposes a unique history of one of the most successful American airlines, Southwest Airlines. The book consists of four parts divided on separate chapters. Each chapter is devoted to a certain stage of economic and organizational development of the company. The aim of the book...

“The Things They Carried” Stories by Tim O’Brien

Introduction Books are written to deliver ideas, whether they fictional or based on real facts. There are cases when delivering the idea requires that the author recreates the truth even if it is based on real facts in order to have the readers relive a particular experience. In the book...

“The Metamorphosis” by Kafka

In all societies and all epochs, judging individuals by their appearance was a prevalent tendency, which normally allowed creating a first impression about the person, their possible nature, lifestyle, and behavior. However, there is a negative side to such practice, which consists of prejudices against those, who look different in...

American City: Dreams and Nightmares

Introduction It is not a secret, that urbanization is taking place as a process all over the world today and especially in America. It means that people tend to go to the large cities for a seemingly better fortune there. Despite this vastly developed tendency, some people of today are...

Integrative Negotiation With a Difficult Employee

It is common to find difficult employees in the workplace. But most of the time their presence is only known to their co-workers and not to the employer. When the attitude of the said employee is brought to the attention of the employer two things can happen. The employer can...

The Problem of Homeless Children in Society

Study Summaries Child and Family Predictors of Academic Functioning in Homeless Children by Wayne Holden and Evangeline Danseco This study looked into the differential predictors of homeless children’s educational achievement status. Involving 127 homeless children who were beneficiaries of the comprehensive health care program for homeless children (Holden, 1996, p....

William Trevor’s ”Felicia’s Journey”

The novel “Felicia’s Journey” by William Trevor presents a story of a young girl who had a tragic love experience in her life. She had a love affair with Johnny Lysaght who abandoned her when he found out that she was pregnant. Some readers keep to the point that the...

Asda Stores’ Business and Management

Asda Stores (UK) is a subsidiary of one of the United Kingdom’s largest supermarket retailers, Asda Group plc, which also operates Allied Maples Carpet and Furnishing Stores and Gazely Properties, a commercial property development company. The company also retains a 25% stake in MFI, a furniture retailer, resulting from a...

Value-Based Purchasing Approach in Healthcare

Introduction The U.S. healthcare shows clear tendencies to head toward rewarding value. Recent changes in legislation (the Affordable Care Act) have drawn attention to value-based purchasing (VBP) programs. The present case study evaluates VBP in Medicare on the example of the PROMETHEUS reform and some other successfully applied programs. The...

Intercultural Communication thru Literature

The short stories under analysis, “Dead Man’s Path” by Chinua Achebe and “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and “The Coward” by Premchand, depict the role of customs and traditions in the life of ordinary citizens and impact on their destinies. The authors write that characters are limited by customs developed...

Road Safety Precautions for Drivers

Regardless of what many people may think, traffic safety is the most important thing when it comes to cars. Many people, who have disobeyed traffic laws, exist for the safety of everyone; have ended up dead or killing innocent people. The United States has an average of 42,000 car crash-related...

Lawsuit Defense Strategy Analysis

A decision tree or tree diagram is a decision support tool that uses a graph or model of the decisions and their possible consequences, including the chance of event outcomes, resource costs and utility. The decision tree is used to identify the strategy most likely to reach a specific goal....

Genetically Modified Food as a Current Issue

Introduction GM foods are those kinds of food items that have had their DNA’s changed by usual breeding; this process is also referred to as Genetic Engineering. It involves redesigning and restructuring the cells of the living organisms which results in the creation of a completely new organism with preferred...

The Importance Role of Leadership in Nursing

Current Literature on Nursing Management and Leadership The strategic planning is instrumental to improve the management and leadership of the organization to achieve the long-term goals of the organization by implementing on the specific strategies. There is a need of determining such organizational plans and strategies which determine the internal...

Construction. The Hines Group and Babcock & Brown

Site Management The Hines Group and Babcock & Brown have done their best to provide the highest standards of security of workers and the best organization of the material delivery, storage and usage. Another important aspect of the site management that was developed by the companies carrying out the construction...

Homelessness and Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy

The management of HIV remains one of the key priorities of modern healthcare since AIDS as a likely outcome of HIV is still incurable. Therefore, studying the factors that aggravate the problem and create obstacles for managing the disorder is essential to the improvement of patients’ health status, preventing HIV...

St. Louis: Rocky Mountain Rendezvous by Gowans

St Louis fur trade represents a unique and one of the most interesting pages in the history of the city. At the beginning of the 19th century, the fur trade in this region was connected with Rocky Mountain Fur Company, established in 1823. The book Rocky Mountain Rendezvous by Gowans...

Acme International Expansion Program

Introduction Acme is widely known for its services all over the world in the production and provision of services. The idea of starting up a Greenfield production plant is one of its steps in meeting its goals as a multinational organization. The company has therefore selected a steering committee that...

“A Short History of Nearly Everything” by William Bryson

The Book “A Short History of Nearly Everything”, written by a famous American author William Bryson is considered a brilliant combination of science and fiction books. It is worth mentioning that such a term as science fiction is not quite appropriate in this case because it does not show the...

Explaining the Impact of Birth Order on Siblings’ Relationships

Families and relatives have been an integral part of society and culture since times immemorial. They have been the survival units for individuals to co-exist in societies that are impacted by and continue to impact society and culture as a whole. The members of the family are united with one...

Accounting. Current and Non-Current Assets

Introduction Current assets are assets which are most liquid in the organization the assets which can be used up or be sold in the business cycle. Current assets are those assets which cannot be held in the organization for more than one year and they form the basis of working...

The Issues of Love: Analysis

Introduction Although, the issues of love are rather important for the existence of the mankind, they stay unsolved demanding further consideration by people. Despite numerous ideas about the sense of human lives that suggest doing the good, fulfilling some missions, etc. as the major aim of human beings in this...

Home. Concept Definition and Personal Vision

To me, home is our ancestral house ‘Red Rose’ in Junction City, Louisiana in which grandmother Emma lives. A visit to it is like stepping into another world. The garden is full of my favorite roses. My own room stocked with clothes purchased by grandmother. Most of the family photographs...

Gender Hierarchy in English Language

Throughout the known history of much of the world, including the regions where the English language originated and developed, society has been dominated and controlled by the patriarchal rule. The resulting product of the Language represents this dominance by means of categorizing the realities of society. Male references in everyday...

The Appropriation of Technology From External Sources

Introduction In today’s world, organizations are adopting various technologies to help them perform better in their processes. However, technology is rapidly changing from day to day therefore the organizations are usually faced with many challenges especially when they want to adopt new external technology. Challenges that need to be addressed...

Organized Crimes of the 1920s in the US

The 1920s was an era that was known for organized crime: bootlegging, the fixing of the World Series, and corruption within police forces. Now the question is, who were the major players in these organized crimes of the 1920s and what were they involved in? What impact did these people...

The Two Faces of Leadership: Considering the Dark Side of Leader-Follower Dynamics

Section One This article speaks about leadership and the traits a leader should or should not possess. In today’s world, which is now better known as a “global village”, leaders are in a one-on-one competition with each other, with fear of one surpassing the other. What is of utmost importance...

Academic Honesty: Definition and Importance

Educational institutions are the places where students are taught to build their values, moral integrity, and strength of character. As such it is very important that academic honesty is inculcated in them through rules, regulations, and guidelines. Academic honesty has become the focus of discussion among educators in recent times...

The Influence of Meditation on People’s Health

Talking about meditation, I’d like to start with mentioning that meditation as a spiritual practice is considered to be even older than Hinduism which, by the way, is the oldest of five major religions. The roots of meditation travel back to ancient times and primitive hunter-gatherer societies are believed to...

Oliver Cromwell’s Aims in Ireland 1649-60

Oliver Cromwell was an English military and political leader best known for his contribution towards making England a republican and as the head of state in England, Scotland, and Ireland: mostly known as Lord Protector. He served these roles between April 1649 and September 1658. Oliver was commander of the...

Required College Degree for Correctional Officers

Introduction Correctional officers are people who are in charge of those individuals who have been arrested and waiting trial or those who have already been tried and found guilty. Those that are found guilty are usually put in jail. The main responsibility of correctional officers is to ensure security within...

Light and Dark Imagery in Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness”

Joseph Conrad, a Polish writer, was born in the Polish part of Ukraine, in the epoch of imperialism. Most of his writings clearly highlight these issues as well as the bridge between Victorian values and the most progressive modernist ideas. Although the main characters of “Heart of Darkness’ face a...

Theology Concepts Brief Review

The events that first marked the difference between Judaism and Christianity immediately after Jesus’ death in the first century of Christian history first came clearly when the Roman army which was very brutal attacked Jerusalem and destroyed the temple which was their center of focus. This made them lose hopes...

Frankford and Campbell’s View of Free Will

Introduction Free will is the ability of one to choose a course of action with his/her own control. It is the ability of people to control their action with out any external influence from another party. Those who believe in free will take various positions about this very broad subject....

Airline Safety Practices and Medication Administration

Introduction Now-a-days nursing has developed its all functional activities in accordance with technological, political or socio-economical rapid change. The changing boundaries of professional responsibility and its influence on their scope of practice have been emerged. Nursing around the world needs to feel the confident and the essential and significant contribution...

Gender Symbols Usage in International Family-Oriented Marketing

Introduction Gender symbols are used to identify the life form sex or the human being’s gender. It should be stressed that the differentiation between gender symbols is closely connected with the historical phenomena of Patriarchy and Matriarchy. The structure of the society varied in different countries with the pace of...

Kant’s and Aristotle’s Ethical Philosophy

Introduction There are many aspects to consider when one is engaging in a definition of something as amorphous and subjective as ethics. What might be an ethical move in one case may prove to be disastrously unethical in another. Not only does the outcome depend on the specific situation involved...

Doublespeak in Government Documents

Introduction Introductory strategy According to source watch, the term double speak was coined in the 1950’s and is linked to George Orwell in his novel, nineteen eighty-four. Thesis statement Double speak may be considered as using words/language calculatingly for political purposes. It is referred to a kind of language that...

Urban Policy and Town Planning

Introduction Decisions on policies and procedures to ensure that the policies are implemented should take the social, economic and environmental implications of such decisions on the society. The economic globalization and service-based economy have resulted in major readjustments in the areas of employment structure and urban economies, which has increased...

America’s involvement in War in Iraq

Introduction America’s involvement in Iraq has often been called by some strategic experts as the worst strategic decision since the Vietnam War. In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, America declared a ‘War on Terror’ and invaded Afghanistan to root out the perpetrators of the Twin Towers terror attacks. The...

Impact of Stress on Performance

Stress is an individual’s physiological response to an internal or external stimulus that makes the body to respond as if one is in danger. “The fatigue occurs when one has to handle more than they are used to.” (Williams, 1998, p. 135) According to the way Robert is behaving and...

Country of Origin and Impact on Product Category Marketing

The country of origin has a great impact on the product image and the decision of consumers to purchase a product. There are other significant demographic factors that affect consumption patterns. For example, if populations are segmented by such factors as race, religion, color, country of origin, etc. valuable marketing...

Globalization and Cultural Difference of Societies

Introduction Two authoritative scenarios control the public conversation about the civilizing consequences of globalization. The one very general scenario symbolizes globalization as cultural homogenization. In this situation the culturally different societies of the planet are being swarming by globally obtainable goods, media, ideas and organizations. In a world where people...

UK Population: Statistics Project

Introduction This paper provides a discussion on description and analysis of data. For this population, the population statistics of UK for the years from 1970 to 2006 has been used. Data was obtained from the World Bank site (WB. 2008). Description of Data accessing The data selected for the paper...

Strategic Management: Art of Planning Business

What is Strategic Management. Tthe strategic management process in a company Strategic management is the so-called art of planning business at the highest level and to the greatest extent. In other words, it involves the establishment of the company’s short- and long-term goals, means of their achievement, analysis of market...

Alternative Fuels to Gasoline: Why Do We Need Them?

Introduction Additionally to traditional petroleum-grounded fuels, there are lots of different categories of alternative fuels attainable nowadays. While the technology and application may differ, they all provide an option to oil concentrating on renewable resources. The central aim of fuel is to stock up energy that is steady and can...

Love in “Hamlet” Play by William Shakespeare

Hamlet written by William Shakespeare is a play-tragedy disclosing a lot of aspects of the social and personal lives of its characters. The author managed to raise the most important problems of humanity combining negative and positive emotions in his heroes. One of the most brightest and significant aspects described...

“The Apology of Socrates” by Plato

Introduction A great deal of what we know about Socrates the man, in fact, all of what we know of him, is what is written about him by others who may or may not have heard him speak. This is because Socrates chose not to write anything down in his...

Metaphor Is a Many-Splendored Thing

Figurative language or Metaphor encompasses almost any unusual way of expressing meaning through words. As a means of communication through careful control of diction, metaphor is most typical of poetry. “In rhetoric, a metaphor is a figure of speech in which for the purpose of emphasizing a particular quality, one...

Perception of Psychology in Society

Why do so many people associate the field of psychology with clinical issues rather than science? Since its inception, Psychology has been widely taken as a clinical way of treating mental disorders or working out relationships (PsychNet UK) through counseling. Due to this reason, it is usually perceived to treat...

European Citizenship: Term Definition

The issues of European identity, citizenship and nationality are influenced by globalization and integrations processes, new political and social agenda of the region. Intense nationalism characterizes the middle of the 20th century, but it was also the time when people tried to define and express the idea of Europe (Rumford...

Marjane Satrapi’s “Persepolis” Autobiographical Novel

Introduction Marjane Satrapis autobiographical novel “Persepolis” explores such complicated issues as culture shock and the loss of cultural identity. The book is a unique combination of autobiographical prose and comics. The author successfully shows the world through the eyes of a young girl, the task, which is very difficult to...

The Christological Interpretation of the Psalms

Psalms is a sacred book of the Old Testament. The book of Psalms consists of 150 psalms devoted to different religious values and norms. Each psalm is a song consisted of chants. Critics suppose that the Book of Psalms was composed by the Babylonians, from about 586 to 538 B.C....

Lakeland Wonders: Case Study

Executive summary The case of the Lakeland Wonders is the classical example of the conservative outlook of the business world. Cheryl Hailstorm, CEO of Lakeland Wonders, proposes progressive modifications of the company’s development strategies, while the senior management resists them stressing the possibility of failure in international markets resulting in...

Patient-Centered Medical Home as Quality Initiative

Introduction The changing health needs of different patients are something that requires evidence-based care delivery and treatment models that result in reduced medical costs. Leaders in the healthcare sector have been focusing on different initiatives that can improve quality and maximize people’s experiences. A good example of such innovative strategies...

Analysis of Toyota Strategic Planning

Key Issues Toyota Company is the largest car manufacturer in today’s world. This company, founded in 1937 by Kiichirro Toyoda, is developing rather fast. 2007 brought $15.09 billion to Toyota as annual revenue. However, the modern world sets new tasks for market players, and Toyota has also to take into...

Sexual Violence in The Handmaid’s Tale by Atwood

Introduction The Handmaid’s Tale narrates about the events in the Republic of Gilead, a State, which was proclaimed on the territory of the contemporary USA after nuclear, biological, and chemical pollution, which made the most citizens infertile, and after the terrorists killed the president and all the members of Congress....

Cancer and Contemporary Therapeutic Approaches

Introduction Cancer is a hazardous disease due to its appearance patterns and potential lethality. It results from cell mutations, which occur randomly and can, therefore, affect any person at any time with no prior symptoms or indications. Furthermore, advanced stages of cancer are often incurable and lead to the death...

Art of Drama Through the Shakespear’s ‘Hamlet’

Introduction Shakespeare is a master craftsman who depicted almost all aspects of human life and psyche in his great tragedies. Hamlet is one of his all-time great tragedies that have a carefully drafted plot, characterization, development of conflicts, dramatic ironies, and a setting conducive to the development of pity and...

European Union and Religion

Since ancient times, religion has played a crucial role in the life of people and their moral values. The 20th century and democratic relations changed these issues and marked a new era in secular relations. Many of a society’s attitudes toward humanity and the environment tend to be embodied in...

Knowledge Management: Modern Focus by Prusak

Introduction This essay aims at closely looking at the article by Prusak and his vision of the tool of “knowledge management”, the present influence of the tool today, the future perspectives and development. Prusak made a research, devoted to KM, his article aims at putting the term “KM” into the...

Income Tax versus National Sales Tax

The question of the best kind of taxation system favorable for use has raised great concerns to many people and governments. The purpose of the study is to present information on both systems in order to determine the system that is more favorable for use. From the information provided, then...

Derek Walcott’s “Egypt, Tobago” Poem

The history of writing this poem is not widely known, but it is stated, that it was written in the surroundings of the Egyptian oasis, as such clear and detailed images of the scenery may be attained only after immersion into the atmosphere of the Egyptian surrounding and feel the...

Operations Management in Business

“Our reputation rests on bringing these products to market in a timely, reliable and environmentally responsible manner” (Overview 2008). Reputation in business is an important contributor to its success. The manner in which a company carries out its operations is vital to developing a good name. The role of the...

“Pilgrimage to the End of the World” by Conrad Rudolpf

What do people seek when they go on a pilgrimage? I guess it might be either an edification or a strive for forgiveness. The author of the book “Pilgrimage to the End of the World” Conrad Rudolph, who origins in Poland, is going through a series of missionary journeys on...

Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues

In The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, it is stated that health promotion is “the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve, their health.” (WHO, 2008, p.1) Green & Kreuter (1991) define health promotion as “the combination of educational and environmental supports for actions and conditions...

Fossils and Edwards Aquifer Rocks in Texas

The looming water crisis in Texas has been attributed to the fact that serious tensions are observed in big cities in respect of securing water rights. For example, a land owner must obtain a permit from EAA to withdraw water from his or her land. At the initial stages of...

Philosophy. God, Omnipotence, and Evil

There are so many religions that are followed by numerous people all across the globe, and it is considered by many who believe in God that God is present everywhere, which means there is omnipotence with regard to the presence of God. Many religions teach the followers that God is...

Is Smoking Cigarettes Just for Fun or a Death Sentence?

Introduction Smoking cigarettes is one of the most popular bad habits in the world. Those who are addicted to it keep saying that there is nothing wrong about smoking, whereas their opponents name a number of reasons why smoking is a negative practice. Taking into consideration the results of a...

Nature of Christianity: Political Resistance Versus Cultural Assimilation

Religion as a phenomenon has a complex social purpose and is typically viewed as a source of spirituality and ethical development of its proponents. However, apart from the chances that religion opens for believers in terms of their personal development, it also provides extensive opportunities for societal progress by building...

Criminal Behavior Investigation and Search Warrants

What are the Fourth Amendment requirements for the issuance of warrants? The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires that “no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized” (“Fourth...

Rubrics for Nurse Students’ Learning Assessment

Grading Rubric Criteria 0 0.2 0.3-0.4 0.5 1   Significantly below course requirements Does not meet course requirements Minimally meets course requirements Satisfactorily meets course requirements Proficiently meets course requirements Ability to correlate the major nursing works, models, and principles with the names of theorists who developed them.The total number...

The U.S. Embassy Move to Jerusalem

Introduction The struggle between Israel and the Palestinian people has not subsided in decades, with both nations being unable to come to a mutually beneficial resolution. While civilian protests initiated by Palestinian people continue, so do international discussions aimed at establishing peace in the region (Gelvin, 2014). In 2017, the...

The Role of Social Media’s Influence on Revolution

The impact social media make on modern society is obvious and impossible to underestimate. It is a well-known fact that today the internet is much more popular and widely used than television. Many people spend hours browsing the net and visiting social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube. The...

Covenant with the Israelites

1. In religion, the term covenant differs from its common meaning. Traditionally it is taken as an agreement between different parties. However, in terms of religion and the Bible, the given word “implies more of a formal treaty like a commitment to a relationship” (United Church of God, 2011, para....

Information Management and Related Issues in Business

Introduction Information gathering, dissemination and storage have changed remarkably with the advent of technology. Traditional methods that were used to conduct business in many organizations have been changed to increase effectiveness. This basically implies that organizations must embrace the use of IT. However, there are many IT-related issues that emerge...

Beryl Mineral’s Physical Properties

Introduction Beryl is a mineral composed mainly of beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate. However, traces of cesium, lithium, and sodium can be found in beryl. The gemstone originates from igneous, metamorphic rocks. It has a refractive index ranging from 1.57 to 1.58 and a specific gravity of 2.6 to 2.92 (Sultana &...

Weight Loss, Calories, Diet and Physical Exercising

Maintaining a normal weight is one of the keys to keeping the organism healthy and fit. Weight gain does not only affect the person’s appearance, but it also causes severe changes in the way the body functions. Such changes lead to an inevitable worsening of overall well-being and can cause...

Religion in Candide: Theme Analysis

Introduction Candide is a satirical novella where the author employs satire as a weapon to unearth the corruption, hypocrisy, prejudices, and immorality that was prevalent in the organized Catholic Church. The strong criticism that Voltaire showers on the organized religion all throughout the entire story are to be understood in...

King Lear and Beowulf: Compare & Contrast

Introduction English literature contains wonderful works related to royal families as well as common individuals that teach the readers ethical principles, moral lessons and codes of leading a dignified life on the one hand, and wide-open new horizons of intellect and wisdom to them on the other. The same is...

Chaucer’s Satire in The Canterbury Tales Essay

Introduction One of the foundational principles of the courtly tradition was a particular conception of women. According to this view, women, particularly high-born women, were considered extremely delicate and require a great deal of protection and solicitation. Women were expected to be quiet, demure, easily surprised by the grosser aspects...

Nursing Research for Patients’ Safety and Health

Research is a vital aspect of modern nursing practice. Nurses have become advocates for their patient’s safety and health quality. Nursing research is necessary due to its timely contribution to evidence-based practice with a priority set on the contemporary findings in the essential areas of health care. A nurse practitioner...

Future of Nursing and Florida Action Coalition

Introduction It should be noted that the introduction of the Affordable Care Act has resulted in significant alterations in the healthcare sector. It allowed not only providing care to people in need of it but also evaluating the job of a nurse from a different perspective. Nurses are agents that...

In the Time of the Butterflies and The Great Gatsby: Compare & Contrast Essay

Dystopia is the common setting in Julia Alvarez’s In the Time of the Butterflies and Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. The Great Gatsby paints a depressing picture of the corruption of the American Dream during the roaring 1920s. On the other hand, In the Time of the Butterflies is the...

The Last Scene of Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”

This scene is at the last of the play, beginning about line 780 in Act II and continuing to the end of the play. Willy and the boys have already had a fight, and the boys left with a couple of local tarts without telling their father they were going....

Interprofessional Team Experience in Psychiatric Practice

The presented paper will describe a care improvement project that was carried out by an interprofessional team from a small psychiatric practice. The project involved the creation of a program for educating patients with substance use disorders. The paper will define the type and purpose of the team, describe its...

Healthcare Reform and Ethics in Nursing Viewpoint

Introduction The recent healthcare reforms, including the Affordable Care Act that was passed during Obama’s presidency and the Trump administration’s subsequent attempts to repeal it, concerned themselves with the availability of health insurance as well as the federal costs of healthcare. The policies have been the subject of significant amounts...

What Causes Medication Administration Errors in a Mental Health Hospital?

Patients with mental health issues are a large group of patients who deserve special attention and attitude from the medical staff. Since the beginning of the XXI century, people with mental health problems are seeing doctors more and more often. They rely on medical workers to get the right diagnoses...

Drug Addiction Is a Chronic Disease

I have hear people argue that drug addiction should not be considered a disease and should instead be considered as a lifestyle that is detrimental to one’s health, such as cigarette smoking. It is their belief that drug addiction is something that a person can start doing and then later...

American History “Through Women’s Eyes” by Dubois & Dumenil

For women, slavery was one of the most difficult and cruel periods in history. African-American women were deprived rights and freedoms. Certainly, resistance to the institution of slavery required mothers to protest the habitual violation of an ideologically sanctified relationship–in effect, a matter of insisting upon the enslaved woman’s right...

Position of Earth in the Universe Between Astronomers

Though, in general, the scientific community has been taking its work ahead by picking up threads from the god’s creation, but there are instances in history where religious practitioners and the scientific community had been on a collision course. The dispute over the position of the earth in the universe...

Kennedy Assassination in Zapruder’s Film vs. Conner’s Report

Introduction In view of the John F. Kennedy assassination which could still evoke debate and un-resolved discussion, it is important to stick to facts and reality which could be at best presented in the form of actual footage, coverage, and narration of witnesses to the event. While various interpretations and...

Environmental Degradation as a Result of Growing Population

It is often claimed that the constant increase in the population is the sole cause of environmental degradation. The population is indeed a concern and so is the environmental degradation but there is no concrete reason why it is blamed upon the growth in the population or rather the poor...

Rita Dove: Analysis of Chosen Poems

Rita Dove was born in Ohio in 1952. Their family was neither rich nor poor and had four children. Rita’s father had a master’s degree and worked as a chemist for the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company in Akron. When she finished school she was put on the list of...

The Concept of Sublimity in the Books by A. Carson

Sublimity Anne Carson, one of the most famous writers and poets of the modern world, is famous for her gift of incorporating different literary styles in her masterpieces. Her works are full of creative inspiration combined with deep analysis of ideas and thoughts expressed by the prominent writers and theorists...

Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola Review

The movie Marie Antoinette was screened and directed by Sofia Coppola. The uniqueness of the movie is that it depicts the early years of Marie Antoinette and her relations with her husband, Louis XVI. The movie portrays that it was a chance that bound Louis, whilst still only half a...

Metro Sexuality: Term Definition

Recently, there have been a growing number of buzz words that use the ‘metro’ prefix. For example, Metro sexuality, which is the term for heterosexual men having a strong concern for their appearance, is a term that is now quite common, widespread and ordinary. Similar to this, a rather new...

Advertising and Gender Roles

Introduction There is a widely held opinion among many sociologists and psychologists that advertisement can be considered an inseparable part of our consciousness. In fact, this statement can be easily substantiated by the statistical data, provided by many researches, according to which, an average American citizen is literally hunted by...

The Impact of Parent’s Educational Level on College Students

Introduction The article, named “The Impact of Parent’s Educational Level on College Students: An Analysis Using the Beginning Post-secondary Students Longitudinal Study 1990-92/94”, written by Debbie Hahs-Vaughn, is a collection of material pertaining to the effect of parents being educated, on the outcomes of students performances. It has generally never...

Leadership and Management: Case Study Analysis

Introduction In order to sustain the business operations in a competitive environment, a company requires to have sound strategies for marketing, communication, research and development, sales, social responsibility and of course in managing the workforce. This calls for an effective management development plan for running the organization. In today’s competitive...

Career Management in Business

Introduction From the research conducted I understand that a career is a coordinated set of errands that are carried by a person to satisfy a purpose and also achieve his or her objectives and goals. It is a unit in an organization that remains unchanged thus a career is a...

Federal Tort Claim Act Overview

Introduction The Federal Tort Claims Act, Title VI of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946, was approved by Congress in an attempt to alleviate the negative implications of the policy of sovereign immunity “when its employees are negligent within the scope of their employment.” (Federal Tort Claims Act, n.d.). Government...

Organizational Position in Marketing Plan

Introduction Marketing Plan is the broad roadmap to bring the product or service of a firm to the market place. Market analysis precedes the making of the marketing plan. The market analysis provides information on the market size, growth characteristics, buying trends of consumers and trends for the future. (Doug...

“Killer Angels” by Michael Shaara

Introduction It is these days that the United States of America is a solidary and democratic country, where everybody has the equal rights and freedoms. However, it was not always so and there were times when people had to struggle for their beliefs and for their ideas concerning the country...

The Role of Serotonin in Impulsive and Aggressive Behaviors

Human brain is considered as the highly evolved organ to execute diverse environmentally adapted functions which may rely on the interaction between the cognitive and visual skills. Disorders associated with the mental function may lead to abnormal psychological behavior. I am having keen interest in understanding the psychopathology of certain...

Gregory Jerralds on Increasing Self’s Profitability

Article “Increase Profitability by Boosting Your Investment in Continuous Improvement” by Gregory Jerralds is devoted to the importance of employee development. Jerralds has over 20 years of experience in leadership and he argues that increasing employee spending is the most effective strategy to reduce operating costs. Despite the personal tone...

Important Facets of Domestic Economy of US

Introduction We are undergoing a stress in our economy due to various factors. The present economic crisis perhaps could have a severe impact as the Great Depression had in the past. However, for the purposes of this essay, we shall assume that many adverse factors had been overcome or at...

Higher Education in the USA: Company of Educated Women

Introduction The issues of equality of rights and adequate division of rights and obligations of both sexes in society have always been rather important for mankind. The whole history of human society is filled with different conflicts that were caused by inequality and possible oppression. Among the most important aspects...

Poka-Yoke Proofing in Non-Manufacturing’ Systems

Introduction Quality as a means of creating and sustaining a competitive advantage has been widely adopted by both manufacturing and non-manufacturing organizations. This strategic stance has been fuelled by the growing attention to strategic quality arising from the international successes of Japanese and other South Eastern Asian countries. Poka Yoke...

Recognition and Recall of Words With a Single Meaning

Introduction The experiment “Recognition and recall of words with a single meaning” was conducted by Paul Muter (1984) to verify the generation-recognition theory. Muter hypothesized that when a word has a non-unique meaning, subjects would have the usual pattern of recognition failure. However, when a word has a unique meaning,...

Legislative Branch of Power in US Analysis

Introduction The legislature itself has certain responsibilities in the way in which it frames legislation, or in the manner in which it effectuates more general administrative changes. The judiciary may well have to fashion appropriate tools of review to deal with these novel institutional changes. Legislation or law making can...

Due Process Rights in Australia.

Introduction Due process of law is generally understood as the principle of which government must respect all of a person’s legal rights. This means that preference for some rights or most of those legal rights should be avoided especially when the government deprives a person of life, liberty, or property....

Coca-Cola Company. Strategy and Challenges.

The topic selected here for the research is how Coca-Cola Company overcame the public criticism and business conflict with its main competitor Pepsi in respect of promotion of the so-called “Coca-Cola Stuff”.” The paper will examine the efficiency and the very essence of the new marketing strategy by one of...

The Qualities of Leadership in Hospital Service in California State From 1985 to 1996

Introduction This cased study intends at sifting out and discussing the qualities of leadership in organizing and managing the disarrayed relations in the hospital service providers in California State from 1985 to 1996. C. Duane Dauner on his assumption of charge as the President of California Healthcare Association organized all...

Evaluation of Marketing Strategy

In this paper, I am going to check out all those features that are related to the adaptation of strategic management about have a hold over the market. The process is to have proficiency systematically in the competitive marketplace. The target of this paper is to discover the consistent approach...

Effects of Economy on Sports

Sports social phenomenon Sports as a very important social phenomenon is represented at all spheres of modern society, it influences all spheres of human activities. Sports influences national relationships, official life, social position, fashion formation, ethical values, and the way of life of all people. The analysis of sports development...

Job’s God from the Bible and Greek Gods from Iliad

Introduction Divine intervention or dues ex machina is common in mythical stories and at most favors the lead character. It is often a story of the triumph of the good and the evil. In the Bible’s Old Testament, in the book and story of Job, intervention from God was done...

Advantages vs. Disadvantages of Incentive Pay Programs

Sports is becoming a strong social and economic movement during the last decades and this movement is a determining factor for any sphere of our life. It influences the forming of a variety of spiritual, moral, ethical, and social-economic relationships. The growth of public significance of modern sports (mainly big-time...