Institutional Violence in Human Services

Introduction Over the years, human services professionals have been subjected to institutional violence. Usually, institutional violence is conducted systematically. Organizations or institutions are used to cause harm to professionals. Therefore, professionals are disadvantaged and find it hard to grow or develop under strict institutional policies or rules. There are several...

Violence in Modern Versus Ancient World

Violence is the use of physical force against two or more people that results in injury, psychological torture, or death. Violence can be between individuals, communities, or countries. Factors that cause violence are numerous, and they vary depending on the causes. Behaviors such as drinking and insults also trigger violence....

Customer Satisfaction for Organizational Success

Introduction Customer service management is an essential aspect of the successes of any business (Wetzel, Hammerschmidt, & Zablah, 2014). The success of every company is as a result of keeping their customers satisfied with their products and services. This project will examine and discuss various results of successful customer management....

Employer-Employee, Client and Board Communication

Introduction Communication is an important aspect of business today. Managers and employees have to choose the appropriate communication technique to use to ensure their messages are delivered and understood according to their purpose. The following discussion analyzes various scenarios in business communication to determine the appropriate communication method to use....

Nurse Staffing Levels and Employee Retention

Introduction Nurse understaffing is an important healthcare problem that is associated with poor patient outcomes, burnout, high turnover, and other problems faced by healthcare organizations. The objective of the change project is to test whether increasing staffing levels will have a positive outcome on employee retention, the incidence of medical...

The Teens, Crime, and Community Project in the US

The criminal justice system collaborates with different agencies in order to tackle the major issues affecting the United States. The targeted project topic focuses on the problem of juvenile delinquency. Studies indicate that more youths and children commit different forms of crime in the United States. Such crimes continue to...

Nancy Jackson in Nurse Educator’s Interview

Interviewee’s Target Audience Nancy Jackson, the person that was interviewed, is a nurse educator (NE) and a nurse practitioner (NP). She has been working in a local nursing facility to assist individuals in training the skills that would help them manage their needs more efficiently and develop independence in self-care...

Circumcision, Its Legality and Morality

Introduction The question of whether circumcision is a medical right or a human right issue has been discussed for many decades in various forums by numerous scholars. Medical researchers and social scientists have focused on the different aspects of the issue to come to a conclusive answer as to the...

Religious Ethics and Health Legislation in Nursing

Spiritual beliefs affecting the health policy reform process Spiritual beliefs and political ideologies are inextricably linked to each other since the former impact the latter. In particular, the majority of people associate certain beliefs with social benefits, prosperity, and other positive phenomena (Ernecoff, Curlin, Buddadhumaruk, & White, 2015). It is...

Postpartum Depression as Serious Mental Health Problem

Introduction Postpartum depression is a serious mental health problem that can impair the quality of life of young mothers. According to O’Hara and McCabe (2013), the prevalence of postpartum depression in the general population ranges between 13 and 19 percent. Antidepressant therapy is considered to be effective in treating the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Leadership: Importance and Types

Importance of a leader Some people should make some serious decisions and rule our world and, at the same time, some people accept these decisions, hoping that they will result in some benefits for them. It should be said that not always leaders, who are responsible for some important decisions,...

“Freakonomics” by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner

Underlying Theme Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner is an exploratory study of economics and the manifestation of its principles in everyday life. The main premise of the book can be described with the following quote: “Morality, it could be argued, represents the way that people would like the...

Teaching English Speaking Classes for Non-Natives

The English language is the most studied languages around the world. Most of the non-native speakers living outside Europe or America have a very good command of written English, but their spoken English is sometimes pathetic. On the other hand, non-native speakers living in Europe and America can speak English...

Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic Learning Styles

Summary of subject’s learning style The personal learning style that applies to this particular subject is to read/write methodology. The VARK analysis indicates that the most prominent aspects of this learning method are lists, notes, and texts that provide descriptions and other learning aspects. The individuals who fall under this...

Individual in the International Legal System

Introduction Since the institution of international law, numerous scholars have focused on the subject of the status of the individual in the international legal framework. This subject elicited numerous debates in the legal field. The main reason for these debates is due to the imprecise nature of international law. Evolution...

The Advanced Practice Nurse Roles

The nursing field does not include only the direct patient care. There are several specializations that require additional skills apart from the medical knowledge. The nursing specialists include practitioners, educators, administrators, and informaticists. Each of these groups carries out a different task. Nursing practitioners are engaged in the direct patient...

Dys- and Functional Disputes in Organizations

Introduction Choosing your battles entails calculated tactics, forethought, confidence, and solution-focused strategies to distinguish between dysfunctional and functional disputes, articulate Robbins and Judge (2015). In the context of organizational behavior, the ingenuity of disentangling adverse collisions and instituting effective conflicts is imperative especially for managers and leaders of team groups....

The Stamp Act Resolutions and Declaratory Act

Introduction The 1760s were difficult years for the British Empire. The British won the Seven Years War 1755-1763, but the prolonged conflict cost the country almost 50 million pounds, bringing its national debt closer to 130 million. The debt put a strain on the economy, which could not be replenished...

Health Issues Among Miami Homeless People

People in Miami, FL Need Urgent Help Miami, FL is an urban community with rather dense population rates. The family houses by which the community infrastructure is represented heavily are mostly well-kept and in good condition, yet the health issues are getting out of hand. Particularly, the problem of homelessness,...

Porcini Company’s Success and Rapid Popularity Growth

Analyzing the case, one should mind several crucial concerns that impact Porcinis success and condition its rapid growth and increased popularity. These are the unique recognizable image of full-service restaurants, a successful pricing strategy, and the high quality of the provided goods and services. The combination of all these aspects...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Domestic Violence in the US: Effects on Children

Introduction Topic The proposed research study tried to find out how domestic violence affects children in the USA. It reveals the most common motives and consequences of this issue. Its prevalence and prevention are considered. This topic also presents various decisions that must be taken in case of abusive practices...

Elderly Fall Prevention Care in Florida

Introduction The reduction of the risk of patient harm resulting from falls was always on the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations’ agenda (Cooper & Nolt, 2007). Following the National Patient Safety Goals, Cooper and Nolt (2007) define patient falls as “sudden unexpected descent from a standing, sitting or...

Isaac’s Case: Resolution, Positive and Negative Impact

Conflict Resolution Methods in Isaac’s Case As an assistant nurse manager, I will have to do everything possible to investigate the issue with Isaac’s behavior and think of the most efficient solutions. My duties involve taking care of all patients and staff in the unit and making sure that all...

Seclusion and Physical Restraint in Psychiatry

Introduction Physical restraint and seclusion tend to be used by healthcare professionals because they are believed to be beneficial when there is a necessity to control patient aggressiveness. In this way, they seem to be a great measure to prevent harm to both staff and other patients. However, some professionals...

Napoleon’s Reign vs. US Government Perception

Introduction From a study by Markham, France is what it is today because of two things. The first thing is The French Revolution while the second is the rise to power by Napoleon (1). Historically, these two things played a vital role in shaping France. This paper compares and contrasts...

Patient Case: Patterns, Challenges and Needs

S. B. is a 27-year-old man suffering from PTSD for the past two years. The symptoms began when his wife went missing. They include insomnia, nightmares, and depressive moods; previously S. B. had hallucinations and displayed aggressive behaviors. The man has an underage son and experiences frequent stress from the...

Racial and Ethnic Trends in Childhood Obesity in the US

Intended audience: The author’s intended audience is comprised of educators, policymakers in the field of healthcare, students, and parents affected by the impact of having obese children in the family. In addition, the secondary target audience is the stakeholders that are directly or indirectly affected by the effects of childhood...

Nursing Development as to Institute of Medicine

Introduction In 2011, the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report on the future of the nursing profession, education, and practice. The report outlined some of the key issues in contemporary nursing and suggested possible areas for improvement. The report has made a significant contribution to the development of...

Diabetic Patients with Obesity or Overweight

The Article The article that has been chosen for the analysis is called “Analysis of a sample of type 2 diabetic patients with obesity or overweight and at cardiovascular risk: A cross-sectional study in Spain” and it has been written by Lucha-López et al. (2014). Three years ago, the work...

College’ Sports and Education

Today, more than ever before, it is increasingly becoming clear that big-time college sports are adversely affecting the quality of education provided by American universities. Many of the students enrolling into these institutions seem motivated by other concerns outside the scope of achieving quality education. This trend is not new,...

The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Factors

Facts of the Challenger Case Engineering design and its impact on future missions and on the society Focusing more on the schedule than the achievement of the right design, where NASA put more emphasis on the timeframe of the project as compared to the quality standards of the project. There...

The Feeling of Powerlessness Among Workers

Feeling of powerlessness The feeling of powerlessness is a rather common complaint among employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs. First of all, the feeling usually accompanies stress in the workplace. While sometimes it is the defensive reaction of the human psyche and thus appears as a result of stressful...

United Arab Emirates 2021 Vision as to Information Security

Introduction It is necessary to mention that the UAE has been developing at rapid rates over the last few years, and it has become one of the leaders in some of the industries. The development of the vision of the region is critical because it is much easier to keep...

The Patients Suffering from Chronic Diseases

Introduction to the Problem The last several years could be characterized by significant shifts in the healthcare sector. The focus on the satisfaction of the main patients needs and improvement of their quality of lives resulted in the appearance of new challenges in the sphere that should be solved to...

Parkinson’s Disease and Primary Headache Disorder

Parkinson’s disease: recent advances Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been one of the least researched and understood conditions for a long time. Since the 1980s, due to a significant body of new research and a breakthrough in neurology, the scientific understanding of its mechanisms and causes has improved (Ali, 2013). The...

“The Guild” a Poem by Sharon Olds

The Guild by Sharon Olds is one of the several poems in which the poet attempts to produce some description of her father and his negative influence on the family. The relationship between the daughter and the father is clearly dysfunctional, and in The Guild Olds shows that such difficulties...

Ethical Standards in Wal-Mart Company’s Auditing

Ethics Audit: Key Stages of the Process Institutionalizing ethical standards in an organization setting is an essential step toward creating the environment in which a company can not only operate but also thrive. Ethical principles are required to build a competent communication strategy, make decisions at the corporate level, and...

Childhood Obesity and Family’s Responsibility

Topic Summary and Research Questions Topic Description In this paper, the task is to select a topic and develop an academic summary of the offered issue. There are many fields where different topics can be discussed, including education, technology, family, and healthcare. I find the topic of childhood obesity as...

Gender Discrimination and Equality Promotion at Work

Solution Considering the fact that gender discrimination acquires new tendencies in relation to both sexes, it is necessary to come up with the most relevant solution to the issue. In particular, it seems of great importance to promoting the equality that refers to the ability of everyone to access available...

The Aravind Eye Care System’s Innovation Process

Introduction The Aravind Eye Care System is the leading ophthalmological hospital in India. It has numerous local and regional branches. Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy founded it in 1976. This paper examines the innovation process of the Aravind Eye Care System by providing an insight into its workability, transferability to other countries,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Excess Weight in Children and Education Goals

Patient Education Instructional Goals To come to the solution of the problem of excess weight in children, certain instructional goals should be achieved: Increasing the literacy of children regarding those factors that may affect obesity and the consequences of the problem. Promoting the need to follow appropriate medical practices. Encouraging...

Universal Care: Advantages over Disadvantages

Introduction: Universal Health Care as the Global, All-Embracing Concept Healthcare is one of the services that are vital for any member of the global population. However, at present, not all members of the U.S. society, let alone the global one, are capable of using the options provided by the corresponding...

Personal Health Records for Patients and Nurses

Introduction With current advancements in healthcare technologies as well as the increased attention of healthcare facilities to the optimization of their operations, the topic of personal health records (PHR) has never been as relevant. PHRs refer to applications and tools that patients can use for securely managing information about their...

“The Young Atheist’s Handbook” by Alom Shaha

Introduction The Young Atheist’s Handbook is an exciting story of one man who decided to stop following the religious path that was dictated by society. The book is a deeply personal account of the author’s journey from religious to non-religious, which includes life experiences and thoughts that question the very...

The Novel “Disgrace” by John Maxwell Coetzee

Introduction The novel Disgrace by John Maxwell Coetzee depicts the harsh realities of the so-called “culture of rape” – a culture in which women are often perceived as objects that are to be utilized in order to satisfy the desires of men, the sexual ones in particular. The author tells...

Healthcare in South Africa

Introduction More than two decades have passed since South African liberation from apartheid but to say that all challenges have been overcome would be an understatement. In spite of a number of progress reports stating South African progress towards the accomplishment of MDGs, the HIV/AIDS issue is still a problem,...

Stakeholder Management and Its Influence on Staff

Abstract The paper at hand provides a concise analysis of stakeholder management concept, its basic principles and potential challenges. One makes an attempt to summarize the insights provided by various researchers and work out the main characteristics of this type of management. Moreover, one tries to elucidate the role of...

Fashion Affecting People’s Health

Introduction Reading fashion magazines can tell one a lot about fashion. Very often, magazines have pictures of slim girls wearing cozy clothing. Lots of people put much focus on such figures as well as their clothing, forgetting that there is some link between the fashions displayed and the health of...

College Affordability in the United States

As the cost of education in the United States grows, more and more young people find themselves unable to pay for the degree. Hall mentions the fact that the cost of attending institutions doubled during 1980-1990 and experienced the same changes during 1990-2000 (par. 2). This fact helps to understand...

Economic Inequality in Australia

David Donnison discusses the phenomenon of increasing income inequality, which has led to declining standards of living for a significant portion of Britain’s population. The author claims that the widening gap between the rich and the poor has introduced challenges regarding access to basic health care for most Britons (Donnison...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Olaudah Equiano’s Autobiographical Narrative

Summary In his narrative “The interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano, The African”, Olaudah Equiano (Gustuvas Vassa) presents a detailed account of his autobiography. In brief, the author says that he was born in a beautiful land in West Africa. It is believed the place was located in...

Emancipation Proclamation in American History

There is no doubt that original texts of legislative proposals and proclamations remain the most credible sources for individuals interested in the history of their countries. Among the brightest events related to American history in the second half of the nineteenth century, it is necessary to single out the appearance...

Visual Analysis: “Dust Storm” Photo by Steve McCurry

Introduction It should be noted that images can be analyzed differently depending on the approach and method employed. Nevertheless, any visual interpretation should be accompanied by content analysis to ensure that not only the artistic expression is investigated by also the social and cultural value of the canvas. The purpose...

Tom Reid’ Views on Ayurvedic Medicine

The video reveals a story of a Western skeptic who learns about Ayurvedic medicine through trying it. Tom Reid, a veteran reporter, had some orthopedic issues as he had a severe injury in his right arm (Reid, 2010). A surgeon (Reid consulted) noted that he needed surgery. The surgery would...

European Civilization: Cultural and Economic Challenges

From the point of view of historical development, European civilization was one of the most influential forces in the history of humankind. Of course, in order to estimate the influences of Europe as a force in world events, it is important to consider social, political, cultural, economic, and ideological aspects....

Apple’s Broken Promises: BBC Documentary

Introduction The documentary Apple’s Broken Promises dwells upon operations of Apple’s suppliers and violations of people’s rights. The main issue is Apple’s attitude towards these violations and the gap between things proclaimed by the company’s top management and the actual conditions some people have to work in (BBC Panorama –...

Islamic Themes in Kerem Oktem and Thomas Solomon Articles

“Being Muslim at the Margins Alevis and the AKP,” by Kerem Oktem The author presents how the people of Tunceli province were festooned by the holiday wishes which were being celebrated at the same time. He presents the duties that were carried out by various people. For example, the author...

Schizotypal Personality Disorder, Symptoms and Cure

Abstract Schizotypal Personality Disorder is a disorder that most people are unaware of. This disorder affects individuals’ thought patterns and it causes delusional images and discomfort. Most people who suffer from Schizotypal Personality Disorder do not realize it. This is because it affects people in different ways and its severity...

Wide Area Network Protocols and Data Transmission

Introduction WAN means a global network. It is many times greater than LAN (local-area network) in its scale. When a network interface is connected to this global network, it is assumed that WAN is accessible from the Internet. WAN can be spread across vast distances and distributed between remote offices...

Symbolism in John Maxwell Coetzee’s “Disgrace”

The issue of social isolation and ostracism has been explored extensively in literature, yet it shines through especially vividly in Coetzee’s award-winning Disgrace (Poyner 1). Among the characteristics that make the message of the novel especially poignant, one must mention the fact that Coetzee manages to incorporate the political and...

Alfred Stieglitz and Greer Muldowney: Biographies and Works

Introduction Born in New Jersey, in the year 1864, Alfred Steiglitz was a very successful photographer in the US during the 1800s. Greer Muldowney is a very popular young female photographer, who was born in 1988. This paper presents a biography of Alfred Steiglitz and Greer Muldowney. Besides, the treatise...

Financial Statement and Its Four Types

The purpose of a company’s financial statement is to inform the readers about the financial operations, revenue, and expenditures registered within a certain period (Fontinelle 2017). Differently put, in a financial statement, a company tells the public how much money it has earned and paid over a particular time frame....

Advanced, Non-Clinical and Clinical Nursing Roles

Advanced Nursing Practice Role Although nurses do not treat patients, but only follow the doctor’s prescriptions, their role in advanced practice is important. Nurses are expected to notice any changes in the patient’s condition. Besides, nurses can calm the patient down as well as make his/her sufferings less severe. The...

Health Care Systems Comparison: the US and the UK

Introduction Bernie Sander defines the US as one of the major countries on Earth with one of the weakest health care systems and suggests making it more like those developed in European countries, such as the United Kingdom (Dolan, 2016). The comparison developed in this paper is the first step...

The Advantages of Independent Learning

Education is an integral part of human development. The learning process starts since the very moment of birth and continues throughout the lifespan. As a person grows, he/she becomes more conscious about own intellectual development and capable of influencing its outcomes. Nowadays, researchers and practitioners in the field of education...

Effective Nursing Leadership and Management

Nursing Shortage and Nurse Turnover In the United States of America, various factors influence the availability of registered nurses. The total number of licensed registered nurses in America exceeds 3.3 million (Rosseter, 2014). This number could be construed to be adequate for the health needs of the country. However, many...

Innovative Nursing Care Delivery: Walk-In Centre

Abstract This paper demonstrated that a nurse-led walk-in center model could transform and improve primary care delivery among underserved rural residents in Kentucky. The model is robust and evaluated from multiple perspectives to determine its effectiveness. An Overview: Walk-in Center In any healthcare system, primary care remains a vital point...

Relationships in the “Say Anything” Film by Crowe

What Relationship Stages do Lloyd and Diane Experience? To answer the posed question, it is crucial to state that Lloyd and Diane are in a romantic relationship. Caroll (2014) explains that there are five main stages of any romantic relationship. The five stages are initial meeting or attraction, curiosity, interest,...

Being Mortal: Palliative Care

End of life care is always associated with fundamental questions that can hardly be answered in many ways. Patients often feel depressed and unable to make decisions while healthcare professionals may also lack the necessary knowledge and health to ensure the high-quality end of life care. The insufficient knowledge of...

Wrist & Rye Company: Marketing Strategy

How can Wrist & Rye improve its functioning and attain higher revenues by choosing an online marketing campaign? Wrist & Rye is a specific company that is focused on the creation and distribution of jewelry for men who adhere to a particular lifestyle. However, at the moment, it needs a...

Satrapi’s “The Complete Persepolis” Graphic Novel

A graphic novel belongs to the number of genres that allow people to demonstrate their talents of writers and artists simultaneously. Graphic novels present fictional stories that are told with the help of the combination of verbal and graphical means. Even though it is widely accepted that a format of...

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Concept

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is utilized to make the psychological typing applicable for the regular users, as this method is actively employed as a primary tool in the educational, clinical, and organizational psychology to enhance the quality of interactions (Ramos 137). It is apparent that it is a vehemently popular approach...

The Egyptian Revolution and Resulting Reforms

Introduction The Egyptian revolution was a result of a long-lasting urge by the people for social justice. The uprising also created considerable shifts in society that translated into further democratization of society, and the government was able to launch several successful economic reforms (Teti et al. 57). Nevertheless, these reforms...

Hearth Failure Patients’ Individual Rehabilitation

Palle Larsen and Preben Pedersen’s quasi-experimental study entitled The Effectiveness of Individual Rehabilitation on Health Status in Patient with Hearth Failure must go through a validity and relevance test to determine its value and implications in the development of health care intervention strategies aimed at patients suffering from heart failure...

Spiritual Needs Assessment and Reflection

Interview Question: Are you a believer? Answer: I am, very much. I believe in God, and those moments in my life when I doubted his existence were the hardest moments for me. I am not much of a churchgoer because it was never a tradition in my family, and I...

The Role of the Brain in the Processes of Weight-Loss

Background of Study In the introductory section of the study, Bruce et al. (2014) pointed out that weight-loss is commonly associated with the decrease in rates of many different health issues of both physical (elevated blood pressure, high level of cholesterol, diabetes, hyperlipidemia) and psychological (depression, anxiety, low self-esteem) nature....

HIV and AIDS Pathophysiology and Clinical Manifestations

Pathophysiology of HIV and AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a blood-borne infection. It is transmitted through various ways. The modes of transmission include unprotected sexual intercourse, transfusion with infected blood, and sharing of syringes among substance users. It can also be transmitted from mother to her child either during...

Contemporary Artists in Culture

Introduction Contemporary art can be considered intriguing and provocative. To support this idea, it is possible to refer to the works of such famous contemporary artists as Anne Collier, Walead Beshty, Janice Kerbel, Valentina Liernur, and Yuki Kimura are presented in Creamier: Contemporary Art in Culture. On the one hand,...

Piracy in the Audiovisual Industry

The author is critical of the ongoing behaviour in Australia where young people are reluctant to acquire movies and films from licensed vendors preferring instead to obtain them cheaply from friends and relatives through copywriting. The writer blames digital revolution for the problems facing the film industry terming the new...

Yoshinoya and Café de Coral Companies: Supply Chain Strategy

Fast food companies and chains should embrace the most appropriate business models depending on the products marketed to the consumers (Min 16). Yashinoya is one of the leading fast food chain stores in Japan. The multinational corporation was founded in the year 1899. It markets beef bowl to its customers...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Seneca’s Fall of Man: Causes and Consequences

The phenomenon of the ‘fall of man’ in the Roman philosophy and political thought is related to the ideas declared by Seneca (4 BC – AD 65). Seneca was one of the most prominent Roman stoics whose political vision was opposite to other philosophers belonging to this group (Klosko 174)....

Racial Profiling of African American Drivers

Have you ever wondered how to behave on the road while being an African American male? “Driving while black” is a concept that is widely used by journalists and bloggers to draw the audience’s attention to the problem of racial profiling (Epp, Maynard-Moody, & Haider-Markel, 2014; Legewie, 2016). Even though...

Mental Illness Stigmatization in Media and Literature

The problem of labeling persons with mental illnesses is actively discussed by psychologists, sociologists, and other researchers in the context of making stigmas which affect these individuals’ interactions. Therefore, the question to discuss in detail is how the stigma of a mental illness or labeling associated with the misinterpretation of...

SuperFreakonomics by Steven Levitt‎ and ‎Stephen Dubner

SuperFreakonomics is a book by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner which serves as a follow-up to their previous work, Freakonomics. Their second work is built mostly around the premise of providing real-life examples of economic principles in a convincing and accessible manner. However, unlike the first work, which took advantage...

Henderson Printing Company: Effective Management

Introduction The existing compensation system at Henderson Printing seems to be working properly, as all employees know how to maximize their annual bonuses. Even though it is not described in the company’s statute, the system is helpful for improving overall employee performance and increasing productivity because people know that their...

Hospital’s Financial Problems and Patients’ Views

Financial Problem Analysis The conducted literature review and interview reveal a range of financial problems that are primarily associated with patients’ views and expectations. The first problem is the erroneous perception of the value-for-money factor. The majority of patients are unaware of the cost and treatment options that are delivered...

Death Penalty as Unjustified Measure Nowadays

Introduction The death penalty remains one of the most discussed topics in many countries, and the USA is no exception. This type of punishment is utilized in some states while other states have abolished the death penalty. Researchers, officials, victims, and offenders have many arguments to support or oppose capital...

Why Bernie Sanders Should Be President?

Bernie Sanders is an American politician and a candidate for the Democratic nomination who wants to run for the President of the United States in the forthcoming election. Sanders has performed well in the Democratic presidential debate largely because of his plans for the transformation of America. However, he has...

Bre-X Company and Indonesia’s Mining Sector

Introduction Bre-X Minerals Ltd forms part of Bre-X, a chain of Canadian-based companies. The Calgary-situation Bre-X Minerals Ltd struck gold in 1995. The company discovered not only the world’s largest but also the most valuable deposits of gold in the heart of the Borneo jungle in Indonesia. As a result,...

Teachers’ Expectancies: Determinants of Pupils’ IQ Gains

The paper under the investigation is written by Robert Rosenthal and Leonore Jacobson, and it is called Teachers expectancies: Determinants of pupils IQ gains. Despite the fact that the article was written in the middle of the past century, the given issue could still be considered crucial as it gives...

American Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century

Reasons for adopting imperialism In many instances during the 19th and 20th centuries, the United States engaged other nations while expanding its territory. The annexation of various states took place after identification of regions with potential benefits to the state. Acquisition methods differed for many of the states, with some...

Public Policy Meeting at Nevada Theatre in 2017

Purpose, Participants, and Agenda The public policy meeting proceeded on May 16, 2017 (Tuesday) at Nevada Theatre from 6 pm. until 8 pm. It was a town hall meeting dedicated to the Healthy California Act – SB 562. The topic of the event was “Healthcare for All”, and the purpose...

Vulnerable Population in Little Havana

Introduction In the USA, around 18.7% of the population has some sort of physical or mental disability (“Disability and health,” n.d.). That constitutes about 56.7 million people that encounter physical and mental challenges while carrying on with their everyday lives (“Disability and health,” n.d.). In many cases, the disabled people...

Work-Life Imbalance, Its Reasons and Outcomes

Description of Topic and Research Questions Topic Description The topic I would like to research is the life-work balance. In the modern world, this issue is becoming more and more actual. People spend a lot of time commuting to work. Sometimes, they work long hours or have an unsociable work...

Relevance to Transcultural Health Care

Purnell’s Model for Cultural Competence is characterized by four rings that describe the forces affecting people’s health outcomes. The theory is “treated as a powerful framework that can guide healthcare providers to address the major cultural forces impacting people’s health needs” (Pay, 2014, p. 191). The first ring in the...

Manual Therapy: Description and Techniques

Introduction The sphere of healthcare is constantly researched and improved, numerous medicines and treatments are created and tested. Professionals try to find the most efficient and effective ways to reach positive health outcomes; that is why they accept various kinds of treatment without giving preference to particular ones such as...

US Nursing Master’s Education and Its Essentials

Abstract The AACN Essentials of Master’s education in nursing is designed to cover all of the core functions and roles of a qualified nursing professional including collaboration, leadership, quality improvement, putting evidence into practice, advocacy and policy, disease prevention and health promotion, the use of technologies, and innovative approach. The...

Naranja Area Community’s Public Health Issues

Introduction The community of concern is that of the Naranja area, which is a suburban area located southwest of Miami, Florida. The population of the area is racially diverse and generally has low access to healthcare. The majority of people in the area are young Hispanic residents aged under 10...

Regulatory Requirement Memo: Internal Policy Changes

Introduction The Chief Nursing Officer would like to inform all nurses that the hospital intends to make some changes in line with the enactment of the Affordable Care Act. Implementation of the Act has resulted in the introduction of novel specialties in the nursing field (Harrington et al., 2012). The...

Healthcare: Licensing and Professional Organizations

Introduction All professionals should understand their roles as well as the peculiarities of the organization they work for. The nursing practitioner can work in a variety of settings, including acute and long-term care. This paper provides a description of some peculiarities of a long-term care facility and competences needed to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Popular Health Concerns, Awareness, and Promotion

New Approaches to Practice During the last course, I had a chance to learn several new approaches to clinical practice. One of them implies what is called RS (restraint and seclusion). This knowledge will be helpful for me as a professional medical worker as I will be more competent in...

Cities’ Growth and Urban Living

Living in urban is a keystone of modern society. It is commonly associated with internal and international migration that led to the necessity of expanding cities in order to provide everyone with the needed living conditions. The process of active urbanization began around two centuries ago, and the number of...

Vulnerable Population and Health Issues in Miami

Introduction Miami is a city found in the southeastern part of Florida. It is the capital of Miami-Dade County. The town has a high Hispanic influence. Miami is the eighth-most populous urban region in the United States, being home to about 5.5 million people. The population of the city is...

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Adolescents

Introduction While type 2 diabetes associated with middle-aged and older patients is of more frequent occurrence, type 1 diabetes is rarer and predominates among younger people. The fact that type 1 is not so common implies difficulties in collecting data. However, in recent times, researchers give attention to this problem...

Jazz Music and Its Role in Society

Introduction Jazz is a music genre that is difficult to define. It is a type of music that heavily uses musical elements such as ragtime, blue notes, brass band tradition, European harmony, swung note, syncopation, polyrhythms, and improvisation (Baskerville, 2009). Jazz gets its appeal from the blend of different musical...

Accounting Career Opportunities and Requirements

Introduction Business success requires keeping score of all operations and adapting to changes in the business environment effectively. Accounting enables businesses to keep score of their operations while at the same time providing solutions to emerging challenges. Accounting makes it possible for businesses to create financial reports that can be...

Health Information Literacy Among Irish Adults

Description: Characteristics of a Quantitative Study Locating an entirely quantitative study is a rather challenging task. As a rule, nursing research tends to embrace a range of issues. As a result, a strong necessity to consider a specific problem from several points of view, including a quantitative and a qualitative...

Nurse Leader/Executive’s General Responsibilities

1. Nurse Leader/Executive: General Responsibilities Helps carry out the healthcare facility’s mission; Communicates with teams and encourages change; Provides educational courses for nurses; Participates in developing and integrating policies; Helps the staff to provide high-quality care. Note: Nurse executives/leaders are responsible for managing and administering patient care services by planning...

Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Obamacare

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) offered an opportunity to improve healthcare for people with mental illnesses. The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, introduced in 2008, were the long-awaited results of the efforts to enhance insurance coverage for mental health and addiction treatment. This federal law was amended by...

Soil Mechanics in Construction Engineering

Introduction Soil mechanics is a relatively new discipline in civil engineering, which entails the study of the engineering properties of soil relative to the design of various engineering structures that are constructed in or from the earth. Here, civil engineering structures include embankments, earth retaining walls, sub-surface water repositories, dams,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Segregation in “Disgrace” by J. M. Coetzee

Disgrace is a novel written by J. M. Coetzee at the very end of the 20th century. It was awarded several times and received positive feedback from numerous critics. With his work, the author urged society to pay attention to the morality of their actions. He depicts the life of...

The Trend of HIV and AIDS Infection

Introduction A report by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2001) focused on the status of HIV and AIDS in the United States from 1981 to 2000. The aim of the research, as defined in the research problem, was to determine the trend of HIV and AIDS infection in...

Johannes Gutenberg and the Printing Press

Introduction Johannes Gutenberg was a goldsmith whose inventions and ideas transformed the manner in which information was reproduced, stored, and shared. In 1436, Gutenberg used borrowed money to invent the first commercial printing press that revolutionized the industry (“Gutenberg’s Legacy”). The inclusion of replicable and movable letters in his press...

The Internet’s Impact on Advertising

Background information Advertising refers to business communication practices that allow commercial practitioners to relay crucial information with regard to their products and services (Brown & Boulderstone 2008). Through advertising, businesses provide specific information regarding diverse activities that characterize operations in the market. In most cases, advertising seeks to sensitize buyers...

Qualitative and Quantitative Observations in Education

Features and Connections Between Qualitative and Quantitative Observation Both qualitative and quantitative types of observations are common when teachers work with students. Qualitative observations usually serve a descriptive function. They can be used to describe behaviors and their contexts. An observer studies the behaviors often without preexisting notions and memorizes...

Healthy Nutrition: Obesity Prevention in Young Children

The central research question is the following: For childhood obesity (P), does the implementation of after-school obesity prevention programs (I) compared to currently deployed educational practices (C) reduce the risks of obesity and related health concerns (O) in the long run (T)? Study Design In order to address the research...

8 S’s Model in Human Resource Management

The sustainability of organizations depends on various factors that shape different aspects such as the motivation of employees, their commitment to business goals, attitudes of clients, productivity, and so forth. It is possible to consider the so-called 8 Ss model that can illustrate the attributes that are important for successful...

Advanced Practice Nurse’s Roles and Health Policy

An Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is supposed to play a range of roles so that the needs of the target population (i.e., the members of a local community) could be met successfully. These roles often define the very purpose of an APRN’s existence and, therefore, include crucial tasks that a...

International Business Law, Its Role and Issues

Business law is a field that encompasses different aspects of commerce1. The field focuses on laws that govern how businesses are managed, stated, or transferred from one party to another. Businesspeople should, therefore, be aware of the existing laws to have successful entrepreneurial activities. Business law, therefore, embraces most of...

Childhood Obesity Problem Solution

As a means of solving the previously discussed problem of childhood obesity, the author of the research proposes to develop custom healthy menus for schools under a program called “Soul Food.” This solution will work better than others because the menu will be based on the preferences of the children’s...

State Manufacturing’s Pricing and Decision-Making

The sales manager of State Manufacturing is venturing into new frontiers by gaining a distribution channel in Italy. However, the manager finds himself in unfamiliar territory because State Manufacturing has never engaged in the export market before. The pricing of export commodities presents a challenge for manager Jim Madison, mostly...

Options Consulting Solutions Company’s Performance Management

Options Consulting Solutions is a recruiting firm headquartered in Toronto, Ontario. The firm was started more than two decades ago. The start was small but to-date, OCS has grown into a full-service recruitment establishment providing the clients with qualified personnel candidates (OCS n.pag.). Performance management purpose Judging by the interview,...

Healthcare Information System and Its Application

In the modern society, healthcare information system plays a critical role in defining the quality of healthcare offered in healthcare centers. Eder (2000) defines healthcare information system as “any system that captures, stores, manages or transmits information related to the health of individuals or the activities of organizations that work...

The Future of Energy in California

Introduction Human beings require energy for survival. This energy is obtained from different sources. However, some sources of energy pollute the natural environment. This situation explains why renewable energy has become common today (Trefil & Hazen, 2012). The American government should use modern technologies to produce alternative sources of energy...

Childhood Obesity and Parent Education

Introduction The issue of obesity is now trending globally. The absence of physical activity among individuals struggling with overweight is also prevalent. Moreover, these two problems combined have a great impact on children and may increase premature mortality rates in middle age (Muthuri, Onywera, Tremblay, Broyles, & Fogelholm, 2015). The...

Meaning of Leininger’s Theory

In their practice, nurses should focus on many theoretical models which explain the major aspects of nursing and demonstrate the relationships between such concepts as “health,” “nursing,” “environment,” and “patient.” In Theory of Culture Care: Diversity and Universality, Madeleine Leininger focused not only on the listed concepts but also on...

Virgin Media Company’s PESTEL Analysis

Definition and Applications PESTEL analysis is an audit tool used to gain an overview of external factors relevant to the organization’s functioning (CIPD, 2015). It consists of six key elements exploring political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors that have a possibility of influencing the organization’s efficiency and efficacy....

Nevada Public Health Policy Meeting and Changes

Introduction The following paper will outline the outcomes of the public policy meeting, which took place on the 16th of May 2017 in Nevada City, California. The meeting was devoted to the state’s health care situation; during its course, various aspects of citizens’ health behavior and care delivery within the...

Evidence-Based Practice, Motivation and Barriers

Introduction Healthcare is one of the most rapidly-changing spheres of human activity which depend on innovations greatly. Being focused on the provision of care to people in need and improvement of the quality of their lives, it tends to use innovations to guarantee the increased efficiency of treatment, its reduced...

Normative v. Positive Analysis and Hotelling’s Law

Normative vs. Positive Analysis Economics, at large, belongs to the sphere of academia. Still, economists often perform consulting, analytic, advisory, and other roles. Consequently, it is critical that an economist is skillful at making statements and judgments on the function of government policies and can evaluate them to determine the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

North Miami Community Health Assessment

Introduction The community selected for this assignment was North Miami, a large community that is in a relatively good condition; however, it included some of the problematic areas. This review is focused on the primary characteristics of the community in terms of socio-economic dynamics, living conditions, and health-related issues. North...

Healthcare Quality Improvement Team Meeting Plan

Designing Interdisciplinary Team The concepts of HRM tend to revolutionize, and the development of the interdisciplinary teams is one of the consequences (Nancarrow et al., 2013). This HR practice is believed to have a positive impact on the organizational effectiveness as well as the quality of the provided care and...

The Role of Conflict Management Plan

The Role of Conflict Management Given the possibility of undesirable influences of conflict on teamwork, it is worthwhile for organizational heads to adopt strategies for the management and resolution of conflict. Coyne et al. (2015) identified the need for health officials to “work and institute norms and guidelines about how...

Pet Food Product Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy for Pet Food Product This paper outlines the marketing strategies that I intend to use for launching my pet food product. The product is titled Nature’s Best and it is unique in that it provides natural ingredients that appeal to pets’ tastes and conforms to emerging market trends....

Personal Worldview, Prime Reality, and Religion

For every particular field of study, prime reality is the concept to explain on the basis of one’s personal feelings, beliefs, and comprehension. For Christian theism representatives, it appears to be a personal God, whose nature is unveiled in the Holy Scriptures. Supporters of postmodernism, however, take a naturalistic approach...

Fad Diets and Their Long Term Effects on the Health

Fad diets comprise of a single regimen or product; this implies that there is no variation and the user relies on limited source of energy. Fad diets have become a common option for people who want to manage their weights and for some diabetic patients willing to control their insulin...

The Financial Crisis of 2008: Problem and Causes

Introduction The financial crisis of 2008 had influenced the well-being and prosperity of many countries in a negative way. Together with the rest of the world, the United States of America experienced the great recession that was considered to be the worst after the Second World War. There have been...

Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Adolescents

Topic overview Transmitted by sex: vaginal, anal, oral. May not cause any symptoms. Symptoms: discharge (penal, vaginal), ulcers, pain. Complications: inability to impregnate, get pregnant. Prevention: abstinence, safe sex, vaccination. Sexually transmitted diseases can be spread by vaginal, anal, and oral intercourses and may not cause symptoms but be passed...

Sear’s Company Finance Challenges

Strategic planning is a very important concept in the world of business (Afsar, 2011). Sear’s organization should have embraced this concept from the onset, before venturing into the real business. Large companies such as Sears always maintain a competitive advantage by simply setting missions, visions, goals, and objectives prior to...

Cardiovascular Diseases in African Americans

Introduction Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in African Americans while stroke is among the biggest problems affecting women from this race. Beal (2015) conducted a study titled “Stroke education needs of African American women” to investigate the perceptions about stroke and health information seeking behaviors in African...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Authentic Leadership and Nurses Experiences

Why the research article selected is a quantitative study The selected research article is a quantitative study because questionnaires were used to collect data and statistical methods [Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)] were used in data analysis. These attributes underline a quantitative study. Introduction Professor Heather K. S....

Nursing Department’s Strengths and Threats

Brief Explanation of a Leadership Issue Arranging a proper level of unit collaboration Increasing overall job satisfaction of units Raising the morals of the nursing staff Building backgrounds for effective teamwork Creating a comfortable environment in a hospital Providing a stable operation of all units Note: For many people, job...

Call Center Outsourcing and Quality in India

Outsourcing call or contact centers is a common process that has appealed to many business leaders. This strategy has made it easier for firms to trim business costs especially in the current global economic climate (Agarwal et al. 52). The practice has been characterized by extra benefits such as improving...

The Aztecs and the Incas: Beliefs and Cultures

Introduction Culture is an acquired compliment of a long interactive process. It depends on period of time in which an individual is exposed to the interactive process and level of internalization of the subculture. Reflectively, culture varies from one geographic region to another. Besides, subcultures are unique in terms of...

Domestic Violence and Victims’ Resistance

The modern society still suffers from several social problems that deteriorate the quality of peoples lives and result in the appearance of numerous health and psychological issues. Regarding the fact that a human being is a central value in the modern world, these stigmas should be eliminated. This domestic violence...

Apple Company Returns and Earnings

In the paper, the returns and quarterly earnings of Apple Inc. will be analyzed. The company is a component of the S&P 500 index. The analysis will be carried out for a period of 5 years. Returns The share prices for a day before and a day after the announcement...

The Need for Abortion and the Moral Status of the Fetus

Introduction The case study we are supposed to analyze touches upon one of the topics at the confluence of philosophy and medicine – the moral status of a fetus. Nowadays, the necessity of abortions belongs to the number of the most controversial topics as people who rely on religious postulates...

Employees’ Wellbeing in Workplaces

Introduction Nowadays the importance of mental illnesses grows steadily. Stress in today’s society has become a global problem. Moreover, a significant part of the tension connected with work. People experiencing stress, anxiety, and mild depression at work cannot perform their duties effectively. In this regard, it is necessary to examine...

Public Health Threat: Chikungunya

History of Chikungunya Chikungunya is one of the public health issues which are currently causing concern in the United States. Even though the spread of the virus is common in Africa and parts of Asia, a study by Foster and Vitale (2013) shows that the virus is spreading very fast...

Lois Brown Responses to Uncle Tom’s Cabin

In the article, Brown’s thesis is that Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin did not fully address the needs of the African Americans, as well as the issue of slavery since in his endeavour to address slavery, the author dealt with racism instead. It is for this reason that most of the...