Music Therapy Effects for Breast Cancer Patients

Introduction The research by Lesiuk (2015) is dedicated to discovering the effect of mindfulness-based music therapy on attention and mood among women diagnosed with breast cancer who receive adjuvant chemotherapy. Previous studies prove that breast cancer treatments are harmful for normal cognitive functioning of women. At the same time, mindfulness...

Arizona Public Service Company’s Change Management

Introduction The concept of leading and managing people is among the most debated subjects in organisations. It is imperative to study this topic as a unit because it helps leaders and managers to appreciate workers as crucial assets that determine the extent of productivity or the global standing of their...

Miami Coral Way’s Public Health Issues

Introduction Despite the existence of a well-developed infrastructure, the community of Coral Way, Miami, has several public health issues identified by a windshield survey. The following paper analyzes the issues pertaining to the health barriers experienced by people with disabilities, lists relevant local organizations, and outlines the role of community...

Public Policy’s Advanced Perspective

Introduction Public policies dictate various ethical codes of conduct that public servants should follow in a bid to maintain delivery of services in ethically acceptable means. Common misunderstanding of ethical principles that govern the workplace usually causes ethical issues. This situation makes public employees vulnerable to breaking of public service...

Nursing Share: Electronic Information Platform

Purpose The proposed idea is to create in the facility an electronic platform for nurses that will allow them to share practical advice and patient information, manage their schedules, and generally coordinate their work more effectively. The proposed name for the platform is Nursing Share. It will be built as...

The NEWCO Business Plan: Due Diligence

The Perspective The term NEWCO belongs to the number of products that enable end users to charge mobile phones with the help of solar energy. The NEWCO business plan touches upon the opportunities for further growth of the business, supporting the feasibility of the project by market research and the...

How to Become a Straight-A Student by Cal Newport

Reading the book, How to become a straight-A student: the unconventional strategies real college students use to score high while studying less by Cal Newport has made me surmount my poor study habits. Before reading the book, I found my studies overwhelming since I often complained that I never had...

Nursing Definition: A Science, an Art, or Both?

Introduction Today, it is not a secret that nursing can be considered as a science, an art, or even both. Some people find it normal to treat this profession as a science with a number of standards, rules, and requirements to be followed. There are also the groups of people...

The Development of a Nursing Assessment

Assessment In order to ensure that a nurse possesses the ability to perform certain health care related tasks in the clinical setting, it is necessary to conduct an assessment of clinical competencies on a regular basis. Therefore, health care organizations aiming at the achievement of superior patient care outcomes continuously...

Advanced Practice Nurse’s Master Program and Skills

Every nurse practitioner must possess certain attributes of a leader to be able to exercise self-control and assess one’s personal experience. Master level nurses should have a clear vision of the future of their practice to be able to deliver the message to the team. In addition, leadership qualities include:...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hobbesian and Austinian Notions of the Sovereign

Introduction The key purpose of this paper is to analyze and assess the main similarities between the Hobbesian and Austinian concepts of the sovereign, precisely outline the constitutive elements of John Austin’s theory, and thoroughly examine how the definition is applicable to the laws in the United States. The Thesis...

Life & Health Alternatives Inc.’s Internship Practice

Introduction The main purpose of the internship practice was the obtaining of professional experience and learning from communication with competent specialists. Throughout the course of the internship, the students develop professional skills by dealing with multiple challenges and fulfilling daily tasks. The internship facilitates the learning process because it allows...

Human Trafficking: Risk and Causes

Abstract Human trafficking is a serious human rights issue that is prevalent all over the world. Victims of human trafficking come from various socioeconomic backgrounds and experience a wide range of consequences, including mental, sexual, and physical health problems. Exploitation presents a variety of occupational hazards that affect the lives...

Information Technology Approach to Interoperability

Introduction The adoption of digital systems in healthcare poses a number of advantages for providers and patients. However, the wide variety of solutions raises the issue of compatibility between different platforms, preventing efficient data exchange. The following paper provides an overview of a solution to the issue covered in FierceHealthIT...

The Moral Structure of Humanitarian Intervention

The chapter The Moral Structure of Humanitarian Intervention by Fernando Teson is a good example of how the representatives of the Neoliberal lobby in this country (such as the author himself) go about trying to convince readers that there is nothing wrong about America’s agenda to continue violating international law...

Human Trafficking and Unethical Business in the US

Abstract Human trafficking refers to the illegal smuggling of people into a country for forced labor and other forms of exploitation. This also involves falsely recruiting, transferring, harboring, and exploiting people in a foreign land without their consent or for activities they did not sign up to undertake. Victims of...

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus Problem

The Problem Many patients check into hospitals and become colonized by methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which is considered the most toxic of all micro pathogens that are resistant to antibiotics, such as penicillin and methicillin. MRSA colonization is now a critical risk factor for later MRSA infection in the hospital....

Heart Failure Patients and Phone Intervention

Introduction The majority of patients with chronic heart failures have various difficulties due to their needs to be frequently hospitalized. The families of such people are obliged to take them to the medical institutions when their relatives complain about severe chest pains. Unfortunately, the necessity mentioned above lowers the level...

“Starry River of the Sky” by Grace Lin

Descriptive The 2012 picture book Starry River of the Sky by Grace Lin is a fictional account of Rendi’s (a young boy who ran away from home) adventures in the Village of Clear Sky, where he ended up working as a choirboy at the local inn. While there, Rendi attains...

Views on Ethics in the “Philosophy. The Power of Ideas”

Compare and evaluate Peter Abelard notion of moral intent with that of Heloise Heloise and Abelard are the typical representatives of the Christianizing Ethics. According to Abelards philosophy, there is a difference between moral defects and other defects, such as bad mental capabilities. He also distinguishes between moral defects and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Transitional Nursing Implementation in Oncology

Introduction Transitional nursing strategies are implemented in different medical areas to ensure that patients’ transition from one unit to another or from a hospital to their home is safe, effective, and does not adversely influence their wellbeing and health. However, patients with cancer can have different needs and demands compared...

The Research Trip in Downtown Oakland, California

Downtown Oakland During my field research trip in Downtown Oakland, California, I gained enormous knowledge about the social, political and economical features of this part of the city. Oakland, California was established in mid 19th century but its deep and rich history dates much further than its 155 years of...

Leadership for Graduate Family Nurse Practitioner

Introduction Managers are present at all levels of the healthcare system and serve as a link between employees and the institution. They determine the purposefulness of the team’s work and support the psychological climate and morale of employees. Leaders should possess an ability to influence both an entire team and...

Small Groups Philosophy in Disciple-Making Efforts

Introduction Small groups form the basis for any interactions that occur not only in the church, but also in all other aspects of life. For instance, subtle interrelationships in homes and at the workplace offer individuals the necessary intimacy for them to build one another. The same dynamic applies to...

The Christian Worldview: Fundamental Elements

The number of Christians has steadily been growing in the recent past. However, there is a constant gap between the believers of Christian faith and the non-Christians (Cosgrove 34). The perception of the world sometimes does not reflect the exact representation of Christians leading to misunderstanding and conflict in addressing...

Nonmedical Use of Drugs and Negative Sexual Events

Introduction Parks, Frone, Muraven, and Boyd (2016) conducted an investigation dedicated to nonmedical use of prescription drugs (NMUPD) and negative sexual events (NSE) connected with this problem. The research problem of the study was to evaluate “prevalence estimates for three forms of NMUPD-associated NSE” such as “regretted sex, sexual aggression...

Lesson Observation: Giving Children the Notion about Poetry

Teacher about the Lesson The teacher defined the aim of the lesson as “giving children the notion about poetry and getting them interested in it”. The assignments that she planned to give to the students were focused on developing such skills as active listening and listening comprehension, oral presentation, visual...

Music During the Vietnam War: An Intangible Weapon

American music during the 1960s decade was often associated with the combat zone and the military. Songs were mirroring the nation’s current mood, reflecting common pain, disapproval, and lack of conformity with the political decisions the leaders of the country were taking. Although this music was initially written to express...

Adolescent Pregnancy in Hispanics and Afro-Americans

Introduction In a multicultural country such as the United States, racial and social disparities are inevitable. Specifically, black and Hispanic populations are widely perceived to be at a disadvantage in terms of economic status, education, employment, and health. When it comes to adolescent pregnancy, the U.S. has the highest number...

Leaders and Their Ethical Responsibilities

Can you give an example of behavior that is legal but unethical? Could you imagine a situation that would find you engaging in such unethical behavior? One of the examples of behavior that is legal but unethical is the engagement of large western brands in the cooperation with suppliers or...

Afro-Americans in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”

Introduction Everyday use is a short story authored by Alice Walker and published in the year 1973. The story in the book is told in first person by an African American woman known as Mama. She lives with her two daughters Maggie and Dee in the Deep South. The story...

Implementing Electronic Health Records in Hospitals

Introduction In the article by Boonstra, Versluis, and Vos (2014), the focus was to determine the current issues in the implementation of electronic health records (EHR) in hospitals. In the past, hospitals relied on physical files to store patients’ data. Using this traditional method, it was time consuming and tedious...

Gender Expectations in the Disney Film “The Little Mermaid”

Introduction This essay conveys messages about gender expectations in the Disney film, “The Little Mermaid”, and the article “Damsels and Heroines: The Conundrum of the Post-Feminism Disney Princes.” “The Little Mermaid” is one of the Disney’s animation movies, which create fully developed women characters whose thoughts are unique and they...

Hip-Hop Evolution of Rap Movement

The Foundation Hip-hop is a global phenomenon that permeates the fabric of society. However, it had a long and arduous history before becoming mainstream. Hip-hop is based on overcoming hardship. Disco was the premonition of hip hop in the 1960s, a music genre that took everyone by the craze. The...

Computer Forensics Laboratory’ Legal Requirements

Introduction Computer forensics involves collecting evidence in situations where digital information is compromised. Computer forensics scientists assess digital media to identify, preserve, recover, analyze, and present facts about the information under investigation. Many firms across the world are spending huge amounts of money on an annual basis to ensure that...

“Not Either an Experimental Doll” by Shula Marks

Nowadays, it represents a commonplace practice to refer to the policy of apartheid in South Africa, as having been innately racist – something that serves as the best indication of this policy’s sheer inappropriateness. The main assumption behind such a point of view is that the policy’s practical implementation used...

Media Revolution and Advertisement Interrelation

Changes in Media History and Links to Consumer Culture The content that is released to users has been evolving since the 20th century following the influence of technology on mass media agencies. Due to the changes that have been observed in media history, the impact has been felt in various...

Smoking Hazards and Cessation Benefits in the US

Introduction In their article on smoking-related hazards, the authors refer to the measurements made by national healthcare representatives to define the benefits of smoking-cessation at various ages. The studies that have been conducted since 1980 suggest that smoking causes 25 percent of deaths among people aged from 35 to 69...

Syrian Children’s Injuries and Nursing Care

Introduction Increasing good global health outcomes requires stakeholders to eliminate all circumstances that expose the global population to health risks. In 2000, although the UN member states ratified the millennium development goals (MDGs) for ensuring that such risks are reduced, some emerging new challenges were not considered. The summit established...

The Effectiveness of Diet and Exercise Therapy

Introduction Obesity is a major health issue that causes more annual deaths in the U.S. than breast and colon cancer do (Patterson, Urbach, & Swanstrom, 2003, p. 379). Obesity affects the primary systems of an organism, such as cardiovascular, urogenital, reproductive, and so on. There are various methods to treat...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Individual Learning Styles for Training Programs

Introduction Different people tend to use different learning styles and techniques, and coaches should take into account these peculiarities when developing planned training programs. The learning style is an individual’s preferred method of achieving the goals in the context of learning. The quality of the learning styles used by individuals...

Latinos and Nursing Culturally Competent Care

Application of the Nursing Process to Deliver Culturally Competent Care: Latinos Nurses possess adequate dexterities and concepts that can make it easier for them to deliver evidence-based and culturally competent care to their patients. They should take up leadership roles, implement powerful healthcare delivery models, and form cohesive teams to...

Australia’s Union Renewal Strategies

The influence of trade unions in Australia is significant. Among the largest and oldest trade unions in the country are such labor organizations as the Teachers’ Federation, the Australian Workers’ Union, and others. These trade unions conduct joint actions that sometimes result in clashes with government officials, but in general...

PICC-Related Complications Reduction: Storytelling

Introduction The insertion of PICC line is one of the most widespread medical procedures in the United States. The catheters allow care providers to measure patients’ hemodynamic indicators, in case it is impossible to do through non-invasive methods and to supply pharmaceutical and nutritious elements into an organism (McGee &...

Cancer Care, Diagnostics and Complications

Introduction Cancer is “a health condition characterized by abnormal growth and enlargement of different body cells” (Bohkenkamp, LeBaron, & Yoder, 2007, p. 1). The condition is also known as malignancy. Oeffinger and Hudson (2004) believe that there are hundreds of malignancies affecting humankind today. The common types include prostate, skin,...

Globalization Impact on Trade and Employment

According to research, the rate of globalization across the world has escalated at an alarming rate since the turn of the century (Feasel, 2018). This observable fact has been influenced by factors such as technological advancements, economic empowerment, increased access to education, and improved relations between countries. One of the...

US Workplace and Race Discrimination Court Cases

Abstract This paper has analyzed the O’Bannon v. Friedman’s and Nyfield v. Virgin Islands Corp cases with the view to gaining a deeper understanding of important concepts associated with workplace discrimination. The O’Bannon v. Friedman’s case has not only demonstrated how employees can become the recipients of workplace discrimination due...

Using Dulaglutide in the Treatment of Patients with Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is one of the diseases the prevalence of which continues to rise all around the world. It is confirmed to be a burden for patients because of increasing treatment costs and reducing life expectancies. The approaches to the treatment of type 2 diabetes are expanding nowadays....

Pinterest: Social Network as a Communication Channel

Introduction Modern technology has undergone numerous transformations, and today people enjoy a lot of benefits derived from the use of sophisticated technologies. Therefore, scientists continue to work hard to invent new ways of doing things and making life easier (Boykoff & Yulsman, 2013, p. 1). This has pushed nations and...

Bariatric Surgery and Its Long-Term Outcomes

Introduction Obesity is one of the most critical health issues of the 21st century. For obese adults suffering from a life-threatening type of obesity, diet and other forms of health management schemes are no longer applicable intervention strategies. In this type of health scenario, most physicians prescribe a radical approach...

Children’s and Families’ Well-Being Assessment

The assessment and intervention of child and family problems require social workers to implement a set of specific skills including ethical decision making, multicultural sensitivity, and profound professional competence to convey the necessary risk information to the clients and refer them to the helpful sources of support. The intervention plan...

Western Movies and Arab Youth

Policymakers and scholars acknowledge that the media plays a fundamental role in the life of young people. The media shapes the dynamics of the cultures embraced by the youth. Youth everywhere, the Arab world not an exception, are frequent users of technology and watching movies being one of the main...

International Operations’ Theory and Design

Introduction For any company to be part of a global business, a business strategy that incorporates an organizational model is essential in placing the business at a competitive edge. Doing business across national territory requires a business entity to have a model that will ensure its international operations do not...

Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depression

Abstract Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that is characterized by unusual mood changes that shift from manic to depressive extremes. People with the illness experience periods of mania and depression. Depressive episodes involve feelings of lethargy while manic episodes involve hyperactivity and intense feelings of happiness. Symptoms depend on...

Raymond Williams’s Opinion About Culture in Society

Introduction In his work, Raymond Williams discussed culture on the basis of his own observations and considerations. The author pointed out that it is ordinary because it is created by the shared means and is available to all. Still, his view seems to be not relevant to the culture in...

Marxism in the Digital Era Economy by Fuchs and Garnham

These two articles present opposing views on how Marxism is manifested in the economy of the digital era. On one side of the argument, there is Christian Fuchs, who presented his views in the book “Digital Labor and Karl Marx”. The key concept in Fuchs’ book is that social media...

Patients’ Well-Being as the Top Nursing Priority

Purpose of the Paper: Delineating a Personal Nursing Philosophy Although there are a plethora of nursing theoretical frameworks that help build an efficient strategy for managing patients’ needs, it is crucial to design a personal nursing philosophy to develop an in-depth understanding of critical nursing issues. Therefore, the goal of...

The US Acid Rain Program: Benefits and Costs

Introduction and Context Authors Lauraine Chestnut and David Mills documented the benefits and cost assessment of the US acid rain reduction platform. Special attention was given to the parameters specified under the US Acid Rain Program, specifically Title IV of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. To accomplish that goal,...

The Science Debate: Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein, or, the Modern Prometheus appeared at a time when the science fiction genre was only at the initial stage of its emergence and development. For the 19th century, the story of a man who managed to create an unnatural living being was, on the one hand,...

David Lurie Character in Coetzee’s Novel “Disgrace”

Introduction J. M. Coetzee’s Booker Prize-winning novel is a metaphor for the twenty-century world and events happening in it. While the book events revolve around David Lurie and his personal and intrapersonal complicated issues, the author manages to present a picture of the present-day difficulties in South Africa and describes...

Apple Inc.’s Strategic & Total Quality Management

Abstract The purpose of this study was to evaluate the role of strategic planning, management, and leadership in enhancing Total Quality Management (TQM) and customer satisfaction at the Apple Company. Total Quality Management (TQM) refers to the systematic method, policies, and procedures used to ensure that goods and services are...

Cardiovascular Autonomic Neuropathy and Diabetes

What Does the Review Ask? Main Issue Being Researched The presented review was aimed at understanding the existing “cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy (CAN) guidelines about epidemiology, clinical impact, diagnosis, the usefulness of CAN testing, and management” (Spallone et al., 2011, p. 639). The other objective was to update the CAN guidelines...

NMC Healthcare Organization and Its Culture

The task environment in terms of customers, competitors, suppliers and the labor market NMC Healthcare is a health service provider that runs a group of private hospitals in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is the leading healthcare provider that has expanded to reach a total of 17 countries. In...

The Civil Rights Movement and Reconstruction

The Civil Rights Movement With the end of the Civil War in the United States, several groups, including the government and other non-governmental organizations, came up with many propositions to protect the rights of minorities, such as Africans and Asians, who were always under constant threats from the whites. This...

Obesity, Its Contributing Factors and Consequences

Introduction Obesity is one of the issues that are often discussed by medical workers and researchers. This topic has been chosen for several reasons. First of all, this problem affects a great number of people. For example, one can mention that there are between approximately 112 000 deaths that can...

History: American Foreign Policy since World War II

Introduction The post-Cold War era in the American society can be deemed as an essential epoch in the U.S. history, as it allowed for retrieving the answers to some of the most complicated political, financial and economic questions; foreshadowing the tendency for the globalization and the following alterations in the...

Obesity in Miami as a Policy-Priority Issue

Introduction In Miami, obesity continues to affect the health outcomes of many adults. Similarly, adulthood obesity remains a critical health issue in Florida. Statistics show that many adults in Miami have obesity. The adult obesity rate in the county exceeded the 35 percent mark in 2010 (The obesity epidemic and...

Telenursing as the Future of the Healthcare

Introduction The recent decades could be characterized by the dramatic changes in various spheres of human activity. The development of technologies results in the appearance of several concerns that impact the way people perform their tasks and introduces significant changes. These alterations are aimed at the significant improvement of the...

Technical Principles in “The Toyota Way” by J. Liker

Summary In chapters 21 and 22 of “The Toyota Way,” J. Liker dwells upon Toyota’s approach to the technical principles of TPS. It states that the service sector (in terms of administrative and service operations) can gain valuable insights from this approach, particularly from the field of lean manufacturing. The...

Nursing and Transitional Treatment Model: Phase 2

The Transitional Care Model provides the opportunity for nurses to ensure that patients, especially older adults, are communicated with and taken care of during the transition phase. However, the transition can have a different impact on patients. Laugaland, Aase, and Barach (2012) point out that while some of the reviews...

Organizational Communication: Forms and Barriers

Every organization operates within set goals and objectives that guarantee its success in a competitive environment. Effective communication is responsible for ensuring an organization’s objectives and goals are met. Consequently, a functional organization seeks to ensure that the channels of communication among its staff are clear and well defined. Organizational...

Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) v. Harkat

Abstract Canada (Citizenship and Immigration) v. Harkat was a landmark case in Canada especially in regards to the era of terrorism. This case brief outlines the details of this landmark Supreme Court Ruling. Included in the brief are the details of the case, in summary, its background, accompanying facts, the...

The Issues of International Staffing

The major focus of this research paper includes the issues of international staffing. With the development of globalization, many businesses begin to expand and hire people from abroad. Also, technological advancement drives fast progress in many industries forcing the most active competitors to seek better resources and practices (Thoo, 2013)....

Equal Justice Initiative Organization’s Operational Effectiveness

Equal Justice Initiative was established in 1989 as a non-profit-making organization that focuses on providing legal representation to prisoners wrongfully convicted of various crimes (Stevenson, 2015). The founder, Bryan Stevenson, was concerned about the growing number of innocent individuals incarcerated because of their inability to hire competent lawyers who could...

Improving Patient Outcomes and Quality of Life

Introduction Improved patients’ outcomes, the quality of life, and reduced readmissions is a goal that any health care system would strive to achieve. Stavrianopoulos (2016) emphasizes the need for a proper disease management program to patients with heart failure (HF) using nurse-led telephone intervention programs. Through an empirical study, the...

Is Social Networking Bad for Society?

How much time does an average contemporary individual spend using various social media? A modern person starts their day checking social networks for news and messages, during the day this person logs in and out multiple times to review various pages, finally in the end of the day the person...

The Nature of Conflicts in Nursing

Introduction Nowadays, different medical institutions highly focus on leadership to avoid and resolve conflicts at work, as they may have a negative effect on the quality of the provided services and well-being of the patients (Finkelman, 2006). Apart from their sufficient training, they continue to arise. To understand the nature...

Communication and Media Ethics

Apparently, communication is a decisive factor in the prevailing society where information technology has become prevalent and highly accessible to the people. In this regard, malicious as well as unpleasant information is shared through the internet of such social services accepted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) like Facebook. It,...

The Constitution of 1787: Compromises and Debates

Introduction The drafting of the Constitution is one of the most important moments in the history of the United States. The country was starting to take shape, and difficult questions began to appear in the political scene that required a new document to be created that would better suit the...

Shakespeare’s “Comedy of Errors”: A New Approach

Comedy of Errors has been traditionally critiqued as a comical unfolding of laughable incidents. However, closer examination of the text reveals that the root of the plot and the contexts demonstrated in the drama associates closely with the politics involved in the church-state discourse. Shakespeare has used the form of...

Risk of Burnout Syndrome in the Nursing Profession

Background of Study The article was written by Cañadas-De la Fuente, Vargas, San Luis, García, Cañadas, and Emilia (2015) focus on the burnout syndrome experienced by the representatives of the nursing profession. The authors state that this is a critical problem known as chronic work-related stress that is already considered...

Institutional and Patient-Specific Nursing Care Models

Introduction Nursing care models differ across facilities and depending on the circumstances of the patients. Nursing care models are divided into two categories, task-oriented and patient-oriented. The two most important task-oriented task models include team nursing and practical nursing. On the other hand, the patient-oriented models are primary and total...

Multimodal-Lifestyle Intervention for Obesity

Background Obesity has become one of the most significant health problems of the modern age. According to statistics, more than 1 in 3 adults are considered overweight (Ferrer, Cruz, Burge, Bayles, & Castilla, 2014). For this reason, different approaches to solve the problem are suggested. Lifestyle intervention is one of...

Transitional Treatment Models Effects on Elderly Patients

Background The project focuses on the research on the influence of the transitional care model on older patients. More specifically, the influence of the distance between the patient’s home and the medical facility will be evaluated in the research. The sample size will be divided into three groups (patients, patients’...

Emily’s List: Organization’s Purpose

Group’s Goals The group in question is aimed at addressing the lack of equality in contemporary society. Particularly, the focus on the rights of women in the modern world and their further integration into the realm of politics, economics, finances, and other areas of the state’s functioning, is by what...

Saudi Arabia and Lebanon Cultures Comparison

Introduction Saudi Arabia is one of the dominant nations in the Middle East region with its capital city in Riyadh (Ryan, 2010). The dominant religion is Islam while the government is run by a monarch system. Its current population stands at slightly above 25 million people. It has great temperature...

Adjusting Forestry to Meet Recreational Demands

Introduction and Context The article “A Note on Benefits and Costs of Adjusting Forestry to Meet Recreational Demands” is devoted to one of the most important environmental issues of Sweden – logging industry. To be more specific, the Swedish government is concerned with the consequences of the most profitable as...

Diet and Exercises in Muscle Mass and Weight Loss

Research Article Critique and Ethical Considerations Verreijen, A. M., Engberink, M. F., Memelink, R. G., Plas, S. E., Visser, M., & Weijs, P. J. (2017). Effect of a high protein diet and/or resistance exercise on the preservation of fat-free mass during weight loss in overweight and obese older adults: A...

Physical Activity’s Lack Effects on Health Problems

A sedentary lifestyle is a common phenomenon in today’s world and is characterized by minimal and irregular physical activity. A modern person needs to take less and less action to perform daily tasks, which negatively affects the body state. When people travel by transport to work, seat about eight hours...

Descartes’ Meditations and Believes

Meditation I. Descartes reflects on numerous deceptions he has believed in, and the ensuing faultiness of the body of knowledge he has developed based on those falsehoods (Descartes Existence of God 17). Consequently, Descartes decides to relinquish the inherent knowledge and develop a new one based on definite foundations. Notably,...

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Electronic Health Records’ Life Cycle

It is not a secret that IT became an integral part of the modern world. Computer technology has entered into all spheres of human activity and became an instrument that can be used to aid in dealing with the intricacy and productivity which is often mandatory in various areas of...

Conflict Resolution for Nurses in Acute Care Unit

Introduction Most nursing jobs, regardless of specialization, take place in highly intense environments and are connected with much pressure, many tasks and responsibilities on a daily basis. As a result, conflicts may arise in many different situations between nurses or groups of nurses. Very often, such conflicts may affect a...

Faith Healing in Bioethics, Its Pros and Cons

Bioethics: Its Impact and Controversy Bioethics: studies controversial issues related to recent advances in medicine and biology from the ethical perspective; helps revisiting and revising ethical standards; affects ways of treatment and the research practice; increases our awareness of ethics in medicine; brings about new questions, dilemmas, and controversies that...

Yemen’s National Dialogue Conference

Introduction Consequences of the Arab Spring and international humanitarian and military interventions in the Middle East remain a large point of contention and controversy both in terms of ethical and political validations and in terms of effectiveness. In Libya, Syria, and Iraq, the attempts to create a peaceful and prosperous...

Development Program for Knowledge Management

Abstract Knowledge sharing is seen as one of the important elements of talent development and retaining. This paper includes a brief description of the development program aimed at training employees to share knowledge effectively to contribute to the development of the organization. The program lasts for 10 weeks and involves...

Hawaii’s Solar Wars and Variable Pricing Solution

“Hawaii’s Solar Wars”: Variable Pricing as a Solution Offered by Herman K. Trabish “Hawaii’s solar wars” is an issue that has emerged recently due to the installation of rooftop solar photovoltaic systems by some Hawaiian households and the resulting economic conflict between the owners of these systems and the rest...

Nursing from Scientific and Artistic Standpoints

Introduction Answering the question of whether nursing is a science or art has always been complex because this issue is usually perceived differently. However, the main argument for this paper will be that both perspectives on nursing usually intertwine because the main goal of this discipline is to achieve patient...

The Situational Leadership Model Analysis

Abstract The situational leadership model, founded in 1982 by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, still remains one of the most efficient (Anderson & Anderson, 2001, p. 153). According to this model, leaders should always take into consideration the circumstances and respond to their followers’ behavior. Compared with the great man...

Marriage in “Popular Mechanics” by Raymond Carver

Introduction The author’s desire to convey topical and vital issues of modern society is often one of the primary goals of literature. The ability to reflect the problem as sharply and clearly as possible is an indicator of the writer’s talent, and if readers can appreciate the creative message of...

Human Resources Managers and Problem Solving

How would a manager use systematic thinking and intuitive thinking in problem-solving? In the process of problem-solving, managers may resort to two types of thinking: systematic and intuitive. Both of these approaches have their advantages and disadvantages that may have a profound impact on the success of the decisions made...

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Surgical Nurse’s Roles and Requirements

Abstract The roles of a surgical nurse in a healthcare setting have not been extensively studied despite that surgical nurses are crucial players in surgical procedures. This library research is targeted at searching for literature relevant to the topic. In the course of the research, the core competencies of a...

Communication Role at the Today’s Workplace

Is Communication Important in the Workplace Today? The success of any business is predetermined not only by the careful choice and implementation of market strategies, quality of products and services, or strong leadership but also by communication established among all people involved in it. Communication serves two major purposes: it...

Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King, Jr.

In 1842 Henry David Thoreau did not to pay his taxes. He did the same thing the following year. In 1846 he was arrested for failure to pay taxes. Thoreau decided not to pay his taxes in order to protest slavery (Dillman 1). It was an illegal arrest. The law...

Supporting Consumer Decision Making

Policy The purpose of the following policy is to provide care and support for one of the most vulnerable groups whereby enhancing their capacity for unassisted or semi-assisted living. The aim in terms of community is to develop a fully functional person who engages meaningfully in the life and activities...

Disability and Evidence-Based Healthcare

Introduction Evidence-based healthcare refers to the use of standards that are based on concrete research inferences. In contemporary systems, scientific research is used to establish medical practices that are used to facilitate independence amongst disabled individuals. Evidence-based healthcare is usually achieved by formulation of precise information that is obtained from...

American Dream, Religions and Sikhism

The USA represent a unique cultural phenomenon. On the one hand, it is a country of many cultures, nationalities, and religions co-existing in the same area. On the other hand, any culture that comes from outside the United States falls into the melting pot where it is assimilated and becomes...

The Black Panther Party: Rise and Influence

The era of African-American civil rights was characterized by the emergence of different social movements in the United States of America (Murch, 2010). The primary objective of these organizations was to end racial segregation and discrimination against the black community. In addition, the groups were fighting to secure the legal...

Tata Motors and Fiat Auto: Joining Forces

Explain the business opportunity in India Business opportunities in India are good considering the fact that India has a population of about 1.2 billion people. The luxurious living among Indians and their capital abilities provides a good domestic market for the companies and other businesses operating in the country. However,...

Flybe Airline: Transforming Business Performance

Introduction In the modern society, the environment of business operation is characterised by stiff competition. As a result, transforming business performance has become an integral part of gaining the competitive edge for many organisations (Hughes 2010). According to Carnall (2007), organisations devise innovative strategies in order to differentiate their business...

Food in Reducing Risks and Improving Health

Fiber and Colorectal Cancer Soluble fiber in reducing the risk of colorectal cancer Colorectal cancer is one of the major threats to the overall health status of the population. Nevertheless, the etiology of this type of cancer has not been determined so far. Different researches have been carried out to...

Human Rights and Ethnic Groups in American History

Civil rights perspectives Human rights’ experts rate the USA among leading states in the promotion of civil liberties. The country constantly engages in policy amendments and activities that address human rights. The US Constitution recognizes amendments that uphold significant human liberties. This paper disagrees with the notion propounded by a...

US Congress: Failure Causes and Improvements

Abstract The US government is made of three arms, viz. executive, legislature, and the judiciary. Congress is the legislative arm, and it is mandated by the constitution to strike a balance between the government and the citizens. Today, there is an outcry from the public concerning the responsibilities of Congress....

“Meek’s Cutoff” by Kelly Reichardt

Abstract This paper primarily delves into an examination of the film “Meek’s Cutoff” and examines is thematic elements, cinematography and how certain scenes can be interpreted and how they help to influence the entire film. Aside from this, paper delves deeply into the concept of the western shootout scene, its...

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s Initiative

Introduction The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is a large-scale initiative created under the leadership of China (Mishra, 2016). This international organization has two key objectives. First, its task is to enhance financial cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region. Second, the activities of the bank are aimed at financing infrastructure projects...

PayPal Company’s Early Success and Current Threats

What explains PayPal’s early success? PayPal has been able to realize high profits and returns due to the excellent services that it has provided over the years. The over 28 million accounts active by 2006, and 100 million registered users have enabled the company to realize high returns in the...

Leadership Role in Quality and Innovation

Leadership gives an Organization Direction Every organization has made the past strides because of the leadership that came up with ideas and made them work for the organization. The strategies may be faulty or correct. They can cause an organization to fail or succeed. Once an idea has not worked...

Marketing Shifts and Their Effects on Consumers

Abstract This essay explains how the current shifts in marketing have produced new themes such as globalization, empowerment, and technological advancement. Such changes continue to transform the behaviors, needs, and expectations of many consumers. The essay explains why future researchers should examine the relevance of corporate social responsibility to support...

Anarchical Institution: Concepts and Models

Introduction Different institutions usually employ different mechanisms in monitoring organizational functions and operations. The methods used to identify the best mechanisms to be employed usually get inclined towards the issues affecting leadership in institutions. In the given scenario, the person involved moves from a collegial institution to an anarchical organization...

Brigham and Women’s Hospital Department of Nursing

Introduction The present paper will consider the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Department of Nursing [BWHDN] (2016) and its individual nursing units from the perspective of the open systems theory as explained by Meyer and O’Brien-Pallas (2010). This approach can be employed for organizational analysis to describe a hospital unit as...

Nephrostomy Care and Boundary Spanning

Nephrostomy care is an essential part of healthcare organizations (HCO), whose goal revolves around diagnosing and treating patients with kidney or renal dysfunctions. HCOs require a unique set of management skills and approaches, which enable to optimize the workflow among these institutions. Operational leadership in HCO is a crucial concept,...

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Market Structures and Governmental Intervention

Why are economic profits zero in the long run in a monopolistically competitive market? Economic profit refers to the difference between the overall income and the combined expenditure. The amount of expenses may be viewed from the business perspective of opportunity cost. In a monopolistically competitive business environment, such profits...

Nurses-Led Telephone Intervention and Readmission

In a reviewed article, Theodosios Stabrianopoulos focuses attention on a scientific experiment on two groups of people with a key goal to establish a correlation between a nurses-led telephone intervention and the frequencies of readmissions of HF patients. During his research, the author discovers that “telephone intervention programs appear to...

Patient Education Tools and Technologies

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History and Language in Achebe’s Things Fall Apart

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Martin-Pullin Bicycle Corporation: Inventory Planning

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Aquaculture Industry in Florida

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“Leadership for Sustainability” by Metcalf & Benn

The review is based on the article by Louise Metcalf and Sue Benn, entitled “Leadership for sustainability: An evolution of leadership ability.” The article was published in print in vol. 112, no. 3 of Journal of Business Ethics in February 2013. The article was published by Springer, and it could...

Employee’s Healthcare Compensation Program

Introduction Study Background The U.S. healthcare system is going through a larger-than-life change that has the prospect of transforming healthcare organizations and delivery systems. As of not long ago, repayment models had presented the insignificant motivation for healthcare specialists to enhance quality and lessen the cost, which had brought about...

Nursing Role in Care of Chronic Illness Patient

Literature Review This literature review focuses on significant issues in nurse-led interventions for the management of chronic illnesses. A central goal of chronic illness management is to support patient participation in self-care. Self-efficacy can be achieved through nurse interventions that involve health literacy programs geared towards improving functional capacity and...