Capital Budgeting for Byron Manufacturing

Capital budgeting refers to a process of decision-making by businesses regarding long-term resource allocation. It involves evaluating new projects and investments by analyzing the inflows and outflows of cash and estimating the expected return. Capital budgeting revolves around the concept of time value for money (Menifield, 2021). A decision needs...

Vistaprint: Interview With a Company’s Employee

To complete this assignment, I sent a request to a large company Vistaprint, which is engaged in the creation and selling of printing products. I got the answer from the assistant of Elyse Burns, who is Senior Digital Marketing Manager (Burns, n. d.). Despite the fact that the information was...

Global Marketing Opportunities and Challenges

If the simulation were based on the real world, numerous opportunities and challenges would be encountered. The fact that the simulation does not include many ethnic factors would invoke a comparatively easy operational model. For instance, it does not include language barriers, cultural differences, exchange rates, and mode of entry...

Risks Associated with the Logistics Chain

Logistics chains are complex and interconnected processes that ultimately have the role of turning goods or services into actual sales. Since this is the primary goal of any organization, logistics chains are critical from an economic standpoint. However, such complex networks are prone to having high risks because of the...

Transactional Directive Leadership Style

Under the leadership style is understood to be a set of all methods, techniques, actions used by the leader in his work. The individuality of styles is demonstrated primarily in communication between director and staff and is closely related to the category of leadership in management. That is the ability...

Innovations in Zillow Firm’s Business Model

Zillow’s business model is in providing homebuyers with extensive data and other information about properties they might be interested in purchasing. This includes data available publicly and proprietary one that before Zillow was available only to brokers and real estate agents through Multiple Listings Services (MLS). Currently, the value proposition...

Siemens Healthineers Organizational Transformation

According to predictions, organizations and people will increase the world’s data to an unimaginable 44 zettabytes soon. Furthermore, 80% of this data will be unstructured, while around 60% will be copies of the original information (Mohamed, 2017). Before introducing changes at Siemens Healthineers looked diverse, unstructured, and hardly could be...

Tessilo Ltd.’s Chief Executive Officer Appointment

Salvatore Stella, who is the CEO of the company Tessilo, Ltd., assumes that it is appropriate to find another specialist in his place. The realization of this intention requires additional funding from the investor. However, during the negotiations, Paul Pluto, who is the investor, introduces an opinion that it may...

Logo Design: The Meaning Behind Logo Colors

The logo design procedure is characterized by the need for precise forethought, critical evaluation, and validity of each decision made. To make a brand logo, whether personal or company, ordinary, similar to the others, means to lose the competitive battle in advance because customers remember only the ones that stand...

The Budget Analysis Trend in the Graphical Expression

A budget presentation may pick various forms of presentations; these may involve graphs amongst other designs. In this particular budget examination, the graphical expression as a visual format has been adapted. One of the significant reasons that explain the application of graphs in accounting and finance reports, such as budgeting...

Enterprise Resource Planning System Report

Introduction Amesco is a virtual assistant B2C e-Commerce business that uses an online platform to provide faster turn-around times for customers. The company was started two years ago and has grown from a small startup to a progressive enterprise with hundreds of customers across several cities in the United States....

Purchase Decision Model: Decision-Making Process

Introduction The complicated decision-making process when buying new items is important for customers. It can be facilitated through the adoption of essential marketing concepts (Kumar et al., 2017). I will explain my own purchase decision of the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2. Problem recognition The first task is to figure...

Draft for the Research Paper of Best Buy

Introduction In today’s marketplace, every company strives to achieve maximum competitive advantage. The famous American economist Michael Porter, using five structural units characteristic of each industry, described the ways of creating a competitive advantage and long-term profitability of a product. Best Buy, one of the largest consumer electronics retailers in...

Apple Inc.’s Business Strategy and Competition

Annotated bibliography Aljafari, A. (2016). Apple Inc. industry analysis: Business policy and strategy. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 7(3), 406-441. Web. Aljafari’s article gives details about Apple Inc.’s business strategy and policies that make the firm more competitive than Microsoft, Google, and Samsung among other top competitors. For...

Crankiva Woods Case

Over the years, technology has caused a considerable explosion in trade. Due to technological breakthroughs, many traditional business models and concepts have been revolutionized. Technology has allowed people to look at things from a new perspective and approach what they have already gained from a new perspective. Technology has also...

“Google’s Backpedaling Shows Why It’s Hard Not to Be Evil” Article by Bensinger

The New York Times article “Google’s Backpedaling Shows Why It’s Hard Not to Be Evil” argues that famous tech companies disregard consumer demand and specific governmental regulations. The author, Greg Bensinger, suggests that Big Tech corporations are willing to engage in unethical behavior that compromises their reputation and the customers’...

Physical Security in DR, BCP Scenarios

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent regulations to reduce its spread, many countries have had to implement restrictive measures on people’s freedom of mobility. One of such measures includes regulations and recommendations that aim at reducing the number of people who physically attend their workplaces. In other words, governments...

Dudebox Firm’s Operational Plan and Subscription Box

The idea of supporting men in their attempts at shopping to be actively engaged in the household chores is a rather important task that the website in question strives to solve. Due to the Covid-19 issues, the shift in gender roles has been enhanced drastically, with a significant amount of...

Governmental Accounting: Funds and Their Purposes

A fund is a separate part of monetary assets that has a specific purpose. This is a financial instrument that is widely used in economic practice. Besides, it is typically professionally managed in order to allocate resources in a proper way. Such funds are generally supported by taxes, grants, and...

Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a model used by businesses for self-regulation to ensure they are socially accountable to stakeholders, the public, and themselves as businesses. This concept has become more pervasive and earned acronym attributes in the circles of interaction. It focuses more on holding business enterprises accountable for...

Active Followership and Servant Leadership

The problem of effective human organization for task-realization purposes has long attracted the attention of researchers, managers, and government officials. People have been searching for the best practices that would lead to the most favorable outcome of the group activity. In this regard, the question of effective administration is at...

Sales Losses Associated with Theft and Vandalism

Introduction: Country Classification Individual firms’ sales losses can be determined by a variety of factors. These factors can be divided into two general categories: internal determinants and external determinants (Alifano, Corradi, and Distaso, 2019). While internal factors are determined using a detailed analysis of firms, external factors can be identified...

Apple: Digital Business Models

Apple Inc. is a technology company, which sells electronic equipment, online services, and computer software. It practices different business models, especially B2C, which is the most common. However, Kim notes that the organization should also be regarded as B2C brand (2017). Both models, which are highly effective for the company,...

Consistent Messaging Across All Forms of Promotion

Large companies are associated with high-quality products and services that can meet the demands of the targeted customers. Unfortunately, such attributes will do nothing to change organizational performance if the targeted buyers are unaware of the existing items. The concept of promotion is critical since it makes it possible for...

Responsibility in Managing the Capabilities of the Team Members

Introduction Introduction The research done on managing a team of people in a project, it has allowed project managers and research consultants from Small and medium enterprises (SME) in Sweden improve upon their effectiveness by developing better communication patterns. However, project teams pose unique challenges that are culture-based and can...

Financial Advisor: 10 Questions to Choose the Right One

The first items are qualifications and credentials, which tell about a person’s capabilities. More detailed questions include experience, recent courses, and their application in a previous job. It is a necessary point since knowledge of current trends and expertise define a professional. The second parameter is the list of provided...

Hiring Criteria for a Restaurant Server

A waiter is an increasingly popular job among people of all ages. Some people consider serving tables to be an easy task; however, being a waiter demands considerable skills, qualities, and abilities. First, they must perform clear and concise verbal and written communication both with the administration, team, and guests...

The Contribution of Quality and Improvement Processes to Risk Management

Risk management serves a great purpose in healthcare because of the rampant risks, and organizations are required to have competent risk managers to carry out management plan activities. Risk reduction strategy aims at minimizing exposure and is handled by skilled risk managers. Risk managers detect and evaluate risks so that...

Communications Plan, Written Communication, and Presentation Plan Alignment

Coherence, structure, and clarity are fundamental in communications in the workplace. The ability to align the various domains of communication according to the factors characterizing the setting is decisive for a given project’s overall success. My strategic communications plan is designed in a manner that thoroughly addresses the company goals,...

Diversity Training and Organizational Development

Introduction Diversity is the difference personnel show. It enables coordination of services. It may lead to misunderstandings (Bertuch-Samuels, 2018). Religion is an example of diversity. Diversity can be challenging to manage. Thus, training managers on diversity is key. Training Processes for Diversity during Recruitment Training on how to avoid bias....

Transformational Engagement Practices for Workforce

Introduction Corporate strategy is the plan of the organization that assists in defining the company’s overall goals that are intended to achieve in the future, based on current and potential management activities. It can also be seen as a unique vision of an enterprise that shapes the directions it moves...

Motivating Factors for Long Service

Company leaders often face the problem of employee motivation because this factor has numerous variables. Competition between companies heads to the invariable need to enhance employee productivity, which entails personal and professional development (Diamantidis and Chatzoglou, 2018). The four main motivation methods are remuneration, job achievement, job security, and job...

German Volkswagen vs. and Swedish Wafabike

Introduction With the increase in globalization and the high rate of free trade within European countries, there is a potential to acquire new cultures every day. In other words, every nation has a unique culture that influences the residents’ values, actions, and ways of thinking. As a result, numerous companies...

Webster Jewellery Case Study

Introduction Willy wanted all of his staff to become licensed gemologists for them to be good teachers. The science of gemology was also in its early stages at the time. Gemologists research gemstones and general gemstone offers. This credential meant that the staff had adequate knowledge about their goods to...

Industrial Relations in Denmark

Introduction Denmark has drawn attention world-over due to its largely successful but unique industrial model. From the 1990’s unemployment levels in the country have constantly been declining to date and still show long-term sustenance of the trend. The events leading to this trend have amazed many countries in the world...

The Concepts of Modern Management, Standards & Expectations

An effective manager is someone who manages to ensure the efficiency of production and doesn’t waste time. The main managerial functions are to forecast and plan, organize, command, coordinate, and control. They are responsible for dividing the work, imposing a certain discipline, guaranteeing a united command, and, at the same...

Supply Chain Strategy for the Foods and Drinks Sector

Introduction The ability to design and maintain resilient supply chains is one of the key requirements in logistics and distribution to remain prepared for unexpected events and be capable to quickly restoring to normal operations. Particularly, it is important during pandemics, when countries are not affected on the same scale,...

Evaluation of Form 10-K FY 2020 by US Postal Service

Introduction The United States Postal Service is an independent and self-sufficient federal agency that provides mail delivery services across the United States. The organization is mission-driven and continuously works towards its goal of connecting people across the country, rather than being focused solely on profitability (Lawson, 2020). The number of...

McDonald’s and Sexual Harassment Lawsuits

McDonald’s is among the largest fast-food chains in the world. The global organization is present in about 120 countries all over the planet. Even though its leaders take proactive steps to create decent working conditions for their employees at all levels, labor issues often arise. The company has recently faced...

Brand Management: Tea and More

Introduction Global Tea was founded in 1985 in Los Angeles by three sisters who shared profound love for fine teas. Tea and More (TAM) outsourced the tea business and experienced challenges of unreliability and shipment sizes. Although the company registered success in the early periods, poor customer service, low brand...

The John Rhodes Community Centre Pool’s Business Strategy

The John Rhodes Community Centre Pool is a facility popular among the residents of Sault Ste Marie. Nevertheless, the location still experiences a variety of issues and especially with the attendance, which can be significantly improved. Currently, the pool has to implement seven key recommendations outlined in the memo to...

Restaurant Business During The Pandemic

For any business, the key thing to take into consideration is profitability. This is what businesses need to start from when deciding on which aspects to focus on. The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has created many problems for the catering industry. Institutions are forced to close, send employees...

Human Resource Challenges and Concerns

Introduction One of the first challenges faced by the human resources (HR) department is redesigning the vision and mission of the company. The HRM department is directly involved in the vision and mission statements since they should be further shared with the rest of its members (O’Connell, 2021). Therefore, this...

The Role of Storytelling in Effective Leadership

Leadership and Storytelling Engaging and inspiring are two of the most prominent and challenging leaders’ responsibilities. Although leadership is far from being a new concept, it gained considerable interest among researchers relatively late. As a result, tools, and strategies that help leaders perform the functions came into focus. Storytelling is...

Off-Work Behavior of Employees and Company Policies

An employer can dismiss a member of staff based on gross misconduct while off-duty. Many employees have a misconception that their off-work actions do not concern their bosses. However, HR Insider (2020) underscores that the off-duty conduct of staff that hurt an employer’s standing, minimize an employee’s capacity to work...

Amazon Company’s Financial Statement Analysis

Amazon is one of the largest companies in the world, with a net worth of over $1 billion. Operating in a number of countries, it serves as a marketplace where goods are sold and delivered both directly and via third-party sellers. The company was started relatively recently, and its rapid...

Hourly and Pay-for-Performance Policies

Policies are crucial in the workplace because they help clarify the expected employees’ standards and help the employer manage the staff effectively. The hourly policy requires employees to be paid every sixty minutes, while pay-for-performance is whereby workers receive their pay based on their productivity (Petersen, 2019). It is essential...

Amazon Web Services Review: Proof-of-Concept Report

This proposed project seeks to address the need for a cloud-based to be used by PHI Engineering Design. Cloud technology has gained popularity following its use of services that are not physically located in the business environment. Like any other company, PHI Engineering Design would not like to overrun budget...

Discussion of Supply Chain Management’s Aim

Definition of the Key Term Supply chain management addresses managerial concerns on identifying and minimizing constraints, synchronization of plans, and global aspects of local changes while optimizing business processes and providing warning signals early to all stakeholders. Article Summary The article by Saberi et al. (2018) presents insight into possible...

Creating New Markets and Products

The global trading relationship has become much more in-depth and faster as a result of globalization, which has contributed to the exchange of technology and information. Some people say that there are no new markets left to develop. I am afraid I have to disagree with this statement because businesses...

Multinational Enterprises’ Choice of Modes of Entry

Why MNEs Struggle with MOE There is no “one shirt fits all” strategy when it comes to figuring out the best mode of entry (MOE) into foreign markets by multinational enterprises (MNEs). MNEs have to take into consideration various variances to come up with an effective entry strategy. Most of...

Third-Party Logistics Providers Improving Supply Chains in the Aviation Industry

Introduction The literature review was conducted from publications that are not older than 2016 to reveal that third-party logistics providers can improve the aviation industry’s supply chain. It stipulates the advantages and Future of the partnership of the 3PLs and the aviation industry’s chain supply. The topic is essential because...

Pricing Negotiation Planning Strategy

Purpose of Negotiation The purpose of negotiation is to improve the price for the negotiated product. Desired outcome The desired outcome presupposes the increase in the price for an item sold by the company and the attainment of higher revenues. Pertinent information The negotiated product has outstanding quality and almost...

Target Corporation’s Management and Its Special Features

Target Corporation is currently the eighth-largest retailer company in the U.S. The retail format of the corporation currently includes discount stores under the Target name, SuperTarget hypermarkets, and a number of other small-format stores. A number of external environments affect the operations of Target across the country. Economically, Target is...

Inventory Carrying and Transportation Costs Factors

Geographical specialization, dissociating, balancing demand and supply, and uncertainty are the prime functions of inventory. Geographical specialization is a function that allows distribution in the company according to manufacturing, preserving the places, stages of the process, and creation, allowing the creation of value in the specialization they make (Hensel, 2016)....

Business Mergers and Acquisitions and Their Causes

For a business entity, operating without the support of a business partner is impossible. Therefore, opportunities for building cooperation and support are typically sought. Mergers and acquisitions are often viewed as the source of essential support and the means of expanding power, which is why they have been particularly popular...

Training and Business Development

Before choosing one specific area of training in a call center, one needs to evaluate the ongoing issues within the organization. Because call center activities include a high level of technology involvement, depending on the situation, the most suitable area for training in a call center might be improving technology...

Distancing Influence on Economic Relationships

Feedback is a crucial part of communication between the participants of economic relationships and is vital for all stakeholders involved. Indeed, the presence of feedback and the consistency of the dialogue between the key stakeholders allows for shaping the offered products and services respectively so that the target audience could...

Transformational Leadership and Empowerment by Ismail

Introduction This paper will provide a critique of the article “An empirical study of the relationship between transformational leadership, empowerment and organizational commitment” by Asman Ismail et al. to determine its value and validity. The authors recognize the problem with the lack of in-depth examination of the stated relationship and...

Business Processes Integration and Management in E-Commerce Environments

Abstract Recent trends influence the e-commerce surrounding as the current marketplace is consolidating, and appropriate business principles do not guarantee success. However, the traditional economy principles, such as turnover, cost-competence, and revenue maximization using the current asset, such as innovation, business process management, and partnerships, are being considered. E-commerce needs...

Disney Company Potential Acquisition of Pixar Inc

Disney is a worldwide entertainment company; the CEO of Walt Disney Company, Robert Iger, has expressed interest in acquiring Pixar Inc. At the same time, Pixar is the most famous animation studio in the world. The two companies had worked together before and attained great success. In 1991, they had...

Knowledge Management and Social Capital in COVID-19

Knowledge exists in two different forms; tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is inherent in a person’s mind. It constitutes the individual’s competence and is hard to transfer to another person. Such information gives people and institutions a competitive edge if managed well, given that it cannot be copied....

Leadership Traits That Enhance and Inhibit Creativity

Introduction A culture of creativity is vital for organizations as it boosts their innovative potential. There are a number of leadership traits that enhance and inhibit creativity. Discussion of Leadership Traits A leader’s abilities to ensure his team’s optimal level of creativity are focused on improving the creative potential, removing...

Hourly or Specific Days Insurance Policy Coverage

Introduction Nowadays, vehicle insurance is a crucial part of people’s lives. In the United States, numerous policies require drivers to have any type of insurance coverage on their cars. Therefore, this product is more often viewed as a nuisance and associated with adverse events. It might come as costly, unnecessary...

Researching of Ethical Dilemma in the Company Policies

Summary After completing a sales training course, Sophie must fill in an expense voucher for the last week. She realized the significant issue that she could not include tips every person makes every day to service people in her expense voucher. She needs to decide whether to comply with accountants’...

Launching Antibacterial Wipes in the UAE Market

This report describes the market research conducted on behalf of ABC multinational company planning to launch wipes with antibacterial qualities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) market. Antibacterial wipes are pre-moistened towelettes that contain sanitizing or disinfecting substances such as alcohol or chlorine compounds which kill germs on surfaces and...

Differences in Organizational Structures

The organizational structures that form an institution, its processes, and policies shape its corporate structure frame. Specific operations of the institution, like its working schemes, services, and staffing, are entirely influenced by the pattern of the institution’s framework. However, due to unclear responsibilities of the employees, working relationships between the...

Coca-Cola Firm’s Improved Strategy for Enhanced Business, Revenue, and Market Share

It goes without saying that being a large multinational corporation, the Coca-Cola company should constantly improve its strategies for stable development in the future. The Coca-Cola Company may be regarded as one of the largest and most renowned and successful beverage corporations across the globe. Taking leading positions in relation...

Search-Based Advertising Market Structure

The importance of online marketing in a pandemic is becoming paramount. However, at the same time, the search-based advertising market is undergoing serious transformations. Search engines usually consider this niche of online advertising. In this case, Google consistently holds a leading position with a market share of more than 90%...

Law, Business and Ethics: Corporate Governance Practice

Scandals on corporate governance practice Corporate governance scandals usually have a great impact on the practice of leadership in corporations that are in the vicinity of the places where the scandals occur. This is normally due to the fact that humans tend to learn from mistakes, and thus the occurrence...

Intel Inc.’s Financial Performance Trends

Introduction The present report aims at assessing the financial health of Intel Inc. in 2013. The report analyzes trends in key indicators of financial performance, including total revenues, gross profit, net profit, total assets, and total equity. The report also provides an analysis of liquidity, leverage, and profitability using relevant...

Codes of Conduct: Conflicts in Organization

Organizations suffer from several limitations, including conflicts among employees, which limit effective operations. As employees interact at the workplace, they are bound to disagree on several matters. Although disagreements are the main cause of workplace conflicts, the struggle for power and influence is a significant impediment to organizational progress. Relationship...

Customer Behavior and Segments

The first of the five best segments of Carrollton is Country Squires, which consists of wealthy elderly people who left urban areas in search of quiet life in small towns. The segment is characterized by the increased interest in comfort and stability which can be traced in their habits and...

What Does a Change-Ready Organization Look Like?

Introduction In this world that is full of opportunities and progress, the idea of transformation seems to be an integral component of any organization development. Despite multiple attempts to create an up-to-date company, employees and their leaders face the necessity to constantly change something and make sure that each step...

Multifunctional Mug for Travelers as an Entrepreneurial Idea

The entrepreneurial idea presented in this project is to create a multifunctional mug for travelers and hikers that combines the functions of the organizer for cosmetics and the several-layer cup functions. Several segments inside the cup will pour various beverages into it simultaneously into the divided sections. It might also...

Recruitment Plan Overview

Introduction The quality of the recruitment process closely relates to the overall performance of the company. If an HR manager succeeds in hiring professional, experienced, and well-educated employees, then, without a doubt, an organization will flourish. A hiring manager should develop an effective recruitment plan that is a strategy for...

Recalling ITECH 361’s Sanitizers: Actions Required

Introduction Whether caused by a manufacturing defect or a design fault, a mass recall always creates problems for a brand. Nevertheless, many companies manage to turn them to their advantage, fixing the consumer’s memory of their uncompromising concern for their interests. Some companies, however, react in such situations inappropriately, and...

Emirates: Understanding Organization and the Role of Human Resources

Emirates is a large airline that aims to provide quality services for passenger and cargo movements. The main service is to transport passengers with airplanes’ help, providing the necessary conditions for this. Its subsidiary Emirates SkyCargo is engaged in freight transportation, and Emirates Executive deals with corporate and private charters....

Global Team Acclimatization and Cultural Literacy Application

The problems that occurred in AlternativeSource Inc. (ASI) include internal conflicts between team members, the lack of cooperation from the Indian clients, issues of adaptation to the new environment, and questions on hiring processes. The root cause of the problems is that Jorge, their global team manager, was not introduced...

Thera Ltd: Opportunities for Expansion

The intended expansion of Thera Ltd and its entry to the UK and EU horticultural markets should be approached from the perspective of possible challenges. They are explicitly seen when applying a PESTEL analysis, which allows predicting the chances for the project’s success. Thus, the political factors present the main...

Apple Inc.’s Competitive Edge and Value Creation

Apple Inc., formerly known as Apple Computers Inc., headquartered in Cupertino, California, is among the most valuable firms in the globe. The firm was established in 1976 by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. Apple Inc. has to design, manufacture, and market its consumer electronic products and a range of computers...

Reflecting on Leadership Skills – A Personal Evaluation

Conflict avoidance is one behavior that tends to undermine my leadership performance. Its prevention is an intentional way of leading, applied to improve the performance and outcome of leadership. However, the causalities between conflict prevention and good governance are uncertain. Therefore, the deliberate implementation of avoiding conflict as an aspect...

Benefits and Drawbacks of Unionization

Most workers in different industries are members of labor unions, which they use as a tool for ensuring better payments and working conditions. While unionization has several benefits for both employees and employers, it is also associated with various disadvantages. Unionization ensures higher wages and greater equality for the employees....

The Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Businesses

The COVID-19 pandemic affected all people on the planet, disrupting their lives, putting at risk their health, and leaving many unemployed. Businesses worldwide were also hit by the pandemic, especially those which relied on international partnerships since, in 2020, global trade and investment activity both experienced considerable falls (Ranald, 2020)....

Large Firms and Technology. Chemistry

The impact of innovation in technology presented by large firms around the world on the development and commercialization of their inventions can be easily traced by the consideration of specific examples. One of them is the creation of a lithium battery, which became possible after the discovery of scientists regarding...

McKinsey & Company: Company InFormation

The company’s objectives, particularly financial goals are driven by the pricing plan, market trends, and business performance projections. For instance, the suggested prices are as listed below: Hoodies and sweatshirts – $60-$90 Joggers and pants – $80-$110 T-shirts (short- and long-sleeved)– $30-$70 Matching sets (short and long) – $100-$180 Year...

Captain Technology Company in the Market

Company C, Captain Technology, emerges as one of the best performing organizations in its industry. The statistics from year 6 reveal that this company commanded the biggest share in the cameras and drones sectors. For instance, the company led the industry with the highest net revenues at around 501 million...

Great Leap Brewing: The Marketing Strategy

Executive Summary The paper is a business environment audit report that examines the marketing strategy for Great Leap Brewing to enter the draft beer market in Russia. The work includes considering key aspects, including situation analysis and marketing objectives, aimed at assessing the company’s development potential within a new market....

Financial Companies’ Risks and Innovations

Financial activities are often associated with many risks that must be resolved for companies’ successful operations. Besides, at the moment, many large and start-up companies are trying to follow the emerging innovations. This essay aims to explore the reasons for this behavior, the propensity to innovate, and the maintenance of...

An Insured Risk and the Application of Excel and Technological Skills

Insurance companies take the risk of loss or damage caused to an asset on behalf of the owner. Auto insurance is an example of insurance that I have chosen since it protects me from risk in case of uncertainty. Auto insurance policy entails six fields namely comprehensive, collision, bodily injury...

Event Management: Risk Management Assessment

Selected Festival: Burning Man Issue #1 Weather: What weather challenge have you selected to plan for? Fire Is this a controlled risk or respond hazard? It is uncontrollable hazard A L A R P What could be the degree of harm that could happen as a result of this risk/hazard? The...

Apple Inc.’s and Microsoft Corporation’s Cash Flow Indicator

The primary indicator of evaluating the company’s performance is traditionally profit. However, in addition to it, there are other indicators of the company’s performance, which can be used to assess its prospects. One of the leading indicators is the cash flow indicator, which is widely used in economics. The two...

Risk Management of AMDS: Risk Management Strategies

Introduction The United States is ranked third in the world’s population; thus strengthening its human resource and the economy in particular. The US is one of the world’s oldest democracies and this gives it a chance, to participate in the global political arena. Being one of the permanent members of...

Working at State Office: Strategic Decision Making

I was attached to the Florida State government, treasury department procurement section. This section delivers services across all the state departments such as gender and culture, education and ICT, agriculture, and transport, among many more. Specifically, I was under the department of transport as an assistant procurement clerk. This section...

OnePoint Software’s Strategic Marketing Plan

Executive Summary This document entails the OnePoint Software Strategic Marketing Plan, which is a new open-source software company that seeks to come up with a sophisticated operating system. Several companies have come up with suites that offer different computer packages; however, none of these make efforts to have professional products...

E-Commerce Business: Ineffective Leadership

Background With the growth of Internet shopping, online business rivalry has increased, especially among the most popular websites in the USA, such as Amazon or eBay. These e-store sites offer a direct and quick route for producers or retailers to convey their merchandises more efficiently and reach potential buyers. E-business...

Aspects of Organizational Structure

Organizational structure refers to the system encompassing fundamental activities within a particular enterprise that define its operating procedures and routine rests, as well as the general hierarchy and authority within the organization. Within a broad range of organizational structures and collaboration types, it is crucial to adopt an adequate design...

Dewqas Limited Company’s Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

The contribution margin per unit, total fixed costs, the breakeven point in units, and total expected profit The contribution margin per unit, total fixed costs, breakeven level, and total expected profit of Dewqas Limited based on its decisions of reducing the selling price of its product and installing new machinery...

Strategy Options, Contemporary Strategy Analysis

The Business Strategy Options, or COMPETES, is most applicable to the Walmart case. This approach is focused on finding a way to stand out from competitors, to form some uniqueness by fulfilling one or more criteria. First of all, Walmart, created in 1962, is the bearer of the unique image...

Stock Dividends and Stock Splits and Corporate Effects

Introduction Concepts of the corporate environment can affect the fluctuations in the stock market. This is reflected in a variety of examples. For insqance, the declaration of stock dividend for corporations may be revoked at anytime before the actual issuance of the stock. Unlike in cash dividend, a stock dividend...

Why Businesses Should Embrace Remote Work?

Why Businesses Should Embrace Remote Work Transition to remote work has been a business trend even before COVID-19, but the pandemic forced organizations to adopt this employment type more rapidly and extensively. The study conducted by Felstead and Henseke (2017) shows that the percentage of people working mainly remotely rose...

Nonprofit Organizations: The Role of Chief Executive Officer

Introduction Nonprofit organizations require strategies to necessitate achievements and goals to establish the growth and development of the organization. On profit organizations are facing multiple challenges in the changing rates of demands and other operational services. To fulfill this the nonprofit leaders must find attempts to establish organizations that can...

Introducing USB Flash Drives to Different Audiences

New incoming students Cruzer micro is an outstanding device for information storage. It differs from the other devices of the same class by exclusively miniature sizes. This model allows to store and transfer large quantity of documents, images, music, and videos. Looking for an easy way to transfer and store...

Importance of Strategic Planning and Marketing

Executive summary American Airlines is the largest airline by passenger traffic in the world. A subsidiary of AMR Corporation, the headquarters of American Airlines is situated at Fort Worth in Texas next to Fort Worth International Airport. The organization operates intensive domestic and international air transport networks. The organization was...

Why Communication Skills Are Important in Business

In any company, people regularly interact with each other, which is an undeniably important part of the workflow. Proper communication allows people to see a common goal and understand each other’s needs and aspirations. Only through communication, employees of any company will be able to do something genuinely worthwhile together....

Balanced Scorecards, Their Types and Functions

Introduction Balanced scorecards are tactic performance management tools that help administrators track how employees execute their duties and monitor the consequences of the workers’ activities. According to Giau (2018), administrators use balanced scorecards to supervise how firms implement both strategies and operational activities. Sometimes, people use balanced scorecards in tracking...

Project Planning: Marketing Planning

In projects, some elements may fail to meet objectives or achieve their respective project targets. Identifying both items is critical during the project life cycle since they influence the overall outcome. The distinguishing of the entities that could go wrong or right in a program relies hugely on the risk...

Life Cycle Assessment of Environmental Impact

Introduction The environmental impact forms the major pillars of concerns in dealing with food production and consumption strategies. A properly chosen environmental assessment tool influences the results obtained. To assess the environmental indicators, two categories of tools namely the product-based tools and the area-based tools may be used. LCA is...

Deming’s 14 Principles and Baldrige’s 11 Core Values

Deming’s 14 principles were formulated by William Edwards Deming, an engineer and statistician, in the second half of the 20th century. They concern fundamental management values that facilitate productivity and quality in the organization’s operations. Per Lim (2019), they are as such: the constancy of purpose for improvement, adoption of...

Aspects of Multiple Machine Scheduling

Multiple machine scheduling stands for the assignment of tasks to machine elements of the system to facilitate performance and produce goods in a time and cost-efficient manner. I have learned that scheduling multiple paralleled lines of machines to produce complex results is standard procedure at the majority of production plants...

Central Rat Race: Signs Analysis

Signs Used in the Central Rat Race The Central Rat Race primarily uses three signs in its promotion. Following the event’s central theme, its primary sign is an animal mascot, the rat in business attire, and running shoes (Central Rat Race, 2018). This is complemented by the use of a...

Cultural Work Environment: Impact of Cultural Diversity

The US society has always been highly diverse in terms of culture. At present, the number of people having different backgrounds is growing at an unprecedented pace, which poses certain challenges to the public health sector. Buckle (2015) notes that extensive research shows that the majority of patients pertaining to...

The Importance of Planning in the Establishment of a Small Business

To successfully establish a small business or an entrepreneurial venture, it is important to devise a thorough plan where each of the stages is carefully designed. A business plan should consider all the elements of the venture, from the specific tactics to the consideration of the competitive strategies for the...

Impact of the Internet on Consumers’ Opportunities

Today, modern technology provides opportunities for consumers to play a pivotal role in brands’ advancement, such as product appearance, quality, and even operation. Furthermore, I agree that people are now more open to accepting advertisements and purchasing displayed items (Ortiz-Ospina, 2019). In other words, with social media, people have changed...

Business and Economics: Modern Portfolio Theory

At the core of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) is a set of critical principles for analyzing and choosing the optimal portfolio components to achieve the best risk-reward ratio. An investment portfolio is a set of several investment objects, which is managed as an independent investment object to achieve the set...

Moderna Company’s Entrepreneurial Climate

Moderna is a pharmaceutical company that was founded in 2010 and has a special focus on mRNA technology and immuno-oncology, infectious, rare, autoimmune, and cardiovascular diseases (Moderna, 2021). The early 2010s were a time during which major innovations and diversification of the pharmaceutical industry began to take place. The past...

E-Shopping Market and Role of Technology

Nowadays, e-shopping is booming due to the rapid development and spread of technologies. As global online sales continue to grow annually for the past seven years, the market shows steady growth worldwide (“Global retail e-Commerce market size 2014-2023,” 2019). The sector is heavily influenced by the current situation, as the...

Due Diligence: DrAive Market, Team, Business Model

Due diligence on DrAive is based on the four-pillar venture evaluation framework that includes market, team, business model, and deal. The strengths and weaknesses of the selected venture have been identified in the next sections. Market The company’s market is large enough to maximize brand awareness to customers. Additionally, the...

Expenses Estimation for Business in Jacksonville, Alabama

Introduction It is necessary to conduct an estimation of potential expenses, the future business with require, along with its expected demand and pricing examination, to evaluate to what extend the chosen activity can be profitable, or in the opposite, unprofitable. The expenses determine the prime cost for the service, which...

The Vacant Municipal Lands and Properties: Entrepreneurial Activities

Executive Summary Ontario Province has established a series of private and public partnership programs over the years to serve the public and reduce service provision cost. These programs have demonstrated significant success in specific areas. This research focuses on the types of entrepreneurial initiatives available to small towns as they...

Financial and Economic Models in Maritime Business

Introduction In any business entity, stakeholders are the key elements to determine a firm’s performance by executing various metrics that are meant to improve the business’s portfolio and raise the returns on revenue (Hein, Meloni, and Tridico, 2020). Documenting the sales process and benchmarking the basic sales steps is important...

Beatriz Structure for Work-Life Balance

Work-Life Balance Work-life balance is a term used to define the time needed for both work and other life activities, whether private or family-related. It is an essential aspect of a productive work environment. Sustaining work-life balance assists reduce stress and prevents exhaustion in the workstation. Personnel who engage in...

Stresses and Diversity at the Workplace

Introduction These days, tolerance in the context of gender, nation, culture, and other aspects has become an integral part of a developed community. Therefore, it is gradually penetrating the sphere of business and employment. It is crucial to find the correct approach for promoting workplace diversity in order to overcome...

Job Description: Analysis, Design, Mutual Respect

There is a number of essential differences between a job description, job design, and job analysis. The former is a document that outlines and summarizes the key elements of a job, such as duties, responsibilities, and tasks. In contrast, both job design and job analysis are processes where the latter...

Soft Drink Manufacturing: Marketing Strategies of Coke

The soft drink manufacturing industry is one of the largest and fastest-growing sectors globally, with a strong customer base spread worldwide. To maintain its dominance on the international stage, the industry ensures that it meets the ever-changing taste of its rapidly growing customer base by ensuring that its products reach...

Mountain Resources: Auditing Unproved Gas Properties

In auditing financial statements, it is important to gather evidence and offer absolute assurance of all the general accounting principles and other appropriate standards. Finding information about the business and the risks of a company is important for investors. Moreover, the audits are relevant in preventing frauds of any kind....

Loyalty Programs and Private Sales Strategy

A private sale is direct cooperation between a seller and a prospective buyer without the involvement of the public. This interaction occurs in an isolated manner whereby no prior advertisement of the meeting is availed for the members of the public or brokers to join the forum. The parties engage...

FlowEsScents Firm’s Marketing Strategy

Summary Any business requires a thorough marketing strategy to ensure it will stay relevant for loyal customers and attract new ones. Therefore, a proper analysis of the market is necessary, after which the company will create engaging marketing campaigns that will increase the profits. The business needs to develop new...

An Analysis of The Matrix-Based Decisions

A decision matrix is an invaluable tool for companies looking for ways to maximize efficiency and determine the ultimate improvement option which will deliver the most benefit. Yet, it can be applied in numerous other scenarios and situations (“What is a decision matrix,” n.d.). For instance, when a company is...

Bubble Tea Shop: Hypothetical Marketing Strategy

The hypothetical company chosen is a Bubble Tea Shop called “Make by tea.” According to the 4 Ps of marketing, businesses are built on four constituents, which are product, price, place, and promotion (Manthei, 2017). The product bubble tea shop will sell bubble tea or boba, which can be considered...

Motivation & Negative Contribution Margin

Negative margins are usually a consequence of the inability of the firm to control costs or more global problems: macroeconomic, government, or industry difficulties beyond the control of the company. If we analyze the reasons in more detail, then we can highlight the following. First, a spike in commodity prices...

The Price Discrimination Strstegy

Why Firms Use Price Discrimination Price discrimination acts as a pricing technique adopted by companies to charge different prices to dissimilar consumers on the same services and commodities due to demand differences. The pricing strategy is utilized across the various industries in the market and occurs in the forms of...

Problems With Blaming Poor Workplace Performance on Low Motivation

As a rule, every organization pursues high performance rates and seeks to deploy the strategies that lead to an increase in the output. However, identifying the barriers to effective performance may become rather difficult due to the abundance of factors influencing employees’ performance rates. The reasoning behind the specified assumption...

Organizational Development and Change: Personal Practice

Appreciative inquiry is one of the organizational development approaches and change that emphasizes focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses. It deals with a team or, basically, the organization’s workforce by a comprehensive search of the best in an individual and the relevant skills and training they have in its line...

Cessabit Company: Venture Proposal

Executive Summary The Cessabit Company is a limited liability company focusing on smartphone development. A distinctive feature of the business is its center and target audience, which is school-age children. Since almost all smartphones on the market are adapted to adults’ needs, there is a need to create a device...

Use of Third Parties for Logistical Purposes for SpaceX

Summary Third-Party Logistics (3PLS) is a service that enables one to perform prepared logistics from warehousing, all the way through delivery creating time for a company to concentrate on other sections of the business. 3PLS companies offer other additional services that deal with the logistics of the supply chain (Ecer,...

“Nikes are Getting Harder to Find at Stores. Here’s Why”: Article Analysis

The title of the article? “Nikes are Getting Harder to Find at Stores. Here’s Why” Who wrote the article? Nathaniel Meyersohn, reporter at CNN Business. When and where was this article published? The article was published online on the CNN Business website on March 22, 2021. The main idea of...

Leadership Styles and Their Function in Workspace

Leadership is the central role within a workspace that requires a particular set of skills and level of commitment. Therefore, the leader must be qualified for the job, is well aware of its nuances, and balances the needs of fellow employees and the work standards. While other workers play no...

Ethics in Relation to Business Activities

Ethics are socially acceptable principles and standards established to guide the undertakings, activities, and decision-making processes in business. Over the years, organizations have increasingly embraced and embedded moral ideals and values throughout their operations. These ethical codes articulate the expected conduct and behavioral parameters to be followed and adhered to...

Main Aspects of New Product Development

At a new workplace, it is important to prove people one’s professionalism. The new product development process requires its managers to be competent in different areas. The managers have to be able to identify customer needs and provide them with high-quality products based on the market demands. In order to...

Analysis of Structure of Copious Online Retail Company

Background Copious is an online retail company that employs virtual teams in its management Virtual teams are common in today’s workforce especially as more organizations move to a management-by-projects approach. It is easy to use each of the VT meetings as an opportunity for team building (Farahmandlou, 2018). There is...

St. Mary’s Financial Report Analysis

Introduction The following report is based on available financial and operating indicators that have been calculated from the financial statements of St. Mary’s Hospital for the four years 1990 to 1993. The comparisons are made with comparative benchmarked information for a similar period in consideration. The analysis is based on...

Essence of Computerized Communication in Business

The advancement of technology has radically changed communication and business interaction. Whereas earlier a conference had to be organized to convey important news to the staff, now this task can be performed by touching a screen (Stojkovicet al., 2014). Although computers are only a means to convey information, they can...

Workplace Stereotyping Assessment and Prevention

Introduction Society has reached an unprecedented level of cultural diversity due to rapid globalization. People of different backgrounds are able to travel around the globe and partake in professional and educational processes, thus forming international teams. Each individual has a different mindset, being driven by particular feelings and thoughts, which...

OfficeMax Business Report

OfficeMax Office supplies are essential for many people, especially in the areas next to offices, business centers, and schools (Hofenk et al., 2019). The office supplies business belongs to the most common companies which are entirely identical everywhere. The corporations existing in various locations share exact similar supplies and operate...

Nestlé Bangladesh: Logistics Plan

Nestlé is one of the world’s leading food and beverage manufacturers. It is based in Switzerland, but it operates in more than 100 countries (Chung et al., 2020). The company produces all possible types of foods and beverages, including baby foods, pet foods, cereals, frozen foods, pizza, and others (Chung...

Coursera Company Applying Search Engine Optimization

The trend for online education has significantly grown throughout the last year, therefore it became challenging for the brands to conquer the leading positions in the Google search engine. The search engine works by simultaneously gathering information from web pages, public databases, user-submitted content, and other available sources (Google, 2017)....

Business Ethics Towards Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Ethical decisions create and maintain trust while also demonstrating respect, responsibility, and a caring attitude. Ethical decision-making is essential in the workplaces to ensure the regulation of conflicts and uncertainty from competing values, including individual, organizational and societal values. Business organizations require decision-making models, which are tools that facilitate...

Scottsdale Ford Firm’s Marketing for Millennials

Ford is a fast-growing company that has been in the market for over 100 years. She has won the hearts of buyers worldwide, as she is constantly improving, being responsible for the quality and the following technology. Scottsdale has several official distributors that provide car models for any customer. They...

JP Morgan Chase: Cost Operations

JP Morgan Chase and Company is an investment banking company with its headquarters in New York, United States. The article “In this corner! The contender” about Jamie Dimon, the new chief executive officer of JP Morgan Chase describes operations at JP Morgan Chase. There are multiple ways that companies can...