Contemporary Global Marketing and Cyber Security

The recent article by Gilly Netzer discusses Cyber Security issues in the context of business and marketing. The author states that the security market had grown over the years within the legal environment of global marketing due to the emerging number of phishing websites. The article focuses on the cybersecurity...

Young Workers: Experience and Perspective

In December 2016, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System published an article on young workers’ experience and perspectives on the modern labor market. This article was primarily based on the 2015 Survey of young workers conducted by the Federal Reserve. It draws a general portrait of young...

The Link Between Leadership and Communication Styles

I am a transactional leadership style I stand for adhering to the rules I have clear expectations I have specific objectives I value efficiency over flexibility There are multiple reasons I consider myself to conform to a transactional leadership style. First of all, I believe that establishing a precise, well-thought...

A Caribbean Restaurant’s Marketing Plan

Restaurant Plans The business I would like to start is a restaurant that targets people from the Caribbean. To reach this target audience, it should focus on offering cuisine and atmosphere that are popular among this demographic. It should also focus on preferentially hiring staff who are themselves from the...

Real Options. Corporate Finance

Real options refer to the right of the company to perform a certain activity or action at predetermined costs for a specific period. However, It is not an obligation that the company must perform that particular task. With real options, companies can minimize risks associated with new ventures. They can...

Improving Dubai Hospital’s Quality to Compete Globally

Introduction An organization’s success comes from different management aspects, including decent working culture, excellent management, employee satisfaction, quality products and services, and customer satisfaction. The quality of products determines client contentment, and the enhancement of the quality of products and services improves customer satisfaction (TQM Fundamentals, Week 1). There are...

Human Resource Management at Vigo County Tax and Municipal Services Office

Human resource management (HRM) centers around effective ways of organizing employees and can provide a crucial competitive edge. It is meant to enhance the overall performance of all employees by distinguishing their duties, establishing hierarchies, and promoting communication between various workers who occupy different positions. Proper management creates the atmosphere...

T-Account: Linda’s Transactions

A T-account is an informal term for a financial records’ set that contemplates the International Accounting Standards (IAS) double-entry bookkeeping rule. A T-account is also referred to as the ledger accounts. It describes the bookkeeping entries’ appearances by displaying them on a large letter T drawn on a page. The...

Leadership Theories in Business & Daily Practice

Theory Name Summary Definition Practice Example Application of Gardner’s Tasks Trait Theories The personality traits theory reflects the characteristics of people’s patterns such as feelings, behaviors, and thoughts. It also articulates that certain natural qualities tend to nurture good leaders (Scheffer & Heckhausen, 2018). If individuals are talkative in their...

Ethical Implications of Technological Use on Employee Privacy in the Workplace

Introduction Information Communication Technology (ICT) has shaped different aspects of business performance by automating processes to create better and more efficient systems for completing workplace tasks. In this regard, technological use has changed how workplaces are organized and redefined techniques used by employees to complete organizational tasks (McStay, 2020). However,...

Army vs. Civilian Leadership Similarities

Leadership is the act of guiding a group of people based on a certain chain of command. Though there are various management styles or approaches, the choice depends on the work setting (Jin et al., 2017). For instance, the leadership style employed in the army may be different from that...

Ethics and Islamic Values in Business

Introduction The case study is based on the crash of the Costa Concordia in January 2012 off the coast of Tuscany, Italy. The captain of Costa Concordia abandoned the ship before all people were evacuated, and this is against the ethical and moral obligations for their professions (Stakeholders and Corporate...

Communication Workers of America Union’s Profile

A union is an organization of workers with a common objective of achieving different beneficial goals such as attainment of wages and benefits, improved safety standards, protection of the integrity of their trade or careers. The union is mandated to accomplish this through continuous negotiations with relevant bodies to obtain...

Organizational Structure and Market Strategies

Introduction Large international corporations require an appropriate organizational structure to perform their overall business functions. A well-designed organizational structure includes a series of central functional departments such as finance, marketing, R&D, production, etc. The system of an organization is determined by the size of the domestic market and the area...

Sustainable Supply Chain Management

The main criteria for the effectiveness of government procurement are the purchase price and the cost of subsequent ownership. The main task is to buy goods, works, or services of the required quality with minimum spending of budgetary funds. The activity, which consists in the implementation of procurement, is complex...

Servant Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Leadership Performance

Considering the notion of leadership in the modern organizational culture, the meaning behind this term has undergone some drastic changes over the past decades. Previously, the idea of leadership was driven by the desire to achieve the maximum quality result in the shortest time possible. Whereas the overall productivity was...

Strategic Management and Organizational Structure

Examples of management structures include functional division Product division Matrix methods Geographical division International division The importance of organizational structure is that it facilitates teamwork and enhances communication across all levels of organizations ((Dess et al 2004, p.354). Strength and weaknesses of organization’s structure Functional structure The advantages of the...

Register-Guard: Communications Systems Policy

Introduction In December 2007, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) ruled to uphold a policy that prohibited employees from using work-place e-mail systems “for non-job-related solicitations” (Lavin, Dimichele and Wasserstrom, 2008, p. 1). This happened after an employee of the Register-Guard, a newspaper based in Oregon, sought the NLRB’s direction...

The Employee Experience at Southern Cross Healthcare Society

Introduction Southern Cross Healthcare Group is the largest non-public health care organization in New Zealand, offering a wide range of various health services to clients, including health, travel, and pet insurance, and private hospitals. It also provides multiple working opportunities for numerous employees. Being a world-known organization, Southern Cross Healthcare...

Comparing and Contrasting Power and Politics in Organizations

Politics and power turn out to be the two significant components that may considerably influence the development of any organization. To present the proper management in any organization, it is crucially essential to unite these different entities. People like to control situations. This is why leaders’ skills should be trained...

Risk Management Strategies While Choosing a Third-Party Crematory

In the article, the author provides a significant background in the framework of what actions are to be undertaken while choosing a third-party crematory. She describes the negative consequences that may take place if these actions are not brought into life. The arguments formulated by her are coherent and convincing,...

“Business Careers with High Pay”: Article Review

Name of friend Address of friend Date Dear (name of friend), Hello, I hope this letter finds you well. How are your parents doing? I am writing this letter with great hope that you are fine; everything here is passing by quickly, and the semester is almost gone. It has...

Comcast Integration Strategies

Strategies of vertical integration can have a positive impact on a company’s financial success since it helps to take control over several parts of a revenue chain. In this particular case, Comcast is corporate in the entertainment industry. To achieve such an accomplishment, this enterprise has also implemented methods of...

Stress at the Workplace and Strategies of Its Reduction

Job stress has become a growing concern among managers and supervisors in organizations. This is because of the adverse effects on both employees and the company. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, stress at workplaces is an excellent de-motivator, and every employee reacts differently to work...

Communication, Decision Making and Conflict Management

Introduction Communication techniques are the schemes used to advance communication between individuals of a team. Their proper use ensures successful team communication and high team morale. They work to eliminate communication breakdown, a significant source of conflict, sabotage, complaints, and resignation. Applying these techniques creates a productive working environment for...

John Rhodes Community Center Pool Case Solution

Introduction Promoting a new program or implementing a new course of action can be a daunting marketing challenge. Although there are many marketing strategies designed to facilitate such projects management, not all of them are applicable in specific conditions. For example, the situation can be significantly complicated by an enterprise’s...

Issue of the Sharing of Finances

The sharing of finances in work relations and among relatives was an economic inefficiency that existed before the invention of mobile transfer services in Kenya. Therefore, M-PESA has resolved this challenge by enhancing money circulation. This mobile money service provider offers a safe, secure, and cheap transfer of funds. For...

The Cleaning Company and the Use of Social Media

Every organization requires knowledge management systems to help in storing and retrieving knowledge to improve process alignment, collaboration, and improve understanding of how different systems work. These systems could aid cleaning technicians in retrieving and sharing cleaning knowledge. Additionally, these systems provide a potential source and a competitive advantage because...

“To Sell Is Human”: Modern Economy and Life in General

Non-sales selling sounds like an oxymoron; however, for the modern world, this approach is basic. In the classic view, sales are about persuading a customer to purchase a product in exchange for material values. In the book To Sell is Human: The Surprising Truth About Moving Others, Daniel Pink emphasizes...

Balancing Stakeholder Needs in an Organization

Introduction A stakeholder is any individual interested in the operations of a business or who influences its operation. Large organizations have various stakeholder groups, whereby some are external, while others are internal such as the government and the employees, respectively (Brandt et al., 2018). An organization needs to consider and...

Ethical Issues in Social Marketing

The moral principles of marketing can be described as clearly established ethical norms and rules of conduct of a company on the market, which must be followed by the employee of the organization and for which there are no exceptions. According to Serrat, “social marketing involves changing seemingly intractable behaviors...

The Value of Logistics Functions

In logistics, both costs and value play a significant role in performance management. Managers should understand the total costs and the total value and the difference between them because it is one of the major business challenges (Ruffa, 2008). The value in logistics refers to the customer’s evaluation of the...

Contract Performance Between Twin Creeks and JVC

Introduction In an ideal world, business contracts would be entered, all parties would benefit and be thrilled with the outcome, and no dispute would arise. However, things are different because of breaches of contracts and other issues. The contract between Twin Creeks and JVC was marked with issues because of...

Combat to Corporate: Migrating from Military Leadership to Business

Military leadership and civilian business leadership rely on overlapping sets of leadership skills and personal traits. However, the extent of this overlap is currently uncertain, and veterans transitioning to business leadership positions may face challenges translating their existing skills to their new role. Although the primary topic of the research...

Lucky Lou’s Rice Pudding: Market Analysis

Core Value Proposition and Target Market Identification Market Analysis. Lucky Lou’s Rice Pudding is a company that belongs to the grocery foods market, which is enormous, and continues expanding. In the US, the sales in retail and food service amounted to $6.2 trillion in 2019, increasing for ten years successively...

Apple Inc.’s Possibility of Merger and Acquisition

Merger and acquisitions have become part of important business initiatives of improving the performance of companies. Therefore, many factors are considered before deciding on which companies to merge with or acquire. The financial status of the company is one of these factors. The financial net worth of the company is...

Getting to Yes: Book Review

The book entitled Getting to Yes: Negotiating an agreement without giving in was written by a group of Harvard-based authors majoring in negotiation. The book’s target audience is the general public and business-involved individuals who engage in negotiations regularly. As the title implies, the work is organized around the idea...

Risk Management: Institutional Project Life Cycle

The company in question is in the process of implementing ERP system implementation project, which provides for the restructuring and reengineering of business processes, as well as changes in the organizational structure. Such implementation is a complex and multifaceted process that affects almost all areas of the company’ activity. The...

“Liz Reyer: Handling Difficult Conversations.” by Liz Reyer

The article by Liz Reyer (2015) addresses the need to build adequate conversations for productive communication through proper preparation and clear articulation of ideas. In her article, the author cites two key theses: to be clear, that is, to avoid ambiguity, and to be transparent, which implies attention to an...

Internal Accountability Mechanisms

The City Council hearing in Newark, presented by Jacoby and Bourg (2016) as a documentary episode, raises the issues of power abuse by police officers and the facts of unreasonable threats to the population. According to the speakers involved, the major problems concern the breadth of powers of the local...

Organizational Development and Change: Appreciative Inquiry

Scenario 1: Turnover Issue in the Human Resource Department The company aims to analyze the high turnover issue that the human resource department faces and arrive at a solution that will solve the problem. As a problem-based approach confined to a specific area of the company, the safest option is...

Personal Leadership Experience: Case Analysis

Introduction This paper is a personal leadership experience analysis of my encounter with a community-based organization where I worked as an intern in 2018. The organization faced serious management challenges triggered by the decision to focus on gender dynamics in the community. The organization’s primary objective is to alleviate poverty...

Internet of Things in Manufacturing System

Cloud-Based Services At the moment, systems based on cloud storage are gaining more and more popularity. Service-based software architectures and technical solutions are being actively explored by various researchers because of their potential prospects for many manufacturing benefits (Kayday et al.). The main advantages of cloud services are the reduced...

Brief Description of the Tesla Company

Current Organizational (Model) Design and Features Started in 2003 as Tesla Motors, Inc., but became profitable in 2013, Tesla’s organizational model supports continuous growth development, corporate sustainability and profitability over the seasons under the u-form structure. With the function-based strategy, the company has several offices and units that manage both...

Human Resource Management and Its New Perspectives

Human resources have always been the most valuable ones and hard to optimize out of all resources. However, currently, they are particularly crucial, as large groups of people are working on various creative tasks that are more complicated than ever. Therefore, modern developing society and economics demand specialists capable of...

Leadership and Importance of Personal Stories

When naming the crucial characteristics of leaders, it is quite common to address the qualities such as initiative, openness to innovations and experience, and the ability to transform people’s attitudes and behaviors. However, the role of careful listening and awareness of personal stories of people that surround leaders is often...

Communication Technology Overview

Communication technology has evolved to become a critical part of human life today. By creating new and innovative modes of communication, people can talk over long distances. Such connections have played an important role in developing the world, with a majority of human beings benefiting from them. Communication technology revolutionized...

Logistics Operations in Aviation and Aerospace

In aviation and aerospace logistics, there are two directions, such as making aircraft and spaceship and moving people and products, where the latter is part of the integrated supply chain management. In this case, a supply chain can be understood as a network of organizations that cooperate through various connections...

Eaton Company: Stock Maintenance Systems

Objective One To compare stock accuracy between different Eaton sites, it is possible to use various means and information systems such as Data Warehouse, Enterprise Resource Planning, Enterprise System, Expert System, Geographic/Geospatial Information System, Global Information System, and Office Automation. These systems will enable us to add facts to the...

Marketing Field: Quantitative vs Qualitative Research

The choice of the most appropriate type of research in marketing is debatable. Some managers prefer a quantitative approach because it helps to gather substantial numerical data. Contrarily, others favor the qualitative method due to its ability to collect non-numeric information, thus allowing them to gain detailed insights concerning the...

Balanced Score Card: Term Definition

Introduction The balanced scorecard is a calculated planning tool and management system that is commonly used in business and industry, state corporations, and not for profit-making organizations universally to bring into line business transactions with the organizational visions and broad strategy. In the recent past, the balanced scorecard has proved...

Online Purchasing: Google’s Digital Strategy

Introduction for Google Company Google – search engine company. Founded in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Hosch & Mark Hall, 2020). Headquarters in Mountain View, California (Hosch & Mark Hall, 2020). Purpose – to sell new and used cars online; offer auto insurance; IoT and data monetization Google...

A Diversity Training Program at the Workplace

The modern world has become much more diverse than ever, and it encourages corporations to create a safe space for diverse collectives. As Law (2016) claims, «diversity in the workplace will increase substantially in the next century» (3). This can be considered as great news because such a tendency increases...

The Components of the Strategizing Process

Although managers can serve multiple roles within organizations, their nature can be broadly categorized as decisional, informational, interpersonal, and formal status and authority. The managerial roles in the decisional category focus on handling, sharing, and using information. They include negotiations, resources allocation, handling disturbances, and assuming entrepreneurial activities. As negotiators,...

Psychology of Relationships: Case Analysis

I worked at a small IT company where creativity was valued, but one of my attempts to offer new ideas resulted in worsening my relationship with the boss. We frequently had brainstorming sessions where the thoughts about our product development have been assessed and discussed. The boss valued the openness...

Business Letter to Amazon: The Amazon Key In-Home Kit Launch

Addresser Information Addressee’s Name Dear Insert the Name, Today the role of innovation and technological progress continues to grow and influence different spheres of life. I am interested in starting my independent coffee shop business that meets the local expectations and needs. Your company, Amazon, is known as one of...

Human Resources: Dual-Career Family Lifestyle

Dual-Career Family Lifestyle The problem of dual-career family lifestyle is that it requires a significant investment of resources from individuals, and the sustainment of work-life balance becomes more difficult as employees try to stay committed both to their work and their family. The negative impact of such lifestyle can be...

Case Study: Important Business and Managerial Problems

Introduction In the context of present-day developments, business owners should address a range of details concerning various fields in order to make their enterprise profitable and popular with customers. In addition, they are highly likely to encounter challenges, which are difficult to be found an appropriate solution. Therefore, the purpose...

Emotional Intelligence for Enhancing Leadership

Introduction Emotional intelligence refers to an individual’s ability to assess and manage their emotions and those of others. This requires a person to understand themselves on a deeper level and develop the capabilities of comprehending how others feel. By achieving this, people can increase their productivity in any activities they...

Business Letters on Employees’ Management

DATE: April 07, 2021. TO: All Staff. FROM: Denis Smith. SUBJECT: The Planned Increase in the Co-Payment for Prescription Drugs. Dear employees, our company’s critical priority is to ensure a high level of quality while creating a favorable working environment so that each employee can fully realize their professional and...

Strategies Improving Employee Satisfaction and Retention

Employee satisfaction and retention is a process in which resources are motivated and encouraged to remain in an organization and ensure its sustainability. Strategies to improve employee satisfaction encourage loyal workers to stay in the company for a longer time, which in turn benefits both stakeholders (Buchbinder et al., 2012)....

Merchandise and Assortment Opportunities for Maximizing Sales and Profit

Introduction Retailers have tried to compete with the best merchandise but the competition is becoming difficult because in every category of the products there are problems to be encountered. Retailers are using the web- based sourcing and the procurement systems so that they can be able to maintain their image...

The Network of Barbershops: Market and Industry Analysis

Introduction The mission statement of the planned business is as follows: “To prove that taking care of oneself is a privilege not only for women but also for men.” The business that is planned to open is a network of barbershops that will include haircuts for men of all ages....

Wolfgang Keller at Konigsbrau: Hellas A.E

Konigsbrau A.G is a corporation based in Greek, it produces premium beers, and its worldwide sales were estimated to 2.6 million US dollars. By the time its director was Mr. Wolfgang Keller, Konigsbrau was one of the companies that enjoyed recognition in the whole continent as it was the best...

Challenge for a Mitigation Specialist

A mitigation specialist plays a critical role for the legal team. Throughout the trial, he or she will provide defense attorneys with professional analysis related to the case, information about the investigation that affects this case, key evidence, and experts to testify about the mitigating circumstances presented in the case....

Marketing Plan: Corporate Responsibility

It can be stated that a particular emphasis should be made on employees if retailers strive for ensuring good service and provision of value to customers. That is to say, clients will evaluate their experience positively if the quality of the product or service is average but customer service is...

General Motors 2035: Phasing Out Gasoline and Diesel-Driven Vehicles

General Motors (GM) has set the 2035 target date to phase out gasoline- and diesel-driven vehicles from its showrooms globally. GM is among the first automobile makers to put a timeline on transitioning to a fully electric lineup. As discussed by the CEO, the main goal for GM, as discussed...

Conflict Resolution. A Values-Based Negotiation Model

The basic types of conflict are goal disagreement, which is characterized by incompatible outcomes, and cognitive differences, which refer to situations where contradictory ideas are proposed. In addition, task clashes are encountered in instances where duties collide, while affective conflicts are experienced when emotional differences are prevalent. Conflicts occur at...

Business of Collecting and Kames’s Moral Concepts

The business environment, as a dynamic and constantly changing sector, is divided into numerous areas and spheres of interest in which distinctive entrepreneurial principles and approaches are promoted to accumulate profit. At the same time, despite high competition and struggle for market positions, certain areas of business are based not...

Global and Southern African Perspectives

Introduction Good customer service is everything to a successful business. There is no other sure method proven to get your customers coming back. You could slash prices back or give any kind of incentive but the end product will be that those customers attracted by these services will not last....

The OCEG Questions for Business: Role and Functions

Without any doubt, it is challenging to determine whether companies act appropriately in compliance with laws and regulations, and whether they maintain their ethical standards, and coordinate risk management carefully. However, these factors are critical for each organization; thus, it is essential to find ways to assess compliance, ethics, and...

Some Aspects of an Organization’s Culture

In my opinion, Gallup’s results fit my general expectation of an excellent organizational culture. For instance, the Coca-Cola Company has remained one of the top global firms because of its employees’ efforts and commitment to upholding its unique culture. Organizational culture reflects an organization’s members’ shared values, beliefs, and ideals....

Military Leadership: Combat Bunker to the Corporate Boardroom

The research on the topic of leadership management is substantial, filled with primary and secondary sources covering the various aspects of theoretical and practical discussions. However, the literature review on the selected question of transferring military leadership traits into a business requires one to consider several areas of the scholarship...

Aspects of Learning Activities

In the past, I worked as a member of a team aimed at organizing several discussions on business studies. On the whole, our team leader was rather effective; he was always clear and consistent in his statements and actions, showed integrity, and was able to organize an effective flow of...

Investing in Uber: Reputation, Problems

Introduction Uber, as one of the biggest ride-hailing businesses in the United States, experiences significant financial losses. They are caused by the improper policies of the company with regard to its principal operations. All the emerging issues are conditional upon the fact that it attempts to expand the activity instead...

Colony Nursery and Landscaping Company: Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation

Colony Nursery and Landscaping Company needs to implement an ERP system since it has been unable to share information between existing systems. The target objective is to increase purchasing metrics within the company. Information silo means a management system that cannot communicate freely with other systems set for communication within...

Fundamentals of Market Planning

A marketing plan is essential for marketers and companies in general. Setting sales targets gives employees and employers a common goal, which can ensure greater harmony in the workplace. Additionally, such a strategy facilitates the efficient allocation of resources. For instance, once it is drafted, the company can determine how...

Tencent Analysis. Micro Innovation Strategy

Introduction Tencent is a Chinese multinational company situated in Shenzhen, China. The company is a technological conglomerate and works both domestically and abroad to bring innovation and improvement into people’s lives (Tencent’s Innovation Strategy 2020). Founded in 1998, its influence has significantly spread throughout the world with the popularization of...

Dr. Steve Tobias:Leadership Overview

In today’s complex healthcare settings, in the increasingly complex healthcare settings, more people recognize the role of leadership in achieving organizational goals (Buckbinder & Shanks, 2012, p. 25). Effective leadership can bring transformative changes and goes hand in hand with ethics since it is based on the values of honesty,...

Takeaways Pertaining to Ethical and or Not Behaviors

Introduction Firms are facing increasing competition from small and well-established rivals in domestic and international markets for a perpetually shrinking market. As a consequence, some companies engage in unfair and unethical competitive practices, such as predatory pricing, acquisitions, and aggressive advertising to remain profitable and improve their position (Feltovich, 2019)....

Toyota Motors Analysis

Introduction Several key factors are influencing the strategy and operations of Toyota Motors. These are demographics, culture, socio-economic environment, and consumer attitudes. According to the International Monetary Fund, the Japanese population’s median age is slightly over 48 (Japan, 2020). It means that Japan is the country with the oldest population...

Nonlinear and Integer Optimization

In the article by Ware, Singh, and Banwet (2014), the authors are using the mixed-integer non-linear optimization technique (MINLP) to model the dynamic supplier selection problem. This problem arises whenever there is a need for an organization to secure high-volume supply delivery using different suppliers’ services. This problem is complicated...

The Golden Rule and Business Ethics

The notion of business ethics and communication patterns within the business segment has become one of the most discussed subjects when dealing with business in general today. In order to define the major interrelations between ethics and business success rate, many researchers launch empirical studies to calculate the following interdependence....

Aspects of the Occupational Health

Introduction Occupational health is an area that seeks to ensure the safety, welfare and health of employees in various places of work as they carry out their duties. The health of an individual may be affected due to the work they do. Some injuries of the bone, sprains, cuts or...

Airbnb Company’s Strategic Orchestration

Various companies adopt business management approaches in order to stay efficient and thrive in the global market. Maintaining a beneficial relationship with the customers and multiple partners appears to be a remarkable strategy, which allows the organization to restructure the traditional resource management approach. In this work, the concept of...

Global Cultures Case Analysis

Introduction The federal republic of Brazil, located in South America, is the largest country in the continent, both in landmass and population size. It ranks as the sixth most populous nation in the world. Being the only Portuguese-speaking country in the continent with a history of the century-long mass migration...

One Cent Apparel Company’s Strategic Resources

List of The Three Strategic Resources One Cent Apparel possesses strategic resources that will provide quality products at affordable prices to all customer segments. These resources fall under three major categories, including the following: Land: One Cent Apparel owns land in a strategic location, a few kilometers from the city...

“Apple iPhone Again Best Tech Seller of the Year…” by Graham

Summary This analysis paper’s central core is the assertion that the forced need to stay at home was the deciding factor that brought Apple back to its leadership position in 2020 (Graham, 2020). Jefferson provides numerical data showing its sales growth and notes key marketing milestones related to the release...

Creating an Advertising Website for a Jewelry Company

Executive Summary Webster’s Jewellers is a jewelry company founded in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Its reputation and economic success allowed opening a store in the northern part of the city, in addition to the downtown location. At the same time, in order to promote the new Webster’s North, it would...

Short and Medium Goals Analysis of “We Are One”

“We Are One” is a clothing retailer with seven a product line that includes hoodies, tank tops, and jumpsuits. The brand also sells shorts, joggers, sweatshirts, and short and long sleeve t-shirts. The company has established short and near short term goals for the next one, three, and five years....

Segmentation Targeting and Positioning Approaches

Summary Segmentation targeting and positioning are marketing approaches that are used by marketers towards achieving positive outcomes from a certain market depending on the consumer behavior that is characterized by that market. Before comparing these 3 forms it is important first to identify and define each of them in comparison...

Cross-Functional Teams: Assessing Workforce Diversity Issues

Workforce surveys are effective tools to identify the employees’ current perceptions of management and their attitudes to the organization. Nevertheless, senior managers often discuss surveys in the context of many challenges and misunderstandings. Therefore, it is possible to identify benefits of employee surveys and discuss managers’ fears. Benefits of Workforce...

Private Label Brands and Marketing Management

The business arena continues to get more competitive by the day. As a result, business organizations seek ways of using existing strategies to better their performance while at the same time devising new mechanisms to enhance their profitability. The emergence of private label brands is a case in point. Their...

How IBM Integrated Social Networks Into Their Business Information Systems

Introduction Companies are frequently looking for sources of competitive advantage that can drive their revenue upwards. One way in which this can be achieved is through social networking as the latter phenomenon can offer them ways of simplifying their business models while at the same time connect them with their...

“What Is the Theory of Your Firm?”

The main concept of the article is a corporate theory, which focuses on identifying the specific traits and needs of the company and using them to achieve a stable position in the market. The author emphasizes that an effective theory “identifies those assets and activities that are rare, distinctive, and...

Motivation to Lead: Communication Skills

In order for a person to improve his or her managerial skills, it is important to have a certain motivation to lead others. The given sense is the strongest during challenging situations when the team or organization heavily relies on a leader’s willingness to remain resilient and strong. Therefore, one...

Subsea Technology and Rentals Organisational Resilience

In order to analyse the potential benefits of organisational resilience, there is a need to briefly overview the company, focusing primarily on its latest activities. Subsea Technology and Rentals was originally established in Scotland but has since grown to an international technology corporation that specialises in sales and rental services...

Evaluation of the LRSD’s Reorganization

In July 2005, after hiring a new superintendent in June 2004, the Little Rock School District (LRSD), Arkansas’s largest school district, began the organization of its management structure. This process was initiated by perceived inefficiencies connected with school bureaucracy and inadequate yearly progress of a considerable number of schools in...

Leadership Changes and Their Consequences

Steven Jobs Tim Cook One of the most striking leadership changes was the replacement of Steve Jobs as CEO of Apple by Tim Cook in 2011. After Jobs’ death, Apple was in crisis, and its stock was rapidly losing value. Cook was able to remedy the situation by maintaining a...

Leader–Member Exchange and Social Network Theory

Introduction The concept of leadership and the notion of a leader always assume the presence of the followers. As a result, various theories exploring styles and models of leadership view them from the perspective of interpersonal relations and interactions. This paper discusses leader-member exchange theory and social network theory, their...

Supply Chain Management. Evolution

Supply chain management (SCM) entails the planning and management of every activity involving sourcing and procurement, conversion and all logistics management activity (Rajeev et al. 299). SCM encompasses a broader scope within the organization, which also looks at the coordination and collaboration with other stakeholders within the supply chain (Rajeev...

Resistance to Change in Employees

It goes without saying that employees’ cooperation and the contribution of all team members in a project are highly important for its successful completion. However, the company’s manager may face considerable resistance to any changes from his or her subordinates – even if changes are beneficial (Robbins et al., 2018)....

Foreign Investment Strategies

Introduction Marketing is an effective practice intended to support organizational profitability and performance. The purpose of this report is to describe the strategies FreshDirect needs to consider before investing in a foreign country. This company currently operates in different regions across the United States where it provides online grocery services....

Management: The Complex-Adaptive Leadership Model

Introduction The management team in any organization has to factor organizational leadership in their business strategy to promote business growth, workers’ motivation, and operational efficiency. Corporate leaders typically focus on achieving strategic goals by enhancing teamwork spirit among workers, which fosters productivity and growth. The complex-adaptive leadership model refers to...

Firms Raising Money Through Debt vs. Equity

Debts as a source of operating funds can be from within or outside the company specifically individual borrowings or banks. Equity on the other hand a source of funding that results from sale of securities (shares/stocks). In determining the company progress the ratio of debt to equity as source of...

Chief Intelligence Officer: Why Businesses Need It?

The present-day is often called “The Information Age,” but not everyone understands the reason behind it. People are generally aware of the ever-increasing opportunities to find knowledge, share experience, and obtain competence, but the information goes even deeper. To truly excel in most entrepreneurial undertakings, one must be aware of...

Skateboards and Gear Marketing Plan

The skateboard and gear business target 120 youths, who stay near a college and depend on skating to reach school. The targeted students have continuously shown their interest to purchase skateboards which are limited in supply around the identified areas. Skateboard is important as it helps the students move from...

Athlete Sponsoring as a Marketing Strategy

Carefully considered sports sponsorships can be a successful method to advertise a new brand. Nonetheless, an organization should pick who to sponsor cautiously and weigh numerous factors prior to sponsorship arrangement. Sponsorships, when executed without thinking about the person’s background, can destroy the firm’s image. The three companies, Nike, Red...

“Leadership Characteristics and Digital TransFormation”: Article Critique

The first noticeable mistake is in the article’s abstract. While an abstract should contain all the significant points of the study, the authors did not mention their key findings in the abstract. Instead of clearly stating the findings or results, the authors noted that “the results represent an important step...

Entrepreneurship: Relationship Marketing

One of the most difficult and expensive tasks that any business owner faces is finding new customers or retaining old ones. Many companies dedicate different parts of their marketing department on one of these functions. To retain customers that companies already have relationship marketing is used to attract repeat business...

Analysis of “Tweeting Social Change” Article by Guo & Saxton

Building a strong relationship with key stakeholders is the main task of any nonprofit since this is the process that contributes to the capacity of achieving the overall organizational mission and particular goals. In their article, Guo and Saxton (2014) explore how nonprofits organizations utilize social media platforms to pursue...

Business Organizational Forms in the United States

Introduction Organizations review the market to identify various forms of business that they can adopt. The organizational form is directly related to various business-related functions and issues (Padgett & Powell, 2012). It should be noted that there are seven key categories of business characteristics. The key categories of characteristics include...

Discussion of E-commerce Market

Abstract The market analysis allows firms to comprehend the possible opportunities and limitations, which further define the correct strategies to adopt. The e-commerce market has grown over the past years following the amplified use of the internet and contemporary technologies. Amazon uses an online presence to sell its products and...

How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy

Introduction The approaches to the development and execution of strategic plans are closely examined by many business administrators and scholars. This paper is aimed at discussing the issues that should be considered by a person when implementing a strategy. In this context, this notion can be described as the identification...

Mechanistic vs. Organic Form of Management

First of all, it is essential to explain what is meant by a management type. By management type or organizational structure is understood as a system that defines a hierarchy in an organization. It demonstrates each position, its function, and to whom it reports (Friend, 2019). Establishing a clear organizational...

Tillerman’s Tea’s Product-Mix Issue in India

Background and context of the situation The current problem of Tillerman’s Tea is to find the best possible product mix for its new location in India and reduce production costs. Tillerman has to know how much tea he will be for a New Delhi Blend. Traffic managers attempt to reduce...

Sprouts Farmers Market Company’s Performance Analysis

Sprouts Farmers Market is a specialty grocery store that sells organic foods and a variety of other natural products. At present, its popularity is defined by the increasing demand for the realized goods boosted by customers’ particular attention to their health during the pandemic. This fact explains the business’s ongoing...

Wells Fargo: Case Study

There have been numerous cases of fraudulent actions committed by organizations and covered in press. Employees who work in companies with toxic corporate cultures are often challenged by their need to speak up about illegal procedures they are made to do on a daily basis. They often have a psychological...

Communicating in Teams and Organizations

Abstract Communication is an integral part of human life, including the field of business. Communication in an organization is an essential type of business relationship with other people, which performs several functions. In business communication, people use verbal and non-verbal means, which is also of great importance. Today, in the...

Management Statistical Methods

Introduction Statistics is a mathematical representation of analyzed data. This method can be applied in almost all areas to explore past, present, and future performance. Statistical data can compare and contrast records that may be used for a specific future event. Collected material can predict the likely happening of a...

Managing a Remote Team in the Covid-19 Crisis

COVID-19 struck the world, and companies all over the continent had to send their employees to work from home. It was a bit hectic for the employers since they had to make sure all employees get the tools needed to work with from home. Remote communication technology instantly became a...

Unilever’s Strategic Direction

Unilever is a Dutch-British multinational firm headquartered in Rotterdam, Netherlands, and London, United Kingdom. It is one of the oldest and biggest consumer goods enterprises globally – only topped by Procter and Gamble and Nestle. The organization attracts various types of consumer merchandise brands in beverages, personal care, foods, and...

Market Designs and Entrepreneurship Innovations

Technology has played a significant role in elevating entrepreneurship globally. Innovative ideas have been diverse to fit the digital world in business and market systems. Products have been improved through technology; hence, encouraging competition in the market. When the quality of products advances through innovation, their value increases, enabling them...

Marketing of “Embrace Yourself” Self-Care Box

The last year has been a challenging time for most people as it was severely altered by the widespread pandemic, impacting society’s health and taking the lives of millions of people. The coronavirus has considerably “enhanced stress, anxiety” and fostered many related mental illnesses caused by prolonged social isolation (Pfefferbaum...

Risks on the Workplace: Awareness and Prevention

According to the Oxford English oxford dictionary, a tort is an intentional or unintentional harm to another person or property. In most organizations, employees are exposed to various risks as they perform their daily tasks. The risk may be intentional when both parties, that is, the employer and the employee...

Self-Initiated Expatriation and Personal Experience

Moving to another country is a common activity these days, so many people choose to work in another country quite easily. The self-initiated expatriate is a person “who undertakes his international work experience with little or no organizational sponsorship” (Andresen et al., 2012, p. 11). Such employees, unlike assigned expatriates,...

Comfortability and Productivity at Work: Ethical Management

Expectations and Implications Ethical management allows business employees to feel comfortable and be productive at work. It also helps to avoid conflict situations and misunderstandings between the subordinates and superiors. An effective leader sets an example by behaving morally and encouraging other workers to do the same. This paper will...

Ethics of Innovation in Relation to Leadership

Innovation has traditionally been in and out of fashion but is still defined as the most significant route for organizations to quicken the pace of progress. However, the globalization erodes the topographical boundaries and market barriers that once prevented organizations from understanding their hidden capabilities. Therefore, an organization’s ability to...

All Colors of the Rainbow Organization’s Business Plan

Introduction The greatest investment that a business can make for success is an investment in the workforce, which is why HR management is an important part of business plans. This business plan document discusses the workforce-related plans of All Colors of the Rainbow – a newly-established organization to support financially...

Purpose and Scope of Human Resource Management

There are various definitions of HRM, but most of them are similar in the following: human resource management is a unique combination of philosophy and activities aimed at organizing people within an organization (Sharma 2). To better understand the purpose and scope of HRM, it is advisable to review its...

Standard Employment Relationship in Canada

Introduction Standard Employment Relationship (SER) involves the relationship between employers and employees and can influence employment nature. SER has also been used to ensure that workers can work full-time and enjoy extensive statutory benefits and entitlements. Many companies in different countries have used SER to guarantee that laborers and owners...

Aspects of International Accounting Related to IFRS

Introduction International accounting standards refer to the principles that are considered worldwide while balancing financial records. The goal of international accounting has been to create a comparison of different businesses in the world, fostering global trade and increasing transparency in financial reporting. Investors can make well-versed economic decisions about investment...

Management Strategies, and Challenges in Implementing Them

Management strategies Functional strategies Functional logistics strategies are determined specifically by the arrangement of the services that have been delivered. During this procedure, the technical, legal, as well as economic parameters, must be taken into account at all times. Functional strategies draw around the effect of over bending the business...

Assessing Financial Performance

Evaluating the efficacy with which the financial needs of an organization are met is a crucial part of any business experience. However, the opinions concerning the frequency of the said assessments may vary. Currently, it is believed that the first year requires monthly evaluations, whereas the next few years of...

Employee Requirements in China vs. the United States

In case an association can effectively integrate new workers, they become confident with their ability to perform, feeling acknowledgement by their colleagues. This leads to more successful new employees who perform better and have higher occupation fulfillment, loyalty to the organization, and longer stay in the organization (Bauer & Erdogan,...

Management: Friendly Financial Works

The effective functioning of any company depends on management practices used to ensure the desired outcomes and attain specific goals. It is vital to create an environment motivating workers to engage in various processes and contribute to the evolution of the company. Designing a productive and satisfying job is a...

Walmart and the Chinese Market

Introduction Walmart is one of the largest multinational retail corporations and the world’s largest company by revenue. It operates in twenty-six countries outside of the United States, with the Chinese market being one of the primary focuses for the company’s expansion since 1996 when Walmart opened its first hypermarket in...

Wobbly Wheels Distribution Company’s Business Strategies

Abstract Wobbly Wheels Distribution Company (WW) is a transport and distribution company that aims at increasing current revenue through incorporation of the IT organization. This paper discusses part one of ITSP development that involves description of the business, current economic climate, and financial goals. In addition, the paper discusses the...

Corporations Strategic Objectives

Strategic management for corporations refers to the ability to schedule a firm’s operations at the optimum and feasible level possible. Its emphasis is on building a firm underlying foundation in which a business will consequently base its activities by employing the combined efforts and contributions of the manpower and other...

Logistics Network of the Food and Beverage Production Industry

The supply chain serves as the core of today’s enterprises, becoming the foundation upon which effective business operations are based. The correct organization of a supply chain is key to navigating along the optimal path in today’s globalized, changeable business landscape. As such, logistics networks hold special significance within vital...

Customer Focus at Parkplace Mercedes and Mercedes Benz

Introduction Customer focus remains one of the core values of many companies in the service industry. It involves determining and evaluating the needs of a company’s customers. In determining and evaluating these needs, most companies focus on their products or services, the quality of these products or services as well...

The Dilemma of Payment Decisions Adoption

The dilemma of payment decisions adoption has long been the subject for research. Scholars have long aimed to find out which strategy is more effective for employee motivation and achieving competitive advantages by companies. In the following essay, the “best practices” strategy will be evaluated against the “best fit” strategy....

Human Relations: The Manager with a Disgruntled Employee

Situation You have just been hired by Yummy Juicy, a national corporation that sells organic juices at most major retail stores. You have been hired as the West Coast Distribution Manager. After about five weeks on the job, you get the following email: Sir/Ma’am, You are hurting this company. You...

New Network Contacts Research and Development

Introduction Maintaining and developing a network of valuable contacts is a vital skill and duty in almost every industry, and is critically important in any business which relies on interprofessional connections to function at the top of its efficiency. The importance of such connections is progressively recognized more and more...

Howard Schultz, Starbucks and a History of Corporate Responsibility

Ethical business conduct is a topic of dramatic importance, given the constant news about immoral behaviors by both large and small businesses. As such, the recent developments in the field of corporate ethics and citizenship are promising, though the field is still far from achieving its intended objectives. Well-defined criteria...

External Business Analysis With Six Questions

The external analysis, also known as environmental analysis, is a process through which companies objectively evaluate changes that might influence their current operations to their industries and the wider world. Companies do this to make sure they can adapt and succeed in a drive in the context of changes. The...

Soft Skills Define the Future and Success

The changing nature of the global workforce is incontestable and demands exceptional skills to adapt and compete. Unlike in the previous decade, many professionals today appreciate the need to leverage the power of soft skills in the contemporary multicultural global workspace. Exceptional communication abilities, people management, problem-solving, work ethics, teamwork,...

Leadership Style: Which It Should Be?

Abstract Leadership can be defined using how a person influences others. The purpose of this study is to identify leadership styles and the traits associated with an effective leader. It also seeks to clarify the difference between having power and being a leader. A person can be a leader but...

Whole Foods Market Inc.’s Conscious Capitalism

The concept of conscious capitalism was developed by Mackey and Sisodia (2013) and signifies a socially responsible philosophy of economics and doing business. The critical idea of conscious capitalism is that, in pursuit of profit, businesses should still act ethically and should not neglect the needs of a company’s stakeholders....

Marketing Metrics of Tencent Plc

Introduction A management report plays an essential role in the promotion plan of an organization. For instance, it displays the primary marketing metrics applied in advertising the organization’s critical products. Besides, they create a visualization of the current marketing performance to assess its overall organizational potential. Through the selling metrics...