How Much Compensation Can CEOs Permissibly Accept?

In the workplace, all Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) have the fiduciary duty to reject excessive pay. Before reviewing the article How Much Compensation Can CEOs Permissibly Accept? I always believed that there is a standard structure that directs the compensation rates for all executive employees, including CEOs. However, the resource’s...

International Power Company’s Organizational Behavior and Change Management

Introduction International Power Global Developments is a private company. Keeping the current advancements of the world in mind, there is a need to understand the requirement of a horizontal/flat structure. Vertical hierarchies were very common in olden days, but with passage of time, more team based cultures are being explored....

Market Segmentation and Target Market

When launching a business, an examination of the market is one of the major business plan constituents. However, the notion of the market consists of a number of definitions often confused. The examples of such definitions are the market segmentation and the target market. Although these terms are often misinterpreted...

Creativity in Individuals and Working Environment

Creativity, vital for many modern jobs, can be promoted in both individual work and among an organization. Various ways can be implied to motivate workers to be more innovative, which overall leads to the improvement of their performance. Furthermore, managers can promote creativity directly and indirectly. To increase creativity in...

2019 Brooklyn Crush Wine & Artisanal Food Festival

To begin with, the wine industry is well-developed in the United States. In 2018, the total US market reached $70 billion of total value (2019: the total U.S. wine market 2019). People across the country seem to be engaged in the consumption of this drink. New York communities are not...

Levels of Practices of Organizational Change & Change Process and Models

Introduction As corporate organizations advance and come to be viewed as vibrant, coping systems, the concept of how they undergo change and the methods by which they manage change processes have continued to be refined (Ashraf, 2010; Newman, 2012). Managing a change process in a corporate organization can be a...

Community Based Fundraising Marketing Plan

The name of the marketing plan is Community Based Fundraising. Multiple generations of contributors and potential fans will be targeted using different advertisement techniques, including traditional promotions and social media posts. Older fans will be targeted with advertisements focusing on community pride, while social media engagement and promotions will be...

Express Advertising Agency Managing Creative Project and Design

Introduction The profitability of a project is the major objective that propagates a project manager to maintain a strong and a focused team. In the creative field the roles of project managers varies from one firm to another. This is based on the fact that different firms have variety of...

Successful Leadership Is the Ability to Inspire

Management theorist Simon Sinek believes that a leader is someone with whom employees feel safe, who creates a circle of trust. Successful leadership is not about power, authority, and influence, but about the ability to inspire. Individuals and entire organizations can achieve exceptional success if they understand why they exist,...

Clayton County Library’s Financial Management Study

Description of Dissertation Topic In the past few decades, limited funding, at state and federal levels, has created financial constraints for Clayton County Library, Georgia. Relative to such challenges, the American Library Association says, today, American Libraries experience the greatest threat to their financial stability (Coffman, 2013; Bowman, 2011). Indeed,...

Price Discrimination and Big Data

For many industries where it is possible to sell products online, first-degree price discrimination associated with dynamic pricing is viewed as an effective method to generate higher profits. However, in comparison to more common and less controversial second- and third-degree discrimination, first-degree price discrimination provokes much debate regarding the fairness...

Leadership Philosophy: Understanding, Theories, and a Leadership Role Model

Introduction A leadership philosophy is a range of principles, beliefs, convictions, and mindsets, according to which a person decides what actions should be taken and what reactions and attitudes are appropriate in a particular situation. Leadership philosophy regards the existence of issues, mannerisms, goals, behavior in daily pursuits, and the...

Key Employee Benefits in the Healthcare Sector

Besides remuneration and health cover, firms can offer a wide variety of benefits depending on the sector, availability of resources, the needs of employees, and the creativity of the employer. These benefits include paid holidays, sponsored marriage anniversary or birthday parties, gym/club membership, tickets to special events, car grants, cash...

Value Stream Mapping Analysis

Every company or firm does its best to improve its overall performance. It is possible to use various tools to identify improvement opportunities, and value stream mapping is among them. This term stands for a kind of flowcharting tool that is used to understand the development of lean processes (Jacobs...

WorldCom as Example of Ethics

Introduction WorldCom was an American telecommunications company that highlighted the dangers of engaging in unethical conduct. WorldCom’s growth strategy was through acquisition of other companies. Rapid acquisition made WorldCom one of the largest telecommunications in the US. However, the company was secretly engaging in a massive accounting fraud, which created...

Palm Inc.’s Inputs Diagnosis and Company Strategy

Introduction Companies in this world of capitalism always want more. They want more profit, more shareholder value, and more market share, among other needs. The realizations of these objectives have been attained through the successful initiation, development, and management of brands in most instances. Indeed, the effective development and management...

Strategic Management and Business Policy: SWOT Analysis

Introduction SWOT analysis refers to the analysis of the strategic environment that impact on the activities of an organization. Under SWOT analysis, the internal factors that originate from the firm are categorized into strengths denoted by S or weaknesses denoted by W, while those factors that are external to the...

FuelSave China Ltd’s Packaging for American Consumers

Fuelsave China Limited is one of the leading manufacturers of energy saving locomotive engine products in the Eastern Chinese town of Xianshou. It prides itself in the production of products that have performed exceedingly well in the Chinese market. Recently, after working on and producing a product they named Ecosave,...

Continuity Planning: The University of Virginia

Introduction The University of Virginia often abbreviated as UVa or sometimes UVA is by now the only UNESCO Heritage Site University in all of the United States of America. Located in Virginia at Charlottesville, the Public University is known for public research. It was founded by Jefferson Thomas and by...

Team Building and Development in an Organization

Abstract This paper explores how team building and development is tied to the overall study of organizational behavior. The theories that sandwich motivation are also evaluated to understand the mechanisms through which organizations should put in place to ensure a work force that is motivated and satisfied. In respect to...

Ethnic Hair Care Market

Introduction The ethnic hair care process in Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, and Ethiopia has a number of peculiarities and considerably varies, depending on the consumer gender, social status, and personal idea about one’s identity and appearance. On average, the process is quite costly and laborious due to the genetic characteristics...

IT and Competitive Advantage

The success of an organization depends on its ability to secure a favorable advantage over its competitors. The trend of business today is the incorporation of computer technology into the operations of the business. IT resources are expanding the capabilities of businesses; hence enhancing market expansions, increasing processing, and communication...

Qantas Airways Limited: Contemporary Accounting Issues

Qualitative Analyses Accounting Policy The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted businesses, disrupting entities’ operations and financials. According to Grant Thornton (2020), some financial reporting areas can remarkably impact annual financial statements and determine the disclosures required. Even though some sectors might avoid severe damages or even benefit from the...

Organizational Behavior Business: HR Dilemma

HR dilemma The two business cases are concerned with an HR management problem, which is to hire or fire an employee with a specific issue. In the case study of the employee with AIDS, Greg should hire and promote Joe. He possesses AIDS disease; thus, the person responsible for hiring...

Employing Strategy in a Competitive Environment

Introduction Competition among businesses has enabled investors to seek better ways of remaining at the top of various business activities. The struggles to dominate the business world and expand markets to interior regions push companies to invest in marketing strategies. Doubtless, all companies are willing to pay a considerable amount...

Al Sheheen Organization’s Action Plan Outline

Al Sheheen is an organization that is known for providing principal training as well as consultancy services to organizations in the region. The organization has adequate resources to support the programs and help bring out more motivation to trigger students to become active in their own learning. The resources need...

Chinese Companies and Globalization Issues

Introduction In the past few decades, there has been a rapid growth of a global market. Organizations all over the world became multinational institutions and displayed an impressive success due to that change. Chinese companies follow this trend, although their achievement on a global scale could not be viewed as...

Lipitor: Business Model and Planning

Introduction Lipitor is a drug that reduces cholesterol levels and is produced by the Warner-Lambert company. This company has evolved significantly since its inception in the early 1850s and has become one of the top pharmaceutical companies in the globe. The three components that stand out the most from the...

Leadership and Business: Critical Points

Being an ethical leader in an organizational context is essential due to the need to solve issues that often arise in the workplace and are concerned with moral decisions and their outcomes. In the Forbes article, Zwilling (2013) explores the ways in which leaders can make an ethical difference in...

America Express Charity Food Overview

America Express (Amex) is an American international business Services organization headquartered in New York City, 200 Vesey Street. The corporation was founded in 1850 and is one of the constituents of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (“100 best companies to work for”, 2020). Amex is widely acknowledged for its travelers...

Corporate Leaders: The Role of Global Environment

Introduction Organisations are increasingly appreciating the role of global environment in their success. Moreover, corporate leaders have realised that their companies cannot function independently. Contemporary business world has become erratic, aggressive and intricate. It demands companies to re-evaluate their change-management strategies. Jalagat (2016) recommends that business leaders strike a balance...

BabyCenter: Analysis of the Power of Online Influencers

The task of marketing appears to have evolved tremendously from the basic process of making a product recognizable to the process of helping customers to relate to the brand on a deeply emotional level. The described situation applies fully to the progress made by BabyCenter since the organization has developed...

Development of a Leader in the American Navy, Leadership Theory

A leadership style is a vital aspect of management, which contributes to the effectiveness a manager. However, the leadership style adopted is largely dependent on the organization and the personal traits of the leader (The East-West centre, 2009). The second article highlights how a leader adopts a leadership style. The...

Ten Traits of the Best Supply Chains

Every company’s goal is to effectively manage its resources, including products, as they move through the supply chain at the proper time, at a competitive price, and in the best quality. Supply chains bridge the gaps that occur when suppliers are located far from customers and help to eliminate the...

Time Management Skills in Leadership

Time Management Self-Assessment Implementation of time management finds manifests in various types of activity. For example, taking advantage of a learning time, finding strategies to learn better and faster, compiling a list of things to do, etc. All of these demonstrates that time management capabilities are well-developed and of a...

The Clayton County Library System: The Effectiveness of Workplace Democracy

Introduction The themes of this essay include the effectiveness of workplace democracy and diversity in the workplace. It begins by describing the Clayton County Library System as a workplace. Besides, the essay also provides a discussion of some selected democratic principles. The Clayton County Library System Clayton County Library System...

Organizational Behavior Practical Application Field

Organizational behavior is a science that studies the behavior of people (individuals and groups) in organizations. Its aim is the practical use of knowledge to improve the efficiency of a person’s labor activity (Reeve Bunn, 2013). Human behavior at work is much more complex and varied than is suggested by...

An Employee Empowerment Strategy to Achieve Effective Leadership

Introduction Effective leadership is among the crucial elements for the success of a corporate organization (Mears, 2010). Effective leadership is not only confined to approaches used by a leader within an organization, but it also depends on the situation at hand, which determines the most effective leadership style (Nohria &...

Power Dynamics in Leadership

Hypotheses H0 (null): Poor leadership training is not the cause of the high rate of failure in small businesses. H1 (alternative): Military leadership training provides best practices for small business leaders underlying the success of small businesses. The null hypothesis demonstrates that for small businesses, the failure rate has no...

International Logistics and SCM

Universally accepted criteria for assessing risks and vulnerability of infrastructural systems in terms of global logistics and Supply Chain Management (SCM) have not been specified so far (Mattsson & Jenelius, 2015; Kermanshah & Derrible, 2016). Therefore, an approach developed by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) was implemented to...

Leadership Theory and Practice Mandela

Leadership is a vital aspect of running organizations. Failure in leadership results in many undesirable situations in organizations. The article from the times magazine seeks to analyze some personal characteristics that contribute to leadership through one of the most popular political leaders globally. Some of the characteristics portrayed by the...

Action Plan for Business: Key Aspects

On one occasion I was in a study group that was doing a project after class. We were given the keys and were supposed to lock the doors as we left. After finishing the project, everyone got up and left the classroom. The keys were left in the drawer of...

Prepaid Insurance or Payment Adjustments

Prepaid insurance is a kind of prepayment that stands for the instalments made for the expenses which have not been procured yet. Hence, the management of such an expense type should include reconsideration in terms of the accounting information on the overall budget. It is generally required to analyze which...

Elements of Leadership Styles

Introduction Maxwell (2005) and Kirimi (2007) argue that everything rises and falls on leadership. This means that leadership is a very important component of every organization. Therefore, this paper examines different leadership styles and their applicability within Clayton County Library System. Notable Elements of Servant and Delegative leadership Styles Robert...

Apple Computer Incorporation: Market Overview

Apple Inc. was formerly known as Apple Computer Inc. The company is a multinational corporation with headquarters in California, United States of America. Research indicated that Apple Inc. is the official designer and distributor of Apple personal computers, Apple computer software among other consumer electronics in the world. Macintosh is...

Business Ethics as Aspect of the Firm Functioning

Business ethics is one of the fundamental aspects of the functioning of modern organizations. The firms have to meet requirements for their work and evolution because of the need for respecting all actors, customers, and partners. Unfortunately, there are some cases of rude violations of this code that also precondition...

Market Value: Microsoft vs. Alphabet

Financial analysis in both investment and corporate finance fields is conducted primarily to analyze available data and monitor an organization’s performance. The quantitative method to assess the operational efficiency, liquidity, and profitability of the company is known as ratio analysis. In their turn, analysts compare ratios of a particular enterprise...

Critical Challenges Facing the Automotive Industry

Stiff competition has forced automobile companies to come up with better strategies that will help them compete successfully. Bankruptcy and economic crisis has threatened the existence of automobile industry. In order to create synergy, firms are trying to expand their operations through mergers and acquisition. A perfect example is Fiat,...

Gender in Perception of Barriers to E-commerce in UAE

Introduction In the recent past, many organizations have adopted e-commerce as a strategy in improving their level of performance in the contemporary competitive market. However, several barriers have hindered the adoption of e-commerce. One of the main barriers to e-commerce is gender. There is a significant difference in the perception...

Airline Fuel Hedging Programs

Summary Overview The three airline companies in the articles face challenges concerning the logistics of fuel; thus, they focus on the use of fuel hedging programs. It is documented that Southwest Airlines has been posting impressive results. Fuel contract issues made the firm record losses in its third and quarter...

SWOT Analysis Company Nurture Inc

Information about the Company Name of the company: Nurture Inc. Slogan: Healthy and tasty. The name of the company refers to nature and nutrition; moreover, “nurture” is about care, development, growth, and potential. Mission Statement: About 60% of a human’s body is liquid, about 70% of the Earth is covered...

Marketing Research Process for a Business Venture

After conducting a future outlook and Legal Concerns for my Urban-ware and clothing line business venture, the next thing that I will embark on is conducting marketing research for the venture. By this, I intend to look at find the best marketing strategies to use in marketing my products fully...

Work Experience of Leaders, Followers, and Teams

Introduction My experience as a follower came when working with Miwani distributors which a company responsible for distributing soft drinks. I happened to be one of those responsible of packing soft drinks and ensuring that stores were ever in good condition. In this position, I happen to experience numerous challenges...

Recommendations for Relaxing Travel Company

Background Relaxing travel is a travel agent that is based in the UK. The main area of business of this company is medium-priced charter flights and package holidays to resorts which are mostly in the Mediterranean coastal resorts. The products that this company offers include; charter flights which it leases...

How to Proper Establishing Objectives

Introduction An objective is a goal that guides the efforts of an organization to reach its target. Objectives are set as an element of effective planning. They are used to determine whether an organization has met set standards. Objectives provide direction for various activities and influence human behavior towards attaining...

Employment Classification and Discrimination

Introduction The case represents a good example of complex relationships among employers and employees. It also helps understand the distinction between employee and independent contractor, as well as shed light upon certain ethical issues. In this report, it will be argued that Janice from the case needs to be qualified...

Kawneer Brand Company: Structure Analysis

Introduction Kawneer Brand is a reputable company in North America that manufactures architectural building products from aluminum. There are other companies involved in manufacturing the same products but Kawneer Brand has proved to be an icon in this industry. Some of the goods it manufactures include framing systems, curtain wall...

Situational Leadership Theory by Hersey and Blanchard

Weaknesses and Justification of Situational Leadership Hersey and Blanchard developed a theory that reflects how a leader should behave towards workers in relations to their different levels of maturity to the work. They argued that a high-maturity subordinate possesses both the confidence and ability to perform a task. Conversely, a...

Supply Chain Management in the Business World

Supply chain management is one of the most important twentieth-century innovations in the business world. Practically, it is the managing of a “network of interconnected businesses involved in the ultimate provision of product and service packages required by end customers” (Cooper et al., 7). In other words, it takes care...

The Main Goal of Lean Thinking and Manufacturing

Lean thinking is an efficient way of running a business company or any other organization. The main goal of lean thinking and manufacturing is to lower the expenses as much as possible to make the productions more profitable. I have read an article of Adam Robinson “Lean manufacturing: Is it...

Recognizing and Minimizing Tort and Regulatory Risk Plan

All businesses strive to achieve clean operational track records where they can match up with market leaders in their respective industries. One of the ways current businesses make sure they are up to date with global standards is in ensuring that they conduct business in a properly strategized manner. This...

Business Ethics: Career Ambition vs. Company Goals

The case study indicates that Linda Forbes is a self-driven, hardworking, and motivated person who seeks to achieve her professional and career goals. Forbes has managed to develop a conclusive study that explores the prospects of the autonomous transportation industry. The research director at HIG Capital LLC, Norman Driver, is...

Mountainside Industries Limited: Analysis and Recommendations

Introduction This is a report on what should be done to improve coordination among divisions in Mountainside Industries Limited. This follows a request made by Mrs. K. Hill who had realized that things were not going on well in the company. Decision-making processes are usually initiated and completed at the...

Skype Limited Acquisition: Qik

Introduction One of the surprise acquisition announcements that was made and closed within a single month was the acquisition of Qik by Skype Limited (Venture Deal, 2011). The acquisition deal was announced at Consumer Electronics Show (CES) on 6 January, 2011 (Indvik, 2011). The acquisition was completed within a period...

Sustainable Business Design: Bicycle Parking System in New York

Introduction The modern world is widely discussing the environmental issues that uncontrolled human activities have led to during the last two centuries. Water and air pollution, soil damage, and melting of the Arctic ice are the most often cited effects of what is nowadays called technological progress. Drawing from this,...

Managerial Accounting Ethics Role

Managerial accounting aims to provide managers with measurement and interpretation of accounting information so they can make informed decisions to maintain and improve a companys performance. This occupation requires possession and development of several essential skills and qualifications. There are also certain ethical standards employees working in this sphere have...

Impact of Acquisition: Amazon and Whole Foods

The world of business is competitive. Companies and their leaders take numerous steps that can fit their strategies, core values, and resources. As a rule, all steps of an acquisition process are time-consuming and require much work to be done (Abraham 2013; Pignataro 2015). Last year, Amazon shocked the world...

Eli Lilly and Company Versus Pfizer: Miscalculations Analysis

Introduction Eli Lilly and Company was one of the biggest pharmaceutical firms across the world in the 1980s and the early 1990s (Christensen, 2004). It controlled the largest market share in the sale of diabetes medication (insulin), supplying over 50% of the global insulin needs. Another company to be considered...

Partner Collaboration Barriers and Their Overcoming

Every partnership may or may not experience emergence of barriers that prevent organizations from collaborating with partners or receiving important grants. The barriers are a serious problem for business relationships as well as for the organizations’ clients. In this paper, the obstacles that may negatively influence Indian Creek Foundation will...

Primary Strategic Roles in Business

Facilitator The facilitator has a role of easing various processes through managing, planning, and guiding employees in events that lead to achievement of organizational objectives. The facilitator also ensures that there is full participation of all employees in implementation process of the strategic plan. Facilitator forms a committee, which is...

The Customer Service Perspective: The Starbucks Brand

Throughout the years, the Starbucks brand of coffee and sandwiches has become one of the most famous as well as one of the most loved brands in the world, especially so in the coffee industry. It has over this period moved beyond the walls of its existing stores in the...

Challenges of Cloud Computing in Higher Education

Cloud computing is a model that permits suitable, on-demand admission to a shared pool of services, systems, and applications, which can be quickly provided (CDW-G 2011). It is applied in many areas such as businesses, healthcare facilities, state and federal governments and higher education. This paper will mainly deal with...

Power Your Business Into 2011: Paddy Power

The main keynote of a seminar titled “Power your Business into 2011” was Paddy Power, the communication director of Paddy Power Bookmaker organisation, and a direct heir of the Paddy name in the line of book makers. The keynote focused mainly on the Paddy’s experience in launching the business, and...

Organization Policy and Management: Employment-At-Will Doctrine

Helping Slow Learners at WorkPlace People do not always take a similar amount of time to learn a concept. This sometimes puts managers in a frustrating position when some of their employees are not able to learn at the same pace as other employees especially when the subject being learned...

Sony Corporation: Technology Design

Introduction Structural and financial adjustments are vital tools for promoting performance in companies and giving them an upper hand while competing with others. This essay is an assessment of how Sony Corporation is designing its technology systems to meet the market demands and make profits as projected by the management....

Management of Change and Professional Safety – Article Critique

The given article reminds us that the management of change and risk management in organizations are interconnected. Many accidents, which entail significant human and material losses, are caused by the inability to recognize and manage changes correctly. It has repeatedly been confirmed in the course of investigations of the causes...

The Malaysian Church’s Budgetary Considerations

The Malaysian United Methodist Church maintains a budget to fulfill its objectives and goals (Tipton, 2007). The research focuses on church budget preparation. The research focuses on the researcher’s contribution to the success of the church budget. The church budget significantly contributes to the church goals and objectives of evangelizing...

Motivational Theories and Factors

Introduction Motivation deals with the reasons why people behave the way they do or do things the way they do. For example, at the place of work, there is a reason why some people come late while others come early. It may be that those who come late to work...

Houston Pay Contraction in Terms of EBM

Abstract The purpose of this article is to consider the situation of the Houston pay contraction case in the context of evidence-based management. The situation is summarized by the author. The main principles of evidence-based management are stated and analyzed in terms of the given situation. It is concluded that...

Geringer and Herbert on Effectiveness of Joint Ventures

Introduction Since the advent of globalization, new forms and types of businesses have emerged across the world (Robson, Leonidou and Katsikeas, 2001; Gong, Shenkar, Luo and Nyaw, n.d). One of the popular forms of business that characterize society today is the Joint Ventures (JV), which is perceived to be more...

Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations

Leadership is essentially crucial in the growth of any organization whether it may be a big profit corporation or a non-profit organization. The development of leaders in the ranks of a company is important because leaders help achieve the goals of the company by exercising their powers and spears of...

Employee Engagement: Maximizing Organizational Performance

Research Study It is a well known and established fact that employee engagement augments the performance of organizations. Top executives recognize that employee engagement can increase the productivity and performance of organizations, while minimizing the costs of recruitment (Markos & Sridevi, 2010). The world market has become very competitive in...

Minimum Wages and Subsidies in Australia

Introduction In most countries around the globe, there is an established minimum wage and subsidies for the workers, which aim is raising the life quality of the population, reducing unemployment, and decreasing the income disparity. However, is such an instrument effective? Does it have negative side effects? This paper analyses...

Model Management of Organizational Change

Introduction Theoretically, the process of change in an organization begins with an awareness of the requirement for change. Organizational structural change is an economic process that involves changes in the functions or operations of an industry (Armstrong, 2006). It is the process of ensuring that an organization can develop and...

Information & Knowledge Assessment and Systems Design

Treatment of data, information, and knowledge Access to market information is often identified as one of the most crucial tasks of the marketing team, where the particular market needs that a company seeks to satisfy are identified and evaluated. The communication of the same information from the market to the...

Successful Marketing Secret in a World of Data Overload

The biggest challenge marketers face today comes in the form of people’s attention spans, shrinking under the weight of a huge stream of information. In his TED talk, “How to get your ideas to spread”, Seth Godin tackles the problem of marketing a product in today’s world of information overload....

Global Marketing Strategy Development Benefits

Abstract This paper examines the various marketing strategies that are essential for success of any company within the global market. It begins by introducing the idea of the global markets, and then discusses the common factors that influence the channel structures involved in distribution of products. Then it looks at...

Wakegen Wire Company: Company Analysis

Introduction Any organization that engages in the trade of goods and services with its clients is referred to as a business organization (Sullivan et al, 14). In any business setup, reports are generated to show the performance in a given area. Different types of reports are created for different purposes....

Motivation Strategies and Approaches at Workplace

Abstract Employees require motivation at workplace. Motivation is a crucial factor of consideration that management teams are supposed to execute when managing employees. From this research study, the best motivation strategies have been identified and discussed in regards to two different types of employees working in the same organization. One...

The Need for an Automobile Industry Bailout Plan

Introduction The current global financial crisis has affected major parts of the economy from agriculture sector to the industrial sector. One industry that has been caught in this crisis is the Auto industry. It is amazing that that this crisis has not only caught up with America car makers but...

Leading System Change – Chaos

Introduction: From an Orderly System to Chaos and Back Since the dawn of time, the battle between Chaos and Order has been going on without a single break; at certain point Chaos has been in the winning position, and there have been the times when Order was going to take...

The Concept of Servant Leadership

Servant leadership, according to Christians, is a form of leadership that was exemplified by Jesus. However, servant leadership is a philosophical leadership theory pioneered by Robert Greenleaf in 1970. Servant leadership advocates for a leader to be a servant before leading others. A servant leader has empathy, care and is...

Strategic Planning for Collegiate Athletics

Yow (2000) states that planning in sports entails goal identification, analyzing one’s environment, and choosing actions that will assist the athletes in meeting their objectives. It must also involve giving feedback on results. These aspects are vital because the sports administrator, coach, or team leader will get successful results if...

The Kitchener Rangers Hockey Club’s Performance

The Kitchener Rangers are a major junior ice hockey team from Ontario. They play in the Ontario Hockey League. In the paper, The Kitchener Rangers Hockey Club: Skating Into The Future, Schnarr, Krizmanich, and Lee are focused on the structure of The Kitchener Rangers hockey club with paying a lot...

Kudler Fine Foods Company’s Strategic Plan

Introduction The expected expansions Kudler Fine Foods is currently evaluating some prospective commercial sites within Southern California in order to stimulate the projected expansion of its business lines. The region which has been earmarked for this purpose is anywhere within the Carlsbad area. Specifically, it is considering any spot located...

Effective Leadership in an Organization: Practices and Theories

Discussion of leadership issues from two articles According to transformational leadership theory by Warrilow (2009, para. 1-5), there are four vital components that are required for one to effectively manage changes within an organization. For effective changes in organizations, leaders need to spur consciousness within their subordinates so as they...

Metric Systems for Measuring Leadership

The choice of a business leadership style is, perhaps, the most important step in defining the future of an organization (McLean-Cobban, 2013). While leadership is clearly only one of the elements that make a company work, it still predisposes the elements that create the environment for such phenomena as employees’...

Airgas Final Investigation Report: Case Study

The purpose of an investigation report is not only to examine the possible causes of an incident but also to make evident the potential solutions that will prevent further complications from happening. Following a set of established rules and standards, the authors of a report are capable of pinpointing the...

Custom Woodworking Company: Ccompany’s Management

Introduction The ‘Custom Woodworking Company’ is an average-sized traditional furnishing and cupboard manufacturing firm; with its head office and a large place site at the Industrial Estates. Based on this, this company is headed by Ron Carpenter who is old but his wife is a hardworking entrepreneur who because of...

Ethical Corporate Strategy in Contemporary Business

Goatse Security firm possible objectives when they hacked into AT&T’s Website When Goatse security firm hacked AT&T website, their action was not malicious, the company did not intend to harm the image of AT&T. A member of Goatse security noted that, there was absolutely nothing wrong with their action. He...

UK Aerospace Industry: Key Policies

Introduction The aerospace industry of the UK is controlled in accordance with three policies that involve Inventory Location Management, as well as Cycle Count policies. These are regarded as the key factors of successful aerospace development, and the aim of the paper is to overview the entire sphere from the...

Hope for New Life Ministries’ Organizational Capacity

Introduction My role, activities and focus for improvement of the ministry As a leader in Hope for New Life Ministries, I will focus on a number of issues that will improve the organization’s performance. My analysis of the current state of the organization seeks to address leadership diversity and the...

Terms Used in Financial Management

Introduction Following the exit of the immediate former Chief Financial Officer, there is a felt need to make everyone in the organization aware of some of the general terms the organization uses in its financial management system. The following five terms are the most important ones. Balance Sheet A balance...

Yogurtland and Micromax: Marketing Strategy

Yogurtland strategy Yogurtland is a chain of cafes and restaurants where people can buy frozen yogurt. Yogurtland operates in the United States of America mostly; however, it has several international branches which are a part of global franchise. The major features of the brand are self-service and a big number...

International Hospitality Industry and Experience Economy

Introduction Due to the stiff competition in the business world today, organizations have no choice but to offer memorable experiences for their products and services to every consumer they get into contact with. This is perceived as the only way through which organizations can attract and retain more customers. The...

The Practice of Supply Chain Management

The supply chain incorporates processes aimed at meeting customer requirements and demands. The activities are associated with the flow of goods and transformation from the raw materials stage to point of end-use. Additionally, it entails the flow of information and funds (Terry and Hau 43). The stages involved include the...

Performance Management and KPIs in a Management Measurement System

Introduction Performance management plays critical roles in solving problems experienced by organizations. This emanates from firms with meager acquaintance and visibility regarding business-level metrics applied in reporting (Fluss, 2005). In addition, such businesses face problems arising from legal compliance thus requiring agile standards within speedily transforming markets. The process enhances...

HE Sara Al Madani: One of the Brightest Examples of Women’s Success

Introduction Her Excellency (HE) Sara Al Madani is one of the brightest examples of the success of women in the entrepreneurial domain. She has started her career as a designer at the age of 15 and has since managed to garner recognition both in the native country and on a...

Customer Prioritization Policy Management

Problem Statement The specific business problem is that leading managers of health care companies lack a precise customer prioritization policy to maintain sustainable clients’ loyalty. The purpose of this quantitative statistical proposed study is to examine the typical flaws in customer service prioritization for health care managers to improve the...

East Coast Lobster Case Analysis

This paper is a case study, aiming to describe how Atlantic Fisheries Marketing Board might successfully enter various European markets. It covers problems of corruption, market diversity and entry methods which are most likely to bring success. Interactions with Corrupt European Markets Interactions with corrupt governments can be detrimental to...

Information Literacy and Scholar-Practitioner-Leader Model

Introduction In the past, scientific information was concealed, but the Internet filled this gap. However, did this unlimited access to information complicate the research process? These changes in access to information highlighted the rising significance of leadership and the integration in information literacy. In the context of scholarly research in...

Leadership Theory: Personal Experiences

Leadership is one of the most important skills that every nurse should obtain. Nurses need to be able to adopt various leadership behaviors to be effective in their work. The purpose of this essay is to define my leadership role and assess how it is applied to the nursing practice....

Oxfam Australia’s Definition of Corporate Responsibility

Dominant business practices have been interpreted as driven by greed and characterized by total disregard for other people’s welfare. Business decisions are based on and defined by their profitability. Corporate managers hold as their priority the maximization of profits, and total commitment to shareholder interests. Consequently, interest parties like consumers,...

Desktop Virtualization: Preliminary Research Design

The researcher proposes to use qualitative research design to explore whether implementation of the Desktop Virtualization concept can result in organizational efficiencies, especially in facilitating resource sharing, achieving cost-effectiveness through reduced energy consumption, and enabling employees to access critical work-related resources from remote locations. Qualitative research, according to Creswell (2003),...

Development of a New Medication

Introduction This paper presents a case study of a pharmaceutical firm that intends to develop a new medication. A decision tree will be used to analyze possible decisions. Furthermore, it uses decision probabilities together with outcome rates in modeling the intricate situation. Finally, “rolling back the tree” approach will be...

Journal Article Review: Initiating and Leading Change: A Consideration of Four New Models

Abstract Change is inevitable in the contemporary world of business. Novel innovations coupled with the desire to attain competitive advantage underline the massive changes in business strategies. Hence, in today’s competitive business environment, effective management comprises managers who are flexible and quick learners of new changes in management strategies. Change...

Case Analysis of a Balanced Scorecard Approach

Introduction The balanced scorecard approach is one of the techniques utilized by businesses to evaluate their performance with reference to customer satisfaction and performance efficiency (Kaplan, 2005). There are four different perspectives used when referring to the balanced scorecard approach, these being the Customer perspective, financial perspective, internal business processes,...

Risk Management and Other Factors in Business

Statistics have proved that most of the risks encountered in organizations are caused by mistakes that could be prevented if management teams employ the relevant risk assessment and management techniques (Vaughan, 1997). There are numerous benefits accrued by organizations that take time to identify the different risks that they are...

Wal-Mart: Management Accounting Proposal

Introduction This would comprise a brief description of Walmart, the major US food chain conglomerate whose management accounting systems would be the main area of focus in this study. The Company whose management accounting information would be taken up for discussion is Wal-Mart. The reason for this is that this...

Relaxing Travel Company Business Report

Introduction Relaxing Travel Company is facing serious challenges following the economic downturn in the UK. On top of this, there have been other factors that have posed a big challenge to the business operations of the company and they include; Regular customers create their packages using budget airlines and the...

Different Aspects of Utilitarianism

Introduction Utilitarianism refers to a theory, which teaches that the course of any action should be that which ensures pleasure, minimizes pain and maximizes the attainment of happiness (Bentham, 2009, p.54). It is a way of finding solutions to problems and ensuring that the solution reached at is best suited...

Business, Government, and Society: A Managerial Perspective

The third chapter of the book ‘Business, Government and Society’ is identified as ‘Business Power.’ The chapter uses a historical concept to establish the essence of business power in the society. In Particular, it narrates the basic history of one, James B. Duke. He was born on 23rd December, 1856....

Family Firms in Saudi Arabia

Justification of the study The concept of corporate social responsibility has become a common term in the business world. It has become an integral part of most businesses in the world today. However, CSR has always been and still is a subject of controversial views and discussions. Most economists have...

Transformational Leadership and Its Features

The successful operation of an organization largely depends on the effective leadership. Transformational leadership is agreed to be an effective management style. It focuses on the active leadership of a manager and his ability to create a team with common goals (Braun, Peus, Weisweiler & Frey, 2013). From my point...

Financial Discourse Under Financial Crisis 2007-2008

Introduction This paper studies financial columnists’ writing under the 2007-08 economic crash from world-leader newspapers such as Wall-Street-Journal, National-Post, Globe-and-Mail, and New-York-Times and related materials from the point of view of genre analysis. Particularly, the studies will focus on writings (texts) produced by financial columnists in Globe-and-Mail, and New-York-Times from...

“The Leadership Factor” by John Kotter

In the article “The Leadership Factor”, John Kotter enumerates how modern firms develop practices to inculcate their leadership (Kotter, 1988). In doing so, Kotter explains why most of the big firms in the US do not have the leadership capacity that is required for a firm of their strength. Kotter...

Decision Making in Hiring: Intercollegiate Athletics Coaches and Staff

The research conducted by Keith, Lapchick and Neza examined the extent to which women are represented in athletics heads coaching. They observed that while there have been efforts to increase the number of women in senior athletics positions, disparities in representation are still evident in Intercollegiate Athletics Coaches. With a...

Vodafone Company’s Strategic Analysis

Vodafone is an international telecommunications company that has its headquarters in Newbury, U.K. This company is the “world’s largest mobile telecommunications company measured by revenues and the world’s second-largest measured by subscribers (behind China Mobile), with around 332 million proportionate subscribers as of 30 September 2010” (SWOT Analysis on Vodafone,...

Green Product: Supply Chain Management

Introduction Supply chains can be considered as the blood vascular system of business. The focus on the supply chain can be seen in that a large portion of costs is associated with the effectiveness of the supply chain, not to mention another factor of competitiveness such as time reduction. In...

“From 0 to 60 to World Domination” by Jon Gertner

The article under consideration From 0 to 60 to World Domination by Jon Gertner deals with the history of Toyota’s development into one of the leaders of the American automobile market. The article depicts the main landmarks of the company’s development and voices the main principles and philosophy of Toyota....

Efficiency Improvement Tool of Work Effectiveness

Introduction Work effectiveness is often regarded as the crucial moment for assessing the business performance rates and principles. The calculation of throughput rate and efficiency is required for defining the most effective efficiency improvement tool. Therefore, the application process cycle calculations will be the basis of defining the effectiveness of...

Process Leading at Apple Inc.

Apple Inc. which was formally known as Apple Computer, Inc. is a multinational corporation based in California USA, which designs and market’s personal computers, computer software, as well as other consumer electronics such as phones and music players. The leadership at Apple especially under Steve Jobs has always identified the...

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence in Business

Abstract Leaders need to have traits that are visionary and should be competent enough to attain the intended goals of the organization; meaning that the future of the organization lies squarely on the ideas generated by them. Such people should be inspired and possess the capability to explain it to...

Safety & Lean: One Manufacturer’s Lessons Learned and Best Practices

In their article, “Safety & Lean: One manufacturer’s lessons learned and best practices”, Hallowell, Veltri, and Johnson consider the issue of safe and lean manufacture. They also provide steps on how to make work environment safer and production more effective and efficient. The number of organizations that begin to implement...

Supply, Demand, and Operational Risks Relations

Sources of risks faced by the global supply chain One of the greatest challenges in the global supply chain is the increasing growth rate of inventory. As long as the challenge of satisfying the customers’ needs in terms of product availability exists, the level of inventory growth needs to be...

Employee Retention in Healthcare Call Center

In the article “Stressful Work, Citizenship Behavior and Intention to Leave the Organization in a High Turnover Environment: Examining the Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction” Paillé (2011) presents the notion that a high stress environment has a connection with increased employee churn rates within particular organizations. He argues that job...

Entrepreneurship. The Fish Lady Company in Soquel

Introduction Small scale businesses are fast becoming a source of livelihood for many people. With diminishing employment opportunities, people are taking up the business option. This is an account of an interview with an entrepreneur named Sharon who together her husband, Mike operate a small scale business. Sharon and Mike...

Las Vegas Sands Corp.’s & MGM Las Vegas’ Culture Vision and Mission

Companies working in the hospitality industry face the need to develop their own vision of their mission, and to express it in their Vision and Mission Statements. The success of any particular company in this area depends on how wise and well-thought-of these statements along with their implementation to life...

The Difference Between Leadership and Management

Introduction For more time than is necessary, many have never really drawn the line between leadership and management. When an institution undergoes any change, the most important tool needed to come out of the problem is effective leadership. Bacal ( 2009, para.3) explains that the perception of the subjects or...

Leadership Management: A Reasonable Approach Towards Solving a Unique Organizational Problem

Abstract New Millennium is a company that strives for providing perfect and up-to-date design. However, since recently, the company has been losing its popularity due to a downgrade in quality. Because of unequal distribution of information, as well as conflicts among the staff, the company is suffering a temporary crisis....

Collaborative Bandwidth: Creating Better Virtual Meetings

A collaborative association between members of various groups has been facing a barrier brought about by the long distances hindering engagement. In this light, members are not able to hold virtual meetings effectively. The purpose of this paper is to elaborate the collaborative bandwidth concept by availing the ways of...

Commercialization Strategy for Peak Web Media Demand Services

Exclusive Summary Cloud data limited is a private business company that provides cloud computing services to its clients. These services are categorized as hosting, backup and DR. Cloud data-limited believes in heavy investment in their infrastructure so that they can be more reliable to their customers and never disappoint them....

Commercial Project Management: The Project Heart of the City

Introduction Remarkably, Sheffield’s city center has been tremendously changed for the past several years. The attraction of foreign investors rose and the investment paid for itself. Speaking of the investments and profits, it is necessary to say that traveling and sightseeing are nowadays one of the most prestigious and profitable...

Crazy Eddie Inc. Case Study: Key Events Surrounding the Case

The key events surrounding the case Crazy Eddie Inc was a consumer electronics merchant founded in 1969 by Eddie Antar. The company soon expanded and opened various stores around New York City. Its success was accredited to Antar’s crooked salesmanship in forcing consumers to purchase, discounts from its bulk purchases,...

Ecolab Leadership Talent Pipeline

How it was instrumental The leadership talent pipeline as applied by Ecolab was instrumental in the company’s execution of its business strategy in a number of ways. First, the leadership talent pipeline enabled the company to identify the most important areas where personnel had to be trained in preparation for...

Public Relations in Organizations: Article Response

Introduction Hallahan, Holtzhausen, vanRuler, Vercic & Sriramesh (2007) explored the significance of strategic communication in fulfilling the mission of an organization. The authors indicated that communication directly affects all aspects of an organization including management, public relations, marketing, political communication, technical communication, and social marketing or information campaigns. Grunig (1990),...

Consumer Buying Behaviour and Advertising in UK

For consumers to make a purchase, they go through a decision making process which requires them to recognise their needs followed by searching for information that will influence their purchase. They then go through the other available alternatives which are vital in the choice they will make and finally settle...

Social Work: Career of Social Worker and Job Opportunities

Introduction Description and History of Social Work The history of society goes back to ancient human society. Social work entails charity giving to the poor and at times voluntary service to the needy in society says (Rosen 66). There has never been a time when all were self-sufficient in the...