Globalization and American Productivity

Introduction Economic globalization is reflected in such trends as foreign sourcing, global markets, and multinational corporations. It has positively shaped many countries as they gain from mutually beneficial cooperation. According to Erixon, “globalization has improved businesses, living standards and the performance of the entire economy” (Erixon 2018, 3). Large American...

Community Development Financial Institutions

Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) are specific community-based financial institutions that aim at the promotion of the economic development of individuals by providing loans, services, and consultations to people and communities that are not able to get help from traditional financial intuitions because of the inability to meet strict demands....

United Kingdom-Ghana Economic Growth Disparities

Introduction The economy of a given country will influence the experiences and lifestyles of its citizens and how they address emerging challenges. Nations will have diverse rates of growth that are determined by various factors, including productivity factor and the rate of growth in the available triggers of development. With...

Market Failures and Governmental Interventions

Introduction The free market model based on voluntary exchange is assumed to be beneficial for all parties. However, markets are not perfect, and often they fail to meet social efficiency, and that is why the role of governmental regulation is justified. The cases when markets do not correspond to society’s...

Rental Market Conditions

Introduction This paper utilizes data published by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation‘s (CMHC) rental market. The CHMC report gives a comprehensive analysis of trends revolving around the availability and costs of rental units throughout Canada, with regards to its provinces and metropolitan areas (Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, 2020)....

Fiscal Policy on COVID-19 Response

The Coronavirus pandemic has spread globally, and the United States is not an exception. Nations have been facing various impacts of the virus, especially its economic effects. According to Parkin’s article, the Federal Reserve market reactions show trembling market forces (Parkin, 2018). The economist has expressed fear and called for...

Return on Investment

Ergonomic programs targeting musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) as the most common workplace injuries require time, as well as human and financial resources to succeed. The improvement initiatives are more likely to receive support if they involve cost justification. Ip et al. (2016) claim that the return on investment (ROI) is a...

The Significant of Financial Reports

Introduction Financial reports are extremely significant to any organization since it assists in evaluating and gauging the economic strength of an organization. These reports are crucial irrespective of the nature of the company i.e. whether profit-making or nonprofit making. Financial reports are often evaluated before decisions on the best recommendations...

Capital Budgeting in the Organization

Being a manufacturing company and as the manager concerned with asset financing and maintenance have been allowed to acquire souvenir branding equipment as a backup of the already existing machine due to the surge in the product demand. I had decided to acquire a higher number producing asset that can...

Competition Within Political Monopoly Theory

The article Two Theories of Monopoly and Competition: Implications and Applications bases the discussion on the claim that monopoly makes sense on the foundation of the political monopoly theory. In other words, Simpson suggests that monopoly exists only when the government applies force so that one or a couple of...

The Effects of the Minimum Wage on Overall Unemployment

There has been a lot of discussion concerning the positive correlation between the minimum wage and unemployment rates. Economists debate on the nature of these two notions and create contradicting arguments. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the minimum wage on unemployment rates in general...

Overview and Analysis: Texas Budget

The necessity to plan the budget is evident and undeniable, especially in conditions of democratic states. It not only helps to arrange the possible and predicted expenditures effectively and organize saving accounts, but also contributes to the trust in the government from the population (Senate Research Centre, 2017). It is...

Diversified Investment Opportunities in Hong Kong

Introduction Hong Kong economy is characterized by diversified investment opportunities. It is considered as a chief fund management centre in Asia and thus there exists in this country a high concentration of fund managers. The entire investment operations in the country are under the strict guidelines and regulations of the...

Coronavirus-Related Free and Fair Trade Issue in News

Summary This paper is a discussion of the article, “Coronavirus: China Yet to Meet Key Phase One Trade Deal Target Due to Covid-19 Lockdown”, which was published on South China Morning Post (SCMP) on April 8, 2020. The article was written by Finbarr Bermingham and Wendy Wu. The article talks...

US Withdrawal from Trans-Pacific Partnership

Introduction The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was central to President Obama’s strategic pivot to Asia. The trade agreement was signed by twelve Pacific Rim countries, including the United States, which together covered almost 40 percent of the world’s economy. The TPP generated a great deal of controversy: while its proponents predicted...

Personal Finance: Professional Financial Planner

Abstract Investments are an important part of financial planning. When looking at investments there is a need to examine the different options available to people. Different people have different investment needs. The investment option chosen should address the specific needs of the investor. For example, there is the case of...

Investment: A Shift in the Financial Markets, Credit Derivatives

Introduction Over the past few decades, the financial markets have witnessed rampant product innovation. One of the reasons for this shift arises from increased demand for investment by both individual investors and institutional investors. A large number of investors are considering financial assets as a viable investment destination. The banking...

Chinese Currency Growth in Value: Exchange-Rate Determination

Introduction The Chinese currency (Yuan) has been recording a relatively strong performance against the US dollar. Recent data from the year 2007 has indicated that the exchange rate between China and US has been fluctuating with China gaining in most of the cases. At the beginning December 2007, the Chinese...

Income Inequality in Developed Countries

The work payment proportion excessively expanded among people who have high profits, further adding to the development of income inequality. The difference between individuals characterized by schooling and professional training provides them with benefits in work, creating capital payment imbalance. Lately, while the income inequality in Germany and China developed...

”Money Supply” Article by Enam Ahmed Analysis

In this article, Enam Ahmed explains why central banks should use the Divisia approach to measure the effectiveness of the monetary policies. He argues that while the concept was developed almost a century ago, it remains a viable alternative to the tools used in modern economics. The idea to employ...

Held to Maturity Accounting Investment

Accounting processes demand that companies categorize any investments or funds in equity securities or liability when they are acquired. These investments bought particularly equity securities can be put into custody until they mature, held also for buying and selling, or accessible for the transaction. Held to Maturity is the ability...

Senator Chris Dodd’s Finance Bill Key Points

Introduction The financial crisis that traces its way back to 2007 led to the collapse of large financial institutions and prompted national governments to bail out many from imminent collapse. The crisis affected other sectors of the economy like housing which led to the suffering caused by evictions and foreclosures....

Housing Stability Task Force Recommendations in Texas

Texas has been known as a place where real estate is cheap, and the cost of living is lower compared to other states. However, this reputation has been deteriorated by increasing property prices, especially in large metropolitan areas, including Houston. Since a significant portion of the state population resides in...

Plotting Demand and Supply: A Reflection

Understanding the correlation between demand and supply is one of the fundamental requirements for gaining competence in economics. The specified correlation represents the primary ratio that defines the emergence of new companies, the choice of business strategies, and the changes in communication approaches. Therefore, determining the demand and supply curve...

White Collar Crime – Madoff Affair

Introduction White collar fraud is best depicted in the activities of Bernard Madoff who ran an elaborate Ponzi scheme that swindled billions of dollars from unsuspecting investors. In the disguise of a stock brokerage firm, Madoff lured wealthy investors to his cage and robbed them off their billions leaving no...

Multinational Company Financial Market

A chief financial officer (CFO) of an international company is responsible for analyzing and mitigating financial risks. Castello (2016) suggests that to minimize global risk, a CFO should accurately plan and prepare for the possible risks and have a contingency plan that will be used to address issues if they...

Multijurisdictional Tax Planning

The choice of jurisdiction to which taxpayers, individuals, and business representatives resort may be based on several principles. According to Weinreich (2016), they include selecting jurisdictions with minimum tax audit requirements and an opportunity to choose tax rates for the totality of taxes. In other words, the possibility of giving...

Revenue Management: Term Definition

Introduction Pastry World Ltd is a company that is engaged in the sphere of semi-prepared and preserved foods. Although pastry is not the key component of a ratio of an average human, high-quality pastry is highly valued all over the world. The paper aims to analyze the revenue statement of...

What Does the Salary in the USA Depend On?

Top Three Career Choices: Personal banker Professional football player Doctor 2020 Salaries: Personal banker: $38,497 Professional football player: $860,000 Doctor: $278,753 1990 Salaries: Personal banker: $36,595 Professional football player: $356,382 Doctor: $164,300 2000 Salaries: Personal banker: $38,431 Professional football player: $1,116,100 Doctor: $143,698 2010 Salaries: Personal banker: $41,000 Professional football...

The China-United States Trade War

During the trade war between China and the US, the former seeks to promote lower tariffs in international trade. China is currently lowering tariffs on other countries to find new trade partners and enhance relationships with existing ones. This paper provides information on trade barriers and the ways the countries...

The Theory of Capitalism: Hayek’s Arguments

The Authors’ Arguments Friedrich Hayek strove to defend traditional concepts of morality in economics and fought the progressive representatives of the new era who sought to destroy the classical canons. In his book, he compares rationalizers to Christians who tolerate human sinfulness but do their best to prevent it (Hayek...

The Role of Investments: Analyzing the Market Situation

For an investor, the ability to analyze the market situation to assess financial risks and get the most out of investments is critical. This requires careful analysis of interest rates, including for government bonds. First of all, it is necessary to remind that bonds traditionally mean securities issued by the...

Consumers’ Attitude towards Slave Labor

Large retail markets such as Walmart, H&M, and Zara are well-known to provide the whole population with affordable clothing. Textile factories need a lot of workforces to cover the demand of the customers. Unfortunately, not all employees are paid fairly, and even worse, are being forced into labor. According to...

Raising the Minimum Wage Research

Opinion on Raising the Minimum Wage From a personal viewpoint, increasing the minimum wage is great for the continued protection of workers against unduly low pay. However, this plan works best if the salary floor is set based on supply and demand for labor as opposed to other factors such...

Economic Measure of United States Economy’s Data

Consumer Price Index (CPI) The current indicator is 255.77 (May 2020) (United States Consumer Price Index); a monthly parameter (255.90 in April). The decline is caused by the current epidemiological situation. The quarantine regime has led to economic difficulties. Unemployment Rate The current data is for June 2020 – 11.1%...

On the Impact and Forecasting of the Economic Crisis

The 2008 financial crisis shocked the entire world, severely damaging many economies and showcasing the importance of both domestic and international markets in societal well-being. Considering its relatively recent occurrence, the global financial crisis was believed to become a milestone and a reference for adopting measures to prevent economic breakdowns...

Leasing Equipment Effect on Financial Analysis

Introduction Leasing equipment instead of buying it is a factor that affects depreciation charges, inventory costs, and firm value overall. Thus, it can significantly affect the analysis ratios used to compare two different firms or the same company at a different time. Usually, start-up companies and businesses with strictly limited...

Protectionism in East Asian Countries

Protectionist measures are policies enacted to safeguard domestic industries from competition with foreign firms. They are executed by introducing subsidies, trade tariffs, import quotas, and other trade barriers on imports from foreign business competitors. Remarkably, nearly all typical economists concur that free trade is essential for the thriving of the...

Financial Growth of Labedo Berries

For over three years, Labedo Berries has experienced steady financial growth owing to its customer retention policies and comprehensive management; however, the shareholders felt the need to expand its services across Europe. Labedo Berries is a family enterprise that collects high quality, perfectly ripe strawberries from farmers; the berries are...

Hierarchical Market Economy in the Philippines

I have to disagree with this argument since the development of this country did not yet reach the transformation required to change its economic model. Despite the noticeable increase of skilled laborers on the Philippine market and recent foreign investments, the amount of low-skilled, low-wage, and low value-adding workers is...

Public Housing in Lower Manhattan

Introduction This is a project aimed at describing and discussing the conditions of public housing for families of different classes in New York City. The selected areas are intended to represent the living conditions in the entire City. The foundation for this project is the hypothesis that the living conditions...

Federal Reserve Strategy and the Exchange Rate

Exchange rates refer to the price at which a currency is being bought or sold using another currency. It is the national currency’s value in relation to foreign currency. These being the case exchange rates operate in accordance with the normal demand and supply curves. This implies that in cases...

Governance in Investment Field

Governance is considered a vulnerable area for multiple businesses, especially for the spheres involving investors, since many functioning mechanisms remain invisible to the broad audience and stakeholders. Therefore, each organization controls every team daily to establish systemized work; such an approach proves board employees’ value (Lan & Heracleous, 2010). Over...

Stock Market Values and Stock Repurchases

The management of any large organization implies the control of its assets and shares. By issuing new stocks, redistributing, and repurchasing old ones, it is possible to regulate the financial position of the company and change its policy depending on the current economic situation. However, there is the possibility that...

Tax Planning for Executive Compensation

The efficiency of executive compensation for shareholders is something that boards of directors and companies strive to achieve by maximizing their tax deductibility. The tax code (Internal Revenue Code) includes several provisions that apply to executive compensation such as Tax Code §162(m) – Deductibility of Executive Compensation and Tax Code...

Homeownership as the American Dream

Purchasing a home is often challenging as buyers can encounter many unforeseen issues, especially if they do not research the market, the seller, or the property’s history. Moreover, real estate is not only a place for living – it is also an investment opportunity. Thus, it is vital for one...

Economic Growth of East Asian States: The Impact of Foreign Workers

In recent years, there have been increased levels of international labor migration in various nations. Eastern Asian countries, such as Thailand, have seen a considerable surge in migrant workers, raising interest in individual nations’ impact. Walmsley et al. (2013) mention that immigrants comprise people with varied skill levels. He further...

Hospital of Saint Raphael: Financial Analysis

Introduction The following financial statements ratio analysis report is based on the available financial statements of the Hospital of Saint Raphael for the years 2004 and 2005. The comparisons will be made with the financial information for the two years. The analysis will be based on the ratio of the...

Ford Motor Company’s Present Stock Value

Trend of Ford shares for the last five years is shown below. Based on the trend of the graph below, I will state that the stock price was fairly stable with little fluctuations except during the period of the financial crisis. From the trend shown below, I will state that...

The Sources of Tax Revenue in the US

Taxes represent involuntary charges imposed on people or companies and controlled by a government agency, whether local or national, to fund different operations within the country. From an economic perspective, taxes fall on the one who caters to their burden, be it an establishment such as a business or consumers...

What Aspects Investors Should Consider in Starting a Business?

Background to the study The concept of entrepreneurship is increasingly being appreciated by investors in an effort to maximize their wealth. According to Kuratko (2008, p.9), the financial school of thought in relation to entrepreneurship asserts that investors seek for growth of their capital and hence the emphasis on entrepreneurial...

Application of Consumer Behavior: A Guide for Marketers in the Hospitality Industry

The current report aims to explore the different ways in which consumer behavior may be applied in hospitality business marketing. Marketing as a whole implies the utilization of a set of methods and strategies to facilitate demand and ensure clients’ favorable activity. Since the hospitality industry mostly deals with services,...

Towards a Successful Personal Income Tax System in Hong Kong

Introduction The primary purpose of any form of taxation practiced across civilizations the world over is to raise revenue needed to finance public services. But there exist numerous tax systems that can be used to achieve this noble objective, including property tax, personal income tax, inheritance tax, sales tax, and...

Purpose and Impact of FDIC in Birmingham, Alabama

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) refers to a self-regulating national agency that insures thrifts and deposits in the US banks if a financial institution fails. The agency was established in 1933 to promote a stable financial system and maintain public confidence by encouraging effective and efficient banking practices (Failed Bank...

Economics of Panic-Buying: A Case Study of Toilet Paper in Australia

Panic-buying is a relatively common behavioral response to a crisis that people can exhibit in situations that they perceive to be dangerous and unpredictable. Yuen et al. (2020) note that this behavior was previously observed in the wake of major natural disasters, such as the Christchurch earthquake and hurricane Matthew....

Cash Flow Management: Definition

The relevance of the topic regarding cash flow management remains essential in the modern market. Sustainable profit is the main source that contributes to the proper functioning and development of any company as well as a stable financial position. According to researchers, cash flows can be defined as “the amount...

The Issue of Limiting Auditor’s Liability

Executive Summary The liability of auditors has been a subject of debate in the recent past. The company law, international auditing Standards and the International Financial Reporting Standards stipulate the need for auditors work in the financial reports of companies. In addition, these bodies plus the statutory legislations of different...

US Economy and Fixed Income Markets

Financial markets in the United States of America stayed highly volatile during October and November. However, the yields on the short and long ends of the curve have remained relatively unchanged. Further, the 10-year government bond yield reached a level below 3.5%, while the 2-year note yield continued to hover...

Measuring Inflation: Article Analysis

Problems of Measuring Cost of Living Fluctuating in a seemingly unpredictable way, inflation rates are shaped by a range of factors, one of which is the change in the cost of living. However, measuring the specified characteristic is also quite difficult due to the multiple variables that have to be...

The Dividend Puzzle – Retention vs. Distribution

Introduction and background details Dividend The dividend is a taxable payment declared by the company’s board of directors and is distributed among its shareholders. This distribution is out of the company’s earning or retained profit. Dividends could only be paid from the amount of profit that the company has made...

Hong Kong’s Tax System

Introduction Any country will adopt a particular tax system as a way of solving most of the social and economic problems faced by the nation. Therefore, the major purpose of the system will be in raising revenue for use in improving public services and infrastructure which all the people will...

Mitigating the Impact of the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic

Emphasizing that in the year 2020, the world has faced one of its worst economic crises in modern history due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic. The said pandemic has a universal effect, with tens of millions of infected individuals and over a million deaths. Bearing in mind...

“Doughnut Economics” Book by Kate Raworth

Kate Raworth’s book “Doughnut Economics” (2017) opens up the reader’s mind to the new possibilities within the modern world of economics. The author shares intriguing insights about the global market and the economic opportunities that individuals, entities, and the government should consider in their quest for returns on investments (Raworth,...

The Era of Sharing and Globalism

The era of globalization is a controversial phenomenon since it not only boosted the growth but also caused inequality of countries in terms of the distribution of benefits. Such an issue is explicitly seen in their economic indicators, but this aspect is a mere effect, whereas the cause lies in...

Globalization and Competition: The USA, Western Europe, Japan

The leading tendency of globalization is its presence even in those countries where other trends of the current world economy are weakly and hardly noticeable. According to Martin et al. (2018), “it is a complex admixture of different, though interrelated, historically evolving developments and transformations—economic, technological, cultural and social” (p....

Tangible & Inevitable: Globalization as a Worldwide Phenomenon

In general, globalization may be defined as the process of integration and interaction among countries worldwide and the growing interdependence of their economies, populations, and cultures. Globalization is stimulated by international trade-in technologies, products, and services and the flows of people, investment, and information. That is why the development of...

American Telephone and Telegraph’s Weighted Average Cost of Capital

Introduction Capital budgeting is a matter of heated discussion among scholars and practitioners. Indeed, the importance of the topic is difficult to overstate, as the capital investment decision-making process is crucial for the survival and long-term success of companies regardless of their size and industry (Kengatharan, 2016). One of the...

Global Market Expansion by Entrepreneurial Firms

The article discusses the strategies of global market expansion for entrepreneurial firms. Two types of strategies are identified: market diversification and market concentration. The first strategy is based on a gradual expansion from one market to another. The second strategy is more aggressive and implies fast expansion into multiple markets....

When the Heat of the Boiling Pot Reaches its Boiling Point

Introduction In the XXI century, the concept of the American Dream seems to be completely inseparable from the image of the United States (Li, 2010). The idea of North America representing the business empire and the place where even the most daring and reckless ventures turn out to be a...

Personal Income Tax in Hong Kong and China

Introduction Taxation is known to be one of the most popular channels of raising money to fund government operations viewed to be of the common good of all citizens. Governments all over the world tax various economic activities depending on the circumstances facing the country. Some of the common areas...

Covid-19 Pandemic Effect on the Economy

The COVID-19 pandemic had an unprecedented impact on the world, creating a global shock never seen before. The lockdown, disruptions, and closed borders negatively impacted an interconnected globalized economy. There were simultaneous disruptions to both supply and demand elements of the economic curve, sending the health of the overall market...

Organizational Structure of Vipshop Holdings Limited

In general, the organizational structure of a company specifies its strategies, authority, formal reporting relationships, controls, procedures, and decision-making processes. Organizational structure helps to formulate specific strategies that may be required for the improvement of the firm’s performance and competitive advantages (Hitt, et al., 2017). Being one of the largest...

The Company’s Exit from the Crisis in a Pandemic

Companies face significant challenges from different angles as it was noticed due to political instability, economical remedies, and recently due to coronavirus pandemic. Despite the fact that various issues present a threat to organizations, they can successfully manage the situation and become more efficient. Human Resources Management (HRM) aims to...

Corporate Governance Against Financial Risk Up to Date With Banking Crisis

Introduction Currently the cases of financial crisis especially in banks have continued to increase hence raising attention of many people as well as governments and business organizations. It is because of the increased financial crisis that there is need for more attention and focus on the proper corporate governance of...

The East Asian Economic Miracle From the Developmental Perspective

The instances of rapid economic growth and the resulting business development are always inspiring and filled with essential lessons to learn. The East Asian economic miracle is one of those scenarios, with its stupendous rise in profitability of organizations located in the region representing a combination of external and internal...

Assessing the Reasons behind Store Closings

Assessing the reasons behind store closings can highlight important industry trends and market changes. In the selected article, Stebbins and Sauter (2018) show that all of the retailers chose to close their stores to reduce expenses. Another similarity between the businesses is that the products they sell can be purchased...

Recommendation on NAFTA Decision

Introduction The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is proposed to address concerns regarding barriers to trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. For Americans and Canadians, NAFTA will provide low-cost investment options because labor is cheap in Mexico. For Mexicans, NAFTA means export opportunities and foreign investments. On...

Why We Should Create a New Global Financial Order

The issue of global imbalance is one that requires to be addressed in an urgent manner. Up to now, the IMF and the World Bank have tried their best to contain such an imbalance, but the prevailing global economic crisis has acted to reveal the extensive structural flaws that exist...

“Do Investors Trade Too Much?” by Odean

The article under consideration deals with the issue of excessive trading on the world markets. The author attempts to test the hypothesis that the investors trade too much due to their overconfidence in the information about securities. Other researchers are supportive of the idea that excessive trading may take place...

Consumer and Investor Confidence Importance

Introduction The concept of confidence in the field of economics relates to the activities and perceptions of both consumers and investors. However, its impact on them differs, and it is necessary to consider consumer and investor confidence separately. Despite the existing differences, the common characteristic of these types of confidence...

Tax System for Decrease of Cigarette Consumption

Introduction The government undertakes the implementation of various public policies most of which are aimed at protecting its citizens. Taxation is one of these public policy measures that are used by the government to control harmful behaviors of individual or organizational consumption. About controlling individual consumption of substances that can...

The Principle of Absolute and Comparative Advantage in Economic

Globalization has significantly affected the world trade and left many economies struggling to find the spheres where they could be profitable. When countries decide to produce certain products and choose the industry that is worth investing in, they employ the theory of economics, namely the concepts of absolute and comparative...

Study on Tight Pants Subject

Many people disagree on the subject of the true meaning of the term “tight pants.” This issue makes it difficult for companies to make new models, and for this reason, Dugnutt provides an article where he discusses different opinions on it (Dugnutt 1). Despite the fact that the influence of...

Reimbursement Methods Analysis

Introduction Health insurance is an evidence-based safeguard that ensures that more citizens get timely and sustainable medical services. Third-party payers are entities that pay healthcare claims on behalf of their respective clients. Some good examples of such stakeholders in the United States include insurance companies, employers, and government-sponsored agencies. This...

The Financial Crisis and Its Connection With Globalization

Discussion The audio files suggested for listening and analyzing enlarge on the problem of financial crisis. Here, it is possible to see the apparent link between the financial crisis and globalization upon their closer consideration. In particular, the first audio file titled as Another Frightening Show about the Economy presents...

The Effects of Globalization on Trade

Introduction Globalization entails incorporating national wealth through the trade of goods, investment, capital distribution, labor exchange, and technology use. It eliminates obstacles in a country’s economy to allow the marketing of goods, services, money, and human resources. Most developed nations have undergone international in one stage of their growth process...

Capitalism, Climate Change, and Globalization

In modern times, the entire human civilization is defined by the capitalistic approach to all relationships among people and countries. The current world paradigm calls for focusing on materialistic benefits and idolizes the pursue of profit as an accurate measure of one’s happiness and success. Pope Francis insists that living...

Analysis of Capital Budgeting

Introduction Finance is the lifeblood of each and every business and capital budgeting is one of the important finance functions. Capital budgeting is the investment decision of a firm i.e. the decision of a firm to invest its funds in the long term assets efficiently. The investment decision may be...

Tax Research Memo and Calculations

Eighteen months ago, Barry Bartolo won a $2 million Massachusetts state lottery and chose to receive it as a $120,000 annual annuity for the rest of his life. This year his sisters persuaded him to sell the annuity to a financial institution for $1.79 million and invest the proceeds in...

Social and Detail Division of Labor

The social division of labor is the distribution of types of labor among particular social groups aimed at producing complete commodities. Each social group in a traditional society has specific tasks, such as the creation of a certain type of product. Braverman gives an example of the division of labor...

The Ugly American Political Novel by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer

The Ugly American is a political novel by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer. It was first published in 1958 and caused a tremendous political resonance, including establishing the Peace Corps by the Kennedy administration. The authors’ main goal was to criticize the deficiencies and show the US diplomatic service failures...

Evaluating Marx’s Labor Theory of Value

Notably, one of the renowned sociology theorists is Marx who introduced the labor theory of value which diminishes capitalism. The reason for choosing this discipline and theorist is that it develops a critical understanding regarding the authenticity of the different reasonable prices and the way products should be valued in...

The US Budget’s Analysis

The annual expenditure used by 42-year old head of household with a $90,000 annual income having 2 children. In addition to income, other socioeconomic variables that will be considered include the number of children, family size, marital status and annual expenditure on food. Table 1. Variables Selected fo78 r the...

Macro Environment and Impact on Business Activities in China Market

Introduction Business leaders need to be aware of the factors that might affect organisational performance. A macro environment will encompass the major factors defining a given economy. Some of the key attributes investors need to consider include employment, social factors, fiscal policies and inflation. The purpose of this presentation is...

The US Estate Tax Reform

I believe that the US estate tax is reasonable and provides a number of social, economic, and political benefits to the state. Being first introduced in the 18th century, it conforms to the democratic principles of equality and fairness. However, the recent raise of the estate tax exemption is controversial,...

Consumer Product Safety: Relations and Standarts

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is a regulatory agency that seeks to eradicate risks and injuries caused by consumer products. The organization directly relates to the concept of regulation since it designs and issues different standards concerning various goods to prevent them from being potentially hazardous. The CPSC also...

The Perspectives on Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior is affected by numerous factors such as brand loyalty, its remarkableness, consumer’s income, preferences, memory, emotions, to name just a few. Talking about my perspective on the issue, I should admit that my choice is guided by the attitude to the brand. Below, I will describe more precisely...

The World Trade Organization: Purpose and Functions

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is one the most vital parts of the modern trade. It is an intergovernmental organization, regulating sales across the world. It has a long history, which can be traced back to 1947. Providing a forum for negotiating agreements the agency is responsible for the world’s...

Boston’s Experiment: Harvard Business Review’s Lessons

In Harvard Business Review’s Lessons from Boston’s Experiment with The One Fund, Mitchell discusses lessons that anyone can learn from his experience with fund distribution to the victims of the Boston bombing. What stands out about Mitchell’s opinion piece is his entrepreneurial approach to charity. Many of the lessons described...

Long-Term Impacts of the Chinese-American Trade War

Introduction The trade war between the United States and China is one of the main factors of instability in the global economy. It started in 2018 when the Trump administration introduced a series of punitive tariffs and other measures hindering trade with China, triggering a similar retaliation (Klein and Pettis...

Globalization of Healthcare in the US and Haiti

Global processes penetrate all structures of society and affect all its social institutions, including health and healthcare. On the one hand, these changes have a beneficial effect on the development of the health care sector: the intensity of the exchange of scientific information, access to effective foreign medical technologies, the...

Impact of COVID-19 on Gini Index in BRICS Countries

Introduction COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most impactful events of the first quarter of the twenty-first century that has an influence on almost every aspect of human lives. The global economy suffered severely from the coronavirus outbreak, as the global trade was affected considerably. According to Jones, Palumbo, and...

Type of Government Budget Deficit in United States

The phenomenon of deficit is a rather straightforward one, implying the lack of financial resources and suggesting that the current approach toward spending and resource management could use improvements. Traditionally, two types of budget deficit are singled out; these are cyclical and structural ones (Long, 2018). Applying the specified taxonomy...

Problems and Benefits Associated With Offshoring in the United States

The concept of offshoring is known quite widely in the modern economic environment, yet very often frowned upon as a tool that may lead to significant financial complications. In the context of the U.S. economy, two main problems with offshoring appear to lie on the surface. The first one can...

The Positive and Negative Aspects of Globalization

Globalization is the result of many socio-economic processes associated with the widespread use of information technology and new means of communication. It is not difficult to find a connection between globalization strategies and philosophical categories. The new era of rational dialogue is characterized by a respectful attitude to worldview differences...

The Relative Effect of Property Type and Country Factors in Reduction of Risk of Internationally Diversified Real Estate Portfolios

Introduction The aim of this dissertation is to identify and study the impact of diversifying portfolios of real estate securities mainly based on two categories. The first category is the geographic diversification of real estate securities portfolio and the other is diversification based on the property type. A substantial number...

The Futures Contracts Case Study

Introduction When entrepreneurs decide to engage in futures investments, they must remember that it is always a risky business. The initial cost of buying a contract always changes, so it is difficult to guess whether the purchase will be profitable or not, and will bring only losses. However, using a...

What Should Expect Auditors to Do Within the Examination?

Audits serve as the basis for a financial and economic activity analysis which allows identifying the strengths and weaknesses of a business. Furthermore, the work of auditors allows making informed decisions and preventing administrative penalties. An audit can be compared to a medical examination or technical diagnostics of a car....

Understanding the Yield Curve: Definition and Analysis

The yield curve is one of the most important concepts used by economists and fixed income analysts when it comes to analyzing bonds, getting a good grasp of conditions in the financial markets, and weeing out trading possibilities. It is basically the relationship expressed on a graph between the interest...

Big Data and New Marketing Research Techniques

Introduction Marketing research always involves analysing a large amount of information because it should address a number of significant factors, including product characteristics, market conditions, and consumer behaviour. New methods of collecting and processing data enable more efficient design and verification of research hypotheses. According to Constantiou and Kallinikos (2015),...

International Trade During COVID-19

Introduction This presentation provides the analysis of Canada’s politics in response to the outbreak of COVID-19. First of all, the review of this country as a fully-democratic state will be provided to introduce it. Second, the existing global trade agreements and newly-introduced measures will be discussed. Third, the presentation will...

Globalization and Related Environmental Issues

Globalization supports the flow of raw materials, wastes, and pollutants from one region to another. A cycle characterized by international consumption and supply has emerged that triggers environmental degradation. People are destroying forests to provide wood, farmlands, and areas for building infrastructure. Climate change refers to a regional or global...

A Business-Related Case Analysis

Business and entrepreneurship play an important role in the economy of the United States. American small, medium, and large corporations have the following ratios: 97–99%, above 1%, less than 0.1% respectively (Burns, 2016). The level of employment in large corporations in the United States exceeds 50 million people. Small (and...

“Too Big to Fail” by Andrew Ross Sorkin

In 2008, the US economy was on the brink of collapse, and huge banks, which seemed firm and stable, began to crumble. Two of the big five US investment banks Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers declared themselves bankrupt (Erdem, 2020). Two mortgage giants Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae were urgently...

Absentia Ltd.: Business Negotiation

The upcoming negotiation process with Absentia Ltd. must not be equal or worse than Grouse’s offer. The latter company is offering of total present values equal to $17.5 to 19.5 million and the upfront $7.5 million in cash. Therefore, Grouse’s offer can be considered to be the best alternative to...

“Job or Health?” by J. Tankersley

Coronavirus is one of the most pressing issues affecting the world today, and the coverage of the pandemic in the news is extensive. In particular, articles concerning the social effects of the outbreak are widely published and read. In their article “Job or Health? Restarting the Economy Threatens to Worsen...

Hughes Inc.: Currency Change Dilemma

Hughes Inc.’s CFO should follow his assumptions on the financial changes and conduct the appropriate transformations to shift the current balance sheet from the Canadian dollar to the U.S. currency. In this instance, any operations within the balance sheet should be represented with the currency change, as such an approach...

Africa: The Region in Crisis

Introduction The Sahel region includes many African countries and traverses the continent from west to east from Dakar to Djibouti. The region has faced the challenge of the proliferation of terrorist threats and organized crime. Various types of illicit trafficking, inter-ethnic tensions, and the severe impact of climate warming on...

Interest and Loan Calculations

When taking loans to buy new assets for a business, one needs to carefully consider interest and interest rates. In the current case, a business owner would like to buy a used car for $23,500, $25,145 with the sales tax included. Since apparently, he or she cannot buy the car...

Interest Rate and Investment Statistics in 2000-2020

The dynamics of investment in the country’s economy is determined by the influence of a number of factors, among which one of the main is the change in the market interest rate. The Central Bank, acting on interest rates using monetary instruments, has the ability to stimulate or restrain investment...

Minimum Wage Policy and Its Impact: Controversy

Introduction The minimum wage is the lowest amount of money for which employees can legally sell their labor. Minimum wage legislation was introduced in the USA in 1938, and in 2009, it was set at its current rate of $7.25 per hour (Congressional Budget Office, 2019). The proposal to increase...

Investing in the Current Market of Trading Cards

Introduction The current market of trading cards is experiencing a significant rise as the annual revenues of those collecting them increase. Trading cards include small cards illustrating sports figures, game characters, or other renowned images that gain value with time. The trend of collecting cards emerged in the 1980-s as...

Globalization and the Formation of New Claims

Economic globalization is an ongoing process that creates both opportunities for the growth of big cities with their corporations and problems for smaller businesses and citizens. Such an outcome is complemented by the emergence of the so-called centrality. This concept explains the prevalent role of cities in the matter and...

Measuring Inflation: Consumer Price Index

Measuring inflation is crucial for a country’s economic management and effective response to market changes. Many tools have been introduced to correctly and effectively measure inflation, yet the Consumer Price Index (CPI) remains the most widely used in many countries, including the USA. By “representing changes in prices of all...

Budgetary Change: Unstable Situation Due to the Pandemic

A budget is an estimate of income and expenditure for a specific future time, usually compiled and revised on a periodic basis. Budgetary changes tend to occur often due to the necessity of strengthening some areas more than the other ones. Therefore, the article “Trump threatens to cut funding if...

Overcoming CSR Challenges in the Age of Globalization

The practice of exhibiting proactive social responsibility has become a trend among leading firms operating in the global arena. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) represents a set of actions taken by an organization in order to improve the overall social good beyond the direct interests of the company. Such actions have...

Currency Exchange Rate and Influencing Factors

This paper investigates how the exchange rate (the rate at which one currency will be exchanged for another) changes depending on the country’s economic characteristics and various political, natural, and other events. The currency chosen for the work is the Canadian Dollar, the currency of Canada (CAD). According to the...

Declining Union Membership in The United States

The labor market is a domain that has faced significant changes since the beginning of the twentieth century. The technological revolution, for instance, endangered a number of jobs that could be automatized in the near future and incorporated big data in the hiring process. Additionally, the dawn of the services...

Competitive Strategies for UK Banks After Recession

The economy of any country is largely influenced by the banking sector due to the significant roles they play in the financial markets. The level of profitability and revenue margin of UK banks was greatly affected by recession that started towards the close of 2007. Due to the nature of...

Socially Conscious Diaspora Business

Modern economic institutions are broad, as they include various actors with many different needs and values. Traditionally, for-profit business organizations were associated with capitalistic ideas of big corporations designed to explicitly make money. However, because of globalization and enlargement of entrepreneurs, institutions were redefined and started to incorporate the concepts...

Imports and Exports Concepts Analysis

Main Post Import and export are different economic processes that bind various states and cause their economic interdependence. Import is the purchase and delivery of goods, technologies, services, and other forms of capital from abroad for sale in the domestic market. Export, on the contrary, is the distribution of these...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Debt and Equity

Undoubtedly, to start and develop a business, people need to have specific financial resources. There are different ways to get them: for example, borrowing from a bank or cooperating with investors. Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages, but both provide a right to exist. In particular, borrowing money...

Inflation and Unemployment in Bavaria

Expansionist fiscal policy is a series of government measures aimed at increasing aggregate demand. They involve cutting net taxes or increasing government purchases and may reduce the number of unemployed. According to the Keynesian theory, such actions should be taken only to overcome the economic recession and stabilize the country’s...

The Bank of America on the Verge of Substantial Changes

Introduction The Bank of America is on the verge of substantial changes, as during the 2007-2008 crisis, the organization made inadequate investments and acquisitions. The recent estimations show that the Bank lost almost $40 billion, which negatively affected the growth margins and caused loss of stakeholders’ trust. In this case,...

Rhetorical Analysis: Capitalism and Socialism

Capitalism brings wealth, and not everyone can reach it, but in socialism, there is no wealth. Both capitalism and socialism were major influencing socio-economic theories, which reached their peak of manifestation in the 20th century. Capitalism is a system where the concept of ownership and free markets is at its...

COVID-19 Effects for Truist Bank

COVID-19 is an infectious disease that was first identified in the United States in January of 2020. One of the main issues for banks is that a large number of clients, borrowers, and businesses are currently facing hardships such as job loss, slowed sales, and a decrease in profits. Due...

Economic Issues: Factors of Production Growth and Unemployment Rates

Introduction When combined with the lack of skilled employees, inflation is likely to have dire consequences for any organization. Therefore, assessing the factors such as the rates of production growth, the selected financial systems, and the rates of unemployment is essential for determining the threat to the state economy. Main...

How TCJA Impact the Business Bottom Line

Who is Paying Corporate Taxes and Who is Not The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) is a legislation that was passed by a Republican-controlled Congress and signed into law on December 22, 2017. It stemmed up from long-term lobbying by firms to decrease the federal corporate incomes which they...

Present Day Resistance Historical Roots to the Trade Globalization

Financial integration through trading and investing is usually mistaken to be the phenomenon of the 1990s. It has been developing long ago, and there are two distinct periods to be highlighted in the history of progressing globalization. To be specific, they are the time of European colonialism and the early...

Coronavirus Outbreak Impact on the Australian Economy

The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus has started in Wuhan, China, and is currently spreading throughout other countries. It affects the nations of the world in many ways. Apart from the obvious impact on people’s health, the virus and the measures against it influence economic developments as well. China is...

Energy Crisis: The Processes of Globalization and the Unification

The processes of globalization and the unification of production potentials at the regional and world level from the middle of the 20th to the beginning of the 21st century influenced the intensity and evenness of the development of production and distribution of benefits, as well as related economic phenomena. An...

The Cost of Fossil Fuels to the Society in 2015

Introduction The fossil fuels nowadays are the primary sources of energy for industrial, agricultural and community needs. More than 80% of the energy in the world comes from the fossil fuels (Cherian 36). Among them are natural gas, oil, coal and in some cases wood. They are very convenient because...

MNO: Cost of Quality

Introduction Every company desires to produce high-quality products that are free from defects. However, the production of flawless products comes with a price. Other than the normal production costs, the company must undergo some quality costs that are associated with the detection of defective products before they reach the customer...

The Analyze of the Consulting Advice on the Matters of Taxation

Introduction Tax coordination, monitoring, and regulation are generally regarded as one of the most important and responsible parts of financial activity. The merger of the Inland Revenue and HM Customs and Excise into the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) company was featured with the increased difficulties in tax monitoring and...

The Role of Dynamic Pricing: Machine Learning in Revenue Management

The rapid development of the Internet and IT spurred new business models based on social commerce that is mediated by social media. Various community platforms and social networks create a space for people who are willing to share their resources, whereas the advancement of smartphones and e-commerce enabled its wide...

Long-Term Impacts of the Chinese-American Trade War and Globalization of the World Economy

Long-Term Impacts of the Chinese-American Trade War The global political and economic landscape has been changing in the context of several factors. They are: the globalization of the world economy, rising interdependence of national economies, growing global competition, and increasing role of developing countries, as well as the gap and...

Economic Impact on American Workers

Introduction Since last year, the world has been going through an economic recession and this has led to a financial crisis around the globe. This has also led to many companies collapsing and hence it has had a direct impact on the workers. This is because many workers have had...

Trade Liberalization: Environmental Effects

Introduction Trade liberalization presents major opportunities, especially to developing nations. New policies put in place to allow global trade have helped create and sustain global economic growth. Living standards have gone up substantially as a result of job creation and exposure to different cultures. Products from different nations have bigger...

Technologies and Economic Progress – Pros and Cons

Today, technology has become an integral part of all spheres of our life – from birth to retirement. Through the use of low-cost resources and human labor, world technology giants produce more and more products. However, the use of these products is unevenly distributed throughout the world, whereas human needs...