Commercial Script of Advertisement for TruQuest

Scene One The advertisement’s main character is a young girl as the marketing plan aims to expand the sales of the Quest Kids portion of TruQuest’s product line in China. The advertisement seeks to appeal to the parent market segment who would be interested in buying mouthwash for their children....

Incorrect Interpretation: Everyone Is Gay on Tiktok

The appropriate utilization of statistics, backed up by these methodical studies, is crucial for the entire modern society and the media sphere separately. Being a rather specific science, statistics can cause difficulties for people, which leads to incorrect interpretation of the analyzed data. This effect is particularly serious in the...

The Feminist Ideas in ”A Doll’s House” Movie by Patrick Garland

A Doll’s House is a British film that was directed by Patrick Garland in 1973. Actors Claire Bloom and Anthony Hopkins starred in this film. It is originally based on the play of the same name by Henrik Ibsen, which was written in 1879. The story is devoted to the...

Internet Sources in Health Education

Comprehensive health education is important for the promotion of public health. However, increasing health literacy is not always easy as some learners become disengaged or discouraged in the process. For this reason, teachers must use multiple media to get their points across and provide learners with the most relevant information....

Chris Gardner in the Movie “The Pursuit of Happiness” by Muccino

Each person sooner or later faces financial, personal, or family crises. Chris Gardner is an American businessman and public speaker who inspired the main character in The Pursuit of Happiness. This 2006 biopic, directed by Gabriele Muccino, reveals the thorny path to financial independence and social well-being. The central character...

Talent Scouting for Online Streamers

Introduction Modern society cannot imagine life without sharing their experiences, ideas, and thoughts, therefore people always create and consume content. Multiple platforms exist to spread the information in different formats, and the most engaging one is, undoubtedly, video. Over one billion people watch YouTube at least one time a day,...

Invasive Social Media & Data Security

Introduction In the era of social media, millions of Internet users post individual information in their accounts and share personal data. However, this practice of free use can have negative aspects, and one of the most significant of them is the invasion of privacy. Today, despite the existing data protection...

Rhetorical Analysis of the Gillette Commercial

The rhetorical analysis is a necessary tool that helps to understand how writers or speakers use words to fulfill the communicative function of their text. The art of rhetoric deals with effective, persuasive oral or written communication, applying certain techniques that are widely used in creating commercials and advertisements. This...

The King Kong Movie Poster Examination

The King Kong movie poster contains a picture of a giant gorilla holding a woman while standing at the top of a skyscraper. It is also attempting to grab a jet flying close to it. Furthermore, a vintage color scheme has been used. Overall, the King Kong poster explicitly sells...

“The Conversation” by Francis Ford Coppola

Francis Ford Coppola’s 1974 film, The Conversation, is a mystery/thriller that strikes a viewer with a sound. The Conversation is shot from the point of view of the hero – a surveillance expert, who feels remorse over the content of the sound he recorded. Therefore, sound as an object appears...

“Much Ado About Nothing” Comedy by Branagh

Although Branagh depicts Hero and Claudio as very much in love, the text of the play does not seem to provide convincing evidence of strong feelings between these characters. At the beginning of the play, Claudio expresses his admiration for Hero by calling her “a jewel” and “the sweetest lady...

Nike Social Media Analysis

Introduction The Internet has become an integral part of modern culture, in the depths of which emerged social networks, whose emergence was unprogrammed and spontaneous. Over time, from rather primitive communication forums, social networks have turned into an open space where users can express their thoughts without any modesty. In...

On the Effectiveness of Advertising Posters

The first advertisement selected for the assignment has been produced by McDonald’s and is titled “Fall is Here” (2016). According to the review conducted by Wedel and Pieters (2008), objects that commonly attract a lot of visual attention include faces and bright or large-sized elements of design. The advertisement by...

Interpersonal Relationships and Organizational Abuse in Wall Street Movie

The development of economic relationships is one of the common themes for modern movies. Directors investigate the current state of affairs, formulate their positions, and share ideas with spectators through their camera. Among a variety of successful projects, Wall Street, directed by Oliver Stone in 1987, remains one of the...

Psychology and Media Interconnections

When it comes to contributing towards positive social change, one of the best ways in which the media can contribute is through the promotion of varying types of ethos that enact such positive changes. What you have to understand is that an ethos is a distinct orientation an individual has...

Digital Communication Systems and Its Impact on Democracy

Nowadays acceleration of the technological progress, resulting in the impetuous dissemination of innovations in the world introduces cardinal changes to the social aspects life, among which media takes not the last place. The aim of this essay is to analyze the role a digital communication systems play in the provision...

The Effect of the Internet on Advertisement

Introduction The adoption of disruptive technology has revolutionized business models around the globe. The advancement of communication and information technology continues to remodel the commercial and entrepreneurial climate; marketing issues, advertisements, accounting, and even issues of transfer pricing have greatly benefited from the advancement in technology. Specifically, the contribution of...

“Freedom Song”: Movie Review

Freedom Song is one of the most interesting movies that enlist in the dramatic genre of movies. Watching Freedom Song had been a great experience as it managed to provide a great deal of knowledge regarding the consequences of the civil rights war during the 1960s. The main theme of...

Political Sciences. “Inside Job” Documentary

Introduction The movie “Inside Job” can be acclaimed among the most successful documentary films released in 2010. And this is no wonder as the film features an interesting and thought-provoking layout with reliable information and good quality of its accomplishment. In general, this film is a story about the economical...

Social Media Tools’ Impact on Sports

The impact of social media tools on sports Social media has become so popular because of its ability to reach the general population. With social media tools such as Twitter and Facebook, the message sent via them often has an impact on the general population (Wenner, 1998). The messages sometimes...

Public Interest Presentation in Non-commercial Advertising

Introduction Advertising entails communicating ideas to a target group or population with the aim of convincing or informing. Therefore, advertising has been used by individuals or corporations to inform the public about their products and services (Mulvihill 179). Conversely, the advertising corporations or individuals have a role to play in...

Convention vs. Invention: Television Genres

Lost: Transmedia Storytelling Lost functions as an example of transmedia storytelling in that the producers create an all-encompassing narrative, large and compelling enough to continually expand beyond the confines of its initial medium – television. Transmedia stories mushroom across numerous media platforms, ever expanding, and each manifestation contributes something deeper...

“TV, Ideology, and Emancipatory Popular Culture”: General Idea and Sub-Points

Introduction The essay the TV, Ideology, and Emancipatory Popular Culture is written by Douglas Kellner, a famous sociologist. He is famous as a representative of the so-called “third-generation” critical theorists. During his career, the sociologist wrote many articles and essays which were devoted to the role of television in the...

Citizen Journalism vs. Journalism and Technologies

With the rapid development of modern technologies and shifts in categories and roles a new term ‘citizen journalism’ has appeared. According to the new broadened concepts of journalism and news Twitter provides an opportunity to fulfill the roles of citizen journalists in the democratic society. The term ‘citizen journalism’ involves...

Loss and Gain of Textual Meaning in Advertising Translation

Introduction There is always a need for good translation and therefore there is also a great demand for good translators. In order to become one there is the need to master a number of skills. A good translator is not only able to deal with and then convey textual meaning...

Representation of Sexuality in the Media: Advertisement

It is an entirely difficult thing to underestimate impacts that have been generated from sexual representation in the media. This is because, with the current advancement in technology, sexual advertisement has greatly influenced the cultural behaviors of people in the societies. The representation has also enhanced people to realize their...

Media Influence on Ideals of Beauty

Introduction American media has brought a major influence to what is considered the appropriate look for beautiful women. Standards for ideal beauty have been presented by several forms of American media among them being televisions and magazines. The newly acquired roles devalue women and also deprive them of a great...

Necessity of Studying Advertisements

Advertisements may seem very unimportant to some, but the impact they leave on every individual viewing them is magnificent. Their specialty lies in the fact that they are the reason for the transformation of thoughts, and additionally the single most influential aspect of each person’s life. But we encounter advertisements...

Do These Media Affect How People Perceive Reality?

We have been raised in world where perception is key. It is the basis by which we judge everything we see, taste, or feel as being real or imagined. Everything we see and hear influences our way of thinking and method of life. Of all the existing influences in our...

The Television Industry Analysis

Digital television In the recent past there has been increased development within the technology industry. This has affected very many sectors of the economy. The communication industry especially the television is amongst the sectors that have been greatly affected. One of the most notable changes within the mass media sector...

Theories of Culture in a Point of View of “Brazil” by T. Gilliam

Culture and works of art are influenced greatly by social tastes, preferences and unique vision of the world. During the 20th century, artists have been engaged in an anxious and harassed attempt to manage presence and views under conditions where everything threatens to fall apart. The concern surrounding the artistic...

The Meaning of Celebrity Culture and Fandom

Introduction A celebrity is a widely known person or a famous person that attracts media attention and the public. Celebrity image was born in the media that prompted the relationship between fame, ordinary people and television. Celebrity status is usually generated from the media; people can also become famous without...

Advertising Ethics: Truth in Commercials

The communicative stimulation was known in ancient centuries. With the help of signs and symbols, as well as inscriptions on the walls traders reported to the citizens about the availability of certain goods on the tray, as well as on future developments, such as the slave trade or fighting gladiators....

Complex Technology in Reality TV Shows

Introduction It would seem that the society that exists in the 21st century is one of a population with a thirst for realism in everything that relates to their function as human being. More so when it comes to television viewing habits. All of a sudden, television has become an...

Advertising and Gender Roles

Introduction There is a widely held opinion among many sociologists and psychologists that advertisement can be considered an inseparable part of our consciousness. In fact, this statement can be easily substantiated by the statistical data, provided by many researches, according to which, an average American citizen is literally hunted by...

Importance of Testimonials Analysis

Introduction Testimonials are written or spoken statements from a public figure and sometimes from a private person, who exalt the virtue of a product. This means that a product that has been advertised using this method is highly accepted by many bearing in mind that they have a feeling of...

Print Advertisement’s Semiotic Analysis

Introduction As an integral part of modern society, media is an essential phenomenon that performs critical functions, such as the production and communication of meaning. The variety of media forms enables conveying the meaning across time and space by words, sounds, images, and interfaces. The media forms produce and communicate...

Marvel’s “Black Panther” and Ethnic Consumer Behavior of Moviegoers

Abstract This review looks at the movie Black Panther, released in 2018 as a part of the Marvel cinematic universe (MCU). The film gathered significant attention and achieved box office success as well as some significant milestones in the film industry. Notably, it won three Oscars and became the second...

“In the Womb: Multiples” National Geographic Video

The birth of multiple children is a rare and unique case, even though modern medicine makes it more possible. The infrequency of this phenomenon exists because the conception of several children at the same time is a rarity, and the bearing and birth of such children bring even more complications....

Dove Company’s Lotion Advertisement

Racism is one of the most controversial topics in America and other places around the world. For many decades, the issue has been widely discussed in the fields of politics, religion, and education. However, the situation has worsened with more covert misrepresentation of racial and ethnic minorities in films, television...

Female Appearance in Online Games, Media, and Life

Introduction The focus on female appearance and the promotion of specific types thereof has become quite noticeable in the modern social environment. While the propensity toward encouraging diversity and a broader look at gender normativity has also been noticed, a large number of online toys and media still uses stereotypical...

“How Big Is the Dark Web?” Documentary Analysis

Film Summary The documentary focuses on exploring the foundations and concepts of the construct known as the Dark Web, a large portion of the internet that is hidden and requires special tools to access. The director attempts to uncover many mysteries, disprove strong opinions, and examine the potential utility of...

Media Concentration and Modern Business Concepts

Media Concentration Media concentration refers to the process through which fewer companies or organizations own and/or control diverse interests that even influence the content that is released to the audience. The companies progressively merge or buy other media platforms, thus creating a vast conglomeration of media interests under one organization....

The Issue of Media Deregulation and Regulation

Many media industries have been subject to waves of regulation and deregulation over their histories. The internet has complicated the issue, as it is global in scope and does not necessarily obey national borders. Choose a specific media industry and develop an argument in relation to how the internet has...

Poster Presentation: Apple in India

Briefly describe the content of the poster and organization The poster gives a summarized case study of Apple Inc. in India; it is presented to give the full details of the company’s operation in the country. The poster has made use of both textual and graphic elements to represent the...

Ten Things to Reinvent Journalism

Introduction I suggest the following ten things to reinvent journalism. First of all, it is to empower the readers by continuously engaging them in various posts and writings. Keeping one’s readers and the public well informed and fully engaged in the current affairs and news enables the readers to access...

Television Violence and Critical Thinking

Identifying the Topic Violence sells; from T.V. shows to movies to reality dramas and live-action contests the addition of violent content increases the likelihood of people viewing what is being shown. It is a concept that has become so ubiquitous with pop culture that it has resulted in more recently...

Music Journalism in the Future Internet Age

Introduction The digital age has influenced the field of journalism considerably to the extent of creating uncertainty regarding its future. Particularly, according to Bradshaw and Rohumaa, technological changes have altered the nature of music in the contemporary setting, especially the format in which it is presented and its accessibility (89)....

“The Queen of Sheba: Behind the Myth” Documentary

The Queen of Sheba is a mysterious and powerful female in numerous stories and myths. She is depicted in the sacred texts of ancient world cultures and religions. The Queen has had a profound but mystical presence in the regional folklore. However, the origin and sources of evidence to support...

Advertising Promoting Organic Food and Beverages

The environmental issue has become quite a problem since recently, which has caused a surge of suggestions for improving the state of the Earth and maintaining the balance between nature and nurture. Among the most essential solutions on how to make the world more “organic” and preserve the treasure that...

Liberal Media in Herman and Chomsky’s Model

Introduction The video “The Myth of the Liberal Media” has faced a clash of opinions from the side of the general public; it has been both – criticized and highly evaluated since it has raised such controversial issues that could not be ignored. Overall, the video discusses the notion of...

Unified Registration in Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp

Introduction Facebook Inc. is a large-scale technology conglomerate, most well-known for its primary social media platform Facebook. However, the company also owns popular social media and messaging services such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and others. Each is a separate platform and service, with few to none integration among each other and...

Cars in Popular Culture and Mass Media

The entirety of ideas, fancy images, attitudes, and perspectives within the cultural mainstream define what is known as popular (or pop) culture (Liu, Lee, & Groves, 2016). These attitudes and ideas are usually influenced by a wide range of mass media platforms such as social networks and television channels. The...

The Psychological Effects of Violent Media on Children

In contemporary society, children spend a lot of time-consuming different forms of media such as video games, the Internet, television, and movies. Extensive research has shown that children are exposed to violence in the aforementioned media forms in various ways. These exposures have both short-term and long-term effects on the...

Advertising: Patriotism and Buyer Behavior

Patriotic advertising is a viable way of appealing to the consumer base. However, it may lead to undesirable adverse effects if applied inappropriately or without alignment with other important determinants of consumer behavior. The following paper presents an overview of patriotism-oriented marketing in the Canadian market and provides an assessment...

Pinterest: Social Network as a Communication Channel

Introduction Modern technology has undergone numerous transformations, and today people enjoy a lot of benefits derived from the use of sophisticated technologies. Therefore, scientists continue to work hard to invent new ways of doing things and making life easier (Boykoff & Yulsman, 2013, p. 1). This has pushed nations and...

Popular Culture’s and Fashion Industry’s Influences

Introduction The popular culture influences the majority of people and particularly the youth who are attempting to build an identity. The media describes the pop culture in regards to what people should eat, wear, what kind of music they should be listening to, how they should behave, and how they...

Power of Advertising: Good and Bad Balance’ Importance

Introduction People like to use advertising as a way to communicate with the public and sell various products and services (“Advertising” par.1). Regarding the methods and spheres of advertising, it is hard to understand if it has only positive or negative effects on people. There is one definite thought that...

Disney Animation’s Society Reflection & Influence

Contemporary American values are reflected in movies. Signs and symbols of the changing values get into all the aspects of individual lives in the United States. A quintessential example is offered by the entertainment sector where animated characters are depicted as possessing a powerful impact on our culture and its...

Apple’s Broken Promises: BBC Documentary

Introduction The documentary Apple’s Broken Promises dwells upon operations of Apple’s suppliers and violations of people’s rights. The main issue is Apple’s attitude towards these violations and the gap between things proclaimed by the company’s top management and the actual conditions some people have to work in (BBC Panorama –...

Social Media and Accountability in Organizations

The powers of social media have developed gradually over the last decade. Consequently, social media can provide an organization with a platform to form connections with its old and new contacts including customers and supporters. In an online article that appears on the “Tech Talk” website, Tod Newcombe explores how...

Dallas Farmer’s Market Advertisement

Introduction The advertisement of Dallas Farmer’s market conveys a message that people should purchase healthy food provided by this market rather than fast food. The advertisement uses a recognizable object (French fries pack from McDonald’s) and fills it with a new sense. To reach out to a diverse audience, the...

Social Media Usage and Impact

Dissemination of information has been made simple and faster since the discovery and creation of social media. The most popular social networking sites include Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. These social networking sites are very effective in the mass distribution of information due to their affordability and accessibility. The number of...

People’s Attitude toward Social Networking Services

Social networks became the people’s everyday reality, and today the public is divided into the proponents of using these services and opponents who focus on the advantages of the face-to-face interaction. Furthermore, the users of social networking services can also be divided into groups according to their attitude to this...

Social Media Role: Activism and Revolution

The nature and lifestyle of people in the world have been influenced by social networks. Recent developments in social networks include Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. Communication of people has been made easy through the removal of communication barriers by social networks. According to Strain, information from any corner of the...

Advertising and Promotion Analysis

The above is an advertisement for the Evian drink, which shows a man whose midsection resembles a child. The advertisement illustrates that the drink helps people feel young and forget their worries. It further has a writing that shows that no one deserves to feel like a grown-up inside, as...

Has Technology Killed Personal Contact?

Technology which has been experienced in almost all sectors has greatly changed our lifestyles in many ways. The benefits of technology to human life are immense, as it is evident in the modern society where everything has become more convenient and easily accessible, due to advances in the trend. However,...

Social Networking Site Facebook

Introduction With the world becoming one global village courtesy of the radical revolution in information technology, people are virtually exploring all corners of the world within minutes. Facebook, the second largest social networking after MySpace, is one of the forces behind this drastic revolution. One just needs to create an...

The Impact of Social Media on Super Bowl Ads

Introduction This paper will delve into the changes that the social media landscape has brought upon Super Bowl ads and how this has translated into the present day brand awareness strategy that various companies have been utilizing. The Super Bowl is one of the most watched events in the U.S....

Music Marketing in a Digital World

Introduction Television’s ability to present a video, audio, and motion is proving to be one of the most common and modern powerful means of delivering information to a larger audience or mass audience today (Ofcom, 2008). Davis (2007) describes it as a “Trojan Horse that surprises many audiences.” On the...

The Light of the Online Filter Bubbles Phenomena

Today, most people take Internet search as an everyday task, without paying much attention to the process. However, this is not a sufficiently conscious approach, especially for people who plan to work in the field of media or information provision. A more quality-oriented approach requires information seekers to apply information...

Unpaid Content: The Case of Facebook

In the social economy, content is produced by users rather than by the owners of a website such as Facebook or Instagram. Most people welcome the ability to freely use these content-sharing platforms to keep in touch with their friends, share pictures, or even write content for others as on...

How Media Affects Culture and Society

Introduction The development of the media has profoundly impacted families, cultures, and society as a whole. The ubiquitous accessibility of media has increased communication speed and convenience, enabling individuals to communicate with one another beyond geographic boundaries. The media has contributed to the globalization of culture by exposing individuals worldwide...

“The Power of Art” Documentary by Simon Schama

The documentary “The Power of Art”, produced by Simon Schama, tells the story of remarkable artists and how they transformed the world of art. Caravaggio’s unique usage of lighting was a significant visual piece, and his works marked a conversion to realism, making Caravaggio one of the most prominent and...

The “Call of Duty: Black Ops III” Game Analysis

Introduction Black operations 3 is the third installment of the black ops episodes, apart from other Call of Duty series like the modern warfare plot line. Black Ops 3 occurs in 2065, forty years after the incidents of Black Ops II, in a dismal dystopia. Multiple nations throughout the globe...

Social Media’s Multifaceted Impact on Mental Health

Introduction Social media is a ground-breaking online platform that fundamentally alters how people view the world and has integrated into our culture. Social media is more important for daily social interaction due to the development and growth of technology. The importance of social media in today’s world can be understood...

Fake News and Logical Fallacies

Fake news is defined as news items that are deliberately and indubitably untrue with the aim of distorting public views of facts, events, and assertions. It concerns news that is promoted but that the promoter knows to be false because it is based on clearly inaccurate facts, unverifiable assertions, or...

Classical Conditioning in the Axe Commercial

Classical conditioning is a powerful instrument to make specific associations in the human brain. In marketing and advertising, it is used to create positive associations with a product or service. As a result, people may find purchasing such products more attractive. In the recent advertisement “The New Axe Effect,” classical...

The “Advertising” Article in Encyclopedia Britannica

The article on review is titled “Advertising” and was published by Encyclopedia Britannica in 2012. It explores the history of advertising and how that has changed over time. The author describes how advertising is used to call attention to products and how it can be effective if done correctly. The...

The Documentary “The Life of the Buddha”

Introduction At midnight, Siddhartha left the palace and was never heard from again. His young wife, son, and father all survived him. Giving up his cushy and comfortable life was Siddhartha’s first move toward enlightenment. Siddhartha gave up his material possessions and transformed into an ascetic (“The Life of the...

The History of the “Financial Times” Newspaper

The history of some news publications demonstrates how innovation can keep a business competitive for several centuries. One such example is the Financial Times (FT) – a financial newspaper established in London in January 1888 by James Sheridan and his brother (Financial Times [FT], 2022). The first issue of the...

The Reaction to the “Food, Inc.” Documentary

Introduction There are many different conspiracy theories, some of which draw their ideas from the “Food, Inc.” documentary. However, the main point of this video is the problems with the supply and production of food in the United States. The video consists of ten scenes, each raising a critical theme....

Shaping Army-People Relations through Social Media

In modern world community transformation conditions, the image of the state and its structures becomes particularly meaningful. However, at this point, one can note the low interaction between the American people and the military, and the information technology can influence the course of the issue by altering its direction. In...

Racial Representation and Stereotypes in Media

The issue of race and its perception by the public is quite relevant now. In this context, it is worth noting the mass media. The importance of this outlet is because it is a direct representative of public attitudes and opinions and conveys how people relate to a representative of...

False Information and Its Spread

Introduction False information on the Internet spreads more easily and quickly than accurate information because it usually does not require much knowledge to become aware of it. Creating fakes and misinforming the audience is relatively easy, creating panic in the community or lobby. If done well, fake messages are hard...

The Issue of Fake News on Social Media

Introduction In this article, a thorough analysis of the relevant literature, through critical evaluation and synthesis has been made. Moreover, several major themes explaining the phenomenon of fake news have been identified. The author has proposed a theoretical framework that highlights the interrelationships of the articles and research suggestions to...

The Nike Brand Advertisement Analysis

Analysis This Nike brand advertisement pays special attention to the importance of sports for people. Visually, the picture is divided into half, where various athletes’ videos are glued together with the help of mounting. The voiceover utters several phrases relating to significant social and political events. This advertisement is aimed...

The Documentary “Two American Families”

The Ecological Systems Theory Depicted in the Film As a child grows, it interacts with certain environmental factors that are also bound to affect its development. According to Guy-Evans, (2020), the ecological systems theory was evolved by Bronfenbrenner in 1977 and it mentions that five systems make up the theory....

Discussion of Satire in “The Boys” TV Show

The satire that is going to be analyzed and discussed is from the TV show The Boys. In the universe of The Boys, superheroes indeed exist, but they behave more like celebrities than classic heroes. They do this more for their influence and financial gain than for their ability to...

Discussion of the Podcast Series Alibi

Introduction In the first episode of the first season of the podcast series Alibi, Sarah Koenig talks about how she conducted questioning of students one day. Sarah needed to find out what the teenagers were doing on January 13, 1999. On that day, Hae Min Lee disappeared, and a month...

Indigenous Realities, Media, and the Public Sphere

Historically, culture is based on the process of sharing and exchanging concepts and perceptions created or observed by people. As a space where individuals communicate and express their opinions, the public sphere is a cornerstone of culture (Lattimore, Baskin, Heiman, Toth, 2012). Nowadays, there are no means that exceed media,...

“The Tillman Story” Documentary by Amir Bar-Lev

Introduction The Tillman Story is a 2010 documentary and drama movie directed by Amir Bar-Lev. This is a heartbreaking, inspiring, and truth-revealing film about the U.S. government’s and army’s conspiracy and attempts to bury the appalling errors that led to the death of football star Pat Tillman. In this only...

The “Haiti and The Dominican Republic” Documentary

Introduction The Caribbean Island of Hispaniola has a unique history as the transitioning point for enslaved people to the American coasts, Spanish colonization, occupation by the French army, and the United States. Today, Haiti and The Dominican Republic share the land, and the difference in their cultural, social, and economic...

Violence in Media and Its Impact on Children

Media violence has been a growing concern for many decades. Most concerns revolve around how it may affect children. Such fears are valid, because of issues, such as school shooting, violent conflicts between minors and physical bullying, are still relevant to this day. Unsurprisingly, people are questioning whether a child’s...

The Show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians”

Pop culture has been extremely influential on the younger generations. It is not easy to imagine nowadays a day without social media and celebrity presence. In the contemporary times, many small talks are now gossiping about famous people. Not all people idolize celebrities, but even without that kind of attitude...

Nebraska’s Tourism Print Advertisement

Introduction Print advertisement is one of the most popular forms of advertising. Traditionally, it was done on print media, such as newspapers and magazines which are circulated in hardcopies. With the advent of the internet, print advertising is now also done on online platforms, such as social media. Ultimately, advertising...

How to Use Twitter Effectively

Introduction Twitter is one of the biggest social medias; it provides a platform for people to share their thoughts and interact with others. It can be accessed via web browsers, such as Chrome, or on the Twitter app which is downloadable from Apple’s AppStore or Google’s Play Store. Twitter is...

Mass Media Impact on Stereotype Creation

Introduction Modern society is often affected by a variety of stereotypes that could expose inequality and discrimination. Therefore, the majority of stereotypes coming from the mass media field cannot be considered neutral. The prevalence of cultural, political, and psychological factors makes it exceptionally hard to fight stereotypical thinking and poorly...

TV Series “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Bruce Miller

The Hulu original series, The Handmaid’s Tale, tells the story of a dystopian version of the United States, renamed Gilead. The television series, created by Bruce Miller, is based on the novel originally written by Margaret Atwood. When a political group named “the Sons of Jacob” overthrows the US Government,...

Examination of Repression in “Persepolis”

Major historical events transcribed by people who directly witnessed them are essential for creating a comprehensive understanding of the situational conditions of that time. Assessments made by individuals who remained close to the transpiring situations and were impacted by the scenarios greatly aid the researchers in establishing the communal attitudes...

Benefits of Using Popular Trend in Social Media

Introduction In a contemporary society driven by technological advancements, people are capable of engaging in trending activities easily. In particular, the popularization of smartphone use, the Internet, and social media platforms has contributed to trends’ spread and following by the online community. Indeed, social media use is now omnipresent, especially...

Family Table Restaurant’s Mass Media Advertising

Our small advertising firm was started in 2019 and has had the chance to work with several clients who have rated our services positively. The firm started with ten employees but with time the number has increased to twenty-five and we are aspiring to have more staff members as the...

All In: The Fight for Democracy Documentary

All in: The Fight for Democracy is the 2020 documentary film. The film revolves around voter suppression in the United States. The central theme of the film is disenfranchisement. The directors, Liz Garbus and Lisa Cortés, used the 2018 election experience to show that the right to vote has always...

Social Media Usage in College Students

Social media presents a substantial portion of life for modern college students. Thus, a significant part of the literature is devoted to examining social media’s influence on college students’ well-being and perceptions as well as academic progress. Conducting a literature review on the subject of social media usage in college...

Implications of Media Influencing Society

Rupinder provided a fairly convincing argument about the currently emerging shift of power from traditional media to citizen journalism. At the same time, the posts offer a fairly unambiguous picture of the phenomenon without highlighting the potential problems and wider social implications. The suggestion that professional and non-professional journalists may...

Second Hand September: Advertisement Analysis

The Type of Marketing Being Used In this particular advertisement, the company uses cause marketing as a way of attracting buyers. The ad displayed works as both a showcasing of the clothing being sold and a promotion for people to buy more second-hand clothes. The impact of the fashion industry...

“Straightlaced: How Gender’s Got Us All Tied”: The Generation Z and Gender Roles

The documentary “Straightlaced: How Gender’s Got Us All Tied” by Debra Chasnoff explores the lives of teens through the lens of gender roles. The author gives students from California high schools an opportunity to openly speak their minds about gender diversity and speak about the sexual orientation pressures they experience...

Standpoint and Muted Group Theories in González Villaseñor’s “All of Me”

Arturo González Villaseñor’s Documentary, All of Me (2016), follows the lives of a group of women in Mexico known as La Patronas (The Patronas). These women make food and toss it to the immigrants aboard the train that passes by their town daily. The director uses an intimate approach by...

Social Media and International Business

Introduction Named as the all-time fastest-growing social media platform, TikTok is undeniably the most downloaded app globally. How popular is TikTok? This short video app snowballed during the COVID-19 pandemic when many users were forced to explore new platforms for their content and sought new connections with their online audiences....

Social Media in the Modern Workplace: Advantages and Challenges

Executive Summary Social media has tremendously altered the way individuals interact at work and home. Additionally, social media platforms display significant potential for enterprises in organizational learning, recruiting, public relations, and internal and external communications. A better percentile of workers presume social media can enhance team cohesion and work culture,...

Antique Mobile Advertisement: Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction Most successful businesses have created tactical and unique initiatives to build solid relationships with their client base. These advertisements are aimed at luring customers to the company’s current and future offerings. There is an old-fashioned telephone in the background of a globe map of Europe in the visual...

Framing in Media and Reporting

Media framing is one of the tools that journalists actively use to cover publicly significant topics. Dan and Raupp (2018) underline that framing theory states “that communication is characterized by the articulation of coherent patterns of meaning resulting out of acts of selection and emphasis” (p. 205). In particular, framing...

A Conversation with Koko Directed by Barbet Schroeder

A documentary film A Conversation with Koko, which was shot in 1999, tells a story of a gorilla named Koko, who demonstrates profound intellectual ability and a sensitive emotional character. The film evokes mixed feelings, as it explores the areas which humankind is not yet at ease with, such as...

Video Game Loot Boxes and Gambling

Video games have evolved from simple single-player games for enjoyment into more competitive multiplayer games, with game developers finding a way to gain more profits from their projects. The introduction of loot boxes is now popular among many modern games, mobile or console. The idea is that by purchasing these...

The “Real Value” Documentary Directed by Borkowski

The “Real Value” documentary is a film that depicts businesses and the alternative approaches to generating financial gain. The first relevant idea from this movie is that businesses can create value that is beyond the profit they generate. The second idea is that the majority of American businesses are built...

Evaluating HBO Max’s Resources, Capabilities, and Competitiveness

Core VRIN-based Competencies of HBO Max Quality content Quality content is the number one core competency in the media industry. Warner Media owned HBO offers TV shows and movies to the audience. Its content is unique and has been known for establishing milestones in the TV industry. For instance, its...

Rhetorical Analysis of a Commercial

The rhetorical analysis chosen entails Nike’s commercial, “We’re short a guy,” which shows a young man playing multiple different sports. The boy showcases Nike’s sports clothing while being pulled into various sports (Burnette n.p.). The commercial also shows some of the most successful and famous players wearing Nike’s sports products....

“Sicko” by Michael Moore

Introduction In many countries, the health care system is different, but its purpose, regardless of location, is to provide quality services to promote health. However, the US health care system has many shortcomings, and the main one is inadequate access to health services for residents with low income and social...

How Mass Media and Entertainment Influences Our Culture

Mass media are quickly becoming a real power in the political, social and spiritual spheres of people’s life. Lule (2016) states that “throughout U.S. history, evolving media technologies have changed the way we relate socially, economically, and politically” (6). Zengotita (2008) adds that human culture has always filtered reality through...

The Analysis of Issues of Cosmopolitan Magazines

Societies’ cultures are constantly evolving, and people of different generations tend to embrace new values and beliefs. Publications such as magazines and newspapers always reflect the current state of the culture. Moreover, practically all elements contained in a magazine are defined by the current times and created to be relevant...

“How to Make Hard Facts Easy to Read” by Roy Peter Clark

Introduction Mass media and journalism are key bodies as the dissemination of information to the public are concerned. Several bodies, including the government, depend on mass media to convey vital messages to a vast population. Therefore, mass media refers to a diverse array of technologies used to reach many audiences....

Cultural Artifact in the “Legally Blonde” Film

Introduction Cultural artifact analysis is essential for ethnographic research in which case an ethnographer gets to decide what an artifact suggests or does not suggest. As a result, readers can gain insight into aspects of an artifact that they could not have deciphered without the help of the ethnographer. Accordingly,...

Arab Representation in the Media Project

Introduction Nowadays, there is a wide range of stereotypes concerning every ethnic group forming a community in developed countries. Therefore, people tend to ascribe specific behavioral patterns to people belonging to these groups. Unfortunately, some offensive traits of character and unpleasant habits may be expected from a person who never...

Advertising Ethics and Truth: The Biblical Perspective

“Therefore, having cast off falsehood, let each of you speak the truth to his neighbor, for we are members of one another” (Ephesians 4:25, NLT) (Evans, 2009). The Christian worldview requires that we care for one another, sometimes through acts of kindness or charity. This verse emphasizes the importance of...

Social Media Marketing: Advantages and Drawbacks

To highlight the considerable popularity social media have gained in the modern world would be to say nothing, as they have penetrated all spheres of human life. In particular, their development has favored the appearance of social media marketing, which is normally abbreviated as SMM and presupposes using social networks...

Social Media Use and Self-Esteem Control in School Students

The topic of the study is “Relationship between social media use and self-esteem control in high school students.” This study will highlight the impact of social media on students’ self-esteem and suggests possible ways of avoiding negative influence. In the 21st century, there is a steady increase in social media...

Comparison Paper on the Character Malvolio

Many would not dispute the fact that people nowadays tend to recreate literary classics. The movie “She’s the Man,” a modern adaptation of Shakespeare’s comedy “Twelfth Night,” exemplifies this the best. At first glance, the film and the play appear to have apparent congruities. However, the differences and alterations that...

Amazon’s Social Media Services

I was asked to write an informal informational memorandum about how Amazon utilizes social media while communicating with its customers. I investigated related data and facts in order to assess the interrelation between social media usage and goodwill maintenance. Moreover, I was asked to identify if there are any opportunities...

Interpersonal Communication Between Kuzco the Emperor and Pacha

Interpersonal communication skills are essential in everyday human life. To safely communicate with another person, it is not enough to choose a convenient time and place. It is also necessary to build behavior so as not to cause an adverse reaction from the interlocutor. The topic of this essay is...

Selfies, Filters, and Snapchat Dysmorphia by Abigail Fagan

The article Selfies, Filters, and Snapchat Dysmorphia: How Photo-Editing Harms Body Image, written by Abigail Fagan, raises a crucial question for the contemporary society of how social media influences our perception of the ideal body image that every person should have, according to the online influencers and opinion leaders (Fagan,...

Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas and Gangs of New York: A Comparison

In the era of the Great Depression and Prohibition in the United States, gangsters became the new heroes. Perfectly dressed guys like Al Capone and John Dillinger have regularly appeared on the pages of the crime chronicle, becoming celebrities and trendsetters. They were imitated in life and on the movie...

The Hong Kong Theatre Art Technology Festival

Executive Summary Hong Kong is a city with a diverse artistic history and stands as a point where tradition meets modernity. Theater and performance arts have always been popular in Hong Kong. It is proposed that with the opening of the East Kowloon Cultural Centre (EKCC) in 2023, a state-of-the-art...

The Impact of Social Media on the Development of the Humanity

As people came to the information age, they created a lot of types of communication, which led to a leap in the development of social networks, and now it is used everywhere. After all, social networks are already the most popular activity on the Internet. There is no more secrecy...

Social Networks’ Impact on Relationships

Introduction A network can help provide fresh viewpoints and ideas to aid a job’s functioning. A vital feature of networking is sharing knowledge-related issues, experiences, and ambitions since it enables one to get new insights that might not be otherwise considered. Pal et al. (2018) define a social network as...

Love and Women in Cinderella and Mulan Films

Introduction Disney is a well-known entertainment company that releases famous cartoons and movies. It has a 100-year history of showing stories of princesses that reveal the socio-political and cultural context of each historical period. Indeed, Disney’s products shape the whole industry, translating ideas to society. This essay examines Cinderella (1950)...

Media Effects on Eating Disorder Symptoms

In terms of modern technology-based society, media exposure has significantly increased its influence and role in the lives of its large audience. However, the variety of media outlets has the power to adversely impact the public mindset and deeply-embedded perception of the human body and beauty standards. As such, media...

The Black Lives Matter Movement and Communication Theories

Introduction The Black Lives Matter movement prevalent currently in the united states of America is a recently emerged social phenomenon that was created as an outlet for many disparaged individuals to have a voice. The decentralized organization has its roots in social media, becoming officially recognized around 2014. While its...

Social Media Access and Use for Children and Adolescents

Introduction It is undeniable that in today’s world, technology is practically everywhere. From the phones in people’s pockets to smart fridges, innovation has made its way into the lives of millions over the past few decades, making it difficult to imagine life without it. Today, a person can contact someone...

Media and Communication Technology: The Positive and Negative Impacts

The negative impact of media and communication technology involves aspects such as reduced productivity and depreciating mental health in individuals. However, such technology also has a positive impact on human beings. By channeling their energy into online activities, individuals can become more productive and gain knowledge that could change their...

News Probe: History, Mission and Impact on Chinese Media

Introduction CCTV’s News Probe (Xinwen Diaocha) is a Chinese TV series representing the independent research of the relevant social problems and scandals. The direction of the program significantly deviates from the traditional course of Chinese media, such as political and ideological propaganda, and outlines the societal worries and questions of...

Product Advertising Analysis

When creating a marketing flyer or pamphlet, it is imperative to make sure the important persuasive elements are present. The intention of a business advert is to convince the customers that the products or services offered are the best (Ghaffari et al., 2019). Therefore, they need to read, see, and...

“Gone Baby Gone” Moral Issue

Gone Baby Gone is a movie about kidnapping a girl Amanda and investigating this crime by the young detective Patrick. At the end of the story, the man realizes that the police officer Doyle kidnapped the girl to save her from her neglectful mother involved in the drug business. This...

The Work of a Journalist During Investigation

Nowadays, journalists are no longer regarded as neutral entities; hence, it is not a wonder that respondents are unwilling to provide information. Moreover, grabbing the attention of the editor Zach was not easy; I pitched five times before I could receive his response though Collins’ advice was helpful. Even though...

The Ethical Implications of Cigarette Advertisement

Introduction Advertising plays an especially important role in the market economy of capitalism. With the emergence and development of new businesses, professional competition is becoming more and more prominent in the field. Many companies sell products in similar or adjacent areas of production and levels of quality. In such a...

Interview Approaches, Limitations and Challenges for an Interviewer

The concerns that an interviewer should be aware of regarding the child as a reporter Before interviewing a child, the reporter should always seek permission from the child’s parent or guardian. They should explain to them the reason for the interview so that the parent or guardian can make an...

Fake News and Media Bias Overview

Media outlets, educational facilities, and religious institutions often present their audience with only one side of a problem or situation. Popular news agencies and online platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram make it possible for political organizations and influential public figures to integrate their propaganda into the posts viewed...

Impact of the Internet on Mental Health

Introduction The Internet plays an important role as a catalyst for rapid development. However, its prevalence causes major mental issues in its users. The conversation regarding its detrimental effects on the human mind is currently widespread and is being discussed around the planet. From personal experience, anxiety and trouble with...

The Movie “King Lear”: Poster Analysis

Poster Explanation This movie poster appears dark and gloomy, representing the themes of injustice and cruelty in Shakespeare’s “King Lear.” The main symbols used in the poster are reaching hands and the King’s crown. They represent the division of the kingdom and the consequences of relationships based on authority and...

“Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment – The Deadly Deception”: Unethical Scientific Experiment

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment Traditional biomedical researches that used human as research subjects were characterized by gross violation of their rights. The Tuskegee’s study of 1932-1972, as displayed in Nova’s (2019) video, is not an exception since other studies such as the Nazi experimentation of 1945-1947 were even more severe. However,...

Unfollowing on Social Media

Social media is a truly unique phenomenon, which, once having started as a comparatively small concept, has grown to become a crucial part of every person’s social life. In her article “It’s Time to Unfriend and Unfollow on Social Media,” Nicole Dieker (2017) explains that the tendency to expand one’s...