Target Audience Segmentation in Marketing

In the world of media, understanding the peculiarities of target audiences is crucial. Audience segmentation studies support content creators in marketing the results of their work using the right methods and platforms. The first link, the article titled “Reading “Us” through Its T-Shirts” by Murphy (2020), explores the symbolism and...

Social Web Engagement and Online Emotional Expression

Essentially, the topic is the Correlation between social media and online emotional expression; the primary research question is How do personal characteristics of web users influence their emotional expression on the web? Thus, the article written by Beneito-Montagut (2017) was chosen because it focuses on how different variables, such as...

The Ancient Americans: Historical Attainments of Maya, Aztec, Olmec

Historical Video Nowadays, historians are aware of and have thoroughly explored many powerful civilizations distinguished by their distinct features, outstanding achievements, and lavish cultural heritage. Some of the most recognized nations inhabiting the American continents are Maya, Aztec, and Olmec, which are still shrouded by a deep mystery, and thus,...

Media Influences: Art of Enlightenment and Selling

The Media Industry The morning of a modern person hardly begins with a shower or coffee. First of all, upon waking up, a lot of people pick up the phone and turn on Wi-Fi. Throughout the day, they also read newspapers on the subway, listen to the radio in cars,...

Will the New Communications Technologies Bring a New “Age of Democracy”?

Communication technologies are an integral part of the realities of the modern age, where every aspect of human existence is directly impacted by digital forces. It is evident that all manifestations of such technologies, such as social media, the internet, and other online communication tools, has brought a wide range...

Propaganda Machines on Social Media Platforms

Propaganda, a false message aimed at twisting recipients’ minds in a particular manner, is a dangerous weapon in the world today. In many cases, propaganda is advanced through powerful social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter, Google, and Instagram (Cohen). The effect of such messages is excellent since it escalated hatred across...

The Principles of Rhetoric in Media

Introduction All forms of media, including their written and visual variants, are used to relay messages. Be it a single individual, a group, or an entire community, various forms of media can be used to transfer information from one party to another. However, it should be noted that any form...

The Issue of Violence in Media and Movies

From action movies to tragedies, violence is an essential plot point, a cliffhanger, a shock value tool, and it is deeply rooted in stories because it was and is so prevalent in real life. Even when it isn’t something you see every day, it is ongoing and in varying levels...

Impact of Social Media on Adolescence

Social media has showcased behavioral modification amongst its frequent users. Besides yielding positive impacts, it has given birth several negative effects to its users. According to recent studies, it is clear that social media has had a huge impact especially on adolescents (Keles, McCrae & Grealish, 2020). Past meta-analysis has...

Marketing Approaches in Cigarette Ads

There are different approaches that marketing directors can take when advertising their products but appealing to a particular audience by using consumer market research is key. In the examples given of the cigarette ads, the target demographic is obvious, as the designers have used profiling (ALTA Team, 2019). In the...

Privacy, Ownership, and Surveillance in Social Media

As an individual using social media, I consider that hacking my data is a more dangerous issue than surveillance and sale of my online activities. I am impressed by Google’s and Facebook’s data collection activity described by Dylan Curran (Curran, 2018). However, I am more afraid of being hacked because...

Social Media Marketing: Memes as a Branding Strategy

Through the last decade, memes evolved from funny and entertaining images into a communication tool. While previously memes fit only into one or several contexts, current memes present more of a trending template that could be used to describe a wide variety of situations. Thus, memes allow individuals to make...

Newspaper Articles from Columbia, Missouri: Comparative Analysis

Printed press evolves together with the society that presents a demand for it. The changes that accumulate over may include language and word choice, stylistic features and tone, as well as structure and presentation. This is why it may be fruitful to compare newspaper pieces on the same topic and...

The Bible Salesmen and Globeman Documentary

The Salesmen documentary gives the story of four Bible salesmen who move door to door to make a sale. Each of these salesmen had nicknames that fit their personalities and sales methods. For example, James Baker “The Rabbit” is a smooth talker. His calm conversation helps him close deals with...

Conspiracy Theories and Distrust of Experts

Social media provides people with always-available options to discuss any news or occasions, and an enormous volume of different opinions leads to questionable explanations appearing. Conspiracy theories are on the verge today due to the increased number of people who develop and distribute them to broad online audiences. Moreover, many...

Global Over-the-Top Platforms: Artwork Personalization at Netflix

The over the top (OTT) streaming content has a lot of potential for growth and expansion, an assumption solidified by the rapid entry of Netflix competitors into the market. They include Hulu, HBO Now, Amazon Prime Video, Disney +, Peacock, and many others. The phenomenon known as “Netflixification” of media...

Themes in The Corporation Documentary Film

The Corporation is a documentary movie revolving around giant companies becoming increasingly influential in the current world. Cogitating on the functioning and development of these entities, the authors attempt to compare them to specific psychological patterns found in people (Encore+, n.d.). For instance, modern corporations focus on earning money as...

The Documentary “The Memphis 13”

The Memphis 13 is a thirty-five-minute documentary that follows the experiences of the thirteen students that were enrolled in all-white schools (Bruce, Gordon, Rozzelle, and Springdale Elementary schools) in Memphis, Tennessee, in October 1961. The enrollment was purposefully done to help integrate African Americans into the all-white Schools in Memphis....

“The Life: Primates” BBC Documentary

The life of primates is interesting enough that, to date, a large number of species of monkeys have been identified around the world. This work was written for the purpose of reviewing the BBC documentary Life: Primates. As a review, a collection of answers to various questions from the film...

Will the Facebook’s Social Audio Products Succeed

Social Audio refers to social media products that utilize audio as their principal mode of communication. Social audio can include voice messaging, podcasts, editing tools, live conversation rooms, and audio creation, among others (Simo 1). Clubhouse, Twitter spaces, Spotify Greenroom, and Facebook Live Audio Rooms are the most popular audio-based...

A Magazine Advertisement for Ford Motor Company of 1950

Introduction The artifact that I chose is a magazine advertisement for Ford Motor Company of the 1950 issue. The magazine represents two images of the Ford cars and includes texts. The top of the advertisement page says, “It shines on dress parade!”. The text on the middle of the advertisement...

The Problem of Misinformation From the Social Media Platforms

The documentary demonstrated the most substantial issue of today in a way that was appealing to a great audience and informative. The problem of misinformation and manipulation from the social media platforms was shown brilliantly via the subplot unfolding behind the interviews, which encompass the main part of the documentary....

Negative Cancel Culture Perceptions in Contemporary Media

The modern-day trends in social media and digital activism encompass a variety of controversial social topics. As such, the necessity to reprimand an individual who performed unrighteous conduct became especially prominent in the digital environment over the past years, enabling the rise of the cancel culture phenomenon (Mueller, 2021). Currently,...

Mass Media as a Powerful Cultural Construct

Introduction Mass media and the Internet are powerful tools that dictate the way people interpret other cultures and practices. A trend of social interaction emerges whereby viewers and readers are able to have a taste of exotic beliefs, values, knowledge, and attitudes. The analyzed commercials and YouTube videos present powerful...

“The Civil War”: A Film by Ken Burns

I was the most impressed by the moment when the Shenandoah Valley tilted the election to Lincoln and, therefore, changed the course of history in Episode 7. What was especially remarkable to me is the role that the geography of the Shenandoah Valley played in the military actions. Apparently, the...

The Online Dating Services Benefits

Top five online dating services The most popular online dating services include Yahoo Personals, PerfectMatch, eHarmony, and Yahoo Personals has a large diverse membership base and an online dating magazine that offers tips on dating. It also has multiple options for communication. PerfectMatch has around 4 million members...

The Media Ethics Workshop: Principle of Privacy

Introduction Media ethics refer to a collection of ethical principles and standards that govern the collection, processing, and publishing of content on various media platforms, namely broadcast media, the internet, arts, and the print media. Media ethics comprise several moral principles, namely privacy, transparency, conflict of interest, deception, and social...

The Bachelor, a Widely Popular Reality TV Show

The Bachelor is a widely popular reality TV show revolving around a single bachelor who is presented with a pool of potential romantic interests, of whom one is expected to become his wife. As the season goes on, the bachelor has to eliminate candidates, with the succession of eliminations leading...

Researching of Media Advertising

The “Other Than Television” (OTT) concept has transformed traditional broadcast television and affected its viewership significantly. According to Kelley et al. (2015), “digital technology has reshaped how consumers use media” (p. 5). With the advent of free access to various online content, the vast majority of consumers have shifted their...

The Documentary “American Fervor: The American Future”

The film supports the idea that religion in politics and the social life of America is vital nowadays just as much as it was centuries ago when first settlers arrived in America, seeking a safe place far from England’s surveillance. According to the idea of the film, religion is a...

Cohen’s “The King of World We All Want” Speech

Introduction The article “The Kind of World We All Want: MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, WE CAN STOP THE GREATEST PROPAGANDA MACHINE IN HISTORY” is the speech of Sasha Baron Cohen, in which he addresses a highly disturbing issue of racism, hate, and bigotry. According to the actor, in the present day,...

Non-verbal Communication in “The Client”

The body is an instrument that humans use for communication with each other. Over the past few decades, different studies have suggested that between 70 and 93% of all communication is non-verbal, which means the messages are not expressed through words. Instead, people show their emotions, convey their points, and...

Social Media as a Tool for Social Movements

In this article, the authors offer convincing arguments regarding the use of social media to influence social movements. Such technological innovations provide the best environment for participation and encourage people to focus on issues that affect them directly. Individuals who rely on social media platforms will have higher chances of...

Digital Blackface: The Popular Fashion

The Internet gives us plenty of opportunities to pretend to be somebody we are not. Most people live relatively unremarkable, generic lives, consisting of everyday human events — studies, work, maybe some time with family and friends. There is nothing shameful in it; however, a wish of fulfillment causes people...

Media Influence on a Government Official’s Image

Overall, the media play an essential role in shaping collective views and opinions on various issues. Various agents of social construction create the image of any social institution. The idea of the civil service in the media today can be very ambiguous. On the one hand, civil servants are often...

“Boys and Girls Club of Boston: Guitar” Campaign

Social advertisements have become common in the last decades; it helps people worldwide solve their problems and be heard. The fact of its commonness starts the developing process of making such creatives, inspiring people to change their lives in a better way. It inspires people and gives them a description...

Exploring TikTok from Different Perspectives

Many existing ideas, phenomena, and attitudes may seem unacceptable, uninteresting, or unfilled with deep meaning to a specific community of people. There are many examples in the world where the exact “text” has elicited entirely different reactions from people. For some, War and Peace is Tolstoy’s work of genius, while...

DunkinDonuts Twitter Analysis: Social Interaction Network Properties

Twitter is a global social network that unites millions of users around the world. Many people use Twitter for private purposes, to share their thoughts or memories. In addition, this network is a popular platform for various companies and organizations. The Dunkin Donuts restaurant account (@dunkindonuts) discussed in this essay...

Media Workplace Diversity: An Argument in Favor

Successful organizations that emphasize having a diverse work environment can prove that people learn to unite their differences to make the close-neat team. In mixed groups, people still retain their values and mutual respect as unique variables, even if they are brought from different backgrounds or functions of the organization....

Three News Stories From the TBWA Backslash Instagram

Hotels on Rails French start-up named Midnight Train is going to create a new network of overnight trains to connect Paris to the capitals of 12 other European countries. This innovation is essential since the trains will apparently provide the population with a chance for faster and more comfortable traveling....

Technique of Quotation on New Forms of Media

Quotation: “New forms of media have always caused moral panics: the printing press, newspapers, paperbacks, and television were all once denounced as threats to their consumers’ brainpower and moral fiber” (Seyler, 2018, p. 382). A technique that appeals to me: The quotation chosen perfectly addresses the fear that can be...

The Role of Changes in Perceived Leadership Support

The purpose of this paper is to gather information regarding Leader of Change’s experiences during changes in organizations and how these experiences would help me create a vision for my institution when I become an administrator. This report provides an interview with an administrator that was held to inform an...

Sam Raimi’s “Spider-Man” and TV “Lost”: Popularity

Jumped the Shark The Lost TV series was one of the best shows of the 2000s, with a witty plot and attractive action scenes that were accompanied by the mystery surrounding the Island. Yet, despite being practically brilliant, the show started going downhill since the second season, as the authors...

Early Television as Social Instruction

In the Post-WWII period, television acquired the image of the global village, which implied great marketing potential. For example, Big Ben and Eiffel Tower were used for advertising Arvin’s consoles. The view of various places was the key idea that promised an illusion for people to allow them to leave...

Media Company Consolidation and Its Beneficial Impact

Media company consolidation is the merging of different media content creators. This can be done for various purposes: for example, for a variety of content, structure for working with an audience, or ways to generate income (LoPucki & Verstein, 2020). In my opinion, this process has multiple advantages, so I...

“Creed” Movie vs. “The Contender” Book by Lipsyte: Similarities and Differences

Many young adults grow up in rough neighborhoods where they have to be physically capable of defending themselves. Examples of these people are illustrated in the movie Creed and the book The Contender. Both share many similarities, such as the common theme of perseverance and the main characters with complex...

Serious Gaming and Its Impact on Society

Serious gaming comprises the use of digital games for reasons other than entertainment. In the recent past, these games have been associated with positive impacts in society. With regard to education, a game named Quandary was created to help solve emerging educational challenges (Rughinis, n.d.). Quandary enhances skills such as...

“Saving Face” by James Walters

The film Saving Face ideally addresses the theme of “coming out” in one’s community through Ma and Wil sexual liberation that challenges the Chinese traditions ethnic. In the movie, Wil is reluctant to reveal her relationship with Vivian to her mother and society due to the fear of being different...

Media and Communication Technology: The Positive and Negative Impacts

The negative impact of media and communication technology involves aspects such as reduced productivity and depreciating mental health in individuals. However, such technology also has a positive impact on human beings. By channeling their energy into online activities, individuals can become more productive and gain knowledge that could change their...

Physical Attractiveness and Political Affiliation in Facebook Friend Acceptance

Introduction Facebook is still one of the leading social networks. This application allows people to interact at various levels (Mihee, 2016).’The Effects of Physical Attractiveness and Political Affiliation on Facebook Friend Acceptance’ article aims to identify some patterns between human attractiveness and political interests. The article also tries to answer...

Analysis of Twitter Data for Cronkite News

Analyzing the reader’s activity on Twitter can significantly benefit a news agency as it helps to identify the audience’s interests. The number of comments, impressions, and retweets most clearly reflects the attitude and interest of followers in a specific piece of news. This data helps news channels to form the...

Social Media and Networking in Organizations

Introduction According to Hansen et al. (2010), social media is affecting corporations from multiple dimensions. Services such as Facebook and Twitter are highly focused on encouraging collaboration among employees, customers, and partners as well as acquiring new customers. It is increasingly becoming a way of life for employees, customers, partners,...

Misinformation Propagation: Fake News

Introduction Misinformation is one of the main issues resulting from social media platforms. Even though various sites have their policies intended to curb such vices, users continue to pass messages, which any credible source has not verified. Most trolls happen online in the accounts of renowned bloggers, who may have...

Advertisement: The Elaboration Likelihood Model

After determining the desired results of advertising activities, it is essential to find necessary appeals and bring them to potential buyers. In order to do this, it is necessary to identify potential buyers for whom the advertising is intended, to identify which media are most often and thoroughly perceived by...

The Targeted Audience of the Communication

Media 1 The audience for this New York Times article is adults who are interested in world news. Most of them are residents of America and are under the age of 50. The visual representation of the article corresponds to its content; it depicts Soviet aircraft. It helps the audience...

Social Networks’ Impact on Companies’ Operations

Introduction E-commerce refers to the selling and acquisitions of goods or services through internet platforms and the transfer of finances to complete the business. Social networking is applying social media sites based on the internet to maintain connectivity with friends, family, customers, or clients. There are several platforms using social...

Social Media and Internet Advertising for Brand’s Success

Social media has become a current trend in marketing metrics for many enterprises around the world. Some of the main social media platforms that have been used include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and WhatsApp. There has been the growth of social signals that aid in marketing perspectives (Cant, 2016). The...

“Gone Baby Gone” Moral Issue

Gone Baby Gone is a movie about kidnapping a girl Amanda and investigating this crime by the young detective Patrick. At the end of the story, the man realizes that the police officer Doyle kidnapped the girl to save her from her neglectful mother involved in the drug business. This...

The Influence of Drugs and Social Media

Since the beginning of this century, the Internet has become an integral part of people’s lives that gives them the opportunity to search for new information to gain knowledge or find entertainment. However, whether it is for better or worse is still a topic for debate. Limitless online resources are...

US News Coverage’s Impact on Asian American Lives

Introduction In the last months of 2019, the world experienced a bad outbreak of the coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Scientists discovered the strain had a new mutation of the coronavirus (Weaver et al., 2020). Consequently, during the pandemic scourge, as fears regarding the virus continued to rise among American citizens,...

“SiCKO”: Advocating for Socialized Medicine in America

Introduction Michael Moore, in his film SiCKO, advocates for socialized medicine in America. Michael believes that socialized medicine helps in the delivery of medical care to everyone who needs it. Moore highlights some of the issues related to healthcare in the United States, including the inequality in healthcare insurance coverage...

Relevance in the Advertising Industry

Advertising plays an essential role in the promotion of products to reach a target audience. Indeed, a company’s success depends on its choice of the right channels to place goods and services in the market. In the Ted Talk, Kristi Roger seems to have done an enormous analysis of advertising,...

“The Baker and the Beauty”: A Failed Television Show

The TV show The Baker and the Beauty aired in April 2020 and included nine 40-minute episodes. The TV show presents a story of a baker, Daniel Garcia working for the family business, who meets a famous model Noa Hamilton (IMDb, 2020). The two try to develop a romantic relationship,...

Efficiency of Tik Tok Video About Sanitizers

The Tik Tok video concept enhances communication, marketing, and promotion of ideas that have created controversial responses confusing the community rather than educating. However, in the Tik Tok video of Jonathan, clarity, and understanding have been achieved, making the video go viral. Jonathan’s video is hilarious, intriguing, and lucrative to...

Scientific Evidence: Reporting in News Article and Journals

Report of a Scientific Study Factual communication is vital for ensuring accurate interpretation of information sent to an audience. It is objective that all forms of sending and receiving information ensure clarity and evidence-based on their findings. Journalists and researchers constitute a vital category of sharing knowledge through their communication...

“The Adhan, Call to Prayer” by Channel 4

This report analyzes the online video material named “The Adhan. Call to Prayer,” which tells about the Ramadhan month of Muslim people by Channel 4, British TV stream channel (The Adhan (spoken); Call to Prayer). In the given short film, Hassen Rasool, who is believed to be one of the...

Analysis of the News: “Christian Manifesto”

In the course, we studied Schaeffer’s Christian Manifesto and his critique of modern humanism as opposed to the founding principles of Christianity. At the same time, last month in Poland, protests against the abortion ban started again, which is a pressing issue for the topic of humanism and Christianity. This...

“A Thousand Cuts”: Women and Free Media

“A Thousand Cuts,” a documentary, was filmed to inform the world about numerous and moving situations that female journalists experience in the line of duty. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 states that everyone has the right to freedom of expression, meaning that every individual has the right to...

Fake News and Media Bias Overview

Media outlets, educational facilities, and religious institutions often present their audience with only one side of a problem or situation. Popular news agencies and online platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram make it possible for political organizations and influential public figures to integrate their propaganda into the posts viewed...

Impact of Weight Loss TV Series on Losing Weight

Losing weight is increasingly becoming a concern for the general public across all walks of life. Many sources offer unprecedented ways and tips on losing weight. Particularly, the media boasts of effective criteria for losing weight. However, this recommendations and tips apparently may have positive or negative influence on the...

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Communication Improved by “New Media in the News”

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The First Episode of Grey’s Anatomy

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How Various Media Forms Influence Public Opinion

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“Bowling for Columbine“ by Michael Moore

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Social Media and Issues Regarding the Use of Social Media

A person can use various social networks to reach an audience. However, it is advisable to establish the sites that the targeted population mostly uses. One of the best ways of determining the most appropriate site is to try different types, identify the ones with the most number of users,...

Type of Animation in “The Cat Came Back” Film

Typically viewed as one of the traditional animation types, cel animation has grown to be associated immediately with the specified genre. Although new methods have nearly ousted cel animation, its legacy remains unparalleled since it allows for a tremendous variety of stylistic options. “The Cat Came Back,” a short animated...

Dunkin’ Donuts’ Twitter Account: Netlytic Analysis

Netlytic is an adequately designed analytical framework that demonstrates significant results in the extraction and analysis of social networks from online conversations. For the Netlytic social media data analysis, I have chosen the Dunkin Donuts account on Twitter (@dunkindonuts). The conducted research provided the following types of information available from...

Social Media and Ethically Informed Global Supply Chain

Social Platforms and B2C Relationship Arena Today’s business paradigm is filled with a variety of approaches aimed at enhancing one’s capabilities and financial impact on a certain industry. The notion of enhanced business development has become even more meaningful in the context of globalization, as the process of pooling efforts...

Memorable Things of Virginia as a State

Many places and events intrigue us in many ways. Especially by the impact, they impose upon us as individuals. In this view, one can be affected either through the history of a place or even the events that transpired to make the place memorable. Events that hold history always make...

Gwen Dewar’s Research of the Electronic Media Impact on the Sleeping

Scrolling through posts on Instagram or Facebook, chatting with friends on WhatsApp are everyday activities that each of us performs before finally going to bed. Nevertheless, researchers argue that such types of entertainment disrupt healthy sleeping patterns, especially among children. A number of various works analyze this issue and determine...

Analysis of The Lottery, a Story about a Happy Winner

The story was published in 1948 in The New Yorker. The population was still trying to recover from World War II, 1939-1945. The name The Lottery tricks readers who expect a story about a happy winner. The audience was not yet ready for new manifestations of inhumanity, and the publication...

Television Program and Pro-Social Behavior in Children

Children spend a substantial amount of their time watching television more than the time they spend sleeping. Over time, there has been an ever-increasing awareness of the significance of children’s television. It is pointed out that several researchers have contended that children get to learn pro-social behaviors from television (Punyanunt-Carter...

Popular Culture: Artifacts, Icons and Myths

Introduction Population culture includes all the aspects of life that we live by. It is the manner in which we socialize and the basis that helps in decision making (Danesi, 2008). It is the laid out set of laws by the society at any given time which defines changes in...

Social Media Effectiveness in Engaging Consumers

Introduction Customers’ engagement on social media plays a vital role in building strong customer relationships and customer brand loyalty. Today, more customers shop online and use social media to collect information about a product and make a purchase later. Many customers use social media to connect with the brand and...

Benefits of Using Social Media

Introduction Just like in any other profession, the impact of social media is now evidenced in the health sector. Internet usage and respective social networking sites have become a common phenomenon. Professionals and organizations involved in the health sector have opted to network with colleagues and the public on related...

Gender Representation in American Pop Culture

The selected excerpt of the book called “The Pop Culture Freaks” focuses on the representation of gender in American pop culture that is a powerful tool capable of impacting social tendencies and relations or creating particular attitudes. The objectification of women (or female bodies, to be more precise, since their...

Reconsideration of Genre and Social Analysis in the “Night of the Living Dead”

Introduction As a horror film containing an implied social and fantastic background, the Night of the Living Dead includes the elements of other genres as well. There is relatively little violence in the film, and a lot of time is devoted to the suspense and escalating fear. With the measured...

Female Empowerment in Advertising

Jacob’s response indicates that a significant percentage of the male population lacks education on gender disparities. Rather than consciously trying to diminish women’s positions in society, they are trapped in the cultural narrative that has been forming throughout the centuries. While most men, especially among Millennials and Generation Z, believe...

Credible and Fake News

The first article under consideration is the story about North Korea opening its doors to Christianity, and it is an example of fake news. Its heading is straightforward, which is the first sign of the lack of credibility. It is complemented by the nature of the source, which is a...

Fashion Magazine Analysis. Race and Ethnicity

The two magazines that will be analyzed within the framework of the current paper are Cosmopolitan and Vogue. Cosmopolitan’s target audience includes females aged between 18 and 35. At the same time, the general target audience that Vogue reaches are females aged from 20 to 40. These two magazines were...

Politics in “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” by Capra

Introduction People have always been keen on politics and events around it, and cinema did not bypass political agendas since its inception. Films show political processes in different ways depending on their initial purposes. Some movies criticize and judge governmental actions, while others aim to nurture patriotic feelings and idealize...

“Erin Brockovich” by Steven Soderbergh

Abstract The issues of chemical pollution and environmental health are crucial in the world of nowadays. This paper examines the film “Erin Brokovich” and the process of research and data collection conducted by the legal agency through such methods as personal interviews, inspection, medical and scientific report. The movie review...

Digital Media and Intercultural Communication

The role of digital media in globalization’s growing speed could not be underestimated because it made people in all countries immensely interconnected. Therefore, new media indeed influences intercultural communication. The current paper provides answers to the questions concerning the possibility of interaction between different cultures, digital media’s impact on music,...

Sensemaking Process: Socializing Social Media

Communication is an essential part of modern life, and today, it takes place both in real and virtual spaces. In the past decades, numerous technologies that people can use to interact with each other emerged and were almost immediately replaced with new and improved versions aiming to make societal contact...

The Hard Times Generation Documentary Review

The documentary film Hard Times Generation produced by CBS (2011) tells a very touching and disturbing story of homeless families. The authors pay much attention to the needs of children who are much more vulnerable to various health risks. This movie can alert policy-makers as well as medical workers. In...

Canada’s Gaming, Music, and Television Industries

Introduction The Canadian media and cultural industries are experiencing major transitions and changes that have been pushed by the process of digitization and technological advancement in the sectors. Internationalization forces have also been witnessed in all the nations, especially in the media and cultural industries. Looking into the history of...

“Sita Sings the Blues” Film Philosophy

Sita sings the blues is an animation film. Nina Paley produced the film. She is an American cartoonist. She started as a comic strip artist and later started filmmaking. Later, she moved to India in 2002 and came across the epic Ramayana and this was ironic as her marriage was...

Balancing Social Media and Child Development

Technology is a contemporary phenomenon which has been widely implemented across the world. Undoubtedly, social and electronic media as well as television have significant impact on the population of all ages. Although the benefits associated with these innovations are commendable, it is important to explore the impacts they have on...

Research Writing Center and a New Contest

Research Writing Center recently launched a new Facebook contest for freelance writers to share their humorous stories for cash prizes. The folks at Research Writing Center successfully launched a new contest on the company’s Facebook page on October 13. The contest provides the team of freelance writers who work with...

“Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room” by Gibney

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room is one of the most captivating movies that touch upon numerous themes about people, their crimes, and their actions’ outcomes that lead to the greatest scandals in the business world ever. This documentary movie tells a story of how executives of the company...

Media in Healthcare Sector and Policy

There is no use denying the fact that the healthcare sector is one of the most frequently mentioned nowadays. It is obviously connected with great attention given to the health of the nation in the modern word. However, despite all efforts and programs aimed at the improvement of the state...

North Korea’s and China’s Media Regulations

While most countries such as the U.S., Philippines and Australia give their media a certain degree of leeway in presenting the news, countries such as North Korea and China represent an entirely different media regulatory scenario. Instead of regulations related to upholding the accuracy of stories presented, the maintenance of...

Social Media, Clients and the Helping Environment

Introduction Social media outlets may be the reasons for mental health issues and social distancing, but they also can potentially be helpful for support groups. There is no shortage of accounts or channels where people daily discuss topics that interest them. Such a connection of different people may also be...

Sarcasm and Irony in the Article of the Washington Post

Sarcasm and irony are literary tricks that make the text richer and help to grab a reader’s attention. These tools are most often used to emphasize the absurdity of a situation or another person’s words or show the speaker’s irritation and surprise. This paper uses Allyson Chiu’s article on Trump’s...

Business and Medical Journal Content Review

Journals, just like other scholarly works are of different types. They are classified according to their areas of specialization with the main classifications being scholarly journals and practitioner journals. There are those journals that are ranked because of the kind of articles that they publish. This paper reviews contents of...

Hypothesis of Cultivation Regarding Coronavirus Infection

Introduction It would not be a mistake to say that the media are firmly entrenched in daily life. Electronic and printed newspapers, television, radio, and social networks broadcast every minute about new events, some of which may well prove to be inaccurate. However, information sources create a specific environment in...

‘Some Issues in the Indexing of Images’: Cataloging Classic

In her journal ‘Some Issues in the Indexing of Images’, Sara Shatford explores the issues which are pertinent in indexing a pictorial representation or an image. The journal postulates that indexing should be based on image attributes and should give access to significant image groups instead of only specific images....

The Problem of Stereotypes and Labelling in Interpersonal Communication

The short film series “How You See Me” touches upon the problem of stereotypes and labeling in interpersonal communication. It involves members of different social and racial groups that are most often labeled in society discussing how they perceive stereotypes and what steps can be taken to reduce the existing...

Millennials’ Mindset as to Privacy Violations

Introduction There are many benefits of using social media, spanning from convenience in communications to finding new friends and business partners. It became so ubiquitous that it started posing questions regarding user privacy and safety. There are real-world examples of how lack of care toward confidentiality may lead to adverse...

Discussion Board – Mobile and Social Computing

Every big organization that aims at getting successful in their field requires proper advertisement. Therefore, the need to advertise different products is ever-growing. With this growth, in turn, comes the increasing trend of inventing new ways to incorporate advertisement in the day-to-day activities such as browsing the Internet, chatting or...

Radical Islam Threat Discussion in the Documentary “Obsession”

Obsession is a movie that deals with the threats of radical Islam to civilization, the movie uses unique footage from Arabic TV. This is a documentary movie that deals with the threats of radical Islam. It discusses the “incitements that were alleged to hatred as well as the global jihad,”...

Tekken 7 and Guilty Gear Xrd: Beginner-Friendly Design

Introduction In the 21st century, video games have become an acceptable, widely-spread hobby for many people. The abundancy of genres that can engage various demographics has helped promote the activity into the mainstream. With the number of produced video games and consoles, kids and adults alike can find something suitable...

Accounting Terminology in Modern Media

Accounting is one of the fields that are often discussed in media despite their complexity and abundance of terminology that only the specialist are capable of recognizing and placing in the context of the narration. In a recent article “Survey Finds Audit Flaws by the Big Accounting Firms” published by...

Interview With Chief of Police Mr. William Evans

I had a rare chance of interviewing the Chief of Police for Hinds Community College Mr. William Evans in his office on Wednesday 19 November, 2014 at 5 p.m. Mr. Evans is a very busy person and the fact that he set aside one hour out of his busy schedule...

Sargent’s “Miss Evers’ Boys” in the Context of the Duty-Based Ethics

Abstract One of the most powerful movies of the 20th century, Miss Evers’ Boys can be viewed from both the artistic perspective and the nursing one. More to the point, the movie can be interpreted from the viewpoint of several theories of ethics. Viewing the film through the lens of...

“Bastards of the Party” Documentary: Qualitative Research

What is the qualitative research question (RQ)? The qualitative RQ can be stated as follows: “How the institution of black gangs evolved from being a community aimed to protect members to being in a state of self-genocide.” Why was a qualitative approach appropriate to answer the RQ? A qualitative approach...

“Hacksaw Ridge” Film’s Achievements & Shortcomings

Introduction The return of the master after a long pause always gives rise to multiple deep and conflicting emotions. In the case of the legendary and most controversial director of Hollywood, namely, Mel Gibson, the return appeared to be, if not triumphant, then worthy. His latest film, titled “Hacksaw Ridge”,...