Tourist Satisfaction in Switzerland

Abstract This paper aims to propose a study on the level of tourist satisfaction in Switzerland. To introduce the topic, the introduction presents the theoretical background of tourism satisfaction, focusing on the key assumptions that underlie this sector. The literature review discusses the findings of the recent academic literature, mainly...

Preliminary Self-Appraisal of Social Work Knowledge and Abilities

Introduction It should be noted that the two assessments have revealed quite a few strengths I have in terms of my area of practice. I understand what the nature of competence is and what are the ways to integrate it into social work. I am capable of recognizing the different...

The Super Bowl as a Reason to Skip the Work

The Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League (NFL) held annually between mid-January and mid-February. In 2020, the game will take place on February 3rd, and so far the event has gained a good deal of traction. 2020 Super Bowl LIV is featuring a great number...

Single African American Mothers and Their Relationship With Adolescent Sons

Abstract The study focused on investigating the experience of single African American mothers of their relationship with their adolescent sons. The rationale for this study was to explain factors that affect the experience of these single mothers and what different stakeholders can do to improve the relationship. The review of...

Sports Law and Commercialization of Games

Introduction In the modern world, political science and sport are increasingly being integrated. As a result of any actions that may be perceived ambiguously by the international community, conflicts arise in the sports industry. Although sport may have existed initially outside the legal framework, sports law is now used to...

Nutrition and Exercise Plan for a Healthy Lifestyle

Introduction My goal is to start eating healthier food than I do now, and more specifically, to increase the number of vegetables consumed. This is necessary to guide us towards a healthy lifestyle. Adherence to this principle implies, in addition to higher consumption of vegetables, sufficient physical activity, absence of...

Divorce and Its Impact on Children’s Wellbeing

Introduction Marriage and divorce are distinct events that affect the daily lives of children. Most notably, the mental health, as well as the physical and cognitive capabilities of individuals, can be compromised if they experience parental divorce. Hence, reviewing the research that examines the impact that divorce can have on...

Value of Genders in Society: Agents of Socialization

Agents of Socialization Being a rather typical representative of my generation, I have experienced numerous influences that shaped my self-representation as a female and my overall perception of what roles men and women should play in society. Among multiple agents of socialization, I might single out family, peers, and media,...

Skate Park for Healthy Activities of Teenagers

Introduction Teenagers are especially vulnerable to the negative influence of peers and adults, as many of them have not yet developed their system of values and principles. Millions of young people become involved in unhealthy activities and start using substances, tobacco, and alcohol. Often, it happens when a person fails...

Family, Work, and Social Construction of Intimacy

While modern family life is considered to be diverse, most families face common issues like work and family responsibilities, lack of government support, intimate relationships, and sex education of teenagers. The intimate life of people is more likely to depend on the social tendencies of modern society than on the...

“Uncoupling: The Social Construction of Divorce” by Robboy et al.

In the article “Uncoupling: The Social Construction of Divorce” the author Diane Vaughan discusses the specifics and the social perception of marriage and divorce. When married, the two people form a single identity, while during divorce, the redefinition of this construct occurs. This paper aims to analyze the article “Uncoupling:...

Education & Interpersonal Relationships in Family

Building trusting and respectful relationships is a crucial factor that defines effective communication among people. Thus, there are various factors that may affect interpersonal relationships within a family, namely, the feeling of solidarity, love, or the ability of relatives to maintain a positive attitude. However, one of the most crucial...

The Role of a Dog in the Life of a Human

Did you know that in Japan, couples often meet at the Hachiko monument – the one that is dedicated to the dog that waited seven long years for its owner? To me, this fact holds a symbolic meaning – people always look for loyalty and affection in relationships, and those...

Child Adoption and Society

It is impossible to call the adoption of children a new or infrequent practice. However, there can be disputes when it comes to the question of whether it is good for children in foster care and people willing to become their new families. This essay argues that child adoption is...

Five Lessons From My First Semester

Relations with People Are Critical at Studying The first thing that becomes obvious at the very first moment of studying at the college is that there are many new people who surround you and successful communication with them is the key to success. Teachers, peers, and new friends all have...

Why Do Women Have Children at a Later Age?

Introduction The age at which women prefer to give birth has been increasing, with more people preferring to have children between the ages of 30 and 34. Conversely, the number of young mothers, who are less than 20 years old, is falling and both these circumstances are creating a new...

Wedding: Questions From a Premarital Counselor

Introduction At the stage of relationships before the wedding, couples, as a rule, do not experience significant difficulties in communicating and solving joint issues. However, in the process of marriage, domestic challenges and different views on certain life situations may cause serious conflicts that can lead to quarrels and even...

Jamaica Cruise by an American Student

My trip to Jamaica on a cruise was an exciting adventure. The experience of being in the Caribbean Sea surrounded only by clear blue water and visiting the Island with pure nature, green forests, and white beaches were remarkable. Before embarking on the cruise ship, I knew almost nothing about...

Amateurism: Paying College Athletes for Their Work

Introduction The issue of college student-athletes being paid has been widely debated due to the range of different opinions surrounding it. However, in this paper, the argument that student-athletes should be paid for playing collegiate sports will be presented, despite the existence of current rules established by the National Collegiate...

Chapters 1-5 of “Diversity in Families” by Zinn et al.

Chapter 1 This chapter is about images, ideals, and myths related to families. It teaches the develop a new framework for understanding families. In society, there are different ideas about what an ideal family should be, and the characteristics attributed to a perfect family differ. Some emphasize the traditional aspects,...

Young Afro-American Female vs. Elderly White Male

Introduction Comparing and contrasting experiences of people from different backgrounds that include education, gender, age, race, social status, and other variables is essential for understanding the diversity as well as the range of life struggles or successes individuals face. In order to explore this, interviews with two individuals have been...

Marriage Satisfaction and Its Factors

Marriage is a complex social phenomenon that is based not only on positive emotions of love but also on the ability of a couple to work towards the success of their relationship. Thus, many factors influence the positive outcomes of marriage and prevent individuals from experiencing disappointment or regret in...

Airplane Modeling as a Leisure Activity

The number of hobbies in which one can become engaged is countless. Starting with the simplest pastimes and ending with extremely complicated ones, any person has ample opportunities to choose from and spend their free time with pleasure. Building models, including cars, trains, and boats, has become not only an...

Sociological Theory and Trends in Family Life

Comparison of Gender Stratification Theories The structural-functionalist approach is based on the foundation of the family as the most essential unit in society (Lindsey, 2016). In the family, everyone is assigned different roles to ensure the smooth running of the home. Most functionalists adopt a traditionalist view of the family...

Teamworking Skills in Healthcare

Reaction to the Scenario and Feelings Working in a team people should respect and appreciate the time and efforts of other team members. Effective and successful work of the team involves good leadership and the ability to direct the attention of the group towards questions and tasks that should be...

Maslow’s and Friedman’s Guides to Happiness and Balance

Abraham Maslow’s Theory Definition of Happiness I would define happiness as the ability to do the things that I am most interested in. This definition of happiness is closely associated with the idea of goals and aspirations, since reaching them is what will make me content. In addition, to be...

Maslow’s and Friedman’s Theories in Personal Life

Abraham Maslow’s Motivational Theory The Definition of Happiness (Self-Actualization Level) My interpretation of happiness as self-actualization is concerned with reaching my full potential and succeeding in creative activities and sports, work, and personal life. These issues are the most important in my present life, and I would like to work...

Healthy Relationships in the Healthcare Workplace

Healthy Relationships in the Workplace As a former employee of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, I am aware of a bad relationship between its nurses and laboratory personnel. Particularly, I remember an incident where the Hospital Laboratory manager and the assistant nursing manager openly disagreed about the use of...

Intrinsic Motivation and Work Experiences

This paper is a reflection of two incidences in my professional career when I felt fulfilled and unfulfilled. The goal of the overall assessment is to understand the power of intrinsic motivation on human work experiences. Through this introspective exercise, it is possible to understand what motivates workers to perform...

Ideal Social Meeting Place from Personal Viewpoint

Introduction The ideal social meeting place is different for every individual since people’s notions of relaxation are dissimilar. For me, such a spot should be calm and pleasant first of all. If I were to open a coffee shop with the aim of turning it into the coolest place for...

The Future of Nursing Knowledge

Introduction My position as a hospice admission nurse has equipped me with adequate data management skills. Some of the activities undertaken include identification of target populations, data collection, coordination, and analysis. This discussion gives a personal reflection of my experience with various aspects of data management. Personal Reflection I have...

Blueprint for Professional and Personal Growth

Executive Summary The course provided an extensive body of information on managerial and leadership issues that may help every practitioner improve his or her performance and enhance team collaboration. The content that helped me improve my understanding of managing people is related to psychological aspects of employee motivation, as well...

Ethical Decisions and Moral Problems Survey

Making dubious ethical decisions is difficult for people who are ethical (or at least are trying to be ethical) even by definition. The survey on the moral problems that I took was sometimes quite difficult, but may have equipped me better to my clinical practice in the future by making...

SMART Goals: Individual Success Plan

Areas for Improvement Identifying areas for improvement is a crucial component of designing an individual success plan. My instrument for such identification was participating in research and clinical activities, in which I could learn what aspects of my knowledge and skills were well-developed and relevant to practice and what aspects,...

Authoritative Parenting in Comparison to Other Styles

There are four parenting styles, including authoritative, permissive, neglectful, and authoritarian. The authoritarian parents are sure that the feelings of their child do not matter as these are trifles, which they should not pay attention to. As a rule, they show a child that negative emotions are experienced only by...

Multitasking as a Personal Time Management Issue

What are your greatest challenges with time management? Throughout the time of being a student, I have had many incidences where I needed to analyze my time management skills. Just like most people, I found out that I tend to spend time ineffectively sometimes which leads to delays that slow...

Authoritarian Parenting Impact on Children’s Health

Introduction Parents play a huge role in shaping children’s capacity to handle difficulties or meet their daily mental and physical demands. Hence, the approach deployed to raise children determines their psychological well-being and, consequently, their day-to-day activities. Parenting style may be defined as a collection of strategies and ways of...

Group Dynamics and Relationships in Teams

Introduction There are many things that the course in group dynamics has helped me to realize. Studying theoretical concepts discussed during this course, it becomes possible to understand the nature of relationships within any type of group. Moreover, it helps any person to comprehend his or her role in the...

Sociological Mini-Memoir on Personality Development

Introduction In this paper, I aim to review and examine my personality and my experiences from a sociological perspective in order to understand how they have influenced my view of others. Seeing Sociology sees society from three different perspectives that, together, become a broader view that sees every aspect of...

Cultural Expressions in the Daily Life of Africans

Introduction Culture has a way of infiltrating into families and societies and forming bonds of engagement. They become the norms that are acceptable. The beliefs, customs, and ways of life of particular individuals or groups of families help to identify such units as being family, race, or ethnicity. The study...

Single Afro-American Mother-Son Relationships

Topic Endorsement Research Topic The proposed research topic is single African American females’ experience of being mothers to their adolescent sons, including their experiences of interacting with them (Elliott, Powell, & Brenton, 2015). The experience of the mother’s relationship with their sons, including how these mothers experienced the development of...

Challenges in Friendship: Interpersonal Communication

Context One evening, Tiffany and I were sitting in my room while discussing social issues for it has been a while since she visited me. Tiffany has been one of my great friends for the last 15 years and we used to spend a great deal of time together sharing...

Familial Influences on Early Childhood Development

Overview “Familial and non-familial influences on children” The first article: “Gender of siblings, cognitive achievement, and academic performance: Familial and nonfamilial influences on children” is a 1997 publication authored by Jay Teachman. In this research paper, the author is trying to find linkage of familial influence on cognitive and behavioral...

Learning Styles and Leadership in Self-Reflection

Introduction A certain group of people demonstrates similar but uniquely distinct learning styles. This report characterizes the learning styles of the writer who is a Bachelors Degree student under the subject of Business communication. The report explores learning style for purposes used of evaluating the effectiveness of its lack in...

Responsibility in Personal Perception

Introduction Responsibility is a diverse term that has several definitions. It may refer to the acquisition of personal qualities and values that make people aware of their duties and expectations and thus go on to accomplish them and deal with the consequences of their decisions and actions. Responsible people realize...

Managing Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue Compassion fatigue is a common condition among many caregivers and community workers. This condition is “characterized by a gradual diminishing of compassion within a specified period” (Stamm, 2014, p. 2). The condition is also given the name Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS). Several risk factors and conditions are associated...

Western Australia Basketball Centre as a Tournament Host

Executive Summary Basketball Australia has managed major basketball events in the country. It has always strived to allow upcoming players to improve their craft professionally and progressively. The 2015 Australian National Basketball League is not different because the association strives to provide the same opportunity for new entrants to play...

American Psychological Association Event

Introduction As part of my psychology class, I was required to select a current event in the news, media, or on the APA website. Thereafter, I was to integrate what I had learned in class and tap into my reactions to the event. In my assignment, I selected an event...

Responsibility’s Interpretation and Personal Vision of Responsibility

Responsibility is a complex and ambiguous concept the interpretation of which has been the object of numerous debates throughout the centuries. Even though philosophers and analysts have made a lot of effort to work out a framework that would define this notion, every person still has an individual approach to...

The Stranded Traveler’ Case

A quality service can be defined as one which leaves its users with a smile on the face due to attained satisfaction. In this case, the traveler is dissatisfied with the services offered by that shuttle company because he quietly swears never to use the company again. Several ways clearly...

The Issue of Misjudgment

Introduction Working in the setting of any organization means being exposed to the threat of making a mistake based on the human factor (Mitroff & Denton, 2013). Whenever several people of different tempers and visions work together, they are bound to make communication mistakes sooner or later. As a result,...

Exercise Stage and Decisional Balance in Overweight People

Research Problem and Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between “exercise stage and decisional balance in overweight and obese people seeking advanced practice nurse (APN) care” (Smith, Griffin, & Fitzpatrick, 2011, p. 92). This study highlighted that no studies have focused on obese and overweight...

Happy Life: Critical Thinking and Ethics

If we are to live our life in harmony with nature, what qualities must our mind have? Seneca admits that if people want to live a life in a harmony with nature, it is necessary for a human mind to have and develop several qualities. Soundness, sanity, courage, moral energy,...

Family Life Education: Heritage Assessment

Common Health Traditions Based on Cultural Heritage The assessment of heritage characteristics of three families revealed some common traits and also differences. It seems appropriate to analyze each family in detail. The Latin family consists of the mother from Cuba, the father from Mexico, and their son. This nuclear family...

Peculiar Collegiate Intramural Sports

Introduction College students need plenty of ways to vent frustrations, and stay sane under the pressures of papers and projects. Goofball sports can help. Here are some prime examples of collegiate silliness. PennUltimate Frisbee Although no longer considered weird, the 1970s aficionados of what used to be called Ultimate Frisbee...

Hotel Guest Retention Analysis

Subject: Apology Thank you for contacting us about the problem which has been caused because of our carelessness at once. We are sorry about the situation which has appeared with your dress. It must have been depressing to find a spoiled dress right before the Gala. We understand that you...

Can Marriage End Poverty?

The role of marriage Marriage and poverty are sensitive issues especially when matters about a family’s well-being remain a priority. Marriage is the unification of a man and a female; furthermore, it should be legal. Conversely, poverty is a state when one lives under unfavorable conditions due to a shortage...

Marriage in Family Life and Government Policies

Family This is an institution that has been created through an agreement in marriage. It has been accorded the right to privacy by the law. Privacy enables the family members and heads to make the right and best decisions for the sake of the whole unit (Dolan, 180). Family-related decisions...

Parenting Styles in Situational Examples

Situation # 1 My child spills a half-gallon of milk all over the table. The table is set for breakfast. Of course, my first emotions will be a bit negative. I spend a certain period to prepare breakfast and present a good table. However, it is my child who cannot...

Events in Conroy’s “Stop-Time” and Personal Experience

Introduction Sometimes in life, one event can happen that changes a series of several others, tearing down the foundation we have built for several years, leaving nothing but ruins. It is somewhat unfair that just one particular event adversely affects one’s entire life and destiny. When all that once brought...

Intramurals vs. Mainstream College Sports

College sports are usually referred to any sports activities and competitions held for students either in the form of intramurals, “within walls”, or extramural, mainstream college sports. Both having their pros and cons, intramurals and extramural sports are likely to be compared in various aspects, particularly from the psychological point...

Cardiorespiratory Fitness Plan and Its Benefits

Goals The goals of this cardiorespiratory fitness plan include: To enhance the physical fitness of individuals whose age range between 18 and 60 years. To lower the blood pressure and cholesterol levels of the target audience through aerobic exercises. To reduce obesity while strengthening and shaping strong bones through aerobic...

Sports and Leadership Skills Relationship

The introduction: some basic points The first and most important thing I would like to share is that I’m a real sports fan. I am glad to represent you with an autographed baseball. This item is of great importance, as Ichiro Suzuki is my favorite RF of Major League Baseball....

Stress After Leaving Home in Students

Today, there are numerous misconceptions about stress. Most people perceive stress as negative emotional state whereas some consider it to be something that happens to us when we are anxious. However, the real meaning of stress is that it is a response to a situation. Stress is biological in nature...

Parus Hotel’s Marketing Analysis and Management

The Parus Hotel is a mid-tier hotel located within the tourist town of Popovka, Ukraine. It is located near the Black sea with easy access to beaches and various water sports-based activities. It is also situated 15 minutes away from the location of the Kazantip music festival which draws in...

Beverage Catering in Hospitality Business

Introduction Hospitality businesses implement strategies that promote continuous sustainability across seasons for competitive advantage and growth. Sustainable business practices involve the integration of services and products to meet client’s needs under one roof and for a long period. Beverages serve the basic component in the majority of hospitality businesses, and...

Gabrielle Douglas – An American Beauty

Introduction Globally, American beauty has been very exceptional. The American people define beauty. American’s normally accomplished greater things in diverse engagements. The exceptional accomplishments in areas such as TV shows, media, music, sports, and politics define beauty. Most importantly, great achievers in America are normally lauded by everyone. Evidently, some...

Creative Writing While Working at Home

Freelancing is a dream for many people – at least they say so. A flexible schedule and the opportunity to select their projects all sound really alluring. Complaining about rigid procedures and hierarchies at their companies, workers often contend that their abilities go unnoticed or underestimated. Their office has become...

Canadian National Identity and Sport

Introduction Almost every nation/country has unique elements that distinguish it from other nations in the world. For instance, physical features, languages, currencies, cultures, wildlife, and sports are some of the elements that define countries and distinguish nations from others. It is imperative to note that some countries are multicultural and...

Cohabitation Relationships and Their Benefits

Young people who have reached marriage age today are involved in cohabitation relationships, especially people who want steady partners. Cohabitation offers various advantages to the couple as they get real-life learning experience on how to love, and they also adjust to each other on equal terms. The partners get the...

Creative at Work: Organizing Workplace at Home

Professions and occupations are very important to the way contemporary people define themselves. Work has been nearly synonymous with identity for many centuries in the West. At times, it has been more deterministic. In the Medieval period, it was very difficult to move out of one occupational class into another....

Creative Freelancer: Organizing Workplace at Home

When going home after an exhausting day at the office, pessimism can threaten to overwhelm us. We ask ourselves, why do I need to sit staring at my computer at work all day when I have one at home? Could I not be at home doing the same thing remotely,...

Why Were There Fewer Injuries in Hockey?

Introduction There are various kinds of sports with each having rules and regulations that govern it. Some sports are considered risky than others based on the situations that surround them especially in terms of injuries that are endured by the team players (Bird, Black & Newton, 1997). This piece of...

Divorce as a Family Affair and Its Consequences

Defining the Issue Regardless of the premises and the gravity of consequences, divorce is always a devastating event. The ones who usually suffer are the kids of those two people who decided to split up. For the most part, we cannot blame just one person out of the couple for...

Physical Activity Program in Saudi Arabia

Background Summary The article by McCoy et al. focused on an intervention program seeking to promote physical activities among African American adults using text messaging (2). According to this article, African American adults are less likely to engage in physical exercises than an average American resident. Most of them rarely...

Parenting and Choice of Child-Rearing Style

Parenting is a very complex activity. Therefore, parents tend to apply styles that best suit their goals. The child-rearing style applied to a child has an impact on the child’s growth and development. The style employed by the parent(s) can predict the future character of the child. Authoritarian Style Such...

The Research Trip in Downtown Oakland, California

Downtown Oakland During my field research trip in Downtown Oakland, California, I gained enormous knowledge about the social, political and economical features of this part of the city. Oakland, California was established in mid 19th century but its deep and rich history dates much further than its 155 years of...

The Dorchester and Bulgari Hotels: Service Quality

Introduction The luxury service industry is one of the most competitive sectors in the business world. Players in the luxury service industry, including spas, restaurants, and hotels emphasise the need for delivering services of the highest quality to bolster their competitiveness towards fulfilling clients’ demands and expectations. Businesses that provide...

Single African American Mothers’ Experiences With Sons

Background of the Study Parenting adolescents is a challenging task in the modern American society. The problem is compounded when one is forced to raise such teenagers as a single mother. According to Elliott, Powell, and Brenton (2015), recent statistics showed that about half of African American children are raised...

South East College Showcase Sport Event

Introduction I chose to attend the third annual South East college showcase (boys) which was held on 31st January 2011 in Knoxville, Tennessee. The event was hosted by a nonprofit organization; FC Alliance which seeks to promote the game of soccer among the youth in the region. The organization partnered...

Life-Work Imbalance and Related Issues

Introduction The increased number of responsibilities peculiar to modern society along with the necessity to earn money resulted in a significant shift of priorities from traditional values like family and personal life to work and career. In this regard, the issue of the life-work balance becomes extremely topical nowadays. Numerous...

Same-Sex Parenting Impact on Children’s Behavior

The increasing number of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) couples has led to a controversial debate over their parenthood. While some states in the United States and other countries in the world permit same sex parenthood, others do not have laws that permit such systems of parenting. The debate...

The Future of Same-Sex Marriages

Introduction The topic of the same-sex marriage has attracted heated debate over the years in the US. The protagonists and antagonists of this marriage institution have always clashed over moral standards of the society. In defining homosexual marriage, anthropologists formulate valid cross-cultural variations of modern and traditional forms. Same-sex marriage,...

Emerging Technology in Hospitality Business

Summary This report dwells upon the current strategies related to information systems management and the way these methods are utilized at Jumeirah Beach Hotel, Dubai. The proper management of information systems is one of the factors contributing to the effective performance of hospitality companies. These organizations try to meet customers’...

The Impact of Exercise on Adults Above 18 Years Old

Abstract The study’s objective is to determine the impact of exercise on the blood pressure, sleep, and mood of adults above 18 years old. The study pays attention to both physically active and people with a sedentary lifestyle within the same age group. The null hypothesis states that there is...

Emotions and Self-Identity in Western Society

Emotions play a central role in human cognitive processes. Although the psychological and cognitive aspects of human reality are closely interrelated with the emotional one and emotions largely affect the outcome of behavior, a person may find it difficult to explain what an emotion is. Throughout time, the complex nature...

Anger and Guilt as Moral Emotions

To establish a foundation for discussion, it is critical to explain the psychological profiles of anger and guilt with the help of examples. The development of anger is driven by a violation of autonomy norms (Doris, 2010). This means that anger is a reaction by an individual to injustice or...

Changes in a Person Analysis

In this essay, I will discuss the changes occurred with my friend whom I have known for over three years. Although we live in the same city, we rarely meet, but often talk on the phone. She runs a small business that provides printing products for various organizations. My friend...

Physical or Psychological Conditions: Family Assessment

1. Family composition This nuclear family consists of two parents and their two children (Mukherjee, Chaudhuri, & De, 2016). The father is 46 years old, and the mother is 44. Their two girls are 15 and 17 years old. They all are European Americans. 2. Roles of each family member...

Single Afro-Americans Parenting Their Adolescents

Introduction Background of the Problem Parenting adolescents is a challenging task in modern American society. The problem is compounded when one is forced to raise such teenagers as a single mother. According to Elliott, Powell, and Brenton (2015), recent statistics show that about half of the African American children are...

Arizona Tourism: Socio-Cultural and Environmental Impacts

Ashworth 53 states that tourism has become one of the leading ways of sustaining Arizona’s economy. Just as other areas experiencing rapid tourism growth, there have been rapid developments of resorts as well as business opportunities which in total have strained both natural and human resources. Though the industry has...

“Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” by Amy Chua

Introduction The parenting methods differ across cultures. The traditions in the children’s upbringing seem to be vanished by the process of globalization, which facilitates cross-cultural communication and the dissemination of different information. The book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is a bestseller by Amy Chua, a Yale professor and...

Five Components of a Lasting Relationship

People decide to enter into intimate relationships with to fulfill self-interests. However, an individual might face problems in keeping the relationship alive since it has never been an easy task. Human beings rarely compromise on their interests yet marriage calls on each person to accept challenges and to adjust according...

“The Edges of the Civilized Word” by A. Deming

Brief summary of the chapter In the chapter, The Edges of the Civilized World, the narrator is a disturbed journalist who is concerned by the harmful interaction between mankind and wild animals. The narrator is not amused by the supposed fun that mankind enjoys at the expense of comfort and...

Divorce Impact on Child-Rearing Styles

The impact of divorce or separation on child-rearing styles can be different, depending on various factors such as sex, age, education level, relationships with the child, and social background. For example, more highly educated fathers who are divorced are more likely to have an authoritative parenting style (Bastaits, Ponnet, Van...

Event Management: The Tour Down Under, 2015

Introduction The Santos Tour Down Under (Santos TDU or TDU) is fast becoming a major global event in Australia, especially because it is the first event of its kind to be held outside Europe. In fact, it is clear that the event has also become the first cycling competition outside...

Divorce Activities and Family Psychology

Abstract The current paper dwells on the problems that may arise throughout the process of divorce. The researcher also discusses the consequences of divorce and compares the outcomes for boys and girls. The notion of divorce is aligned against certain contextual factors and delinquent behaviour. The researcher also conducted a...

Dating Stereotypes and Relationships Development

Introduction Social interaction in the contemporary world has changed over the years. Therefore, the way people date has also changed significantly. It is notable that women are presently more empowered than they were almost one century ago. There have extensive gender equality programs, which are aimed at raising the profile...

Work-Life Imbalance, Its Reasons and Outcomes

Description of Topic and Research Questions Topic Description The topic I would like to research is the life-work balance. In the modern world, this issue is becoming more and more actual. People spend a lot of time commuting to work. Sometimes, they work long hours or have an unsociable work...

Argentina’s Wine Industry and Global Connections

Introduction Considering the rapidly developing pace of globalization, it is important to note that plenty of industries tend to be engaged with global issues. In particular, economic tendencies, climate changes, and some other factors affect many of them. Argentina’s wine industry is also presented by such global connections as farming...

Australian Rugby Union’s Limited Digital Presence

Rugby is considered one of the most popular sports in Australia. Australians love rugby, whether it is playing with friends in the yard or spectating finals in a crowded sports pub. Its sheer speed, tenacity, and roughness in combination with individual and team effort are appealing to many viewers both...

The Website Hospitality Net

Executive Summary The primary focus of this paper was to analyze a website in the hospitality industry in terms of how it presents its message to the clients, the relevance of its message to the target audience, and how it makes visitors make repeat visits. The chosen website was Hospitality...

Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shi’i Iran

Summary Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shi’i Iran by Shahla Haeri (first published in October 1988) is a scholarly account related to the practice of temporary marriage within the community of Shi’ite Muslims. The author aimed to explain how “contractual” or temporary marriage provided the Muslim community with an...

Same Sex Marriages in Australia

Introduction Same sex marriages and relationships have become common in modern societies due to the expansive democratic space offered by constitutions (Sullivan 2011). People misinterpret constitutions to behave in ways that make them happy even if this violates the moral and religious teachings of the society. The move to establish...

Single Afro-American Mothers and Their Teenage Sons

Topic Endorsement Research Topic The topic to be researched in the proposed study is the relationships between single African American mothers and their adolescent sons. More specifically, the manner in which single African American mothers perceive their adolescent sons, interact with them, or feel the responsibility for raising them and...

Gender Stereotypes Formation in Children

Introduction Modern Western society is characterized by a great deal of gender equality. Moreover, people tend to refer to such countries as Canada, the USA, European countries as egalitarian societies. It is natural to see women working in various areas and even occupy high posts in the sphere of politics,...

Defining the Concept of Responsibility

Responsibility is an important feeling one may have. As a future nurse, I feel responsible not only for my relatives and friends but also for the outcomes of my future patients. In this paper, after defining the notion of responsibility, I explain who I feel responsible for, and why. A...

Positive Parenting and Child Externalizing Behavior

Mining Reference Lists for Sources The study by Boeldt et al. (2012) was referenced in Barnett and Scaramella (2013). Boeldt et al. (2012) investigated the association between positive parenting and externalizing behaviors of children. It is usually hypothesized that positive parenting practices are capable of averting adverse behaviors in offspring...

House Activities vs. Personal Happiness

Having read your article, Want to be Happier? Hire a Housekeeper, Researchers Suggest, which promotes the idea that spending money to get rid of annoying activities makes people much happier than buying material things, I felt perplexed. On the one hand, the message and the tone of this article seem...

Rio 2016: Where Refugees Are Finally Being Recognized

This essay presents the main theme, two subthemes, global connections in relation to major ideas discussed. The number of persons displaced from their home countries by conflicts and persecution in the recent past is larger than in any period since more thorough record keeping started, according to the UN refugee...

Systematic Training for Effective Parenting

The growing interests of parents in the nurturing of their children in the recent decades reflect the challenges faced by the same due to societal behavioral change. The society we live in today has and is still evolving so much that the child rearing strategies have to change to counter...

Myra Walters’ Speech: Benefits of Doing Yoga

Organizational Component The informative speech delivered by Myra Walters aims to demonstrate the physical and psychological benefits of doing yoga. The speech is designed to communicate the advantages of following a yoga regime with support from academic research and verbally explaining how it can be practiced. I believe the speech...

How African Americans Change the Sport?

Introduction Has anyone ever wondered how the world of sports had turned out different if it was not for African-American athletes? We are very fortunate to live today in this time and in this country, the United States which revolves and lives around individual and team sports. But are we...

Life Saving Sport

Introduction A sport is usually an essential activity that is planned, requires mental and physical skills and competence, and has some aspects of entertainment and competition. There are usually certain rules and regulations that govern specific sports and must strictly be followed. The sports industry has developed to great heights...

Hosting the World Cup in the United States

Abstract Soccer is one of the most popular games in the world. However, it seems that the case is different among American game lovers. The game is not as popular in this country. Analysts have explored the possibility of bringing the World Cup to the US. The current paper discussed...

Parenting: Open Versus Closed Adoption

Abstract The present paper focuses on open adoption as a widely debated social practice, discusses the positive and negative issues connected with open adoption, reflects upon the data and findings of current research on open adoption, and shows that the perspectives of open adoption are attractive and vital to society...

Level of Happiness in Terms of Regional Differences

Abstract This paper focuses on the level of happiness in terms of regional disparities and measurement. Happiness has become a critical concern in the contemporary world due to increased psychological and physiological disorders. As such, the paper develops a survey design to collect data on the statutory differences in happiness,...

Sport Event – the Southeast Showcase

Introduction When organizing for an event, the host organization needs to ensure that they promote customer satisfaction by delivering the expectations of all the relevant stakeholders through the event. This can only be achieved through successful event planning and management. The organizers should ensure that they engage in extensive planning...

Group Dynamics in Baseball

A human being is a social animal. Moreover, society tends to value people based on their relationships, so even those who do not crave a sense of belonging must form them in order to gain a positive image. Membership, such as belonging to a sports team, teaches an individual to...

Same-Sex Marriage: US Laws and Attitudes

Introduction There has been a heated debate regarding the legalization of same-sex marriage for over a decade now. While the idea still seems novel to many American citizens, there seems to be a general trend of acceptance of same-sex couples, similar to how the US society has come to embrace...

Consumption, Cheep Labor and Environmental Concerns

I would like to clarify my view on the criticizing of “expensive toys”. I do not think that we should confine ourselves to spartan conditions and reject all of the modern conveniences and amusements. Still, I strongly believe that reducing the number of unnecessary purchases can definitely make the world...

Compassionate and Fatuous Love Comparison

Introduction Love is typically viewed as one of the most complex emotions, which, to some extent, is correct since, unlike other emotional responses like happiness or sadness, love cannot be produced intentionally (Sinclair, Fehr, Wang, & Regehr, 2016). The intricate nature of the phenomenon, nonetheless, allows classifying the subject matter...

Attention and Anxiety in Sports Performance

Introduction Sporting activities have always played a crucial role in human life. Through these events, people are able to fulfill their fitness, social, and entertainment needs. People who engage in sports often aim to achieve the highest level of performance. It is generally acknowledged that athletes need to be in...

Lusa and Cole’s Relations in “Moth Love” by B. Kingsolver

The concept of interpersonal relations is complex indeed: people have to consider the importance of social, cultural, family, and other influences and make the solutions that correspond to their understanding of life. It is not an easy task to develop strong relations and be confident in their correctness. People have...

Adopted Children in the Same-Sex Couples

Introduction Family, one of the basic components of society’s social structure, has undergone change over the ages. The family unit remains the same, but how we view, a family unit has altered the definition of traditional families as it is difficult to incorporate gay and same-sex couples in that definition....

Work-Life Balance and Time Management

Introduction Topic Description The study aims to analyze the features of the life-work balance. The central question of the research relates to why people cannot competently calculate their time to pay equal attention to work responsibilities and personal life. Also, the article considers the ways that may help to find...

Senescence and Older Parenthood

Introduction With age, people develop various diseases and become less active. However, nowadays, more and more families decide to have children later in life. The main goals of this paper are to discuss senescence and its effects and reasoning for having children at a more mature age. Senescence Aging is...

Parenting Style Comparison: Positive and Negative Impacts

Parenting is a form of bringing up a child. Different parents use different styles to raise their children. These parenting styles have positive and negative impacts on the young infants and the adolescents. The following are two different parenting styles; Authoritarian parenting and Permissive parenting. Authoritarian parenting This is whereby...

The Resurgence of Tourism Business in Croatia

Introduction Background Croatia is an exciting tourist destination in Europe. In the past, Lonely Planet has named the country among the top tourist destinations in the world (IBP, Inc., 2015). National Geographic Adventure Magazine has given the same ranking for the country in its 2006 report of the best holiday...

Happiness in Biology, Culture, Experience

Introduction People have tried to define happiness and identify factors that influence it for centuries. There are many ideas on this matter but there is no simple answer to the question. Of course, it is difficult to understand what happiness is and it is even more difficult to become a...

The Father’s Role in Parenting

The challenge of ensuring ample success of children in educational settings perhaps calls for ensuring richness in childcare. Following its research on the extent to which fathers involve themselves in the development of education of their children, Eric Development Team reveals how “Half of students mostly get A’s and enjoy...

The Impact of Relationships With Parents on the Future

Introduction It is a generally recognized fact that the future of each child is affected by the relations with their parents, but why? Regardless of being developed more than five decades ago, attachment theory is still relevant today because it is one of the best ways to explain both short-...

Family Centered Services: Client Strengths and Resilience

This case was referred to Family Centered Services (FSC), FSC was asked to assist the mother in understanding the importance of setting boundaries and discipline her children. This case was assigned to this Student Intern for non-emergency services. The referral stated, “Client mother has a history of depression and is...

Festival Tourism in Clifton Park

Based on the work of Tinsley and Lynch (2008) which examined the connection between increased tourism, business and community relations within various towns and municipalities, it was discovered that local councils (i.e. local government units) were important “drivers of growth” (Tinsley & Lynch 2008). This was based on the fact...

Puppy Care: New Owner’s Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction Taking care of a puppy can be hectic. This is more so when one is clueless on how to raise one. Puppies are often weaned at eight to ten weeks, thus it is preferable to buy or adopt a puppy once it is weaned. When considering acquiring a puppy...

Travel Destinations: Vacations in and Outside the USA

While receiving the opportunity to have a rest and use the vacation time, the Americans can be challenged with the necessity to choose between travel destinations which are similar and different in many features and aspects. Thus, it is important to compare and contrast the opportunities and details of vacationing...

Solutions to the Problem of Steroids in Sports and Athletics

Abstract The solution to steroids has no silver bullet in the modern context. A close look at the causes and developments of the problem of steroids clearly postulates that it may take a long time to completely stop using them. This paper looks at the Acts and regulations developed in...

Can Future Success in a Skill Be Predicted?

Generalization today is one of the most frequently discussed issues. Developing stereotypes is a form of judging that is typical for our way of thinking as humans. This ability helped the humanity survive till present days. In ancient times, judgment and stereotypes were one of the major helpers of people....

“Love & Lust” by Virtinia Rutter

Summary The article written by Virtinia Rutter (2014) is aimed at examining the sexual life of married couples. The author challenges the popular assumption according to which married people have less sex than non-married ones. Furthermore, the writer focuses on the factors that affect the sexual relations between individuals after...

Families: Single Parent Controversy

Introduction This paper is based on the topic parenting. It seeks to explore the controversy surrounding the contemporary family institution with a special bias on single parenting. The paper borrows largely from an article authored by the vision organization and titled “The single parent controversy: Does family research stigmatize single...

College Sport Ethical Issues

In the contemporary world, sport has become the source and the target for a variety of social issues of different characters. The popularity of sports in contemporary society, their financial and political aspects triggered a number of conflicts and scandals in different fields of sports. The scholars today explore sports...

Relationships: Different Views on Gay Marriage

Gay marriage is a topical issue caused by different perceptions and understanding of human nature and interpersonal relations. The approaches towards gay marriage are liberal and conservative. Liberals and progressives suppose that the State should accept and permits gay marriage because of equal rights and freedoms granted to all individuals....

A Post-Games Study of Sydney 2000 and Considerations for London 2012

It has always been assumed that the Summer Games, also popularly known as the Olympic Games is a boon to the economy due to the number of tourists that are expected to flock into the host city and neighboring provinces. Financial windfall is also expected from the businesses that will...

Marriage or Cohabitation: Benefits and Drawbacks

There was a very long period of time in the history of human relationships when marriage was the preferred method of indicating a permanent coupling between a man and a woman. Since marriage had a huge historical significance in society, pairs who chose to live together or cohabit were shunned...

Goal Line Technology and Football

Introduction Football has all the rights to be called the most compelling and engaging kind of sport ever, with its numerous challenges, the approaches that allow winning even facing the strongest rivals, and the inspiring teamwork. However, football matches are not only about the issue of teamwork but also about...