Can Billiard Become a Part of the Olympics

The two Olympic sports that should be excluded from the Olympics are golf and beach volleyball because they are both difficult to organize. The golf court needs a lot of space and a special golf course. Beach volleyball requires a lot of sand and appropriate temperature, which sometimes is hard...

Modifications of the Nomi Move

The recent concerns of people about a healthy lifestyle have significantly influenced their physical activity and fitness needs. Nevertheless, the reconciliation of work and exercising in the present-day world remains a challenging task. Given this, the tendency of various facilities to develop programs that everyone can join for free seems...

Juvenile Delinquency: Practical Example

The writer would get a court order that would remove Emily from the house and get her parents into counseling. A closer look at the events that culminated in Emily’s punishment indicates that the parents faced a challenge in handling Emily’s failure to perform well in school and do chores...

Free Admission for Mobility Service Dogs in Shops and Public Institutions

Annotated Bibliography Agran, Martin, et al., editors. Equity and Full Participation for Individuals with Severe Disabilities. A Vision for the Future. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company, 2014. The book is devoted to discussing issues and challenges that people with severe disabilities are facing and covers other topics that could contribute...

Effects of the Income Inequality

After watching the CNBC video, which described how the middle-skill workers share has shrunk over time, I thought of my uncle, who was laid off from a steel company in the early 2000s (CNBC, 2019). When asked about the widening income gap between the wealthy citizens and others, he said...

D.A.R.E Classes Overview and Analysis

Introduction I am so glad that D.A.R.E classes helped me to learn new exciting things about life and decision-making. I am thankful for the officers explaining this because it will make my and my classmates’ lives happier! D.A.R.E classes helped me to learn essential things about the dangers of alcohol,...

Friendship at Different Points in a Lifespan

Goal of the research This research seeks to find the role of friendship in people’s development. The research is informed by the notion that human beings thrive well in good relationships established in the society. Such relationships serve to affirm, encourage, advice and promote one’s self esteem. While childhood friendship...

Use and Training of Mobility Service Dogs in the USA

What is your overall research topic? This study’s topic is the use and training of mobility service dogs in the USA. Background Source This website is dedicated to promoting the use of mobility assistance dogs in the USA. Some website pages are devoted to participation and volunteering; others describe the...

Discussion on Mysticism Viewpoints

Mysticism refers to practices and ideologies that aim at connecting with the ultimate reality and God. It is often associated with achieving an alternate state of consciousness and experiencing religious ecstasies. Various myths, legends, ethics, and beliefs attributed to mysticism might put some people off learning the subject in more...

The Status in a Family and Society

Introduction Many people have described Delillo’s novel White Noise as one of the greatest novels on earth but to me, it’s fair to call it one of the relevant novels on the planet. The novel breaks down the ingredients of a family while depicting the distinct roles played by each...

Concerns Associated with Community Recreational League Administration

Community recreational league administration experiences a number of different concerns. The most widely spread problems recreational leagues usually face are the financial, planning, and organizational as it may be difficult to plan and organize the work of the league if a number of independent events have to be held. The...

Individuals With Emotional Disabilities

Emotional disabilities vary and influence the quality of human life. This condition is characterized by differences in emotional responses to events, people, or actions. To this point, my experience with individuals who experience emotional disabilities and disturbance is not rich. Still, several significant observations and conclusions can be made. The...

Professional Sports Franchises

Introduction Athletic organizations are perceived to be among the organizations that generates the most profit. However, in running these organizations management is faced with serious problems, ranging from the health of the athletes, to the collection of revenue. Challenges Professional athletic organizations generate their revenues from gate receipts, television contracts,...

Do You Need Steroids in Sports

According to (Goldman, 1984), Steroids are generally classified into corticosteroids and anabolic steroids, but the category linked with sports is that of anabolic steroids. Corticosteroids are legal drugs normally prescribed by doctors to patients with inflammation problems, while anabolic steroids are only considered legal when used under medical prescription. Anabolic...

Financial Environment. Hospitality Industry

Financial environment of an organization refers to the factors (both internal and external) that affect its financial position as well as financial decisions made. These include: taxes, profits of competitors, government financial policies. For-profit Evendale Medical Center Triumph Hospital Lima Affinity Medical Center (Ohio Hospital Association, n.d) Not-for-profit Alberta Healthcare...

Super Bowl: Essential Date for the Whole Nation

The Super Bowl is the title of the final game for the National Football League (NFL) championship of the USA. This game became a national holiday of the country, especially because of multiple celebrations of the Super Bowl Sunday that accompany it. Like the Olympic Games, the Super Bowl brings...

My Experiences Handling Stress at High School

Transition to high school can often prove challenging for teens, as they have to deal with a lot of new information. For me, in the first year of high school, Algebra became a source of chronic stress for a few reasons. I felt pressure from my parents to do well...

Comparison of Athletes’ Personality Characteristics

1959-1990 – Billie Jean King – known for her role as the pioneer of women’s tennis, essentially leading to the popularity and relevance of the tour. 1969-1980 – Arthur Ashe – he was a pioneer for African Americans in tennis, and individual sports in general. 1978-1994 – John McEnroe –...

Program to Build Parenting Skills in Teenage Parents

Components of the Program Being a teenager is associated with multiple psychological and emotional issues. Becoming a parent during this stage of life adds extra difficulties and requires those who have not reached adulthood to undertake enormous responsibility. The proposed short-term program is aimed at supporting the specified group by...

Should Societies Impose Monogamy?

Monogamy refers to exclusive mate selection and bonding among men and women in society. In a population, individuals compete for partners to reproduce with, thus, creating an opportunity for natural selection. Following the variation of conformity among people, preference for a sex partner accounts for the evolutionary changes realized over...

Liberal Stance on Child Care for Working Parents

The prosperity of the country in the future is inextricably linked to young generations and their personal success. When working parents do not have an opportunity to send their children to day-care centers or preschools, they are forced to limit their time at the job to spend it on children...

Dominant Parenting Styles: Gender-Differentiated Parenting Revisited

In lower-middle-class American families, the authoritative parenting style is the most dominant (Friedson, 2016). Authoritative parents impose high standards upon children and demand blind obedience. If a child misbehaves, they resort to punishment and omit explaining the reasoning behind their actions. Several reasons can explain the prevalence of this parenting...

The Definition of Happiness and Its Pursuit

Writers and poets have been writing and talking about happiness since ancient times; this category appears in many literary works almost on a par with love. Simultaneously, even though everyone claims to want to be happy, the pursuit of happiness and its definition never rank first on most people’s to-do...

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, will be an outstanding place for my personal growth and career advancement. The institution is one of the top-ranked public research universities in the country (“About Rutgers,” 2020). This means that I will be able to develop and grow among the most competent...

Marriage Problems: Non-reciprocal Love

Many fiction works and films are built on the same plot: the heroes love each other but cannot show it. Based on misunderstanding, many stories unfold: sometimes funny, sometimes sad and tragic. Often, a couple’s life is full of misunderstandings and difficulties in developing a meaningful dialogue. Gary Chapman, the...

Historical Women Events in Sports

Women participation in sports remains one of the clearest indicators of our progress as a civilization. The current place women occupy in sports has been a long way in coming. This spans from the days when women could not even watch sporting events such as during the ancient Olympics where...

Reasons to Become Parents in Middle Adulthood

Introduction Giving birth to a child is one of the most important decisions in the lives of the majority of individuals. At the same time, the mean maternal age at birth has increased steadily in the past several decades. Nowadays, a vast number of people tend to postpone the period...

Parenting Styles Exemplified by the Molly Family

Introduction Molly wants to stay up after her bedtime to go to a party where she will meet a famous athlete. Molly’s parents’ answer will depend on a parenting style they follow and believe to be right. Their reaction might fall into four different types: authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and rejecting-neglecting...

Responsibility of Managing Own Schedule

The moment that we become independent and develop the skills that will help us to become self-sufficient in the future is quite hard to identify. One might even go as far as claiming that such a moment does not exist since there is no predetermined set of skills that guarantees...

Marital Success Factors vs. Gottman’s Predictors of Divorce

Relationships between partners are considered by psychologists as a laborious process that requires each of its participants to be able to work on themselves and their relationships. This approach is rational, given that almost every person associates relationships not only with serious obligations to each other but also with romance...

The Downtown Rideau Area: Food Segway Tours

Summary of the Proposal Downtown Rideau is an epicenter of culture and cuisine in Ottawa. Numerous theatres, galleries, and museums are located here; thus, the area attracts many tourists. Moreover, fine dining restaurants, fast food establishments, pubs, and cafes propose all kinds of cuisine from different countries across the globe....

United States Coast Guard Testing: A Course Project

The course project is aimed at developing a testing protocol for the United States Coast Guard employees. This population is tasked with various assignments, including homeland security missions (United States Coast Guard, n.d.). Other missions may include monitoring icebergs and implementing relevant risk analysis interventions, enforcing domestic laws related to...

American Football Is Too Dangerous and It Should Be Banned

American football is among the most popular sports in the United States, which is represented by the National Football League (NFL). Its massive fan base and distinguished teams make up the core of the given phenomenon, which transforms and influences the lives of millions of people. NFL has a long...

The Review of Literature: American Football

Bell, T. R., Applequist, J., & Dotson-Pierson, C. (2019). CTE, media, and the NFL: Framing a public health crisis as a football epidemic. Rowman & Littlefield. This book argues that there is a link between experiencing chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and playing American football. The authors emphasize that media coverage...

Healthy Living Importance

Health management has recently gained particularly strong weight as an issue to be addressed within the global community. As the Healthy people 2030 agenda has been established, global public health concerns such as improvements in the management of CVD, reduction in the levels of childhood obesity, and the related concerns...

Research Article Report About Sports and Creatine

Introduction Sport and physical activity play an important role in the lives of many people around the world. While many exhibit casual interest in various physical practices, some choose to dedicate their time to professional sport. Having a variety of health risks and benefits, the field is heavily contested on...

A Mother of Neonate’s Phone Interview

The phone interview with Maritza, a 49-year-old mother of a neonate, was a preferable type of interviewing due to the COVID pandemics. The woman shared her experience during her pregnancy and the first months after the delivery. The pregnancy was unplanned, and, above that, the woman had undergone a pregnancy...

Basketball. Loose Balls Book by Terry Pluto

Every kind of sport has its own history that explains how a specific game has come to its modern state. In his book, Loose Balls: The Short, Wild Life of the American Basketball Association, Terry Pluto considers basketball history by describing how the ABA was created and merged with the...

Training for Speed and Explosiveness

Plyometrics has been known to be one of the most efficient methods of training speed and explosiveness in athletes. With numerous studies supporting this statement, the article entitled “Effects of Plyometric and Explosive Speed Training on Recreational Marathoners” was chosen for analysis. This paper is going to briefly summarize it...

Happiness and Good Life: Review

Happiness is one of the most critical human aspirations in any era. Martin Seligman (2004) outlines three main ways to achieve it. Engagement allows people to be kind to each other and exchange positive emotions. Pleasure relieves people of unnecessary needs and helps them to be happy and confident. Meaning...

Romantic Relationships and Parenting

Fiction and music manage to capture the feeling of being in love without providing the context of how romantic relationships are formed and developed. Partners usually share the same interests and engage in similar behavioral patterns, which prove that similarity is more essential than initial attraction in the lifecycle of...

Four Methods Applied in Advanced Training

With time, there is a growing awareness among people regarding the suitable lifestyle that should be followed to attain a healthy and vigorous life. Whether the goal is to change attitude, physique, or routine, or to recover from an injury and/or prevent one in later life, everyone can benefit from...

Teen Pregnancy. The Evolution of Family Policy

Teen pregnancy is a devastating issue which probably exists on all levels, and it would be wiser to focus on the local one, but conversations with people from other countries reveal more unfortunate circumstances. Thus, while the focus will be on offering a universal solution, the specifics of other countries...

Wedding Planning Factors: A Bride-Centric Holiday

A wedding celebration is the end of long preparation, and in order to avoid unpleasant surprises and the discontent of both guests and newlyweds, it is essential to approach the planning process as carefully as possible. First, the budget to spend on the holiday should be determined. All the details...

Understanding the Concept of Family

When one thinks of family, they picture a happy, smiling couple that shares a house, loving kids, and their whole lives. While this portrayal of the family has been engraved into society’s idealistic view for years, with countless spouses trying to replicate it, the perfect image is often far from...

American Football as a Popular Kind of Sport in the US

American football is a popular kind of sport in the United States, but it does not mean that it is free from any disadvantages. A severe issue refers to the fact that professional players are often subject to health problems, which deteriorates the quality of their lives. These adverse consequences...

What Is Marriage?

Being one of the most ancient social formations, the notion of marriage has attracted the attention of many thinkers and researchers throughout human history. This interest is associated with the desire to understand the place and role of marriage in society. It is also conditioned by the need for a...

Travelling in the Broad and Local Context: Personal Experiences

Travelling is an exciting activity that brings both enjoyment and knowledge: every person can find something unique visiting other cities and countries. Some people travel to learn something new about other countries and continents; others would like to change their environment or enjoy new experiences. In the broad context, when...

Athletes Testing and Training Program

With regards to speed training, there is the concept of speed strength that involves the application of maximum force when at high velocity. The primary objective of speed conditioning is to enable the athlete to sustain speed in the short runs. The speed training program focuses on the physical body...

The Analysis of Sustainable Contribution

A sustainable lifestyle is the representation of the new era of consumption in the 21st century. People’s values have passed through significant modifications during the last hundred years. It is possible to assume that these changes are caused by the deterioration of the ecological situation, the increase in the number...

Adding Yoga to Your Life: Benefits of Yoga

Imagine yourself being healthy, active, and flexible at the age of 80. Is it possible for you to play with your grandkids outdoors at 90? You can answer these questions by yourself if you add yoga to your life. I am sure that this practice is one of the critical...

Speed Drill: Agility Training in Young Elite Soccer Players

The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain a speed drill for a specific athlete, using logical arguments and visual elements. The video that was provided for this discussion suggests several crucial points that will be taken into account when devising this exercise. A description of the target...

The Quarantine Time: A Period of Personal Growth

I have felt caged by a ceaseless desire to make others happy, and I was mortified by upsetting anyone else. However, quarantine sparked a moment of personal growth. This constant pressure from myself nearly drove me into depression. I did not feel like I was advancing myself, as my energy...

Eco-Friendly Cruising: Discovery Voyage Example

Ecotourism The development of the concept of ecotourism is closely linked to the improvement of humanistic principles in society. In general, humanity has always thought of respecting natural areas and preserving the environment’s heritage, but only in recent decades, this trend becomes particularly visible. Due to a large number of...

Helping and Supporting Single-Parent Families

Introduction From the beginning of the 21st century, there is a trend of the increasing number of single-parent families in the US, European countries, China, and Africa. This tendency is characteristic for families across cultures and ethnicities as it involves White people, Asians, African-Americans, and many other nations. For example,...

The Impact of Political Reforms on My Life

Reform movements have greatly impacted today’s life by creating ideal social, economic, and political transformations and bringing them close to the people. They campaign for the desired change that will preserve and improve the present values and provide better means of implementing policies and frameworks (Young et al., 2019). I...

The Influence of Parents in the Development of the Baby

Introduction Each of the people and children who inhabit our planet is a unique person. One can draw several parallels between infants around the world and find many similar points. However, despite this, numerous differences make each child different from the other. Each person, except identical twins, has a unique...

Infant’s Temperament Influences on the Parents Treat

The influence of an infant’s temperament Based on my experience with children, I think that an infant’s temperament influences the way their parents treat them, while a combination of parental style and a child’s temperamental characteristics shapes their attachment patterns. Responsive caregiving in the early months facilitates the development of...

Indirect Mode of Expressing Agression

There are several approaches to defining indirect aggression by psychologists and sociologists. Most often, it is described as a type of aggressive behavior that causes harm to another person in an indirect way, contrasting to the direct aggression where the victim is encountered face to face. Another opinion about it...

The Evolution of Romantic Encounters and Norms and Actions Within Relationships

Romantic relationships as an essential part of an adult’s life and a certain rite of passage for people transitioning from adolescence to adulthood might seem as quite difficult to theorize, yet there are similarities in behavior patterns of those involved in them. Although the general premise and goals typically remain...

Sport Coaching: Examining the Difficulties

The research by Christine Nash, John Sproule, and Peter Hortonhad aimed to examine the difficulties encountered in the coaching roles, assess the importance of its philosophy, and evaluate the function of the coaches. Consequently, it was targeted that the findings of this study would help students to develop necessary life...

Pride and Its Hubristic and Authentic Types

Introduction Among other feelings, one can experience, pride is particularly complex. On the one hand, it has negative connotations, even being considered one of the deadly sins in Christianity. Several sayings point out the destructive nature of pride and being called prideful is generally regarded as a reproach. On the...

Lifestyle Influences on Physical Health

It seems reasonable to state that a human’s life is affected by numerous factors. Psychologists claim that these factors are to be continuously studied through theoretical and practical lenses. The issue of physical, cognitive, and psychological development of an individual has always been relevant and appropriate to discuss. Throughout my...

Effective Communication in Close Romantic Relationships in the First Year

Introduction Building a successful romantic relationship requires the possession of key interpersonal communication proficiencies. Many people lack the skills that are necessary for the development and growth of close romantic relationships. Three steps can improve the process of conveying information between two people if applied effectively. They are proper timing,...

A Family Crisis the Situation in Michael’s Family

The situation that has taken place in Michael’s family is a representation of the misunderstanding, miscommunication, and dismissal of the feelings and the concerns of a child. The revelation that the boy has made to his parents has caught them off-guard because they were raising their children within a Christian...

Modern World Dating: Online vs. Real-World Relations

The modern world presents us with opportunities that people could not even think of before. Technological progress has introduced a large number of changes to our everyday lives: from the way we communicate with each other, to how we do our jobs and spend free time. Dating as part of...

Children’s Socioeconomic Statuses and Future Problems in Life

Socioeconomic status (SES) is a concept that scholars utilize to study a wide range of attributes defining a specific population, including educational attainment, class, race, gender, occupation, and income level. Analysts can apply this model to understand the privileges, experiences, and opportunities associated with the targeted people in a given...

The Evolution of Family in the USA

Due to various events and the emergence of new laws, the traditional forms of families are now opposed to new types of families that become more common and create new traditions and behavior changes. This paper will discuss the evolution of marriage and family in the U.S. over the past...

Marital Success and Satisfaction and Their Factors

Most of young adults prefer their relationships to result in marriage. However, marital quality and satisfaction depend on various factors that appear at the time of marriage and determine its future. For the best marriage outcomes, a newly engaged couple should consider these factors and how to deal with them....

Soccer: Effects of Sprint Training

Undoubtedly, millions of individuals all over the world consider soccer to be their favorite spectator sport. Training soccer players is an engaging and demanding activity, and it is crucial to make the most of this process to be a successful coach. Therefore, one must be aware of different exercises and...

Warm-Up: The Effect on Athletes’ Performance

It has been acknowledged that warm-up has a positive effect on athletes’ performance as well as their overall physical state. Although it is sometimes assumed that warm-up may lead to a decrease in muscle power or strength, Sim, Byun, and Yoo (2015) found that there was no such a link...

Specific Responsibilities: Result of Family Hierarchy

Each person has specific responsibilities which have various zones of influence. Some of them are the result of family hierarchy, while others are created due to cultural and social settings. I believe that we are all responsible for our loved ones and our community. It is no secret that our...

College Athletics and Its Role in America

The role that athletics play in the higher education system in America, whether regarded as a commercial product or a cultural development college sport (popularly known as an intercollegiate sport) have been and continue to be for many Americans one of the best-known characteristics of higher education. College athletics programs...

The Principal Challenge of Creating a Blended Family

Blended families are the modern type of families that are becoming more popular due to high rates of divorce. Together with advantages for all their members, there are also many challenges the people need to overcome in order to become a real family, in which they would love and support...

Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Concussion Initiative Evaluation

The study conducted by Kelly Sarmiento, Jane Mitchko, Cynthia Klein, and Sharon Wong on the evaluation of the Center for Disease and Prevention’s concussion initiative for high school coaches based on a tool kit. The researchers hypothesized that prolonged problems related to concussions might influence the perceptions, remembrance, understanding, verbal...

Team Sport With the Ball: Softball

Softball is a team sport with a ball; it is a form of baseball. This sport originated in 1887 and is generally popular with non-professionals. This is due to the fact that, unlike baseball, softball is adapted for less physically prepared people and is not traumatic. Initially, softball was developed...

Twelve Hours Without a Cellphone Experience

Hypothesis Cellphones are an inherent part of daily life for many contemporary people, including me. Therefore, it is only natural to ask a question of how not using a cellphone for at least half a day will have a significant and noticeable effect on a person’s behavior. There are several...

Customer Satisfaction in Hotels and What Its Cost

In today’s rapidly developing hospitality sector, customer satisfaction becomes one of the key concepts. Hotels can use this term to support their competitive advantages and attract more customers. Service quality is the key factor that impacts customer satisfaction, and its poor organization leads to many negative reviews. In this connection,...

Job Satisfaction in High School Athletic Administrators

The research performed by Gregory Green and Shirley Reese reported on the level of job satisfaction experienced by the athletic administrators in high schools. The authors assessed researches on the feeling of teachers in regard to the combination of teaching and administering the responsibilities that athletics demanded after noting various...

Cohabitation in the United States

Cohabitation implies a couple sharing one household without being legally married. While this type of commitment was traditionally frowned upon within the majority of cultures, it has become more socially acceptable and widely spread in the modern world. As for the United States, the statistical data on unmarried couples living...

Strength Training Advantages in Sport

It goes without saying that strength training inevitably attracts the attention of people engaged in sports activities. In general, it may be defined as the performance of specific physical exercises in order to improve endurance and muscular strength. At the same time, strength training is frequently regarded as a negative...

Stress Management: The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale

According to the two tests I took, I can say that my stress level is slightly high. The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale shows that my score is 233, which is the average stress level. This suggests that I have a certain probability of acquiring psychological difficulties in the absence...

Paris Vacation Packages & Travel Deals

I can call myself happy, as my greatest dream come true. When I was 10, I first saw the movie “Amelie” and in a blink of an eye fell in love with this city. This golden dream had been chasing me since then, and finally, at the age of 17,...

Football and other Sports: Influence on Children’s Life

Children are the future. We dedicate our lives to raising kind and active individuals who can lead a healthy and meaningful life. This letter is to request that you send a coach, member or player to Stanford HS, Stanwood, WA, to help children lead that rewarding life. Currently, I coach...

Training Football Athletes: Key Aspects

Without any doubt, training football athletes is a demanding and rewarding job. It is crucial to choose the exercises that are the most effective. It is challenging, as numerous experts give different advice regarding the issue, and it may be problematic to understand which one to follow. Nevertheless, many exercises...

Same-Sex Marriage: Definitions and History

Introduction Historically, marriage represented a union of a man and a woman who decided to devote their love to each other, to stay together, and take care of one another. Nowadays, however, this perspective on marriage was subjected to alterations due to the gays and lesbians who are demanding the...

Dealing With a Death of a Loved One

In the very first words of her book “The Year of Magical Thinking”, Joan Didion writes: Life changes fast. Life changes in an instant. You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends. The question of self-pity (Didion, 2007, p. 1). In these words full of despair,...

Creative Destruction and the Importance of Being Original

The contemporary world of rapidly evolving spheres of human activity and the abundance of competitive ideas, attracting attention and making a change becomes challenging. As the first chapter from Adam Grant’s book Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World demonstrates, unconventional thinking is the most effective way of achieving success and...

Measuring Muscle Function: Muscle Size and Strength Training

The target population includes young (18-30 years) and older adults (55 years and older). Young adults, individuals between 18 to 30 years of age, require endurance and muscle size training. Endurance is recommended because it is at this age, it is important for an individual to build up muscle mass...

New Policy on Steroid Testing: Morally Justified?

Introduction In 2004, there was a great scandal in the world of athletics. Things could have been otherwise had it not been for a careless athlete who mistakenly forgot a syringe in his hotel room. As a result, a coach came across the syringe and reported the matter to the...

Effect of Physical Activity on Motor Performance

Introduction Competitive swimming entails contesting and increasing speeds (Everett, 2015). Consequently, elite swimmers strive to enhance their aerobic capacity and hone their race strategies. Other technical aspects of swimming include starting and turning at the wall (Veiga & Roig, 2017). Inspirited swimming, relay starts are swifter than starts from a...

The Five Biggest Ideas in Parenting

Introduction Parenting is a big challenge to parents especially in the context of today’s society. More often, than not parents are too busy and do not spend enough time with their children. Furthermore, the little time spent with their children does not impact their (children’s) lives because the kind of...

Relationship Between Coaching Actions and Influences

Introduction The researcher used phenomenological research method to gather information concerning athletes’ experiences of great coaching (Becker, 2009). This form of qualitative research follows different steps as shown herein. Exploring researcher bias – at this stage, the researcher sought to understand the athletes’ experiences from individual perspective as opposed to...

Standard Expectancy Model in Sports

People estimate their targets and outcomes through following certain fundamental behaviors and actions. This aspect of decision making referred to as expectancy theory has three components namely efforts, performance and outcomes or rewards (Averbeck & Miller, 2014). The probability in which a person is deemed fit to take a venture...

Marriage and Divorce: Poverty Among Divorced Women

Literature Review When marriages come to their unforeseen end, there are long protracted court battles over property ownership and children custody. The once married couple torn apart by differences in their marriage will be driven further apart by the court battles (Brinig & Allen, 2000). Many states have come up...

Sport Coaching: Positive Development in Young People.

The study undertaken by Vella Stewart, Oades Lindsay, and Crowe Peterson investigated the eagerness of coaches in implementing and desiring positive results for athletes directed towards youth development. They examined whether coaches needed the outcomes from the youth athletes that exceeded their on-field success. The results were aimed at providing...

Sustainable Development of Tourism Businesses in South East Cornwall

Introduction Society has in the recent past viewed environmental sustainability with increased concern. Many leaders in the tourism industry are gradually shifting policies towards this direction. Despite the efforts to put in place environment-friendly practices in the tourism industry, concerns have been raised as to the level of adoption of...

Standard Sports Facilities for Nigerian Students

The study conducted by Eruteyan (2012) evaluated the standard facilities of sports as images of competitive sporting attributes from the university students of Nigeria. This study was conducted prior to the reappearing arrogance of universities to release winning techniques in the sports. The researcher pointed out that the universities had...

“Our Boys Speak“ by J.nikkah Book Review

Introduction Many graduates like Nikkah, the author of this book know from their experiences that students who fail to tell problems at this level hardly succeed in their lives. This is to say that teens who do not freely talk about themselves usually slow down their rate of growth and...

A Compensation Program: Review

By assessing the current progress of employees’ performance in the entire organization, the management has decided to come up with a restructured compensating program as a way of trying to improve the performance for the better. It is in this line that the management has assigned the human resource director...

Developing Trust and Building Positive Team Relations

Introduction Teamwork involves working in a group of people, where an individual’s opinions are coordinated with other contributions, and refined to produce the desired outcome. At times, individual opinions may be sidelined for the benefit of unity and efficiency of a group. Through teamwork, people enhance their communication skills and...

Public Funding of Professional Sports Stadiums: Public Choice or Civic Pride?

Before 1950, most sports teams played in the private stadiums and arenas in the United States. The emergence of public stadiums and arenas after 1950s has compelled the state and local governments to fund entire sports projects or subsidize their construction in various cities. A number of studies have indicated...

Power and Authority in Professional Sports

Professional leagues emerged after sports clubs found it wise to centralize the organization of their games. Clubs saw it fit to organize themselves into leagues to increase the benefits that would accrue from combining their operations such as better operating profits (Rosner & Shropshire, 2011). In this sense, professional leagues...

2010 FIFA Soccer World Cup Stadia Development in Cape Town: Resident Perceptions

Research performed by Bob and Swart (2009) assessed the ideas and suggestions of the people surrounding the venues of the 2014 FIFA in South Africa. This study was conducted after overlooking the residents’ ideas even though they were to be affected by the sports. It was performed before commencing the...

Same Sex Marriage Question Overview

Introduction The contemporary society has seen major shift in the debate about ethics of sex to gravitate around the same sex debate. Basically, the society seems to focus on the question as to whether it is morally acceptable to engage in sexual relationships with people of the same sex. In...

Analysing the Middle Age and How It Will Affect Me

When looking back at our own lives, we are constantly amazed at the transformation that takes place within us, and the events that lead us to it. we are amazed further when we compare our lives with those of our friends, and wonder how their life turned out to be...

“Gender Roles and Infant/Toddler Care: Male and Female Professors on the Tenure Track” by Steven Rhoads Article Review

The article “Gender roles and infant/toddler care: Male and female professors on the tenure track” by Steven Rhoads and Christine Rhoads relates important information with regards to the differences in child care strategies between male and female professors during their post-birth parental leave. Generally, the article argues that females are...

Sexual Discrimination in Olympic Speed Skating

Introduction Eradicating old and unfair eligibility procedures and phrases that unjustly distinguish male’s participant capabilities from female’s capabilities contribute to attaining sexual equality during skating. The social construct that people should not be given prevalence by being members of the pampered gender needs to be applied in sports (Sarah, 2011)....

Critical Decisions Making: Get Out of the Military

Introduction Critical decisions are important because they determine the destiny of our actions. In defining critical decisions, they are decisions one makes in certain situations, such that the decisions affect the individual, family, friends, or society. This means that decisions play a prominent role in our lives and the relations...

Monogamy, Polygyny, and Polyandry: Three Cultures in Comparison

Marriage is a practice that has been known since ancient times, and its customs, functions, and characteristics still vary significantly from culture to culture. Traditionally, matrimony was supposed to ensure financial stability, property rights, and paternity, whereas nowadays more and more people emphasize psychological aspects such as romantic commitment, mutual...

Hochschild: Emotion Management and Negotiations

Hochschild (1) comes up with an emotion management mechanism that illuminates the self, interaction, and structure. Emotion is always regulated by the act of management. Emotion management is wholly embedded in the interactive aspects of emotion. Emotion management enables close-range inspection of the relations among feelings, rules, ideology, emotion management,...

Sports Stadia, Sporting Events and Urban Development

A research conducted by Maennig and Plessis (2009) evaluated how infrastructural projects trigger positive changes in development as a result of the upcoming major sporting events. They inquired whether such effects were driven towards attaining urban development through assessing a project in Durban. Therefore, these researchers identified whether the due...

Corporate Social Responsibility for Development Through Sport

Levermore (2011) presented an empirical study depicting the association between CSR and sports as aspects fueling economic and social development. The research was conducted to address the paucity and dilemma apparent in relation to the evaluation of CSR. The results had the capability to avail vital information on how development...

Essential Human Skills Always Needed

Introduction In normal daily life, everybody seems to be very busy. Sometimes, they do not even think about themselves. These people really do not notice certain skills they need. “However, there are skills that some people have that allow them to be more effective in certain areas of life” (Mastering...

Writing and Revising Papers – A Personal Experience

It is hard to find a person who had never written a paper in their life. After elementary school, tasks that involve writing one become increasingly frequent. In university, the ability becomes second nature, like breathing. A meticulous process of planning out your paper, editing, and reviewing it is required,...

Mundurucu Women and the ‘Women of the Forest’

English literature is presented by numerous writers and poets, which present their pieces of work on different topics and of various styles. Those books, that describe certain periods in history are of greater interest among the readers, as they give complete imagination of the period that is known only from...

Being a Leader: My Leadership Capabilities Evaluation

Introduction Leadership is as old as mankind; it generally refers to the ability to manage groups of people to achieve a specific goal (Wyman, 2003). Charisma, organization skills, oratory techniques, and the ability to make other people believe and share in dreams can be considered as factors necessary for good...

Tourism Resources Assessment in Castroville, Texas

Introduction Castroville is located twenty miles from the town of San Antonio. It is more of a village than a city which was established in 1844 by Henri Castro and other immigrants from the Alsace region in France. Since its foundation, Castroville still maintains features that were established by the...

Aqua by Grandstand: Mobile by Nature

The hospitality industry is very volatile. The market competition is very stiff. To succeed, a company must develop guiding objectives in order to capture and retain customers. Aqua by Grandstand was conceived and developed with specific objectives by its owners. They wanted to transform it into a modern club-lounge by...

Yellowstone National Park: Trip Experiences

The most breathtaking experience I have ever had is associated with the Yellowstone National Park. Last year, my father took my family to Yellowstone, as we wanted to explore its beauties and mysteries. This trip made me realize that the park is full of unspeakable views, unique nature, and fearless...

Basic Weight Training. Recommendations.

Introduction To begin with it is necessary to emphasize that the training program is generally suited individually, as there are no equally trained people. AS for the muscles of the back and the neck, it is widely known that these muscles are the most subjected to traumas during training, as...

Best Beach Destinations: A Comparison of Cape May, NJ Beach Resort and Del Mar, CA

Introduction Let’s go on vacation! Do you like beach vacations? My grandparents and parents were vacationed in Cape May as children and adults. My mother’s parents traveled from Philadelphia every summer and my father’s parents traveled from Washington DC every summer for vacations. They stayed in my great-grandparent’s summer homes....

Working as a Sports Agent: A Successful Career

The aim of achieving a prominent job position is not an easy one to attain. A person who wants to become successful in his occupation should be a skilled tactician who is able to analyze all factors that will influence his/her career advancement at every stage. This will ensure maximization...

Health or Self-Indulgence? The Motivations and Characteristics of Spa-Goers

The aim of this article is to examine the factors, which motivate travelers to look for spa experiences, especially the Hong Kong spa-goers. It analyzes perceptions towards the spa and the identification of spa-goers in terms of socio-demographic characteristics and motivational factors. A sample of 302 respondents was used in...

Physical Activity and Relationship Characteristics

One is said to be engaged in physical activity if he or she makes use of energy (Donatelle2009, p.3221). Lifting weights, walking, jumping, and stretching are all forms of physical activity. Other forms of physical activity include doing household chores such as cooking and sweeping. Other activities such as carrying...

The Retaining Fitness Center

There is a need for the Rocky Mountain Mutual Insurance Company to grow and develop by way of improving its profits and reducing its costs. One strategy that can be adapted to ensure this is by retaining the Fitness Center. This is in spite of the high cost associated with...

Crowne Plaza Parramatta: Hospitality Industry

Introduction The Hospitality Industry is a widely exploited industry and is made up of a large number of players. All these players are in competition for the same customers meaning that to succeed; players in this industry have to come up with marketing strategies that will ensure they have a...

Polygamous Marriage in TV Series “Big Love” Season 1

Since television has occupied a considerable place in the life of people nowadays, and it is considered to be one of the most influential sources of information, it is easy and useful to find appropriate material for analysis among popular modern TV shows and films. The constant presence of television...

Random Drug Test on College Athletes

There is widespread use of sports enhancing drugs among athletes in the world. Use of steroids to enhance performance in sports has been used as a way of gaining advantage over other athletes in major competitions. While sporting bodies strongly criticize use of performance enhancing drugs, some individuals are of...

Visiting Lower East Side Museum

Introduction The lower east side museum is located on orchard street in New York City. Lower east side museum offers a great opportunity to visit the New York City tenement. Apart from this, the museum is the New York City tenement building. The museum offers a chance for visitors to...

Love – The Misconception. Synonymous of Happiness

Introduction Generally love is synonymous with happiness – it is a concept ruling our thoughts from time immemorial. If that is so then how can this love and this happiness be gained? Here creeps is a prevailing misconception that money is the key to happiness. In Mother Nature the male...

Child Rearing and the Ethical Constraints

The article mocks at the ethical failures involved in the infertility treatment by implanting eight embryos in Nadya Suleman’s womb expecting to be applauded for the medical success of the birth of eight children to a mother. The article highlights the lack of restraint practiced in enabling parents to produce...

US Hospitality Industry: Managing Hospitality Workforce

Introduction The current trend in the global marketplace has led to the increase in capital mobility, people as well as an exchange of managerial information and ideas among the hospitality industry. In return, it has resulted to change in the employment trend in the United States. With improvements in technological...

Divorce and Family Disorganization in the UAE

Introduction “The Gulf societies have been undergoing radical changes since the end of the 1970s. The Arab Gulf family is passing through a fast transition that affects its functions, roles, authority, and structure. One must start with a preliminary hypothesis that reviews the Arab Gulf family as a basic unit...

Hospitality Revenue Management in Sydney Hotels

Many things are consideration when making certain decisions, but the most important is in relation with improving the hotels revenue and maximization of profits. However, it is achievable if the organization carefully plans certain things. One of the ways to do this is by use of budgets and performance reports....

Meaning of Grandmothers in Lives of Family Members

Every society has fixed cultural practices for the elderly and the senior members more popularly termed as grand parents. While there may be few differences, in most societies, the elderly and the aged play the role of welcoming and loving grandparents who love to spend time with their children’s families,...

Evaluative and Relational Influences on Service Loyalty

Executive Summary Consumer behaviour clearly defines the position of the customers in the market and gives the idea that is needed in order to comprehend with the preferences of a consumer towards a specific product. Market values are important for understanding the expectations of the customers for a specific industry...

The Effect of Long-Term Foster Care on the Cognitive of Middle School Boys

Outline Abstract Introduction Literature review Findings Conclusion References Abstract The problem statement is the development of cognitive of children in the middle school in long term foster care. The concept of foster care homes is somewhat similar to the Cinderella option, wherein children who are unable to return to their...

Global Recession and Its Effect on Dubai Tourism

Introduction Certain global issues always have direct and indirect impact on peoples and individuals even if the idea may seem remote and hardly connected. I will try to consider through my own perspective based on data gathered how the current global recession affects the tourism industry of Dubai. Prior to...

Important Dietary Considerations for Endurance Athletes

Introduction Endurance entails the fundamental elements of physical fitness. Therefore, it is important for a majority of the athletes to have a certain level of cardio-respiratory as well as muscular endurance to enable them perform better in various sports. Nutritional assessment of the diets taken by endurance athletes reveals greater...

Most Memorable Childhood Christmas

The most memorable Christmas I ever had was during the time I was quite a young kid on Christmas eve, just out of the theatre where the movie Superman I was running. It was a breathtaking experience and I remember quite well that it took a long time to get...

Gay and Poverty Marriage

The institution of family and the issues of marriage play a crucial role in society today. Marriage status determines relations between spouses and their relations with the state. Whatever the reason for it, a union between two people usually involves mutual dependence, the beginning and raising of a family and,...

Should Homosexuals Have Children?

Introduction Homosexuality can be defined as the practice of erotic behaviors or activities with a person of similar gender or sex. (Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary). The practice which is a growing trend in America today has been one that is very controversial not only t religions but also to the law...

The Approaches to the Concept of Family in Society

Introduction This paper is about the concept of family as defined by the functionalist, Marxist and feminist approaches. The modern era gave rise to the concept of the “nuclear family” with its attendant benefits and problems. While traditionally, family meant an extended gathering of people including all the siblings, parents,...

Increase of Divorce Rates in America

Introduction The romanticized institution of matrimony, celebrated by an endless array of song and story, is a concept that is as old as civilization itself. Marriage is something that virtually everyone does but hardly everyone is successful at doing. Few, if any, couples that exchange vows are prepared either practically,...

Teams Should Maintain the Spirit of the Game

This is a reply to the article “England may want to be tough but Wickets and Runs are important” published by you on 15th August 2009. This article brought to light the reality surrounding sports. This article tells us about the teams which were strong till recently, had to face...

Concept, History and Classification of Black Tourism

Introduction and methodology Tourism mostly involves traveling to an environment that is outside and distinct from one’s common habitation and for various reasons and aims. These range between leisure, recreation and to engage in commercial activities. From the humble beginnings of the early 1800s where only the wealth could afford...

Martial Arts. Ultimate Fighting Championship

The world of aggressive sports currently lists boxing as its most popular incarnation. Why not? Boxing feeds off the need for an adrenalin rush and allows for the spending of excess energy among men. For decades, boxing was king. But in the 1990s, a new sport began to emerge that...

My Experience With Writing

I always wanted to learn English as a child, and luckily my father got transferred to India from Korea and I got chance to be enrolled in a school where I had to take ESL-English as Second Language Classes. This was the turning point in my life. It seemed like...

Marriage Integrity: Literature Study

Introduction In the Rite of Marriage that originated with Catholic doctrine, the indissolubility of marriage is a nonnegotiable presumption. This is clear from the form followed by all U.S. dioceses. Right in the “Sacrament of Intentions” – preceding the marriage vows –the priest asks, “(Name) and (name), have you come...