Comfortable Working: Personal Essay

I am comfortable working with a social group consisting of older people. I do not have any problems or worries when interacting with them. At the same time, I might feel uncomfortable collaborating with people with alternative sexual orientations. Some interactions might be awkward for me and require additional effort...

The Standard North American Family’s Privilege

Introduction The family belongs to the cohort of complex and constantly developing social institutions. In this regard, various sociological theories can be applied to studying processes occurring within the family and evaluating their impact on society. For example, Landor and Barr (2018) studied the role of skin tone as a...

Accor Hotel Brand: World-Leading Hotel Group

Head Office Location Address Information The headquarters of Accor is situated in Tour Sequana, Issy-les-Moulineaux, within commuting distance of the southwest district of Paris, France. Accor’s main office is located at its headquarters in Paris, France. The actual postal address for their headquarters is: 82 Rue Henri Farman CS 20077...

Running Racing: History and Evolution

Introduction Running is a technique of earthbound locomotion that allows people and animals to move swiftly on foot. One of the characteristics of running is the ariel phase, where the feet of the runner are higher than the ground (Kassens-Noor 8). During running, the alterations in potential and kinetic energy...

Parenting and Harm of Unrealistic Expectations

Robert Plomin – Professor of Behavioral Genetics, King’s College London The nature vs. nurture debate has a long history, and scholars of all times tried to determine whether parental heritage or upbringing was more critical in forming the personality. The scholars claim that approximately half of the differences in cognitive...

Evaluation of Paradigms and Personal Worldview

Introduction The ontological view or presumption that all human traits and acts are guided by one reality irrespective of context and individuals underpin the post-positivist paradigm, which is similar to the positivist paradigm. From it, four main directions can be determined – transformational, pragmatic, constructivist, and post-positivistic. Additionally, there are...

Family Systems Analysis of “A Family Thing” Movie

Introduction: Definition of a Family The family is the smallest basic unit of the existence of any populace. It is a social group of people who share the same pedigree. This group could be related based on birth, adoption, or marriage and therefore considered to be members of one family....

How to Maintain a Long-Term Relationship

The answer to how to maintain a long-term relationship can be simplified into one word – balance. Although it might seem there are too many factors that can contribute to the relationship ending, a closer inspection of those can uncover the hidden connection. A lack of a partner’s attention or,...

My Coaching Philosophy for a Basketball Team

When it comes to coaching, every great professional should have a guiding philosophy, which they are then going to emphasize on a day-to-day basis. My principles have helped me throughout my 35+ year long career as a professional basketball player and coach. I believe that apart from having certifications or...

Meditation as a Regular Practice

The real purpose of meditation is to increase awareness and consciousness. It causes a subsequent change in our perception of the external world. To date, there have been many studies that have confirmed the enormous benefits of meditation for mental and physical health. These practices can provide an invaluable sense...

Lifestyle Challenges: Convenience Over Health

Introduction The problem of promoting health through a number of widely known techniques, such as dietary choices or physical activity, is a dubious initiative from the perspective of its efficiency. One can easily suggest that these measures are sufficient for eliminating the risks of developing specific conditions; meanwhile, researchers claim...

Four Types of Love and Agape as Its Highest Form

The word “love” has various meanings, and everyone usually uses it, implying their meaning. I believe that clarifying the definition of love would benefit society and the world due to sympathy being one of the most important. As a result, people would be better at understanding their own emotions and,...

Savoring and Flow in Personal Experience

People escape bad feelings and stressful moments by doing things that fill them with happiness and satisfaction. For instance, taking warm baths, reading books, and taking strolls, offset negative emotions (Baumgardner & Crothers, 2013). Most of the activities create flow experiences by absorbing a person until they get lost in...

Emotions: Types and Importance

For humans as social beings, a sense of love is inherent. Love is a complex feeling, which causes such emotions as warm feelings, affection, and passion. Usually, one determines three fundamental mechanisms of love: libido, attachment, and partner preference. Main biological components are the next neurochemicals: dopamine, oxytocin, estrogen, vasopressin,...

Lifestyle Factors Affecting Adolescents

The objective of the interview is to comprehend young adults’ perspectives and experiences on physical activities and social influences over a specific time. The understanding is relevant when it comes to coming up with interventions needed in lifestyle promotions. Parents, guardians, and fellow age mates from different cultures play a...

Engaging the Local Community in the Development of Cultural Tourism in China

China is currently actively developing in various areas of the economy, one of which is tourism. The state pays special attention to the maintenance of cultural tourism, which is carried out through the attraction of tourist assets to cultural heritage sites. Growth in this direction helps to ensure the creation...

Social Work Skills: Mid-Term Evaluation and Self-Assessment

The purpose of this blog is to discuss the results of the mid-term evaluation in terms of social work skills and explain my professional growth and action plans for future field education experiences. The practicum experience at Vatsalya provided me with multiple opportunities to apply my academic knowledge and demonstrate...

Identities within Relationships

The concept of identities has been extensively discussed in modern society, as psychologists define more and more ways for people to express themselves. Presently, the following identities can be recognized: gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, abilities, origin. All these distinctive features influence the way people communicate and interact with...

Child Abuse or a Parental Discipline

Although children respond differently to discipline, physical contact towards a child should be considered as a parental discipline and not as an abuse. It is well known that some children need discipline, which absence can make a child disrespectful and arrogant. According to the center of effective discipline, there is...

How Married Life Is Different From Single Life?

People as social beings cannot live without society and biologically strive to live together. Nevertheless, society is changing, and it is becoming commonplace for many people in Western culture to live alone without the desire to change anything towards a serious relationship. Society has dramatically changed its views on relationships...

The Cultural and Psychological Aspects of Marriage

Marriage is a long-standing social and legal institution, and studying it through social sciences can change how we view it. Recognizing the cultural and psychological aspects of marriage and the shifts these aspects are currently experiencing is also important. For instance, separating marriage from childbirth and the rearing of children...

Role of the Family in the Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle

Introduction Human health depends on many social factors and variables. If society is characterized by stability, a high level of citizens’ well-being, and social policy aimed at increasing life expectancy, this contributes to the health of both the individual and society. When creating a plan of care about health, each...

Best Indoor Hobby: Crocheting, Blogging, and Videogames

Introduction Over the last decades, the paradigm of activities and hobbies people are engaged in on a regular basis has been modified drastically due to the overall shift of the notion “leisure’. Nowadays, unlike years ago, the vast majority of people find their hobbies without going outside their homes. Thus,...

The Evolution of Family in the USA

Due to various events and the emergence of new laws, the traditional forms of families are now opposed to new types of families that become more common and create new traditions and behavior changes. This paper will discuss the evolution of marriage and family in the U.S. over the past...

Football in Ghana and Its Relationship with the Rest of the World (Player Transfers)

Introduction, Background, Literature Review, evaluation, and Gaps Football is one of the most popular sports not only in Ghana but in the region of Africa and the global society. According to Bellucci (2019), football was introduced in Ghana by European merchants in the 19th century. It gained massive popularity among...

The Intersection of Hip-Hop, Sport, and Movies

Hip-hop has become one of the best-known genres in the world. Although the focus of hip-hop is on music, it has influenced many other industries. The most notable is the intersection of hip-hop, sport, and film. The connection between hip-hop and sports is in the competitiveness that both sectors have....

Dubai`s Tourism Achievements and Their Effect on the Excelling Dubai Economy

Introduction Dubai is one of the seven countries that form the famous united Arabs emirates. Located along the southern coast of the great Persians gulf, Dubai is one of the most popular cities of the United Arabs emirates; its uniqueness and distinction are embedded right from the name with the...

The Tower of London: Outstanding Place of Interest

Great Britain is well-known for its marvelous history and all things which contemplate the spirit of British culture and presence on the whole. This flow of grave events and historical data can be read out of the art masterpieces and architecture, in particular. I would rather describe this approach to...

Education & Interpersonal Relationships in Family

Building trusting and respectful relationships is a crucial factor that defines effective communication among people. Thus, there are various factors that may affect interpersonal relationships within a family, namely, the feeling of solidarity, love, or the ability of relatives to maintain a positive attitude. However, one of the most crucial...

Why I Want to Become a Dental Hygienist

Introduction Ever since I was a child, I have dreamed about working in healthcare. There was something very appealing and motivating in helping people overcome their health issues and improving their quality of life. I am convinced that some of my most prominent personality qualities have contributed to the formation...

Five Lessons From My First Semester

Relations with People Are Critical at Studying The first thing that becomes obvious at the very first moment of studying at the college is that there are many new people who surround you and successful communication with them is the key to success. Teachers, peers, and new friends all have...

Marriage Satisfaction and Its Factors

Marriage is a complex social phenomenon that is based not only on positive emotions of love but also on the ability of a couple to work towards the success of their relationship. Thus, many factors influence the positive outcomes of marriage and prevent individuals from experiencing disappointment or regret in...

Stress and Happiness in Personal Experience

Introduction I thought a lot about stress and happiness during the past week. Currently, I am running three companies including a car dealership, a rental company, and an automotive shipping firm each of which requires the transition to a new stage. For example, they need superior business planning and thorough...

Sports Management Internship: Lessons Learnt

Sports facility management is a concept in sports designed to help keep leagues, tournaments, sports complexes, and all other activities orderly and running most efficiently (American Association for Health Education). Sport facility management is not just an issue of making sure that the leisure center is organized. It also involves...

Myra Walters’ Speech: Benefits of Doing Yoga

Organizational Component The informative speech delivered by Myra Walters aims to demonstrate the physical and psychological benefits of doing yoga. The speech is designed to communicate the advantages of following a yoga regime with support from academic research and verbally explaining how it can be practiced. I believe the speech...

Parenting Styles by Diana Baumrind

According to Encarta (2007), “parenting is the experiences, skills, qualities, and responsibilities involved in being a parent, teaching and taking care of a child up to adulthood.” Parenting involves using skills, experiences, and qualities that are necessary for bringing up children. Therefore, parents are leaders in the family which require...

Basketball: Invention, History, Rules and Techniques

Basketball is a sport that involves a total of ten players who makes two teams, five on each side playing against each other by passing a ball and shooting it into the basket, which is always10 foot high ring controlled by rules that make the game organized. The players can...

Valuation of Southampton Football Club

Introduction Southampton Football Club is a sports team in the United Kingdom that competes in the English Premier League. Being among the most popular teams in the league, an investor is inquiring on whether or not the team is worth acquiring. This means that valuation is supposed to be conducted...

The Influence of Confucianism on Chinese Parenting

Introduction Confucianism and its practices have left their mark on the history of many Eastern countries, especially China, and can be seen in the attitude toward academic success that is commonly inculcated in children from a very early age. Moreover, just as important is the imprint of the dogma of...

The Impact of Rules and Norms on My Life

It is essential to mention that people live in a society, which is why they are exposed to the influence of other individuals and specific trends. Society significantly affects my life, which occurs through the media, advertising, and even during regular communication with friends. For instance, individuals follow fashion trends,...

Toddler Observation: Video Review

There are four little children in the video going about their play activities. The room is filled with different toys; there is a wooden slide and a wooden set of stairs that leads to a platform from which the children slide (Hatfieldmomof3 0: 02- 0:20). There are photos of children...

Athlete’s Performance and Well-Being During Ramadan

Introduction Muslim sportsmen are required to fast from sunrise to sunset every day during Ramadan. Most athletes will continue to train during Ramadan, and others may be forced to participate in competitions at homeland (Budak, 2006). They will, however, participate in religious, cultural, and social events during Ramadan. According to...

Dating Trends and Mate Selection

Introduction In the life of human beings, dating and mate selection have been critical aspects that facilitate the marriage institution across different cultures in the world. Men and women of different calibers have embraced the practice to link with a future partner. However, over the decades, the dating and process...

Building a Meaningful Friendship

Undeniably, friendship has an exceptional value in our lives, especially in building meaningful relationships. A meaningful friendship can be characterized as one that is long-lasting, encouraging, frequently described in terms of family, and spans a variety of circumstances (Winkle-Wagner et al., 2019). Therefore, I believe that my friendship has evolved...

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation

Extrinsic motivation occurs when a person is driven to undertake an action or participate in a task to receive a prize or escape prosecution. Intrinsic motivation occurs when a person partakes in action as it is pleasurable to her (Locke & Schattke, 2019). A person is doing something to do...

Personal Reflection on Clinical Progress

My clinical progress this semester mainly consisted of expanding my clinical knowledge base. The College of Emergency Nursing Australia (CENA) Practice Standards for the Specialist Emergency Nurse identify clinical expertise as the key domain of emergency nursing (CENA, 2020). According to the 1.1.2 and 1.3.1 Practice Standards, the diagnosis of...

CTE and Head Injuries in the NFL

Introduction American football is one of the sporting activities with many fans in the United States. Investors, sponsors, and professional footballers in the National Football League (NFL) make huge profits from this sport. Unfortunately, the glory and fame associated with the NFL remain questionable due to the health issues many...

Emotions: Fear and Freedom

This book tells that fear and freedom are two opposite ends of the same path. At the same time, it is fear that is the beginning for an individual who lives in doubt, and fear and attempts to control everything around them. According to Farnell, throughout life, such people should...

Hotel Guest Room Technology

Introduction It is important to note that technologies in the field of hospitality are of paramount importance for the effective and successful operation of the given form of businesses, which heavily rely on customer satisfaction and proper flow of procedures. Among these innovative measures are hotel guest room technologies, which...

The Relevance of Child Marriage and Its Impact on Fertility

Introduction The concept of early marriage is very vague, for example, the official language of jurisprudence considers a marriage concluded by young people before reaching a certain age established by law to be early. However, people are sure that the family created at the age of 18-20 is the earliest....

“Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” by Amy Chua

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, written by Amy Chua, is indeed an examination of the disparities between parenting styles and the principles that children and parents all across the world teach each other. The Tiger, being a natural metaphor for force, instills dread and reverence in most people. Therefore,...

Sports Ministry Plan Using Cross-Cultural Leadership

While most people view sports only as a competitive luxury industry, it is actually a valuable tool for economic development and humanitarian action. It can catalyze human cooperation, peace-building processes, and individual resilience. South Africa, in particular, has a vastly diverse population that is capable of waiving historical divisions to...

Outlaw Emotions in Modern Society

Modern people pay much more attention to tracking and managing emotions than before. Unfortunately, emotions are not always accepted by people with understanding, and some are considered inferior to others. Alison Jaggar (1989) argues that some feelings can be called outlaws in modern society. These emotions are contrary to the...

Discussion of Family Problems Impacts on Children

When it comes to assessing children, it is of importance to use multiple evidence-based tools. Interviews or open-ended tools are considered a starting point for becoming familiar with a child and their families and determining what further assessment measures are suitable (Wooley, 2013). This information demonstrates that quantitative methods should...

Fitness Plan: Cardiorespiratory Endurance, Muscular Strength, Flexibility

Cardiovascular/Cardiorespiratory Endurance Activity (Mode) for cardiovascular fitness I have chosen cycling as an activity that will enhance cardiovascular fitness. Cardiovascular exercises are a physical activity designed to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. These exercises should be done at least twice a week. Most programs run three to five...

Moving to the US: Challenges and Opportunities

Five years ago, my life changed completely. Born in 1970 in Moscow, Russia, I could never imagine that more than forty years later, I would become a mother of three beautiful children living in the United States. In 2016, my husband and I decided to move to Cleveland, Ohio. Such...

“Family Evaluation” Book by Kerr & Bowen

Introduction Bowen’s family systems theory is a psychological approach that many people have analyzed. The model reveals that an individual’s actions consider the Family as an emotional force and utilize systems to explain the unit’s specific communications. The book Family Evaluation was published in 1988 and referenced by many researchers...

Projections of Family in 2030: A Demographic Perspective

The traditional family roles have been evolving over the years with more emphasis on the female gender. Men still hold their roles as the primary provider in most families, but this is changing with women’s active roles in making sure the family is comfortable financially. The changing gender roles have...

A US-Based Professional Athlete Who Had a Problem With Their Agent

It is not unusual for an athlete to have a problem with an agent in the sporting industry. Alex Bregman joins the list of athletes who have had a problem with their agent. In 2020, Bregman parted ways with his agent Brodie Schofield because of the production of a documentary...

The Impact of Fitness on Academic Achievement

Introduction Within a fast-growing and advanced modern society, the tendency towards a healthy lifestyle became a significant part of the everyday life of an average person. Physical fitness, including “aerobic fitness, muscular fitness, and motor skills” both in childhood and adolescence, anticipates crucial health aspects later on in life (Syväoja,...

Effects of Divorce on Children

Divorce refers to the dissolution of marriage through legal means (Theu 2). In any divorce case, there are various duties that the divorcing parties must undertake so as to have the divorce process completed. These responsibilities include taking care of the children as well as sharing property. In most cases,...

The Health Care Insurance Supervisor: Job Description

Discussion In staffing within the health care insurance sector, the first step is the manpower requirement estimation. This process involves establishment of the actual personnel in terms of the number, position, and job roles. The main elements considered in the estimation include analysis of work load and workforce in order...

Anthropology. Why Do People Marry?

Introduction Marriage, also referred to as wedlock or matrimony, is the process of legalizing a relationship between two people in a bond that is socially expected to last until death. However, this duration may be shortened by external factors, such as divorce or separation. The durability of marriage can be...

Organizational Theories in Australian Football League (AFL)

Organizational theories attempt to explain how entities work and to appreciate the processes that produce certain outcomes within the corporations. Such theories tend to draw from various bodies of knowledge but they all illustrate the internal and external relationships between the stakeholders. Among the key models are organizational culture and...

The NBA Global Expansion

American men’s professional basketball league, the National Basketball Association, is one of the most well-known sports leagues in the United States and the whole world. The popularity of the game itself, NBA teams, and signed players is only growing, which in turn explains the Association’s plans for further global expansion....

Family Health and Nursing Process

Family composition Janet’s family is a Black American nuclear family with both parents and three children. The father of the family is 57 years old, and the mother is 50 years old. The couple has two daughters. One is 19 years old and the other one is 16 years old....

Step-By-Step Guide for Horse Grooming

Horse grooming has always been a very important part of hygienic care. It is not only a means to keep your horse clean, the horse grooming is exercised before the horse shows to present a pet at best. So, this essay will elaborate on the way to groom a horse...

Remarriage in Religious Studies

Introduction The most scared institution of the human life is marriage. By marrying each other a man and a woman become one and enter the family life. The Bible and the other religions have separate views on marriage and instruct the followers in separate ways to enter and maintain the...

Differences Between Anaerobic and Aerobic Adaptations in Training

Introduction People respond differently in each training program. Ultimately, an individualized training program is needed to address the specific needs and responses of the trainee. However, the extent of performance depends on the size of a trainee adaptation window referred to as genetic ceiling for change. The effectiveness of various...

Shoes as an Aesthetic Object

Shoes can be seen as an authentic object as they reflect the cultural traditions and values of a particular nation, its artistic vision, and its experience. Understanding shoes as an authentic object leads to a distinctive view of the nature of the self which is a challenge to individualist rationalism,...

Reasons of Divorce Analysis

First of all it is necessary to mention, that the reasons of divorce may be various. Some of them are rather banal, like material troubles or pestering. The others may be shocking and depend only on the fantasy of the spouses. Nevertheless, the mpst common reasons are regarded to be...

Tourism in Bath in the United Kingdom

Bath in the United Kingdom is visited by people from all over the world and this has made it to be the Heritage City. Visiting as well as living in Bath has a very good experience and great offers. Accommodation, food and drinks, shopping and the tours offered makes it...

Sport Investment Analysis

Sports and physical culture have been developing rapidly in recent decades, turning into a whole industry of sports and spectacular events, which, from a business perspective, is a promising object of investment. In modern society, these are the most important factors in maintaining and strengthening people’s health, improving the technical...

Significant Event That Positively Impacted My Life

Introduction Every person may notice that there is a wide range of factors that influence his or her life every day. New acquaintances, knowledge, or experience make their contribution either to improve or degrade the quality of living. However, at the same time, only highly significant events have an immeasurably...

Jamaica Cruise by an American Student

My trip to Jamaica on a cruise was an exciting adventure. The experience of being in the Caribbean Sea surrounded only by clear blue water and visiting the Island with pure nature, green forests, and white beaches were remarkable. Before embarking on the cruise ship, I knew almost nothing about...

A Person I Would Like to Be: Helen Keller

Introduction My daughter Andrea was born with brown eyes and soft brown hair and from the first moment I saw her “beautiful” was the only word that came to mind to describe the light of my life. The way she curled her small hand around my finger when she was...

Hosting the World Cup in the United States

Abstract Soccer is one of the most popular games in the world. However, it seems that the case is different among American game lovers. The game is not as popular in this country. Analysts have explored the possibility of bringing the World Cup to the US. The current paper discussed...

Friendship as a Two-Way Process

THESIS: Friendship is a multi-faceted process that requires everyone be more attentive to needs of others; a good friend is one who less egoistic and selfish and more comprehensive and empathetic because a friend is not the one who had been given for another person from one’s birth as parents...

Compassionate and Fatuous Love Comparison

Introduction Love is typically viewed as one of the most complex emotions, which, to some extent, is correct since, unlike other emotional responses like happiness or sadness, love cannot be produced intentionally (Sinclair, Fehr, Wang, & Regehr, 2016). The intricate nature of the phenomenon, nonetheless, allows classifying the subject matter...

Solutions to the Problem of Steroids in Sports and Athletics

Abstract The solution to steroids has no silver bullet in the modern context. A close look at the causes and developments of the problem of steroids clearly postulates that it may take a long time to completely stop using them. This paper looks at the Acts and regulations developed in...

Healthy Marriage and Family Relationships

Introduction Marriages and family relationships are the forms of conceptual institutions in which different personalities play roles to ensure that people of the opposite sexes form spousal unions. These unions are based on psychological functions that deal with mental and emotional parts of human beings. A keen examination on the...

Prenatal Development & Birth Stages Analysis

Introduction Since I have no memory of my prenatal development and birth, I can strictly rely on the information I have learned about these processes. Prenatal development takes place in three primary stages. The first two weeks following conception are known as the germinal stage, followed by the embryonic period...

Global Changes in the Hospitality Industry

Introduction The modern world is constantly changing and extremely quick: amounts and information flows are significant and continually increase. Increasing the information and its unification is globalization: it leads to the interference of various information flows and results in the modern global culture. Globalization breaks existing borders and creates new;...

Extramarital Relationships and Their Causes

Extramarital affairs represent a critical problem for the modern institution of marriage. The significance of this issue is determined by a negative impact on the relationship between people within families and others. There are various types of extramarital affairs, which in turn leads to the need to find suitable options...

Polyandrous Relationships and Their Key Features

Introduction Since ancient times, people have learned to find and apply specific methods and means to interact with others. Moreover, these sorts, types, and forms of relations began to be “framed” and acquire more specific formats. Some of the most famous connections are friendly, business, family, and love, which also,...

Sports Activities, Socialization, and Deviance

Introduction Sports activities have been part of human life since the beginning of the human race, especially among children, teens, and young adults. However, organized sports became popular in the 20th century after realizing that the social environment and everyday activities influenced human development. Games and sports activities were created,...

Negative Consequences of Online Dating Sites

Introduction Recent technological advancement has greatly influenced the way people communicate and interact. Online communication is now becoming a trendy way of passing information. Having noticed this new mode of interaction, some developers have decided to take the opportunity of this new form of interaction and developed dating apps that...

Family Issue: Impact of the Divorce on the Children

Introduction In his article, Donahey (2018) talks about divorce as a family issue and its impact on children. The author informs that when parents separate in marriage, the issue is not only an adult’s problem but also affects children significantly. Most marriage dissolution outcomes can harm the success of children...

Waste Management in Hospitality and Tourism Management

Introduction Waste is considered an end product of a particular product that is no longer useful. In the present day, following industrialization and advancements in technology, there has been a rise in the total waste produces by industries and households. The end repercussions of these increases are a massive degeneration...

“Enchanted Garden” Wedding Plan

Introduction The wedding day is the event people want to remember for a lifetime. Therefore, it is critical that the ceremony is beautiful, well-established, and respects the interests of all guests. The wedding is a family event, but at the same time, this day is especially important for the bride,...

The Influence of Culture on Self-Development and Maturity Process

Naturally, my surroundings, including social interaction, tend to influence my identity and me as a person in general. For instance, my neighborhood and the people I befriended there impact my judgment, character traits, and opinions on a daily basis. In addition, my cultural background and its aspects like traditions, mentality,...

Goal Setting Using Skip Downing’s (DAPPS) Model

The ability to efficiently formulate and set goals is an important life skill that can influence how a person lives a life. According to the DAPPS rule, the great goal must be dated and achievable to determine whether the aim is met; and personal to make sure that the person...

Muhammad Ali and His Legacy: Informative Speech

Introduction Sports activities form an important part of humanity’s culture and development. Evidently, they have a strong impact on a person’s physique, but they also contribute to mentality and emotional maturity. While many people do exercises and workouts on an amateur level, others dedicate their entire lives to sports. Boxing...

The Football Impact on the European Region

Football is undoubtedly one of the most famous sports across the globe, with a large percentage of the world’s population very interested in the following football. The European region has been considered to be the world’s most prominent fan organization, with around three million football fans (Faccia et al., 2020)....

College Athletes Should Not Be Paid

The debate concerning actual monetary compensations to college athletes for their participation in diverse competitions, especially when it comes to football or baseball, did not start yesterday. Some note that every kind of effort and achievement should be rewarded accordingly, so college athletes should be paid. Others emphasize that these...

Impact of Airbnb on the UK’s Economy

The hospitality industry has proven to be critical for economic growth and development across the world economies. In the UK, the hospitality business contributes significantly to the gross domestic product. Before the coronavirus pandemic emerged, such businesses as cafes, pubs, bars, catering, campsites, hotels, and other accommodation generated an estimated...

Perfect Family Myths on Divorce and Parenting

Introduction Family is the central concept in social sciences, the first agent of socialization in a child’s life, and the most precious thing in life for most people regardless of their age, gender, race, or nationality. There are numerous types of families: nuclear, extended, blended, and joint, to name but...

Family of Six Life Crisis Case Study

Introduction to the Family This paper presents a family which lives in Alta, Salt Lake County in Utah State, US. The family is comprised of a couple with four children making it a neutral family composed of six individuals. The cultural context for the family is highly influenced by religious...

“Building Your Inner Coach” Brett Ledbetter’s TED Talk

In his speech on the creation of an inner coach, Brett Ledbetter concentrates on what is the driving force behind the winnings. In search of an answer, he interviewed 15 coaches, who helped their wards achieve many victories. He found that despite the widespread reliance on the motivational power of...

Why People Exercise: Medical and Social Causes

Many people exercise nowadays since this trend has become popular due to the long-standing crisis associated with a sedentary lifestyle among US residents. By living a healthy lifestyle, people often mean regular exercise and a healthy diet. Moreover, scientists note that people most often consider exercise as a hobby or...

The National Football League Team Moving to the City of Omaha

Moving the National Football League team to the city of Omaha, Nebraska, will have a positive financial influence on the citizens residing within its boundaries. Sports franchises prioritize the maximum profit as any other profit-making company. Therefore, it is highly improbable that an out-of-state move will prevail. Relocation appears to...

Mentality of Fandom in Sports Culture

Being a part of a sports event is a more satisfying experience because it elicits the feelings of connection and belonging and evokes stronger emotions than watching or streaming the game online. When people go to the stadium, they are surrounded by fans, share the experience, and feel more involved....

Listening Skills: Term Definition

The skills of active listening and asking questions is an integral part of people’s persuasion skills. Most people do not always listen carefully to each other, even if they are talking about interesting or important for them issues. Furthermore, many believe that the ability to listen effectively comes down to...

Mentorship as a Challenge

“It is like a picture that a painter paints and then he cannot hang it when he has a show and nobody will buy it because they cannot hang it either” (Hemingway). In this quote from Hemingway’s essay “Miss Stein Instructs,” the author shows the nature of mentorship he received...

“Not Under My Roof: Parents, Teens, and the Culture of Sex” by Schalet

Introduction These days, sex education appears to be a matter of multiple discussions. This topic especially regards teenagers, who are eager to start their sexual life, but they are not experienced enough. This fact is highly likely to lead to negative consequences and result in psychological traumas, unintended pregnancy, and...

Health Promotion Model: The Lifestyle Change Project

Introduction As a nursing professional, there is the pressing need to address the cause rather than the symptoms of a public need relative to promotion of health in individuals, families, and the population in general (Flynn et al., 2006). This approach gives the nursing professional and the patient the opportunity...

Parenting Styles Overview and Analysis

Parenting Styles: Essay The approaches parents use while raising their children significantly impact personalities, world perception, and the future of the latter. Scientific researches examine the influence of different relationship patterns in families and often depends on the parenting styles formed by Californian psychologist Diana Baumrind. Their studies analyzed how...

First in Show Pet Foods: Case Analysis

Introduction First in Show Pet Foods is among the newest frozen dog food companies, which can be considered to be a first-mover in the given market. The dog food market is estimated to be worth $10 billion, which is half of the veterinary service market of $20 billion. The overall...

Gender Stratification and Divorce Trends

The question of gender stratification is tightly integrated into various vital parts of individuals’ personal and public lives. The ways males and females interact within the society is essential to fully comprehend the effect gender roles have on various aspects of culture. Different thinkers have applied theories and perspectives to...

Sustainable Tourism as an Oxymoron

Regardless of current travel restrictions imposed by the outbreak of COVID-2019, tourism remains an engaging cultural practice, economic activity, and educational possibility. It is a powerful tool for recreation and social integration. However, tourism inevitably puts pressure on natural resources: it largely depends on air transport and thus contributes to...

Web Evaluation of Disneyland Hong Kong

Introduction Web Evaluation The widespread of internet technologies led that the web becoming virtually accessible to everyone. The statistics show that as of March 2011 there are approximately 298,002,705 sites responding online. All of those websites vary in their orientation, directivity, and the sphere in which they operate, but most...

Same Sex Marriages in India

India is one of the Asian countries that have been violently opposed to same-sex marriages for many years. This opposition however does not mean that there are no cases of gays and lesbians in the country. The Indian culture has in the past provided room for mistreatment of any person...

Site Description: Atlantis Paradise Island

Introduction The resort center that Royal Brewing Company chose was Atlantis Paradise Island. It is a water park and a resort that is located in the Bahamas, United States. It was launched in 1998 by the South African hotel. Its conducive serene is characterized by impeccable features like Trump Plaza—comprising...

Personal Professional Development for the Workplace

Executive Summary This personal development plan is an important and very helpful tool that is in the disposal of someone who recently finished her studies. Even if there is so much learning in the theoretical aspect of managing a business there is nothing like working in a real-world setting. The...

Art, Nature and Emotions as a Part of Human Life

Everything in the world has its practical value, destination and purpose. There are some genuinely beautiful things whereas others do not represent any aesthetical or practical preciousness at the first sight. People utilize ones on the everyday basis and neglect others that they may not even notice during their whole...

Home. Concept Definition and Personal Vision

To me, home is our ancestral house ‘Red Rose’ in Junction City, Louisiana in which grandmother Emma lives. A visit to it is like stepping into another world. The garden is full of my favorite roses. My own room stocked with clothes purchased by grandmother. Most of the family photographs...

In-Flight Catering: Earning Customer Satisfaction

Background The hospitality industry, in general, is one of the most competitive ones. Globalization and liberalization of the economy have further brought this industry into a sharp focus. With more low-cost airlines coming into the field, benchmarking has become an integral part of the corporate strategy. Airlines companies are now...

Birth Order and Siblings Relationships

The term ‘birth order’ is used to analyze the role of a person according to his/ her age among his siblings. Therefore it is used to determine the relationship of siblings who not only differ in age but also possess different behaviors and habits. Birth order affects one sibling’s attitude...

Qatar Hosting FIFA World Cup 2022

Introduction FIFA World Cup is one of the largest soccer tournaments in the world. It is scheduled to occur in 2022, and the host country will be Qatar. The FIFA World Cup is one of the prestigious and widely popular sports events, which gives a hosting nation a number of...

Child Adoption and Society

It is impossible to call the adoption of children a new or infrequent practice. However, there can be disputes when it comes to the question of whether it is good for children in foster care and people willing to become their new families. This essay argues that child adoption is...

American Sports: Football, Soccer, Basketball

Introduction Games are thought to be helpful in reducing stress and taking one’s mind off mundane tasks and daily routines. Some games have grown to be recognized as official sports with strict rules, governing institutions, and international events. Out of all sports, football, soccer, and basketball have grown to be...

Authoritarian Parenting Impact on Children’s Health

Introduction Parents play a huge role in shaping children’s capacity to handle difficulties or meet their daily mental and physical demands. Hence, the approach deployed to raise children determines their psychological well-being and, consequently, their day-to-day activities. Parenting style may be defined as a collection of strategies and ways of...

Media Monitoring Assignment

Introduction As it can be seen from the survey, my personal media usage altered with the course of time. It mainly happened because of the enormous development in the technological sphere, the influence of media, and individual changes. Even in 2005, I spent the majority of my free time watching...

Responsibility in Personal Perception

Introduction Responsibility is a diverse term that has several definitions. It may refer to the acquisition of personal qualities and values that make people aware of their duties and expectations and thus go on to accomplish them and deal with the consequences of their decisions and actions. Responsible people realize...

Can Marriage End Poverty?

The role of marriage Marriage and poverty are sensitive issues especially when matters about a family’s well-being remain a priority. Marriage is the unification of a man and a female; furthermore, it should be legal. Conversely, poverty is a state when one lives under unfavorable conditions due to a shortage...

Intramurals vs. Mainstream College Sports

College sports are usually referred to any sports activities and competitions held for students either in the form of intramurals, “within walls”, or extramural, mainstream college sports. Both having their pros and cons, intramurals and extramural sports are likely to be compared in various aspects, particularly from the psychological point...

Tourism Site: Lake Geneva, Switzerland

Abstract The tourism sector is a major and substantial contributor to any nation’s source of income. Tourist attraction sites are unique and different in different parts of the world. The great and unique features of such locations tend to attract tourists from different places. The fees citizens and foreigners pay...

Internet for Travel Agencies and Tourism Websites

Introduction As mobile technologies provide more and more opportunities for travel, the need for travel agencies reduces. Such applications as Google Maps, Foursquare,, Airbnb, Tripadvisor, and hundreds of others make independent traveling easier, cheaper, and more convenient for regular tourists. Despite the presence of such rivals, travel agencies have...

Sports Venues and Events Management

Introduction Maintaining and increasing spectator satisfaction is an important goal in stadium management (Hock, Ringle, and Sarstedt, 2010). This need is more profound in multifunctional stadia that cater to different customer needs. Therefore, the stadium management process needs to cater to the needs of a wide spectrum of customers who...

Parenting: Open Versus Closed Adoption

Abstract The present paper focuses on open adoption as a widely debated social practice, discusses the positive and negative issues connected with open adoption, reflects upon the data and findings of current research on open adoption, and shows that the perspectives of open adoption are attractive and vital to society...

College Sport Ethical Issues

In the contemporary world, sport has become the source and the target for a variety of social issues of different characters. The popularity of sports in contemporary society, their financial and political aspects triggered a number of conflicts and scandals in different fields of sports. The scholars today explore sports...

Sports Player Agents: Matthew Gaeta

Matthew Gaeta Matthew Gaeta started Gaeta Sports Management and serves as its CEO and founder. He has passed the required training to become a Certified Agent with the Major League Baseball Players Association (MBLPA). More than eighty major league baseball players are under Mr. Gaeta’s representation, and he has built...

Parenting Styles’ Impact on Children

Introduction Parenting is a holistic process of raising children to protect them, prepare them to be responsible adults, and instill values in them. Different parenting styles have different outcomes, and a parent can choose a technique aligned with the desired result. Research on parenting style is paramount because it informs...

Parenting Styles: Infancy and Early Childhood

Generally, a child’s behavior is directly linked to the parenting approach being used by the respective parent. Each technique used has a corresponding impact on the well-being and development of the young ones. According to the work of Amy Morin (2022), there are four basic parenting methods that are most...

Leadership in Sports: Sport Psychology

The leader is the most crucial figure in any project or event. That is a person who establishes inner and outer communication and ensures that the desired goal is reached. The leader largely affects each team member’s life in addition to the lives of others who gain from the product...

Social Work Career: Personal Experiences

Introduction My desire and interests to help and support those in need started at a tender age. At preschool age, I shared my belongings with vulnerable children. One notable instance that caused trouble between my parents and me was when I insisted we offer my room to a homeless street...

How Parental Involvement Influences the Life of the Individual

The purpose of the work is to demonstrate how parental involvement influences the academic and social life of the individual from the perspective of several theoretical notions and models. Thereby, the overarching research question examines the reason for parental engagement’s positive impact and mechanisms of parental and school/college/university cooperation. Besides,...

Coaches’ Role in Athletes’ Nutrition and Mental Health

Study 1 Jacob, R., Couture, S., Lamarche, B., Provencher, V., Morissette, É., Valois, P., Goulet, C., & Drapeau, V. (2019). Methods In their study, the researchers aimed to assess sports coaches’ intentions and their psychosocial determinants relevant to providing nutrition and nourishment recommendations to the athletes that they coach. The...

Belize as a Tourist Destination

Introduction The travel industry around the world is currently experiencing a difficult economic period due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, these events have dealt a blow to those countries whose economy depends on the tourism sector. However, outbound tourism is also a significant part of the economy of many...

Divorce in Islam in Contrast with Christianity

Quran serves as the basis for Islamic doctrine and is considered the word of God, whereas Muhammad is merely a conduit through whom God speaks with humans. A significant part of the Quran could be described as the “family law,” and it contains a view on such types of family...

Liverpool: Destination Management Plan

Introduction Tourism is economically significant to countries since it earns them foreign exchange. Consequently, various countries invest in developing activities and infrastructure, making them attractive tourist destinations. Relevant authorities engage in destination planning to manage the visitor economy for tourists. A Destination Management Plan (DMP) is a business plan developed...

The Causes of Depression and How to Overcome It

Introduction It has been more than two years since the novel coronavirus has killed millions of people and infected even more people, regardless of the country or continent, which experienced unprecedented disruptions in their lifestyles. The government’s policies to combat the virus included the closure of schools, which intended to...

Homogamous Marriage as Societal Change

Marriage is an important part of an individual’s life and a solid social institution. It is deeply rooted in most people’s understanding that at some point in their life, they should get married; in the case of the conservative part of the population, married to someone of different sex and...

Houston City’s Bid for Hosting Olympics

Introduction There are several vital reasons why Houston city would bid to host the Olympics. Hosting the Olympics is a prestigious event that can help to raise the profile of the city on a global stage. For a city to host the Olympics, it must have a promising financial background...

The Purpose of Dreaming and Personal Sleep Habits

Sleep has always been one of the general components of human existence. What is more, sleep quality has a crucial effect on a person’s condition during the day. It is necessary to sleep well and have enough hours per night to be able to live the day through in a...

Researching of Marriott International Company

Marriott International is a hospitality company with approximately 2,800 Marriott-branded properties located in the United States and other countries. The company is a global operator, franchisor, and licensor of the hotel, residential, and timeshare real estate. Marriott International’s portfolio of hotel property brands is the largest and most attractive in...

Reasons Why Kids Should Not Play Tackle Football

Physical activity, including many types of sport such as football, plays a major role in the lives of children. However, several articles have noted an increasing number of safety hazards resulting from such activities. Of course, measures have been taken to avoid serious injuries and allow kids to practice tackle...

Parenting Styles by Diana Baumrind

Children exhibit different behavioral characteristics depending on their upbringing. Diana Baumrind developed four parenting styles explaining children behaviour in specific situations. The authoritative style is associated with clear rules, support, independence, and high expectations. Children raised by authoritative parents are most likely to develop good social skills and self-esteem. The...

The Corporate Social Responsibility in Sport

A club’s balance sheet may include a stadium and a training facility, or an 18-figure sum in cash or a bank account, but its main asset is the local community’s support. Corporate social responsibility in sports has a favorable effect on the state of the environment. Valuable and important benefits...

Simone Biles: The Talented Gymnast

In the podcast by The Daily, Juliet Macur, a sports reporter from The New York Times, and a host of the show discuss the life of Simone Biles. She is considered to be one of the best and most talented gymnasts in the whole world. She tried doing gymnastics on...