Accessibility of Healthcare in the United States

Introduction Inequality in medical care services and health outcomes concerns both developed and developing countries. The core issue that hinders the development of an accessible healthcare system in the U.S. is the cost of insurance. These costs accounted for 5% of the national income in 1960 compared to 18% in...

Prevalence and Death Rates of Asthma in Australia

Asthma is a major health issue in Australia, prevalence and death rates are high by international standards even though there has been a decline. The prevalence in children remains high however the mortality rate has reduced compared to the previous years. This paper will look at asthma in the Aboriginal...

Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases: Tuberculosis

Introduction Communicable diseases represent an almost inescapable phenomenon, especially in the modern setting of the global community where members of different social classes and economic background can converse. With the advent of tuberculosis and the threats that it has created, the global panic seems to have reached its peak, the...

Cannabis 101 for Nurses

The use of cannabis for medical purposes has gained massive attention in recent years. According to the World Health Organization, cannabis is the most widely cultivated and abused drug worldwide, with a prevalence of 2.5% of the population (as cited in Bridgeman & Abazia, 2017, p. 180). This essay will...

Current Nursing Shortage and Foreign Staff Recruitment

Introduction The nursing shortage continues to get larger. With the lack of nursing instructors and nurses retiring as well as nurses changing professions, the numbers are more dismal every year. There is the expectation that there will be more than 400,000 vacant nursing positions in the next 10 years. This...

Living With Disability: Medical and Social Models Application

The Medical Model of disability According to Scambler (2008:43), numerous medical analysts perceive this model as an antecedent of the social model of disability. This model exemplifies disability as a disease or a state of abnormality. This means a person lacks the normal features, which characterize other human beings. In...

Organizational Design of Johns Hopkins Hospital

Introduction and background Community development and welfare is a chief component of the society and healthcare and hospitals are fundamentally responsible for the development. (Lieber, 2008) The Johns Hopkins Hospital was opened in late 19th centaury, in 1889, at Baltimore, Maryland, when the medical education community of American was in...

Spirometry Test for Respiratory System

Respiration is one of the vital physiological processes required for a normal homeostasis. It is also a complicated process where various mechanisms are interconnected to ensure a smooth air flow through the relevant pathways (Guyton and Hall, 2006). A defect in the respiratory system could lead to various complications which...

Nursing Code and Ethical Practices

Nurses are a very essential part of the hospital setup and as such are required in many ways to assist the patient. “Nurses have four fundamental responsibilities: to promote health, to prevent illness, to restore health and to alleviate suffering” (ICN, 2006). Being human beings, nurses may apply their own...

Applying Research Skill: Medication Error

Introduction Within the hospital, medical errors can occur due to negligence, delayed diagnosis, and inadequate follow up among others. Such mistakes have disastrous effects on patients, institutions, doctors and nurses. To prevent accidental injury, management must ensure they build a safe health care system. Many people die due to such...

“A Mask on the Face of the Death” by Richard Selzer

In the” Mask in the Face of Death” Sezler calls upon the government refusals in the words of foreign tropical rites like carnival and voodoo. Sezler uncovers the truth on how the Aids pandemic ravages the Haiti as the government watches helplessly. Here, he tells to his audience the truth...

Asthma: Symptoms, Types, Etiology, and Treatment

Common Symptoms Asthma is a specific and rather severe condition that is determined by airways swelling, narrowing, and sometimes producing extra mucus. Some patients see this disease as a minor nuisance, but others have more serious symptoms and deal with a major issue that can lead to life-threatening asthma attacks...

“Work Stress Among Newly Graduated Nurses” by Blomberg

“Work stress among newly graduated nurses in relation to workplace and clinical group supervision” by Blomberg et al. (2016) is an experimental cross-sectional comparative study aimed to investigate occupational stress among newly graduated nurses. The dependent variable measured in the research is the perceived amount of stress experienced by nurses....

Promoting Better Health for the American Population

Introduction The official statistic shows that the United States’ life expectancy rate is significantly lower than in the majority of developed countries of the world. The health status of a country’s citizens is the basic indicator of a nation’s welfare that depends on a variety of factors, including demographics, leading...

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Health Care Reform

Introduction Passed into the United States law by President Barrack Obama, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is a cardinal statute. Coupled with the Health Care and Education Reform Act of 2010, the PPACA forms the backbone of the 2010 health care reforms agenda. These laws cover transformation...

The Importance of Effective Healthcare Communication

Introduction Communication is vitally important. This is one of the major tools used by human beings to establish interpersonal relationships. This is can be seen by how a person communicates his intentions and his desires. Without the ability to communicate, interpersonal conflict can easily arise but more importantly there can...

The “Interpersonal Relations Theory” by Hildegard Peplau

Introduction Nursing theories are powerful frameworks that guide practitioners to provide personalized and high-quality care to their patients. Hildegard Peplau is one of the professionals whose ideas continue to reshape healthcare practice. Her “Interpersonal Relations Theory” identifies the nursing process as a sequential procedure that focuses on the best problem-solving...

Healthcare Delivery System in the US and Its Components

History of Healthcare in the US In America, the healthcare system was driven by the power of capitalism. This caused health care services to be expensive and accesible to wealthy people only. There was inequality in the delivery of health care, which prompted several attempts by leaders to provide affordable...

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a genetic neuromuscular disease that affects the motor neurons of the spinal cord and leads to increasing muscle weakness. The disease is progressive in nature, weakness begins with the whole body and the muscles of the legs, and then it reaches the muscles responsible for...

Alternative Medicine in Nursing Practice

The integration of the concepts and approaches of complementary and alternative medicine requires proper introduction through educational and investigational teaching (Rice, 2006). Understanding the full range of theories underlying CAM therapies, their historical background, and how diverse members of the population react to them are among the critical information needed...

Change Model: Hypertension-Related Problems

Introduction Hypertension-related problems are frequently observed in adults, and the task of medical workers is to take preventive measures and reduce their blood pressure to normal limits. The application of antihypertensive drugs is one of the common therapies that can be offered to patients, but this intervention has to be...

Application of Analysis of Variance in the Analysis of HIV/AIDS-Related Depression Cases

Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is a commonly used approach in testing of the equality of various means using variance (Derrick, 2008). This analysis of often based on a number of assumptions including: independence of the samples, equal variance in populations and that the populations from which...

Heritage Assessment and Health Traditions

Introduction The significance of considering culture as a factor in healthcare is specifically important for multicultural countries. Ion that regard, the diversity of cultures result have a great impact on the health of those different cultures. Cultural background, heritage, and language “have a considerable impact on both how patients access...

Cruzan vs. Schiavo: Comparative Case Analysis

Introduction Today’s healthcare paradigm has become highly dependent on the notions of ethics and respect for individual freedom and world perception. Despite decades of continuous struggle for adequate healthcare ethics application, there still exists a variety of issues both public and government are to reconsider in order to create an...

Antioxidant’s and Vitamin C

Antioxidant’s functions Different kinds of antioxidants act as defensive organism against oxidative-stress. “Antioxidants are classified by function into four categories; Preventive antioxidants; radical scavenging antioxidants; repair and de novo antioxidants; and adaptation antioxidants” (Noguchi, Watanabe & Shi, p809). Their functions are as follows: Antioxidants protect against cell injury They are...

Nursing Informatics in Healthcare

Abstract The development of innovative technological solutions and the active promotion of digitalization in every aspect of people’s lives have also affected nursing substantially. Namely, the creation of nursing informatics as a separate field that has helped in improving the efficacy and quality of care has served an instrumental function...

Professional Practice Scenario: Nursing

The roles and responsibilities of a registered nurse when delegating nursing care A registered nurse obtains a license from the Australian State or Territory Nurses Act or Health Professionals Act to practice in Australia. (ANMC, 2005). Of superior competence and reliability, she practices alone and interdependently. Accountability and responsibility makes...

How to Encourage Low Sugar Consumption Among Primary School Students?

Sugar Consumption as a Serious Problem Sugar, or sucrose, is a natural molecule usually produced by plants.1 Chemically, it is a disaccharide consisting of glucose and fructose links. Since ancient times, humanity has learned to use this white crystalline substance as a food additive, and today sugar is an integral...

The Problem of Different Perspectives of Supervisors on the Same Issue

A management problem I have encountered during the experience in my work place in the Respiratory Department consists of different perspectives of Respiratory supervisors on the same issue. Respiratory supervisors in this department include a supervisor, a lead Therapist, a charge, and the seniority Therapist. As a consequence, I have...

Critique of Feasibility Study on Multidisciplinary Fall Prevention

Introduction Falling among the elderly has been on the rise among the elderly people in developed worlds like Britain and the Netherlands. The Dutch health care system adopted a system that was being used by the British health care system as the intervention measure to prevent falls among the elderly....

Patient’s Spiritual Needs: Case Analysis

The physician is a well-educated professional, so he knows which complications James has, and is aware of possible negative consequences in case of refusal to undergo a kidney transplant. It seems that the doctor has to take a firm position and urge parents to do all the needed procedures, but...

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Introduction Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders aims to classify the disorders according to certain criteria that are essential for reliable diagnoses (Paris, 2013, p. 70). Clinicians and researchers use the book as the guide for the essential characteristics of any type of mental disorder. The cultural background, gender,...

Medical Ethics: Ron’s Hypertension Case Study

Introduction An eighteen year old is brought to the Emergency Department of a reputable hospital from a motor vehicle accident. The young man had his seat belt on at the time of the accident and he was driving. The patient’s name is Ron. He is awake, alert, and oriented. Initial...

Social Barriers During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction When the world is under pressure from the COVID-19 infection, previously implicit public health problems became apparent to people. Without pointing out the rather spontaneous difficulties with the lack of personal protective equipment such as disposable gloves and masks, emphasis should be placed on an information system and the...

Stress and Time Management

The survey results suggest that the majority of students experience stress when they cannot meet deadlines, and one-third of students feel stress under deadline pressure from time to time. The data is supported by Svedberg’s current information that highlights that an individual can lower the level of anxiety when there...

Irish Healthcare System: HR Management and Financing

Introduction The management of the healthcare sector requires using not only adequate leadership practices and approaches to monitoring employee performance but also appropriate funding for innovation and industry development. In the work process, medical specialists of various fields, including physicians and nurses, face various problems and issues that need to...

Spirituality in Health Care Analysis

Introduction Spirituality describes a relationship with God (Spirituality Information, 2010). It is the inward spirit away above or greater oneself. The greater power and Spirit is God (Live strong, 2009) Spiritual needs Assessment Organizations need to describe spiritual content and capacity for her assessment and the individual requirements taking the...

Model of Nursing Care and Patient Safety

Introduction Healthcare professionals especially those in the nursing field, apply different types of models in order to execute their roles professionally. These models are beneficial to patients and help to promote code of ethics and patient safety. Thus, a nursing model is a conceptual framework connecting particulars and phenomena, which...

Nutrition Education and Public Health Promotion

Public health is among the areas of concern for governments across the globe. Early prevention is rather inexpensive and may lead to the avoidance of grievous and expensive health problems. Government accountabilities for public health transcend past voluntary endeavors and services to encompass other authorities such as quarantine, compulsory immunization,...

Opportunistic Infections: HIV and Kaposi’s Sarcoma

What is the Single Most Important Action That You Can Take to Prevent Developing an Infectious Disease? Why? The main preventive methods of diseases I consider are a healthy lifestyle and hygiene. In this way, immunity is strengthened, and the possibility of stress is reduced. Moreover, compliance with hygiene rules...

Leadership Strategies for Conflict Management in Nursing

Introduction Nursing is a stressful profession by its nature and also one where nearly every decision can be vital. As a result, conflicts frequently arise in it, with nurses possibly confronting their colleagues, managers, or patients. If not resolved, these conflicts can cause substantial damage to the organization and the...

The Use of CAM Therapy to Manage Pain in Children

Significance and Background Healthcare Problem Pain is an unpleasant sensation that is linked to illness or potential tissue damage. Acute pain occurs in response to inflammatory responses, thermal, chemical, or mechanical impetus, surgical procedures, or physical injury and often subsides within a few days or weeks. Conversely, chronic pain persists...

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in the Hospital

In the current course, the most exciting topic for me is personal protective equipment (PPE) in the hospital. The area fascinates me in particular because PPE is of the highest importance for every healthcare facility, and it unites all hospitals regardless of their profiles. In the present paper, I provide...

The Performance of Nurses: Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

The goal of realizing the plan is to introduce changes that will help improve the performance of nurses who care for the elderly and the quality of service in… hospital. The primary approach to implementation is the use of Levin’s three-stage theory of change and transformational leadership style to enhance...

Burnout Among Nursing Personnel: Article Review

“Burnout-related effects of emotional labor and work-related stressors among psychiatric nurses in Japan” (2017) The first article to be analyzed is Burnout-related effects of emotional labor and work-related stressors among psychiatric nurses in Japan by Sakagami, A., Aijo, R., Nguyen, H. T. T., Katayama, M., Nagata, K., & Kitaoka, K....

Health Maintenance Plan for Diverse Developmental Stages

In the current paper, health maintenance plans for different developmental stages within the primary care practice will be proposed. The stages of life include the following: toddlers, school-age children and adolescents, young adults and middle-aged adults, and older adults. Suggested plans will be assessed, developed, and recommended according to evidence-based...

Breast Cancer: Analysis and Data Collection

Introduction This study seeks to answer question relating to a pilot research study done in two health centers in Connecticut to determine the effect of dance and movement on the quality of life for 32 breast cancer survivors. It was undertaken in a period of 12 weeks. Data Collection Method...

Patients Under the Do-Not-Resuscitate Order (DNR)

One of the most challenging situations in nursing practice is the necessity to provide ethical assistance and care for patients under the do-not-resuscitate order (DNR) and the members of their families. As it is presented in the case study, there can be misunderstandings regarding the DNR status of the patient...

Global Health Problems and Their Impact

The global community faces problems every day. Some problems are related to the economical situation in the world whereas others are aimed at developing methods of treatment of global health problems. In this respect, there are different approaches to the same problems and, in this case, the global community should...

Integrating Case Management and Its Challenges

Community-based healthcare delivery has recently become the most popular approach among American medical institutions because it is crucial for the prevention of diseases, improvement of sanitary conditions, and successful recovery. It is usually mentioned with regard to low-income people who cannot afford insurance. Nurses are supposed to play an important...

Informal Long-Term Care: Policy Brief

Introduction Informal caregiving is a widely accepted alternative to official care providers when a person’s relatives and close circle are in charge. The service is often called unpaid, although it does not necessarily mean that it leads to saving money, as the budget may be reallocated to other needs. Informal...

Cooper Green Hospital and Community Care Plan

Introduction The Cooper Green Mercy Hospital and Community Care plan is a self-governing non-profit organization which had the highest standards in communal 24 hour 7 days a week medical care provision. Led by Doctor Hullett the hospital is devoted to the provision of a complete range of high-quality inpatient and...

“My Stroke of Insight” TED Talk by Taylor

In the video, Jill gives an informative insight into the intricate workings of the human brain. She is a neuroanatomist who personally experienced the distinct characteristics of the brain’s two hemispheres after having a stroke. Since her incident occurred in the left cerebral half, Jill could not understand human language...

Discussion: Postpartum Complications

When a female patient complains of headache, blurred vision, and epigastric pain after delivery and Pitocin infusion, nursing priorities should include prevention of excessive bleeding and evaluation of possible complications after the episiotomy. Regarding the already made incision, such problems as increased blood loss, infection, pain, discomfort, and new hematoma...

Nursing Job Application Form

Nursing I have recently completed a Bachelors’s Degree in nursing and I am currently looking for suitable long-term employment. I am a hardworking person with a great personality benchmarked by excellent interpersonal skills which have helped me score great successes in the past. While at college I held several practical...

Type C Personality as a Risk Factor for Cancer

Abstract This section of the research drive presents a synthesis of the consulted literature on the subjects of the relationship between Type C personality and the cancer risk factor. The presentation comes in the background of a protracted focus on the Type A and Type B person types researches while...

Nursing Students’ Perceptions and Patient Sexuality Concerns

Research Problem and Purpose For Magnan and Norris (2008), the context of plumbing student nurse attitudes in the area of barriers to accommodating patient sexuality and sexual needs is occasioned by the erosion of social mores, the resurgence of teenage pregnancy and abortion rates, and the continued prevalence of sexually...

Cystic Fibrosis: Genetic Disorder

Etiology Cystic fibrosis, also referred to as CF, is a genetic disorder that can affect the respiratory and digestive systems. This health condition is caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene that regulates the corresponding protein (National Heart, Lungs, and Blood Institute [NIH], n.d.). This type...

Diploma in Public Health

Introduction Public health is a societal approach that strives to protect and promote health. In other words, public health aims to enhance the well being of communities. It maintains environmental conditions under which people can live healthier lives, and reduce dangers to health, for instance; ensuring maintenance of steady water...

Ethical Dilemma in Nursing

Definition of Ethical Nursing Practice An Ethical Nursing Practice is a decision-making challenge between two potential normative choices, neither of which is undoubtedly desirable to a nurse. Typically, nurses encounter the problem in almost every aspect of their personal, social, and professional life. Consequently, due to their complexity, it is...

Statistical Process Control in the Healthcare

The current situation on the market demands healthcare organizations to apply modern tools to improve its performance. Additionally, the growing cost of care demands healthcare organizations to optimize all the resources while improving the quality of care. Statistical process control (SPC) is one of the methods that can be used...

Diabetes: Types, Causes, Symptoms and Cures

Introduction Diabetes is one of the major metabolic diseases, which affects a large portion of the population. It is a severe systemic heterogeneous disease in which absolute or relative insulin deficiency develops. Diabetes is an endocrine disease characterized by a syndrome of chronic hyperglycemia, which is a consequence of insufficient...

Clinical Reasoning for Medical Life

Clinical reasoning is an essential skill in clinical practices and medicine at large. The skill is particularly emphasized in both nursing education and clinical practice because of its substantial influence on the ability to provide safe, high-quality care (De Carvalho et al., 2017). Clinical reasoning involves collecting and evaluating data...

Technology and Future Trends in Healthcare

At the beginning of the 21st century, healthcare system has changed dramatically because of new technologies and new treatment methods available for millions of patients. The latest trend in healthcare field is nanotechnology. This innovative approach proposes great changes in treatment and support of patients in different fields of medicine....

Economic Factors Which Affect Senior Citizens

The older people are individuals whose age almost reaches the average lifespan of humans. Traditionally, they have always been the custodians of the authority and dignity of the family. Today, however, they are becoming economically, physically, and mentally inactive, making them more dependent on their children. They are commonly faced...

A Right to Experimental Drugs

The field of medicine is not restricted to patients’ direct treatment and involves the constant expansion of medical research. Compassionate use programs provide critically ill patients with no other treatment options with an access to experimental new drugs (Munson, 2014). The issue of whether they have a right to use...

Vaccine Hesitancy as a Global Health Issue

Introduction Addressing global health issues is a complex and multifaceted task since in order to determine the most severe problems, healthcare providers need to identify relevant trends and common threats. In the context of the availability of information exchange, the measures proposed by authoritative boards may be distributed among the...

Healthcare Root-Cause Analysis and Safety Improvement Plan

Root-Cause Analysis Root-cause analysis (RCA) allows the researchers to discover the event’s fundamental flaws and prevent their repetition. RCA is a systematic approach to discovering the causes of sentinels to set preventative measures (Charles et al., 2016). RCA gives a perspective on the Heimlich value orientation error leading to radiographic...

Medical Tricorder: Application and Functions

Introduction With the significant and swift progress of many practical scientific fields such as nano and quantum physics, and information and computer technology, medicine has gained a broad prospect for enhancement. Indeed, although healthcare is slightly behind other high-tech industries, VR/AR, 3D-printing, artificial intelligence, robotics, and nanotechnology stand on the...

Bowenian Family Therapy Theory

The theory covered in this paper is the Bowen Family Therapy theory. It is also sometimes referred to as natural systems theory (Gladding, 2015). It derives its name from Murray Bowen, an American psychiatrist and principal originator of the theory. Key Tenets of the Theory The first tenet that sets...

Analysis of “Aphasia Syndrome” Article by Carl Wernicke

Carl Wernicke was the first scientist to describe conducting aphasia. It is manifested in the disruption of verbatim repetition with the relative preservation of expressive speech and understanding of it. Previously, this type of aphasia was associated with white matter pathways and left temporoparietal zones. The authors of the study...

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study

From 1932 to 1972, the United States Public Health Service (PHS) conducted a clinical study that was aimed at observing and learning more about the natural process and history of untreated syphilis. The leakage of such a process resulted in numerous questions and criticism. It still remains one of the...

Direct Practice Improvement Through the Revised Standards Application

Application of the Revised Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence SQUIRE 2.0 to the project can improve it by indicating gaps or flaws that might deteriorate outcomes. My DPI project manuscript can also benefit from the employment of this paradigm. First, following the given guide, the rationale for the selection...

Pressure Injuries in Acute Care

A number of steps must be taken to ensure zero pressure injuries in an acute care setting over a one-month period. First of all, a clear and constant patient assessment must be conducted no later than 8 hours after patient admission to the acute care facility (Hommel & Santy-Tomlinson, 2018)....

Master’s Prepared Nurse Interview: The Role of Graduate Education

Introduction The lack of specialists with graduate education in the nursing profession is a problem that undermines the prestige and effectiveness of the trade (Cherry & Jacob, 2016; Darbyshire & McKenna, 2013). Moreover, it affects job satisfaction as less educated nurses earn poor wages and are prone to dislike their...

“Obstetrician Suspended After Research Inquiry” by Dillner

The main idea of the article “Obstetrician suspended after research inquiry” is an outrageous scandal or fraud that involves a compromised research study in health care, particularly in obstetrics and gynecology. Consequently, a number of key points that should be considered via the analysis were detected. Then, some crucially important...

Developing a Feedback-Rich Environment in the Healthcare

Introduction There is a number of various components that may positively or negatively influence the performance of a company. One of them is rather important but often ignored and underestimated – developing a robust feedback-rich environment. Such culture welcomes any kind of evaluation and uses it in order to make...

A Discredited Vaccine Study’s Continuing Impact on Public Health

In the article “A Discredited Vaccine Study’s Continuing Impact on Public Health,” Clyde Haberman examines the history, motivations, and repercussions of the anti-vaccination movement. The article was initially published in the New York Times five years ago, prompted by an outbreak of measles (Haberman). Nonetheless, vaccine hesitancy did not cease...

Transformational Leadership Approach to Conflict Management in Emergency Care

Introduction For the healthcare sector to function efficiently and effectively, it is essential to foster excellent communication among various specialists and medical professionals to ensure that care and treatment are provided properly. Nevertheless, problems are an inherent part of any hospital environment, and often the challenges that may arise during...

Screen Time and Pediatric Obesity

Pediatric obesity negatively influences children’s health, educational achievement, and quality of life. Obese and overweight children have a high likelihood of proceeding with the problem into adulthood, in addition to the threat of chronic illnesses. Decrease of screen time, consumption of a balanced diet and minimal high-calorie foods, and augmented...

Ethical Analysis of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study failed to take into account several critical ethical considerations, consequently raising severe ethical issues. This essay examines some of the ethical problems linked to the investigation. The first major moral issue with the Tuskegee investigations is the lack of respect for persons. Researchers conducting human studies...

Disaster Recovery Plan At Vila Health

The comparatively recent disaster (the derailment of an oil-tanker train) unveiled the vulnerability of the community and the weaknesses of the existing disaster recovery plan at Vila Health. Some of the barriers to the effective implementation of the disaster recovery plan are the lack of resources and people’s overall unpreparedness...

The Muscular System and Skeletal Muscle Types

The Structure and Function of the Three Types of Muscle Tissue The complexity of the muscular system is conditional upon the presence of various kinds of muscle tissue. They include skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles which differ in their structure and function as well as in the way they establish...

Kolcaba’s Comfort & Duffy’s Quality Caring Theories

Introduction There are different approaches to nursing and its importance in modern healthcare. Two of the most famous models are Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory and Duffy’s Quality Caring Model. Both of them emphasize the importance of improving the existing system by introducing new standards of care. The purpose of this paper...

Cloudlet Architecture in Healthcare Computing

Main Post Since the first smartphone and first tablet appeared, people’s lives have become much more manageable. Mobile devices allow not to depend on such properties of PCs like its large size or wire connection. Similarly, scientists have developed an approach called Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) that allows using the...

Nursing: Improving Patient Care Outcomes

Research Critique The possibility to use the information of the most current research while addressing critical clinical issues is an integral instrument of nurses, clinicians, and managers in their daily workflow. This allows healthcare providers to be updated on contemporary tendencies, therapeutic approaches, standards, and policies, which facilitates making quality...

Self-Analysis: A Test of Personality

The results I received on the self-assessments show that I am open to changes, well-organized, enthusiastic, passionate, polite, although I can be irritable and moody. As for the productiveness, self-assessment confirmed that I have to increase my productivity levels and learn to prioritize my tasks better. I am not experiencing...

Music Therapy as ASD Individuals Alternative Treatment

Within recent decades the chances of a child being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder have increased dramatically. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is the term used for a collection of compound disorders of brain development. These disorders can run a range of difficulties in social contacts, as well as in various...

Tuberculosis as Global Health Risk

Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the leading causes of death in various populations around the world. TB is a highly infectious lung disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacteria. It is spread through the air when an infected person sneezes or coughs releasing the bacteria into the air where it is...

The Role of Nurses in Promoting Healthy Aging

Nurses are medical professionals who closely and frequently interact with older people. They are often working as primary care providers at institutions for aged people, particularly when older individuals require medical assistance. Consequently, these representatives of healthcare organizations have a vital role in improving and enhancing their fitness (Golinowska et...

Patient-Centered Care: Interprofessional Collaboration

At present, a patient-centered approach in medical care has proven its effectiveness. However, it became evident that, for increasing positive patient outcomes, collaboration is required not only between patients and single health care professional but within the health care team that jointly provides the treatment. Medical practice has demonstrated that...

Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus in Low-Income Communities: An Ethical Aspect

The prevalence of diabetes mellitus is increasing worldwide every day. The causes of the growth in disease are complex, but the main ones are partly due to a large number of overweight people, including those with obesity, partly to low-quality food. The condition causes several social complications: a constant rise...

Research Drug Safety Approaches

The strategy of Applying Drug Safety Approach Adverse effects of drugs implemented in certain treatment and care plans began to be noted a long time ago by health care specialists and scientists. There are some restrictions to applying pharmaceutical products in health care. However, there is also risk assessment and...

Antidepressants and Their Effects

The principal measures taken by doctors for the treatment of depression are connected to the prescription of antidepressants. It is critical to understand the way they work in order not to harm patients. Such antidepressants as MAOIs can be useless in patients with Parkinson’s disease, whereas selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors...

Incomplete or Missing Documentation: Patient Safety in Healthcare

Scenario Patient safety is among the top concerns for every healthcare set-up due to the associated negative consequences affecting care outcomes and other related issues, such as legal suits. One of the ways to ensure that patients are safe when being taken care of is by detailed documentation covering all...

Comparing Nursing Education in Saudi Arabia and China

Introduction This paper compares and contrasts the nursing education systems of Saudi Arabia and China. The countries represent very different cultural, political, and historical backgrounds, and it is crucial to analyze their educational systems and discover what barriers, if any, exist to high-quality nursing education. As the demand for nurses...

Banning Tobacco Sales: Arguments For and Against

Tobacco is the world’s most prevalent plant used for smoking. It also happens to be one of the most significant preventable causes of death and a powerful industry with considerable economic interests. Consequently, banning or restricting tobacco sales would benefit public health and hurt the economy, but the health outcomes...

Ethics of For- & Non-Profit Healthcare Models

The flexibility of the for-profit healthcare model is generally considered one of its most significant advantages. Barr (2016) highlights the competitiveness of the for-profit environment and how it may force members to improve care efficiency and quality. However, there are also significant ethical issues that are associated with the model....

The Impact of Climate Change on Inflectional Diseases

One of the most significant environmental problems of the modern world is global warming, which threatens the destruction of flora and fauna, changing the earth’s surface and natural disasters. The main harmful aspect of global warming is that all of the changes can significantly damage people’s health because it can...

Nurses Unionization and Its Impact

Unionized nurse workforce is an idea that many researchers came across. As well as researchers, many nurses across the globe believe that unionizing may be an idea that would significantly improve workforce culture of safety. Moreover, unionized nurses have a better chance of standing for their rights and their beliefs,...

The Role of Documentation in the Delivery of Medical Services

Documentation plays a vital role in the delivery of medical services and achieving desired patient outcomes. One of the phenomena that may be disruptive to the integrity of medical documentation is concurrent therapy. Concurrent therapy, also known as “stacking,” happens when a medical worker administers treatment to a patient and...

“Health Care Reform and Equity” by Fiscella

Article Review The given article review will primarily focus on two main domains, which are access and national quality strategy informed by research. The healthcare system in the United States is among one of the most expensive and unaffordable ones across the globe. In addition, it is evident that the...

Epidemiology Overview and Analysis

Introduction Health professionals need to engage in case finding, collect data, and report various diseases that could be affecting the wellbeing of different citizens. Communicable illnesses are dangerous since they spread fast and can affect more people if left unmonitored. Epidemiologists should apply their competencies effectively, liaise with different experts,...

Improve the Quality of Health Care Using TQM Methods

Introduction Providing high-quality health care using the best ideas and techniques while also being ready for potential costs is a priority for hospitals nowadays. Total quality measurement (TQM) as a management system aimed at achieving customer satisfaction and enhancing employee and organizational performance is considered one of the most prospective...

Innate and Adaptive Immunities

The human immune system is a complex combination of cells and mechanisms of their interactions that protect the body from infections and fight them. Thus, there are two main types of immunity that act at different phases of microbes and bacteria penetration, namely innate immunity and adaptive immunity. These immunities...

Why We Should All Be Wearing Face Masks

Introduction The ability of face masks to reduce infection is a matter of great concern during this pandemic period. The goal of Gray’s (2020) article is to teach people the importance of wearing a face mask in public. Thus, the reason for wearing a mask is the argument presented by...

Nursing Turnover: Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management

Introduction The success of organizations usually depends on a variety of factors. According to Kurnat-Thoma et al. (2017), the necessity to evaluate the facility’s operational effectiveness by means of employee turnover enhances the creation of a supportive work environment and quality improvement. Managers and leaders have to recognize the needs...

Influence of Sexual Dysfunction and Schizophrenia on Human

Sexual Dysfunction Diagnosis In the case study under consideration, there is a man with evident sexual dysfunctional problems. The beginning of the conversation is unclear and pointless because truth can hardly be identified. The client admits that his GP and urologist have not discovered any physical problems. Still, his wife...

Afro-Latin Culture and Approach to Healthcare

Latin American culture is characterized mainly by the contrast of various cultural traditions and inter-civilizational interactions. Latin American ethnos began to form as a result of the collision of three genetically different cultures: Iberian, Indian, and African, which led to the questionable heterogenic characteristics, and symbiosis, inversion of various elements,...

The Profession of Nursing Serving Others

Professional nurses are responsible for taking care of individuals, families, and are qualified for developing an optimal care plan with the assistance of other medical personnel, such as physicians. The primary goal of nurses is to provide patients with necessary health assistance to improve the quality of their lives (Fahlberg...

Disaster Planning and Health Information Management

Introduction Both natural and man-made disasters can have a harmful impact on long-term facilities’ ability to continue everyday business operations. In the past, due to the absence of an adequate disaster plan, our healthcare facility lost all health information, which became a serious challenge. This paper discusses promising measures and...

Advanced Nursing Degree Benefits

Introduction Nowadays, there is a global tendency that aims at improving the quality of healthcare by reviewing the roles of practitioners, including nurses. According to the modern approach, nurses are encouraged to pursue an advanced practice, which consists of more in-depth training at the master’s level and an enhanced role...

Common Cold: Diagnosis and Pathophysiology

Diagnosis and Pathophysiology The diagnosis is the common cold. Rhinovirus is the most significant virus that results in a common cold (Kuchar, Miśkiewicz, Nitsch-Osuch, & Szenborn, 2015). In individuals that do not have asthma, the symptoms of rhinovirus infection are primarily limited to the upper airway leading to the condition...

Single Children Caregivers vs. Married Couple Caregivers: Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction The purpose of this topic is to expand research on Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease from the standpoint of the caregiver perspective. The disease was named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a doctor and an academic, who wrote his first paper on clinical dementia. His first study was on a woman by the...

Hospital Readmission Reduction Program

Introduction The Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) was created under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2020. This program is value-based, and it was established with the main objective of reducing payments to hospitals that have excess readmissions. The program plays an important role in ensuring that Americans...

National Patient Safety Overview

Introduction Patients’ safety has become a global concern in the past two decades. This is mainly due to the rampant cases of medical errors that have led to many deaths within the health service facilities. Medical errors have caused death, serious disability disorders, and in some cases permanent pain to...

Medical Workers Errors: Case Study

In the case study, a patient was misidentified with another patient with a similar name. As a result of a series of small errors, a costly and dangerous procedure was performed on a wrong patient. In order to identify the reason for the matter root cause analysis can be applied....

Shortage of Nurses and Health Policy

Introduction Understaffing is a serious issue in every sphere where trained professionals use their skills to provide a complicated service to people. In a clinical setting shortage of nurses may result in slowing down the work of the whole clinic and thereby lowering the quality of service. However, there are...

Leadership Skills of Graduate Level Nurses

Introduction Democratic leadership is my leadership style as it was described in the quiz results. This style encourages intense participation among group members. Every decision is made by a leader. However, it is based on a thorough analysis of different opinions. It increases the effectiveness of a working process as...

Florida’s Medicaid Program: Analysis and Evaluation

Rationale The state of Florida has several services united under the common name “Medicaid.” All of them are aimed at providing affordable healthcare to low-income families living in the state. Medicaid was introduced as a federal medical assistance program in 1965 under the Social Security Amendments to the Social Security...

Parks Rx 4Health Project: Data and Levels of Measurement Worksheet

Program goals and objectives The main goal of the proposed program evaluation is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the Parks Rx 4Health project that was launched for preventing child obesity. The first objective is to compare the level of physical activity of children before and after the project...

The Safety in Nursing Analysis

Safety is one of the major factors affecting patient outcomes. It is an important part of effective and cost-efficient healthcare (Hood, 2014, p. 489). However, the research indicates that there is a gap between the current safety standards and the general state of the healthcare system. The issue continues to...

Nursing Leadership Health Policy

Introduction Community health nursing is an integral part of healthcare as it is concerned with the well-being of all residents. Therefore, the promotion of a good environment for community health nurses (CHNs) can improve the state of healthcare in all parts of the country. In particular, these professionals can have...

Florence Nightingale’s Nursing Contributions

Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) was an outstanding human and left the priceless legacy for future nurses. She devoted her life to globally raising awareness of health issues and successfully transferred her message: widespread nursing care is essential for reaching “local-to-global health” (Beck, Dossey, & Rushton, 2012). Nightingale made a great contribution...

Welfare Economics and Health Economics

Introduction Health economists work in a mixture of areas. A great deal of work is of a descriptive nature investigating issues concerning the environment of health care systems as well as wellbeing more generally. Normative health economics is paying attention to the economic assessment of interventions, mostly medical or organizational,...

Cultural Sensitivity in Medicine and Cancer Treatment

Introduction The last three decades have witnessed a dramatic improvement in the effort to comprehend the cancer cell biology and also the genetic factors resulting in oncogenesis. Accordingly, this has resulted in substantial improvement in the status of health for patients with cancer. However, the marked health status improvement has...

Multiaxial Approach in Abnormal Psychology

Introduction Contemporary medical analysis reveals the existence of biomedical replica of a disease. This has largely been possible by using a new system of psychosomatic model. The Multiaxial Approach for psychiatry treatment allows the diagnosis to be confirmed as a procedure of alteration in the environment. The DSM-IV-TR approach is...

Effects of Asthma on Children and Adults

Introduction Despite advances made in the field of medicine, asthma remains to be one of the most widespread and chronic lung conditions affecting most children while still at their tender ages. It is alarming that out of every fifteen children picked at random, one of them is most likely to...

Neurobiology in Human Social Behavior

Introduction Different individuals expose different but selective social and Sexual attraction behaviors (Mackey, 2003). Individuals acquire these social manners as they grow and develop, and go a long way in determining the individual’s conduct, attitude, and choices in life. Sexually, monogamy and bi parenting are still dominant in many societies....

Cigarette Smoking Cessation Methods

Cigarette smoking is a one the major preventable cause of diseases in the United States and throughout the world. Cigarette smoking causes more than 400,000 deaths annually. In 2000, it was estimated to have caused more than five million premature deaths worldwide. In United States alone the loss from smoking...

Smoking Should Be Banned in Public Places

Smoking is considered to be one of the most dangerous problems of every nation since in many cases it leads to fourteen different types of cancer, including pancreatic, renal, bladder, mouth, stomach, liver and cervical cancer. Being the single biggest cause of cancer in the world, smoking causes about 70,000...

Pathway Through Breast Care Service in the UK

Introduction Breast cancer has emerged as the most common type of cancer amongst women in the United Kingdom, with the rate of incidence of this disease is more than double that of both cervical and colorectal cancers (The Breast 2007). Besides, the occurrence rate of breast cancer amongst women in...

Nursing Philosophies and Health and Care Theories

The philosophy of nursing has to begin with a prayer in memory of the famous Florence Nightingale whose rich heritage and writings made the profession an indispensable one in society (Kim and Kollak, 2006). Theories and philosophies are creative products of various nursing researchers. The theories which have been classified...

Childhood Obesity: Medical Complications and Social Problems

“Childhood obesity is best tackled at home through improved parental involvement, increased physical exercise, better diet and restraint from eating” ~ Bob Filner The advent of the new century has bought many social problems along with itself; this is mainly due to the changes that came in the traditional way...

System Approach to Organizational Change: Pharmacy Automation

Introduction While discussing about automation in pharmacies, the duties of a pharmacist come to the fore. The pharmacist may be a retailer or the one attached to any hospital. In both the cases, they store and dispense drugs to inpatients and outpatients. In every case, the pharmacist has to maintain...

“Chinese Restaurant Food” : The Article Review

The article ‘Chinese Restaurant Food’ educates the general public about the hidden dangers and harm of eating too much Chinese food. Hurley and Liebman (2009) explain that the notion of Chinese food being healthy could be contrary to the fact. While Chinese cooking does actually “deserve credit for keeping a...

Health Care Marketing Reflection

Introduction The health care system in the United States has recently become immensely commercialized and now it is functioning according to the same principles of the market economy as any other industry. This paper aims to examine current trends and practices in health care marketing, namely advertising, product development, pricing,...

Skin Cancer, Its Causes and Preventive Measures

Introduction Cancer is a much dreaded medical condition. The words death and cancer are sometimes closely associated with each other. Although mankind has progressed to a point that he can cure a very sick person dying of cancer, in many cases cancer can be a death sentence that comes too...

Autism and Associated Healthcare Issues

Introduction Autism, a pervasive development disorder that appears early in life and involves a lack of many basic skills is a grave matter of concern in the health care field. The prevalence of Autism among children is high with six in a thousand kids being autistic. If diagnosed early such...

Euthanasia – The Essential Right to Die

Proposal The right to die has been known from ancient times. Some primitive tribes have a custom according to which the elderly, who burden to the family, chose death to care for the tribe. Self withdrawal from life was promoted in Sparta, Ancient Greece, was allowed in ancient Rome but...

Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infection

The rate of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in developing and underdeveloped countries is high and it is a serious threat to the human resource of these countries. It is the most common form of contagious disease. For example, in Africa, milliares of infection are reported from year to year. But...

Depression and Other Antecedents of Obesity

Introduction Decades of advances in pharmacological science have stemmed the tide of infectious diseases, given the man on the street the benefit of information about proper sanitation and better nutrition, fostered greater expertise at the primary health care level, and lengthened life spans. In highly developed economies like the UK,...

Healthcare Billing System Implementation

Experience In my professional life, I have experienced several strategy implementations that were made to improve care quality, patient outcomes, or staff satisfaction. Information Technology (IT) integration in primary care is one of the most successful strategies that I guided while introducing an electronic billing system for patients. As a...

Traditional Healing and Western Medicine

Introduction Traditional healing is believed to the earliest form of healing, which laid foundation for the development of the modern western medicine. Therefor it can be seen as the primitive form of the modern western medicine, on the sense the later developed western medicines they based their main premises on...

Electromyography Characteristics and the Concept of Electromyography Fatigue Threshold

Electromyography (EMG) involves the documentation of the electrical activity of muscle tissue and relaying it as a graphical representation or an audible signal. When muscles contract, the ensuing action potentials are transmitted from the brain to the motor unit, thereby causing the contraction of muscle fibers (Ertl, Kruse, & Tilp,...

Adolescent Obesity: Theories and Interventions

Introduction The problem of adolescent obesity is gaining more and more attention as the adverse impact of the health condition affects millions worldwide and in the United States in particular. The obesity epidemic is associated not only with the decreased quality of life of those diagnosed with the condition but...

Contributing Factors of Anxiety in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental condition that affects the way a person communicates and socializes. In 1943, Leo Kanner was the first psychiatrist who coined the term “infantile autism” to explain children’s obsession with objects and resistance to change (Baron-Cohen, 2015). The contributions of Steve Silberman and...

The Importance Role of Leadership in Nursing

Current Literature on Nursing Management and Leadership The strategic planning is instrumental to improve the management and leadership of the organization to achieve the long-term goals of the organization by implementing on the specific strategies. There is a need of determining such organizational plans and strategies which determine the internal...

Anterior Spacing in Dentistry Female Patients: Causes and Solutions.

Introduction A smile is one of the most universally recognisable facial expressions. Besides, a smile may also help convey healthy teeth and gums and research evidence claims that gum disease may negatively affect an individual’s smiling pattern and deter someone from displaying positive emotions through a smile. (Turn that Frown...

Moral Character in “Principles of Biomedical Ethics“ by Beauchamp and Childress

The issue of moral actions can be reviewed from different perspectives. One aspect of it is the virtues of a person that guide his or her decisions and their connection to ethical behavior. The difference between norms and virtues is essential because the former is not subjected to changes due...