Women Health Issues: Prevention and Treatment

Screening Guidelines: Mammography Breast cancer is one of the central concerns of the US healthcare system. According to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (2020), in 2019, there were 271,270 new cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed in women and 2,670 cases diagnosed in men in the United States. Mammography is...

Type 2 Diabetes Patients and Self-Administer Insulin

The importance of patient education to facilitate primary health care skills and knowledge in vulnerable populations has been broadly addressed in scholarly literature. Chin and Robins’ (2019) article under the title “Teaching patients with type 2 diabetes to self-administer insulin” published in the Australian Journal of General Practice, is one...

Pathology the Respiratory System: Lung Cancer

Background Lung cancer is one of the carcinoma disorders that are caused by abnormal development of the lung tissue. Lung cancer normally affects the epithelial cells of the lungs, and it spreads through the process of metastasis. Lung cancer is among the leading causes of death through respiratory illnesses and...

Developmental Origins of Life and Health

Introduction This paper explores the developmental origins of life and death by highlighting the need to address upstream health risks, as a public health management strategy. By exploring the challenges of adopting this approach, this paper recommends policy-centered interventions that could improve human health. However, before embarking on the details...

The IOM Report in Nursing

Introduction The American Association of College of Nursing indicates that there are varying research expectations for different academic levels of nurses. As such, this implies that nurses play different research roles in accordance with their academic qualifications. In particular, the Baccalaureate, masters, doctoral, and post-doctoral levels occupy different niches in...

Nursing Research Article on Level of Education

Abstract The level of education has been forming a critical determination of the likelihood of a person’s professional qualification. In today’s competitive world, the level of education is becoming a sieve in determining who will hold a certain public office. Higher expectations from the public on the quality of the...

Functional limitations and Plan for Intervention Evaluation

Introduction Scientific studies have revealed that older people who are actively involved in physical exercise have lower chances of suffering from some of the common forms of physical limitations associated with the aging population. Thus, the need for physical activity programme as a comprehensive intervention strategy aimed at minimising functional...

COVID-19 Impacting Leadership

The new virus COVID-19, which appeared at the end of 2019, has already affected all of humanity. It influenced all areas of human life: health, work, education, communication, and others. In this situation, managers have a particularly difficult time because they have to make many complex and significant decisions. In...

Crisis or Risk Communication of Public Health Campaign of STDs

Introduction Communicating risks or crisis is crucial in many public health encounters. Risks and crises are likely to occur in every public health interaction and the method of communication remains significant (Maibach, Abroms and Marosits 9). In the public health campaign of STDs among the youth, effective crisis or risk...

Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections Risk Prevention

The Methods of Evaluating the Effectiveness of Change Evaluation is a very fundamental component of change management because it measures the performance of the new system or process (Acheterberg, Schoonhoven, & Grol, 2008). The implementation plan proposed three evidence-based solutions to prevent and reduce the risk of catheter-associated urinary tract...

Legal, Financial and Legal Issues Surrounding Meaningful Use

Goals of meaningful use The adoption of meaningful use of health information technology by healthcare organizations has the potential to improve patient outcomes across the world (Kaufman, Roberts, Merrill, Lai & Bakken, 2006; Hannah et al., 2011). Meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs) by healthcare organizations is intended to...

Quality Improvement Plan in Health Facility

Regular quality improvement is a critical component of modern clinical practice, hence the importance of health facilities to develop methodologies aimed at implementing quality improvement initiatives and aligning them to the broader goals and objectives of the organization (Kahn & Fuchs, 2007). This paper looks into the authority, structure, and...

Garcinia Cambogia’s Effectiveness for Weight Loss

Throughout history, people often used various types of food and drink to enrich their diets and become stronger and healthier. Nowadays, the issue of weight loss is more topical than it has ever been, with many individuals going to great lengths to get closer to their desired shape. With a...

Strain-Stress Shielding in the Proximal Tibia of a Stemmed Knee Prosthesis

Introduction The knee is an important joint for daily movement. In cases of trauma or fall, one may have to undergo surgery which might include the replacement of the knee (prosthesis). The prosthesis has been used as a form of clinical treatment for a long time. To date, researchers and...

A Perfusion Based 3D Cancer Model for Micro Tumor Formation

Abstract The study of the development of anti-cancer drugs and preclinical toxicity tests has until today encountered a major problem identified as lack of a reliable in vitro-tumor model able to mimic in vivo conditions. These models provide a clear basis for understanding tumor-development processes and assists in the selection...

Comparison Between Emphysema and Bronchitis

Pathophysiology Emphysema and bronchitis are lung conditions that constitute chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Airway obstruction is the primary indication in both illnesses. Consequently, emphysema and bronchitis affect normal breathing, in addition to causing other pulmonary complications (Kim & Criner, 2013). According to Hassan and Abo-Elhamd (2014), clinicians often find...

Conceptual Teaching Plan

The focus on the concept-based class activities and teaching can be discussed as the modern trend because there are many advantages which are associated with teaching conceptually. The concept-based approach is effective to be implemented in relation to different theoretical and practical fields of knowledge, including nursing. General benefits of...

Minnesota Community Healthy 2020 Objectives

Introduction A SWOT analysis is an important strategic tool for managing health programs (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d.). This section of the paper outlines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the Minnesota public health leadership program that strives to reduce heart disease and stroke in the state....

Problems of Prisoners With Mental Illness

American criminal justice system is a controversial subject, and many of its aspects are issues of current interest. The United States has as much as 200,000 women incarcerated – the greatest number among the world’s countries – and the female prison population is steadily rising (Sawyer, 2015). Many of the...

Political Preference for High-Technology Health Policy

Public health is a venture deeply interconnected with politics. In the United States, there is no steady association between what professionals in health discover and public principles. According to Michael Greenberg, some scientific discoveries are heralded and promptly incorporated into personal and political achievements. Other discoveries are ignored, and others...

Gaming Devices Helping and Rehabilitating Patients

Review of innovative technologies in the health care field Innovative technologies in the health care field are positively impacting patient care across the world. The overall goal of innovative technologies in the health care industry is to improve patient care outcomes (Chen, 2011; Hannah et al., 2011). For example, gaming...

Adjunctive Therapy and Anti-infectives

Anti-infectives are a class of medicines that includes a wide range of drugs that selectively and directly attack invasive agents. The introduction of anti-infectives was a significant step in the development of medicine, as it allowed to directly affect infection agents either by eliminating them (in case of bacteriocidic medications)...

Health Indicators Analysis: Life Expectancy and Neonatal Death Rate

As compared to other countries, United States incur higher per person cost on health. Despite the heavy investment in healthcare, United States still trails various developed nations in healthcare. Multiple health indicators reveal that United States has not achieved universal healthcare as many would expected. Two major health indicators where...

Androgen Replacement Therapy

The use of hormones is included in the treatment of menopause and andropause symptoms, growth hormone deficiency, diabetes, hypothyroidism, and sex reassignment therapy. While HRT is generally thought of as a remedy for menopause in older women, it can be prescribed to males with age-related hormonal issues. More specifically, androgen...

Perception of Research, Personal Meaning of Nursing

Being a director of a nursing department, I am particularly interested in the findings of the most up-to-date studies, as they play a tremendous role in patient care. I am firmly convinced that a medical worker has to be well-aware of the best-practices, adopted in various hospitals because this knowledge...

Mammography in King Khaled General Hospital in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Crucial in achieving optimal benefits for all screening programs, quality assurance is defined as a system of procedures, checks, audits, and corrective measures to ensure that health services are at their highest achievable quality. Mammography is a screening and diagnostic tool which uses low-dose amplitude x-rays to examine the...

Heart Disease: Types, Risk Factors, Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Heart disease is also referred to as cardiopathy, a condition that affects the heart. The awareness of the disease has been raised because it is among the leading causes of death especially in Canada, the United States, England, and Wales. Heart disease is of various types but with related...

The Social Determinants of Health

The social determinants of health are as crucial to the well-being of the population as is direct medical care. Gender inequality, educational attainment, family well-being, and career opportunities are indirect factors that affect human health. Social determinants are a promising vector of scientific research, as they are a fundamental part...

Septicemia Prevalence in the U.S. Hospitals: Cost and Geography

The article “Statistical Brief Number 122: Septicemia in U.S. Hospitals, 2009” is a statistical brief which provides information regarding the prevalence of septicemia. It is a severe systemic disease in the US hospitals, caused by infectious bacteria and bacterial toxins in the bloodstream. The authors of the brief used data...

Fever, Cold, or Pfeiffer’s Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment

An evaluation of the symptoms reported by the patients suggests the presence of inflammation in the nasopharynx area, which causes swallowing pain. Moreover, the absence of cough and respiratory complications provides the basis for the provisional diagnosis, which is tonsillitis. Other symptoms relevant to this disease can be found during...

Professional Nursing Practice and Leadership: Critical Pathways

Management Model: Managed- Care Critical Pathways Managed-care critical pathways are crucial for professional nursing practice and leadership. These are frameworks that facilitate coordination of teamwork and streamline service delivery. Significance of the care pathways is realized in a series of events, such as scheduling and execution of processes in healthcare...

Comparison of Healthcare Agencies

Introduction Public health refers to the science and art of averting diseases, extending life, and promoting health via the implementation of organized efforts and informed choices by the public, associations, public and private communities, and the individual persons (Institute of Medicine, 1988). The field is concerned with the general health...

Childhood Obesity and Its Potential Prevention

Abstract This paper delves into the use of early onset obesity detection in children and suggests methods of potentially preventing childhood obesity later on in the child’s life. Introduction The proposed change to help deal with the issue of childhood obesity was inspired by the study of Wright et al....

Effects of Combat on War Veterans

Introduction According to Paulson & Krippner (2007), war veterans constitute of a population that has unique needs and experiences, mostly because of combat. Some of the experiences that the soldiers undergo while at war render them traumatized for the rest of their lives. This realization prompts the development of advocacy...

Patient Falls Considering a Hospital Setting

Most of the past empirical studies reveal that both old and young patients are equally affected by falls in hospitals. However, patients who find themselves in this situation are often not assisted. This hospital situation also entails elimination-related activities (Tzeng & Yin, 2008). It is also crucial to mention that...

The Priority Nursing Diagnoses

The three priority nursing diagnoses are responding to client’s problem in the diagnostic label, identification of related factors causing the problem, and identification of defining characteristics. The initial interventions for the client are pain management, identification of pain etiology, and defining the evidence of the pain. The dependent actions are...

Allocation of Healthcare Resources

Finite vs. Infinite Health Care Costs In a just society, everyone has a right to minimum health care. However, such minimum medical care should exclude other social determinants of health such as a person’s income and education that define a person’s lifestyle choices (Klein, 2005). Thus, some procedures should be...

Public Health Campaign on STD Among the Youth

Abstract In this paper, the author analyzed irrelevant and biased messages in the society and how they impact on public health. A detailed analysis of the influence of these messages on public health campaigns is provided. In addition, the author explored the suitability of communication and language in relation to...

Mental Health Buring a COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed individuals and families in the United States to government-imposed public health practices, most of which conflict with their daily programs. The actions imposed by the government in conjunction with the Department of Health encompass quarantine, closure of schools and some businesses, and lockdown (Galea, Merchant,...

Amenorrhoea: The Pathophysiology

Introduction Amenorrhoea is a health condition that is characterised by the absence of menstruation. However, for a woman to be diagnosed with the condition, she must have missed at least three consecutive menstrual periods (Porth & Matfin, 2009). Dysmenorrhoea is a health condition that is exemplified by pain just before...

Practice Change in the University Hospital

Introduction This proposal will describe the interventions which will be needed to reduce the level of noise within one unit of the University Hospital; in particular, the specific aim is to achieve at least 45 percent noise reduction. This task can have several important implications for the welfare patients; for...

Should Preventive Care Be Restricted From High-Risk Patients

Introduction The paper is aimed at a constructive argumentation of whether preventive care should be restricted for high-risk patients or patients nearly to be ill or not. In this respect, the research deals with the authoritative opinions of therapists and observers of the issue in a nationwide scope. Due to...

Deathography of Cancer

The mystery that is death can be described in numerous ways. Nobody can predict with accuracy when and where death will occur. Death can occur through old age, disease, accidents, murder and execution. The above different circumstances provide the platform on which death can be explained in numerous ways. Death...

The Care of Older Adults in the Nursing Practice

Abstract The paper discusses the statistical methods used in two research papers, namely, Nursing students’ Knowledge and Beliefs about Care of Older Adults in a shifting Context of Nursing Education by Baumbusch, Dahlke, and Phinney (2012) and Nurses’ Perceptions of Pain Management in Older Adults by Gropelli and Sharer (2013)....

The Various Risk Factors that Face African American Men and Women over 50 Years

Introduction The health and well-being of an individual are usually affected by numerous factors, where those linked to ill health, disease, death, or disability are referred to as risk factors (Durstine, 2009, p.32). Risk factors can also be described as the general characteristics of a person, their lifestyle, genetic background...

Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

Introduction Formal regulation of medicines and medical devices in the United Kingdom started in the 1960s after the thalidomide incidence. Thalidomide was a prescription drug for relieving morning sickness in pregnant women used widely in the late 1950s and early 1960s before the discovery of unpredicted disastrous birth defects. Since...

Breast Cancer Development and Progression: Understanding Epigenetic Mechanisms

Introduction The development and progression of breast cancer have been attributed to a series of cellular and molecular events, most of which are not well understood (Veeck & Esteller 2010). However, cell and molecular biologists agree that normal cells become cancerous when they undergo genetic modifications that make them acquire...

Correlation Between Vaccines and Autism

Vaccination has long been the most effective way of preventing or completely eliminating infectious diseases. Prior to vaccination, large numbers of people with different backgrounds suffered from smallpox and other diseases. Nevertheless, opposing vaccination has become a major trend in Western societies, which have been leading the world in the...

Two Key Theories in Public Health and Epidemiology

Abstract Medical practitioners use different theories are used to monitor various health practices. Nurses should use effective theories in order deal with every health problem. This essay describes two theories in public health practice. One of these theories is called the Health Belief Model. The second model called Community Organization...

African American Cultural Group’s Health Analysis

An Overview of the African Americans The African Americans of the US are what some people prefer to call the Blacks or the Negros. This group of Americans has its origins in those parts of the world that have the black race such as Africa and the Caribbean. There are...

Cervical Cancer: Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice

Abstract Nursing is one of the few careers that are not only based on the passion to save lives but also on a calling to serve humanity. Therefore, nurses are very important in our lives as humans. Therefore, Evidence-based Practice (EBP) means the exploration and use of the best available...

Change Project Aimed at Medical Care Quality Increasing

Introduction Medical institutions need to implement new systems to maximize patients’ outcomes. Health managers can guide their followers to support every introduced change, solve their differences, and be part of the entire process. They can offer the right resources, guidelines, and training to improve service delivery and patients’ experiences. Modern...

Public Health Efforts in Oral Health

Introduction Oral health is an important aspect of an individual’s health and well-being. Poor oral health causes many diseases among people of all ages (Martin, 2013). Regular oral healthcare services may aid in combating oral diseases and detecting other related problems. However, rural communities face disparities in oral health despite...

Strategic Measurement Tools at West Alabama Mental Health

Comparison and Contrast Economic profit, also known as economic value added (EVA), relates to a measure, unit, or standard established on the residual income technique, which acts as a metric of the undertaken projects’ profitability. Return on investment, commonly abbreviated as ROI, is a financial ratio utilized in the computation...

Health Sciences School. MSc Nursing Administration

Introduction Evidence based health and social care is understood as to take care of patients and their families depending on results of studies conducted on the same field of practice, and/or depending on policies and guidelines set by expertise and governments authorities. The author of this paper selected “palliative care”...

Patient Rights When Interacting With Healthcare Providers

Introduction Good health care is what patients require though compromised by many medical practitioners especially where there are no legislations and polices in place to ensure that health systems adhere to the set standards. Many people may succumb to death due to substandard medical services provided my medical practitioners who...

Critiquing Erin Brockovich

Discuss Survey Research A survey research entails the use of samples to make didactic conclusions about large populations of organisms. Many scholars often use this research method in analyzing the popularity of candidates in political campaigns. Good surveys usually require the researchers to formulate the research questions before embarking on...

Healthcare in the US of America and Canada

As the United States debated the Health care reform bill suggested by President Obama’s administration, the Canadian healthcare system was often cited as a model that the US could ape. While Canada has for years now maintained a public-funded single-payer healthcare system, the United States opted for a private system...

Thermal Cameras and Dealing With Medical Issues

Thermal cameras were costly and large just a few decades ago; thus, a small number of people could use them at home or even at work. Fortunately, the situation has changed, and they are widely used nowadays in numerous fields ranging from medicine to security. Without any doubt, they have...

The Concept of Healing Hospital Paradigm

Components of the Healing Hospital Paradigm The Healing Hospital Paradigm is a holistic approach aimed at providing effective medical support and care to different patients. This paradigm focuses “on the needs of the whole person” (Ashcraft, Anthony, & Mancuso, 2010, p. 1). This notion explains why “physicians should consider the...

Telehealth in Visiting Nurse Association of Greater Philadelphia

The use of telehealth in Visiting Nurse Association of Greater Philadelphia (VNA) The Visiting Nurse Association of Greater Philadelphia (VNA) was the healthcare organization chosen to study the applications, challenges, attributes, and capabilities of telehealth. To obtain answers to pre-prepared questions, C. McEnvoy was the personnel interviewed through telephone. The...

Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers in Hispanic Elderly People

Pressure ulcers among elderly patients can be quite painful and may contribute to other medical conditions if not managed properly. Among bedridden elderly patients, it is critical that nurses and care providers change the position of the patient several times in order to reduce cases of pressure ulcers. Conditions and...

Neighborhood Deprivation and Exposure to Fast Food in a Large Rural Area

Introduction Families and individuals have significantly continued to depend on foods prepared outside their homes as substitutes for foods prepared at homes due to various factors related to economic and social issues, such as costs, convenience, and time. In this context, foods from fast-food restaurants lead to other sources of...

Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Pathophysiology

Times of antiquity were characterized by reduced cases of medical disorders. The few that existed were either managed by traditional or less sophisticated technologies. Today, medical concerns such as cancer, diabetes, and other cardiovascular disorders have become common in the medical fraternity. Poor eating habits and lifestyle changes have been...

Clinical Governance Meaning

A laparoscopic appendectomy is a significant surgical procedure to remove the appendix. Compared to open appendectomy, this variant is better because it uses a few small incisions to perform surgery, which contributes to a shorter recovery time. However, it does not mean that this procedure does not require specific attention....

Nursing Articles Critique

Quantitative Analysis of Sex Differences in Traumas The Ethical Aspects of the Study Not presented. The study does not operate the consent of the subjects since it analyzes the data based on articles reviews (Tolin & Foa, 2006). The research uses neither the names nor the private data of the...

Identifying Health Care Fraud and Abuse

Health care fraud is a significant bother for all stakeholders, even though not everyone realizes it. On the one hand, fraud and abuse are associated with an increased cost of care. According to Drabiak and Wolfson (2020), up to 10% of all healthcare costs are associated with fraudulent reimbursement claims....

Biomechanics of an External Fracture Fixation Device

Introduction The quality and quantity of callus formed is dependent on Inter-fragmentary motions. The directions of these movements are dictated by the mounting plane contained in the external fixators. This study indulges in determining the role played by external fixators in the fracture healing process which is closely influenced by...

Models of Small-World Social Networks

The rate of the spread of HIV infections in a population is proportional to the number of individuals with multiple sex partners at the same time within the population. Although most individuals in a social network will have a few sex partners, a small percentage of individuals will have a...

Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease: Conditions

Drexler, Y.R. & Bomback, A.S. (2013). Definition, identification and treatment of resistant hypertension in chronic kidney disease patients. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation, 0, 1-9. Drexler and Bomback aims at discussing the conditions of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and the impact of resistant hypertension in order to offer an appropriate...

Seasonal Influenza Analysis

Synopsis The review is based on the studies conducted by different scholars at various periods of time. The independence of each research helps us draw objective unprejudiced conclusions about CDC program relevance and cost effectiveness. Background CDC program on Seasonal Influenza is aimed at informing people about cases, treatment, protection...

A Choice Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Quantitative research methods involve collection and analysis of data in form of numbers while qualitative research methods involve collection and analysis of data in form of words (Bradley, Curry & Devers, 2007). Quantitative methods are more rigorous than the qualitative methods because they can test hypothesis in a research study....

Crisis Intervention for Suicidal Behavior

Suicidal behavior has been common throughout the history of humanity. Examples of suicides appear in literary works. It has also been a topic of scholarly inquiry. There are numerous theories on the causes and nature of suicide, and there are various strategies to address this issue. This paper dwells upon...

The Ebola Outbreak in West Africa

Overview of the Event The Ebola outbreak is West Africa is one of the biggest concerns among world leaders in the current society. According to Blokehead (2014), the outbreak begun in December 2013 when a person tested positive of the Ebola virus in Guinea. It then spread very quickly to...

Health Care Organization Licensing, Accreditation, and Certification

Introduction Health care administration in Florida State is provided for in Chapter 408 of the Florida Statutes called the Health Care Licensing Procedures Act. This is administered by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) otherwise known simply as the ‘agency’. The agency issues, revokes, or denies certificates of need...

Heart Disease’s Fundamental Pathophysiologic Mechanism

Introduction Heart disease’s fundamental pathophysiologic mechanism typically begins with the atherosclerosis process, which develops and advances for periods before the acute episode. Atherosclerosis refers to a low-grade inflammation of the medium-sized arteries’ intima, accelerated by various risk factors, including genetics, diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol, and blood pressure (Ford et al.,...

The Future of Nursing in an Evolving Health Care System

Owing to the ongoing health care reform, nurses in the United States are continuously being facilitated to practice to the optimum level of their proficiencies and capabilities with the view to assuming new roles in the health care delivery and becoming the main force behind the optimization of care for...

Resistance of Bacteria to Antibiotics

Introduction The increasing and extraordinary ability of bacteria to resist antibiotics has become a major concern for public health practitioners. It has also been cited as a case of evolution in action which has driven evolutionary scientists to their laboratories with an aim of uncovering how molecules-to-man evolution have come...

The Development of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that is on the rise in the current world. In America, around forty percent of the population suffers from osteoporosis. The disease can remain hidden in one’s body until a fracture happens. Osteoporosis is the reduction of bone mass and density, which eventually results in...

Nursing: Core Competencies Comparisons

The nursing profession is deemed ineffective when the core competencies are not upheld. To this end, the core competencies are vital in the delivery of high-quality care services, a norm that is the nurses’ identity that upholds their social status. Given the core competency profile, the ideas fronted are both...

Evidence-Based Practice Implementation in Nursing

Introduction The article in question dwells upon the successful implementation of evidence based practice (EBP) in nursing. A strategy for 22-bed intensive care units in an Australian public tertiary hospital was developed (Aitken et al., 2011). The article provides details of this implementation and it can be regarded as an...

Impact of Alcohol Abuse on Breast Cancer Risk in Women

Introduction Alcohol abuse is a common problem in most societies that leads to serious health problems. However, many people are aware of the negative effects of alcohol on the liver and cardiovascular system but do not know about the link between alcohol and an increased risk of cancer. The connection...

Healthcare Cost Control Around the World

Germany Germany’s healthcare system is based primarily on government-regulated, employment-based private insurance (still providing universal healthcare coverage). Representatives of health providers, hospitals, sickness funds, unions, and the government constitute Concerted Action, a special body created first by the 1977 German Cost Containment Act (Bodenheimer & Grumbach, 2016, p. 172). The...

Reducing Risks Through Safety Design

Introduction There are several factors involved in every efficient safety program for it to be successful. Similarly, while the workplace is still a thought put on paper, it is much more important to discuss its safety aspects. In this way, safety design evaluations and plan mitigation are all an equally...

Patients’ Spiritual Needs Assessment

Spirituality in Patients The meaning of spirituality varies a lot depending on an individual and the faith he/she posses (Barna, 2003). To some people, it may be used to refer to the faith they posses while in others, it may be used to give life meaning and purposes. Whatever the...

Differences Between Features of Bipolar Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Patients presenting with bipolar disorder are more mentally disturbed than the patients presenting with generalized anxiety disorder (Geller et al., 2002). Patients presenting with bipolar disorder for the first time are usually teenagers or young adults while those presenting with generalized anxiety disorder are at different stages of life. Bipolar...

Public Health/Health Administration Program

During the latter quarter of the 1800s and the first quarter of the 1900s, scientific development, especially in microbiology steered in a novel aspect for the field of public health. This bacteriologic phase of the public health movement was led by the discoveries of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch and...

Shared Decision Making Model of Bandman and Bandman

Definition of the problem A female patient was suffering from a terminal ailment and she was admitted in the intensive care unit for specialized treatment (Zalon, Constantino & Andrews, 2008). She was experiencing unbearable pain before she decided to call for the nurse for assistance. She complained that she was...

Cancer Pain Experiences in Caucasians vs. Minorities

Introduction In spite of the attempt by the healthcare providers to provide cancer patients with ‘effective analgesia’, pain as a result of the disease continues being suboptimaly treated and also under recognised. Nearly 18 million new diagnosis of cancer have been made in the United States since 1990. In 2008,...

Clinical Integration: The Physician Model

Modernization and improvement of the healthcare system in any country is the process that never stops. However, medical facilities face a number of different challenges while trying to achieve the goal of developing efficient approaches to healthcare services. Before deciding where to move next, managers must have a good understanding...

Evaluating the Importance of Community-Based Participatory Research in Health Promotion Processes

Introduction The promotion of a healthy community is an ongoing concern which has assumed an international imperative for governments, policy makers, and practitioners. As we progress through the 21st century, health promotion and health improvement in community settings are first becoming priorities in global and national health policy agendas (Runciman...

Haiti: The Mortality Rate in the Country

Mortality rates differ from one country to another. The developing countries have a higher mortality rate compared to the developed country (Hitchens, 2012). This research paper will focus on the mortality rate of Haiti. Haiti is a Central American and Caribbean country, but it is ranked among the developing countries....

Influenza Epidemiology and Intervention

Introduction At least once in a lifetime, an individual undergoes a distressing period when they experience flu. Whether mild or severe, the virus that causes flu spreads in the body, weakening its immunity. The influenza virus multiplies at different rates in the respiratory organs causing different mildness or severe flu...

Nursing Practicum Experience With Focus on Infections

Introduction Over the decades, there have been increasing cases of adverse health practices and cases of deaths, which have prompted healthcare systems to seek appropriate solutions. The practicum experience is an evidence-based solution to ensure that nurses are competent in their medical practices to avoid the occurrence of adverse health...

“Nurse Exposure to Physical and Nonphysical Violence, Bullying…” by Spector

The article “Nurse Exposure to Physical and Nonphysical Violence, Bullying, and Sexual Harassment: A Quantitative Review” represents one of the many scholarly efforts initiated by researchers to comprehend the dynamics of nursing violence in practice settings. This critique reviews the introductory sections of this article with the view to illuminating...

Exploring Death Anxiety Among Staff Who Work in Outpatient Hemodialysis Units

Abstract This critique is based on the quantitative study by Lee and King (2014) titled: “Exploring death anxiety and burnout among staff members who work in outpatient hemodialysis units”. The article is anchored in the intensity of tasks necessary to extend the life of a patient, which could lead to...

Gender Effect on the Growth of Nursing as a Knowledge-Based Profession

Introduction In today’s society, nursing is perceived as an excellent career of choice. How nurses are currently educated has contributed greatly towards nurses’ autonomy within their area of expertise. But despite these changes, many barriers surround the development of a knowledge base in nursing. Most of these barriers are related...

US Healthcare Quality Movement

Introduction The improvement of healthcare in the United States is a priority for the government. It defines the creation of initiatives intended to measure the quality of medical services for further development of the industry (Burstin et al., 2016). Moreover, present-day programs aim to eliminate issues emerging in the healthcare...

Nurses’ Perceptions of Research Utilization in a Corporate Health Care System: Article Review

In the article “Nurses’ Perceptions of Research Utilization in a Corporate Health Care System”, the author explores certain characteristics of caregivers based on various aspects such as level of education, experience, and nursing positions that affect the quality of health care (McClusky, 2008). According to the researcher, such aspects affect...

Nursing Informatics and Leadership Competencies

The quality of the health care can be increased with the help of implementation of new management systems aimed at making the storage and use of information about the patients, innovations in medical practise, current events, and other issues useful for healthcare staff freely available, easily accessible, though more secured...

Canadian Medical Association Journal vs. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing

The Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) are some of the main journal accrediting bodies especially in the field of nursing practice. They offer access to a plethora of standards and other important documents listing...

Steps That Organizations Must Take to Reach AACNs Goal

Abstract The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) enacted the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in October 2014. The DNP program is a single entry degree that the Advanced Practicing Nurses should pursue at the beginning of 2015. This resulted in remarkable changes in the nursing programs. From research...

Introduction to the U.S. Health Care Delivery System

Introduction Health education in the United States of America has undergone major transformation regard the way it is undertaken in pursuit of improving the health status and wellness of the population. Health education in the United States of America is influenced by health care structure and health care policy. Impact...

Demographic Change Among People With HIV & AIDS

Introduction AIDS happens to be one of the major health concerns not only in the United States but also in the world. It is justifiable to state that the United States is doing well as far as dealing with the disease is concerned compared to most countries in the world,...

Gardasil: Vaccine Against Human Papillomaviruses

Introduction Health care is a rather important sphere of human life. The progress of medicine allows people nowadays to work on inventing the cures and treatments for such serious diseases as cancer. Needless to say, there are people who support and oppose the newly found cures. The article Public Radio...

Ancylostoma Duodenale Known as Hookworm

Summary section Gerald Schmidt and Larry Roberts argue that Ancylostoma duodenale is a parasitic worm also known as hookworm. It is mostly found in the small intestine of mammals such as humans and livestock. It’s one of the major hookworms that cause infections in humans. Numerous A.duodenale often produces iron...

Effective Healthcare Management and Administration

Human resources management is vital to the functioning of the healthcare system. For this reason, it is critical to not only attract talent but also unlock its potential to the fullest. An effective healthcare manager should be able to motivate healthcare workers to be at the top of their performance....

The U.S. Drug Prices Assessment

The United States faces various problems in the realm of healthcare. The issue of access to its services is outstanding and is, in many ways, related to the high prices of drugs. This tendency causes inequality and destructively affect the underprivileged groups of the society. The government should either change...

North Broward Hospital District: Medical Case Analysis

Introduction The North Broward Hospital District is a public, non-profit, tax-assisted hospital system with a network of more than 35 health care facilities. They offer a full spectrum of services to meet virtually any medical need of Broward County residents in its service area. Broward General Medical Center is part...

Schizophrenia and Folate Status Correlation

Background Scientists, together with medical experts, express that Schizophrenia remains the most puzzling, chronic, and disabling condition as compared to other severe mental disorders (Shore and Keith, 1996). Schizophrenia (SCZ) has been defined as “a group of disorders manifested by disordered thinking, hallucinations, delusions, social withdrawal and mood and behavioural...

The Secret of Bacteria’s Immune System

The Science Daily published on November. 13, 2010 report about the secret of bacteria’s immune system that a team of researchers from the University of Laval unlocked (Science Daily Staff 3). The group was apparently led by Prof Sylvain Moineau of the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Bioinformatics. The publication...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Epidemiology Principals

Introduction The chronic kidney disease is the state when a person gradually loses the functions of his or her kidneys so that the latter fail to eliminate the waste from the person’s blood and cause various complications ranging from faint and weakness to heart diseases, commas, and deaths. The chronic...

The Personal Sexual Behaviors and Attitudes of an Individual

Introduction This paper is about the evaluation and summary of an article published in the Journal of Sexuality and Disability in November 2000. The article, “Sexuality and the chronically ill older adult: A social justice issue”, is an attempt to describe and analyze the complicated relationship between the personal sexual...

Non-Surgical Reduction of Obesity and Overweight in Young Adults

Outline Obesity is a global crisis that is posing as one of the major public health nightmares due to its exponential rise, especially among young adults (Jiang, Xai, Greiner, Lian & Rosengvist, 2005). Many experts attribute this fact to the increased consumption of carbonated drinks sweetened with sugar, which have...

The Use of Computed Tomography Angiography for the Assessment of In-Stent Restenosis

Introduction Most researches tend to select significant tests based on the nature of the data under analysis and the process of sample selection. Conclusions made in such papers normally depend upon the value of the corresponding statistical values. The two papers chosen will further illustrate these points. Whether the procedures...

Cancer Treatment Practice Data Research

Abstract This position paper offers a glimpse review of evidence-based practice in the management of cancer. The case study is based in Korea. Nurses are supposed to utilize evidence-based practice in their daily duties. It is only through evidence-based practice that nurses can gather adequate knowledge. Moreover, it is the...

Analysis of Health Care Reform

In the article “Health care reform and equality: Promise, pitfalls, and prescriptions,” Kevin Fiscella discusses the prospects of the health care system in the state. Fiscella refers to promises, pitfalls, and prescriptions when analyzing the Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA) and the Patient Protection Act (PPA). Not all healthcare disparities can...

Healthcare Improvement on the Example of Toyota

Nowadays, it is not always easy to create an approach and be sure of its effectiveness from a variety of perspectives. Professionals are eager to get a lot and achieve the best results: they provide captivating ideas, experiment, consider the opinions of many people, and evaluate their possibilities in regard...

Economics of End-Stage Renal Disease

The major function of the kidneys is to excrete metabolic body waste. End-stage kidney disease care costs differ, but modality hemodialysis is the most expensive. According to a case study on end-stage renal disease, treatment options for the end-stage renal system includes hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, and kidney transplant. Treatment of...

The Radiology Techniques Overview

Introduction Radiology is a branch of medicine that mainly deals with imaging of various body parts to study or for diagnostic purposes. Radiologists use various radiological techniques to get the radiological images. The radiology techniques used in viewing the objects mainly involves the use of electromagnetic radiations such as X-rays...

Enzymatic Promoter of Dental Caries

Introduction With different lifestyles and consumer goods being developed each day, the question of health has been discussed since most of the consumer products have been causing a lot of imbalances in human health conditions. For example, there has been a lot of concern about sugary food and its possible...

Diabetes and Tuberculosis: Review of Articles in Nursing

Article 1 Trends in Prevalence and Control of Diabetes in the United States, 1988-1994 and 1999-2010 by Selvin, Parrinello, Sacks, and Coresh (2014) Objectives The study seeks to evaluate the trends associated with various types of diabetes in the United States. Selvin, Parrinello, Sacks, and Coresh (2014) sought to analyze...

Debate on Stem Cell Development from Human Embryo

Introduction Several ethical debates have been conducted in the past concerning the development, utilization, and obliteration of human embryos. Stem cells can change to several different cells that can be used in medical treatments. Although stem cell engineering has been done to help in solving various medical problems such as...

Participative and Delegative Leadership in Nursing

Nursing leadership ensures every patient gets quality care. I have portrayed the best leadership traits during my professional practice. My leadership style portrays both delegative and participative approaches. I am a competent leader who works with my patients and nurses. Team leadership is a participative approach that encourages every person...

Essential Elements of the Evaluation Model: Assessment and Method Analysis

Introduction As it has been stipulated in previous papers, the presented health care intervention project can be carried through two main approaches. These two approaches are premised on Nola Pender’s model of protecting people against health problems. In particular, collaboration among nursing associations as well as deeper analysis of current...

Innovative Nursing Care Delivery

Description of the Agile Team Model The Agile Team (AT) model is an innovative model that can be implemented in acute care delivery to improve the quality of care offered. This is a model that has been introduced as a replacement for a model that was referred to as the...

Doctorate of Nursing Program

Being related to one of the most humane professions in the world it is vital for me to prove the hopes of people concerned with effective and in-time help when it is needed anywhere, at home, at hospital, even in the street. In this respect I try to do my...

HeLa Cells Discoveries in Medicine. Polio Treatment

The Discovery of the Vaccine for Polio The HeLa cells were cervical cancer cells which were obtained from a woman cervix, Henrietta Lacks, back in 1951 at the Hopkins Hospital. On culturing the cells, they proved beneficial for the growth of an indefinite cell line from a human source. This...

The Nurse Practitioner Role

A nurse practitioner (NP) is a nurse who possesses a graduate degree and who works to improve the health outcomes of patients (Mannheim, 2012). The role of the nurse practitioner has evolved tremendously over the last decade. As the need for quality health care increases, the role of nurse practitioners...

Community Health Related Issues in the United States

This paper analyzes five different articles that address community health-related issues. The first article was retrieved from an online portal of the University of Wisconsin (College of health sciences). The article spells out what community health entails. Health education, as outlined on the university’s website, is a social science that...

Clinical Practice Summary: Efficacy of Safety Helmets

Haider, A., Saleem, T., Bilaniuk J., & Barraco, R. (2011). Efficacy of safety helmets in reduction of head injuries in recreational skiers and snowboarders. Chicago (IL): Eastern Association for the Surgery of Trauma (EAST). National Guideline Clearinghouse. Web. Scope and Purpose of the Clinical Practice Guideline The scope of the...

Patient Guide to the Internet

Nowadays, it turns out to be very easy to find lots of captivating information on the Internet. However, ordinary users and lay people may face numerous challenges because not all information is reliable and accurate, this is why it is better to make use of the patient guide to the...

Uses and Adverse Effects of Psyllium

Psyllium belongs to plant genus known as plantago consisting of more than 200 species. Its seeds are used in making of mucilage. It is grown in Russia, Pakistan, India and European countries. It is used in: Reduction of body Cholesterol found in the body circulation system. If body Cholesterol is...

“Leadership Styles of Nurse Managers in Ethical Dilemmas” by Zydziunaite

Abstract This paper is a critique of the article, “Leadership styles of nurse managers in ethical dilemmas: Reasons and consequences,” whose authors are Zydziunaite and Suominen (2014). The authors carried out quantitative research with the purpose of creating comprehension on the reasons and outcomes of leadership styles in ethical dilemmas,...

Informatics in the Clinic Area Healthcare

Informatics in the Clinic Area Healthcare is information-intensive, but most of the healthcare facilities especially in Africa are still making the transition from paper to digital media. Meaningful use of clinical informatics put together with best practicing and based on evidence delivery of care will see health care improved. Clinical...

An Important Role of the Nasal Cycle

Introduction The nasal cycle is one of the physiological processes that take place within the body without a slight knowledge of a person. Josephson says that the nose has two parallel nostrils (breathing passages) which are separated by a septum (a wall of cartilage) (17). These two passages are joined...

Adult Educational Pedagogical Philosophies, Theories

Introduction Nurse educators make efforts to offer and exhibit efficient teaching in nursing courses. Similar to teachers in other fields of high school learning, nurse instructors have issues regarding the writing/reading approaches and the attitudes of student nurses. Learners also express worry about their personal skills as they start to...

Microgravity – Effects on the Human Body During and After Long-Duration Space Flight

Space flight experiences of the astronauts and cosmonauts have proven that humans can remain in space for long durations of several months. Mere survival is not sufficient for space travel. Human beings must be able to work efficiently and live comfortably and then to return to Earth without any after-effects...

The Concept of Dignity in Nursing

Introduction In a bid to examine how nurses can enhance knowledge in the nursing care practice, this paper explores the concept of dignity as discussed in the middle range theory. Although there is no conventional definition of what dignity entails, this conceptual analysis will review different article to show that...

Healthcare Policy: Quality vs. Restrained Costs

“The dilemma faced by the United States is how to balance its impressive ability to deliver an overabundance of health care with the need to restrain costs, all the while living up to the perceived moral need to provide each US health care consumer with the ‘best’ health care available.”...

EBP in Achieving Magnet Status With a Medical Center

Introduction Several medical centers are in the process of acquiring magnet status in order to compete and be able to offer quality nursing services to the people. Magnet status is a term used to refer to an award that is given to hospitals and centers that have met standards aimed...

Statistics in the Workplace: Healthcare Research

Statistics is a very important tool in decision-making. Information from statistical methods provides important facts that are used as the basis for making informed decisions. Statistics is applied in virtually all businesses and it is an essential tool in organizations seeking to improve operations, improve conditions of a certain phenomenon,...

Nursing Care for Patients With Mental Illnesses

Nurses are the greatest components of health care; they are ever-present to patients and hold a wide range of responsibilities. Lauu (2000) notes that nursing, as a profession, is committed to social life, human behavior, and the health of people. She further indicates that nursing works to instill knowledge, power,...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Causes and Treatment

Theoretical framework Various studies have suggested a strong link between diabetes and kidney diseases. As described above, more than 44% of the incidences of kidney disease are associated with diabetes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2010). Diabetes is known to cause chronic diabetic nephropathy due to the damages caused...

Comparison of Brain Disorders: Mental Disorders vs Behavioral Disorders

Tracy, N. (2019). Brain disorders: Mental disorders vs. behavioral disorders. HealthyPlace. This article provides vast knowledge about mental and behavioral disorders and their differences and their manifestations in children. The author gives many statistics and data useful for the research, such as the heritability of behavior disorders or their symptoms...

Influence of Stakeholders on Nursing Programs

Stakeholders in the nursing program evaluation have several impacts or roles which they can play in not only assessing but also evaluating all programs related to nursing. To begin, stakeholders will make an impact by first of all establishing the right mechanisms. This can be achieved through outsourcing the support...

Utilization Project: Hidden or Indirect Costs

During the implementation of any project, there is always the utilization of available funds. With resources being scarce, most of the time project managers tend to allocate every available cent to a specific activity. While the organizers of a project may want to plan fully taking care of any cost...

Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership

Abstract As it happens in all types of services and professions, there is always a change that takes place due to the changes in development of technology and human relationships over time. Many such changes have also taken place in nursing, and that is what is going to be discussed...

Contact Dermatitis and Allergic Rhinitis

Introduction The skin encloses and provides protection to other body organs. This situation makes it susceptible to various physical and biological changes that occur in the environments in which individuals inhabit. Contact dermatitis and allergic rhinitis are conditions that lead to skin hypersensitivity. Their occurrence is mainly due to contact...

Cultural Competence in the Nursing Profession

Orientation Cultural competence in the nursing workplace is the accommodation of patient dynamics in the workplace. It is crucial for nurses to understand the importance of cultural competence in the nursing workplace and adjust according to patient needs and requirements to provide optimum patient care. This is an important step...