The Academic Field of Nursing Science

Introduction In the past few decades, the academic field of nursing science has evolved in terms of its philosophies, theories, and ethics. Especially, the latter decade has witnessed a specific focus on theory-guided practice models and caring relationships as the foundation of professional nursing. Nurses normally have to weigh between...

Activities to Improve the Health of 5-10-Years-Old Children

Introduction The management of health disorders has become a serious concern in various clinical settings. Irrespective of age the problem is at the high end. To say, there is an increased predisposition to obesity and mental decline at younger ages. Lack of awareness in association with poor intervention strategies at...

Coronavirus and Nutrition

The 2020 coronavirus outbreak brought many health system problems to the surface. The first and most important one is that a significant number of Americans cannot afford treatment due to the high health care cost and the impossibility of getting health insurance. Therefore, many Americans might avoid medical care or...

Enzymes and Digestion: Review

Do Now: On your handout list the different parts of the digestive system. If you know their functions, list that as well. mouth (speaking and eating) esophagus (directing food and fluids from the mouth to the stomach) liver (production of bile, particular proteins for blood plasma, cholesterol, and certain proteins...

Use of Anabolic Steroids: Adverse Effects

Modern science and medicine have developed many substances designed to make human life more comfortable. These include a variety of medications and supplements, such as vitamins. However, in most cases, these elements should be used strictly according to the doctor’s prescription to avoid the appearance of side effects due to...

Researching a Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s taxonomy comprises cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains, which form the basis of curriculum development in learning institutions. As one of the domains of Bloom’s taxonomy, the cognitive domain has become the gold standard of curriculum development because it measures six aspects of cognitive variables that determine the ability of...

Maintaining Confidentiality and Ethical Guidelines

Currently, there are several guidelines for practitioners that help work within the policy and law of each healthcare institution. It includes maintaining confidentiality and the use of appropriate ethical and legal principles when disclosing information. Everyone, especially patients, deserve respect for their data and privacy; as a result, these guidelines...

Hemodynamic Stability via Crystalloid or Colloid Solutions

Introduction A great number of disorders and mortality cases are due to sepsis, an extreme clinical issue following complications of an infection, caused by inflammatory processes. “Bad bloodstream distribution is said to be the essential consequence of this ailment, which causes an incendiary reaction of the whole body. Its main...

Encainide and Flecainide Effect on Mortality in a Trial of Arrhythmia Suppression

Design: Case control study. Setting: CAST Centres. Sample Population: 4400 patients, who had attended various CAST centres and had suffered from myocardial infarction, had been analyzed through the Holter test. Furthermore, the patients were required to have experienced six or more premature depolarisations within an hour. Inclusion Criteria Case patients:...

I Can’t Stop Coughing’ Case Review

Introduction Prevention and management of asthma as a chronic condition is a challenging task that requires appropriate assistance form a healthcare expert. The case of Mike from Minnesota illustrates the symptoms of cold-induced asthma: “a lingering dry cough and difficulty catching his breath” (I can’t stop coughing: A case study...

HIV and Kaposi Sarcoma: Research Methodology

Introduction The proposed study would use a quantitative research approach. Its appropriateness for this paper emerges from its ability to gather personal data, such as the age and sex of the participants and its propensity to accommodate different health indices for the analysis (Tracy, 2012). This quantitative study would be...

Reducing Turnover in the Healthcare Setting

The problem of high turnover rates has grown especially large in the healthcare context, where the amount of work, the range of requirements, and the emotional labor often do not match the provided benefits. Therefore, tools for increasing the human capital based on a motivational approach have to be introduced...

Maternity Nursing and Childbirth Risk Factors

The simulated experience of Amelia Sung’s case made me feel a little bit anxious but overall in control of the situation. Labor and birth in humans are two events that can easily go wrong with long-term adverse consequences. For this reason, I had to be careful about each decision and...

Summary and Analysis of the Article on Wearables Written by Linnie Greene

Introduction For many people, the use of wearables is a necessity, but the tendency of wearing these technologies can also be associated with their promotion in media. In the article titled “When Your Health Depends on a Wearable,” Greene (2020) discusses the advantages and disadvantages of utilizing a wearable. Although...

Alternative Approaches in Medical Treatment

Introduction Improvements in the medical field have resulted in the development of several treatment approaches aimed at enhancing long term recovery. In view of this, alternative approaches such as art and music therapy have become popular with much of their application observed in mental and emotional health. Therapeutic Treatment as...

HIV in Adolescent Population: Healthy Promotion Intervention Plan

Intervention Background Statistics shows that many representatives of the adolescent population are under a threat of getting HIV infection. African American males are under the influence of the living conditions and the events taking place around. They live with single parents, do not have a chance to get the desirable...

Virtual Colonoscopy to Screen for Colon Cancer

Introduction The issues of virtual colonoscopy vs. conventional colonoscopy are often raised in the contemporary medical literature. In spite of the simplicity and comfort of the former, the latter is still considered simpler and more effective. On the one hand, such evaluation is originated from the conservative approach of the...

Spaulding Hospital for Continuing Medical Care Cambridge

Spaulding Hospital for Continuing Medical Care Cambridge is a certified 180-bed long-term acute care facility where an extended number of professionals provide comprehensive support with every medical plan. It is located on a seven-acre campus at 1575 Cambridge Street Cambridge, MA 02138, and has a rather comfortable entrance and parking...

Ethical Conflict Associated With Managed Care: Views of Nurse Practitioners’: Article Critique

Ulrich, C, M., Soeken, K, L., & Miller, N. (2003). Ethical conflict associated with managed care: views of nurse practitioners. Nursing Research, 52(3), 168-175. This article aims at determining nurse practitioners’ perceptions of ethical conflict in their practice. The targeted nurses have an affiliation to managed care systems. Further, the...

The Impact of the 2010 IOM Report on Nursing

Introduction The 2010 IOM report was an eye-opener for nurses regarding service delivery for patients. Several positive impacts have been realized so far. From the report, it is evident that transformational practice, education, and leadership are the key tenets of effective nursing roles both currently and in the future. Transforming...

Dental Billing Fraud and the Role of a Hygienist

One of the most common patterns of dental fraud is related to billing. Some dentists may seek additional profit and perform services that are unnecessary to the patient. In other cases, a high number on a bill may be due to mistakes with coding. In either case, the situation is...

Policy Brief: Oral Health and COVID-19

Statement of the Issue The current policy brief describes the issue of oral and dental healthcare in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also addresses the challenges that dental offices currently experience when providing the clients with the services needed for maintaining an adequate level of oral health....

Reduction of Kidney Failure Due to Diabetes

The main symptom of chronic kidney disease is the gradual loss of kidney function over a sustained period (CDC, 2010). The disease results in the accumulation of waste materials in the body thus affecting the proper functioning of organs and tissues. Common complications include nerve damage, anemia, and high blood...

Reducing Stress in Student Nurses: Article Critique

The aim of the review Systematic reviews usually aim at providing knowledge and evidence about a particular intervention along with the implications of the findings on future research or current policy. In Galbraith and Brown’s quantitative systematic review, “Assessing the intervention effectiveness for reducing stress in student nurses,” the aim...

The Implementation of Telemedicine in the Workplace

The use of modern means of communication for the remote provision of medical and consultative services is a branch of medicine that tries to limit the impact of distance on the access to health care for a population. Telemedicine is a domain that tends to be considered new, partially due...

Should Abortions Be Legal? Arguments For and Against

Introduction The debate about abortions has been ongoing not only because of the medical implications but also because of ethical considerations associated with it. In the middle of the 19th century, medically-induced abortions were popular among the population and resulted in a large number of women dying from the poison...

Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart: The Importance for Medical Professionals

Anatomy and physiology of the heart are essential to every medical professional, and they are the cornerstones to providing effective treatment to patients. Without a deeper understanding of the cardiac system, health professionals cannot truly assess, diagnose, and treat an illness. In this context, anatomy is the study of the...

Baxter Water Treatment Plants and Public Health

The Baxter Water Treatment Plant is the largest water treatment facility in Philadelphia, supplying about 60 percent of the city’s drinking water. The government of Pennsylvania invested $73.3 million for the reconstruction and modernization of the Torresdale Water Pumping station supplying tap water from the Baxter (Rademaekers, 2020). The photograph...

Affordable Care Act for LGBTQ Populations

Effective evidence-based healthcare policies may improve nursing and patient outcomes by promoting safety and quality of care. As a major health policy, the Affordable Care Act demonstrates how political initiatives can transform healthcare (Laureate Education, 2016). The following discussion post will provide a detailed description of the Affordable Care Act,...

Exercise Benefits for Your Heart

The right amount of exercise is considered to be among the key prerequisites to good health. Aside from helping individuals to keep their BMI levels within the normal range, exercise is associated with benefits for the person’s cardiovascular health. The topic can be broken down based on the type of...

Universal Healthcare for Chronic Respiratory Diseases: Barriers and Supports

Chronic Respiratory Diseases are at the center of the current international medical interest, as they are among the likely consequences of COVID-19 infection. The economic side of preventing and treating lung problems is also closely monitored by doctors and potential patients. The pandemic has affected the latter’s ability to finance...

Biological Risk Factors of Hypertention

Mrs. Johnson, a 72-year-old African American woman, was diagnosed with primary hypertension 22 years ago. As she has already retired after working for about 40 years, she spends much of her time at home caring for her husband, who was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Mrs. Johnson has reported that...

Alternative Medical Therapy: Overview

Introduction Alternative medicine is a form of medical practice that is outside the conventional medicine field. It has a wide range of healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies which may include: chiropractic, naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, and Ayurveda. It means approaches to health and healing that do not rely on drugs, surgery,...

“Fever Evaluation and Early Recognition” by Kramer

The majority of hospitalized patients complain of fever from time to time. Fever is defined “as a temperature greater than the normal body temperature, usually higher than 38 0C” (Kramer, 2010, p. 20). In most cases, fever indicates an underlying problem. Initially, nurses had to decide whether to treat the...

Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

Introduction Crohn’s disease refers to persistent inflammations of the intestines that mainly lead to the breakdown of the inner lining (Sartor, 2006). The disease is caused by various factors that could be environmental, immune, and/or bacterial. Its clinical signs are fever, fatigue, occasional rectal bleeding, diarrhea, and abdominal pain (Sartor,...

Blood Sickle Cell Disease: Etiology and Treatment

Introduction Sickle cell disease is very prevalent among people who trace their decent from Africa, South America, the Panama, the Caribbean countries, countries that lie within the Mediterranean region and the Saudi Arabia. Sickle cell disease is one of the major health concerns in the Eastern regions of the Saudi...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention by Tayyib and Coyer

The given article primarily focuses on studying the most effective hospital-acquired pressure ulcer (HAPU) prevention strategies among adult patients in intensive care units (ICU). The setting revolves around hospitals and other healthcare facilities, where patients are required to stay for prolonged periods of time. The study was conducted on other...

Grand Nursing Theorist Dorothea Orem

Introduction Dorothea Orem developed one of the major grand theories of nursing in the 1960s and continued to contribute to perfecting it with the help of the nursing academic community. Her self-care deficit theory created a new edge to the scientific and practical interpretation of the nursing profession and inspired...

Infection Control: MRSA, C.Diff Norovirus

MRSA is an acronym for Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus which is a bacterium that leads to resistance to penicillin based antibiotics. Norovirus and clostridium difficile are viral based and bacterial based infections that can be easily transferred from one human to another and may be fatal. Infection refers to the...

Dietary and Relaxation-Based Treatment for Autism

Introduction Western medicine has successfully been used in treatment of various medical conditions, saving the lives of many in the process. However, its success in some medical conditions, for example, autism and AIDS and obesity, has been wanting due to the inability to bring wellness to patients. These serious health...

Improving Patient Outcomes: Team-Based Health Care

Abstract The healthcare system has gone through numerous transformations in the last decades. When the lack of information and knowledge about diseases was the primary concern, the industry put its focus on research and development. The current landscape, however, encompasses numerous challenges to the healthcare industry. First, continuous research is...

Print and Digital Ads on Mental Health Implications of Social Media

Individuals, organizations, and government agencies create ads for various purposes based on what they seek to accomplish. Business organizations may use ads to create consumer awareness of the presence of their products in the market. Politicians may also resort to using ads to advance a particular political agenda. Similarly, government...

Early Detection of an Ovarian Tumor

In the developed world, ovarian cancer is regarded as a leading cause of deaths related to gynecological cancer as it is generally diagnosed in the late stages. As a matter of fact, only approximately 20% of ovarian tumors are detected at an early stage due to the absence of symptoms...

“Nurse-to-Patient Ratios and the Future of Health Care” by Gordon

The major purpose of the book is to explore the role of nurses and care for inpatients. Safety in Numbers: Nurse-to-Patient Ratios and the Future of Health Care is the first book to address matters about nurse-to-patient ratios. In the book, Gordon, Buchanan and Bretherton (2008) explored nurse-to-patient ratio historical...

Female Condom Skills Training: Study Analysis

Introduction Quantitative research deals with measuring associations between variables. The aim of quantitative research is to establish the association between dependent and independent variables in a population. Identifying an appropriate population sample size and ensuring randomization of the sample selection are key steps of a quantitative researcher. This paper will...

Violence Against Nurses in the Emergency Room

In the present day situations of the health care sector, among the highly complicated as well as perilous risks faced in the workplace is the violence encountered by employees in the place of work. The general idea is formulated partly from the pre-meditated and imaginary fact that violence that is...

Healthcare Industry: Data Collection Tools

The need to improve quality in healthcare delivery through embracing efficient and cost-effective healthcare paradigms have evolved rapidly over the past decade (Davies et al, 2008). PineBreeze Health Services, a 300-bed public health facility, has recognized this need and is in the process of undertaking sweeping changes aimed at improving...

Current Trends in Teaching and Patient Care

Introduction At the beginning of the 21st century, patient education and teaching has changed dramatically. In contrast to the previous period, when the attention was paid to treatment methods only, modern teaching methods involve patients’ self-management and unconscious impact. Modern patient education is based on the idea that sense of...

Social Health Determinants Impact on a Country’s Health Outcomes

Introduction Researchers rarely dispute the effect of social determinants of health, such as where people live and work, on global health outcomes (Baum, 2008; Dankwa-Mullan, et al., 2010). Although health indicators depend on several intrinsic factors that concern a country’s national health system, recent research has shifted our attention to...

Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus I would like the patient to know that he is right in suspecting that his condition had led to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, the patient should be aware that metabolic syndrome encompasses several health conditions including; obesity, high serum triglycerides,...

Physician-Assisted Suicide: Legalization or Not

Physician-assisted suicide (PAS) is a type of euthanasia, which, in turn, is divided into several categories. Euthanasia can be classified as active or passive, as well as voluntary or involuntary, which determines ethical or legal dilemmas regarding different types (Jordan, 2017). Thus, PAS refers to voluntary active euthanasia, when “a...

Navigating Ethics of Patient Confidentiality

Ethical implications of a breach of confidentiality There are some responsibilities and ethical considerations that nurses are required to observe at any given time. One such consideration is maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the medical information gathered from patients (Erickson & Millar, 2005). If the information is to be...

Sigma Theta Tau: How Organization Supports Nursing Leadership

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing is one of the most reputable nursing organizations in the world. The purpose of the society’s activities is to support nursing leadership in the United States and globally in order to accentuate the role of nurses in health care. Therefore, it is...

PTSD Among Motor Vehicle Accident Victims

Introduction Motor vehicle accidents (VMAs) are one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality across the globe. In the United States, for instance, more than 3.5 million people become victims of VMAs every year while in Israel 45,503 people were injured in VMAs in 1999 while 476 people died...

Effective Diagnostic Testing at Chest Pain Units

The undifferentiated patient population with acute chest pain not only causes diagnostic difficulties to the health care practitioners but also requires substantial economic expenses of the department for conducting all the necessary measurement procedures and evaluating the achieved results. The organization of a CPU with all the necessary equipment and...

The HIV-AIDS Spread in African Regions

Introduction HIV/AIDS spread is too high in the whole world. However, according to WHO AIDS epidemic update 2009 report, the rate of HIV/AIDS infected people in African regions is much higher. Developed countries offer their help, sending medicine, volunteers and financial support to the less civilized regions in Africa, but...

Meta-Analysis and Meta-Synthesis

Meta-analysis is the method that is used to surpass information to the public policy by nurses. The first stage of meta-analysis is getting the research questions and perusing through it. Secondly, there will be reading the available materials found on the research questions. Data collection is the next stage which...

Discussion About the BRCA1 and BRCA2 Genes

Discuss the hormonal influences on breast tissue during the normal menstrual cycle. Why is this important when scheduling a breast MRI? (max 500 words) During puberty, breast tissue is hormonally controlled. Paracrine and endocrine hormones affect normal as well as neoplastic breast tissues. The issue of whether the breast tissue...

Incremental Cost-Effectiveness in Medicine

Introduction In healthcare, analysis of healthcare resource expenditure relative to the expected medical benefits is helpful in setting priorities and healthcare decision-making. It involves a systematic analysis of the costs, benefits and effectiveness of public health investment alternatives. Cost-effectiveness analysis is important in the determination of efficient medical choices and...

Health Research Critique Spilsbury and Her Team

Spilsbury and her team have investigated the impact of pressure ulcers on patients and recorded their experiences with a view to investigate into the quality of life of these patients. All the researchers are Registered Nurses with a PhD except for Iglesias who has a PhD. They are all based...

Consumer-Driven Health Plans (CDHPs)

Introduction Consumer-driven health plans (CDHPs) are intended to decrease national health care spending and encourage people to make more conscious medical choices. Their benefits and risks for different groups of population vary based on their level of income and health care spending. Whether a particular plan will be successful for...

Sleep, Experiences and Podcast Sleep Through Week

Discuss the Aspect of The Daily Life That Contributes to Sleep Debt/Does Not Accommodate Chronotypes The podcast interview with Matthew Walker discussed how not getting enough sleep severely affects people’s health and well-being. The doctor noted that in many cases, the time a person wakes up and goes to sleep...

Spiritual Care Is an Essential Part of the Recovery Process of Patient

As you correctly pointed out, being spiritual does not simply imply Christian or religious faith in general, this is why nurses should have at least basic knowledge about other people’s cultural and religious beliefs. For example, in Buddhism, different techniques of meditation are regarded as the primary form of therapy...

Resuscitation in Trauma Management: Fluid Options

Introduction Management of trauma has changed over many years. This is because of more evidence-based research on the major causes of mortality and morbidity in the acute management of trauma patients. Currently, a significant proportion of world morbidity and mortality is attributed to trauma. Hemorrhage accounts for 40% of the...

The Testosterone Therapy for Male Sexual Dysfunction: Benefits and Harms

The article “What Are the Benefits and Harms of Testosterone Therapy for Male Sexual Dysfunction? – A Systematic Review” provides advice on the benefits and risks of testosterone treatment in adult men with sexual dysfunction. A study of the potential risks of approved testosterone treatment has been undertaken due to...

The Financial Environment in US Healthcare

Hospitals Hospitals in the United States typically follow either the non-profit or the for-profit model. As Dewar (2017), the debate regarding which system is better is ongoing with an inconclusive result. Each approach has both advantages and issues, both practical and potential. With that said, regardless of their model, hospitals...

American Association of Nurse Anesthetists

Introduction Nursing is a profession that offers a broad range of opportunities all over the world. While choosing nursing as a career, it is possible to select a particular nursing specialty area to work with patients of various health conditions and age groups. Even though a great variety of groups...

Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Genes

It has been held for long that genetic factors are responsible for the onset and development of some cancers in human beings. Recent studies have geared to explain the concept from a data-backed point of view giving insight on previously unconsidered options regarding genetics and cancer. The concept of the...

University of Mississippi Medical Center

The University of Mississippi Medical Center (UMMC) is the only academic health science facility that is located in Jackson. It was created in 1955 with the mission to improve community health and well-being (The University of Mississippi Medical Center, n.d.). Its development and growth are characterized by a number of...

General Financial Information About the Adventist Health System

Introduction The Adventist Health System provides services to millions of people in its work of extending the healing mission of Christ. The Porter Adventist Hospital in Denver follows the Adventist principles of health care and offers both basic primary health care and has specialists’ centers with staff to deal with...

Service Provision Risks in Long-Term Care Facilities

Introduction Service provision in long-term care (LTC) facilities involves a great number of risks that require constant monitoring and quality improvement initiatives. One way to classify the existing risks is to focus on the affected party. This report discusses common and well-studied risks affecting patients (infections, falls), LTC staff (violence...

Diabetes Type 2 and Related Lifestyle Challenges

It is clear that diabetes is continuously becoming a big challenge. There is more than one type of diabetes: type 2 seems to be the most challenging one. A comprehensive treatment for diabetes has not yet been developed, however, it is claimed that with the right diet and engagement in...

Healthcare Practices Problems: Relationships With Physicians

Introduction Healthcare has some challenges where many physicians have failed to stick to their duty and found themselves in compromise. Medical professionals are supposed to have their greatest concern for the patient and altruism. An analysis of health practices revealed that sexual relationships with physicians, vendor relationships with physicians and...

The Practice Reality of Quality Improvement in Healthcare

Quality Tools This assignment deals with the demonstration of concepts, trends as well as application of quality/risk management strategies in healthcare. In dealing with this objective, the assignment starts with explaining two quality tools, namely; improvement tools like six sigma, and an evaluation tools like Audit. Six Sigma Improvement Tool...

Oncology Nurses’ Ethical and Legal Issues

Introduction Nursing is one of the essential parts of cancer patients’ treatment. However, providing care might “raise moral and ethical issues regarding respect for patient integrity and autonomy” (Park, 2009, p. 68). Moreover, the specifics of oncology treatment can pose additional legal challenges for nursing staff. The paper aims at...

A Critical Nursing Shortage: Reasons, Strategy

Introduction Job discontent has been traditionally known to be quite high in the field of nursing. Besides innumerable other problems, nurses express their anguish about a number of major disquiets, that relates to staffing issues, respect, approval, and wages, and such matters of dissatisfactions ate to a great extent having...

A Community Intervention Trial to Decrease the Rate of Chlamydia Infection

Specific Aim: Sufficient propaganda at schools in combination with obligatory annual screening of males and females starting at the age of 14 is a perfect decision for reducing the rate of Chlamydia infection ages 14-18 among ethnic group in Miami Dade Florida. Goal 1: Reduce the rate of Chlamydia among...

Decreasing Ventilator Pneumonia in the Intensive Care Units

Problem Statement Statistically, five to ten critically ill intubated patients develop VAP in the United States ICU settings. Thus there is a need to institute this protocol in our hospital to decrease the risk of VAP. This is critical because secondary infections in these patients increase the risk of death....

Abortion and Catholic Church’s Attitude

Spontaneous abortion is more commonly defined as a miscarriage, which happens involuntary and cannot be controlled. No factors cause intended miscarriages and religious ethics are on the women’s side and do not blame them for losing the fetus. On the contrary, induced abortion is an intended termination of a pregnancy,...

Impaired Nurses: Substance Abuse Treatment

Introduction Impaired nurses are regarded to be the victims of drug and alcohol dependence. The cases of substance abuse in the workplace have become a frequent occasion and, therefore, it constitutes a serious threat to the patients and the health care system in general. The percentage of nurses who have...

Organizational Quality Improvement Plan

Introduction General overview As the major issue concerning the managed care related to Veterans Affairs deals with the quality of services provided by the organization, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate the quality of services after the introduction and implementation of the managed care program to ensure that all...

Hardford Hospital’s New Organizational Structure

An organization chart is a diagram that is drawn to clearly show the formal arrangement of its department and the way its segments interrelate with each other. The structure helps the hospital to delegate duties to all its employees. It is paramount to delegate these duties so as to avoid...

Medicine and Public Health, Ethics and Human Rights

Introduction Nowadays one can observe the tense connection between public health, medicine, human rights, and ethics; it can be explained by a number of medical challenges, viruses, and shocking epidemic promotion. It is necessary to investigate the principle links between the issues in order to identify the ways of medicine...

Healthy Eating: A Common Nursing Concern

The significance of healthy eating choices may have been diminished significantly among general audiences due to the rise in the range of activities to be engaged in daily and the resulting lack of time for cooking proper food. However, healthy eating still remains an issue of utter importance, especially given...

The Role of Delegation a Family Nurse Practitioner

In health care service institution, there is a lot of work for nurses. In some cases, the work has been overwhelming and nurses have not been able to handle it well. The case of Ms. W, a Family Nursing Practitioner (FNP) is such an example. This paper discusses the role...

Decontamination of Medical Facilities

Introduction The provision of safe medical services suggests that the environment used for treatment is hygienic. Given that people visit hospitals to receive treatment for various illnesses it is clear that decontaminating these environments goes hand in hand with the quality of service offered. It has been observed in operating...

Human Physiology: Homeostasis and Coordination

Abstract Homeostasis is a major process that implements a feedback mechanism aimed at regulating the body temperature, water level and sugar level. Homeostasis uses hormones secreted by the endocrine glands in making this corrective process successful. Once the endocrine system has released these hormones into the blood, action is triggered...

The Florida Nurse Practice Act

The Florida Nurse Practice Act is a set of statements that outline the minimum requirements for all nurses operating in the state of Florida. It defines and establishes the scope of practice, and it addresses the most common categories of nurses, such as Certified Nursing Assistants, Retired Nurse Volunteers, RN...

A Plan for Health Behavior Change in Case of Mr. Green

Introduction Mr. Green is a 52 year old African-American male employed full-time as a managerial consultant. His job requires frequent travel, and he is on the road about three weeks of each month visiting clients around the country. During a typical work week, he spends most of his time sitting...

The Concept of Symptoms in Schizophrenia

Hearing the word “schizophrenia” may be devastating to patients, although they may not know what it signifies. The stigma of the illness might disrupt the flow of the initial interview if the clinician throws the diagnosis at the patient. Schizophrenia has serious consequences for both the patient and the doctors....

Telemedicine and Telehealth: Main Principles

The use of information and communication technologies has long changed the way the healthcare is delivered. Telehealth is one of the inventions that contributed into such changes. Basically, telehealth is the delivery of such services as “health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis, consultation, education, and therapy” (Hebda & Czar, 2009, p....

Cultural Assessment in Healthcare Setting: Hispanic Americans

Demographics The term “Hispanic” is used to mean a group of people that share similar cultural and national identities from the Caribbean, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Central and South America. This ethnic group is made up of several subgroups following their cultural heritage such as Mexican Americans, Latin Americans, Spanish...

Drugs for Treating Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders

Abstract Many people possess little knowledge of schizophrenia and mood disorders unless they face them on their own. Undoubtedly, it is essential to pay more attention to the topic, as the process of the treatment of these serious mental illnesses is often ineffective. Drugs that can help patients with such...

Anxiety Management in Adult Women by Family Nurse Practitioner

Introduction Anxiety disorder has become one of the most common health conditions not only in the United States but also in many other countries around the world. According to Remes, Brayne, Linde, and Lafortune (2016), “Anxiety disorders, defined by excess worry, hyper-arousal, and fear that is counterproductive and debilitating, are...

Scenario Analysis for Multihospital Systems

Introduction A Multihospital system (MHS) can be defined as an affiliation of two or more hospitals, subordinate to a central organization. The steady growth of multihospital arrangements can recently be seen in the healthcare industry. This tendency demonstrates that MHS might solve the pressing problem of increasing costs of in-hospital...

Insurance Plans in States: Colorado, New York, Florida

Introduction A family of an elderly war veteran has been living in Colorado for the last twenty years. When the veteran’s daughter got married, and her husband was promoted, it was necessary to think about moving to another state, New York. However, there is another son in this family who...

The Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome is a gastrointestinal disorder characterized by abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea (Irritable Bowel Syndrome, 2007). According to an article from the Cleveland clinic (Gastrointestinal Disorders, 2010), IBS can be triggered by consuming certain foods. It has been known to cause a great deal of discomfort but...

Medical Case – Myocardial Infarction

Myocardial infarction or heart attack is the heart muscle damage that occurs due to insufficient blood supply because of one of the arteries’ thrombosis. The main sign of myocardial information is severe chest pain. Often this pain extends to the left half of the body – the arm, shoulder, neck,...

Learning Disabilities of American Children

Every child is unique and has a different pace of learning. This fact also concerns developing communication skills, which include language and speech production. Several communication stages can be highlighted in the process of acquiring them. First, before 12 months, children should usually recognize sounds, voices, understand some simple words,...

Long-Acting, Reversible Contraceptives

Introduction Long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) is defined as birth control a method that provides effective contraception for extended periods. The ‘long’ implies that the contraceptives require administration of less than once per cycle or month. In comparison to other methods of contraception, LARCs do not require frequent repeat administration; and...

Healthcare Ethics Training Framework

Medical ethics is an integral part of the discipline as patients need protection and assistance. It is a holistic system as the provider must respect the law, patient and community rights, and evidence-based practice. In particular, managed care addresses the needs of clients, as it reduces the cost of services....

Cesarean Section and Immune Function Disease

Introduction Childbirth is an extremely complicated and essential procedure that can determine the future development and health of any child. It has always been considered that natural birth is the best and the least dangerous way to deliver a baby; however, many women have to go through a cesarean section...

The Type II Diabetes in Obese Children

Obesity refers to a medical condition whereby a person’s body structure is made up of excessive body fats to an extent that is detrimental to their health. More generally obesity and overweight are defined the same way as conditions where a person body fats are above normal levels ( The...

A Rare Case of Bilateral Congenital A V Malformation

Introduction Persistent or intermitted menorrhagia is documented as a clinical sign for AV malformation. The AVM lesions present a potential risk to patients. AVM is prone to deficient diagnosis (1). This is due to AVM clinical presentation that varies from no clinical signs to different levels of menorrhagia (2). The...

Chronic Disease Prevention: Program’s Effectiveness

Synopsis The CDC program on Seasonal Influenza is the focus of this discussion. The paper is aimed at considering the program effectiveness by means of reviewing studies devoted to evaluation of the CDC actions directed at population vaccination. Background The CDC program on Seasonal Influenza is considered to be the...

Plastic Surgery Trend Among Adolescents: Premises and Implications

Abstract This paper aims to examine the risks of excessive engagement in plastic surgery among adolescents, the factors that motivate this age group to change their appearance, and potential health risks. Unrealistically high beauty standards and the availability of appropriate procedures have become the main reasons for the spread of...

Traumatic Fractures: A Healthcare Research

It is hard to disagree that anyone can break a bone, though particular conditions and situations make it more likely. Compared to pathologic fractures, traumatic ones happen not from osteoporosis but sports injuries, car accidents, and falls. In other words, breaks may be caused by a bone impacted by a...

Crohn’s Disease: Symptoms and Treatment

Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, which can be an ongoing, and in some cases, debilitating disorder. Some of the widespread symptoms include diarrhea, bleeding, gas, weight loss, and vomiting. During remission periods, patients do not usually experience pain, but flare-ups of the disease are associated...

Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Foot Evaluation

Implementation Plan Implementation of the Proposed Solution The research proposes to use a comprehensive education program to reduce incidences of diabetes mellitus and diabetic foot in the population. Since diabetes mellitus and diabetic foot are diseases that occur due to changing lifestyles in the society, Corken (2009) argues that comprehensive...

Cigarette Tax Policy and Health Care

The phrase health policy denotes verdicts, proposals, and activities that are carried out to attain precise health care objectives in society. These decisions may encompass aspects concerning the financing and provision of health services, their costs, quality, and distribution of resources (Reagan, 2018). Policies in the healthcare sector influence the...

Consequences of Baby Boomers’ Retirement

Introduction By 2030, I will turn 52, while my father and mother will reach the age of 77 and 78, respectively. I think that the consequences of the current pandemic will span beyond 2020. Social distance will remain a rule, as well as the overall mentality towards maintaining a sterile...

Diagnostic Testing in Chest Pain Units

Early diagnosing is important for the patient population with symptoms that can be consistent with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) because the wrong diagnosis and premature discharge can have tragic consequences. The monitoring of the undifferentiated population with acute chest pain in the traditional hospital setting is ineffective, costly, and time-consuming....

Sexually Transmissible Infections and HIV in Uganda

Introduction Uganda since 1986 is one of the countries with a high HIV prevalence, but in recent years, there has been a decline not only in the general populations, but also patients with sexually transmitted infections1. This is credited on the health measures undertaken against the HIV epidemic by the...

Newborn Screening Tests Importance

The orientation of the United States’ healthcare facilities on the promotion of population health is explicitly seen in the first months of children’s lives. Hence, infants are provided with a variety of medical services to ensure the proper functioning of their bodies. In this case, the most critical aspect addressed...

The Wound Physical Therapy

Introduction A 72-year old woman was admitted to a hospital after being hit by a car. The patient’s history included recurrent diabetic foot ulcers and diabetic neuropathy. The woman also had comorbidities such as hypertension and arterial occlusive disease. For unspecified reasons, the patient hadn’t been receiving treatment and medication...

Analysis of Fisher and Scott Research. Van der Zee’s Report

Fisher and Scott (2001) were affiliated to the Royal Homoeopathic Hospital in London and Kings Hospital in London respectively. In other words, these are individuals who specialise in rheumatology and were therefore aware of the various approaches to rheumatoid arthritis treatment prior to writing the paper. They carried out their...

Progressive Neurocognitive Disorders and Adulthood

Introduction Neurocognitive disorders describe signs and symptoms of many diseases, which lead to progressive or gradual changes in the functionality of a person. It is a general term used to explain the cumulative diminishing of memory, mental agility, intellectual ability, and impact on the accustomed emotional ripostes. Adulthood occurs in...

Diagnostic Laboratory Implementation of Lean Thinking

Abstract This article reviews the ability of diagnostic laboratory to satisfy its client need without incurring many expenses. It entails the required changes in the laboratory to operate through applying lean thinking principles. It requires total quality management in order for the laboratory to embrace the required change to give...

Patient Case: a 78-Year-Old Female Client

Many factors, including age, weight, environment, lifestyle, gender, affect the health condition of people. Patients who get to the hospital have unique variables that have led to the appearance of diseases that should be carefully examined. One of these variables is nutrition that can harm a person’s health state. In...

Coronary Artery Disease: Prevalence of Risk Factors in African American Society

Studies show that many African American die of complications related to coronary artery diseases than any ethnic community in America. Other than other predisposing risk factors, the victims’ deaths are attributed to conditions of hypertension and development of diabetes type II. Hypertension among African Americans is manifested very early in...

Covid-19 as a Challenge to Global Health Community

Covid-19 is a global health issue, which poses a challenge to the international health community. The pandemic has affected the entire world as it spreads fast with human beings as carriers of the illness. Covid-19 is caused by a virus that transmits through close contact with an infected individual. Many...

Alzheimer’s Disease – Diagnostic Picture and Treatment

Definition Alzheimer’s disease is commonly referred to as a neurological disorder for the old-aged. A malfunction of the brain is mostly evidenced through loss of memory among the middle-aged and the elderly (Selkoe, 2002). In most cases, the disease is referred to as a mental deterioration process as it happens...

Evidence in Health and Social Care

Currently evidence based approaches have gained prominence in the fields of health and social care. A major motivation for the increased use of these approaches in the aforementioned areas is their ability to assist professionals in these disciplines make better and faster decisions in their every day practice. The inception...

Thinking About Retirement: Perceptions of Retirement

Life expectancy is nowadays considerably higher than it was in the previous century thanks to the development of healthcare and society as such. Today the part of the elderly population has grown due to a decrease in fertility rates in developed countries. In the U.S., almost 15% of the population...

Evidence-Based Practice: Pediatric and Mechanically Ventilated Patient Care

The Sample Employed This paper essays a review of data-collection methods and their associated reliability. In one, the team of researchers employs a compact meta-analysis of published literature to survey the evidence for best nursing practices concerning mechanically-ventilated patients in intensive care units (Couchmana, Wetzig, Coyerc, and Wheeler, 2007). In...

The Importation of Drugs into the United States

In the U.S., prescription drug costs are increasing considerably, and this issue continues to be a hot topic, particularly in the political arena. The importation of drugs into America became a possible strategy for addressing the problem of high prescription drug prices. Still, there are those people who disagree with...

‘Symptoms of Psychosis in Mental Health Professional’ by Fleming & Martin

Psychosis is a condition caused by various types of illnesses that interfere with the normal functioning of the brain. It is characterized by the development of beliefs about things that are false (delusions) and hallucinating, which is characterized by experiencing things that others are not experiencing (Beck 2008 p 334)....

Performance Measurements in the Healthcare Organization

My healthcare organization My healthcare organization specializes in ambulatory surgery services, which are offered to both patients with and without appointments (Summit Surgery Center, 2014). There are several departments within the facility. However, the various sections and/or departments are coordinated through the use of a healthcare information system that ensures...

The Main Reason for Nursing Shortage

Nursing is a psychologically and physically demanding job, as professionals must provide supportive care regardless of personal well-being. Lack of nurses is a long-term nationwide and multifactorial problem. First of all, individuals suffer from irregular work schedules and workloads that lead to stress. It is a reason for burnout or...

African American Women and Cancer

Introduction The existing disparities regarding healthcare services provided in the United States is a critical issue related to such phenomena as racial and gender discrimination. From this perspective, African American women are the most vulnerable population group. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, 73,030 cases of cancer a...

Arteriosclerosis in the Development of Cardiovascular Diseases

Summarizing the data on the effect of arteriosclerosis on the development of cardiovascular diseases is the key goal of the research by Argyropoulou et al. (2018). The authors seek to find out what the likelihood of developing vascular problems in the case of arterial defects is, and what biomarkers need...

Beta-Agonist Use and Death From Asthma Relationship

Summary The title of the research is “The Association between Beta-Agonist use and Death from Asthma.” This study is based on a type of study called meta-analysis within various case studies. Meta-analysis involves the analysis of previously conducted studies, preferably those that have not been published to avoid publication bias....

Quality Improvement in the Medical Industry

Introduction Quality improvement is a kind of approach that endeavors to formally and systematically improve the performance and efforts to raise the quality standards of a particular product or service. There are several ways in which quality improvement can be achieved. Some of the ways include FADE, PDSA, DMAIC, and...

Impact of Low Birth Weight Babies

When a baby is born prematurely, the situation requires special attention and a competent approach. This problem is quite acute, and growing such a child is a difficult task. Therefore, having children with low birth weight has a significant impact on the family and community. First, the family may experience...

Organ Donation Incentives Overview

Currently, organ donors are not paid based on the National Organ Transplant Act of 1984. However, living donors can deduct up to $10,000 from their adjusted gross income under the Organ Donation Tax Deduction Act (Kreimer, 2018). While the provision of financial incentives for donors and their families seems fair,...

Failure in Self Regulation of the Medical Profession

Introduction In most cases, the public is not very much informed when it comes to acquiring specialist services provided by professionals and as a result, they may be exposed to the risk of accessing substandard services because they cannot differentiate between a competent professional and an inept one. Professional regulation...

Nutrition and Fitness Case Study: Phoebe, a College Freshman

Phoebe is a typical example of ignorance so far as nutrition and its links to fitness are concerned. She cannot control her diet but suddenly overreaches herself in trying to be fit by playing football that results in injury. Phoebe being young her wound will heal but what should be...

Medical Coding in the United States

Introduction Healthcare system cannot exist without financial channels that provide for its functioning. This necessitates the classification that would sort all healthcare services and create their money equivalent. The World Health Organization has a set of codes of diseases and procedures that are used by countries to calculate the cost...

Arteriovenous Malformation in Children

Introduction Congenital vascular lesions are referred to as arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), which can be diagnosed at any age. The overall risk of complications (e.g. hemorrhage) from an untreated AVM is estimated to be between 2 and 4% (El-Ghanem et al., 2016). Although AVMs are rare in kids, they are estimated...

Importance of Vaccine Acceptance

Introduction Few medical technologies attract as much public attention as vaccines do. Throughout the history of medicine, physicians, nurses, and doctors have offered a wide variety of treatment formats, and it must be recognized that some of them were indeed dangerous for patients’ health. For example, the excessive use of...

Health Care Environment: Review

Health care environment are strategies put in place for diagnosis, treatment, and prevention illness in humans. It also pertains physical, mental disorders and injuries. Health care environment is basically viewed in terms of economical, public policing, social and technological aspects. Public policing involves rules geared to protecting and advancing populations...

Change and Culture in the Public Health Field

Introduction Most hospitals today face the challenge of limited resources and as such, seek to increase their chances of survival by minimizing duplication and improving efficiency especially by forming mergers and consolidations (Anderson, 1991). Additionally, increased competition due to prospective payment system is yet another factor that compels hospitals to...

Current and Projected Status of the Medicare Program

Health care remains one of the most important human needs. Times have seen healthcare stakeholders in America increase. Times of antiquity were characterized by individual contributions in the pursuit of medical services. The introduction of Medicare in 1965 may be regarded as the genesis of subsequent Healthcare reforms (Miller 117)....

Fundamentals of Biostatics by Bernard Rosner

Probabilistic Reasoning The theme of probability and its reasons is perfectly described in two sources. One of them is the chapter in the book Fundamentals of Biostatics by Bernard Rosner where the author gives several clear and interesting examples and defines the essence of probability in different cases. And another...

The Problems of Advanced Training of Nurses

Methods used to evaluate effectiveness of the proposed solution. The proposed solution to the problem that is based on lack of identity and appropriate nursing practice and students’ inabilities to use and develop their skills in a right way has to be evaluated thoroughly as evaluation and improvement of the...

Rapid Appraisal: Nursing Practice and COPD

15 peer-reviews journal articles are used in this project to investigate how the nursing practice has to be organized regarding the patients with COPD. There are many challenges nurses with poor experience may face, and this appraisal aims at identifying the concepts which may be helpful to nurses to treat...

The Unlicensed Assistive Personnel: Values and Functions

Values Related to cm Nowadays, more patients focus on the problems connected to poor medical care and inability to develop appropriate nurse-patient relations. If a nurse gets education and tries to find proper practical application to the received theoretical knowledge, it is easier for him/her to find out the most...

Evaluation of a Program in Nursing

The progress of health care system is evident, and nursing is considered to be one of the most fast-developing spheres in the chosen sphere. Doctors get access to a number of improved material and tools with the help of which appropriate and in time care is provided, and patients set...