The Key Concepts of Personal Nursing Philosophy

Introduction Various nursing philosophies are presented in the literature, each of which suggests unique goals and principles. However, it is essential for every nurse to design his or her personal nursing philosophy to specify the essence of practice, aims to be achieved, and principles to be implemented, as stated by...

Metaparadigms in the Personal Philosophy of Nursing

Introduction Nursing philosophy is an ultimate expression of the nurse’s values, beliefs, and experience that can be applied to their work with patients. Many notable nurses conceptualized and promoted their own philosophies of nursing. However, developing a personal philosophy of nursing can help nurses to explore their understanding of the...

Nursing Advocacy for Access to Healthcare

Clinical Situation: Limited Access to Care Opportunities for increasing the accessibility of healthcare services have been a contentious topic for discussion for a while. Although numerous steps can be taken to advance the levels of care accessibility by eliminating the barriers associated with economic concerns, language barriers, and similar obstacles,...

AIDET Communication Framework in Nursing

Introduction The quality of communication between nurses and patients in a clinical environment defines patient outcomes to a significant degree. Due to the problems in data management, some interventions or treatment strategies may result in the aggravation of a patient’s condition, an increased length of hospital stay, or the development...

Nursing: “Building Your Resiliency” by Sherman

Article Summary Resilience is a crucial life skill that allows one to overcome both personal and professional challenges. A positive response to failure is known as resilience, a characteristic that allows people to recover from any adverse event and regain emotional stability and confidence. Sherman (2018) states that “personal resiliency...

F. Nightingale’s Environmental Nursing Theory

Introduction Florence Nightingale is regarded as a pioneer nursing theorist who established the environmental theory. While working as a nurse, Nightingale noticed that environmental conditions affected the rate at which patients died following injuries sustained during the Crimean War. Nightingale believed that the environment had a great influence on patients’...

Organizational Climate and Nursing Care Practices

What were the name and type of measurement method used to measure Caring Practices in the Roch, Dubois, and Clarke (2014) study? The Caring Nurse-Patient Interaction Short Scale (CNPISS) was the method used to measure Caring Practices. It is a short 5-point scale method, where the results can be rated...

Determinants of Health: Factors Influencing Health Status

Income and Social Status Income and social hierarchy determine the health status High income; safe housing, quality medical care (Comers, 2013) Low income; poor health care, housing, food Prosperity promotes human wellbeing (“Determinants of health,” 2011) Low social status; inadequate resources (Comers, 2013) High social status; adequate resources Social Support...

Patient- and Family-Centered Care for Recovery

Introduction While being a part of a multidisciplinary team, nurses play a key role in helping a family to adjust to the occurring circumstances and providing practical and emotional support during an entire treatment course. As seen in J.L.’s case, the way a nurse establishes communication with family members usually...

Patient’s Medical History and Nursing Care Plan

Patient History and Physical Examination Patient Name: Mary Chief Complaint: The client complained about having a rash on her face. History of Present Illness: The patient said that the rash appeared on her skin after the holiday she spent hiking and doing various outdoor activities in the Appalachians. Past Medical...

Trends in the Healthcare Sector

The Healthcare sector is undergoing a constant change that has created numerous human resource challenges. These trends in the healthcare sector are discussed in this paper. As the healthcare sector moved towards a performance-based care model, certain human resource activities such as recruiting, retaining, and engaging have assumed greater importance....

Environmental Factors and Barriers to Health

Abstract The field of environmental health is one of the most important in health care. It has a wide variety of definitions due to a large number of factors that can affect a person’s health externally. It is possible to predict an increased occurrence of a disease when the environment...

Database System Design for Clinical Tests Analysis

Data aggregation in healthcare is a vital process that facilitates medical research and analysis, as it provides access to the latest evidence acquired in hospital settings. Collecting many different types of information into one consolidated data asset is crucial for both scientists and managers. According to Longhurst, Harrington, and Shah...

Pain Assessment and Management During Care Process

Background One of the prevailing issues in the nursing profession is reducing pain during the care delivery process. It is apparent that the primary role of nursing professionals is to enhance the wellness status of patients by alleviating physical and psychological pain, but the current models of practice have failed...

Weight Loss, Calories, Diet and Physical Exercising

Maintaining a normal weight is one of the keys to keeping the organism healthy and fit. Weight gain does not only affect the person’s appearance, but it also causes severe changes in the way the body functions. Such changes lead to an inevitable worsening of overall well-being and can cause...

Nurse’s Responsibility as to Disabled Patients

Introduction The work of nurses is almost always associated with moral and ethical aspects since apart from nursing, patients need an individual approach depending on the type and characteristics of their diseases. Moreover, some legal issues caused by the need to work with people may be affected in the nursing...

Nursing Career Choice and Refusal

Background and Article Introduction Being a nurse might seem a fairly simple task, yet numerous roles and responsibilities that one must assume require not only high proficiency levels but also impressive emotional resilience and the ability to handle considerable stress. In their study, Eley, Eley, and Rogers-Clark (2010) explore the...

Emergency Room Wait Time Reduction

Problem Identification and Rationale The research at hand focuses on the emergency room setting as the primary area of interest. Emergency rooms are among the most operationally complex settings in the field of modern healthcare due to the concentration of procedures required for the successful delivery of care and the...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Theoretical Foundation

Introduction All professionals have a certain philosophy that shapes their actions and the way they make decisions. In the nursing practice, having a philosophy is very important as it helps nurses to remain committed to the profession and motivated to try hard to achieve their professional goals (Masters, 2014). This...

Medical Terms, Abbreviations, and Spelling Errors

Introduction The use of medical terms and abbreviations is an integral part of the process of healthcare. On the one hand, the application of terminology is inevitable, and abbreviations can save time, which is essential for healthcare facilities. On the other hand, misspelling of terms and the lack of unification...

Cataract: Nursing Diagnosis and Care Plan

Assessment Subjective The subjective assessment of the patient does not provide much food for thought since the customer denies being under the impact of any harmful factors outside of occasional smoking. Objective The assessment of the factors that may have affected the patient’s health and triggered the development of the...

Nurse’s Role as a Medication Prescriber

The delivery of care that is usually offered by nurses has already undergone considerable changes and improvements in the United States. The main developments touched upon the economic situation, the number of medical workers and the quality of their work, and the promotion of healthcare services in different areas (Fong,...

Metformin for Type 2 Diabetes Patients

Metformin is an oral biguanide antihyperglycemic agent prescribed to patients suffering from type 2 diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus), which rates among the first-line medications across the globe and can be used both as a monotherapy or combined with several other drugs used for treating diabetes. The medication can also...

Nursing Philosophy in Emergency Trauma Care

Introduction In their work, nurses should apply theoretical principles of nursing to their practice depending on the settings and specific needs of patients whom they serve. Much attention should be paid to identifying differences in needs and expectations typical of various groups of patients (Wetzig & Mitchell, 2017). The purpose...

Healthcare Change Management and Workforce Retention

Introduction Organizations change can be devastating for the management and the employees as it is indicated by Welford (2007 p. 409). The environment is changing to accommodate technology and also the increasing number of patients in the new institutions being established. Many reasons form a basis for the movement of...

Emergency Medical Services and Staff Challenges

Introduction Emergency medical services include medical services offered to patients away from the hospitals as well as the transportation of patients to hospitals. Other names given to emergency medical services include life squad, ambulance services and first aid. Emergency medical services are entitled to patients requiring urgent medical attention; for...

Communication in Patient-Centered Care

Introduction Top-quality nursing practice and patient-centered care rely heavily on competent communication on behalf of the nurses. Good communication competency requires the nurses to develop a broad range of skills during both undergraduate and graduate education, and in the workplace. Patient-centered care is the core of these skills, which also...

The Lipid Panel and Its Four Parts

The human body contains varying amounts of different types of cholesterol that circulate in the blood. Carrying out a lipid profile helps clinicians to determine the amounts of every type of cholesterol in the blood, which is a significant step towards understanding the risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases...

Sudden Vision Loss and Nursing Care Plan

Assessment Optic neuritis (H46) is an eye disorder that is usually characterized by inflammation of the optic nerve (ICD10Data, 2016). It is one of the most common optic neuropathy that may affect young adults, develop suddenly, and touch one or both eyes at the same time (Toosy, Mason, & Miller,...

Healthcare Quality Improvement Team Meeting Plan

Designing Interdisciplinary Team The concepts of HRM tend to revolutionize, and the development of the interdisciplinary teams is one of the consequences (Nancarrow et al., 2013). This HR practice is believed to have a positive impact on the organizational effectiveness as well as the quality of the provided care and...

Disaster Triage and Nursing Utilitarian Ethics

Introduction One could hardly doubt that the professional settings of nursing practice are closely connected with the emerging of numerous ethical dilemmas. Nurses are exposed to ethical conflicts on a daily basis, and the core of these conflicts is the necessity to choose between personal moral values and those of...

Determinants of Patient Adherence

Introduction Patients’ poor knowledge about their health conditions is a health care issue that should not be underestimated. Inpatient care and services provided by medical staff constitute only a portion (albeit a large portion) of treatment and recovery, and the rest is comprised of patients’ self-care, adherence to treatment plans...

Multidisciplinary Teams Improving Care Delivery

Introduction Nurses are trained to function in different settings. Their competencies imply that they can furnish exemplary healthcare services to their clients. The contemporary setting in the industry requires that colleagues cooperate to produce better results and address the needs of patients in a more comprehensive way. Apart from that,...

Conflict Resolution and Action Plan in Hospital

Introduction Care delivery settings are stressful environments, in which nurses experience pressure not only to meet patients’ needs but also to interact with each other and avoid conflicts effectively. However, the extreme workload, the lack of staff, the unequal distribution of resources, leadership issues, and other complications can lead to...

The Integration of Theory into Nursing Practice

The integration of theory into nursing practice can be discussed as a challenging process because many nurses do not understand the role of theory in their work, and they are more focused on completing patient-oriented tasks. In their article, Tracy and DiNapoli (2012) discussed how it is possible to apply...

Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain’s Adaptation Theory

Introduction The idea of adaptation is presented in many nursing theories and aims at describing the patients’ prospects of decision-making and self-managing various health problems. However, this concept was initiated by Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain (2005) in their modeling and role modeling theory. Erickson, Tomlin, and Swain’s Adaptation Theory The...

Nurse Staffing Ratio Impact on Patient Outcomes

Abstract The purpose of this research proposal is to analyze interventions aimed at reducing the risk of adverse events associated with poor hospital staffing ratios. Inadequate nursing staff ratios have been an ongoing concern in the nursing field. The author asked, if nursing errors can be attributed to (C) unsafe...

Health and Lifestyle in Russian Culture

The Cultural Norms of Communication Adopted in Russia Verbal, Non-Verbal Communication, and Touches For some reason, western countries consider Russian people to be grim and gloomy, down to the point where communication with Russians becomes uncomfortable and unpleasant, but it’s just a big misunderstanding. I think cultural norms of verbal...

Nurses Education and Development Opportunities

Maintaining knowledge, currency, and scholarships available to nurse educators Similar to other sectors, the nursing sector is constantly changing. Consequently, nurse educators have to work very hard to be up-to-date and remain relevant. The need to keep learning and advancing in the profession must be emphasized. Equally important is the...

Nursing Legal and Ethical Principles

There are many principles according to which nurses and patients can develop their relations. Each principle is a unique combination of ethical and legal aspects. They help to define the way for nurses to react to different patients’ behaviors and choose the most appropriate solutions to the possible problems and...

Data Integrity: Legal and Ethical Implications

Data encompass structured ideas and facts that can be used to generate important information capable of being communicated and interpreted in a series of processes. Data integrity refers to an important element of information security and can be defined as the consistency and accuracy of stored data in a database...

Informatics Ethical Principles: Nursing Organizations

Introduction The development of the informatics specialization in the contemporary nursing environment has improved information management besides raising ethical concerns. The ethical concerns undermine the realization of a streamlined nexus between information technology (IT) and communication in the delivery of standard healthcare services (Coorevits et al., 2013). For this reason,...

Healthcare Technological Advancements: Pros & Cons

Introduction Since the invention of the stethoscope in 1816, technology has continued to change healthcare in a positive way by enhancing and expanding the capabilities of clinicians (Ramundo, 2012). The various forms of technologies have transformed the way modern nurses work. The technology also progresses along with nursing roles in...

Primary and Progressive Nursing Care Models

Nursing Care Model Healthcare organizations utilize different nursing models in order to organize their work so that it managed to benefit both professionals and patients. Depending on a particular model selected by a facility, nurses receive an opportunity to enhance the quality of provided care and make team collaboration more...

Watson’s Theory for Oncology Intervention Project

Applicable Nursing Theory Utilized For current project, Jean Watson’s theory of human caring seems suitable. The theory’s principles incorporate such values as spiritual care, equality, and kindness (Watson, 2013). Therefore, the theory is closely associated with the suggested interventions since relieving pain and eliminating adverse outcomes of treatment is one...

Patient Education, Its Barriers and Obstacles

Discussion Education of patients is important to help them cope with health problems, adhere to treatment plans, and focus on recovery. However, the work with adult patients can be challenging in terms of educating and motivating them because of a range of factors (Bastable, Gramet, Jacobs, & Sopczyk, 2011). In...

Interpersonal Relations Theory in Nursing

Introduction As a profession, nursing has long ago extended in meaning from simple caring about patients. Nowadays, it is also about providing advanced help and creating a partnership with a patient. This approach correlates with the Theory of Interpersonal Relations and Essential IX, which is a crucial part of a...

Meaning of Leininger’s Theory

In their practice, nurses should focus on many theoretical models which explain the major aspects of nursing and demonstrate the relationships between such concepts as “health,” “nursing,” “environment,” and “patient.” In Theory of Culture Care: Diversity and Universality, Madeleine Leininger focused not only on the listed concepts but also on...

Nursing Community Practice and Its Objectives

Goals and Objectives A nurse must consider community practice as an important tool for building the necessary experience. Therefore, the practice in question must be viewed as an opportunity for developing a better understanding of how to meet the unique needs of the target population. A set of goals listed...

Leadership in Nursing and Midwifery

Issue Definition and Description Removing the current barriers to practice is a crucial step in improving patient outcomes and the overall quality of the nursing services (McInnes, Peters, Bonney, & Halcomb, 2015). Despite the recent introduction of new policies allowing for efficient management of the existing limitations, a range of...

Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory and Application

Introduction Nursing theories dictate the nature and quality of medical services available to different patients. A nursing theory is a general assumption informed by different concepts and definitions with the aim of improving care delivery. Practitioners use specific theories to explain emerging phenomena and offer adequate health support. Such models...

Prolonged Hospital Stay and Care Delivery Factors

Introduction The selected periodical journal is Advances in Nursing Science (ANS), one of the most recognized journals for practitioners and graduates of educational programs in nursing. ANS provides most recent data on a great variety of topics such as nurse-patient relationships, health behavior, patient education, culturally sensitive intervention, and others....

Customer Focus in Healthcare Project Management

There is no doubt that people working for any organization should pay an increased attention to a successful communication with customers as the latter can be called the primary source of income of the company. Therefore, effective collaboration with customers should be regarded as the most important factor contributing into...

The Impacts of High Patient-Physician Ratios

Problem statement In the contemporary world that is typified by high levels of competition among various organizations, it is prudent for healthcare facilities to focus on how to improve their services. Patient satisfaction is important in healthcare facilities. Consumers have need to be treated with dignity and respect (Beach et...

Nursing in Israel: History and Changes

Nursing, as a profession in Israel, has grown through various stages to become what it is today. This paper looks at various issues regarding the state of nursing in Israel. It stresses on the history and changes in the nursing profession in Israel. The process of creating a nursing practice...

Arguments Favor and Against the Nightingale Pledge – Nursing

Introduction Nurses are important professionals in the health care system. They outline the point of contact between a patient and the system. Similarly, they identify problems, assess health situations, and offer solutions for health issues that may, or may not, need a doctor’s intervention (Haigh, 2013). Because of their critical...

The Nightingale Pledge History and Arguments

Introduction Nursing, as a modern profession, can trace its foundation to Florence Nightingale. This revolutionary figure started the first nurses’ training school at St. Thomas’s Hospital in London in the late nineteenth century. Due to her efforts, people who were interested in nursing could, for the first time in history,...

Workplace Violence in Nursing Practice

Workplace violence is an occupational hazard that has become typical of most workplaces across the world. Anderson, FitzGerald & Luck (2010) define workplace violence as an array of behaviors that range from mild violence to murder. It occurs in a variety of forms depending on a number of factors. According...

Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Discussion

General Information Diabetes mellitus type 1, normally known as Type 1 Diabetes, is a type of diabetes that is caused by the lack of insulin resulting from the destruction of insulin-producing cells. Since insulin regulates the amount of glucose in the body, the destruction of the insulin-producing cells subsequently leads...

Complication of Pregnancy: Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH)

Abstract Pregnant women are prone to complications, which threaten their lives and that of the infants. Pregnancy-induced hypertension is one of the complications that pregnant women experience. To prevent or manage complications, parents usually attend childbirth classes. The childbirth class, which was held at Sibley Memorial Hospital taught parents how...

Making School Lunches Healthier and More Affordable

Most schools are not able to provide children with affordable and healthy food. Most of the parents who provide their children with healthy food end up paying large sums of money in schools. There are certain parents who cannot afford to provide their children with quality lunch because of high...

Biological Factors Influencing Sexual Response and Arousal

Biological factors that influence sexual response and arousal include age, general health, hormonal and chromosomal statuses, and nutritional states. These factors are significant in regard to sexual desire but may not always contribute to the explanation of sexual responses. As such, it is vital to consider further biological factors that...

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Detailed Overview

The pathophysiology of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) involves a systemic immune response that triggers the release of inflammatory mediators called cytokines. This causes the pulmonary vasculature to become more permeable, and fluid infiltrates the lungs. This presents a ventilation-perfusion mismatch that causes blood to bypass the alveoli without gaseous...

Application of Two Nursing Theories in Practice

Introduction Nursing theories represent frameworks that professionals can use in their practice to provide care that shows respect for patients and improves their outcomes. They help distinguish nursing as a distinct discipline that is separate from medicine and other related sciences, assisting nurses in understanding the unique needs of their...

Aspects of an Ideal Healthcare System

Introduction Generally, having a proper healthcare system in the country requires consideration of factors ranging from geo-political to multicultural perspectives. An ideal care system should incorporate various facets including physical access to care, prevention, palliative care, mental health, technology, and cultural competence. The mentioned aspects are crucial components of healthcare...

The One-Minute Preceptor Model Applied to a Patient Encounter

Many diverse teaching methods increase the effectiveness of education. The one-minute preceptor is one of the key aspects which helps to learn concepts in physical therapy as the teacher provides direct feedback on the student’s knowledge (Gatewood & De Gagne, 2019). The idea is mainly oriented on the development of...

Public Health and Cost of Living Crisis in the UK

While the basic recommendations for a healthy lifestyle remain the same, including a healthy diet, good sleep, sufficient physical activity, and avoiding stress, the actual cost of such a lifestyle becomes increasingly high. While high-income people can afford it, many citizens struggle to satisfy their basic needs. 91% of British...

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome in Women

Introduction Polycystic Ovary Syndrome condition has become a major issue in women. Therefore, the reason I chose PCOS disorder for research is that recent causes of low fertility and increased masculine symptoms such as increased levels of male hormones in women have become prevalent. On the same note, women have...

Dental Clinic Establishment: Practice Management for the Dental Team

To a great extent, a dental clinic is a facility where dentists and their subordinates perform oral health procedures and treatments for multiple patients. The dental clinic that will be established will be referred to as Alqassim Dental Clinic and will provide medical health and educational services to clients regarding...

Evidence-Based Medicine Policy Analysis

Introduction The case “Constraints of the ACA on Evidence-Based Medicine” in the Health policy analysis discusses the challenges and opportunities of implementing evidence-based medicine (EBM) in the context of the ACA. According to the case, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has introduced several new constraints on EBM. They include the...

Operationalization Methods: Motivation, Mood, Anxiety, and Happiness

Operationalization is used for turning abstract concepts into quantifiable values. This paper aims to analyze and assess the operationalization methods used to evaluate the levels of motivation, mood, anxiety, and happiness in different quantitative research papers. Two scholarly articles for each variable were chosen for the assessment. The selected articles...

MyFitnessPal: Calorie Counter App

Introduction Esther Nia, a 35-year-old woman, sought help to improve her health and prevent potential problems. The patient noticed that she was gaining weight and exceeded her optimal weight by 40 pounds. Moreover, Esther has a family history of obesity and is therefore concerned about her health. The woman tried...

Information Technology’s Positive Impact on Medicine

The rapid development of technology should first be introduced into the most critical areas of science and infrastructure. Introducing IT in the healthcare sector can improve quality and significantly speed up work. However, the benefits are not limited to stakeholders solely on the part of employees and patients interacting with...

Kidney Stones Disease: Causes and Treatment

The occurrence of renal calculi, also known as kidney stones, is caused by an imbalance between the precipitation and solubility of the salts in the urinary bladder and the kidneys. There are numerous potential causes for the formation of renal calculi. Calculi form whenever there is an excessive number of...

Natural vs. Artificial Sweeteners

Introduction In the current increasingly health-aware culture, sugar receives substantial criticism. However, contrary to popular belief, sugar consumption is not a negative as it is often presented. Refusal of sugar is usually justified by two reasons: excessive weight and weight loss or health problems. Regular consumption of sweet food leads...

External Quality Assessment and Proficiency Testing

What is EQA? Medical laboratory quality management is developing rapidly and keeps evolving every day. However, analytical quality is still the primary issue since none of the other laboratory quality attributes are relevant if analytical quality is not achieved. Quality control (QC) was first introduced to the medical sphere long...

The Superiority of Ancient Medicine Over Modern

Introduction Authors’ stance toward their source can be either objective or subjective. Hasler’s stance toward his source is objective because he selected informative and reliable sources when writing this article. He did not merely choose one or two sources that would support the idea that his article was an objective...

The Transformational Leadership in Nursing

Introduction At my last job, we struggled with the issue of professional burnout in a collaborative setting. Since many nurses have been employed at the facility for a considerable time, many have started to lose their sense of purpose. Perlo et al. (2017) supply that “with increasing demands on time,...

The Royal Flying Doctor Service

Introduction The Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) offers a wide range of specialized services to Australians who live in remote and rural locations. The RFDS has grown to become one of the world’s biggest and most complete aeromedical organizations since its founding in 1928 (RFDS, n.d.). The RFDS provides emergency...

The Intensive Care Unit: Nurses’ Responsibilities

For new graduate nurses working in Intensive Care Units, does the application of the social representation approach compared to no intervention lead to the reduction of stress levels during the first six months of their practice? P (population) – new graduate nurses working in Intensive Care Units I (intervention) –...

DNP Admission Essay: Polypharmacy in an Elderly Population

A nurse leader is expected to be a capable team leader and organizer, skilled in care delivery and administrative roles. Therefore, becoming a quality nurse leader requires being a competent care provider and mastering administrative skills and leadership techniques on a solid level. A Doctor-Nursing Practice (DNP) degree will help...

Bed Number Ten by Baier and Schomaker

Diseases are one of the most significant contributors to human suffering and poor quality of life. The non-fiction novel Bed Number Ten, co-authored by Sue Baier and Mary Zimmeth Schomaker, is an emotive write-up that provides a first-person narrative of a patient with Guillain-Barr syndrome, which causes paralysis of the...

The Nasogastric Tube Placement in Nursing

Explanation of the Concept The specific concept involves the insertion and maintenance of nasogastric tubes for patients with gastrointestinal diseases. A Nasogastric (NG) tube is a flexible, hollow tube passed from the nasopharynx into the stomach (Cooper & Gosnell, 2022). The tube removes toxic substances, fluids, and gas from the...

Teamwork and Improved Patient Safety

Introduction Researches in the field of healthcare present new ideas and concepts for improving practice in accordance with the emerging needs of the identified patients. Lifelong learning is a tested approach whereby professional nurses examine emerging theories and apply them in their respective units. Organizational leadership needs to be involved...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Case Study

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common ailment that can lead to lost productivity, and anxiety, is a burden on patients and the healthcare sector. Ms. Lauren Parker is a 29-year-old woman who visited the hospital to receive treatment. Ms. Parker has had severe cramps, bloating, and abdominal pain for the...

Ethical Considerations and Counseling Skills in Therapy

Maintaining Boundaries One of the ethical issues I encountered during the practicum is lack of boundaries between a professional and a client. On meeting some of the patients at the site, I unknowingly formed a relationship that went beyond the professional lines which proved to be a challenge when attending...

Discussion: Respiratory Assessment

Summary Breathing is one of the main physical processes without which the body’s functioning is impossible. Without sufficient access to oxygen, the human body cannot efficiently operate since the work of many organ systems is disrupted (Rolfe, 2019). Therefore, in the presence of even minor breathing problems, a complete respiratory...

Organizational Change in Healthcare

Introduction There are dynamic implications associated with an organizational change mainly because of the alteration in the hierarchy system. According to research, corporate culture enshrines the apt utilization of the standard policies and practices among the workers to ensure the efficient flow of services during duty hours (Glenn and Guerrero,...

Water Intake and Output: Mechanisms of Regulation

Did you know that more than 60% of the human body is water? Likely yes, it is one of the well-known anatomical facts, but the extent of it and complex mechanisms which regulate water in the bodies are often underestimated. It is important to start with statistics, with 73% of...

Health and Health Promotion

Creating premises for improving public health and preventing health issues in community members are some of the core goals that a health expert must pursue. Furthermore, a proper understanding of the very concept of health is required to ensure consistent support for patients. As a mental health worker, I have...

The Future of Nursing Education

I agree with the current vision of the profession as it continues to maintain the reaching of established goals and recognizes the need for introducing new changes. Education continues to be a prevalent topic within discussions of the future of nursing, as accessibility and progression academically continue to be vital...

Autism Spectrum Disorder Communication

Introduction It is important to note that autism spectrum disorder is a condition that is the result of abnormal brain development. The key impacts of the disease are manifested in a person’s ability to socialize with other individuals and one’s perception of his or her surrounding social environment. Patterns of...

An Interview on the Role of Informatics in Medicine

Interview What brought you into the field of informatics and technology? In our time, computer technology is increasingly entering all spheres of human activity everywhere at a faster pace. I have always felt attracted to innovative technologies since my school days. I developed soft skills in parallel with hard skills...

Healthcare Collection Policies and Procedures

Introduction Preparing healthcare collection policies and procedures is a responsible task that involves different stakeholders. To receive competent and timely medical care, the relevant principles of payment for healthcare services are determined, and the responsible employees draw up appropriate protocols for receiving payments from the population. The importance of these...

Health Informatics and Its Definition

Introduction Digitalization and the integration of information and communication technologies in all spheres of human life are omnipresent; health care benefits from such a technological shift as well. Health informatics is an intersection of computer and information technologies with health systems that are aimed at facilitating healthcare opportunities (Hurley, 2012)....

Importance of Healthcare Advocacy Plan

Nowadays, the field of healthcare has to face numerous issues that stem from high attrition rates, understaffing, increasing stress on healthcare workers, and other factors. Consequently, the quality of patient care tends to decrease, causing patient dissatisfaction with the services. While the government entities and medical establishments make an effort...

How Mindfulness Helps with Premenstrual Syndrome

Introduction The following paper discusses premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and the use of meditation to alleviate negative symptoms. As most women experience PMS for most of their adult lives, this issue is prominent for billions worldwide. The recent studies included in this review include samples from researchers from different countries to...

The Impact of ‘Anomie’ on Vulnerable Populations

Over the last two decades, our knowledge of the critical factors for juvenile suicidality, suicide ideation, suicidal tendencies, and death has grown significantly. The role of psychiatric or mental diseases in the pathophysiology conducts leading to perversity is supported by findings from prospective and retrospective investigations, randomized society trials, and...

Borderline Personality Disorder in an 18-Year-Old Woman

Introduction The movie Girl, Interrupted is a psychological drama exploring the relationship between two main characters with different mental health disorders. The primary focus of the given analysis will be on Susanna Kaysen, an 18-year-old woman with borderline personality disorder or BPD. The plot begins with Susanna overdosing on pills,...

Preparing a Podcast on Dementia and Alzheimer

The rationale for the chosen topic and why this is a public health issue Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia is the podcast’s topic. Where the objective is to inform the aged group, which is the target group, about the disease. The explanation is given to describe fully what dementia and...

Hyperlipidemia: Treatment, Nutrition and Prevention

Introduction Hyperlipidemia is a condition caused by a high level of fats in the bloodstream. The fats are cholesterol compounds, phospholipids, cholesterol and triglycerides that travel through the vascular system as parts of lipoproteins (large molecules). It influences the production, usage and carriage of lipids in the blood and their...

Acute Respiratory Failure: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Management

Introduction The human body is a system that depends on the coordination of all organs regarding the distribution of necessary elements throughout the structure. Oxygen is an essential element within a person’s anatomy due to its functional effect on the tissues. In this case, the insufficiency of the supply risks...

Strategic Planning in Healthcare

A stakeholder is anyone with interest in an organization’s value. In developing strategic plans, it is important for organizations to set objectives that are anchored on the needs of all their stakeholders. In the healthcare industry, for instance, stakeholders include physicians, nurses, front-line staff, finance, governing board, and patients. Having...

Career Development at the Sidra Medicine Facility

Introduction Sidra Medicine is a world-class health facility in Qatar providing medical and research services focused on women and children. The facility introduced a career development plan to increase employee proficiency and productivity as part of a probe by the Qatari nation at large to increase and competency of workers....

The Role of the Registered Nurse in Intellectual Disability

Introduction Quality care metrics offer a measuring system that provides real-time reports and a standardized system to track and benchmark the quality of care. These metrics can determine and support nurses’ contribution to high-quality client care and many more (Health Service Executive, 2018). Person-centered communication and personal assessment are some...

Schizophrenia of John Nash in “A Beautiful Mind”

The article “An Assessment of Five (PANSS, SAPS, SANS, NSA-16, CGI-SCH) commonly used Symptoms Rating Scales in Schizophrenia and Comparison to Newer Scales (CAINS, BNSS)” by Suneeta Kumari and Mansoor Malik was published in the Journal of Addiction Research and Therapy on 11th May 2017. The authors are psychiatrists who...

Japan’s Food Patterns and Nutrition Habits

The name of the country and foods and/or beverages commonly consumed I chose Japan as the country of choice for the assignment. The most commonly consumed foods among the Japanese people include sushi and sashimi, ramen, Tempura, Kare-raisu (curry rice), and okonomiyaki (Murakami et al. 108). Under MyPlate, sushi and...

Pros and Cons of Health-Related Information on the Internet

Many people today, whether providers or consumers of healthcare, often turn to the internet for medical advice. This ease of obtaining information is a mixed blessing because while there is plenty of relevant and helpful health-related information on the internet, many things may also go wrong and negatively impact health...

Sleep Paralysis: Causes and Consequences

Physical and mental health depends not only on genetic data and environmental conditions but also on how well the physiological processes in a person, which are of existential importance, take place. High-quality and sufficient sleep is an important physiological process that ensures that a person has the necessary strength to...

Telehealth Innovations and Their Benefits

The high degree of development of information technologies provides more opportunities for their use in various areas of human activity, especially in providing various services. Nowadays, the possibility of providing qualified medical care globally has become a reality thanks to the development of telemedicine services. Telehealth is an applied area...

Dental Care: Problems and Perspectives

Bridging the Gap in Affordability of Dental Services Nowadays, the gap between the poor, healthcare-deficient populace and the affluent, who can afford proper, regular dental care, has significantly increased. The growth of inflation has led to a rise in the costs of dental services, significantly reducing the number of people...

Analysis of a Clinical SOAP Note

Subjective The patient expresses persistent stressing or nervousness over various regions that are messed up regarding the effect of the occasions. He answers for all conceivable, most pessimistic scenario results. He perceives circumstances and experiences as undermining, in any event, when they are not. He has difficulty dealing with vulnerability...

Quantitative and Qualitative Nursing Research

In nursing research, qualitative methods aim for understanding, interpreting, and describing various phenomena. Beliefs, opinions, feelings, emotions, and contexts compose the research focus, while data is collected as felt by the respondents or a researcher (Kalu, 2017). Compared to the qualitative methods, quantitative research seeks to build and explore causal...

Enhancing Clinical Supervision in a Medical Ward: An Action Plan

Introduction The medical ward of Hospital X offers non-surgical treatment and provides nursing care services to adult patients with various non-life-threatening conditions. The ward’s current clinical supervision (CS) strategies require further improvement, with special attention to supervisors’ communication-related knowledge. Establishing continuing professional development goals for those supervising medical interns and...

Importance of Mental Health Policy

Mental health is a problem that affects a significant percentage of the global population. Various factors such as childhood abuse, poverty, stigma and discrimination, unemployment, and long-term stress contribute to mental health conditions. The government develops a mental health policy to address the issue by defining the vision, objectives, principles,...

Language, Culture, and Healthcare

Introduction Notably, culture and language are essential elements for providing high-quality healthcare. The continuous globalization and migration movements have influenced the increase in patients with various cultural and ethnic minority backgrounds (Schouten et al., 2020). Krystallidou et al. (2021) emphasize that migration increased linguistic and cultural variety. Essentially, healthcare professionals...

Dementia: Treatment and Management

Controlling dementia is done with the main aim of reducing the suffering that results from cognitive symptoms while also minimizing the rate of cognitive decline. Management of dementia can be carried out using non-pharmacological and pharmacological treatments to enhance a patient’s quality of life. Some of the non-pharmacological approaches applied...

Disaster Recovery Plan for the Vila Health Community

Mobilizing Collaborative Partners To develop a disaster recovery plan, it is important to mobilize partners who will collaborate for the purpose of establishing the best scenario possible. After involving a multidisciplinary team, the training on disaster recovery best practices will be implemented, keeping everyone up-to-date during weekly meetings. Practitioners and...

Summary of the Health History Interview

The patient is an Asian male young adult in full physical and mental health, with no visible symptoms of diseases or infections. Although the patient regularly exercises, adheres to a healthy diet, and has stable social relationships, that are health issues that decrease the quality of his life. The systems...

New Nursing Documentation System Implementation

Introduction The Digital revolution has brought about exciting revolutions in healthcare which has led to the development of systems that can handle each person’s care, give solutions that are based on facts and evidence, and improve medical records storage. With digital evolution, care can be customized using the existing data...

Enhancing Patient Safety Through Interprofessional Teams

Introduction Teamwork is a complex and multi-dimensional phenomenon that is often studied from the perspective of team members’ relationships and their impact on outcomes. The more effectively teams work, the more their members can learn and live within the context of each other’s strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes (Schmutz, Meier,...

Patient Pathway Aspects

Introduction The patient pathway or journey, also called the clinical pathway (CPW) is a medical jargon. It refers to the route followed by a sick person from the first encounter with a healthcare provider through referral to treatment completion (Aspland, Gartner, and Harper, 2021; Rogers, et al., 2019). In the...

Death in the Village of Gold, Zamfara Province

Review Process The village of Gold is a case study experiencing a life-threatening condition to its population after numerous deaths are reported amongst children in three villages of Zamfara Province, Nigeria. The case involves a Disease Detective who has a role in identifying the cause of deaths after getting the...

Lung Cancer Pathophysiology

Introduction Lung cancer is a disease manifested in malignant tumor located in lungs. Like any other type of cancer, tumors in lungs have a characteristic of an uncontrolled cell growth that takes places in lung tissues. Because of the effects of metastasis, lung tumors may spread far beyond tissues of...

Shockwave Therapy: Alternative for Osteitis Pubis

Introduction Osteitis pubis is a painful condition and it is difficult to handle without a comprehensive treatment method. The majority of the people affected by this condition are young athletes. However, women also get this condition during pregnancy or after birth. Conservative and surgical methods are used to manage this...

Cultural Competency in Nursing

Positive changes in the demographic situation, as well as the multinational composition of the population give rise to particular concerns about cultural issues in medicine. Effective doctor-patient interaction is associated with increased patient satisfaction, adherence to recommendations, and a subsequent health improvement. Many people think of cultural competence only as...

Post-operative Breast Cancer Patients With Depression: Annotated Bibliography

Article #1 Kim, M.S., Kim, S.Y., Kim, J.H., Park, B., & Choi, H.G. (2017). Depression in breast cancer patients who have undergone mastectomy: A national cohort study. PLoS One, 12(4). Author’s Credentials Min -Su Kim: Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, CHA Bundang Medical Center, CHA University, Seongnam, Korea, So...

The Role of Nurse Leaders in Improving the Quality of Patient Care

Besides advocating for their followers, nurse leaders are also responsible for promoting their workplace vision and being available to their employees. A substantial amount of nurse leadership strives for the integration and development of patient care, formulation and assessment of treatment plans, and leading by example for the newer nursing...

Experimental Studies Discussion

Experimental studies, also called interventional studies, are studies where the researcher arranges the conditions in which the participants are placed, or conducts an intervention on them to assess its impact and consequences and test a hypothesis. In experimental studies, the researcher has control over the specifics of an intervention, who...

Community Health and Its Impact on Maternal Child Health

Introduction Community health is a public health section that focuses on societal wellbeing, including economic and social interaction. It is an essential public health subsection that ensures health maintenance and improvement among the community members while preventing infectious illness spread and disaster management preparation. Additionally, it impacts crucial aspects of...

Falls among Patients: Evidence-Based Practice Quality Improvement Plan

Quality Improvement Plan The current quality improvement plan aims to reduce the rate of falls among patients within the Med-Surg/COVID/Cardiovascular unit. The plan involves three crucial steps to be carried out in the effort to help both patients and healthcare providers in the designated department alleviate the burden of falls,...

Myth “Most People With Amnesia Forget All Details of Their Earlier Lives”

According to myth, the art of memory was born in the 5th century-B.C. when Simonides of Ceos, the Greek poet, after stepping outside came back to a banquet hall that had been raided and demolished (“People with Amnesia Forget All Details of their Earlier Lives,” 2021). When chaos and destructions...

Advocacy in Nursing Leadership

Advocacy for employees is one of the key responsibilities of nurses within a healthcare organization. Advocating on behalf of nursing professionals allows leaders to ensure recognition and respect, fair reimbursement, access to educations, as well an overall safer environment (Blackburn, Johnson & Chaveleh, 2020). Nurse leaders can use advocacy in...

Clinical Reasoning in Nursing

Clinical reasoning is a critical practice in every medical practice. The practice focuses on the concerns, preferences, and clinical trajectories of different patients. Caregivers “should use clinical reasoning to form the best medical conclusions or decisions depending on the patients’ expectations and sensitivities to health interventions” (Banning, 2008, p. 179)....

Effects of Emotions on Memories

The article by Kensinger (2009) “Remembering the Details: Effects of Emotion” is dedicated to the phenomenon of human memory. It is a well-known fact that peoples’ ability to remember the past is flawed. In some cases, memories can be vivid and detailed, while in others, recollection can be limited or...

Mandatory Vaccination: Benefits and Reasons

Introduction The use of vaccines is generally seen as one of the biggest breakthroughs in medical science and public health, providing an effective, non-invasive, and relatively cheap method of protecting the public from deadly viral diseases. Since the first vaccinations by Edward Jenner in 1796, the method and technology of...

Nursing Theory: The Health Belief Model

Introduction Nursing theories strongly support specialists in their practice. Also, a purposeful application of nursing theory to research is essential since it allows making the study more credible and reliable. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the nursing theory relevant to the approved clinical issue, which is the...

Application of Middle Range Theory to Problem in Nursing

Summary of the Problem The US healthcare system is now undergoing many changes and is facing numerous challenges. Nurse staffing is one of the most urgent issues to be solved in view of the contemporary challenges of the system. It has been acknowledged that inappropriate staffing leads to a slower...

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissism is the admiration of one-self and the pursuit of appreciation. It is considered to be an adaptive personality trait by personality psychologists (Yakeley, 2018). However, narcissism can also be an abnormal or maladaptive condition, in which case it is called narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). People with this condition can...

Myasthenia Gravis: Case Study Analysis

The issue under analysis features the case of a 45-year-old woman, who has been experiencing consisted fatigue, particularly, after making a physical effort such as a walk or any kind of physical activity. In addition, her speaking skills seem to be impaired as her speech turned unintelligible after a few...

How Illness Narratives Shape Patient Experiences

Preamble and Rationale The definition of health considers diverse elements and factors. Some of these include the physical, mental as well as the social aspects of individuals (Edlin & Golanty 2010, p. 5). It is obvious that the mere absence of infirmity does not guarantee the proper health of an...

Coloring Mandalas Against Anxiety of Medical-Surgical Nurses

Purpose of the Study The project purpose was to examine whether coloring mandalas during break increases heart rate variability and helps lower the anxiety state and characteristics among medical-surgical nurses and the healthcare support staff compared to normal activities. Research & Design The study used crossover pre- and posttest quasi-experimental...

Program Evaluation in Public Health

Introduction Program evaluation is an imperative process in public health as it helps the implementers of a program to gain imperative information that enables them to determine the course of action during implementation in order to improve the program. In addition, the implementers are able to determine the effectiveness of...

Children’s Health Insurance Program: The Role of Nurses

Healthcare Program The USA federal government has presently elaborated and introduced many programs that ensure the access of low-income families and different social classes, irrespective of their ethnic affiliation, to high-quality care services. In this regard, being at the forefront of healthcare delivery, nurses play an integral role in achieving...

Understanding the Teaching Strategies and Models With Regard to Nasogastric Tube Insertion

Introduction This essay paper reflects on my teaching effectiveness and efforts necessary in teaching students in the clinical setting. It takes into consideration learning theories, models, and strategies used in delivering content to learners. Much of the theories and models are discussed based on research conducted. These strategies helped improve...

The Effectiveness of the Internet in Healthcare

The internet today has become indispensable. The various areas that the internet has impacted on include the way friends and family communicate, facilitation of trade of goods and services, made research on different topics easy, and it has acted as a means through which people can entertain themselves through (Kardia...

Blunders Role in the Psychiatry Scientific Progress

Blunders played a significant role in the early years of psychiatry and drug discoveries for psychiatric dysfunctions, largely because the process was highly random, functioning on ‘hit or miss’ procedures. Psychiatric patients were exposed to drugs and observed for effectiveness without much precautions or ethical standards, and if some effect...

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Health Promotion Plan

Introduction Public health nurses (PHN) play a critical role in providing healthcare for individuals, families, and society through delivering medical service, intervention, preventive care, and health education. In this respect, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) poses a significant concern for the US population, requiring enhanced public awareness and careful consideration...

Audit Report for Getinge Decomat 8666 Washer-Disinfector

Introduction For automated cleaning, thermal or chemical disinfection, and drying of reusable general surgical instruments prior to sterilization in outpatient/same-day surgery departments, surgical centers, and ambulatory care centers, a variety of Washer-Disinfectors (WS) are in use. This audit report reviews a ‘Yearly Validation And Re- Performance Qualification Tests’ on a...

Variables in Nursing Research

Variables play a critical role in nursing research; thus, clearly defining and properly employing them is essential. There are three types of variables present in most studies – independent, dependent, and extraneous. Undoubtedly, it is vital to compare independent, dependent, and extraneous variables and determine how to control the third...