The Fourth Amendment and Technology Relationship

The fourth amendment protects Americans from searches and seizures that infringe on their privacy. Police and other investigative agencies must respect people’s right to privacy and search after a warrant has been issued (Peak & Madensen-Herold, 2019). The video presents the case of Jones, a suspected drug dealer caught with...

The Prosecutors and Incarcerated People Exchange

A prosecutor’s adherence to the ethics of legal proceedings is critically significant since only the relevant facts should be used to decide a case. That implies that a prosecutor must comply with ethical standards of criminal investigations and reporting, where clarity, dispassionate submissions, and fairness promotes balanced justice for the...

Firearm Legislation: Impact on Firearm-Related Causalities

Why it Matters Firearms can be equally seen as tools for self-defense and offensive attacks or suicides. When there are many firearm-regulating laws in the state, fewer people will possibly have firearm, which means more safety, but simultaneously, it will be harder to buy a gun for self-defense. Thus, it...

Biological Patents: Copyrights Issues

Biological patents are inventions done in the biology field by scientists and permitted by law to exclude people from copying, using, selling, and importing the secured invention for a given period. It depends on the jurisdiction whether biological patents cover genetically engineered organisms, gene products, or biological technologies and products....

The Development of Western Law

Introduction Islamic legal concepts had a significant impact on the development of Western Law. Both Monica Gaudiosi and Marcel Boisard agree that some concepts in these two frameworks are similar. Thus, Gaudiosi speaks about the correlation between waqf and trust in England (1240). It might serve as the basis for...

Death Of Student at LA High School Case Discussion

The case to be discussed further in this essay occurred in one of Los Angeles’s high schools, where a 15-year-old teenager died from a fentanyl overdose (Casiano, 2022). The suspects in the case are two teenagers who brought drugs to school after buying them in Hollywood Park. They have already...

Influences on Employee Compensation and Executive Compensation Challenges

Introduction The compensation of employees in an organization is influenced by many external issues, such as laws and demand and supply factors, and internal ones, such as the culture of the organization. This role usually falls to the HR department unless otherwise stated so or in matters concerning executive compensation,...

Familias Unidas: Juvenile Delinquency Prevention

Introduction Familias Unidas (FU) is a family-based program in Miami to prevent delinquency in youth. As a twelve-session minority-oriented program, FU pursues the mission of preventing criminogenic behaviors, ranging from substance abuse to behavioral disorders, in Hispanic students aged 12-17 (National Gang Center, 2021; Rojas et al., 2021). The implementation...

Class Action Lawsuit Against Wells Fargo

Introduction, Facts & Summary In 2016, Wells Fargo, at the time, the fourth largest bank in the United States, admitted to pressuring employees to open more than two million fraudulent bank accounts. This conscious deception by the bank and its executives was in an attempt to shore up their sales...

Racism as a Crime

Racism is one of the oldest and most reprehensible forms of crime, which manifests itself in discrimination against people based on their racial or national origin. It is expressed through statements, actions, or policies that divide people. Racism creates prejudices and demonizes others, leading to a lack of access to...

White-Collar Crimes: Criminal Defense

It is possible to suggest that, when hearing the term ‘crime,’ most people imagine homicides, robberies, physical or sexual abuse, and some other examples. However, crimes are not limited to the listed unlawful deeds and sometimes can be not violent. For instance, some illegal activities can be classified as white-collar...

Jennifer Hoffman v R&K Trading, Inc.

Case Citation: 19-5 tort: Jennifer Hoffman v R&K Trading, Inc. Relevant Points of Law: Persons who violate the requirements of the law on personal data, depending on the specific circumstances and the seriousness of the act, may face not only administrative and criminal liability but also civil and even disciplinary....

Equal Employment Opportunity Laws: The Pregnancy Discrimination Act

It is important to note that Equal Employment Opportunity laws or EEO laws play a major role in ensuring the prevention of discrimination and marginalization of specific groups when operating in a labor market. They are essential in advancing civil liberty and justice across all industries and organizations, and their...

Criminal Investigation: Mr. Brewer’s Verdict

On July 12, Mr. Mikkelson reported the burglary of his house, where he lived with his wife and adult daughter. A DVR, iPad, bottle of Maker’s Mark and the daughter’s diamond necklace were stolen. Such evidence as Mr. Mikkelson’s daughter’s ex-boyfriend’s fingerprints were found on the furniture inside the house...

Long-Term vs. Dangerous Offenders

Summary An accused person is classified as a Dangerous Offender (DO) if they have inflicted or attempted to inflict serious harm on somebody else and suffers from a severe personality disorder. The offender must have endangered somebody else’s life, have a previous record of conviction of at least one felony,...

The Types of Law Violations: Gender Effects

There have been numerous studies that examine different factors affecting the criminal acts. Most focus on racial and ethnical backgrounds (Wooldredge & Cochran, 2022); others inspect external factors such as upbringing, living conditions, education and so on. However, there is a considerable lack of studies that examine gender differences of...

The Liberal Arts Lenses and Their Applications

The liberal arts are intended to facilitate the development of general intellectual capacities. The first of its subjects is the social sciences, which are academic disciplines that focus on the assessment of human mannerisms as members of society and the interaction between individuals and groups in any given context (Garcia,...

International Law and Conflicts in Jurisdiction

The scope of an administrative or judicial body’s authority is referred to as its “jurisdiction.” Courts, political or administrative offices, and, in several contexts, law-enforcement agencies can all be considered examples of formally sanctioned legal bodies. The Russian judges will have only authority regarding disputes in which international litigants have...

The Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court Case Analysis

Loving v. Virginia was a case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States that legalized interracial marriage nationwide. The plaintiffs, in this case, were a white man and an African American woman named Richard and Mildred Loving. According to the laws of Virginia, the couple’s marriage should not...

Civil Liability in Criminal Justice

Introduction Tort law is a body of law that provides rules for the civil liability of people and corporations for harm caused by their activities. The tort system was developed in Europe during the late Middle Ages when it became increasingly common for merchants to travel across national borders, thus...

The New York Times v. Sullivan Case

The title of the case discussed is “New York Times Co. v. Sullivan.” The First Amendment’s rights for free expression limit the power of American government servants to file libel lawsuits, according to a historic decision by the U.S. Supreme Court (Moore et al., 2022). According to the ruling, if...

The Anti-Firearms Law in the United States

The article written by Fleegler et al. in the JAMA Internal Medicine Journal focuses on estimating the practical efficiency of the anti-firearms law passed in the United States. The work analyses the data related to the firearm deaths reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web-based Injury Statistics...

Adolescent’s Criminal Behavior and Delinquency

Elliott, S., & Reid, M. (2019). Low-income Black mothers parenting adolescents in the mass incarceration era: The long reach of criminalization. American Sociological Review, 84(2), 197-219. Web. This qualitative study analyzes the in-depth interviews with 46 Black mothers from low-income socio-cultural backgrounds to define and elaborate on the connection between...

Criminal Policies’ Effects in the Post-Civil Rights Era

In the 75 years after World War II, lawmakers have enacted, courts have pondered, and administrations have overseen policies that were supposedly designed to advance national interests but have affected the Black community. The Voting Rights Act, affirmative action, school desegregation, and housing desegregation are only a few of the...

Ricci v. DeStefano: Supreme Court Case

The Ricci v. DeStefano court matter is an example of a court case with strong public participation. The case summary is as follows: a group of African Americans could not get a promotion which they filed as racism in the workplace. Later, the group of African American firefighters received a...

The Framers of the Constitution and the Bicameral Legislature

Why the Founders Created a Bicameral Legislature The political system of the United States involves two bodies, such as the House of Representatives and the Senate. At first glance, these entities share similar goals of helping citizens and performing their duties in the government. However, both senators and representatives, commonly...

Supreme Court’s Abortion Ruling Sets Off New Court Fights

The decision of the Supreme Court to ban abortions and give states the right to decide on their local level whether they want to prohibit it or not is an example of a civil legal issue. “Supreme Court’s abortion ruling sets off new court fights” was published by Associated Press...

Setup of Minimum or Base Federal Tax Rate

If almost half of all taxpayers benefit from an efficient federal tax rate of zero per cent, then there must be defined minimum taxation that all individuals must pay. The minimal rate must be calculated in relation to the various economic levels. However, the minimum tax ought to be imposed...

The Inmate Mental Health Issue Analysis

Annotated Bibliography Al-Rousan, T., Rubenstein, L., Sieleni, B., Deol, H., & Wallace, R. B. (2017). Inside the nation’s largest mental health institution: a prevalence study in a state prison system. BMC Public Health, 17(342).  The researchers carried out a cross-sectional study using the Iowa Corrections Offender Network to determine the...

“Lawsuit Charges For-Profit University…” by Green

The article Lawsuit Charges For-Profit University Preyed on Black and Female Students was written by Erica L. Green and published in the New York Times on April 8, 2022. It covers stories of several women who enrolled at Walden University and became victims of its reverse redlining policy. A class-action...

The Guarantee of the Right to Health Care

The rights and freedoms of the individual ensure a person’s decent life and security. At the same time, health is one of the essential components of well-being and dignity, and the right to it can be decisive for the quality of life. However, the American healthcare system is quite fragmented,...

Parole Officer Discretion and Affecting Factors

For this discussion, I have chosen the Parole Officer, who oversees offenders released from prison or sentenced to punishment. After being released from prison, most offenders report it to parole officers (Henry, 2021). Probation and parole officers must perform their duties with care, just like all other law enforcement officers,...

The Case of Cummings v. Premier Rehab Center

The article Supreme Court says no to damages for “emotional distress” in civil rights case contains information that reveals the circumstances of Jane Cummings’ lawsuit against the rehab clinic where she applied for help. The woman was disabled (deaf and blind) and requested a sign language interpreter, but she was...

Roe v. Wade: Abortion Rights in the United States

Since the beginning of May, the United States have been discussing the possible cancellation of the decision in the Roe v. Wade case, which guaranteed all American women the right to an abortion. Since then, heated debates arose in public space, with pro-life and pro-choice activists entering into a new...

California’s Corrections System

Introduction American Corrections The American correction system refers to a collection of practices and approaches, which enable the government to maintain social order in the United States. Through giving people access to certain freedoms and restricting others, it became possible to help them live together in a society. American corrections...

The Social Security System Reform

Introduction Recently there have been many debates about the appropriateness of the current state-financed social security system. The critics speak about its approaching insolvency as, with the aging of the population, there are more people receiving the social security benefits than contributing to the system. The need to review the...

Griswold v. Connecticut: The Case Study

Griswold’s penumbras mean the rights assured over implication in a constitution or the suggested powers of a rule. Griswold’s argued that a state’s contraception restriction infringed on the right to married privacy. It implied that marital humans had the right to take advantage of contraceptives. That virtually tiled the way...

Key Legislation for Mentally and Physically Disabled

People with disabilities constitute the world’s largest and most disadvantaged vulnerable group. Disability in the modern world has manifested itself as one of the global problems affecting the interests of almost all spheres of activity. Many societies have deeply rooted prejudices against people with specific physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory...

Leadership Issues in the Department of Homeland Security

Introduction Effective leadership is essential to the success of an organization and the implementation of its programs. That is true of a well-executed resilience program such as homeland security, whose responsibility delicately defines the state’s security. Leadership is especially important in this challenging time for the federal with many issues...

The Aero Industries v. DeMonte Fabricating Case

This is a legal case between Aero Industries, INC, against Demonte Fabricating limited and Quick Draw Tarpaulin systems. The Aero Industries are accusing DeMonte of violating the laid trade laws. Quick Draw, however, moves to dismiss the motion for lacking personal jurisdiction. In this case, the two companies manufacture and...

Liability of Death from Food Poisoning

Woeste ate raw oysters at Washington Platform Saloon restaurant and died of food poisoning. Later his estate sued the restaurant and the company that harvested the oysters; however, they are unlikely to win the case because Woeste was aware of his diseases that did not allow him to consume oysters....

Non-Inclusiveness of the Criminal Justice System

To: Governor Stan Bishop From: Your Initials Date: April 21, 2022 Subject: Women Working in the Criminal Justice System and Their Specific Challenges This memo serves to inform the governor’s office of options regarding the recently identified issue of non-inclusiveness in the criminal justice system of the United States. After...

Discussion: Employment or Labor Law

The History of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Employment and labor laws are essential in every country to build a relationship between employees and employers. The United States has federal, state, and local labor laws. Federal labor laws contain Acts that aim to protect employees’ rights, such as the...

Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Impact on Justice

When a society has developed an understanding of the functions and goals of criminal justice, there is a significantly higher level of citizens’ awareness of their security degree. Due to this, complete development of the individual, social stability, and observance of the interests of each resident of the country is...

New Zealand’s Legal Structure and Society

New Zealanders are safeguarded by a robust and independent legal system well recognized internationally. Although New Zealand does not have a formal written constitution, it has a collection of legislations, conventions, and other key texts that collectively create its constitutional structure. Some of the primary legal systems that form the...

The Supreme Court in Lifetime Appointment

The lifetime appointments used in the Supreme Court system have been frequently debated in the past decades. Considering that this approach has been written into the United States Constitution to avoid politicization, it has been regarded as the most prominent method of decreasing the influence on the Justices (Harr et...

American Prisons as Social Institutions

Introduction Under a generalizing name – social control – several internal mechanisms were designed to maintain the society’s integrity. They establish specific rules, norms, and laws for people’s behavior and enforce them through individuals, such as families or peers, and various social institutions, for example, schools and workplaces. Prisons also...

How the US Supreme Court Affected Japanese Americans

Introduction Some Japanese Americans refused to relocate to internment camps during World War II, and they also challenged government orders to do so in court. These individuals correctly contended that the government violated their civil liberties by denying them the ability to stroll outdoors at night and reside in their...

The Case of Rodriguez v. the United States

In legislative practice, many cases may require special attention. Hence, one such case is the case of Rodriguez v. the United States of America. It affects, at first glance, the ordinary case of a citizen being stopped by a policeman, but it has several nuances. This scientific work aims to...

The Issue of Neglect of Personal Factors When Considering Legal Processes

Summary The task of pursuing justice is frequently complicated by the deficiencies of the court systems and, more specifically, the problems attributed to prosecution. These specialists work in the conditions of limited resources and tend to neglect societal circumstances due to the high workload and the lack of evidence. Therefore,...

“Abortion Law and Policy Around the World”: Source Evaluation

Introduction The article “Abortion law and policy around the world” was written by Marge Berer and was published in June, 2017. It was initially published at Bethesda, Maryland in the United States by the Harvard University Press and Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights. The article was sponsored...

Researching of Imprisonment System in the UK

Summary Is the use of imprisonment a credible way to respond to offending behavior? Imprisonment has long been accompanying human society throughout its history. As a place of detention, the prison existed in the most distant centuries. In ancient times, penitentiaries were set up to contain criminals, prisoners, and debtors,...

The Successes and Failures to Reform Punishment Under the Criminal Justice System

Abolitionism is a perspective and approach to reducing or suppressing custody. In such regard, penal abolitionism has emerged to counteract the contemporary definitions of crime and the law and defies the perspectives of the meaning and effects of punishment. Canada and other countries, such as the US, have recorded an...

The Supreme Court and the American Constitution

Background The US Constitution is often thought of as the first document that laid down citizens’ freedoms and rights. While it is certainly true that the US Constitution has defined the basic democratic principles, there have been contradiction in the US history as to how these amendments should be applied....

Criminal Justice Decision-Making Model

Defining the Problem Goals of Imprisonment I think prison should not be a place where people simply “do time” for their sentences; it should be more focused on rehabilitation. If prisoners just serve the appointed time, most likely, they will commit the crime again (Clear et al., 2016). I think...

“Health Care Reform Could Reduce Criminal Recidivism “: Main Themes

Title of the video: Health care reform could reduce criminal recidivism. Location where video was taken: Allendale, Michigan, United States. Organization or website where video was posted: YouTube. Summary Health care reform could reduce criminal recidivism is a video where Dr. Erkmen G. Aslim shares his professional opinion on criminal...

Restorative Justice in Preventing Juvenile Recidivism

Introduction The American criminal justice system (CJS) is retribution-oriented and is defined by its overreliance on punishing offenders, with imprisonment as the primary mechanism of sanctioning criminals. The sentencing philosophy drove the justice policy to its most punishing point and resulted in the country becoming the global leader in the...

Lobbying Plan: Mental Health Parity Act

Introduction The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equality Act (MHPAEA) of 2008 was a landmark legislative document that sought to establish parity of mental health care and standard care. It forced insurance companies to cover mental health conditions, such as substance abuse, treatment, and other illnesses pertaining to one’s psychological...

Business Law: The Terms Used in a Contract

Introduction Since business is a part of the country’s economy and society, it cannot officially exist outside the law. The two main sources of legislation in Australia are case law and governmental bodies (Gibson and Osborne, 2020). The former is an unwritten civil or criminal law made by the judges...

Legalizing Marijuana: Analysis of Arguments

Marijuana is a mind-altering drug derived from the cannabis plant, used for either recreational or medicinal purposes. It is the second most used drug after alcohol, and the youths mostly use it. For medicinal purposes, marijuana is used by patients having various types of diseases. Physicians and scientists have been...

Criminalization of Immigration in the US

Summary Over the last decades, immigration has been experienced in various states, including the United States of America (U.S.A.). Immigration to the U.S.A. is a dream come true for any non-citizen person. According to Abrego et al. (699), it is believed that immigrating to America is an open opportunity for...

The Gideon vs. Wainwright Case History

Introduction Civil liberties and rights are an essential part of democracy since they ensure equal and fair opportunities for social interaction and legal protection irrespective of race, gender, or other socioeconomic factors. The discrepancies between the founders’ ideals and the demands of democratic philosophy are visible regarding civil rights or...

An Advocacy Campaign for Ending Surprise Medical Bills

Introduction Surprise medical bills refer to the overcharging of patients when they receive care from out-of-network facilities, physicians, and clinicians. In most cases, patients are subjected to costs and bills above what insurers are willing to pay (H.R.3630 – No Surprises Act 116th Congress (2019-2020), n.d.). It is a form...

The Lawsuit Against Facebook Company

One of the lawsuits where the agency was the issue is a lawsuit against Facebook. The lawsuit accused Facebook of violating the privacy law of Illinois. The social media giant did not get consent to use facial recognition technology for the scanning of photos that users upload in order to...

Mayfair Inc.Contractual Liability

The problem with Mayfair Inc., which failed to deliver the ordered equipment and thereby caused financial losses to the manufacturer, is subject to careful consideration. In the attempts to sue them for this occasion, one should use the current general liability policies as guidance. In this case, they describe the...

Right to Privacy in the United States

Introduction Privacy is an important component of American values regarding human rights. However, there is a lot of controversy surrounding some areas of private lives, such as bodily integrity. On the one hand, privacy allows people to decide what they do with their bodies. On the other hand, there are...

Personal Health Information and Privacy Issues

According to American Psychological Association Practice Organization, the HIPAA privacy rule regulates the patient’s personal information use. A patient’s PHI (personal health information) must not be disclosed without authorization for treatment, payment, or health care operations (American psychological association practice organization, p.1). In the case of death (due to committed...

Contingent Workers and Discrimination Prohibiting Laws

In terms of hiring contingent workers, there is a range of problems that might arise, and it is crucial to watch out for red flags to anticipate possible losses to the company. First, if I had former employees coming back as contractors or especially as independent contractors, it might result...

Analysis of Kahler v. Kansas Case Brief

In Kahler v. Kansas 18-6135 case, James Kraig Kahler petitions that the criminal laws of Kansas are unconstitutional and contradict the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. The petitioner was pronounced guilty in the case of murdering his wife, who filed for divorce, their two daughters, and his wife’s grandmother. Jurors sentenced...

Court Systems of the United States

Independent State Courts The United States has two primary court systems, which include State courts and Federal courts. Such division was introduced in order to grant independent judicial systems yet unite them under the fundamental principles of Federal legislation (Burke et al., 2019). However, such division may lead to the...

The State of Prisons in the United Kingdom and Wales

Introduction Since 1993 there has been a steady increase in the prison population, hitting a record highest of 87,000 inmates in 2012. While the rate of crime and other injustices on the fall, it is evident that the influx of the prison population results from longer sentences passed by the...

Promises Enforceable Without Consideration

Legal consideration presumes the exchange of several valuables in terms of a legally binding contract. Due to various political reasons, numerous courts are able to enforce several types of promises, even if they may not be considered (McKendrick, 2020). There are different types of commitments that can be executed without...

Limitations Regarding the Use of Shame

Shame is a tool that might be used in some cases to prevent criminals from repeating their actions. Yet the use of that tool should be very limited, as it easily gets out of hand and becomes harmful. Shame might be a useful tool when dealing with criminals whose actions...

The Fourth Amendment and Its Impact

Introduction The relationship between the government and its citizens is critical for peaceful coexistence in a nation. In America, the Bill of Rights provides a framework on which the conduct of the United States government and its citizens are evaluated. America’s Bill of Rights contains the first ten constitutional amendments...

A Defamation Action Defined Under the Defamation Act 2009

Introduction The tort of defamation, often known as the civil wrong of defamation, is concerned with defending an individual’s (or, in some cases, a business entity’s) reputation against unjust attacks. The right to a good name is protected by the Constitution, and the state is responsible for protecting and enforcing...

Norway Versus US Prison and How They Differ

A prison is a detaining structure where convicted people are kept. Accused persons are also detained in prison pending their trial if they are not out on bond terms. Violent offenders at Norway’s Halden Prison share luxury flats, eat sushi, and even produce rap albums. At the same time, this...

Tort Reform’s Impact on Defensive Medicine

Tort laws are known as legislations that require monetary compensations for personal injuries from an individual or organization. Tort reforms initially introduced in the 1970s aimed to limit the amount of money that plaintiffs can receive for damages caused by the defendant’s direct or indirect fault (“Impact of tort reform...

The Breonna Taylor Case and Criminal Investigation

Jamarcus Glover and Adrian Walker, who are unrelated to Kenneth Walker, were the primary focus of the LMPD investigation. They were accused of selling controlled drugs from a drug house about 10 miles away. Glover was in a relationship with Breonna Taylor until February 2020, when Taylor entered a relationship...

“ACC Victim Impact”: Main Themes, Sequence, and Personal View

Title of the video: ACC victim impact. Locaion where the video was taken: Virginia, United States. HTTP adress. Organization or website where the video was posted: YouTube. Summary ACC Victim Impact is a video describing the process and effects of a program designed to change offender behavior. The session consists...

Criminal Sentencing Options

Many alternative and innovative sentencing options are implied in the current criminal justice system because of the system’s need to adapt. Various circumstances may lead to the implication of those options instead of traditional ones. For instance, a recent study reports that the criminal justice system of England and Wales...

The Criminal Justice Reform and Racial Issues

Introduction The critical situation concerning high incarceration rates in the United States of America evokes concerns of policymakers, who attempt to address this problem. Their recent efforts have led to the discussion of a so-called criminal justice reform, which is a multi-faceted initiative intended to combat the challenge (Head, 2020)....

Intellectual Property Rights Locally and Globally

Introduction Intellectual Property rights are a critical aspect of the modern socio-economic world, considering the vast product creation occurring in various regions. The term Intellectual Property refers to the inventions, literary and artistic works, as well as any symbols, designs, or innovative information used in commerce (International Business Law, n.d.)....

Impact of National Labor Relations Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act

NLRA and FLSA were established to protect workers’ rights and enhance their welfare. The two Acts helped improve the Americans’ overall conditions despite the existing workplace inequalities. Child labor was outlawed, and the minimum wage increased through the FLSA (History Matters, n.d.). Overtime pay and labor protections were also provided...

The Judicial Process: Smith v. Goguen Case

The Smith v. Goguen case is an excellent example of how unclear statements can be misinterpreted. I agree with the court’s decision that the phrase “treats contemptuously” is unconstitutionally vague, as it does not fully address the standards of contemptuous treatment. Considering that the demonstration of contempt can vary significantly...

Health Care Fraud and Abuse Policies

Fraud and abuse are concerning issues in the healthcare industry that involve unlawful billing practices and prohibited commercial arrangements. The term “fraud” usually refers to misinterpretation or omission of facts, and “abuse” is related to acts inconsistent with financial activities generally accepted in the medical field (Fabrikant et al., 2022)....

Procedures in Criminal Trial on Sexual Assault

Introduction This assignment analyses and reviews the procedures in a criminal trial according to the provided illegal study case. The case illustrates the incident of sexual assault conducted on the juveniles over three days. The police have already investigated the matter and revealed the evidence, three separate assaults, and rapes....

Laws and Their Main Functions in Society

Law could be considered as a prism through which people perceive commonly accepted social customs. It is both a guideline and a deterrence that restricts unfathomable acts against individuals. In general, people interpret the definition of law in accordance with the environment where they live or grow up. This way,...

Constitutionality of Closed-Circuit Television Surveillance

Today the surveillance techniques are widely used by the police for various purposes, such as to protect citizens and detect illegal activities. Even though some might consider the techniques useful and harmless, others might question the constitutionality of such an approach to controlling crime level by the Government. The primary...

Differences Between Juvenile and Adult Offenders

Juveniles Sentenced as Adults In the United States, the justice system has a non-standard approach to juvenile justice. According to the current legislation, children from 11 to 13 years old and adolescents up to 18 years old are brought to trial on a general basis, and after reaching the age...

Discussion of Ethical Issues in Research

Ethics in research refers to the acceptable conduct principles that need to be followed. Considering the importance of ethical consideration particularly in research, experts in the field have developed policies and codes which must be adhere to by all researchers for common benefit. Professionals need to understand that they are...

Chinese Foreign Direct Investment Law

The People’s Republic of China (PRC) tops the list of the world’s most populous nations. As of 2020, the Chinese population was slightly above 1.4 Billion (Paul 79). The high population translates into a substantial domestic market, attracting investors from different parts of the world. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is...

OVW Fiscal Year 2022 Justice for Families Program

OVW Fiscal Year 2022 Justice for Families Program Solicitation (O-OVW-2022-171024) was authorized in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA 2013). The program attempts to improve the response and outcomes of the civil and criminal justice system (Office on Violence Against Women, 2022). The program will focus on...

The Bill of Rights: The 1st, 4th, 6th Amendments

One of the key components of the United States (US) Constitution is the Bill of Rights, which can be described as a declaration of the rights and freedoms of the citizens. Civil rights and liberties are considered a critical part of human existence. Since it was first established, the US...

A Court Case That Influenced Federal Decision on Gun Control

Case Name and the Court Where the Case Was Held The debate about carrying guns in public places is still ongoing throughout the United States. The case of plaintiff George Young, who sues the state and county for denying him an application for a license for carrying a handgun in...

Legal Aspect of Juvenile Interrogations

Diversion from the Interrogation Environment and Approach Formal and Heavy Police Authority The aspect of juvenile interrogation is that children enjoy diversion from usual formal and intensified questioning where the police use highly skilled people in a team. In Haley v. Ohio, the US Supreme Court held that the evidence...

“Facial Profiling” Article by Johnson & King

In their article, Johnson & King (2017) aim to investigate how offenders’ physical appearance, threat perception, and punishment are associated with each other. Thus, in this study, it is possible to identify three concepts: The concept of dependence between race, ethnicity, appearance, and the perception of threat. The concept of...

White-Collar and Corporate Crime

White-collar crimes have increased in the modern world due to improved technology. Typically, these criminal activities are financially-motivated and are nonviolent. The term was introduced in 1949 by Sutherland, a sociologist, who stated that most of these acts are exercised by people of high social statuses in the source of...

Homeland Security Efforts: Counter-Terrorism and Threats

No country is protected from various types of foreign and domestic threats. Terrorism has always been one of the most serious issues of homeland security, threatening the health and safety of citizens and the welfare of the country. Since terrorism is a major social threat, it can be considered in...

Incarceration Mass Act Among African American Males

In the history of the US, it is known as the country with the largest number of inmates globally than any other nation across the world. It has incarcerated more individuals making it have the highest population rate of people imprisoned. America has harsh punishment for the persons who commit...

The Legality of the Scope of a Police Search

Introduction One afternoon in January 1998, Clinton Stoddard, a U. S. Border Patrol agent, was at a checkpoint on a highway north of Douglas in the state of Arizona. The area was known to be frequently used by smugglers and traffickers. Therefore, the roads were equipped with sensors alerting the...

Gun-Carry Rules Bar Jail, Court Retirees

Facts U.S. law stipulates the legal requirements of law enforcers and details their conduct after retirement. A recent case documented by O’Connor (2022) shows how the federal courts have barred retired officers from carrying guns despite being permitted to do so by the law. The main facts of this case...

Texts, Pictures Lead to 1st Doping Case

Facts Fair competition in local and global competitions is a crucial element in U.S. law. In the international Olympics, every nation wants to take the leading position, with individuals seeking methods to increase their competitiveness. Doping is one of the mechanisms used by athletes to enhance their abilities to run,...

Judicial Activism and Judicial Restraint

According to most mainstream discussions concerning legal and political components of the judicial system, there are two approaches that govern much of court proceedings. These can be summarized as judicial restraint and judicial activism. Judicial restraint refers to the direct and uninvolved interpretation and decision-making within legal parameters according to...

Criminal Justice Case: Types of Sentences, Probation, and Final Decision

Introduction The punishment for embezzlement may vary greatly depending on several factors. These factors include the amount of money taken, the period under which it was taken, and the position of the defender when the money was taken. Hence, the penalty for embezzlement can range from no jail time and...

The Passing of the 13th Amendment in the US

Introduction After the civil war, the United States Constitution passed the 13th amendment in America. Slavery and involuntary servitude, apart from punishment for an offense, were abolished by this amendment. Congress passed the Amendment on January 13, 1865, and the needed 27 of the 36 states confirmed it on December...

Discussion of Jessica’s Juvenile Case

Background Juvenile delinquency is a universal problem that has been experienced both in developed and developing nations over the years. The growing number of young people being involved in crime has led to escalating public concerns. Research indicates that children living in difficult circumstances are at higher risks of becoming...

The US Mental Health Parity Act

The protection coverage in the United States has failed to provide adequate assistance of mental health illnesses. Deductibles, day cutoff criteria, and co-protection all show disparities in mental health and substance use disorder inclusion. Many states passed equality laws that included psychological well-being protection as a key component in an...

Aftermath of 1954 Decision of Brown

Studying court cases often sheds light on important historical moments. The 1954 trial, a class action suit by Oliver Brown and others against the Topeka Board of Education, marks a turning point in the history of the fight against racial segregation. However, unfortunately, racial inequality could not be reversed by...

Contract Example Critical Analysis: Rental Agreement Evaluatiion

Entering an enforceable contract requires sufficient understanding regarding the agreement’s characteristics, ensuring the success of the endeavor. To avoid negative ramifications and create a legally binding agreement that will benefit both parties, it is essential to address each element of the contract and discuss a potential breach of the arrangement....

Connections between the Quotations: The Constitution of the United States

Introduction Strengthening territorial integrity and ensuring the security of its borders has always been one of the US priorities in both domestic and foreign policies. Nevertheless, the country’s history knows many examples when, due to insurmountable circumstances, individual regions were controlled by other states. In addition, there were disputes within...

“Miranda v. Arizona” Supreme Court Ruling

The Supreme Court landmark case Miranda v. Arizona was decided in 1966. The ruling pertains to the fifth and sixth constitutional amendments. In 1963, a man named Ernest Miranda was arrested at his home and placed under police custody. He was questioned for hours on the counts of kidnapping, rape,...

Federal Judge Finds Iowa Law Unconstitutional

Facts The legislature has been responsible for analyzing laws to determine their constitutional position. The Iowa Legislature has been trying for a long time to make it illegal for animal rights groups to sneak cameras into livestock barns to report animal abuse, but courts have frequently ruled the laws unconstitutional....

Texas Senate Measure 8 or the “Heartbeat” Bill

Introduction: Policy The research aims at investigating the Texas law Senate Bill 8, which is in effect currently. The bill prohibits abortions as soon as five or six weeks after the previous menstrual cycle begins, even in circumstances of rape or when a woman’s health is jeopardized (Charo 1114). Besides,...

Discussion of Legalization of Marijuana From View of Law

Introduction Issues of drug use and substance abuse have been a topic of concern and discussion throughout the recent decades. Scientific and medical data continuously shows the prominent dangers of illegal substances, and many forms of creative media advocate against people’s use of drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol. The dangers of...

My Prison System: Incarceration, Deterrence, Rehabilitation, and Retribution

Prison System It is necessary to clarify that my prison system belongs to medium security prisons. These are “the standard facilities used to house most criminals,” so my prison will apply to most types of criminals (Types of prisons, 2021, para. 4). One of the best examples of such jails...

The Criminal Justice System: The Prison Industrial Complex

The criminal justice system is the institution which is present in every advanced country, and it is responsible for punishing individuals for their wrongdoings. Nevertheless, in the United States, the criminal justice system gave rise to the prison-industrial complex. The term is used by critics for describing the intertwined interests...

Section 33 of Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canada

The constitution and laws of any country describe the rights of the population as well as the powers of the government. The Constitutional Act and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canada are no exception as they guarantee the rights of the population and also state and limit the...

High-Level Drug Trafficking in Australia

Media articles explain the problem of narcotics trafficking across the Australian border. An investigation by the Australian Federal Police began when border guards detained a man transporting heroin. The detainee was interrogated, and his phone was examined to find his accomplices. Thus, they initiated the investigation of the Victorian Joint...

The United States Constitution Review

The US Constitution is the supreme law of the U.S., designed to protect and preserve the rights of the state citizens. According to the Constitution, the vacancies in the House of Representatives should be filled through a special election. The Constitution has been changed majorly through Amendments, but also through...

Revising Principles of Providing a High Standard and Safe Working Environment

Introduction The priority of an organization is to ensure that it meets the rights and needs of its members fully. Apart from providing a high standard and safe working environment, the law requires that the employees receive family and medical leave, disability-related leave, fair wages, and overtime pay (England &...

Mitigating Civilian Casualties in Densely Populated Areas

The deployment of troops is always a complex undertaking that involves addressing numerous factors, and one of the most important of them is the relationship with the civilians. Due to the fact that combat activities and military presence lead to civilian casualties, the problem arises of how they can be...

Judicial Process on Criminals: Hoagland Case

In this regard, I believe the decision of the court is correct. The court of Nevada did not award Hoagland protection due to necessity, which is why he filed an appeal. The jury, according to Hoagland, should have been warned by the judge that they have rights to acquit him...

Federal Mental Health Parity Laws and Regulations

Introduction Mental health has been a controversial topic in the field of health insurance. This is why multiple organizations and individuals were interested in implementing a law that would require mental health conditions to be covered with insurance. Since there is no actual health without addressing mental health, including this...

The Constitution of the United Kingdom

Great Britain differs from other countries because it does not have a single document called a Constitution. The absence of such a document impacts the state system and the rule of law in the country. Constitutional customs have become particularly important in Britain, as they have enshrined almost all the...

Palliative Care and Hospice Education Bill Advocacy

Dear Senator Underwood, I am a registered nurse (APRN) in state/jurisdiction and work in. I want to ask you about the support bill H.R. 647: Palliative Care and Hospice Education and Training Act. I know that you are cosponsor of this bill and familiar with its context and significance, but...

Rittenhouse Case Highlights the Nation’s Deep Division

Summary The article highlights the key events and issues resulting from the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse because of the homicide and attempted murder associated with the August 2020 shootings in Kenosha, Wisconsin. According to Thrust (2021), the major issues that mired the Rittenhouse case were the unlawful ownership of a...

Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations

Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations is entitled “Protection of Environment,” encompassing federal provisions and guidelines on programs, grants, and standards aimed at organizing frameworks to save the environment. Specifically, part 172 of the Title’s Subsection C addresses the guidelines of issuing experimental use permits (“Title 40”). According...

Consumer Protection and Market Regulation Laws

In the Capitalist era, the number of corporations and organizations selling numerous goods and services has risen enormously. People have access to all the kinds of items they wish and the ability to pay for the work to be done for them, such as house cleaning or babysitting. Despite all...

The Case of the 1992 Los Angeles Riots

Introduction The most effective leadership style for superiors at criminal justice organizations to employ is the autocratic leadership style. This is a leadership style where all the decision of the organization solely depends on an individual, which is necessary during a crisis or emergency (Woodard, 2017). In the case of...

Noble Cause Corruption in Law Enforcement: Ethical or Not?

Introduction Noble cause corruption is an ethical dilemma in law enforcement that justifies the abuse of police power to attain desirable outcomes or achieve ‘a greater good.’ This form of corruption stems from a teleological ethical system, which emphasizes that the consequences overweigh the means of achieving a goal. Examples...

The Effects of Gun Control on Crimes

Acts of violence have increased affecting both the victims and the public sense of the general welfare of the society. This has called forth the launching of campaigns that aim at preventing crimes. Reducing violence is key for the success of any social system making it a primary goal. Gun...

Overcoming Juvenile Crime: Community Programs

It is hard to imagine the former innocent child as a delinquent who commits various crimes. Indeed, many children become criminals for different reasons; they can be bullied at school, have family issues, and many other aspects that make them juvenile offenders. Still, the crimes of the young bring multiple...

Researching the Constitution of the Russian Federation

Introduction Today, it is impossible to imagine any country without a constitution, also known as the fundamental law, and this legislation piece is a characteristic feature of a civilized world. Numerous nations draw sufficient attention to developing their own constitutions to define how they are governed and how power is...

Mental Health and Constitutional Considerations for Prisoners

California prisons contain a record number of prisoners, which continues to grow steadily every year. From 2012 to 2016, the number of prisoners in California receiving psychotropic drugs tripled and reached 77 percent (“Confronting California’s Continuing Prison Crisis” 1). The budget allocated for such medicines is growing even faster, increasing...

Trustworthy Legal Authors – Gardner and Reece

In any field of knowledge, only those pieces of information that have credibility and guarantee honesty can be reputable data sources. This analytical article’s authors were two men who have both actual law enforcement practice and professorships at relevant universities under their belt (Gardner & Reece, 2012). In other words,...

Right-To-Work Laws Have Harmed Unions, and Therefore Need Abolishment

Background Right-to-work (RTW) laws refer to the state legislation in the United States that forbids several union-security measures where workers are likely to join during employment. Right-to-work laws entail support from most employers, particularly small businesses and other anti-union individuals. Members supporting the laws argue that the progression grants employees...

Procedural Law in Business

Procedural law is a set of legal norms regulating the procedural order procedures for the practical implementation and enforcement of substantive law. Procedural law is inextricably linked with substantive law, as it establishes the procedural forms necessary for its performance and protection (Rammeloo, 2019). There are the following primary forms...

The United Kingdom Constitutional Principles

To answer public concerns on the availability of jury trials, Parliament enacted the Guarantee of Juries Act 2016 (‘the GJA’). It provided that anyone charged with an offense punishable by at least six months’ imprisonment was entitled to a trial by jury. In 2019, the Allocation of Trial Act (‘the...

Official Crime Data for Policy Development

Using official crime data is very important, as it allows the development of policies that target the actual circumstances and avoid biases. Data uses may include official crime data, self-report studies, or victimization surveys (Mosher et al., 2010). Official crime data provides a framework for developing general strategies based on...

Consumer and Employment Rights in the UK

Consumer rights are widely defended in the UK, but as a rule, to become a subject for such defense, the consumer should be sure to sign the contract of purchase in any form. Receiving a check for the payment provided for the good is a must since, without this document,...

Decision-Making in Criminal Justice

When a corpse is found at the foot of a cliff, the investigator is faced with a dilemma about the type of incident: accident, suicide, or potential homicide. Moreover, it is necessary to identify the victim, determine the time of death, and collect evidence. The first step will be an...

Albert Einstein’s Declaration of Intention

Albert Einstein, the famous German physicist, filed a declaration of intention to become an American citizen in 1936, and the document is still preserved. Apart from Einstein’s names, the form contains several people, including Einstein’s wife, children, and the clerk of the U.S. District Court, George T. Cranmer. Similarly, numerous...

Online and Offline Museums in Correlation with Crime

Summary Museums educate people by preserving humanity’s social, cultural, and scientific history in a form that allows visitors to learn about people and how they behaved and reacted to the world around them in the past. Museums are beginning to adjust their programs and displays to accommodate a new generation...

Outsourcing & Women’s Discrimination in the Workplace

David, N. (2014). Women with disabilities: Dual discrimination. Labor Education, 137. According to David, even though the internal labor organization (ILO) has done enough to promote and protect the human rights of persons with disabilities, it has as well as helped in the struggle for equal treatment and equal opportunity...

Penal Labor in the American Prison System

Since the late nineteenth century, prison labor has become an integral part of the United States economy. While some convicts are given support and maintenance jobs in prisons, others are tasked with manufacturing goods or providing services to private corporations, non-profit firms, and state and government institutions. These inmates receive...

Using Another Person’s Work Without Obtaining Their Consent

Trademark, copyright, and patent laws do not apply to creative works in the public domain. Rather than a single author or artist, the public possesses these creations. Using a public domain work does not require consent, but nobody can claim ownership of it (Stanford Libraries, 2017). Copyright expiration, failure to...

Chapter 3 of Interrogations and Confessions by Costanzo & Krauss

Key Points, Patterns, and Trends The main points, patterns, and trends arising from the book chapter are the following elements. First of all, Chapter 3 examines certain methods and strategies for the competent interrogation of suspects by law enforcement agencies. The book’s authors attempt a deep and detailed immersion in...

Household Gun Ownership and Concealed Carry Legislation

Issue Presented What negative sub consequences might the residents of a community face when the policymakers implement the new governmental program allowing people to possess a gun within a concealed carry frame? Short Answer The governmental program “Gun Control- Right to Carry” has to be reassessed by policymakers and authorized...

More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows

According to the National Rifle Association of America reviewed in the article More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows by Melinda Wenner Moyer 170 million shotguns have been purchased since 1991, although the crime rate has only increased. Americans continue to believe that weapons protect them, although practice...

Jail Administration Problems and Strategies

Contemporary jails and prisons face many difficulties, such as overcrowding, managing inmates’ mental and physical health, controlling the level of violence, and many other issues. Jail administration should be ready to face the problems efficiently in order to provide fair judgment and create an atmosphere for the rehabilitation for criminals....