Personification in the Works of Robert Frost, William Blake, and Thomas Wolfe

In Robert Frost’s poem “Out, Out”, personification plays a significant role. The poet deliberately gives the saw human qualities to impress the reader, for example, it “leaped out at the boy’s hand” (Frost 30, line 16). This effect is used to show the strong intention of the saw to hurt...

Similarities Between Norse and Indian Myths

Introduction A comparative study of mythology is essential for understanding the specifics of cultural and historical areas in the ancient world. Mythology was not only an arsenal for literature but also a direct predecessor of religious and philosophical thought. Moreover, the evolution of myth-making reflected the main stages of ancient...

Henrik Ibsen and His Portrayal of Women

Outline This paper discusses Henrik Ibsen portrayal of women. Ibsen was one of the finest novelists of Norwegian history. His novels were very controversial about the role of women during that time. Though, he highlights different shades of women characters. This paper discusses his works and highlight how he portrays...

Beowulf: Comparing the Movie and the Book

The story of Beowulf has remained a significant work for centuries not only because it is one of our first lengthy works of English, but also because of the timelessness of the themes it contains and its applicability to a modern audience, regardless of the period in which ‘modern’ is...

Criticism of the Church in Canterbury Tales

Geoffrey Chaucer was one of the greatest representatives of medieval literature, who impacted the development of English literature significantly. The Canterbury Tales series of books was written between 1387 and 1400. In these works, Chaucer describes the life of England through the stories told by the characters while using irony...

Death of a Salesman as a Social Drama

Introduction The play, Death of a Salesman, portrays the theme of American dream and its impact on ordinary citizens like Willy Loman and his sons. Miller portrays that for Willy, the pride, the disappointment, the suffering are never so deeply felt, or so variously, as in relation to Biff, the...

Benjamin Franklin vs. Jay Gatsby: Character Comparison

The Great Gatsby deal with contradictions present in a romantic figure, certain troubling discrepancies between appearance and reality which that figure reveals under critical scrutiny. The main character can be compared with Ben Franklin as he possesses the same qualities and virtues. Similar to Ben Franklin, Gatsby value knowledge and...

“The Lottery” by Jackson and “The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas” by Le Guin

Introduction: Dystopian Stories by Jackson and Le Guin The short stories, which represent a genre of utopian fiction, give the reader an opportunity to immerse himself/herself in the study of societies based on totalitarian principles and concealing controlled regimes behind the visible general happiness. Therefore, two stories, namely “The Lottery”...

The Theme of Love in Ancient Egyptian Poetry

Different cultures and eras have their own perceptions of love that they eloquently communicated through various creations of literature, including poetry, epos, and philosophical pieces. Symposium by Plato is remarkable in this regard because concepts recorded in this work can be traced in multiple poems composed in distinct regions, centuries...

Exploring V and Evey’s Complex Relationship in V for Vendetta

Human relationships may be of a different kind, and for some people, some of the relationships may seem strange; others may believe them to be ideal. Therefore, it is possible to say that people choose the way they are going to communicate with others on the basis of their character...

Symbolism in “Disgrace” by John Coetzee

Introduction The Novel, Disgrace, revolves around David Lurie, a University lecturer who faces one disgrace after another. Disgrace follows David wherever he goes throughout the novel. The 52-year-old man faces life in a post apartheid South Africa where racial discrimination is still rife. David’s first scandal with Melanie at the...

Exploring Trauma in “They Called Us Enemy” and “Maus” Through Visuals

Introduction “They Called Us Enemy,” co-written by George Takei, Justin Eisinger, and Steven Scott and drawn by Harmony Becker, is a crucial tribute to the dread and federal bigotry within America’s borders eight decades ago. Meanwhile, Art Spiegelman’s “Maus” depicts the horrors of the Holocaust as well as the challenges...

How Themes Inform the Context: Herrera, Tafolla, and Laviera

Introduction In literature, poetry is a truly unique phenomenon since, unlike the rest of the genres, it does not seek to tell a story; instead, its purpose revolves primarily around conveying a specific message and appealing to the reader’s emotions. Therefore, the thematic richness of a poem is inevitably connected...

Symbolism in “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin

In “Sonny’s Blues,” light and dark symbolize the human struggle between good and evil. Symbols in “Sonny’s Blues” frequently conflict: for instance, ice symbolizes fear and dread juxtaposed against the music, which provides warmth and an escape to Sonny, the story’s protagonist. At large, there is a light-darkness dichotomy, which...

Themes in “The Lady or the Tiger” by Frank Stockton

Introduction Intractable moral choices have been known to capture the attention of readers for a long time. In the short story “The Lady or the Tiger”, the author, Frank Stockton, highlights two most intriguing choices, one involving love and the other about death. The story, which explores a variety of...

“Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare Summary

Julius Caesar is a history play written by William Shakespeare. The plot of the piece concerns Brutus and Cassius’ conspiracy to assassinate Julius Caesar and, in some way, the consequences of these actions. The play’s first act establishes Caesar’s influence and the motivations for his assassination, which lies in the...

Mango in “The Gift” Short Story by R. F. Ramirez

It should be noted that in “The Gift” by Rosario Ferré, several social issues are addressed, ranging from patriarchy and racism to institutional corruption and indoctrination. Puerto Rico serves as an ideal framework to assess and analyze the vast differences between the poor and the rich, which is the result...

“Out, Out” by Robert Frost

“Out, Out” is a poem by the US poet Robert Frost published in Frost’s Mountain Interval collection in 1916, and based on the actual incident which occurred to the son of Frost’s friend. The poem starts in remote Vermont, where his sister calls a young boy chopping firewood with a...

Formation of Gender Identity in “Fun Home” by Alison Bechdel

Throughout Alison Bechdel’s tragicomic Fun Home, the author demonstrates her and her father Bruce’s opposing views on the concept of sexuality. Their different definitions of the significance of gender roles cause tension in their formation of sexual orientations in the presence of each other. The distinct ways in which they...

Response to “Thank You, M’am” by Langston Hughes

Introduction The short story “Thank You, M’am” written by the American author Langston Hughes is a perfect instance of a human being’s particular traits’ manifestations. The young boy was caught trying to steal a purse from a woman, but instead of being punished, he was shown kindness intended to change...

Analysis of Reverse Psychology Used by Lago in Shakespeare’s “Othello”

The character of Iago from Shakespeare’s Othello is one of the most unique and multi-faceted villainous characters from all of Shakespeare’s works. The mysterious and deceitful aura of the character makes the play more thrilling to the viewer or reader, who is aware of Iago’s untruthful motives, and makes the...

Raymond Carver’s “I Could See the Smallest Things” Story

“I Could See the Smallest Things,” written by Raymond Carver, is concise, but it has a powerful effect on readers. The author masterfully attracts attention, forcing them to search for clues about what is happening in the characters’ lives. The story’s plot is constructed around Nancy’s night walk, who hears...

Romantic Period and Victorian Period Poetry Comparison

Romantic and Victorian poetry refers to verses produced during the Romantic and Victorian periods. The poems that have been chosen for my analysis, “Porphyria’s Lover” and “She Walks in Beauty”, demonstrate the most striking features of each of the literary eras. Both the Romantic and Victorian periods were two significant...

Oedipus Rex: A Man of Destiny

Introduction The Oedipus play by Sophocles truly stood the test of time. The themes of fate and predestination revealed in the play are universal and have aroused interest centuries after they were first introduced in 429 BC. The mysteries of fate remain unsolved and continue to excite the imagination of...

“First Day of Winter” by Breece D’J Pancake

“First Day of Winter” is a work by an American writer Breece D’J Pancake. This short story reveals the inner conflict of the main character, Hollis, and shows an uneasy relationship with his parents. Hollis is a farm boy who takes care of his elderly and feeble mother and father....

“The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath

Introduction The Bell Jar is a chef-d’oeuvre semi-autobiographical novel by an American poet and writer, Sylvia Plath, in the 1950s, but it was first published in 1963 in England. However, as one interacts with the contents of the book and the writer’s life, the novel becomes more of an autobiography...

Why Shakespeare’s Hamlet Is Still Relevant

Academic research on literary works in college is usually closely linked to history. Using characters from plays and novels as examples, students understand the aristocrats’ lifestyle from past centuries and even learn about the tragedies of Ancient Greece. The critical question remains why such works are still relevant. The answer...

Hawthorne’s “Young Goodman Brown”: A Feminist Look

“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a short story set in seventeenth-century Puritan New England. It follows the protagonist’s journey into self-criticism and self-doubt in the context of the Puritan belief that all human beings exist in a state of depravity and that God is the one who can...

“Some Thoughts on the Common Toad” by George Orwell

“Some Thoughts on the Common Toad” is an essay by George Orwell that was published in 1946. The author describes a common example of the natural cycle, which is the change of seasons. People have become accustomed to it; moreover, in literature, it is mostly associated with beautiful creatures like...

Homer’s Portrayal of the Gods in The Iliad

Introduction The Iliad is an ancient Greek epic poem attributed to Homer. It seems to have originated based on legends about the Trojan War, and the main character of the poem is Achilles. Dramatic pictures of war, fights of heroes alternate with pictures of peaceful life and with scenes of...

A Good Man Is Hard to Find: Critical Analysis Essay

Introduction Flannery O’Connor is the brightest representative of the Southern Gothic in US literature. Her prose is filled with violence, erupting evil and dark features of a human being, and many stories shockingly end on a note of horror. “A Good Man is Hard to Find” first appeared in a...

Racism: “The White Man’s Burden” by Rudyard Kipling

Social Darwinism is a sociological theory, according to which the laws of natural selection and the struggle for survival, identified by Charles Darwin in nature, apply to relationships in human society. Social Darwinism was especially popular from the end of the 19th century until the end of the Second World...

The Concept of Resilience in Literature

Introduction As psychologists understand it, resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. The concept is especially pertinent in war and other catastrophes that cause significant harm to individuals and groups. The concept of resilience has always been wide-ranging in its scope, from its core philosophy from social psychology...

Humor and Suffering in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein

Despite seeming incompatible at first sight, pain and humor often go together in fiction writing, creating realistic plots in which the entire palette of human emotions finds use. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is among numerous works that demonstrate the co-existence of the ridiculous and the painful, thus conveying a deep meaning....

Emily Dickinson “I’m Nobody! Who Are You?”: A Formalist Analysis

One of Emily Dickinson’s most famous poems is titled “I’m Nobody! Who are you?” The poem’s first line is among the most brilliantly inventive and unforgettable in all of her poetry. In its poetic vision that fame lends complexity to life, the poem represents the reality of the world. The...

The Short Story “Raymond’s Run” by Toni Cade Bambara

Another win by Squeaky in the fifty-yard run is the climactic and conclusive story element in Raymond’s run. However, this event is not central to the story; it is not what all the premises and descriptions were about. The core element of this short story is that the heroine, for...

Conflict in “The Stranger” Novel by Albert Camus

Conflicts between children and their parents are a rather common issue that may influence one’s life significantly. In some cases, those disagreements may affect them even after the parent figure dies. This specific case is shown in the novel The Stranger by Albert Camus, as readers follow the story of...

Characterization and Irony in “A&P” by John Updike

A&P is a comic short story written by John Updike in 1961. The story tells about a cashier guy in a store who was shocked by the appearance of three young female customers who came to the store in swimsuits. After the manager, as the main hero thought, disgraced girls...

Famous Poems: Themes and Critique

A.E. Housman’s poem “To an Athlete Dying Young” is about a record-breaking athlete regarded as a legend. The poem’s tone abruptly changes, causing the reader to realize that the athlete has died. The poem is notable for its themes of the bitterness of death at the pinnacle of greatness. Housman...

Ethics in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald

In The Great Gatsby, many of the characters have questionable ethics. The story, written by Scott Fitzgerald, reflects a society where moral decadence thrives. Although the characters do not directly express their ethical positions on issues, their lack of ethical principles can be inferred from their actions. Additionally, they act...

The Analysis of Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare

Introduction The chosen poem for the current work is Sonnet 18 written by William Shakespeare, and it was first published after the death of the author in 1609. The cultural context around the composition is enigmatic since there is no particular person to whom the poem is devoted. Some scholars...

Oroonoko as a Hero: Analysis of Novel

Oroonoko; or, The Royal Slave. A True History by Aphra Behn is considered to be one of the first English novels – it was published in 1688 when the genre was only beginning to emerge. The story’s protagonist is Prince Oroonoko – an African king’s grandson who possesses all the...

New Historicism: “Big Black Good Man” by Wright

Introduction “Big Black Good Man” is a story by Richard Wright published in 1958. This narration helps the reader to grasp not only the author’s ideas about kindness and prejudice but also reflects the attitudes and racial prejudice that existed in the 1950s. The reader can use the events described...

Male Characters in “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen

The Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen created the play A Doll’s House in 1879. The play’s central theme is the position of women in society; contemporaries perceived the drama as a feminism manifesto. However, the problems of A Doll’s House are not limited to the women’s issue: it is about the...

Themes, Imagery, and Diction of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18

“Sonnet 18” of Shakespeare belongs to the group of poems addressed by the author to Pure Youth, the embodiment of the beauty of features, the clarity of the soul of a young man. The addressee of this poem is the very embodiment of youth and beauty, the combination of which...

Analysis of “The Ark of Bones” Story

“The Ark of Bones” is a short story written by African American author Henry Dumas. The setting of the story is in the 1900s at the shores of the Mississippi River, a place with myths and misconceptions among the African Americans and the whites as well. The story involves two...

The Conversion of the Jews by Philip Roth

The short story ‘The Conversion of the Jews’ by Philip Roth and was published in 1958 is about a thirteen-year-old freethinking Ozzie Freedman and his struggles. The story shows how the boy deals with the crisis in his faith at the Hebrew school. Ozzie is a young man who is...

The Novels by Ignacio Aldecoa Analysis

A novel in Spain is an ancient and truly democratic literary genre, rooted in folklore. Therefore, it absorbs folk wisdom, cheerful mischief, and practical judgment. The novelistic tradition is still alive in Spain; evidence of this is the collections published annually and individual stories in newspapers and magazines. There are...

Inequality in “The Lesson” by Toni Cade Bambara

Socio-economic inequality is the unfair distribution of resources and opportunities to the different groups and races in a country. In the contemporary world of capitalism, this problem is widespread in almost any society. Capitalists have secured the means of production while workers provide the labor force. Corporates and business owners...

“Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen

“Dulce et Decorum Est” is a poem written by Wilfred Owen after his experience of fighting in World War I. The title is a Latin clause meaning it is worthy to die for one’s country. However, Wilfred Owen shares the reverse opinion, implying that it is an awful death. Due...

Puck in a “Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Shakespeare

Introduction A Midsummer Night’s Dream, written by William Shakespeare, is comprised of interwoven storylines and characters from European folklore. The presence of several distinct plots makes it challenging for readers and viewers to identify the protagonist of the play. The importance of roles is distributed evenly, which complicates the task...

The Modes of Persuasion in “Letter From Birmingham Jail”

The persuasion of the speech is often assessed by standards set by the great philosopher Aristotle. He divided the structure of an effective pitch into logos, ethos, and pathos. Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail is recognized as one of American history’s most persuasive writings. It was so compelling...

How Money and Wealth Depicted in the Fitzgerald’s “Great Gatsby”

Introduction Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby documents a classical manifestation of the implications of social status and wealth. Fitzgerald uses numerous examples to illustrate material and wealth as though very influential and make people powerful; it cannot imply or buy happiness for an individual. In essence, wealth is portrayed as...

Responsible for the Deaths of Mercutio and Tybalt

Several people in the tragedy are guilty of Mercutio and Tybalt’s deaths, including Romeo and these two men themselves. Tybalt is the first to blame since he was an instigator of the fight. If he had correctly understood the reason for Romeo’s presence at the party, he would not have...

Legends of British Literature: Beowulf and Macbeth

Introduction The theme of heroes and villains has always been one of the most popular in literature. Whatever the historical period, there were narrations about brave and noble men who courageously defended their lands from enemies. However, the motives those heroes had for fighting were not always dignified. An Old...

“Blackberries” by Ellen Hunnicutt and “Blackberries” by Leslie Norris – Comparison

The same title ‘Blackberries’ combines two stories written by Ellen Hunnicutt and Leslie Norris. The mention of berries is not accidental because the image of the berries goes through each story. The following essay will be devoted to comparison of these stories and finding the differences and similarities between them....

Bidpai’s “The Camel and His Friends” Story Analysis

Lying at the crossroads between a children’s story and a part of the folklore-related legacy of a specific ethnicity, fables have a very special place in literature. With recurring characters and basic yet important life lessons to offer to their readers, fables serve as a shorthand for conveying important messages...

Contrast Analysis “I, Too” and “I Have a Dream Analysis”

Introduction “I have a dream” speech belongs to Martin Luther King, Jr., who tried to send a message about civil rights. In his speech, the orator used a wide range of rhetorical and stylistic devices that made the message quite expressive. Main body Martin King uses such a stylistic means...

Gary Soto: Biography and Soto’s Poems Analysis

Gary Soto is a Chicano writer born in Fresco, California in 1952. Even as a child, he used to work as a farm laborer, which had a significant effect on his works resulting in their reflecting the whole reality of life. His works have taken this direction owing to the...

Pride & Prejudice and Emma: Compare & Contrast

Abstract Jane Austen is a woman of her times. She is well known for her piercing social commentary and portraits of courtship and marriage. She also has a deep understanding of family life and the complex interactions between parents and their daughters. Among her best works are the novels Pride...

The Interactions Between Jerry and Peter in Edward Albee’s ‘The Zoo Story’.

Over the years, society has advanced to such an extent that we all live in a multi-cultural environment that seems to have enough space for everyone. However, with the growth, certain values, beliefs, and standards that have evolved with society have led to greater alienation of individuals within the society....

Wislawa Szymborska’s Literary Works Analysis

Introduction Wislawa Szymborska is considered to be an outstanding Polish poet and essayist. Her works stand out from all others by their prominent character and individuality. The author’s style is unique and expressive; she always tries to differentiate her poems from others by disclosure of major philosophical and ethical themes....

“Inside the White Cube” the Book by O’Doherty

Summary of the Book The book, Inside the White Cube, by O’Doherty focuses on the concept of the gallery space, how it has evolved over the years, and its significance in passing a specific message to the audience. In this book, the author explains the relevance of neutral patterns in...

Feminism in Marie de France’s “Lanval” Poem

Introduction Marie de France’s Lanval is a twelfth-century poem about a knight who has become a social outcast. The love between Lanval and a mysterious lady does not seem to fit in the cruelty and filth of the real world, and the lovers leave for a mystical realm of Avalon....

Petrarchan Woman in Wyatt’s and Marvell’s Poems

Renaissance poetry has become influential in many ways. While not being followed directly, it has been incorporated in many areas of art and served as a source of inspiration to several generations of poets. A great example of this is Francesco Petrarch, whose poetry of the early Renaissance was both...

“The Guild” a Poem by Sharon Olds

The Guild by Sharon Olds is one of the several poems in which the poet attempts to produce some description of her father and his negative influence on the family. The relationship between the daughter and the father is clearly dysfunctional, and in The Guild Olds shows that such difficulties...

Imperialism in “Shooting an Elephant” by Orwell

Introduction “Shooting an Elephant” is an early essay by George Orwell. It is unclear whether this essay is autobiographical, or portrays a fictionalized version of a real experience. However, the strong imagery and symbolism of the story make its nature almost irrelevant to the message it tries to convey. The...

“Catch” by Robert Francis and “Easter Wings” by George Herbert

Two poems written by Robert Francis and George Herbert are separated by more than three centuries of the literature process. These aspects influenced the style of writing and the peculiarities of the poetic language. Nevertheless, it is still possible to determine the main differences and similarities in Francis’s “Catch” and...

The Division of Classes in Elizabeth Gaskell’s “Old Nurse’s Story”

Introduction The horror literature of the Victorian era contains references to class relations, women’s roles in society, and the family and often deals with the psychological aspects of fear. An example of such work is Elizabeth Gaskell’s Old Nurse’s Story, which raises questions about family relations, class relations, hypocrisy and...

The Role and Significance of Women in “Beowulf”

Introduction Beowulf is a poetic text in English literature depicting the events of a heroic man in the 6th century. Beowulf primarily focuses on the heroic deeds of male characters. The poet characterizes male heroism with courage, strength, loyalty, and generosity. However, in-between the lines, the plot has female characters...

Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House” vs. Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

Introduction Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House follows the life of Norah and her attempts to guard the secret about a debt that she took to save the life of her husband, Torvald. On the other hand, Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” follows the story of a narrator suffering from...

Modernist and Postmodernist Techniques and Themes in McEwan’s “Atonement”

An example of free indirect style in Atonement by Ian McEwan can be found in chapter six as the author describes the acts and thoughts of Emily Tallis. The author takes on Emily’s thoughts and expressing that she considered it important not to provoke the pain in his head lest...

Ghana Calls: The Concept of ‘Double Consciousness’ in Literary Sense

Introduction Ghana Calls is an outstanding poem not only among Ghanaians but also among people who support and believe in the idea of liberation. The literary work was composed by William Du Bois as a dedication to one of the pan-Africanists who later became the president of Ghana, Kwame Nkrumah....

“Poem For Haruko” by June Jordan

The poems that resonate with most people are always about love and human relationships. One of them is a piece called “Poem for Haruko”, written by June Jordan (2005). Despite the poem’s concise nature, it exposes a deep and emotional story. The vivid images the author portrays with the help...

Psychological Journey of Raskolnikov in Dostoevsky’s “Crime and Punishment”

Crime and Punishment appear to be one of the most widely spread novels of Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. Despite being created at the end of the 19th century, it is extremely popular both in the author’s native country and outside its territory. All the plot is articulated on the random...

The Role of Nature in Human Life

Regardless of the period the literary text is written, the message it tries to express through black ink is often relative for many decades. An example of this kind of works is the excerpts written by Keats, Yeats, and Orwell. The writers invoke philosophical ideas and provoke readers’ thoughts by...

Io: Tragic Figure and Unsung Hero of “Prometheus Bound”

Introduction Prometheus Bound contains a plethora of colorful characters, exemplifying the inimitable nature of Greek mythology, where polytheism combines with a very human-centered perspective on the intentions and desires of the gods of the Greek Pantheon. Specifically, the play features a character that readers often barely notice, even though it...

Women by Alice Walker. Analysis of the Poem

Alice Walker is a multifaceted author, excelling in both prose and poetry, and her works are deeply influenced by her experience as an African-American woman. She is very concerned with women’s plight and rights and explores the topic in most of her bibliography. While one may be more familiar with...

Sharikov as Generational Symbol in “The Heart of a Dog”

Polygraph Polygraphovich Sharikov is a demonstrably villainous antagonist in Mikhail Bulgakov’s novella The Heart of a Dog. After “a small experiment” on a stray dog, Sharik, conducted by a talented surgeon, Professor Preobrazhensky, and his assistant, Dr. Bormental, the dog is turned into a human (Bulgakov). From the former Sharik,...

Symbolism Used by Hawthorn to Support the Theme of “Young Goodman Brown”

“Young Goodman Brown,” a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is surrounded by the historical context of Puritan New England. Even though the historical events are not central to the literary work, they significantly define the main themes and issues addressed by the author. “Young Goodman Brown” tells a story of...

The Poem “From Blossoms” by Li-Young Lee

The Preliminary Chart Evidence from the Poem Inference from this Evidence “From blossoms comes / this brown paper bag of peaches” (Lee, lines 1-2). The poet appreciates nature and its gift – the peaches. He is glad and excited about eating them; this is pure childish happiness. From laden boughs,...

Discrimination in White’s “Charlotte’s Web” and Levine’s “Hana’s Suitcase”

Introduction Human life is surrounded and defined by social issues that happen to people as they attend to their day-to-day activities. As such, authors seek to explore these issues through novels, movies, and other artworks with the intention of understanding or highlighting the underlying principles. Whether in fiction or non-fiction,...

The Depiction of Tragic Love in Poe’s “Annabel Lee”

Introduction Love, especially tragic love, appears to be a common theme in Romanticist literature. As a poet of this literary movement, Edgar Allan Poe contributed to the tendency with “Annabel Lee.” Its central themes are the youthful love and death of a beloved woman. The text seemingly became one of...

The Review of “A Cyborg Manifesto”

Summary The essay “A cyborg manifesto” by Donna Haraway presents a revolutionary view of humanity’s future developments. In her work, the intersections between dualistic concepts like genders, primitivism, truth, deific/humane, order/chaos, and others must be eradicated in order to create a cyborg society (Haraway, 2016). The author chooses the concept...

“Life of Pi”: Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Survival

One cannot say that the book “Life of Pi” is devoted to animals, like, for instance, the books by Seton Thomson or Gerald Durrell, who express their love of wildlife in books. In contrast to them, Martel presents a philosophic and religiously oriented account of the life of a human...

Isolation and Loneliness in Shelley’s “Frankenstein”

The feeling of loneliness is one of the worst inner states. It makes people weak and helpless. Everyone tries to spend most of his time in communication and movement. The novel Frankenstein reflects the characters who got used to living in loneliness during their whole life. Their life is constant...

Alliteration in Thomas Hardy’s “The Darkling Thrush”

Thomas Hardy’s “The Darkling Thrush” is one of the most well-known poems written on the borderline of the 19th and the 20th centuries. The poet employs a variety of rhetoric devices in the piece, but the most prominent of them is alliteration. Hardy’s use of this rhetorical device helps to...

Conflicts in “The Rich Brother” by Tobias Wolff

In the short story The Rich Brother, Tobias Wolff vividly portrays a conflict between rich and poor brothers, their family relations and social position affected their life style. Out of the only role to have given his life purpose, Donald lacks a sense of who he is or how he...

The Theme of Deception in The Necklace by Guy de Maupassant

Despite Guy de Maupassant’s ‘The Necklace’ being written in the late XIXth century, this story successfully transports its moral lessons to modern life. The author engages symbolism around the main object of the story, the diamond necklace, and the deep character portrayal of two heroines to reveal the common deceptiveness...

Literature as a Means of Escapism in Alistair MacLeod’s “The Boat”

MacLeod’s short story “The Boat” presents several crucial themes for analysis, including an exploration of the tension between duties and aspirations. The author depicts the boat named in the story’s title as the embodiment of the narrator’s long-lasting family heritage as well as that of many other families living in...

“The Canterbury Tales” by Geoffrey Chaucer

Introduction The Canterbury Tales is perhaps one of the most popular collections of tales from the 14th century. It is a collection of stories told by Geoffrey Chaucer who remains one of the significant contributors to literature in the 14th century. In this collection, Chaucer who doubles up as the...

“Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller

Seeds can be discussed as the most intriguing image presented in Arthur Miller’s play “Death of a Salesman” because seeds symbolize the hope of the main character Willy for the best future and, at the same time, the character’s frustration because of lost opportunities. Willy understands that his idea of...

The Modern Prometheus: Analysis of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

This Frankenstein analysis focuses on Victor’s motivation, various themes, and parallels with mythology. Check it out if you need ideas for your analysis of Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus. Analysis of Frankenstein: Introduction Almost two centuries have passed since the first publication of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. Today, the monster...

Verbal Communication and Identity in Kafka’s “Metamorphosis”

Introduction “The Metamorphosis,” a short story by Kafka, explores the implication of losing one’s physical body and the abilities that it provides. The process of metamorphosis itself represents the lack of the protagonist’s self-understanding and self-reflection. Further, verbal communication and its challenges play a pivotal role in the narrative development,...

“How I Met My Husband” Short Story by Alice Munro

Alice Ann Munro is a short story writer from Canada born in 1931 in Ontario, Canada. She attended the University of Western Ontario studying English and journalism before abandoning her studies after two years. Munro won the Man Booker International Prize in 2009, while in 2013, she won the Nobel...

Individual Power in Ibsen’s A Doll’s House

“Behind every great fortune lies a great crime.” This line from Honore de Balzac relates to the main conflict in Ibsen’s play “A Doll’s House” which is the struggle for individual agency in a conformist society. The protagonists in this play, which is set in late 19th-century Norway, struggle with...

Transformation of Kurtz’s Character in “Heart of Darkness”

Introduction Characters represent the essence of the plot as their experiences and perspectives shape the attitudes of readers toward the story being told. Without characters and their development during the narrative, the story cannot progress. Thus, the characters of Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness had to be memorable with their...

Environmental Ethics in Oryx and Crake by Atwood

The central narrative line in Margaret Atwood’s dystopian tragedy Oryx and Crake is built around the story of a man named Snowman, who lives in a post-apocalyptic world alongside humanoid-like creatures called Crackers. At first glance, this story may seem to be about a fantastical, unreal world and Snowman’s adventures...

Comparison of Poems by Gwendolyn Brooks

Gwendolyn Brooks represents one of the most prominent African American poetic voices of the 20th century. Her works reflect the complexity of the sociocultural environment of the mid-20th-century American community, particularly, the Civil Rights movement and the associated struggles of African American people (Hayes, 2019). Although “We Real Cool,” Sadie...

Alcott’s Little Women as a Bildungsroman Novel

Introduction Among well-known coming-of-age novels in the world’s history, Little Women has just been recognized by academics as one of the most powerful Bildungsroman novels for its ability to depict the growth and maturity of the characters. The work by Louisa May Alcott, written in the 19th century, is a...

“A Model of Christian Charity” by John Winthrop

John Winthrop lived from 1588 to 1649; as he was born into a wealthy family of land-owning merchants he received a good education. His father took a position at Cambridge University when John was young. As a result, John Winthrop was exposed to complex ideas from a very young age....

The Mirror Scene of Shakespeare’s Richard II Play

Introduction Shakespeare’s Henriad is not only a brilliant example of English literature but also a valuable source on the social, political, and even legal reality of the time when it was written. Among other things, it covers the perception of monarchic power and its nature, which was a particularly acute...

“A Red, Red Rose” by Robert Burns

As a person and as a poet, R. Burns was influenced by two national cultures, Scottish and English. The lyrics of R. Burns were close to folk not only in sound, but in content. He was imbued with a mood of sincere sympathy for working people and mocking contempt for...

“A Madman’s Diary” and “Preface to Call to Arms” by Lu Xun

Without significant changes, any community will gradually fall into stagnation. While most European countries developed synchronously, traditional China staggered significantly by the beginning of the 20th century. This was especially clearly seen in Chinese literature that emerged in its present form only by the middle of the last century (Gu...

Racism in “Being Brought From Africa to America” and “A Letter From Phyllis Wheatley”

Phyllis Wheatley, the first African American to publish a book of poetry in 1773, was the author of the poem “Being Brought from Africa to America.” Wheatley represents the start of a long tradition of African American poets. She described her African ancestors as non-Christian (“Pagan”) and believed that she...

Plot, Tone, and Themes in Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun”

In 1959, a play by the writer Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun, was successfully staged for the first time on Broadway. This play was chosen as a research subject due to its importance for the theater industry and the overall American culture. This work combines well all significant...

“Eleonora” by Edgar Allan Poe: A Short Story Analysis

Eleonora is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe that could potentially relate to his personal, romantic experience. The story presents a collection of the main character’s discourse about love, passion, and memories of Eleonora, his cousin. The story’s plot can be separated into four parts: In the first...

Rhythm, Repetition, and Speaker’s Voice in Blake’s “The Tyger” and “The Lamb”

While the metric scheme of Blake’s “The Lamb” and “The Tyger” is basically the same– the six-to-seven trochee – its rhythmic application varies strongly between the poems. “The Lamb” sometimes breaks the line into two rhythmic pieces composed of stressed-unstressed-stressed syllables. For example, if “Little Lamb I’ll tell thee” was...

Magid and Millat in the “White Teeth” Novel by Zadie Smith

It is important to note that White Teeth explores a wide range of themes and topics through a number of perspectives offered by different characters. Twin brothers of Samad and Alsana, Magid and Millat, are among the outstanding examples of how individual fates and parental expectations can shift the course...

“Paper Menagerie” Stories Book by Ken Liu

Ken Liu’s paper titled Paper Menagerie has employed different themes in its story. It has deployed the theme of connection, resentment, culture, prejudice, love, and struggles. Resentment is clearly shown when Jack, who is happy in his childhood, tries to reject his tradition and embrace the American lifestyle immediately; he...

Tradition in “Everyday Use” by Walker and “The Lottery” by Jackson

During the semester, several works were studied. “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker and “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson were exciting pieces of literature. The “Everyday Use” is a short story that highlights the plight of African -Americas who were trying to redefine their social, cultural, and political identity. It mainly...

Exploring the Context of LI-Young Lee’s “Mnemonic”

Introduction Li-Young Lee is an American poet with a Chinese background, which would usually define his work and themes. Yet, Lee is not merely an immigrant to the United States, but rather he represents transcendentalism, a belief in the rejection of cultural affiliations. His poetry reflects his complicated life, with...

Fortunato’s Viewpoint in Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado”

The Cask of Amontillado is one of Poe’s most transparent short stories, every aspect of which in the background adds to the ultimate ironic effect. The unity of the short story and the plot is very straightforward. Montresor seeks vengeance on Fortunato for unspecified provocation by including him in his...

Ernest H. Griffin’s “The Oasis: Africa”

Throughout world history, wartime has always been considered as the darkest and most dooming time for the world community. However, modern textbooks are not capable of expressing the actual feeling of terror and trembling fear people lived through during those years. To bring modern generations closer to their ancestors’ history,...

Hesiod’s Idea of Justice Based on His Works

Hesiod’s writings are known for discussing universal truths, such as law and justice. One of such works is Works and Days which expresses the idea that labor is an essential part of human beings’ lives, and if they are diligent enough, they will be able to handle even the hardest...

“To Build a Fire” by Jack London: Literary Analysis

Jack London, in his short story, To Build a Fire, narrates the tale of a lone, unnamed man who embarks on a mission of travelling along the banks of Yakun, on a treacherously cold winter morning, to a base camp where his boys are waiting for him. He is comparatively...

“Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens

The novel Great Expectations written by Charles Dickens is considered to be one of the most significant and sophisticated works of world literature. The style of the novel is predominantly semi-autobiographical while the author managed to reflect his personal experience and expectations concerning time and people he met. The analysis...

“Dulce et Decorum Est” and “The Things They Carried”: Compare & Contrast

Introduction The Poem Dulce et Decorum Est and the story The Things they Carried are both about war, but more than fifty years apart. The geography and the weapons have changed, but the conditions are not that different. The men are much the same and war is as brutal as...

Arabian Nights: The Tale of the Husband and the Parrot

Introduction The Arabian Nights have always been viewed as the staple of the Arabian folklore and a source of wisdom on which the Arabian philosophy is based. However, apart from addressing the general notions of justice and the battle between the good and evil, the collection of tales also examines...

The Idea of Sublime: Critical Analysis

“You will remember, my dear Postumius Terentianus, that when we examined together the treatise of Caecilius on the Sublime, we found that it fell below the dignity of the whole subject, while it failed signally to grasp the essential points, and conveyed to its readers but little of that practical...

Utopia in “The Tempest” by Shakespeare

Introduction Literature is an art form that has existed in society for centuries. It serves various purposes depending on the intention of the author of a given work. Some literary works serve solely for entertainment to diminish the stresses of everyday life by clearing the mind through laughter and inspiration....

Women Role in Shakespeare’s Othello and Hamlet

Abstract The villain role of women in the Shakespeare’s plays Othello and Hamlet seems to have inspired the themes in both literary works. Currently, there exists an apparent insufficiency of analysis in the field of literature regarding the actual role of female characters in the plays. This paper seeks to...

Gender Roles in Medea – Stereotypes & Resistance

Euripides Euripides lived and worked in the 5th century BC; he was a tragedian whose plays won prizes at that time and appeal to the readers of nowadays. The tragedian challenged the gender ideology accepted in his society, which attracts many scholars even in the 21st century AD. The author...

The Corruption of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald

Introduction “The American Dream” is one of U.S. literature’s most popular and cutting-edge themes and a common symbol of American prose and poetry. The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is a vivid example of a literary work that explores the American dream, its corruption through materialism, and the...

Propaganda in “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller

The Crucible by Arthur Miller examines the widespread fear and persecution experienced during the Salem Witch Trials in the late 17th century. Throughout the play, various propaganda techniques are employed to sway public opinion and defend the witch hunts. It is most realistic to remark that black, grey and white...

Ethics in Serpico by Peter Maas

Serpico, written by Peter Maas, may be regarded as a classic story of the confrontation between people who violate all ethical norms of their profession and one person who cannot keep silent. Frank “Paco” Serpico was a police officer in the New York Police Department. He became the first policeman...

Human Nature in “The Love Letter” by Jack Finney

Introduction The tale of Jack Finney’s The Love Letter was written in 1959 and became an excellent basis for a touching film that will not leave anyone indifferent. The book describes the love story of a young man Johnny and an adult woman Helen. This short romance means that Johnny...

Critique for “Bully: An Adventure With Teddy Roosevelt by Jerome Alden” Play

The socio-economic and generational concepts are the major themes presented in Bully: An Adventure with Teddy Roosevelt. Roosevelt mentions the socio-economic divide between the rich and the poor in the play, with the poor working as laborers being exploited by the rich. His arguments about defending workers’ rights during the...

Napoleon’s Domestic Reforms Post-French Revolution

Napoleon Bonaparte also recognized as Napoleon l, lived from 1769 to 1821, was a French emperor and leader who succeeded in conquering most parts of Europe during the 19th century. In the period between 1789-1799, Napoleon rose through various ranks within the military (Van der Burg, 2021). In a 1799...

Kate Chopin’s “The Storm” vs. “The Story of An Hour”

Introduction “The Storm” and “Story of an Hour”, both written by Kate Chopin, bring out aspects of oppression, imprisonment, and struggle for freedom experienced by women in the nineteenth century. Women have always been portrayed as having weaker personalities and being emotionally fragile. On top of that, a patriarchal society...

C. S. Lewis: “Course He Isn’t Safe. But He’s Good”

In chapter 8 of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, Mr. Beaver talks about the experiences of Tumnus. He explains that Tumnus was arrested by Secret police under the White Witch’s spell (Lewis, 1950). Children, to whom Mr. Beaver was talking were scared and wanted to...

The Concept of Morality as Portrayed in the Novel “Sula” by Toni Morrison

The novel ‘Sula’ focuses on the lives of blacks soon after they were freed from slavery. They formed a community, The Bottom, and tried to lead normal lives, struggling to meet their daily needs. The novel focuses on various themes such as black-white relations, the fear of death, deceit, slavery,...

Ambiguity of Goodness in O’Connor’s “A Good Man Is Hard to Find”

In the chef-d’oeuvre story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find”, O’Connor presents an ambiguous definition of goodness. The characters in the story including the Grandmother and the Misfit live by different moral codes, with each insisting that he or she is good. The Misfit murders and entire family, but...

“Me Talk Pretty One Day”: Reading Analysis

In his article, David Sedaris (2000) conveys his vivid experience with learning the French language being an adult. The author claims that learning something new is difficult and challenging regardless of one’s age, origin, or general knowledge. The writer wants to teach his audience to appreciate the experience as it...

Authority, Resistance, and Submission in Literature

Introduction Literature has always been as much a commentary on society as an examination of human nature. Political authority and resistance against it have become a central theme of many literary works that attempt to ascribe the relations of power between structures, societies, and its subjects. Such works can inspire...

The Analysis of Paul from “Paul’s Case” by Willa Cather

Introduction Paul is a 16-year old boy who was brought up by his father and whose mother died soon after he was born. The narrative does not contain any flashbacks which might express the lack of the protagonist’s ties with the past. Paul’s appearance plays an essential role in the...

“Squatter” by Rohinton Mistry

Rohinton Mistry is an author of Squatter, a story about two individuals, narrated to the local young boys by Nariman Hansotia. One of the characters in the story is Savukshaw, a great cyclist, pole-vaulter, hunter, and cricketer. The other one is Sarosh; a Parsi immigrant who lived in Canada and...

Love and Loss in Poem “Annabelle Lee” by Edgar Allan Poe

The poem “Annabelle Lee” is considered the last poem by Edgar Allan Poe. It is believed to be related to the love of Poe’s life, his wife Virginia, who died at an early age of tuberculosis (Syafitri & Marlinton, 2018). Since Virginia was much younger than Edgar, her image could...

The Necklace: Mathilde Character Analysis

Introduction Every woman wants to be graceful and refined, beautiful and elegant, admirable and fascinating. Though the appearances can be deceptive, it is natural for people to pretend to be what they really want to be. Women are considered to be more deceptive than men because they use their natural...

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce

James Joyce’s novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is often regarded as a search for true identity. The protagonist of this story is Stephen Dedalus who comes from an Irish Catholic family and whose parents often experience financial problems. Stephen grows into an alienated unsociable person...

Symbolism in Steinbeck’s Story “The Chrysanthemums”

A reader who makes serious effort to analyze the short story The Chrysanthemums,/can comprehend the signs of the autobiographical elements of the writer John Steinbeck. The story is considered one of Steinbeck’s most gifted short stories. Author builds up the story through the eventful life of woman named Elisa Allen...

“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: Hidden Meanings

Medieval literature is often difficult to understand not only because the English was different in that time, but because the way in which they were written was intended for a more oral audience than a literate one. Within this story, Gawain is seen to be under the care of King...

“The Barrelmaker Brimful of Love” by Ihara Saikaku

“The Barrelmaker Brimful of Love” is a short story written by a famous Japanese poet Ihara Saikaku. In this work, the author addresses several issues: first, the relationships between love and religion, in particular Buddhism. Secondly, he explores the conflict between individual happiness and general welfare within the context of...

Jane Austen’s “Emma”

Jane Austen’s Emma Overview Emma, published in 1816, like other novels of Jane Austen, deals with one major subject, that is, young lady’s attempts at finding proper husbands. Although superficially this seems to be the storyline of the novel, there is much more than only this at the deeper level....