Importance of Checklists in Veterinary Practice

Introduction Animal companions are important and dear to the owners and thus, deserve much care. Individuals have for a long time adopted pets as part of their lives to the extent they treat them like family members. This has allowed many resources to be invested in the animals’ medicine, care,...

Organismal Biology: Succession and Its Characteristics

It is difficult to disagree with the suggested quotation because, in my understanding, it turns out to be absolutely correct. In order to justify my agreement with this opinion, it is necessary first of all to understand what exactly flowering plants, or, as they are often called, Angiospermae, are. Angiospermae...

Global Warming and Crop Production in Africa

Introduction Many people are aware of the current and future negative effects of global warming. This problem threatens the entire planet, and each country and side of the planet faces various issues. For example, it is expected researchers that global warming will cause severe reductions in the crop in Africa,...

Mesohippus as Example of Horses

General Information The linking transitional link between primitive horses and their present-day forms is the extinct Mesohippus. This species inhabited the modern United States during the Oligocene period. They were adapted to live in wide-open spaces and were extremely fast, though they lacked hooves. Their diet was herbivorous, eating tall...

Organic vs. Inorganic Chemicals Difference

Introduction The experiment conducted for my lab report consists of two tests: iodine and emulsifiers. The objective of the experiment was to identify the difference between organic and inorganic chemicals. Both positive and negative reactions to the iodine test are included in the analysis as well. Furthermore, the experiment will...

Oviraptor as Famous Theropod Dinosaur

General Information One of the true theropods, moving on two powerful hind legs, is Oviraptor. The reptile lived during the Late Cretaceous in what is now Central Asia, or more precisely, Tajikistan and Mongolia. A unique feature of this species was the presence of a crest on its head, which...

Matter in The Colloid and the Crystal by Krutch

Introduction The question of uniformity of matter has been explored through various perspectives in the philosophical dimension. A naturalist position may be a good option on which an emphasis can be made within the scope of the issue. Joseph Krutch, being a significant representative of naturalists, advocated the necessity to...

Sustainable Agriculture and Future Perspectives

Sustainable agriculture a system which combines animal and plant production in a given area. Sustainable agriculture is essential in that it ensures the earth can be reused and renewed by future generations. It focuses on using natural water, soil, and pest management instead of synthetic chemicals and petroleum-based fertilizers (Raliya...

Analysis of Canada’s Natural Resources

Introduction Many countries across the world have relied on natural resources for their economic development. Different nations have varied endowments, which has often determined their economic growth and development. The industrial revolution has been a critical age because it led to massive exploitation of natural resources, which fueled growth and...

Complete Microbiological Profile: E. Coli

Introduction In microbiology, there are a tremendous number of microorganisms that are important to human life. Many are naturally parasitic forms and cause harm, but symbionts are essential to study. When a microorganism lives inside the human body and consumes its resources, offering practical support in return, clinicians must know...

Hawksbill Turtle Scientific Description

Hawksbill is a sea turtle scientifically known as Eretmochelys imbricate. Hawksbills are named after their narrow, pointed beak resembling that of a hawk, and they use it to find food from cracks and crevices (Miller & Meindl, 2019). They have a unique pattern of overlapping scales on their shells which...

Evidence of Non-Random Mutations in DNA

Introduction In the recent article “New study provides the first evidence of non-random mutations in DNA,” Harry Baker (2022) discusses the findings of Grey Monroe et al. regarding non-random DNA mutations. The scholars discovered that the thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana) plant’s essential genetic information is more protected than other, less...

Cause and Clinical Characteristics of Rib Fractures in Cats

The essence of this study lies in the peculiarities of the occurrence of rib injuries in cats. Based on the data in this article, two main factors of rib fracture manifestation are demonstrated, which are associated with traumatic and non-traumatic causes. According to the study, the appearance of rib fractures...

Organic Farming: Opposition to Traditional Farming

Organic farming allows maintaining a balance within the ecosystem while producing crops. It is a practice of managing the farming process by integrating site-specific practices and using ecological approaches, as defined by Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (n.d.). For instance, an organic farming practice includes recycling resources and integrating and...

Sex Hormone-Cortisol Ratios Modulate Risk-Taking in Men and Women

Sex differences in risk-taking turn out to be a common theme in many current studies. Barel et al. (2017) aim to prove the hypothesis that testosterone and cortisol have a different impact on risk-taking in men and women, and this change is related to the effectiveness of estrogen and progesterone....

Maximal Oxygen Consumption: Treadmill Running Test

Purpose The purpose of the lab is to learn how to measure maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) by a treadmill running test of participants. It also intended to demonstrate how to organize the test and provide its results via tables and graphs. Methods These two healthy male participants of the study,...

Blue Macaws: How to Prevent Their Extinction?

Unfortunately, today the peculiarities of the life of blue macaws are already from the category of history. There is not much information about the lifestyle of these birds since serious observations began only in the 70s of the last century, and the groups that were observed were few. Therefore, the...

Lithium and Polytetrafluoroethylene

Introduction It is safe to say that people have found a use for all the chemical elements of the periodic table. Synthetic elements are also used in various fields of industry and science. The modern world requires future specialists to know the basics and nuances of multiple materials. That is...

Down Syndrome: The Genetic Disorder

It is important to note that Schlapp’s piece is heavily impacted by the worldview and paradigmatic assumptions rooted in the reversion theory, although he presents the explanation on the basis of glandular or chemical cause. The observed data by Schlapp is still based on him accepting the notion of polyphyletic...

Functions of the Skeletal System

Movement Due to the ligaments that hold bones together, the bones work as levers driven by muscles. Moreover, the shape of the skeletal system facilitates movement; for example, the small bones of the hands warrant precise action, and the small bones of feet help people adapt to any terrain. Protection...

Lysol Disinfectant in Household

Microorganism control is critical for preventing disease transmission and infection, stopping deterioration and spoilage, and avoiding undesirable microbial contamination. There are numerous methods employed in countering the growth of microorganisms today. The techniques are divided into two categories: physical control and chemical control. Osmotic pressure, radiation, desiccation, high or low...

Brain Mechanisms Involved in Emotions

Introduction Understanding the nature of emotions as the factors that serve not only to represent a response to a specific stimulus but also as the means of gauging an individual’s psychological well-being is central to modern psychology. Remarkably, despite being an intuitively understandable concept, the phenomenon of emotion does not...

Socio-Political and Cultural State of Virgin Islands Community

The United States Virgin Islands is a group of islands in the Caribbean Sea. The capital of the U.S. Virgin Islands is Charlotte, situated on St. Thomas island. The given area consists mainly of such islands as Saint Croix, Saint John, and Saint Thomas and is not more than 300...

Governance System of United Kingdom and United States of America

It is impossible to learn about a country’s history and culture without understanding how it is governed. Having a basic understanding of the governance systems of two major English-speaking countries, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, is crucial. With the help of a comparison of their structure...

Archaeological Obsidian Hydration Dating With Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

Knowledge of history is key to the survival of civilization. It is important to understand how people lived before and what mistakes they made that led to entire nations fading from existence. The Mayan civilization is an excellent example of a nation collapsing, and the mystery of its failure continues...

Functional Differences between the Right and Left Cerebral Hemispheres

Functional asymmetry of the brain’s cerebral hemispheres is currently considered one of the main factors determining the individual characteristics of human cognitive activity. It is widely believed that the left and right hemispheres are different, control certain aspects of cognitive functions and determine certain personality traits. However, the division of...

Whole-Genome Sequencing in Genome Epidemiology

Introduction Genome epidemiology is a relatively young but promising sphere of scientific knowledge that appeals to genetics to anticipate and cease the spread of infectious diseases. One of the innovative methods it applies to study outbreaks is whole-genome sequencing. As apparent from the name, it enables depicting of the entire...

Thailand: Culture, Tourism, International Trade

The majority of the Thai population belongs to the Thai group (75-80%), and more than 90% rofess Buddhism. About two-thirds of the Thai group are Thais, and a third are Lao. In the Isan region, the percentage of Lao is much higher; in many areas, they constitute most of the...

Colibactin and Its Chemical Impact

The major development relevant to the selected news story is the super-power ability of colibactin and how it contributes to the destruction of other cells. The scientist who contributed to the current topic research was Emily Balskus, who discovered that in the presence of some gut bacteria, there exist some...

Auxins Hormone and Rice Dwarf Virus

Summary Auxin hormone is one of the plant hormones, among other hormones, which include cytokinins, abscisic acid, salicylic acid, and ethylene. Unlike the other hormones, some of the roles of Auxin to plants include helping in the interlinkage of many behavior and processes of growth of the plants in their...

Gender, Sexuality, Power Relations, and Social Expectations

Introduction The present essay will seek to discuss the themes of sexuality and gender within the framework of modern society, as well as their relationship with structures of power, as the topic has high prominence in the anthropological discussion. For this discussion, sexuality refers to the expression and the variety...

Columbian Exchange and Sea Route to India

At the end of the fifteenth century, Christopher Columbus managed to convince the royal family of Spain to equip an expedition in search of a sea route to India. The expedition was quite modest, so the trophies brought did not differ in abundance and variety. Nevertheless, cocoa beans, hammock, turkey,...

Genetics of Personality Disorders

People with mental illnesses have persistent patterns of strong, inflexible cognition and respond to stimuli in unusual ways. Furthermore, certain psychological problems share characteristics with others, and individuals may simultaneously have two or more mental conditions. An individual with a personality disorder may also have another psychological illness, such as...

Agricultural Adaptation to Changing Environments

Introduction Chapter 2 of the book under review, whose authors are Mike Brklacich and Maureen Woodrow, provides a detailed explanation of how agriculture is adapting to the recent changes in the environment. Specifically, the authors regard the case study of the farmers from Eastern Ontario, Canada, who are adjusting their...

The Human Brain, Its Structure and Functions

The brain is the most vital component of the human body. It directs and organizes actions and responses, helps think and feel, and provides human experiences such as memories and emotions. This research paper consists of three parts that highlight the three-dimensional sagittal view model of the brain, the structure...

Plasmodium Vivax: Scientific Name, Structure, and Functions

In these logs, we take a deep analysis of the various microorganisms and outline them to regular people who are interested in understanding various aspects related to treatment and symptoms for the microorganisms. Today, we will take a look into the Plasmodium Vivax eukaryote which has in the recent past...

Caste, Class, and Ethnicity in Rynkiewich’s “Soul, Self, and Society”

Chapter 9 of Rynkiewich’s Soul, Self, and Society reflects on caste, class, and ethnicity. What are caste, class, and ethnicity? Caste is the system of arranging society into groups according to their ranks. At the same time, the class can be referred to as an outstanding category. Ethnicity can be...

Sustainable Methodologies to Post-Harvest Waste Prevention

Sustainable agriculture is an integrative approach to livestock, fruits, and vegetable farming that makes use of soil science, agronomy, ecology, and microbiology concepts to yield foodstuffs that are better for the environment. These environment-friendly techniques limit the use of agrochemicals while encouraging the use of traditional practices that mimic the...

Psychological Well-Being of Captive Animals and Types of Enrichment

The psychological well-being of captive animals is essential from a moral point of view and because of the animal’s physical condition. It is well established that animals can be stressed being captivated, and their state depends on the conditions in which they are kept. Enrichment is one of the most...

The Effects of Increasing Enzyme Concentration Lab

Purpose: The primary purpose of the given experiment is to observe how specific the effects of increasing enzyme concentration, pH, and temperature are when utilizing potato juice and hydrogen peroxide. Procedure The list of ingredients with their corresponding amounts can be observed in Table 1 below. It is important to...

“Diet Choice and the Functional Response of Beavers” by Fryxell and Doucet

Study Background The study conducted by Fryxell and Doucet (1993) included beavers and their diet preferences when adjusted to the environment. The researchers explored the relationship between beavers’ functional response and diet choices in order to see how the beaver diet would change under the influence of the local environment....

“Interrogating Racism: Toward an Antiracist Anthropology” and “Economics”

In the article Interrogating racism: Toward antiracist anthropology (2005), the author Leith Mullings discusses the issue of racism in anthropological studies. In the introductory part of the research, Mullings explains the historical connection between anthropology, racism, and antiracist movements. She states that anthropology has a contradicting history when it comes...

Human Biology and Culture Connection

Unlike the ancient one, modern man is developing much faster, and this year, from the point of view of evolution, is equal to the previous century. The population of the Earth today is much more diverse than before. People differ by race and nationality and by physical and intellectual level,...

Microbial-Environmental Interactions: Escherichia Coli

Exposure to various microbial agents is one of the serious threats experienced by today’s communities. Under such circumstances, a person may develop a range of physical conditions, from minor inconveniences to severe ones. In this regard, it is vital to research the microbial-environmental interactions in order to remain prepared for...

Koala as Example of Marsupials

General Information The only surviving species of the Koala family of marsupials is the Koala, which is not a bear, contrary to popular belief. The closest phylogenetic relatives of koalas are kangaroos and wombats. Koalas’ bodies are wrapped in a layer of short, gray, or less frequently brown fur, apparently...

Culture and Time Period Interpretation of the Sound Box of the King’s Grave Lyre

The examination of archeological objects is interesting as it allows learning about early cultures and the interests of people who lived thousands of years ago. The Bull Headed Lyre was founded in the King’s Grave at the Ur Royal Cemetery, and its parts (the head, bread, strings, and panel) reveal...

Why Is Stonemasonry Important?

Homo sapiens and craft are of the same age; it is based on conscious use of the exterior materials scientists can determine the level of development in a particular historical period. The craft began with stone, having existed in various ways of finding and splitting pieces of rock for about...

Polar Code: The Potential Dangers for Ships Operating in Ice-Covered Areas

Introduction The shipping industry has existed for centuries, and it is still used for intercontinental transportation. The Arctic contains rich oil and gas reserves, which are actively being developed (Vanhatalo et al., 2021). Furthermore, there is an increased interest in Arctic tourism, resulting in more ships in this place (Vanhatalo...

Biological and Chemical Changes in the Artificial Ecosystem of the Aquarium

Introduction The methodology of the present experiment is built on the use of quantitative methods of analysis to study an artificial ecosystem. A brief overview of the entire experiment is that critical changes were consistently measured as a function of time for an aquarium prepared at week 9 with a...

The Role of Microtubules (Spindles) During Mitosis

Spindle fibers are known for forming a protein structure responsible for splitting genetic materials in a cell. In the nuclear division, fibers are also required in chromosome division from a parental cell into multiple daughter cells. During the mitosis division, the spindle fibers are called mitotic and meiotic in the...

Dual Store Model of Memory

Responding to the dual store model of memory, the model of human memory has three main components; sensory registers, working memory, also known as short term memory, and long-term memory (LTM). The model shows that information enters the sensory registers even when the person is not mentally active and stays...

Sexuality and Sexual Behavior Changes Over Time

Sexual behavior is characterized as a complex mental, social and physiological process. A particularly strong influence on the formation of this aspect is exerted not only by the immediate environment but also by environmental factors. Sexual perception varies depending on age, gender and personality traits. Studies also define such behavior...

Analysis of Sense of Smell Aspects

The sense of smell in humans, and in primates in general, is relatively poorly developed. Nevertheless, it’s role should not be underestimated. It is extremely important for a person, since one of the functions of the sense of smell is to prevent dangers that are invisible to other senses (sight...

Convergent Evolution, Genetics and Related Structures

This paper discusses the concept of convergent evolution and related structures. Convergent evolution describes the emergence of analogous or similar traits in different species but cannot be attributed to the presence of a common origin; that is, the analogy does not entail homology. There may be a phenotypic likeness; in...

Zinc: Aspects of the Chemical Element

Introduction Zinc is a chemical element, a micronutrient vital to life, and is one of the most widely used metals. Zinc is of considerable commercial and health-related significance. It is an essential and irreplaceable trace element in the human body, which helps cure and prevent some diseases. However, the issue...

Beta Sitosterol and Gamma Oryzanol Compound

Beta-sitosterol is a substance found in plants and is normally called plant sterol ester while, Gamma Oryzonal is found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. It is often used for lowering cholesterol level and improving symptoms of an enlarged prostate. Whereas gamma Oryzanol is a compound extracted from rice bran...

Chemical Sense of Smell (Olfaction) and Taste

The olfactory system contains four major components that form the olfactory path. The first component, the olfactory receptor, also called the smell receptor, consists of millions of cluster receptor cells called the olfactory epithelium situated at the back of the nasal cavity. The olfactory sensory neurons provide a connection of...

Neurotransmitters and Mechanisms for Their Removal

A neuron is at rest when not sending signals. The resting membrane potential of a neuron is approximately -70millivolt. This indicates that the inside of the neuron is approximately 70millivolt less than the outside. When the neuron is at rest, there is more sodium outside the neuron and more ions...

Aspects of Waterfowl Monitoring

For monitoring waterfowl within particular wetland areas identified on the attached map, twenty-four sites will be chosen. Sites’ accessibility and evenly distribution around the wetland, along with the opportunity to view waterfowl across a large area, have determined their selection. In addition, the choice of these sites is explained by...

Analysis of the Respiratory System

The respiratory system is a set of organs that provide external respiration in the body and several critical non-respiratory functions. Systema respiratorium serves to deliver inhaled air through the lungs oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide. In addition to the lungs, namely: the nasal cavity and pharynx, then...

Race and Intelligence: Sterilization and Confinement in California

Since the advent of intelligence tests in the early 20th century, the relationship between race and intellect has been the subject of debate in both popular science and research literature. However, such tests demonstrate the disparities in average IQ scores between self-identified people of different races or nations. There is...

The High Heat Capacity of Water

Although the formula of H2O is relatively simple, this compound is still not fully understood. A large number of types and uses of water greatly expands the range of possible investigations. Water has a number of unique and animating properties, one of which is its high heat capacity. It is...

Rocks, Minerals, Molecules, and Life on the Earth

Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift Within the framework of modern geodynamics, it is proved scientifically and empirically that the surface of the Earth is divided into several plates. The Earth’s exterior looks like a mosaic embracing eight large and six small plates completely covering it. The boundaries of the lithospheric...

Genetic Technologies in the Healthcare

One area where genetic technology using DNA works for the benefit of society is medicine. The rapid development of these technologies creates many opportunities for understanding the human body and the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. The information available through genomic medicine can change many lives, influence different decisions of...

Homo-Sapiens Migration: The Reversal of Human Phylogeny

The human species originated from humanlike creatures of the hominids group that has a scientific name of Homo-sapiens. Scientific evidence suggests that first primitive Homo-sapiens appeared around 300,000 years ago. The further evolution and migration process of Homo-sapiens started approximately between 70,000 to 100,000 years ago. This essay will answer...

Aspects of Muscles of Respiration

Breathing is one of the essential processes of the body that sustains life along with the cardiovascular and neural activities. More specifically, it is responsible for the intake and absorption of the oxygen, which, in turn, is supplied into the rest of the organs through blood. When it comes to...

Salmonella Enterica Infection Symptoms and Prevention

Salmonella was discovered in the XIX century and was named after an American veterinarian Daniel Elmer Salmon who discovered it. Salmonella is divided into six subspecies, and salmonella enterica is one of them. Salmonella enterica is a bacterium of the genus Salmonella. As a rule, it is contained in raw...

Anthropology. Kinship Diagram: Story of Family

To complete this kinship diagram project, I prefer to use a nonunilineal descent system, also known as bilateral descent. In anthropology, understanding kindship is a crucial aspect, with the help of which individuals are able to identify and describe their family relationships. There are three functions of any kinship system:...

Ornithology: Annotated Bibliography

Gammon, D. E., & Tovsky, A. C. (2021). A cross-sectional field study of fall song in Northern Mockingbirds Mimus polyglottos. Journal of Ornithology, 162(2), 461-468. There are several reasons why the current article can be considered a reliable source for my project. First of all, the Journal of Ornithology is...

Anthropology as a Study of Evolution

Introduction Anthropology as a study of evolution gives a broad understanding of the human experience and the different aspects that explain the lives of other human groups who lived thousands of years ago. Anthropology studies the diet, health, bones, and genetics of humans and, in some cases comparing humans with...

The Circulatory System and How It Works

The circulatory system pumps blood via a network of arteries every time the heartbeats. These muscular, fluid tubes are responsible for transporting blood to the whole body. The superior vena cava and inferior blood veins transport oxygen-depleted blood from the left ventricle to the right atrium. Just the open tricuspid...

Japan’s and India’s Political Status and Social Development

Japan is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy that protects its economic interests through positive relationships with other countries. Since Japan has low corruption rates, it offers opportunities for successful foreign direct investment (FDI) without considerable financial risk. The country is characterized as a collectivistic high-power distance society emphasizing group interests and...

Arteries, Capillaries, Veins: Structure and Function

Blood and its transportation in the human body are vital for human life, health, and well-being. It provides the cells of the body with oxygen, necessary nutrients, hormones, removes carbon dioxide from cells, and delivers waste to the liver and kidneys. Blood also plays a crucial function in regulating body...

Atoms and Molecules as Concepts in Biology

Summary The exploration of the universe with all its complex elements is the fundamental driver of the progress and development of humanity. This process is possible through the presence of various scientific disciplines that aim to cover the multi-faceted phenomena of nature. Biochemistry represents the nexus between the two fundamental...

Discussion of Sense of Smell Story

In the news story, the connection between the human sense of smell and avoidance behavior is discussed. The authors claim that previously the human reaction to unpleasant odors was believed to be a conscious cognitive response. However, the researchers at Karolinska Institute created a method allowing to measure the impulses...

Filtering Mechanisms in the Visual Perception System

Every day, the individual is confronted with a tremendous amount of visual noise, which has no informative value whatsoever, but it overwhelms the perception of visual channels. Consequently, even without focusing on specific details, individuals can become overworked just because of the excess noise and interference around them. To avoid...

A Political Analysis of Botswana and Djibouti Developing

Introduction The aim of this essay is to compare the two countries in terms of the political structure and structure of social life. Two African countries, Botswana and Djibouti, were selected for consideration. Despite the difference in economic development and political structure, many aspects of the life of these countries...

Understanding the Metabolic Function

Describe Metabolism, Catabolism, and Anabolism and Explain Their Role in the Body The broad definition of metabolism suggests that the subject matter includes the entirety of the processes within a body required to sustain life in an organism. Being extremely complex, metabolism involves multiple stages, one of which is represented...

The X and Y Sex Determining Chromosomes

The genome of human beings is organized into twenty-three chromosome pairs, of which only one pair is responsible for sex determination, with each parent contributing to one chromosome out of the two. The X and Y are the two sex chromosomes that will determine the sex of an embryo (Szalay,...

Cognitive Neuroscience: Language Processing and Memory

The statement that the left hemisphere controls language is wrong since the activity of the hemisphere is imbalanced. Thus, this is most evident in individuals, where the right hemisphere regulates spatial awareness and manages the opposite side of the brain. In contrast, the left hemisphere handles logical thinking and motor...

Merychippus as Example of Horses

General Information Much later than Mesohippus lived the horse species Merychippus, which inhabited the territory of modern North America about 17 million years ago. Despite the teeth modification, the diet of Merychippus is still herbaceous. Remarkably, Merychippus was the species of ancient horses that gave rise to parallel subspecies: apparently...

Human Esophagus and Types of Its Muscles

From the perspective of histological descriptions, the human esophagus is divided into three sections, each of which is unique in terms of muscle type. To remember the histological “floor plan” of the esophagus, the organ’s function, including the details of how the organ carries food through the thoracic cavity, must...

Digestibility, Textural and Sensory Characteristics of Cookies

The article by Li et al. presents a study that reveals many aspects of in-depth research processes behind innovative technologies. The focus of the study is a type of enzyme-assisted aqueous extraction residue (REAE) called okara – a pulp made of soybeans after they are processed (Li et al., 2020)....

Analysis of Human Senses and Its Importance

Background Humans function through sensory nerves and organs that coordinate with the brain to bring emotions and perform physical activities. The primary senses include taste, vision, hearing, touch, and smell. Smell describes how individuals perceive scents; the concept describes eyesight, hearing is the ability to perceive sound, touch involves contact,...

Reproductive Organs With Similar Functions in Males and Females

Testes and ovaries – both testes and ovaries are called gonads, which are the primary reproductive organs. They produce gametes, where the testes in male and ovaries in female produce sperms and ova respectively. Rete testis and rete ovarii – these reproductive organs are homologues where the rete ovarii is...

Biofuels and Fossil Fuels as Energy Sources

Biofuel refers to any fuel obtained from biomass, for instance, algae material, and animal or plant waste, including natural gas, oil, and coal. On the other hand, fossil fuels are formed naturally from decomposing plants and animals (Carneiro et al., 2017). An excellent example is corn which is converted to...

Mendel and the Gene Idea

Mendel’s law of segregation claims that the two alleles for each trait of a diploid organism split in the process of gamete formation and that during the formation of new zygotes, the alleles will randomly combine with other alleles. Genotype is the totality of all the genes of an organism,...

Grey Squirrels: Fieldwork Observations

The grey squirrel is a mammal that is native to the United States and some provinces of Canada. Due to its grey fur, the squirrel frequently occurs in city environments since the color increases the species’ survival rate in urban conditions. As a consequence, these animals and their behavior are...

Molecular Biology and Its Central Dogma

The Central Dogma The central dogma is a principle describing the transfer of molecular information in the Nucleus of the DNA. It gives detailed instructions on the processes involved in the conversion of DNA information into a final functional product, the protein. The central dogma was proposed by Francis Crick...

GMOs: The Hidden Threat That Needs to Be Exposed

Genetic research has expanded the bandwidth of opportunities for addressing an array of issues associated with managing the threats of genetic mutations and their negative outcomes. However, with the rise in genetic research, the discovery and further use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have occurred (Seralini 2). Though GMOs have...

Humpback Whale as Example of Modern Whales

General Information The humpback whale is a typical representative of cetaceans, which despite their underwater life, are also mammals. In evolutionary terms, whales are ancient mammals that returned to life underwater, which means their bodies were adapted to high pressure. Humpback whales are thought to inhabit all of Earth’s oceans...

Enterobacter Cloacae Sowing of the Material

In the first stage of research, the test material – contents of the intestines – is diluted with saline in proportion of 1 to 10, so that the solutions in dilution range from 10-1 to 10-8 are prepared. From each dilution, inoculations of different mediums are made, such as Endo...

Organic Chemistry and Reaction Mechanisms

Synthetic production of alkyl Alkyl halides, popularly known as haloalkanes or halogenoalkanes, are chemical compounds comprising at least one halogane. Although there is no clear differentiation, they are a distinctive subset of halocarbons. The compounds are widely used in different industries and, consequently, are identified by various names (Kursunlu et...

The Normal Aging Process and Its Genetic Basis

When a person ages, their skin becomes less smooth and firm, body parts begin to ache, muscles lose their strength, and other issues like forgetfulness or inability to do daily activities with ease may appear. Overall, since it is impossible for all living creatures to avoid aging, people’s purpose is...

Australia: Geography, Language, Climate, and Culture

The Commonwealth of Australia consists of the Australian continent and several islands, including the island of Tasmania. The capital of Australia is Canberra, and the biggest city is Sydney. Australia is a federal democratic monarchy headed by the prime minister, Scott Morrison. Nominally, the Commonwealth of Australia was reigned by...

Researching of Alkanes, Properties of Alkanes

Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons that have a linear or branched structure, containing only simple bonds. They include only single bonds between C-C atoms in a molecule, i.e., containing the maximum amount of hydrogen (Ackerman et al., 2018). All alkanes are substances that are similar in physical and chemical properties and...

Witless Bay Seabird Ecological Reserve Management

Introduction Witless Bay Seabird Ecological Reserve is a seabird habitat located in the coastal waters of Newfoundland and Labrador. The reserve contains four seabird colonies located on Green Island, Gull Island, Pee Pee Island, and Great Island. The four islands make the reserve for thousands of seabird species, such as...

Sustainable Development Goals and Agri-Food Governance in South America

The spread of poverty also has a negative impact on the environment. As the situation of citizens improves, they have a greater impact on nature, as they begin to consume more material goods. That is why the main goal of sustainable development is the introduction of renewable resources. Eradicating poverty...

DNA Fingerprinting Technology: Description and Use

The sphere of biology is constantly developing as researchers and scientists around the world make new discoveries and create new technological solutions which benefit the entire humanity. One of the most notable breakthroughs of the past decades was the creation of genetic fingerprinting, which enabled biotechnology to make considerable progress....

Seymouria as Example of Early Tetrapod

General Information Seymouria is an extinct animal of the genus Reptiliomorpha, which inhabited the United States and Germany about 280 million years ago: thus, Seymouria was among the first four-legged animals to live on land. As is clear, the animal’s existence occurred during the dry Permian period, so adaptation to...

Integumentary System of the Skin

To begin with, the skin is the largest organ of the human body that plays a very important role in protecting our species from any external danger. It simultaneously keeps the internal space safe and highly secure without any movement obstructions. Furthermore, skin can be described by multiple significant functions...

Red Kangaroo as Example of Marsupials

General Information A member of the marsupial family is the red kangaroo, also endemic to Australia. The red kangaroo is one of the most prominent members of the kangaroo family. This animal lives in the savannah areas of Australia, and therefore it can do without fluids for a long time....

Finding Intelligent Genomes in People’s Brain

Nowadays, the significant progress of health and medicine science leads to the disclosure of the new “chapter” of humans’ knowledge about themselves. However, some advancements are so unbelievable that scientists do not know how to interpret the information and implement it into future studies. In this case, the authors of...

The Biological Basis of Eating Behavior

Human eating is both a driven and a biological need, and it is consequently affected by a variety of mental, commercial, and ecological factors. Comprehending the biological base of feeding behavior is essential for determining how extra-biological stimuli are converted into nutrients intake. From childhood to adolescence, human-eating behaviors change...

Mother Instinct: Health Line Parenthood

Most people in society believe that a mother must behave in a specific way around their newborns. However, some current research discredits such a belief, citing that it is biologically unsupported and only socially and historically grown. Historically, society believes that women have instinctive longing to have children and can...

The Higher-Order Cognitive Functions

Executive functions are a complex term used as an umbrella for various hypothesized cognitive processes such as planning, memory, attention, inhibition, and self-monitoring performed by the prefrontal lobe. Abstract reasoning is an executive function that helps the human body reach a logical conclusion without physical data, concrete phenomena, or specific...

The Beginning of Human Life: Fertilization Process

Summary of Part Four The Church openly states its commitment to the protection of the sanctity of human life and therefore advocates against the use of any type of contraceptives. Essentially, the defense of the Church extends to the unborn, as well as to women during and after pregnancy. The...

Human Development Theories: The Science of Learning and Development

There are many theories on how human development through different stages of life affects an individual’s life and mental health. From the moment the first human development theory occurred, society took multiple attempts to define the exact stages of progression in human development, enhancing the previous ideas. This essay will...

Epigenetics: Definition and Family History

Epigenetics Definition Epigenetics refers to the learning of fluctuations in creatures induced by gene expression alteration instead of modification of the ‘genetic code itself. Mantovani and Fucic (2021) further define the term as heritable changes that are not a result of variations in DNA sequence. Histone modification, acetylation, and DNA...

Biomolecules and the Human Body: Color Blindness

Color blindness, or color deficiency, occurs when an individual is unable to distinguish between certain colors and belongs to the most widespread genetic disorders. This happens “in an X-linked recessive pattern,” as the genes, and mutations that are responsible for the defect, OPN1LW, OPN1MW, and OPN1SW, reside in the X...

The Anthropology of Christianity

The anthropology of Christianity is related to human Anthropos concerning God. Anthropology has a vital role in a missionary perspective. Anthropology, theology, and missiology have developed over the years. Anthropology has led to the change into postmodernism which makes it revolutionary. Anthropology has also led to the loss of certainty...

Evolution of Humans: Darwin’s Theory

To be good at their job, scientists should believe in evolution While some individuals might claim that this statement refers to a fact or fiction, it should be considered as opinion. First and foremost, the false causality principle denounces the possibility of considering the provided statement as a fact (Welch,...

Pseudomonas Putida Organism Used in Bio-Remediation

Bacteria are one of the organisms used in bioremediation to degrade pollutants that jeopardize environmental and human well-being. Pseudomonas putida is a bacterium that plays a significant role in the bioremediation process. According to Weimer et al. (2020), the bacterium is gram-negative and rod-shaped which is found in different ecological...

Theories of Aging and Stem Cell Aging

Theories of Aging When theorizing the why and how of aging in relation to biology, I was most struck by Arbuthnott et al.’s (2016) discussion on evolutionary theory and aging. The authors’ main aim was to explain why mortality rate rises with aging. One thing that stood out for me...

Aspects of Glycogen Storage Diseases

Introduction Glycogen Storage Diseases (GSDs) refer to metabolic disorders that affect glycogen metabolism. The condition is genetic and passed down to children by their parents, who can carry the flawed gene without having any symptoms. GSD primarily affects the liver and muscles since glycogen is mostly stored in the muscle...

The Emergence of Drug-Resistant Pathogens

Introduction There is a rapid emergence of drug-resistant pathogens across the world. This phenomenon has endangered the efficacy of drugs such as antibiotics which have helped transform modern medicine and saved countless lives. Many years after the first use of antipathogens, the pathogens are increasingly becoming a threat again. The...

Pesticide Contamination and Sustainable Policies

The topic of pesticide contamination is of paramount importance for humanity today. Getting into the soil, these substances find their way into vegetables and plants, with which they get into animals and eventually into humans through the food chain. The entry of pesticides into the soil happens during planting and...

Gene Editing in Plant Biotechnology

Introduction “Gene-editing technology is poised to completely revolutionize all spheres of medicine” (“Diseases CRISPR could cure”, n.d.). Gene editing refers to the manipulation of genetic materials of a living organism by replacing, deleting, or to some extent inserting a DNA sequence to the living organism, typically with the motive of...

Geladas: Habitat and Causes of Extinction

Geladas are monkeys that are acquired only in Ethiopia’s mountains. They are the most-earthly species in the highlands of the tropics, and it has become unusual for their primate relatives (“WATCH: Spend a Day”). Geladas are also experienced rock-climbers; however, they prefer to sit for a significant part of the...

Importance of Lifespan Development

Lifespan development is the complete process of the human being’s development from conception until the time of death. It is also referred to as a holistic approach to better understand all the physiological, emotional, cognitive, and fundamental social changes that normal human beings undergo. Therefore, this discussion will extensively look...

Nature Versus Nurture in Dog Aggression

Introduction The cause of aggression in dogs has been an ongoing debate, with some factions arguing that it stems from the breed of the dog and is hence inherent. Other groups contend that the hostility is due to environmental conditions. Aggression in dogs is characterized by loud backing, excessive hostility...

Herbert Spencer – Scientists of Biology

Herbert Spencer is one of the outstanding scientists belonging to the sphere of biology, sociology, and anthropology. He is also known as the author of social Darwinism, presupposing that superior physical force shapes history, and the fittest will survive, while other species will become extinct (Ritzer and Stepnisky 152). At...

Christopher Columbus: Wikipedia Revisions

The last couple of decades has been exceptionally productive in terms of the people’s involvement in the social life of the US. Moreover, the issues that are often being discussed are related to new historical findings and the understanding of certain factors that have not been accurately covered before. One...

Osteology of the Skull: Short Describe

There are 23 bones in the skull, some of which come in pairs. In general, the skull, excluding the mandible, appears as a single unit of joint bones (Seeley et al., 2002). Newborn’s skull consists of 45 bones, which gradually begin to fuse due to the process of osteogenesis. The...

Gene Editing as Humanity’s Possible Doom

Gene editing is a promising new developing biotechnology that can significantly expand our power to modify human beings. Although, questions have been raised about the potential use of genetic information in ethics, religion, law, and society since completing the Human Genome Project. Concerns about the disastrous consequences of this technology’s...

Introduction to Food: Macromolecules Analysis

Carbohydrates exist in both simple and complex forms. Some of the simple types of the macromolecule are monomers referred to as monosaccharides. These monomers include fructose, galactose, and glucose. Combinations of two of these monomers create a new class of carbohydrates known as disaccharides, which include lactose, sucrose, and maltose....

Moving to a Foreign Land, a Life in the New Country

The world is abundant with places with astonishing beauty that I would like to visit. I believe that the availability and accessibility of opportunities to travel and move to another country is one of the most significant benefits of the contemporary globalized world. Given a choice, I would prefer to...

Enzymes and Chemical Reaction They Catalyze

An enzyme is a protein that speeds up or slows down cell chemical reactions. Enzymes perform various functions in cellular metabolisms, such as food digestion in animals and the process of respiration, and also aid in muscle and nerve function. Enzymes are affected by temperature changes; an increase in temperature...

Mutations: Characteristics, Types, and Role in Natural Selection

Introduction A mutation is a change in the DNA sequence caused by errors in DNA copying during replication contact with ionizing radiation, mutagens, or viral infection. Cancer is a good example of a germline mutation that may be handed down from parents to offspring (Karamysheva et al., 2020). Somatic mutations...

Sickle Cell Anemia as a Gene Mutation Disease

DNA mutations modify a genetic code’s meaning, leading to many congenital and acquired malformations. These genetic aberrations are multifactorial, and their effects range from mild to fatal. This discussion post reviews sickle cell anemia, an autosomal recessive disorder that emanates from substitution mutations in the DNA. In this condition, the...

Human Aging: Age-Related Changes in the Brain

The brain is one of the most vulnerable parts of the human body under the influence of time. Age-related changes in the brain are a gradual decrease in mental performance due to violations of the structure of nerve cells, intercellular connections, and a decrease in the volume of gray matter....

New York City’s Uniqueness and Its Aspects

One would ask whether New York (NY) is unique compared to other cities globally. It is renowned that people come to NY expecting a better future for themselves and their children. Staying indifferent to New York is quite challenging, and people usually get very distinct feelings. Buschs work Kickflipping New...

Skeletal & Muscular and Digestive Systems

Introduction In this paper, the structures, systems, and organs of the skeletal and muscular systems and the digestive system will be discussed. This paper will review the main components of these systems and discuss how they aid the functioning of the human body. Additionally, for each system, two common diseases...

Catharanthus Roseus: Description and Its Benefits

This paper will present a brief discussion of Catharanthus roseus and some of its benefits. Catharanthus roseus is a perennial plant that looks similar to a shrub that grows up to one meter tall. The plant species has a tap root system that reaches seventy centimeters deep (Rojas-Sandoval, 2019). The...

The Movement of Molecules Through Cells: Role of Diffusion

A cell is the smallest unit of an organism. Molecules within a cell move through the cell membrane by the use of diffusion. Diffusion refers to the process molecules move from a high concentration gradient to a place of the low concentration gradient across a semipermeable membrane(Burini & Chouhad, 2019)....

Convergent Evolution and Analogous Structures

Convergent evolution is a situation whereby different unrelated species independently develop similar traits. In some biological cases, other organisms develop identical characteristics to solve a common problem presented by their habitat (Sackton & Clark, 2019). When two or more organisms portray similar traits not inherited from a shared ancestor, they...

Fruits vs. Vegetables Distinction

The arbitrary distinction between fruits and vegetables can be seen when examining some products that are erroneously included in one or another category by consumers. Thus, for example, tomatoes technically belong to the former type while they are not referred to as such (Miller, 2018). From the scientific perspective, they...

The Process of Excretion in Rodents

Introduction The main objective of physiology is to observe, describe, and analyze the various processes that occur within biological organisms. Through these procedures, the field provide new knowledge in regard to the profound mechanisms of animal and human bodies. The data is applied across a range of adjacent disciplines, utilizing...

Cellular Respiration: Hypothesis Testing

Introduction Critical examination of biological processes allows one to delve deeper into the topic under study and be more confident in one’s existing knowledge. Biological research is an excellent academic field for this purpose because it helps to evaluate the applicability of scientific judgments specific to one species to other...

Reaction Rates and Effects of Temperature, Concentration, and Surface Area

Introduction When an acid and a base are reacted, a neutralization reaction occurs whereby a solution and a gas are formed. This experiment tests the effect of temperature, concentration, and surface area on the rate of reaction. Temperature is defined as the degree of hotness or coldness of a substance,...

Industrial Fermentation and Aerobic Respiration

Vinegar is an industrial microorganism fermented product used for cooking purposes and various industrial processes such as making chutneys because of its mildly acidic nature (Singh, 2020). The input products are acetic acid (5%) and water mixed. Acetic acid bacteria are extracted from different sources, including the genus Acetobacter and...

The Science Behind Dreaming: Medical Issues

The article “The Science behind Dreaming” was authored by Sander Van der Linden and was published on July 26, 2011 on the Scientific American website. This article explores on the science behind dreaming, strength and weaknesses. A large percentage of human beings have dreamt at some point in their lives....

Cognitive Revolution in Homo Sapiens

Cognitive Revolution refers to the period (70,000 years ago) when Homo sapiens developed cognitive abilities that surpassed other animals during that era. The cognitive mutation enabled them to acquire better linguistic skills, making it possible to ingest, store and share information about the surrounding environment (Harari, 2015). The change in...

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

The Lewis and Clark Expedition that took place in 1803-1806 was the first land expedition across the United States from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific and back. Although the original purpose of the expedition was rather modest – to investigate what the US acquired through the Louisiana purchase from...

Haiti: Artifacts, Culture, and Today’s Issues

Self-expression and Artifacts Humans may create cultural artifacts for such simple reasons as survival. However, the object will be different from that created by another person, although if they belong to the same culture, some similarities are also likely to exist. The need for self-expression arises from the sense of...

Thua Thien Hue Province’s Culture & Infrastructure

Introduction Thua Thien Hue is one of the five provinces in the Pacific Ocean that borders Quang Tri, Da Nang, Quang Nam, and Laos it is located on the central coast of Vietnam, and Hue City is its capital. The city is 660 kilometers from Hanoi and 1080 kilometers from...

Urban Sprawl in Portland: Advantages, Disadvantages, Net Effect

Introduction Urban sprawl refers to the loss of a land’s rural characteristics due to the geographic expansion of cities and towns or spatial footprint. Urban sprawling is caused by the need to accommodate an increasing urban population and fulfill residents’ desire for increased living space and residential amenities. The European...

Digestion of Foodstuffs as Process

Digestion of foodstuffs is a vital process for the organism’s proper functioning and an irreplaceable part of the metabolism. Metabolism, in turn, provides the bodies of living organisms with energy and valuable substances, which ensures activity and health. Digestion is a process that is designed to help the body absorb...

Autobiography of an Alternative Life in China

If I had an opportunity to be reborn as a person who lived in East Asia, I would choose China of the Qing Dynasty as the place of birth. Since boys have always been valued in traditional China, I would also choose the male sex for birth. This will allow...