Structure and Concepts of “Analects” by Confucius

It is a common misconception that Confucius wrote the Analects. In fact, although the text is composed of his sayings, there is no singular author of the book since it includes various fragments of the teachings of Confucius’ students. Therefore, Analects is a collection of Confucius’ sayings put together by...

The Perspectives of Protestantism

Introduction The evaluation of the same religion from two different positions makes it possible to assess the perception of individual concepts and dogmas and describe specific approaches to the interpretation of relevant opinions. As a background for analysis, Protestantism as a branch of Christianity will be used, and etic and...

Lens Analysis: History. Humanities

The discussion of women in the workforce from the historical perspective would be incomplete without mentioning of the feminist movement. Initially, the movements of the 19th century were focused on women’s suffrage, i.e., the ability to participate in elections. Later, from the 1960s, feminists pay attention to the position of...

Positive and Negative Freedom: Distinction and Ethical Problem

Freedom is one of the philosophical categories that characterize a person as multidimensional, which is determined by the individual’s ability to think and act following his ideas and desires, and not as a result of internal and external compulsion. An individual can be forced to perform specific actions, which is...

The Existentialism of Sartre

Existentialism is a popular philosophical movement in the twentieth century that is centered on the attitude toward existence. The primary principle of this philosophy is focused on the unique human existence as an irrational phenomenon. The fundamental issue of the existentialism is considered to be controversial. The existence is defined...

A Mistake of Arguing from Contradictory Premises

First of all, we need to get a clear meaning of what an argument means. Arguments are connected to a number of statements which most of them have the intentions of offering reasoning, sustainment, and confirmation of certainty of any of the statements being considered. Arguments are also known as...

Existentialism as a Philosophical Concept

Introduction “The primary purpose of philosophical analysis is to examine meaning and to develop theories of meaning” (Kaufmann 59). It is hence the purpose of this paper to discuss the topic of Existentialism. This paper analyses Existentialism, its definition, origins, concepts and early pioneers who helped shape this philosophy into...

Socrates in Aristotle’s and Plato’s Works

Thesis Statement Discussion Socrates’s decision of investigating piety was prudent and necessary. He was a wise philosopher who enlightened the citizenry against unjust laws and traditions which tend to be oppressive. He was charged, convicted, and condemned on the charge of impiety. Impiety charge had three specifications depicting Socrates’s thoughts:...

“Discourse on Method” by Rene Descartes

Rene Descartes was a remarkable French philosopher whose contribution to the development of modern science and philosophy can be best of all proven by such titles as the Father of Modern Philosophy and the Father of Modern Mathematics that are traditionally ascribed to him. There is no doubt that it...

Locke and Descartes: Personal Identity

The views on personal identity among different philosophers have always differed. Locke and Descartes are two philosophers whose views on this issue are especially interesting to compare. Locke believed in the presence of the physical body and its relevance for the personal identity, whereas Descartes kept to an idea that...

What Is True and What Is Believed to Be True

This essay answers the question “How can the different ways of knowing to help us to distinguish between something that is true and something that is believed to be true?” A good understanding of the different ways of knowing is basic to explaining how they can be of use in...

Garrett Hardin: Mutual Coercion

Hardin and his work Garrett Hardin is known for his good attempts long with arguments to work out social reasons and effects that can damage the environment. His work ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’ explains the main source of the hazards that appeared in society with the flow of time....

Philosophical Word: Ontology and Ontological Issues

Introduction There are various different but related issues that are normally utilized in ontology in its implementation during concept description as well as determination of their existence. These issues of ontology include the situation involving a project in which types of things in existence are determined. The project in which...

Utilitarianism Theory: Value and Disadvantages

Utilitarianism theory states that the moral value of an individual’s deed can be determined by the way it is effective in the long run. This means how an action is able to make an individual happy thus leading to the conclusion that the moral value of this action is determined...

Fatalist and the One Who Does Not Believe in Destiny

There is an assumption that everything in our life is predetermined. On the one hand, some people believe that they did not have to do anything to achieve some goals in life since everything is subjected to destiny. On the other hand, some people are considered the creators of their...

Realism & Formalism. Singer’s Reality Transformed and La Jetée Film

Introduction People are free to understand and interpret movies in their specific ways, relying on personal interests, knowledge, and approaches. During this week, students got a chance to study the perspective about classical film theories and the peculiarities of cinematic art offered by Irving Singer. There are many filmmaking devices...

Silverman’s Wager in “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”

There are many different arguments for the existence of God and against it, most of which have been criticized heavily and logically deconstructed since their inception. Blaise Pascale, a famous scientist, and philosopher proposed a model for faith that is based on rationality. He claimed that belief has a higher...

“The Theory of Moral Sentiments” by Adam Smith

Introduction Today, Adam Smith’s The Theory of Moral Sentiments is considered among the most important contributions to the history of moral and political thought. Given the fact that the book was written in 1759, it was a real breakthrough in scientific thought because it provided evidence for people’s actions and...

Immanuel Kant: Categorical and Hypothetical Imperatives

Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals, Immanuel Kant’s first mature work dealing with moral philosophy aims at exposing foundational principles that are to govern human behavior. One of the concepts indispensable from Kant’s metaphysics of morals is that of moral imperative. This essay will discuss the difference between categorical and...

Karl Marx’s Critique of Capitalism

The socialist revolutionary, Karl Marx, singled out several socio-economic formations in history and considered the patterns of their development. Slavery, feudalism, capitalism, and communism aspects were discussed by this scholar. Marx revealed the economic contradictions inherent in capitalism, pointing to the inevitability of the transition to the next formation. This...

“Critical Thinking” by Brooke Noel Moore and Richard Parker

Introduction The author of this piece commits some serious logical errors owing to the fact that he/she is trying to convince other readers to support his/her position based on a bad flow of reasoning (Andolina and Andolina, 2001). First, he goes on to assert that the murder of a young...

“Thus Spoke Zarathustra” a Book by Friedrich Nietzsche

Introduction You outcast, who cast yourself out, you do not want to live among humans and humans’ pity? Well then, do as I do! Thus will you learn from me too: only the one who does learn. (Nietzsche 233) The passage in question can be found in the fourth part...

Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung: Religious Beliefs

By applying psychological methods and interpretive frameworks to religious studies, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung attempted to accurately describe the advantages and disadvantages of religious beliefs. According to the views expressed by Freud in his The future of an illusion, religious belief can have several positive implications for an individual...

“Second Meditation” a Work by Descartes

In the “Second Meditation”, Descartes operates on concepts the core of which seems impossible to doubt. At the beginning of this meditation, he claims that there are no thoughts since he has convinced himself that there is nothing in the world. However, he further comes to a conclusion that he...

Friedrich Nietzsche’s Views on Human and Society

Writer’s Ideas It is paramount to note that there many ways to interpret the section titled “The madman.” The fact that this story can be regarded as provocative should not be overlooked. “God is dead” is a phrase that appears several times in the works of an author, and he...

Philosophy of Social Science and Education Research

Introduction In this section of the book, Nel Noddings (1998) discusses the main philosophical assumptions underlying education research as well as social science. This question is of great importance to scholars who examine the nature of scientific knowledge. The main purpose of this chapter is to show how theoretical views...

Personal Worldview, Prime Reality, and Religion

For every particular field of study, prime reality is the concept to explain on the basis of one’s personal feelings, beliefs, and comprehension. For Christian theism representatives, it appears to be a personal God, whose nature is unveiled in the Holy Scriptures. Supporters of postmodernism, however, take a naturalistic approach...

Soren Kierkegaard Views on Ethics, Morals and Religion

There is no use denying the fact that humanity has always been affected by such phenomena as ethics, morals, and religion. Going along with society, these notions influenced human beings and introduced some changes to their lives. It should also be said with the increase in the complexity of society....

Law and Morality Relationship: Kant vs. Fuller

Introduction The law is considered one of the most important building blocks of our society. Modern law covers almost every aspect of life, ranging from the most basic concepts such as the protection of life, health, and private property, to regulating trade, formalizing marriage, and assigning penalties for misconduct. The...

Michael Foucault’s Theory of Governmentality

Introduction The French philosopher Michael Foucault’s theory of governmentality, correlates with the idea that power is only used under the circumstances that the individual is free to begin with. For example, slavery does not exercise power as those who are enslaved have no choice and are, by definition, trapped. Instead,...

Rousseau’s “The Social Contract” vs. Martin Luther King’s “Philosophy of Nonviolence”

Introduction Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s The Social Contract and Martin Luther King Jr.’s philosophy of nonviolence are both influential works that address the question of how individuals and society should interact. Both authors believed in the importance of freedom and equality, but they had different ideas on how to achieve these goals....

Animal Cruelty in Philosophers’ Arguments

It is important to note that ethical perspectives and frameworks provide insight into how people should act morally. The given analysis will primarily address Kantian and Singer’s points of view on animal cruelty as well as Baier’s arguments on the unethicality of trust relationships. Kant highlights the importance of personhood...

Socrates’ Ideas and the Modern Life

Over the years, various thinkers and philosophers have developed various approaches and concepts that have attempted to explain and understand human nature and life itself. One of the most prominent philosophers of the past years is Socrates. He made a significant contribution to the construction and dissemination of concepts and...

Ethical Objectivism and Ethical Relativism

Introduction As a Chinese official who uses moral relativism, I found there were no ethical standards for me during the repression in China in 1989. Thus, the solution of these pro-democracy movements is dispersing the demonstrators to protect their society. On the night of June 3 to 4, it was...

Utilitarianism Theory: Principles and Ethical Forms

Introduction Utilitarianism has attracted ardent opponents and defenders over the years as an approach to ethics and morality in society. Enthusiasts regard the philosophical approach to morality as a liberating and standard theory. Further, the theory practically connects attitude to decision-making and rejects the tyrannical questions about moral conventions. On...

Philosophy of What Constitutes a Good Life

Introduction Philosophy and religion are tightly connected with the human desire to understand the world and themselves. Many different theories were proposed in order to better quantify the human condition and determine the ultimate purpose and aim of life. However, it still remains impossible to find definitive truths about living...

Analysis of Arguments for God’s Existence

There are different approaches in philosophy that discuss the existence of God from all viewpoints. Some intend to prove that God exists, whereas other concepts support the idea of his non-existence. The third ones suggest the idea of agnosticism, claiming that it is not possible to prove the existence or...

The Idea of Leisure From Philosophical Perspectives

Introduction People typically have more freedom to pursue their interests during their leisure time. When discussed from various philosophical perspectives, the idea of leisure takes on several diverse forms. The Greek philosophers Aristotle and Epicurus each offer distinctive interpretations of the term “leisure,” with Aristotle focusing more on the advantageous...

Socrates’ Wisdom and Rational Thinking

Introduction Philosophers tried to find the meaning of life throughout history, and there is no unanimous opinion on this issue even nowadays. As Socrates claims in Plato’s “Apology,” “the unexamined life is not worth living”. 1 This perspective articulated by Socrates emphasizes the importance of knowledge and cognition in finding...

Critique on Determinism in Philosophy

In philosophy, for a long time, there has been a dispute about the existence of free will, its limits and nature, and from there, the concept of determinism has arisen. According to Costello et al. (2019), “the most commonly used conceptualization of free will and determinism beliefs is a quadripartite...

Do Human Beings Have Free Will?

Free will, what is it and do human beings have it? Does everyone have free will? Is free will a concept to be able to account for the evils within our world if you believe in any form of a higher power? Is free will a real thing, or is...

Stoicism vs. Epicureanism: Comparative Analysis

Ancient Greek philosophy is a diverse subject containing various perspectives on life. While some of them did not pass the test of time and were left as relics of the past, others remained relevant to the present day and had a massive influence on the development of philosophical thought. Despite...

Philosophical Understandings of Anthropology

Philosophical anthropology is a philosophical branch, the purpose of which is to combine different research studies on human nature to provide an understanding of people as both creatures of their environment and those influencing their values. By combining the components inherent to both theology and psychology, it becomes possible to...

Plato’s “Symposium”: An Explanation of Love

Plato’s Symposium 201d-212c is primarily focused on Socrates’s speech. The Greek philosopher and thinker addresses Agathon about the notion and nature of Love. He uses the wisdom he received from Diotima of Mantinea in order to explain what role and place Love holds. The first aspect of the speech focuses...

The Conception of Justice in Plato’s “Republic”

Introduction One of the pioneers of moral and political philosophy, Plato, has extensively elaborated on the conception of justice in his works. He provided a unique understanding of justice by analyzing it on the individual soul and social level. Although later philosophers have questioned its practicality, the audience should give...

Chapter 8 of The Archetypes of Wisdom by Soccio

The eighth chapter of Soccio’s Archetypes of Wisdom discloses the differences between Christian values and classical Greek ones. Whilst Christians were theological, or concentrated on God as a savior of their souls, Greek philosophers believed that objective knowledge and logic would lead them to life improvements. To border the rationality,...

Aristotelian Perspective on Nozick’s Happiness Argument

Robert Nozick (1938-2002) refuted the Hedonistic idea that happiness is the only end that people pursue. Ethical Hedonism views individual welfare in terms of pleasure and pain. Hedonists claim that pleasure experiences are intrinsically good and experiences of pain are intrinsically bad (Dimmock and Fisher 11). Hedonists believe that what...

Descartes’ View on God, Evil Demon, and Cartesian Circle

Introduction Rene Descartes is known for his ontological argumentation in support of the existence of God. However, there are several issues with the view of the omnipotent and perfect God. For example, atheists appeal to the idea that if God existed, he would strive to prevent human suffering and catastrophes...

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz’s Biography

Gottfried Leibniz is one of the greatest polymaths as scholars credit him with several inventions in various fields, including mathematics, psychology, metaphysics, law, physics, and engineering. He was born on July 1, 1646, in Leipzig, Germany. This biography seeks to look at his life story and his multiple discoveries and...

Doxastic Voluntarism as Philosophical Principle

Introduction The philosophical principle of doxastic voluntarism holds that people exercise voluntary control over what they believe. This doctrine argues that people can choose to believe whatever they want. In the doxastic voluntarism debate, philosophers categorized voluntary control into two – direct and indirect voluntary control. A person has direct...

John Locke: The Answer to the Epistemological Problem

The Tree Puzzle The tree puzzle is a well-known philosophical paradox that can be approached in diverse ways. Solving it requires engaging in complex decision-making processes based on the definitions of reality. The puzzle itself illustrates the extent to which perception influences the truth. Moreover, it refers to the human...

Taoism, Confucianism, and Mohism in Chinese Philosophy

World philosophies are a combination of different events that occurred in the past to the present day. The new edition of world philosophies context by David Cooper ensures that it continues to fulfill the people’s demands of the growing people’s interests in all the main philosophical traditions of the world....

The Scientific Revolution of Copernicus, Bruno, Kepler, Galileo, Descartes

Copernicus, Bruno, Kepler, and Galileo made significant contributions to human understanding of the universe. They revolutionized the scientific field of their time by their findings which were primarily concerned with the movement of the sun, planets, and other heavenly bodies. Namely, the common point in their ideas is that the...

Love and Friendship in Lysis and Symposium by Socrates

The discussion of love and friendship is present throughout Plato’s Symposium, but it is centered in Lysis, Socrates’s dialogue where he defines the nature of friendship. The text captures Socrates’ opinion regarding Hippothales’ feelings towards Lysis, eldest son of Democrates. Another character, Ctesippus, expresses concerns about Hippothales’ feelings to Lysis,...

Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave”: Argumentative Analysis

There is a great multitude of debates in philosophy, and all these discourses have a shared aim of widening and enriching the human mind and soul through asking questions. Interestingly, the very subject of philosophy is constantly losing some of its branches, which become separate sciences like astronomy and psychology....

“Nausea” by Jean-Paul Sartre: Main Topic and Key Elements

Introduction The novel Nausea, written by Jean-Paul Sartre, is a philosophical masterpiece that addresses the topic of existentialism. The given close reading analysis will focus on the following statement: “the Nausea has stayed down there, in the yellow light. I am happy: this cold is so pure, this night so...

Methods and Purposes of Getting to Know Yourself

Introduction How challenging it is to find yourself and finally be free, but once you do it, everything starts making sense, and life just becomes more straightforward and happier. Every life experience shapes everyone’s personality in some way, leading one to realize life’s purpose, principles, priorities, and inspirations. Therefore, it...

Change Understood by Parmenides and Anaximenes

Introduction It is important to note that the concept of change was interpreted and understood differently by Parmenides and Anaximenes. On the one hand, the former believed in a static framework of the universe, where any apparent change is a mere illusion. On the other hand, the latter claimed that...

Nietzsche’s Philosophy and Worldview

It is necessary to raise the question of the nature of the direction of the criticism of Nietzsche against thinking. Although it is comprehensive and very radical at first glance, the study allows us to see the ambiguity of such an understanding. Uncompromising criticism is directed primarily against the absolutization...

The Meaning of Life and Great Philosophers

The question of the meaning of life is a philosophical and ambiguous one. To answer it, I would like to compare two philosophers’ views, Schopenhauer and Sartre. According to Schopenhauer, the meaning of life for people is happiness; that is, the goal in life is to become happy or satisfied...

Universal Responsibility: Meaning and Implications

Introduction Universal responsibility is the responsibility of humans to behave with integrity and do good to others for them to benefit eventually. Various writers over time have researched the topic and concluded that every person should practice universal responsibility to achieve global peace and harmony. Dai Lama and Mbiti are...

Aspects of Moral Relativism

Moral relativism is a philosophical position according to which moral or ethical provisions do not, in fact, reflect universal moral truths. However, this kind of relativism does not deny the truth – it merely affirms its relativity. The adepts of moral relativism state that humans are not omniscient, and history...

Aristotle’s Views on the Concept of Friendship

Aristotle gives a fairly broad meaning to friendship, giving numerous and varied examples. For instance, one type of friendship is care for the elderly (Aristotle. 142). The philosopher also notes that parents “feel it for offspring” and vice versa, meaning friendship also encompasses love between relatives (Aristotle. 142). To summarize,...

Philosophy and Its Role in Modern Science

Introduction Philosophy has often been criticized for its lack of practical utility. Indeed, some scientists and their followers maintain that most of the philosophical questions, especially the most basic ones that have been researched for centuries, are still unanswered. As a result, metaphysical, ontological, and existential endeavors are seen as...

Core Philosophical Disciplines: Questions, Philosophers, and Personal Ideas

Introduction The disciplines of philosophy envelope a considerable number of issues, concentrating on the topics pertinent to numerous areas of human development. The range of branches connected to philosophical thinking, as well as the variety of scholarly opinions on the discussed matters, prove how essential it is for humankind to...

Randy Pausch Last Lecture

Introduction Randolph Frederick Pausch was a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University. He was given a terminal diagnosis of three to six months after being found with pancreatic cancer. The concept of death is brought out in the lecture as Pausch shows how people can react to death...

Camus Attributes of Position for Pursuing an Ethical Life

Introduction Many philosophers and analysts have presented powerful theories that can guide more people pursue their goals in life. Albert Camus is one of such thinkers whose concepts continue to influence the decisions and actions made people take in their lives. The philosopher’s ethical model revolves around the concept of...

Death Concept: Accepting Its Transformational Power

Definitely, death is the end of the earthly life, while one can still question if it is the real end. Depending on the attitude, the answer can be different. Basically, there are two main answers to this question, as there are two sides to the same coin. On the one...

Plato’s “The Allegory of the Cave”: What Does It Symbolize?

“The Allegory of the Cave” describes a human community, forced to live in a dark cave. Shackles limit the prisoners’ movements so that they can see only the things in front of them. Their perception of the world is limited to the shadows they can see on the walls and...

Philosophy of Death and Dying

Introduction For quite a long period of history, issues related to death and dying were within the scope of the church’s professional competences. Representatives of Christian denominations explained the afterlife to the common people and took care of the dying. With the development of a natural-scientific view, the monopoly of...

The Effects of Trade Unions on Alienation at Work

Introduction The concept of alienation was first proposed by the German philosopher Karl Marx in his famous work Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. He argued that the modern production methods forced workers to abandon their humanity and embrace the role of an easily replaceable element in a large oppressive...

Ethics and Popular Opinion in Socrates’ Philosophy

The importance of public opinion is crucial in modern-day society and cannot be underestimated. The majority of people’s views should be taken into consideration and given publicity when a controversial issue is being discussed. Socrates, a Greek philosopher, was trialed and executed for his controversial opinion on multiple subjects. His...

Stakeholders Karl Popper and the Vienna Circle

Introduction Scientific progress has taken different shapes over the past centuries, including the discovery of new ideas or phenomena, the emergence of theories, the promotion of analytical methods and procedures, and technological advancements. Due to the nature of these processes and how they take shape, different scholars and philosophers have...

Walter Benjamin as a Marxist Criticist of Art

Argument Critics of the Marxist approach comprehended art as a form of social production and realization. For them, it is not an intellectual, idealistic phenomenon but an instrumental social practice. A genuinely revolutionary artist, therefore, always deals not only with a work of art but also with the means of...

History of Psychology and Its Theories

Introduction Accordingly, human beings study psychology to understand the peculiarities of a personality’s development, avoid making similar mistakes in handling and treating various psychological disorders, obtain valuable ideas to develop psychology as a science, and satisfy their natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Needless to say, studying psychology starts with...

Justice from the Standpoint of Thrasymachus

The issues of justice and fair state organization have attracted politicians and philosophers’ attention throughout the years and generations. Their understanding largely influences the ruling styles in every country, therefore defining the life quality and distribution of wealth in it. Among the numerous ancient interpretations in this field, it is...

Informative Speech: Importance of Ethical Awareness

Ladies and gentlemen, with your permission I will talk about the importance of ethical awareness in our interactions with each other and our work. It is vital to know the importance of ethics in our midst. Many people fail to realize that it is our responsibility to make our surroundings...

Ayer’s Argument Against Ethical Objectivism

Introduction Objectivism is also called philosophical realism. It claims that reality or facts do not depend on the mind of the individual and that facts do not change. The claims made are not necessarily true; they at times could be false. Ethical objectivism has to do with morals (Waller, 2008)....

Bourgeoisie As the Ruling Class

Introduction Capitalism dominates the world economic system today. Even in societies like China and Cuba where advanced forms of communism have succeeded, they have been heavily influenced by capitalist tendencies. According to Chilcote (2006, p. 32), there is not even a pure form of capitalism owing to state ownership of...

Moore’s Proof Presented in Hume’s Theory

Hume’s Theory in Brief Hume’s theory is a theory of based on how we can be able to make inductive references and knowledge. This theory revolves around skepticism which is the belief that people cannot have full knowledge on the nature because perception reveals things not as they are, but...

The Meaning of Death and a Person’s Attitude Towards It

Introduction Death is one area of human experience that many people do not like talking about because they are worried about it and they even won’t want to imagine it. Many other areas of human experience are openly discussed but the issue of desperation related to death makes people see...

American Philosopher John Dewey and Pragmatism

It can be argued that the world was turned upside down after the Industrial Age. Indeed, it was a time of great upheaval, especially in the highly industrialized nations of the Western hemisphere. It was at this time of radical change that an American philosopher by the name of John...

Russell and Strawson’s Debates on How to Draw Inferences

In “On Denoting,” by Bertrand Russell (1905,) Russell presents fundamental statements in such a way that show the reader how they must make a series of deductions while considering built-in assumptions. He creates formulas to show how we analyze even basic statements as being true or false based on multiple...

Free Will in Hard Determinism, Soft Determinism and Libertarianism

The questions of free will were always agitating the minds of philosophers. This could be explained by people’s tendency to acknowledge the responsibility of one’s actions. The questions that might arise ask whether there were other options in doing certain options or it was already predetermined. As a purpose of...

The Philosophy of Social Research

Abstract The paper is an analysis of the philosophy of research, core concepts of research designs as well as other approaches to research. In philosophy of research, it has been established that there is a progression from scientific methods alone into more flexible concepts that incorporate contextual experiences such as...

“The Allegory of The Cave” by Plato

Introduction The importance of Plato’s allegory of the cave for consequential development of Western philosophical thought can hardly be underestimated, as it had laid a foundation for European metaphysics, as we know them. Therefore, it will not be an exaggeration on our part, to suggest that the very conceptual essence...

Philosophy. The Problem of Personal Identity

A possible thesis of this reading is ‘personal identity is flexible on a number of levels but remains based on a solid foundation of rarely changing principles.’ The author says, “if you are like me and you have a strong attachment to the belief that we persist through time …,...

Hegel, Marx and Nietzsche: Comparative Analysis

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born on 27th August, 1770 in Stuttgart, Germany and died on 14th November, 1831, in Berlin. At Tübingen he studied theology and after that pursued contemporary philosophy and Greek classics. He also served as private tutor for 7 years and then...

Socrates’ Method and Philosophical Ideas

The paper’s aim is to study the main ideas of Socrates, the outstanding Greek philosopher. In the work the author studies the Socratic Method, sheds light on Socrates’ ideas of soul, virtue and knowledge. It would be hard to find a more mysterious and captivating historical figure among philosophers than...

Key Problems With Metaphysics

Metaphysics Before science developed into the sophisticated form that we witness it in today, solutions of problems that had possible associations with science were dealt with and studied under the umbrella of metaphysics. Before the advent of modern science and very well before Aristotle, metaphysics was the most commonly used...

Immanuel Kant’s Moral and Political Philosophy

Kant’s Moral and Political Philosophy Immanuel Kant’s moral philosophy revolves around our everyday conversion of rational knowledge into philosophical wisdom, which serves as a practical reason it itself to follow morality. Kant’s theory defines a moral deed as ‘categorical imperative’, which though is derived from ‘duty’ but according to Kant...

Objective Knowledge Based on Experience and Culture

There is a great debate throughout the course of history as to what the concept of knowledge ought to refer to. A great amount of literature has been written on this controversial topic with scholars and philosophers pitting their impressive brainpower towards a possible definition of what knowledge is. However,...

Theory of Knowledge by Henri Poincare.

Introduction It can be said that science is a form of knowledge but one must add that it is a higher form of knowledge. This is because we can easily equate knowledge to facts and facts need not necessarily be scientific. For instance I love chocolate ice cream and that...

American City: Dreams and Nightmares

Introduction It is not a secret, that urbanization is taking place as a process all over the world today and especially in America. It means that people tend to go to the large cities for a seemingly better fortune there. Despite this vastly developed tendency, some people of today are...

Aristotle’s Ethical Theory and Its Influences

Aristotle creates a unique understanding of ethics and moral values, virtue, and honesty. Thus, Aristotle’s moral ideas and moral ideals are, in some degree, the product of his time, and cannot be expected to be adequate in the world of today. Scientific and material progress has extended man’s moral horizons....

Locke and Hobbes as Human Nature Philosophers

Human philosophy is a field that continues to influence the way people think about specific subjects, issues, or things in life. The concept of human nature has remained divisive since many scholars present diverse views and opinions about its relevance or existence. This paper describes how John Locke and Thomas...

God Existence Argument in the “Forrest Gump” Film

Religion has always been one of the integral parts of human society. It appeared at the dawn of civilization with the first attempts to explain the nature of the universe and the origin of species and people. Communities created their gods to answer questions that were difficult for them with...

Kant’s Philosophy in the Movie “Gone Baby Gone” by Ben Affleck

Introduction In the contemporary world, people have to deal with moral dilemmas especially when deciding what is ultimately good. Philosophically, the definition of a good act varies depending on the different schools of thought. Immanuel Kant came up with the categorical imperative on moral philosophy, which defines what is right...

Logical Consistency and Contradictions Definition

Contradictions Being logically consistent implies that a person has inner integrity. This is enhanced by avoidance of contradictions as inner desires are not permitted to conflict with one another. For instance, the need to be honest and brave might be contradicted by an urge to shun trouble and pain (Goldman...

Chapter 5 of Locke’s Second Treatise of Government

Introduction John Locke was an English philosopher, famous for his liberal ideas and natural rights. In Two Treatises of Government, he evaluated different states of nature, war, and slavery. In the fifth chapter, Locke focused on property and its establishment in society from God’s perspective. The purpose of this essay...

Chapter XIII and XIV from Hobbes’ “Leviathan”

Introduction Leviathan is one of the most influential works created by Thomas Hobbes in the middle of the 17th century. Covering a number of human and natural rights, the author evaluated the role of power and needs regarding absolutism and contractarianism. The goal of this paper is to analyze Chapter...

“The Ethics of Belief” by William Clifford

Introduction In the essay “Ethics of Belief”, William Clifford argues that no one, choosing what to believe, can be free from the opinions of others. A person’s faith may incriminate him/her in unethical behavior, depending on whether he/she has the “right to believe” what he/she believes in, according to Clifford...

Ancient Greek Philosophers’ Impact on Modern Thought

Introduction The contemporary level of the development of humanity greatly depends on the contributions made by the ancestors. When discussing Ancient Greece, a variety of discoveries and theories serve as a profound validation of the long-lasting legacy of the pioneers in philosophy. The modern generations owe the essentials of primary...

Aristotle and Augustine on Doing Wrong

Aristotle, the Ancient Greek philosopher who lived in the 4th century BC and was a student of Plato, had a huge intellectual range and thus was involved in many different branches of science, such as biology, chemistry, history, political theory and, most importantly, philosophy. Among his many philosophical works, a...

Jean-Paul Sartre’s “Existentialism Is a Humanism”

The passage “Obviously I do not mean that whenever I choose between a millefeuille and a chocolate éclair, I choose in anguish. Anguish is a constant in this sense – that my original choice is something constant. Indeed, this anguish is in my view, the complete absence of justification at...

Do Humans Really Have a Soul Inside?

Do humans have a soul? It is not right to claim that human beings have a soul yet there is no concrete evidence to indicate any action that has resulted from the presence of the soul. Instead, many individuals just talk about it surviving after the death of the body....

Human or Humankind: “Oedipus Rex” by Sophocles

The Sphinx had asked Oedipus to crack a riddle, and if he succeeded, she promised to take her own life. The riddle went like this “What goes on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon and three in the evening?” (Dawe 130). Oedipus responded by saying that the...

Aristotle’s Involvement in Social Issues

Introduction It may seem complicated to penetrate deeper into philosophy as such an endeavor requires people to concentrate on elevated matters while living up to their potential. Some people succeed, while others cannot find answers to philosophical questions even as they mature and continuously pose such conundrums to themselves. However,...

Socrates’ Metaphors as an Inspiration

Socrates and Plato were always perceived as wise philosophers and changed the perceptions of the society and the insufficiency of the government while underlining the gravity of the principles of good and bad. Socrates’ dialogue with Glaucon about the darkness of the cave and puppet-like nature of the world was...

Little Speech of Liberty and Mayflower Compact

Introduction Conservatism is a social and political philosophy which aims at retaining traditions. It aims to pursue justice and freedom. A conservative is a person who follows conservatism philosophies. Classical conservatism is practiced by organic society where equality of the people is not such a necessity. The conservatives believe strongly...

Virtue Ethics as an Army Officer’s Moral Code

Aristotle suggests that Virtue ethics is the foundation of a person’s moral character. At the core of the theory is the ideal virtuous person. A person that is kind and generous because part of their moral fabric seeks nothing in return for helping others develop good character traits. The development...

Role of Changes in Our Life

Change is a continuous occurrence in the life of individuals. Our views, bodies, environments, and feelings are subjects of continuous change. In as much as people take some time to adjust, change introduces challenges that may be minor or major. Fundamentally, people are usually reluctant to changes. Therefore, the changes...

The Divine Command Theory

The divine command theory sates that all human actions must be evaluated as moral or immoral in accordance with orders of God. What God permits is considered to be good, and vice versa what is prohibited by God is evil. According to this theory morality and moral obligations depend upon...

Cosmological Argument as a Philosophical Concept

Introduction Numerous arguments have been advanced to validate the claim that science can explain the existence of everything in the physical and metaphysical world. However, given the limited scope covered by science, it becomes controversial to claim that humanity can have a theory on everything. Some physicists argue that it...

Plato’s “Republic” – What Is Democracy?

Poverty, inequality, and rising crime rates are some of the social problems that plague countries all over the world. Brilliant people argue that the only way to develop a cost efficient solution to these problems is to establish an effective system of governance. After a careful analysis of Plato’s ideas,...

Freudian Perspective on Dreams

Abstract The progress of systematic knowledge has tried to touch on the analysis of dreams. By the time Freud inscribed about dream in the recent periods, the scrutiny of more complex kinds of psycho-neuroses as well as the sexual philosophy was in the initial stages. The understanding of dreams was...

The “Euthyphro” Dialogue by Plato

In Plato’s “Euthyphro,” the character Euthyphro offers four definitions of piety. The first definition states that piety is what is loved by the gods, while impiety is what is hated by the gods (Lu). The second definition states that piety is doing what is pleasing to the gods, while impiety...

Equality in Different Philosophers’ Arguments

Equality has been the subject of debate among many scholars and philosophers. During the 20th century, the concept was met with ridicule in regards to defending women’s rights and anti-racism. One of those cases was Thomas Taylor’s satirical piece called A Vindication of the Rights of Brutes, where the philosopher...

Aspects of the Philosophy of Nature

Introduction The philosophy of nature is the hypothetical field that examines the natural environment or the actual universe in its broadest sense. This existence of distinction and focus on the origin’s dilemma has profoundly impacted present conceptions of creation. Nature is an inherent and essential component of humanity. It is...

Epistemology From Rationalist and Empiricist Perspectives

Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher, is well-known for his work in epistemology and metaphysics. The question, “What can we know?” is central to much of his work. The short answer is that human understanding is limited to mathematics and the natural and empirical sciences. Kant argues that it is impossible...

Plato’s Arguments Against the Sophists Essay

Plato’s whole Doctrine of Ideas was founded on his ethics, politics, and humanity as a Greek philosopher. Plato believed that Sophistry was harmful, so his primary concern was that its rhetorical techniques, debate strategy, and social standing would eventually cause the cultures and communities to disintegrate. Sophistry and the Sophist...

Spinoza’s vs. Descartes’ Philosophy of Substance

Introduction The initial problem of the philosophical worldview is the doctrine of being. In modern times, the search for unity and stability in the world has transformed into a solution to the problem of substance. Various philosophers recognized as such either one substance, two consciousness and matter, or many. Thus,...

Comparison Between Plato and Aristotle’s View on Women

Introduction Even if no lady has ever been the president of the United States, the world has had a few years of involvement with female leaders. A lot of women are providing more visible leadership skills than ever before. As a result, their authentic records have put a lot of...

Jonathan Bennett’s Proposed Role of Sympathy in the Moral Life

Jonathan Bennett, a well-known philosopher, was intrigued by the role of sympathy in moral life. His study explored how people approach their moral views and personal sympathies. Bennet (1974) selected stories from the lives of people like Huckleberry Finn, Heinrich Himmler, and Jonathan Edwards to illustrate and support his point....

“The Critique of Practical Reason” by Immanuel Kant

Basic Knowledge The Critique of Practical Reason is Kant’s second commentary, one of his three main expositions on morality, and a highly influential work in the history of ethical theory. The Critique, which was first released three years after Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, expands on the central...

The “Truth & Method” Book by Hans-Georg Gadamer

Basic Knowledge The truth may be discovered via art, and the truth of art can elevate any way of comprehension. An experience can inspire a piece of art, which can then be produced to depict the event. In certain circumstances, the accuracy or correctness with which a piece of art...

“The Future of an Illusion” by Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud is a highly controversial figure among philosophers, often criticized. Despite the significant number of published works, they have often been considered frauds. Nevertheless, some of Freud’s writings, especially later ones, deserve more detailed attention. One such work is “The Future of an Illusion”, in which Freud examines the...

Hegel’s Account of Freedom and the Modern State

German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is recognized for shaping contemporary philosophical thought. Hegel’s view of freedom was that it was a human entitlement, not a person’s right, but merely a product of human logic. Hegel comprehensively explains his viewpoint in the books, Outlines of the Philosophy of Right and...

Maimonides’ Definition of Prophecy and Political Leadership

Maimonides is a renowned Jewish philosopher acclaimed for his contributions toward aligning the constructs of religion and philosophy and describing how human beings can better understand the word of God. Yet, his theory on prophecy and its manifestation in human beings is most contested because it does not associate prophecy...

The Absurd, the Real, and the Supernatural

Although most people believe in the supernatural, they struggle with the absurdity of life every day. For example, the life considered real by many could be a dream, while that lived in dreams could be the real one. Absurdism is a conflict that arises when humans try to seek order...

Kant and Mill: The Ethics of Lying

Deontology suggests that morality is based on universal rules defining bad or good. As a supporter of this theory, Kant, in Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals and On the Supposed Right to Lie From Benevolent Motives, argues that lying is always a wrong action. The philosopher explains that a...

Application of Utilitarian Theory of Morality

Finding a Solution to an Ethical Dilemma Utilitarianism is the ideology based on the idea that human life is not significant and that the genuine value is the benefit that one person can potentially bring. The utilitarian approach and values focus on estimating the statistical happiness that particular actions can...

Truth Happens to an Idea: Pragmatism

William James appears to be a prominent figure in the field of philosophy. He lived in the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century in the United States, and his professional activity regarded philosophy, history, and psychology. William James has become famous for...

The Philosophy of of Confucianism

The Chinese culture has its foundation in Confucianism, an ancient philosophy and belief system. It was invented by Confucius, a philosopher and teacher who lived from 551 to 479 before Common Era (BCE) (Makeham 4). According to several writings produced by Confucius ‘ pupils, confucianism stresses concepts of ethical behavior,...

The Trolley Problem. Ethics and Social Philosophy

The trolley problem has its origins as a set of thought experiments in both ethics and philosophy. The dilemmas that are presented are often stylized in such a way that encourages the participant to debate whether the sacrifice of one person for the sake of many is fair or advantageous....

Rousseau’s Theory About a Lawgiver and a Civil Religion

For centuries, many great minds and talented thinkers outlined their ideas about citizens, governments, the development of the world, and the way it should be arranged. For instance, Genevan writer and philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau had his views on the system of states. In his 1762 book The Social Contract, the...

Truth Perception and Ourselves

In everyday life, people can be observed visualizing things as individuals rather than as things are. When another supplants control one problem, the interpretation is from the brain or sentiments. Since everyone links different things differently, people’s feelings toward some objects are unique. People see them as they are because...

The Basic Level of Healthcare: H. Engelhardt’s and N. Daniels’ Perspectives

Introduction As far as healthcare rights are concerned, Tristram Engelhardt and Norman Daniels are on opposite sides of the aisle. Norman Daniel believes normal functioning can only be restored with minimum healthcare. He makes the case that denying people access to even the most basic healthcare violates their constitutional rights,...

Political Philosophy of Rousseau

Your post shows that Rousseau considered fallibility in the General Will came due to his philosophy since people within the commonwealth always have their self-interests within their minds. To contribute to what you build on General Will, sometimes the will contributes to the political agency by which humanity is influenced....

Utilitarian and Retributivist Theories of Punishment

Introduction Fair punishment has long been a subject of dispute among philosophers, politicians, and the general public. However, there is still no consensus on which type of penal system is the most appropriate in terms of effectiveness and ethics. These discussions gave rise to two major theories – utilitarian and...

Nozick vs. Rawls: Distributive Justice or Justice as Fairness

Introduction Philosophers have suggested multiple theories that can be applied legislatively for different purposes depending on the societal aims that one seeks to address. Two seemingly opposing viewpoints that approach an existing problem with contrasting solutions belong to Robert Nozick and John Rawls. While both philosophers chose the notions of...

Gender, Philosophy, and Religion in the Axial Age

The philosophers of the axial age were primarily involved in the discussion of justice as the principal condition of citizens’ wellbeing. However, their views on the subject were extremely biased since the socially accepted constructs, such as the inferior position of women, did not contribute to ensuring the above provision....

The Trolley Problem of Active vs. Passive Killing

The Trolley Problem The trolley problem refers to a thought experiment frequently cited within philosophy and psychology. While it contains many variations, its central idea is based on decision-making. It describes a situation where the reader witnesses a trolley with dysfunctional brakes toward a switch in the tracks. At the...

Review of “Antigone” Play by Sophocles

Multiple themes are covered in the famous play by Sophocles. Despite the importance of love for family and other essential topics, the playwright particularly emphasized the issue concerning the origins of law and the conflict between the natural law and the new type of civil law that developed rapidly at...

Locke and Hobbes’s Perception of Human Nature

Introduction The importance of the state of nature cannot be overstated because it is the foundation of both Hobbes and Locke’s views of political power, as well as their thoughts on such concepts as equality, liberty, and morality. Despite having the same foundation, Hobbes’ conception of the state of nature...

Justice and Injustice in Plato’s Philosophy

Introduction Plato is a prominent Athenian philosopher of the 4th century BC, the founding father of the Platonist school of thought, and the teacher of Aristotle. Plato’s works are dedicated to such topics as ethics, justice, theology, and political philosophy. In the most well-known writing Republic, Plato analyzes the issue...

Philosophy: The Perception of Truth

Can Truth be Known Based on the Writings of Aquinas and Plato? Philosophers have varying interpretations of the truth as human beings understand the meaning of the word. According to Aquinas, truth resides not in the human intellect but in things (Knight, 2017). This belief applies when the truth cannot...

A Philosophical Solution for a Soldier Who Finds a Child With a Gun

As a way of life, philosophy demands that children should have a space for active engagement in philosophical thought to promote their critical thinking. Philosophical thought allows children to ask existential questions about their surroundings and the world (Kizel 142). The curiosity in children exposes them to many dangers, some...

Justice in “The Republic” by Plato

Central Question of Plato’s Republic In The Republic, Plato’s strategy entails explicating the primary notion of justice, political or societal, and deriving a comparable idea of justice. Plato’s perfect society comprises three classes of persons, including guardians, auxiliaries, producers, in which a just society is developed when these categories of...

John Locke’s Tabula Rasa vs. Innatism

Today, people face multiple situations when their rights and freedoms are compromised by existing societal norms and regulations. In philosophy and social sciences, many theories explain human interactions and classify behaviors as per different criteria. One of the most common debates is developed between John Locke’s tabula rasa theory and...