Participation in Government: The Death Penalty

The death penalty is also referred to as capital punishment and is commonly reserved for capital offenses. Capital punishment involves the execution o an individual who has committed a capital offense by the state. The term capital has its origins in the Latin word capita which literally translates to “of...

Support for a Stronger United Nations Security Force

Introduction Global peace and security are among the UN’s core missions. When it was founded in 1945, it was hoped that the United Nations could serve as a global high command to keep the peace in a post-colonial, post-fascist world (Alagappa and Inoguchi 3). This hope was further raised by...

Politics and Beliefs Washington and Du Bois

Booker Taliafero Washington and William Edward Burghardt Du Bois made great sacrifices to move toward African American progress but grew up in different places where they conformed to different beliefs. Washington believed that survival and safety needs must be accomplished before more complex needs of self expression and equality. But...

International Norms, Values, and Law Enforcement

Introduction International law is defined as the amalgamation of rules of conduct which are deduced from reasoning as components to justice, from the societal constructs existing among independent states. Main body The sources of international laws are: Thus international law may be defined as “the law of the international system...

Liberal Democracy and the Problem of Political Organization

Liberal democracy is often considered one of the best political systems which permit democratic and economic freedom. Liberal values are not the only desirable issues. There are ideals which others share, of unity, efficiency, order, and security. In addition, all societies today, whether democratic or non-democratic, pursue the secular grail...

Unethical Behavior in Government in the US

Abstract Public Administration and unethical behavior are two sides of a coin, this paper will consider the example of the US and the unethical behavior of the government will be brought to the light. There are various types of governments in countries world over, for instance many countries follow Democracy...

Counselor Competence in Brunei Darussalam

Counseling is one of the most powerful tools with a long-term impact on both behavior change and psychological nourishment of an individual and the effectiveness of organizations. Counseling basically is talking and sharing with an individual in order to let him or she explore various options at his or her...

China’s Foreign Policies and Influence on East Asia

Abstract This paper gives a critical look at China in terms of regional integration in the East Asia region. The main topic of this paper touches on China and regional integration in the East Asia and the challenges that must be overcome. This paper takes an analytical approach into the...

Is Lethal Injection Inhumane?

Lethal injection is far more humane than the electric chair or the gas chamber, but is this method of execution humane in itself? The discussion of this question has always been rather controversial, as far as people have either kept to the point of view that violent criminals should be...

The Global Dispute of Pakistan and India as to Kashmir

Introduction and Background The Kashmir conflict is directed to the global dispute of Pakistan and India as to Kashmir which is considered to be the region of Indian Territory. The problem is that Kashmir is related to the part of India which never found support on the part of Pakistan...

Analyzing the Cohesion of Non-Aligned Movement (NAM)

Introduction NAM at present with a two-third United Nation’s members and 55% of the world’s population comprising of both small and large players represents cohesion to that extent where one thinks of it as a ‘multicultural’ movement. Founded in the 1915, with 118 member nations, the NAM is based on...

George W. Bush’s War Crimes

The presidency of W. Bush was followed by a number of international agreements threatening the laws and obligations; taking into account all consequences and internal destruction the greatest part of the US population calls for George W. Bush’s arrest for all war crimes he participated in and violations made to...

Diplomatic Immunities and Abuse of Immunities

Thesis statement Immunities from criminal to civil actions are granted between nations that have diplomatic ties because they have officials who are personal representatives of the head of state. The abuses are increasing because immunity is offered to diplomats who use it to protect themselves from being prosecuted even if...

The New Jewel Movement (Grenada)

Introduction The new joint endeavor for Welfare & Education, and liberation or New JEWEL Movement was formed in the Caribbean island nation of Grenada as a Marxist populist political movement. This movement ruled Grenada from 1979 to 1983; however, its true inception was March 11, 1973, after merging with Joint...

McCain Online Campaign in Form of Social Networking

Introduction The online campaign in form of social networking incorporates My space, Facebook, YouTube and other online sites have been used in McCain campaign and has helped many Americans and another possible voter in easy access of the information related to McCain qualities of leadership, background, his plans as a...

The Ideological Foundation of America

Much of what America looks like today, its political structure, the behavior of its citizens, the social institutions, the laws, as well as how the U.S. soldiers react on the battlefield can all be linked to the ideological foundations that this country was built on. It was the Founding Fathers...

The United Kingdom’s Constitution: Does It Exist?

Introduction It has been a debatable question for a while whether the United Kingdom has a constitution or it does not. It is still been widely discussed by politicians and political theorists who are putting forward miscellaneous assumptions but they can not find any suitable consensus about the matter. The...

Decentralization and Participatory Government

Introduction Proponents of decentralization argue that it is a tool for increasing accountability among decision-makers. This is by correcting the problems that come with poor information and incentives which lead to poor public spending decisions (UNDP, 2005). Devolution of power to local governments leads to changes in the way public...

Do Societies Shape State Interests or Vice Versa

Introduction The essence of this a paper is to underscore and outline the interplay or rather the relationship surmised and existent, between the state and society. The tacit position underlying the focus objectives of this paper emanates from the perception that the influence of society on the state and vice...

Beveridge Report Importance for Attlee Government

Introduction Clement Attlee, an esteemed war veteran, established first majority Labour’s government in Great Britain. He pursued a sturdy socialist programme and he was the father of the public organisations, which have added more strength to U.K’s economy. His overture to politics was to offer the people the talent and...

Global Politics: Women’s Rights, Economy, Globalization

Introduction The Modern times and age the political scene has witnessed a tremendous shift from the traditional national political systems. Governments over the past years have been actively involved in sustaining the security, national welfare of their citizens, and the protection of human rights within their boundaries. Political activities have...

The Death Penalty and Its Basic Reasons

Introduction The death penalty also known as Capital punishment is the execution of a person by the state as punishment for a crime. Ronald (2000) notes that “the execution of criminals and political opponents was used by nearly all societies as a way of punishing crimes and suppressing political dissent,...

Freedom Information Act 2000 of United Kingdom

Introduction The Freedom of Information Act 2000 which came into effect in 2005 was outcome of the major electoral manifestations of the labour party in 1997. This Act confers public the privilege to ask questions from more than 100,000 government bodies. The Act is often flaunted by crusaders and other...

United States Electoral College

Introduction In the US, the Electoral College is made up of elected representatives of each state who indirectly appoint the president and vice president. The college has had 538 electors since 1964. The term Electoral College came into usage in the early 19th century to refer to a group of...

Doublespeak in Government Documents

Introduction Introductory strategy According to source watch, the term double speak was coined in the 1950’s and is linked to George Orwell in his novel, nineteen eighty-four. Thesis statement Double speak may be considered as using words/language calculatingly for political purposes. It is referred to a kind of language that...

Future US President: Arguments & Critical Thinking

Introduction One of the greatest arguments is taking place today in the United States. The argument centers around who will be the running mates of Barack Obama and John McCain. This is a major element in deciding who will win the top post in the United States; that of president....

International Monetary Relations and Cooperation

An international monetary regime is structured to achieve international liquidity and is necessarily founded on the principle of collective action and, as such, a stable monetary regime is a collective or public good driven by collective interests-a result (fruit) to be enjoyed by a large group (of countries or economies)....

T. Blair: Labour Party Leader and Prime Minister of UK

Introduction Tony Blair has served the United Kingdom as prime minister from 1997 to 2007 which made him be the longest-serving prime minister in the United Kingdom under the ticket of a labor party. He had joined the government through a ticker of the Labour Party and he has been...

International Politics. A More Secure World

Introduction This article is a report which was made by a High level Panel on the threats, challenges and change that the world is faced with. The High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change is a group of experts from different countries across the world established by the Secretary General...

International Organizations. The United Nations

Introduction United Nations Organization was founded in 1945. This organization aimed to establish world peace and world order after WWII. The alliance of the United Nations, which sheer necessity has brought about, with four World Powers as its corner-stones, therefore might prove a nucleus of world reorganization. Stark reality has...

Career Exploration Into Policing

Steps in the department’s recruitment process The department of the Ohio state police has immense and significant aspects that are usually put into consideration during the recruitment process of potential police officers. Great consideration is taken into serious account where everyone in the recruitment process is considered the same as...

An Alliance With America Analysis

An alliance is an agreement between two parties. These agreements are founded on the pursuit of a common goal or target, which can be determined over a period of time. When a country agrees to have an alliance with another country, the implication is that the country may have an...

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Analysis

The topic that I am researching is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). In what follows is a literature review on the topic. I specifically analyze articles that investigate the question of whether the Bush administration has committed abuses with regards to the FISA or not. The hypothesis that I...

Modern World Politics and the Cause of Human Rights

Human rights, democracy, and terrorism act as a triangle that bounds modern world politics to a certain limitation. On one hand, we talk about the advancement of human rights and how human rights organizations can address the fear and threats to civil liberty, human rights are promoted in the form...

Management Information Systems: A Necessary Infringement of Privacy

Introductory Abstract Management Information Systems (MIS) have evolved basically as tools or processes that aid in the effective management of an organization. This helps make prudent business decisions in the organization. Essentially, through an MIS, data is converted to information, which is then analyzed, and the results studied and made...

Intelligence-Led Policing in Europe

A Literature Review on Intelligence-led Policing in Europe Intelligence-led policing is a relatively new system of undertaking investigation duties that are subsequently used to make law enforcement decisions. Being a new system that is undergoing development has resulted in a lack of clear definition. According to Edmund et al. (2007,...

Law in International Relations: The Avena Case

Analyzing and debating on the issue of the role of international law in international relations, one should consider the changing attitude of the state and nonstate actors toward the international law, and thus one can question the significance and the supremacy of the international law to international politics and international...

Iraq War and Argumentation Against

People oppose the Iraq war on the following grounds Before the war, UN inspectors did not find any evidence to suggest the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Even after the attack on Iraq, there were no weapons of mass destruction found, hence there was no reason to...

Iron Fist or a Velvet Glove?

Options for U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies and the Criminal Justice System The question of whether human nature is good or evil has been the object of intense philosophical and psychological debate for centuries. Proponents of the natural law state that ‘good’ exists as a natural state. Some philosophers have held...

Capital Punishment and Values in the United States

Introduction Listen closely to the debate about capital punishment in the United States. You will discover a disagreement about where the practice is located in a map of American values and practices. In the last century, the validity of capital punishment has become a debatable issue. Supporters of capital punishment...

Should the United States Abolish the Death Penalty?

Whether the death penalty, also known as capital punishment should be abolished or not from the United States penal system been the subject of debate for a long time now, ever since the early days of civilization. This debate remains controversial because of the diverse groups of stakeholders who hold...

William Julius Wilson Concepts

William Julius Wilson is a Professor of Social Policy at Harvard University, known for his public stance that favors turning America into a “welfare state”. In his books and public speeches, Wilson strives to explain the low socio-economic status of majority of Black Americans by the fact that they still...

Important Facets of Domestic Economy of US

Introduction We are undergoing a stress in our economy due to various factors. The present economic crisis perhaps could have a severe impact as the Great Depression had in the past. However, for the purposes of this essay, we shall assume that many adverse factors had been overcome or at...

National Unity and the Violence of the Last 19th and 20th Centuries

Introduction The desire for national unity should be seen to account largely for the violence of the last 19th and 20th centuries. This can be seen from the many patriotic uprising revolutions against the rulers of the many small kingdoms and states that existed then. This is the period of...

The India–United States India Nuclear Treaty

The India- US nuclear treaty has attracted global attention and it has evoked mixed responses among the citizens of both nations. Questions have been raised so as to decide who benefits most out of the treaty. The treaty is significant as it has both political and strategic implications for the...

Classless Society: The Issue in the History of Old and Modern Britain

Introduction Class has always been an issue in the history of old and modern Britain for the goggles, it has given the society to view the class system not only in the context of historians, but also regarding the current social and political scenarios. Classes are distinguished based on social...

Key Concepts in Politics by Max Weber

Introduction Politics can be defined as the means and ways through which decisions in a unit of governance are made. It is the art and science of the allocation and distribution of resources determining who gets what, when and where. From an academic perspective, it is a study aimed at...

Discussing “Humoring Condi” by Condoleezza Rice

Introduction The article, “Humoring Condi” focused on the legacy of the Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, and her single focus on arriving at a peace deal between Israel and Palestine by the end of President Bush’s term. This, according to Washington Post Staff writers, Kessler & Abramowitz (2007) her goals...

Structure of Executive-Legislative Relations Analysis

Introduction The executive-legislative relations form crucial subsystems of the larger political system for making decisions in their special areas. The legislative and executive branches have become the key of the positive governmental process with the inclination of the judicial branch in the last decades. The aim of the paper is...

Explaining What Is Meant by Authoritarian and Totalitarian Models of Government

In political science, or any studies related to politics, a major concern is the right understanding of the various systems of government and the clear understanding of the systems of authoritarianism and totalitarianism is of pertinent significance as they are often not well understood or discussed. Authoritarianism can be well...

Workers East: Taylorism and Revolution

Introduction In the first half of the 20th century, a number of countries in Eastern Europe were struggling to improve their workflow and cover for the losses experienced in the Great War. One of the driving forces of such improvement processes was Taylorism – the system of scientific management developed...

Israel’s Creation and Settlements in Palestine

The rights of the two conflicting parties, people in Israel and Palestine, are listed in the United Nations Resolution of 1947. According to the United Nations General Assembly (1947), Palestine is to be partitioned to form two independent states, Jewish and Arab, with a special international control regime for Jerusalem....

The State of Israel Is a Parliamentary Republic

The state of Israel is a parliamentary republic, created on May 14, 1948, according to the plan approved by United Nations, which divided Palestine. Let me focus on the structure of Israel’s legislative organs. The head of the state is the President that is chosen for a period of five...

Micklethwait and Wooldridge’s “The Right Nation” Review

Abstract This analytical essay presents a book review of the book namely The Right Nation: Conservative Power in America, which was written by Adrian Woolridge and John Micklethwait. The Works Cited page appends one source in MLA format. Introduction For those who wish to comprehend one of the most significant...

Internationalism: The Issue of Transitional Crime

Introduction Transnational crimes can be seen to affect the democracy of a nation and the economic growth of that country in that it affects the trade of that country by draining the available assets of that country and hence as a result, transnational crimes should be discouraged. Also, transitional crimes...

Conflict Between Jews and Arabs in Palestine 1947-1948

Introduction The conflict between the Jews and Arabs in the Palestine is dated back to the seventh Century A.D. The Arab population was higher than Jews in Palestine. After colonization, the Zionist wanted to form a nation for the Jews in Palestine. The Zionist assumed that the right to land...

The Abolition of Capital Punishment in Canada

They believe in the notion that capital punishment is a cruel act and it does not allow the rule of law to implement execution, which is what most Europeans perceive. Often people put the onus on the shoulders of ‘Capital punishment’ to execute innocent individuals. However, what they don’t realize...

Political Socialization and Participation

Have you ever thought of the society where all the citizens are politically indifferent? Have you felt comfortable there? Or, have you made any attempts to change the society deeply through? In his work Creating Citizens: Political Education and Liberal Democracy Eamonn Callan, a Professor of Educational Policy Studies, University...

International System During the Cold War Era

The basic characteristic of the international system during the Cold War era is its duo- polarity nature. This was a period characterized by war of ideologies between the greatest and the two most powerful nations on earth by then; the United States and the united Soviet Socialist republic (USSR). The...

National Security Act of 1947: Impact on US Defense Strategy

The arena of world politics, in which cooperation, rivalry, law, and anarchy coexist and overlap, is still above all a world of states. Many consequences flow from this fact, but the point for the present is that the operative meaning of national security therefore also varies correspondingly for each state....

Death Penalty from a Prison Officer’s Perspective

One of the most important issues in the criminal justice system is in relation to capital punishment. There are certain concerns when it comes to the aim to understand the said issue. These can include the question of the effectiveness of capital punishment and even the issues related to morality...

Child Soldiers in the Northern Region of Uganda

The Secretary-General, The United States Human Rights Commission 760 United Nation Plaza, New York, NY 10017, USA, Dear Sir, I am writing this letter from Uganda jail, to inform you of the plight of children soldiers in the Northern Region of Uganda, East Africa. I have been staying in Uganda...

United States Withdrawal From Iraq

The Iraq War is an ongoing conflict, which began five years ago, on 30th March 2003. The war was dubbed Operation Iraq Freedom. The United States and allied forces invaded Iraq on the ground that the country, under the leadership of saddam Hussein was producing weapons of mass destruction, WMD....

Channel Islands Handbook: Anti-Money Laundering & Terrorism Funding

Introduction Background and Scope The Channel Islands government is committed to ensuring that lawbreakers, such as money launderers and terrorists, cannot legalise the profits of crime via the Channel Islands or use its fund and business industries. The Handbook is a report on the criteria of mitigating terrorist funding and...

Constitution and Contract: Is the Spirit of Barbara Jordan Dead in Progressive Politics?

Many people consider US democracy to be incomplete due to the racial issues that still exist in contemporary American society, which is associated with a quite pessimistic perspective regarding progressive politics and the future of the nation. For instance, Coates (2014) believes that the damage caused by the unjust trends...

Creating an Ideal State: United Hyperborean Republic

Introduction A dictator has just been overthrown in the United Hyperborean Republic (UHR), and a new government has been appointed to restore the economic, political, and social structures of the state. The UHR is located in Eastern Europe in an extremely unfriendly environment, as a neighboring state with a dictatorial...

Developing Democracy in the Dominican Republic: History & Challenges

History Christopher Columbus created the first colony of Santo Domingo on Hispaniola island, which became the capital of the Spanish colonies in America. Until 1924, the Dominican Republic was repeatedly ruled by different countries, such as Spain, France, Haiti, and for short periods it was an independent and autonomous state....

Have the Trade Policies of President Donald Trump Increased the Competitiveness of the USA?

Introduction Donald Trump’s presidency is marked with a number of contradictory policies, some of which concern trade. The most distinctive feature of his trade policy is protectionism, ensured by imposing tariffs on imports. While some Americans believe that this measure will benefit the USA, others assume that it will do...

Russian Cyberterrorism and the United States Election 2016

Introduction New communication technologies have brought about many benefits for this society, but they are also being weaponized. While political interference is a relatively old practice, the 2016 actions of Russian hackers, which consisted of interfering with the elections in the United States (US), demonstrate that this approach to the...

Social Adaptation of Veterans: US Army Service & Immigrant Roles

Introduction The topic of social adaptation of the former military is a unique and significant area in social disciplines. According to Leal and Teigen (2018), service in the U.S. Army allows hiring volunteers, which helps strengthen the armed forces, but the conditions of entering the service do not imply free...

Analyzing Patrick Henry’s Influential 1775 Speech in Context

A speech made by Patrick Henry during the Second Virginia Convention held at St. John’s Church, Richmond, Virginia, on March 23, 1775, can be regarded as one of the most influential in the Revolutionary War discourse. Henry was a respected lawyer, known as one of the most outspoken opponents of...

Textual Analysis of Justin Trudeau’s 2018 India Photo

Justin Trudeau is the Prime Minister of Canada and recently a controversial figure in media. He has a habit of wearing the national clothing of the host nation when visiting. This is often seen as insensitive or offensive by commenters. However, multiple photographs of him are available from such visits,...

German Democratic Republic in “The Lives of Others” Film

The Lives of Others is an outstanding German drama that describes the control of East Berlin citizens by the secret police of the German Democratic Republic. Along with highly essential moral issues raised in the film, viewers may observe the culture-specific elements and living conditions of the GDR’s residents in...

Authoritarian Reversals: Hungary vs. Turkey’s Illiberal Democracies

Introduction Comparative politics scholars have developed numerous theories to understand the timing and success of transitions from authoritarian rule to democracy. In recent years, however, there has been a reverse trend of democratic backsliding. In some countries, populist leaders have gained power and undermined the norms of liberal democracy that...

China’s Crisis, Global Economy and Relations

Introduction Throughout history countries build their international relations on cooperation and confrontation in which they try to satisfy their national interests. At the present stage, the politics of geoeconomics has gradually replaced the politics of forces, and the interdependence of countries has become stronger, which affects the nature of their...

“The Incarnation of Power” by Wright Mills Critique

Abstract The present analytical paper explores power as one of the central concepts in social and political sciences. The first part of the analysis defines the notion of elites – the individuals at the top of the social hierarchy. Those belonging to the elites can escape the ordinary environments and...

Aging Population in Canada and Public Policies

Executive Summary The current situation with the extent of workforce aging in the UK has become a troubling tendency. While the range of staff members that have approached the category of aging employees has risen, the number of younger employees has been shrinking. The phenomenon of aging workforce can be...

Control Over Gun Possession and Gambling

What Law Would You Add? The current levels of gun violence in the United States have reached their pinnacle with the recent onslaught of mass shootings. Therefore, changing the current regulation addressing the possession of guns is overdue. The introduction of the gun control law will enhance the security of...

Arab Spring’s Impact on Morocco vs. Other States

The Arab Spring is the term that represents many protests and rebellions on the territories of the Middle East and North Africa. The series of those events became an active catalyst for different ideological and political movements and contributed to the clash of various views within Arabic countries. The purpose...

Beverly Silver’s “Forces of Labor” Since 1870

Introduction The left’s separation from the proletariat in the USA has a long history. It took the form of pessimism in the sixties, based on the flourishing of the life of working middle-class representatives since they were perceived as a threat by the government. In the modern world, such a...

U.S. vs. U.K. Logistics Control: Security and Economic Oversight

The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is the U.S. agency that oversees economic sanctions against nations and specific groups. It was formally founded in 1950 when the entry of China into the Korean War forced the U.S. to block all of its assets in the country. However, it had...

Cultures of the Middle East and Western Policies

Introduction The tension between different groups is a common phenomenon or even a characteristic feature of human society. Many theories regarding the nature of these conflicts exist, but one of the most recent approaches to the problem was quite widely accepted in the academic and political arenas. According to this...

Critical Success Factors for E-Tendering in Public Telecom

Literature Review The telecommunication sector has gone through a massive transformation over the last two decades. According to Chadli et al. (2016), emerging technologies have redefined the manner in which people communicate. The new media that is primarily based on digital technology has become central not only in the socio-economic...

Key Terms and Concepts from Operation Jawbreaker: An Overview

The investigation of the success of intelligence and military operations is required to ensure their future improvement. For this project, it is proposed to research, describe, and evaluate the success of the counterterrorist operation JAWBREAKER. This codename is applied to an operation that was launched after the 9/11 terror act...

“Public Space and Political Public Sphere” by Habermas

Argument About the Reading The issues of the distinction and unity of public and private selves of a human have long been in the focus of philosophical discourse. Habermas’ (2004) lecture is an extensive discussion of the interrelations between private and public spheres as the two dimensions, through which the...

Democratic Republic vs. Socialist State

Introduction Throughout history, the global population could witness the establishment and development of states under different government structures. The most notable ones are the Democratic Republic and the Socialist State, which are two contrasting approaches. The first one focuses on people’s power to affect significant decisions, while the latter uses...

The Process of Policy-Making by Mead and Stone

The readings by Mead (1982) and Stone (1989) aim at discussing the issues of the development of specific policies that target urgent problems of the society to pursue the nation’s welfare. The main arguments presented by the authors address the social and political issues and the processes of their resolution....

Where Politics and Medicine Intersect

Medicine and health care, like many other institutions, are part of a national and global politics. Certain health and medical issues can be addressed through policy changes, and conversely, efforts from medical professionals can inform political decisions. In recent years, issues related to access to health care have been a...

Leveraging Big Data and Predictive Analytics in the Public Sector

Abstract This paper discusses different ways in which big data and predictive analytics can be leveraged by public administrators and elected officials to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the government. In particular, it is explained how the government can utilize automated decisions to serve its residents better and ensure...

Big Data Applications in Public Administration and Government: Insights

Abstract In this research paper, the idea of big data and personal privacy are discussed through the prism of the work of the public sector and the government. In many countries, artificial intelligence systems have already been successfully implemented to control unlawful activities and improve operations. More attention should be...

Understanding Cross-Cultural Awareness and Its Impact on Global Relations

Introduction Culture is mainly defined as the customs, beliefs, and behavior of a group of people. Indeed, cultures can be found in several countries. However, it is more common to find people of the same culture residing in the same areas and countries. One can argue that the essence of...

The Irgun Organization’s Impact on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Introduction The peace process targeted at eliminating violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is extremely complex and multi-dimensional. Before the establishment of the state of Israel, the British government that was in control of Mandatory Palestine developed strict immigration policies that prevented Jews from immigrating to the territory. This led to...

Human Culture on Consumerism

In the article, “Your Lifestyle has Already been Designed,” the author, David Cain, argues that the culture of consumerism has been created specifically to entrap people in buying things they do not need for a comfortable life. The requirement to work for 8 hours a day from 9 A.M. to...

Gulf Cooperation Council – India Relations

India and the states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) have a complex and rapidly growing relationship. The Gulf region presents a myriad of natural, political, economic, and strategic opportunities and interests of India. Despite the significant size, historical ties, and geographic proximity, India has not yet become an active...

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882: Impact on U.S.-China Relations and Immigration

Even though the US and China enjoy a cordial bilateral relationship today, their history is mired with conflict. Indeed, antagonism still exists in both country’s economic sectors, with China standing as the second-largest economy in the world (Skidmore, 2015). It is important to note that initially, Chinese migrants to the...

America as Superpower: Role & Impact as World’s Police

Introduction with Thesis After World War II, the USA became the most powerful actor in the political arena. The country’s role was growing internationally, and it became known as the world’s “police.” There was hardly any serious event in which the USA would not participate. Frequently, the side taken by...

The Arab Spring in the Tunisian Context

Introduction The Arab spring refers to demonstrations and rebellions that were witnessed in the Arab world in the spring of 2011, hence the name. It involved a series of anarchistic protests, organized oppositions to authority, and armed revolts across the Middle East as a response to oppressive regimes and low...

Youth Bulges and State Repression in Algeria: A Correlation Study

I researched youth bulges and state repression in Algeria. Specifically, I sought to establish whether there is a correlation between youth bulges and state repression in the country and provide an analysis of the explanatory factors for this correlation in the context of the Arab world. I chose Algeria as...

Political Participation Through Campaigns and Elections: An Overview

The question of the role of “big money” in American politics elicits widespread controversies that remain unresolved to date. On the one side, proponents of unlimited and unregulated money in politics argue that such a scenario is the right recipe for a robust democracy. On the other, the opponents of...

American Federalism, Multiculturalism and National Cohesion Benefits

In the modern world, there are different approaches to governmental organization, each of which has advantages and drawbacks. The benefits often depend on the context (economic situation, the quality of social interactions, and similar factors), in which a certain form of organization is utilized. When it comes to federalism, the...

“The Judicialization of Mega-Politics and the Rise of Political Courts” by Ran Hirschl

The article’s topic is clear and straightforward as captured in the title – “The Judicialization of Mega-Politics and the Rise of Political Courts”. This title paints a concise picture in the readers’ mind concerning the contents and substance of the article. The reader can tell that the author talks about...

Is Capital Punishment a Justifiable Action?

The issue of the justification of capital punishment was raised by political scientists, historians, sociologists, writers, and other authors throughout the development of civilization. At the dawn of history, in primitive societies, ancient cultures, and medieval states, the death penalty was commonplace and beyond doubt. During the Renaissance and Enlightenment,...

Embracing Technology in Military Supply Chain Management: A Path to Efficiency

The importance of transforming military logistic systems to a viable supply chain management process is critical. For this reason, this blog will focus on materials from two articles. The first article, Transforming Military Support Processes from “Logistics to Supply Chain Management”, by Scott Haraburda highlights the importance of changing the...

Courtelaney Pass: Evaluation and Analysis of the Current Policies

This report provides an evaluation and analysis of the current policies and practices of the police in Courtelaney Pass. It addresses the employment concerns and racial unrest of the community, as well as presents the accomplishments of the interim chief of police and his further recommendations. The report concludes that...

Revisiting Marx and Engels’ ‘Communist Manifesto’: Key Insights

Introduction Despite the intentions of people to live in an equal society, there will always be some social differences. In the middle of the 19th century, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, the two well-known German philosophers and social scientists introduced their vision of class struggles through the prism of the...

Political Ideologies and Their Differences

Introduction Every human society throughout history had to find its answer to the question of power, class, and institutional rule. Some of these answers were moderately more successful or remarkable than others, and have coalesced into political ideologies. Some of these ideologies are an example to follow, while some are...

Canada-United States Security Partnership

Introduction The land border between the US and Canada is the longest in the world. Its total length is 5,525 miles, including the section between Alaska and the two adjoining Canadian territories, British Columbia and the Yukon. However, the amount of petrol and surveillance seems to be small for such...

Offensive and Defensive Behavior in Warfare

Offensive and defensive strategies are millions of years old and can be found in nature. Predatory behaviors in animals are an excellent example of an offensive strategy in the natural world. Predators need to use their speed and physical strength while hunting to spot potential prey and catch it. For...

Troop Leading Procedures and Orders Process

Troop-leading procedures are essential for building defense and creating strong force protection. Therefore, the relationships between the orders process and the troop-leading procedures have to be clearly established and firmly institutionalized. The specified relationships are founded on the premise of an increase in defense quality and, therefore, are based on...

APD Website: Key Resource for Cadets and Army Leaders

The Army Publishing Directorate (APD) is at the center of the U.S. military knowledge ecosystem. It publishes works that are of immense benefit to the diverse military personnel and a broad audience of readers beyond the military field. The importance of the APD’s website to the target audience is so...

Political Environment: Democrats and Republicans

Abstract The contemporary American political environment has been vastly impacted by the dichotomous role of two leading political parties, which are the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. These forces have developed ideologically opposing views on some crucial governmental issues over the history of the state. The polarization of the...

Populism in the US and Other Countries

Populism and its Perquisites Most scholars agree that populism is based on three structures, which include hostility, totalitarianism, and nativism (Brubaker 359). Populism implies different meanings to various individuals. However, researchers categorize populism with attributes such as common interest, an aversion of elites, threat towards established foundations and legislative issues,...

Election Ethics: Voting vs. Maintaining Neutrality

Decision In the Election Day Scenario, I believe that I ought to go to the polls and vote for Superior to be elected President. First of all, voting is the right that each citizen has or should possess. By choosing to vote, one can fulfill one civic duty of participating...

United States-Iran Relations and Future Conflict

In recent years, the Iranian government has invested a lot of funds in the development of ballistic missiles. The act can pose a threat as it may indicate a possibility of a future conflict between the U.S. and Iran. While it is crucial to support peace between the states, the...

US Demographics: Changing American People

In the present day, in the United States, the population is immeasurably different in comparison with citizens who lived at the time of the U.S. Constitution’s ratification. The changes in modern society may be defined as factual and psychological. In fact, the Americans are currently a large number of people...

FDA’s Role in Regulating Medical Devices: Safety and Standards Explained

Among the existing variety of regulatory agencies and accrediting bodies, the role of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) remains integral and indispensable. Healthcare organizations, nurses, and even patients may address it for help and evaluation. The medical marketplace continues developing, and the task of the FDA is to obtain...

Low Voter Turnout in Texas and Its Causes

Voter turnout within different states significantly influences the results of the elections. When it comes to voting, such a factor as voter eligibility is considered. Among various provinces, the number of people who can legally vote differs. In Texas, throughout decades, voter turnout has been lower in comparison to the...

Intelligence-Led Policing for Clayton County: Benefits & Challenges

Following the most fatal terrorist attack in the US, legal theorists and practitioners have popularized the new approach, intelligence-led policing, that raised the hopes about addressing the pending issues. The idea behind intelligence-led policing is that raw information at the disposal of the police needs to be involved in analytical...

Conflicts and Development in Emerging States

Introduction Even a most unenthusiastic person living in a land far away would easily say that the world is a place where barely anything is just and barely anybody is equal. Although the international community finds itself in a never-ending daily struggle for a better world, this dream might never...

Examining Basic Income Initiatives and Their Effects on U.S. Economic Stability

Introduction The milestones recorded in this country have supported the health needs and economic welfare of many Americans. However, the problems of poverty, homelessness, and alcoholism affect a significant percentage of this country’s population. The introduction of a universal basic income for every citizen will help minimize these challenges, guarantee...

2020 Presidential Elections in the United States

The next US presidential election will be held on November 3, 2020. As usual, the Americans will choose the president of the country along with his candidacy for the position of vice president. Traditionally, candidates from two parties – the Democratic and the Republican – are fighting for victory. In...

Livonia’s Constitutional Reform: Presidential System Analysis

Introduction The present situation presents a new opportunity for Livonia to create and promulgate a new constitution that will make it democracy and continue to meet the needs of its population. The first government has resolved to make Livonia successful, create a vibrant market economy, and promote effective leadership. A...

Nuclear Politics in the Modern World

Introduction Nuclear politics encompasses an essential aspect of a state’s approach to using nuclear weapons in case of war. The nature of nuclear weapons implies large-scale destruction, meaning that one must thoroughly consider all decisions regarding the use them. The article by Jervis titled “Why Nuclear Superiority Doesn’t Matter” presents...

Preemptive War, War Powers, and International Complications

Introduction Throughout the history of the United States, the country’s presidents have worked hard to strike the right balance between achievements in the global arena and the well-being of its citizens. For instance, Kennedy supported a range of diplomatic initiatives during his presidency, including the creation of the Alliance for...

Dwight D. Eisenhower: Domestic Affairs

Introduction Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Reagan are all iconic leaders in United States history that led the nation during historically significant events and attempting to develop the United States socially and economically. Each of the Presidents had a strong and significant economic program that they successfully implemented. Eisenhower embraced...

Power Perspectives: Gilbert’s Views on Elite and Pluralist Theories

Introduction Power is a concept that is widely researched and discussed by various scholars. Sociologist Dennis Gilbert in the book The American Class Structure in an Age of Growing Inequality, summarizes different ideas of power and class inequality that are worth examining. This paper discusses the three perspectives of power...

Five Presidents: Policy Impacts from Eisenhower to Ford

Introduction The chosen Presidents for this assignment are Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, and Carter. Kennedy is known for some domestic progress on civil rights as well as a foreign policy seeking to stabilize the nuclear conflict with Cuba and the Soviet Union. This strengthened the U.S. economically globally. Nixon established a...

Are We Living in a Post-Fact and Post-Truth World?

Many contemporary authors believe that we are living in a post-fact or post-truth world. In particular, these terms are applied to the political landscape of the United States and other developed countries. For instance, Holland (2016) criticizes Donald Trump for influencing the direction of news coverage and shading the truth....

Capitalism vs. Socialism: Principles and Arguments

The fundamental principles and arguments of the supporters of socialism and capitalism as opposing systems were established in the period of the 19th century and the practical implication of the 20th century led to the adaptation and further solidification of their respective argumentative basis. Capitalism is an economic system, which...

Government vs. Market Failures: Risks and Real-World Examples

Introduction The assertion that a government failure may be worse than a market is not a baseless statement. As Wheelan notes in his book, a government may acquire more problems while trying to fix the currently existing issues (176). These newly aggregated problems may be more damaging to the country...

Transparency in Government Services Through Internet Media

Introduction The recent social and political trends have resulted in governments seeking to increase the transparency of their actions and services. The wide availability and capabilities of information and communication technologies are seen as an efficient method to promote such openness. Furthermore, it is a cost-effective and beneficial mechanism to...

Donald Trump’s Policies of Poverty and Human Rights

Introduction Contemporary society is facing diverse issues that frequently become the burden of the whole of humanity. Such social problems as crime, violence, different aspects of health care, environmental issues, and various cases of inequality, as well as many other events, are broadly argued over and discussed. One of the...

Paranoia & Rhetoric: From McCarthyism to Anti-Islam Sentiments

Every society consists of individuals who have unique characteristics, attitudes, and fears. They respond to various threats in different ways when taken separately; however, being united, they acquire some common features peculiar to a certain community. That is why such a phenomenon as paranoia is associated with masses of people...

Federal vs. State Gun Control: Finding Solutions

Introduction Gun violence is one of the most controversial and hotly-debated issues in the United States of America because it results in the deaths and injuries of tens of thousands of people annually. On the other hand, the issue is controversial and complex because of the uncertainty as to whether...

“Who Is a Progressive?”: T. Roosevelt’s Vision, Goals and Achievements

Introduction Theodore Roosevelt was a great leader of his time and sought to bring in the Progressive era to the United States. This movement aimed to address numerous social problems created by industrialization and urbanization. Political mismanagement and abuse by big businesses have led to a violation of many social...

McCarthy’s “Enemies from Within”: Cold War Rhetoric and Fear

On February 9, 1950, Senator Joseph R. McCarthy delivered the famous speech – “Enemies from Within” in Wheeling, West Virginia. The speech was a direct attack on President Truman’s foreign policy, which McCarthy claimed was treasonous because it allowed communist sympathizers to run the State Department. As such, McCarthy warned...

Key Traits and Goals of Progressivism vs. Anti-Progressivism

Characteristics of a Progressive Roosevelt outlines several characteristics that describe a progressive: a vision, intensity of conviction, broad sympathy and imagination in the support of the forward movement, belief in goodness, justice, and righteousness, confidence, and trust in the people. A progressive fights for justice and the will of the...

Pacifism in the United States

Introduction Anti-militarism is a doctrine and political movement against militarism. Many socialists, libertarians, social liberals, and environmental activists profess anti-militarist ideology. Anti-militarism should not be confused with pacifism, which rejects any violence (Brock 27). Anti-militarism recognizes the right to self-defense, both individual and class, but opposes the monopoly of the...

Impact of US Embassy Move on Israel-Palestine Conflict

Introduction The history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people reaches back before the time when international political organizations recognized it as a significant problem. However, major events in the conflict started occurring in the middle of the twentieth century, and the tension between the two peoples has...

Theodore Roosevelt’s Book “Who Is a Progressive?”

Introduction The Industrial era brought with it many scientific and technological advancements, but also an intensification of labor that permitted capitalists to profiteer off of the working class. Progressives, as supporters and advocates of social reform, endeavored for workers to achieve a level of economic autonomy and overcome the constraints...

UN Resolution 181: Israel, Palestinian Rights, and Legal Controversies

Rights The UN resolution 181 which partitioned the land and created the country of Israel, sought to ensure a peaceful transition and co-existence amongst the ethnic and religious groups. Both Arabs and Palestinians residing in Israel were to be guaranteed full citizenship and civil rights, including the right to vote...

Exploring Socialism as a Viable Alternative to Capitalism in the US Context

Introduction The United States has always defined itself by its ideological values and political beliefs which have become the centerpiece of citizens’ lives. The country has emerged as a Democratic counterbalance to authoritarian rule. Eventually, Democracy intertwined with capitalist economics became the global status quo. However, recent social trends have...

Electoral College Reform: Outdated and Ineffective System

Introduction It is worth noting that the presence of the Electoral College contradicts the existing belief that, in a democracy, the winner is the one who receives the most votes. This system was introduced to eliminate the possibility that a large state would impose its political position on the whole...

Global Governance: Formation of the Nation-State and the International Institutions

Introduction Expanding the principles of democracy as the foundational concepts of the nation-state could be seen as a viable approach toward creating international institutions, yet the process of building the latter might be more intricate. The formation of the nation-state can be described as the introduction of the principles that...

Is the United States a Benevolent Hegemon or a Malevolent Hegemon?

Introduction The United States has been embroiled in world politics for more than a hundred years. In that regard, its foreign policy has been a major investment with regard to time and money. After World War II, the foreign policy aimed at halting the spread of communism, which came to...

In the Next Decade, Will China Be a “Friend” or “Foe?”

Introduction The relations between the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China can be traced back to the years after the US gained independence. The relations have been based on economic cooperation and political diplomacy. However, the rapid industrialization of China brought a new economic regime that...

Reforming Venezuela: Government, Economy, and Social Models

When an old government in a country is overthrown as a result of an internal crisis, there is a challenging task to create a new system that will allow spheres to function properly. The current situation in Venezuela allows to believe that the former dictator will not be ruling the...

The U.S. Embassy Move to Jerusalem

Introduction The struggle between Israel and the Palestinian people has not subsided in decades, with both nations being unable to come to a mutually beneficial resolution. While civilian protests initiated by Palestinian people continue, so do international discussions aimed at establishing peace in the region (Gelvin, 2014). In 2017, the...

Future of Operational Environment

Introduction It can be argued that the operations of the Army are affected by several environmental factors. These components are the diplomatic relations with other states, technological advancements, economic situation, and others. Army leaders should study anticipated changes that may affect their operational activity in the future to command efficiently...