U.S. Policy to Iraq From 9/11/2001 to U.S.-Iraq War

Introduction This paper examines the USA foreign policy especially towards Iraq after the 9/11 attack on Pentagon and World Trade Center in 2001. The attack was launched by suspected al-Qaeda network suicide bombers who hijacked the American Airlines Flight 77 and later plunged it into the infamous American Pentagon and...

How Democracy Was Born?

Introduction Since ancient times, democracy has been considered a favorable way of ruling which permits freedom and participation in state of affairs by all citizens. Still, within it conflicts of interest are neither eliminated nor stilled. They are rather transferred to a different battleground and the contenders are supplied with...

Relationship Between a President’s Leadership and Campaign Styles

Introduction Most leaders have one thing in common; they tend to transform their styles of leadership in the office, although traces of their campaign styles keep with them. America in particular has had many presidents, most of which have had great challenges in their pursuit of the White house. Among...

Iran Hostage Incident: A Crisis in US-Iranian Relations

The Iran Hostage incident is a very pivotal occurrence in the history of the US-Iran relationship. Many researchers and political scholars describe this as a diplomatic crisis between the two nations. The incident took place on November 4th, 1979 when a group of Iranian students and militia invaded the US...

Society and Culture of Indonesia

Introduction According to Bouchier (1999, pp.149-172), after Suharto (the second president of Indonesia since 1967 to 1998) was forced to resign from the office of the president, the post Suharto era began. During his reign, Suharto used the new order regime but opposition of the regime was eminent from 1996...

The Green Party of the United States

Introduction The Green Party is perhaps the best known alternative political party [outside of the Democrats and Republicans] in the United States. Co-founded in 1984 by American activist and politician Howie Hawkins (NY), the party was originally called Green Committee of Correspondence and then eventually went on to become Greens/Green...

Pursuing National Goals and Pursuing Transnational

The characteristics of a modern nation-state Before we discuss the characteristics depicted by the modern nation state we would first look at what is meant by nation, state and nation-state. A nation is defined as an entity demarcated by a similar culture or occupied by a people of the same...

Sudan, Oil, War, and Human Rights

Among many civil conflicts in Africa, Sudan is the one that has witnessed the longest history of civil war (1983-2010). Shaped by millions of unsheltered and starving civilians, this civil war has now been a flashback on the global platform, since Africa is located in the oil-rich region. This paper...

Homeland Security and Change

Introduction The original homeland security organization was characterized by uncoordinated responses amongst its respective agencies and cooperation was a difficult aspect to achieve. Consequently, the paper will look at how operations were carried out before and after the change was instated in homeland security within the country. Analysis of the...

Powerful States and Humanitarian Intervention Response

Humanitarian intervention is best understood as the process of engaging in military intervention by one state into another state with the purpose of minimizing suffering in the recipient country. Although this intervention is based on a very noble cause, a number of challenges have arisen in terms of such situations....

“Not So New” New World Order. Conspiracy Theories

Introduction Conspiracy theories have been around for as long as humans have had the ability to question authority. They are generally associated with events of such a sheer magnitude that seemingly have to be part of a secret plot. Conspiracy theorists usually stick together in the fact that they associate...

Effective Whistleblower Protection in Public Sector

The concept Whistle blowing is a strategy that is adapted by the public and private sector to expose any kind of malpractice in the organization (Preston, 1994). Due to the complexities that are involved in the entire procedure, it became important for the government to implement an act that would...

The EU-Moldova International Relations

Introduction Moldova has made significant progress in the implementation of democratic reforms in its society. However, democracy has not prevailed over the previous communist ideals established in the society. Although politically independent from the Soviet Union, Moldova has consistently been dependent on Russia making it difficult to shift politically from...

Death Penalty and Other Issues That Surround It

Introduction The death penalty is also known as capital punishment and it is a case where an individual is executed by judicial process as a punishment for some offense found guilty. Those crimes that lead to the death penalty are referred to as capital crimes. The use of the death...

Death Penalty: Legal and Moral Issues

Background Information Punishment for crimes, which are deemed cruel and unusual is forbidden by the Eighth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. This amendment is often invoked when discussing the legal merits of the death penalty. The use of the death penalty is considered by some to be the most obvious...

Bush vs. Obama Campaigns

Introduction George W. Bush took oath of office as the 43rd US president on January 20 2001. This was following a successful campaign against his Democratic Party rival Al Gore. In the Republican Party primaries, Bush managed to garner 90% of the total votes cast to emerge as the Republican...

Ethnic Parties and Democratic Stability in Divided Societies

Introduction Intellectually, specialists can be of great assistance to independent constitution-scholars in racially alienated nations. This is because such specialists are in a position to create certain suggestions, as opposed to overpowering them with a stream of alternatives. Particularly, the following requires the best precedence and ought to be the...

Karl Marx and Utopian Socialists

Both Marx and Utopian Socialists talked about the perfect world, a kind of paradise where all the people would be equal. Their ideas were quite similar because they all were up for peace and equally. However, what they differed in were the means of building this perfect world or, to...

International Business: The US – UAE Relationship

Introduction This paper has proposed the USA as chosen country of expatriates living here originated from UAE for the product of Arabic style furniture. Here international business is the mode to enter into the USA for the proposed business category. Proposing country the USA has the economic strength amongst the...

Obama’s Address to Congress

The main theme of the President’s speech was the economical crisis and the ways to overcome it. The overall message that Obama tried to deliver was that the USA has to “act bodily and wisely” (National Public Radio) in order to build a new foundation for lasting well-being and prosperity....

The Death Penalty in the USA

Introduction Crimes have always been present in the life of mankind. Robberies, murders, and other types of violence were at different times and different punishments were provided. The type of punishment depended on the level of crime. The modern system of punishment is governed by laws and also is based...

US Policy During 1967 and 1973 Middle East Wars

Introduction Beginning with the 1948 War of Independence, four conventional wars were waged between Israel and her neighbors. The two great victors of the Second World War, the U.S., and the Soviet Union had become archenemies in the Cold War and both were anxious to spread their conflicting social visions...

Issue of Un Relevance and Their Works

Introduction The UNO was created in 1945 or maintaining peace on the Earth, as its predecessor – the League of Nations failed in accomplishing this task. Pacta sunt servanda is the principle, which is the basis of any statute, treaty or convention, thus, every UN member should observe the rule...

The United States’ Involvement with Weak States

Introduction The challenge of weak and fragile states is one of the worst problems facing the developed world in the 21st century. The prevalence of weak states is a foreign policy which has proved to be a serious threat to international peace at large. For instance, the weak and failing...

Public Administration and Policy Matters

Over the past few years, government workers of the United States have moved into a state of relative liberation. This doctrine can largely be said to have been caused by the legal and judicial practices as well as, the political efforts that have further driven the development of a modern...

The Global Assessment of Policing

Introduction Different responses have been taken by many world governments to fight crimes that are becoming more sophisticated. Policing the twenty-first century is increasingly becoming difficult and complex due to the risks and challenges that continue to bedevil most police forces. Therefore, modern forces are increasingly focusing on fighting crime...

Recovery Efforts During 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina

Abstract It is a prerequisite of any government in place to always be prepared for any disaster of whatever nature whether natural or humanly initiated; it is never known the day, hour or minute when tragedy may befall a nation. A small time disaster is wake up call for major...

American Public Attitudes to Overseas Military Deployment

In modern times, the media, which is popularly referred to as the fourth estate, has witnessed unrivaled growth. Not even a single event can now take place without the media coming in and airing it to the world. All sectors of the media have benefitted from the media boom, which...

Political Transition in Venezuela

Introduction Political stability is one of the major movers of an economy since it creates a platform on which all the institutions of the government touching on economic or social agendas play their role. Many countries have gone through political turmoil in where dictatorship and political abuse has played a...

America’s 2000 Presidential Elections

Introduction The 2000 presidential elections in America saw a heated contest between George W. Bush, who vied as a republican candidate and Al Gore, who was a democrat candidate. The then incumbent president Bill Clinton was leaving the office after serving for two terms in the office as provided by...

Leadership and Organizational Behavior: U.S. and India

Moving into a new market is considered to be a difficult step because organizations have to experience newer trends and they have to incorporate issues like new communication channels, culture, and human resources. These factors must be kept in mind when organizations are opting for an entry strategy in a...

US Diplomacy Failures in 1981 to 1990

During the last ten years of the Cold War, the diplomacy of the United States experienced several failures, which subsequently resulted in military conflicts. Prior to analyzing the underlying causes of these failures, it should be pointed out that at that moment, the relationships between the United States and the...

The Government of “New Labour”

Outline British elections that took place in 1997 have been considered as an important turning point for British government and Britain’s economic activities. This is because of the emergence of New Labour that replaced conservative rule leading to increased inequality levels through social division especially in public administration as well...

Democracy and de Facto Powers

Title of the proposed thesis The chosen title for the proposed thesis is to strengthen the understanding of the challenges and consequences of the Mexican state to secure the essential conditions of responsibility towards the citizens. The main objective is to examine the challenges and results in order to make...

Sustein and Tocqueville: Two Opinions on Freedom of Speech

Introduction Sustein argues that everyone has freedom of speech and can dissent a belief when the need arises. He says the government should not restrict citizens to certain autocracies. He urges that one’s freedom of speech should be protected instead of condemning it. According to Sustein, freedom of speech is...

How Democratic Is the American Constitution?

Constitution is a government agreement whereby it obtains full authority from the governed. It defines the composition of the government, the purpose of the government, and the authorities of each government department. In addition, the relationship between the states, the public, how the government institutions are related to each other,...

Ethical Issues of American Democracy

The Use of American Power America has been a powerful nation for long, and its power is highly manifested within and outside the nation. The purpose and use of American power has mainly been in defending the nation and its citizens from its enemies. With increased cases of terrorism in...

Cuba Policy During Barrack Obama’s Presidency

The President of the United States Barrack Obama had not even been born in the year that General Fulgencio Batista was driven out of office by Fidel Castro. However, he is the first president to take concrete steps towards ending the embargo placed on Cuba by President Kennedy in 1962....

Culture and Its Relationship to Fundamentalism of Modern Iran

Introduction Culture has been defined as a set of symbols, values, artefacts, language and values that defines the members of a society. In the case of Iran, the current regime that came into power during the 1979 Islamic revolution wished to revert back the country back to the traditions, away...

The United States Supreme Court Overview

The supreme court of the United States of America is established under article three of the United States constitution. Section 1 of article three categorically states that the Supreme Court has been given full mandate to conduct and oversee all judicial matters in the United States. In fact, the Supreme...

Bill Clinton and His Activities as President

Introduction Bill Clinton achieved great fame and recognition by becoming the President of the leading nation in the world. While his 8 years tenure witnessed several impressive accomplishments that not only brought about considerable improvements within the country, but also boosted its international image, he was also responsible for spawning...

Two Party System in America: Origins, Pros and Cons

Origin The American political scene is centered on two major parties. There are clear reasons as to how democracy was defined in terms of the parties. Democracy is only workable in the existence of parties (Aldrich, 1995). This means that all democratic nations have political parties. The United States in...

Political Campaigns: The Polling Technique

Polling or sampling is the process by which the views of a number of people in a population are taken so as to represent the way the entire population looks at or views a certain issue. Polling is basically carried out in all aspects regarding issues that the public is...

Medical Insurance: Health Care Reform

Background The United States is said to have reached a stage where the status of health care is precarious, primarily because it is simply not sustainable anymore in an environment where there are just under 50 million US citizens uninsured, out of which Massachusetts alone accounts for a figure of...

Europeanization of European Politics

Introduction The impact of European integration studies on the state administrations of the associate states of the European Union (EU) have pointed towards an irregular practice of “Europeanization.” While there has been indisputably growing variety and regularity of links between state administrations and the EU structure. There is small proof...

Assimilation Problems and Nationalism in Works by Bourne, Chatterjee and Yack

The Jew and Transnational America Bourne’s essay titled “the Jew and Transnational America” is a remarkable piece of work in the early twentieth century. It considers the then conceived problem of diversity in America and the author’s attempt to weed out a possible solution. Bourne thus manages to compare the...

Important Federal Policy Changes in Response to September 11

As soon as the two planes collided with the twin towers of the World Trade Center the question that was foremost in the minds of the spectators and the millions of people around the world is this: who can be responsible for such an appalling act? For the many government...

Marxism: The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels

Thesis Statement The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels was claimed to argue about social division and class exploitation. In spite of the fail of communistic regimes in most parts of the world, and the democratization of the former Socialistic camp, the division of the society is still present. Discussion...

The Concept of Political Parties in the United States

Introduction From as early as the 18th century, the need to have the people’s interests represented by some form of political party had begun to arise. As the nation grew, more and more people gained the right to vote. These citizens had opinions on what and how they believed the...

Use of Guns in Us and It Impact Crimes.

Thesis It has always been assumed that to reduce crime the best thing that could be done is to make it harder for the civilian society to have access to guns. Guns have been linked to many crimes in the US some resulting to cases of homicide. In certain cases...

The Surveillance: Explaining Opposing Positions

Introduction The issues of governmental surveillance are not the burning issues of everyday life. Moreover, most people do not even think that there is a possibility that the State can observe their personal lives. However, when the movie “Enemy of the State” appeared on the screens, these issues became quite...

Civilians Are the Foundation of Our Force

It seems like just yesterday that I took command, but it has already been almost six months. In that time, I have been genuinely impressed by the Soldiers and civilians of the 310th MI Battalion – their teamwork allows them to provide world-class technical support to counterintelligence investigations and operations...

Concept of Checks and Balances: A Real-Life Case

According to Patterson, the division of power into branches is highly important in the prevention of power usurpation, tyranny and totalitarian regimes and for maintenance of the democratic political course in the state (Patterson, 2007, p. 28). The classical concepts of checks and balances were coined by Montesquieu and suggested...

Government Influence and Power in US‏

Introduction The government of the United States has gone through tremendous changes with the hope of improving the countries economy and stability. Its current federal system was aimed at apportioning the country into smaller administrative units to enhance governance. The earlier centralized system seemed to lock out some areas in...

Should We Not Abolish Capital Punishment?

Introduction Capital punishment is one of the most debated issues in our time where governments and rulers need more time to decide on – at least that’s what they say. Some governments impose moratorium to allow more ‘breathing space’ before total abrogation can be attained. One reason for postponing the...

UK Data Analysis Report on Investment

Introduction Investment in the UK is a challenge that needs to be viewed carefully by considering a number of important points such as the state of the economy, salary and wages, market segments, and trade fiscals. Having a business in the UK provides a good reputation and gives an entry...

Should Death Penalty Be Abolished in the US?

The death Penalty has always held popular support in the United States since the colonial days. The entire premise of the death penalty hinges on the rationale that the perpetrators of heinous crimes must ‘pay for their crimes with their life so that they cannot commit any more such crimes...

How to Becoming a President of the US

Introduction Becoming a president of the United States can be one of the most demanding jobs in the world. This is because of various constitutional, legislative and political interests. The paper shall look at some specific examples in history. Constitutional crises of the Nixon and Reagan administrations The Nixon presidency...

Powers of the USA Congress

Introduction The Congress is the autonomous legislature of the United States of America government that consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate. The two are constituted of representatives and senators respectively chosen through direct election. The number of representatives is 435 representing districts and serves a two-year term....

International Law in Relation to Nation States

Introduction International law is the law that governs the relationships between bodies that are subjects of this law. These bodies include sovereign nations, international organizations like the United Nations and national freedom movements (Shaw 10). The history of international law dates back to middle Ages. However, in the wake of...

Is the Labour Party Neo-Liberal or Social Democratic?

Introduction First of all, it should be stated that the Labor Party of the United Kingdom is attributed to a center-left wing of the political forces, and it is the current ruling party of the UK. Originally, it should be stated that the party is regarded to be a membership...

Presidential Powers: Official Pardon for Crime Granting

Introduction Presidential powers are the authorities within the executive arm of the government vested in the president during his four-year term in office that is applied in discharging the powers and duties of his office. The president is the commander in chief of the army, naval forces, and the militia...

Capitalism: A Love Affair. Positive and Negative Impacts

Introduction Capitalism and its negative impact on the American society are taboo subjects. Not many people will have the courage to advocate for the overhaul of the system, given that it benefits the few while the majority continues to suffer. Nevertheless, this is not the case with Michael Moore, one...

Can a Case Be Made Against Freedom and Equality?

Brown v. the Board of Education, the Cuban Missile Crisis and NOW’s Statement of Purpose None of the three cases under examination is, at first glance, controversial. All are widely regarded as triumphs for freedom and democracy, and few people would have wanted any of these cases to have been...

The Position of Major Political Parties on Gun Control

Introduction Gun politics and gun control has been one of the most controversial issues in the United States of America politics. The bone of contention mainly stems from the debate on an individual liberty to own a protective weapon in this case a gun and the government’s duty to introduce...

Parliamentary and Presidential Democracy Discussion

Parliamentary democracy At the beginning of the 21st century, parliamentary and presidential democracies are the main forms of power. Parliamentary democracy is a structure of state power wherein the state leaders of the executive branch are appointed by the legislature. In a parliamentary democracy, legislative and executive branches of power...

Isolationism and Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The great depression and isolationism demanded new international policies and relations that would help America to overcome the economic crisis and played an active role in international affairs. Always a consummate politician, Franklin Roosevelt saw an isolationism welling up among the population and veered away from confronting this trend. For...

The Effects of Leftist Movement on Democracy in Latin America

Introduction This paper discusses the contemporary relationship between the adoption of neo-liberal policies by governments, with a special interest devoted to Chile where leftist policies have been in force for over two decades and the related social impact of economic development in geographically adjacent Latin American countries. It seeks to...

Key Points for Abolishing the Death Penalty in the USA

This briefing paper is presented to the American people so that all doubts and plans of retaining the death penalty despite all the Supreme Court rulings and the bad effects of it shall henceforth be erased from our minds. Presented this 14th day of April 2009 by the Concerned Citizens...

Law of the Sea Treaty: The Use of the World’s Seas

The law of the sea treaty is also known as Third United Nations Convention on the law of the Sea, UNCLOS III. The law was adopted in 1982 after it commenced in 1973. The law gives the definition of rights and responsibilities of nations regarding the use of the world’s...

Political Satire and Stephen Colbert

In the changeable world of politics the words are almost always do not relate to the particular actions. In this respect on the controversies of what politics do and how they act the satirical genre appears. Political satire is the field where the concrete remarks and actions of politics are...

Death Penalty as a Cruel Murder

Introduction Death Penalty or Capital Punishment is the lawful infliction of death as a punishment of a crime called capital offence or capital crime. The death penalty has lately become an increasingly controversial issue not only in the world, but in the U.K too, with many in this country calling...

The Success of Workers’ Party Advert and Its Role in the Political Campaign

Introduction Advertising is an essential part of every political campaign. Nowadays, advertising has a broader meaning than selling products. “The word (advertising) refers us not only to a type of message but to a type of speech and, beyond that, to a whole communicative function which is associated with a...

United States Embargo Against Cuba

Introduction The United States of America has been in the past put several sanctions and embargoes against several countries, particularly those nations that it believes are sponsoring terrorism. Such embargoes are mainly liked to effecting restrictions on finances and economic assistances. Countries that have suffered this fate include Sudan, North...

Challenges of Democracy Promotion in the United States

The challenges of democracy in the United States center on promotion of democracy in all the government systems and departments. This is because Americans have built a long history of democracy since its independence. A good example is the opposition to women suffrage are the challengers of democracy. Authoritarianism in...

Causes of Economic Downturn in California

It is said that when things are going well throughout the nation, they are even better in California and worst when faced with a national economic recession (Gerston and Christensen 20). In the current downturn, California had lost more than 100,000 jobs in 2007 and its unemployment rate was 8.2...

International Organizations Role in Globalization Process

In recent decades, the process of Globalization has been changing the very theoretical premise, upon which the concept of international relations was based, throughout the course of the last three centuries. Whereas, before the advent of Globalization and the rise of neoLiberalism, only the independent states were considered legitimate actors...

The Role Kennedy in the Policy of Vietnam

I will answer the second question first because that will make it easier to answer the first question. How did the Gulf of Tonkin resolution change the face of the Vietnam War? As Kenneth Davis points out, before this incident America’s involvement in Vietnam was advisory, that is, the US...

Hiring Prior Military for a Job

To begin with, it is a question of great inquisitiveness: whether military background helps people in hiring job or not? First, employers are seeking workers who have an idea of how their knowledge, experience, habits or skills meet the requirements of definite job. Two things take place when one is...

Canadian Government Regulation on Telecommunication and Broadcasting

Introduction Most governments regulate telecommunications and broadcasting, whereas newspapers, book and magazine publishing, video and filmmaking, and sound recording are not regulated. Instead, governments have support policies for the latter cultural industries. The essay looks into the nature of government policies that regulate telecommunication and broadcasting and those that support...

Executive Branch of State Government – The Governor

Brief history The governors of the United States could as well be regarded as the chief executive of their respective states. In fact, they initially headed the American colonies, which later on became known as the union states. The roles of the American governor have also evolved with the making...

President Harry S Truman and the Bomb

Introduction When President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died on the 12th of April, 1945 his Vice President of eighty-two days’ standing, Harry S. Truman was sworn in as the new Commander-in-Chief, taking over at one of the most critical junctures in history. Although Truman’s achievements are many, his presidency will always...

America Is Becoming a Fascist Country

Introduction The United States of America has been always known as a country ardently fighting for human rights. However, in the light of the latest events, the experts on right-wing politics and culture continue claiming that the country is confidently moving towards becoming a fascist state. Fascism can be defined...

Welfare State. Ensuring the Well-being of Citizens

Outline The research paper discusses an argumentative topic about Libertarian views on Welfare State. The essay begins with an introduction that describes the term Welfare State and it ends with a thesis statement. The body of the essay includes role of Welfare State, Welfare State and the immigrants, libertarian views...

Ireland and the European Union

Introduction The coexistence of the countries in the world and in the European community has always been a complicated matter involving political, economic, social, and cultural aspects. The post-World War II global community felt the eternal need of security and mutual protection against any military or economic threat. Thus, the...

Political Geography. The United States Census

Introduction It is compulsory for the Government to count all U.S. inhabitants after every 10 years; a function conducted by the census bureau. This is a government run agency mandated with the overall role of gathering, analyzing and disseminating national population and economic information. This information is important for the...

Marx’s Criticism of Capitalism and Sociological Theory

Introduction Sociology involves the study of how groups of people behave towards each other (Bratton, Denham &Deutschmann 2009, P.14) A theory is a set of frameworks or concepts that, if taken together, attempt to show how a given occurrence happens the way it does. Sociological theory determines actions of human...

U.S. Navy History and Concept

Introduction “Honor, Courage and Commitment”, words, which are simple in perception, while having such a weight for anyone, who decided dedicating his/her life serving in the United States Navy. Although these words can be related to the military service in general, the principles of core values are associated with the...

Should English Be Official or the Law?

Currently, many American scholars and policy-makers briskly debate the question of whether English should be declared the official or even national language of the United States. To some extent, this controversy is connected with the fact that the number of Spanish-speaking people in the country has dramatically increased over recent...

West Virginia Politics in 1999-2009

West Virginia is a unique state of America. Its history and its creation are closely related to the most significant events of the American nation. Established during the Civil War, it became one of the first states with particular attention toward American values. Furthermore, the state is versatile in the...

The Israeli and the Palestinian People in Conflict

The student dictionary by Thorndike-Barnhart defines a conflict as a fight or struggle over something. The situation between the Palestines and the Israelis falls nothing short of this definition. The two states have been at it from the early 20th century up to date. Though many methods have been employed...

Censorship in Cuba and Trends for Change

The Republic of Cuba is an island in the Caribbean, located between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean (CIA, 2009). Among many facts about Cuba, such as the militaristic regime, communism, Fidel Castro, cigars, etc, with which Cuba can be associated, there are a prominent historical issue that...

Venezuela: Political and Economical Introduction

The country is located on the northern part of South America. Its continental territory limits are the Caribbean Sea to the North; the Atlantic Ocean and the Republic of Guyana to the East; the Republic of Brazil to the South and the Republic of Colombia to the West. Venezuela has...

The Legislation Process in Virginia

The state of Virginia is found in the southern part of the United States. It is also called mother of presidents because eight of the US presidents were born in Virginia. Richmond is the capital and Virginia Beach has the highest population among its cities while Fairfax County is a...

The English-Only Movement Debate

Abstract English-only debate has started a political debate in the US over the issue of multiculturalism and national identity. 28 states have passed the English-only law however; the law has not been accepted by the House and the Senate even after numerous proposals to amend the constitution. This article discusses...

Influences on Public Policies

Introduction In any country, it is the Government which makes policies and regulates the law and order. “Public policy can be generally defined as a system of laws, regulatory measures, courses of action, and funding priorities concerning a given topic promulgated by a governmental entity or its representatives.” (Kilpatrick, n.d,...

Obama’s Health Care System Reform

Introduction Obama’s new national health plan tailored for all Americans has been one of the best among all other plans brought by previous presidents. While it is important to note that a good healthcare plan was one of the most important needs for the people of America, it was not...

The Two Party System in the United States

The two-party systems have been adopted in the United States for many years, and it has been realized that the political system in the United States cannot survive without the two-party systems. Some of the main advantages that have been realized in this case are the reduction in corruption, increase...

Death Penalty Validity as a Form of Punishment

Outline This paper attempts to assess the validity of death penalty as a form of punishment for controlling the increasing crime rates. In doing so, it will first examine the arguments for death penalty, analyze whether the gist of these arguments are met by awarding capital punishment. Then the paper...

Alexander Hamilton, The Founding Wizard

The founding wizard is an article on the Founding Fathers of our great nation. The article tries to bring to the fore how the leaders used their wisdom other than political inclinations to make great decisions that have continued to be benchmarks in our society. The article as well demonstrates...

Quality Management in UAE Army

Table of Contents Acknowledgements Executive Summary Research Methodology UAE Army: Organizational Background Fundamental Background and Importance of Quality Role and Influence of Customers in Setting Quality Measures Understanding Quality System UAE Army Formal and Informal Systems Customers and Their Expectations: Organizational Assessment Strategic Planning Quality Monitoring in Organization and Key...

Child Welfare Policy in the US Critique

Outline Child welfare has generated a lot of interest in the recent years; a phenomenon that might have began with backing from some research findings that scrutinized the existing child welfare practices. The principle goal of the child welfare is to provide each and every child with a safe and...

A Security Service Plot against Harold Wilson

The geopolitical situation in the twentieth century was under the force of change by virtue of some historical shifts in many countries. The major ones, like The USSR, the United States of America and the UK, provided several designs of turning situations and current events in their favour separately or...

The German Ideology by Karl Marx

Introduction Karl Marx is one of the greatest contributors in the field of political ideology. His perspective of ideology was brought out clearly in the book The German Ideology in which he coauthored with Frederick Engels. Through this book, Marx gives insight in the issue of political ideology. Accordingly, this...

Pluralism and State Autonomy Description

Introduction There is the participation of different groups such as formal and informal groups based on religion, ethnicity, and language in a politically pluralistic society. State autonomy always comes to the decision independently of the dominant class. This paper presents what is pluralism and state autonomy. It gives some of...

Employee Relations and Strikes

Introduction The number of strikes in UK has decreased in the last 25 years. This information was released by the office of national statistics in 1999. (Turnbull 2004) noted that the number of dispute that has been recoded has declined. The number of workers who participated in this strikes has...

United States of America. Limited Government

Introduction The dispute about measures of individual freedom as contrasted to the unifying, authoritative body of power is one of the most intense ones in the USA. The reason for this lies within the scope of the US founding principles that gave practically unlimited authority to people who were entitled...

Public Administration and Its Role

Overview This paper examines the role of civil servants in the formulation and implementation of public administration through policymaking. It is often seen that public funds may not be properly channelized into productive areas aimed at ameliorating the plight of people for whom such disbursements are meant. As the supreme...

Modern Day Application of Socialism

Abstract This paper focuses on the modern day application of socialism in western economies. It describes specific actions taken by western governments with the man focus being the US in minimizing the effect of the current economic recession but which have some underlying characteristics of socialism. It demonstrates the recent...

Republican and Democratic Parties Major Differences

Introduction Many political ideologies exist in the U.S. ranging from far right-wing conservatism to far-leftist philosophy. However, only two major parties, Republican and Democratic, are available to represent this vast range of viewpoints. Ideologies are formed by a person’s innermost beliefs, cultivated by years of thought and shaped by life’s...

The Influence of Communism in European Labour Unions in the 20th century

Introduction The 20th century saw the passing existence of all the ideologies but socialism and communism lasted longer before giving in to democracy. Between the two, Communism has lasted longer than socialism in the 20th century (Furet, 2000). Deeper roots and a widespread extension are evident in communism with its...

State Formation and Law Basis for It

The approach given to the right interpretation of the Constitution is supposed with the group of people known as Publius. This pseudonym was taken by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in their reciprocal activities and efforts to make closer relation to all democratic flows. Such urge was concerned...

Growing Communities of Western Australia Project

Introduction The Growing Communities WA project is supposed to end in mid-2010. We are going to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of either making it a separate legal entity or let it remain as it is. Advantages of letting the project remain as it is Growing Communities in Western Australia...

UN Significance in Politics of Minority Peoples’ Claims

Generally, it is obvious that wherever an organization is formed, it will experience a certain degree of opposition regarding its intended purpose, and the United Nations (UN) formation was of no exception. Politics are mostly the questioners of the UN activities from the time it was formed and mandated with...

Water Sector Privatisation in Saudi Arabia

Executive summary This research paper explores the decision by the Ministry of Water and Electricity (MoWE) in Saudi Arabia to form the National Water Company (NWC) as a vehicle to facilitate privatisation process and oversee the regional operations under Private Pubic Partnership contracts (PPP). Consequently, 5,000 employees moved from MoWE...

Nicolas Sarkozy’s Economic Stimulus Package

Introduction Sarkozy is the present president of the French conservative party namely UMPS. In the presidential election held in 2007, he won nearly about 85% of the vote. The number of members of UMP has significantly increased during his presidency. Sarkozy extended his support to the Yes in the French...

Economic Development: International Trade Debate

The world is too difficult to judge of it categorically. People live within positive and negative conditions and the instinct for self-preservation drives people to take great pains in order to survive in cruel realities. In this respect I would like to mention that every material thing helps people promote...

Democratic Capitalism and Individual Liberty

Democratic capitalism is the economic and political system that is based on individual’s potentials in an environment of cooperation and trust. In democratic capitalism the leadership is only charged to harmonize the cooperative nature of the individuals. America, which in all sense is seen as the world symbol of capitalism,...

Keeping Guantanamo Bay Open Review

Introduction Guantanamo Bay is located in the Cuba and is one of the oldest overseas naval base of the United States. The bay was leased in the year 1903 with 45 square miles of space for a coaling station. However, today Guantanamo bay is known for a much publicized conversion...

Japan and China: Political Systems

As a subfield within the larger discipline that is political science, comparative politics may be defined as “a combination of a substantive focus on the study of countries’ political systems and a method of identifying and explaining similarities and differences between these countries using common concepts” (Mair, 1996). There are...

The Feasibility of Transforming Iraq into a Democratic Nation

America’s involvement in Iraq has often been called by some strategic experts as the worst strategic decision since the Vietnam War. The continuing U.S. efforts to transform the authoritarian, multi-ethnic, and religiously divided Iraq into a liberal, democratic, capitalist, and secular nation-state is facing considerable difficulty and this essay aims...

Kurds in Iraq: Will They Declare Their Own State?

Introduction The Kurds are a Persian ethno-linguistic group of people occupying most of the hilly parts on the junction boundaries of Turkey, Iran, Iraq as well as Syria. Carole O’Leary writes that, after WWII and the split of the Ottoman Empire, these people were assured of their independent state through...

Critical Infrastructure: Major Vulnerabilities

The vulnerability of critical infrastructure in the United States post experiences of 9/11 and natural disasters like Hurricane Katrina have generated intense debate amongst the academia, government circles, and the media. This essay examines the vulnerabilities in US critical infrastructure. The government has a National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) that...

Community-Oriented Policing: Definition and Implementation Strategies

Community policing has gained impetus in the recent past in an effort to enhance the safety of the public and the quality of life in communities. This new approach is especially important in this era of recession, high unemployment rates, and increased crime. Frequent budget cuts and a low number...

Stopping Corruption in USA Government Agencies

Introduction The world of political affairs is full of different processes which are concerned with peoples’ urges for money and power. Such evaluation of the contemporary situation over this field of activities is not surprising. Many ordinary people constantly run across the situations considered with bureaucracy and corruption in the...

Gun Politics in the State of New Jersey

The United States is the place where democracy has come to the issue overgrowing protection. By this one should understand that the American nation is the most armed place in the world. In New Jersey this reading is growing every now and then. The Obama’s new gun policy is not...

Race in America and the Role of Government in Equality of Opportunity

Slavery in American began as early as the 17th century in 1607 when the first slaves arrived in the state of Virginia. It existed as a legal institution until the Thirteenth Amendment was enacted in 1865. Blacks formed the largest number of slaves although some Native Americans and some free...

Ideal Theory of International Political Economy

Introduction First of all, the definition of “international political economy” should be stated. Frieden and Lake (1999, p. 1) state that political economy has a number of meanings. It may primarily refer to “the study of the political basis of economic actions”, that is the way how the policy of...

Compromise for the Greater Good of the US

The ideology I stand most by is liberal: pure liberals want the government to reduce economy in equality regulate the business, tax the rich heavily, deal with crime by addressing its economic causes, protect the ride of the accused criminals, allow abortion and prostitution on demand and guarantee the broadest...

Military Forces in the Twenty-First Century

The twentieth century was a century where the military force of a country played a significant role in its social, economic and political life. The advent of two world wars and a half-century-long ‘cold war’ made the military to be the focus of many societies. The so-called ‘conventional warfare’ required...

Lowering the Drinking Age in the United States

Introduction A major issue that the US faces now is teenage or under-age binge drinking. Binge drinking means heavy drinking for several days together. Today in the US, the term means drinking heavily at once, for example; five or more drinks in a row by men and four or more...

Should the U.S. Resume a Millitary Draft?

Introduction Is there a need for the draft today? Or has the need diminished since Mr. Obama took over the reins from Mr. Bush Jr.? Recall that early in April 2004, head of Central Command Gen. John Abizaid raised the prospect of a draft on the grounds that the U.S....

Smoking and Public Policy in the United States

During the 19th century, not many people of the developing industrial era were in favor of restrictions and policies, which banned smoking. However, at the turn of the next century a number of moral and social reformers irritated and annoyed with the local people who used to consume tobacco and...

US and Jamaican Stimulus Packages Comparison

Introduction By December 2007, the collapse of the U.S. home mortgage market and the resultant asset quality catastrophe at lending institutions had, as feared, exercised a domino effect on many sectors of the economy: gross domestic product had indeed declined two quarters in a row. The recession was officially on....

An Army Officer’s Role: Ethical & Social Prospects

Introduction Competent leaders of character are necessary for the Army to meet the challenges in the dangerous and complex security environment we face. PETER J. SCHOOMAKER (FM 6-22). The role of the army in the United States is rather high for young representatives of its society. People of America tend to illustrate...

Continuing Inequalities in America

Some say that this is an egalitarian society. Nothing is further from the truth because in reality there is a “system of continuing inequalities” and this can be seen when it comes to race, gender, and sexual orientation. Those who believe that equality is the norm in this country, they...

Islam and Muslims’ Life in Xinjiang Province, China

Introduction The Republic of China is a predominantly Buddhist nation thus denoting that the experiences of Muslims in Xinjiang province are an analysis of individuals living as minorities. To some extent, this religious status has brought upon the people of Xinjiang province some developments but on the other hand, it...

Youthful View of the American Dream During Uncertain Economic Times

The close of the year 2008 saw one of the most troubled last quarter years for the United States. With the collapse of the financial market, people lost their jobs, their investments, and their savings. Most people either lost hope in the American Dream or worse, became a disgusted member...

US Military Overseas Commitments

Introduction North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a military alliance which was formed by the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty in the year 1949. NATO headquarters are located in a Belgium city known as Brussels. The association practices a system known as collective defense, whereby its member countries agree...

Death Penalty Abolition: Why It Is Needed?

Introduction Death punishment is a form of capital punishment in which a person who is convicted of having committed a crime or an offence is sentenced to death. Many a time death penalty or what is famously referred to as capital punishment is referenced to as a death sentence (Curtis...

Capitalist Modernity in the 19th and the 20th Century

This essay examines the problems, discomforts, benefits, and drawbacks created by capitalist modernity in the 19th and 20th centuries and its impact on human society. After defining what capitalist modernity means in the introduction, the essay then examines the problems/discomforts created by capitalist modernity. The essay first discusses the environmental...

Marijuana Should Be Legalized in the United States

Introduction Marijuana is perhaps one of the most misunderstood drugs in today’s society. Unlike other hard drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamines, marijuana is grown naturally. It is a greenish gray mixture of dried and broken leaves, stems, seeds and flowers from the Cannabis Sativa plant. It has been illegal...

Labour Market Segmentation: Neo-Liberalism

Unlike the neo-classical economic theory, which recognized labor as a homogenous commodity, capitalists acknowledged that labor is not an entirely homogenous commodity. Employees have a tendency to disagree on how they spend in preparation and edification, work experience and job skills also; they vary in their preferences and tastes. They...

Public Accountability and Ethical Conduct

How much reliance is to be placed on formal prescriptions and control mechanisms and degree of trust to be pinned on inner compasses of persons with public responsibilities? It is necessary that a certain degree of reliance needs to be placed on formal prescriptions and control mechanisms which, in essence,...

What is the Northern Territory Intervention?

21st June 2009 is the second anniversary of the intervention of the Federal Government in the Northern Territory. Even though the intervention received widespread accreditation and media coverage, very little is known regarding the outcome of the Intervention itself. What actually is the nature of the intervention and why was...

Contemporary American Politics: Comprehensive Analysis

Introduction Politics is the specific matter for analysis, especially when the subject to be analyzed is American politics. It is obvious that during the recent decades the American political life on the whole, and presidential election campaigns in particular, has become more like a popular show aimed at catching the...

Citizens and Liberal Government

As a general outlook on the liberal ideology in America, this ideology delineates a system of government where the emphasis is put on the intervention in the economy to respond appropriately to the market forces. Hence, in that sense, liberal ideology views taxation as a means of wealth redistribution and...

New Labour Is Thatcherism With a Social Conscience

When the New Labour Party won the elections in May 1997, incoming Prime Minister Tony Blair promised to govern “as New Labour”, hinting to the public not to expect socialism. The years of Tony Blair’s premiership will probably be recorded as primarily the institutionalization of Thatcherism. During the years of...