Donald Trump’s President Impeachment

Since the beginning of his presidency, Trump has made a plethora of questionable decisions and taken quite a range of actions that might not coincide with the existing code of ethics or even common sense. Therefore, the doubt concerning his legitimacy as a president, that is, the person who represents...

Donald Trump’s Qualities of the Best President

In the long history of the United States, there have been many various presidents. Each of them left a tremendous effect on the development of the economy. The 45th president won the elections despite the vast range of factors against him. Undoubtedly, the characteristics of the strong leader had significantly...

“Stand Your Ground” Laws Protect Citizens

The American Constitution provision several provisions that allow people to exercise their liberties and live freely in the country, such as the Bill of Rights. These principles have become the foundation of the ethical and security issues many citizens have to experience in their respective societies. People in different regions...

Brazil and the United States Relations

Introduction Brazil is the most powerful country in the South American continent. Its social-economic status evokes the diplomatic enthusiasm of the United States of America[1]. To determine a country’s status in the sphere of global and regional leadership, three dimensions are critical to examine. These include territorial, economic, and military...

Classical and Individual Conservatives: Conservative Freedom

Classical conservatives define freedom as a privilege that must be controlled from reaching chaotic behaviors. Freedom itself is a good thing but when people are allowed to do whatever they want, they start to act in their interests and to the detriment of society. The government exists, so that it...

Public and Private Sector in Management

Introduction There is a difference between public and private management. This paper will look at the differences between these two sectors of management. Public and private organizations have been seen from different perspectives, which vary from one person to another. This is a subject that has been there from time...

International Relations Article Review

Writer and importance The article is written by Robert A. Schupp and Richard L. Ohlemacher who represent the journal of international affairs. The relevance of the article is to demystify certain issues related shadow economies. It covers the socioeconomic aspects of shadow economies inclusive of the themes that arise from...

Concepts of Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism, Democracy

Authoritarianism and Totalitarianism The form of the political power exercised in a state can be used to determine the ideology behind such power. In that regard, the analysis of the legal framework of Singapore and the events of 2009 leads to the conclusion that the form of power is authoritarian....

Personalism and Patrimonialism in Developing Countries

The whole history of humanity is characterized by the never stopping process of development: existing society’s development and appearance of new societies and states. In terms of each society development it is possible to distinguish such phenomena as personalism and patrimonialism, they can be traced in all countries to a...

Business and Multinational Companies Internationalization

Introduction Analyzing international business in general, it can be stated that at the advent of the 21st century it became such a universal and pervasive phenomenon of modern civilization that it is practically impossible to provide an unambiguous definition of what it stands for. Attempting to reach a constructive definition,...

The Industrial Revolution and Class Conflict

Introduction with Thesis Statement Industrial revolution has impacts which are both economical and social with social scientists and philosophers working hard to have a clear understanding of the changes that are taking place. Marx found that there was class conflict between the proletariat and the capitalists where modern industries have...

Trade in Singapore: Economic and Political Aspects

Executive Summary After a long heritage of colonial exploitation, Singapore has evidenced as a high per capita ranged country and a remarkable free trade zone with significant economic development. Thus, it is necessary to study the political economy of Singapore. This paper has involved doing so with starting form country...

America’s 2000 Presidential Elections

Introduction The 2000 presidential elections in America saw a heated contest between George W. Bush, who vied as a republican candidate and Al Gore, who was a democrat candidate. The then incumbent president Bill Clinton was leaving the office after serving for two terms in the office as provided by...

Leadership and Organizational Behavior: U.S. and India

Moving into a new market is considered to be a difficult step because organizations have to experience newer trends and they have to incorporate issues like new communication channels, culture, and human resources. These factors must be kept in mind when organizations are opting for an entry strategy in a...

How Democratic Is the American Constitution?

Constitution is a government agreement whereby it obtains full authority from the governed. It defines the composition of the government, the purpose of the government, and the authorities of each government department. In addition, the relationship between the states, the public, how the government institutions are related to each other,...

Culture and Its Relationship to Fundamentalism of Modern Iran

Introduction Culture has been defined as a set of symbols, values, artefacts, language and values that defines the members of a society. In the case of Iran, the current regime that came into power during the 1979 Islamic revolution wished to revert back the country back to the traditions, away...

How Does ‘Police Culture’ Influence Police Practice?

Introduction Police culture is influenced by a number of social and political factors which determine its main functions and internal structure. Police accounts take the efficacy of law for granted: it is assumed that any important variation in the impact of rules (so long as they are competently drafted) is...

Water Sector Privatisation in Saudi Arabia

Executive summary This research paper explores the decision by the Ministry of Water and Electricity (MoWE) in Saudi Arabia to form the National Water Company (NWC) as a vehicle to facilitate privatisation process and oversee the regional operations under Private Pubic Partnership contracts (PPP). Consequently, 5,000 employees moved from MoWE...

Life in the Army of the United States

Life in the army is much more than drilling on the parade grown and firing the musket. It is a unique transformational experience that teaches an individual how to fit into a robotic system of rules and regulations with higher values instilled in him during training. A new recruit has...

What is the Northern Territory Intervention?

21st June 2009 is the second anniversary of the intervention of the Federal Government in the Northern Territory. Even though the intervention received widespread accreditation and media coverage, very little is known regarding the outcome of the Intervention itself. What actually is the nature of the intervention and why was...

China’s Foreign Policies and Influence on East Asia

Abstract This paper gives a critical look at China in terms of regional integration in the East Asia region. The main topic of this paper touches on China and regional integration in the East Asia and the challenges that must be overcome. This paper takes an analytical approach into the...

Organization Effectiveness of a Police Department

Police organization is based on strict rules and delegation of authority, a span of control, and stipulated duties. The organization is important for the police department because it allows it to delegate and separate functions and maintain strict control of overall activities. For the police department, the establishment, evaluation, and...

English as the Official Language of the US

Introduction Despite English being the official language of more than fifty nations globally, it is yet to become the official language of the United States of America. If English is made the official language, it means that all government operations must be carried out using the language and that no...

Austria’s Entry into European Union Analysis

Late 1980s were more eventful in the economic and political setting of Europe. With the weakening of the Cold war, European Community was undergoing transformation and new power and trade relations were emerging. An integration drive was initiated by European Community, including those neutral countries that had a prosperous existence...

An Alliance With America Analysis

An alliance is an agreement between two parties. These agreements are founded on the pursuit of a common goal or target, which can be determined over a period of time. When a country agrees to have an alliance with another country, the implication is that the country may have an...

Management Information Systems: A Necessary Infringement of Privacy

 Introductory Abstract Management Information Systems (MIS) have evolved basically as tools or processes that aid in the effective management of an organization. This helps make prudent business decisions in the organization. Essentially, through an MIS, data is converted to information, which is then analyzed, and the results studied and made...

Internationalism: The Issue of Transitional Crime

Introduction Transnational crimes can be seen to affect the democracy of a nation and the economic growth of that country in that it affects the trade of that country by draining the available assets of that country and hence as a result, transnational crimes should be discouraged. Also, transitional crimes...

Why Cameras Should Be Placed in Public Places

Introduction Privacy is one of the rights people living in a democratic country enjoy. They are free to do or think whatever they wish until it does not violate other people’s rights, of course. Therefore, this right is highly valued as the members of a democratic society place the highest...

America as a Superpower and the World’s Police

Introduction with Thesis After World War II, the USA became the most powerful actor in the political arena. The country’s role was growing internationally, and it became known as the world’s “police.” There was hardly any serious event in which the USA would not participate. Frequently, the side taken by...

Low Voter Turnout in Texas and Its Causes

Voter turnout within different states significantly influences the results of the elections. When it comes to voting, such a factor as voter eligibility is considered. Among various provinces, the number of people who can legally vote differs. In Texas, throughout decades, voter turnout has been lower in comparison to the...

Is the United States a Benevolent Hegemon or a Malevolent Hegemon?

Introduction The United States has been embroiled in world politics for more than a hundred years. In that regard, its foreign policy has been a major investment with regard to time and money. After World War II, the foreign policy aimed at halting the spread of communism, which came to...

Future of Operational Environment

Introduction It can be argued that the operations of the Army are affected by several environmental factors. These components are the diplomatic relations with other states, technological advancements, economic situation, and others. Army leaders should study anticipated changes that may affect their operational activity in the future to command efficiently...

The Concept of Progressivism

Introduction The rise of the Progressives was caused by the impact of industrialization on US businesses. Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most prominent members of the party, and his explanations provided the central notions of the movement succinctly. In 1912, Roosevelt delivered a speech in Kentucky, where he discussed...

Ideal Citizen Nazi German in a Totalitarian Government

Introduction Hitler’s quick and unimpeded rise to power in the early 1930s was followed by the development and radicalization of the national ideology. Nowadays, Nazism is seen as the extreme form of fascism and encompasses a subset of ideologies including antisemitism and scientific racism. This essay will discuss how government...

“The Public Realm and the Common Good” by Kunstler

Introduction The journalist James Howard Kunstler is a supporter of the new urbanism, which promotes various civic amenities, such as walkable neighborhoods and a new sense of community feeling. More than that, this movement actively resists urban sprawl, which is considered to have a negative impact on the environment in...

US Presidential Qualifications and Need to Change

Introduction Being a president of the United States is a highly influential position that requires a significant degree of responsibility and awareness of the existing challenges the country faces. The current requirements for this job include three qualifications, which will be discussed below. This paper argues that the current criteria...

“Gross National Happiness in Bhutan” Article by Kelly

There is no doubt that the level of happiness can be listed among the most important factors that are taken into consideration to estimate the prosperity in a certain country. As it is clear from the article written by Kelly (2012), the authorities in Bhutan take this principle into account...

Florida Legislative Matrix and Representatives

District State Governor: Rick Scott Rick Scott is the 45th Governor of Florida. The primary focus of his activities is job creation and improvement of the state economy (“Meet Governor Scott,” n.d.). Governor is interested in improving health care as well. As an entrepreneur, he specialized in healthcare transactions aimed...

Emmett Till Murder Analysis as a Critical Incident

Ochberg (2014) provides an efficient model that can help analyze critical incidents. It is possible to apply the method to consider the Emmett Till murder case. It is possible to start the analysis with the Red Blob (Ochberg, 2014). Thus, a teenaged African American (14 years old) was killed in...

Government Program Termination in the USA

Why are government programs seldom terminated? Usually, if the evaluation of some program shows that its findings are negative, it is terminated. If it becomes known that there was some inefficiency or fraud, the same thing happens. And, of course, in the case of negative benefit-cost ratios, the program is...

E-Government and Information Age Management

Introduction The gradual development of technological science in the contemporary world has remained the most anticipated issue in any developed and developing economy (Ackerman & Sandoval 2006). Technological advancements in recent decades have resulted in the adoption of specific approaches to improve service provision in both governmental and non-governmental organisations...

Wallerstein’s Contribution to Development Theory

Immanuel Wallerstein maintains that the world-system should be used as a primary unit in social analysis rather than nation-states. The world system contributes to development theory because it is dynamic and over time, different countries constitute core countries. He highlights some of the benefits of globalization. Globalization is the only...

Public Diplomacy Profession, Its Significance, and Career

In the world of nowadays, communication is gaining importance and power. The modern world has made a serious leap concerning the level of communication over the last several decades. Scientists came up with the technologies allowing free and speedy communication almost in every corner of the planet. In the contemporary...

The Care Policy of Disabled Children in Jeddah

Disabled children care policy evaluation Policies are useful for business and non-profit organizations as well as governmental agencies and non-governmental organizations. Just like the policies for other organizations that are developed in line with the organizational objectives (Policy, p.15), the government policies should be developed and enacted in line with...

John Stuart Mill’s Political Hierarchy

The ideas and theories of major philosophers John Stuart Mill and Plato are without a doubt essential to our study and interpretation of politics. One of Plato’s greatest works, The Republic, and Mill’s On Liberty and other essays, offer us some crucial insight about the concepts of knowledge and political...

The Power of Political Rhetoric: Article Review

Introduction Political history is often determined by hindsight judgment and attempts to connect the success or failure of particular political enterprises with perceived virtues and beliefs of each side compared to actions used to promote said political agendas. However, as it often is in politics, major leaders rarely say what...

The Impact of Public Consultation in Australia

Summary The impact of public consultation in Australia is scrutinized by Kerley and Starr (2000). The authors acknowledge that the new concept of public consultation is an overseas trend as implied by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). There are six benefits or values of implementing public consultation...

Barack Obama’s Campaign Ad Analysis

In 2008, Barack Obama ran for a second term in office. He wanted to achieve something that has eluded past presidents of his homeland, and that is to become a two-term President of the United States. To accomplish his goal he decided to produce a TV commercial that would allow...

Public Goods and “Free Rider” Problem

Introduction Public goods are crucial to society. They include essential and non-essential aspects of modern life. However, despite their importance, they are often damaged by careless or deliberately malicious legislations, natural disasters, and other issues. This paper will present an overview of public goods, the challenges that affect them, and...

The Industrial Age Impact and the Rise of Capitalism

It is a common truth that those people who do not remember the past have a limited opportunity to understand the real nature of things that happen to their society. The mindset of the society has experienced significant changes during the last centuries; however, the repercussions of older values can...

Western Australia Police Communications Centre’s Change

Introduction The WA Police Communications Centre is a vital organ of the regions police force, primarily because it provides for an ideal way for members of the public to reach the organization for help and support. However, the job is very challenging because, by its nature, it involves constantly listening...

Violation of the Human Right to Life: Death Penalty

The problem of the death penalty cannot be separated from the general concept of human rights as it violates the paramount right of a human to life. In particular, the death penalty is contrary to the international legal standards in the field of human rights, violating the universally recognized norms...

Balance of Power Theory and Modern World Order

The modern world is characterized by a great deal of instability that can threaten the world order established after the Second World War. It becomes clear that the created paradigms are inefficient in meeting the challenges of the world that ceased to be two-pole over two decades ago. The issues...

Political Parties in Canada: Ideological Analysis

Analysis The abundance of issues discussed during the election can be overwhelming for an average voter. Some believe that there is no significant difference between the stands of the major federal political parties. Canadian government encounters this problem as well. The choice between the three major Canadian political forces: the...

Leadership within Non-Profits Organizations

Introduction Statement of the Problem Nowadays, non-profit organizations, particularly charity ones, have a serious impact on society in the USA and the whole world. Since it is leadership that shapes the image and guide the actions of an organization, it is highly important to invest time and efforts in studying...

National, State and Community Asset Mapping: Pennsylvania

Abstract Providing the members of a specific community with the necessary services is a challenging task unless the local infrastructure is flawless. Therefore, it is crucial to make sure that the community institutions cooperate successfully. Thus, efficient healthcare services can be provided to the target population. The Indian Creek Foundation...

Closing the Gap Policy for Indigenous Australians

Introduction Aboriginal Australians have for long preserved their native cultures, which are significantly different from those of immigrants. Racial discrimination is a common phenomenon in Australia due to this difference in cultural backgrounds between the two groups. The non-indigenous Australians are the majority, and thus they have great influence in...

Post-Colonialism in Nigeria, Jamaica, and Congo

Introduction The post-colonial review of three countries, Nigeria, Jamaica, and Congo, shows that there is a great deal of progress made towards self-governance. The governments in the various countries set up institutions for governance, and they appear to have matured in the democratic representation of the people. Thus, in all...

The Concept of Democracy in Political Theory

Introduction and Background The concept of democracy is familiar to most people. Developed first in ancient Greece, democracy came to flourish in the 20th century, when decolonization, economic circumstances, and the establishment of just political rules led to the popularity of democratic institutions. Today, the majority of western societies have...

Representative Democracy Crisis: Causes and Responses

Introduction In the contemporary world, representative democracy is believed to be an elementary principle. In fact, the ideal of democracy in Europe for instance is based on the representative democracy. The model of democracy is designed in line with reverence to human civil liberties and the tenets of bylaw. In...

Law Enforcement Cameras as an Invasion of Privacy

Introduction Law enforcement cameras continue to raise ethical issues, despite the fact that they limit criminal activities in public areas. Despite the existence of the positive outcomes of law enforcement cameras in law enforcement, people still think that the cameras are an invasion of privacy. A rise in the number...

The Provision of Social Amenities for Illegal Immigrants

Introduction Over the ages, the US has been regarded by many individuals as a land of great opportunities. For most individuals, it is a fantasy to reside in the United States, a nation in which opportunity beckons at the corner. Even though a majority of individuals have actualized their fantasies...

Government: Transportation Policy

Introduction A realistic and practical transport policy paper must take cognizance of key factors that have the potential to significantly enlarge or limit its scope (IPCC, 2007 and DoE/DoT (Department of Transport) (1994). The introduction of 2002 transport policy that in UK that seeks to tax car drivers according to...

Personal and Political Pacifism

Personal pacifism as stated by Reitan refers “to that personal commitment to non violence, essentially not construed under the general obligation to abstain from violence and …not to express the belief that all persons ought to oppose violence under every circumstance indented to”. Going per the above definition it appears...

Blair Doctrine from Moral Perspective

Most wars involve land interests. The idea of war as a rescue of people in danger of a humanitarian catastrophe might seem noble. However, what are the criteria that allow one nation to interfere with another hiding behind the idea to help? In the middle of the Kosovo conflict, the...

The Houston Police Department’s Services and Challenges

Introduction The Houston Police department (HPD) serves the city of Texas as the primary agency for law enforcement. The agency’s mission is to improve quality of life, preserve peace, and reduce fear through working cooperatively with other offices, such as the Sherriff’s office, under the US constitution. The agency is...

Combatants vs. Civilians: What Are the Distinctions?

Introduction The variation among combatants and civilians was first established in the St. Petersburg Proclamation, which asserted that the valid primary goal that jurisdictions should aspire for during combat is to decimate the adversary’s armed units. Based on this principle of distinction, the Geneva Convention developed a clause that restricts...

Refugees and International Relations: Annotated Bibliography

Betts, A. and Loescher, G. (Eds.), (2011). Refugees in international relations. Global Economic Governance Program. Oxford University Press. The main question posed in the article is how critical institutional and strategic thinking is instrumental in understanding the fundamental cause of forced migration. Issues influencing and affecting refugees are inherently political...

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officers

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is the national police force of Canada. They are responsible for policing in provinces, local communities, municipalities, and international airports. Contrary to the theoretical implications of the name of the force, they ride horses only during ceremonies (Reichel, 2018). They control law and order throughout...

The President’s Task Force on 21st-Century Policing

A Summary of The President’s Task Force on 21st-Century Policing In 2014, President Obama formed the President’s Task Force on 21st-century policing. The task force was assigned to identify and recommend the most appropriate policing practices that can enhance public trust and reduce crime. The President was prompted to act...

An Abandoned Building: Private Office or Community Center?

To a great extent, a building is a form of real estate that assists in revenue generation either through selling to another individual or renting it. On the other hand, revenue refers to the cash inflow from financing, investing, and operating activities. The Surette town management must decide to convert...

Larry Sabato’s Balance Budget Proposal: Pros and Cons

Introduction As America approaches its 250th birthday, it will undoubtedly become a major battleground in the culture wars. Consequently, it pertains to how the American constitutional structure is split or maybe shattered (Jenkinson, 2022). The purpose of a federal government is to serve all of a nation’s citizens and to...

President Biden: Executive Leadership Style

A distinct executive leadership style is what sets a leader apart from previous and future leaders. Many people tend to find a sense of calm and reassurance when they are able to make connections between the previous and the current leader. Given the fact that presidential work is filled with...

The Racial Profiling Issue in the United States

Introduction The complexity behind the concept of race and the discrimination associated with it has been long integrated into the paradigm of social justice and law enforcement policies in the US. For decades, the issue of racial profiling has been an implicit bias that destroys the lives of millions of...

“Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty” by Ivan Eland

The book selected for review is; Recarving Rushmore: Ranking the Presidents on Peace, Prosperity, and Liberty by Ivan Eland. The author ranks all the American presidents based on their unique charisma and special oratory skills. However, the rankings shifted after positioning them based on their ability to defend the Constitution....

The Profession of Arms: An Army White Paper

Introduction The Profession of Arms is a document by the US government that helps explain the American army’s professionalism. The document also states the critical role the US army plays in society, such as being experts in all their responsibilities. The paper is a professional campaign that makes people understand...

Army Leadership Values and Characteristics

The model of leadership qualities assumes leader character – personal values ​​and fighting spirit, attention to people, professional appearance, and proper level of physical training. Roman V. and Roman M. describe the leader as a military leader as a person who combines the physical characteristics of a fighter, emotional stability,...

Army Principles of Mission Command

Introduction Army principles of mission command are essential components of a successful military operation. It is possible to see the application of these principles during Operation Anaconda. Operation Anaconda was part of the war against terrorism in Afghanistan, and the US Army fought against the United Taliban and al-Qaeda forces....

Improving Police Morale and Community Communication

Abstract As much as the police are a critical element in the city’s life, this work shows those police officers also have many problems. Several other studies have been provided and analyzed to improve specific parts of the police system. This work examines the police department on street patrol. Several...

Evaluating the “Expertness” of the Southern Law Poverty Center

Not all information is reliable, even if published in a textbook or written by a respected academic. In Chapter 6 of Thinking Critically, Dr. Peter Facione calls the Southern Law Poverty Center (SLPC) an “expert on hate in America” and commends it for “seeking justice for the most vulnerable members...

Religious Support in the Pluralistic Army Environment

The world is becoming more diverse, including religious views, which can cause serious disagreements. In this case, pluralism becomes an answer that promotes respect for other people’s beliefs without requiring the rejection of own views. Pluralism is necessary for society and the army since communities have recently been divided, contributing...

The Chinese Political System and Authoritarian Governance

Introduction An authoritarian political system is a form of government in which one person or group has absolute power. China is an authoritarian political system because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controls all aspects of the government and society. Meaning that ordinary citizens have little say in how the country...

Leadership Deficiency in the Military

Introduction Leadership is the basis of the army in any country. However, military leadership differs from leadership in other spheres due to several peculiarities the system possesses. The military has a strictly defined hierarchical structure, the need for socialization, and compliance with the rules by soldiers and officers. That is...

G7 During COVID-19 Condition

G7 During COVID-19 Condition The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic led to economic stress throughout the world. The collaboration of economic blocks and management of trading activities were lessened by the pandemic. However, the G7 summits were less affected, the coordination of various activities such as those related to reviving the...

Effectiveness on Policy Making

Introduction Constant sociopolitical, economic, and environmental changes characteristic of the modern world necessitate the development of effective policies. The main goal of contemporary policy making is “to address or solve societal problems or improve policy outcomes through a deliberative process” (Mukherjee & Bali, 2019, p. 104). Since instruments for addressing...

First Female President of the United States

Introduction As the Democratic party’s front runner in the Presidential Election of 2016, Hillary Clinton has come closer than any other woman to become the US leader. From the earliest days of research on public opinion’s desires and expectations of the presidency, there has been an ongoing recording of documentation...

Integration of Refugees and Radicalization Prevention

Introduction Importance of the Issue in the Global Context The issues regarding refugees are currently highly relevant given the social and political environment in such countries as Syria, Lebanon, and Iraq. Refugees from these areas have no alternative other than to seek shelter in Europe. The resulting enormous flow of...

Pillars of Procedural Justice and Law Enforcement Reform

Six Pillars of United States Policing In light of current events that have revealed rifts between local police and community relationship, an executive order was signed to establish a task force on 21st century policing. President Obama charged the task by determining best practices and giving recommendations on how police...

Plunkitt’s Approach to Politics

Tammany Hall, a New York City political organization operating in the early twentieth century, was a powerful machine that included most prominent Democrats. One of the most renowned politicians and influential leaders was George Washington Plunkitt, who gave his speeches from the bootblack stand. The series of talks were written...

Chesterfield County Police Department: Hiring Process

Within the scope of their professional activities, law enforcement officials constantly handle violent crimes, accidents, thefts, burglaries, mass riots, and critical incidents. Moreover, police officers are frequently exposed to distressing conditions and circumstances immediately dangerous to their life and health. Therefore, the process of hiring law enforcement officers entails requirements...

Egyptian Military Potential Analysis

Introduction The Egyptian military potential is large compared to many other countries. According to the annual review, out of 138 states surveyed for this indicator, Egypt ranks ninth, which is a high result (“Egypt military strength,” 2020, para. 1). At the same time, the country is highly equipped with heavy...

Ben Carson, is an English Neurosurgeon and Politician

Ben Carson is famous for being an excellent neurosurgeon before pursuing a political career. He attended a medical school and became the director of pediatric neurosurgery at Hopkins Hospital. At that time, he was only 33, and this was an extraordinary achievement for such a young man. However, it was...

Unprecedented – The 2000 Presidential Election

The film Unprecedented – The 2000 Presidential Election tells a mind-blowing story of the unlawful presidential elections in the United States. The events shown in the film are real historical events that take place in 2000 during the presidential elections. These elections are without a doubt, unprecedented in the history...

Quiet Corruption’ Impedes African Development

The article “Quiet Corruption’ Impedes African Development, World Bank Report Says” (McGregor & Nasreen, 2010) was published in the April edition of Business Week. This is an article that was initially published by the World Bank and argues that ‘quiet corruption’ is a major hindrance to the development of Africa...

School-to-Prison Pipeline: Roots of the Problem

Introduction The term “school-to-prison pipeline” refers to the tendency of children and young adults, typically from disadvantaged backgrounds, to be put in prison because of harsh disciplinary policies within schools. In this paper, the school-to-prison pipeline will be defined and discussed based on the following articles: “The New Disciplinology: Research,...

Louis XIV and Absolutism

Introduction Absolutism is a form of governance in which absolute or sovereign powers are in the hands of the king which include authority to make laws, develop foreign policy and administer both justice and state affairs. King Louis XIV of France is considered to be a classic example of absolutism....

Phenomenon of the Anti-Colonialism

Introduction It is believed that public riots or community rebellion, activity boycotts and public marches are descriptive and even more apparent ways to express resistance. Also, any local forms of public expression as well as the media were believed to greatly initiate anti-colonial movements. The print media and literary culture...

NATO Expansion: NATO Summit in Bucharest in 2008

According to the official NATO internet resource, the definition of NATO is the following. The North Atlantic Treaty organization (NATO) is an alliance of 28 countries from North America and Europe committed to fulfilling the goals of the North Atlantic Treaty signed on 4 April 1949 (“Welcome to NATO”, 2010)....

Limited Government and Individual Liberty

A fast-growing government of the United States launched a bureaucratic mechanism empowered with unlawful methods of controlling and administering the state. The unlimited power granted to the government deprives citizens of the right of ownership and allows them to ignore the rules and premises established by the Constitution. Therefore, one...

Strong Central Government: Public Administration

Introduction A strong central government is a political system whereby, all the laws that are supposed to govern a country are made by the central government. Some people argue that it is the most appropriate system of governance because it does away with the variations that would affect the approach...

Prime Time Ideology: The Hegemonic Process in Television Entertainment

Abstract The concept highlighted in the context waylays the interrelations on how televised messages are relayed via the dominant system to the discord prevailing labor structures and the ideology of the hegemony process in the American society. The entire process of hegemony is again extended to the ruling status whereby...

Policy: Evaluation and Integration

Integrating a policy is a multi-dimensional aspect. In that regard, policies of executive departments can be especially difficult in terms of integration.Taking the example of the National Strategy released by the current administration in the White House, it can be stated that broad points might put some difficulties in terms...

“Reinventing Government” by Donald Kettl

Such concept as the reinvention of the government has always been a subject of thorough sociological analysis. Overall, this notion can be discussed from several perspectives such as for instance administrative and political. Traditionally, it implies some radical or even revolutionary changes in society and state machinery. However, this belief...

Habermas: Rescuing the Public Sphere

Introduction The public sphere provides a social forum where people deliberate openly on problems in the society with the aim of provoking political action. It creates the right environment for people to discuss in groups on issues of mutual concern for the purpose of reaching a common decision. It is...

The Green Party of the United States

Introduction The Green Party is perhaps the best known alternative political party [outside of the Democrats and Republicans] in the United States. Co-founded in 1984 by American activist and politician Howie Hawkins (NY), the party was originally called Green Committee of Correspondence and then eventually went on to become Greens/Green...

Marxism: The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels

Thesis Statement The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels was claimed to argue about social division and class exploitation. In spite of the fail of communistic regimes in most parts of the world, and the democratization of the former Socialistic camp, the division of the society is still present. Discussion...

Barack Obama’s Leadership Qualities

Outline This topic describes the leadership qualities of a person. It helps to understand the issues in leadership qualities, values and personalities. It investigates the power, influence, values and behaviour of a leader. And it tells about how a leader is different from others and how he influences his followers...

Political Satire and Stephen Colbert

In the changeable world of politics the words are almost always do not relate to the particular actions. In this respect on the controversies of what politics do and how they act the satirical genre appears. Political satire is the field where the concrete remarks and actions of politics are...

Should English Be Official or the Law?

Currently, many American scholars and policy-makers briskly debate the question of whether English should be declared the official or even national language of the United States. To some extent, this controversy is connected with the fact that the number of Spanish-speaking people in the country has dramatically increased over recent...

The German Ideology by Karl Marx

Introduction Karl Marx is one of the greatest contributors in the field of political ideology. His perspective of ideology was brought out clearly in the book The German Ideology in which he coauthored with Frederick Engels. Through this book, Marx gives insight in the issue of political ideology. Accordingly, this...

Public Administration and Its Role

Overview This paper examines the role of civil servants in the formulation and implementation of public administration through policymaking. It is often seen that public funds may not be properly channelized into productive areas aimed at ameliorating the plight of people for whom such disbursements are meant. As the supreme...

Doublespeak in Government Documents

Introduction Introductory strategy According to source watch, the term double speak was coined in the 1950’s and is linked to George Orwell in his novel, nineteen eighty-four. Thesis statement Double speak may be considered as using words/language calculatingly for political purposes. It is referred to a kind of language that...

Intelligence-Led Policing in Europe

A Literature Review on Intelligence-led Policing in Europe Intelligence-led policing is a relatively new system of undertaking investigation duties that are subsequently used to make law enforcement decisions. Being a new system that is undergoing development has resulted in a lack of clear definition. According to Edmund et al. (2007,...

Iron Fist or a Velvet Glove?

Options for U.S. Law Enforcement Agencies and the Criminal Justice System The question of whether human nature is good or evil has been the object of intense philosophical and psychological debate for centuries. Proponents of the natural law state that ‘good’ exists as a natural state. Some philosophers have held...

Comparison of NAFTA and European Union

European Union In the aftermath of World War II, the next four years of devastation and destruction witnessed the death of millions. Consequently, a relatively small group of different European countries join together for the purpose of planning for the future to avoid such destructive events. The result was the...

Workers East: Taylorism and Revolution

Introduction In the first half of the 20th century, a number of countries in Eastern Europe were struggling to improve their workflow and cover for the losses experienced in the Great War. One of the driving forces of such improvement processes was Taylorism – the system of scientific management developed...

Beverly Silver’s “Forces of Labor” Since 1870

Introduction The left’s separation from the proletariat in the USA has a long history. It took the form of pessimism in the sixties, based on the flourishing of the life of working middle-class representatives since they were perceived as a threat by the government. In the modern world, such a...

“The Communist Manifesto” Book by Marx and Engels

Introduction Despite the intentions of people to live in an equal society, there will always be some social differences. In the middle of the 19th century, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, the two well-known German philosophers and social scientists introduced their vision of class struggles through the prism of the...

Conflicts and Development in Emerging States

Introduction Even a most unenthusiastic person living in a land far away would easily say that the world is a place where barely anything is just and barely anybody is equal. Although the international community finds itself in a never-ending daily struggle for a better world, this dream might never...

Are We Living in a Post-Fact and Post-Truth World?

Many contemporary authors believe that we are living in a post-fact or post-truth world. In particular, these terms are applied to the political landscape of the United States and other developed countries. For instance, Holland (2016) criticizes Donald Trump for influencing the direction of news coverage and shading the truth....

Capitalism vs. Socialism: Principles and Arguments

The fundamental principles and arguments of the supporters of socialism and capitalism as opposing systems were established in the period of the 19th century and the practical implication of the 20th century led to the adaptation and further solidification of their respective argumentative basis. Capitalism is an economic system, which...

XY Country: Creating My Ideal State

XY is a developing country located in North America. Despite attaining independence more than five decades ago, this country has been experiencing years of war, including economic and political crises, which have hindered its progress. One of the barriers to development in this economy is the prevailing dictatorship. As a...

Anarchism as a Political Ideology: Exploring the Concept

The concept of anarchy as absolute freedom is rather difficult to embrace. As a result, the subject matter is often conflated with the notion of chaos, which does not represent the phenomenon of anarchy properly. Anarchy is the political ideology that entitles every citizen to absolute freedom thus absolving them...

Special Interest Groups as a Threat to Democracy

Are special interest groups a threat to democracy? Yes, they are, because various interest groups that are in a more favorable financial situation have more chances of being heard than those who do not have much money to spare. This creates a space for corruption and promotion of specific economic...

“Reversal of Fortune” Article by McKibben

The life of human society is closely interconnected with a wide range of problems, and the burden of choice remains one of them. There is no doubt that various communities can live by their own rules but there is no society that would be able to avoid choosing between material...

Police Work: Public Expectations and Myths

Introduction The work of the police is surrounded by various myths developed through TV and literature that picture it differently from real activities. It makes ordinary people believe that police officers encounter danger every day and deal with many events that are very important for national security. While the latter...

Governance and Public Policy

Democracy and Equality In his writings, John Stuart Mill makes important contributions to democratic governance by putting forward key principles that govern how democracy should be exercised. In its simplest form, the democratic rule indicates the rule of people whose authority and legitimacy comes from the people themselves (Brink, 2007)....

President Obama’s United Nations General Assembly Speech

President Barrack Obama is critiqued and praised by some as an exemplar of liberalism in international relations, but much about his approach can be viewed as an expression of Constructivist thinking as well. This should not perhaps, be surprising since he demonstrates nuanced deliberation in his thinking and public communication....

Law Enforcement in Colonial America

Introduction My career of choice is in the criminal justice system as a law enforcer. Throughout history, the law enforcers have been accredited as the preservers of law and order in society. Like many other professions, law enforcement has undergone changes through the years and the realities for a police...

China’s Soft Power and Its Diplomacy in Taiwan

The relations between China and Taiwan have been quite contradictory, which is a characteristics feature of all neighboring states. Taiwan appeared in “the Chinese cultural orbit” in the 16th century and became an administrative unit of China in 1689, but it was ruled “with a light hand” (Bush, 2013, p....

Kenyan Government and Media Communication

Introduction In developed nations, media communication is an attribute guided by policies and openness achieved through civilization. These nations are organized and run through the rule of law that directs people and delivery of information. However, such attributes as civilizations and patriotism are not core for all nations depicting differences...

Stress on Law Enforcement Officers and Available Programs

Introduction “Law Enforcement officers are ordinary people called upon to do an extraordinary job” Police officers are subject to significant amounts of tension and stress, regardless of the nature and size of the agency for which they work. Although a considerable number of law enforcement officers receive rudimentary training to...

United States’ and Kenya’s Sociopolitic Analysis

Introduction In geography and economics classes, students from all over the world are often exposed to the concepts and dynamics of developed and developing countries, particularly in terms of their socioeconomic and political endowments, governance structures, technological standing, as well as human capital development index. In the class discussions, developed...

Consular Service and Collaboration in the 21st Century

The 21st century is the century of high speeds, information technologies, and the Internet due to which the distance among the states has significantly reduced; people started to communicate with citizens of other societies and get acquainted with previously unfamiliar cultures and customs. In the context of globalization, consular collaboration...

“The Clash of Civilizations?” by S. P. Huntington

Wars are an inevitable part of human existence; they have significantly transformed throughout time. In Huntington’s (1993) article The Clash of Civilizations? the author argues that differences between civilizations might become causes of future violent wars. Fox (2005) argues that Huntington’s (1993) arguments are wrong even within the war on...

Capital Punishment and Kantian Normative Theory

Introduction Capital punishments attract immense controversies. Human rights advocates claim that a death penalty violates human rights, especially considering that the crimes for which death penalty is applied involve multi-killings. The issue here is whether an act of killing one person, the offender, can measure up to the lives lost...

Public Policy’ Management Issues

Assignment 1 The federalist papers comprise 85 essays intended to ratify the constitution. These papers highlighted some of the roles and proposed structures of the government. Additionally, they evaluated some of the expected implications of political constitutions to the governance of the republic. The essays were meant to provide a...

Ideology of Liberalism vs Conservatism: Essay Example

Liberal vs Conservative: Introduction The American society is traditionally divided into people who support either liberal or conservative course, although the major part still supports the mixture of values (Samara 354). This division started as early as the 18th century. After gaining independence from Great Britain, the country was left...

American Cuban Conundrum: Trade Relations

Analyze the key issue that prompted the EU to take the Helms-Burton dispute to the WTO The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a foundation that is responsible for handling issues of trade between nations, for instance, rules and regulations. This is aimed at ensuring that there is a smooth flow...

Public Administration and Fiscal Policy

In regards to public administration: What are the various types of taxes used by governments? Who are the actors that make funding decisions? How are they accountable to the public? How does the public influence this process? Why is taxing and spending so controversial? Any government relies on taxes to...

Global Governance from China’s Perspective

Introduction One of the most notable aspects of today’s geopolitical situation in the world has to do with the fact that, as time passes on, a number of classical notions/concepts, concerned with the theory of international relations (IR), become either outdated or transformed to a degree of beginning to convey...

Social Equity and Public Administration

Equity involves understanding and giving people what they can enjoy fully and healthily. In America, Public administrators have equally contributed to being fair just by practically integrating the notion of social equity in economic, social, and political aspects. Savra and Brunet (2004) found that social equity is a pillar to...

President Harry S. Truman’s Assassination Attempt

Introduction The American presidency is riddled with numerous successful and attempted assassinations. James A. Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy are among the presidents who have been assassinated in the American history (McCann, 2006). Andrew Jackson, William Howard Taft, Theodore Roosevelt, and Harry S. Truman are among the presidents...

US – Iran Relations: Tactics and Effects

Introduction The relation between Iran and the US dates back to many years ago. There are reports which indicate that this relation can be traced back to the last years of the nineteenth century. Both countries have used various international relations as tactics to lure the other party for its...

Individual Legal Personality in International Law

The individual is considered as a legal personality when one becomes involved in a legal system and gains particular rights and obligations. The question of whether the legal status can be obtained by individuals on an international basis attracted the attention of many commentators. All people were claimed to be...

The Russian Foreign Policy

Introduction The Russian foreign policy that facilitated its annexation of Crimea has raised controversy in the global society (Weiss 4). The scholar also notes that the decision of this government to intervene in the ongoing Ukrainian crisis has also earned it criticism. While some people feel that Russia acted contrary...

Effects of Gun Control Measures in the United States

Introduction Considerable research indicates that consistent gun control measures do not prevent criminals from possessing firearms. Rather, these laws offer the criminals an advantage over the law-abiding citizens, thereby increasing crime. LaRosa indicates that one of the effects of gun control is that the violent and harmful people acquire arms...

Customs and Courtesies in the Military: Survey Feedback

The survey feedback system has been defined by Wilson (2008) as a potentially powerful tool in improving and transformation of the organization. Feedback can be observed in both physical and social system perspectives and includes such concepts as collecting data, assessment, and implementations of action plans. The use of survey...

Narcotics Trafficking and Smuggling in the UAE

Multiple substances that have a negative impact on the well-being of nations and economies are made illegal by states, although the problem of their spread remains. Drug trafficking is an illicit global enterprise that involves the cultivation, production, distribution, and sale of narcotics forbidden by law. The efficiency of the...

The Military Leadership: Key Points

This study has only general relevance to the specific topic of military leadership research. However, its importance is hard to deny due to the multifaceted and structured approach. The general theory of essential leadership qualities and competencies in a global format applies to any sphere without specificity. On this basis,...