Combat Fatigue or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Soldiers

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD is an anxiety disorder and an emotional illness after developing receiving some traumatic injury, frightening, threatening life event, and/or serious physical assault. It’s a psychiatric condition that occurs after catastrophic life events. PTSD is mostly diagnosed in soldiers after traumatic events in war. Combat in war...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Causes

In treating the psychological conditions of war veterans returning home from the battle lines psychologists began realizing that many of them had the same general symptoms that were associated with other individuals who had suffered through terrifying ordeals. These symptoms included an overdeveloped startle reflex, an emotional numbness, a loss...

Social Psychology and Critical Thinking Process

Introduction The problem of domination in society has always been significant for people all over the world. The domination of men under women or vice versa, the domination of adults under children, and children under adults in the cases when a child is an object for praise, and domination in...

Higher and Lower Pleasures Mills

In the essay, Higher and Lower Pleasures Mills explain different perspectives on human happiness and possible ways to achieve it. The question of pleasure and its role in human life is one of the most important and complex philosophical issues. According to Mill, pleasure implies that a person should perform...

Mental Health Counseling in Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder The incidence of bipolar disorder is fairly high: more than 2 million people in America above 18 years have this illness (Bipolar disorder, 2007). It can be present at adolescence or later and may have a triggering event in the life of the patient. The one advantage of...

Emotional Factors in Conflict Management

Introduction Many perennial conflicts have failed to be settled due to failure of the mediators to come up with the appropriate strategies which would put all the aspects of the conflict into consideration and hence translate into positive results. In addition, some factors have proved to be difficult to deal...

Existence, Relatedness and Growth Theory of Motivation

ERG theory Alderfer proposed ERG theory as a new version to the Maslow’s need hierarchy theory. Similarities: The research on the Maslow’s need hierarchy theory shown that the needs in the hierarchy have some common characteristics. And thus there is a need for to clear the ambiguity. Alderfer proposed a...

Effective Memorizing Technique Review

The document is dedicated to the better and proper efficacy of memorizing information in the post-industrial society. It concerns the classical and contemporary techniques and methods in making out, accumulating, and saving information, so that to adhere to important data in the future. The document follows gradual instructions as of...

Psychology: A Child’s Cognitive Development

Introduction Cognitive development is related a child’s development process. It focuses on the child’s memory, development, problem solving skill development, thoughts and language development and social and meta cognition. Cognitive development is mainly related to human’s brain growth. It can be discerned as the development of intellectual abilities in a...

My Social World and Self-efficacy

Self-efficacy is an important variable that is characterized by a significant value in contemporary psychological research, and its definition may be easily explained with the help of the children’s story under the title “Little Engine That Could”. The little engine from the story was “smaller and weaker than the others”,...

Case Study: Constant Stress

The working environment is considered to be the principal cause of depression and stress. The case study analysis depicts Michael’s stress sufferings at work; being a 40-year-old experienced airline pilot, the man completely devoted himself to his work. The analysis of possible causes leading to stress and depression is based...

The Many Faces of Psychology

Psychology has proven to be highly relevant in today’s world. It is a multi-faceted social science that finds itself useful in all human situations. It involves the study of the mind and behavior and covers many aspects worthy of study. Its broad scope encompasses all areas of human behaviors in...

Concept of Guiding and Counseling in Grief and Loss

In today’s society losing someone or something, you love is quite painful yet it occurs frequently in human life. It is such an aspect of life that almost everyone will experience at some point in their lives in this world full of dynamism. The concern is not the occurrence but...

Many Versions of Cinderella, Which One Is Right for Your Child?

Fairy tale stories such as Cinderella stories must be taught to young children as they are one of the best ways to tell the children about the surrounding world. Cinderella stories form an excellent literature study aiming at character education. You can find different versions of the Cinderella stories. There...

An Artifact of Childhood Activity

Introduction Psychology refers to childhood as the time between birth and puberty, just before the human being enters adolescence (Gowers, 2005). However for sociologists, childhood is considered as the period after infancy, wherein the human being begins to actively participate in his or her immediate social environment and make conscious...

Psychological Issues in the “Breaking Away” Movie

Introduction Breaking Away is a light comedy with Dennis Christopher and Paul Dooley in the leading roles. It was directed by Peter Yates and released in 1979. The movie presents a story of four high-school graduates each of them having separate interests and none of them having desire to further...

Child Psychology Peculiarities and Erickson’s Perspective of Psychosocial Development

In personality development, childhood is considered to be very significant. Therefore in an attempt to analyze appropriate moves about children breaking away stand by me or hope, I will consider Erickson’s perspective of psychosocial development, as far as childhood is concerned. According to Erickson as the child develops ego identity...

Psychology. Objective Knowledge and Experience

To understand things from the outside world and inner feelings, a person has to rely on his own culture and experience. In this situation, the human mind becomes the main tool that helps people to determine reality and perceive some knowledge. People infer the truth about some causally connected but...

Lunch With the Psychological Theorists: Peplau, Freud, Selye

The discussion has initially started with the emphasis on the need to circumvent the high prevalence rates of depression in the US and other developed countries, and on its symptomology. As depression constitutes a mental disability, it is of the common assumption that an imbalance of normal motor behavior and...

Protective Factors Against Youthful Depression

Several iterations of multiple correlation, step-wise and hierarchical regression yielded inconclusive results about the antecedents and predictors of depression. In particular, the untreated data with respect to sports participation did not seem to relate to emotional wellbeing, mental health or depression. The weak link with sports involvement eventually provoked the...

Functional Behavioral Analysis and Behavior Support Plans in Special Education

Introduction Functional Behavioral Assessment is defined as a process aimed to analyze and evaluate problem behavior patterns of students with special needs The influences of special education and the mental health movement upon the development of school psychology should have provided a basis for school psychologists to develop roles that...

Generation Views in the Digital Age

Causing a deep chasm between parents and children, converting conversations between a parent and child into arguments and home into a warzone – “generation gap” is one that is experienced in almost all families. The generation gap is most visible in the differences between parents and children on lifestyle issues...

Critical Review of an Article on Child’s Moral Development

A child grows through a set of developmental components and they all correlate to each other pretty well. Like if one wants to study child development he/ she does not need to go through and ascertain all the parameters of child growth to determine whether the child is growing normally...

Development Psychology: Personality Development Theories

Introduction From the point of birth to the point of death, an individual keeps growing and having changes occurring on his or her body, such changes are not normally random; they are orderly and follow a certain pattern. For instance, a child loses teeth in the process of development and...

Nature Versus Nurture. Child Behavioral Problems

Introduction In psychology, the problem of nature and nurture is one of the most controversial one. Behavioral geneticists have extensively explored the nature and nurture of general cognition, the etiology of specific abilities has received comparatively little attention. Conclusions about the relative impact of genes and the environment on different...

Family Therapy: Bowns’ Theory

This paper is to give the description and illustration of various concepts of the Bowen theory on differentiation of self, through which his terms such as emotionality, individuality and togetherness will be brought to light. Introduction A Family as unit is the primary source for educating and developing an individuals’...

Depression and Related Psychological Issues

Introduction This research is aimed at investigating the causes and effects of such mental disorder as depression. In addition to that, I intend to analyze various treatment modes and ascertain their effectiveness. This particular aspect interests me, because depression is by far the most widespread mental disorder, and its causes...

Health Psychology: Influence of Thought on Body

Abstract Mind’s thought has been found to control most of the body’s behavior regarding health issues in human life. The argument is, if an individual can focus on a certain control of his/her mind and imagine that he/she is already being subjected to the physical conditions he/she would desire to...

Antisocial and Delinquent Behaviors

Abstract This paper is going to deal with the reasons of antisocial and delinquent behaviors. Theories of Social and Self Control discussed by Ronald L. Simons, Lesley Gordon Simons and Laura Ebert Wallace in “Families, Delinquency and Crime: Linking Society’s most Basic Institution to Antisocial Behavior” will be thoroughly considered...

Self-Concept Model: Brief Description

Psychology is a rather difficult topic to write about because it involves lots of personal attitudes and opinions, and what is right for one person can turn out to be absolutely wrong for another. But, at the same time, this is quite an interesting topic because of several reasons. Firstly,...

Psychology. Conditioning Before Ivan Pavlov

Introduction Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was born on September 14, 1849 at Ryazan. Even during his early study period, he showed a lot of interest in physiology. In 1891-1900, at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, Pavlov did a lot of research on the physiology of digestion. During his study of the...

Psychology. Stress Management Approaches

It was in the 50s that the concept of stress was initially brought in by Hans Selye. However, he called it General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) and he explained that all individuals respond to all types of threatening situations in the same manner ( Today, we know that the knowledge of...

Autism as Developmental Medical Condition

Introduction Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder defined by behavioral problems that include social disability, communication impairment, repetitive behaviors, and restricted interests. It is a brain disorder that impairs social interaction and communication, thus causing restricted and repetitive behavior, all starting before a child is three years old. It is...

Combat Stress and Operational Stress Management

Abstract The combat and operational stress can push a soldier to his outermost limits. Negative reactions to such stress include an agitated mood or moodiness, anxiety, and panic attacks, a feeling of pressure, hypervigilance, sleeplessness, troubling memories, rage outbursts, a feeling of shock and numbness, thoughts about the people who...

The Influence of Meditation on People’s Health

Talking about meditation, I’d like to start with mentioning that meditation as a spiritual practice is considered to be even older than Hinduism which, by the way, is the oldest of five major religions. The roots of meditation travel back to ancient times and primitive hunter-gatherer societies are believed to...

Critique of Articles on Parenting, ADHD, Child Psychology, and Development

In the course of history, parenting has always been a challenging vocation. Since children are not born with “how to raise” manuals, parents usually have no choice but to figure out things for themselves with regards to rearing their offspring. Often, when children become difficult to control, parents resort to...

Analyzing Psychological Disorders: Disorders Treatment and Research

Introduction Psychological disorders are reported to be very severe and are usually debilitating resulting in an inability of an individual affected to perform the usual routine practices for example household matters effectively and efficiently. This paper will therefore analyze various psychological disorders that are commonly found to be affecting individuals...

Personality Psychology and Zen Buddhism

Introduction Zen Buddhism has been a topic of interest to westerners for a very long time. Zen Buddhism is a movement that occurred in the 1960s and involves monks, their feats and their monasticism, and the study of doctrines. However, Zen Buddhism is also a social and religious aspect that...

Perception of Psychology in Society

Why do so many people associate the field of psychology with clinical issues rather than science? Since its inception, Psychology has been widely taken as a clinical way of treating mental disorders or working out relationships (PsychNet UK) through counseling. Due to this reason, it is usually perceived to treat...

Family Psychotherapy Modalities and Methods

Abstract This is a paper about family psychotherapy. The paper examines two types of family psychotherapy methods, that is to say, systemic therapies and social construction therapies. There are various types of models which fall under systemic therapy. They include Multi-generational family therapy (Murray Bowen), Adlerian family therapy (Alfred Adler),...

Physiological Psychology. Postpartum Depression

Introduction Depression is a focal public health question. In the childbearing period, it is commoner in females than in males with a 2:1 ratio. According to the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse-World Health Organization (2008), postpartum depression is at least an event of non psychotic depression fulfilling the...

Return to Work After Mental Illness: Intervention Strategies

Introduction Though illness makes the employees discomfort at the work and may stop them to work for quite a some time, most of the times, employees return to work after a short while with recovery. Recovery from physical or mental illness takes time allowing the employee taking time to resume...

“Children’s Emotional Development: Challenges in Their Relationships to Parents, Peers, and Friends”: Article Review

Children’s emotional development: Challenges in their relationships to parents, peers, and friends Maria von Salisch. 2001, The international study of Behavioral Development. The article focuses on the relationships between children and their parents, peers, and friends and how they pose a challenge to the emotional development of the child. This...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children

Introduction Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychological disorder, which can be viewed as a response to such traumatic events as witnessing or committing homicide, surviving pain, tortures, or extremely harsh physical conditions. The present paper is designed to review three research articles, which explore different sides of PTSD. The...

Physical Force and Punishing Children: Discussion

Introduction Using physical force as a means of punishment is also known as corporal punishment. This is causing intentional physical pain and discomfort to a person with an aim of making the person amend his behavioral ways. Main text This method of physical correction has for a long time been...

The Role of Serotonin in Impulsive and Aggressive Behaviors

Human brain is considered as the highly evolved organ to execute diverse environmentally adapted functions which may rely on the interaction between the cognitive and visual skills. Disorders associated with the mental function may lead to abnormal psychological behavior. I am having keen interest in understanding the psychopathology of certain...

Responce to Individual Behaviour

Introduction Strong emotions and feelings have a great impact on the communication styles of belaboring of people. Communication apprehension and its close category, social anxiety, are negatively related to the use of various affinity-seeking strategies that included active communication (e.g., assuming control, dynamism) while positively related to more passive strategies...

Technology Use and Effects on Toddlers

The issue of the widespread use of technologies among children has never been as relevant as it is today. An overarching majority of rising generations is not learning how they can expand their minds without the use of technologies and later in life, social media. Thus, what used to be...

Cognitive Behavioural and Existential Counseling Modalities

Due to the availability of numerous counseling modalities, those specialists, who engage with this practice, often face the necessity of adjusting the general concept and ideology underlying the sessions to the patient’s needs and become extremely selective in applying the approaches to specific cases. The present paper is designed to...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptoms Analysis

Introduction Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a collection of problem behaviors related with weak attention span. ADHD may include impulsive behavior, restlessness, inattention, hyperactivity and usually prevents them from learning a socializing in a normal manner. ADHD is considered to be a neurological disorder, and effects 5% of people...

Small Group: A New Learning Dimension

There are four dimensions of learning commonly described in learning psychology. They are declarative (statement learning) which means requesting information i.e. learning what. Second is technical practical (procedural) learning, which means learning in what way and to what extent things happen (how), third, is conditional (conjunctional) learning, concerned with when...

Monitoring Toddlers, Technology, and Education

Modern technological advancements have enabled the use of a variety of technologies that are now used to educate children of all ages in schools. Their convenience has also led many parents to resort to various child-oriented electronic tools in everyday life. As such, the idea of using digital media to...

Personalized Lifestyle Counseling in the US

Lifestyle is by choice; every individual makes choices throughout life. Whether your choices were good or bad is usually determined by your state of health and well-being. Those who have not always made the healthiest choices during life may need assistance with getting on the right track. Personalized Lifestyle Counseling...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Children After Tsunami

Introduction Life is a continuous flow of events. Some of them are pleasant others are stressful. Everything that is happening around a child is leaving its imprints on the child psyche as their minds are very impressionable. It is like ponds filled with water where the ripples of events are...

Emotion Focussed Theory Role in Functional Assessment

Introduction The evolution of psychotherapy over time has come from grim days for the psychologically disturbed to the modern age where efficient systems of therapy have arisen. Functional assessment was the method of therapy previously. Eminent psychoanalysts have studied and evaluated their findings and found the emotional factor to be...

Delectability of Foods Within the Context of Children

All types of living beings that subscribe to sexual mode of production excessively give in before the two most fundamental natural impulses. They are sex and taste. These are the two very forces or the stimulus, which are responsible for keeping them alive from times immemorial. Theories of evolution are...

Anxiety Disorders and Cognitive Behavioral Techniques

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the most effective in treating anxiety disorders because it uses performance-based and cognitive interventions to change the way a patient thinks, feels, and behaves. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is of particular value for patients of the elderly group and children. It is applied with the external environment as...

Psychological Testing in the Service of Disability Determination

Introduction Professionals working in the mental health field have sought to measure people’s personalities to understand why they behave in specific ways. Projective and objective methods of personality measurement are the most common methods of assessment (Gregory, 2014). Objective methods, such as measures of self-reporting, depend on the personal responses...

Transition Experiences of First-Generation Latino Veterans

Abstract This proposal presents details for a research project that will investigate the lived experiences of first-generation Latino veterans who decided to stay in the US after military service. Up to ten former military members will be recruited from locations that offer veteran services. The project will then use semi-structured...

Articles Using Descriptive Designs: Key Design Points

Introduction While research is frequently employed to determine relationships between phenomena, it can also be used for descriptive purposes. Descriptive designs are defined by their aim of describing rather than inferring, and while they are often qualitative, quantitative studies can also qualify (Houser, 2016; Polit & Beck, 2017). Quantitative descriptive...

Psychological Stress and Nicotine Intake

Introduction Both the effects and aftermath of stress remain acute research topics, which may be primarily due to the subject’s prominence among various population strata. Older adults who experience stress have a lower quality of life, as their physical and mental health deteriorates under psychological duress (de Frias & Whyne,...

Empirically Supported Relationships and Therapist Factors

Abstract The paper is dedicated to a discussion of the links between the relational factors in therapy on patient outcomes. Empathy and goal consensus between, the core elements of the client-therapist alliance, are the strongest predictors of favorable intervention outcomes. However, such patient-specific factors as severity and chronicity of mental...

Using MMPI-2 in Psychological Assessment

Introduction Test bias remains one of the prevailing concerns for experts in the psychological assessments. In “Racial bias in personality assessment: Using the MMPI-2 to predict psychiatric diagnoses of African American and Caucasian chemical dependency inpatients”, Monnot, Quirk, Hoerger, and Brewer (2009) discuss in-depth the significance of racial bias in...

Mask-Off: The Many Faces of Power

Introduction Power structures permeate any regularized society and control the inner workings of its aspects. One way to interpret power is to analyze the means of its execution, especially those that are not exactly obvious at first glance. Sex is a natural human activity and an intimate process. At the...

Integrating Process Work Into Psychoeducational Groups

Introduction Corey (2015) identifies the working stage of group development as a later phase that is characterized by its productivity; in Pessagno’s (2013) classification, a similar term is the performing stage. While this phase may be less challenging than the previous ones, it is also the most important one since...

Occupational Psychology: Depression Counselling

Introduction The assigned case involves a 28-year-old employee at Data Analytics Ltd., whose name is Steven. He has been working in the company for eight years and showed excellent results in the first years of his employment. However, a traumatic event that occurred five years ago affected his mental health,...

Psychotherapeutic Group: Treatment of Mild-To-Moderate Depression

Introduction This manual is dedicated to a psychotherapeutic group that is intended for patients with mild-to-moderate depression. It will be a short-term psychoeducation group that will use cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). The aim of this manual is to provide direction and employ high-quality sources dedicated to depression and group therapy to...

Bereavement: Normal vs. Complicated

Abstract Bereavement is a health problem that health experts and stakeholders should examine carefully in an attempt to present powerful initiatives to deal with it. Around 10 percent of the United States population suffers from complicated grief. Those who face this mental health problem lack high-quality medical support. After analyzing...

Transition Phase of Depression and Its’ Challenges

Introduction Depending on the approach, different stages may be identified within a group process. Corey (2015) distinguishes a transition stage, which is similar to the storming one as defined by Pessagno (2013). To be more specific, Corey’s (2015) transition is characterized by conflict, which stems from members’ anxiety, worry, and...

Transparency and Termination in Group Psychotherapy

Introduction Upon the completion of the working portion of a group, the final stage becomes prominent. It is termed by Corey (2015) as the stage of termination and consolidation, and despite being less time-consuming than the previous phase, it is also crucial for the effectiveness of the therapy. In this...

“The New Beginnings “ Program Evaluation

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in young adults is a significant concern in today’s society. People living with ASD may encounter challenges after graduating from high school, as they have limited opportunities. The New Beginnings program is dedicated to addressing this problem and helping young adults to find jobs, gain independence,...

Exploring-Storming Phase of Group Process

Introduction The commonly used framework of the group process, which, for example, is presented by Pessagno (2013), includes the storming (or exploring) stage as its second element. This stage (or phase) is difficult to navigate since it refers to the uncertainty period that is characterized by members experiencing conflicts in...

The History of Anxiety and the Evolving Cultural-Political Context

Introduction Many intentions to understand human behaviors and the work of the human mind were made in the past and are observed in modern practice. Psychology is one of the crucial fields, the goal of which is to enhance human knowledge through discussing the development of cognitive processes, social behaviors,...

FIRO-B Assessment for Lesley Love

Abstract When evaluating individual behavior, psychotherapists often do not consider two essential characteristics: behavior towards other people and expectations about other people’s behavior. The purpose of this study was to assess Lesley Love’s individual behavior. The FIRO-B instrument was used as a primary method of assessment. Study results showed that...

Divorce and Child’s Mental Health in the UK

Introduction The given project is devoted to the investigation of children’s mental health and factors that might impact it, specifically, parents’ divorce. The choice of the given issue is preconditioned by several factors. First, children’s health is one of the major concerns of contemporary society as they are the future...

Developmentally Appropriate Malaysian Toys

Introduction Noticing the dynamics in early childhood development and utilizing appropriate tools for boosting it are central strategies for assisting children in building the required skill set for further critical and creative thinking for various purposes. Malaysian toys, in turn, introduce a vast range of possibilities for encouraging development in...

Action Research in Treating Depression With Physical Exercise

Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States. Without timely treatment, this condition can have a devastating effect on an individual, impairing his or her abilities to carry out their usual life activities. The latest statistics showed that depression does not discriminate against age....

The Problem of Perception and Adaptation of Mental Illness With Families by Wilson

Most of the thematic scientific literature explores the conditions in which a person is forced to care for an adult mentally ill person. In contrast, Wilson’s work has linked the problem of perception and adaptation of mental illness with families: it has shown how parents can be affected by a...

Bipolar Disorder: Risk Factors Analysis

In order to properly and thoroughly assess the potential risk factor of bipolar affective disorder (BAD), it is important to overview and analyze the current literature on the given subject. The research studies conducted on BAD can be categorized into two major subcategories regarding their approach to the issue. Some...

Addiction and Substance Use Disorder

Empowering People with SUD The class presentation has identified addiction and substance use disorder (SUD) as some of the health challenges many people in the global society face. The affected victims become stressed, change their behaviors, and find it hard to achieve their personal goals (Robinson & Adinoff, 2016). This...

Single African American Mothers’ Experiences of Relationships With Their Sons

Introduction: The Study and the Researcher The previous chapter provided a detailed explanation of the method used to collect primary data and design considered appropriate for analysis. In this chapter, the researcher presents the analysis of primary data. The purpose of the chapter is to analyze and interpret raw data...

Mind Therapies for Greater Psychological Openness

Introduction The following four models are discussed in the review: mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), metacognitive therapy (MCT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT). All four models are aimed at achieving greater psychological openness to eliminate negative thoughts and feelings. Particular attention is paid to changing the...

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Patient Case Study

Background Teresa is an 8-year-old female student who is diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders (DSM-5)) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and assigned the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy. The patient’s family comes from Mexica and has problems with speaking English, which complicates the...

Childhood Relationships & Adolescent Mental Health

The research article by Shin, Cho, Shin, & Park (2016) aimed to analyze the relationship between adolescent psychological adjustment and early peer relationships. This topic is important to consider because the way in which children socialize at the early stages of their development influences their future behaviors. Peer relationships encompass...

Defense Mechanisms in Psychological Practice

Psychological defense mechanisms protect individuals from experiencing unpleasant emotions, such as anxiety and guilt. Each person without exception utilizes them though may be unaware of this. In my life, there were a lot of situations when various defense mechanisms helped me to cope. For example, some time ago, I started...

Puberty: Its Role in Development

Susman, E. J., & Dorn, L.D. (2009). Puberty: Its role in development. In R.M. Lerner & L. Steinberg (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent psychology (p.116-151). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Main Points Historical and theoretical perspective on puberty Puberty changes affect physical morphological characteristics Understanding the neuroendocrinology of...

Psychological and Causal Explanation: Accept or Deny?

Introduction The concept of psychological explanation has been used as a general term explaining people’s attempts to understand any phenomena linked to intelligent behavior. An adequate psychological explanation is seen as the one that offers enough information for psychologists to predict behaviors and then manage them. The psychological phenomenon of...

Attribution Theory and Behaviour of Other People

Introduction People’s tendency to explain their own or others’ behaviour constitutes the basis of the attribution theory. The father of the theory, Heider, famously said that each and every person is a psychologist of their own or at least tries to be. After the concept first emerged in the 1950s,...

Personality and Intelligence Theories

Introduction Research into spheres of intelligence, personality and their interplay is often built on discussing various traits or capabilities that unite people. For example, theories regarding personality traits separate people into groups according to their relatability to certain behaviours and feelings (Pérez-González & Sanchez-Ruiz 2014). Similarly, the information processing approach...

Postpartum Depression: Diagnosis and Treatment

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a common mental health disorder among first-time mothers. About 15% of women admit that they experience depressive episodes during pregnancy or the first year after childbirth (Sockol, Epperson, & Barber, 2014). In addition, negative mental outcomes and physical changes influence mother-infant and mother-father relationships (Maimburg &...

Sexual Abuse in Childhood and Adult Problems

Introduction It is necessary to approach the study of mental health comprehensively. It is a well-known fact that even small but acute stresses experienced in childhood can provoke psychosomatic disorders in adulthood. However, data on the degree of pathogenicity of stress factors and the proportion of their participation in the...

Cyber-Bullying and Ways to Solve the Problem

Introduction The primary goal of the given study is the investigation of cyber-bullying, which is nowadays one of the integral parts of social media and the Internet. In accordance with the research, this phenomenon becomes one of the main sources of problems and negative associations people might experience when using...

Family Needs Assessment in Therapeutic Conversation

Key Points of Therapeutic Conversation A therapeutic conversation is meant to identify communication needs of family members and encourage them to express feelings. Not only does it help to develop more targeted and age-appropriate intervention strategies but also allows rendering necessary psychological support to patients through the practice of active...

Social Adaptation of Former Military Members

Social adaptation to civilian life of former members of the military is a unique and significant area of inquiry. Service in the USA military is voluntary, but the conditions of entering the service do not imply that anyone can randomly join (Leal & Teigen, 2018). An opportunity to serve is...

Psychology of Difficult Choices on a Daily Basis

Introduction As social creatures, people have to make difficult choices on a daily basis. In fact, inconsistencies between individuals’ own goal strivings and responsibilities act as a barrier to decision-making. The assigned case presents a dilemma of a student who has to prepare for his exams but wants to attend...

Divorce Effects on Children’s Behavior

Introduction A divorce is always an unpleasant event, even if two adults have no complaints against each other and want to stay in a friendly relationship. However, for children, the experience of parents’ separation is especially painful as it leads to the destruction of connections within the family, traditions, and...

Mindfulness Interventions in Modern Psychotherapy

The skill chosen for the project is mindfulness since, currently, it is frequently discussed as a treatment for many psychological disorders, including anxiety and depression. In simple words, mindfulness is awareness of the present moment instead of thinking about past or future experiences. According to Tang, Hölzel, & Posner (2015),...

Brain’s Negative Bias and Its Causes

The brain’s proclivity to be biased toward negative information, objects, and people can be explained from evolutionary, scientific, and sociological perspectives. In ancient times, human beings always faced the danger of attack from wild animals in their environment. In that regard, they were always alert and on the lookout for...

The Consequences of Child Sexual Abuse on the Behavioral Patterns in Adulthood

Introduction Most people who were sexually abused in childhood develop severe personality disturbances in adulthood. Such a psychological myth implies that child sexual abuse (CSA) has acute trauma outcomes within the behavioral patterns in one’s adulthood. It is a significant governmental concern that affects any family and country and should...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Military Veterans

Introduction Both in the military and civilian life, people encounter traumatic occurrences that challenge their perception of the world or themselves. Reliant on a scope of factors, the responses of some people to traumatic events may last for a short time while the reactions of others might result in long-lasting...

Emotions and the Perception of Freedom

The relationship between man and women has always evoked interest and received attention in numerous literary works. The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin is an emotional piece full of metaphors that I find thought-provoking. First Published in 1894, it dwells on questions of psychological stability and suppressed realization...

Smartphone Addiction Among American Youth

In 2019, smartphone use reached record levels. It is expected that by 2021, the United States will have a 72.7% penetration rate, meaning that 3 out of 4 people will own and consistently use a smartphone device. People in developed countries use technology for everything ranging from communication to entertainment,...

Counseling for Healthy Relationships With Parents

Problem List Blame Brittany is dissatisfied with her parents’ moving to another place, and implicitly puts the blame for certain events on them. For instance, she blames her parents for making her attend classes where she feels isolated due to her beliefs and biracial background. She also puts the blame...

Personality Theories and Behavior Therapy

The patient, Maggie, was a 27-year old female who was tall and attractive in an angular way, with dark, intelligent eyes. She was a graduate student in paleontology and she loved her field of study so much that she always talked about it. In the beginning, when she met the...

Keeping a Diary as a Self-Care Strategy to Help Patients

June Self Care The first self-care activity I plan to implement is keeping a diary. In order to be able to bring meaning to the patients’ lives, I need to be able to reflect. Keeping a diary can help develop empathy to support patients and avoid professional burnout. I have...

A School-Aged Girl’s Developmental Assessment

Pediatric health and physical evaluation are critical aspects of developmental assessment among school-aged children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019), there are two major developmental milestones of middle age, between 6 and 8 years and 9 and 11 years. Both stages determine the development of children...

The Role of Environment in Physical Development During the Middle Childhood

Methodology The study uses a quantitative methodology to answer previously identified research questions. Many researchers report that negative emotions have a significant impact on physical development in this age group, and this assumption was used to develop one of the research tools (Dubois-Comtois, Moss, Cyr, & Pascuzzo, 2013; Elsaesser, Gorman-Smith,...

Social Motivation of an Artist and Business Owner

This paper studies the social motivation on the example of Maggie, who has created a business providing services as a graphic designer and a photographer. The research suggests that her motives are intrinsic and are caused by internal factors. It also explains the reasons behind her motivation based on external...

Ethics in Human Services: Counseling Agency

Introduction Counseling is a rewarding field that is concerned with empowering and addressing the emotional and psychological challenges facing clients. Having completed the coursework successfully, I have acquired and developed superior competencies that can make it easier for me to meet the needs of different groups. This is the reason...

Working with Adolescents: Stereotypes and Best Practices

Introduction The attitude of the society to different social groups is largely due to established stereotypes that form an opinion on the characteristics of behavior. Particular attention is paid to the topic of adolescents as the category of the population, which is considered problematic and is often viewed as the...

Life, Work, and Critique of Stanley Milgram

Stanley Milgram was a renowned, if controversial, psychologist, most famous for his experiments on the impact of authority on the decisions of ordinary people. With his experiments being the product of his time, influenced by the historical events of the Holocaust, his questions and methods remain relevant today regarding not...

Hair-Pulling Disorder: Treatment and Prevention

The hair-pulling disorder also known as Trichotillomania (TTM) is a psychological condition associated with a compulsive removal of hair from the body. Not only may TTM result in significant hair loss but also cause a marked functional impairment similarly to other types of obsessive-compulsive disorders. Considering that this adverse mental...

Postpartum Depression In First-time Mothers

Despite the feeling of happiness that is usually associated with childbearing, joy is not always constant and not necessarily all-permeating, especially after birth. Pregnancy and child delivery create one of the most stressful conditions for the human body, with hormonal changes making a person susceptible to mental illness. The most...

The Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Community Teaching Plan

The present paper will offer a reflection on a lesson with a focus on the evaluation of related teaching experience, community response, and the aspects that could be improved. The lesson was dedicated to the topic of the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and took place in Miami, Florida....

Autism, Myths and Realities

Autism is one of the most common mental diseases impacting young children. This developmental disability can cause severe complications, so it is necessary to diagnose the problem as soon as possible. There are some popular myths about autism, but scholars dispel such fictitious stories and emphasize the interrelation between autism...

Honor as a Critical Code of Behavior

There are many concepts and ideas that, at first glance, seem obvious and quite ingenious. In reality, however, they are complex and profound for understanding. Among philosophers and scientists, there is no consensus on the interpretation of the concept of honor, and this topic has preoccupied the minds of great...

Fear of Flying: Phobia Definition

The Fear of Flying (FOF) has psychological and physiological symptoms. It makes people avoid boarding planes. According to Clark and Rock (2016), this highly common phobia affects about 2.5-40 percent of the global population. These authors associate the misconceptions raised regarding aviophobia with inadequate research in the area of cognitive-behavioral...

Positive and Negative Punishment Definition

The goal of punishment is not to allow certain types of behavior to happen or make them weaker. When defining punishment, it is vital to consider the three elements. First of all, the particular behavior occurs, then consequences follow it, and, finally, the behavior is weakened (Miltenberger, 2016). When an...

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Postpartum Depression

Introduction Apart from diseases equally affecting all population groups, there are the ones that develop only in certain kinds of patients. For instance, women can suffer from various conditions associated with pregnancy and childbirth. Postpartum depression is the most common of all postpartum disorders. According to statistics, postpartum depression develops...

The Concept of Histrionic Personality Disorder

Introduction Histrionic personality disorder belongs to Cluster B of personality disorders. It is characterized by distorted self-images and unstable emotions. Additionally, the patients’ self-esteem depends on the level of approval from other people. As such, self-esteem for individuals suffering from this disorder does not come from their feelings of self-worth....

Assessing Development in School-Aged Children

Introduction The appropriate development of individuals throughout all stages of their lives is critical as it guarantees their effective functioning in the future and the ability to live in society, communicate with its members, and engage in collaborative or successful relations. For this reason, much effort is devoted to the...

What Is Postpartum Depression? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Abstract The prevalence of postpartum depression is quite high as one in seven new American mothers develops this health issue. The illness is associated with such symptoms as anxiety, eating disorders, insomnia, and fatigue. The factors contributing to the development of the disease are divided into three categories: biological, psychological,...

Child Development in Rogoff’s “Thinking With the Tools and Institutions of Culture”

Introduction Barbara Rogoff’s book The Cultural Nature of Human Development makes numerous topical points on how cultural conceptions influence people and society. The chapter “Thinking with Tools and Institutions of Culture” deals with how people, more specifically children, apperceive mental and social skills from sociocultural intercommunication and how these interactions...

The Role of Psychology in Understanding Political Violence

Political violence, as well as any other kind of violence, has various causes at its core. Some people or groups resort to rampage when they want to reach equality. Others behave destructively when they desire to gain more power than they already have. Research shows that individuals are often motivated...

Addressing the Needs of Children With Anxiety Disorders

Introduction The current technological progress has introduced numerous opportunities for the global community, yet it has also entailed a range of challenges and threats. The problem of anxiety among children is one of the outcomes that calls for an immediate change in the current legal and social frameworks since it...

Cognitive Biases and Violence

Thinking is a complex process that depends on a number of aspects, including the way people acquire information and process it. Due to the differences in individuals’ mentalities and perspectives on particular issues, one fact or act can have different interpretations. However, the majority of them result from the utilization...

Cognitive Biases, Emotions, and Radical Actions

Introduction Individuals’ cognitive biases and emotions may exert a significant impact on their lives. People are often known to take action and make decisions based exclusively on their feelings and beliefs, which may lead to severe consequences, a point that is crucial to keep in mind when considering terrorism and...

Parenting Style and Bullying Among Children

Abstract This essay dedicates to the significant influence of parenting styles on the bullying behavior of children. Various researches demonstrate that specific parental styles promote bullying by children, while optimal parenting may decrease interpersonal aggression and victimization. The paper describes four main styles of parenting, and it highlights their peculiarities...

Functionalist Physicalism in Philosophy of Mind

There is no doubt in modern science that there is a definite relationship between the psyche and the brain: the brain is, as it were, a vessel containing our soul. However, a problem was known since the late nineteenth century as a psychophysiological problem that continues to be discussed today....

Laughter and Its Psychotherapeutic Value

Abstract The paper focuses on the analysis of laughter as a therapeutic method. At first, the mechanics and physiology of laughter are explained, and the most common types of laughter are identified. Further, facial expressions with laughter are described, along with the likelihood of females to fake laughter in comparison...

How Does Learning Happen?

Developmental Summary The information obtained through observing the child allows creating a summary of her skills. The following domains of development have been analyzed: cognitive, social and emotional, speech and language, fine motor skills, and gross motor skills. Data gathered during informal observations, which are reflected in brief reports and...

Physicalism and Functionalism Definition in Psychology

Explaining Subjective Mental Experiences Through Physical Processes The subjective mental experiences that take place usually depend on the perceptions of the subjects. Physical science provides some explanations of why a person may feel some things, such as depression, which is a mental problem, being linked to the decrease of serotonin...

Laughter and Its Therapeutic Value in Counseling

Introduction — In a world that is becoming increasingly competitive, many individuals struggle with stress management and finding a healthy outlet for their negative emotions. Chronic stress has the potential to take a toll on all the aspects of an individual’s life, affecting his or her job performance, personal relationships,...

“Knowing Your Own Mate Value” by Back et al.

Summary The article primarily emphasizes the importance of knowing your own mate value. Mate-value accuracy, defined as “knowing how much other people are interested in you as a mate,” plays a significant role in a person’s social life (Back, Penke, Schmukle, & Asendorpf, 2011, p. 984). People, who accurately estimate...

Explore Your Mind: Interpersonal Communication

Introduction Communication is a significant part of all individuals’ everyday lives. Various aspects affect the way individuals hold conversations, including the selected channels, the readiness to disclose information, and individuals’ cultural backgrounds. The paper presents three examples from online sources that refer to the concepts of the Leanness-Richness Spectrum of...

A School-Aged Child’s Developmental Assessment

Introduction Developmental assessments are standard health maintenance procedures in school-aged children. Physical examinations may be common and allow to determine subjective and objective information fundamental to providing care. Physical assessments may be inherently uncomfortable for children, therefore, it is important to utilize appropriate techniques and create a safe environment that...

Temperament of Children in Alcoholic Families

Introduction There are many factors that destabilize family relationships, and one of the most devastating problems is the alcohol addiction of one or both parents. Previously, alcoholism was considered as an individual’s problem, with particular attention to the mental processes of alcohol addicts and a change in their personality. Currently,...

Adolescent Thinking and Behavior: Good and Bad

Introduction Specific brain changes that are observed in adolescents include the development of synaptic pruning and axon and myelination growth. As a result, the number of neurons used for effective brain functioning decreases, but useful synaptic connections become stronger because of the growth of myelin in nerve cells (“Inside the...

Mary Cassatt’s “Mother and Child” in Modernist View

Along the second half of the nineteenth and at the turn of the twentieth century, Mary Cassatt explored the relationship between mother and child in most of her paintings. American of origin and French by adoption, Mary Cassatt moved from the States to Paris, where she played an active role...

Caregiving and Loss: Intervention Strategies

Strong emotional distress resulting from loss and grief frequently becomes a part of the caregiving experience. This paper will provide an analysis of grief-related issues facilitating or complicating the loss, as well as effective intervention strategies to assist caregivers. Also, the phenomenon of reciprocal suffering of caregivers will be considered....

Romantic Partners’ Responsiveness During Uncertainty

Summary The article by Dooley, Sweeny, Howell, and Reynolds (2018) focuses on the issue of partners’ responsiveness during a period of stressful uncertainty. Scholars remark that in the age of massive data availability, there are pieces of information that people sometimes have to wait for a long time. Such occasions...

Psychology: Attachment Styles and Employee Performance

Introduction In recent years, researchers and employers have both shown increased interest in exploring contributing factors that shape employees’ attitudes and behaviors in the workplace. It is now argued that the reasons for how employees choose to engage or disengage in workplace activities may be traced all the way back...

Personality Type and Leadership in Healthcare

Introduction Certain actions of a person as a professional, a leader, or a social agent can be influenced by his or her personality type. According to Carl Jung’s theory and Isabel Briggs Myers’ typology, it is possible to determine a variety of personality types with reference to four different aspects...

Depression in Adolescence as a Contemporary Issue

Today, teenagers encounter several challenging issues; depression is one of them. This disorder affects young people’s mental state significantly and may interfere with their daily activities, reducing the quality of their lives, and decreasing their academic performance. This paper discusses depression in adolescents, its symptoms, and the factors that cause...

Difficult Childhood and Personal Development

It is universally accepted that the childhood environment influences the development of cognitive functions. Mainstream research has shown that early socioeconomic status plays a huge role in shaping the future performance of individuals. Generally, children growing within a harsh environment characterized by a low cultural level, scarce economic resources, and...

Gaming Addiction: Creating a Blog to Help People With Gaming Addiction

Investigating Topic of Interest The topic of interest chosen for this project is creating a blog to help people with gaming addiction. I am personally interested in this topic because I am a victim of this problem and I know the challenges that addicts go through. Additionally, I have several...

Near-Death Experiences and Explanatory Models

Introduction Since medicine becomes more advanced, it returns people to life from borderline states in many cases. A near-death experience (NDE) is a subjective reality in a terminal form of consciousness, which exists in conditions of gradual degradation of brain functions. It begins from the youngest (the big hemispheres) to...

Individuals With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Neurodevelopmental disorders are particularly different to treat in young patients since the latter’s nervous system has not developed yet, which suggests additional complications appearing in the process. Due to the detrimental effects that neurological disorders have on individuals’ cognitive development, including memory, abstract and critical thinking skills, and other essential...

Understanding Mental Illness: Aspects of Schizophrenia

The diagnosis of schizophrenia most often harms the family members of the patient. This occurs due to a variety of factors, ranging from emotional costs to stigma and misunderstanding of the condition. The disease is inherently complex, frightening, and may have profound consequences on the patient which lead to emotional...