Justifying Abortion From Utilitarian Position

Introduction Utilitarianism – is the philosophical standpoint that advocates for the morality of actions that cause happiness and the amorality of actions that cause harm. There are two approaches inherent in this philosophical position – rule utilitarianism and act utilitarianism. Rule utilitarianism implies that people should follow specific sets of...

Washington’s and DuBois’ Speeches Comparison

As a black man, a simple worker from Atalanta, the question of social equality between people of color is very important to me. So, I read the writings of two of the great spokesmen for the Black rights movement, Washington and DuBois, and tried to choose which of them made...

Child’s Development and Education: Negative Effects of Poverty

Poverty is one of the critical factors impacting a child’s evolution, and it also affects knowledge acquisition. This aspect might promote undesired outcomes, moreover, there is a high risk of the emergence of potentially dangerous changes in children’s everyday activities and interactions. Because these issues are too critical, they should...

Families in America: The Main Problems

The health of families is an evergreen topic, especially in modern society. Despite being the basic unit of society, families experience various problems that make their survival and development a major issue. Statistics indicate at least 50% of marriages in the United States end up in divorce or separation (Schweizer,...

Matthew McConaughey’s 2014 Best Actor Acceptance Speech

Abstract The thesis aims to investigate verbal and nonverbal clues and how they influence individuals’ perceptions. The artifact chosen for the analysis is Matthew McConaughey’s 2014 Best Actor award speech for two reasons. First and foremost, Matthew McConaughey is one of the most charming and intriguing persons to watch and...

“How Trees Talk to Each Other” TED Talk by Simard

It seems that in her speech, Suzanne Simard utilized a number of fundamental scientific skills that make her performance and the reported work significant and coherent. Firstly, throughout her whole TED talk, she establishes many connections between the theme of forest intelligence and common sense. For instance, she depicts a...

Poverty in Puerto Rico and Eradication Measures

Introduction Studying Puerto Rican poverty as a social problem is essential because it helps identify the causes, effects, and eradication measures in Puerto Rico and other nations experiencing the social problem. The topic helps clarify the fundamental problems Puerto Rico experiences since poverty is the basis for most of its...

Having Children as a Human Right

In modern society, the family is a crucial component of the social structure and a vital concept across most cultures. Therefore, the idea of having children as a natural extension of the concept of family is also considered a nearly inseparable part of most people’s lives. Although one has the...

The Meaning of the “Crip Camp” Documentary

Over the past years, several activist and human rights groups have collaborated to create awareness of the plight of people living with disabilities and encourage their inclusion in social systems. However, these individuals are still sidelined and neglected despite supportive frameworks to engage them in education and other social activities....

“I Have a Dream” Speech by Dr. Martin Luther King

It is hard to disagree that there are numerous historical examples of how words can be a powerful instrument of influential and moral people who want to inform or persuade others. One such speech is I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered in 1963. In this...

Eliminating Non-Verbal Communication Challenges Across Cultures

Introduction In the current age of rapid urbanization and global connectivity, the English language has grown so fast, crossing international borders and eventually becoming universal. From the time the language received official recognition, its roots have inevitably spread deeper into diverse cultural settings. The need for intercultural competence and increased...

Adolph Hitler’s Moral Conscience and Leadership

Introduction Despite an existing variety of attitudes towards Adolph Hitler and his violence, most people recognize his leadership style as one of the most successful and effective at the global level. Being one of the most popular world leaders, Hitler was able to start World War II and sent millions...

Interconnection of Ethics and Murder

Introduction The review of murder from the context of ethics has been a rather question due to the nature of those events. Ranging from self-defense and virtual murder of NPCs to revenge killing or premeditated murder, this issue has sparked different disagreements and conflicts between psychologists. The following text reviews...

History and Influence of Feminist Psychology

Feminist Psychology is a theory dealing with sexuality and gender. This psychological theory, based on social structures, was developed by Karen Horney through a series of articles discussing traditional beliefs and conceptions about women and societal influence on female psychology (Lafrance & Wigginton, 2019). In medieval times, however, early feminists...

Differencies Between Feeling and Perception

The difference between sensation and perception is that with sensation, a person receives information about the world around him through the senses. In contrast, with perception, the information is interpreted in the brain. When one looks at something on the phone, the information reaches the brain through the eyes, and...

Economic Inequality and Its Relationship to Poverty

Introduction One of the fundamental problems of society remains economic inequality, which leads to a number of critical consequences affecting the quality of life and well-being of the population. Strictly speaking, economic inequality should be understood as a differentiation in economic well-being between specific categories of the population; the serious...

Immigrant Adaptation Using Home Gardens

Introduction When crossing national boundaries, homes and gardens, parks and plazas, neighborhoods, and landmarks are some areas that immigrants leave behind. When these material anchors are missing, they can leave children feeling bewildered and alienated. Some people build a new home for themselves based on their memories of a place...

Advanced Communication Theory Aspects

Communication is an essential element across human society due to optimal information sharing. On the one hand, the acquisition of insights fosters objective consideration of distinctive relational platforms. On the other hand, poor domain utilization risks misunderstanding and negative responses regarding interactions among people. It is an individual’s responsibility to...

Promoting Youth Cultural Diversity Awareness

Due to rapid growth in various neighborhoods, society is diverse in terms of races, ethnicities, cultures, languages, and sexual orientations. There is also a significant disparity between the extremely wealthy and the poor (“More diversity activities for youth and adults,” 2022). As a result, cultural and social class diversity has...

Core Values for Children and Family

Some people think that family and its values are the most critical foundation of any person’s life. Personal development and growth begin in the bosom of the family, creating those traits and forming those habits that a person will project on other people in the process of cohabitation and communication....

Fighting Addictions: A Personal Reflection

Thinking of addiction, I realize that it comes at a high cost, and we must be aware of its consequences to not let ourselves or anyone become an addict. I believe that any sort of substance/action obsession has a damaging effect either on the physical or mental health of an...

Life in the United States of America

The United States of America is among the most popular countries where people want to live. Significant social, political, and economic development levels demonstrate that individuals can face decent living standards in this country. In addition to that, the United States impresses with geographical, cultural, and ethnic diversities that are...

Sexual Shame and Adultery: Clinical and Biblical Views

Negative judgments of one’s sexual identity, behaviors, attractions, thoughts, or feelings result in sexual shame, a specific type of shame. According to Pulverman and Meston (2020), sexual shame is connected to one’s prior sexual experiences and acts. It involves issues like sex and sexuality, sexual wants, and very private parts...

Why Euthanasia Should Not Be Legalised

At one of the American hospitals, Rose, a terminally ill sixty-six-year-old retired teacher is imminently dying. She has not had an appetite for two weeks and is even less interested in fluid intake. It appears her body is beginning to shut down as she approaches death. Her fluid and nutrient...

Women in Neolithic and Pre-Imperial China

Summary Gender norms and roles have been a very common topic for discussion among historians, sociologists, and other scientists. It is undeniable that each country had its own perspective on the matter, especially during ancient times. Such discussions have led to the conduction of various studies related to women’s rights...

Critical Areas in Women and Gender Studies

Introduction Women and Gender studies investigate how larger structural influences, including nation-building, globalization, economic growth, and the legal system, impact the lives of specific women and men in historical and modern situations. The field continues to represent the constantly evolving paths that multiple first and third-world feminisms are currently pursuing...

The American Frontier: Key Values

Introduction One may probably agree that the heritage of the American frontier has become integral to U.S. citizens and culture. Even though the frontier was replaced more than a century ago, it still fascinates and impacts the lives of Americans. As noticed and explored in the article by Kearny (61),...

The Role of Stereotyping in Communication

Basing collective and individual decisions regarding the tone, style, or other aspects of communication on certain stereotypes is a complicated task. To engage in productive stereotyping, one should keep certain things in mind. Module (2018) suggests adding more traits to the created ‘image’: for instance, rather than perceiving people of...

Authentic and Pseudo-Transformational Leaders

In order to achieve success for the company, leaders should motivate their followers. Thus, in defining the source of their motivation, leaders can be motivated by bringing good to many people. Alternatively, leaders can be motivated to move the company towards success for personal gain. Thus, the leaders who set...

Components of Cultural Identity

Summary Being aware of one’s cultural background and the essential characteristics thereof is exceptionally helpful in building relationships with others, especially in the context of a classroom environment. Indeed, when establishing a rapport with students, one will need to have a profound awareness of one’s culture and the means of...

The Dangers of Texting While Driving

Specific Purpose: Convince the audience about the dangers of texting while driving. Central Idea: Texting while driving is a dangerous trend in the US that breaks the law, distracts the driver, and endangers both passengers and bystanders. Introduction Attention Getter: Did you know that one in four car accidents in...

Methods and Stages of Suicide Prevention

Suicide prevention begins with identifying and treating warning signals carefully. Suicide is an intense effort to end the pain that has grown intolerable. Suicidal people are blinded by issues with self, despair, and loneliness, and they see no other way out but death. Despite their wish to end their suffering,...

ADHD: The Center’s for Disease Control and Prevention Webpage

Introduction A classroom has children with varying capabilities and concentration spans. Children in their early years have a short attention span and act on impulse, but those with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have those traits even in adulthood (CDC, 2022). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides caregivers...

Environmental Ethics in Genetically Modified Organisms

Environmental ethics is centered on the ethical dilemmas arising from human interaction with the nonhuman domain. It investigates ways in which society can resolve different challenges that touch on ethics and the environment (Anyshchenko, 2019) There have been protracted ethical dilemmas relating to the scientific technologies in genetic engineering leading...

Social and Cultural Competency in the Research Process

Social psychology is the scientific study of people’s feelings, beliefs, and behaviors in social contexts. Understanding the mechanics behind the human connection is crucial because it helps develop measures that solve social issues (Gopalkrishnan, 2019). Social and cultural competency is inevitable skills in sociological research since they enhance interactions expanding...

The “It Will Never Happen to Me” Book by Claudia Black

Introduction Every concerned adult wonders where the current generation is headed regarding responsibility, drug and substance abuse, family life, and general humanity. Alcoholism is already a significant problem among American teens and college students, according to Skrzynski et al. (1991). Over 40% of young couples in the U.S. hardly celebrate...

Ethical Reasoning: Utilitarianism & Universal Ethics

Facts Luke has been invited to work on a project involving the development of property recently bought by ABC for the construction of an adult entertainment retail store. As per the plan, the land is on a corner in the area where Luke’s brother, Owen, resides. Luke is well aware...

Parental Substance Abuse: Negative Impact on Child Development

For this class, the article by Parolin et al., “Parental Substance Abuse as an Early Traumatic Event. Preliminary Findings on Neuropsychological and Personality Functioning in Young Drug Addicts Exposed to Drugs Early,” was chosen due to its relevant topic. There are many families where parents suffer from substance abuse remains...

Defining a Child Care Problem and Finding Solutions

Introduction Along with the development of a particular individual, his needs expand, which increases costs to maintain living and makes the person earn more money. The situation is aggravated by the fact that it is becoming more and more expensive to support children in a family due to the fact...

Sex Trafficking and Prostitution in Tennessee

Similar to almost any part of the world, sex trafficking in Tennessee is not unusual. Being illegal, it may be provided in places, such as massage and therapy parlors and nail salons, that officially offer other services. For instance, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation’s official together with local law enforcement...

The Theory of Social Stratification

The key meaning behind the concept of social stratification is the classification of people to the different social classes that possess or lack certain privileges. There is an evident pattern that displays that each society organizes their resources unequally, which leads to the unavoidable stratification (Tumin, 1953). The level of...

The Foundation of Leadership in the US Army

My essay aims to discuss the foundation of U.S. Army leadership. Knowing the foundation of leadership in the Army is very important to being a leader. By its very nature, war is a place of chaos where nobody knows exactly what to do, where to run, or where to shoot....

Developing Intercultural Competence

Managing international groups requires proper understanding of the key notions of intercultural dimensions and their general concept. In terms of establishing effective communication channels with various nations, the factor of recognizing the main cultural distinctions plays a crucial role. Since Australian and Thai people are different due to the Hofstede’s...

“Yes, America Is Rigged Against Workers” by Greenhouse

“Yes, America Is Rigged Against Workers” by Steven Greenhouse is an opinion article published on August 3, 2019, in New York Times, talking about a skewed system with no regard for workers’ affairs. Greenhouse describes the United States as the only developed country with no laws guaranteeing paid maternity leave,...

Ethics in Social Work: Addressing Economic Inequality

As global society begins recovering from the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, it becomes clear to scholars and social workers that the legacy of the year 2020 will be long-standing economic inequality. The disease amplified the disparity based on race, income, occupation, and nationality. Therefore, there is a challenge...

Teenage Pregnancy as a Global Problem

Introduction Adolescent pregnancy refers to the pregnancy of an underage adolescent girl (usually 11-17 years old). The problem with adolescent pregnancy stems from a mismatch between the age of sexual and social maturity. The age and criteria of social maturity vary from country to country and culture to culture. The...

Disney Corporation Effects on Children and Young Adults

The Disney corporation has a long history of producing films and television shows that tremendously impact the development and socialization of children and young adults. While there are many positive aspects to the entertainment offered by Disney, there are also many potential negative effects. Some experts have argued that Disney’s...

Different Types of Child Abuse

Have you ever been helpless in your life? Faced with someone who has power over you and is willing to use it, while you can do nothing in return? When the abuser in question is the person your livelihood depends on? Take a moment to answer these questions for yourselves....

Addressing Teenage Obesity in America

Obesity is one of the central issues in the United States affecting all human developmental phases. Adolescence is vulnerable and to some extent fragile period of an individual’s existence. Teenagers tend to exaggerate and set various priorities from those in adulthood. Obesity affects about 14.4 million children and teenagers altogether,...

Government Responsibility Regarding Human Rights

Every state has the primary responsibility of promoting and protecting human rights. To realize these responsibilities, both local and national governments have to educate the public about human rights, create awareness, raise, and train public officials on the significance of freedom. Governments employ legal instruments that oversee social security in...

Speeches by Jim Carrey and Chris Do

Notably, both speeches are persuasive and inspirational; they aim to evoke listeners’ thoughts and motivate them to change in life. Hence, the rhetorical mode of both videos is persuasion, which is a style of reasoning that includes a call to action aimed at the audience (Beqiri). The first speech by...

Reflection on “The Veil in Our Minds and on Our Heads”

Introduction This paper’s main argument is that the veil in the context of the Western world is heavily imbued with racism and ethnocentrism. Hoodfar (1992) illustrates the veil’s significance in Muslim culture and norms. She gives insight into Islamic feminism, a perspective often ignored by white feminists, and how it...

An Ethical Dilemma of a Pregnant 16-Year-Old Girl

Introduction The current ethical dilemma concerns a pregnant sixteen-year-old girl who is hesitant to tell her parents about her condition. During the counseling session, she stated that she wanted to terminate the pregnancy but asked the working school-based professional to keep it a secret from her parents. This situation is...

Social Groups and Development of Personality

Social groups are made up of two or more individuals who interact with one another and share a sense of togetherness and identity. They are critical in the development of personality and in building a sense of identity (Berger & Luckmann, 1966). Primary groups are tiny and marked by long-lasting,...

The Problems of Substance Abuse in Homeless Veterans

The problem of homelessness often affects the most vulnerable segments of society, among them veterans. This group also experiences significant issues concerning excessive alcohol consumption and drug addiction, which entail detrimental consequences for their health and ability to return to everyday life. Several researchers have studied substance abuse among homeless...

Moral Conscience and Lack of It in People

Each person lives in a society and follows certain rules of behavior. Some rules are regulated by law, and others are a matter of personal and public morality. The formation of moral principles is greatly influenced by education, family relations, religion, environment, and culture. What seemed unacceptable and reprehensible some...

The Canadian Prison System: Problems and Proposed Solutions

The state of Canadian prisons has been an issue of concern for more than a century now. Additionally, prisons are run in a manner that does not promote rehabilitation, which should be the goal of penitentiaries. Multiple reports over the years have shown that inmates are subjected to violence, torture,...

Habitat for Humanity International

Strengths of HFHI Habitat for Humanity Humanity International (HFHI) involves a non-profit organization that primarily emphasizes volunteer work and utilizes practical approaches to give back to societies, specifically the less fortunate. This organization mainly develops homes for persons in desperate need. It simultaneously sells these homes to persons that are...

Analysis of Intelligence Tests Assessment

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV) and The Sternberg Triarchic Abilities Test (STAT) are two standard methods to evaluate intelligence among children. The former assesses five primary areas – visual spatial, verbal comprehension, fluid reasoning, processing speed, and working memory (Eckerd, 2022). As a result, WISC-IV and WISC-V provide...

Chronic Poverty and Disability in the UK

Introduction The U.K. is an economically stable country with significantly established social, political, and economic institutions. History concerning the region’s superpower dates back to the colonial era when Britain and other powerful allies owned and controlled most of the republics on earth. As a powerful region, one expects the U.K....

Self-Identity and Personal Freedom

Introduction Personal identity is a specific range of features or other individual characteristics that distinguishes a human being from others. The question of identity, one’s own boundaries, and the perception of oneself in a changing world is a crucial and significant issue. It is significant both in the context of...

Intercultural Communication in Real Life Situations

Introduction Respect and empathy are paramount for society to function and progress. Intercultural communication has helped me to realize how differences in cultural backgrounds can affect human interactions in both negative and positive ways. Now I know that proper cultural etiquette does not only allow people to be integrated into...

Reducing Violence Against Women

Introduction While civil rights movements all over the world have shaped the way societies view different groups of people previously marginalized, certain problems still occur and represent a significant danger for vulnerable individuals. A topic that is to be discussed in terms of prevention and addressing is violence against women....

The Issue of Gender Inequality in Kenya

Background There are numerous countries outside the United States, Kenya being among them. Kenya is one of the countries in sub-Saharan Africa with oppressive conditions, most preferably the gender inequality and marginalization of a specific proportion of the populace. Oppressive condition is a situation that renders some individuals feeling not...

Communication in Veterinary Practice

Communication is crucial in many areas of life, including interpersonal relations between people. Some experts divide communication into four key steps, which are called encoding, medium of transmission, decoding, and feedback (Dimbleby and Burton, 2020). In the first step, people encode their ideas into an understandable message. This process is...

Citizens: The Importance of Being Historically Informed

Citizens need to be historically informed because it encourages them to be more active in community activities. It is the responsibility of any citizen to engage in all aspects of the community to make it a better place for themselves and others. By being historically informed, citizens can organize themselves...

“The End of China’s One‐Child Policy” by Wang et al.

Introduction The article by Feng Wang, Baochang Gu, and Yong Cai is called “The end of China’s one‐child policy”. The article was intended for the audience which does not live in China but is interested in its policies and affairs. The purpose of the article was to familiarize the audience...

The State of Modern Work Attitudes in Relation to COVID-19

Introduction In addition to health care, global trade, and the standard manner people interact, COVID-19 has irrevocably affected work behaviors and attitudes. As Karácsony (2021) notes, “the virus has had a significant impact on … the labor market” (p. 1). A vast body of knowledge and scientists’ attention is rightly...

A Body Image in a Contemporary Fashion

Introduction The modern fashion industry has long been criticized for establishing unhealthy standards for women’s bodies by producing clothing that fits and looks well only on underweight individuals. The promotion of extreme thinness in media resulted in pathological thoughts and behaviors predominantly among females, causing unthinkable numbers of young girls...

Investing in Doctors Without Borders

Merits Doctors Without Borders is an international non-governmental humanitarian organization that provides emergency medical assistance to populations affected by famine, epidemics, forced migration, natural disasters and armed conflicts. The last decade of the XX century was the time of the real heyday of the organization and its wide international recognition....

The Animal Rights Movement for Justice

Brief History of the Animal Rights Movement This paper aims to highlight a critical social justice movement that touches beings that are barely protected by society – animals. The idea that animals possess personal qualities akin to humans stems from the Darwinists who protested against speciesism (Linzey & Linzey, 2018)....

The Social Problem of Bullying and the School System

Introduction Contemporary social problems occupy a significant place in the lives of numerous people and societies. Considering the wide variety of social issues that prevent numerous individuals from maintaining a high level of well-being, it is essential to understand the connections between modern social complications and the affected social systems....

Haitian Immigration in the United States

The U.S has a large number of immigrants compared to any other part of the world since many people move there to join their families while others look for better job opportunities. Other immigrants in the U.S seek safety from the wars in their countries and disasters, while others seek...

Do Negative Life Experiences Help the Creative Process?

Different perspectives can be taken on the subject of whether negative life experiences help the creative process. The effect of negative experiences on cognitive and emotional creativity is yet unknown for certain. Some believe that self-focused attention is linked to both low mood and creativity. On the other side, it...

“Ghetto Kids Gone Good”: Urban Debate League’s Missions

The “Ghetto Kids Gone Good” article analyzes the Urban Debate League (UDL). The UDL’s mission is to provide underprivileged populations with the benefits of debate participation. Debate skills are crucial to educational performance and achievement. The effectiveness of the URLs in raising the academic attainment of interior kids of color...

Moral Dimensions of Economic Growth

Introduction Morality is defined as a person’s convictions and values about the importance of the application of norms that are of good conduct. It is a significant factor in a person’s behavior and hence in the economic outcomes. Moral dimensions are important in considering economic growth since they enhance equitability...

Ethical Issues in Hitler’s Leadership

Adolf Hitler is one of the infamous figures in history due to his role in World War II (WWII) and the Holocaust. Born on April 20, 1889, in Braunau, Austria, Hitler was the fourth of six children born to Alois Hitler and his third wife, Klara, who lived between 1837-1903...

Transnational Feminism and Oppression

Introduction The creation account describes men and women as equal parties made by the Maker fearfully and wonderfully. Such suggests the necessity for the two sexes to live together impartially. The male is not to suppress or victimize the female, while the latter should experience the same measure of freedom...

Discussion and Reflection: Moral Compass

Theories The first theory to discuss is the common good lens. This approach assumes that everyone has to contribute to life in the community, improving it through such things as empathy for others, compassion, and providing help, especially to the vulnerable ones. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (2021) states that...

Meaning of the Ethics and Ethical Problem

Ethics is a set of knowledge, ideas and regulations that have been developed by humanity, which characterize, from a moral point of view, the difference between right and wrong. An ethical problem is an ambiguous question about the morality of an act or opinion. The moral aspect of any dilemma...

“Faith, Truth, and Tolerance in America” by Edward Moore Kennedy

Edward Moore (Ted) Kennedy was an American lawyer and politician who served as a U.S. senator from Massachusetts for nearly 47 years. His oratorical skills were known worldwide; he developed his skills as long as he was involved in political activities. Kennedy advocated economic and social equality, argued extensively about...

The Animal Cruelty Issue and Its Causes

Introduction Animal cruelty has always been a critical issue, not only in science, where animals are experimented on but also in everyday life. Many people do not even think about the torture inflicted on animals and how painful it may be. This can be for different purposes, such as scientific,...

The Problem of Homelessness in Canada

Introduction Homelessness is a common societal issue in Canada and many other developing nations. Every year, about 235,000 people in Canada experience this aspect of homelessness and between 25,000 and 35,000 individuals might be homeless on any particular night.1 Homelessness is defined as multiple situations, like staying in unsuitable places...

How the Other Half Lives: Slums in New York

Demand for housing units skyrocketed due to the rapid growth of the industrial sector in the United States during the 1880s. Housing shortages in northeastern cities grew out of the influx of thousands of people and immigrants. Landlords have continued to subdivide their apartments into ever smaller units, resulting in...

The Problem of Gender Identity in Sports

Athletics and sports are more about skills than the players’ physical attributes. The strategies employed by the athletes during the competition play a significant role in determining whether they win or not. Different skills and techniques can be used by all athletes regardless of their gender. Student-athletes can compete in...

The Role of Online Games in Human Trafficking

Online games such as Roblox and Metaverse act as platforms human traffickers use to lure children and even adults. Through these platforms, would-be traffickers communicate with their potential victims and lure them with promises of a better life. The gaming sites make it easier for traffickers to find their potential...

Consequences and Benefits of Urbanization

Urban anthropology explores the life of people in cities, the diversity of forms of social organization, the sociocultural experience, and the practices of urban communities. The subject of the study is both the problems of urban life (overcrowding, poverty, inequality of opportunity, migration, social exclusion) and the variety of forms...

Inequality and Poverty in the United States

There are a number of possible reasons for inequality, including differences in education, experience, skills, and talent. Other reasons could include discrimination based on gender, race, or religion), socio-economic factors (income level, wealth distribution), and geography (location). Conflict theory is one of the most powerful explanations for inequality. It shows...

Indigenous Women Discrimination in Canada

The struggle for the rights of Indigenous people of Canada only truly began in the 21st century, and so far, the situation of this population group cannot be called favorable. Indigenous people continue to experience discrimination despite the numerous affirmations from the Canadian government that it will provide a better...

“Glass Ceiling” in the Theory of Gender Studies

‘Glass Ceiling’ Despite the progressive erasure of gender roles, stereotypes, and discrimination in society, there is a ‘glass ceiling’ phenomenon in social life. The term ‘glass ceiling’ in the theory of gender studies was introduced in the early 1980s (Niemi 80). It describes an invisible and formally unmarked barrier that...

A Relationship Between the Individual and Society

This paper explores the relationship between the individual and society using the article After over three decades of covering Russia, I leave in despair. One man has extinguished the bright hope many once felt. It was written by Robertson, a CNN journalist in 2022. Before reading the paper, one should...

Intercultural Conflicts: Occurrence and Solutions

In chapter 8, “Intercultural Conflict,” the authors discuss the theoretical basis of conflicts, their definition, occurrence, classification, and solutions. The authors emphasize that conflict is an integral part of society and characterize it differently. In general, the conflict is defined in the chapter as a struggle between two incompatible opinions...

Diversity, Racism, and Identity in the United States

American society experiences a new wave of disagreements and debates in the most fundamental topics of American democracy functioning. The two-party system and unprecedented Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential elections caused new lines of polarization between the Republican and Democrat electorate (Abramowitz and McCoy 137). Migration and diversity...

Argumentative and Alternative Communication Systems

Summary Alternative and argumentative communication (AAC) uses symbols, pictures, written words, and objects that help autistic children to communicate. It also helps autistic children perform in an environment where they can communicate effectively (Beukelman 2020). PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) is an AAC system with technology that allows persons with...

Cuban Migration into the United States

The United States policy on Cuban immigrants and refugees has dramatically changed over the past decade. Preferential treatment and a speedy path to legal permanent residence for Cuban immigrants in the United States date back to the 1960s. After Fidel Castro’s 1959 communist revolution, Cubans began pouring into the United...

Gender Diversity in Organizations

Gender Diversity First and foremost, it must be emphasized that gender diversity in the workplace is indeed necessary. The main point of this factor is the destruction of gender and social stereotypes. This can be explained by the fact that a visible manifestation of female power can convince society of...

Gender Roles in a Modern Society

Throughout the history of humanity, a woman has been assigned the role of being dependent on a man and, to some extent, subordinate to him. It seems to us that even though a lot has changed in the sexist-patriarchal structure of the world by the XXI century and it would...

Gender in Traditional Superhero Costumes

Introduction For a long time, an image of a “superhero” was associated with a male character who saves the world from a total disaster. A typical powerful man is always accompanied by a pretty girl who needs help from him. Due to such common aspects, almost all of these individuals...

Aspects of the Science of Persuasion

The science of persuasion is an interesting reading that illustrates the necessity to use six techniques to persuade people rather than depending on one’s ability to convince others. Individuals follow the principle of reciprocity. In this instance, a person is more likely to say yes to a person they owe...

Nonverbal Intellectual Communication: Cultural Space and Privacy

Privacy Across Culture Intellectual communication is the process of communicating between two cultures. Intellectual communication involves an interpretive, contextual, symbolic, and transactional process where individuals from different cultural backgrounds create and share meanings during interactions (Grothe, 2020). Privacy across culture is one of the essential concepts that enable people to...

Discussion of LGBT Discrimination in Modern Society

Introduction All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. All rights and freedoms are universal, interdependent, indivisible and interrelated. Sexual orientation and gender identity are inherent in the dignity and identity of each person and must not be a ground for discrimination or violation. Despite the...

Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality

Summarize the main point(s) or argument(s) of the TCI – Deculturalization Deculturalization seeks to suppress a particular culture or replace it with one that people with greater power consider superior. Deculturalization took place in different periods of history when people conquered the lands of another, and this process can be...

Discussion of Prejudice: A Learned Behavior

Introduction Prejudice is a social phenomenon as humans are the only species that exhibit this behavior. It is a range of attitudes and opinions not based on experience or logical reasoning and can result in an unwarranted negative judgment of a group of people and its members (Matsuda et al.,...

Sex Worker Unionization: Violence in Commercial Sex Work

Sex work is a profession with a long-standing and turbulent past. Throughout history, prostitution was rarely considered an important topic, with sex workers often being subject to stigmatization, marginalization, criminalization, and even ostracism. Thus, it is crucial to consider the history of sex work and the treatment of workers in...

Radical and Reformist Feminism

The belief in the equality of women and men has a long history. However, until the first wave of feminism in the 19th century, there was little to no public support for people who opposed discrimination and fought for equal rights (Hooks, 2014). Less than two centuries ago, the feminist...

Celebrating Social Work Month with Angelo McClain

The first episode of the assigned podcast was released during Social Work Month, was established almost 60 years ago and is dedicated to explaining the aims and importance of social work. The guest is the CEO of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), Angelo McClain. The present paper analyzes...

Spatial and Social Mobility: Barriers and Restrictions

In sociology research, there are several forms of mobility that can be restricted for disadvantaged populations. According to Massey and Denton (2013), barriers to spatial mobility or intra-urban migration can also act as challenges to individuals’ movement through social hierarchy systems. The authors regard groups’ movement across various locations as...

“My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant” by Jose Antonio Vargas

Life away from home on foreign territory always seems more complicated and thornier than life on home soil. Thus, migrants face various difficulties every day: the language barrier, cultural characteristics, and legal aspects. In his essay “My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant,” Jose Antonio Vargas recounts his personal experience of...

Sexuality and Male Dominance in East Asian Society

Introduction Throughout history, East Asian countries have been known as patrilineal and patrilocal ones; a major part of the East Asian culture, as well the society’s efforts were focused on a figure of a man. In addition, a person’s heterosexuality has been an unchangeable standard and requirement for many centuries....

Animals in Zoos as Innocent Prisoners

Unfortunately, many people still believe that animals are well-kept in zoos. Representatives of endangered species spend their lives in cages without any chance to investigate vast territories and eat natural food. They are likely to live much longer than their wild brothers, not facing problems such as fighting for females...

Violence against Women: A Review of the Global Issue

The 21st century can be characterized by the increasing level of public awareness in regard to various social issues. Among them, the fair and equal treatment of all people is one of the most topical matters that concern progressive communities. In spite of the recent efforts aimed at equality, women...

The Importance of Communication Skills

Regardless of a person’s level of intelligence and knowledge gained, it is essential to understand how to communicate with others. Otherwise, it will be impossible to realize a person’s potential effectively. A person acquires communication skills during the process of socialization. Even at the first stages — family and school—...

Prejudice as a Learned Behavior

Introduction Prejudice is an intrinsic part of society as all people form different opinions about themselves, others, and various social phenomena. It can be defined as an attitude and a “preconceived negative judgment of a group and its individual members” (Myers & Twenge, 2018, p. 238). There is a debate...

Creating a Communication Strategy

Introduction In any field, failures and emergencies are possible, the consequences of which are catastrophic and need to be corrected. If the tragedy concerns people’s lives, then it should be treated in a particular way. This is because, in addition to trivial losses in the form of damage to company...

Leckie’s “Ancillary Justice”: Sci-Fi, Gothic, and Queer Theory

Topic Overview Each of the pieces in Leckie’s “Ancillary Justice” investigates and broadens the critical connotations of both the labels “queer” and “Gothic.” Queering the Gothic is a genre of writing about queerness and Gothicism. With works ranging from the first wave of eighteenth-century and Romantic Gothic fiction to nineteenth-century...

Protecting the Child at Risk of Significant Harm

Introduction If a person is in a socially dangerous situation, immediate intervention is required to ensure the safety and well-being of the child. For example, it can be physical abuse or mistreatment of a child, abandonment, or sexual violence. At the same time, the absence of the necessary basic care...

Discussion of Why the Youth Join Gangs

Youth violence can manifest in different forms, including forming or joining a gang. Although there are varying definitions of a youth gang, there are certain baseline features associated with youth gangs that differentiate them from other groups or organizations. The members of a youth street gang are typically between twelve...

Environmental Justice as Social Movement

Introduction Today, people continue making multiple attempts to create a fair and equal society and improve the conditions under which they live and develop relationships. Sometimes, it does not take much time or effort to implement a policy and consider the interests and needs of communities. In some situations, many...

The Theoretical Origin of the Concept of Racism

In 1964, an important accomplishment was achieved in the struggle of the black population of America for their rights; the US Congress finally passed the Civil Rights Act, formally prohibiting racial discrimination. However, in the minds of ordinary people, these changes took much longer, and the film In the Heat...

Irish Immigration to America

Immigration to America is an acute issue of the past and the present that has not lost its relevance. Powerful waves of migration began in the early 20th century, and some of the settlers were the Irish. Economic and humanitarian disasters spurred immigrants who could afford to move to America....

Obesity From Sociological Perspectives

Introduction The social problem under focus is obesity originating from Latino food norms. Much of the Latin cuisine has nostalgic value to Hispanic cultures. Consumption of traditional Latino food inspires the feeling of comfort to Latino people. Yet, at the same time, much of the food is saturated in fats,...

The Significance of Active Listening Skills

Introduction To begin with, I have always struggled with listening to other people since sometimes it seems highly challenging for me to concentrate on the flow of their speech. As a result, after rating my social behaviors based on Hoppe’s (2007, p. 10-11) test, it became clear to me that...

Gender and Sexuality in Modern Society

The topic of gender and sexuality this week emphasized how anthropology is connected to modern society and the world as it provides a historical and cultural perspective on women’s role and position in society. It was interesting to learn how gender as a social construct initially resulted from the physical...

Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Sociological Development

The changes in the social structure began in the 18th century during the industrial revolution. On a very fundamental level, these ongoing modifications provided new working and living strategies, transforming the social design (Risjord, 2014). In this way, the insurgency shifted people’s perspectives from their homes to their workplaces. The...

The Idea of “Big Brother” in Modern Society

Nowadays, almost everyone who lives in one of the first-world countries has a cell phone or any other mobile device that lets them get internet access anytime. Furthermore, in today’s age of technological progress, every device with internet access is equipped with a camera, microphone, or any other recording tool....

Analysis of Giving Back to Society

Charities may serve many purposes and play a different role for both recipients and donors. In the digital era, it has become easy for people to show their support to any group they choose. Both donations and community services can be seen as expressions of one’s opinion or willingness to...

Gender Inequality in Social Inequality

The problem of gender inequality is one of the most acute problems today. Gender discrimination exists, just as there are people who are not ready to cope with the current state of affairs. To protect women from violence, improve their position in society, and place in marriage, a large number...

Conflict of Interest in Speech Therapy

Conflict of interest in clinical practice and, more specifically, in speech therapy is a phenomenon emerging due to the presence of varying perspectives of personal and professional nature. These aspects do not correlate with each other and lead to the need to balance employees’ responsibilities in developing solutions and their...

Different Perceptions of New York

The two essays by A. Busch and Elwyn White speak about the diversity of New York. Authors perceive this city differently; for instance, Busch says that New York is very adaptive, and every visitor might take what he needs from this city. White claims that the city is enormously huge...

Social Change Theory and Social Media

A serious approach to the use of social media must involve knowledge of the sociological models in which these media fit. Social networks are extremely closely integrated into the everyday existence of a person and everyday consciousness. On this basis, it would make sense to interpret one’s behavior in the...

Latin American Immigration to the United States

Introduction Immigration is an issue that has been in America’s politics for a long time. People desire to go to America because of the opportunities available in the country. In the case of Jess, the interviewee, and her family traveled to the united states for economic reasons. Their father had...

Gender Equality Strategies in Education

Introduction Gender inequality has been one of the most significant issues throughout the history of European society. Women and girls were mostly at a disadvantage in several fields and areas of life, although men were also subjected to inequality in some regions. The labor market was and, as some people...

Issues of Sex and Gender in Society Today

All issues related to gender have been rather acute and debated since early times. Indeed, using such questions, one can deftly manipulate people for the sake of one’s benefit. Sometimes, it is done to raise a rating of some political party or politician. Nevertheless, the state of Arkansas recently has...

Child Abuse Problem Overview

According to social statistics presented in 2019 that focus on child abuse and neglect rates in the United States on the basis of victims’ race and ethnicity, it is possible to notice huge disparities. Thus, the highest rate of 14.8 cases per 1,000 children was observed among American Indian or...

People’s Thoughts and Behaviors: Influence of Cultural and Social Factors

People’s thoughts, behaviors, and views of certain things can be impacted not only by their own experiences and priorities but also by specific cultural and social forces. Many of them affect a person during their whole life and can guide most of their decisions. For example, these factors include family,...

Aspects of the Six Moral Rules

Introduction Determining right and wrong in different situations and always taking action can be challenging. For centuries now, scholars, philosophers, religious people, and laypersons have been trying to find the correct and ethical way of doing things. Astronomer Carl Sagan (1993) writes about the six moral rules. He says the...

Food Deprivation in the United States

Food deprivation in the United States – as well as in the world – is caused by a number of complex socio-economic factors. Unfortunately, the global pandemic and its effects added one more layer of depth to this problem (World Health Organization, 2021). In 2020, around 38 million Americans –...

Discussion of Gender Roles in Modern World

During human history, gender stereotypes have been widespread, and the community has defined the person’s role based on gender. Although in recent periods, culture is more loyal to the fact that women can do work that associates with men according to the standard concept. Thus, today there are no questions...

Minority Representation in the United States Congress

In the modern world, changes are taking place aimed at the review of traditional norms and values, which, in particular, is reflected in the tolerant attitude towards representatives of various small groups. The level of discrimination against representatives of nationalities who immigrated to the country in the course of history...

Lessons Learned From the Poverty Simulation

Description The first lesson I learned from the poverty simulation is that those who have not experienced poverty may not adequately understand the situation. Some people think poverty only entails having deficient financial resources while it involves hunger, poor quality health, and poor education. The second lesson I learned is...

“Campus Response to a Student Gunman” by Asmussen & Creswell

Various research projects explore the topic of school incidents in the United States, articles are published, and conferences are held. They address the motives and predictors of attacks and finding ways to prevent such behavior. However, there is a small number of works that talk about campus reactions. This important...

Conflict Between Employee, Customer, and Manager

Conflicts are situations when parties in the conversation cannot understand each other. It is a frequent situation at work, where each has their own interests, which are sometimes contradictory. The situation with Elaine is an example of the conflict between the employee with the customer and the superior manager, David....

Concept of Sexuality as a Cultural Construct

Sexuality is a topic that has been of considerable interest to the public and scientists for a long time. Until now, there is no precise definition of the reasons that affect the formation of this aspect of a person’s personality. Many studies consider sexuality as a continuum, equating it with...

Fair and Neutral Public Town Hall-Style Debate

Executive Summary Social Influence and Politics Fair and unbiased hall-style debates are the current issues nowadays. People want to express their standpoint and viewpoint freely and not be afraid of being criticized. Open space for debates is an excellent opportunity to voice concerns and issues that are much spoken about...

Ethics as a Social Science Field

Introduction Ethics is a broad social science field, grounded on the precepts of moral philosophy and focused on the elucidations of behaviors deemed morally right or wrong. The paper aims to highlight some of the primary conceptualizations integrated into the study of morality, including natural law, human rights, ethics of...

Immigration Effects on the United Kingdom

Introduction As globalization progresses, the world economy has developed significantly through the exchange of people across national borders. Through the expansion of people exchanges and their accumulation in cities, various kinds of knowledge have been collected, and by exerting synergistic effects, benefits such as the creation of innovation and improvement...

“Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment” by Kabeer

Gender inequality is an issue that has led to endless debates with different people proposing diverse solutions to ensure equality is exercised. The article shows that many people are advocating for women’s empowerment to ensure that females are given various opportunities in the community. Moreover, it reveals that people are...

Aspects of Food Insecurity

Introduction As the most significant sociological and economic problem, food security is becoming a regulated process within the framework of international political and economic cooperation. Europe is considered one of the developed regions globally; however, the sociological issue of food insecurity is still present in several countries. Therefore, it is...

Gender Equality in the Media Workforce

Gender equality has come a long way since what it had been 40 years ago. Denying the progress that was made during that time is pointless, as many changes were made, for the better. I recall watching old movies, which were dominated by male actors, with women largely given the...

The Ethics and Governance Course Description and Ethical Message

After completing UU200 Ethics and Governance, I have learned that our decisions and actions affect our lives and those around us. This course has changed my outlook and behavior towards other people and the world. The discussion on ethical theories has given me a sense of responsibility for treating others...