There have been numerous debates concerning the influence that various types of communication with peers may have on adolescents’ behavior and development. For instance, Laghi et al. (2019) claim that adolescents with impaired social skills could be more vulnerable to binge drinking. Some conservatives point to the fact that teenagers...
Topic: Communication
Words: 584
Pages: 2
The psychology of social class argues that people’s personal and social identities result from the conditions in which they grew and lived. The data on the socio-economic status of people living in a given region affirm this proposition. For instance, the impoverished neighborhoods are prone to crimes and are subject...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1142
Pages: 4
Immigration Migration is one of the most important social aspects that entail moving from one location to another, where one can meet new people with cultures. The United States of America has been considered a perfect destination by many immigrants into their territories. Some of the major reasons that have...
Topic: Stereotypes
Words: 1379
Pages: 5
Introduction An analysis of the conversation between men and women reveals the extraordinary complexity of their social relationships. Sociolinguistics examines the dynamics of relations between men and women through the prism of the language of their communication. Men and women often understand each other inaccurately during communication. This article discusses...
Topic: Communication
Words: 331
Pages: 1
Cesar Chavez is most known for his attempts to improve working conditions for the laborers who were forced to work in deplorable circumstances for little salaries. Nonviolent protests were used by Chavez and his Union to contest California grape farmers’ policies (Ortiz, 2021). The demonstrations in Vieques were against the...
Topic: Protest
Words: 334
Pages: 1
Introduction When dealing with youngsters, competence in interactions delves into the continuing socializing and guiding procedures in the early year’s foundation stage. Interactions with youngsters and associates that are mutual lay the groundwork for helping children’s social and emotional development as well as engaging and cooperating with colleagues, coworkers, and...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 620
Pages: 2
Feminist equity philosophy is a woman rights activist moral perspective that desires to connect with and ultimately transform traditional international ethical viewpoints. Feminist justice morals, like most collections of feminist ethics, examine how gender is left out of common ethical concerns. Although mainstream ethics is said to be male-oriented, feminist...
Topic: Justice
Words: 1499
Pages: 5
Introduction The criminalization of immigration in the United States of America (USA) is not a new topic of discussion. It has been in the picture since the establishment of the country. However, during the 20th century, the USA put forward a series of laws that have increased the criminalization of...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 884
Pages: 3
Women perform significant social, work, and parenting functions on an equal basis with men. However, in some cases, they barely have the same rights and freedoms as men do (Feminism is for everybody). I believe that even in the 21st century, we can note a tremendous gap between men and...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 624
Pages: 2
Social concerns associated with a decline in educational and cultural level, the blurring of life reference points and values, and the inability to interact constructively and resolve conflicts have become more acute among adolescents. This concern has arisen primarily due to the unmet needs of teenagers, and it must be...
Topic: Population
Words: 333
Pages: 1
Introduction The purpose of this paper is to develop a comprehensive analysis how ACAP student code of conduct and how the underlying principles are reflected in professional codes of ethics within the discipline. Specifically, the paper compares the ACAP Student Code of Conduct with ACA Code of Ethics and Practice....
Topic: Ethics
Words: 2273
Pages: 8
Registering for a sociology course helps discern various problems in life. The interconnected nature of sociology to societal wellbeing is a major concern that allows one to develop an acute understanding of the environment. Working as a surgical technologist aids one in determining the various factions necessary for surgery. It...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 304
Pages: 1
Introduction The rights of children are essential in providing a conducive environment for their growth and productivity. Article 12 of the UNCRC offers the opportunity for every child to express their views and opinions freely and adequately. These opportunities have enabled the children to speak and be heard on different...
Topic: Children’s Rights
Words: 867
Pages: 3
Human migration is a process of movement of people from one country to another, usually from one country to another. It usually includes long-distance travel across geographical areas. Colonialism is the act or policy of controlling other individuals by creating colonies, usually for economic gain. As part of colonialism, colonialists...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1713
Pages: 6
Nowadays, close contact with other people every day is an inevitable part of human life. Without the exchange of information, the normal life of a person, and the process of socialization, is impossible. Due to communication with relatives, friends or strangers, one lives, eats, goes to work, earns money, relaxes,...
Topic: Communication
Words: 820
Pages: 3
Freedom of speech seems an inalienable human right that cannot be restricted or taken away because it determines the ability to express and broadcast opinions and experiences. In reality, however, freedom of speech cannot be unlimited because individuals live in a society that sets the limits of acceptable speech. It...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 486
Pages: 1
Introduction There is a substantial rate of the younger generation and, more significantly, the teenagers that exhibit active physiological status of the reproductive system across the United States. It couples with the problem that teenagers started to be highly secretive about their sexual life (Heller 36). The level and activity...
Topic: Sex Education
Words: 1369
Pages: 5
Introduction The history of migration of Asians to the U.S has risen rapidly since the 1960s. In 1965 America enacted the immigration and nationality Act that eased immigration from Asian countries into the U.S. According to the statistics released in 2019, over 14 million immigrants from Asian countries reside in...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1944
Pages: 7
Shaw starts her speech with an introduction of herself, during which she states her expertise. Such an opening is effective because it immediately conveys the message to the audience that the presenter is an authoritative figure and can share valuable information (Shaw, n.d. a). Furthermore, she skillfully uses images and...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 278
Pages: 1
The inevitability of change requires prior preparation to facilitate a seamless transition. Failing to prepare can lead to the unsuccessful implementation of a change project at personal and organizational levels. Taking conscious steps towards adopting a transformation and embracing the scope of work and resources needed to achieve the revolution...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 277
Pages: 1
Of all nationalist movements, the Taliban is perhaps the most notorious and feared one. In a recent conversation with a Pakistani friend at a Ramadan party, my assumptions were mostly confirmed. The controversy surrounding the Taliban is undeniably warranted, given its history of attacks on its opponents and merciless executions...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 655
Pages: 2
Annotated Bibliography Adamiak, Marzena. “Gender Stereotypes in Emmanuel Lévinas’ Concept of Subject.” Gender in Focus, 2018, pp. 195-206. The article aims at providing the reader with a reflection on the development of gender stereotypes and their effect on the people. The source will be essential in providing information on how...
Topic: Family
Words: 2173
Pages: 8
Hypothesis-Driven Study Treatments for breast cancer include several surgeries – mastectomy and lumpectomy – and radiotherapy. Lumpectomy is not as invasive, as only cancer-affected areas are removed, while the breast is preserved as much as possible (Giannakeas, 2018). In the case of mastectomy, the breasts, lymph nodes, and muscle tissue...
Topic: Cancer
Words: 386
Pages: 1
In recent years, deception, dishonesty, and bluffing have become increasingly prevalent in the professional realm. By examining current corporate practices, it is easy to see why today’s society is more skeptical about seeking professional service, whether in law or medicine, than ever before. As Ellin asserts, is it ethically appropriate...
Topic: Moral Values
Words: 3053
Pages: 11
A brilliant leader can convince people by using conclusive and meaningful language. A conversion is a way of delivering a verbal message to an audience. The proponent aims to change the audience’s affection and reason by adopting certified words or behavior which can influence them. The leader’s success depends on...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 569
Pages: 2
Introduction Assisted suicide or euthanasia used to be allowed only in some European countries, but today residents of several US states are eligible for AS. The essence of the idea of AS is to allow a person who suffers from an incurable disease and experiences severe pain symptoms to die...
Topic: Moral Values
Words: 1679
Pages: 6
Freedom of speech allows everyone to seek, receive and impart information. People and communities should articulate their opinions, thoughts, and ideas without fear of any form of intimidation. Figure 1 above is an image to illustrate the restriction of freedom of speech. I chose to use this exact image to...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 603
Pages: 2
In the legal and political realms, justice is believed to be one of the most fundamental moral ideals. Law and order are essential, but they can only be achieved if justice is also established. In many facets of the community, social justice fosters consistency and fairness. Equal economic, cultural, and...
Topic: Justice
Words: 1225
Pages: 4
The acquittal of George Zimmerman triggered the creation of Black Lives Matter in the United States in 2012 after the killing of a black American teenager, Trayvon Martin. It was then publicly demonstrated in 2014 in the streets with the hashtag #blacklivematter on social media platforms. This after the death...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 295
Pages: 1
Philosophy may be described as the pursuit of knowledge. Based on this viewpoint, we can attribute ancient Hebrews as exceptional thinkers and ethic founders since they had a lifelong love for knowledge. Morality dictates that philosophy must value the pursuit of understanding morals and ethics in the proper and hopeful...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1120
Pages: 4
Eagly, Alice, et al. “Gender Stereotypes Have Changed: A Cross-temporal Meta-analysis Of U.S. Public Opinion Polls From 1946 to 2018.” American Psychologist, vol. 75, no. 3, 2020, pp. 301-315. Several authors have written this article, all of them are qualified professors. Alice H. Eagly and David Miller are professors of...
Topic: Gender
Words: 308
Pages: 1
The statement “enthusiasm is infectious, and boredom is contagious” addresses the crucial aspect of any presenter’s work. Indeed, how they perceive the information they share, how strongly they want to receive feedback, and the positive outcome determines how they behave. If the presenter thinks that their subject is boring or...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 386
Pages: 1
Introduction Racial injustice dominates the US society, denying minority groups essential services, including quality healthcare services. One of the most affected groups is black women who continue to experience various social inequalities, including physical and sexual assault and poor healthcare. White supremacy has suppressed the voice of black women in...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 883
Pages: 3
Merits Doctors Without Borders is an international non-governmental humanitarian organization that provides emergency medical assistance to populations affected by famine, epidemics, forced migration, natural disasters and armed conflicts. The last decade of the XX century was the time of the real heyday of the organization and its wide international recognition....
Topic: Sociology
Words: 628
Pages: 2
Brief History of the Animal Rights Movement This paper aims to highlight a critical social justice movement that touches beings that are barely protected by society – animals. The idea that animals possess personal qualities akin to humans stems from the Darwinists who protested against speciesism (Linzey & Linzey, 2018)....
Topic: Animal Rights
Words: 378
Pages: 2
Introduction It is important to note that the issue of immigration has always been a problematic element, which was the point of many disputes in the political and legislative areas. One of the most common and troublesome manifestations of the notion includes criminalization, data misrepresentation, and racialization with elements of...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 1727
Pages: 6
Leye, Els, et al. “Debating medicalization of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): learning from (policy) experiences across countries.” Reproductive health 16.1 (2019): 1-10. The paper overlooks the impacts of the medicalization of FGM on sustainable development, criminal justice, and health. Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, and the UK are the countries engaging in...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 728
Pages: 2
Many people resist local conservation efforts because it compromises their income or safety. This human tendency is especially relevant for the conservation of whale sharks. Marine wildlife biologists recognize that whale sharks are gentle, fascinating creatures currently facing endangerment because of unethical human interference. However, the general population sees all...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 292
Pages: 1
The COVID-19 epidemic has presented healthcare professionals, health systems, and national governments with a significant and almost unprecedented problem. The potential threat to a significant number of patients has resulted in limitations on transportation, work, and daily life, affecting billions of people and resulting in enormous economic expenses. Flattening the...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1143
Pages: 4
Abortion is the termination or evacuation of an embryo or fetus from a pregnant woman. In the past, abortion limits and bans have been in place for three primary reasons. To begin with, the procedure was risky, and abortion doctors were murdering a large number of women (Berer, 2017). As...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Introduction Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), commonly referred to as Molly, is a synthetic drug that alters perception and mood. The chemical components found in MDMA are similar to the hallucinogens and stimulants because, upon its use, the person experiences increased energy levels (García-Pardo et al., 2017). It is prudent to note that...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 1157
Pages: 4
One of the most effective tools in understanding some issues is the sociological analysis of the initial reason for the problem. Especially when dealing with confrontations in the workplace, sociological approaches might be beneficial in finding the solution. Therefore, this paper aims to use sociological perspective, theory, and concept on...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 816
Pages: 3
Introduction As a social species, humans have a complex relationship with other species and nature in general. The human-animal relationship is particularly interesting as people develop close bonds with their pets and attachments to certain species while disregarding the well-being and importance of others. However, positive attachment to animals can...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 393
Pages: 1
The main theme is that a student named Elizabeth Marince absolutely does not support the use of the ‘R-word’. She tries to convince the whole world that its usage is incorrect, irrelevant, and insulting. She has got a brother, Michael, who is nonverbal, nearly blind, has some difficulty walking and...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 386
Pages: 1
The U.S has a large number of immigrants compared to any other part of the world since many people move there to join their families while others look for better job opportunities. Other immigrants in the U.S seek safety from the wars in their countries and disasters, while others seek...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 660
Pages: 2
Different perspectives can be taken on the subject of whether negative life experiences help the creative process. The effect of negative experiences on cognitive and emotional creativity is yet unknown for certain. Some believe that self-focused attention is linked to both low mood and creativity. On the other side, it...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Gender and sex are quite multifaceted topics to discuss within a contemporary society. Over the past decades, the overall perception of gender has been constantly changing. It is a relatable theme which can be applicable to anyone, yet it can be controversial and evidently influential. Additionally, although different concepts are...
Topic: Gender
Words: 975
Pages: 3
Introduction Morality is defined as a person’s convictions and values about the importance of the application of norms that are of good conduct. It is a significant factor in a person’s behavior and hence in the economic outcomes. Moral dimensions are important in considering economic growth since they enhance equitability...
Topic: Economic Growth
Words: 1130
Pages: 4
There is a vast number of divisions of academic knowledge related to the exploration of specific significant areas. The sociology of communications and media is a rather essential and insightful branch of knowledge that provides people with the information necessary for their everyday lives. According to the University of South...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1208
Pages: 4
Introduction Marriage is the formalization of two individuals who are in a romantic relationship. Married people form a bond supposed to last until death but is often broken by separation or divorce (Saez 637). Many people enjoy marriage, and this is a right that every human being is entitled to,...
Topic: Family
Words: 391
Pages: 1
The ethical landscape is complicated due to the various objectives and methods. Animal replicating poses dual kinds of ethical anxieties: it may hurt wildlife, beings, or the ecosystem, and it may breach significant decent boundaries or standards. The initial category of issues presented by animal replication is contextual in character,...
Topic: Animal Ethics
Words: 332
Pages: 1
People are constantly striving to create a better society and increase the level of interpersonal communication. Individuals usually create groups when they share the same cultural norms and beliefs. This factor is basic, and modern nations are following this step in creating new social groups. Moreover, when people share the...
Topic: Civilization
Words: 281
Pages: 1
The human population has seen unprecedented changes in numbers, demographics, and social patterns. The world today is much different from what it was less than a century ago: a third of the world’s people lived in economically advanced countries in 1950, while the end of the last century witnessed a...
Topic: Population
Words: 1157
Pages: 4
The Greek word arête means excellence; it can be used to describe many things that are excellent in a function of which they are capable. However, being applied to people, arête turns from excellence to more of virtue or even excellence in virtue (Carr). It is then an individual’s use...
Topic: Virtue
Words: 320
Pages: 1
Work Attitudes A person’s attitude is one of the essential contributors to organizational success. According to Bauer and Erdogan (2020), an attitude is an individual feeling toward a certain aspect of the environment around us. The two particular concepts that are inextricably linked to employee attitudes are job satisfaction and...
Topic: Organizational Behavior
Words: 1345
Pages: 5
The articles “Intercultural communication competence in specialized languages and contexts” by Candel-Mora and “A Review on Intercultural Communication Competence for Business Research” by Topcu are evaluated in the reading reflection on intercultural communication. Candel-Mora’s study of the literature on cross-cultural-specific tools focuses on measuring an individual’s capacity to converse in...
Topic: Communication
Words: 365
Pages: 1
Adolf Hitler is one of the infamous figures in history due to his role in World War II (WWII) and the Holocaust. Born on April 20, 1889, in Braunau, Austria, Hitler was the fourth of six children born to Alois Hitler and his third wife, Klara, who lived between 1837-1903...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 2215
Pages: 8
Introduction To describe language as a social reality, urban sociolinguistic studies seek to establish connections between language and society. This survey concentrated on one well-known phonological feature: (t, d) deletion, which has been widely studied in the UK (Tagliamonte & Temple, 2005). This work uses quantitative methodologies to investigate patterns...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1267
Pages: 4
Introduction Motivating followers is essential for a person who works and strives to receive accurate results. It is crucial for employers and supervisors, as the significance of appropriate motivation is excellent. The motivated worker contributes to their position and organizational goal, and thus, the motivation becomes mutually beneficial (Mahmoud et...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 273
Pages: 1
Affirmative action has been in the spotlight of the political, and in particular, liberal agenda, since the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. Affirmative action policies implemented by organizations or institutions imply consideration of an individual’s sex, race, gender, sexual orientation, and age when providing them with educational or employment opportunities. It...
Topic: Civil Rights Movement
Words: 607
Pages: 2
Introduction The creation account describes men and women as equal parties made by the Maker fearfully and wonderfully. Such suggests the necessity for the two sexes to live together impartially. The male is not to suppress or victimize the female, while the latter should experience the same measure of freedom...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 1779
Pages: 6
Origins and Essential Information about the Issue The first question about sexual health issues was raised during the two Population Conferences in Rome in 1954 and Belgrade in 1965. However, the participants of the conferences were predominantly concerned with the demographics and control of the population growth. They believed that...
Topic: Global Issues
Words: 1114
Pages: 4
People often have conflicting opinions on whether it is morally permissible to raise, kill, and eat animals in society when other substitutes are available. Some argue that it is morally permissible, while I am of the conflicting opinion and believe that it is wrong. Killing animals and eating them is...
Topic: Animal Ethics
Words: 286
Pages: 1
The Image Source This is the image someone named Zack Bornstein posted on Twitter in the midst of the Cambridge Analytica scandal: The text below the picture gives a comprehensive perspective on the Cambridge Analytica scandal and Mark Zuckerberg’s part in it. Although Zack’s opinion might sound somewhat superficial, it...
Topic: Speech
Words: 840
Pages: 3
Theories The first theory to discuss is the common good lens. This approach assumes that everyone has to contribute to life in the community, improving it through such things as empathy for others, compassion, and providing help, especially to the vulnerable ones. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (2021) states that...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 623
Pages: 2
Based on convergence, divergence, and maintenance, the theory explains how, when and why people adjust their way of communication, knowingly or unknowingly, to include or exclude others in a conversation. This enables the speaker to know their audience well and communicate appropriately. In a way, they can understand despite differences...
Topic: Communication
Words: 389
Pages: 1
Doctor-Assisted Suicide is recognized as a topic in the medical field that creates dilemmas among various medical personnel with some intellectual personnel advocating for it while others oppose it as unethical. Nevertheless, the aspiration that each patient suffering from a terminating illness comes to the end of life is at...
Topic: Suicide
Words: 898
Pages: 3
Introduction Utilitarianism developed in the eighteenth century is still employed in modern society as the central philosophical paradigm that frames the creation of laws and norms. At that, utilitarianism has also been heavily criticized as it is regarded as an idealistic and rather oppressive model. Many thinkers stress that human...
Topic: Utilitarianism
Words: 1118
Pages: 4
Communication is the most crucial detail of building personal relationships, which is vital for the existence of a family. Sometimes, family members are far from each other, but they need to discuss an important issue immediately. In this case, technology can help solve this problem. The technology industry brought many...
Topic: Communication
Words: 333
Pages: 1
Medical advancements would be impossible without the use of biospecimens. Over the decades, scientists have used the tissue of patients to experiment, which has contributed to a large body of scientific knowledge that humanity has access to nowadays. However, as the ethics and policy issues surrounding research started to gain...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 994
Pages: 4
The video on conflict resolution skills shows an individual who is instigating a conflict by complaining about a range of things such as the nationality of the new receptionist, cleanliness of the garage, and his car being blocked (Seven Dimensions, 2013). Therefore, some of those complaints are valid such as...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 345
Pages: 1
People who break societal norms are rarely welcomed and often perceived with suspicion. The folkway that I decided to challenge is not interfering in strangers’ conversations. I chose three locations to test the reaction of various groups of people to this behavior: the student cafeteria, the Michael Kors store in...
Topic: Experiment
Words: 862
Pages: 3
The COVID-19 epidemic has wreaked havoc on migrant workers all around the world, particularly those in precarious low-wage jobs, who were typically the first to feel the pandemic’s economic impact. According to the report, migrant workers were also targets of discrimination and xenophobia (Jones et al., 2021). The immigrants’ labor...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 593
Pages: 2
Introduction Living in an area can be overwhelming, especially if one does not have funds to cater to all the expenses associated with the place. In most cases, parents prefer a situation where you stay within the homestead, and if you have to vacate, it is either after you have...
Topic: Negotiation
Words: 2751
Pages: 10
There is a significant essence to considering the measure of justice within and across borders and the impact on the societies. Over the decades, many communities have encountered difficulties based on the conflicting policies across dynamic institutions (Appiah & Bhabha, 2018). A demonstration is a requirement for fair treatment among...
Topic: Justice
Words: 1113
Pages: 4
K. Marx, A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1977, with some notes by R. Rojas. “In the social production of their existence, men inevitably enter into definite relations, which are independent of their will, namely relations of production appropriate to a given stage in the...
Topic: Karl Marx
Words: 764
Pages: 2
In her 2012 TEDx speech named “Your body language may shape who you are,” Amy Cuddy discusses how a person’s body language can affect his or her thinking and behavior. In this regard, the author suggests that people may use certain postures in order to evoke desired feelings and set...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 394
Pages: 1
This work will argue that participating in war using lethal force can be justified to protect loved ones against unjust aggression even if the actual reason for war is not morally permissible. As individuals, people would refuse to idly stand by while witnessing the loved ones face unjust cruelty. A...
Topic: War
Words: 379
Pages: 1
Introduction Work is one of the vast parts of human lives. Occupation contributes to the moral development of the people and is closely connected with the process of personality forming. The constant focus of people’s lives on work is undeniable. Particular work direction forms the understanding of who they are....
Topic: Relationship
Words: 1098
Pages: 4
Helping one’s fellow, doing good things, and avoiding crime are important religious instructions designed to improve the world. In different religious traditions, conduct following covenants is encouraged by the promise of reward, and derogation from them is punished, like heaven and hell in the Christian tradition. Society also has morality...
Topic: Experiment
Words: 276
Pages: 1
Introduction The use of child soldiers is not a novel concept in the grand scope of history. In fact, the first recorded cases of children used in war date back to ancient Greece. These were known as ‘spartan boys’ and were exposed to high degrees of violence from childhood to...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1333
Pages: 4
Introduction Same-sex marriages refer to a marital union between homosexual individuals. This topic is of significant contention in society due to diverse opinions concerning the same. In the US, the legalization of same-sex marriages was passed by the US Supreme Court in 2015. However, despite having the issue as law...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 1185
Pages: 4
Introduction Animal cruelty has always been a critical issue, not only in science, where animals are experimented on but also in everyday life. Many people do not even think about the torture inflicted on animals and how painful it may be. This can be for different purposes, such as scientific,...
Topic: Animal Abuse
Words: 863
Pages: 3
Introduction China is regarded as a major source, destination, and transit country of human trafficking. This illegal activity takes the form of marriages, sex, and labor that are done by force, including human smuggling and the sale and adoption of babies. The practice is further fueled by the undocumented immigrants’...
Topic: Human Trafficking
Words: 1537
Pages: 5
For this discussion, I will be imagining myself in a moral dilemma shown in “The Dark Knight”. Two boats, full of civilians and prisoners, respectively, are rigged with explosives (Youtube, 2010). The passengers have the choice of blowing the other boat up to save themselves. If I were a passenger...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 369
Pages: 1
A state can treat its citizens and non-citizens differently, although there should be legitimate and reasonable causes for this approach. In Canada, the Canadian Council for Refugees v Canada is an example of the different principles applied to the people who have citizenship and those seeking asylum in this country....
Topic: Refugee
Words: 293
Pages: 1
“Bambi”, a classical feature from Walt Disney Productions, formed a certain representation of nature for the audience. The resulting feelings were complicated: while viewers rediscovered sympathy for wild animals, it was, in some aspects, impractical. It influenced American hunters’ reputation for the worse as well. Therefore, what came to be...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 605
Pages: 2
Introduction Abortion can be defined as the act of terminating a pregnancy so that it does not result in the birth of a child. The process may be accomplished using medication or a surgical procedure (Sanger, 2018). For millennia, the procedure has been contested, and laws have been enacted and...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 1780
Pages: 6
Relationships of any kind are based on the connections between people. The connections may be either consolidated or weakened, depending on the work of the partners. Not every couple is able to feel complete harmony and vivid emotions for many years. Sometimes the peak of emotions, joy, and love may...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 895
Pages: 3
Justice has been one of the most discussed topics for thousands of years. As such, Steiner (1994) concluded that justice is primarily concerned with the termination of resolving conflicts that develop as one follows ambitions in a social setting, which means that there should be an authoritative source for fairness:...
Topic: Justice
Words: 200
Pages: 1
This video Maturing and Aging demonstrates the novel psychological research on aging and maturing. The foundational concept is life-long development, which states that human’s psychological and physical processes continue to evolve from conception to the last life phases (Zimbardo, n.d.). Levinson’s theory of a life cycle approaches the life course...
Topic: Aging
Words: 673
Pages: 2
China has a long history of suppressing the authors and the freedom of speech. For instance, Liu Xiaobo was a literary critic, known for his active participation in the social and political spheres in China. Liu Xiaobo was fighting and protesting for subjects such as freedom of expression. He was...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 404
Pages: 1
One of the most insidious ways political parties have sought to criminalize LGBTQ+ identities is forbidding so-called “propaganda of homosexuality.” In March 2022, Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed the “Parental Rights in Education” bill, forbidding public school teachers from mentioning sexual orientation or gender identity for students in kindergarten through...
Topic: LGBTQ
Words: 324
Pages: 1
In her essay, Baier discusses the concepts of the ethics of justice and the ethics of care. She states that “the best moral theory has to be a cooperative product of women and men, has to harmonize justice and care” (Baier 1987, 56). In particular, the ethical theory proposed by...
Topic: Justice
Words: 371
Pages: 1
Euthanasia is a controversial aspect of medicine that causes a lot of discussion. The main issue is the ethical side of the problem, namely the choice made by the individual whether one should live or not. Besides, it is important to distinguish what exactly euthanasia is and the mechanism of...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 294
Pages: 1
The conflict between morality and using animals for food has been a very long-term topic for discourse. And animal rights have also been a very influential subtopic in this discussion, due to the issue of cruelty and poor conditions in slaughterhouses. The following essay will go into further detail about...
Topic: Food
Words: 400
Pages: 1
A set of guiding principles – morality – focuses on the core of what allows people to live in unified communities. In addition, morality sets what society considers acceptable and right. However, it is not a universally established principle. What one might think is acceptable in their culture could be...
Topic: Deontology
Words: 895
Pages: 3
Ageing is an unstoppable process in all human lives, perceived in biological, psychological or sociological dimensions. However, the concept of “old age” is related not as much to biological reasons but the sociological concept. Various social theories explain the complex relationships between elderly people and the societies they live in....
Topic: Aging
Words: 301
Pages: 1
I selected the accommodation theory, a theoretical framework for intergroup and interpersonal communication. Howard Giles developed this theory in the 1970s to explain the different ways people use to accommodate others when communicating (Elhami, 2020). This theory focuses on three adjustments, convergence, divergence, and maintenance, which individuals use to accommodate...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 282
Pages: 1
In sexology, a clear definition of the concept of norm faces specific difficulties determined by the close interweaving of biological, personal, and social factors and the extreme variability of individual deviations. The definition of sexual norm criteria is complicated due to the close interweaving of biological, social, and personal factors....
Topic: Social Norms
Words: 288
Pages: 1
As the United States spearheaded the development of the capitalist economy in the world in many respects, the inequalities and disadvantages of industrialization and the market revolution provoked widespread resentment. Dissatisfaction with the low income and poor living conditions of wage laborers, as opposed to the growing profits of industrialists...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1122
Pages: 4
Asking questions is part of social work practice while discussing with the client about a problem. Open-ended questions will enable me to prompt the client to intricate more on the problem as a social worker. The open question should allow the client to open up more about the issue. For...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 309
Pages: 1
Introduction When it comes to the interconnection of individuals and organizations, computers have no limitations. If data transfers occur without any physical connection, a person may not have enough time to adequately examine the transmission’s results (Bhargava 5; Cuesta 2; Martin et al. 308; Susser et al. 2019). Because of...
Topic: Computers
Words: 3613
Pages: 13
Introduction About 50 years ago, in Nashville, Tennessee, activists such as college students, ministers, and other people concerned launched a demonstration known as sit-ins. This campaign was intended to enable the discussion of rights without the use of violence or weapons. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), founded in 1960,...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 564
Pages: 2
Over the past decades, substantial progress has been made in the realm of female participation in the workforce, yet as more women get jobs, the more problematic the issue of work-life balance becomes for them. In her article “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All,” Anne-Marie Slaughter states, “The women...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 899
Pages: 3
Introduction The Black Lives Matter Movement has ignited an array of protests around the United States of America and within the global community. People went into the streets to demand equal rights for all; the tool for delivering their agenda was through demonstrations and protests, which are commonly characterized by...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 1101
Pages: 4
Adichie, Chimamanda. “The Danger of a Single Story.” TED, 2009. This TED lecture is a valuable source of information on the researched topic of identity and freedom, which emphasizes the importance of cultural identity as a path to freedom. Adichie creates a narration of her biography through the discussion of...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 984
Pages: 3
The stories of Faye Abdellah, Chiara Lubich and Oprah Winfrey strive to show the readers the importance of critical thinking. While there are many lessons one can draw from these profiles, this discussion post will highlight only two lessons about critical thinking. The first lesson revolves around the idea of...
Topic: Critical Thinking
Words: 307
Pages: 1
The general topic of my research paper concerns exploring freedom of speech, with a specific focus on each person’s right to express their thoughts on the Internet. The idea of my topic is reflected in the above working title of the proposal, but I am also considering the following title:...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 402
Pages: 2
Feminism has been a matter of intrigue from across the civilizations man has ever passed through. Women have always fought for their rightful dominance, involvement, and expression at home, in their workplaces, and in various fields which are considered male-dominated. Women still face gender stereotypes that diminish feminism, resulting in...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 554
Pages: 2
The assigned readings include comprehensive information regarding the setting and the ethical aspects of assisting students and their parents. Thus, Summers (2016) writes that morality is an essential component of helping individuals, and the consideration of issues through this lens allows for addressing the gap in legal provisions’ ethics. This...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 298
Pages: 1
Introduction With the ever-changing social demographics around the globe, families are facing extinction. On the one hand, some want to continue parenthood, while on the other, people are opting not to have kids. Seccombe (2017) defines marriage as a legally recognized relationship consisting of economic, social, and sexual responsibilities between...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Social work is a crucial field of practice due to its profound impact on influencing standard operative strategies. I demonstrated optimal practice skills throughout the field hence the excellent score from the evaluator. The expertise enshrines such facets as communication, cultural competence, organization, critical thinking, active listening, and advocacy. Primarily,...
Topic: Social Work
Words: 820
Pages: 3
The gendered division of house labor is generally viewed according to the time-availability perspective. In this case, the division of labor in a household depends on the various labor needs and the ability of each person to participate in the performance of household tasks. The relative resources perspective also greatly...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 347
Pages: 1
One of the possible aspects that affect the persons’ perception of their bodies and attractiveness is the closest social surrounding. Family, friends, or romantic partners sometimes unknowingly can make people feel insecure and push them towards the development of the eating disorder. It can happen by criticizing the body, compassion...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 173
Pages: 1
Introduction Bob Knight was one of the most prominent coaches in basketball. He worked with teams from 1965, until his first layoff in 2000, and from 2001 to 2009 (Snook et al., 2005). His teaching style was widely criticized, but Knight also had outstanding followership. Bob Knight implemented his unique...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 568
Pages: 2
The short story The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is an example of feminist literature, which explains the choice of the topic and the images the author uses. The narrator is a woman who suffers from the symptoms of depression and apathy after giving birth to her child. She...
Topic: The Yellow Wallpaper
Words: 650
Pages: 2
Introduction The questions about community-making and its importance for a democratic society have been asked since the times of Classical Greece. When it comes to the United States, the significance of its residents’ voluntary engagement in social life was described by Alexis de Tocqueville as far back as the 1830s...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 601
Pages: 2
The French Revolution was one of France’s most remarkable transformations, leading to the development of new foundations and principles of the state. With the change to the republican order, the citizens of France gained freedom, equality, and fraternity. The main document of the Revolution was the Declaration of the Rights...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 380
Pages: 1
Everyone in this life is looking forward to having a nice long life where they are happy and full of life. The story of Richard Overton about his secrets to living a long life will have you dazzled. Richard Overton is 109 years old, and he is a war veteran...
Topic: Veterans
Words: 565
Pages: 2
Introduction In the article “Consider the Lobster,” D. F. Wallace discusses the ethical issues of boiling lobsters alive for culinary purposes. The author considers the various arguments of proponents as well as opponents of this procedure. As such, the fact whether lobsters are able to feel pain or not constitutes...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 881
Pages: 3
Recent events have caused an increase in the number of people wishing to move to the European country. Migrants from Afghanistan, Iraq, and other war-torn regions moved to more prosperous lands to find protection and hope for the future. There is no reliable data on how many people arrived in...
Topic: Refugee
Words: 322
Pages: 1
On the surface, the topic of introversion and extraversion might seem trivial and thus is often dismissed and overlooked. That is why, in my opinion, Rauch’s article Caring for Your Introvert (2003) can be perceived as a personal appeal to the extroverts of our world. I believe that by pointing...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 342
Pages: 1
The Economic Impact of Protest An Environment of Violence In order to establish the influence of sexual harassment on the economy, accurate assessments and research conducted in various workplace contexts should be provided. Thus, in 2013, more than 10,000 complaints from workers about sexual harassment in the workplace were filed...
Topic: Protest
Words: 1118
Pages: 4
Introduction Several ethical principles need to be considered when conducting research. At the core of the code of ethics, researchers are expected to do good (beneficence) without causing harm (maleficence). This paper highlights the importance of institutional approval, informed consent, and sharing research data for verification. The essay also discusses...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1108
Pages: 3
Introduction The development of social work-associated professional identity is concerned with internalizing the relevant skills and knowledge, values, social work mission and begins by shaping the interactions and content pertinent to the social work education curricula. However, it is imperative to note that a social worker’s self-identity is also crucial...
Topic: Self-Concept
Words: 1142
Pages: 4
Ethical decisions are always challenging because it can be difficult for a person to evaluate their attitude or action so that it does not cause condemnation from society or themself. Society is developing; new cultures are emerging that mix with others, and a large number of resonant events appear that...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 337
Pages: 1
Introduction The greeting session does not involve any deep analysis of the client’s thoughts and diagnosis as well. It can be described as a get-to-know meeting rather than wholesome work. During the first session, the client usually tells about his problems, while the specialist asks about his feelings, concerns, and...
Topic: Murder
Words: 889
Pages: 3
Members of the Bruderhof community certainly view their lifestyle as the happiest and most fulfilling. Joining this community for many of them was marked by a search for meaning and purpose in their own lives. One of the members notes that he was willing to abandon his own ambitions, career,...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 284
Pages: 1
Such songs as This Love by Maroon 5 present a basis for discourses of love and gender. The song is sung by a man left by a woman who “said goodbye too many times before” (“Maroon 5,” 00:00:46-00:00:51). For him, being in love means having no choice but to get...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 402
Pages: 1
Human trafficking is one of the most disturbing and atrocious forms of exploitation of people. Apart from affecting victims physically, it also damages their mental health significantly, thus, causing an array of health issues and complications. Due to continuously being subjected to physical and emotional violence, human trafficking victims develop...
Topic: Human Trafficking
Words: 554
Pages: 2
Introduction The Australian government has taken various actions to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the government’s actions was restricting inbound travel to reduce the rate of infection caused by the virus (McBryde et al., 2020). The two theories that can be used to analyze this action...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1381
Pages: 5
Nowadays, especially thanks to the younger generations who believe in the necessity and effectiveness of philanthropy, equality, collaboration, and mutual respect, the concept of social justice is known and used widely. However, despite the fact that one may often hear this phrase, not everyone understands the meaning behind it and...
Topic: Justice
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Discussion of Frederick Douglass’ speech “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” reveals forces which he implicated in the alienation and subjugation of African-Americans. His perspective allows determining why he felt like a foreigner even when he was born in the US. Douglass considered hypocrisy, sham, and inequality...
Topic: Frederick Douglass
Words: 592
Pages: 2
Introduction Developments in psychology are often impossible without experiments that require the presence of research participants. These volunteers usually perform tasks and assignments determined by a researcher or answer a set of initially prepared questions. The potential problem here is the possibility that the methods used in a study can...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1116
Pages: 4
Masculinity has historically been associated with power, leadership, and wealth. Yet, it becomes toxic when it starts to form particular social expectations from men. On the one hand, those expectations can help males be more assertive, courageous, and ambitious. On the other hand, they tend to produce adverse effects on...
Topic: Equality
Words: 562
Pages: 2
Both Burnside’s TEDx talk and the Oxfam case study focus on the notions of justice and humiliation, particularly as they pertain to people without institutional power. In each case, members of not-for-profit organizations tasked with helping foreigners in need perpetrated abuse against some of the individuals they were helping. The...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 288
Pages: 1
The normative rules and principles determine the things needed or permitted, whether good or bad. The normative rules and principles determine what agents are expected to do, what they can do, or what deserves to receive promotion, approval, and praise (Kahn 78). Principles and normative rules play an important function...
Topic: Immanuel Kant
Words: 2404
Pages: 9
Environmental features influence the human perception of visual objects significantly. They convey the nonverbal message, which can reflect the speaker’s or creator’s main idea. For example, in the Sherwin Williams Video, the author uses the environmental features to encourage the emotions of safety and comfort in viewers’ minds (Try on...
Topic: Environment
Words: 290
Pages: 1
Introduction A presentation is a type of communication in which an individual conveys information using slides that could contain text or visual messages. It is worth noting that a presenter’s appearance and language determine how well the message is received (Mehta, 2020). Therefore, it is crucial to establish rapport by...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1181
Pages: 4
Description The article focuses on the effect of one’s childhood experiences on their cognitive development into adulthood. More specifically, the work studied the role of a child’s socioeconomic status in the processes of their cognitive maturing. In order to study the objective, an experiment involving over 1000 male twins was...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 290
Pages: 1
Coherence is defined as the human ability to identify meaningful elements, relationships, and connections between them and their value. Fullan and Quinn (2016) mention that greater coherence can be achieved through purposeful action and interaction, clarity and precision at work, and constant monitoring of progress and mistakes. Judging by this...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 329
Pages: 1
There are a number of factors that make the methods by which kings and their heirs or relatives inherit control and power inherently unfair, inefficient, and even potentially harmful to the people which they rule. Historically, the male heirs are the only ones who can acquire the position of a...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 304
Pages: 1
Civilized societies are characterized by particular factors, including a set political, socio-economic, religious, and cultural structure. In the early historical periods of Western cultures, socializing and communicating played a critical role in sharing innovative and controversial ideas. In this way, the ideological division contributed to certain social groups being seen...
Topic: Civilization
Words: 305
Pages: 1
Every city is full of people who are not familiar with each other; they do not know who they came from or who their friends, family, employer, or teacher are. People are strangers to each other in a biographical sense because they cannot accurately identify those around them. Theorists, public...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 669
Pages: 2
Gender Diversity First and foremost, it must be emphasized that gender diversity in the workplace is indeed necessary. The main point of this factor is the destruction of gender and social stereotypes. This can be explained by the fact that a visible manifestation of female power can convince society of...
Topic: Gender
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction The ability and willingness to recognize and analyze one’s own thoughts, words, and actions have always been an indicator of a well-developed moral character in an individual. People call it self-reflection, whereas psychologists use the word “introspection” (Cherry). According to Cherry, “introspection is a process that involves looking inward...
Topic: Self-Reflection
Words: 293
Pages: 1
The phone is a convenient and operational means of communication; without which it is impossible to imagine modern life. They exchange personal and official information by phone, arrange meetings, establish and develop business contacts. Humanity has been using the telephone for more than a century: in 1876, the first, still...
Topic: Culture
Words: 374
Pages: 1
In today’s realities, emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in personal communication. Since information is the least influential factor in interaction, emotions have the most significant impact on people’s impressions. David Goleman is one of the most powerful scientists in the emotional intelligence sphere (Goleman, 2012). His scientific works, books,...
Topic: Emotional Development
Words: 366
Pages: 1
Before the emergence of the discipline of gender studies, there was an understanding that the social is biologically determined; that is, boys and girls are like that because they were born like that. The understanding that the dual division of norms constructed by society does not coincide with the biological...
Topic: Gender
Words: 351
Pages: 1