The Moral Status of a Fetus with Abnormalities

When considering the ethical applications of abortions, one should consider the moral status of a fetus. Moral status refers to the degree of value and rights of each individual and the corresponding moral and ethical treatment (Stahl & Kilner, 2019). Several ideas of moral status exist that ascribe value based...

St. Lucia’s Homeless Shelter

Introduction This paper analyzes an institution that also serves as a homeless shelter. The suggested shelter provides basic needs and other necessities for people who cannot afford to maintain a household. It begins by exploring the organizational mission, vision, core values, staff, and volunteers contributing to its goals. The paper...

Person’s Location in Social Structure

Modern society, especially in developed countries, provides numerous opportunities for mobility; still, social location retains influence. Its main markers are race, gender, and socioeconomic status. While the latter is changeable, the first two most often remain unchanged during a person’s life. Therefore, social location is determined from birth and subsequently...

Understanding of Motherhood and Parenting Role

The biological parents of a child ought to engage themselves in the parenting role right from the day the mother conceives. However, that opinion remains a myth in most families. In reality, the mother does both the prenatal care and postnatal care role in most cases. Culture, social reproduction, emotions,...

“How the Poor Suffer” by Seth Holmes

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the fourth chapter of the book Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies by Seth Holmes. This is arguably the most prominent part of the publication, as it depicts the suffering that laborers endure every day. The story is exceptionally shocking...

Human Trafficking: International Human Rights

International human rights law defines human trafficking as the violation of an individual’s right to liberty and security through appropriation of their legal personality, labor and humanity. When a person is trafficked, they may be subjected to one of the following forms of inhumane treatment: slavery, servitude, forced labor, bonded...

Socialization Through the Life Course

Socialization is “how individuals, beginning at an early age and continuing throughout their lives, learn about societal norms, values, and beliefs” (Luther et al., 2018, p. 16). It serves as an instrument of accord and unity among the members of society to ensure its survival. An agent of socialization is...

Internet Usage Around the World

The Internet plays a vital role in the lives of modern people, as individuals communicate, learn new information and entertain themselves with its help. However, different countries have various levels of global net penetration due to circumstances like poverty. Therefore, it is interesting to compare my internet usage, the amount...

Poverty: Causes and Reduction Measures

The eradication of extreme poverty by the year 2015 was one of the millennium development goals that the United Nations member states committed to, during the signing of the United Nations Millennium Declaration. While many countries have made significant progress toward the attainment of the goal, many are still struggling...

Political Legacy of the Chicano Movement

Introduction Chicano Movement was the answer from Mexican Americans to the challenges of the entire Civil Rights era. Chicanos recognized that they were also oppressed in terms of labor opportunities, education quality, and were treated as second-class citizens. Their political fight, thus, was aimed to achieve positive upheaval in three...

Benchmark as Social Problems

Introduction Poverty is a situation when people do not have enough means of subsistence. They have not chosen such a scanty lifestyle for themselves like, for example, ascetics or philosophers. Poverty is a crucial social issue in the modern world as it concerns not only a particular social class within...

The Concept of Reclamation

Introduction The word “reclamation,” as it pertains to words, typically refers to taking a term with a specific meaning, often a derogatory one, and assigning it a new definition that suits the reclaimer’s needs. The N-word can be seen as a prominent example, as, despite existing for a long time...

Edmund Burke: The Conservative Liberal

The Role of Family Social institutions such as family, religious communities, villages, or cities are the primary source of public understanding and the school of life where a person can develop the feeling of love for the country, fellow citizens, and all of humanity. Traditionally, the family is used to...

Responsibility as the Foundation of Society

People often compare human beings to animals, making the point that humans possess certain moral values, unlike other biological creatures. One of these values is a responsibility, which is a particularly interesting topic to consider because people tend to have different points of view on the matter of responsibility. I...

Injustice to Women in Modern Society

Introduction A woman is a representative of the fair sex, though she is considered to be a good wife, a loving mother, a wonderful housewife, a passionate lover, moreover, she has to act the parts of a great number of different skilful, intelligent, and gentle people. People always want us,...

Cigarette Advertising Ban on Television

Given the society that we currently live in, it is almost acceptable to have any kind of commercial aired. Advertisements promoting cigarette smoking have been aired for so long despite the fact that some organizations have been campaigning against it. When one is viewing an advertisement on cigarette smoking, it...

College Experience and Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol use is related to a high number of health problems in the United States. The reason is that half of Americans consume beverages that contain ethyl alcohol. In terms of prevalence, university students are the ones who drink alcohol the most. Current statistics show that more than 80% of...

The Importance and Influence of History

The history of a family, a country, or a culture is essential for correcting the future. Everyone has a history, be it a family tradition or a significant cultural occasion, but why are these things vital for people’s lives? It creates the basis of one’s identity and plays the role...

The Migrant Workers in Malaysia

South East Asian countries like Malaysia have been focusing on developing their manufacturing industries which are mostly export oriented in order to grow their economies. In an attempt to develop these industries, these countries rely heavily on cheap migrant labour. The governments of these countries have therefore set up various...

Public Speaking Versus Conversation

For people who are just beginning to learn about public speaking, it is easy to mistake it for a form of conversation. Indeed, public speaking and conversation are similar in the way that they both involve imparting a message. However, other characteristics of these two forms of communication make them...

The Importance of Resilience and Community

Introduction Resilience is a virtue that allows people to confront difficulties with courage. Resilience plays a particularly significant role in battling inequalities and achieving justice. Mental strength is the driving force behind the current human rights movement that aims at eliminating racial oppression. Through examining the themes and characters in...

“We Should All be Pro-Immigration” by Don Cayo

Don Cayo, a writer with the Vancouver Sun expresses his opinion on the issue of immigration to the public. In particular, the author seeks to enlighten the unsuspecting general population of a group of people rallying against the entry of immigrants into Canada. This newspaper article, which appears in The...

We Have Never Been Modern

“Modernity comes in as many versions as there are thinkers or journalists, yet all its definitions point, in one way or another, to the passage of time. The adjective “modern” designates a new regime, an acceleration, a rupture, a revolution in time.” “”Modern” is thus doubly asymmetrical: it designates a...

The Art of Rhetoric

More often, people are faced with situations where they are supposed to convince others not only to listen to their ideas, but also to agree with them that what they are presenting is worthy believing in. Rhetoric, which is defined as an element of persuasion through language and a key...

Drugs in Perspective: Models of Addiction

The Moral Model of Addiction Needless to say, the moral model of addiction is a notion that has very little in common with the biological or genetic components of addiction. The genetic and biological explanation sounds more scholarly, whereas when talking about the moral model of addiction the prior feature...

Women in the Ancient Maya Civilization

Introduction It is important to outline the main issue the paper will focus on – gender. Namely, gender is the psychological and social characteristic that helps differentiate males and females within different aspects of society, moreover, created by the human culture itself. Being the most important category of sorting human...

Discrimination and Affirmative Action

Are minority set aside programs morally acceptable? The aspect of affirmative action constitutes a major area of controversy in the present-day context of the Americas. Before the matter of its moral acceptability, or otherwise, is considered, it is necessary to venture into the pros and cons of professed discrimination and...

Why Women Often Go to the Washroom in Groups

Introduction Differences between men and women in their social interactions indicate that some social behaviors are more aligned to gender affiliation. Women tend to favor group associations, specifically consisting of other female members whenever they are in social settings while men are noted to be more formal in their relations...

Communication Strategies for Crisis Management

Introduction Often during various crises events like natural disasters, vehicle accidents, oil spills, and others there are groups of people who may need assistance. Since these groups may be quite populous or some means of communication might be unavailable, effective communication systems and strategies are to address every person’s calls...

Women’s Lib: A Feminist Counterculture Movement

Introduction Social movements many of which are grass-root based but have grown to the national and international levels exist for various reasons. They have goals and agendas that they try to promote and sell the policies and agendas to the public while others exist to preserve and maintain the very...

Human Trafficking as Violation of Human Rights

Human trafficking is a heinous issue that is very serious and dangerous for our society. When we think of slaves and slavery, we believe that the topic refers to the past centuries. However, this hideous and frightening crime is still present in our times. It is widely known that human...

Race and the Invisible Hand

Introduction Race and the Invisible Hand determines the subtleties and disparities of a workplace that gives the white job-seeker more employment chances over the black job seekers. At the heart of this discussion, the question is whether there are specific characteristics that make young black people undesirable as workers, compared...

Ethics in Sociological Research

In this sociological research paper, we are going to critically analyze the experiment on obedience to authority figures conducted by psychologist Stanley Milgram of Yale University. The experiment objective was devised to measure the willingness of individuals to obey authoritative commands which conflict with their personal conscious from an authoritative...

Communication in Relationships: Communication Styles

Communication is the giving, receiving, and the responding of messages between two or more people. It comes handy in the area of peoples’ interaction because without it, interaction may be totally impossible. It forms the basis of the prevailing relationships, particularly love relationships. In fact Segal says, “Good communication is...

Australian Aborigines and Racial Discrimination

Aborigines is the term used to describe the class of people defined by the law as being members of the race that originally settled the Australian continent before the arrival of Europeans. In legal terms, an Australian Aborigine has been defined as “a group of people who share, in common,...

Criminalizing Drug Usage: Effects and Consequences

Introduction Consensus is rising in the matters of drug usage and beyond, that the criminalization of specific drugs is counterproductive and does not convey the planned objectives. Proof is growing showing that criminalization of drug usage, is what’s causing a lot of public health and in fact criminal harm. Some...

The Social Role of Women Today

The role of women as members of society changed during the history of mankind. It is a fact that many years ago the system of organization of human society was a matriarchy. Since that time many things changed and nowadays we live in a period of patriarchy. Nevertheless, some experts...

The Code of Ethics: Standards & Values Within the Organization

The main goal and vision of the management information system is to develop an information system that will affect the society in the future. With this vision in mind, there develops responsibility on the practitioners to stick to professional codes of conduct and professional training standards. The codes of ethical...

The Importance of Job Satisfaction

Introduction Work pleasure is a necessity in every work place. More experienced employees are said to be more satisfied with their work than the junior ones. According to Levy (2009 p. 112), job evaluation is important for every worker as it enables one to choose the job that most satisfies...

Gender Issues in the Leadership of the Organization

According to Friedan & Anna (2001), gender refers to the character traits that are seen to be creating the distinction between a male and a female. The most discriminating traits under its disparity include the sexual dimensions as well as the social roles and the gender identity of an individual....

Globalization in a Global Economy

Introduction It has been noted that, for economies to thrive successively in the current world market; they need to work as a group in order to help each other grow economically, socially and technologically. In this case therefore, world economies and societies have come together to work as a global...

Agency Supervisory Process Analysis

One of the long-lasting features in conceptualization and also the definition in the supervision in social works mirror the organizational objective in the offering of the services to the clients in a manner that is effective and also efficient (Kadushin & Harkness, 2002). This is a very important means by...

Abortion: Negative Impacts on Women

Introduction Abortion is an issue that evokes controversy, with those opposed to it invoking moral and religious ground as to why it should not be allowed. On the other hand, those in support of abortion cite unwanted pregnancies and rape as some of the reasons why it should be legalized....

Aging Population: Contemporary Issue

With changing and evolving time, human demographics such as age, gender, population density, mortality rates and even birth rates have changed. Some of these changes have been for the benefit on the society, while some can prove to be extremely harmful. The fluctuation in itself can become an issue. The...

Animal Welfare Ethics: Hunting & Poaching

Introduction Ethics is a term used to describe what is either right or wrong. It is sometimes referred to as moral philosophy. It is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with concepts such as right, wrong, bad, noble, ignoble, and good. Ethics is divided into meta-ethics, normative ethics, moral...

Children’s, Young People’s and Family Rights

Abstract This document will base its discussion on children rights in consistence to the 1989 convention; it will then embark on the legality of the convention going further into highlighting the children rights as outlined in the convention. It will then narrow down to the special children’s groups to analyze...

The Biracial Identity of People: Linda Howard’s Case Study

Racial question was one of the main problems in 19 century. The day of the abolition of slavery in 1865 was the best day in the life of people who were restricted and discriminated. Still, the remains of discrimination are present in the modern world and people try to combat...

To Which Extent Are Sex and Intelligence Interrelated?

There is a difference in the distribution of the cognitive skills between the two genders, that is the male and the female gender. The research about sex and intelligence has been conducted for a long time raising several controversies and interesting findings. When analyzing the issue of sex and intelligence...

The Effects of Addiction on Cognition

Introduction Cognition is a complex of biological discoveries, behavioral theories, and experimental discoveries. As such all its components have various models and hypotheses explaining the processes. Some components of cognition include memory, attention, and implicit and explicit functions. The effect of drugs to impair cognition has been researched extensively and...

Ethics: Types and What Is It For

Ethics is a major part of philosophy which subject of studying is morality. Morality does not form a special area in human life, but it is present in people’s every relation (the relation surrounding people surrounding, to the nature, to animals). Ethics have a close connection with sciences about humans...

Challenges That Multicultural Children Face In the United States

Over the recent past, there have been several attempts to integrate the challenges that multicultural families face in the direction of equal openings or opportunities in society, particularly in America. Multicultural families around the world have encountered many opportunities, conflicts, and adjustments at the turn of the twentieth century. This...

The Immigration Policies of US, China and Switzerland

Introduction An immigration policy is a guideline for the admission of foreigners into a country. Various countries have been adjusting their immigration policies to cope with the rapidly changing economic, social and political system of their country. In this essay, focus is made towards the immigration policies of US, China...

Traits and Skills of a Good Leader

Being a member of the academe gives one innate responsibility as a leader. Distinguished as a moral compass of sorts, he is looked up to by his students and fellow scholars to come up with infallible decisions on life and learning. However, it must be remembered that as human beings,...

The Problem of Teenage Alcoholism

A census in the United States conducted in the year 2000 found that 14.5% of the population was in the 10-19-year-old range encompassing more than 40 million individuals. Among these, there are teens 13-19 years old that drink alcohol and open themselves up to a lifetime of problems and addictions....

The Impact of Socialization on People

Introduction Socialization involves the numerous processes by which new employees learn the organization’s values, beliefs, activities, responsibilities and required behaviors in order to accept their new roles and function effectively within the organization. The relevant roles must be desirable and good for the person to accept the offer. The pivotal...

The Dangers of Addiction or at Risk Behavior

People all over the world do not even notice the danger of different kinds of addiction. This topic is very important nowadays. The addictions can be different. It can be drugs, the alcohol addiction. Very often it can be cartoons, computer games, TV. But these are not all kinds of...

America’s Social Problems Through the Song “Cookie Jar” by J. Johnson

This country is experiencing turmoil as never before seen in its history. This country has been engaged in numerous wars and rumors of wars are coming fresh every day. There is a threat within and without. But aside from the external threat coming from enemies in foreign lands, there are...

Human Trafficking: Term Definition

Introduction In January 2009, a raid by Brazil police led to the rescue of more than 4,500 slaves who had been entrapped in ranches and plantations in remote areas of the country. In a total of 133 raids, the organizers visited an approximated 255 farms where people from poverty-stricken North...

Ethnic Groups Comparison and Contrast

Outline Title Outline Introduction Immigration Issue Analysis of the African-American ethnic group Evidence of Ethnicity in Takaki’s book “A Different Mirror” American identity and achievements The challenges of ethnicity Future prospects of the groups in today’s multicultural America Introduction to Nigeria’s ethnical problem Formation of ethnic groups in Nigeria The...

Alcohol Addiction and Its Adverse Effects on the Victim and Family

Consumption of alcohol is entrenched within the customs of the modern day societies. Its origin dates back thousands of years ago. It has through the times been seen as a good way of enhancing relaxation and having fun. In fact physiologists argue that a little alcohol is healthy. As drinking...

Interracial Relationships and Marriage in the USA

Introduction Interracial marriage was an illegal social practice in the US until as recently as the 1960s when the Supreme Court abolished laws prohibiting interracial marriage; an issue that the same court had avoided for several years, fearing racial intermarriage to be a controversial issue. In recent years, the number...

What Being a Refugee Means, Characteristics That Define a “Refugee”

The concept of a refugee has always been analyzed in the psychological and social spheres of studies aimed at the realization of the inner world of those people, who are in the state of constant cultural shock living beyond the protection of their own countries. It is necessary to stress...

Racial Identity of Personality

Introduction Who am I? This is the most common question people ask themselves on their ways to the understanding themselves as independent personalities. The process of the identity construction is difficult and in some cases people have to cope with the numerous problems but are eager to find themselves in...

Sex Tourism in Jamaica: Issue Analysis

Philosophy is a unique science because it touches almost every single area of the human life. The issues of the good and the evil, right and wrong, love and hate are all studied by philosophy that tries to suggest some ways of dealing with this phenomena to the people. With...

Gender and Cultures in Conflict Resolution

Introduction In many modern societies, conflicts between states and within the states have resulted in many wars or sometimes-severe violence cases. The wars have resulted in immense destruction of lives and millions worth property. In addition, many conflicts have resulted in disruption of many political, social and economic organizations in...

Issues in Sports: Gender Equality

Sports in our societies has contributed significantly towards unifying different nations and continents.This is where we get our cherished men and women, excellent memoirs are recalled; in these games, goals are placed and thoughts are lived. We have seen vast media coverage that make participants celebrities and legends, but women...

Intercultural Communication thru Literature

The short stories under analysis, “Dead Man’s Path” by Chinua Achebe and “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson and “The Coward” by Premchand, depict the role of customs and traditions in the life of ordinary citizens and impact on their destinies. The authors write that characters are limited by customs developed...

Debate of the Dangerous Consequences of Abortion

Introduction Despite the fact that abortion has been widely practiced by the whole of mankind since thousands of years before, it is a matter that still evokes deep emotions and debate. The very nature of the process raises the primary question regarding life: What is the true value of human...

Child Support Issues in the USA

In the US, the non-custodial parents are supposed to pay either directly or indirectly a specified amount of money which will cater for the maintenance of the child. These children are from past relationships and were born out of wedlock or couple who have divorced. The payments are usually made...

Sexuality Education Among Children: Why Is It So Important Now?

There is a vital need for sexuality education among American children with nearly 1.1 million teenagers become pregnant every year and the ever-increasing rise in AIDS cases among individuals between 13 years to 24 years. Research confirms that about three million teens are infected with sexually transmitted diseases annually (Schroeder,...

Relationship Between Social Location and Health Status

Introduction A person’s social circumstance significantly impacts their emotional and physical health. This conclusion is derived from many sociological researchers and theorists who have long studied the general health status of individuals and factions of society from a social perspective. Exploring the psychosocial mechanisms that link social location and health...

Social Policy and Welfare – Poverty and Deprivation

Introduction If a family has a house, car, television, DVD player, fridge, cooker and other gadgets… then to call them “poor” makes a mockery of the English language (Mckinstry 2007). Nowadays, the definition for poverty had been differently interpreted by people depending on the culture. Poverty is a kind of...

Social Welfare Systems Definition

Abstract This paper concludes a functional casing to comprehend the social policy plus the attempts confronting it. In this paper it is evident that due to the transferring ‘task of policy invention and fabrication’ down from the centralized administration to the regional and then lastly to the natives/habitats, the lingering...

Sexuality: The Matters of Masculinity and Femininity

Introduction Our viewpoint on the matters of sexuality is mainly informed by the “suppressive hypothesis,” which states that the history of sexuality over the previous three hundred years has been a history of tyranny. Sex, apart from for the aims of reproduction was inviolable. The only way to release the...

Resources of Social Movements

Introduction A social movement is a group of individuals who acts cooperatively with some degree of organization and continuance process, and to some extent outside the normal political processes and institutions, to bring about societal change. Mass protest has been a vibrant part of American political history (Dreiling & Wolf,...

Gender Non-Conforming or Transgender Children Care

Introduction The number of gender non-conforming and transgender children/adolescents presenting to mental health providers is increasing. Therapists are liable for delivering care that is unbiased and comprehensive (Guss, Shumer, & Katz-Wise, 2015). Professionals who work with children and adolescents who are transgender and gender non-conforming (TGNC) should be prepared to...

Arguments in King’s “Letter From Birmingham Jail”

12 April 1963. Eight Alabama clergymen declared their stand towards the recent events in Alabama, particularly in Birmingham. They have mentioned that these events are partly directed and led by outsiders. They pointed out that the demonstrations are “unwise and untimely.” They also urged the public to refrain from supporting...

The Relationship between Race and Sexuality

In order to understand the relationship between Race and sexuality, we must first have a clear understanding of the two terms and at the same time have a clear understanding of society’s views about the two issues. Sexuality is a complex issue that affects everyone. People of different communities have...

Domestic Violence. “No Visible Bruises” by Snyder

Introduction Assessing the problem of domestic violence described in the book No Visible Bruises: What We Don’t Know About Domestic Violence Can Kill Us by Snyder may allow defining the challenges faced by victims. Also, the review of this source provides an opportunity to consider the background of the issue...

Sport as a Communication Medium

Sport is one of the most popular elements of modern culture gathered and united millions of people worldwide. Soccer, the favorite spectator sport, is a consuming pastime for adults and teens alike who experience vicarious thrills by following the careers of their favorite players. Sport can be seen as a...

Female Empowerment: Women in Government

Women empowerment is a significant field that involves various aspects, including the presence and influence of women in the government. This specific sector has a rich history that started more than a century ago and is full of events, critical for those who fight for women’s rights and recognition in...

“Between the World and Me” the Book by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Introduction The struggle of minorities to achieve equal rights and opportunities has always occupied an important place in American history. Urbanization created sufficient prerequisites for the emergence of an African-American urban subculture. In the United States, enormous changes were taking place in the mass public consciousness, as a result of...

Social Environment and Sexual Development

Introduction Young adults’ sexual development is a significant topic, which may be considered pertinent to the fields of psychology and biology. However, it is highly relevant to the fields of language, culture, and communication, as these are the aspects that can have a crucial impact on it. The effect of...

Protecting Human Research Participants

Introduction Human subject research is a systematic, scientific investigation that involves humans as research subjects. This type of research is used in many fields, including basic biology, psychology, sociology, political science, anthropology, nursing, and clinical medicine. Today, in the United States, the National Institute of Justice provides clear guidelines regarding...

Shadeism and Its Effects

Introduction Colorism, or shadeism, is a form of discrimination or prejudice typically coming from members of the same race. Colorism means a preference for lighter skin in people of color due to the social implications and cultural meanings tied to skin color. In 50 Shades of Melanin, the speaker states...

Symbolic Interactionism as a Tool for Conveying Ideas: Dissecting the Process of Communication

In a multicultural setting, communication may diverge into unintended directions due to misunderstandings occurring after misreading and misrepresenting particular notions. The application of the theory of symbolic interactionism allows dissecting the described problem and prevent the cases in question by using its theoretical tenets in the course of a multicultural...

The Processes of Building Connection and Relationships

Introduction People are social creatures who require communication with others, and it has to be positive. For this purpose, a person needs to understand the processes of building connection and relationships, the feelings of others, and their perception of his or her personality. In this essay, examples of videos from...

Racial Stratification

Wealth and Racial Stratification in the United States The main implication of racial stratification is that it is an inseparable part of the culture in the United States. As DiAngelo explains in his article “White Fragility,” as a white person who spends years examining the race theory, the author concludes...

Ethical Theories and Principles

Sometimes, it is difficult to tell unambiguously whether a deed is right or wrong. Moral principles do not always find their place in legislation, and people should decide how to act in a challenging situation based on their feeling of rightness and wrongness, as well as common sense. In such...

Personal Professional Statement of Social Work: Path, Skills and Future

Career Path In their life, people have many career paths from which they can choose. Some of them prefer to work with machines, others with numbers. Personally, I have always wanted to work and interact with people. The basis of social work is caring about others – without a desire...

Immigration Laws and Social Welfare Policies

Introduction Illegal immigration remains one of the biggest concerns for the current United States government. According to Orrenius and Zavodny (2016), the majority of those who come to the United States legally have a plan on what they need to do and how they will survive in the country. On...

Windshield Survey in Miami, Florida

Windshield surveys are a quick and easy way to make observations of someplace and its community. The present project aims at evaluating such aspects of the community’s life as the housing condition, quality of streets and stores, cleanliness and services, and other crucial issues. The paper contains some data about...

Mary Fisher’s 1992 National Convention Speech

On August 19, 1992, the Republican National Convention was held in Houston to nominate the President for re-election. The day was also remembered for the eloquent speech of political activist Mary Fisher, who called on party members and all concerned listeners to support her and stop silencing the spread of...

Honesty Through Moral Relativism Lens

Last week one of my friends was preparing to leave for an important date, and before she left the house, she asked my opinion concerning her dress. I told her that the dress was horrible before clarifying that was my personal opinion, and it does not matter in the end....

The Concept of Research Integrity and Research Ethics

Introduction At present, the concept of integrity is used in diverse contexts and is frequently considered to be a moral trait. Moreover, it is often used as a synonym of “honesty.” Nevertheless, this concept is more complex and needs a careful and thoughtful definition. Thus, what is integrity and how...

The True Meaning of Integrity

Introduction Abstract thinking skills enable people to define and operate ideas and objects that do not exist physically, and they play a significant role in culture and value systems. Being an abstract noun, the word “integrity” is widely used in different contexts (including professional ones) to define a set of...

The Problem of Domestic Violence in Modern Society

Plan and Solution The problem of domestic violence has been in existence in contemporary society for a while, affecting victims significantly and causing them massive psychological and physical traumas. The unwillingness to report instances of domestic abuse leads to a steep rise in the intensity of violence and the negative...

Homelessness: “Tell Them Who I Am” by Elliot Liebow

People that lose their homes seem to become invisible to the rest of society, given the extent to which the problem is ignored. However, the loss of a place to live has a tremendous impact on one’s life, turning one into a social pariah and eliminating any opportunity for one...

Intimate Partner Violence Against Women

What IPV Against Females Is According to the World Health Organization [WHO] (2017), IPV is “behavior by an intimate partner or ex-partner that causes physical, sexual or psychological harm.” The most common types of IPV include physical and sexual violence, emotional abuse, and controlling behaviors. It is necessary to stress...

The Trolley Problem and Self-Driving Cars

Introduction The Trolley Problem is ethics thought experiment that deals with the choice of saving several people by killing one. It has found widespread use in various moral and ethical discussions, such as law, medicine, and, recently, artificial intelligence (AI) and automated vehicles. This essay will discuss my views of...

World Poverty as a Global Social Problem

Introduction Despite the recent scientific and technological successes, the problem of global poverty still affects millions of people in different parts of the world. Poverty and the key methods helping to reduce it attract the attention of numerous researchers in different areas of expertise. Even though the actual size of...

Racism in “Get Out” Movie: Rhetorical Discussion

The movie Get Out can be considered an attempt to demonstrate how interracial interactions can be challenging for African-American community members due to the historical roots. The rhetorical performance revolves around the two main topics of race-based slavery and interracial romance. The film’s primary medium is the modern illustration of...

How the Internet Challenges Families

Nowadays, it is hard to imagine an ordinary day without the Internet. People find it normal to use social technologies for different purposes. In 2019, there are more than 4.39 billion people who use the Internet regularly (Kemp, 2019). Regarding such a considerable spread of opportunities, social media may challenge...

Population, Urbanization, and Environment

Urbanization is a significant factor that affects the environment in a negative way. Expansions of cities, towns, and villages often come at the cost of rivers being polluted, woods and trees chopped down, and animals being driven out of their natural habitats. The boom of urbanization came during the second...

Social Institutions Maintaining Inequality Systems

Social institutions are essential to any society because they govern, guide, and serve the people. Therefore, the life of an individual is strongly influenced by diverse institutions while it is not always noticed or evident. Institutions can be defined as social organizations that are characterized by established behavior patterns arranged...

Effect of Domestic Violence on Children

Domestic violence is a serious issue that can have severe consequences for the development of children that grow up in such environments. The issue of domestic violence and its effect on children is one of the more prevalent topics in social sciences, but the need for additional research is clear....

The Problem of Hunger in the USA

The problem of hunger has gained an international resonance over the last decades due to the rapid development of the informational society. Paradoxically, the 21st century is the age when the world community has launched a new scientific and technical milestone with historical discoveries and inventions requiring billions of dollars...

Feminism in Chinese Literature, Culture, Society

“Traditional Woman” and “New Woman” in the early twentieth century At the turn of the century, the concepts of the “traditional woman” and the “new woman” began to collide in Chinese society, thus prompting a significant change in the manner in which women were depicted in literature. In their short...

Indigenous Identity: Ayala, Mariátegui and Menchú

It could hardly be doubted that indigenous identities represent a highly important area of concern in social studies. The way people understand themselves, the world around them, and social relations within the society are considerably affected by their cultural background. This statement is especially relevant to indigenous people, whose social,...

Guanxi in the Daily Lives of Ordinary Chinese

Introduction Background relationships and circles may be found in all spheres of people’s communication and cooperation. Sometimes, such relationships tend to have an unhealthy character since they lead to corruptive schemes. In other cases, support from close people can help governments and organizations to make significant positive changes for people....

Virtual Environments in Social Context

Description of Virtual Environments Various communication technologies, currently developing at an immensely high pace, became an integral part of the contemporary social and personal life, and the phenomenon of virtual environments is one the most interesting subjects to consider. Virtual environment is defined as an online environment, where people can...

Dogs as the Most Beneficial Pets

Benefits of Dogs as Pets Dogs have a significant responsibility in most people’s life. Duvall and Pychyl (2014) claim that besides rearing dogs for security purposes, some people use dogs to assist their loved ones to recover from different illnesses. Indeed, dogs help in speech and occupational therapy. Presently, many...

Social Dynamics and Its Problems

It is argued that teaching and studying are determined by social dynamics (Colvin, 2005, p. 10). Some of the most influential factors which affect these activities in the classroom are the classroom atmosphere (which influences the students’ enthusiasm for learning and their engagement in classroom activities significantly), relations and expectations...

The Master Status and Poor Persons

Hypothesis: Those persons who previously had the Master status are less likely to experience the role exit or become an ‘ex’ Independent variable: The current absence of the Master status. To state the absence of the Master status currently and the presence of the status previously, it is necessary to...

Gender Studies: The Queer of Color Theory

The Queer of Color Theory As a diverse field of studies that includes multiple disparate ideas and points of view, the queer theory incorporates color issues. To understand the experiences of people different from the predominant groups, one should refer to the queer of color theory that “seeks to disrupt...

Racial Discrimination in the “Selma” Film

The modern American society is characterized by the racial diversity. Unfortunately, the major social groups often feel hostility to the ethnic minority groups and express it by rights violations or social oppressions. Throughout the history, it happened for very different reasons: the competition for the financial resources or the political...

Self-Identification and Presentation in Society

There are many different thoughts about the importance of society and the need to comprehend social expectations. I like the ideas offered by the professor Richard Jenkins about the connection between social identity and society and the necessity for people to know what they are. Jenkins (as cited in Kidd...

Gender Identification in Coed Dormitories

Nowadays, in the dormitories of the American University, the implementation of effective policies and norms plays an important role. The point is that students from different parts of the world are allowed to live in American dormitories and free to develop their personal needs, religious interests, political persuasions, incomes, and...

Social Worker’ Role Play Exercise

Adults belong to the category of the so-called group of the limited mobility and are the most socially vulnerable part of society. It happens primarily due to the disabilities of their physical or psychological condition caused by diseases resulting in disability, as well as to the existing complex of concomitant...

Social Experiment: Wrong Outfit in a Wedding Event

Introduction It is my cousin’s wedding and the invitation card was specific on the dress code. The reception was to capture an official theme consisting of official dressing code, preferably grey or dark suit/dress. I did not expect everyone to dress as was directed. I opted for a casual trouser...

Affirmative Action by Albert Mosley

Is affirmative action in employment an appropriate way to make restitution for a history of discrimination against minorities and women? Mosely (2015) truly believes that it is a kind of moral obligation for governments to provide minorities and women with restitution and use affirmative action in employment as one of...

Handling Ethical Issues in Data Analysis

I write this letter to draw your attention to some ethical issues that may be violated if you decide to edit some of the research findings. The objective of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the two types of therapy treatments and decide which of them was better....

Professionalism and Ethics in a Team

Implementation of ethical culture in the team After completing high school, I joined a local youth club. The club was established to provide youths with information and knowledge concerning post-school alternatives. After six months at the club, I was nominated as an official. When the elections were conducted, I was...

Cuban Heritage and Communication Patterns

Communication forms the basis of interactions among different people. It is therefore important to understand the communication patterns of people from different cultural backgrounds in order to communicate with them effectively. This is because each culture is characterized by unique communication patterns. The first Cuban communication pattern that should be...

Cultural Identity and Integration of Immigrants

The concept of cultural identity should not be viewed as a static phenomenon or as a fixed set of values that have to be shared by every person belonging to a certain group. Leading scholars such as Stuart Hall and Homi Bhabha believe that culture exists only in individual experiences...

Freud’s Contention “Love One’s Neighbor as Oneself”

Love is a strong feeling of care that a person has towards something or someone. This feeling grows with time. A neighbor is not the person that lives next to one’s homestead but is any person who needs an individual’s help. The commandment of love is one of the foremost...

Social Issues Reflected in the Art Works

Bertolt Brecht: Art is not a mirror to reflect reality but a hammer with which to change it for the better Most art pieces are borne from real-life experiences of either the author himself or from the experiences of others around him. Not only is the work supposed to reflect...

Truly Fair Society and the Keys to Creating It

Secularization as a way to build a fair Western society When it comes to arguing as to what should represent guiding lines for building a truly fair society, which will provide its members with an opportunity to actualize their existential potential, one can hardly skip pointing out at what prevents...

Physically Disabled People’s Shopping Experiences

Introduction During the course of my observations of various individuals that suffer from some form of physical disability, I noticed several interesting forms of behavior in the way they acted and the way they were treated by those around them. As it turns, most people who are considered disabled by...

Modernization and Dependency Theories in the Third World

Dependency theory is generally used to explain how less developed countries have failed to develop economically regardless of investments from developed countries. The fundamental argument of this theory is that developing countries are heavily dependent on more developed nations. Sympathizers of peripheral nations suggest that their under-development is a result...

Directness in Operational Communication

Directness in Operational Communication Operational communication is essential in organizations as it enables undertakings that facilitate productivity. Effective operational communication is therefore required in institutions to allow for respect, politeness, and focus on what is needed. This allows for emphasis on the subject of communication and does not make the...

What Is Public Relations?

Introduction My future profession of choice is public relations. Public relations professionals are charged with the responsibility of planning, designing, implementing, and evaluating information as well as communication strategies to clients, members of the public and other stakeholders on behalf of the organization (Edwards & Hodges 2011, p. 77). In...

Riverbend City’s Flood Disaster Communication

Analysis of the Issue Faced by the Leader in the Scenario In the Riverbend City scenario, I was chosen to work in charge of the Leadership Team that was created for the provision of the emergency response of a flood disaster in Riverbend City. The team is comprised of several...

Communication Skills: Practice Based Learning

Interpreting the actions of the Practice Educator What must be understood is that communication and delivering a particular message is not based on verbal responses but rather extends to various non-verbal cues which range from facial expression, tone of voice, apparent interest in the conversation as well as certain aspects...

History of Social Welfare in the United States

Introduction The establishment of the social welfare system in the United States of America was one of the most critical undertakings in the history of the country. The institution of social welfare dates back to a few centuries ago when Queen Elizabeth introduced it in fifteenth-century England. In essence, the...

Substance Abuse and Its Promotion in Advertisement

Introduction Substance abuse is, to a great degree, very common in the world, and lately, the general populace has perceived substance abuse mentally as one of the vital questions raised for consideration or solution facing almost all countries. Specifically, the public solicitudes that illicit substances are the cause of aggressive...

Gendered Images Displayed in a Shopping Mall

A commoditized society is instrumental in transforming and creating images of identity and interpretation. The commoditized image projected through the set images forms the hyper-reality that becomes more real for us. Lauren Langman (1993) points out that various objects, images, and events attaches a new symbolic value to our perceptions....

Challenges With Homeless and Runaway Youth in Waianae

The Nature of the Problem The problem in question is concerned with one of the acutest burdens of young people living in the Waianae area of Hawaii: homelessness. Due to a number of factors, the rate of youths leaving homes is drastically high in this region. Domestic violence, adverse behaviors...

Masculinity in The Great Gatsby and The Breakfast Club

Introduction In any society, culture may be played out from different dimensions such as through masculinity and femininity. Masculinity entails a cultural dimension in which gender roles become distinct by spelling out characteristics that men should display. Such traits include materialism, assertiveness, and toughness among others. Conversely, women are expected...

Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Maternity

Introduction Topic The primary research question How does domestic violence impact the conditions and environment of maternity? The working thesis The angle would be to present evidence that domestic abuse creates a hostile environment that women perceive as dangerous to raise a child in. The essay will seek to explore...

National Conversation about Poverty

The success of every society is determined by values, cultural practices, and tendencies that can address the hurdles affecting its people. The author of the book “Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis”, James David Vance, acknowledges that many people in the United States have been...

Final Scene in “Gone Baby Gone” and Kantian Ethics

Introduction Gone Baby Gone is the film whose final action represents a controversy between the application of the law and moral judgment as core guidance for making decisions. In this paper, the final action of the selected film will be analyzed from the perspective of Kant’s moral philosophy and its...

Disability Support in Canada

Introduction Disabled persons are among the most vulnerable groups in society. Depending on the disability type and severity, they might not be able to work or sustain their daily living. In developed societies, governments recognize the need to provide comprehensive support to disabled persons and establish policies targeting their needs....

Utilitarianism: Poverty Reduction Through Charity

Introduction Global moral issues may be hard to discuss because of their complex nature. These problems do not affect a single individual or a small group – they span across borders and nations. World hunger and poverty are one of these problems, as one can encounter them in many parts...

LGBT Rights in Canada

The hostile attitudes towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people aggravated by the lack of proper legislation, explicitly prohibiting discrimination against those groups, result in human rights violations that go against the spirit of the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (OHCHR par. 2). There...

Gender Studies and Feminization in Education

Introduction Gender studies in education has become a topic of debate since the second half of the twentieth century due to the increasing importance of feminism. The growing role of women in the traditional educational system, which was previously focused on men, brought about many changes to educational practice. In...

Revenge and Its Historical and Ethical Consequences

Introduction Earlier, the concept of revenge was considered an object of purely subjective but at the same time well-grounded justice. Attempts to take revenge on an enemy or offender caused serious conflicts that rather often led to wars and bloodshed. In the modern world, vengeance has not disappeared. On the...