Importance of Communication in Enhancing Customer Service in Medical Offices

Customer Service in Medical Offices Customer service is an important practice in medical offices today. Communication is an important aspect of customer service. In medical offices, the health professional needs to adopt high standards of communication skills for them to be able to build rapport with their patients. Currently, with...

Delia and Jig as the Feminist Women Characters

“Sweat” and “Hills Like White Elephants” are stories about women who are entirely different from each other. Although they have complicated relationships with their husbands, both girls find the strength to survive. This paper aims to describe why Delia and Jig are dynamic characters and name the circumstances that create...

Research Methods for Social Work

While conducting social experiments, it is essential to gather accurate data. However, there are several factors that may interfere with this process and threaten the credibility of the information. First of all, the term of internal validity should be defined; researchers note that it is a component, according to which...

The Disparities in the Legal System about Women

Women account for one of the groups most affected by the disparities in the legal system. Therefore, this sphere has been an area of intense interest for feminist researchers and activists. Subsequently, various standpoints are expressed through different means of communication, calling for an equal approach to justice for both...

Brooks’ “Reading Too Much Political News…” Rhetorical Analysis

The summary of the article The current paper contains a rhetorical analysis of the article “Reading too much political news is bad for your well-being” . Brooks (2020) address an urgent topic of how political news affects people’s mood. The author concludes that it is vitally important to limit the...

Judith Jarvis Thomson’s Views on Abortion

In modern times, abortion is one of the most discussed topics in society. There are numerous arguments in favor of and against this highly controversial topic, and it continues to be one of the key points in political debates. In order to clearly express the argument, Judith Thomson has created...

Humility by a Leader Exemplify Servant Leadership

In the modern era, the concept of leadership is increasingly becoming more difficult, complex, and multi-dimensional. In light of this, the question of the most efficient type of leadership arises, considering the outcomes of each strategy. Among other styles, servant leadership, being previously “widely dismissed,” starts to be appreciated as...

Radical Feminism Explains Prostitution

Introduction Living on morally wrong earnings and exercising control over prostitutes are criminal offenses. Interestingly, at the same time as constructing prostitutes as a social class of ethically different and sexually indiscriminate women, the social critics also see them as different from other women by virtue of some type of...

The Phenomenon of Interpersonal Communication

The phenomenon of interpersonal communication is a process of exchanging information, knowledge, experience, emotions, and beliefs between people. In other words, interpersonal communication happens when two people talk or use non-verbal means to exchange data. According to Lane (2016), interpersonal communication is influenced by the perception of the world, self-concept,...

Identity and Social Hatred. Diversity and Identity

A person’s sense of identity plays an essential purpose in establishing one’s role in society. It always goes in conjunction with the degree of cultural diversity, which cannot be fully appreciated without valuing an individual’s identity. However, these terms can be opposed by various forms of social injustice, such as...

Debate on Teaching of Values: Family Policies

Introduction One of the basic building blocks of a successful and functional society is the establishment and consequent adherence to values by the members of the community. Values can be defined as what society judges to be of importance or worthy. These values color our human reality with new ways...

The Portrayal of the LGBTQ+ Population in the Media

Many scholars have investigated the portrayal of the LGBTQ+ population in the media, noting that it does not always reflect reality. Seif (2017) provides an analysis of several characteristics of gay and lesbian characters in the media. They include gendered stereotypes, victimization, representation as villains, a sexual depiction, or a...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Social Values

My research question is if society must keep its values and get back to them after the profound life changes after the pandemic or establish new morals to follow. The social scientific background of the issue contains academic literature about social principles, peer-reviewed articles discussing human and social behaviors, and...

Dick Durbin “The DREAM Act”: A Threat to the Economy and Security of Americans

Introduction Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act was a plan by the American senate to allow a few immigrants to enjoy permanent residence. This act was forwarded to the Senate by Dick Durbin in 2001 for consideration (Mahony 98). He suggested that all non-Americans who graduate from American...

Illegal Immigration Issues: Threat to the Country

Introduction Illegal immigrants denote the people who unlawfully cross-national boundaries into host nations in a way that infringes immigration laws or individuals who remain in a given country beyond limitations of permitted entry. Whether legal or illegal, immigration is normally a rising move from a lower to a higher living...

Comparison of Gender Differences in Communication

Considering a number of biological, evolutionary, social, and historical aspects, men and women tend to prove different psychological and behavioral patterns. Therefore, such a distinction reflects in the way men and women communicate and interact with one another led to the emergence of gender stereotypes. To begin with, the primary...

Gender: Do People Choose Their Sexual Orientation?

Undoubtedly, it is challenging to discover whether people choose their sexual orientation on their own or live with it from birth. On the one hand, according to Steensma et al. (2013), psychological factors, such as child and parental characteristics, and the biological ones, such as the effects of parental exposure...

Privacy Invasion in America

Introduction In 1984, Orwell described the ultimate totalitarian dystopia where the government-controlled every aspect of citizens’ lives and crushed any means of resistance. To achieve this level of control, the ruling government required more than just power, it needed critical information which was used to identify, manipulate, and ultimately destroy...

Man vs Machine: Luddism Then and Now

Introduction Since the economy of England relied heavily on the textile and clothing industry, there was always a demand for skilled workers. However, the introduction of steam looms did not require the presence of skilled workers. Therefore, manufacturers preferred to hire children and women rather than experienced men (Lindholdt, 1997)....

Gender and Sexual Labeling

The two major categories for gender and sexuality labeling that are recurrently used within contemporary society are related either to (a) specific actions or (b) particular identities. For the queer community, the situation is different because it does not adhere to any existing categories such as sodomite (action-based labeling) or...

“Is Gender Equality the Silent Killer of Marriages?” Article Analysis

Suzanne Venker’s article “Is Equality Ruining Your Marriage?” explores the adverse effects of integrating egalitarian concepts in the marriage context. At the onset, Venker argues that couples in marital unions which conform to the traditional gender roles are happier as compared to those whose marriages integrate the modernity principle of...

Social Deviance Theories

Deviance is an important sociological concept referring to humans’ tendency to violate cultural norms in both formal and informal contexts. Adler and Adler (2015) assert that deviance is a common social phenomenon manifested through the establishment of rules. Sociologists’ attempts to explore social deviance have led to several theories used...

The Human Right to Equality and Racial Issues in the US

This paper examines the issue of the human right to equality and non-discrimination, which is in question in the United States. Most probably, this right implementation is likely to achieve the most criticism from other nations of the world during the Universal Periodic Review. As the UN report from 2015...

Never Give Up: 15 Reasons by Osman Hameed

“Never give up” is a statement that most people use to motivate others and themselves to keep pushing to work towards achieving their objectives. Contemporarily, some support the statement, while others believe that it is prudent to cease from doing the same activity. People engage in some hectic daily jobs...

Correlation Between Ethnic Activism and Scholarships

Introduction In recent years, more and more scholars who research the ethnic diversity of countries have been engaged in ethnic activism. Historians, sociologists, and anthropologists have found and continue to improve activities aimed at restoring and increasing the visibility of small ethnic groups. NAES provides an interdisciplinary forum for scholars...

Transgender Care: Challenges, Implications

Introduction Differences in appearance or behavior may set forth barriers to effective communication within many spheres. In healthcare setting not putting effort into ensuring diverse patient groups being treated with professional finesse with no regard for their differences is a timely issue. Transgender patients are among those vulnerable communities who...

Digital Tools and Social Behavior

In modern society, people are connected via smartphones and other digital devices making face-to-face contact practically rare. The authors of the article raised an important question of whether being frequently connected to the digital world may dwindle major behavior approaches (Kushlev et al., 2019). Certain approach behaviors such as smiling...

Legal and Illegal Discrimination in the Society

Introduction I believe the first scenario represents legal discrimination, whereas the second scenario is an example of illegal discrimination. The crucial feature that distinguishes these situations is the data provided to support discriminatory employment policies. Body It is the law and its interpretation that distinguish legal discrimination from an illegal...

On the Social Responsibility of Corporations to Society

In the modern world, economic resources are the most significant assets. Numerous businesses and corporations emerge to provide customers with products or services and obtain some profits in exchange for them. That is why some people, including Friedman, stipulate that the primary social responsibility of a business is to increase...

Aristotle’s Concept of Virtue Ethics

The combination of such qualities as generosity, kindness, honesty, courage, modesty, and hospitality in one person is scarce. However, when this happens, the carrier of all these traits is called virtuous, a hero, or a saint (MacKinnon & Fiala, 2017). Such people become role models, inspiring society to develop positive...

Social Isolation and Distancing Impact on People’s Life

Life Change Since the Start of Social Isolation and Social Distancing Humanity has already been confronted with some kinds of pandemics. However, it is the first time when outcomes touch all fields of human existence, accompanied by global panic, the global financial crisis, and a universal transition to virtual reality....

Yoga: A Key to Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Strength

Introduction The majority of people suffer and die from heart diseases, depression, or obesity, and these issues are vulnerabilities of our mental, physical, and even spiritual state. A person can solve these issues by practicing yoga on a regular basis. The subject is critical because a number of recent studies...

Patrick’s Final Decision in Gone Baby Gone Film

Introduction Directed by Ben Affleck, Gone Baby Gone tells a story of two investigators looking to solve a mystery behind a girl’s abduction from her single mother. While attaining positive reviews, the final decision of Patrick, who is one of the investigators, caused many controversies. Some people perceived Patrick’s action...

Social Movements and Protest in the Roach and Roach’s Book

The purpose of the two articles by Roach and Roach (1978; 1979) is to discuss the arguments presented by Piven and Cloward on the reasons, mechanics, and outcomes of social movements. Roach and Roach’s (1978) main argument consists in claiming that independent and uncontrolled poor people’s movement will fail, and...

Participation in Teamwork as a Leader From Behind

Introduction It is safe to say that communication is the core of the social life of people. Small group communication is the most frequent form of communication with which individuals interacts throughout their life. In order to be a competent social sciences specialist, one must explore small group communication and...

Trans Individuals’ Sexual and Gender Identities

Thorough analysis and study of trans individuals’ sexual and gender identities, as well as their orientation, might help to separate highly interlinked ideas of sex and gender. Sex is mostly understood as a biological feature of a person, and it is primarily binary, which includes male and female. However, it...

Factors of the Gender Pay Gap

Research Proposal Considering the gender pay gap, scientists, government agencies, and business representatives agree that it exists in different organizations across the US for females and males. Nonetheless, gender discrimination and sexism that are usually named as the main reasons that hurt the issue might not be the significant variables...

Freedom of Expression and Hate Speech

Introduction Contemporary society rests on the critical importance of fundamental human rights. Every individual is born to be free and enjoy all benefits that are available in the modern world. This statement can be considered a motto of our time impacting the functioning of states and their governments. The constitution,...

Conflict Management Styles

The Context of the Conflict I was in a queue waiting to pay for a pair of shoes which I had purchased. A customer ahead of me started complaining that the service representative was too slow. He aggressively demanded a refund for a shirt he had previously bought. The staff...

A Self-Disclosure Experience Overview

Self-disclosure is among the most critical steps in creating close social ties within teams in the workplace. Venditti and McLean assert that self-disclosure involves revealing personal information to other people, usually after establishing a growing trust-based relationship (23). People reach the self-disclosure level as trust grows through repeated positive interactions,...

Challenging Gender Norms: Personal Experience

The traditional approach of reinforcing certain gendered norms on people is a common practice in many countries. I plan to wear makeup for the whole day to challenge these commonly accepted gender socialization norms, which also run contrary to the way I perform gender daily. Wearing makeup relates to this...

Social Loafing and Facilitation: Article Study

Significantly, Schmutz, Laurenz, Meier, and Manser’s 2019 article ‘How effective is teamwork?’ focuses on the importance of teamwork in healthcare. According to Schmutz et al., teams are prudent, but healthcare practitioners must apply and combine their unique expertise in different healthcare systems (1). The authors give an example regarding the...

Gender Norms in Different Cultures

The relationships among biological sex, gender role, and sexuality are often perceived differently in societies around the globe. For example, western societies have a strong penchant for patriarchy, which has certain implications for the people who defy the status quo. As evidenced in the trailer for a movie about women...

Sociological Concepts and Theories on the Plight of Undocumented Immigrants

Undocumented immigrants include individuals who have moved from their homelands to other countries as a destination without legal proof of identity. The process of settling legally in a foreign country entails a justification procedure that ensures local authorities identify an immigrant’s origin and destination. Many people seek economic asylum in...

Activism and Social Theory: Inequality

These days, the issues related to equality have become central to the U. S. social, political, and economic agendas. In fact, the entire world is still undergoing tremendous changes shifting towards decolonization, although this process is often associated with a certain resistance, misunderstanding, and disappointment. The second half of the...

Behaviour Norms and Roles Within the Group Agreement

The expected Modes of the behavior of society form the behavioral norms. Behavioral norms are further classified into Explicit and implicit norms. Implicit norms are usually in unwritten forms or if written, they are not official. Explicit norms are written down and followed by a particular group. Explicit norms usually...

Drug Testing Problem Reflection

Drug testing is a controversial topic as it has pros and cons that hold a relatively significant amount of argumentative weight. Employers are obligated to provide a safe work environment and ensure that their employees are productive, but is the maintenance of a drug test policy in the attainment of...

Ethical Self-Assessment

Introduction Ethics is very important for the human society, and various organizations establish their codes of ethics for their members to follow the organizational ethical values. The American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) also has its code of ethics (ACHE, 2009) and this paper focuses on my ethical self-assessment as...

Three Types of Friendship

Even though there are such types of friends as romantic, childhood, and internet one, childhood friendship is the steadiest among these kinds.Romantic friends form opposite-sex relations.Having an opposite-sex friend presumes viewing things differently. Such friends broaden the field of one’s interests. Male-female friendship may lead to a romance or end.Childhood...

An Overview of the Social Service Worker Profession

Job Knowledge The position of a social service worker is highly demanding in terms of job knowledge. As far as this category is concerned, I have chosen group assessment as my desired skillset, and it comprises family assessment, as well. While the major part of the work process is usually...

The Communication Process Model Phases and Opportunities

The Phases of The Communication Process Model There are seven established phases to the communication process. The first two are developing an idea and encoding it in a message. Encoding in this context means deciding on how best to translate the idea into words and deliver it to the audience....

Immigration Reform: Asylum Ban and Mexican Immigrants

Immigration is one of the most controversial political issues that the United States of America faces. Various administrations have addressed it in various ways, implementing various mitigation measures and policies. However, immigration has remained a contentious issue that has caused heated debates among politicians and the public. The Trump administration...

An Instance of Social Facilitation

Introduction Social Facilitation is a term used to describe people’s behavior in social situations. The psychological concept explains that people are likely to be influenced by the presence of others when completing various tasks (Cuncic, 2020). When a single individual does something in public, they may draw attention to themselves...

The Nineteenth Amendment and Women’s Suffrage

Voting or suffrage is proclaimed to be one of the fundamental rights of a citizen of any country. However, a couple of centuries ago, this right was a privilege for many people. Multiple American citizens have been denied voting due to their race, gender, social, and economic status. Such inequality...

Gender-Assigned Social Norms: Male Socialization Experiences

Introduction People’s upbringing and assimilation in society mainly depend on their genders and the roles a particular social environment assigns to genders. While socialization as a process of acquiring a set of values and rules of behavior in a given society is essential for all groups, gender defines what specific...

Gender Identity in Athletics: “The Battle Over Title IX and Who Gets to Be a Woman in Sports”

Article Summary The article describes the situation surrounding the uncertain status of transgender and transsexual athletes in the U.S. and international sports. Focusing on the track athletes Andraya Yearwood, Terry Miller, and Chelsea Mitchell, it explains the contested legislation over the matter, as well as issues of fairness and exclusion....

Women’s Issues and Trends in the Prison System

Women incarceration has only gained attention recently as the alarming trends continue. In significant contrast to the entire population that is being incarcerated, where the system of state prisons holds twice as many people as being held in jails, more women find themselves in jails than in state prisons. Although...

Death Penalty Should Be Abolished in the United States

The death penalty issue attracts different views not only in the United States but also across the globe. For instance, the American Civil Liberties Union suggests that the death sentence violates the constitutional restriction against unusual and cruel punishments (Bedau para. 1). The U.S. Constitution guarantees equal protection and due...

“Crucial Conversations” by Patterson

Introduction The book to be reviewed is Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Patterson et al. (2011). It is about the best approach to use when participating in crucial conversations. A model has been developed concerning how best to prepare for high-stake situations, control emotions, and...

Dominant Culture’s Influence on Immigrants

American society is characterized by a high degree of diversity that has led to various conflicts. Although it is acknowledged that the cooperation of people with different cultural backgrounds can be favorable for the development of society, groups are often unable to collaborate effectively due to polarization, the focus on...

Saving the Animals: Stop Animal Testing

Medical researchers have been using animals as test subjects for potential human treatments for centuries. Initially, the main reasons for that included the lack of resources to study the drugs or therapy methods in alternative ways and an overall unemotional attitude toward any creatures other than people. However, today those...

The Federalist Paper: Equal Rights Amendment

The issue of equality is one of the priorities in the United States and, therefore, should be protected by legal documents. However, neither the constitution of the country nor its amendments include this consideration as opposed to other governments (“Constitution of the United States”). Such a notable omission should be...

Women and Migration: Rates and Effects

Understanding the topic of women and migration means being able to embrace a sizeable range of factors affecting the topic in question. Therefore, the key talking points to be included in a lecture on the issue of women and migration will have to concern three main areas, which are the...

Radical Feminism vs. Equality

In the 21st century, feminism has become a major social issue. The globalized world has contributed to the spread of feminist ideas to every corner of the world. Mostly, it is considered to be, and it is, a positive influence on the main cause of the feminist movement which achieved...

The Rule of the Golden Mean and the Virtue Ethics

Virtue ethics states that practicing honesty, dignity, and generosity makes an individual a moral and virtuous person (MacKinnon & Fiala, 2018). From this perspective, Snowden’s action can be viewed as an act of virtue. Using his moral code and the vision of the situation, he preferred to report about numerous...

“Stanford Prison Experiment Ethics” by Philip Zimbardo

Introduction In 1971, Philip Zimbardo conducted an infamous study, and he called it the Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE). This research is often considered influential in psychology. The experiment went beyond the traditional academic discourse and was referenced in movies and mass media reports (Le Texier, 2019). However, the research has...

Social Movements and Protest in Piven and Cloward’s Book

While the initial chapters of Piven and Cloward’s (1978) book aimed at explanation of movements’ structure and the specific features of the American protests of the unemployed, the consecutive sections cover more particularities related to poor people’s movements. The fourth and fifth chapters of the reading discuss the reasons, mechanics,...

Conflict Theory: Definition and Main Concepts

Definition and Analysis Conflict theory is a concept used in a wide range of disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, criminology, communication, education, among many others. This theory takes its roots in Carl Marx’s teachings since class struggle is based completely on a conflict. Therefore, the main aim of Conflict theory...

Sociology Impact and Laurie Taylor’s Point of View

Within the scholarly dimension, there have been many discussions on the issue of why sociology is important. Plenty of academicians and recognized theoreticians have provided a strong rationale regarding this issue. Laurie Taylor, being a significant scholar, has given an interview that contains several notable arguments and ideas within the...

Social Injustice Leads to Public Unrest

Despite significant advancements in the areas of human rights and equality, modern societies are still affected by social injustice. In the United States, people of color continue to face discrimination within various systems of the government, as well as from white people. The recent protests in the United States were...

Migrants Adaptation in the Context of Diversity

Currently, migration is defined not only as a socio-economic, but also unambiguous socio-psychological, ethnographic, and political phenomenon. Adaptation in a migration situation is complicated by a large number of factors that affect this process, such as climatic conditions, cultural, social, linguistic, ethnic differences, the establishment of new interpersonal contacts, inevitable...

Social Responsibility and Ethics

Social responsibility is “the obligation of a business towards the society” (Ferrell and Fraedrich, 6). The economic responsibility contributes to the economic development of the society by producing goods and essential products. Legal responsibility includes the laws that they have to follow. Ethical standards, the ones expected by the society...

Community Service Requirement for Graduation

The community service requirement for graduation has extensive benefits beyond the school perimeter. The article, “Why is Community Service Important?” by Florida National University explores some of these advantages. Students who commit to volunteering in society gain exposure to people from diverse cultural backgrounds and ages. Those who opt to...

John Stuart Mill’s Ethical System Analysis

Introduction The classical text Utilitarianism contains John Stuart Mill’s ethical theory in the most extensively articulated manner. Utilitarianism is the norm that something, such as an action, is considered to be right as long as it provides happiness and pleasure, while at the same time an action is considered wrong...

Child Welfare Policy

The National Association of Social Workers’ policy statement outlines the organization’s stipulations regarding the protection of children’s welfare. It draws its positions from fundamental human rights which apply to both adults and minors. The organization seeks to address the historical abuse and inhuman treatment of persons under the age of...

U.S. Interest Group: National Organization for Women

The U.S. interest group chosen for this discussion post is the National Organization for Women that was created in 1966. All the necessary information regarding this American feminist organization may be found at their website. The mission statement is to “take action to bring women into full participation in the...

Why Interest Groups Needed

Interest groups that may be also called pressure groups, advocacy groups, or special interest groups are the formally organized associations of organizations or individuals that attempt to influence public policy and the country’s political system in their favor on the basis of shared concerns. In other words, all interest groups...

Gender Roles From Sociological, Medical, and Religious Perspectives

Introduction Gender roles affect the contemporary American public in various ways. Society reinforces the roles it learned from the previous generations, yet some things change over time. Nowadays, gender roles are becoming more fluid than they used to be, facing resistance from conservative groups and individuals. This essay discusses the...

Critical Thinking and Transgender Ethics

Sexual orientation and preference is a debated and complex topic involving biological aspects, including hormones, which can alter and change people’s behavior and feelings. Equally, sexual orientation elicits various ethical issues, including discrimination and alienation. Thus, transgender people cannot be generalized to limited ascriptions that male-to-female transsexual persons prefer males...

True Consensus: Decision-Making Process

The decision-making process, in terms of the managerial paradigm, has become one of the major concerns for research in the past years. In order to remain relevant for each unit involved in the issue, managers are known to estimate the ultimate decision that would be of maximum benefit for everyone,...

Overcoming the Odds: Is It Really Necessary?

The stories of overcoming the odds may be considered both good and bad for society because there are always two sides to the consequences of one’s actions. According to Carney and Patel, for example, the role of people who overcome the odds and contribute to society is enormous because they...

Book Review “Religious, Feminist, Activist ” by Laurel Zwissler

Introduction Religious, Feminist, Activist by Laurel Zwissler examines the political and theological patterns of women who claim that their activism is tied to religious beliefs. This book explores the civic importance of faith in the pluralistic setting of North America and the globalized society. Zwissler approached researching from a perspective...

Examining Communication as a Process

The act of communication is often taken for granted, yet taking into consideration what affects the speed of information delivery, its accuracy, and its perception is essential for understanding the message and being understood. Improving communication is possible by analyzing the environment and external factors that affect the dialogue, specifically,...

Italian American Women and Their Cultural Tradition

Every culture devises gender roles for its members and expects them to fulfill said roles because it should supposedly be good for society at large. Yet for most of human history, genders were far from being treated equally and held in similar regard – most societies one finds in human...

Importance of Ethics in Wartime

“Ethics is the science that deals with conduct, in so far as this is considered as right and wrong, good or bad” (Dewey, 2998, p.1). Ethics is important in all spheres of human life as morality is the decisive factor that makes us human beings, that differs us from animals....

Mexican Immigration to the USA

Mexico ranks first place in the world in terms of emigration. For the US, Mexico is the primary source of cheap labor, as they are mostly employed in the labor force. Since the 19th century, the United States has surpassed many immigrants from Mexico, and its flow has gradually increased....

Perception and Cognitive Schemata

Occasionally, individuals tend to make conclusions about people they communicate with based on their nonverbal signs, body language, clothes, and particular preferences. Cognitive schemata imply structures, which do not include information on events and entities. Instead, it provides general knowledge about a person, omitting some details (Cherry, 2019; Groome &...

Gender Gaps in Student Academic Achievement

Sociology, being one of the central discussion subjects in terms of investigating the patterns of human development in cultural, ethnic, and gender aspects, has become extremely relevant for the modern world. Hence, the vast majority of researches conducted in the field is now closely related to the issues tackling the...

Rhetoric. James Q. Wilson on Gun Ownership Laws

Introduction James Q. Wilson, the education correspondent for Time Magazine, argues that the public is right in supporting tougher gun control laws even though it knows they will not improve the security situation in the United States (Wilson 78). The author believes that the president should not waste more time...

Non-Profit Organization ‘Legend in My Section’ Mission

Vision Statement For hundreds of years people are fighting for social justice and human rights in order to contribute to the appearance of better living conditions in the world. Philosophers, artists, and scientists are famous for their individual influence in addressing different societal problems as well as for the creation...

An Institutional Review Board: Research Ethics

The central concept of scientific ethics is the concept of responsibility. The goal of developing scientific ethics in research organizations should be to raise the awareness of scientists about all aspects of responsibility. Moreover, one should take into account the criteria for the proper conduct of the scientific activity, which...

Technological Solutions for Effective Communication

The adoption of technology in the area of sport communication is an essential step towards the increase in its efficiency. Therefore, present-day organizations intend to address this need through such solutions as Twitter, and the most efficient tools are hyperlinks, hashtags, public messages, and retweets (Wang, 2020). The researchers claim...

Empirical Research and Developmental Theory

Sexual orientation remains an enigmatic topic despite the large literature pillar devoted to it. Whether it is inborn or acquired, the consensus regarding the nature of one’s sexuality is still not reached, as the evidence differs. Adults are of particular interest regarding the issue because a person changing their sexual...

Human Rights Violation in Ethiopia

The twenty-first century is believed to be the age of human rights, freedom, justice, and equality. However, it is impossible to consider the battle won and finished while there are still those who suffer from the violation of human rights. Not everyone knows about one of the largest ethnic groups...

Does a Hashtag Create a Real Social Change?

Hashtags are mainly used as an unmoderated invitation to reflection and discussion. It is the combination of symbols starting with the # sign. Any hashtag supported by a sufficient amount of people can create a trend and attract even more users to the debate. These days, hashtags start creating global...

Men, Women & Money – How the Sexes Differ with Their Finances’ Article Review?

To support the subject that men spend more money than women, Amy Livingston’s article Men, Women & Money – How the Sexes Differ with Their Finances provides comparative gender-related research. Its main focus is divided between spending, saving, investment, and attitude to borrowing. The binary examples that the article delivers...

Milgram Experiment: The Question of Ethics

Introduction Any study involving human subjects should adhere to specific ethical guidelines. Although the primary goal of the research is to prove or disprove a hypothesis, the participants’ physical, psychological, and emotional well-being is also important. This essay will discuss the Milgram experiment and the conflicting views on its nature....

Social Workers’ Advocacy for Queer Population

Today, people use a number of reasons for discrimination, but, at the same time, they want to live in a free and democratic society. Alone with racial, gender, and social inequalities, the question of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) rights remains open. Social workers, as well as some...

Community Assessment Central City of Phoenix

Introduction The case study of Bill and Sally’s family revealed that they live in a high-crime area. The community of Phoenix that fits the description is the Central City neighborhood, which has a population of 53,865, a median income of $23,625, and a median home value of $86,237 (Sparkes, 2017)....

Intimacy Implications and “Sexual Revolution”

Introduction Global changes in people’s sexual behavior, called the “sexual revolution,” have been taking place in the world since the middle of the last century. In a number of countries, this process continues to the present day. The essence of the “sexual revolution” is a radical breakdown of traditional norms,...

Same-Sex Marriages: a Question of Legality or Morality

The existence of same-sex relationships and the eventual legalization of such marriages have been controversial in different societies around the world. In the US, before the Supreme Court’s ruling on June 26, 2015, that same-sex marriages are a right protected by the constitution, 13 states had illegalized this practice. On...

Social Identity and Moral Justification: Membership With a Perpetrator

Abstract This study aims to assess how group membership with perpetrators affects empathy towards the victim and moral justification towards the perpetrators’ actions among Malaysian citizens. A between-group experimental study was conducted virtually in which the participants answered an online questionnaire. In this study, the independent variable of group membership...

Pro-choice vs. Pro-life: The Question of Abortion

The issue of abortions has always been a highly controversial one, where the dynamics revolve around the problem of the authority of a number of different parties. Despite the recent trend of decline in the use of the procedures, the discussion remains valid (Jones & Jerman, 2017). These might include...

The Speech “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King

Introduction There are a number of speeches that were delivered by various people in the history of America. “I Have a Dream” is a speech in history that was conveyed by Martin Luther King at the Lincoln Memorial. King was compelled in his address to talk about black Americans who...

Research of Social Welfare Policy

Bill C-92 addresses the issue of social protection for Indigenous children and families. The Act works towards respect for the diversity of Indigenous populations, their rights, cultures, languages, history, and traditions (Bill C-92, 2019). Moreover, the policy aims to eliminate the gaps and improve the services provided to Indigenous children...

Agitation against Social Ills: Call for Action

Growth in and access to social media has made it possible for people to agitate against social ills. Social media has provided a platform for everyone to exchange information about some of their issues and, in a way, call for action both within and beyond their country’s borders. Individuals from...

The Definition of Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is defined as an exchange of information, feelings, and emotions between individuals. Through interpersonal communication, humans seek to achieve personal and relational goals, for which they use both verbal and non-verbal cues and techniques. Empathy, the ability to take another person’s perspective, and understanding the context of the...

Sources and Levels of Organizational Conflict

It goes without saying that conflict situations within organizations are currently inevitable. Conflict may occur at different levels – within people, between individuals within one group, and between various groups and organizations. Incompatible vision and objectives are frequently regarded as a powerful source of multiple conflicts between colleagues. In addition,...

Religious Liberties and LGBTQ Employment Discrimination Reforms

Literature Review Introduction Discrimination against LGBTQ communities has been a highly contentious issue in contemporary society. However, despite increased public awareness, the discrimination persists, exacerbated by a lack of legislative and judicial infrastructure that protects this particular subset of the population. Many states within the US do not offer adequate...

Ethics in Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry

Introduction Ethics in the medical and pharmaceutical industry is a vital component of providing quality services and developing products that will benefit the patients. The interactions between a healthcare provider and a patient, or a researcher and study participants, should be based on the principles of ethics to ensure the...

Hoarding and Opportunistic Behavior during COVID-19 Pandemics

The “Hoarding and Opportunistic Behavior during the Covid-19 Pandemic” article demonstrates that there has been a rise in unethical practices. The practices include opportunistic behaviors, such as hoarding of products and profiteering (Sobirova, 2020). For instance, the digital thermometer, which was retailing at $18 before the pandemic, now retails at...

The Use of Animals in Psychological Experiments

The method of experimentation is of great significance for multiple fields of psychology, especially for the behaviorist branch. When learning the patterns in behavior and neurobiological aspects of psychological development, researchers attend to animals as available and controllable experiment participants. The overall domain of findings in psychology and other naturalistic...

Gay and Lesbian Adoption: Normalizing a Healthy Childhood

Introduction In the contemporary world, most societies claim to be democratic and aim to achieve ultimate equality for all. While some inequalities are seemingly in the past, others persist. One of many highly controversial topics is gay and lesbian adoption. Although sexual minorities fight for their right to adopt, others...

Formation and Development of Personality Traits

Introduction Personality formation is one of the crucial processes for a person. It occurs to one degree or another throughout human life. Through this process, people acquire certain traits. Many of them are universal for the society in which a person is brought up. For example, this is influenced by...

Qualities Needed for a Successful Society

The notion of success is a highly subjective concern defined by personal needs and aspirations towards a prosperous future. Within the current materialistic society, the idea of the success of a single individual or the society, in general, became more problematic as it revealed its arrogant side. According to Burke...

Social Theories and Artistic Practice

Introduction Some people do not see the practical or any value of social theories and believe those are reflections of some people that deserve limited attention. These individuals acknowledge the benefits of natural science theories that provide specific laws regarding nature that can often be quantified and witnessed clearly. However,...

Black Lives Matter: Social Movement Reflection

Introduction Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a highly centralized political and social movement that supports non-violent civil disobedience in protest of police brutality and all racially based oppression against blacks. The wider movement typically advocates against police brutality towards black people as well as multiple other issues such as policy...

Gender Roles and Culture in Different Ages

Gender roles accepted in society shape the lives of males and females according to different patterns. Since childhood, girls are expected to wear dresses and help their mothers with household chores, while boys are taught to be brave and get ready for their future careers. Although this traditional model, with...

Humanity: Understanding and Observing Othering

All over the world, there is still discrimination against individuals and entire groups that differ in one way or another from the generally accepted norm’s notion and are perceived as Others. The emergence of a system of social perceptions is an integral part of cultural production and the exchange of...

Feminism and Criminology in the Modern Justice System

Feminist and crime research is an innovative and revolutionary discipline. Despite society’s movement towards justice and gender equality, women are still underrepresented in stereotypically masculine industries. The research methodology in this area is divided into quantitative and qualitative as well as in formal investigation. The critical distinction is the existence...

Declaration of Human Rights Influence on Government

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is one of the essential documents of international law since the mid-twentieth century. It provides the rules for the action as well as the base for future implementations. The UDHR states the rights, responsibilities, and sets the regulations for the operations of governments,...

Disability and Society, the Theory of Marginality, the Minority Group Model

Why is the Sociopolitical Model Also Known as the Minority Group Model? There have been many attempts to define disability throughout times and suggest how people with impairments should be treated. Those views eventually transformed into models, which had a certain understanding of disabilities and determined the attitudes towards them....

Femicide in Mexico: Effects of Colonialism

Introduction The gender-based violations and crimes against female citizens may consist of emotional, physical, sensual, and sexual abuse. This problem is considered a severe obstacle towards the enjoyment of fundamental human rights by women internationally and is strongly condemned in developed countries. Femicide is the murder of women, usually following...

Human Rights and the Rwandan Genocide

In the first half of 1994, Rwanda lost approximately 800,000 citizens due to tribal clashes that led to what is referred to now as the Rwandan Genocide. I can apply several concepts that I have learned about human rights on this incident after reading an article by Helen C Epstein...

Muller v. Oregon and Women’s Rights Advocacy

Introduction The US labor law is based on the Constitution, which has historically determined its implementation features. Notably, at the beginning of the 20th century, government intervention in labor relations and business was redefined. Companies did not like that the state continued to operate within the ‘police procedures’ given to...

Civil Rights Movement and Actual State of Human Rights

Ending racial discrimination and equalization of rights between the variety of ethnic groups found on the territory of the United States is a struggle with a long history. It gained momentum, approximately, in the middle of the last century, when Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his monumental speech. Diversity may...

Schemata: Perception and Social Situations

Schemata can have a noticeable effect on social situations, as people’s perception of others often defines their attitude towards them. Stereotypes, personal constructs, and scripts are widely used by people to help deal with similar situations efficiently. Although these schemata are usually helpful, there are cases when such preconceptions can...

Sociology: Its History, Tools, and Modern Developments

Definition and Purpose Today I’d like to talk to you about the scientific field of study that concerns the very nature of human beings – Sociology. It investigates all types of human relationships, from governmental structures to important personal matters. Its subject is diverse by nature, as it serves as...

Oppression of Women in Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is a Middle East power, occupying the majority of the Arabian Peninsula. The country is not demographically diverse as almost all of around thirty million of its citizens are Arabs. The economy of Saudi Arabia is primarily driven by its substantial oil and natural gas...

Immigrants Human Rights Violation in the United States

Many families from South America are trying to escape violence, climate displacement, and economic hardships, and seek protection in the U.S. The problem becomes even more pressing when the public receives information about the number of separated families. It has been reported by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) that...

The Ethical Side of Animal Testing

Animals often become objects of scientific research aimed to test new cosmetics, medicines, methods of treatment, and food. It leads to the endless hardship of hundreds of thousands of animals, which until recently were considered to be a sole means to check drugs and products. Nowadays, new advanced technologies, especially...

Sociology: Subject, Basic Notions, and Theories

Communal life with various social institutions and interactions is an indispensable part of human experience. The diversity of expressions of humanity’s social nature constitutes subject and primary interest for sociology. This field of knowledge, which can be defined as a methodical study of societies formed by humans and their behavior,...

The Repercussions of Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986

In recent times, the socio-economic and legal problem of migration to the US has begun to acquire an increasingly political connotation. It became not only an object of discussion about the methods and forms of migration regulation but also a battlefield for leading political parties and opposition between legislative and...

Communication Technologies: Symbolic Communication

Introduction Language is the mirror of the world. At its most basic form, language is a communication system meant to convey thoughts, ideas, feelings, and emotions between human beings (DeLamater, Myers, & Collett, 2015). However, the epistemological view of the subject expanded the meaning of language beyond these notions, granting...

Adolescence and Sexuality: Girls’ and Boys’ Sexual and Emotional Experiences

Introduction Sex, romantic and intimate relationships for most teens today begin at a relatively early age. In particular, scientists note that the first sexual contact, whether casual sex or sex in relationships occurs in most teenagers before their senior years (Orenstein, 2016). Then, in college, young people meet with unlimited...

Sociological Considerations for a Movement against Overpolicing in Minority Communities

Introduction The over-policing of minority communities has emerged as a salient issue for activists in the United States. While policing is intended to uphold the public order and protect citizens’ rights, the excessive deployment of law enforcement resources in minority neighborhoods undermines both of these priorities. Due to systemic flaws...

Censorship Issue: Books Should Never Be Banned

Book banning began in 259BC when a Chinese emperor destroyed previous accounts of information that were in a printed form. One of the examples of book censorship happened in 1933 when the leadership of Nazi Germany burned publications written by distinguished authors like Einstein, Freud, and Hemingway. Other books have...

Social Workers Ethical Issues

In a scenario where a colleague believes that a particular subset of clients does not deserve the same attention and care as other groups, several ethical issues arise. The most prominent value that social workers have to uphold is the person’s dignity and worth (National Association of Social Workers [NASW],...

The Problems and Rules of Intercultural Communication

Communication with other people is a complex and multi-layered task to engage in. For some people, interaction comes as second nature, for others, it presents a significant challenge. Understanding others and clearly articulating one’s needs and ideas is often done through trial and error, with each individual having their peculiarities....

Abolitionist and Women’s Rights Movements

During the 19th century, the abolitionist movement was developing in the United States, which set itself the goal of putting an end to slavery. In the 1930s, following the creation of The Liberator newspaper and the organization of Anti-Slavery Society, the movement began to get supporters actively. Some women also...

Principles and Literature Materials on Democracy and Governance

Introduction This paper discusses documented concepts and democratic principles. Besides, it provides a brief discussion on and an evaluation of democracy and governance literature materials. The paper concludes by summarizing the main points in the essay. The Principle of Human Rights Human rights are considered universal and inalienable, interconnected, indivisible,...

Person’s Location in Social Structure

Modern society, especially in developed countries, provides numerous opportunities for mobility; still, social location retains influence. Its main markers are race, gender, and socioeconomic status. While the latter is changeable, the first two most often remain unchanged during a person’s life. Therefore, social location is determined from birth and subsequently...

Ethical Dilemma: Regained Custody Through Legal Action

The dilemma discussed in the present paper deals with a married couple addicted to drugs in the past and rehabilitated later. Since the parents could not care for their daughter, she was placed in a foster home. Her foster parents loved her as their own child, and the girl loved...

Women Have the Right to Decide the Abortion

Introduction An archaic patriarchal world dominated by masculinity is obsolete today, and numerous women’s rights movements attest to this fact. However, some aspects of social life are perceived as biased, and little freedom in decision-making limits women’s rights. This work aims to describe abortion as a controversial phenomenon that always...

Reproductive Health Care and the LGBTQ Community

Medical services appear to be the aspect that is equally important for all people regardless of their race, nation, and sexual orientation. This way, today, providing qualified care for all the patients and coping with diversity present a pressing concern. This problem also addresses reproductive health care, as people with...

Illegal Immigrants: Not a Threat to the US

Introduction In the late 1990s and the early 2000s, the US witnessed an upsurge in the number of illegal immigrants who moved and resided in the country without extreme government intervention and control. On the one hand, such high numbers of illegal immigrants provided adequate cheap labor for businesses to...

“How the Poor Suffer” by Seth Holmes

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide a summary of the fourth chapter of the book Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies by Seth Holmes. This is arguably the most prominent part of the publication, as it depicts the suffering that laborers endure every day. The story is exceptionally shocking...

Ethical Dilemma of Worldwide Gender Equality

Throughout one’s personal life, along with his or her role as a conscious member of society, a person is obliged to make certain choices that would potentially influence some major tendencies in the overall social behavior. Thus, when a person in charge is making a crucial decision in terms of...

Ethical Theories and Principles: Moral Dilemma Analysis

Introduction People have to make decisions every day in a variety of situations. Ethical theories exist to guide us through the depths of morality when the question of right or wrong presents itself. When the actions of a human and a professional might impact a person’s health, well-being, or even...