How Societies Construct Gender Identities, Sexual Practices, and Gendered Bodies

Introduction Society has been subjected to universally uniform natural surroundings for quite some time, and these tend to follow a definite route. Specifically, in more conservative communities, the natural societal assumption is that people are either male or female and that any other gender presentation is aberrant (Eugenides, 2003). Simultaneously,...

Government-Funded Assistance Before and After Pandemic

Introduction Social welfare and national insurance programs are the primary forms of public support aid in the United States. Incentives from social programs are typically associated with low salaries and means-tested qualifications. Numerous countries provide direct funding for scientific and technological research through tax incentives or grant-giving organizations like the...

Listening Competency and Its Role in Leadership

Listening is a crucial competency in the modern world, given the amount of sound information one needs to process for various needs, from informed decision-making to meaningful relationships. The leadership role suggests that one individual interacts with many different people, both delivering information to them and receiving messages from them....

The Street Violence in El Barrio

An El Barrio woman’s only chance of escaping her oppressive family is to fall in love with a hero, marry, and bear a child. She will only be able to leave her house after that. It is common for victimized street girls to decide to get married to escape oppression...

Mental Health and Illness: Sociological Approach

Introduction Mental health is important and is a key area of concern among the components of health. It includes emotional, physical, and social health. For a person to be productive in most of their activities, Employees build good relationships with their colleagues at the workplace and deal with as well...

Abortion in Christian and Non-Christian Ethics

Introduction Humans, on a daily basis, are faced with a never-ending battle with themselves – the voice that tells them what to do and not do. Therefore, when faced with the same ethical dilemma, the decision arrived at vary from one person to another depending on the type of ethical...

The Problem of Spam Calls in the US

Introduction Today, many people feel that the only calls they receive are spam calls. According to a survey carried out by Singh (2020), half of the respondents indicated that they received at least one spam call every day, while one-third noted that such calls occur at least twice a day....

Language, Society, and Self-Perception

Self-perception is the reflection a person has of himself. Individuals’ self-perception is always dissimilar from the manner in which others see them. People gather information about who they are by self-assessment and getting information from others. Therefore, there is a robust connection between language, society, and self-perception. The connection between...

Effective Rehabilitation Programs

Introduction In order to reduce recidivism, rehabilitation programs that provide support to those released from custody are necessary. The distinctive feature of these programs is the fact that they help find employment, housing, and other necessities that support probationers’ reintegration into society. In addition, the supervision these programs offer helps...

Homelessness Among College Students

Assigned articles contain both qualitative and quantitative data. California State University provided the percentage of homelessness last year. The Wisconsin Hope Lab research at the university of Wisconsin last month revealed that 14 percent of students are homeless. On the other hand, the qualitative data explains why there is homelessness...

The Gender-Based Pay Inequality Factors

This paper focuses on the factors that influence societal engagement on the widespread gender pay gap. The work presents an overview of the problem, its broad consequences for the public and national economy, and the factors such as biases and assumptions that contribute in one way or another to the...

Understating Baltimore: The Visual Politics

Baltimore is regarded as one iconic yet fascinating city. Some exciting features that have continued to attract most visitors are the people’s culture, infrastructural development, and cuisine in the region (Snyder, 2020). The members of the Baltimore community are hospitable and accommodative. In terms of development, the region has a...

Police Brutality During COVID-19 Pandemic

Police brutality consists of various acts of police that violate human rights, including beatings and racial abuse. In the United States, there has been a perceived and observed police injustice towards minority communities, especially Blacks. The brutal killing of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, in 2020 amidst the COVID-19...

Reshaping Globalization and Digital Media

Introduction Over the decades, distinctive events and activities have contributed to the construction of the current global spectrum. One of the distinctive elements attributing to the emergence of the dynamic civilization quotient entails colonization. Research indicates that on a historical account, the colonizers introduced divergent appeals on sociocultural, economic, and...

Refugees’ Access to the Labor Market

The constantly high number of refugees and migrants leaving their homes and arriving in new countries is one of the significant sustainability issues nowadays. It is vital to ensure their basic needs are satisfied, they enjoy an appropriate quality of life, and they are protected. Thus, access to labor money...

Creative Voices as Social Justice Advocates

Introduction Over the years, poetry, literature, and music have played critical roles in advocating equality, justice, and environmental protection. Poetic language presents information in a way that enables readers to relate the message to their personal experiences and make informed decisions. As Social Justice (SJ) and Environmental Justice (EJ) gain...

Intergroup Dynamics in Conflict Resolution

Psychologist Henri Tajfel first introduced social identity theory in 1979. The theory posits that an individual’s self-identity is rooted in social interactions or relations with other members of society (Hogg, 2018). This theory suggests that to develop a sense of self-worth, we invest in building meaningful statuses in the social...

Foundation of Army Leadership: Military Culture and Its Impact on Mental Health

The pillars of military leadership are character, presence, and intellect. The character may be described as an individual’s distinct mental and moral attributes. It involves an individual’s actual essence as guided by their conscience. A person’s behavior patterns, and moral outlook frequently arise from their character. To society, an individual’s...

The Church Guides on Sexuality and Cohabitation

Introduction Cohabitation before marriage has long been a debate between families and religious institutions. This practice has been a common factor throughout history and the current generation (Balswick & Balswick, 2018). Some people think it is a viable option, and those who do not support this may alter the structure...

Human Services Resources: Annotated Bibliography

Northern, Academy. (2018). National conference on coaching in human services 2018. OER Commons. Web. This conference reveals various coaching opportunities in the field of social services. This resource benefits me as a professional, as I can learn how to work with secondary injuries and emotional burnout and develop critical thinking....

Modern Discrimination: Racism in the USA

In the USA, there still exists widespread racism despite campaigns against the vice. People are subjected to discrimination because of differences in factors such as gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, race, culture, and political belief (Hebl et al. 258). Older people are at a higher risk of being discriminated against...

Homelessness Among Children in the United States

Homelessness among children in the United States is a growing problem. Children are particularly vulnerable in view of the fact that many run away from their homes to escape conflict and abuse. Poverty, economic challenges, and systemic obstacles add to the challenges minors face with regard to access to shelter....

Slavery Experiences Depicted in Primary Documents

Introduction The Slave trade was associated with acts that infringed upon natural human rights. The enslaved were subjected to poor working conditions, including low wages, harsh treatment, and a lack of basic needs such as food and shelter. Consequently, the majority of the enslaved people died while others suffered from...

Is Ethics of Care Paternalistic?

Ethics of care emerged as a feminist philosophical theory based on the relative and context-linked approach to decision-making and morality. Nevertheless, this concept has a paternalistic reputation because of its framework of care. Therefore, care ethics has become a major subject of criticism, though it does challenge common theories of...

Racial Discrimination and Economic Revival

Introduction Racism is one of the most contentious issues in America and most of the Western world and is the cause of distinct differences between people from various backgrounds. America has been dealing with the issue of racism for several years now, but the prevalence of the problem remains a...

The Importance of Affirmative Action to Women of Color

Introduction One of the best methods for righting the wrongs brought about by long-standing prejudice in our country against women and people of color is affirmative action. It also helps level the playing field where there has long been inequality. Despite the progress made during the civil rights period, racism...

Effects of Race, Culture, and Language on America

Introduction James Baldwin was an American writer born and raised in Harlem in New York City in 1924. He is well known as a writer and civil human rights activist who has written many autobiographic novels and plays that are major in politics, race, and sexuality. The essay analyses some...

The Issue of the Poverty in the USA

Introduction The effects of poverty on an individual or society are multidimensional, affecting access to pillars of social protection such as education, employment, and affordable health care. The links between poverty and inequality are so bold that minority communities are often associated with the deprivation of basic life needs and...

Racism Against African Americans and Its Effects

Introduction Racism is an inappropriate and biased treatment of individuals that stems from preconceptions, hatred, and a sense of superiority that persistently cause moral suffering and uphold racial injustice. One of the factors contributing to racism is people’s lack of comprehension of the ethnicities and cultures of others (Roman, 2019)....

Social Identity and Intersectionality

An individual’s understanding of self is sourced from communication with other people. Thus, understanding of self presents a multidimensional process in which the individual acts from different social perspectives. The identity can represent an intersection of different aspects, such as gender, race, socioeconomic class, and sexual orientation. This essay will...

Poverty and How This Problem Can Be Solved

Introduction Poverty is one of the global social problems of our time, existing even in the countries of the first world despite the generally high standard of living of people. That is why the problem of poverty is so insidious in the US because most people live well-to-do lives and...

Analysis of the Sandy Hook School Shooting

Introduction Violence is a disturbance purposefully brought about by people who use threats, physical force, and other methods to harm themselves, others, or a group of individuals. Violence in schools consists of physical confrontations between students, students, teachers, or students and other staff members at the facility. These are intended...

Ethics Behind Research With Human Participants

Introduction In the study concerning the strange situation, children are separated from their parents and left with a stranger. An ethical consideration for this situation would be the consideration that the child gets upset and distressed. Research participants that involve children with parental ascent should ensure that the levels of...

The Controversy Around Abortion in the US

Introduction In the recent past, the US Supreme Court made a ruling that overturned the Roe v. Wade landmark court ruling that was passed in 1973. The decision became as a surprise to the majority of US citizens, especially women. By abolishing the Roe v. Wade law, the nation deprived...

Diversity Issues in Secondary Education Workplace

Introduction Diversity in the workplace is one of the issues that leadership of an institution should understand and effectively manage. The United States is one of the most diversified nations in the world, a fact that can be attributed to several decades of immigration (Hughes, 2019). As the American society...

Advantages of Self-Expression Online for 15-20 Year Old Females

Introduction The 21st century is a computer-mediated period, and online contact has changed the lives of millions of people. People are more inclined to voice their worries about the economic, social, cultural, and political aspects of life online than they are to have a productive chat with friends in person....

The Role of the “Other” in “Strong Opposition” by Gay

The definition of people as “others” can be based on the conscious or unconscious assumption that a specifically identified group poses a threat to a privileged group. This is primarily determined by politicians and the media, not by personal contact. In most cases, people do not know who they are....

Domestic Violence and Its Impact on Children

Introduction Few topics are as much debated as domestic violence directed at children. Despite the evident harm, such behavior persists and continues to affect society. Research shows that it is a global phenomenon not specific to any particular culture (Wali et al., 2020). Even though the reasons for the prevalence...

Pillars of Trust in Leadership Ethics and Governance

Trust is considered to be an essential aspect of each life sphere. It entails the confidence of believing that someone or something will act right as expected under any circumstances. Various barriers may hinder trust, but they can be overcome through the eight pillars of trust. As such, they include...

Risk Communication in Pandemic Prevention

Communication is a fundamental factor in public health and has an instrumental role in promoting health and preventing diseases. Risk communication is one element that defines health communication theory that focuses on informing the public about health hazards, especially those that can lead to pandemics. According to Heydari et al....

James Dimon’s Body Language During an Interview

The video that was selected for the analysis is the interview of James Dimon, the chairman and CEO of the financial holding JPMorgan Chase & Co. During the interview, the non-verbal ques exemplified by Dimon allows for an in-depth examination of his message as well as his personality as an...

The Chemtrails Conspiracy Theory

A conspiracy theory is the product of a few individuals who use various powerful means to give meaning to an occurrence. They usually oppose the official accounts provided to explain the events and choose to push their rendition of the truth. There are many conspiracy theorists across the United States...

The Ananda Site as a Resource for the Inner Adventure

Inner adventure, way of faith, and realization are some of the most crucial parts of many people’s spiritual lives. Individuals who value self-improvement, seek enlightenment and strive to become the better version of themselves always learn from the appropriate resources. One way to enrich the capacity of knowledge on that...

The Lifestyle of 18th Century Women in Colonial Ads

The study of newspaper advertisements in the colonial territories helps to draw detailed conclusions about the lifestyle of women in the 18th century. The essential proclamation of the bourgeois revolution, adopted in 1776, did not include women among those who have unalienable rights as human beings, liberty, and the common...

Veterans’ Transition From the Military to Civilian Life

Difficulties getting help from the VA The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) is the biggest integrated healthcare system in the United States. It has 1,255 health care facilities, comprising 170 VA Medical Centers and 1,074 outpatient care centers of different complexity (Clair et al. 802). The VHA has been criticized for...

Challenges Facing the Cannabis Industry

Introduction Marijuana (cannabis) is one of the most often utilized psychoactive substances. Cannabis is taken frequently by more than 20 million individuals in the United States and Europe and millions more in other areas of the globe, despite being banned in most nations (Iversen 21). However, thousands of individuals with...

Volunteering at Feeding Tampa Bay

Introduction Feeding Tampa Bay is a movement that seeks to put hunger to an end by uniting the community to create a healthier and more capable Tampa Bay. The organization is a necessary facility that works around the year and in times of crisis to ensure that the community and...

The World Systems Theory: Economic Development

The World Systems theory was created by Immanuel Wallerstein and is a valuable tool for understanding the processes of social change and transformation of the history of the world and society. Moreover, the basis of this theory is the division of countries by strength depending on their economic development. Thus,...

Critical Response to Ford’s Analysis of Networking

Like most other professional skills, networking is important in starting and advancing careers. However, it is difficult and often with a bad reputation as it is understood as an opportunistic practice with no authenticity. Robert Ford (2021) provides a detailed analysis of networking, highlighting its importance and applications in career...

Rhetoric: Different Types of Speeches

Introduction People use different types of speeches to achieve their communicative goals. Speeches are essential in managing the audience’s mood, their attitude toward the presented topic, and their subsequent reactions. Good speech builds support and trust, which can be used to develop future interactions with the audience. Informative and persuasive...

The Connection of Argumentation and Ethics

Introduction Argumentation can be understood in two primary disciplines: rhetoric and dialectic. Rhetoric focuses on persuasiveness, while ratiocination looks at the conditions of validity, both formal and informal (Potthast et al., 2019). While the levels of normativity sufficiently account for the dynamics of argumentation discourse, scholars have hinted at a...

The Lucifer Effect: Case Analysis

One of the questions that has been the focus of public and academic attention was the question of what makes good, ordinary people commit particularly inhumane crimes, and how impenetrable is the boundary between good and evil. Zimbardo, based on the results of the experiment, came to the conclusion that...

Communication and Persuasion Functions: Comparison and Connection

Communication allows people to keep in touch with others, make useful new acquaintances, achieve their goals and advance their careers. Communication is based on persuasion, so it is impossible, and not necessary, to separate them from each other. Some scholars, such as Kory Floyd, believe that communicating is to persuade...

Exploring the Role of Social Context and Individual Differences in Hypodescent

The purpose of this study is to establish the function of social context and individual differences in hypodescent, the system of allocating multiracial the status of their relatively underprivileged parent group. The Key theory highlighted in this study is social dominance orientation (SDO). The theory predicts a broad range of...

Is the American Dream Attainable?

As we approach elections and reflecting on the current economic recession, slow wage growth, increasing cost of living, punishing inequality, and shattered healthcare issues haunting our nation, a question worth asking is whether the American dream is still valid. Coined by James Truslow Adams in 1931, “The American Dream” has...

Poverty: An Interplay of Social and Economic Psychology

Introduction This investigation falls under the umbrella of economic psychology that examines the psychological underpinnings of various economic phenomena as well as the mechanisms underlying people’s perception, decision-making, and behavior in economic contexts. Karl-Erik Wärneryd established the first economic psychology course in a European institution in 1957 at Stockholm University...

The Phenomenon of Slavery and Its Abolition

Introduction English colonies sprang up along the east coast for a variety of reasons. The original reason for migrating to Virginia was the desire to get rich because, in addition to the conditions created by the king to motivate people to settle in the New World, these regions were attracted...

Social Distancing: The Role of Technology

The pandemic and the practice of social distancing that was supposed to counteract its drastic effects have changed the landscape of interpersonal communication forever. Personally, I have experienced massive changes, including both negative and positive ones, and deployed substantial flexibility in order to adjust to the new communication environment. Specifically,...

Justice Displayed in South African Township Courts

Introduction In this article, the tension between the values of human rights and the ideals of justice displayed in South African township courts is examined. According to this line of reasoning, implementing human rights in post-apartheid South Africa has resulted in several societal implications, including convergences and divergences between human...

The Public Organizations: The Issues of the Present

Introduction There is much turbulence that the United States has been experiencing regarding societal transformation. Understanding one another is the first step in having an honest conversation about social issues in America. Communities, governments, and workplaces can significantly improve with thoughtful dialogues. To understand how different social problems are eradicated,...

“The Art of Courtly Love” by A. Capellanus Review

Capellanus, A. (1990). The Art of Courtly Love. (J. J. Parry, Trans.). Columbia University. One person might express love differently from another, and this idea is supported by Capellanus’s saying, “There are doubtless many other things which may be useful in retaining love” (Capellanus, 1990). The meaning behind the quote...

How Does Substance Abuse Affect Mental Health in High School?

Introduction The topic of my research is the question, “How does substance abuse affect mental health in High School?” This topic is relevant because, recently, the number of people who use drugs has increased significantly. In connection with this, the number of students who, for one reason or another, begin...

Russo’s Suggestions on Shifting Paradigms to End Violence

In “Feminist Accountability: Disrupting Violence and Transforming Power,” Ann Russo, the book’s author, examines accountability as a set of perspectives and techniques for society and campaign building in opposition to oppression and violence. She studies several mechanisms that significantly affect ending violence against women. The book focuses on reorganizing authority...

Women in Afghanistan and Their Position in the Country: Annotated Bibliography

The topic of the given study is women in Afghanistan, their position within the local communities, and the treatment of women in the country. For a long time, Afghanistan has been subject to constant military conflicts with various regimes, with the current regime completely and ruthlessly disconnecting Afghani women from...

Communication Milestones in Relationships

A meaningful relationship is one that contributes to the general well-being of both parties and is supported by open dialogue, respect, and boundaries. People may better grasp the many various types of relationships in their lives by being able to convey their concerns to others. Comprehending the obstacles to intimacy...

How Does Gang Affiliation Become a Social Problem?

Introduction Despite the intention to create a positive and supportive environment, there are many conditions under which people continue experiencing social pressure, violence, and irrational biases and prejudices. It is not enough to find support but to ensure a better future, addressing available sources and knowledge. In the United States,...

The Perspective on Homosexuality

Introduction The perspective on homosexuality has been skewed significantly by the presence of biases and the lack of tolerance among the general population. As a result, homosexual people have been subjected to massive oppression. Though presently, much more lenient and accepting perspectives on homosexuality are promoted, the specified demographic remains...

The Problem of Aligning Cross-Cultural Concepts

The nature of social and personal conflicts might seem explicitly varied depending on the community and its characteristics, yet the core premise of failing to manage familial relationships and societal expectations remain consistent across cultures and time periods. Examining how these issues are interpreted in literature will allow eliciting a...

Child Abuse and Neglect in Cleveland, Ohio

Introduction Adverse health problems in infancy, adolescence, and adulthood are frequently correlated with child maltreatment, which includes neglect, physical and sexual abuse, and psychological abuse. Deleterious effects of child abuse involve decreased neurocognitive endurance of stress, deteriorated overall physical health, enhanced unsafe health habits, psychiatric problems, inhibited intellectual and cognitive...

Political Psychology: Conspiracy Theories

Introduction At all times, people created conspiracy theories and believed in them. Nowadays, YouTube has become one of the most popular platforms, where misleading misinformation videos constantly appear. Site leaders say they try not to promote such content and that it is less than 1% (Madrigal, 2019). The first reason...

Effects of Racial Stratification in the U.S.

Introduction Racial stratification refers to the system-based structural disparity offering unbalanced access to limited and preferred resources based on ethnicity or racial identities. The facet assigns functions and roles to entities according to their ethnic or racial group membership. Such biased assignments exhibit social and physical consequences that communities promoting...

Policy Alternatives to Decrease Opioid Overdose Rates

Introduction The problem of the opioid epidemic in the United States has been at the center of an ongoing discussion for several years. As reported by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2021), “an estimated 10.1 million people aged 12 or older misused opioids” in 2019 (para. 7)....

Gender Intersectionality: Fighting Discrimination

The concept of intersectionality in social sciences points to the connection between different social categories and how they apply to an individual or a social group. The social categories can include such characteristics as gender, race, and social status. The concept suggests that people belonging to several disadvantaged groups can...

Overconsumption of Alcohol by a Customer

Introduction Alcohol use can increase our risk of suffering minor and significant mishaps, including slips and falls, drowning, poisoning, and other unintended injuries. In reality, accidental damage accounts for slightly under one-third (29%) of all alcohol-related fatalities (World Health Organization). Alcohol is a depressive; it slows the brain and impacts...

The Gender Pay Gap and Coping Strategies

The gender pay gap is the difference between men’s and women’s average gross hourly wages. It is based on pay given directly to employees and excludes deductions for social security and income taxes. Only enterprises with ten or more employees are included in the calculations. The gender wage gap results...

Street Violence in Jamaica and Its Historical Roots

Significant Principles The term “garrison” refers to a community governed by one political group protected by force, as initially conceived. The first is the long-standing influence of violence on the two parties of politics, which have governed Jamaica again for the previous 70 years (Levy, 2009). The second is how...

Diversity and Cultural Competence in Social Work

Introduction: Case Example The example case scenario is focused on a hypothetical situation involving an immigrant individual named Miranda, and she is a heterosexual female who is 27 years old. Miranda and her husband immigrated from South America to start a family and new life in the US. They have...

Structural Functionalism and Sexual Behavior

This paper looks upon the structural functional approach in relation to the problems of sex and gender. The theory serves to explain why men and women have unequal roles in the society, the fact that nowadays, with the onset of feminism and equal opportunities, is more and more seen as...

Racism in Modern Canada: Taking Action as a Helping Professional

Cases of racial and ethnic discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, which occur daily, impede the improvement of the lives of millions of people around the world. Few social phenomena in the history of the world face such universal condemnation as racism. Although this topic is considered by various organizations, religious,...

The Capitol Building Attack and Response Analysis

Any political confrontation between the existing Government and the system has value for study. In particular, this aspect concerns cases when the uprising acquires violent or physical characteristics. Such an event occurred on January 6, 2021, when a large number of dissatisfied voters attacked the Capitol Building. The study of...

Gender Socialization During the First 12 Years of Life

Children learn about attitudes, behaviors, and social expectations that society has for them, depending on their gender, a process referred to as gender socialization. Gender refers to the different characteristics concerning the femininity and masculinity of a person that influence a person’s identity. Socialization is the process through which people...

Communication Patterns in Lewis’ Model

Richard Lewis’ model was developed in the 90s and was based on the writer visiting 135 countries and working in 20 of them. It consists of three specific categories: linear-active, multi-active and reactive. According to his perspective, my country, the USA, belongs to the first one along with the rest...

Outcomes of Analyzing Diversity

Evaluating racism as an element of diversity through the historical, social science, humanities, and natural and applied sciences lenses contributed to an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the consequences of racism. The lessons learned positively impact personal experiences by enhancing inclusiveness, facilitating professional conduct, and translating to a positive...

Digital Society in Black Mirror’s Episode Nosedive

Introduction Charlie Brooker is the creator of one of the most successful British sci-fi television series Black Mirror. The show is highly acclaimed, yet controversy surrounds how it depicts the modern and potential realities of human societies in Western countries. Despite having specific differences, they are all dystopias that emerged...

Abuses in a Healthcare Context

Physical and psychological forms of abuse manifest themselves in various ways within a healthcare context. Routinely, medical providers encounter different kinds of abuse that are either directed to them or their patients. Sexual discrimination, domestic violence, emotional abuse, and neglect are forms of abuse encountered in a medical context. Practitioners...

Trust to King’s Letters from the Birmingham Jail

In the “Letters from the Birmingham Jail,” King excellently convinces his audience and gains their trust. The author achieves this by using appropriate language and by calling on shared beliefs. Firstly, King clearly defines his target audience, who are thought leaders aiming to achieve the same goal as him: social...

Failure of Quantitative Methodologies in Social Studies

The application of qualitative and quantitative methodologies provides significantly different outcomes and might not be suitable for certain disciplines. It is challenging to measure social interactions through numerical values. However, how does one then gather and analyze such knowledge? For these cases, a qualitative method might be more fitting, as...

Utilitarianism as It Relates to Welfare

Utilitarianism is an ethical approach that requires human beings to engage in actions that promote happiness for a greater number of people. The approach requires human beings to avoid actions that are likely to cause harm to other people in their environment. An advantage that is linked to the ethical...

Ethical Behavior During Research Process

Ethical misconduct is a serious issue that continues to affect scientific research. I believe falsification, plagiarism, and other research ethics violations are crimes against world science. Although many programs can recognize borrowing, there are still many aspects of scientific papers in which dishonest researchers can violate ethical standards. It is...

Domestic Violence and Workplace Environment

Introduction Domestic violence is a significant problem for millions of people internationally. According to Laharnar et al. (2015), this issue is severe “affecting 30 percent of women worldwide” (p. 109). The problem is dangerous because victims suffer from physical and mental consequences in their homes. However, one should also highlight...

Women’s Rights Movement in the Last Century

Introduction Notably, one of the most notable achievements of the last century was the freedom of women to vote. After a decades-long struggle, women were granted voting rights with the approval of the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution on August 26, 1920.1 It declares that the ability of...

A Career Intervention Program for Self-Discovery and Future Success

Background Choosing and pursuing a career has been an important and difficult consideration for the youth, both now and in the past. With a wide variety of available occupations, a globalized economy, and the dominance of the internet in every person’s daily life, the number of specific occupational choices one...

Disconnecting from the World by Being Connected

Introduction Only Disconnect is an essay by Gary Shteyngart published in 2010 in New York Times. It concerns the notions of people’s personal connection in the age of electronic devices and the Internet. The essay uses a wide range of instruments to craft its rhetorical appeal. The ideas and the...

Demands to Studies Involving Human Subjects

Informed consent is a critical demand for research studies implying human beings. However, in some cases, IRB may waive the requirement for obtaining the form. First, there is no more than minimal risk to the subject during the research (Qatar University, 2011). Second, the study cannot be carried out without...

Eighner’s “Dumpster Diving” Issues in American Life

Introduction Poverty is defined by the population’s social and economic attributes. The problem of poverty remains acute for many countries, but this state of affairs is surprising for economic power. The prevalence of poverty and its negative impact is apparent, so society needs tools to counteract the problem. Everyone at...

The Listening Ear Agency Analysis

Introduction My counseling or human services agency will be called The Listening Ear. Our mission is to provide a safe and confidential space for people to explore their thoughts and feelings. This organization aims to provide a non-judgmental and supportive environment where our clients can freely express themselves. In the...

Impact of Sociocultural Factors on the Development of the LGBTQ Identity

LGBTQ identity is influenced by different sources, family, peers, culture, and community all play their roles in identity development. Although throughout their journey they have to worry not only about accepting themselves but whether the community would accept them as well. That is why sociocultural factors play a vital role...

Expansion of Medicaid and Minimum Wage Increment to Alleviate Divorce

Introduction Divorce is a family-related problem that involves the termination of a marriage by a court of law. This dissolution is usually characterized by the reshuffling or complete cancellation of legal roles and obligations previously held by the individual spouse. According to a study done by the Center for American...

Refugees: Poverty, Hunger, Climate Change, and Violence

Introduction Refugees are individuals who leave their homes due to war, violence, any social or political conflict, or persecution, crossing the international border in order to find safety in another country. The most recent example of a refugee crisis was Ukrainian citizens fleeing to Europe and other countries in the...

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Jailhouse Letter – Inspirational Insights

Introduction In the Letter from Birmingham Jail, Martin Luther King Jr. postulates that although civil protest is an illegitimate form of confronting the institutions of inequality, it is an ethically correct action because of the injustice that it brings to oppressed groups. To be more specific, this legendary message from...

The Fight for $15 Movement vs. the Transgender Law Center

Introduction If several people want to do socially valuable work, they can unite and create a non-profit organization (NPO). From the point of view of the law, an NPO is a legal entity that must have its charter and accounts. The main difference between such an organization and a commercial...

Volunteerism: The Global Trends

Introduction Volunteerism is vital for a society to maintain good connections as humanity adopts globalization trends. Simultaneously, encouraging the participation of all possible volunteers in the long term to build a sustainable community. Studies indicate that the global number of volunteers is increasing, making volunteering an increasingly popular cultural practice...

Mexican People’s Infringement of the Rights

Currently, the main problem for the Asian Latinos group and Afro-Mexicans is the lack of self-identification. Unlike other Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America with Afro-Latin American populations, the history of Africans in Mexico has been less well-known for some reasons. They include the small percentage of people living in Mexico,...

Family Court-Ordered Mediation: Violence

Introduction It is hard to disagree that most people do not want to be engaged in extended, costly, and too formal trials when they need to solve their disputes. Fortunately, numerous Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) programs are offered by all states – these options allow people to resolve disputes without...

Topic Selection for Leadership Research

Topic Option 1: Communication Filters in Strategic Leadership This topic is concerned with communication filter (CF) types and suggestions to overcome them, including communication frameworks, culture development recommendations, and other approaches. CFs in strategic leadership are multi-dimensional and have inspired practice-oriented communication models. Such filters find reflection in selective perception...

“Gender Disparity in Students’ Choices…” by Zhang et al.

Introduction The article Gender Disparity in Students’ Choices of Information Technology Majors: Business Systems Research is written by Yu Zhang, Tristen Gros, and Mao Nicholls. The authors seek to address gender disparities among students taking Information Technology (IT) as a major subject in Higher education. The researchers address the problem...

Public School Prayers Discussion

Prayers in public school events have been a topic of great debate in the USA for many years. Opposers of the idea believe that reintroducing prayer into public schools sends the message that a particular religion is legally mandated and that everyone who disagrees is wrong. Separation of religion and...

Empowering the African-American Community

The Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis plays an important role in empowering African-Americans within St. Louis. Accordingly, in a review of the mission statement, “The mission of the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis, Inc. is to empower African Americans and others throughout the region in securing economic self-reliance,...

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: Preventive Measures

Sexual harassment is an issue that continues to be witnessed in society today, with women being most affected, especially in the workplace. It entails any physical, verbal, or non-verbal conduct based on sex and usually has adverse effects on the dignity of women and men at the workplace, this includes...

Abortion With Limitations: Analysis

Introduction Since abortion remains a divisive issue due to the presence of divergent opinions, permitting it with specific limitations is a good decision. Abortion needs to be illegalized unless a woman’s life is at risk, the pregnancy has resulted from rape, or criminal activities are involved. Thesis Statement With abortion...

Gender Diversity Within and Beyond School Contexts

Introduction The human society holds on to traditional stereotypes and social norms regarding gender roles and acceptable behaviors, continuously reinforced from childhood. However, the implications of these ideologies include gender bias, discrimination, and atrocities, especially against women, who struggle in almost all walks of life. The modern era has revealed...

Racism Against the Blacks in the UK

Introduction The UK is one of the most ethnically diversified countries, with residents from different parts of the world and various cultural backgrounds. However, the significant diversity in the UK has led to racism. Racism is believed to correlate with increased unemployment rates, police brutality, and racially motivated murders. This...

Advancing an LGBTI-Inclusive Curriculum for Trans Teens

Supporting trans teens is a hot topic and one of the most debated issues at the educational level. Tony is not an isolated example of how difficult it is to be in an environment where gender identity is disrespected. According to surveys, about half of transgender teens have experienced bullying...

The LGBTQ (Queer) Identity Development

Introduction It goes without saying that personal development throughout a lifetime is inevitably influenced by multiple factors, and the development of the LGBTQ identity that presuppose several milestones is not an exception. While the factors that contribute to its formation remain unclear, further steps are substantially impacted by social and...

Overcome Grief to Find Love Again by Mary Montgomery: A Book Review

The need to be loved and love someone in return represents one of the deepest, most powerful, and often, quite destructive desires unless managed with a proper understanding of the nature of these emotions and feelings. In her book, “Overcome Grief to Find Love Again,” Mary Montgomery (2020) explains the...

Performance Management and Socio-Ecological Framework

Performance management is closely tied to the context of its occurrence. The context provides many variables that may influence performance management at all stages. However, it might be difficult to predict them. Missed opportunities provide a perfect example of such variables – it emphasizes situations and events that go beyond...

Scientific Authorship: The Ethical Issues

Introduction of the Problem Assigning authorship in the scientific sphere is a complicated process which can cause various disputes. The main problem is connected with determining the share of each author’s contribution to work. It is described in the context of science-intensive indices, according to which the effectiveness of the...

Interviewing for Data Collection in Research

Introduction The field of research has various techniques for data collection and presenting evidence of the research findings. Each investigation must have a practical approach to gathering information appropriate for the topic under investigation, characteristics of respondents and the target audience. In qualitative research, the techniques range from observation, interviews,...

Discrimination and Inequality in Society

The world has developed several approaches to interpreting and understanding equality on ethnic and racial grounds. Founded on these practices, legal and political mechanisms have been developed to protect people from discriminatory treatment and overcome inequalities. Nevertheless, the social processes by which imbalances arise and persist are complex and cannot...

Appiah’s and Baylis’ Views on Black Identity

Ethnic identity stands as a constituent component of a person’s self-awareness, manifesting itself in acceptance, identification, and knowledge of their ethnicity. The ethnic or racial identity of a person can acquire various forms of expression in their life depending on their environment, upbringing, and social circle. However, the issue of...

Navigating Ethical Considerations in Research

Ethical considerations are crucial in research because they enable trust between the researcher and participants, ensuring the safety and confidentiality of stakeholders. For the current assignment, I assumed the role of the principal investigator to examine the importance of ethics through the educational video. The first choice I had to...

The Ethical Use of Animals in Research

Using animals in medical research is a complex ethical issue since the lack of proven consciousness in creatures other than humans imposes certain societal obligations. Ethical theories allow society to flesh out a position on this issue and take one side based on its principles (Arnason, 2020). According to utilitarian...

Service Project Experience and Leadership Skills

Service project Participation in service projects provides a valuable experience for the individual. Hence, it gives an opportunity to improve leadership skills and understand which ones require improvement. Thus, this presentation aims to narrate the passage of the service project in the Community Church donation event. While taking part in...

Amish Midwives: The Ethical Theory of Utilitarianism

This paper looks upon the case of Amish midwifes through the lens of utilitarian theory of ethics. The main tenets of this theory state that the correctness of any action should be viewed on the basis of its circumstances. Thus, it is essential to determine whether an action brings joy...

Latino Culture: The Social Interaction Between Children and Parents

One of the critical elements of growing up as an adult is the period of high school graduation. The abundance of social perspectives, including choices between college, university, military service, or work, is a prime example. An essential element influencing the path a young person chooses is the family, as,...

Seminar: Conflict and Power Dynamics

Through this course, I have learned that conflict resolution is key to bringing people together at international, corporate, group and personal levels. The mediation procedure is frequently used in the conflict resolution process to reconcile the interests of disputing parties.. Negotiators determine who is right and who is more powerful...

Desert Solitaire: Polemic by Edward Abbey

Abbey’s essay Polemic: Industrial Tourism and the National Parks featured in his book Desert Solitaire (1968), discusses his work as a ranger for the U.S. Park Services in the 1950s. With this essay, Abbey builds strong advocacy for environmental issues related to the functioning of national parks through an extensive...

Thoreau vs. Roosevelt on Individual Freedom

Introduction The freedom of the individual in its various manifestations is today the most important value of civilized humanity. A person is a member of society and is obliged to reckon with its laws, primarily because the complete freedom of one person would mean arbitrariness concerning another. Freedom and responsibility...

Willie Lynch’s Letter and Its Influence Today

The letter by Willie Lynch still holds the attention of the public to this day. Throughout the years, it has become a part of the debates about race, oppression, discrimination, and the rights of Black people in the US. Even many public figures believed in the reasons for the oppression...

The Article “Black Men and Public Space” by Brent Staples

The challenges that African Americans confront in society are the issues expressed in Brent Staples’ article “Black Men and Public Space.” Brent Staples offers a first-person perspective of his life as a black person in contemporary culture in this original article. His perspective on racism and inequality captures the life...

Sociology: Why Symbolic Interactionism?

Sociology is among the most interesting and appealing scientific disciplines in the multitude of humanities. It is because “sociology is the systematic and scientific study of society and social interaction” (Conerly et al., 2022, para. 1). These are two phenomena in which every individual in the world is involved. The...

Forum: Gender and Gender Roles

Gender refers to the different characteristics concerning femininity and masculinity that influence a person’s identity. Gender roles refer to behaviors and characters a person is supposed to have depending on their sex (Blackstone 335). Ideas about gender and gender roles are ingrained and reinforced in one’s mind from a young...

Ethical Norms and Responsibilities in the Government: FBI Tenure of James Comey

Introduction Ethical norms and standards play a crucial role in any organization. Government agencies, in particular, require their employees to follow strict protocols to ensure they serve the country and its citizenry with integrity and grace. Nevertheless, conflicts may arise if one’s ethical standards do not align with those they...

The Abortion Prohibition Issue Analysis

Introduction The problem of abortion has long been of interest to society. Many articles, scientific studies, and books have already been written, and many films and social videos have been shot regarding this issue. Such works usually provide evidence that abortion is undoubtedly the murder of an unborn person with...

Relation Between Demographics and Migration

This week’s reading and discussion are centered around demographic topics. In particular, there are three main themes, such as migration, fertility rates, and overpopulation. The first theme is viewed in terms of how migration from underdeveloped countries impacts developed ones. On the one hand, some researchers imply migration’s adverse effects...

The Term “Latinx”: Inclusivity Issues

The article titled “Stop using “Latinx” if you really want to be inclusive” was authored by Melissa Ochoa on September 25, 2022. It highlights the emergence of the term “Latinx” in the US for inclusivity purposes, its bad ratings in Spanish-speaking regions, its popularity among scholars, why its practice should...

Black Lives Matter and the Civil Rights Movement

American society and the US government system have historically suffered from problems related to racial tension, social inequality, violence, and police brutality. Under such conditions, it is not surprising that people create various movements to fight for their rights and influence the change in the existing system. Therefore, Black Lives...

Ethical and Legal Issues With CCTV and Video Analytics

Introduction Numerous academic fields have explored the right to privacy, but as technology progresses and the cost of implementing smart monitoring systems decreases, privacy concerns are growing. Many individuals associate surveillance with being watched and scrutinized. Computer-based surveillance systems have gained strong new capacities in past years. As a result,...

Joe Biden’s 2021 Speech: Rhetorical Analysis

Purposes of the Speech Joe Biden, the current President of the United States, gave a speech on the coronavirus pandemic on March 11, 2021. According to the Political Discourse reading, an address has various purposes, including inspiration, motivation, amusement, information, and persuasion. Joe Biden’s speech sought to inspire, motivate, inform,...

Domestic Violence and Its Main Categories

It is important to note that domestic violence can have a wide range of forms and types. Each category has a unique set of behaviors, issues, and emotional elements involved, which is why distinguishing them is of paramount criticality. The research and analysis process of the different types of domestic...

Research Participant Data Privacy and Confidentiality

When gathering, evaluating, and reporting data, the confidentiality of the information is the ethical procedure used to preserve the privacy of human beings. Separating or altering any personally identifying data provided by respondents from the data is referred to as privacy. Anonymity, on the other hand, is the practice of...

Inequities Experienced by Immigrant Families in Canada

Introduction Immigration is a key component of government policy in Canada, making the nation a popular choice for many foreign employees. More than one in five Canadians are foreign-born, reflecting the country’s growing immigrant population. However, equal access to autism services for all populations remains suboptimal. The increased ethnic diversity...

Periphery to Core Transition: Obstacles and Opportunities

The world’s socio-economic development has always been uneven, leading to the formation of civilizational cores and peripheries. The core is the most developed part of civilization politically, socially, economically, and culturally (Stadel, 2009). Such zones tend to draw resources from the periphery, drawing economic resources and population. Thus, the core...

Managing Ethics Challenges in Social Work Organizations

Introduction Ethics consultation in health care can significantly impact critical outcomes, such as decreasing the length of stay in an intensive care unit and increasing family and healthcare provider satisfaction. Human service professionals seek the knowledge, education, experience, and supervision necessary to ensure effectiveness when working with persons from different...

Hooters, Inc. Discrimination Case

Introduction Discriminatory methods are referred to by the terms disparate effect and unnecessary treatment. While different treatment is purposeful, the disparate effect is sometimes referred to as unintended discrimination. The words unfavorable impact and adverse treatment are occasionally employed as an alternative. Disparate impact arises when seemingly neutral laws, practices,...

Refugees’ Adjustment and Accessibility of Healthcare

Introduction The healthcare system in the United States can be difficult to get used to for people from different life backgrounds. As refugees, some people can struggle with getting accessible help on time, as well as experience miscommunications and lack of understanding with the American service workers. In their interviews,...

Aspects of Small-Group Counselling

Introduction Counseling is a highly-effective practice that is used extensively around the world, and it can be performed in different forms and contexts. One of the most common methods of counseling involves forming small groups which involve only several members. Such an approach to counseling has a variety of advantages...

Tampa’s Problem of Housing and Rising Cost of Rent

Urban areas are mainly characterized by a high population that requires adequate housing facilities. In Tampa city, there has been an increased influx of people from different regions owing to the desirable opportunities available in the urban area. Although Tampa city is peaceful and has fantastic beauty, it should create...

The Belmont Report on Ethics of Research

The Belmont Report was created as an endeavor to summarize the core principles of ethical research identified by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. The need for the report emerged after the signing of the National Research Act in 1974 (“The Belmont...

The Ethical Principles of Conducting Research

Introduction Research in psychology is inevitably associated with human beings. The professional performance of a psychologist-experimentalist is a complex and responsible endeavor since it can involve the fate of people. An experimental study is connected to cognition of strictly individual features of a person, with their profound experiences and states....