Freedom of Speech and Restrictions: Pros and Cons

Nowadays, freedom of speech is generally considered something clear and self-explanatory. If I were to define the concept of freedom of speech, I would call it the ability of a person to express themselves and their thoughts independently of circumstances. This ability does have many benefits from the viewpoint of...

Domestic Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence

Introduction The recruitment of participants and sampling are vital procedures in any field of research. Sampling directly impacts the accuracy of the study, the conclusions that the researchers may reach, and the proposed theoretical and practical implications. An inaccurate sample that fails to represent the whole population under consideration leads...

A Contemporary Issue Affecting Immigrant-Origin Youth

Introduction Immigration is an arduous and complicated journey that affects not only adult immigrants but also their children, who have to face the challenges of continuing their social and cognitive development while being placed in an entirely alien environment. Therefore, focusing on the needs of immigrant-origin youth is an absolute...

Stigmatization of Foster Care Children

It is not hard to notice that people tend to percept children in foster care as troubled, damaged, or problematic. When you google the topic of foster care children or adoption, this is the first thing you see – a list of warnings about children’s difficulties taken into families from...

The Extent of Poverty in the United States

Introduction Nowadays, the issue of minority-majority group relations is ubiquitous. However, while one nation transcends the oppressive form of relations, another might still utilize it, consciously or subconsciously. In this respect, the countries such as the USA and Rwanda might be considered not so different. Discussion When it comes to...

“An Enemy Such as This” Book by David Correia

The book An Enemy Such as This of David Coreia tells the readers the remarkable true story of an indigenous family who fought back over multiple generations against the world destroying power of subtler colonial violence. It does this through the epic story of Larry Casus and those like him...

Immigration From the Northern Triangle to the US

Notably, the United States has remained a favorite destination for migrants from all over the globe. In 2018, most migrants came from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, known colloquially as the “Northern Triangle countries.” The goal of the National Immigration Forum’s paper was to describe ‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors, show...

Prohibition and Bootlegging in the American West

The Causes of Prohibition, Its Unintended Consequences and the Eventual Result Governments worldwide try to ensure their citizens are safe from crime and other social vices. The efforts are manifested through investigating the causes of the delinquencies and bringing them to an end. Alcohol sales in the US has a...

The “US Tech Investor Joe Lonsdale…” Article Analysis

Introduction The chosen article, “US tech investor Joe Lonsdale refuses to apologize for ‘loser’ paternity tweet,” from The Guardian, describes an imagined community of masculine men who must put efforts into the well-being of their families. Lonsdale particularly emphasizes men in “important positions” to highlight their significance to society and...

South African Perspectives in Born a Crime by Noah

Living in a South African was hell for black people and lonely for a white child. During the apartheid period, it was a crime for black people to associate with white people, and it was difficult for people who were neither black nor white (Noah, 2016). The brown-skinned people were...

The Civil Rights and Black Lives Matter Movements in the US

For the last two centuries, groups have been fighting for equality through peaceful protests across the globe where there has been racial discrimination. The Black Lives Matter movement (BLM) has lately emerged and drawn widespread attention from the media. Media coverage of the BLM movement frequently parallels the Civil Rights...

The “Feeding Desire” Book by Rebecca Popenoe

Introduction Beauty standards, particularly, in relation to women, have been incredibly fluid, changing from era to era and from culture to culture. Though often clashing in their perceptions of an image of an ideal woman, the specified interpretations of the female beauty lead to the detriment of female health, as...

Challenges of Family Education: Addressing Research Weaknesses

Fundamental Research Weaknesses The research into the issues and conflicts existing between married couples with children is a highly complex matter due to a number of reasons. First, it is difficult to draw the line between marital and parental conflicts. The researchers outline two primary hypotheses concerning the correlation between...

On White Privilege, Colorblindness, and Racism

Introduction To be able or not to be able is a question. The critical theory that our class has been studying so far is way beyond simply critical theories; it is about one’s ability to perceive and engage with the complex nature of human beings and society, along with critical...

The “Enrique’s Journey” Book by Sonia Nazario

Sonia Nazario is the author of Enrique’s Journey. Enrique is a migrant from Honduras who embarks on a journey across South America in hopes of a better life for himself. However, he wants to reunite with his mother in America. Enrique’s mother, Lourdes, has made the perilous journey to secure...

Government and Church’s Role in Wealth Redistribution

Introduction Faith has played a crucial role around the world by guiding those in leadership both in church and government to enhance the care of citizens. Sider (2020) asserts that all people were made in the image of God, which is the true definition of the nature of a person....

Human Rights Violations and Prosecutions of Perpetrators

Introduction One of the most critical purposes of modern people is to live in a peaceful and equal world. Multiple attempts are made to establish regulations, consider human rights, and control violations at different levels. International humanitarian law aims at regulating armed conflict effects and protecting people. Despite the existing...

Capitalism and Socialism in the Marxist School of Thought

Given his views on history, sociology, philosophy, economy, and politics, Karl Marx is well renowned in academia circles. While his ideas were created based on the events of the 19th century, I still find some modern day relevancy in them despite widespread criticism. To begin with, his idea that capitalism...

American Professional Journalists’ Moral Standards

Two Professional Codes of Ethics Related to Digital and Mediated Communication Organizations develop ethical guidelines for their personnel to adhere to and for the general public to be aware of. The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) moral standards will be examined in...

Chemical Impact on US Vulnerable Communities

Introduction Vulnerable communities in the United States face many avoidable challenges. Limited access to healthcare services compounds the effects of disease and exposure to toxic chemicals. It is important that regulatory agencies implement policies that are outlined in legal frameworks to protect the rights of individuals who are susceptible to...

Experiences of Institutional Racism at an Early Age

Introduction In this study, the authors aimed to examine how experiences of institutional racism at an early age translate to orientations towards activism in the black community, specifically among black adolescents transitioning to young adults. Similarly, Elan et al. were interested in how the role of racial identity concerning public...

Emoji’s Conceptual and Linguistic Dimensions

Introduction Reconstructing an argument gives the reader the ability to obtain a representation of an argument that is both comprehensive and succinct, intending to facilitate critical analysis of the written material. It entails concentrating solely on the components that make it possible for the reader to achieve both efficacy and...

The Problem of Elder Abuse

Introduction Researchers in the field of elderly abuse are yet to achieve consensus and consistency on the issue. This has contributed to challenges in defining elder abuse and measuring it within the population. The lack of consistent research findings has made it difficult to diagnose elder people experiencing abuse and...

The Regulations of Ethical Research

Introduction The protection of participants when conducting research is one of the highest priorities of the academic and scientific community. For instance, the major regulations of human participants’ rights are regularly revisited based on the most recent research (Shrestha & Dunn, 2020). To ensure the ethical protection of the participant...

Sociological Imagination and the Future of Work

Introduction The first part of this essay considers the sociological imagination, which is an integral aspect of sociology that enables individuals to understand and connect with society. Sociological imagination provides a historical and social context for issues that individuals face. Next, the paper considers two key social conditions: automation and...

“Indigenous Resource Management…” by Gladu & Coates

Introduction The general objective of this essay is to agree with the perspective of the lead editorial by Gladu and Coates (2022) “Indigenous resource management guarantees cultural survival, with the benefits passed on to everyone.” On page 3 of the editorial, the authors explain that mining and oil and gas...

The Role of Gender in Social and Moral Development

The topic of gender and its effect on one’s socialization is one of the most discussed concepts in social studies. Gender is a quality that society has been using as a source of information about a person for centuries, drawing conclusions about one’s personality and making assumptions about one’s abilities...

The Concept of Aging and Its Factors

Introduction People aged 65 and over comprise a very diverse population, with some reporting excellent health, prosperity, and contentment, while others experience poverty, physical impairment, and loneliness. Youth and middle-life experiences influence the rate of aging. Similar to other developed economies, the United States’ citizenry is aging far more quickly...

Overpopulation, Climate Change, and Security Issues

75,000 People Per Square Mile? These Are The Most Densely Populated Cities In The World. 2019. USA Today. Elzy Kolb. The phenomenon of overpopulation has a tangible effect on regions, especially those that exhibit high population densities. It is stressed that large numbers of people and high density are not...

The Controversy Surrounding Marijuana Legalization

Introduction Hashish, weed, marijuana, and hemp are all common names for a plant from Central Asia, which today is used not only in textile production and medicine but also in the field of recreation, that is, to relieve stress. The debate about whether it is legitimate to consider cannabis a...

Embracing Gender Identity: Pursuing a Fulfilling and Authentic Life

The idea of living a fulfilling a meaningful life comprises finding a balance between love, respect, dignity, and self-identification. Throughout my daily interactions with people, I have been constantly taught overwhelming yet valuable lessons. The learning process seems especially fascinating in the context of interaction with my clients, who teach...

The Fossil Fuel Industry’s Legacy of White Supremacy by Pierre-Louis

Summary Kendra Pierre-Louis, in the article “The Fossil Fuel Industry’s Legacy of White Supremacy: The Links Extend Beyond the Corporate Office and the Drill Pad” explores systemic racism and ethnic discrimination within the U.S. oil industry. The author gives an example of a company named ExxonMobil that promoted the propagation...

Supporting and Opposing Recreational Marijuana Legalization

Introduction In many nations, such as the United States, Marijuana is the most widely used illegal substance. Approximately 28 million years ago, on the eastern Tibetan Plateau, the cannabis plant underwent evolution, as revealed by a pollen study released in May 2019. According to the survey, it has been used...

Women in Information Technology: Barriers and Challenges

Damaske, Sarah. For the Family? How Class and Gender Shape Women’s Work. Oxford University Press, 2011. This book is authored by Damaske Sarah, who is not only a scholar of unemployment, work-family, and gender but also a professor of sociology, labor and employment relations at Pennsylvania State University. Damaske examines...

How Women in Politics Make Strategic Changes

Women entered politics not long ago because the patriarchal conditions of the world continue to affect every nation. Female Political Representation and Substantive Effects on Policies: A Literature Review by Hessami and da Fonseca identifies how politics changes when women enter its history. The authors view women’s politics as an...

Censorship as a Way to Limit Freedom of Speech

Introduction Censorship is a way by which one can edit, suppress or remove something objectionable. A simple example of censorship is when some people impose their political or moral values ​​on others by suppressing words, images, or ideas they find offensive. Thus, a censored person will not change his point...

Free Speech in the United States

The right to freedom of one’s speech is the foundation of the United States. Throughout this country’s history, different political sides used it to protect their ideals and resolve issues peacefully (Strossen 15-16). This notion is vital for liberating people from oppression for their opinions. Punishing free speech is counterproductive...

Social Mentoring for People with IDD: The Impact of “Best Buddies” Program

Building friendships and maintaining relationships represent some of the core needs that allow keeping one’s life healthy and satisfying. However, in the present-day environment, keeping long-term relationships with friends has become increasingly challenging. With the emergence of COVID-19 and the associated restrictions on people’s social lives, as well as the...

Specifics of Commodifying Women’s Labor

Introduction In the context of surrogacy, a woman’s work is equal to other types of labor since it is characterized by the presence of interested parties and is based on the voluntary participation of the woman. Nevertheless, there are significant differences between surrogacy and other commercial activities. Primarily, this applies...

Social Networks as a New Way of Socialization

The traditional agents of socialization in modern society are the family, school, and church, which open up the world and friends to each person. Each of them complements the other in equal measure and serves as a support for the individual, allowing them to exist comfortably in society. However, digitalization...

Women’s Rights in Latin America

Women all over the globe have fought for equal rights in society, majorly revolving around politics and career settings. Looking at the setting of Latin America, multitudes of predominant Argentinian women rallied onto the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires in 2015 under the banner “#NiUnaMenos,” which stands for not...

Multicultural Differences in Sandwich Generation

The readings inform the readers about the relevance of selflessly offering care. Particularly, the readings provide profound knowledge about making priorities, proper planning for self-care, individuals’ rights at work, sharing feelings, and seeking aid. Learning how to shift personal priorities daily can help make an individual’s tasks more manageable (Parker...

Ethical Awareness in American Public Administration

Ethics is the center of the practice of administration. Therefore, to enhance ethical practice, the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) ensures respect for the constitution, democratic procedures, and accountability in public institutions (Aceves, 2022). However, several institutions face difficulty articulating meaningful behavioral standards and establishing means to uphold the...

The Problem of Refugees Crossing into Canada from the US

Canada is experiencing significant difficulties with refugees from the United States crossing the border. America is the world’s center of migration, and therefore a large number of migrants residing in the country are there illegally. Many people go to the States for jobs or more comfortable living conditions, but they...

Ethics: Definition and Application

People define ethics differently, making it challenging to develop a universal definition. Ethics can be defined as rational principles of right and wrong that outline what people should do. These principles are typically expressed in rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or particular qualities (Blaga, 2019). Ethics define people’s integrity;...

Social Change in Rosenhayn Community

The quaint little town of Rosenhayn is found in the U.S. state of New Jersey. With only one neighborhood and a total population of 1,150 people, Rosenhayn occupies the 467th place among the most populous communities in New Jersey (Rosenhayn, New Jersey). The people who call Rosenhayn home come from...

Liability of Bullies’ Parents for Children’s Activities

Although bullying is increasingly becoming an issue of public concern, it remains to be the most underreported issue, especially in schools. It is important to note that, today, bullying occurs more in schools than “on the way to and from there” (van der Ploeg et al. 71). In fact, sometime...

Animal Farming: Arguments Against

Introduction Saving the planet by reducing global emissions appears to be on the agenda of every western politician in one way or another. Climate change and global warming are considered to be common knowledge everywhere around the world. One of the major issues of concern are greenhouse gas emissions. Animal...

Abortion Should Be Available in Modern Society

Introduction It is no secret that the problem of the availability of abortions in terms of legal aspects in current socio-demographic conditions in the United States occupies a special place. Today, the polarity of public opinion is becoming relatively contradictory. In general, there is a significant gap in the population’s...

Institutional Inclusivity in Society

This module was an extremely fascinating and captivating experience since I have learned a lot during this time. The most stood out for me was information about hate crimes and the frequency they happen even nowadays. I was surprised to learn that criminal justice reformers are experiencing a difficult time...

Eliot Spitzer and a Code of Ethics

Introduction After reading the articles, it was noted that the period between 2005 and 2008 was remarkable in the life of Eliot Spitzer. He rose to political power as a fierce enforcer of moral standards in public life. From the class readings (n.d.), Spitzer won the Governor’s seat in 2006...

Carrying Capacity: Is There Too Many People on the Earth?

The greatest number of distinct organisms that can be supported by a particular environment, given the availability of feed, shelter, drink, and other resources, is known as the carrying capacity of that ecosystem. According to population ecology, the mentioned notion is the maximum load that the ecosystem can support at...

Gender and Sexuality and Their Role in Life

The importance of studying the subjects of gender and sexuality should be discussed with regard to their role in different aspects of people’s lives. Gender is most often associated with the genital structure, reproductive system, and chromosomal set, that is, biological characteristics. At the same time, gender stereotypes in society...

Women as Subjects in Medical Studies

In the field of medicine, women oftentimes face discrimination, one that is difficult to distinguish without proper nuance. Specifically, a large number of clinical studies, research and other types of medical tests use white men as their basis, while other groups are excluded. As a result, the effects of specific...

The Lucifer Effect: Stanford County Prison

In 1971, a group of psychologists led by Philip Zimbardo invited mentally healthy students from the USA and Canada, selected from 70 volunteers, to take part in the experiment. Then they were divided into two groups – “guards” and “prisoners”. Nine “prisoners” were locked in three cells, which were alternately...

Discussion: The Help as a Second Chance

Life difficulties arise for every person, and some people, to forget the problem, are exposed to alcohol and drug addiction. However, some people become addicted to alcohol and drugs due to their interests and those around them. Despite the causes of addiction, everyone deserves to get rid of these problems...

Perception of Ethics in Individual and Group Practices

Generally, moral philosophy is a key consideration that people value at individual and group levels. It is necessary for persons to comprehend and value ethical practices to guide their conduct. When it comes to judging between right and wrong, sometimes it is challenging to have an absolute choice, especially in...

The Law of Florida on Persons With Disabilities

There are a variety of reasons why no law in Florida makes the teens’ behavior illegal. With an in-depth look at the matter, the question of whether Florida law ought to change to cater to such issues can be debated, and an amicable solution can be reached. The current law...

Researching of Ancient Greek Sophistry

Introduction In the third quarter of the 5th century BCE, the term ‘sophistry’ started being applied to a loosely affiliated group of philosophers who used argument and rhetoric to convey their opinions and influence others. This was especially true in Athens, with specialists often charging high prices due to the...

Communication and Ability to Be Persuasive

In the modern world, with its massive amount of information, it is more important than ever to be able to formulate your thoughts and convey them to others. Due to the excess of data, the brain filters out many things that it considers unimportant, so attracting attention and getting your...

Baratunde Thurston Post: Analysis

In the TED talk, Baratunde Thurston narrates how racism is demonstrated against blacks by calling police officers even in cases when they are innocent. He gave instances when whites called officers: when a young girl was selling water, a black woman was donating food to the needy, and a black...

The Casa Transitoria Program in Brazil

Casa Transitoria’s attributes shine through in the effort to improve the situation of people living in poverty. It is mostly targeted toward supporting pregnant women in obtaining new knowledge and adjusting their mindsets in order to perform better economically. It has an effect throughout the formative years of life when...

The Prison Effect Based on Philip Zimbardo’s Book

There are several lessons that readers can learn from Zimbardo’s book “The Lucifer Effect.” As implied in the title, the experiment indicates that it is possible for good people to become evil, just as was the case of the fallen angels who chased from heaven after their rebellion. In Chapter...

The Humanities Studies of Human Cruelty

World history shows us that human cruelty has no limits; unfortunately, people will constantly clash with it. One recent example of a man’s cruel, immoral treatment of another man was the case of the murder of George Floyd. On May 25, 2020, while attempting to arrest Floyd, police officer Derek...

Discrimination in the American Society

The lesson learned from this module is that when a citizen is denied the opportunity to exercise their civil rights or other constitutional rights based on equality with others due to an absurd comparison imposed in practice, law, or regulation, this is discrimination. Throughout the history of the United States,...

Ethical Issues in Human Cloning: Response

Cloning can be a topic for science fiction or thrillers. Nevertheless, it became a reality when animals began to be cloned. Although cloning sounds exciting from the perspective of technology and genetic engineering, I do not support the idea of human cloning. I would not like to be a clone...

Bullying in Schools: Addressing and Preventing

Introduction Bullying in schools is a complex and difficult topic, which, however, requires addressing as a sensitive issue affecting not only children but also adults. Bullying is targeted, first of all, at those who cannot fight back, who are physically weaker or who do not fit into the general system....

Should Russian Athletes Be Allowed to Play in Tournaments?

Introduction One of the essential ethical questions is the question of rights, duties, and responsibilities. The situation that will be analyzed is the ban of Russian athletes from participating in sports events, for example, tennis tournaments such as Wimbledon. As the Russian Federation started a war with Ukraine in 2022,...

Events Devoted to Equality Challenges

Introduction In October, there were several different events concerning related topics. The organization of the events differs due to the various ways of presenting the information. However, all events have a common theme of equality between people and their challenges. For example, on October 19, there was an event devoted...

The Persistence of Inequality From Different Perspectives

The concept of inequality has been one of the most long-standing issues within society. Affecting both the global community and local ones, the phenomenon of inequality is determined by an array of factors, inequality in wealth distribution and the resulting class issues being the key ones. Though some of the...

The Western Journal of Communication Analysis

Western Journal of Communication is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal published by Taylor & Francis, an international publishing company based in the United Kingdom. The institutional home of the journal is the Western States Communication Association (WSCA), a non-profit US-based organization that unites people of the U.S. western states interested in...

Good Leadership and Communication Components

Introduction In any business setting, leaders should be able to communicate with the people around them effectively. They can empower their workers to have good expression skills and increase their leadership understanding through communication. Additionally, it is known that good communication is an essential non-technical skill that each good leader...

Addressing Global Inequality in the Era of Globalization

Overview Globalization is associated with an increase in social, political and economic ties around the world. The problem of global inequality associated with the exploitation of developing countries comes along with the process of globalization. Neoliberalism, colonialism, modernization and independent development theories assume that globalization remains responsible for global inequality....

Philosophy and Models of Practice in the Community

Main Idea of the Reading Chapter sixteen of the book explores the role of a social worker in the community. Social work works at different levels, from the individual to the community. The community level is the most demanding because of the several roles and duties that social workers must...

Corruption Causes in Africa’s Developing Countries

Introduction Corruption has existed in many civilizations throughout history. However, the phenomenon has been increasing i8n recent years at a very concerning rate. The practice is now severe and widespread, causing global economic issues. Governments and ethical institutions need to explore the matter and find mitigation measures before it gets...

Discussion: Race, Gender, and Science

The author of the primary source, “Native Life in a Johannesburg Slum Yard”, Ellen Hellmann, was a white woman who lived in Johannesburg, South Africa, during the early 1900s. She was married to a man who worked as a doctor in a local slum yard. Hellmann was an educated woman...

The Veil Conflict: Wearing Religious Symbols in Schools

French President Jacques Chirac’s ban in March 2004 on wearing any religious symbols in schools caused unrest in the country. First of all, history shows that the formulation of explicit religious symbols that markedly separate groups of students did not legally include wearing a headscarf, but in practice, many teachers...

Effects of Parent-Based Teaching of Alcohol Use

Parent-based interventions have been a predominant topic in alcohol use reduction. Consequently, Bo et al. (2018) argued that the implications of parents’ involvement in teaching responsible drinking are unclear. On the other hand, Napper et al. (2020) argued that parents can play an essential role in shaping beliefs, behaviors, and...

Applying a Personal Moral Theory: Reflection

Personal moral philosophies are beliefs and rules that a person uses when making decisions. Discussing whether these models can be applied to one individual or all people is also a part of ethics. However, as all people have different backgrounds, education, religion, family, and other factors, their moral theories have...

Fentanyl Overdose: Dangers and Solutions

Introduction People have been overdosing on the powerful opioid Fentanyl recently. Finding practical answers requires understanding the issue and how it presents itself within the community. All facets of the criminal justice system should be included in the solutions. It might be useful to look at solutions from different jurisdictions....

Racial Wealth Disparity: Causes and Consequences

For many years, racial wealth inequality has been well-acknowledged in research and policy circles. The disparity in assets and loans between white and black households in the United States has been an ongoing and chronic issue. Although racial and economic disparity is a fundamental aspect of the United States, many...

Privilege Hindrance in the United States

In the current society, people have several unearned advantages over others, following social class, economic background, race, gender, and ethnicity. The conferred dominance is termed as a privilege and favors a group and, at the same time, hinders another from achieving what they might desire to have in life. In...

Bullying in School: The Negative Effects

Adult victims of bullying very rarely tell their friends and colleagues about their teenage experiences. It primarily affects the irresponsible attitude of schoolchildren and staff towards the phenomenon and motivates teenagers to continue attacks. Usually, bullying is a common problem, and only the ratio of verbal harassment to physical harm...

Ethics and Technology: Bots in Social Media

An important part of ethical problems is the the proliferation of bots on the Internet. Their activity reduces the level of security when communicating on social networks; the credibility of the media and public speakers loses importance. The consequences of the work of bots contributed to the development of programs...

Drugs and Violence Go Hand in Hand

The problem of aggressive actions committed by drug abusers is relevant to modern criminology, psychology, forensic psychiatry, and narcology. Drugs, like alcohol, have long been considered disinhibiting substances that stimulate inappropriate behavior. From the point of view of American researchers, substance abuse increases the chances of subjects being drawn into...

Racism, Social-Economic Status, and the Dominant Story

Disparities in the distribution of social benefits such as education, healthcare, and employment are among the dominant stories in the United States (US). Racism has been part of dominant American stories whenever told, presenting the dominance of the whites and inequality against people of color. Socioeconomic status (SES) is determined...

How Spanish Nonprofits Are Hedging the Risks

Social alliances are voluntary collaborations between two or more entities with different organizational structures, such as corporations and nonprofit organizations, to tackle environmental and social concerns. The paper researches types of social alliances where companies seek to improve their brand image and reputation, and nonprofits seek to increase their funds(Martínez,...

Race and Sports: Inequality in Sports

In her New York Times article “Equity in Sports Has Focused on Gender, Not Race. So Gaps Persist,” Alanis Thames discusses mass gender and racial inequality in sports. Even though Black women are beneficiaries of the Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments, which prohibited sex-based discrimination, the door for...

Increased Suicide Rates in the United States

Introduction Suicide is a dangerous phenomenon that leads to preventable deaths. The United States significantly suffers from a high suicide rate. According to Kaufman et al. (2020), the US has witnessed a 30% suicide rate increase from 1999 to 2017. It is reasonable to understand why people decide to end...

Violence in LGBT (Queer) Couples

Violence in LGBT couples is a serious societal problem that can affect the well-being of many citizens. Suicide risk factors are much more common within the LGBT community than the national average (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, n.d.). These risk factors include psychological stress, depressive disorders, and experiences of sexual...

Alcohol in the Drugs and Behavior Context

Introduction It is no secret that alcohol and human health are incompatible things. The most significant influence of alcohol falls on the cerebral cortex. The higher nervous system suffers from this. A drunk person thinks hard and makes decisions difficult. The body of a person who drinks alcoholic beverages wears...

United Nations Convention on Rights of People Living With Disabilities

Today, more than one billion individuals have impairments; these are mostly the poorest members of civilizations. Discrimination and stigmatization they go through are two major aspects in practically every society. Their inability to participate in and attend educational institutions as well as find jobs creates barriers to their development and...

Social Classes and Capitalism: Sociological Theories

According to the concept of social classes taken from the leading U.S. social class ranking, I belong to the middle class. This article focuses on the ideas of capitalism based on social classes while describing the concepts of perspective, conflict, symbolic interaction, and functionalism. Regarding functionalist theory, society’s many structures...

Married Women’s Worth in the Workplace

Statement of the Problem Due to the recent marriage of Margaret, an employee from the sales department who plans her future pregnancy, David, the regional manager, decides not to renew the contract with her. He considers this a pragmatic choice after David learns about it from another employee Mary, who...

Human Capability, Creativeness, and Activeness

Introduction Individuals have been given the natural capacity to deal with social issues that affect them by the day. Micro-sociologists have admitted that there is creativeness and active response to the social world. People have the traits mentioned above due to the cultural, societal, and technical structures that influence them...

“The Power of Hope and Resilience…” by Weggeman

Introduction Mallory Weggeman is an accomplished American Paralympic swimmer born on March 26, 1989. She narrates her success story in an admirable book adored with a swanky golden title that reflects her many gold-medal wins in swimming competitions. Weggeman’s story is rooted in a major predicament she found herself in...

Permitting Process: The Role of Professionals

The role of the helper is to pay attention to the emotions he or she has in relation to the client and then to discover the roots of these feelings and emotions. It is crucial that therapists monitor their emotions during sessions with their clients and use their responses as...

The Problem of Inequality in Crack and Powder Cocaine Sentencing

The difference in perception and sentencing of cases of crack cocaine and powder cocaine raises a major inequality problem in legislation and society. The law is based on stereotypes and biases about types of cocaine and those involved in drug activity. At the same time, a person convicted with just...

Ethical Dilemma of Client Privacy Breach

Introduction The case of Hannah and Adara entails an ethical dilemma related to the appropriateness of a therapist’s breach of privacy and confidentiality when deciding the client’s best interest. In this case, the counselor will work with a student from a diverse cultural background who prefers her issues handled with...

Sexual Assault Prevention Interventions

Sexual assault includes a variety of coercive behaviors, including physical force, intimidation, and everything from verbal harassment to forced penetration. Power and control, not sexual desire as is commonly assumed, is thought to be the main driving forces behind sexually violent behaviors. Conversely, sexual violence is an aggressive, violent act...

Impacts on Communication: Discussion

Summary The total exhibition of unique characteristics exhibited by an individual is considered their communication style. Communication techniques must be understood to establish a collaborative and open communication at work (Mikkelson et al., 2017). Employing communication techniques enables individuals to retain open lines of communication and respond appropriately to keep...

Gender Identity and Correctional Institutions

The new requirements regarding gender fluidity and people representing the LGBTQ+ community are debated within many prisons and correctional institutions. Ignorant people may assume that it is too complicated to endorse within the jails and that inmates should be treated in accordance with what they have in their pants. Yet...

Analysis of Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Case Study

Since the Supreme Court’s Roe V. Wade ruling in 1973, around one out of every three pregnancies has resulted in abortion. It is one of the most difficult and contentious problems, sparking passionate legal, political, and ethical arguments. The modern abortion issue involves a clash of conflicting moral concepts as...

Analysis of Communications Aspects

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the way other people speak can often influence one’s perception of them, whether it is a regular communication or a business meeting. Some persons tend to base their attitudes towards others precisely on their manner of pronouncing words, making pauses and using intonation....

Personal Identity: The Key Aspects

Parfit’s Response to Reid The teleportation analogy supports Locke’s view on the transferability of consciousness. Parfit implies that someone existing now is the same person if he remembers the earlier person’s thoughts, actions, or experiences. It contradicts Reid’s objection that identity is logically transitive; a person comes into being, exists...

Domestic Violence: Prevalence, Types, and Risk Factors

Abstract The term domestic violence refers to violent actions that take place in relationships and take place in circumstances that are considered to be domestic. The abuse may come in many forms, including sexual, physical, psychological, and emotional. Nonetheless, violence is a more inclusive phrase that may apply to physical...

Chapters 4-5 of “A Century Communication Studies” by Gahrke & Keith

Chapter 4 The Main Thesis The main thesis is the presence of a rich, deep, and eventful history of epistemological movements in communication, where more advanced views replaced “traditional” ones. The Main Points The chapter’s main points are primarily based on the analysis and synthesis, as well as consistent, structural,...

The Level of People’s Happiness

Happiness has been a factor that many scholars and scientists have focused on for a long time. There are many indices that are created specifically for monitoring the level of people’s happiness. While some countries tend to take the highest ranks on the lists, others are on the bottom, indicating...

Researching the Concept of Islamophobia

Summary Islamophobia refers to the irrational fear of Muslims, Islam, and Islamic culture, often characterized by irrational hatred and prejudice against Muslims or people perceived to be Muslims. Anti-Muslim prejudice and anti-Muslim bigotry are other terms that have been used to describe Islamophobia. The fear and prejudice against Islam and...

Internal Communication: Medium and Justification

The face-to-face communication medium is a reliable interaction method that can facilitate the sharing of ideas. As a form of oral communication, this mode of interaction facilitates the transfer of data from the sender to the receiver through verbal and visual aid. The face-to-face medium is the most natural medium...

A Review of the Book “It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken” by Behrendt

Introduction Greg Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt (2005) are the authors of “It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken.” The book discusses a wide range of contemporary issues, one of which is marriage divorce. The book’s tone is laid-back and unpretentious as the authors begin the book with a tragic story...

Global Gender Inequality and Its Main Trends

In this research study, the scholars investigate whether gender inequality is decreasing across the world as is the case with other welfare indicators. They note women have historically been underrepresented in many national parliaments, in the workforce, and the top rungs of academic attainment among other metrics (Dorius & Firebaugh,...

Bruce Western’s Book Homeward: Life in the Year After Prison

The book by Bruce Western Homeward: Life in the year after prison provides different perspectives on the struggles that ex-prisoners face once released from jail. In particular, the author discusses the problems of housing insecurity and homelessness. According to Western (2018), 4-11% of recently released prisoners remained homeless for two...

Decreasing Anti-Black Bias Among Caucasians: The Role of Mexican Immigrants

Human civilizations are characterized by divisions between in and out-groups. Individuals exhibit in-group partialities, which promote collaboration and effective social activity and outgroup discrimination, leading to tension and bloodshed. Causal design is used to collect information and come up with finds in the research study. The research paper seeks to...

A Social Welfare Policy Relevant to Militarism

Impacts of War on Social Welfare War has a wide range of long- and short-term impacts. Although both sides suffer during battle, women, and children, in particular, endure unimaginable crimes, and soldiers perceive combat differently than civilians. Over two million of those murdered in violent conflicts in the previous ten...

DIscussion of Aldo Leopold’s Land Ethic

Aldo Leopold advocates for land ethics and not environmental laws due to experiences with legal restrictions whereby individuals find means of evading surveillance and arrest. Thus, he calls for values and a moral sense of right and wrong regarding environmental conservation (Millstein, p. 394). Ethics are distinct from human legislation...

Obama’s and Clinton’s Speeches Rhetorical Analysis

Barack Obama “A More Perfect Union” is appealing because it has all of the essential rhetorical components. Rhetoric is the study of opposing ideas, misunderstandings, and misinterpretations. It is also the capacity to talk and write well and the ability to deliberately utilize one’s words and oratory abilities based on...

Unveiling the Complexities of Animality and Blackness

The issue of interference of politics in animal protection and rights in the case of Harambe’s murder presents a complicated case of unclear differences between humanity in animals and human animality. In my opinion, the situation emphasizes a lack of objectivity in society due to society’s commitment to stereotypes that...

Effects Women Have Faced During the COVID-19 Pandemic Globally

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the globe to a profound shock. Women at the frontline against the COVID-19 crisis have been affected psychologically (Palmer & Small, 2021). The compounding burden that they have is over-represented within the healthcare sector. The majority of the health providers are women, and some...

The Family Violence Act of 2004 in Social Work

Overview and Background of the Social Policy Chosen Family and domestic violence is an issue that can affect people of all races, genders, religions, sexual preferences, and income levels. Economic, physical, sexual, emotional, and psychological abuse are all examples of domestic and family violence. Domestic violence results in impaired mental...

Should Parents with Children under 12 Have Dogs as Pets

Introduction Numerous households receive a furry companion into their homes each year in the millions. Both kids and adults can experience emotional benefits from owning a dog. One thing to think about when obtaining a pet is the age of the kids. In general, it may be safer to hold...

The Social Work: Eliminating Shame and Stigma

The paradigm of cultural sensitivity and quality support system for the population implies a client-oriented approach that can account for every socio-cultural aspect of one’s development and perception. Such sensitivity is especially relevant in the context of multicultural and diverse groups, as shame and stigma associated with certain identity characteristics...

Immigration and Citizenship in the US

Immigration and citizenship issues today have been an issue of concern in the United States since the early 1700s. However, today’s issues are a result of its history of immigration, from the colonial era to today. The primary issue facing the United States today is how to treat the millions...

Virtue Ethics Versus Utilitarianism

Virtue ethics is an ethical theory that emphasizes character above behavior. The concept underscores the importance of mentality, personality, and a feeling of honesty. According to virtue ethics, an acceptable act is one that a virtuous individual performs (Shafer-Landau, 2007). In other words, virtue ethics explores the ethical standing of...

NGO Involvement in Human Trafficking Information Dissemination

Statement of the problem and the research question: Human trafficking prevalence is a crucial problem that has to be addressed as a public health issue on three levels: policy advice, prevention, and reintegration. The research question that the investigator intends to explore is as follows: what are the potential opportunities...

Illegal Drugs: Types and Influences

Illegal drugs include substances that affect the body and the brain of a person. They are divided into several groups, depending on the method of use, the impact on the brain, harm to health, and others. Illegal drugs are one of the most popular items on the black market, generating...

Digital Citizenship: The Action Plan

In view of the growing usage of electronic and mobile information technology, educational institutions are re-examining permissible use guidelines. While acceptable usage policies were created to govern and control behavior, a digital citizenship plan requires a more holistic approach by acknowledging the critical value of education in developing digital citizens....

“The Structure of Scientific Revolutions” Book by Thomas Kuhn

Basic Knowledge Three distinctive ways in which the book advances my knowledge of the rhetoric and philosophy of communication are the reflection on one’s learning journey, rhetoric interpretations, and comparative rhetoric. The book arguably begins with the author’s reflection on his learning journey. Major concepts of rhetoric and philosophy of...

Female National Heroes of the United States

There are several important figures in the history of the United States whose contribution to social and human rights development can not be forgotten. Among these people, such female national heroes as Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sarah Moore Grimke, and Angela Grimke take a vital part. Ruth Bader...

The Journal of Communication Theory Analysis

History of the Journal The Journal of Communication Theory was published in 1991 in the United States. It is among the quarterly peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Wiley on publishers on behalf of the international communication association in the United States. The journal was made to post theoretical essays,...

Sexual Harassment at Workplace in Massage Industry

Sexual harassment is a common issue in workplaces worldwide. It can be related to any gender, but the issue is particularly relevant for women. There are various laws and acts that are purposed to protect people from such behavior of others, yet the problem is still present and requires attention....

Domestic Violence: Case Study Description

The people in the selected family include: Jackson (Husband); Nancy (Wife); Jimmy (Child/son). Jackson and Nancy have been married for six years and are currently living in Newfoundland, Canada. The husband is 32 while Nancy is 31 years old. Jimmy is 3 years old. The two met while in college...

Race and Ethnicity Social Movement and Change

Race and Ethnicity Trayvon Martin was a seventeen-year-old black teenager. On the evening of February 26, 2012, Trayvon left her home on foot to buy a snack from a nearby convenience store. As he was returning, George Zimmerman, a white Hispanic male and the community’s neighborhood watch program coordinator, noticed...

Paid Patriotism as an Ethical Issue

Paid patriotism consists in the actions of a certain group of people interested in promoting various events aimed at creating a positive image of the country among viewers. A similar case is the Pentagon paying large sums of money to various sports teams for demonstrating and conducting patriotic events. This...

Leadership Transition Challenges in the Intersex Society

The Intersex board has experienced a few significant processes during its existence. Initially, Chase asked her friend and colleague, Alice Dreger, to chair the board that consisted mainly of friends. However, the further development of business required to make this body more extended and professional. That is why Chase decided...

The Cultural Competence and Identity Connection

Cultural competence is the capability of understanding, communicating, and interacting effectively with people of different cultures. In an ever-changing, diverse world, cultural competence must be an essential part of our existence. Despite the world continuing to make breakthroughs in most sectors, certain aspects of human beings at a personal level...

Plato’s Gorgias Dialogue on the Power of Rhetoric

Dialogue Gorgias by Plato consists of three conversations of Socrates: with Gorgias himself, with Polus, and with Callicles. With Gorgias, the discussion is about rhetoric, and Socrates directly and reasonably expresses his critical attitude toward him. With his friend Polus, Socrates argues on servility, the power of orators and tyrants,...

The American Dream as a Way of Crossing the Frame of Consciousness

The American Dream is a concept that describes the ideal life to which the population of the United States aspired in the 30s and 40s. Nowadays, this concept is used both positively (support for young professionals, scientific research) and negatively (mockery of the culture). Nevertheless, the phenomenon of the American...

Defamilization and Women’s Economic Independence

Defamilization is a theory that emphasizes women’s economic disadvantages and independence from their responsibilities of caring and getting assistance from caring accountabilities to improve employment. It can be applied to evaluate the level of aid by welfare institutions for women’s ability to involve in their freedom in employment markets and...

The Sociological Tradition and Idea of Community

Thesis Enlightenment came to replace the traditional idea of living with a modem community. The community, later turned into a society embraced new norms and values based on political and ethical doings. The new society aimed at ending individualism by promoting uniformity, freedom, and equality. Uniformity achieved other undesired traits...

Abortion Ban and Its Negative Consequences

Introduction Over the past years, most of the state and federal laws have been in support of abortion while considering minor factors. Recently, the court ruling turned down the practice which now hinders pregnant women the ability to terminate their unborn babies. The decision has drawn controversy from various groups...

Deaf Adults as Role Models for the Hearing World

The only exceptions when deaf people interact with others are with their family members, adults in the community or the workplace, and at school. Unless otherwise, most deaf people do not meet with hearing people. The absence of past experiences with other deaf people makes it challenging for hearing parents,...

The Minority Business Development Agency Project

The Rationale for MBDA research In order to serve the community, any national agency must ensure the fulfillment of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices. Income inequality between different populations, lack of minority inclusion, and absence of diversity in the working communities have been recognized as pertinent problems for the...

The Effectiveness of the Minimum Legal Drinking Age

Introduction After Prohibition was repealed, each state created laws to control the sale, distribution, and consumption of alcoholic drinks. In addition to the Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA), other alcohol control laws include excise taxes, restrictions on the days and hours of alcohol sales, and server training. Recent studies have...

Racial Injustice in the United States

Racial prejudice is an ugly truth in white societies propagated by perpetrators’ years of ignorance, indifference, or malicious intent. The United States, while serving as a bastion of peace and equality, exhibits racism in many facets of its society. Past writings on the issue have been predicated on the existence...

Cultural Relativism and Self-Reflexivity

Culture could be defined as a grand collection of beliefs, norms, and values of a particular group of the population. Cultural relativism allows people not to judge others depending on the values of their own culture but rather have an objective view. My initial response to observing the scholarly articles...

American Women’s Rights Discussed in Lyrics

Throughout the decades, singers have been covering the topics that are important to them and their communities. In the case of female songwriters, poets, and musicians, women’s rights and role in society remained significant subjects of discussion. The following analysis of four pieces created by women shows similar ideas and...

The Quarterly Journal of Speech’s Areas of Focus

A journal is a type of publication done for a specialized group and thus focused on a particular field of study. An example of a journal is the Quarterly Journal of Speech (QJS). It was established in 1985 and is owned by the National Communication Association. QJS is a quarterly...

Intersectionality and the Racial Contract

Summary The topic of race contracts and intersectionality can be traced in the works of various scholars. Moreover, the feminist agenda is also inextricably linked to issues of race. This essay analyzes academic articles discussing major concepts in the study of racism and gender essentialism. Besides, the paper will closely...

A Class Divided: Racial Discriminatory Transition

Introduction America is witnessing a steady increase in racial discrimination among Asians, Latinx, and Native Americans. Howard (2014) and Kendi (2020) contended that these issues trace back to historical injustice between income, race, and crime. Furthermore, racial oppression extends to the education gap between blacks and whites. Discussion A Class...