Asking Questions and Bringing Up Difficult Issues

Asking questions is part of social work practice while discussing with the client about a problem. Open-ended questions will enable me to prompt the client to intricate more on the problem as a social worker. The open question should allow the client to open up more about the issue. For...

Ethics of Computer Influence on Human Lives

Introduction When it comes to the interconnection of individuals and organizations, computers have no limitations. If data transfers occur without any physical connection, a person may not have enough time to adequately examine the transmission’s results (Bhargava 5; Cuesta 2; Martin et al. 308; Susser et al. 2019). Because of...

Civil Rights in Nashville: Sit-ins Demonstration

Introduction About 50 years ago, in Nashville, Tennessee, activists such as college students, ministers, and other people concerned launched a demonstration known as sit-ins. This campaign was intended to enable the discussion of rights without the use of violence or weapons. The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), founded in 1960,...

Rhetoric: “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All” by Slaughter

Over the past decades, substantial progress has been made in the realm of female participation in the workforce, yet as more women get jobs, the more problematic the issue of work-life balance becomes for them. In her article “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All,” Anne-Marie Slaughter states, “The women...

The Sexual Abuse of Black Men Under American Slavery

Summary The thesis of this article is that violence has no face, race, or gender. The times of slavery left a large number of people disfigured and offended, including men. Strong social stigma about the shame of male sexual passivity and general weakness did not allow for deep and responsible...

Substance Use Disorder and Outpatient Treatment

A substance use disorder (SUD) is a psychiatric condition that affects a person’s development and behavior, causing them to lose control over their use of materials like intentional or accidental drugs, drinking, or prescriptions. Addiction is the most extreme condition of SUDs, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. The...

Civil Disobedience in the Context of the Black Lives Matter Movement

Introduction The Black Lives Matter Movement has ignited an array of protests around the United States of America and within the global community. People went into the streets to demand equal rights for all; the tool for delivering their agenda was through demonstrations and protests, which are commonly characterized by...

Freedom and Responsibility: Correlation Analysis

The chosen issue is the correlation between freedom and responsibility. These two notions are interrelated through social, political, and ethical norms. The freedom of the individual in its various manifestations is today an essential value of society. There can be no limitless, absolute freedom while there is a social order....

Contemporary Racial Capitalism in Flint

Introduction The racism and neglect of human rights witnessed in areas inhabited by a nonwhite population are alarming. Research by Pulido (2016) traces severe cases of inequality and imbalance in the city of Flint, whose major inhabitants are blacks. The research shows the poor living standards in Flint, which the...

Religious Freedom and Identity of Believers

Adichie, Chimamanda. “The Danger of a Single Story.” TED, 2009. This TED lecture is a valuable source of information on the researched topic of identity and freedom, which emphasizes the importance of cultural identity as a path to freedom. Adichie creates a narration of her biography through the discussion of...

The Issue of the Opioid Pandemic in the USA

Over the past decade, opioids have warranted a significant amount of suspicion from patients and healthcare providers alike. Due to the high rates of dependency development and the difficulty of overcoming addiction, opioids have become notorious for their massive side effects and the threat that they pose to patients. Thus,...

African Americans: Racial and Class Exclusion

It is important to note that since W.E.B. DuBois’s publications, the living and housing conditions for African Americans did not improve significantly. One can even argue that despite a gradual recognition of the problem, these factors became worse than before. It is stated that throughout the twentieth century, ghettos inhabited...

Discussion of Lessons of Critical Thinking

The stories of Faye Abdellah, Chiara Lubich and Oprah Winfrey strive to show the readers the importance of critical thinking. While there are many lessons one can draw from these profiles, this discussion post will highlight only two lessons about critical thinking. The first lesson revolves around the idea of...

House Discrimination: Analysis of the Issue

Topic Selection The chosen topic is relevant for understanding that such phenomena as xenophobia, racial, sexual, and other types of discrimination still exist in modern society. This socio-social phenomenon occurs in underdeveloped countries and prosperous countries such as the United States. Unfortunately, humanity rarely learns from its mistakes, and the...

Perception of Refugees in Europe

Article Summary Bruneau et al. (2018) focused on the effect of rhetorical dehumanization of Muslim refugees that entered the EU during the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ in 2014-15. The idea to study such a phenomenon appeared when the authors drew attention to the hostile rhetoric of some European politicians who blamed...

Pray Away: Documentary Film Review

Pray Away is an American documentary film released in 2021 by Netflix. The director, Kristine Stolakis, devoted this work to exploring covenant therapy practiced by Christian associations in the United States. This film makes many convincing arguments for the unproductive nature of conversion or reparative therapy. Quality work incorporates a...

Emily Dickinson and Robert Browning

Feminism has been a matter of intrigue from across the civilizations man has ever passed through. Women have always fought for their rightful dominance, involvement, and expression at home, in their workplaces, and in various fields which are considered male-dominated. Women still face gender stereotypes that diminish feminism, resulting in...

Coronavirus Effect on Ethnic and Racial Groups

The pandemic brought about by the rise of COVID-19 – that is, Coronavirus disease of 2019 – has been the occurrence that can without hesitation be labeled a historical one. There is a great amount of ways in which it has affected the global economy, the way of life of...

Ethical Aspects of Providing Assistance to Students

The assigned readings include comprehensive information regarding the setting and the ethical aspects of assisting students and their parents. Thus, Summers (2016) writes that morality is an essential component of helping individuals, and the consideration of issues through this lens allows for addressing the gap in legal provisions’ ethics. This...

Single Mothers’ Challenges During COVID-19

Article Review The issue of working solo-parent women has always been urgent, and its significance only increased with the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, many articles and researches concentrate on the analysis and deep consideration of the problem. The chosen articles give an understanding of the issue from various perspectives. They proceed...

Who Are True Successors of Tradition?

In the framework of this essay, it is intended to consider the ambivalence of the concept of “tradition”. Considered in different contexts, the idea of ​​traditions and the present, true adherence to them, may seem diffuse, blurry. Periodically, in different historical cases, the idea of ​​tradition can be directly opposite...

Drug Abuse Demographics in Prisons

Drug abuse, including alcohol, is a big problem for the people contained in prisons, both in the United States and worldwide. Imprisoned people are usually much more vulnerable to social and health problems and have little or no access to the proper treatment. In addition, social and racial tensions are...

Aspects of Racialization Processes

As a consequence of domination, the ethnic identity of the dominant group is less visible and prominent. The systematic underdevelopment of racial and ethnic relations studies in terms of examining dominant group ethnicity’s functions has resulted in the systematic underdevelopment of studies in as a result, the dominant group has...

Violence Against Women Act and Removal Risks for Self-Petitioners

Introduction VAWA stands for Violence Against Women Act, which was adopted by the US government in 1994. The purpose of the Act was to provide blanket protection for women against violence, including not only US citizens but also legal and illegal migrants as well (GAO, 2019). One of the provisions...

Social Capital Disappearance in America

The reading revolves around the relevance of the main idea of Ithiel de Sola Polo’s piece, Technologies Without Borders. The discussed repercussions of a strong connection between society and technology are thoroughly analyzed to conclude their existence in the modern world (Putnam, 1995). In other words, the writing focuses on...

“The Costs of Racism to White People” by P. Kivel

The article by Kivel named “The Costs of Racism to White People” was chosen as the investigated source. The rationale for choosing this source is the growing interest in the problem of racial differences. Moreover, this source includes enough evidence base to be considered relevant and reliable. Henceforth, this work...

Social Inequality and Human Rights in the Modern World

A majority of contemporary work in social sciences is centered on exploring issues of social inequality and prevailing gender-based judgments. The article by Yamin, “When Misfortune Becomes Injustice,” examines the struggles and misfortunes of Brazilian women in the reconstructing socio-economic systems of the government (Yamin, 2020). Referring to concrete examples...

Using of Five Concepts in Counselling

Five concepts, including empathy, witnessing, respect, the stages of grief, and one’s relationships with grief, permeate counseling suffering clients. Empathy is a basic ability all counselors should have, so I would frequently ask myself whether my skills in communicating it are sufficient (Neff & McMinn, 2020). Next, the concept of...

Social Work With Native American Population

Summary The Native American or Indigenous population has historically been challenged by severe oppression ever since the European population’s first arrival in the Americas. Centuries characterized by severe generational trauma, forced segregation and migration, as well as discrimination, have been important determinants of health disparities and socioeconomic disadvantages (Van Dyke...

Responsibility for Citizens’ Well-Being

Introduction Discussions on whether the responsibility for citizens’ well-being in the face of social risks lies with private individuals, the state, or both have been experienced in many countries. One of the aspects that have been analyzed involves the social responsibility for health. Many people in society face challenges when...

Homelessness in United States of America

The increased rate of homelessness in the United States of America, particularly in parts of California, confirms to go up daily. The government is solely blamed for putting economic performance at the forefront and not prioritizing the well-being of its citizens. Through the alarming facts posted on social media platforms,...

Women Exclusion from Labor Market

Boydston’s thesis is that excluding women from market labor created a space for men to monopolize production and define it as work, which legitimized their dominance in society. Prior to the industrial revolution, women were engaged in a wide range of market activities such as producing and selling food, textiles,...

Division of House Labor and Domestic Abuse

The gendered division of house labor is generally viewed according to the time-availability perspective. In this case, the division of labor in a household depends on the various labor needs and the ability of each person to participate in the performance of household tasks. The relative resources perspective also greatly...

Eating Disorders and Social Interactions

One of the possible aspects that affect the persons’ perception of their bodies and attractiveness is the closest social surrounding. Family, friends, or romantic partners sometimes unknowingly can make people feel insecure and push them towards the development of the eating disorder. It can happen by criticizing the body, compassion...

“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman Review

The short story The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is an example of feminist literature, which explains the choice of the topic and the images the author uses. The narrator is a woman who suffers from the symptoms of depression and apathy after giving birth to her child. She...

Community Life in Modern America

Introduction The questions about community-making and its importance for a democratic society have been asked since the times of Classical Greece. When it comes to the United States, the significance of its residents’ voluntary engagement in social life was described by Alexis de Tocqueville as far back as the 1830s...

The Natural Rights of the French People

The French Revolution was one of France’s most remarkable transformations, leading to the development of new foundations and principles of the state. With the change to the republican order, the citizens of France gained freedom, equality, and fraternity. The main document of the Revolution was the Declaration of the Rights...

Secrets to Living a Long Life: Narrated by 109 Years Old Veteran

Everyone in this life is looking forward to having a nice long life where they are happy and full of life. The story of Richard Overton about his secrets to living a long life will have you dazzled. Richard Overton is 109 years old, and he is a war veteran...

Xenophobia in the US in the Context of COVID-19

With public fear and its intentional abuse as the main reasons, Asian discrimination received a disturbing level of support after the coronavirus outbreak, which is, in my opinion, unacceptable. The coronavirus disease pandemic shook the world and brought changes on all possible levels – social, political, economic, financial, cultural, and...

Criminal Justice System and the Problem of Racism

This essay discusses whether the criminal justice system in England and Wales is institutionally racist. This paper starts with an overview of the issue, then pivoting to how infrastructural biases influence crime analytics. It provides a display of problematic areas in the justice system and the possible solution to them...

The Moral Issues of Lobster Boiling

Introduction In the article “Consider the Lobster,” D. F. Wallace discusses the ethical issues of boiling lobsters alive for culinary purposes. The author considers the various arguments of proponents as well as opponents of this procedure. As such, the fact whether lobsters are able to feel pain or not constitutes...

Syrian Refugees in Germany vs. Mexicans in US

Recent events have caused an increase in the number of people wishing to move to the European country. Migrants from Afghanistan, Iraq, and other war-torn regions moved to more prosperous lands to find protection and hope for the future. There is no reliable data on how many people arrived in...

Inspiration for Women to Address Inequality

When you think about inequality, according to you, what kind of people face it now more than others? Blacks? Latinos? The right answer is women. They share this planet fifty-fifty with men, but they are less respected. At the same time, you may ask – how women do not have...

The Anti-Science Attitudes in the U.S.

Introduction The March 2017 cover of Time magazine features stark red lettering against a black background, loudly asking the question: “Is Truth Dead?” The headline is indicative of the rise of anti-intellectualism and conspiracy theories among the American public within the last ten years. Large sections of the American population...

Historical Review of Gender Inequality in the USA

Introduction Throughout the history of human society, many different problems have been identified. Some were eliminated over time, and some, intertwined with history, remained in society until modern times. Most of these massive obstacles stem from conflicts related to the mentality of people and the established order of things. One...

Why Should Abortion Be Made Legal?

Introduction Historically, abortions have always been a topical issue which produced numerous debates and arguments between people holding opposite views. Gradually this led to the establishment of two general groups of people, namely, the pro-life and the pro-choice (“Can you explain.” 2019). The former believe that life is sacred and...

Ethical Dilemmas, Kant’s Moral Theory, and Virtue Ethics

The morality of the newspaper columnist breaking her contract relies, largely, on the legality of her breaking the contract. If it is legal, however, the utilitarian perspective will support the action. The pleasure/harm from the action between both companies competing for the columnist will balance each other out, and the...

Importance of Agreeing with Others

Agreeing with other people is a social default called the truth bias, and it is useful in establishing and maintaining social relationships. Disagreeing is good, especially when one wants to listen and understand the other person’s position in an argument. However, concurring with others on an issue develops a friendly...

Growing Up Colored Article by Gates

In this article, the author tells about growing as a person of color in the middle of the 20th century. He addresses the way things changed in terms of attitude towards people of color over the course of the whole text, yet it becomes apparent in the end that there...

Rauch’s Article “Caring for Your Introvert”

On the surface, the topic of introversion and extraversion might seem trivial and thus is often dismissed and overlooked. That is why, in my opinion, Rauch’s article Caring for Your Introvert (2003) can be perceived as a personal appeal to the extroverts of our world. I believe that by pointing...

The Problem of International Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is currently a critical issue that any Internet user can face since the spread of this phenomenon is increasing. It can have significant effects on life quality, especially in the case of children and teenagers. Thus, as a research question, an analysis of the causes of international cyberbullying from...

“A Modest Proposal” by Swift

Introduction Is the solution to poverty selling babies for food? During the early 1700s, poverty was rampant in Ireland. The people could not provide for themselves or their families. There was a population increase, with most of these people being street children who spent their days begging in the streets...

Environmental Racism as Rights Infringement

Focus This paper focuses particular attention on the problem of “ecologic racism” from the point of view of discrimination, inequality, and infringement of the rights of the “oppressed” category of society. This study is devoted to the holistic disclosure of environmental inequality’s essence, nature, and features. Moreover, the authors of...

The MeToo Movement and Protest in the Digital Age

The Economic Impact of Protest An Environment of Violence In order to establish the influence of sexual harassment on the economy, accurate assessments and research conducted in various workplace contexts should be provided. Thus, in 2013, more than 10,000 complaints from workers about sexual harassment in the workplace were filed...

Lack of Understanding for Students With Full-Time Jobs

Being a college student is hard because getting a degree requires a lot of effort and substantial financial support. However, being a working student with a full-time job is even more challenging due to a lack of understanding for off-campus or online students who do not have enough time for...

Aspects of Ethical Research

Introduction Several ethical principles need to be considered when conducting research. At the core of the code of ethics, researchers are expected to do good (beneficence) without causing harm (maleficence). This paper highlights the importance of institutional approval, informed consent, and sharing research data for verification. The essay also discusses...

Self‐Concept and Allyship in Social Work

Introduction The development of social work-associated professional identity is concerned with internalizing the relevant skills and knowledge, values, social work mission and begins by shaping the interactions and content pertinent to the social work education curricula. However, it is imperative to note that a social worker’s self-identity is also crucial...

Making an Ethical Decision and Assessing Consequences

Ethical decisions are always challenging because it can be difficult for a person to evaluate their attitude or action so that it does not cause condemnation from society or themself. Society is developing; new cultures are emerging that mix with others, and a large number of resonant events appear that...

Individual Responsibilities on Definirion of Social Justice Issues

Societies globally face diverse challenges surrounding the equitability of resources, opportunities, and privileges. Owing to inequality in the distribution of resources, treatment, rights, and responsibilities among societies resulting in the oppressors and oppressed in diverse societal ranks birthing social injustices, social justice as a dynamic movement traces back from the...

Ethical Standards in Profession

Introduction The present paper aims at discussing ethical standards based on a case study. The paper uses Scenario #2 from the Ethical Challenge Assignment Scenarios, which describes the case of George, a BCBA/LBA who works in a group home serving individuals with developmental disabilities. According to the scenario, George was...

How to Conduct Greeting Session With Patients With Suicide, and Homicide

Introduction The greeting session does not involve any deep analysis of the client’s thoughts and diagnosis as well. It can be described as a get-to-know meeting rather than wholesome work. During the first session, the client usually tells about his problems, while the specialist asks about his feelings, concerns, and...

Elderly Health and Substance Abuse Relationship

Studying the history and research conducted on the problems in 1948-1958 can provide important insight for solving problems in the modern world. Hence, the topics chosen for this scientific paper are elderly health and social care and alcohol and substance abuse. During the search for articles on this topic, two...

The Mission of Self-Isolation in Volatile Times

The coronavirus pandemic, the self-imposed isolation regime that has swiftly changed people’s lives, uprooted their way of life, and not surprisingly, many are now under psychological stress. While self-isolation during the pandemic is a necessary measure, it is also a source of anxiety for many people. The article “Magnificent isolation:...

Process Evaluation: Needs Assessment Program for the Elderly

Background Information The elderly population has several needs, including physical health, safety, and normal daily activities. With the increasing number of baby boomers entering the retirement phase, social workers play a role in facilitating the wellbeing of the elderly population (Plummer et al., 2014). This process evaluation reports the assessment...

Opioid Use and Opioid Addiction

A Pilot Cohort Study of the Determinants of Longitudinal Opioid Use After Surgery The number of opioids being released for pain reduction or other needs is overgrowing. However, it remains unclear whether or not patients stop taking them immediately after their intensities are over (Caroll et al., 2012). Previous studies...

White Supremacy Resurgences and Cultural Healing Responses

White Supremacy Resurgences The modern world is still full of discriminatory practices, and the studied webinar discusses its roots and possible ways to solve the problem. White supremacy culture inherent in the system fuels racism and violence and allows it to develop further. This culture forms the system, influences the...

Inside the Bruderhof Community

Members of the Bruderhof community certainly view their lifestyle as the happiest and most fulfilling. Joining this community for many of them was marked by a search for meaning and purpose in their own lives. One of the members notes that he was willing to abandon his own ambitions, career,...

Disability: Social Origin and the Role of Aging, Gender, and Race

Disability Justice Modern American society is moving towards a tolerant attitude to vulnerable categories of the population, including people with disabilities. However, an intersectional perspective in this context remains insufficient. In other words, there is a scarcity of data on how the concept of disability intercrosses with various identities, such...

Ethics: Discourses of Love and Gender

Such songs as This Love by Maroon 5 present a basis for discourses of love and gender. The song is sung by a man left by a woman who “said goodbye too many times before” (“Maroon 5,” 00:00:46-00:00:51). For him, being in love means having no choice but to get...

“Effectiveness of a Web-Based Screening”: Main Topic, Strengths, and Weaknesses

The article selected for the appraisal investigates the benefits of web-based motivational interventions for the reduction of adolescent substance use. The results of the randomized control trial (RCT) conducted by Arnaud et al. (2016) suggest that the intervention group demonstrated a considerable reduction in drinking frequency and quantity compared to...

The Criminalization of Immigration in the United States

Abrego, Leisy, et al. “Making Immigrants into Criminals: Legal Processes of Criminalization in the Post-IIRIRA Era.” Journal on Migration and Human Security, vol. 5, no. 3, 2017, pp. 694–715., Web. Abrego et al.’s article shows that much evidence states that immigration is not associated with increased crime rates and that...

The Americans with Disabilities Act Provisions

Introduction For the past century, the primary focus of the US national legislature has been given to the notions of social equity and inclusion. The US, being a conglomerate state for people of various backgrounds and beliefs, has recently initiated a series of congress bills that center around the gap...

The Integrated Approach to Studying Addiction

Introduction The model of addiction etiology that best describes why people become addicted and the most effective ways of helping them is the integrated approach model. The integrated approach model received widespread attention and acclaim following the works of Dr. Gabor Mate that heavily relied on personal experiences and scientific...

Cyberbullying, Aggression and Violent Behavior

Ansary, N. S. (2020). Cyberbullying: Concepts, theories, and correlates informing evidence-based best practices for prevention. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 50, 101343.  The main topic of this work is to consider cyberbullying and related concepts from a theoretical point of view to improve evidence-based practice. Since effective work in any field...

Application of Consequentialism and Rights Approach

Introduction The Australian government has taken various actions to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the government’s actions was restricting inbound travel to reduce the rate of infection caused by the virus (McBryde et al., 2020). The two theories that can be used to analyze this action...

The Problems of American Dream and Race

For a long time, many people have been coming to the United States to realize their goals. In the course of this process, the cultural and social phenomenon of the American dream was formed. It represents the idea of equality of opportunity for all nations, which lets people feel the...

Social Construct Definition and Role in Modern Society

Social construct has been established as a notion that has been developed and embraced by people within a society based on their class distinctions. The same differences have been stretched to comprise gender, race, sexuality, and to some extent, age (Du Bois 5). Societies worldwide have struggled with this notion,...

Correlation of HIV, AIDS in White Males Who Are Injection Drug Users

For a better understanding of how the health factors of the population develop and form, it is necessary to conduct epidemiological studies. Epidemiological methods enable healthcare to obtain a large amount of knowledge necessary for the prevention and treatment of diseases. The ongoing process of spreading HIV infection is one...

General Definitions of Social Justice

Nowadays, especially thanks to the younger generations who believe in the necessity and effectiveness of philanthropy, equality, collaboration, and mutual respect, the concept of social justice is known and used widely. However, despite the fact that one may often hear this phrase, not everyone understands the meaning behind it and...

The Problem of Teen Dating Violence

Niolon, P. H., Vivolo-Kantor, A. M., Tracy, A. J., Latzman, N. E., Little, T. D., DeGue, S., Lang, K. M., Estefan, L. F., Ghazarian, S. R., McIntosh, W. L. K., Taylor, B., Johnson, L. L., Kuoh, H., Burton, T., Forston, B., Mumford, E. A., Nelson, S. C., Joseph, H., …...

“The Myth of Redemptive Violence” by Walter Wink

The world is full of cruelty, and the issue of violence’s origins occupies many minds. Trying to explain the reasons for the prevalence of the problem, professor of Biblical Interpretation Walter Wink introduced the concept of the myth of redemptive violence in his works. Wink discusses how the theme of...

Assessment and Therapeutic Approaches for Drug Addiction Clients

Introduction Substance and drugs are a global issue with the current social, economic and cultural lifestyles. Millions of individuals suffer from addiction to one or more substances, the most abused being alcoholism and using opium. Drug addiction affects many aspects of individuals’ lives, such as health, social interactions, education, economic...

The Speech “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” by Frederick Douglass

Discussion of Frederick Douglass’ speech “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” reveals forces which he implicated in the alienation and subjugation of African-Americans. His perspective allows determining why he felt like a foreigner even when he was born in the US. Douglass considered hypocrisy, sham, and inequality...

Ethical Implications of the Early Studies in Psychology: Milgram’s Experiment

Introduction Developments in psychology are often impossible without experiments that require the presence of research participants. These volunteers usually perform tasks and assignments determined by a researcher or answer a set of initially prepared questions. The potential problem here is the possibility that the methods used in a study can...

Toxic Masculinity and Gender Equality in the US

Masculinity has historically been associated with power, leadership, and wealth. Yet, it becomes toxic when it starts to form particular social expectations from men. On the one hand, those expectations can help males be more assertive, courageous, and ambitious. On the other hand, they tend to produce adverse effects on...

Ethics of the Flixborough Chemical Plant Disaster

The Flixborough chemical plant disaster exposed some problematic ethical issues found in the engineering industry. The industry provides a professional code of ethics that is used to shape the duties and responsibilities of engineers together with the type of product and service that they provide. The bomb disaster was a...

The Life of Nelson and Winnie Mandela

Nelson Mandela, who was born on July 18, 1918, was the son of the head of the Tembu tribe, an ethnic group of the Kosa. His first name, which was given at birth, is Rolihlahla, which means ‘to tear a branch of a tree’ in the Kos language, a figurative...

Inequality: The Lesson About Privilege

Despite the strenuous efforts of many people and social organizations, achieving equality among all humans is still impossible. There are several factors used to divide society into groups, and they can be based on age, nationality, poverty or wealth, skin color, and sexual orientation. Some of these people are more...

The Administrative Role and Approach to Ethics

Both Burnside’s TEDx talk and the Oxfam case study focus on the notions of justice and humiliation, particularly as they pertain to people without institutional power. In each case, members of not-for-profit organizations tasked with helping foreigners in need perpetrated abuse against some of the individuals they were helping. The...

Kant’s Moral Rule of Principle

The normative rules and principles determine the things needed or permitted, whether good or bad. The normative rules and principles determine what agents are expected to do, what they can do, or what deserves to receive promotion, approval, and praise (Kahn 78). Principles and normative rules play an important function...

Poverty, Politics, and Profit as US Policy Issue

Summary Poverty remains one of the most intractable problems to deal with, both in the international community and in the United States. Poverty presents both socio-economic and political threats since it can seriously destabilize the domestic and – indirectly – international political situation. Acute problems of social inequalities have the...

Nonverbal Message on Environmental Features

Environmental features influence the human perception of visual objects significantly. They convey the nonverbal message, which can reflect the speaker’s or creator’s main idea. For example, in the Sherwin Williams Video, the author uses the environmental features to encourage the emotions of safety and comfort in viewers’ minds (Try on...

How Diversity Has Influenced Discrimination in the Society

Diversity can influence how individuals appreciate and respect their differences in gender, ethnicity, age, disability, education, and religion. Heterogeneity allows individuals to explore the differences in a positive, nurturing, and safe environment. Through diversity, we can understand each other differences and embrace them as our own. Based on the standard...

Blue-Eyed vs. Brown-Eyed Experiment

The fact that bias treatments can be reversible was shocking in the “Blue-eyed Brown-eyed experiment.” Elliot used this test to expose the learners to discrimination, in which blue-eyed children were initially preferred and given more privileges in the classroom than brown-eyed students. Later, Elliot reversed the situation, preferring brown-eyed kids...

Effective Presentation Skills in Medical Communication

Introduction A presentation is a type of communication in which an individual conveys information using slides that could contain text or visual messages. It is worth noting that a presenter’s appearance and language determine how well the message is received (Mehta, 2020). Therefore, it is crucial to establish rapport by...

Chicanismo and Black and Red Power in America

The Chicanismo and Black and Red Power movements raised questions about the rights and freedoms protection of Mexican and African Americans. Both of them are significant in terms of highlighting the problem of deep-rooted racism. The ideological basis and time period were also the same for both movements. The impact...

“How Did Jews Become White Folks?” by Brodkin, Karen Sacks

I have read ‘How Did Jews Become White Folks?’ and found a quote that I think is worthy of attention. The author of the book mentions, ‘I grew up during the 1950s in the Euroethnic New York suburb of Valley Stream where Jews were simply one kind of white folks...

The Effect of Childhood Socioeconomic Status on Late Midlife Cognitive Abilities

Description The article focuses on the effect of one’s childhood experiences on their cognitive development into adulthood. More specifically, the work studied the role of a child’s socioeconomic status in the processes of their cognitive maturing. In order to study the objective, an experiment involving over 1000 male twins was...

COVID-19 Epidemic and Alcohol and Drug Addiction

The opioid problem has been dubbed the most significant public health disaster of our time, second only to COVID-19. Mendell (2021) says that many expected to pass swiftly, an epidemic is still wreaking havoc on innocent people, and there appears to be no end in sight. Others are stressed out...

Cause and Effect of Queer (LGBTQ+) Discrimination

Introduction Society comprises individuals with different life perspectives. It is impossible to live in a society where everyone aligns with a certain kind of thinking. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) individuals represent a recent category of individuals facing discrimination. Discrimination against LGBTQ+ individuals takes different forms: employment, promotion,...

Problem of Suicidal Ideation in Sexual Minority

Bouris, A., Everett, B. G., Heath, R. D., Elsaesser, C. E., & Neilands, T. B. (2016). Effects of victimization and violence on suicidal ideation and behaviors among sexual minority and heterosexual adolescents. LGBT Health, 3(2), 153-161. The study was carried out to fill the gap in research concerned with the...

High-Risk Substance Use in Kenyan Students

Abstract This dissertation focuses on high-risk prevalence among Kenyan high school, college, and university students. International organizations and numerous researchers indicate that this problem is universal and especially acute for developing nations. Consequently, scientific evidence reveals that Kenya suffers from the situation, meaning that a study is needed to investigate...

Sociological Imagination: Thinking About the Mission

While thinking about the justifications for my selection, change is what comes first to mind. I do not fear change, and with this attribute, my survival in a challenging situation is guaranteed. I feel challenged, and I am up for it because tests pave the way for new experiences. This...

Coherence Definition and Importance

Coherence is defined as the human ability to identify meaningful elements, relationships, and connections between them and their value. Fullan and Quinn (2016) mention that greater coherence can be achieved through purposeful action and interaction, clarity and precision at work, and constant monitoring of progress and mistakes. Judging by this...

Approaches to the Study of Social Inequality

Introduction A distinctive feature of modern society – its differences along national, social, demographic, class, gender, religious, material and many other lines – has given rise to social inequality. Earlier it was manifested in the form of violence against the individual, today it is not so manifest; nevertheless, the problem...

Foundations in Couple and Family Therapy

Abstract When counseling, questions have a significant role; they enable the interviewer and interviewee to engage in various aspects. Linear and systemic questions have a significant impact on the performance of the interview. Counselors make use of these types of questions to gain insights into the problem experienced by the...

The “How Much Does Your Name Matter?” Podcast Review

Racism is still a critical topic because it is presented in various forms that are challenging to control legislatively. The podcast “How much does your name matter?” discusses unique African American and white names that cause racial discrimination. For instance, the podcast’s guest, Steve Levitt, talked about their research that...

The Unfair Control of Power

There are a number of factors that make the methods by which kings and their heirs or relatives inherit control and power inherently unfair, inefficient, and even potentially harmful to the people which they rule. Historically, the male heirs are the only ones who can acquire the position of a...

Civilization and Its Special Features

Civilized societies are characterized by particular factors, including a set political, socio-economic, religious, and cultural structure. In the early historical periods of Western cultures, socializing and communicating played a critical role in sharing innovative and controversial ideas. In this way, the ideological division contributed to certain social groups being seen...

Censorship and Cancellation in Different Spheres

As the restriction of speech and communication, censorship has always been an integral part of society. Usually, it is determined by the government, private institutions, or public foundations in order to control obscenity, child pornography, hate speech, as well as improve the level of national security. Currently, censorship is frequently...

Telephone Culture and Role of Gender Differences

The phone is a convenient and operational means of communication; without which it is impossible to imagine modern life. They exchange personal and official information by phone, arrange meetings, establish and develop business contacts. Humanity has been using the telephone for more than a century: in 1876, the first, still...

Sexual Harassment and Assault in the Army

Introduction The purpose of this essay is to determine why personnel in the army remain gender-stereotyped and rape deficient despite robust training initiatives and requirements. In the military, sexual assault occurs as a result of insufficient knowledge and understanding associated with gender stereotypes and rape myths acceptance. Training validity and...

Emotional Intelligence Development in Contemporary World

In today’s realities, emotional intelligence plays a pivotal role in personal communication. Since information is the least influential factor in interaction, emotions have the most significant impact on people’s impressions. David Goleman is one of the most powerful scientists in the emotional intelligence sphere (Goleman, 2012). His scientific works, books,...

Gambling, Financial Problems, and Family Impact

Gambling often contributes to increases in debt problems and psychological distress, both or one who has pre-existed or even influenced gambling. The use of an individual’s resources in the form of gambling often results in severe financial loss, which then contributes to increased borrowing, as it is often a diagnostic...

What About Gender Is Most Interesting to Sociologists?

Before the emergence of the discipline of gender studies, there was an understanding that the social is biologically determined; that is, boys and girls are like that because they were born like that. The understanding that the dual division of norms constructed by society does not coincide with the biological...

Confidentiality from Ethical and Legal Perspectives

In all moral codes, the boundaries of confidentiality are prescribed, about which the consultant must warn the client. The limits of privacy are usually discussed at the first meeting with the client and during further interaction when newly manifested circumstances require it. Surveys of clients show that, unfortunately, most of...

The Issue of Low-Income Working Mothers

Families headed by single mothers are a widespread social phenomenon all over the United States. At the same time, often, such families are vulnerable and unprotected against the socio-economic challenges that face all the parents raising their children and maintaining the household. However, some single parents with a more stable...

Gentrification and Segregation in US Society

Introduction As the population of the United States continues to rise and more people move to the country’s cities, the need for additional housing grows. As a result, gentrification has become a more common phenomenon. Gentrification refers to the process of transforming areas to meet the wants and desires of...

Euthanasia in Modern World: Ethical & Legal Issues

Buturovic, Z. (2021). Embracing slippery slope on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia could have significant unintended consequences. Journal of Medical Ethics, 47(4), 257-258. This article presents a critical account of physician-assisted euthanasia, or physician-assisted suicide, focusing on distinguishing somatic and psychiatric patients. While the author maintains an ethical position regarding the...

Social Work Assignment: Gender, Money, and the Charity Organization Society

Throughout the history of its development, the sphere of social work has witnessed the work of various contributors dedicated to achieving social equality and creating an inclusive environment in which all people can feel accepted and valued. Considering the diversity of such professionals is important for illustrating the multi-dimensional nature...

Community Influence on Racial Identity

America is on the verge of a racial melting point due to the expansion of multiracial individuals. The definitions that fit an individual are framed by ethnic or racial identity. Conceptualizing the multidimensional constructs consists of the diverse attitudes amongst the people. As such, race is a discourse subject that...

Aspects of Working on Self-Improvement

Self-improvement is often approached as a complicated and multi-dimensional issue that seems more complex in theory than it actually is. However, striving to be better and to do things that enrich one’s life and make it healthier, more fulfilling, and exciting comes down to recognizing positive practices. Such activities may...

Homelessness During COVID-19 in the US and Europe

Rodriguez, N. M., Lahey, A. M., MacNeill, J. J., Martinez, R. G., Teo, N. E., & Ruiz, Y. (2021). Homelessness during COVID-19: challenges, responses, and lessons learned from homeless service providers in Tippecanoe County, Indiana. BMC Public Health, 21(1657), 1-11.  The primary focus of the study is to analyze and...

Issues of Female Gender in Modern World

Introduction Literature studies may be utilized to access the vast amount of human experience on gender issues in order to raise awareness among individuals. Books have traditionally acted as guidebooks for behavior, enforcing social norms on female readers through moral norms in the texts (Dicke et al., 2019). Thus, it...

Race Related Issues in Society

In modern humanistic society, discrimination on various grounds, including race, is unacceptable. However, even nowadays, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanic face various difficulties due to their race. In particular, Blacks in America face systematic labor discrimination that affects women particularly hard (Weller, 2019). People of color also suffer the...

Disabilities: The Intersectional Character

Introduction The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), passed in 1990, has significantly improved the lives of disabled individuals, in particular, by facilitating their access to public spaces. However, these people are still faced with injustices, and such factors as gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and religion may further worsen their...

Drug Addiction and Stigmatization

The most perplexing aspect of addiction is its nature. People always have reasons to fall into drug addiction. A mentally healthy person living a fulfilling life will never consider drugs to alleviate mental pain. From my point of view, the core reason for drug addiction is society’s order: poverty, stigmatization,...

Causes to Eradicate Homophobia and Sexism

I am a woman, and women of the FMLN movement stand for social justice and equality are ought to as well. Unlike men of the FMLN, women of the movement are fighting two injustices at once, one from the dictatorship and one from within the group. We joined the group...

Importance of High Teachers’ Educational Level

Teacher’s Educational Level The quest for quality teachers is a substantial aspect that drives the urge to invest much in the education career (Brickman, 2010)1. On a local perspective, Cristina (2012)2, the Hon. Minister of Education and Employment at that time, stated that teachers continue to be the most important...

Global Societal Issue: Food and Water Security

To identify and narrow down possible topics, I researched official documents and studies on the available themes, summarizing the knowledge available so far. Statements from government bodies, academic institutions, and organizations battling global societal issues were also useful for this endeavor, as they allowed examining the subjects in detail. According...

Annville: Society According to Durkheim

I named my society Annville after my granny, who passed in 2014. I was raised in GA, the US, in a small town called Rome. Annville is located off the coast of GA, which defines a number of societal peculiarities of its members. It seems reasonable to claim that people...

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families as Welfare Policy

The Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) began in 1996 with the passing of the associated action. It was meant to strengthen families, encourage their workforce participation, and prevent long-term dependency on welfare (Hamilton, 2016). The program attempted to help low-income communities achieve self-sufficiency by not simply offering cash but...

O’Neill vs. Singer: Human Moral Obligations

After having outlined Peter Singer’s and Onora O’Neill’s positions on what human moral obligations are, I will argue in favor of Peter Singer. The first reason for this is that he is less demanding than O’Neill. Singer makes his position clear from the start of the text. It is evident...

An Analysis of a Letter by Martin Luther King

The letter from Birmingham Prison, written by famed human rights activist Martin Luther King, is a consistent response to criticism about the rationale behind his and his followers’ actions. King’s activist actions and his spread of awareness of the need for tolerance for race, culture and religion are called untimely...

Bullying in Poverty and Child Development Context

Introduction Fundamentally, poverty defines the low socioeconomic status that deprives people of the ability to access vital resources such as food, clean water, clothing, and accommodation. However, the modern context of poverty also includes the deprivation of proper health care, education, and social security (Okalow, 2021). While poverty remains a...

Democracy in America: Unperfect, But Still Prevails

The article looks at the views of French historian Alexis de Tocqueville on democracy and its potential dangers. The scholar praised this political system but noted that it might become a “Tyranny of the Majority” (de Tocqueville, Alexis). Tyranny is generally associated with a dictatorship of political leaders who misuse...

Living Alone: The Rise of the Trend

There are two main cultural and economic forces that contribute to the development of this trend. Firstly, the market continues inventing and producing tools and devices for the household that simplify the performance of housekeeping duties (Family diversity is the new normal for America’s children, 2022). Therefore, people, particularly women,...

The Marijuana Legalization Arguments Analysis

Introduction Over the past decades, the world has experienced increased debate on the need for marijuana legalization. Marijuana is the realm’s most prevalent illegal drug, with an extensive base of regular users. It is the third most commonly used recreational drug in Western countries after alcohol and nicotine. Marijuana, which...

Adolescent Addiction and Behavioral-Based Alcoholism

Background Addiction to substances can be perplexing and difficult to comprehend. Despite the progressively unfavorable consequences, addicted people take drugs and alcohol obsessively. Psychiatrists and psychologists have created a variety of theoretical models to explain the paradoxical and complicated character of addictive behavior throughout the years. Various techniques have been...

Comparing Two Ethical Approaches: Utilitarianism and Social Contract Ethics

Ethical norms have one important common characteristic – they regulate the relationship between people in society who act for the benefit of others of their free will. In other words, ethical standards are a more comprehensive concept than laws since most members of society obey them based on internal, personal...

Domestic Violence: Preventing Intimate Partner Violence

Domestic violence, meaning a violent act committed against a person in a domestic relationship such as a spouse, a relative, or a dating or sexual partner, has been a problem for centuries. Although society, especially Western, is formally developing in the way of spreading the ideas of tolerance, large mindedness,...

Gender Roles in Advertisements

Gender roles were a vital tenet, more so in the conformity era of the 1950s. For men, their roles as the breadwinners dictated their responsibility as the sole providers and heads of the household. Meanwhile, women were supposed to be stay-at-home mothers busy tending to the family’s needs and shopping,...

Social Inequality: Challenges and Benefits

Introduction Social inequality is one of the most severe problems of today’s society, requiring immediate solutions. In the previous essay, strengthening human capital, raising the minimum wage, and altering corporate governance were presented as possible solutions. However, such proposals require a detailed analysis of both the ways of their implementation...

Discussion of Race and Gender Identity

Nowadays, the question of identity stirs tempestuous debates. The traditional paradigm with a white man in the center of the universe is slowly passing into oblivion. Still, many people defend this model sorting others in men and women, black and white. It is hard for them to think outside the...

Ethics of Care (EOC) and Healthcare

Introduction EOC is a feminist philosophical perception that uses rational and context-bound methodology toward principles and decision-making. Caring is a universal attribute of human relationships and is the basis of many social connections. For people to forge friendships and bonds, the involved parties must feel cared for. This insinuates that...

Aspects of Older Adults and Sexuality

For females, most undergo the climacteric transitional period beginning in their 40s and completed by their 50s. At this time, reproductive capacity slows, menopause begins, and the menstrual cycle is completed. Physical age-related changes occur to the reproductive system, such as thinning of vaginal walls as they become dry and...

Assisted Living in American Society

Introduction Assisted living is a vital part of American society that provides a unique service for older people and their families. Facilities that provide this service regularly put their efforts into making the lives of their residents less burdensome by having assistants that are available at any time and facilitate...

The Thomas Theorem and the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

For many years, sociologists have strived to understand how people perceive reality and what consequences this perception can cause. The Thomas couple, for instance, has offered their theorem, claiming that “If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences” (as cited in OpenStax, 2015, p. 85). It...

The “Gray Area Drinking” TED Talk by Jolene Park

There is a significant functional connection between food, emotion, environment, and movement to one’s physical body. When most people are faced with discomfort in life, they make ways to refresh from such stress by taking alcohol to manage the pressure. This should not be the case since the brain craves...

Racial Stereotypes and Prejudice in Modern Society

The black people have always been suffering from oppression throughout history, starting from the period of colonization and until nowadays. Although society seems to be awakening from ignorance and the Black Lives Matter movement made a massive shift in people’s minds, there are still numerous problems and struggles that black...