Personality Type and Work-Related Outcomes

Personality is a set of features that differentiate people one from another. Theorists have been trying to define the words personality and trait for many years. Some psychologists claim that trait theory is “a trend to emphasize the importance and centrality of stability parameters in human personality” (Cohen, Ornoy, &...

A Change in the Way You Deal With Other People

Introduction Since no man is an island, it is convenient to learn how to handle other people in our lives. Before handling other people, it is worth noting that people are different. Some people are difficult to handle or impossible, while others are easygoing. An efficient way of dealing with...

“China’s Population Destiny: The Looming Crisis” by Wang Feng

This article explores the untouched element of the Chinese population, which remains a monumental topic. The article indicates that many people have focused on China’s rise economic growth that places it among other leading economies of the world, including the U.S., and the United Kingdom. While it is arguable that...

Charities in the United Kingdom

Introduction Charities are organizations that are established to extend humanitarian assistance or services to the community. A charitable organization can be local or international. A local charity organization caters to the humanitarian needs of the people within the locality in which the organization is based. An international charitable organization is...

African American Females’ Experiences in Community Colleges

Introduction In spite of the fact that African American women are traditionally discussed as the underrepresented population in colleges and universities of the United States, nowadays, it is possible to observe a positive tendency in this sphere. Thus, by 2010, more than 65 percent of African American women had obtained...

Radio Communication and Early Oral Tradition in Canada

Since the very beginning of its history, Canadian communication has been developing and shaping in the increasingly controversial and ambiguous social conditions. Canadian communication has come to exemplify the gradual formation of self-consciousness, political power, and individuality. It was probably due to political pressures and social constraints that the Canadian...

Canadian LGBT Progress Overview and Analysis

Recently, the Conservative Party of Canada gave up its long-standing anti-LGBT position (Gallagher par. 1). This was one of the many achievements of Canada’s LGBT community within the past decades. The country has traveled its way from stigmatizing and marginalizing gay people to having “one of the world’s strongest and...

Intersectionality: Diversity Within Categories

Abstract This paper explores the notion of intersectionality along with the challenges and advantages that it seems to open up. Having been suggested in the previous century, the idea of the importance of the intersectionality approach in the field of social studies appears to have changed our perception of discrimination....

Slavery Operation Institution and Its Impacts to Slaves

Introduction Slavery is an arrangement where human beings are treated as the property of other human beings. The slaves do not offer themselves as property they are only apprehended against their will from the moment they are born, incarcerated, or bought. Also, they are not supposed to leave their masters...

The Role of Culture in the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Introduction Philosophers define justice as a central element of social institutions that upholds human rights. In the context of school, it means that all students should be treated equally and feel valued. However, it is not true for many American young people. The school-to-prison pipeline has made a significant influence...

Communication Technology and the Reduced Contacts of People

Introduction The term technology has a broad meaning and can imply different artifacts used to develop computers. The term can also refer to those tactics applied in the process of designing these artifacts. Researchers have revealed diverse categories of technology. For instance, the onset of computer technology in the early...

Social Sciences: African American Stereotypes

Introduction Dating back to the colonial years of settlement, stereotypes have been part of America especially after inheriting slavery. Stereotypes of African Americans can be traced back to as early as in the first films and were modernized throughout film history. African Americans are citizens or residents of the United...

Chester Enterprises: Violence in the Workplace

Executive summary Violence at work is a broad subject addressing any actions between members and/or non-members of an organization within the workplace, which could cause psychological or physical harm to the people involved. Violence at the workplace can occur between people who are part of an organization, those related to...

Miami and Vulnerable Populations

Introduction Miami is one of the more famous cities in the United States. It is located in Florida and has a dense and highly diverse population. The majority of its citizens live in the urban environment. Most of them are middle-aged, but younger people are also relatively common. Older citizens...

The Role of Personal Ethics

Ethics is an essential aspect of every sphere of life. A primary goal of this essay is to explain the differences, similarities, and correlations between terms such as morals, value, and ethics. Moreover, the role of ethics is analysed in the context of forensic psychology with the help of two...

What Is Sociology: Brief Explanation

In order to understand their themselves people created a number of sciences, which were meant to uncover the principles of society’s functioning as well as the functioning of a single person in it. Sociology is one of these sciences. To understand basic concepts, the origin and evolution of sociology, its...

Women Sexuality Regulations by Government, Religion, Society, and Schools

Introduction Practice of issues related to women sexuality in public is still considered as immoral, dirty and thus unacceptable by the entire society. Women still face oppression on matters pertaining abortion, birth control, sexual abuse and female circumcision. Various disciplines such as religion, government and society continue to oppress women...

Domestic Violence Problem Overview and Analysis

Domestic violence is a controversial aspect of life, evolving from both physical and mental abuse of a person. In contemporary society, violence against another person can be justified and even encouraged as an acceptable form of decent behavior. Consequently, domestic violence has its origin in societal tolerance to the victimization...

Professionalism Among the Gold Coats

The following article written by Pam Belluck describes the dementia problem solving at the California Men’s Colony. A group of convicted in murder prisoners help care for old diseased prisoners. In this paper we are going to answer the questions in regard to the Gold Coats and their functions definition....

The Debate on Pregnant Women’s Equality in the Workplace

There is a long time history of pregnant women’s struggle for equality not only in the workplace but also in all social spheres. Accordingly, “new mothers are vulnerable not only to being fired, but to being kicked out of school, humiliated, and even, when they breastfeed, banished from the public...

Microaggressions and Methods of Countering Them

Introduction Microaggressions are the forms of passive sub-conscious racism and sexism manifestation. Many people use them and do not understand either the fact of using them or the implications they have. Microaggressions not only express disrespect and fuel tensions between different social and gender groups but also solidify the stereotypes...

Construction of the Sense of Meaning and Identity

Introduction Working context has always had a considerable effect on the person’s achievements and social behaviour. There are a number of factors that affect the way a person behaves or acts in a definite situation. All these factors account for the formation of a person’s identity and his/her attitude towards...

Remedies for Marijuana Addiction

Introduction Every community has a given limit of tolerance that is accorded to the behavior and conduct of its people and this is guided by moral, spiritual and legal principles. When an individual behaves in a manner that contravenes these set guidelines he is said to be deviant because he...

The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test: Controversies

Introduction The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) is one of those issues nowadays that evokes controversial responses from the public. Society is worried about the level of education the children receive as well as the amount of the rest they get along with a load of homework and tests. Moreover,...

Child Slavery and Sexual Trafficking

Child slavery is a business, which brings milliards of dollars to its owners, a reality of our world. Many people believe that it happens somewhere far away and not in our community. Slavery for us is just a picture from the textbook, but not the fact. The Civilized world, talking...

Population Growth Rates: Population Mesa Census

Mesa is one of the largest cities in Arizona. It is also classified among the fastest growing cities in United States. In United States, census is conducted after every ten years. The information obtained from census is used in determining the number of political seats in each region, and also...

Women Leaders in the Field of Corrections

Research Question One of the most challenging professions for women, the work in the field of corrections, has spurred a surge of applications from women recently. According to the summary offered by the American Society of Criminologists (2011), the number of women who are willing to devote their careers to...

Racial Discrimination Within the Educational Setting

Article 1: The World Outside and Inside Schools The author in this story of the world outside and inside the school is mainly based on the life of those immigrant students who come in from different countries and join the American schools which are mostly English-speaking schools. These immigrant students...

Atlantic Slave Trade and Its Effect on Africa and the Americas

Introduction The high discrimination against the black people in the cause of slavery and after this slavery might bring about the idea that holding the African people into slavery started as a consequence of racism. But on the other hand, more than fifty years ago, there was a strong argument...

The Money Factor in Drug and Alcohol Treatment

A vast number of individuals fail to take up drug treatment because they are unable to raise the money that is required to enroll in such a program. This paper will analyze the cost issues that feature during drug treatment. The research for this paper will focus on information from...

Representations of Chavs: Stereotypes and Prejudices

Chavs. According to many commenters on The Guardian’s comment website, it was they who fuelled the London riots, causing misery to good, hard-working citizens, looting and burning down stores with any stupid excuse. The solution? Chavs should work harder, they should pay attention in school, they should try to make...

Contradictions of Relativism and Subjectivism

Shafer-Landau explains that belief within the society can be divided into two. The first branch of the belief system within a society is based on a specific individual. Different individuals have different beliefs about the various actions that take place within the society in which they live in. Hence, an...

Brownmiller on Free Speech and Pornography

Brownmiller’s argument for keeping pornography under wraps (Lederer 54) is based on the premise that it is not a political statement that deserves Constitutional protection. Hence, one of her conclusions is that women who patronize a newsstand should not have to confront a whole range of women en dishabille on...

Commitment of Sexual Offenders in California

Introduction In the United States of America, sexual offenders have attracted a lot of attention in relation to the risk assessment for recidivism (Doren, 2002). The risk assessment for recidivism is an estimate of the likelihood of an offender to revert to illegal behavior after the jail term (Beggs &...

Ethical Principles of Behavior, Religion, Duty

Basically, ethics can be defined as the moral principles guiding people’s behaviors. It is concerned with what is good for individuals and society at large. That is, it reveals what is considered as right or wrong, just or unjust, and good or bad based on human behavior. More so, ethics...

Populism in Venezuela During the CHávez Era

How Populism Bloomed in Venezuela during the Chávez Era Hugo Chávez, a charismatic leader of the populist movement in Venezuela, inspired by the ideas of Simon Bolivar, proclaimed himself “an interpreter of the Venezuelan peoples’ demands,” and in 1998 with his entry for the presidency, he started the Bolivarian Revolution,...

Can the EU Reduce Immigration Into Europe?

European countries, especially those in the European Union, have always been attractive for immigrants. The main principle of the EU is to eliminate any borders to make trade and cooperation much easier. Even within the EU, some countries are highly developed, while others need investments for further economic growth and...

Democracy: Principles and Critiques

Diversity and Democracy Diversity has become a popular human resources concept in the recent years (Levine, 2003). The way its ideas seem to correlate with the principles of democracy makes them very alluring. The Democratic Principles Chosen Among the main principles of democracy the equality of all people and the...

The U.S. Education: Effect of Poverty

Introduction Poverty: Collection of several factors befalling an individual, family or a group of people such that it becomes exceedingly impossible for such a person, family or group of people to provide for the basic human needs. Effect of Economic Limitations Due to Poverty Low economic status leads to poor...

Binge Drinking Issue Review

The article examines and analyzes the problem of drinking among undergraduates and assesses reasons and factors of drinking behavior. The effect of alcohol varies by social position and achievements of students. Female students who drink face a lower risk of death than male students, but an increased risk of breast...

Animal Rights: Kantian vs. Utilitarian Views

Animal rights refer to the fact that; considerations should be given to animals as it is, to human beings. Regan rejected what was said by Emanuel Kant that animals are a means to human’s ends, stating that animals should not be used as a means to an end. He argued...

Concept of Democracy in the Black Community

Introduction Presently, the issue of sports and racism centers on the communal and biased implication associated with the issue of black athletic supremacy and/or the overall view of such presumed supremacy (Morgan, 2007). The hot subject dated April 23, 2006, featuring on United States news and Global headline was “is...

Women as Leaders in the Correction Institutions

Introduction A number of female employees are interested in occupying the positions in the corrections. The work in prison is usually considered as the male one and when women are noticed at those positions a number of questions arise. Correction establishments are presupposed for working with criminals who are prejudiced...

Objectivity in the Role Played by University Student Leaders

Abstract The need of a student leadership in universities cannot be overemphasized. Considering the university setup where students have too much freedom, and unlike school settings where there is more interaction between students and the administration, university student leadership is crucial in ensuring a working relationship between the university and...

Suicide Within the Youth: Causal Analysis

Introduction The problem of suicide within youth is one of the most burning problems nowadays. Originally, young people commit suicide because of their lack of self-confidence, lack of confidence in their future, and lack of life experience. Nevertheless, even if the key reasons are known, it is almost impossible to...

The Problem of Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States

Prescription drug abuse is a serious health concern that causes an overdose crisis in the United States. There are several determinants such as social, economic, and healthcare-related issues, leading to the increased opioid-associated mortality. Even though the problem of prescription drug abuse is multifaceted and complicated, it is possible to...

Save The Children: Organization Analysis

Save The Children is an organization based on assisting the less fortunate children in society. In the recent past, there have been a lot of challenges facing the world at large, for example, civil wars in politically unstable countries, election violence, hunger caused by drought and poor economic levels in...

“On the Tranquility of Mind”: Seneca on Possessions

In this paper, I will defend the claim that people should limit their possessions to be less exposed to sudden misfortunes, made by Seneca in the dialogue “On the Tranquility of Mind” from the objection that sufficient property can repel any misfortune. Explaining his views on the state of human...

“Surge Is Coming – Is Your Region Really Ready?” by Adams

Introduction The article under analysis was written by Lavonne. E. Adams in December 2009 for the HIS journal of Homeland security. It is entitled “Surge is coming – is your region really ready?” Analysis The research question has not been stated as such but it has been implied in the...

Deprivation of Liberty and Safeguard: Bournwood Case Study

Introductions The bournewood case was initiated in July 1997 and it concerned a 49 years old man known as HL suffering from autism, who was admitted to a Bournewood Psychiatric Hospital after a stressful day at a daycare center. Mr. and Mrs. E the man’s guardians had brought him to...

Impact of Grief Caused by Violence in the Community

Grief…It is natural for humans to feel deep pain and sorrow when grief occurs. Grief causes devastation and kills a part of any human’s heart; it also brings crucial changes to the community where it arises. In the following paper grief caused by shooting in Casas Adobes, Arizona on January...

Performance Enhancing Drugs and the Student Athletes

Introduction Many physicians, parents and coaches worry about the effect of performance enhancing drugs in schools and colleges (Amy, n.d.). The Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) reports that in every thirty student-athletes, one will use performance-enhancing drugs like steroids (“Coalition addresses abuse of performance-enhancing drugs,” 2004). Research should find...

Feminism Concepts in “Cinderella” Fairy Tale

Modern culture is still very much affected by folk tales even though nowadays standards of morality undergo significant changes. It is no wonder as the sources of eternal wisdom can be found in fairy-tails. People have always been in a search for entertaining, interesting, creative, easy and engaging ways of...

Animal Exploitation and Utilitarianism

Unlike the non-human animals, we live in a society that does not believe the laws of nature to be the sole possessor of ultimate truth. Long years of human development have shaped another law that may be violated by some individuals but has a significant influence on our decision-making process....

Race and Your Community in the United States

When one is judged or discriminated against because of the color of his skin or his origins and beliefs, it referred to as racism. This makes one feel belittled when with other people of another race (Moore, n.d). Racism in the United States dates back to the colonial era where...

Legal Age of Drinking and Debates Worldwide

The legal age of drinking is the minimum legally allowed age that a person is permitted to get access to or purchase an alcoholic beverage (a drink containing ethanol). These beverages include beers, wines, and spirits. It however differs from that age that one may be allowed to drink alcohol....

Different Aspects of Social Webbing

Currently, accessing social websites has turned out to be extraordinarily popular amongst all kinds of people. For example, sites like Face-book, my space, tagged and twitter have had most people acquire accounts there. These sites require regular status and profile updates together with constant communications with friends. Because of this,...

Concept of Sociology and Its Theory

Introduction When the term Division of Labour strikes the mind the first notion that is carried in the mind is economics or commerce. But this aspect befits well in the discipline of sociology. Sociology encompasses a variety of social stratification theories that try to answer many questions concerning ethical and...

Women and Inequality in Aboriginal Society

Aboriginal people are the first nation of Canadian population researched by many (Steckley, 1997) and today they suffer greatly from prepossession against them. But “it seems to us that the continuing existence of aboriginal nations is a political and legal reality as well as a historical fact” (Erasmus, 2002). Moreover,...

Power and Injustice in Carol’s and Le Guin’s Works

Introduction Power is one of the most confusing and vacillating themes in any given society. Those who don’t have it seek to find it by all means while those who have it think of new ways to make their grip on it even stronger. Power shows itself in society at...

Tackling Multi-Faced Racial Fetishism

For many decades the word “racism” and “fetishism” evoked negative sensations and connotations due to well-known factors. These delicate topics were never something to be easily dealt with. Nowadays we observe the reverse. Not that they are approved of, they are clashed together to reveal an interesting but nonetheless frightening...

Formation of the Alcoholics Anonymous Association

Alcoholic Anonymous is an association of different people recuperating from alcoholism who come together to contribute their experiences about alcoholism and its effects. The organization aims to encourage more people to stop taking alcohol and help alcoholic addicts to overcome their situation. Alcoholic Anonymous is an international organization formed in...

History of Social Welfare and the Political Arena

Immigrants are seen invading United States of America through free scholarship and green cards. Immigrants affect the country financially. This is where the number of consumers increases hence fluctuating the budget. Communities which receive immigrants get support from social workers who are seen to be very generous, supportive and welcoming....

Prospects and Problems Faced By Women Entrepreneurs in Pakistan

Introduction Entrepreneurship is highly embraced in the contemporary competitive world. Its input to the economy is acknowledged worldwide (Fielden 2010). In Pakistan, especially in Peshawar, Islamabad, Lahore, and Karachiit, it is unfortunate to note that entrepreneurship is considered a male-gendered concept (Hafizullah, Manzoor, Hussain, & Farooq 2012). Women are highly...

Sexual Harassment Predicament and Analytical Solutions

Introduction Sexual harassment violates both State and Federal law (Marshall 104). Sexual harassment is a form of sexual discrimination that involves sexual advances that are unwelcome and sexual favors requests. Sexual harassment can be physical or verbal. Sexual harassment is regarded as physical when it involves energy while it is...

Effective Implementation of Title IX

Introduction Title IX as a policy was primarily developed with the bigger picture of issues that are related to gender in mind. It was fundamentally meant to bring a sense of balance when dealing with the gender agenda in learning institutions. Some of the ideas through which we will navigate...

Glass Ceiling: Women in the US

Abstract The glass ceiling is a phenomenon that has been perceived to exist in the US. The phenomenon has been seen to prevent women and minorities from attaining higher positions in private and public corporations, educational institutions, and federal and state government bodies in the US. The Glass Ceiling Commission...

Drunken Driving as a Problem in Many Countries

Alcohol is a drink that is made from natural products like fruits and vegetables that are fermented by the use of yeast. Alcohol comes in different forms and can be used as an antiseptic or a sedative. When people drink alcohol, it gets absorbed in the bloodstream thus affecting the...

Attitudes in South Dakota about Medical Marijuana: Recreational Use

It is not a secret that marijuana as well as other drugs are prohibited throughout the world. Only in some countries, cannabis is legalized: Jamaica, Netherlands, some states of the USA, Canada, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, etc. Thereby, the question of marijuana legalization is a topical one in other parts...

The Powerful Grip of Communication

Aristotle said “He who is unable to live in a society, or who has no need, because he is sufficient for himself, must be either God or beast.” In accordance to man’s psychological and biological needs, he is linked with the society due to his emotional build-up and he has...

Russian Immigrants’ Oral History

Russia has always been interesting to me. Being the largest country in the world, it has its own unique and interesting history, which is full of the outstanding men, great achievements and mysteries. Their culture is just opposite to ours and it is very interesting to get to know about...

Responsibility as an Ethical Concept

I have always considered myself a person of high self-reflection abilities. I tend to analyze every single aspect of my life that I can control such, as my actions, decisions, emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Too often people look for someone to blame when they should be more conscious of themselves....

Race and Ethnicity Necessity

In the current reality of the international society built under the influence of the process of globalization, ethnicity seems to matter much less than before; a similar tendency can be explored in Miami as well. This phenomenon of being “post-racial” can be witnessed on the most varied levels of society...

Substance Use by Parents and the Effect on Kids

Introduction The misuse of substance among children has been a major problem in most countries (Velleman and Templeton 2007). Research has indicated that children who are introduced to substance abuse at early stages in their lives are likely to develop serious psychological and behavior disorders in adulthood (Velleman and Templeton...

Readings on Slavery and Racial Segregation in the US

There are certain themes expressed in the readings that are too surprising to be true. Many years after slavery was abandoned, the black generation is still suffering its consequences. Despite the fact that some of the black parents have succeeded and are involved in high-profile jobs in the United States,...

Societal Behaviors: Term Definition

Introduction A society can be defined as a relation of people in territories defined by geography under similar cultures, politics or language. A society can further be outlined by association. Through these associations, various factors do eventually emerge about the morals and general term for description of behaviors of these...

Nazi March Permission: The Ethical Dilemma

Leaders often contend with conflicting situations that compel them to ignore partisan concerns raised by antagonistic groups in order to come to objective decisions. For instance, when a leader has to choose between the right to safety and security of one group and the fundamental liberties of another, an impartial...

Language and Culture Barriers Faced by N.Y.P.D

Introduction The New York City police department has been facing various challenges when it comes to handling crimes in the city. This is because the city is made up of people of different cultures and backgrounds who do not speak the same language. Even though America is an English-speaking nation,...

Smoking: Addiction Treatment Methods

Motive for Smoking The rapists typically advise those who are daily tobacco users to quit, despite their willingness. However, the intervention for the smokers without any desire to stop is a complicated one. It primarily consists of multiple brief motivational interviewing sessions which last for several minutes. An Intervention should...

Financial Aspects of Sex Industry

Introduction Sex industry is a commercial enterprise where sales and purchases of sexual activities are done. It includes prostitution and pornography which are sold and paid for. Legalized and illegal sex work Illegal sex workers make a sizable proportion of the vulnerable population. They are treated as criminals in the...

Education Trends of Women in the USA

Brief History From as early as the seventeenth century, when public schools were established, women could only attend school for four months in a year, starting from April. At this point in time, children under the age of seven years were not being admitted to school, but since their parents...

Drug Use, Dealing and Violence

Introduction Research shows that the issues of drug use, actual dealing in drugs, and violence are interrelated. De La Rosa, Lambert, and Gropper assert that this relationship is complex with increased research conducted on the causes, consequences, connections, and implications of this relationship from varying disciplines such as medicine, psychology,...

Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Social Skills Program for Preadolescents

Basic research question This research is more concerned with the role of peer relations in the social development of youths and children. Its main objectives include evaluating the effectiveness of social skill programs for preadolescents. The basic research question looks at outcomes of social skills that were crafted to better...

The Issue of Race in Determining a Person’s Identity

Introduction The individual identity of persons is critical, since it defines their character. A keen assessment of these traits reveals a lot about a person, including their upbringing, education and life experiences. Thus, segments of human development is subject to influence by several societal factors. As a result, this paper...

LGBT Minority in Higher Education

Introduction Positionality is a concept that plays an integral part in an individual’s day-to-day life. Misawa (2010) defines this concept as, “the power inherent in an individual’s immediate respective social positions. This concept is founded on the assertion that any person’s identity is not fixed but depends on their position...

Societal Mores in Communication and Interaction

Societal mores are a part of life and existence. They determine principles of communication and interaction between individuals in society. Mill and DeToqueville underline that for people to believe (or to pretend to believe) that they could establish “good” institutions to control “bad” men, i.e., men who in the narrow...

Slavery as a Peculiar Institution

When slavery was defined as a peculiar institution, it was thought to mean a distinctive aspect of the people of the US who had embraced it. In other words, it was used in a more positive light since those who partook of it believed that they were doing the right...

Social Sciences: Postdevelopment Literature and Theories

Draft The paper is on Post-development literature where the fundamentals of development are evaluated from the perspective of Rostow’s development theory and Wolfgang Sachs’ approach as a post-development thinker. Alongside, Implications of Rostow’s theory is also discussed with priority to understand the basic issues of the study. Discussion of Rostow’s...

Global Trends Affecting a Local Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers

Drug abuse is one of the greatest problems affecting the world today. Many countries have had to deal with so many problems that come with the use of harmful drugs. Some of the commonly abused drugs include alcohol, cocaine, bhang, and hero (Higgins, 2007). Apart from these, pharmaceutical drugs have...

Islamophobia in Europe: Switzerland, Geneva

The term Islamophobia is a word that has often been used to describe the discrimination that the Muslims face in Western Europe. The term emerged as a result of lack of a common understanding between the native Europeans and the Muslims politically, socially and legally. The term has in most...

Racial, Cultural and Educational Justice: Educator View

The race is defined as the poor assumption of ideas and actions emanating from the thoughts that one race is quite unique or superior to the other. It always results in mistreatment or discrimination of specific racial groups, while culture is the way different people carry on their daily activities...

Maternal Employment and Child Development

Introduction Beginning from the 1950s to the present, the number of women entering in employment has increased dramatically. The increase in this number has been accompanied by a great increase in maternal employment. According to Coontz (1997), as on one hand in the course of the 1950s the percentage of...

Ethnic and Racial Categories in Canada

Introduction The Canadian census collects data on the ethnic, national, and religious origins of Canadians as the primary reference for the representation of Canadian diversity (James and Lloyd 10). This has been the case since the early 1970s when the Canadian government began multiculturalism based on the recognition of ethnicity...

“Body Outlaws” by Ophira Edut

People may lack self-confidence and have serious hardships with raising their self-esteem due to a large set of body parts they are not satisfied with, so weight turns out to be not the key issue at all when it comes to appearance and its distance from the ideal. The collection...

The Changing Workforce In American Business

Introduction Demography means studying human populations with the help of statistics. This science is very general and can refer to “age groups, migratory groups, ethnic and or gender groups” (Song, 2009). The analysis can be applied to “groups or to the entire society taking into account education, religion, nationality, etc”...

V-Day: Until Violence Stops

Recently, many movements concerning women’s issues have been coming up. These movements could be national or international. One of these movements is V-day which is a global movement. This movement was founded by Eve Ensler in the late 1990s. It was inspired by “The Vagina Monologues” played by Eve Ensler....

“Illegal Aliens” in the United States Workforce

Introduction The issue of the illegal workforce in the USA is becoming more and more burning, as illegal workers are employed in numerous spheres of life. The fact is that, illegal workers are generally represented by the immigrants from the Third World Countries, and developing regions, consequently, they are of...

Articles on Animal Pritection Comparison

Introduction Several people have come up with some ideas to defend the rights of animals (non-humans). It has been argued that non-human animals, just like humans, have their rights that need to be protected and some have gone to an extent of opposing the idea o0f slaughtering animals for food...

Drama of the Modern World by Erich Fromm

Erich Fromm was a profound specialist in social psychology, and many of his ideas have tremendous importance for modern society on the way for self-conceptualization, finding the way out of the pessimism of the 20th century, and stipulating elevated goals for the future in the long run. He emphasized the...

Missing Issues in Perspectives of Social Development

Introduction Having considered the course I cannot but say that there are some points missed in the course. There are a lot of social problems, but I would like to concentrate on the several topics, that are neglected in the course. These are migration, poverty, and providing education in countries...

Making Fallacies by Announcements, Notices, Advertisements

There are a lot of fallacies in the sentences we write and speak. We can understand these fallacies if we are very keen in listening. Moreover, today’s announcements, notices, advertisements and some sentences in newspapers make fallacies. Informal logic is a logic which is framed recently to make analysis about...

Risk Society and Karl Marx’s Response to It

Introduction A German philosopher who has been credited with the Communism introduction, Carl Marx developed a socio-political and economic theory whose impact is still felt to date. He observed that the capitalist world will eventually explode due to industrialization that would leave the majority poor jobless and recession or economic...

Fredrick Douglas as an Example of a Strong Man

Introduction The question of race and equal opportunities remain sensitive for generations provoking the desire to harm other people. For years, a viable solution to these avalanches of negative desires and emotions, where one racial or ethnic group wants to take control over the other, has remained elusive. However, historians...

Jim Crow Laws and the “Great Migration”

African-Americans have gone through terrible experiences to eventually achieve the freedom that they now enjoy. The main demographic character of the black population in the late 19th century and early 20th century was rural and southern. It is in this period that the Jim Crow Laws came into effect and...

Mexican-American as a Minority Group

Introduction The Mexican American minority group is believed to have started migrating to USA in the twentieth-century. They originated from the subordination of the nation of Mexico to USA for the reasons that have been termed and described by the Historians as economic and political interests, for example, Romeo (p....

Racial Prejudices: Reflection on Readings

The question of racial prejudice always was one of the most problematic and striking all over the world. Three works I have read confirm this idea bearing the theme of advantages of the White and disadvantages of the Black. So, these works are dedicated to an insidious social and moral...

Influence of Gender and Race on Our Life Experiences

Marketing has been defined by the American marketing Association as a term that denotes the form of activities and an assortment of institutions as well as processes of creating, communicating and also delivering and the exchange of offerings that hold significant value for customers or the clientele pool (and the...

Legends on the Net: Modern Ways of Communication

The Gist The writer is referring to the use of modern communication technologies as a medium used in passing social-cultural practices as well as contemporary fads which develop into informal groupings built on similar trends. There exists a sophisticated system of communication that has enabled and simplified reaching any part...

Subject-Informal Logic: Arguable Issue

Arguable Issue Medical topics, specifically concerning issues that involve life and death decisions, are often viewed controversially in the society. In that regard, it can be stated that there issues that have polar opinions on, regardless of their legal status, although such aspect might differed as well. Among such arguable...

Poverty Relation With Immigrants

Background information Following the current changes in technology and modernization, the poverty-related immigration rate has been reported to be very high. It has been revealed that; the current advancement in technology and modernization has resulted in many environmental hazards; which have led to a decline in land productivity. More specifically,...

Violence Against Women and Women Battering

Introduction The issue of domestic violence is international because it cuts across all races, classes, religions and gender. Violence against women or women battering has for many years been considered a private issue. Hence, the conspiracy of silence against battered women has made its eradication very difficult due to the...

Women Position in America

Introduction In the United States of America, women in general constitute a larger population of approximately 144 million as compared to men who constitute a population of 138 million as per the year 2002. Despite the fact that female population is slightly higher that that of males, women do not...

Social Relations and State Control in “Penguin Island” Novel and “Brazil” Film

Since ancient times, social relations and state control have been an issue of discussion in the literature. The decay of modern society in both works participates in a widespread concern with social, moral, and even biological degeneration that swept through Western culture in the 20th century. Part of the failure...

Race Matters by Cornel West

Several events serve as references in the book such as the 1992 Los Angeles unrest, the 1991 Senate-approved trials of a high Court Justice Thomas, the 1991 riots instigated by racial discrimination in Crown Heights all look like long-gone memories from a past era. This book was printed from the...

New York State Domestic Violence Statics

Introduction Domestic violence refers to the frequent harassments of a family by one of their members resulting into serious quarrels among the parties involved; which may result into a fight. Order protection on the other hand refers to the order from the court of law that provides protection for an...

“Making Time: Clocking Social Relations” Review

In the chapter “Making Time: Clocking Social Relations”, Alan Sears explorers time as a “social construction.” The author estimates that life of a modern society depends greatly on time and that social structure is subordinate to Clock-Time. He raises the questions of individual perception of the time, influence of time...

Immigration Rights Problem Analysis

On July 6, 2010, the U. S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a lawsuit to challenge the move by the state of Arizona enacted recently. The racial profiling law (SB 1070) threatened to legally perpetuate a racial stereotyping culture of certain social groups thereby contravening the federal immigration policies. According...

The Impact of Culture and International Communication

Introduction Communicating effectively is vital in addressing an international audience. A high degree of sensitivity, skills and regulation is required. According to Victor (2009, p. 36), monitoring the content of a speech before and after its delivery, is necessary. Compared with casual speech, public speech requires a high degree of...

FGM Is an Issue of Global Interes

Introduction There has been hot world debate concerning female genital mutilation. Governments, religious organizations, cultural groups among others have been on the vanguard leading the debate about female genital mutilation, commonly referred to as FGM. The controversial question is whether FGM is a crime or it is a cultural or...

Social Problems: Exploring the Main Types

Introduction A social problem is a condition considered by some members who live in a particular community as being undesirable. The big population generally agrees about some social problems, such as murders and robbery. Other social problems are viewed differently, dependent on the different groups of people in a society...

Migration Health and Internet Use in Organizations

Migration is a social change whereby a person moves from one place to another to have a new settlement either for a given period or permanently. All over the world there is international migration which leads to much concern about the health of the migrants, and how they can access...

Distribution of Welfare in Australian Rural Regions

Introduction Inequality can be considered as one of the major characteristics of the development of human society. Throughout the whole history of mankind, people have tried to fight inequality, and this trying was expressed in political movements, social protest actions, and even military conflicts. However, even the most reputable scholars,...

The Relationship Between Drugs and Addiction to Crime

Introduction There exists much research exploration into the relations between crack cocaine and heroin and the commitment of felony. Nonetheless, there has not been much research into the links between crack, heroin and cocaine and the commitment of avenue law-breakings. In this essay, evidence is drawn on the investigative substantiation...

Gender & Politics in Post- Modernist Society

Introduction The idea of gender and politics has been taken as an important aspect for analysis in the recent past. Society has all along treated women to be apolitical, creating a scenario where men dominate the political scene, leaving little opportunity for the former. In many literary works, it has...

Jane Addams as a Sociological Theorist

Jane Addams was born in 1860 in Cedarville, Illinois. She is an American widely regarded sociologist and philosopher. Besides, she was the second woman rewarded with Nobel Peace Prize in 1931. In 1889 she became a co-founder of the first settlement house in the United States called Hull House. Together...

Gender Representation: Term Definition

Outline This paper will examine two films by John Ford of different time periods which proved to be very successful in influencing the world of films during their respective periods. It is interesting to examine the two films Stagecoach (1939) and The Searchers (1956) which are of different time periods...

Discrimination in Prison Problem

Introduction Though affirmative actions were intended to stop social injustice and compensate for differences in sex, gender, race, etc., the main functions of these measures were a temporal phenomenon. They had to keep our society from criminal acts committed and protect vulnerable social groups, including females, from oppression. Though, even...

Subject-Informal Logic: Rhetoric & Stereotypes

Introduction The word “stereotype” means “a person or thing that conforms to an unjustifiably fixed or standardized picture” (Fiske, 2006, p. 299). A very common example can be taken from the movies. Adam Sandler is a very popular American actor, but due to a large number of comedy movies in...

Violence in the Middle East

Introduction The headlines in both print and electronic media from the Middle East are becoming more and more brutal each day. As more individuals die, the growing loops of vengeance and guilt grow harder to disentangle. Violence is typically defined as an act of aggression against persons who resist the...

The Condition of Muslim Women.

The condition of Muslim women in any part of the world is a controversial issue. It is very ill-fated that Women in Islam suffer as a result of religious beliefs and practices. For many years Islam and Muslim was kept away from politics but in the recent time it is...

Chemical Dependency, Types and Their Destructive Consequences

Introduction Chemical dependency refers to the physical and psychological need to utilize alcohol and any other drugs, which the person continues to use despite their negative effects. Therefore, it is a chronic, major illness with hereditary, environmental and psychosocial factors, which influence its manifestations and improvement. The illness is mostly...

The Current Social Security System and the Alternatives for Reforming

Introduction The current social security system is not in an ideal state at the present period of time; it requires much work and improvement; however, it should not be replaced by a mandatory private pension system. Social security is now facing many problems – , inadequate financing and the demographic...

Discriminatory Practices in the Workplace

Introduction An increase in the rate of discrimination at workplaces has led to different commissions being established to ensure that employees are equally treated when it comes to hiring and promotion. Different factors have been found to contribute to discrimination at workplaces. These include sociological factors, psychological factors and encouragement...

Assisted Suicide: Critical Thinking and Rhetoric

Introduction Assisted suicide has become common in the current society due to the challenges that are being experienced in life. Suicide occurs when a person decides to intentionally kill themselves. On the other hand, assisted suicide is when somebody else takes the responsibility of assisting somebody else to die. This...

Glass Ceiling: Term Definition

Glass ceiling is a term that has been used to refer to the discrimination that is practiced against some genders or races with a sole intention of preventing them achieve high job profiles within the work place. It is a form of limitation that limits the minorities from getting the...

Euthanasia: The Medical Evidence and Moral View

The question of euthanasia creates numerous debates because of diverse views and opinions regarding the value and meaning of human life. Some critics admit that it is simply not true that human life is so absolutely sacred that people may never under any circumstances take a person’s life or, to...

Race and Your Community

In my twenty-eight years of interacting with my community, I have gained an insight into the differences in my community. After a close examination and scrutiny of the community where I come from, I have unconsciously realized that the majority of the community members are quite different. I concluded after...

Pakistan Aging Profile: Increase in Old People’s Population

Introduction The world’s population has grown very fast. Early developments indicated that developed countries had the fastest-growing number of older people. However, the trend has picked up in less developed countries of the world as well. By the year 2050, it is estimated that one billion two hundred thousand people...

Communication Processes in “Le Jaguar” Movie

Introduction Communication skills are the most important skills in our everyday life. Nevertheless, all the communication difficulties originate because of the inability to understand the motifs and intentions of the collocutor. Hence, people need to analyze the communication process in general. This paper aims to provide a detailed analysis of...

Why Guantanamo Bay Should Stay Open

Introduction President Barrack Obama, in keeping with his campaign pledges, ordered Guantanamo Bay prison to be closed with immediate effect. This happened on his second day as President. It was a bold move aimed at restoring the US’s moral image on a global scale. Before this, Guantanamo has been an...

Legality of Abortion in the USA: Discussion

Abortion is a hot issue in the United States public debate. This is how it has been for a long time. Political leaders, church leaders and members of the public have all aired their opinions as far as the issue is concerned. In a democracy like the United States, each...

Negro Kids: Racism in American Schools

Introduction The issue of racism remains a touchy one and many people are unwilling to talk about it. Some do not even think that it exists in the 21st century. Beverly Daniels Tatum in her book “Why are all the black kids sitting together in the cafeteria” talks about this...

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit for Happiness

Introduction Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are popular words contained in the American Declaration of Independence. These words are what define the American people. Even among non-Americans, the words are well known to most of them. With America being the most powerful nation on earth, these words are...

Youth Violence: The Columbine High School Case

Introduction Violence is a difficult term to define. However, it is a widespread vice which may take diverse meanings in different circumstances. In institutions of learning, the definition embraced by the management is significant in shaping the action that the educators take against behaviours regarded as violent. In general violence...

Wilson and Hughes’ Portrayal of African Americans

The twentieth century was the era of the African-American cultural movements and numerous, besides, successful attempts of African- Americans to present themselves as talented art workers. The ending of the American Civil War and the rights given to the black Americans gave way to a new trend in art called...

Gays in the Military: Current Situation and Problems

New Laws pertaining to Homosexuals in the U.S. military service were put in place in 1993, This was to reflect on negotiations in the policy. It was referred to as “don’t ask, don’t tell,” and it did hold that an individual in the armed forces who did reveal the intentions...

Identity. Family Traditions and Cultural Legacies

Self-identity is a construct that entails individual’s awareness of themselves against a background of various characteristics like gender, sexuality racial identity and many others. Self-identity is more general than self-esteem and self-confidence because the latter two cannot exist in the absence of self-identity. Self-identity as a construct is not restricted...

Pakistan: The Migration Profile

Immigrants in Pakistan Based on the World Population Policies 2005 report given by the United Nations, the total number of immigrants in Pakistan were approximately three million, two hundred and fifty four thousand people. This figure represented 2.1 percent of the total number of people present in the country and...