Assessment of Need and Practice of a Social Worker

Reflective practice Reflective practice is a continuous process by which an individual particularly a learner considers thoughtfully those things that they have gone through in their life applying the knowledge they have gained in addition to being taught by professionals. It is a self-regulated process that is mainly applied in...

Cleanliness and Godliness Definition in Society

Given the fact that the concept of “multiculturalism” in Western countries has gained a status of officially sponsored policy, and also the fact that the hawks of political correctness in these countries have convinced many citizens that they will be much better off, while applying neutral-sounding euphemisms to signify the...

Class and Alienation According to Marx

Introduction Class and alienation in the common world seem to be inevitable and all human beings will never be equal in terms of economy, social, political, religion or philosophy. The social class throughout the world is evident, and the best example is the big gap between the rich and the...

How Online Communities Can Be Used to Transform the Lives of Young People

Introduction Change, is said to be the only true constant; nothing ever really stays static. From the time we are born, we have to open up to the concept of change, to deal with the knowledge that what we know today will probably not be the same tomorrow and even...

Obedience to Authority in Society

Introduction The predicament of obedience is a critical element in the structure of our social life. In a community of people, there is a requirement of some form of authority that involves other people responding through disobedience or obedience to the instructions of others. People living in segregation do not...

Change Process in Social Work

The world is in a constant state of change and seemingly lacks organization and no one or no organization can escape the effects of operating in a continually dynamic, evolving landscape. So huge are these forces of change that the future success, and the very survival, of thousands of organizations...

Substance Abuse Prevention and Effective Prevention Programs

The discussion on substance use should be based on three distinctions made between use, abuse, and dependence. Substance use is taking of alcohol and drugs. Substance abuse is a maladaptive pattern of drug or alcohol use that leads to clinical impairment or distress. Substance abuse is manifested in failure to...

Why We Age and Anti-Aging Strategies

Introduction Scientists have always tried to come up with a theory that explains aging and so far there are several theories reached. Some theories states that aging process is natural and therefore from birth the body is programmed while other theories suggests that aging results from accumulation of damage over...

Driver’s Today Have Dangerous Driving Habits

Introduction Have you ever stopped to observe the driving habits of the other people behind the wheel these days? If you have then you must have noticed that driving is no longer the sole activity that the person in charge of the wheel is busy dealing with at any given...

The Addictions That Have Effects on Marriage

Introduction Marriage is the basis on which a family is grounded. It is a natural social system that occurs in heterogeneous forms today and represents a diversity of cultural heritage. The addictions that have effects on marriage can be classified into two groups: substance addiction and process addiction. Prominently ranked...

Gender Roles and Psychological Health

Introduction Gender roles – a tool of oppression or a harsh necessity? The emergence of traditional gender roles and the images of masculinity and femininity can be regarded as an attempt to organize the society and create stable social structures. Gender roles are present even in the 21st century, but...

Rehabilitation Programs Offered in Prisons

Introduction The major objectives for prisons are to rehabilitate the inmates in these prisons. This is seen as the major solution of trying to curb certain behaviors which do happen in our societies. You find that most of the offenders are involved in such crimes simply because they lacked someone...

Athena as an Important Symbol for Women

Introduction Mythology is one of the richest sources of knowledge left by ancient people. It contains information about all spheres of human activity, objects of worship, mysteries, and values peculiar to society at a certain period of time. Creating various gods and giving them superpowers, people tried to explain phenomena...

Gender Gap in Financial Literacy

Background of the Problem Studies on gender have become a significant part of scholarly literature in the past several decades. The possible reason for it is that many scientists are trying to analyze the possible differences and similarities in knowledge people of different genders have, as well as the approaches...

Nonconsequential Theory of Ethics: Case Analysis

Applying the principles of consequentialism and non consequentialism to the same situation can address it from different ethical points of view. According to Nye, Plunkett, and Ku (2015), the proponents of the first ethical theory state that good intentions and goals do not always clearly lead to positive consequences (p....

Deontological and Consequential Ethical Conflict

The understanding of whether a particular action is right or wrong depends on the perspective of a moral theory from which it is viewed. Deontological and consequential ethics are contrasting moral codes that often give contradictory views on different problems. According to Vaughn (2019), deontological ethics implies the vision of...

Sociological Themes in the “Taxi Driver” Film

Like other forms of artistic expression, movies can serve society, draw public attention to existing problems, and raise ethical questions. Taxi Driver is a movie by Martin Scorsese that tells a compelling emotional story of Travis Bickle, who works in New York as a cab driver after being discharged from...

The Idea of Home as a Special Place

Numerous thinkers of all nations and generations discuss the notion of home since it is a core idea that can be approached from different angles. An article “The idea of home: A kind of space” by Mary Douglas attempts to view the concept of home using an evidence-based approach. She...

Discrimination in Dubus’ “House of Sand and Fog”

Sociocultural issues that immigrants face in the United States remain numerous and very challenging to address despite the rise in public awareness. In his novel, Dubus provides a thought-provoking commentary on the nature of racism and discrimination in the U.S., depicting the life of an Iranian refugee in his House...

Feminism: “Made in Patriarchy” Article by Buckley

Introduction The role of women in history, as well as in other aspects of life, cannot be neglected. People like to understand the worth of a feminist approach in different spheres of life, and in this paper, the evaluation of the article about women in design written by Cheryl Buckley...

Domestic Violence: Causes and Effects

Background The phenomenon of domestic violence is upsettingly common in the present-day setting. Although it varies depending on the area and its unique characteristics, such as individual anger issues, education levels, social prejudices, etc., domestic violence can occur anywhere (Pearlman et al. 49). The persistent nature of the phenomenon alters...

The Concept of “Risk Society”

Find a historical media piece that aptly explores a particular risk. Choose one that has had a large impact on a group or population. Outline what you see as the perceived risk(s) and their impact. As far as I am concerned, the statement that we live in a ‘risk society’...

Personal and Shared Knowledge

Key Words and Terms Knowledge can be described as a tool with which people interpret the world and society around them. Through knowledge, one is able to understand his or her social-cultural, political and geographical environments, and come up with ways of integrating or adapting to achieve life goals. Knowledge...

Alcohol Drinking and Ethical Decision-Making

Introduction Human beings face various challenges in life that confront them with great dilemmas. In most cases, these situations have more than one alternative, and each choice has consequences for the victims and other members of society. Therefore, it becomes difficult for a person to make a decision when it...

Communication and Teamwork Hypotheses

Hypothesis 1: Individuals of the same educational background work better together than with diverse educational backgrounds. To address the hypothesis, it is necessary to define the key elements of the correlation. More specifically, it is needed to conceptualise “better working together.” The notion may encompass a variety of things, including...

Critical Race, Social Learning and Feminist Theories

Critical Race Theory During the recent three decades, Critical Race Theory has been actively used by researchers in order to critically analyze racial relations in different contexts, including the educational one. The theory was formulated by researchers for the legal context in the 1980s-1990s, and Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic...

Family Institution and Sociological Theories

Introduction The branch of science that studies the behavior of human beings as a team is known as sociology, which is the holistic study of the society. It involves the study and analysis of human activities in societies using empirical investigation methods. Sociology aims at explaining societal effects of social...

The Art of Negotiation and Suicide Prevention

Introduction Longing for problem resolution is normal for all spheres of life. Negotiation is a tool for non-violent conflict settlement. The term “negotiation” is mostly used concerning business or politics, but its application is not limited to these spheres. Thus, crisis negotiation is considered to be one of the most...

Human Trafficking: Risk and Causes

Abstract Human trafficking is a serious human rights issue that is prevalent all over the world. Victims of human trafficking come from various socioeconomic backgrounds and experience a wide range of consequences, including mental, sexual, and physical health problems. Exploitation presents a variety of occupational hazards that affect the lives...

School Bullying and Problems in Adult Life

Introduction The problem of school bullying has been addressed on different levels, including political, economic, cultural, juridical, educational, and many others. The causes of bullying vary, but they lead to severe issues that can remain unresolved for years. Bullying is aggressive behavior that can be seen in different children, teenagers,...

Women in International Business and Leadership

Introduction Women empowerment and gender equality are a common concern for every country in the world. Women have been underrepresented in most cases when it comes to many domains, including economic matters. Areas of education, leadership, employment, and trade are among the few sectors with high levels of gender disparities....

Social Change, Leadership and Advocacy

Such concepts as social change, advocacy, and leadership are closely related as they all focus on innovation, shifts, and collaboration. It is important to understand what these concepts are to apply them in the real world and make a difference. The concepts can be analyzed within certain dyads with the...

Social Problem Analysis: Social Inequality in Education

My current interests encompass the persistent issue of social inequality that we can witness as a routine practice every day. The topic is too multifaceted to study as a whole, thus, I have chosen to commit to the problem of social inequality in education. I have studied two scholarly peer-reviewed...

Gender Roles in Cartoons

Discussion Most children do not differentiate between reality and fantasy; hence, they are vulnerable to interpretations of gender in televisions, particularly children’s cartoons. Cartoons are mostly viewed by children between the ages of two and thirteen. Thus, most people believe that children can use the portrayals of gender in cartoons...

Camus’ The Stranger and Rousseau’s ‘Natural Man’

Camus’ The stranger is a depiction of the natural man displayed by Rousseau. Rousseau brings out the characteristics of the natural man as being truthful and mostly affected by natural occurrences. He argues that the true nature of man is guided by self-preservation and pity; hence actions are not determined...

What It Means to Be Successful?

What is Success? Is it directly proportional to happiness or is it simply achieving everything that you ever desired? Success is within the mind of a person and it means different things to different people (Knoch 376). It takes different definitions with different interpretations. Many hold the idea that success...

Effects of Poverty on Education in the USA Colleges

Introduction Poverty entails a collection of several factors befalling an individual, family or a group of people that lead to impossibility for such a person, family or group of people to afford the basic human needs. Prolongation of such a state for at least three generations leads to a cycle...

Is Gender Natural or Acquired?

Introduction Gender may be categorized as both natural and acquired since one has the ability to transform from one gender to another. There is a myriad of theories that have been put forward to explain the two extremes of the argument (natural and acquired gender) in an attempt to support...

Endangered Species- Polar Bear

The flora and fauna of the nature get always confronted with the ever changing climactic challenges that vary from region to region. There may be many possible reasons like depletion of natural resources, global warming, natural calamities etc. But, together these changes may also lead to species extinction. There is...

Important Issues in the Feminism

Regarding the important issues in the feminism, it is necessary to refer to the term of socialist feminism, to examine the issues of the dualistic typification, beauty ideals and the beauty industry in the context of the feminism. It is also important to suggest some solutions and criteria in order...

Teamwork Benefits and Social Loafing Issue

Introduction The completed “Evaluate Team Member Effectiveness” self-assessment has revealed that I am highly effective in teamwork. This is true since my score was 105 points. I agree with these results because I always find it easier to deliver positive outcomes whenever working in a group. I liaise with my...

The United Kingdom’s Stratification System

Introduction The stratification system classifies and hierarchizes people according to their social status. Undoubtedly, the structure of British society is undergoing tremendous changes associated with more significant opportunities for social mobility, such as access to education, technological development, and new professions. The stratification system of the United Kingdom consists of...

“Is Social Work a Profession?” by Abraham Flexner

Abraham Flexner’s article “Is Social Work a Profession” opens the author’s view on the essence of social work and its compatibility with the concepts of profession and professionalism. While his vision can be misinterpreted, it is worth noting that the article significantly impacts social work development. The publication provides criteria...

Should Animals Be Kept in Zoos?

Introduction In writing, the capacity to convince the reader depends on using logos, ethos, and pathos effectively. Together, these approaches to structuring thoughts constitute the rhetorical triangle. This essay focuses on animal rights and analyzes an article by Alayna Alvarez to see how it uses ethos, pathos, and logos to...

Social Work and Motivational Interviewing

Introduction Social work is an integral field in the modern world, which puts emphasis on the well-being of underaged individuals, and a lot in this domain is defined by the attitude of social workers and their help. The qualities any good employee in this field has are being ethical, organized,...

Misogyny and Sexism: The Key Differences

The world has created a social environment that suppresses women, which has become an issue that needs to be readdressed. Unacceptable laws, norms, and policies hold women or girls back in every part and place of life. Both sexism and Misogyny are part of a patriarchal society and almost have...

Social Constructivism Theory Applied to Current Event

Introduction Social constructionism, often known as the social construction of reality, is a sociological and communication theory investigating the formation of a collective perception of reality. Social constructionism is a viewpoint that holds that most of human existence occurs as it does due to interpersonal and social forces. Even though...

Hunting Justified by the Natural Law Theory

Introduction Hunting is one of the oldest human activities which have persisted over various civilizations. From the ancient Stone Age period, when human survival was entirely dependent on hunted animals and gathered fruits, to the modern time, when various means of survival emerged, hunting remains a common activity. Besides the...

Intercultural Communication Competence

Summarizing Intercultural communication is one of the most important and relevant areas for research to this day. Researchers need to understand what leads to positive interpersonal communication and have a good effect on relations between people of different cultures and what has a negative impact and leads to conflicts (Grothe,...

Gender Pay Gap From Feminist Perspective

Introduction Since equal pay is such a pervasive social problem in today’s society, some people may be unaware of or have a limited understanding of how it may affect them. Understanding why women still struggle to achieve equal opportunity in the workplace, particularly concerning equal pay, is crucial and a...

Single-Parent College Students Struggling to Graduate

Colleges receive students from various backgrounds under different situations. The rise of single-student parents in colleges presents an opportunity to learn about the experiences of such students and compare them with other regular nonparent learners. An estimated 26 percent of all undergraduate students, or 4.8 million, are raising dependent children...

The Neglected College Race Gap Article by Libassi

Summary The Main Idea of the Article The article’s main idea is that black students are underrepresented in some of the key areas of study: engineering, education, mathematics, statistics, and physical sciences. The reason for this is the unwillingness of universities to fully acknowledge the impact of structural racism and...

Maintaining Confidentiality and Ethical Decision-Making in Counseling

The discussion of the event which transpired over the course of the counseling with any party without the prior consent of the client would be an unethical act. It is possible to refer to the American Counseling Association’s (2014) Code of Ethics which asserts that trust is the backbone of...

Faking Orgasms: Reasons and Consequences

In the present day, sexually explicit media is very widespread. Not only is there an abundance of easily accessible pornographic videos, but more mainline movies show more than they used to in the past. It is not surprising that a general idea of orgasm is constructed within the viewers’ minds....

Stereotypes and Prejudices in Intercultural Communication

Objectives The aim is to study modern contacts between representatives of different cultures, arising both within the same and different states, and whether they carry problems, misunderstandings, or conflicts in communication. Establish whether they are associated with stereotypes and prejudices. And also, to identify ways to reduce conflicts in international...

Leadership in Drug Abuse Program Development

Introduction For a program to be developed successfully, strong leadership is required. The process of designing and planning programs is a comprehensive endeavor that calls for an awareness of an organization’s core principles and cultural norms. Communication, human relations, and communication are all examples of leadership duties required during the...

Human Trafficking in Thailand: Social Work Practice

Introduction Since the dawn of time, humans have occupied this planet in some form or another. Many generations have come into being and exited this planet, leaving behind a legacy of positive virtues and harmful vices. These virtues and vices have been passed down from one generation to the next....

The Views of Ethical Theorists: Immanuel Kant and Peter Singer

Introduction Ethics is a critical examination of how and why people should act. Animal ethics is the branch of ethics concerned with how and why nonhuman animals should be considered in moral decisions. Despite their many differences, the most commonly recognized ethical systems all defend nonhuman animal moral concerns and...

Body Shaming: “Leave Fat Kids Alone” by Gordon

Introduction Nowadays, people are suffering from stereotypes about perfect bodies being projected on them. We have to be thin, with long legs and slim waists, while other body types should not be deemed beautiful and especially worthy of attention. Unfortunately, body shaming is a real issue in the modern world,...

Reasons Why Immigration Enhances Diversity

Introduction International migration has become a choice for more individuals around the globe seeking to improve their life chances by moving between nations. Unlike early forms of migration, current international mobility is characterized by less selective conditions. Gender, ethnic, regional, and cultural disparities do not limit or determine the conscious...

Conclusions in Academic Research

Any analysis’s endings are often difficult when an individual does not know how to write the finality. When writing about research, the whole ideology is mumbled through a set of analyses that combines the outlook of other authors and the findings of our spectrum. When it comes to setting the...

Traditional Communities in Rural Areas

As societies grow, so do their traditions, or, at least, that is what people think. Yet, old habits die hard, as people can discover once they visit one of such places. By traveling through rural areas, one can stumble into small towns, seemingly forgotten at some point in the history...

Reading Critique Assignment: Only Disconnect

The reading under review is a 2010 essay, Only Disconnect, written by Gary Shteyngart for The New York Times. Humorously and brilliantly, the author brings the dehumanization, disconnection, and loss of identity facilitated by modern technology to the forefront. The essay is rhetorically effective and relays a clear and believable...

“Just Take Away Their Guns”: The Essay Overview

Writing a strong and convincing essay can be quite challenging, especially when the topic in question is of controversial nature and can cause ambiguous reaction. The essay “Just Take Away Their Guns” from the book Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing is an example of such strong writing. This essay is...

The “Rhetoric in the Middle Ages” Book by Murphy

Basic Knowledge The book Rhetoric in the Middle Ages, by James J. Murphy, clarified how, why, and when classical rhetoric ceased, and medieval rhetoric began. Although the events described in the book were not new to me, I managed to understand the logic of the transition from one tradition to...

Poverty: Resilience and Intersectionality Theories

Introduction It is believed that the determinant of social development is the economy, and the dominant is either politics or ideology. In current conditions, at the transition stage to the information society, such a dynamic and vibrant picture of the world is emerging that it is pretty tricky for a...

Hermeneutics: Interpretation Theory in Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger, and Gadamer

Hermeneutics refers to the methodology and theory of interpreting language, primarily linguistic text. In the book Hermeneutics, Palmer uses rhetoric and different philosophies of communication to expound issues concerning theology. The view of understanding involves the philological methodology and questions the nature of historical knowledge, the philosophy of language, and...

How Does Poverty Affect Crime Rates?

While research may be initiated on the basis of curiosity, it traditionally aims to solve a particular problem. Crime rates have always been a highly serious social issue, and multiple studies have already been organized to examine factors that affect crimes for their prevention. That is why I would like...

Classism and Discrimination in Tennis Clubs

Classism refers to the systematic subjugation of lower-class people in order to benefit and empower upper-class people. It is the social class-based systematic assignment attributes of merit and competence. People are classified according to their social classes in various countries depending on their economic status, occupation, and education. Different social...

Gender and Racial Equality Barriers in the Workplace

Introduction Women and ethnic minorities are still underrepresented in many fields because barriers exist to gender and racial equality. For example, there are very few female top managers in large corporations across the United States (Pierre, 2019). Furthermore, the number of men is still more significant in science and such...

Crew Communication Failure During Korean Air’s Accident

Introduction In his book Outliers: The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell claimed that ethnic differences could dramatically influence a working performance. To illustrate the point, he provided an example of Korea Air’s crash in 1997. While attempting to land at the Guam airport, the plane hit a mountain. According to...

Social Security System Problems and Solutions

Introduction Social Security program provides help and support to the people deceased from work, those with disabilities, living in poverty, and retired. The program gives access to decent lifestyle and life-quality of thousands of citizens yearly, and there should be no doubt in its successful outcomes. However, some people are...

The Judith Thomson vs. Don Marquis Abortion Debate

Judith Thomson and Don Marquis were philosophers who debated a lot about abortion in their time and had their views on it and the factors surrounding the topic. While Thomson advocates the legalization and support of abortion and says that people should do everything to help each other, Marquis completely...

Domestic Violence Issue in Modern Society

Neutralization theory presents freedom in a relationship and condemns deviant behaviors. The approach aims to eliminate oppressive cultures and safeguard ethical human activities. Neutralization sheds light on human rights against violence; this way, the oppressed can get justice through law courts. Theoretically, molding a morally sound society is essential to...

Corrections and Rehabilitation of Criminals

Correctional institutions are state bodies of the penal and correctional system. They are charged with organizing the correction of convicts, preventing the commission of new crimes, ensuring law and order in their activities, and engaging convicts in work. Correctional institutions include: Penal colonies of the public, strict and special regimes;...

Why Promote Acceptance of Youth Styles Among Adults?

Some adults still embrace negative stereotypes concerning the abilities and perceptions of teenagers. However, youth-adult partnerships positively impact society if rightfully nurtured. A youth-adult collaboration involves a relationship where adults fully engage young individuals on issues affecting them, including programs and policies (Alford, 2022). A true partnership between adults and...

Intimate Partner Violence and Homicide in Greece

The course material I have studied so far has been interesting and informative for me. I have found many though-provoking takeaways throughout the course, but the ones that seemed most surprising to me were discussed in chapters 6 and 7 on Homicide and Sexual Victimization. First, it was rather interesting...

Contemporary Gender Equality Challenge

Introduction Gender equality is a fundamental human right and essential for achieving peace, prosperity, and sustainable development. Providing women and girls with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and participation in political and economic decision-making is an important element of sustainable development. It is worth noting that due...

Trash Talking Issues in Society

Individual and interpersonal normality is a conduct that can be considered normal for a person if it is aligned with that individual’s relatively typical behavior. Individual conduct that corresponds to the most typical behavior and practices in a social setting, generally referred to as conformance, might be described as normal....

Women’s Rights: Judy Brady’s “I Want a Wife”

The rights of women have grown from being just a single movement to an ongoing struggle. Women across the world are continuing to fight for their rights in almost every aspect of life. Judy Brady satirically championed for the rights of women in her classic writing “I want a wife”....

‘All Lives Matter’ as an Evidence of White Supremacy

The movement to protect the rights of black people is becoming more popular and covers many countries around the world. People are fighting for equal rights and opportunities and a world without ethnic discrimination. However, the white population does not always support this initiative, treating the movement and its slogans...

Racial Inequality in Hiring and Workplace

Racial discrimination is a major contemporary issue in hiring and the workplace. Racial discrimination involves denying people from a particular race equal treatment and opportunities as the others due to variations in personal characteristics such as skin complexion, gender, culture, social class, and hair color. Often, racial discrimination is difficult...

Sexuality and Gender-Related Behavior During Adolescence

Introduction The adolescent stage of development is essential as the time when valuable social and cognitive skills are acquired. Moreover, at this step, a person learns new about one’s body, experiences physical and hormonal changes, and displays individual sexual characteristics for the first time. Adolescents are often viewed as a...

Nature vs. Nurture in Formation of Identity

Introduction The question of what affects the formation of personality genes or upbringing has worried humanity since ancient times. This is due to the fact that it is challenging to separate the effect of genes and environmental factors. The results of the research conducted by specialists contradict the well-established belief...

Discussion of Marriage and Divorce Impact

Marriage can provide evident economic benefits to both parties, such as the division of labor within a family. Divorce, on the other hand, can be costly if the spouses do not have any previously agreed upon terms of separation. The economics of marriage and divorce are complex as they are...

Diversity in a Workplace as a Social Issue

Introduction At the moment, in the work of organizations, one of the concerns that managers should pay attention to is the creation of a comfortable and healthy environment. This allows the forming of a workplace that provides the company with effective results and a competitive, capable place in the market....

Perception, Equality, and Curiosity in Cross-Cultural Communication

Introduction Effective communication is significant when passing a message from one person to another and may be influenced by various factors. Culture plays a significant role in communication since it affects how people see things and communicate them. Consequently, people from different cultures may misinterpret each other’s communication. Perception, equality,...

Bias and Assumptions About the Poor

Christians are called to help all people live “a life of peace” (Luke 10:5-6). This means we should be actively working to resolve social problems in our world. There are many ways that we can respond to social problems as Christ-followers. First, we can pray for those who are affected...

Cyberbullying in Modern Society

Introduction Cyberbullying is one of the most important issues in modern society. It also remains to be the hardest to solve because it is perpetuated through the internet which is increasingly becoming part of people’s lives. Jun (2020) noted that the internet creates an illusion of impunity. In essence, Cyberbullying...

“Street Harassment: Current and Promising Avenues for…” by Logan

Background The problem of street harassment is a common yet underdiscussed phenomenon. Being glanced over due to its perceived lack of significance and substance, it turns out to have a range of underlying issues, including a threat to women’ s physical well-being and the problem of women’s safety. In her...

Children’s Right to Expression and Decision Making

Introduction The rights of children are essential in providing a conducive environment for their growth and productivity. Article 12 of the UNCRC offers the opportunity for every child to express their views and opinions freely and adequately. These opportunities have enabled the children to speak and be heard on different...

Substance Abuse Disorder in “The Breaking Bad” Film

The series that is built on substance abuse disorders is Breaking Bad. In order to pay for his treatment for cancer, Walter White, a chemistry professor, turns to producing and selling methamphetamine. Walter White collaborates with Jesse Pinkman, a former student with a history of drug abuse. Jesse helps Walter...

Imposter Syndrome: Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk

In her 2012 TEDx speech named “Your body language may shape who you are,” Amy Cuddy discusses how a person’s body language can affect his or her thinking and behavior. In this regard, the author suggests that people may use certain postures in order to evoke desired feelings and set...

The Influence of Drugs and Alcohol on Date Rape

Background Rape and sexual assaults have become rampant worldwide, and the issue has become so controversial that many countries fail to deal with it. Despite vast technological advances overseas, there has been a derailment in dealing with the above crimes (Singh et al., 2020). The most affected people by sexual...

Online Sexual Predators vs. In-Person Sexual Abusers

Sexual crime against minors is becoming an increasing problem in modern society. One of the dangerous factors of this counteraction is the development of Internet technologies, where predators are increasingly revealing their activities. Therefore, this problem eludes law enforcement in great numbers and requires an immediate solution. This scientific paper...

Review of the Video ”Maturing and Aging”

This video Maturing and Aging demonstrates the novel psychological research on aging and maturing. The foundational concept is life-long development, which states that human’s psychological and physical processes continue to evolve from conception to the last life phases (Zimbardo, n.d.). Levinson’s theory of a life cycle approaches the life course...

Sociological Analysis of a Canadian News Story Article

Introduction Sociology can be termed as the study of social human relationships and institutions. Sociology’s subject matter has a wide range, from crime to religion, family to state, race divisions and social class to common culture and shared beliefs, and from stability to essential change in society. Sociology’s purpose of...

Economic Inequality Between Genders

Discussions on the problems of gender inequality have been going on for decades. The difference in the earnings between men and women is called the gender pay gap. This gap is partly explained by different remuneration levels in traditionally female and male occupations, partly by education, positions held, and others....

Gender Identity Development

Introduction Gender identity is a critical element of one’s overall identity and beliefs about themselves. It can be defined as individual conceptions of oneself as either male or female or, in some cases, as both or neither (Ghosh, 2020). Gender identity is self-identified and begins at an early age when...

Disability Concepts, Perception and Values

Introduction Demographic Information Individuals with disabilities refer to all people with special needs, including long-term physiological, subjective, intelligent, or functional limitations. Disability is projected to affect over a billion people, equating to around 15% of the global population (Whittle et al., 2017). As per the American Community Survey, elderly individuals...

Aspects of Bob Knight’s Coaching Style

Introduction Bob Knight was one of the most prominent coaches in basketball. He worked with teams from 1965, until his first layoff in 2000, and from 2001 to 2009 (Snook et al., 2005). His teaching style was widely criticized, but Knight also had outstanding followership. Bob Knight implemented his unique...

Aspects of COVID-19 Crisis Management

COVID-19 is a health crisis whose impact has been felt throughout the world. Initially, most states in the world thought that it would only take a few months to contain the spread of the virus. However, about two years later, the crisis is still affecting the globe with most nations...

Effects of Human Trafficking on the Victims

Human trafficking is one of the most disturbing and atrocious forms of exploitation of people. Apart from affecting victims physically, it also damages their mental health significantly, thus, causing an array of health issues and complications. Due to continuously being subjected to physical and emotional violence, human trafficking victims develop...

The “Lifeboat Ethics” Article by Garret Hardin

In the article “Lifeboat Ethics,” published in 1974, the American ecologist Garrett Hardin offers an unexpected but quite exciting metaphor of a lifeboat with limited capacity surrounded by hundreds of swimmers. This metaphor demonstrates an ethical dilemma of saving these swimmers: if they are ignored, they will die, and if...

Divorce Issues: Causes and Effects on Children

Simply put, a divorce is the lawful dissolving of a matrimonial relationship, comprising of any ceremonial breakup between a husband and his wife based on constituted customs. Put differently, a divorce is any manner of absolute detachment between a husband and the wife. Initially, the term was used to refer...

Ethics of Infidelity and Cheating in Relationships

When two people begin to desire, love, and eventually get intimate, they become vulnerable and open themselves to hurt while trusting that it won’t happen. My culture portrays infidelity as one of the worst things that could happen to two people in a romantic relationship. It is painful and immoral...

Discussion: Treating Smoking Dependence

A controlled study was performed to determine the efficacy of Mindfulness Therapy (MT) in treating smoking dependence among 40 adults. Half of the participants received the standard therapy for smoking dependence, while the rest received the MT. After 16 weeks, the participants were asked to fill out the Nicotine Dependence...

Personal Change: Cutting Time Spend Online on Social Media

Change of behavior is a tricky thing to manage especially when one is under addiction. I chose to make a change in the time that I spend online because it wastes more time. I sometimes miss sleeping for at least eight hours because I spend most of my time on...

The Song “Just Give Me a Reason”: Interpersonal Communication

Communication is an essential human activity allowing individuals to exchange information and express feelings and their physical, social, and personality needs. Moreover, people need to communicate to react to different problematic situations, participate in decision-making, and address conflicts. In this regard, persons should be aware of communication competence principles and...

Reflection on “A Defense of Abortion” by Judith Jarvis Thomson

Most arguments put forth against abortion come from the concept that the fetus is a human being and a person from the very moment of being conceived. Following this logic, the same must be said about the development of an acorn into an oak tree, thus suggesting that such an...

Jane Ward’s Arguments on Male Sexual Identity Issues

The idea of fixed sexuality is a complex phenomenon that erases bisexual uniqueness. It would seem that heterosexuality should be clear and inviolable, though, in fact, it is more fluid than other identities. It is the central argument of Jane Ward, who focuses her research on the phenomenon of men...

Human Rights Related to Immigration

The concept of human rights refers to the fundamental freedoms and rights that a person acquires at birth and could be deprived of under no circumstances. Examples of such rights include the right to life, asylum, expression, work, privacy, and equal treatment. Every country is obliged to grant these rights...

P. Zimbardo’s Stanford Experiment

Introduction A psychological experiment is an event conducted under particular conditions to acquire new scientific knowledge about psychology through the researcher’s deliberate intervention in the life of the examinee. Innovative discoveries in science have been crucial to human development, but in some cases, the goal still does not justify the...

Picture Exchange Communication System Research

Introduction The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) teaches children that by transmitting the desired image or pointing a sequence of images to another person, they can get what they want. PECS is an alternative communication card exchange system initially created for children with an autism spectrum disorder (Putri et al.,...

Marxist Conflict Theory

According to the conflict theory, diverse groups in society are always competing fiercely for scarce power and resources, leading to the stronger oppress the weaker. Marx was preoccupied with one topic in the 19th century, a time characterized by profound disparity and fast technical and political development in Europe: what...

The Importance of Right to Protest

Nowadays, many activists accuse common citizens of indifference towards injustice. The classmate’s post provides a specific point of view that nobody should be obliged to protest. Indeed, people are vested with power to stand up for themselves and defy unjust laws, but the cost of this fight may be too...

Bullying Among Adolescents Problem

Bullying is one of the most pressing problems in modern society. In particular, this phenomenon affects the younger generation. It is defined as a violent action of a negative nature that is directed at a certain person or several individuals in order to obtain a sense of superiority and honor....

Unethical Research Experiments

An experiment is a particular procedure performed to support, refute, or confirm a hypothesis or theory. Sometimes experiments can suggest the possibility of causing moral and sometimes physical harm to the subjects. However, the experimenters justify these “costs” by the fact that the scientists study such acute social and psychological...

Character, Leadership, and Moral Code in Christianity

What Is Character and How It Is Transformed According to Wright, the character is a set of individual personality traits formed as a result of a person’s behavior and thinking. Character transformation is a daily work and, in a way, even an art; it is essential to understand how this...

The Veteran Homelessness Issue Analysis

Introduction I am speaking on behalf of United Way Worldwide on the problem of veteran homelessness in America. For many, after a long day at work or school, being able to go home, whether that be a house, condo, or apartment, and relax is a daily activity. Shelter and security...

Should Animals Be Used for Scientific Experiments?

Introduction Experiments on animals are perhaps one of the most controversial issues of modern science. Proponents of animal testing point to the enormous progress in medicine that has become possible thanks to such practices. Opponents consider them cruel and senseless since the results of animal observations are not always applicable...

“The Second Sex” by De Beauvoir and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Gilman

Within the framework of this entry, the task was set to formulate an attitude towards one of the specific aspects of inclusion and exclusion from cultural discourse in American society. The decision was made to focus on the gender aspect of cultural integration as one of the most basic. The...

Summary of “The War for Kindness” Book by Jamil Zaki

Background The book “The war for kindness” (TWFK) is written by Jamil Zaki (2019), and the author uses stories, observations, and research findings to show how people turn to hate rather than empathy in their daily lives. Zaki (2019) defines empathy as “an umbrella term that describes multiple ways people...

Domestic Violence in the Military

Introduction Until August 31st, the United States had been in a constant state of war for twenty years. Currently, there are nineteen million veterans and 1.1 million military members on active duty. Roughly twenty million citizens are most likely suffering from extreme post-traumatic stress disorder, self-medicating with alcohol, and abusing...

Stress: Causes and Consequences from a Sociological Perspective

Understanding the nature and mechanisms of stress is essential in preventing it and mitigating its adverse effects on people. Though stress can be researched from the biological perspective as the direct outcome of an individual response to specific factors, it also needs to be studied from a sociological perspective to...

Discussion of Children and Crimes

In the US, most children accused of serious crimes are treated according to the adult criminal justice system. The question of this is a right way to deal with juvenile offenders is a complicated one and has been addressed by many experts in the fields of psychology and criminal justice....

Why Is It Difficult to Resist Societal Rules and Norms?

Introduction Social rules and norms are standards or expectations of conduct and thinking founded on shared views inside a sociocultural community. Norms, which are often implicit, provide societal expectations for acceptable and unacceptable behavior that control interpersonal relationships. These rules have a substantial influence on human behavior in a wide...

Home Daycare vs. Child Care Center Services

Childcare Organizations Pros and Cons for Children Children are the future of society whose active development starts from the early years of their lives. Thus, accurate and productive childcare is essential to raise a decent generation. Parents often need to choose the organization to develop kids’ social skills and prepare...

What Is More Important – Love or Justice?

Love and justice are the two concepts that form the basis of ethical and moral principles. These two principles cannot exist without each other, and without each it is impossible to imagine the natural tendency of the human soul, character, and nature. However, the question of the importance of the...

Street Gangs and Problem of Their Spread

Street Gang Since there is no single and generally accepted concept of “gang,” state and local jurisdictions refer to their definitions. Thus, the most commonly used synonym for “street gang” is “youth gang” and “street gang.” The latter definition most clearly refers to an element of criminal activity that is...

Teenage Pregnancy in the United Kingdom

Teenage pregnancies are a significant social and health issue in the U.K. due to the increase in various recorded cases. Adolescent females in the U.K. encounter optimal complications within the spectrum of health risks. This implies that teenage pregnancy within the U.K. has increased spontaneously hence resulting in the implementation...

Drugs and Social Life in Iceland

Demographics overview Iceland is a small Northern European country with a total population of 366 425 people, who primarily live in two cities — Reykjavik, the capital, and Akureyri. With a population density of only 3 inhabitants per square kilometer, Iceland is the least crowded country in Europe. According to...

Theories of Aging in Social Sciences

Commentary and Analysis By studying sociological theories of aging, one can discover many important aspects of personality and society, taking into account each person’s many years of experience. The process is associated with many determinants which impact health and is studied in empirical research. Although, at first scientific theories were...

Strategies for Ending Homelessness in America

Introduction The problem of homeless people in America is extremely worrisome in the context of the social and psychological well-being of the people of the country. The situation with the homeless is quite financially costly for society, resulting in support programs and economic injections. But this problem is even more...

A Social Worker’s Experience and Lessons

Introduction The experience of a social worker represents a unique amalgamation of research, cross-cultural experiences, and meticulous analysis of provided information. Therefore, for a social worker, it is vital to gain proper experience in a number of areas so that the skills for meeting the needs of as diverse an...

Privilege in People’s Daily Lives

Despite an overall intention to live in an equal society, the questions about racial, class, or gender differences remain open. On the one hand, oppressed people cannot get rid of the thought that they are deprived of many things in their lives because of their skin color, gender, or ethnicity....

Gossip and Exclusion in Social Media

It is assumed that gossip and rumors spreading are immoral and tend only to harm the people and those surrounding them. However, they can be viewed from a different perspective: gossips also contribute to yielding beneficial outcomes. Sometimes, when people are confronted for their dreadful actions, it leads to them...

Gender Quotas in Saudi Arabia: Unpacking the Political Conditions

Talking about gender quota and its sociology, it is interesting to take a look at the example of Saudi Arabia. It is the seemingly most unexpected place to introduce a policy aimed at the representation of women in politics and increase their role in internal and external affairs in general....

Most Prisoners Can Not Return to Normal Life After Being Outside of Society

Criminal statistics worldwide indicate a concerning rate of repeated imprisonment, especially among those offenders who were released within a year before new arrest. There is an opinion that a number of physiological factors influence the propensity for illegal activity for ex-prisoners. Additionally, the social environment usually promotes consistent negative emotions...

How Negative Phenomena Are Romanticized in Culture

It is horrible how the most horrible things are excused and romanticized by our culture. For instance, look for synonyms we have for violence in our vocabularies: it goes without saying that you will see brutality, cruelty, attack, destructiveness, bloodshed, and many other words that definitely indicate all seriousness of...

Morality Obligation vs. Aspiration Comparison

Moral duty is an obligation that an individual owes and should fulfill, although it is not legally required. A charitable endeavor is an example of a moral commitment. Charity actions are encouraged by a person’s good nature rather than by the law. A country’s or organization’s legislation reinforces law-based morality....

Review of “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience” by Thoreau

Henry Thoreau’s essay on civil disobedience illustrates his perspective on the prevalence of an individual’s conscience and personal moral standpoints over the majority’s law and opinion. The author’s acceptance of the principle “that government is best which governs least” could have implications for his involvement in protests if he was...

Physical Disability in the United States

Many people with a physical disability might experience discrimination in everyday life or at work. According to Bonaccio et al. (2020), many social organizations in the USA are trying to defend the equality of people with disabilities. However, this group of people still shows a low level of employment. Finding...

John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Speech Analysis

Introduction John Fitzgerald Kennedy became President of the United States when the nation needed a strong leader with the capacity to overcome challenges posed by the Cold War and unrest in both Europe and the U.S. In his famous inaugural speech of 1961, Kennedy reinforced himself as a firm individual...

The Politics of Gender and Race in the Ilbert Bill Controversy

The Ilbert Bill is an essential contribution to the study of women in British Imperial history. It is important because numerous cross-cultural issues are currently the focus of attention. For example, the Ilbert Bill in India was one of the first attempts to eliminate racial discrimination under the Indian Criminal...

Innocence and Responsibility in Humans

It is a common misconception regarding such qualities as innocence and responsibility, which are associated with a specific stage of human development. The former is tied to childhood, whereas the latter stands as a symbol of adulthood. However, they are often misinterpreted and confused with other notions. Hence, it is...

The Art of Persuasion and Public Relations

Persuasion is a sort of communication that influences others’ opinion. The readings of this week have the art of language in common when providing the description of persuasion (Messina, 2007; Borchers, 2013; Gass & Seiter, 2018). Moreover, readings highlight that persuasion impacts feeling and emotions of the audience to change...

The Stresses of the Sandwich Generation Influencing Their Well-Being

The majority of the people in their 40s and 50s belong to the sandwich generation. These young adults struggle with raising their families and caring for their elderly parents (Noor & Isa, 2020). What happens is that these individuals experience much stress due to overwhelming responsibilities and the involved financial...

How to Cite Sources for Informative Speech

Why and How to Cite Sources The concept of informative speech presupposes gathering, analyzing, and presenting data on a certain topic, which is actually the main purpose of such writing or speaking. In order to be persuasive, it is critical to tell the audience where the information originates from, simply...