Social Movement Framing in Pictures

Importance of Framing for Social Movements When defined this way, social movements may sound similar to special-interest organizations, and they do share some characteristics. A social movement is an organized attempt by many people to achieve or prevent social, political, economic, or cultural change (Shuster & Campos-Castillo, 2017). It is...

“Hetero by Choice?” Article by Richard Parker

Introduction Sexual orientation and sex issues have always been exciting topics for discussion in society. In the 20th century, with the growing trends of political control, issues of sexual preference became the subject of public discussions and political campaigns. Remarkably, by controlling the sexual behavior of their ‘populations’, the states...

Perception, Equality, and Curiosity in Cross-Cultural Communication

Introduction Effective communication is significant when passing a message from one person to another and may be influenced by various factors. Culture plays a significant role in communication since it affects how people see things and communicate them. Consequently, people from different cultures may misinterpret each other’s communication. Perception, equality,...

Civil Rights and Black Power Movements

Introduction In a climate of obstruction among segregationists and the indifference of most white citizens, federal and civil rights laws in the South, the stronghold of American racism, were not enforced. The status of a discriminated and disenfranchised racial minority has been a daily reality for many generations of blacks....

Gender Stereotypes in Academic and Family Settings

Annotated Bibliography Adamiak, Marzena. “Gender Stereotypes in Emmanuel Lévinas’ Concept of Subject.” Gender in Focus, 2018, pp. 195-206. The article aims at providing the reader with a reflection on the development of gender stereotypes and their effect on the people. The source will be essential in providing information on how...

Reflective Ethics Paper: The Moral Problem

Philosophy may be described as the pursuit of knowledge. Based on this viewpoint, we can attribute ancient Hebrews as exceptional thinkers and ethic founders since they had a lifelong love for knowledge. Morality dictates that philosophy must value the pursuit of understanding morals and ethics in the proper and hopeful...

Do Negative Life Experiences Help the Creative Process?

Different perspectives can be taken on the subject of whether negative life experiences help the creative process. The effect of negative experiences on cognitive and emotional creativity is yet unknown for certain. Some believe that self-focused attention is linked to both low mood and creativity. On the other side, it...

Meaning of the Ethics and Ethical Problem

Ethics is a set of knowledge, ideas and regulations that have been developed by humanity, which characterize, from a moral point of view, the difference between right and wrong. An ethical problem is an ambiguous question about the morality of an act or opinion. The moral aspect of any dilemma...

Intercultural Conflict Communication Style

There are various approaches to characterize conflict resolution styles, and one of them is the Intercultural Conflict Style Inventory. It was developed by Mitchell Hammer in 2005 and, according to it, there are two dimensions that an individual’s conflict-solving technique consists of – the analytical one and the emotional one...

Socialization and Resocialization

Socialization as a process is the assimilation by an individual of socio-historical experience, culture, rules, norms of behavior, value orientations, and their transfer by society. The socialization of a person begins in the first years of life and ends during the period of civil maturity of a person (Jin et...

Ethical Dilemmas, Kant’s Moral Theory, and Virtue Ethics

The morality of the newspaper columnist breaking her contract relies, largely, on the legality of her breaking the contract. If it is legal, however, the utilitarian perspective will support the action. The pleasure/harm from the action between both companies competing for the columnist will balance each other out, and the...

Argumentative and Alternative Communication Systems

Summary Alternative and argumentative communication (AAC) uses symbols, pictures, written words, and objects that help autistic children to communicate. It also helps autistic children perform in an environment where they can communicate effectively (Beukelman 2020). PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) is an AAC system with technology that allows persons with...

The Life of Nelson and Winnie Mandela

Nelson Mandela, who was born on July 18, 1918, was the son of the head of the Tembu tribe, an ethnic group of the Kosa. His first name, which was given at birth, is Rolihlahla, which means ‘to tear a branch of a tree’ in the Kos language, a figurative...

Frida Kahlo and Amrita Sher-Gil: Feminism in Faces

Introduction Feminism evolved to become the most potent force for progress. It was a way of preserving women’s dignity and strength, as well as their sociocultural and personal experiences. Ideas of feminism emerged throughout history, transforming from a movement for voting rights into a movement about women’s freedom and social...

Communication Analysis of Lady Gaga’s Acceptance Speech

Introduction: Special Occasion Speaking An acceptance speech is a type of special occasion speaking, which is designed “to address and engage the context and audience’s emotions on a specific occasion,” like an award ceremony, wedding, funeral, etc. (Tucker, 2019, para. 2). I chose special occasion speaking because it is one...

Impact of Depth of Processing on Memory

Abstract Researchers conducted a study to identify whether the items in deep processing conditions are more remembered than those in the shallow processing conditions. One hundred fifty-three participants were involved in the study, and the gender distribution was 84 males and 69 females with different ethnical backgrounds. The research study...

Arguments on Homelessness in California

Argument Summary The argument revolves around the homelessness issue and states that the lack of access to permanent places of residence is specifically problematic in California. Unbearable housing costs are among the key contributors to the emerging crisis. The state should engage in reassessing current housing regulations, allocate more funds...

Needs and Motivations From Maslow’s and the Scripture’s Perspectives

Introduction Humans crave various things in life, so numerous attempts at studying the nature of needs have been made. Particularly, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs remains the most inclusive yet structured approach. For this reason, many researchers put the classification into practice to study motifs that determine those needs. In this...

The Importance of Physical Spaces

Indeed, connections to physical places are critical to humans; lack of contact with physical space threatens people to feel overwhelmed and lose some of their identity. A person’s attitude to a place as something familiar, understandable, meaningful, and the sense of belonging caused by this attitude is defined as a...

Female Population of India

Introduction It is hard to disagree that it is essential for humans to be aware of cultural differences and know how females are treated in various areas. Such a knowledge allows persons to learn how their own counties can be improved. The area selected for this assignment is India, and...

Tembi Locke’s Ted Talk: Love and Grief

Introduction The main element of the story of Tembi Locke is drama. A story about overcoming grief associated with the death of a young person is impossible without emotional tension. Tension rises as the woman shares her non-unique but very tragic experience. The drama’s climax can be considered the opposition...

The Role of Faith in Social Work

Introduction Challenges in everyday life are inevitable, and social work involves taking action to alleviate the adverse outcomes associated with these negative encounters. Therefore, social work utilizes a humanitarian and compassionate approach based on the professional knowledge base and skills to institute social change by helping vulnerable people resolve everyday...

Megacities and Sustainable Living

There exist 28 megacities in the world, and their numbers are expected to rise (Khanna, 2016). According to Dr. Parag Khanna, megacities are changing the map of the world. He argues that the world’s current view has humans being the inhabitants of a living system whereby the skeleton consists of...

Analysis of Ethics, Morals, and Worldview

Introduction The terms ethics and morals are frequently used interchangeably, primarily when used in contexts where an individual’s behavior or the goodness and badness of an action is in question; however, the two terms have different meanings. Ethics can be described as the values an individual uses to interpret whether...

Analysis of Reflexive and Selective Attention

Background Our brains are effective after selecting specific information for processing. Attention has several instances that include selective and reflexive attention. Selective attention prioritizes detailed information over others, and visual stimuli in the fringes spark reflexive attention (Banich & Compton, 2018). The eyes’ adjusting to lighting in the dark is...

Importance of Social Forces in Life Course

Introduction The human as a social being cannot live outside of society and those norms and values ​​that shape interpersonal relationships. Various factors related to personal demographic and other characteristics largely determine the status of an individual, his or her behavior, as well as attitudes on the part of other...

Ethical Decision Problem: What Ought I to Do?

Every day a person has to choose from a variety of options. Some of them might be right, and some might be wrong. The word ‘ought’ is very important in the field of ethics. Of course, when faced with a difficult scenario, people’s minds ask, “What ought I do?” One...

Negotiation’s Concepts and the Negotiations Case

Situations when the number of resources is limited, but the desire for them is not, are widespread globally. The only solution to that is negotiations: they allow to see which mutual benefits can be achieved from each resource, how they can be distributed to minimize conflicts, and which responsibilities everyone...

Modern and Postmodern Nonfiction

Public Documents Choose one of NUVHS’s ESLR’s and write a short essay explaining the importance of that result for today’s youth. National University Virtual High School students will be able to become effective communicators. They will learn how to use the tone of voice so that communication is effective and...

Theoretical Framework in Identity Development

Introduction Identity development occurs throughout a person’s lifetime by defining who one is. Based on the sheer scope of studies that have delved into this area of psychology research, multiple theories have emerged. Key sections of this paper discuss Erikson’s theory of identity as the traditional model of identity development...

Sociology of False Consciousness

Introduction False consciousness refers to how ideological, material, and institutional processes are perceived to mislead the proletariat in societies. It conceals the rampant and inhumane exploitation by the bourgeoisie in a capitalistic setting. The term explain explains the case where the lower-class individuals willingly embodied the oppression of the wealthy....

“Make Your Influence Positive” Media Clip Analysis

The media clip reviewed in this paper is titled “Make Your Influence Positive.” It was created as part of the Child-Friendly campaign conducted by the Australian NGO in 2008 (Kiniri). The clip was also featured by various media outlets around the world, including New Zealand, the UK, Canada, and the...

Nature-Nurture Debate of Gender Identity

What determines the gender of an individual, nature or nurture, was of interest to people long before the advent of gender studies. The myth of Iphis is a prime example of it. According to Moore (2021), the myth is about “a girl, raised as a boy, who loves another girl...

Literary Criticism: The Key Theories

Introduction In the study of social and literary philosophy, the context of the era within which a particular phenomenon is being studied is paramount. One of the most prominent examples of the influence of the effects of time and social thought on the analysis results is the role model of...

Less Screen Time and More Time Outdoors for Young Kids

The rapid development of technology and its increased availability is bringing about significant changes in people’s lives, especially in their ways of entertainment and relaxation. If earlier children spent practically all their free time in the fresh air coming up with different games, catching fish, and communicating with each other,...

Analysis of Sherry Turkle Visual

Introduction Sherry Turkle is a Rockerfeller Professor within the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is affiliated with the school of Social Studies of science and technology. She attained an AB in Social Studies and her world of knowledge was primarily based around communication and psychology. Her PhD in sociology and...

Physical Disability in the United States

Many people with a physical disability might experience discrimination in everyday life or at work. According to Bonaccio et al. (2020), many social organizations in the USA are trying to defend the equality of people with disabilities. However, this group of people still shows a low level of employment. Finding...

Diversity and Identity in Global Environment

Diversity and identity are usually placed together, and diversity is the existence of variances in thought, behavior, identity, origin, and lifestyle. The portrayal of identities over a range is regarded as diversity. On the other hand, defining our identity is commonly how we characterize ourselves in terms of age, sex,...

Civil Society Description and Overview

Civil society is defined as a place where people have common and shared interests, values, purposes, and actions. Civil society is different from for-profit and government organizations since it includes groups and organizations such as community-based organizations, charity groups, and development non-governmental organizations (NGOs) (Meyer et al., 2020). Civil society...

Feminine and Masculine Language

Introduction Boys and girls are nurtured and socialized based on their gender since childhood to fit in distinctive cultures. Consequently, they communicate in a manner aligned to the norms and rules of their sexuality (Adler & Marquardt Elmhorst, 2018). The gendered-interaction pattern lasts throughout our lifetime, and its interpretation between...

History and an Individual: The Sociological Imagination

There is a close link between history and an individual, which Charles Mills has suggested. He defined the sociological imagination as a particular state of mind of a researcher that allows us to understand people’s social structures and behavior (Corrigall-Brown, 2019). This is the ability to look at familiar things...

Evolutionary Theory and Mate Selection Influence on Contemporary Dating

Evolutionary Theory and Mate Selection Evolutionary theory explains a wide range of common human behaviors, such as mate selection. The process of human evolution describes the gradual change in human traits to what they are currently. Mate selection is one of the most widely studied facets of evolution because of...

Definition of Social Capital Offered by Robert Putnam

Introduction In recent years, community development has become strongly associated with social capital. However, social capital is a broad term, and there are many definitions of the term used in social sciences today. One of the most widely accepted views on social capital was proposed by Robert Putnam (DeFilippis, 2001)....

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life

In society, people work together to fulfill a variety of tasks and responsibilities, attributed to them both by their own life and the others around them. To understand how society functions and how internal and external factors influence it, philosophers and sociologists have attempted to analyze social trends and tendencies...

Role of Tribes in the Construction of Identity

The sense of belonging is a critical part of an individual’s identity. Therefore, while longing for individualism, people still need to be a part of a broader community. The participation opportunity in question allows them to share knowledge and information, while also comparing their social status to that on of...

Society and Culture from Sociological Perspectives

Introduction The position in society plays a significant role in one’s personality formation and ability to efficiently cooperate with other people. The study of this aspect of life is essential for increasing the understanding of these mechanisms and evaluating citizens’ well-being on the grounds of their personal features. Since the...

Structuration Theory of Anthony Giddens

According to Anthony Giddens, an individual’s structuration is based on their social habits, tied to how society expects them to conduct themselves. However, a person has the freedom to act as per their conscious mind, despite the situation. Someone who is dedicated to observing a society’s culture will consciously consider...

Analysis of LGBT Integration in Military

This work is devoted to the United States of America’s policy to accept representatives of the LGBT community into the ranks of the US Armed Forces. The study examined integrating LGBT people into the army and identified the main points that influenced the formation of acceptance to gays, lesbians, and...

The Universality of Human Rights

Introduction “Human rights are “universal” rights in the sense that they are held “universally” by all human beings” (Donnelly 2007, p.4). Human rights are also said to be universal because most cultures and societies have upheld the concept of human rights throughout their history (Donnelly 2007). Therefore, the concept of...

Woolf’s vs. Brady’s Feminist Articles Comparison

Over the past few centuries, there has been much debate about the role of women in society. Miscellaneous dictionaries developed different definitions of the phenomenon, but the most common describes feminism as equality of sexes in politics, economics, and the social arena. Such prominent figures as Virginia Woolf and Judy...

What Made the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Go Viral on Social Media?

In the era of social media, viral campaigns are launched to generate public interest or promote a product. The power of word of mouth strengthens the social media’s influence on people, contributes to the emergence of the crowdculture (cultural branding) concept, and implicates various social media marketing strategies (Holt, 2016;...

Research Involving Animals: The Animal Rights Debate

Background and introduction Research involving animals has for a very long time raised intense debate. Different individuals have varying opinions regarding whether conducting animal research is acceptable and justified. The discussion surrounding animal testing consists of two positions. Some individuals are in favor of using animals in research while others...

Actions Irish Immigrants Took to Assimilate in America

“Even as the Civil War provided the Irish-American community with an avenue toward assimilation, the Draft Riots and their aftermath led to lingering tension and distrust between the Irish and African American communities.” The selected sentence reflects how Irish-American groups moved towards assimilation through loyalty and military service during the...

Conflict Between Transgender Theory, Ethics, and Scientific Community

Introduction It is safe to say that the transgender theory has experienced a new ideological rise in the American and European scientific discourses over the past decade. Most of the controversy revolves around the topics of conversion therapy for children and fraud in research methodology. It is noticeable that these...

How Gaming Consoles Influence the Youth

Introduction Nowadays, young people are involved in numerous activities unknown to their parents. The reason for it is that technologies rapidly and continuously change, dramatically reshaping humans’ lives. At certain times, it causes considerable benefits; at other times, it leads to adverse consequences. Gaming consoles are popular products among American...

Child Welfare and Confidentiality

Introduction This essay will begin with a brief description of the nature of my placement and the setting. The law and guidance relating to the policy framework will be identified. I will also make a distinction between the legislation and the statutory guidance that underpins the practice, before broadly establishing...

Gender Differences in Delinquency

Research shows that gender is the most influential correlate for juvenile delinquency. In other words, males tend to commit more crimes than women; furthermore the intensity of crimes is often associated with one’s gender. Reasons behind these patterns shall be examined below Whether girls become delinquent for different reasons than...

Cultural Pluralism as System in Society

Cultural pluralism is a system where there is a full participation of the minority groups in a society that is not active in the issues that lead to society building. As per the participation of the minority groups, those involved are able to maintain their ethnic differences in their cultures....

Ideal Society: Impacts of Culture and Socialization

Culture refers to shared beliefs, norms, and traditions that bind a specific group of people. It encompasses a variety of characteristics, including language, religion, identity, and behavior. On the other hand, socialization denotes the lifelong process of acquiring the necessary skills to adequately function in a given community. This progression...

Brooks’ “Reading Too Much Political News…” Rhetorical Analysis

The summary of the article The current paper contains a rhetorical analysis of the article “Reading too much political news is bad for your well-being” . Brooks (2020) address an urgent topic of how political news affects people’s mood. The author concludes that it is vitally important to limit the...

Flat Earth Society: The Importance of Logic and Critical Thinking in Perceiving Information

The organization under consideration, the Flat Earth Society, is an explicit example of an online platform uniting people with a common belief. They provide extensive information regarding the movement’s support represented by the eponymous football club and the participation of YouTube celebrities in the discussion (The Flat Earth Society, n.d.)....

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Activism

Introduction Social movements are an important driver of social change since they help minorities to get lacking rights and liberties. Although much progress has been made in the field of civil rights recently, there are still social movements fighting for the rights of oppressed population groups, and one of them...

The Influence of Social Media on Mental Health

Introduction Social media has enhanced the connection and interaction of 3.81 billion people all over the world. It has aided in maintaining a good relationship between people and their families and friends. Social connection makes a person relieved of sadness, stress, and anxiety. However, it can pose negative impacts on...

Yoga: A Key to Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Strength

Introduction The majority of people suffer and die from heart diseases, depression, or obesity, and these issues are vulnerabilities of our mental, physical, and even spiritual state. A person can solve these issues by practicing yoga on a regular basis. The subject is critical because a number of recent studies...

Prison Staffing and Correctional Officers’ Duties

History The nature of the work of correction officers within the American prison system is highly misunderstood. The actual responsibilities of the different sections within the prison department overlap. There is no clear-cut rule on the nature of the work or the roles these officers play in inmates’ lives (“Evolving...

Gender-Assigned Social Norms: Male Socialization Experiences

Introduction People’s upbringing and assimilation in society mainly depend on their genders and the roles a particular social environment assigns to genders. While socialization as a process of acquiring a set of values and rules of behavior in a given society is essential for all groups, gender defines what specific...

“Stanford Prison Experiment Ethics” by Philip Zimbardo

Introduction In 1971, Philip Zimbardo conducted an infamous study, and he called it the Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE). This research is often considered influential in psychology. The experiment went beyond the traditional academic discourse and was referenced in movies and mass media reports (Le Texier, 2019). However, the research has...

Conflict Theory: Definition and Main Concepts

Definition and Analysis Conflict theory is a concept used in a wide range of disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, criminology, communication, education, among many others. This theory takes its roots in Carl Marx’s teachings since class struggle is based completely on a conflict. Therefore, the main aim of Conflict theory...

Role of Women in Public Relations

Public relations is a top industry that requires professionalism, experience, and success. For a PR professional, there is a huge number of daily struggles that he or she has to overcome and find some other innovative ways to handle them. There is no exact job description for public relations because...

The Superiority of Socialism Over Capitalism

In most western countries, capitalism is typically lauded as the most effective way of regulating market relationships, whereas socialism is traditionally frowned upon as a threat to free trade. However, not only does socialism suffer from a prejudiced attitude reinforced by the infamous witch-hunts, but also has a range of...

Computer Ethics: Ethics, Laws, Definition & Privacy

The continuous development of technology and the rise of social media significantly shape the modern life of people. The majority of them use different devices (tablets, laptops, or smartphones) to access the Internet and exchange information with other human beings for various purposes. Computer ethics emerged as an answer to...

The Ethics and Impacts of Animal Testing in Today’s World

Introduction Animal testing is among high controversial and ethical issues of the modern world, where both commercial and scientific organizations are increasingly generating products, which require extensive testing on model organisms. The concern is manifested in the fact that animals are sentient beings as well, which poses a dilemma in...

The Concept of Respect as the Foundation of the Social System

Respect is one of the basic concepts that serve as the foundation of our world’s social framework. It is an essential element of personal and professional relationships because it builds mutual trust and affection. There are different ways in which it is possible to express respect, such as being attentive...

Psychological Androgyny Positive Effects on Personality

Androgyny refers to the presentation of both masculine and feminine characteristics within the same individual. The term androgyny can signify the self-presentation of one’s appearance and one’s gender identity. Before the 1970s, psychologists always perceived femininity and masculinity as two opposites on a unidimensional axis (Dean & Tate, 2016). They...

Networking and Career Development Importance

Introduction Networking builds a network of business ties and forms a circle of people around you, each of whom is professional in a specific field. According to Batistic and Tymon (2017), “Networking is the age-old practice of building and nurturing personal and professional links with a variety of people to...

Sleepy Hollow General Hospital: Conflict of Interest

Background Statement The organization under review, the Sleepy Hollow General Hospital, experiences an issue in the incoherency in hip and knee implant supply. The investigation has shown that orthopedic surgeons in the facility purchase their equipment from different suppliers that vary significantly in price, quality, and use. The financial executive...

Why Humans Should Not Visit Mars

Over the past few decades, developments in the field of space flights and space exploration have gone so far that the time has come to wonder if it is worth sending people to Mars. Such a step would actualize the potential of space exploration. On the other hand, the appearance...

Gender Stereotypes: Should Real Men Wear Pink?

Nowadays, studies regarding the topic of similarities and differences between men and women are becoming more relevant for social studies. Some of the most well-known facts about gender stereotypes usually relate to clothing. Even in the 21st century, there is a strong belief among people that real men should not...

Nonverbal Communication as an Essential Part of Conversation

The field of nonverbal communication has been gaining interest from researchers as it plays a crucial role in establishing connections and understanding others’ intentions. Nonverbal communication includes many dimensions such as body language, emotions, and emotional intelligence, personal space and contingency, the tone of voice, and distinctive signals such as...

The Importance of Information Literacy

Information literacy is a skill of a person able to request, search, select, and evaluate the necessary information. The ability to think critically, remaining one of the parts of information literacy, is essential for human life skills. In the era of the information society, one cannot do without the ability...

Respect in the Army: Values and Standards

Introduction Effective communication is essential in every sphere of human performance and every kind of activity, including the most trivial and routine one. However, its significance is particularly pronounced in the army where mutual understanding can define the outcome of a military mission. It can be argued that respect towards...

“Shooting an Elephant” and “All Animals are Equal”

Introduction People have been raising issues concerning human rights and equality. These rights and equality are mostly based on race, ethnicity and gender. There have been arguments that all human beings are equal, each and every human being has equal rights as the other and he or she is entitled...

Social Phenomena Theories: Bureaucratic and Classical Theories

Introduction Theories are very important sources of scientific enlightenment. In many cases, a theory in a research study often appears in the form of discourses and time-tested ideologies. Scientific theories are used to explain certain social phenomena (Creswell, 2009). Therefore, the scope of this essay will be limited to two...

A Change in the Way You Deal With Other People

Introduction Since no man is an island, it is convenient to learn how to handle other people in our lives. Before handling other people, it is worth noting that people are different. Some people are difficult to handle or impossible, while others are easygoing. An efficient way of dealing with...

Women as Vigilantes in “Thelma & Louise” Movie

Introduction to the Movie ‘Thelma and Louise’ is a fascinating story of two allies Louise and Thelma, who head for a vacation to escape their tribulations for a while. Thelma is a housewife married to a chauvinistic husband; Darryl. She does not have freedom considering her economic status. Louise works...

Computer Ethics and Privacy

Introduction Currently, many people depend on computers to undertake their homework, create and store important information. It is consequently necessary that the information is accurately and safely kept. It is equally important to safeguard computers from the loss of data, abuse as well as other forms of manipulation. For instance,...

Responsibility as an Ethical Concept

I have always considered myself a person of high self-reflection abilities. I tend to analyze every single aspect of my life that I can control such, as my actions, decisions, emotions, feelings, and thoughts. Too often people look for someone to blame when they should be more conscious of themselves....

Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill

Introduction Utilitarianism in its simplest form is a theory of ethics that says the fundamental principle of morality is the principle of utility, in other words a person must choose to do something that is most likely to produce the greatest good of the greatest number of people (LaFave, 2006)....

The Rise of Mass Communications

Introduction Advanced technology has rewritten the future of the world. Technology is getting advanced day by day and these technologies decide the life of the people. It has been applied in every sphere of life especially in the field of mass communication. Propaganda persuades people to a cause or position...

Bell’s Post-industrial Society Theory and Braverman’s Deskilling Theory

Introduction The change in social stratification was present during the agrarian and all through to the industrial revolution. These past revolutions brought changes that socialists had to theoretically examine their consequences in the future. Bell and Braverman contributed to theories of the labor process but their ideologies were different and...

Globalization in a Global Economy

Introduction It has been noted that, for economies to thrive successively in the current world market; they need to work as a group in order to help each other grow economically, socially and technologically. In this case therefore, world economies and societies have come together to work as a global...

Children’s, Young People’s and Family Rights

Abstract This document will base its discussion on children rights in consistence to the 1989 convention; it will then embark on the legality of the convention going further into highlighting the children rights as outlined in the convention. It will then narrow down to the special children’s groups to analyze...

How Has Feminism Influenced the Art of Animation?

Introduction It has been suggested that animation is even older than live-action, or motion picture — its more popular and more commercial counterpart in the film industry but it has been accorded of less importance not only in formal discourse but also in theory so that up until recently, it...

South African: Apartheid in South Africa and Other Themes

Apartheid in South Africa was a legal system of racial segregation that was implemented in between the year 1948 and 1994 by the National Party. In South Africa, racial discrimination started in the colonial times. New rules categorized residents into racial grouping (colored, black, Indian and white) and dwelling areas...

Wealth and Power: The Class Structure in the U.S.

Your class will soon be graduating from college. Some of your friends keep saying how their parents will buy them cars and pay for their holidays abroad. Is the most you can hope for a family photograph? Whatever one gets on graduation day is a clear reflection of their social...

Race and Local Community

Introduction Living in this complicated world I always paid attention to people, to their inner world and personalities and I have understood that being so different and individual we all have much in common. We can feel and that is the most important feature that relates to people who live...

The Issues of Love: Analysis

Introduction Although, the issues of love are rather important for the existence of the mankind, they stay unsolved demanding further consideration by people. Despite numerous ideas about the sense of human lives that suggest doing the good, fulfilling some missions, etc. as the major aim of human beings in this...

Why We Age and Anti-Aging Strategies

Introduction Scientists have always tried to come up with a theory that explains aging and so far there are several theories reached. Some theories states that aging process is natural and therefore from birth the body is programmed while other theories suggests that aging results from accumulation of damage over...

Rhetoric in Holland’s Endangered Pleasures: Travel

Introduction Barbara Holland’s Endangered Pleasures: In Defense of Naps, Bacon, Martinis, Profanity, and Other Indulgences is a critically-acclaimed collection of thoughts on mundane and unappreciated subjects. However, the wit and quick thinking turned the narrative into an interesting discussion about the small details of life to which most are indifferent....

Women in the UK Hospitality Industry: Climb to the Top

Introduction The “glass ceiling” a term coined by Wall Street in 1986 (Ryan and Haslam 2007) is the barrier imposed on women for attaining management positions which in the UK no longer applies as there are many more women in management positions now than has been in the past 15...

The Relationship between Race and Sexuality

In order to understand the relationship between Race and sexuality, we must first have a clear understanding of the two terms and at the same time have a clear understanding of society’s views about the two issues. Sexuality is a complex issue that affects everyone. People of different communities have...

Penelope and Weaving in Homer’s “The Odyssey”

Introduction Throughout history, women have been considered the weaker sex. They long existed under the domination of men in both political power and physical abilities. Confinement and an emphasis on delicacy have for centuries been the hallmarks of a noble woman’s lifestyle. These attributes were imposed upon women more out...

Ethical Theories and Principles

Sometimes, it is difficult to tell unambiguously whether a deed is right or wrong. Moral principles do not always find their place in legislation, and people should decide how to act in a challenging situation based on their feeling of rightness and wrongness, as well as common sense. In such...

Deontological and Consequential Ethical Conflict

The understanding of whether a particular action is right or wrong depends on the perspective of a moral theory from which it is viewed. Deontological and consequential ethics are contrasting moral codes that often give contradictory views on different problems. According to Vaughn (2019), deontological ethics implies the vision of...

Single-Sex vs. Co-Ed Schools: Benefits and Drawbacks

Single-sex primary and secondary education is a controversial topic that is widely discussed in research. Whereas some scholars believe that sexually segregated classrooms are beneficial for students of both sexes, others argue that they promote gender discrimination and stereotyping. Still, schools offering sexually segregated education are popular around the world....

Gambling Justification Through Moral Relativism

Last week I met some friends, and in our conversation, the issue of gambling came up, and five individuals in a group of seven argued that this practice is immoral. I could not understand why such an issue could be controversial, but I quickly realized that all those against gambling...

Child Predators and Sex Trafficking

People in all corners of the world are continuously exposed to a great number of crimes daily. With the emergence of new technologies and ways of communication, the scale and number of such crimes rise. While some offenses are vividly observable, others remain unseen by the general public due to...

Millennials & Boomers: Insights from Keith Spencer’s Essay

The essay “Why Millennials Will Miss Boomers When They’re Gone” by Keith Spencer gives the reader a view on the generation gap between Baby Boomers and millennials. It goes into great detail, describing those generations’ differences, the reasons for those and what important lessons readers must learn. The essay is...

The Process of Socialization

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that socialization is one of the essential and very complex processes that define the personality of an individual. From the sociological perspective, a person is not born as a fully developed and functioning social actor, but he or she has to go through a...

Tellico Dam Debate: Economic Growth vs. Environmental Ethics

Rationale There are no good reasons to delay or cancel the construction of the Tellico Dam on the Little Mississippi River. The biggest issue that I have with how the current situation is unfolding is that the Endangered Species Act and its proponents seek to find the underlying moral principles...

“How to Think Like a Sociologist” by Sternheimer

In her article, Karen Sternheimer claims that in the present day, more and more people are taking sociology classes in their higher institutions. It is essential to learn how to think like a sociologist not only to gain higher grades in university but also to develop an entirely new image...

Parenthood as a Cause of Social Status Change

Introduction The development of a personality is greatly influenced by different events. The most significant experiences have the most impact on socialization because they cause the change in social statuses and roles. These experiences include education, employment, parenthood, etc. A person can experience role conflicts that finally shape his or...

Identity in Latin America: Sarmiento, Martí, Ortiz

This paper aims to investigate the position of three different authors on the problem of identity in Latin America. The issue of social and cultural identity is of immense importance for nearly any individual in the majority of countries. It is evident that if people do not find ways to...

Feminism and Sex in Hip-Hop Music

Introduction Hip Hop music was introduced with the intention of combating poverty, racism, and violence that were prevalent in lower-income neighborhoods across the United States. The music targeted individuals who hailed from violent backgrounds with no or little education. The objective was to help them to devise survival tactics. With...

Ethical Standards for Human Service Professionals

Social services professionals play a positive role in every community. They use their competencies to support the welfare of many people and provide adequate services that can improve their living conditions (Diller, 2015). I strongly believe that I have acquired useful dexterities that make me a competent provider of superior...

Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal Communication Process of developing a good relationship with other people Interpersonal skills can be learned and developed Effective communication is an essential skill and is related to success Principles of Interpersonal Communication Good listening is being interested in what you are being told Judgment should come after the information...

Veteran Suicide Rates: Addressing Mental Health Challenges

The increase in suicide rates among veterans frightens and reveals the magnitude of mental challenges experienced by the group. The most worrying aspect of Clay Hunt’s interview was the revelation that 22 veterans die daily from suicide (CBS News, 2013). Unfortunately, many recruits to the army fit the profile of...

Ethical Issues in Information Technology

​Introduction IT ethics may be defined as an analysis of the impact of information technology on the profession and society at large. It involves taking a look at how professionals in this sector need to be making their decisions. This course has exposed me to the importance and challenges that...

Developing Own Ethical Identity: Principles and Impact

Introduction Our society can only function productively if its members learn how to co-exist harmoniously. This harmonious existence can only come about if everyone follows certain values that guide and inform their choices and actions. These normally well-established norms are known as ethics and they normally determine the purpose and...

Alcohol Drinking and Ethical Decision-Making

Introduction Human beings face various challenges in life that confront them with great dilemmas. In most cases, these situations have more than one alternative, and each choice has consequences for the victims and other members of society. Therefore, it becomes difficult for a person to make a decision when it...

Directness in Operational Communication

Directness in Operational Communication Operational communication is essential in organizations as it enables undertakings that facilitate productivity. Effective operational communication is therefore required in institutions to allow for respect, politeness, and focus on what is needed. This allows for emphasis on the subject of communication and does not make the...

Individual Development in the Societal Context

The formation and perception of one’s self are greatly affected by society and societal context due to the role they play in psychological development and achievement of personhood. There are numerous works on the influence of societal content and context on individual development, and most of them center on the...

“We Are the Walking Dead” by Gerry Canavan

Introduction Reading is a process that is, in its nature, more complicated and multifaceted than it is usually perceived. In many cases, authors do not just write plan facts in order to inform their readers about something but wrap the delivered information in multiple layers of presentational techniques and strategies....

Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal and Ethical Theories

Introduction After President Bill Clinton got involved in a love affair with Lewinsky, people had mixed reactions about the affair. At the time of the scandal, Lewinsky worked as an intern in the White House. Her perceived friend at the time, Tripp, had been recording phone conversations between Clinton and...

Ice Bucket Challenge Campaign Evaluation

ALS Bucket Challenge ALS (or Ice) Bucket Challenge campaign had two major objectives: to attract the public’s attention to the problems of people suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and to raise money for ALS fund which would enable further research of the disease (Woolf, 2016). The project’s strategy was concerned...

Effectiveness of Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King

In 1842 Henry David Thoreau did not to pay his taxes. He did the same thing the following year. In 1846 he was arrested for failure to pay taxes. Thoreau decided not to pay his taxes in order to protest slavery (Dillman 1). It was an illegal arrest. The law...

Sexuality in “Love Beyond Gender” by Alysia Abbott

The question of sexuality has always been an ongoing issue for human society. Being one of the basic instincts, sexual interest impacts the life of an individual and predetermines the choice of a partner. Sexuality plays a crucial role in the process as it conditions this very choice and results...

Illegal Immigrants and Its Effects on Crime

Introduction Due to its status as the world’s richest country and the land of opportunities, the United States has attracted millions of immigrants over the decades. The immigrants are mostly people who seek to benefit financially from the numerous economic opportunities available in the country. In addition to the legal...

Socrates’ Life, Trial, and Death: A Philosophical Journey

Socrates’ Life Socrates is an Athenian and one of the founders of western philosophy. He is is mainly known through the works of conventional writers, especially the writings of his students, Plato and Xenophon (Ramose 69). Most of his achievements and thoughts appear in the writings of his students, for...

California Fusion Cuisine: Unique Dishes Influenced by Diverse Cultures

The California cuisine is usually discussed as the fusion cuisine because this regional cuisine is influenced by different ethnicities and cultures, and the famous dishes in California are the results of combining different ingredients typical for various culinary traditions used to form a new rather unique recipe. The California fusion...

Leadership: Power, Authority, and Influence Selections

Improving Ethical Behaviours Many people do not embrace the best principles whenever making their decisions. This situation occurs when such individuals have to deal with their ethical dilemmas. According to Bazerman and Tenbrusel (2011, p. 154), “human beings overestimate their capabilities to do things properly”. However, such individuals will act...

Social Networking vs. Live Communication: The Dueling

Introduction: A Runaway to the Utopia of the XXI Century There comes the time when people feel that they are too sensitive for reality, and the virtual world seems the only option. At first, reading books seemed to be the only possible solution, but after the technological boom, the opportunities...

Elizabeth Fernea’s Ethnographic Insights into Life in an Iraqi Village

Response to the book Guests of the Sheik: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village The book written by Elizabeth Fernea illustrates the situations when a person is placed outside his/her own culture. The author illustrates those cases when a person has to confront various behavioral norms. For example, the writer...

Structuralism Concept in Philosophy

Background Identifying the Main Theorists in the Field While analyzing the theory, it is imperative to highlight the difference between structuralism tendencies presented in American and the ones developed in Europe. The latter is associated with the study of structural linguistics by Ferdinand de Saussure who focuses more on synchronic...

Poems and Prose: Depicting Human Life in Society

Introduction Literature in the form of poems and prose depict the life of human beings in a society. Poems and prose are essential in a society in many different ways. For example, they educate, enlighten, satirize and criticize a system, as well as entertaining people in the society. Poems and...

Social Institutions and the Society

Every society has social institutions. These institutions cover wider pera iphery from social organization to customs unique to a setting. Often dependent on each other, social institutions align sets of interrelated normatic elements and expected role functioning. Thus, this reflective research paper attempts to define social institutions especially economic, religious,...

The Concept of ‘Responsibility’

The concept of ‘responsibility’ The peculiarities of the modern world’s development make people often think about the idea of responsibility because they should be responsible for each their step and every word. I agree that the concept of ‘responsibility’ can be discussed as one of the major elements which form...

Heraclitus: Changeability of Reality and Logos

According to Heraclitus, the main and most important trait of the reality was its changeability. He states that permanence was nothing but illusion (Moore & Bruder, 2010). Though, Heraclitus believed that the changes in the universe were not accidental, but determined by logos, the cosmic order. He spoke about the...

PTSD: Understanding Symptoms and Treatment Options

Abstract People often experience situations that make them feel worried or suffer emotional tension. The human body reacts to such situations with a fight or flight response. Examples of experiences that can lead to such responses include rape, child abuse, bombing, torture, mugging, and natural disasters among others. People who...

Social Problems of People with Disabilities

People living with disabilities go through several challenges in life because society is yet to appreciate their presence. Close analysis of the professionals in the Hall of Fame suggests that stigmatization is one of the challenges that the deaf and the blind face in most societies, including some of the...

Depressed Women and Art Therapy

Introduction Depression is a serious mental health issue that has become prevalent in modern society. While this condition afflicts people indiscriminately, women are more predisposed to developing depressive disorders. A report by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) estimates that one in eight women will face a major depression...

Gender is a Role, not a Biological Sex, and it is Cultural

Definition of gender identity Gender identity differs from person’s sexual orientation or biological sex, it is rather a social role which an individual links himself/herself to. In normal circumstances, the gender identity of an individual i.e. man or woman usually resembles their biological sex, which is male or female. However,...

Anarchist Perspectives and the Sociological Imagination: Exploring Complex Ideas

Introduction At first glance, it might seem that the two concepts – the anarchist squint and the sociological imagination – have almost nothing in common. Although both concepts promise to drive humanity to a better future if implemented by people, there is a distinct difference in the main ideas: where...

Women and Sexuality through Naomi Wolf’s Book ‘Promiscuity’

Introduction A woman’s sexuality is a contentious context. Ms Wolf demystifies women sexuality through this expose. This book is a memoir and expose about the confusion in female sexuality. Wolf reminisces about her sexual escapades with her friends. She projects the escapade as the journey women take to sexually maturity....

Analyzing Global Inequality: Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Disparities

Introduction Sociology refers to the study of the relations between people, the statutes, and procedures that govern these interactions by either binding or separating persons, organizations, or societies (Oesamn 45). Some of the basic sociological concepts that are looked at in the study of sociology include culture, deviance and social...

What does the Rise in Interest in Celebrities Tell Us about Our Current Society?

Introduction In the society as a whole, there are those individuals who are not known, and there are also those who are well known in history. Those who are well known are known as celebrities and they are, in most cases, influenced by celebrity culture. The history of celebrity culture...

Effective and Professional Electronic Communications

Over the past decade, the Internet has revolutionized the way in which communication occurs in the workplace. One of the revolutionary communication means which has emerged is the use of emails. According to Isabelle (2009), electronic mail is now the most useful channel of communication across the globe. As such,...

Social Issues: Family in Saudi Arabia

Family is the fundamental unit in any society where most society members learn their behavior. However, the family has never had the same interpretations in every community. This is due to the different cultural beliefs that every society has. As a result, behavior that is considered normal in one society...

The Importance of Animal Testing in Medical Research and Ethics

Introduction Humans have long used animal testing to assess how the disease affects biology. There is debate about whether animal testing can be abandoned and moved to more humane and modern models that benefit humans and do not harm animals. Testing animals for scientific purposes in medicine is appropriate because...

Sociological Themes and Functionalism in a Familiar Setting

Description of the Everyday Setting One of the examples from an everyday setting concerns social relationships and responsibilities within a family. More precisely, many parents give pocket money to their teenage children, but when the adolescents become adults, parents stop their financial support. This type of social change is common...