The “Race: The Power of an Illusion” Documentary

The concept of race remains one of the most contentious issues of the 21st century. Even with the progress made, the pain and suffering inflicted upon racial minorities by the colonialist West cannot be overlooked. Therefore, understanding the nature of the current disparaging attitudes toward people belonging to racial minorities,...

Impact of Internet and Social Media on Influencers

Introduction First of all, it is essential to think about influencers who are caught up in the ceaseless flow of the Internet. Influencers are the ones who are under the most strain in this digital storm. They have turned their attention to social media. Most were unaware of the numerous...

Taxonomy of Leadership Theories

Today, in the 21st century, there is compelling evidence indicating that leadership is one of the most expansively researched social influence processes, both in academia and, of course, in practice (Parris & Peachey, 2013). The importance of diversity in leadership has been well documented in the literature (Ayman & Korabik,...

Culture and Values in Business Organizations

Abstract The existing concepts have proposed that organizational culture influences the capacity of a corporation to function in the global markets. In fact, most organizations have been unable to serve clients adequately based on the prevailing culture that inhibits the propensity of the workforce to generate and effectively use new...

Why College Graduates Fare Well?

Introduction Unemployment is a grave concern for college students. Earning a college degree is an expensive proposition; students often accumulate large debts in finishing their education and require employment to sustain themselves. During periods of economic instability, finding a job is an issue for most people. However, statistics indicate that...

An Thai Coffee Processing Plant’s Accounting

Introduction Thai coffee is a registered coffee processing plant that is located in Vietnam. The company is specialized in the manufacture of roasted coffee, ground coffee, instant coffee, and 3 in 1 milk coffee (Farag 34). The company was established in 1996 and is located in Tieng Hoang and employs...

Frito-Lay Inc.’s Take-Over of Cracker Jack Brand

Case Recap Frito-Lay is a well-known manufacturer of snack chips throughout the world. It is the leading selling brand of chips in the United States. Their major brand includes Doritos, Raffle, Tostitos, Cheetos, Sun Chips, and Funyuns. Lynne Peissig being the vice president and general manager of the New Venture...

Northern Miami Community Windshield Survey

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR443 Community Health Nursing Criteria Your response Introduction of Community (20 points) Identify the city and state of your community and briefly describe the community you will be using for this assignment. It should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work...

Social Satire in The Canterbury Tales

The Canterbury Tales is an unfinished work by the poet Geoffrey Chaucer, written in the late 14th century, in Middle English. The work is a collection of prose and poetic novellas, united by one common frame: the stories are told by pilgrims heading to worship the relics of St. Thomas...

World War 1 Influences Analysis

There is not single country that can entirely be blamed causing World War 1 (WW1) despite all the literature and purported evidence that many suggest so. However, these nations were misled and influenced by protagonist misconceptions and sheer blindness and did influence the war in one way or the other....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Conflict in Former Yugoslavia

Introduction The conflict in the former Yugoslavia was caused by the long standings borders between several nations that should have never occurred. If these borders had been eliminated earlier, then chances are that the conflict would have ended sooner. Analysis The former Yugoslavia was a country that was in a...

Economic Tools and Concepts: Health Care Industry

An economic tool refers to methods that are utilized by economists in the analysis of various issues. Such tools include the demand and supply curves which are used to illustrate various concepts such as elasticity and conduction of marginal analysis. In the health care industry, there is a wide range...

Ethical Issues of American Democracy

The Use of American Power America has been a powerful nation for long, and its power is highly manifested within and outside the nation. The purpose and use of American power has mainly been in defending the nation and its citizens from its enemies. With increased cases of terrorism in...

The Origins of Professional Coaching

Introduction The origins of professional coaching go back to the industrial revolution in the form of apprenticeship and mentorship initiatives. The earliest research on coaching intrigued a surge of interest for both companies and employees who came to value the process for its ability to influence behavior performance and productivity...

Health and Safety Regulations in the Engineering Environment

Introduction The health and safety regulations at the workplace entail a set of guidelines put in place to guide the management and junior workers on the safe and appropriate ways of carrying out their day-to-day occupations while avoiding accidents. These provisions are outlined in the Workplace regulations of 1992, the...

Venezuela. Physical Geography. Economics Issues

Venezuela is located in the northern end of South America, with an area spanning approximately 354 thousand square miles. It has a 1,700-mile coastline bordering the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, administering a number of islands and archipelagos in those bodies of water. Venezuela is divided into three elevations...

How War Trauma Evolved During World War I

Research question: How did war trauma evolve in clinical and scientific perspectives during World War I? Primary Sources “Letters from the First World War, 1915.” Trenches. This source is a collection of letters soldiers wrote in the First World War to their family members and friends. It is a primary...

Nonverbal Communication in Relationships

This paper aims to explore the essence of facial expressions in nonverbal communication in enhancing the day-to-day interactions among people in a specific setup. The paper also outlines the theories used in assessing nonverbal communication and how it applies when using facial expressions. The terminologies used in nonverbal communication have...

Frederick Douglass: Fighter for Afro-American Rights

One of the most ardent champions of the movement for Afro-American rights, Frederick Douglass went a long way from being a slave to a well-known and respected member of American society. Having lived through many hardships, Douglass managed to retain the spirit of freedom that sustained him during all of...

Ethical Reasoning in the Boeing 737 Max Fraud

The ethical dilemma when the safety concerns over the 737 Max first surfaced When first questions concerning the safety of the 737 Max were raised, Boeing found itself in a precarious position from an ethical point of view, which may be summed up as follows: For instance, when the first...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Practice and Future Trends

Introduction The United States healthcare system has a high extent of division across several sectors, which increase barrier substantially to offering quality: and accessible care at an affordable price. Diverse strategic transformations have been progressively transforming the nursing practice in the context of America. The paper examines the work of...

Metal Recycling and Its Environmental Importance

Abstract Metals are adaptable substances utilized for ages to create common items. Metals are priceless non-renewable assets and vital components for various applications, including manufacturing tools, buildings, and electronics. Reusing metal only requires gathering waste metal, refining it, and turning it into brand-new metal. Reclaimed metal can be used to...

Value of Advertising and Branding

Introduction Marketing, advertising, branding, and marketing directors play a significant role in a business. These departments influence a business’s image to the public, accessibility of its products, brand image, customer loyalty, sales volumes, and the products’ strength against competition. Depending on the size of a business and its budget, these...

Public Opinion in the American Political System

Question 1: Discuss the role of public opinion in the American political system. The role of public opinion in the American political system ranges from a secondary monitoring tool to the primary policy-making factor depending on the party, which defines it. One of the radical views of public opinion is...

The Ford Motor Company: Supply Chain Strategy

Describe how the auto industry might work differently if it were designed by the Dell Model The Ford motor company has existed since 1903 (Dornbach, Slade & Thorpe, 2009, p.4). It has had a series of success stories-revenues of more than 144 billion, operation in over 200 countries of the...

EHR Database Management: Diabetes Prevention

Introduction According to Baus, Wood, Pollard, Summerfield, and White (2013), “diabetes mellitus is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States and is a major contributor to decreased life expectancy, increased rates of heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, lower-limb amputations, retinopathy, and adult-onset blindness” (p. 1f). Moreno-Iribas et...

Microsoft’s Strategies to Leverage Its Monopoly Position

What is the primary barrier to entry in the operating systems market? How does Netscape’s product threaten to remove this barrier? Microsoft has succeeded in creating a monopoly in the operating systems market with its Windows operating system. To start with, running an operating system requires very many software programs....

Heroic Code in Homer’s Iliad

Homer’s Iliad is somewhat unique among the ancient tales because of its tendency to include human features in its heroes. Although it displays the same sort of adherence to the early ‘heroic code’, the heroes in this tale retain many of their human frailties and concerns. Each character displays a...

Leadership and Management: Case Study Analysis

Introduction In order to sustain the business operations in a competitive environment, a company requires to have sound strategies for marketing, communication, research and development, sales, social responsibility and of course in managing the workforce. This calls for an effective management development plan for running the organization. In today’s competitive...

Picture “Vatel” by Roland Joffe

The history of such a country as France is of special difficulty in this respect as far as this country has a specific history which closely related to the social changes and cultural development in the whole world. Thus, to understand better the peculiarities of the formation of the modern...

“The Fish” Poem by Elizabeth Bishop

Introduction This paper would discuss and evaluate literary traits found in the poem The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop. The focus would be on her tone and particular moral concerns expressed by her in the poem. Elizabeth Bishop’s “The Fish” Elizabeth Bishop is a poetess that is often admired for her...

Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex and Shakespeare’s Othello

To begin with, from ancient times a theme of inner feelings and conflicts maintained in a man’s soul and mind excite many people by the psychological nature of individuals who urge to find out a specific devotion and predestination in life. Here the extent of dramatic conversations appeared. This gave...

Cyberpunk: Examples of the Genre

If we take a close look at particularities of scientific progress for the last thirty years, it will appear that, during the course of this time, not a single breakthrough of universal magnitude (with exception of invention of Internet) has been achieved; whereas, in time of Industrial Revolution and during...

Camus – “Creation and Revolution”

Given Albert Camus’ strong affiliation with the philosophy of existentialism, it would only be logical to discuss the sub-chapter “Creation and Revolution” from his book The Rebel within the context of existentialist discourse. In its turn, this discourse is being concerned with the exploitation of an ‘alienation’ theme – that...

Artificial Intelligence: Science Fiction Novels

The world, where humans will coexist with machines, is coming closer every day. The fast development of artificial intelligence that was almost a miracle a hundred years ago now is considered to be a usual thing. Attempts of science to understand how the human brain works and improve the fragile...

Halophiles (Extremophile): Habitat and Membrane Structure

Halophiles usually thrive in salty environments and they are categorized according to the extent of their tolerance for highly saline environments, ranging from slight, moderate and extreme. Their adaptability to these highly saline environments, which have limited habitation by life forms, has drawn the interest of scientists who seek to...

Organizational Culture Profile Characteristics in Companies

Introduction Every organization aims at increasing improve its performance and minimize its expenditures. Moreover, competition in business is inevitable, and firms must develop ways to maintain their competitive advantage and increase their market share. One way corporations ensure that they grow and meet their objectives is by focusing on their...

Turdus Migratorius, American Robin

Introduction The American Robin is also known as Turdus migratorius is a medium-sized migratory songbird that belongs to the “thrush” genus. Its geographic spans the entire North American continent, but it commonly seen in northern Nearctic regions, particularly for breeding. It is carnivorous and highly adaptable. The bird is one...

The American Dream: Jay Gatsby’s Illegal Wealth

The American Dream is a happy way of living believed in the United States that anyone has a chance for success and can also rise to a higher social or economic position by working hard. A more significant number longs for it to pursue its idea of happiness. There is...

Tourism Sustainability After COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction As countries around the world open their borders after a long lasted lockdown, many people are thinking of traveling again and taking a decent vacation. Months of quarantine and restricted movements have made exploration even more attractive, but pandemics have also forced people to rethink their travel habits and...

Aspects of the Maya Culture

The Mayan civilization is one of the most ancient and advanced civilizations that existed in Latin America in pre-Columbian times. Mayan culture is known for advanced knowledge in architecture, mathematics, and astronomy, as well as a developed system of communication, religion, and art, which still impact the modern peoples of...

“Meet John Doe”: United States Power and Politics

Introduction Currently, democracy in the United States is endangered just like it was at the filming of “Meet John Doe.” The Americans do not clearly agree in a marginal way what actuality really looks like (Brackney, 2017). Essentially, humans are not inclined in having similar thoughts or beliefs. In discussing...

Personal Development and Communication Skills

Background In the quest to better one’s self and accomplish goals, many people improve their personal development abilities and communication skills over time. They achieve this through education, mentorship, experiences, and self-help. These aspects are crucial in enabling people to design strategic planning for their career and personal advancement. This...

“The Martian” by Andy Weir: Critical Review

Introduction The Martian is among the greatest science fiction novels Andy Weir published on his website in 2011. The book attracted a significant audience appreciation, making it among the New York Times Best Sellers. Andy Weir’s lifelong interest in science fiction inspired him to write The Martian. The novel’s review...

Persuasion and Relationships in Negotiating and Disputes

Introduction: Power of Persuasion and its Role in Negotiation A success of negotiation is fully dependent upon the persuasion skills of the communicants. Persuasion helps people to address multiple issues and challenges, to attract attention as well as to arrive at mutually consistent and correct decisions. It is crucial to...

Environmental Festivals and Fairs: Function and Importance

Introduction Environmental festivals are becoming increasingly popular, and many countries that desire to create environmental awareness are turning to environmental festivals as a means of spreading environmental conservation messages and creating awareness with regards to the importance of resolving environmental problems. The Tbilisi conference on environmental education, held at Tbilisi,...

Revenue Management in Health Care Organizations

Introduction Health care organizations require revenue for them to offer quality services. The organizations obtain income from different sources. They include government programs, private payers, and investment. The health care organizations do not negotiate on payment rates for the government programs. However, they have an influence over the payment rates...

Voice of America during the Cold War

Aim of the public diplomacy project To identify the role of the Voice of America and its impact on the world. Scenario: The Context in which the activity took place/issue it sought to address The Voice of America is the legitimate extrinsic broadcast organization of the United States of America....

Important Facets of Domestic Economy of US

Introduction We are undergoing a stress in our economy due to various factors. The present economic crisis perhaps could have a severe impact as the Great Depression had in the past. However, for the purposes of this essay, we shall assume that many adverse factors had been overcome or at...

Remuneration Issues in the Organization: CEO Compensation

The current economic crisis has brought numerous discrepancies in the way the world economies are run. Apart from exposing the weaknesses inherent in the systems issues of remuneration have hit the headlines hard. The financial institutions that triggered the credit crisis were the same firms offering some of the highest...

Description of Family Health: Interviews Analysis

Introduction The quality of people’s lives is determined not only by financial income and success rates but also by health. It is known that the combination of different living environments, including social, economic, and biological ones, can shape conditions that affect the quality of life. Such conditions are called social...

Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia: The Key Points

Introduction The research article by Brito et al. (2007) for High Altitude Medicine and Biology explored the topic of chronic intermittent hypoxia at high altitude exposure for over twelve years. The scholars assessed the renal, cardiovascular and haematological effects. The study was of quantitative design and involved healthy army personnel...

Design Solutions for Improving Website Quality and Effectiveness

The simplest definition of structure is how the pages of a site are located and are accessible to visitors for navigation. The structure is built using navigation and links, but in addition, it is connected with other elements, such as breadcrumbs, sitemaps, sections, categories, etc. A well-designed structure can help...

Discussion: Smoking and Health Risks

Introduction Smoking is generally considered to be one of the most harmful habits. Moreover, it continues to poison billions of people worldwide despite the numerous policies that aim at reducing its popularity. In many societies, smoking has become an essential part of traditions and one of the favorite leisure activities....

The COVID-19 Pandemic and Labor Market Dynamics

Gros, Daniel, and Alexandre Ounnas. “Labour market responses to the Covid-19 crisis in the United States and Europe.” CEPS Working Document No. 2021. Web. The effect of the Covid-19 on unemployment is investigated in this article by evaluating and comparing labor market responses in the United States and the United...

Immunology: Influenza Virus Evolution

The influenza virus is one of the major threats to the health of the population all over the world. It is considered to be one of the infections with the highest potential for mutation as it constantly evolves and adapts to living in a human body. The virus is also...

Project Management Body of Knowledge vs. Agile Approach

There are multiple managerial approaches to organizing a company’s workflow. In pursuit of the most efficient method, organizations have adapted for projects that have low and high rates of delivery and varying degrees of change. One of such approaches is called Agile, which is also known as Scrum, which was...

Training for a Financial Services Organization

Introduction Training employees is essential because it helps employees learn about the company’s culture, core values, and the skills to do their jobs effectively. It is always crucial for training managers to have training techniques such as employee appraisal systems and job rotation. These techniques will aid the company in...

The Autumn Sonata Film by Ingmar Bergman

Scandinavian Film Tendencies The Autumn Sonata, directed by Ingmar Bergman, was chosen to analyze the film. First, it will be important to determine the features of Scandinavian films’ tendencies and highlight the characteristics of Autumn Sonata that correspond to these tendencies. First, Scandinavian films focus intensely on social realism and...

The Culture of Work Organizations

Every organization is unique. This is because the organizations have different ways of doing things. They have a culture that is unique to that organization. Some scholars say the corporate culture is to an organization what personality is to an individual Different organizations give different levels of job satisfaction to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Services Marketing in Vehicle Recovery Industry

Introduction The success in the marketing sphere is highly dependent on the understanding of major concepts, theories, and techniques. The primary purpose of the paper is to examine the application of services marketing concepts to a specific market context. Extended Marketing Mix Marketing is all about “putting the right product...

The Ethical Policies of TechFite

Generalities The policies of TechFite are a set of rules of work and standards of conduct that every employee of the company must follow. The purpose of the policies is to create a system of relationships and corporate values for the effective operation and long-term success of the company (Davies,...

The Use of Protocols for Pressure Ulcers in Emergency Departments

Introduction In the modern world, the development of pressure or decubitus ulcers is among the key skin problems faced by patients in different departments whose opportunities to stay physically active are limited. Many hospitals in the country develop their own guidelines and protocols to avoid PU complications, but their effectiveness...

Women in Barn Burning by William Faulkner

At first glance, Faulkner’s artistic world appears to be emphatically masculine. It is filled with sullen, stern male characters doing rough and hard work, but at the same time, there is a certain place for female characters in his prose. “Barn Burning,” Faulkner’s short story of a mendicant American family...

Case Study: Constant Stress

The working environment is considered to be the principal cause of depression and stress. The case study analysis depicts Michael’s stress sufferings at work; being a 40-year-old experienced airline pilot, the man completely devoted himself to his work. The analysis of possible causes leading to stress and depression is based...

Design, Self, and Society: Concept of Advertising

Introduction Thesis: In his “Captains of Consciousness: Advertising and the Social Roots of the Consumer Culture” Stuart Ewen expresses an idea that advertising was quite effective at the turn of the twentieth century due to presenting the products as enhancing the self in a social setting. This cannot be agreed...

The Difference Between Leadership and Management

Introduction For more time than is necessary, many have never really drawn the line between leadership and management. When an institution undergoes any change, the most important tool needed to come out of the problem is effective leadership. Bacal ( 2009, para.3) explains that the perception of the subjects or...

New Deal as the Second American Revolution

It would not be an understatement to claim that the Great Depression was one of the darkest hours in the American history. Therefore, the New Deal suggested by Frank Delano Roosevelt, or FDR, as he was commonly referred to, could be seen as a life-saving force. At the same time,...

Progression of Women Writers and Their Texts in Society

Since the turn of the 19th century, women’s role in literature has evolved as they take on bigger roles in literary writing. This essay follows the progression of women writers and their texts in society in three genres. The works used are Fanny Fern’s book Male Criticism on Ladies Books,...

Diversified Investment Opportunities in Hong Kong

Introduction Hong Kong economy is characterized by diversified investment opportunities. It is considered as a chief fund management centre in Asia and thus there exists in this country a high concentration of fund managers. The entire investment operations in the country are under the strict guidelines and regulations of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

State Budget Deficit and Its Impact on Economy

According to Rose (2002), a budget deficit can be described as a situation that occurs when the government tends to spend more funds than the funds that are flowing into the economy. It can also be described as a situation where the government, private, public companies, and individuals’ total spending...

The Fight between Good and Evil in Harry Potter Series

Introduction The peculiarity of Rowling’s books is that, as in life’s reality, good and evil tend to penetrate each other, replace one another and intertwine so closely that it is challenging for the hero to distinguish one from the other. Consequently, the choice of his path is complicated enough as...

Human Geography: Food Insecurity

Introduction The global community is becoming increasingly aware of sustainability problems around the world. Today, numerous international non-government organizations fight to promote sustainable development. Sustainable development is a term coined by the UN in the 1980s. The idea behind sustainable development is to satisfy the current needs of humanity without...

Learning Coach Program: Implementation Plan

Introduction The Learning Coach Program consists of a training program that is critical for educating all the key players charged with promoting the success and sustainability of Bvlgari Hotels & Resorts. The initiative assists all employees in improving the skills required in the workplace, provides adequate resources, and provides continuous...

Amazon Web Services Review: Proof-of-Concept Report

This proposed project seeks to address the need for a cloud-based to be used by PHI Engineering Design. Cloud technology has gained popularity following its use of services that are not physically located in the business environment. Like any other company, PHI Engineering Design would not like to overrun budget...

Shrek the Musical by David Lindsay-Abaire

Shrek The Musical is a musical written and directed by David Lindsay-Abaire, the story writer who composed the lyrics and melodies by Jeanine Tesori. It is based on the DreamWorks Animation feature Shrek from 2001 and aspects from the sequels Shrek 2 and Shrek Forever After and William Steig’s 1990...

Assessing Environmental Risks from Human Activity

Summary Food manufacturing is the process of transforming raw materials into finished food products. All of these fully prepared foodstuffs are used in the kitchen or the food processing sector. As production in agriculture has become increasingly industrialized, the chemical burden on ecological systems has increased. Agrochemicals are chemicals used...

Sigmund Freud’s Religious Notions

Abstract Sigmund Freud had a psychoanalytic viewpoint on religion, and explains it results from unconscious minds craving for wishful thinking. Furthermore, Freud suggests that people prefer to trust in God, who portrays a mighty father character, since they desire to feel comfortable and absolved of their own wrongdoing. The psychiatrist...

E-Commerce: Analysis of Amazon

Summary Amazon, the world’s biggest e-commerce brand established by Jeff Bezos, was founded in Washington in 1994 and again in Delaware in 1996. Its website was launched for the first time in 1995. In addition to being a worldwide e-commerce brand, Amazon is also a prominent cloud player and is...

A Leadership & Organization Development Interview

Introduction The interview was conducted with a physician who owns a medical center and has been managing it for over 15 years. He has built a strong business and a unified team, implementing various leadership concepts and being a highly respected and liked leader among staff, patients, and the community....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Freedom Concept in Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s “The Social Contract”

Introduction The famous political theorist Jean-Jacques Rousseau created The Social Contract to solve the problem of freedom by ensuring the preservation and survival of what he called “civil liberty.” His solution to this issue in the most general sense is constructing a civil state. Through the association of citizens, each...

Communication and Professional Nursing Program Analysis

Level of Instruction This program is placed at the beginning of the curriculum and is intended for freshmen students to familiarize them with the basics of nursing ethics. Method of Presentation Delivery A standard presentation created in Microsoft PowerPoint will be used for teaching since this form is familiar and...

Orchid Species Preservation Foundation

To slow the extinction of species, non-profit organizations create nature parks and nature reserves, which employ specialists who monitor animals and plants and create favorable conditions for the life and reproduction of the species. It was to address the problem of declining biodiversity that Dave Nixon created the Orchid Species...

Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory and Its Application

Introduction It is widely agreed that nursing theories provide the foundation for the discipline’s body of knowledge and facilitate the systematic gathering of information needed to define, explain, and predict nursing practice. Applying theory encourages systematic and rational nursing practice. They help nurses keep their attention on their work and...

The Finite Element Analysis: ANSYS Static Structural

Introduction A simulation uses a model to analyze the behavior and performance of a natural or theoretical system. In a simulation, models may be used to examine current or projected system properties (Chen and Liu, 2018). The Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is the modeling of any given physical phenomenon using...

The Microsoft Firm’s External and Internal Environments

This essay will cover how Microsoft has been impacted by two of the Five Forces of Competition and the general environment, as well as the external threats and opportunities the company faces. The company’s strategy to optimize its strengths and reduce its shortcomings, as well as its resources will also...

Teen Pregnancy as a Health Issue

Analysis of the Health Issue Teen pregnancy is an issue that has economic principles and indicators at play. For instance, the costs associated with teen pregnancy are estimated to be an average of $21,000 per birth (Mohr et al., 2019). This figure includes prenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care, as...

International Response: The US Role in Darfur

Summary of US role in Darfur The Janjaweed, a group of government backed Arab militia has been setting villages ablaze and carrying out massacres in the Darfur region of Sudan. Three years later and there seems that no lasting solution is forthcoming. The Sudanese government and the rebel forces seem...

Can Marketplace Be Ethical?

Introduction According to Weatherly & Otter (2008), business ethics can be defined as a form of applied ethics that deal with the moral and ethical issues arising in the course of business. Business ethics encompasses all business areas that relate to the conduct of an individual and the organization as...

Nursing Education: Evaluation and Testing

Describe the testing process, preparation, assembling, and administration; its importance for students’ success and providing a positive learning environment Prior to developing a test, a teacher should detect the learning objectives and base the assessment in accordance with them. The appropriate type of evaluation should be chosen. Whereas some knowledge...

Popular Research Paper Topics

E-Concert Report: Classical and Romantic Music

Introduction Works of Classical and Romantic music possess a special charm to music lovers. On the one hand, the intellectual, rational, and orderly époque of Classicism, which spanned approximately seven decades from 1750, produced impeccable models of such genres of symphony and concerto. On the other hand, the emotional, intuitive,...

Theoretical Models of the HR Role

Introduction In the scant ten decades since employee relations evolved from productivity-increasing ‘time and motion’ studies to ‘strategic HR’, the role of human relations practitioners has changed many times. Welfare management came and went. This was followed by administration, negotiation with newly-assertive unions, legal compliance and organisational development, all roles...

Marketing Research: Japan Market Environment

Introduction This study refers to the market environment in foreign countries to promote teambuilding activities in order to implement a white water center in Montreat. Under this study, the market environment of a foreign country (Japan) is considered to analyze the potential market opportunities and threats. The following is detailed...

Evolution vs. Religious Dogma

Introduction The theory of evolution was challenged by religion when first publicly demonstrated by Charles Darwin in the mid-Nineteenth Century. The religiously fervent still rejects the idea of man evolving from ape but over the past 150 years opinions have certainly evolved and most religious persons today accept evolution to...

Gross Domestic Product Rise and Rise in the Well-Being of All People in That Nation

Gross Domestic Product Gross domestic product means the gross market value of goods and services produced in a country during a particular year. It is one of the economic subjects. The GDP is calculated on the basis of adding export value with the consumer, investment, and government expenses and deduct...

Populism in Venezuela During the CHávez Era

How Populism Bloomed in Venezuela during the Chávez Era Hugo Chávez, a charismatic leader of the populist movement in Venezuela, inspired by the ideas of Simon Bolivar, proclaimed himself “an interpreter of the Venezuelan peoples’ demands,” and in 1998 with his entry for the presidency, he started the Bolivarian Revolution,...

Effects of Intensive Blood-Pressure Control in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Recommended Blood Pressure Goals for Patients with Diabetes Diabetes affects an estimated 100 million people worldwide. 5-10% suffer from type 1 (formerly known as insulin-dependent) and 90% -95% have type 2 (insulin-dependent). Heart disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death and death in people with diabetes. People, especially adults...

The Federal Reserve System

The Federal Reserve which is also known as the Federal Reserve System or the Fed is the central banking system that is used to manage the financial and banking system in the United States. The reserve was established in 1913 to respond to the financial panic that had affected many...

Dementia of Alzheimer’s Type: Signs and Symptoms

Abstract The world today is faced with many diseases and conditions, some of which have given medical researchers sleepless nights. Among the complicated diseases is Alzheimer’s disease, which is a complication in the brain that leads to memory loss. This paper seeks to analyze dementia that comes about as a...

Major Concepts in Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Texts

General Will Quotation: “Immediately, instead of individuals entering into contractual relations, this act of association creates a conditional collective Whole… This Whole receives unity, its common self, its life and will as a result of such an act. As long as a certain number of united people look at themselves...

Cinderella’s Love Story by Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm

Introduction The Cinderella Tales are one of the most popular types of fairy tales known today. The most popular ones seem to be Charles Perrault’s Cinderella and Aschenputtel by the Brothers Grimm, although both versions are essentially different. For example, the Grimm story is known for its cruelty, while Perrault’s...

Mini Vehicles’ Macroeconomic Environments

Demography Demography contributes significantly to the production and distribution of specific commodities to customers. Demography refers to the group of people receiving particular commodities or services (Smith et al., 2020). It may analyze people based on specific criteria such as age, education level, financial status, class, sex, religion, ethnicity, etc....

Nurses Responsibilities: Futile Care

Introduction Futile care acknowledges that the patient has reached a point in their sickness where medical care is not beneficial. Most healthcare professionals face the ethical dilemma of determining when to withdraw futile care. The main controversies in medical futility entail the disagreements between the families and the medical practitioners...

The Significance of Social Justice in Nursing Practice

Introduction Delivering equal opportunity for medical treatment for all people, irrespective of their specific traits is essential in healthcare and is referred to as social justice. Social justice, according to the AACN, is the equal manner in which individuals are treated despite their socioeconomic situation, race, ethnicity, age, nationality, impairment,...

Young Individuals Challenges and Overcoming Barriers

Introduction Various researchers and journalists pay attention to the difficulties that are often encountered by young people. In part, these challenges can be explained by the differences in values, worldviews, and lifestyles. Very often, they can lead to conflicts and misunderstanding. These issues can be discussed with the help of...

The Israel-Palestinian Conflict and Its Solution

Introduction The Israel-Palestinian conflict is a dispute between Israel and Palestinians and has been going for a long time. Its root cause is the two entities trying to have control of the same piece of land. The conflict has a long history which dates back to 1850 when the land...

“Here and Now” in Group Facilitation

Introduction The concept of ‘here and now’ in group facilitation or psychotherapy has more relevance in interpersonal therapy and greatly influences group processes. It refers to the state of the conscious mind of the group members seen as the group reacts to circumstances or issues created in the context of...

H1N1 Flu as a Major Threat for Human Health

Introduction The recent outbreak of H1N1 began on April 13 2009 in Mexico when a new strain of H1N1 influenza A was reported. Within a short period of time, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic alert that changed from level 3 to level 6. Until the first week...

Case Study “Tough Guy”: Problems in the Organization

Introduction The problems that this case study presents revolves around the insulting and derogatory behavior of Chip Mazey, the vice president of Hudson Smith Gordon, an investment bank, along with his poor people skills. Case analysis The insulting and derogatory behavior Mazey portrays has led him, a vice president of...

What Is Identity Theory?

Introduction Over the years, the brain has been known to significantly affect the mind. However, only recently it has been found out that the brain consist of different parts which perform different functions. The proponents of the identity theory are of the view that when we experience stimuli e.g. pain,...

Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants” Review

Hills like white elephants, is a sort story written by Ernest Hemingway. It is an important piece of Ernest’s work from his second collection of short stories Men without women. Hills like white elephants could be tagged as one of the best writings by Earnest’s. What makes Ernest’s Hills like...

Correlational Research Types, Examples & Methods

Correlational research Correlational research is a quantitative research method that tries to determine if there is a relationship or covariation between two or more quantitative variables which are collected from the same subjects or a group of subjects. The subjects must be from the same participants if any correlation is...

Spatial Analysis in Practice

Introduction Thorough research and understanding of the problem of spatial distribution, and the phenomena of the principles of spatial distribution is a great challenge nowadays. The issues of spatial distribution entail the knowledge from different areas, such as healthcare, environment, geology agronomy, and lots of others. These studies become more...

MTN Ghana Company’s Marketing Strategy

Introduction For a business organization to achieve its goals, there must be a plan. A marketing strategy is designed to facilitate the sale of products and/or services. MTN Ghana’s approach to promotion has various components, and all of them are aimed at building trust between the company and consumers. Results...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Essay

Social media is an online platform with a large population of users that share information that can critique, sometimes interact with, or publish useful information and news. The essay will define some of the key social media terms. The use of social media has evolved and has resulted in a...

Racism and Oppression in “Native Son” by Wright

The book Native Son is an engaging book by Wright (1940) that gives astonishing accounts relating to racism, segregation, and oppression. The book’s storyline is set in the 1930s and revolves around a poor black young man, Bigger Thomas, who lives in constant distrust and hatred of the white people....

Analysis of the United States Business Environment

Background The United States may be regarded as the world’s largest economy with the following main indicators that remain impressive even affected by the COVID-19 pandemic: Key Indicators 2021 GDP (billions USD) 22,939.58 GDP (Constant Prices, Annual % Change) 6.0 GDP per Capita (USD) 69,375 General Government Balance (in %...

The Supreme Court and the American Constitution

Background The US Constitution is often thought of as the first document that laid down citizens’ freedoms and rights. While it is certainly true that the US Constitution has defined the basic democratic principles, there have been contradiction in the US history as to how these amendments should be applied....

Human Evolutionary Development in Antiquity

The evolutionary development of life on Earth is not random but rather is based on deep causal relationships and patterns. The study of these connections helps to understand the essence of evolutionary development better and to trace the chronology of metamorphosis that occurs with life. In addition, understanding the drivers...

Are Only Statistical Studies Worth Doing?

Introduction Statistics are integral to how people generate scientific breakthroughs, data-driven judgments, and forecasts. Psychologists utilize statistical data to aid research methodology and provide more accurate readings to determine whether something is statistically significant. Capdevila et al. (2015a) insinuated that the statistical issues were influenced by variables intrinsic to the...

The Need to Care About the State of Planet Earth

Introduction With the hives of economic activities going on around the globe, the rate of environmental degradation is pretty high. The use of plastic bags, mining, and lack of proper environmental protection policies has been critical causes of environmental pollution. Although the impact of environmental degradation is visible, it is...

Electric Guitar: Exercises for Picking Techniques

Introduction The technique of playing the electric guitar is a complex process that requires mastering a number of basic techniques through special exercises. The traditional method of playing the electric guitar is picking. To improve the accuracy of this technique in order to capture the necessary strings and increase melodic...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Healthcare System

Introduction Ethical and moral problems often arise in health care: they have to do with staff behavior and patient responsibility. Moral dilemmas concern choices that both parties must make. They arise from the availability of objective medical data and inconsistency with already established ideas about ethics. The existence of multiple...

Equality, Diversity, and Rights in Health and Social Care

Introduction The relevance of the idea of justice for modern societies is not in dispute, and the discourse of justice occupies one of the critical positions in the entire spectrum of political currents. Justice is recognized as an independent value with ethical and social characteristics. In health care, equity is...

MAP-IT Framework for Disaster Recovery Plan for the Vila Health Community

Vila Health Disaster Recovery Plan Purpose When a natural disaster or health threat hits a community, it is essential to have a comprehensive and well-designed recovery plan. It is necessary to assess the needs of the community and all its members to improve access to health services and level out...

Roosevelt’s Speech to the 77th Congress: Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction On January 6, 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered a speech regarding the union to the 77th congress. Roosevelt indicates that US security is threatened through false propaganda, and although still in war isolation, the nation must be ready for the upcoming war. In his address, the president uses...

Religion: Joseph and His Brothers

Introduction Even though the world church should be united, there is a lot of tension amongst churches. However, disagreement is not always bad because conflict may build organizations and relationships if appropriately handled. Additionally, it can enhance performance and elevate sanctification. Jesus addressed conflict and advised because He genuinely knew...

Physical Activity Education Among Young People

PICOT Question In a group of participants ages 18 to 25 (P), does the provision of education regarding the importance of exercising 300 minutes per week (I), compared to a similar group that does not receive the education (C), increase their level of activity by 30% (O) by the end...

Technology in English Language Institute Curriculum

Introduction English Language Institute Curriculum is a curriculum that impacts English knowledge to students who are between grade 6 and 9. The students are grouped into levels based on “their test scores and faculty evaluation”( Peachy, 2008). This curriculum is divided into four levels namely; beginning, elementary, pre-Intermediate and intermediate....

Philosophy: Modern Metaphysics and Epistemology

Descartes and Dualism Descartes’s way of acquiring knowledge is one of the most interesting styles. According to Descartes, everything has two sides and can, therefore, appear as true or false depending on a person’s ability to interpret it. Skepticism is an important feature of the process of knowledge acquisition. Doubting...

“The Lottery” the Story by Shirley Jackson

Children learn about morality while being educated by their parents and teachers in the contexts of certain communities and cultures. Depending on what they see and perceive as ethical and normal, children form their own views and behavior. In her short story “The Lottery,” Shirley Jackson discusses numerous provocative themes...

Socialization of Children as Consumers

Introduction The process of children’s socialization in the marketplace may be described as the attainment by young people of necessary knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and skills that will help them to function as consumers in the future. Multiple factors influence this process in completely different ways. This paper implies the critical...

Science of Networks: ‘Linked: The New Science of Networks’ by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi

Most of these networks are genetic, worldwide web-based with a complex topology. A scale-free network is a connected network with the property that the number of links originating from a given mode exhibits a powerful law of distribution. This is network is constructed by adding nodes to the existing network...

Music as a Reflection of History Since the 1960s

Music is inextricably connected to the context within which it is produced, with the inter-relationships between music, culture, and society being studied extensively throughout the decades. In cultural customs, music is among the core features of social celebrations, such as weddings. In social life, music serves as a tool for...

Juvenile Justice System Analysis

There are many different experiences based on the youth’s background, and 50 separate systems exist because each state is responsible for maintaining its structure. Nevertheless, the five main steps of both the adult and juvenile systems are entered into the system, prosecution and pretrial services, adjudication, sentencing and sanctions, and...

The First World War and Irish Nationalism

The First World War is not only a negative period for a large number of states but also a catalyst for certain conflicts. In particular, the nationalist mood of the society intensified in Ireland. Among other things, many facts and events of the war could be interpreted in different ways,...

Mistakes in Marketing and How to Resolve Them

Introduction Marketing is a generalizing concept that defines a company’s place in the market relative to its competitors, its advantages, and its choice of promising market segments it plans to serve. It includes the relationship with customers, who are members of those market segments that have been selected (Frig, Fougere,...

The Role of Resistance in Family Therapy

The Importance of Fighting Resistance At any stage of seed therapy, the specialist has to face resistance from clients. This is caused by different factors and causes but equally exacerbates the process of therapy. The fact is that such a phenomenon gives rise to individuals not only unwillingness to cooperate...

The Nature Conservancy Problems

Introduction The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a non-profit organization in America. It has done well in many respects. However, the organization had a problem in achieving its mission. This mission statement focuses on the preservation of plants, animals, and any other part of nature that enhances sustainability on earth. Attainment...

The Industrial Revolution: Culture, Work and Social Change

Introduction The industrial revolution was a change of various individuals’ life situation that occurred in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries due to the interest to expand the technologies of industries. It was characterized by a complex interaction of revolution in various fields like society, economy, and culture, where...

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Osteoporosis: Description, Its Effect on Homeostasis

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The Diabetes Study of Northern California

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Interaction Between Management and IT

Introduction Any institution’s desire is to see its various departments operate at optimum levels. This is by far the most important consideration that drives institutions to try and entrench the usage of information systems in its operations. However, the more an enterprise adopts new technology, the more the management begins...

Shamanic Dancing, Los Seises, Spanish Fandango, and the Jig: A Comparison

Introduction This research paper highlights similarities and differences between four dances: the dancing role of the shaman, Los Seises, Spanish Fandango, and Jig. It analyses the history and geographical context in which the four dances were born as an essential part of their artistic content. It also focuses on the...