Patient Deaths Caused by Fault of Nurses

Health care strategies are central to patient life in various clinical settings where nurse care has a pivotal role to play. Efficient nursing skills and an overall soothing hospital atmosphere contribute to the conduciveness of various departments. This may require a harmony between the working schedule of nurses and the...

The Comedy of “The Importance of Being Earnest”

In this research paper, I would like to analyze Oscar Wildes play The Importance of Being Earnest. In particular, it is necessary to focus on those features which are traditionally characteristic of comedy. The play should be discussed from several points of view: the development of the plot, the evolvement...

EBP in Achieving Magnet Status With a Medical Center

Introduction Several medical centers are in the process of acquiring magnet status in order to compete and be able to offer quality nursing services to the people. Magnet status is a term used to refer to an award that is given to hospitals and centers that have met standards aimed...

McDonald’s: How Strategic Choices Shape Fast Food Supremacy

Organizations utilize various strategies such as corporate and business level strategies to earn an above-average return and achieve strategic competitiveness. A strategy that is uniform with the realities and conditions of an organization’s internal and external environment integrates and allocates available competencies and resources to align them appropriately with opportunities...

Mobile Telephony and Kranzberg’s Laws of Technology

Background Ling holds a PhD degree in sociology received from the University of Colorado in 1984 (Academic profile, n.d.; Richard Ling receives, 2015). He is currently the Shaw Foundation Professor of Media Technology at Nanyang Technological University (Academic profile, n.d.). The author of the book has been a member of...

History of Islam: The World with Only 100 Muslims

Introduction If we talk about the history of Islam the way it started was from one single person that was Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) that came up bringing Islam as the last religion with a revealed book Quran. Main body He was all for this religion so God rewarded him with the...

Managing Emergencies in the Port

Introduction There have been enormous increases in emergency cases in most of our ports worldwide. This has called for efforts to come up with the most appropriate and immediate action to ensure that most of these risks are reduced if not being eliminated. For this to happen, the harbor manager...

Challenges Multicultural Children Face in United States

Humans are social animals. They cannot live a life of solitude and isolation, alone in this world. All humans need other humans in order to live their lives properly. They might be strong enough to be able to live without fulfilling their emotional desires etc but they can certainly not...

Interior Design and Respective Skills

Scholars have not agreed with the definition of such a term of interior design because this field of human activities comprises several elements like art, engineering, psychology, ecology, etc (Gibbs, 2005). Thus, many students, who have chosen this profession, are occasionally unaware of those difficulties that they will have to...

Economics of Panic-Buying: A Case Study of Toilet Paper in Australia

Panic-buying is a relatively common behavioral response to a crisis that people can exhibit in situations that they perceive to be dangerous and unpredictable. Yuen et al. (2020) note that this behavior was previously observed in the wake of major natural disasters, such as the Christchurch earthquake and hurricane Matthew....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Stress in Law: Reasons and Solutions

Abstract The role of stress in high divorce rates and suicides among law enforcers has been demonstrated by research. The most common causes of stress for law enforcement include; work conditions, poor relationships with family and the community, poor conflict resolution mechanisms, shift work, rigid behavior patterns, perfectionism, and trauma...

Herceptin and Breast Cancer Treatment

Introduction Cancer results from the cellular disorder that involves a poorly characterized sequence of molecular events that comprise unrestrained cell propagation, morphological and cellular alteration. It may also result from deregulation of apoptosis, angiogenesis, increased invasive cell activity as well as succeeding confined and remote metastases. It has now been...

Noise Pollution as a Problem in Los Angeles

In the daytime, Los Angeles is a bustling city: cars are humming, construction works are underway, dogs are barking, and music concerts are held outdoors. As is usually the case in large cities, Los Angeles does not fall silent at night. In contrast, the silence at night in the village...

Representing Diversity in Beauty Campaigns: Obligation of Brands?

Abstract Organizations must accurately represent their customer base to serve and appeal to their target demographic. However, many beauty companies overlook the importance of featuring women of different body types and skin tones in their advertisements and commercials. This lack of diversity is rooted in institutional racism and deeply entrenched...

British Imperialism in India: Literature Review

India, one of the fastest developing countries in the world was under British rule during the period of colonialism. The impact of British imperialism on India has been studied by many scholars from many angles. Each angle gives a different perspective. Some studies show that the contribution of the British...

US News Coverage on Three Major Networks: CNN, FOX and MSNBC

I consistently view news programs on three networks: CNN, FOX, and MSNBC. The one I use most often is MSNBC because I like two of the political shows and one news show on that network: Countdown with Keith Oberman, the Rachel Maddow Show and Morning Joe. I do not often...

The V8 Infused Water Product Line Introducing New Beverage Favor

Executive Summary Introduction Ten years ago, if one asked food and beverage executives about the US consumer’s future, few would have predicted how fast and relentless change has come. In their purchases – or lack thereof – Americans have contributed to abrupt landscape shifts, less a development than a historical...

Researching: Ethics and Engineering

Introduction Through social media, people can keep in touch with each other. It is also used as a platform to network and find career opportunities, and where people can share their thoughts, feelings and insights. More importantly, it is through social media that ethics is broadly elaborated. Ethics describes a...

Johns Hopkins Hospital: Quality Measurement and Assessment

Introduction Johns Hopkins Hospital is one of the most recognizable health facilities in America. It is known for the diversity of medical services offered and a high number of patients who seek them. However, the daily operations of the hospital’s operations and the safeguard of its patients’ safety and quality...

How Opioid Addiction Impact Young Kids

Research Question How does opioid addiction affect young kids today? In the United States, unintentional deaths are common, and they are caused by drug abuse, and opioids play a major role in these deaths. Young and old people in the communities are affected by opioid addiction. Young adults are overdosing...

Serial Killer Ted Bundy: Background and Psychological Theories

Background Information Ted Bundy was born at Elizabeth Lund home for single mothers in Burlington, Vermont. His real name was Theodore Robert Cowell and his mother’s name was Louise Cowell but his father was unknown, however, according to Louise she was seduced by Jack Worthington a famous war veteran, and...

Jury System and Its Effect on the Trials in the United States

Since the inception of jury systems in United States, many Americans feel that it is the cornerstone of the nation’s justice system since it guarantees citizens fair impartial judgment. However the perception has changed with many feeling that it has tarnished in favor of others in delivering verdicts in both...

The Morality of Freedom in Novel “Sula”

Introduction Sula is a difficult and morally challenging novel focusing on the story of two girls Sula and Nel who grow up in vastly different upbrings within matriarchal households in a struggling African American community, ‘the Bottom.’ One of the major themes identified in the scholarly examination of this text...

Does Television Make Children Significantly Violent?

In general, the United States of America spends an amount in excess of $ 158 billion each year in direct and indirect costs related to youth violence. The U.S. high school system has been plagued by an increasing number of violent incidents. The two deadliest incidents include the Columbine High...

Employee Job Satisfaction and Its Facets

Introduction Employees play an integral role in the success of organizations. Organizational goals and objectives are achieved through the collaborative effort of employees. Road to organizational success is followed by the achievement level importance and effort put in by employees. In consideration of employee abilities, work is scattered over departments...

Writing About the Past

When it comes to discussing the representations of the past in the works of literature, many critics assume that how authors go about retelling their memories simply reflects the creative subtleties of their psyche. And, it goes without saying, of course, that addressing the subject matter from this perspective would...

Criminal Justice and Crime Control in the US

During the past decades, America witnessed a continuous increase in its crime rate. However, the cause of greater concern is that crimes committed by minors, both violent and non-violent offenses also reached exorbitant numbers as compared with the previous decades. The State Commission on Criminal Sentencing policy presented the facts...

Le Corbusier and Luis Barragan: Colours’ Choices

Thesis The peculiar feature of many of Le Corbusier’s works is an unusual choice of colors: he explains such attention to colors as the last attempt to correct all those errors and shortages of proportions, which could spoil the work, to underline the uniqueness of the buildings, and to accentuate...

Dubai`s Tourism Achievements and Their Effect on the Excelling Dubai Economy

Introduction Dubai is one of the seven countries that form the famous united Arabs emirates. Located along the southern coast of the great Persians gulf, Dubai is one of the most popular cities of the United Arabs emirates; its uniqueness and distinction are embedded right from the name with the...

Cultural Pluralism in the United States History

Introduction Cultural pluralism is accepting everyone’s right to economic and political opportunity and the right of every ethnic group to maintain its own identity (Olson 155). This term is used to refer to minor cultural groups in a big society maintain their cultural unique entities and the large society accepting...

The Practice Reality of Quality Improvement in Healthcare

Quality Tools This assignment deals with the demonstration of concepts, trends as well as application of quality/risk management strategies in healthcare. In dealing with this objective, the assignment starts with explaining two quality tools, namely; improvement tools like six sigma, and an evaluation tools like Audit. Six Sigma Improvement Tool...

Researching of Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction Juvenile delinquency is one of the major concerns of contemporary society. A significant number of young people involved in crime signalizes the need for action and measures to improve the situation. The scope of the question is substantial, and multiple relevant topics can be discussed; however, the major purpose...

Community of the Miami Beach City

Community Assessment This type of assessment is of great help in understanding a community as well as several aspects associated with it, which deals with all the services available within a community. In many instances, it is important information to know so that nurses know what kind of access people...

Welfare State. Ensuring the Well-being of Citizens

Outline The research paper discusses an argumentative topic about Libertarian views on Welfare State. The essay begins with an introduction that describes the term Welfare State and it ends with a thesis statement. The body of the essay includes role of Welfare State, Welfare State and the immigrants, libertarian views...

Environmental Law: International Agreements

Southern nations have constantly approached issues of the environment as the reference point in negotiations of the unequal utilization of resources instead of protecting the environment from industrial capitalism. Thus, the main differences between the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere over global issues of the environment rotate around three...

Marketing Audit for Qatar Airways Company

Executive Summary Qatar Airways is an airline company that is fully owned by the government of Qatar. Started in 1993, the company has realized a consistent growth over the years, and it currently flies to over 150 destinations around the world. The study shows that despite the impressive growth, the...

Obesity Interventions and Nursing Contributions

Abstract Detecting health problems that may affect children later in their adulthood is significantly worthwhile. Obesity is one such disease that begins during childhood and prevails all through to adulthood. This research paper reviews the literature on early childhood obesity interventions that can prevent the wide-spreading nature of the disease...

Home Depot Inc.’s Customer Services

Introduction Home depot is seen as the world’s largest home improvement retailer which has many branches in China and France and two leading French retailers. It caters to construction and building maintenance. Having over forty thousand different kinds of materials for building and improved home supplies and also garden products....

Service Learning in Organic Gardening

Outline Service-learning is the process through which people and mostly students engage themselves in the practice of what has been tackled in their classrooms. This particular practice takes place in the community where students engage themselves in community-based activities, which correspond with what has been learned in class. Organic gardening...

Sikhism Religion and Its Major Ordinances

Introduction: Sikhism at a Glance With the total number of worshippers amounting to 30 million worldwide and makes up 0.39% of the population, Sikhism is one of the major religions originating from India. At present, the country houses 83% of all Sikhs with 76% of them residing in the north...

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Beta-Interferon in Multiple Sclerosis

Introduction The general purpose of treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS) is to diminish warning signs and to get better results for individual clients. Three interferon-beta (IFNβ) remedies are existing for taking care of MS, and in close to comparisons high-dose, regularly apply as a medication course of therapy (250 μg...

Marvin Gaye “What’s Going on” Album’s History

Introduction Marvin Gaye was born in Washington, D.C., on April 2, 1939 and he died on April 1, 1984 he used to sing as a child in church (Turner S, 1998 p.12). His father was a Pentecostal church minister and hence Marvin Gaye grew up listening to the music of...

Behavior Theory in “An Officer and a Gentleman” Film

Social Influences in the film Zack Mayo is almost an orphan, having lost his mother and he now has moved in with his father, a womaniser who abandoned his wife and the child. The father Byron, works as a U.S. Navy Boatswain’s Mate and is stationed in Philippines. Coming from...

Catholic Church and Sexual Abuse in “Doubt” Film

Society has developed different perspectives on the sexuality and morality. The issue of sexuality has stirred divided opinions amongst people of different beliefs and faiths in society, making the topic a challenge to tackle. The issue requires attention, and the younger generations need to be taught about it to avoid...

“I Know Why the Caged Bird Sing” by Maya Angelou Review

Introduction Novels reflect real life and integrate different aspects of human development through figurative language that reflects human development. This paper focuses on the story I Know Why the Caged Bird Sing by Maya Angelou in general and Maya’s character in particular. Maya is the narrator and the main character...

Minimum Wage Increase for Missouri Workers and Employers

Introduction The Missouri minimum wage was rated at $6.50 per hour with effect from January 1, 2007. This wage is seen to have lost much of its effectiveness because its real purchasing power has extremely fallen to low levels over the interviewing years. Main text During the last nine years...

Cognitive Advantages of Bilingualism

Introduction Bilingualism is a global phenomenon that has occurred basically due to migration and the choice of individuals, who are mostly parents, to move from one country to another for economic and, sometimes, political reasons. Bilingual students encounter difficulties aside from learning the usual formal lessons in school. The English...

Urbanization, Its Challenges and Benefits

Abstract Urbanization refers to the growth of natural or rural land into an area with increased density of people and people made structures due to population in-migration. Urbanization is mainly attributed to the expansion and growth of towns and cities. Urbanization is characterized by the movement of a large number...

Contemporary R&B: Development and Events

Introduction to R&B The genre of RNB appeared across the Southern areas of the United States in the 1940s, featuring electric guitar, piano, and drum sounds. Numerous blues musicians were able to release their new music specifically in the South, where the level of appreciation in regard to blues and...

“Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

The one-act play Trifles by Susan Glaspell, presents both a riveting murder mystery and commentary on social justice at the same time..This play reflects the status of women in the era of 1916. It makes fun of the attitudes of men towards the women who share their world, at a...

Train Collision in Graniteville, South Carolina

It was way back on the 6th of January in the year 2005 when a train tragedy occurred in Graniteville area of South Carolina and thus came to be known as Graniteville train disaster. It happened when two trains from Norfolk Southern clashed near a constitute belonging to Avondale Mills...

Attracting, Recruiting, Retaining Talented Staff

At the beginning of the 21st century, companies try to attract and retail top talents. The “best practice” approach is based on belief that there is a set of superior HRM practices which, if adopted, will lead to better organization performance. This approach is widely used by organizations because it...

Love and Madness in Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”

The tone of drama is usually dictated by its beginning so that the reader can anticipate the ending reading the first scenes of the play. This tendency seems inapplicable to Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night”, in which the atmosphere of chaos, spontaneous love, and madness is established in the introductory scenes, which...

Cosmogony: Catholic and Buddhist Approaches

Introduction Different religions have different standpoints about creation of the world. According to the Catholic Church, Bordwell and Vatican, Catholics revere creation as show of God’s power and believe that the presence of God is exhibited in the works of his creation (718). Catholics also believe that God’s creation is...

The Relocation of Three-Bedroom Apartment Into a Modern Style

The main scope of this project is to relocate a three-bedroom apartment into a modern style. The present arrangement of this apartment is not excellent and there is very little space. There should be more space after the new arrangement of furniture. Also, interior designing should be done with the...

How Divorce Affects Children

Introduction Divorce causes mental anguish which contributes to psychological issues for both parties and their children. Depression is a common result of divorce, a condition that initiates a variety of other health concerns. The more contentious the relationship and consequential separation, the worse for all concerned but the children may...

Effective Techniques of Pronunciation Teaching

Minimal Pair Pronunciation techniques assist students to overcome problems associated with pronunciation. Pronunciation teaching is necessary since English teaching has shifted to language function and communicative competencies. A minimal pair is an important pronunciation teaching technique where two words that have different meanings are paired when only one sound is...

A Spontaneous Reporting System for Drug Safety Surveillance

Spontaneous Reporting Systems Polypharmacy refers to using multiple drugs by an individual for therapeutic reasons. Recently, the situation has been identified as a vital social problem because it induces adverse events (AEs) and increases the chances of AEs through drug-drug interactions (DDIs). Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interactions are two primary types...

Media’s Role on Terrorism

Introduction Terrorism has been a major challenge affecting many nations all over the world. The media, on the other hand, is considered one of the factors that result in terrorism. Terrorism in respect to the media can be said to be a form of propaganda. It is a kind of...

Restorative Justice in the United Kingdom System

Introduction Restorative seeks to explore amicable ways of dealing with crime. This justice was provided for in the Crime and Disorder Act and it provides an opportunity for the offenders, the victims and the community as a whole to come together and derive a mediation strategy that ensures justice is...

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The Significance of Scientists in Western Civilization

Abstract This work is a comprehensive analysis of the activities of the most significant Western thinkers: Freud, Darwin, and Marx. Each of them had a special impact on Western civilization, making a great contribution to science and culture. They worked in different fields (psychology, biology, and philosophy), but in part,...

Meat and Milk Factories in the United States

Chapter four of Peter Singer and Jim Mason’s book, The Ethics of What We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter, is aptly titled “Meat and Milk Factories”. The chapter provides the reader with a detailed gaze into the insider activities of America’s commercial beef, dairy, and pork producers. Singer and...

Partnering and Participation in Nursing

Lack of clarity in the concept of partnership has led to the use of the alternative term as involvement and collaboration. While in partnership, the patient will be co-opted in all caregiving processes while other concepts such as participation will be partially enhanced (Sahlsten et al., 2007). Participation is founded...

Developing a Work Ethics Program

Code of ethics and Conduct All the employees of Fine Consultants shall be required to pay attention to the company’s policies in regard to the financial and advisory consultations addressed to or from the customer concerning his or her enquiries as given below: Avoid, reject and report all events, conduct,...

Automated Surveillance System for CLABSI Prevention

Introduction Central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSI) is a considerable bother for the US and the world. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2018), the condition is associated with thousands of deaths and billions of dollars for the US healthcare system. Considering the high mortality rates from...

Preparing a Podcast on Dementia and Alzheimer

The rationale for the chosen topic and why this is a public health issue Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and dementia is the podcast’s topic. Where the objective is to inform the aged group, which is the target group, about the disease. The explanation is given to describe fully what dementia and...

How Immigrant Parents Affect Their Kids in School

Introduction The education of immigrant children has become a growing concern for many educators and policymakers in recent years, leading to a growing interest from scholars and researchers. There has been a considerable amount of research on the impact of parental involvement on the academic success of children. This literature...

Second Language Acqustion and Fossilization

The term fossilization is bereft of general definition and it has not been explained empirically and sufficiently. The term introduced by Selinker captures the imagination that the majority of the second language learners are not able to meet native-like fluency in the language they wish to learn which is also...

Female Authors: Struggles and Contributions

Introduction Historically, writing, authorship, and scholarship was a male-dominated field, something that continues to persist this very day. For generations, it was men that were writers, defining history, culture, and literature. Until the 20th century, it was very uncommon for women to be writers, especially recognized as professionals in this...

The Labelling Problem in “In the Heat of the Night”

Introduction Virgil Tibbs, an African-American Philadelphia police detective, is arrested on suspicion of murder by Bill Gillespie, the prejudiced police chief of little Sparta, Mississippi. Tibbs links up with Gillespie to locate the genuine criminal after establishing his own and another man’s innocence. Tibbs encounters both opponents and strange acquaintances...

Evaluative and Relational Influences on Service Loyalty

Executive Summary Consumer behaviour clearly defines the position of the customers in the market and gives the idea that is needed in order to comprehend with the preferences of a consumer towards a specific product. Market values are important for understanding the expectations of the customers for a specific industry...

Racism and Pessimism in Wilson’s Play “Fences”

Racism is considered a collection of beliefs, behaviors, and practices perpetuating an unequal distribution of power among ethnic and racial groups. Racial discrimination is the subjugation of certain ethnic or racial groups in order to preserve the advantages of others, hence developing and sustaining socioeconomic inequities. Discrimination may be detected...

Cultural Perspectives in Chinua Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart”

Introduction Things Fall Apart is a novel that depicts the traditional life of Nigerians in the pre-colonial eastern part of the country. People living in the villages of Umuofia and Mbanta have self-government and a developed system of communication, relationships, and values. The author Chinua Achebe depicts the arrival of...

International Politics. A More Secure World

Introduction This article is a report which was made by a High level Panel on the threats, challenges and change that the world is faced with. The High-level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change is a group of experts from different countries across the world established by the Secretary General...

Senior Living Communities: The Case of Sun City Center

Sun City Center Communities that senior citizens form represent an interest for policymakers, academics, and medical professionals in gerontology. With the continually growing elderly population, the need for healthcare services provided expressly for this demographic group and facilities that cover its needs increases in parallel. Some elderly prefer to go...

Antibiotic Resistance: Effects of Antibiotic Resistance

Abstract Antibiotic resistance has become a public issue that is both costly and horrifying. The diverse studies undertaken have established this phenomenon is becoming hard to control due to what scientists define as mutation. Therefore, antibiotic resistance should be taken seriously. Also more appropriate measures should be put in place...

Obesity Screening Training Using the 5AS Framework

Introduction The learning objectives of this project include applying a practice improvement project in a real-life setting and collecting and analyzing the results. Additionally, another objective is the implementation of best practices to address a serious healthcare concern, such as obesity in a clinical setting. Finally, this project allowed one...