The Virtual Visit Reflection: Boston

Preserving the memory of past events for new generations is essential, but there is also the question of how to do it. Traditional History classes might not be suit the children’s needs, as they are used to highly interactive spaces. A solution arrives in the form of websites that offer...

Perceived Health. A Healthy Body

The perception of health develops from a series of experiences, concepts, and standards which are created by society. Nowadays, the idea of a healthy body is mostly influenced by television and social media. Cultural norms and the level of an individual’s fitness education also contribute to the perception of a...

Public Health Interventions and Economics: Obesity

The public health intervention to address obesity has highlighted weight loss as an effective intervention to minimize the incidence of obesity-related diseases. The intervention is cost-effective because it is preventive as opposed to curative. The curative cost for obesity is $147 billion annually. However, the cost of weight loss is...

Followership and Servant Leadership in Army Officers

Followership and servant leadership styles are the primary forms of leading people, especially in the army. Therefore, army officers typically resort to these two types because they are increasingly influential and demand soldiers’ engagement as well. As a rule, soldiers tend to develop better by sharing experiences and opinions with...

What Is the Story “A Good Man is Hard to Find” about

Flannery O’Connor’s short story is unpredictable, with a soft start but a terrible ending. Right from the beginning, grandmother depicts The Misfit as an irresponsible person and a cold murderer. O’Connor rather abrasively writes the story, but this blatant approach signals to the reader the possibility of revealing an unsettling...

Professional Philosophy in Sports Psychology

Sports consultancy is a relatively young field, which explains the absence of an overarching consensus in regards to approaches to practice. A particularly controversial concept is professional philosophy in psychology. It refers to “a consultant’s beliefs and values concerning the nature of sport reality, the place of sport in human...

Benchmarking Against Competitors: Problems and Their Solutions

Companies mainly opt for implementing benchmarking to improve and optimize the existing operational processes. Benchmarking is defined as a replication strategy focused on investigating, collecting, and adapting the techniques from the different organizations to advance performance and strategy (Ramírez Canales, 2021). In other words, benchmarking is designed to solve the...

The El Salvador Uprising of 1932 and the Haitian Genocide of 1937

The source offered for analysis speaks of two terrible events, the El Salvador Uprising of 1932 and the Haitian Genocide of 1937. The first event, the El Salvador Uprising, is the first peasant uprising in Latin America. In the early 1930s, the world economic crisis affected El Salvador’s economy as...

Clicktivism and Slacktivism in the Activism Context

Information and Communication Technologies and the Internet currently play a vital role in distributing information. Due to the active development of these phenomena, the community identifies the emergence of such concepts as slacktivism and clicktivism. These technologies are characterized by information technology to mobilize large numbers of people to support...

Digital Technologies’ Role in Modern Healthcare

One of the most important trends is the continuous use of digital technologies in healthcare. Digital technologies are laying the foundation for increasing the efficiency of healthcare systems, increasing the ability to track health indicators. Thus, they improve the quality and safety of treatment through the use of artificial intelligence...

La Perouse’s Chronicles on the Spanish Mission

Since its beginning, the Spanish mission system has impacted the lives of several previous generations and, to a certain extent, is still affecting people. A way to better understand the Spanish mission is by researching Jean Francois Galaup de La Perouse’s chronicles. However, while relying on La Perouse as a...

Special Features of the Zara Company’s Business Model

Zara has been dominating the apparel industry due to its unique business strategy incorporating the principles of sustainability ad cost-efficient production. In the apparel industry, developing a sustainable business model is extraordinarily difficult due to high competition. However, Zara somehow managed to create a functioning business model that not only...

Ownership and Capital Implications of the Second Industrial Revolution

Introduction The rapid transformation of the social and economic order and the advancement of the manufacturing means toward more automated processes emerged on the verge of the nineteenth century. This period was called the Industrial Revolution due to the inception of the industrial economy. However, between 1880 and 1920, new...

Does Technology Mean Progress or Not

Introduction Nowadays, when technological development is light-speed fast, and new inventions occur almost daily, technology is mistaken for progress. Technological advances are equated to progression in all areas of human life and are viewed as the primary benchmark for progress. However, it can be argued that technology does not equal...

StockX’s Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning

In order to stay competitive, companies need to create ways to attract new clients and improve their services and products. The STP framework involves addressing three key areas, namely, segmentation, targeting, and positioning, in order to formulate a marketing strategy that will be relevant and effective for a particular business...

E-Commerce: Agile Project Management

E-commerce has recently become one of the most lucrative options for entrepreneurs worldwide. Moreover, an influx of numerous new businesses has led to severe competition. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the website in question is of superior quality and is free of any defects that may undermine all...

How Culture Shapes Communication

When it comes to communication, one of the serious hindrances that can stand in the way of people connecting in their different cultural backgrounds the cultural background is one of the major factors contributing to defining a person’s world-view and shaping their values and beliefs. For example, the country I...

“Fiat” Currency in the United States

“Fiat” money is a currency issued by governments that is not tied to physical products such as gold and silver. The currency value is usually set by the ratio of supply and demand and regulated by governments’ financial departments. USA dollar, euro, pound, and many other stable currencies are called...

The Rogue Access Point Attacks

A rogue access point attack is to create a wireless Wi-Fi network without encryption so that anyone can connect to it, and man-in-the-middle attacks are carried out against them. The rogue hotspot does not target Wi-Fi passwords, unlike the Evil Twin attack and most other Wi-Fi attacks. The main target...

Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality

Summarize the main point(s) or argument(s) of the TCI – Deculturalization Deculturalization seeks to suppress a particular culture or replace it with one that people with greater power consider superior. Deculturalization took place in different periods of history when people conquered the lands of another, and this process can be...

Epidemic: An Analysis of Factors of the Opioid Crisis

Introduction After the FDA approved the use of opioid drugs in 1995, many companies have multiplied their revenues through sales. It led to citizens becoming more and more dependent on painkillers. The narcotic properties of opioid drugs have led to the onset of an opioid epidemic since 2000, including increased...

Pros and Cons of Diagnosing Patients in Mental Health Practices

The rapidly changing world requires special attention to the sphere of mental healthcare since now such problems are more relevant than ever. The attention raises numerous questions regarding the effectiveness of applied tools and practices, such as relying on diagnoses in treating individuals with mental problems. Some believe that “labeling”...

Impact Group’s Strategic Planning

Society perceives business as a limitless field for making money and gaining social coverage. It is partly rational, but some enterprises are created to solve more global problems without a financial background. Impact Group is a nonprofit organization committed to improving students’ quality of life and providing them with educational...

Aspects of Coral Programming

Using functions in coral is very useful when creating programs that require their specific input. Using the current case where the manager does not need to waste time creating a coral program to send pictures, breaking the program together with the algorithms used is necessary. This shows the first advantage...

The Chrysanthemums Short Story Analysis

The short story by John Steinbeck follows Elisa Allen, a proud and strong lady, who is upset with her current existence in The Chrysanthemums. Her dissatisfaction originates from her inability to have a child and her husband’s lack of romantic admiration for her as a woman. Her flower garden, where...

The Beauty of the World Art Piece

The art piece expresses the beauty and picturesqueness of the world around people. It is full of bright colors, and a central element is a large number of pink flowers. Behind them, one can see a mountain landscape that evokes admiration. Initially, people can think of this picture as some...

Peter Singer’s Famine, Affluence, and Morality

Peter Singer’s Famine, Affluence, and Morality is a philosophical stance on how modern society may and should reconsider its definition of moral obligation. The narrative centers around the 1971 crisis in East Bengali, where, at the time, nine million people were suffering from poverty, lack of housing, and life uncertainty...

Medical Terms and Their Abbreviations

Term Abbreviation Meaning Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act HIPAA A set of regulations for the health industry, particularly emphasizing privacy of patient information and data sharing In-network INN A provider is contracted with the specific insurance provider used by the patient Out of network OON The provider does not...

Team Performance Improvement and Stimulation

The current composition of the group lacks the necessary balance, as three of five animals — a donkey, a monkey, and a peacock display potentially disruptive behaviors. However, only an inspirational lion has the authority and power to rectify the situation, while a nice and loving cat is too busy...

Impact of Blues on the 20th-Century Music

20th-century music underwent a series of large-scale transformations related to broader social and technological changes. The musicians’ revolution, the long-standing conventions of tonality, rhythm, and harmony, social tensions, and the advent of tape recording all contributed to new music (Bonds 360). One of the revolutionary novelties in 20th-century music in...

People Analytics of the Qatar National Bank

One of the biggest challenges in conducting people analytics research of the Qatar National Bank is working with unstructured data. With the growing number of operations, unsorted data is one of the main types of data that analysts work with. The majority of information is unstructured because it cannot be...

The “Saint Mark” and “David” Sculptures by Donatello

Saint Mark and David inspired humanism, an intellectual movement of the Renaissance. During the Renaissance, artists gave up on middle-age traditions in architecture, painting, and sculptures, mainly for church decoration, and adopted humanist beliefs. They shifted their focus from religious arts to capturing detailed human bodies; this was an art...

Theoretical Analysis of the Song “A Boy Named Sue”

The term “social control theory” refers to a school of sociological thought that looks into what motivates people to engage in criminal activity in society. The above theory holds that people’s actions are shaped by their social environment. If a person feels connected to their society or to influential members...

Why an Electric Car Is the Best Option

Electric cars have been brought to the market to encourage low-emission vehicles, which will have side advantages for society, the environment, and the economy. Structurally, the main difference between electric and traditional cars is that electric cars use battery power consumption instead of burning fuel. Even though gasoline is considered...

Tobacco Advertising and Opioid Crisis

The aspects of the opioid crisis and tobacco advertisement by physicians are comparable in terms of the engagement of the medical community in these issues. In both situations, physicians, medical associations, journals, and agencies were involved. Their activity was related to creating misconceptions regarding tobacco and opioids and making patients...

The Medical Model of Mental Illness

A medical model is called a direction in psychology that provides an explanation for mental illness through physical causes. The medical model connects emotional and mental problems with biological ones (Huda, 2021). In modern medicine, there are two models of mental illness – biomedical and biopsychosocial. In combination with medical...

Health Model and Disparities: Public Health

The health adaptation model was formed within the boundaries of those scientific theories and approaches that focus on the nature of the interaction between the individual and the environment. The foremost criterion for assessing optimal functioning is the nature and degree of the individual’s involvement in external biological and social...

The Political Cartoon “Plumb-Pudding in Danger” by James Gillray

Cartoons provide a platform for critique and, by employing humor, may frequently address topics that are challenging to bring up in formal discussions. The 18th century became known as the Golden Age of Cartoons, with cartoonists engaging in social and political polemics. The Plumb-pudding in danger, or, State Epicures taking...

The Story “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” by Sherman Alexie

The name of the protagonist from Sherman Alexie’s story “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” is Jackson Jackson. His family nickname is Jackson Squared. He is an Indian man who grew up in Spokane and moved to Seattle. He describes himself as “an effective homeless man” (Alexie 2). The protagonist’s...

Texas in Connection to the American Civil War

Introduction During the Civil War, even though the war was taking place outside of Texas, people were able to contribute. More precisely, many served in the Union Army. For example, several thousand white people from Texas supported the army and served there. At the time of the Civil War, 30%...

Door-to-Door Sales and Personal Relationships

Although salespersons can adopt various ways of reaching out to potential customers, door-to-door sales are the hardest. Door-to-door sales involve going to potential clients directly and convincing them to buy your products. The sales method requires techniques that will make the potential customer trust the salesperson. Various challenges are expected...

Black Lives Matter and the Civil Rights Movement

American society and the US government system have historically suffered from problems related to racial tension, social inequality, violence, and police brutality. Under such conditions, it is not surprising that people create various movements to fight for their rights and influence the change in the existing system. Therefore, Black Lives...

Monitoring and Controlling Functions in Healthcare Organizations

Monitoring and controlling are the primary functions of an organization’s management team, and their work determines how efficiently the recourses are allocated and used. Multiple components, such as finances, workforce, technology, and equipment, are integrated into the strategies to administer and optimize the work of a hospital (Almansoori et al.,...

Social Distancing: The Role of Technology

The pandemic and the practice of social distancing that was supposed to counteract its drastic effects have changed the landscape of interpersonal communication forever. Personally, I have experienced massive changes, including both negative and positive ones, and deployed substantial flexibility in order to adjust to the new communication environment. Specifically,...

The Role of Strategic Outsourcing

Introduction Strategic outsourcing is delegating certain functions by a company to service providers for management. With its help, companies can focus on their core business and improve it. Outsourcing is necessary for risk management, efficient use of resources, and growth of advantages. It improves the quality of information collected through...

The World of Late Antiquity: The Old Roman Culture

Introduction The break of the Eastern Roman Empire from the old Empire was characterized by several social, cultural, and economic changes. It has been argued that although the territory demonstrated some shifts from the old order, some elements continued to exist. The deviation from worshipping the old Roman gods and...

The College Tuition System Reform

Murphy, R., Scott-Clayton, J., & Wyness, G. (2019). The end of free college in England: Implications for enrolments, equity, and quality. Economics of Education Review, 71, 7-22. The article cites an example of a successful reform of the payment system by students of their college education. According to the study,...

The Affirmative Action Practice

Affirmative action is a set of policies aiming to promote race and gender-fair decisions for inclusivity to underrepresented people, mainly in learning centers and employment sectors. Positive discrimination is applied to organizations with minority groups, including high schools and universities. Affirmative action is utilized through outreach efforts, training initiatives, and...

The Poem “The Raven” by Edgar Alan Poe

The themes of death and the afterlife are frequently addressed in the works of famous authors. In The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe, mysterious symbols and dark signs that allude to death and remorse are integrated into the poem, revealing the thoughts and feelings of an unknown speaker. As the...

Pasadena, Texas 77506: History, Economy, and Community Development

Overview of Pasadena, Texas Pasadena, Texas, is a city located in Harris County, Texas. The ZIP code 77506 neighborhood is located in the downtown. The development of Pasadena, Texas 77506, began in the early 1900s when John H. Burnett purchased land and established a townsite (Pomeroy n.d.). The following development...

Classical Civilizations in America, Africa, and Asia: Art, Architecture, and Literature

American Classical Civilization Among the civilizations that existed in America and are presented in the list, no civilizations could be considered classic, as no preserved literature works exist. However, the Aztec Empire was one of the classical civilizations of the Americas that was not on the list. The Aztec Empire...

Addressing Child Abuse: Strategic Steps for Prevention and Awareness

Identifying a Major Social Problem In the modern world, many social issues cannot be assessed due to a lack of financial resources and the complexity and interconnectedness of the problems. Thus, addressing the problem of social inequality requires eliminating the issues of systematic racism and prejudice in society while also...

Diabetes in Evidence-Based Nursing Practice

The first article under analysis is a systematic review entitled “Diabetic Foot Ulcer: An Evidence-Based Treatment Update” and written by Braun, Fisk, Lev-Tov, Kirsner, and Isseroff (2014). The purpose of the study is to identify recent evidence-based assessments of diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) therapies. The authors suggest directions for further...

Hospital Mergers and Legal Issues in Healthcare

Legal Issues Health care agencies can encounter many problems that impact every member and part of their structure. One of these concerns is the growing problem of hospital mergers and legal complications that follow it. Hospitals that decide to merge with other organizations face the challenge of following every legal...

Importance of Equity in Compensation Practices Across Industries

Equity refers to fairness or using the same yardstick to ensure that two or more individuals are treated in the same manner. Equity is a fundamental theme in as far as compensation theory and practice are concerned. In compensation, equity involves ensuring that the worker’s remunerations are fair, according to...

Safety Protocols and Violence Prevention Strategies in Emergency Care Settings

PICOT Question Emergency room healthcare providers (p) given safety and violence protocol training (i) versus those providers not given the safety and violence protocol training (c) demonstrate increased knowledge of safety and violence policies and procedures(o) over the next six weeks (t)? Search Strategy Conducted The search strategy was multi-step...

Physical Exercise Promotion and Evidence-Based Practice

PICOT Question In patients aged 18 to 25 (P), who receive education regarding the importance of exercising 300 minutes per week (I) compared to a similar group who does not receive the education (C) will their present level of activity increase by 30% (O) by the end of a 6...

Telephone Follow-up For Diabetic Patient: Pro-Position Proposal

Research Question: Can nurse consultation and follow-up on telephone improve self-care and blood glucose monitoring in diabetic patients? Claim: Telephone follow-up is a necessary part of a nursing care plan for diabetic patients, which leads to the improvement of the quality of life, promotes consistent blood glucose monitoring, and increases...

Nursing Practice Without Physician Supervision: Legal and Practical Aspects

Situation: Is This Something Than Can Be Legislated? The problem/concern The need for healthcare continues to grow as the population of the Baby Boomer generation reaches the age in which people require medical assistance (Florida Action Coalition, 2016). However, the state of Florida has limitations in the practice of Advanced...

The Adam Style: Approach to Interior Elements

Introduction Architecture aside, Adam was also famous for his interior designs. His approach to interior spaces had several characteristic features. He used all interior elements in conjuncture instead of relying on several specific ones and stressed adaptability over uniformity. Main body Careful arrangement of all the elements of interior design...

The World’s End by Edgard Wright Writing Prompt

The World’s end is a film directed by Edgard Wright and aired in 2013. The genre of the work was initially claimed to be a science fiction comedy, based around the premise of five friends participating in a pub crawl, during which an alien invasion occurs in their home city....

Roman Architecture: Civic Architecture and Arch Invention

How the invention of the arch contributed to Roman dominance in the region The invention of the round arch contributed to Roman dominance in the region due to this structure’s suitability to the task of building premises for significant numbers of people. In the vault construction, it allowed enclosing large...

Evolution of Lungs: Understanding the Divergence of Organisms

Evolution explains the emergence of different species on earth and the respective functions of their structures. Lungs are among the organs highly studied by paleontologists to understand the divergence of organisms over time. Charles Darwin, the father of evolution believes that lungs evolved from gas bladders in lower vertebrates, precisely...

Contrast Between the Women of Fact and Women as Portrayed in Fiction

Women have for a long time been segregated and viewed as inferior to men, and this has affected their participation in literary works. This fact is evident in bookshelves where there are more male authors compared to their female counterparts. However, this disparity is not because ladies are less intelligent...

The Influence of Catholic Upbringing

The history of the religious education of the person I interviewed confirmed that every believer has their own path to faith. My neighbor and I often meet on the street and in the church that I have attended since childhood, so I have always been interested in the reasons why...

Heuristic Model: Supply Chain Management

The heuristic model is one technique that businesses can use to solve their planning and scheduling issues. It can be defined as an approach to problem-solving that utilizes “rules of thumb” to create a feasible and quick but not optimal solution to a problem and obtain fast results (Langley et...

Argento’s Horror Film “Inferno” and Surrealism

Inferno or Underworld is a 1980 Italian horror film directed by Dario Argento. This film is a sequel to the 1977 film Suspiria as part of a trilogy of the story of three mothers. Argento pushes the boundaries of his witchy universe and clearly outlines it. In this film, his...

The History of Technology in Teaching History

There is an open discussion on whether the history of technology is addressed appropriately in teaching history nowadays. Technology is a part of the development of human civilization, and it has severely impacted the course of history. Thus, this paper aims to examine the role of technology throughout history to...

Human Esophagus and Types of Its Muscles

From the perspective of histological descriptions, the human esophagus is divided into three sections, each of which is unique in terms of muscle type. To remember the histological “floor plan” of the esophagus, the organ’s function, including the details of how the organ carries food through the thoracic cavity, must...

Chalmers’ Argument on the American Revolution

The American Revolution is a contentious issue that resulted in a factional breakup between two groups, Loyalists and Patriots. I am a shopkeeper in Boston, Massachusetts, and I have seen the situation between Britain and the American colonies escalate to dangerous levels. Chalmers’ argument against rebellion and fighting for American...

Salvador (Dimension) Dali in History of Art

Salvador (Dimension) Dali is one of the most famous artists of Spain of the twentieth century, who became an integral part of world pop culture. This master is best known for his surrealist paintings, although he worked in different styles, forms, and genres – starting with Impressionism, and Cubism and...

“All Aunt Hagar’s Children” by Edward P. Jones

The short story “Young Lions” by Edward P. Jones addresses the subject of social belonging, relationship with society, and violence. Caesar, being the main character and symbolically given the name of one of the greatest rulers of the Roman empire, finds his way in life by stealing people’s lives along...

Review of Methods of Stopping Intruders

Fraudsters in cyberspace are becoming an increasingly urgent problem that every user needs to deal with. Personally, guided by knowledge in the Internet sphere, I would first of all try to complicate the task of penetration as much as possible. In other words, my main tools would be a dynamic...

Making an Ethical Decision and Assessing Consequences

Ethical decisions are always challenging because it can be difficult for a person to evaluate their attitude or action so that it does not cause condemnation from society or themself. Society is developing; new cultures are emerging that mix with others, and a large number of resonant events appear that...

Colibactin and Its Chemical Impact

The major development relevant to the selected news story is the super-power ability of colibactin and how it contributes to the destruction of other cells. The scientist who contributed to the current topic research was Emily Balskus, who discovered that in the presence of some gut bacteria, there exist some...

The Flood Stories in the “Epic of Gilgamesh” and the Bible

The flood stories in the Epic of Gilgamesh and the Bible have many similar details. For example, the scale of the flood, God’s order to build a ship, and other details. However, the differences in the reasons and actions of Noah and Utanapishtim before the flood, which God indicated to...

Erikson’s vs. Piaget’s Theories Comparative Analysis

It is important to note that there are eight stages in Erik Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development. The conflicts include Trust vs. Mistrust in the first stage, Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt in the second stage, Initiative vs. Guilt in the third stage, and Industry vs. Inferiority in the fourth...

Personality Traits in the Workplace

The smartest person I know is my friend who studies programming at university while maintaining a personal start-up and having enough time to maintain a perfect work-life balance. I am smart in my life position and attitude towards people. It is closer to a common-sense smartness in the way that...

Grief Counselling on Managing Child Terminal Death

Introduction Preparing parents for the death of a terminally ill child is a subject that requires sensitivity and dignity. Whereas anticipatory grief for older patients such as parents or grandparents is relatively common, preparing for the death of a child can be significantly more impactful. Clear and honest communication is...

Retail Objectives for the New Company

In the case of a new company, it is recommended to focus on attracting new customers and selling more to existing customers. Therefore, the company should focus on Marketing and Advertising and Sell-up strategies. To raise the sales volume the company can focus on advertising, marketing, or republic relationships with...

“Hearts and Minds” Documentary by Peter Davis

Introduction Created in 1974 and directed by Peter Davis, the documentary movie Hearts and Minds tells its audience the terrible truth about the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war. It is hard to disagree that the purpose of this movie is very significant, and it is vital for the filmmakers...

The Global Nature of Modern Economics

In his “The False Promise of International Institutions,” Mearsheimer presents a critique of institutionalism theories and the policies that ensue from them. He claims that these theories do not reflect the realities of the world and are disproved by the world’s history. According to him, the alternative, namely realism, is...

The Gibbs Reflection Cycle Method in Healthcare

Gibbs reflection cycle method consists of five steps that include a description of the event, feeling associated with it, evaluation of it, conclusion and further action. Therefore, I would like to reflect on the week one’s lab by implementing Gibbs reflection cycle method. During the labs students learned about the...

The Casa Transitoria Program in Brazil

Casa Transitoria’s attributes shine through in the effort to improve the situation of people living in poverty. It is mostly targeted toward supporting pregnant women in obtaining new knowledge and adjusting their mindsets in order to perform better economically. It has an effect throughout the formative years of life when...

Governmental Price Control in Agricultural Sector

The most regulated industry in the United States has always been agriculture. During the twentieth century, the state regulation of agriculture and agribusiness in the United States was distinguished by two characteristic features (Cheng et al., 2021). First of all, the state by its intervention does not suppress the activity...

Navigating Impostor Syndrome as a New Intern

Imposter syndrome, alternatively defined as imposter paradox or impostorism, is a mental event in which a person continuously fears being discovered as a liar and has hesitations regarding their abilities, qualifications, or achievements. Imposter syndrome is a behavioral pattern in which individuals, including those who have sufficient external proof of...

Animation Film Pocahontas by Walt Disney

Introduction A seventy-eight-minute animation film, Pocahontas, by Walt Disney, is about a Native American heroine who saved a British man, John Smith, from execution by her father. The movie has received criticism, especially from Arab Americans (Goldberg & Gabriel, 1995). The film is analyzed on three concepts; libel, privacy invasion,...

Strong Moral Principles in “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe

Introduction Edgar Allan Poe is an American poet, novelist, critic, creator of the horror novel genre, and “the moral anarchist.” It is essential to note that his work and creativity are associated mainly with the opposition of repulsive, crude reality and the romantic ideal of beauty, ethics, and spiritual, moralizing...

Affordable Care Act in Metropolitan Hospital of Miami

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a part of the national strategy for quality improvement in healthcare. ACA was implemented in 2009 to address the unprecedentedly escalating prices of healthcare (McBride & Tietze, 2018). The main idea is to control the cost to a possible extent while improving the care...

Environment for Blind People: Exceptional Learners

Access to social life for visually impaired people largely depends on the conditions of the urban environment. Such an example as a lowered curb dramatically facilitates the movement of people with disabilities. In order to give all people equal rights in society, it is essential to study how the environment...

The Healthcare System in Ghana

The healthcare system is among the most vital sectors in any country since it maintains public health. Similarly to other fields, the healthcare domain relies on specific guidelines and principles, which are often regulated by specific agencies or the state. However, while in some countries, these principles are undeniably adhered...

The Finnish vs. the US School Systems

Educational systems across the world are dissimilar, yet it appears that Finnish schools are favorably regarded by people from distinct countries. Ivy (2016) declares that Finland is the highest-ranking state in terms of its learning approach. The Finnish school system has many differences from that of the US and is...

Health Promotion and Patient Empowerment

Health promotion implies measures that focus not just on the patients’ health but also consider the social and environmental factors that influence them. Actions in this direction help individuals receive control over their health and improve it (World Health Organization, n.d.). Health promotion is essential in achieving better patient outcomes...

Neanderthals: Discoveries of Past and Present

Neanderthals have interested researchers since this species of ancient people was closest to Homo Sapiens in a genetic and behavioral sense. This mysterious species of man inhabited Europe and southern Siberia during the Ice Age. However, for some reason, representatives of the Neanderthal genus died out, yielding dominance in this...

Researching of Verismo in Literature

Introduction Verismo is a special genre and way of thinking widely spread in Italian literature and creative directions in general. This style reflects an authentic, truthful picture of socio-psychological confrontations in relation to the new reality (Virga, 2021). Accordingly, genre writers in their works sought to depict the manifestations of...

Trichomoniasis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment in Women and Men

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by a parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. It is a common infection that affects both men and women but is most commonly found in women. According to Muzny and Van Gerwen (2022), the incubation period is between 4 and 28 days, but for...

Benefits of Running: A Path to Health and Fitness

Introduction Running has been a part of human civilization since its inception. This type of exercise is associated with numerous physical and mental health benefits, such as improved physical fitness, reduced stress levels, and increased endurance. This activity is accessible to individuals of all ages and fitness levels, making it...

Suicide From Functionalism, Conflict, Structural Interactionism, and Feminism Perspectives

Suicide from a Functionalist Perspective From a functionalist perspective, suicide disrupts social equilibrium and damages the cohesion of communities; thus, functionalist theorists can argue that strengthening social institutions, such as family and education, can mitigate suicide rates. Interventions can focus on improving community bonds and providing proper support systems (Knipe...

The Great War’s Impact: Death, Weapons, and Disillusionment

The First World War is sometimes referred to as the Great War. This term was often used in the 1920s (Boyer et al. 627). The war earned this name as it involved the countries from all continents and it led to the death of millions of people. Europe was simply...

Adrian Guzman’s ‘Men on the Down Low’: Highlights & Summary

Highlights In the articles under consideration, such a discourse as the down low of the Black men is considered. According to Phillips, this concept is the reflection of prejudice to the public and regular complaints about certain problems (3). Although this social concept is related not only to African-Americans but...

War on Terrorism: The Modern Perspective

The terrorist attack that occurred on September 11, 2001, has changed the perspective of American citizens on the phenomenon of terrorism and its implications forever. What seemed to be a horrendous yet distant notion has become a devastating part of reality, thus becoming a painful legacy of the American history...

Team Nursing Model in Intensive Care Unit

The success of patient care efforts is inextricably connected with the effective selection and use of the models of nursing care delivery. Such models describe the basic principles used to organize care and distribute responsibilities. If I were the manager of the ICU where I work, I would advocate for...

Virtual Reality in Nursing: Case Studies and Usage Insights

The application of knowledge is a task that remains troublesome to achieve for students, mostly due to the lack of practice. Virtual reality cases allow students to develop their grasp on educational material, at the same time linking together theory and practice in a natural manner. This is important in...

Modern-Day Berlin City in the “Run Lola Run” Film

Run Lola Run is a 1998 German movie telling a story of a young woman who needs to get a significant sum of money before her boyfriend robs a supermarket. To change the course of events and save Manny’s life, Lola has to run to the beat. The movie is...

Elements of the Immune System

The immune system includes central organs (thymus and bone marrow), peripheral systems and organs (lymph nodes and lymphoid accumulations in various organs, spleen); pathways of immunocompetent cells circulation. It also contains humoral factors, soluble molecules that are the product of B-lymphocytes (antibodies, immunoglobulins), and cytokines – soluble mediators of intercellular...

Quantum Theory and the Inverse Square Law

Two massive changes in the worldview of physical phenomena relate to Newton and Einstein. Their ideas and theories contributed greatly to shaping the science of physics and the perception of nature. However, some foundation for their works had been laid before them, as in the case of Planck, who preceded...

Walt Whitman’s Poetry: Transcendentalism Beliefs

Walt Whitman was the American poet who represented the transcendentalist movement in the nineteenth century. Transcendentalism’s general belief is that human senses are not enough to provide the profound truth as they are limited to physical knowledge of life. Rueben concludes transcendentalism as “the intuitive faculty, instead of the rational...

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Nursing

Healthcare has been subject to revolutionary changes as a result of technological breakthroughs in academia and their practical implementation in hospitals. Such advancements have influenced the structure and organization of wellness care since humanoid robots were introduced to the healthcare industry. McKinsey Global Institute reports that “800 million workers worldwide...

Terrorism: Threat and Ways of Combating

Why is terrorism a law enforcement concern? First, terrorism generates a high social vulnerability from the commission of generally dangerous actions or a threat to them. Second, terrorism is characterized by the public nature of its execution, while other crimes are usually committed without a publicity claim. Third, a distinctive...

Social Sciences: Current Realities, and Future Trends

Social sciences emerged when the need arose for the scientific study of human behavior and the functioning of public institutions. This explanation underlies the analysis of the main spheres of society, such as culture, social interaction, problems of social inequality, social institutions, as well as economic and political systems (Colander...

The Most Segregated Schools in the USA: Schools in New York City

It is reported in the video that schools in New York City are among the most segregated in the USA. Although the region has a vast diversity of the population, schools are still able to reject students of primarily African American and Latin ethnicity. This paper will discuss questions related...

Family and Medical Leave Act: Overview

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) offers some workers with up to twelve weeks of unpaid, job-safeguarded leave every year. It also necessitates that their group medical benefits be upheld in the course of the leave. It is planned to enable workers to balance their workplace and family duties...

The Problem of Inequality of Criminal Justice

Pregnancy and maternity in correctional facilities are some of the controversial problems in criminal justice. There is a critical question if mothers in prisons should be treated differently compared to other convicts. Researchers note that some indulgences should be implemented in cases where a mother wishes to remain in contact...

Gender Norms in Different Cultures

The relationships among biological sex, gender role, and sexuality are often perceived differently in societies around the globe. For example, western societies have a strong penchant for patriarchy, which has certain implications for the people who defy the status quo. As evidenced in the trailer for a movie about women...

Ideological Camps in the Mexican Revolution

Revolutions always bring violent fights and deaths, but sometimes they are the only choice for the struggling populations to fight for one’s rights and freedom. The Mexican Revolution was a significant overthrow of social order that consisted of armed struggles from 1910 to 1920. It had a long-lasting effect on...

Digital Tools and Social Behavior

In modern society, people are connected via smartphones and other digital devices making face-to-face contact practically rare. The authors of the article raised an important question of whether being frequently connected to the digital world may dwindle major behavior approaches (Kushlev et al., 2019). Certain approach behaviors such as smiling...

Skin Cancer Types, Cells of Origin

Skin cancers are frequently observed and diagnosed because of high risk factors for individuals, and they are usually divided into two main types: melanoma and non-melanoma cancer. In this classification, non-melanoma skin cancers cover basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (Lai et al., 2018). These major types of skin...

Statistics. Comparative Mobile Telephony Penetration

This analysis delves into the correlates and antecedents of cellular telephone acquisition and ownership rates for a 2005 database spanning 46 countries. Interest is sparked, first of all, by wide disparities in mobile telephony penetration, ranging from zero to 69 percent of the population in the case of the United...

Comparing Collective Bargaining Agreements

A collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is an essential aspect of industrial relations. It refers to a documented legal contract between an employer and the union representing the workforce (Doellgast & Benassi, 2020). CBA is an outcome of a comprehensive negotiation process among the parties concerning wages, working hours, teams, and...

Art and Science: Collaboration and Interdependence

Art and science have for a long time been complemented in several ways. It is difficult to differentiate the key features between the two. The key variance is that art is subjective, unlike objective science. Art expresses knowledge whereas science depicts the acquisition of knowledge. The collaboration between art and...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Volunteering

Voluntary work is an act where an individual offers free services to people without getting a reward in return for the service provided. Voluntary work has gained popularity over time because it comes with many essential benefits. Whereas volunteering in any organization has many benefits to the individual, it also...

Reasons Why the Third World Is Underdeveloped

In the 1960s and 1970s, a peculiar trend emerged in world social thought —dependence theory. Other variants of this trend are dependent development, dependent capitalism, peripheral development, and peripheral capitalism (sometimes this trend is called dependentism). Representatives of the scientific community of Latin America play a significant role in this...

Financing J&J Air’s Expansion Plans With a Bond Issue

Secured bonds enable bondholders to demand collateral even when a company goes bankrupt. Such bonds are commonly collateralized by equipment or real estate. Since J&J Air is an airline company, this means that it possesses both equipment and property and, hence, its bonds have collateral (Chaney, Sraer, & Thesmar, 2012)....

Aspects of Global Citizenship

Global citizenship aims to encourage young people to acquire the information, skills, and values they need to pass on to the world. According to Dower and Williams, “the idea of global citizenship is that human beings are citizens of the world” (2016, p. 1). Global citizenship education is not another...

Fitness and Its Impact on Wellbeing

It is a well-known fact that regular physical activity has a major influence on human health. Fitness can help people reduce the risk of a great number of diseases, have stronger muscles and bones, reduce symptoms of depression and other mental conditions, as well as improve emotional wellbeing (Mikkelsen et...

Research in Teacher Decision Making

Work as a teacher involves a wide range of knowledge in various fields. Teachers should be professionals in their area of specialization and be able to give students reliable information. First, they will be authoritative among students, which will positively affect the educational process. Second, this will allow them to...

Cardiac Health and Disease Prevention

The prevalence of cardiovascular conditions in today’s environment has become a pressing concern. Millions of people suffer from them, as the contemporary lifestyle leaves fewer opportunities to maintain cardiac health. Under such circumstances, it is vital to research and promote relevant practices that will contribute to the cardiovascular disease prevention...

The Ancient Americans: Historical Attainments of Maya, Aztec, Olmec

Historical Video Nowadays, historians are aware of and have thoroughly explored many powerful civilizations distinguished by their distinct features, outstanding achievements, and lavish cultural heritage. Some of the most recognized nations inhabiting the American continents are Maya, Aztec, and Olmec, which are still shrouded by a deep mystery, and thus,...

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is an essential and valuable skill that allows recognizing other people’s emotions and intentions and, to some extent, manages them. This skill helps to solve practical problems and achieve goals in life and at work. People with developed emotional intelligence can negotiate with other people, make decisions and...

Noise Pollution and Its Effect on Health

The modern medical practice strives to keep pace with the times, provide the most technologically convenient and humane solutions for patient care and respond to the latest requirements of the healthcare system. Medicine is a part of the modern world as a hermetic established system in which the results of...

“The Song of Myself” by Walt Whitman

Introduction The Song of Myself is a 52-part poem written by Walt Whitman in 1855. In the poem, the speaker praises the human body for its ability to join with self and nature. This union between the body and self provides a religious experience for the speaker and all humanity....

“Fast Food Nation”: The Development of the Food Industry in the USA

In chapters 5-10, Eric Schlosser addresses a range of important issues that surround the development of the food industry in the United States of America. The first central idea revolves around the intense industrialization of the food industry that has led to the creation of large corporations holding the majority...

The Role of Patient Education and Lifestyle Changes

Healthy Diet One of the main causes of obesity is the imbalance between energy consumption and energy expenditure (Webb et al., 2017). Therefore, diet, as the primary way of receiving energy is to be addressed first. One of the most effective interventions is a prescription of a personalized diet, as...

Earthquake Threats in Bakersfield

Earthquakes and dam failures are the most severe threats to Bakersfield, both of which can result in gas leaks and power disruptions. When it comes to earthquakes, California has stringent construction rules that are continually revised. However, while the majority of the seismic activity that has adversely impacted Kern County...

Corporate Entrepreneurship and Small Business

Organizations should embrace the corporate entrepreneurship spirit to ensure they remain relevant. Corporate entrepreneurship refers to the adoption of a strategy that encourages employees to be innovative by proposing and introducing new methods of operations. The current business environment is undergoing numerous transitions and technology is being incorporated into business...

Impact of Internet on Society

Introduction Society has existed and functioned for a long time without such innovative technology as the Internet. This is the argument of supporters that this innovation hurts people. However, this work aims to prove that the Internet positively contributes to modern life. Henceforth, the arguments for this opinion are access...

Five Stages of the Profitable Digital Marketing

Advanced advertising is impressively more affordable than other promoting strategies. Any progressive brand that needs to excel in the current business environment should embrace digital marketing investment strategies as a feature of their general procedure (Chen et al., 2017). On the off chance that the item is viewed as a...

Brands’ Positive Impact Through Advertisements

Introduction Modern advertising has different forms and appearances, with a lot of brands launching creative PR campaigns in different kinds of media. It is hard to imagine a successful company that does not have a huge staff of PR managers who generate ideas about possible advertisement strategies. However, more and...

Advanced Practice Nurses’ Roles and Competences

In what ways can an APRN distinguish their role from other nursing roles and medical counterparts and why is this important? The APRN is the highest trained nurses, both by education and usually by clinical experience and skill (upon graduation). APRNs require at least a Master of Science in Nursing,...

Macroeconomics: Objections to Economic Approach

While exploring the book written by Greenlaw and Taylor (2014) Principles of macroeconomics, I found remarkable information provided in Chapter 2 in the section “Confronting objections to the economic approach.” This part of this section puts emphasis on human behavior and explores the notion of self-interest from various perspectives. The...

Irresponsible Conduct in Research

Irresponsible Conduct in Research Irresponsible conduct in research also called scientific misconduct among scholars and academicians is a term covering various malicious and unethical behaviors and activities that researchers intentionally engage in during the research process. Scientific misconduct makes all academic data cultivated and procedures made unreliable and non-credible, and...

Economic Issues Confronting Healthcare System

The current healthcare system is plagued by economic challenges highlighted by increased spending. The economic challenges facing healthcare include a lack of price transparency, and adequate payment model, and monopoly power imposing substantial price hikes on medical products and services. As patients assume more significant financial responsibility for their healthcare...

Troubleshooting and Tool: Network Problem

Introduction When people arrived and connected to the internet, incoming connection requests were detected. Incoming requests, more so from unknown locations, may be an indication that someone is trying to gain unauthorized entry into your server. This could be dangerous as it might be a cyber-attack, or someone is attempting...

The Notre Dame de la Belle Verriere

The evolution of art and design across the globe has ensured that different cultures and religions preserve the guiding principles which are taught to later generations. Christianity has played a major role in the diversity of art and design through sculptures, buildings, paintings, and writings whose relevance has played a...

Setup of Minimum or Base Federal Tax Rate

If almost half of all taxpayers benefit from an efficient federal tax rate of zero per cent, then there must be defined minimum taxation that all individuals must pay. The minimal rate must be calculated in relation to the various economic levels. However, the minimum tax ought to be imposed...

Medical Ethics and Right to Autonomy

The movie Wit indicates that Vivian’s right to autonomy is violated. For instance, when she determines that her condition has deteriorated significantly, the doctor does not alleviate her fear and offers her minimal advice. He does not explain her diagnosis, the options, and the potential treatment risks elicited in her...

Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Business

For many people, the concept of artificial intelligence is still something related to the area of science-fiction type of dystopia. However, this image seems to be closer to fading into obscurity with each passing day as AI becomes more common in people’s everyday lives. Uzialko (2022) notes that today, not...

Modern Families and Current Trends

Introduction The notion of a family differs in various cultures and social contexts. While the idea of a nuclear family continues to dissipate, other options for relationships have become more popular among younger generations (Ferris & Stein, 2018). The drastic changes cause conflicts between different ages and within the same...

Planning a Camping Play for Children

Introduction A camping play aims to implement a socio-dramatic camping experience in which children take on the role of campers. Such initiatives have been linked to enhanced social skills and excellent creative outlets (McCabe, 2017). The following steps will be implemented. Discussion The first step is introducing the background. Initially,...