Active Participation by Teacher Impact on Students

Abnormal psychology is taught in two sections: at 9:30 am and at 11:30 am. Students who have classes at 9:30 am are more talkative and also seem to perform better in midterms and finals. This suggests a hypothesis that active participation by a teacher positively impacts the results of their...

Modernization of Educational Process: Positive and Negative Sides

Modern day colleges and universities have implemented numerous methods of improving access to their courses and services (Brodahl, Hadjerrouit & Hansen, 2011). This comes in form of online distance learning, the digitization of books and course materials, college web portals where registration for courses can be done in a quick...

How Prejudices Develop in Children

One of the burning issues in sociology is whether prejudices and biases are innate or people develop them throughout life. One famous proverb goes: “Children are not born with prejudices – they learn them.” Some researches state that people are not born with prejudices but acquire them. There is a...

Networking and Career Development Importance

Introduction Networking builds a network of business ties and forms a circle of people around you, each of whom is professional in a specific field. According to Batistic and Tymon (2017), “Networking is the age-old practice of building and nurturing personal and professional links with a variety of people to...

Industrialization Impact on Men and Women Relationship

In the current piece, the effect of industrialization on working-class family life will be addressed. The effect on the relationship between men and women will be described in more detail. Firstly, a brief on the beginning of industrialization will be provided. Further, the impact (or its absence) on men’s and...

Ethical Dilemma of Worldwide Gender Equality

Throughout one’s personal life, along with his or her role as a conscious member of society, a person is obliged to make certain choices that would potentially influence some major tendencies in the overall social behavior. Thus, when a person in charge is making a crucial decision in terms of...

Analysis of President George W. Bush’s Speech to the Nation on 9/11

Shortly after the events of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center towers on 11/9/2001, President George W. Bush addressed the American population with a speech. There is no doubt that the number of people and families, which suffered from this occasion, is unfair. By using the agitation and...

Vitamin D Effectiveness in COVID-19 Prevention

While COVID-19 is a respiratory infectious disease, it can cause musculoskeletal complications. Vitamin D is critical for the healthy state of bones and an adequate immune system. At some point, an idea went viral that Vitamin D can increase immune resistance to coronavirus, provoking many people to consume the supplements,...

The Principle of Absolute and Comparative Advantage in Economic

Globalization has significantly affected the world trade and left many economies struggling to find the spheres where they could be profitable. When countries decide to produce certain products and choose the industry that is worth investing in, they employ the theory of economics, namely the concepts of absolute and comparative...

Difficulties and New Interventions in Nursing

Introduction Nursing is a demanding profession, but it allows helping people and making the world a better place. In this paper, I would like to share some experiences I had during my clinical practice. I will discuss a difficulty I faced and a new intervention I observed. A Difficulty Area...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Globalization and Economic Inequality

The debate on the issue of economic inequality mitigation has been one of the central aspects of global discussion for decades. The primary concern of such an argument has always been based upon establishing a direct link between the process of globalization and an increase in the gap between average...

Sociology as a Tool for Dividing Society

Sociology is a complex science, as it involves statistics and psychology, which are viewed from an objective and subjective perspective. Mills’s perceives social problems as challenges in understanding the environment, which is divided into personal and global ones. The author provides a sociological vision based on institutions, allowing expanding the...

The Definition of Happiness and Its Pursuit

Writers and poets have been writing and talking about happiness since ancient times; this category appears in many literary works almost on a par with love. Simultaneously, even though everyone claims to want to be happy, the pursuit of happiness and its definition never rank first on most people’s to-do...

Promoting Interoperability Programs for Improving Healthcare and Its Accessibility

Informational technology has created a pool of opportunities for improving healthcare and its accessibility. Innovative tools have allowed creating Medicare and Medicaid, also known as the Promoting Interoperability Programs (PMPs). With their emergence, the meaning of healthcare programs has shifted from the original one of providing citizens with health management...

Oh Blanche Characteristic Analysis

The character of Blanche is not as one-sided as one might think. While the real-life stereotype on which she is based could be, the play’s representation of the Belle is nuanced. Thus, it is difficult to state whether I sympathize with her or agree that she deserves her tragic fate,...

Lack of Social Tolerance as the Cause of Discriminatory Behavior: The Solutions

People exhibit bigoted behavior when they do not tolerate or feel enabled to hurt certain groups based on a particular characteristic. It can be gender, race, religion, or another basis, but regardless of the reason, some society members will feel inferior. Such phenomena as sexism and racism are widespread, meaning...

Culture as a Key Point to the Gender Issue

Introduction The world is constantly on the move, and so is society. Back in the 19th century, it was hard to find a woman having a typical “masculine job” or a man spending time with his children all day long. The gender stereotypes, together with gender roles expectations, made life...

Leadership Styles: An Effective Leader’s Critical Skill

Even if the leader is not aware of what kind of management style is typical for them, they still have an established behavior model. My former CEO is a striking example of a charismatic leader. He always had innovative ideas and endless optimism: employees rushed to work enthusiastically after his...

“The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” by M. Twain

Despite the controversy, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has literary value to share with high school students. It is because the work uses strong messages to criticize the system of slavery during the times of racism (Chadwick, 2000). For instance, Twain (n.d.) constantly highlights that Huck Finn and Jim are...

Researching of Medical Tourism

Patients that cannot gain the required healthcare services in their home state can explore options abroad due to the expansion of the concept of medical tourism. With the rise in globalization, medical tourism has expanded the scope of its options and services, which implies that patients such as George can...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Relationship Between Race and Crime in the United States

The US media often mentions Latinos in the news when discussing drug trafficking and crimes related to crossing US borders. In addition, according to the stereotype in the United States, African American men are dangerous criminals. These particular groups of the population are represented in greater numbers among those arrested...

Brexit: Separating the UK from the European Union

Brexit implies “British exit”, and this term is used to name the process of separating the United Kingdom from the European Union in the context of economic and political development. Since 1973 the UK had been a member of the union before the population expressed the desire to finish it...

Servant Leadership and Patient Care

Servant and more traditional leadership differ in their approaches towards growth. Servant leaders are frequently focused on their responsibility and ability to provide service to clients, employees, and colleagues (Tait, 2020). This is especially important in relation to personnel that work directly below the leader as opposed to more general...

Sleep: Non-REM and REM Phases

Sleep has great general biological significance, playing an important role in the function of the brain. During sleep, metabolic rates and muscle tone decrease, contributing to the restoration of physical and psychological resources. Due to the most common sleep disorder — insomnia, there is great exposure to heart diseases such...

The United States Needs Stricter Gun Control Laws

Gun control legislation has been a widely discussed issue in the United States for many years. Despite the growing number of episodes of a mass shooting, reforms in this area are not expected any time soon. This circumstance is due to a number of political and social factors. However, to...

Psychoanalytic and Social Learning Theories Explaining Crime

Among the theories explaining the causes of delinquent youth, two are especially important: social learning theory and psychoanalytic theory. According to social learning theory, human behavior is influenced by several factors, including the environment, the habits of the child’s parents, the friends people spend time with, and the level of...

Fashion Nova’s Labor Standards and Transparency

Fashion Nova was founded in 2006, and today, this fast-to-market apparel and lifestyle brand has over 25 million social media followers. The company’s clothing is worn by stars such as Cardi B and Kylie Jenner. In 2018, it was the most popular fashion brand on Google. Richard Sagian, founder and...

The Bible and Economy: Sin Stock Aversion and Virtue Stock Affinity

Many Christians consider the Bible to be a book that tells about the non-material world and almost nothing about the material one. Therefore, they are often surprised when they hear the phrase ‘Christian economy’. There are many passages in the Bible about economics, especially economic freedom. The Bible draws parallels...

The John Hopkins Hospital’s STEEEP Model Implementation

The implementation of quality improvement (QI) methods remains a critical issue in the healthcare field. Twenty years ago, the Institute of Medicine proposed its six-component STEEEP framework that orders organizations to provide safe, timely, effective, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered care (Fallon et al., 2013). This paper aims to research the...

The Negative Impact of Television

Everyone watches television every day, thinking that it helps them to relieve stress after a hard day. It applies to all ages since children are similarly prone to the habit of watching cartoons on television. As they get older, everyone finds a show or hobby program that keeps people coming...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Economic Power of 2019 Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Movement

In June 2019, there were protests in Hong Kong caused by the China government’s new plans to allow criminals’ extradition to Mainland China. The Chinese authorities wanted to pass a national security law that would further threaten Human rights and political activism (Wan 43). Moreover, there were police brutality cases...

Discussion of Pricing in Sports

Variable Pricing (VP) and Dynamic Pricing (DP) Similarities Both VP and DP are pricing strategies that are used in sporting ticketing on a game-based, rather than season-based approach. The pricing strategies deviate from the traditional sports ticketing approach where ticket prices were set based on the location of the seats...

Infectious Disease Prevention in the Orlando, FL

Introduction The prevalence of infectious diseases is changing rapidly in the wake of environmental and societal changes. The Orlando, FL public health authorities can control the spread of infectious disease by issuing travel bans, instituting entry/exit screening of travelers, and quarantine travelers. The Orlando, FL public health officials have the...

Diversity from the Historical Perspective

Diversity is becoming an increasingly important topic worldwide, encompassing various spheres of life, ranging from government and business to popular culture. Looking through the history lens can enhance our understanding of diversity since it helps individuals comprehend the importance of being inclusive and diverse. For instance, the historical path of...

What Counts as a Family? Media-Based Response

It is known that relationships within the family are the most significant ones for any individual. In the video entitled “Dedicated to My Family” (2007), the young girl Nicole explains what the concept of “perfect family” means to her, revealing the details of her personal background throughout the story. I...

Theories of Crime in Forensic Psychology

The phenomenon of forensic psychology has always been an ambivalent notion in terms of its interpretation. According to the researchers, the primary idea behind this branch of criminology was to investigate the insane behavior of offenders, which concerns some severe cases of mental disorders and psychopathy (McLaughlin & Muncie, 2019)....

The Battle of Thermopylae: Herodotus’ and Frank Miller’s Depictions

Herodotus’ reliability as a historian, whose narration of the Battle at Thermopylae has been investigated for centuries, might be validated by several proofs. Firstly, the time when the battle took place was the time when the historian lived, which implies that Herodotus was a witness of the described events and...

Emergency Management and Meeting Public Needs

An emergency situation is, essentially, an accident, a catastrophe, a hazardous natural phenomenon, hostilities or a terrorist act, or any other disaster, which may or has entailed human casualties among the population. Such situations cause damage to the population’s health, significant material losses and disruption of the living conditions of...

The American Civil War and North-South Conflict

The start of the American Civil War can be traced to the inflexible variations between the autonomous anti-slave North states and the enslaved states in the South. The differences resulted in national authority’s power forbidding slavery in nonstate territories (Locke & Wright, 2019). Subjugation had long been a problem that...

Analysis of Hamlet’s Second Soliloquy

Soliloquies are widely used in the play, as Hamlet cannot freely express his emotions and share the thoughts that are rooted in his inner drama. Therefore, soliloquies have become unique masterpieces, as the great playwright designed them to represent the painful evolution of all the struggles that took place in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of Communications Technology

Communication is the most crucial detail of building personal relationships, which is vital for the existence of a family. Sometimes, family members are far from each other, but they need to discuss an important issue immediately. In this case, technology can help solve this problem. The technology industry brought many...

Analysis of Group Setting Population

Social concerns associated with a decline in educational and cultural level, the blurring of life reference points and values, and the inability to interact constructively and resolve conflicts have become more acute among adolescents. This concern has arisen primarily due to the unmet needs of teenagers, and it must be...

Joan Baez’s Song Saigon Bride: Historical Analysis

Joan Baez wrote and sang Saigon Bride, which was first published in 1967 as a protest song against the Vietnam War. Traditional music became a method of opposition during the Vietnam War, and contemporary artists felt that creating music about the military conflict would be an efficient and successful way...

Salutogenic and Pathogenic Factors: The Influence on the Health of the Prisoners

It is impossible to understand what human health is, considering only pathogenic factors and studying various diseases. The concept of salutogenesis, created by the Israeli scientist Aaron Antonovsky, strives to explain how a person remains healthy despite stressful situations. While pathogenic factors refer to everything that causes illness, salutogenic factors...

Rashomon by Akutagawa: A Short Story Analysis

The narrator in the story under consideration plays the role of a modernist, interpreting the servant’s consciousness in everything and not just conveying his actions. This story is one of Akutagawa’s shortest works, but it is very memorable because of the complexity and multilevel nature of the narrative. The author...

Philosophy of Plato: Theory of Knowledge

Philosophy is the highest science, which embodies the pure desire for truth. It is the only way to know yourself, God, and true happiness. Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave is its image in a fragment of the expression of the main ideas of the perception of the world, the...

The Phenomenon of Gene Editing

I believe that gene editing opens a lot of opportunities for humanity, but this phenomenon must be used with caution and constantly monitored. The potential to edit the human genome for creating “designed children” reduces natural predestination (Wellcome Trust, 2016). This puts both the individual and humanity as a whole...

The “City of Glass” Book by Paul Auster

The concept of Tikkun Olam refers to the notion that Jews have a responsibility to use their influence in politics and charitable work to create the world a more fair, pleasant, tolerant, and adequate place. Jewish theology’s fundamental, age-old tenet, that humans are in charge of finishing God’s creation and...

Death Penalty and “Eye for an Eye” System

The argument that the death penalty fits the narrative of the “eye for an eye” idea is valid. However, the state does not seek to punish criminals with the same crimes they have committed but to isolate dangerous individuals from society and ensure public safety. Moreover, the fact that killing...

The Song “With Arms Wide Open” by CREED

A piece of music is a complex structure made up of many parts. To analyze a musical composition, it is necessary to know the basic elements of music. According to Estrella (2019), the basic elements of music are Beat and Meter, Dynamics, Harmony, Melody, Pitch, Rhythm, and Tempo. To analyze...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The Muslim World…” Book by Angel Rabasa

The book The Muslim World after 9/11 explores the dramatic changes that occurred in the Muslim world’s political environment following the incident of September 11, 2001. Rabasa et al. (2004) focus on factors causing these changes to provide scholars and policymakers with an overview of events and trends that are...

War vs. Terrorism: What Are the Main Differences?

Issues of peace, war, and terrorism involve complex moral dilemmas. Considering war and terrorism, one might argue that they are significantly different. War is an armed confrontation between the parties to protect their interests. Terrorism, in turn, is a manifestation of violence aimed at inspiring fear (Scheffler, 2006). Their difference...

“The Woman Who Loved Children” Article by Attoun

The article The Woman Who Loved Children is rather moving and inspiring. It tells the story of Irena Sendler, a Polish woman who managed to rescue 2,500 Jewish children from the Nazis in her country. It was previously unknown until three schoolgirls did research on her for a project and...

Algorithms Changing the Daily Life of People

The modern world is highly dependent on the use of mobile technologies and applications. Therefore, as an outcome of a permanent connection to the use of technology, people now experience the real-life influence of technology through algorithms implemented in search engines and social media content. Initially developed to improve the...

Introduction to Religion: Qanon Cult

Introduction QAnon is not religious but a cult that uses spiritual messages to lure any unsuspecting Christian. The content being shared by an anonymous persona, who claims they have access to intelligence operations and the military, is perhaps, to a greater degree, the most significant relative movement in the U.S....

The Issue of Poverty in Savannah, Georgia

Introduction In my letter, I would like to address a serious issue that, unfortunately, still affects our community of Savannah, Georgia, and in poverty. This problem influences both individuals and society, as it is closely connected with the rise of homelessness, malnutrition, food insecurity, insufficient childcare, lack of access to...

Urban Economics: Expertise Influences Prosperity

Introduction Urban economics generally examines the problems caused by urbanization and located in urbanized areas. These problems may include crime, housing, education, public transit, and other issues. In recent years, urban economists have been specifically concerned about how these issues originate and connect to increasing levels of poverty. Discussion Moreover,...

The Adolescents’ Social Media Use

The research problem that I am going to explore pertains to the effects that adolescents’ active social media (SM) use has on society. Having reviewed the readings for Unit 6, I engaged in the preliminary analysis of the previously selected general topic to formulate a specific problem to explore. My...

The Representation of the Violence in the Media

Introduction The media is increasingly featuring content full of violence, including intimidation and the use of physical force. Different forms of media, including video games, movies, news, and films, are presently orchestrated to feature actions used to hurt, damage, or kill other people or animals. The presence of such content...

“Creating a Successful Consulting Practice” by Randazzao

Summary Mission and vision statements play a tremendous role in the extent of efficacy of organizational management and leadership. As a rule, a mission is defined as the core goals that the organization strives to achieve, whereas a vision is represented by the perspective that the organization in question has...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Language Development: Evidence for a Core Representation

For ages, people have used the art of storytelling to transmit culture, information, and wisdom from one generation to the next. Baba has been working with them to educate a group of third graders on the craft of storytelling for several years (Lakusta et al. 162). In this essay, I...

Performance Appraisals and Their Benefits

The article “8 Tips for Effective Performance Appraisals” discusses what performance appraisal is, what it includes, its benefits, and the factors that make it effective. Employees can discuss their previous performance and potential development chances with their management during performance appraisals. It frequently comprises a face-to-face discussion between management and...

Apple Store and Microsoft Store’ History

Background of Apple Stores The first Apple retail store was opened in Virginia, in 2001, in the context of a new business strategy promoted by Steve Jobs in response to a conflict with retailers, including the US retailing chain CompUSA (Martellaro, 2016). The focus was on creating a team of...

Communication During Student Life in College

Many students are eager to find out an answer to the question of how to improve their life in college. There are so many interesting ways on how to make almost every day of your college life better and more interesting, and one of them is properly developed communication with...

Elderly Education and Evidence-Based Care Outcomes

PICOT: (P) In elderly patients of 60 to 75 years old suffering from hypertention, (I) does patient education intervention like routine 30 minutes walks and healthy diet, (C) compared with only medication treatments, (O) increase their health literacy about his diseases and improve their health status (T) in a 6...

Hate Crimes in Heterogeneous and Diverse Societies

Hate crimes are considered violent or hostile acts against people as a consequence of personal hate towards a specific person based on who they are or who someone perceives they are. Hate crime is a more complex form of hate incident that is characterized by criminal offenses. I did not...

“Winter in the Blood” by Brothers Alex Smith and Andrew J.

Winter in the Blood is a movie about the life and sufferings of Native American people who live on reservations. As shown in the film, American Indians are oppressed and isolated from the rest of the US population. They have always been discriminated against and harassed, and white people have...

Comparing the C3 of Unmanned Ground and Aerial Systems

Unmanned vehicles are characterized to have command, control, and communication (C3) systems. Due to the nature of their different medium and nature of operations, unmanned vehicles possess distinctive architecture (Fillery & Stanton, 2011). The primary purpose of the C3 architectural design in unmanned ground systems (UGS) is to detect an...

Understanding the Purpose of Sources

Researchers and journalists work on complex and essential topics that cannot be discussed without emotions. Even though they write serious papers, they sometimes tend to succumb to biases. For this reason, they often make excessive efforts to convince readers of their point of view. This is not always good since...

The American Revolution: Causes

Introduction The American Revolution is one of the most critical events in the history of the United States. It resulted in the thirteen Great Britain’s colonies regaining sovereignty and claiming their independence. However, before speaking about the consequences of the American Revolution, it is crucial to learn what led to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

On the Influence of the Disease on the Personality

In the current essay, I consider how my past experiences have helped me build courage and resilience to persist in academic and life challenges. I will focus on my challenge – living with type 1 diabetes (a chronic disease) for five years, and how this struggle has impacted my achievements,...

Project Review Barnes & Noble

Introduction It is evident that due to the fact that big online corporations like Inc took over the bookselling industry, it became even harder for bookstores to keep up. Barnes & Noble is one of these companies that flourished during the 1990s and 2000s; however, they almost fell out...

“Orlando” by Sally Potter

Introduction The 1992 Sally Potter film Orlando is an example of an intersection of multiple genres that are integrated to deliver complex philosophical ideas. The film director creates a unique style of motion picture that strikes viewers with colorful and impressive costumes. The looks created for the lead actress are...

Creative Thinking Impact on Organization’s Effectiveness

In the modern world, as opposed to the previously relevant belief that only strict instructions are to be followed in a formal setting, such as a workplace, creativity is a crucial trait for an employee. The demand for an inventive approach has been growing recently, as it is closely connected...

New Product Development Process and Its Stages

The new product development (NPD) process is critical to the emergence of new companies and the growth of existing organizations. To rationalize this process and derive the highest possible benefit from it, businesses structure it into several discrete stages, such as idea generation, market analysis, product development, commercialization, and market...

Parental Involvement in Children’s Education: Pros and Cons

Many modern families want to know more about parental involvement and its impact on children’s education. In this presentation, attention will be paid to the benefits and shortages of this practice. First, parents should understand that as soon as they are involved in their child’s education, they can develop positive...

Maybelline New York: Global Marketing Concept

Introduction The emergence of the concepts of global and international marketing was primarily due to the globalization of business activities and the liberalization of trade. Yet it raised many issues, for example, the need for identification of key markets, challenges and opportunities they withhold, development of strategic plans by company’s...

The Formal Contracts on Sales

The agreement of both Brian and Harry for the sale of model trains should have had a written agreement or contract in order for it to be valid. Article 2 section 201 (a) on formal requirements states that: “A contract for the sale of goods for the price of $5,000...

Local Color Realism: Twain vs. Jewett

Local color realism is a writing style that is derived from the presentation of the characteristics and features inherent to a specific place and its inhabitants. Both Mark Twain and Sarah Orne Jewett created regionalist works. The role of the narrator is particularly relevant in such a context because they...

Criminal Law: The Franks Case

Resisting an arrest is often regarded as a crime in the USA. However, there are many cases when resistance to an unlawful arrest was found possible and lawful. For instance, United States v. Heliezer is the case that illustrates that sometimes the law permits an individual to use force to...

Barriers to Nurses’ Participation in Policy-Making

Health care policy development is an essential element of the medical system in general and nursing in particular. Since nurses interact with patients and directly implement the policies into practice daily, their perspective, knowledge, and understanding of the drawbacks and necessary changes are pivotal for the development of future public...

No One Has Time for Flu: Visual Media Analysis

No One Has Time for Flu is an advertising campaign aimed at promoting flu vaccination across the United States. It was launched last year in November to address the importance of having a flu shot, especially in terms of the ongoing pandemic, which would reduce the number of medical resources...

Values in Qur’an and “Thousand and One Nights”

By comparing several passages from the Qur’an and the story of “Thousand and One Nights”, it becomes possible to determine what values they share. These morals and instructions are passed down from generation to generation, showing believers the right way of life. The story of Prince Behram and the Princess...

Developmental Issues: Caring for Aging Loved Ones

As loved one’s age, they experience physical, social, and health changes. Quite often, their strength and health deteriorate, calling for close supervision mostly done by family members, enlisted friends, and other trusted parties (Walker et al., 2017). Taking care of the aged people is a responsibility that most of the...

Implications of Unethical Conduct in Forensics

The actions of forensic investigators and examiners are governed by the code of ethics. Even though the rules of conduct in forensics are especially strict, some workers might still violate such prohibitions (Laporte, 2016). Considering the implications of forensic employees’ actions is essential for the consequences of their work. In...

Evolving Societal Norms of Obesity

Obesity is a significant health threat experienced globally due to practicing unhealthy lifestyles and eating habits. In my view, obesity is more of a personal problem than a social challenge. People often make independent choices about the foodstuffs they consume, their daily engagements, and weight management (Burke & Heiland, 2018)....

Injuries in the Early Childhood Classroom

In their 2019 article “Preventing unintentional injuries in US early care and education: Are state regulations sufficient?” in issue 124 of Preventive Medicine, Grossman, McDonald, Gielen, and Benjamin-Neelon discuss the effectiveness of US state regulations for preventing injuries in the classroom. Among the most common methods of administrative regulation of...

Global Poverty and Economic Globalization Relations

Globalization is the embodiment of industrial, social, and economic revolution that helped overcome negative odds in people’s lives. It is a phenomenon that is treated as a turning point in developing the various aspects human beings were engaged in, as globalization is a real advent of prosperous humankind’s evolution. From...

Aspects of Lymph Vessels

Lymph vessels carry lymph, tissue fluid, which serves as drainage for body tissues and transports various substances and cells of the immune system. Lymph nodes filter lymph in a specific area of ​​the body and concentrate immune cells to fight infections. Spleen destroys damaged blood cells and those that have...

Response to “Hills Like White Elephants” by Hemingway

“Hills like white elephants” is a heartbreaking story about two beloveds who are going to make a fatal decision in their lives. This story depicts a couple whose relationship has poorly changed because of the woman’s unexpected pregnancy. The pregnancy implies the end of their frivolous life full of pleasure...

Reader Response Theory: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction Reader Response Theory is a theory that focuses on the reader and their experience in literary works. The difference from other theories is that the main focus is not on the author and their works. Through this theory, the reader complements the work with their interpretation and gives a...

The Language of Science & Evidence-Based Management

Introduction Each person tries to personally learn and evaluate what surrounds them. At the same time, the knowledge that people acquire in different ways affects the formation of thinking and helps them make certain decisions (Rynes & Bartunek, 2017). Therefore, this article aims to introduce readers to scientific evidence that...

Application of Leadership Styles in Practice

Transformational, transactional, trait and situational leadership theories show how certain characteristics of leaders make them effective at motivating and encouraging others to do better. For example, trait theories have an assumption that individuals inherit unique qualities that make them better suited to become leaders. In contrast, situational or contingency theories...

Evidence-Based Practices to Reduce the Risks of Diabetes

A person’s lifestyle can directly affect their health in various ways. An unhealthy lifestyle can lead to a diverse range of diseases later in life, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer, and others. Lifestyle choices that can cause these adverse outcomes include eating habits, physical activity habits, sleeping habits, etc....

“One Day in September”: Contrasting Israeli and Palestinian Stories

Introduction One Day in September is a 1999 movie directed and produced by Kevin Macdonald, describing the assassination of eleven Israeli sportspeople at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany, on September 5, 1972. On March 26, 2000, the screenplay won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature at the...

“Judas and the Black Messiah”: The Story of the the Black Panther Party (BPP)

Introduction “Judas and the Black Messiah” is a biographical drama directed by Shaka King that tells about the Black Panther Party (BPP) in the late 1960-s. The name links the events in the movie with the Bible story about the betrayal of Judas. The Black Messiah is Fred Hampton, who...

Strategic (SWOT) Analysis: Advantages and Applications

I strictly adhere to the opinion that the SWOT analysis system can be applied in all areas. The media and automotive manufacturing will be no exception. According to Gurl (2017), SWOT is a tool used for strategic planning and strategic management in organizations, which consists of its own subsystems of...

The Finance Portfolio Management: Impact of Artificial Intelligence

Investing in stocks of various corporations is one of the most popular ways to generate income at the moment. However, this process cannot be fully implemented without properly organized management of the financial portfolio. It implies the creation of a particular investment strategy that allows achieving the set goals (Csiszar,...

The Issues of Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia

Racism, sexism, and homophobia are more evident in white communities and other religious groups that have difficulty drawing the same levels of public disgrace. However, each is increasingly being used in competition with another (Stockdill & Danico, 2016). To most people, any of the three forms of prejudice is an...

Visualizing Technology: Microsoft Word and Excel

From a course on technology visualization, I learned for myself the historical and social importance of the Internet. It was extremely interesting to trace the history of this channel of information from Soviet satellites to the modern communication environment (Geoghan, 2020). Web browser configuration capabilities proved to be a useful...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Language Differences’ Effect on Students’ Performance

Dissimilarities in languages have positive and negative sides associated with them. Using the same linguistics on students positively impacts academic achievement compared to diverse forms. Language barriers form a challenge for many students performing in classwork. Linguistic obstructions in learning make the student feel rejected and not fit into the...

The Quality of Treatment Planning and Communication With Patients

Daily bedside whiteboard updating by nurses to increase patient communication and improve patient surveys through Hcalps scores after discharge. Patient satisfaction largely depends on the quality of communication with the nursing staff. Patient satisfaction largely depends on the quality of communication with the nursing staff. There are several tools and...

Aspects of Cloud Computing in Business

Cloud computing (CC) is a powerful tool for online businesses of the contemporary era. The term does not have a specified definition; hence, multiple notions of the term exist. Paul et al. considered that CC is a computing style that allows the provision of “massively scalable information technology-related capabilities… as...

Social Media and Its Use in Marketing

The Internet is the most massive and prompt source of information, so today, it is difficult to find any area of human activity that would not be represented there. A social network is a social structure that consists of nodes (individuals, groups of people, or communities) interconnected by one or...

The Headright System and the Middle Passage: Terms Interpretation

Headright System The headright system is a term that went down in the history of the development of the American colonies. This system was a policy that took place in American Virginia in 1618. Its key essence was to stimulate the interest of people to come to Virginia, and as...

Operating Systems and Applications

The Difference Between Windows and Word The main difference between Windows and Word is the different degrees of significance. Windows is an operating system that manages the operation of application programs the distribution and use of hardware resources. Almost every computer user needs general-purpose applications, including text editors and graphic...

The Pastoral Letter of 1837 to the Congregational Churches of Massachusetts

The Pastoral Letter of 1837 to the Congregational Churches of Massachusetts aims to speak against a movement that advocates for women’s rights and the involvement of many Christian women in abolitionist activities. The letter references Biblical evidence in order to support the agenda that women should not participate in actions...

Vieques, Cochabamba, and Cesar Chavez Protests

Cesar Chavez is most known for his attempts to improve working conditions for the laborers who were forced to work in deplorable circumstances for little salaries. Nonviolent protests were used by Chavez and his Union to contest California grape farmers’ policies (Ortiz, 2021). The demonstrations in Vieques were against the...

When the Death of a Star Becomes a Black Hole

Black holes are among the most exciting phenomena in the universe. They are thick and have a powerful gravitational pull that not even light can flee their clutches (Tillman et al., 2022). Wise et al. (2019) acknowledge that the formation of supermassive black holes in the centers of giant galaxies...

President Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms Speech Analysis

The study of the speeches of great people who have made an invaluable contribution to the development of the United States of America is of particular importance. Thus, this work will explore the speech of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the impact that its main postulates had on the future...

Unemployment After the US Industrial Revolution

The thing that made me “wow” in this class was the topic of industrialization. More precisely, the fact that although industrialization was the economic forcing factor, it also left many Americans unemployed was interesting to me. According to Locke and Wright (2019), economic progress, technical innovation, social and cultural evolution,...

Teacher’s Emotional Intelligence in Early Childhood

Teaching children is a rather delicate and responsible process. The teacher should be the person who helps the child gain not only knowledge but also experience in life and become the personality they want to be. It is also necessary to consider that as the child grows up, they need...

The American Frontier: Key Values

Introduction One may probably agree that the heritage of the American frontier has become integral to U.S. citizens and culture. Even though the frontier was replaced more than a century ago, it still fascinates and impacts the lives of Americans. As noticed and explored in the article by Kearny (61),...

Worldwide Effects of Global Warming

Trenberth in his recent article (2022, September 15) describes the mechanism through which global warming changes the climate and causes abnormal levels of precipitation all across the globe. The author illustrates how either extremely dry or extremely wet weather, caused by global warming, affects societies everywhere. Only this year 1,500...

Burns-Types & Risks Associated with Burns

Burns are the most common type of injuries in children and adults. There are various classifications of burns based on the source of the singes and the degree of injury. Saladin (2021) defines such types of burns as thermal, chemical, electrical, radiation, and combined. This classification is based on the...

Networks and the Internet Tools

Packet Internet Groper, Ping, serves as a network utility for testing communication latency between networks. Apart from testing server reachability, ping can be used to tests internet connectivity. After opening the terminal or command prompt, users type ping and space followed by the website or IP address then execute the...

A Class Divided: Racial Discriminatory Transition

Introduction America is witnessing a steady increase in racial discrimination among Asians, Latinx, and Native Americans. Howard (2014) and Kendi (2020) contended that these issues trace back to historical injustice between income, race, and crime. Furthermore, racial oppression extends to the education gap between blacks and whites. Discussion A Class...

Salesperson: The Crucial Skills

Modern times are characterized by the appearance of an increasing number of trading companies, as well as a significant increase in sales specialists. Although there are more and more sellers, there are not so many specialists among them. Professionals need to have several skills that will help them achieve significant...

Opioid Discussion: Pain in the United States

Despite the opioid crisis that began in the late 1990s, there are still several cases of opiate addiction. The doctors who prescribed the drugs abused their authority to distribute painkillers without taking into account the potential side effects and were fascinated by their immediate results. Consequently, those who use them...

The Patient-Centered Medical Home Usage and Its Benefits

The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) is an exciting strategy that could revolutionize the whole sphere of the medical sphere. Traditionally, home care has been used for palliative care of terminal cancer patients and in geriatrics. Recently, PCMH has become increasingly common for both primary care and complex nursing care. The...

Enterprise Application That a Business Should Install First

Enterprise systems provide value by both increasing operational efficiency and providing firm-wide information to help managers make better decisions. SCM – Supply chain management systems automate the flow of information among members of the supply chain so they can use it to make better decisions about when and how much...

“The Date of Infamy”: Roosevelt’s Speech Analysis

“The Date of Infamy” is the designation for the date on which the Japanese Empire’s air force attacked Pearl Harbor, the leading U.S. naval base. On December 8, 1941, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave the speech that established the U.S. entry into World War II (War Archives, 2011). The...

Simulation in Healthcare Operational Decision-Making

Simulation refers to the representation of a system by another system to help organizations arrive at fundamental decisions at a reduced risk. Simulation is often applied to ensure a safe and controlled environment for healthcare staff to practice the required skills, attitude, and competence and gain confidence (Jeffries, 2022). During...

Flannery O’Connor’s Masterpiece: ‘A Good Man Is Hard to Find’ Analyzed

Flannery O’Connor’s 1955 short tale, A Good Man is Hard to Find, highlights the seemingly random events with far-reaching implications that people encounter. The story, though narrated in the third person, takes the perspective of the character simply referred to as “The Grandmother.” From this angle, O’Connor presents the topic...

The “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Poem

The significant poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight’s authorship has yet to be determined, and the only known is its compositional period, the fourteenth century. It is a story that honors chivalry and keeping one’s word and is based on the exploits of Sir Gawain, the nephew of King...

Center for Disease Control and Prevention Campaign Analysis

The pinned Facebook campaign of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC gov) was selected for analysis. The post encourages people to get a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. There is also a link to a website with more information about where to get the vaccine and its...

Confucianism and Chinese Culture

Introduction Virtually, every country cherish specific codes of ethics that makes them unique and therefore, exceptional. As a code of ethics, Confucianism was adopted amongst the Chinese people as the official religion that inspired faith in the Han, Shang, Zhou, and Xia Dynasties (Yang 245). People across the world have...

Sexism and Gender: Culture and Conflict Reflection

Introduction The present statement is an example of gender-based discrimination and prejudice among women. Sexism and gender discrimination in America have a long and complicated history. Scott (2017) states that “Historically, women were underrepresented in the workplace, athletics and academics” (para. 3). Today, women have earned the right to work...

Communicative Gestures in Everyday Conversations

While talking to other people, one may underestimate the effect of their nonverbal expressions. Sometimes the information conveyed by them is arguable more important than what was spoken. When uncontrolled, nonverbal elements can hinder communication, but their deliberate use may enhance the message. This paper will be devoted to gestures...

Health Law: Section 4003 of the 21st Century Cures Act

The 21st Century Cures Act of 2016 (2016), which has been a public law since the end of 2016 in the US, incorporates multiple important provisions regarding technology in healthcare, especially in connection to informatics. This paper is dedicated to its Section 4003. Section 4003 focuses on the nationwide interoperability...

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