Life of the Patient: Ethical Considerations in Euthanasia

The most fundamental right of every human being is the right to life. Consequently, care should be taken to ensure that every person lives until he or she dies naturally. However, there may come a time when a person’s life will become a burden to society. In such a scenario,...

Parents Need Help: Restricting Access to Video Games

Summary of the Argument The author uses the argument of the governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, to heap the blame on makers of violent video games by pointing out that the video games are solely to blame for real violence in the society (Whitehead). According to the governor, it is...

My Epistemology: Questioning Knowledge and Its Sources

Analyzing My Philosophy of Epistemology Philosophers from the 13th to the 16th century all believed in the concept that the Earth was flat, yet today we know that it is round. Belief in knowledge being absolute invites the possibility of error and misjudged truths. It is due to this that...

Woodbury’s Fragile Environment: Erosion & Sustainability

Though Woodbury of the present day is the exact representation of the ordinary, its geological structure may reveal the mysteries that will shed some light onto the prehistoric life on the continent and the evolution of the species, as well as the changes that North America has been undergoing since...

Company’s 15-Year Success Under Max Blue’s Autocratic Leadership

The company has recorded great success in a period of fifteen years. While under the leadership of Max Blue as the company’s founder as well as chairman of the Board. He played a significant role in the production of the services and goods which led to the company’s success. Most...

Angelina Jolie’ and Jennifer Aniston Comparison Biography

Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston are American actresses. They are famous for their works in Hollywood. They are known outside the United States for their roles in various works in television shows and films. The two women are celebrities in Hollywood. They have some similarities and contrasts that are debated...

Social Media Usage and Impact

Dissemination of information has been made simple and faster since the discovery and creation of social media. The most popular social networking sites include Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. These social networking sites are very effective in the mass distribution of information due to their affordability and accessibility. The number of...

Evaluating Leadership Theories Through Andes Survivors’ Actions

The model of leadership that is described in the story about Andes survivors raises numerous controversies. Specifically, the propriety of corpse consummation, as well as unequal distribution of supplies between the members of the expedition, is often questioned. The modern leadership theories can verify the survivors’ actions, according to particular...

Health Promotion Role in Public Health

Health promotion is one of the duties of every nurse practitioner. Most importantly, patients should be encouraged to take responsibility for their health and demonstrated how their initiative reduces health costs and improves their well-being (Evans, Coutsaftiki, & Fathers, 2014). The three levels of health promotion are sufficient in curbing...

TOC vs. Six Sigma: Diverse Approaches to Modern Management Theories

Maintaining high-quality standards is a challenging yet essential goal to pursue for every company operating in the global economy realm. With the advance of the production technologies, the quality standards have been upgraded, as well; therefore, the need to incorporate an all-embracive approach for quality management emerged. At present, the...

Jack Welch’s Leadership Style in General Electric Company

One of the outstanding functions of a leader is to create a vision for his or her organization. It is necessary to have a vision in order to ensure an organization realizes its goals. Every individual in an organization can create “a concrete mechanism for examining and verifying the successful...

General Curricula for Cognitive Disabled Learners

Introduction Over the last two decades, there has been a significant achievement in availing learning to students with disabilities. The progress in availing learning to students with disabilities has originated from an array of research on the subject of inclusive learning. Relevant parties in the education sector are now exploring...

Childrens’ Misconceptions about Seasons and Days

Students’ misconceptions about seasons, days, and nights Students often have many misconceptions regarding changes of seasons or changes in days and nights. The researchers who study these misconceptions usually pay attention to the following ideas declared by children: the Earth is viewed as becoming closer to the Sun when summer...

Significance of the Declaration of Independence in American History

Introduction The example that I have selected to describe is one of the most significant American documents, the Declaration of Independence. The US Declaration of Independence is a historical document in which the British colonies in North America declared independence from Great Britain. This paper served as the beginning of...

Rising Costs in US Healthcare: Solutions and Benefits

Introduction Rising costs are a growing problem in the US healthcare systems. Looking for solutions to this issue is a crucial element for the government and health practitioners. Reducing health expenditures will have beneficial outcomes for the government, healthcare establishments, and patients. Many current studies discuss the issue of rising...

Risperidone and Cognitive Performance in Autistic Children

The article in question is entitled “Cognitive Effects of Risperidone in Children with Autism and Irritable Behavior” (Aman et al., 2008). As the title implies, the goal of the research was to determine if using risperidone can affect cognitive performance in pre-adolescents and adolescents with autism. The researchers hypothesized that...

IES Lean Systems Ltd: Innovations in the Food Industry’s Lean Production

The phenomenon of lean thinking, which is typically rendered as the introduction of sustainable principles for the use of the resources at the company’s disposal, is an essential element of the 21st-century economy. Allowing one to reduce waste significantly and, therefore, promote sustainability in the design of the company’s operations...

Supercomputer Technologies in Nursing Science

Introduction It could be hardly doubted that the development of new technologies vastly influences nearly every aspect of contemporary life. It is possible to say that this technological impact is evidently present in the sphere of public health and nursing. Since science has always contributed to the development and improvement...

Telehealth in Hospitals: Improving Care Delivery

Telehealth has increasingly become vital for hospitals and patients in the healthcare delivery processes, allowing providers to connect with patients irrespective of the distance and consult effectively. As such, most hospitals have adopted telehealth platforms because of the inherent benefits, including cost-effectiveness and virtual consulting, monitoring, individualized care, and convenience....

Role of Mass Media in Gender Issues

Role of mass media in the presentation of gender The coherent society depends on the various means of media greatly. The rapid evolution of the technologies and their implementation into various aspects of the functioning of society impacted the significant increase in the efficiency of this very tool. Nowadays, the...

The Southeast Showcase: An Overview of a Premier Sports Event and Its Community Impact

Introduction When organizing for an event, the host organization needs to ensure that they promote customer satisfaction by delivering the expectations of all the relevant stakeholders through the event. This can only be achieved through successful event planning and management. The organizers should ensure that they engage in extensive planning...

Globalization Challenges: Economic Disadvantages and Social Impacts

The cross-national integration into the world community, which is also known as the globalization process, has been the focus of people’s attention since the middle of the 20th century. The rapid technological progress that has been witnessed over the past few decades seems to have heralded the era of globalization....

Psychological Effects on Social Workers: Understanding the Challenges

A social worker is a professionally qualified personality who strives for the general well- being of individuals from all lifestyles. A social worker analyses the inherent causes of social problems like antisocial behavior, social inadequacies, unemployment, poverty, illness among others, and assist concerned individuals to overcome them. It is essential...

Economic Principles in Public Healthcare: Efficiency & Costs

The complexity of the health care services and their nature as a product does not allow the direct application of economic principles to the public health sphere (Scott, Solomon, & McGowan, 2001). The basic economic laws of resource allocation and their efficient use can be only understood in the framework...

Katharine Kolcaba’s Theory: Strengths and Limitations

Strengths One of the main strengths one can identify in Kolcaba’s theory is its logical presentation. The original 1994 article contained the major concepts outlined in a grid at the top of which were the forms of comfort sought by the clients (Kolcaba, 1994). Since its inception, therefore, the theory...

Arguments Against Death Penalty

Since ancient times, our societies had used the death penalty as the highest form of capital punishment. The idea behind capital punishment was simple – fear was supposed to keep criminals from committing crimes. In ancient societies, capital punishments were very common – even the acts of simple theft were...

Goldratt’s Theory vs. Tesla’s Approach to Overcoming Production Bottlenecks

Introduction Bottlenecks are specific issues or problems that occur in the operating process and slow down the entire work of plants and organizations. Although bottlenecks often hurt operational processes, they can be used to improve the efficiency of organizations if identified correctly. The paper aims to present how bottlenecks are...

Ethical Issues in Malaysia: Migrant Workers’ Living Conditions

Issue One of the current practices in Malaysia that are somewhat ethically dubious is the living conditions that migrant workers are subjected to. On average, Malaysian companies that bring in contracted workers place them in low-cost housing projects with up to 12 or 20 people within a single three-bedroom apartment...

Key Insights into Probability Distributions: Fundamental Concepts and Applications

Carrying out a quantitative analysis is a crucial step toward identifying essential relationships between the variables under analysis. It should be noted, though, that the process in question can be carried out in a variety of ways, probability distribution being one of the tools that can be used for data...

Governance of Information Technology in Healthcare: Challenges and Innovations

They reviewed video was attached to an article by Cattell, Chilukuri, & Levy (2013) dedicated to the issue of big data in pharmaceutical research and development. The presenter—Sam Marwaha, Director of McKinsey & Company—primarily stresses that modern technologies change the area of research and development in health care fundamentally because...

Nurse’s Personal Biases and Its Outcomes

Introduction The globalization process, which increases the level of cultural and ethical diversity, creates an immense amount of additional pressure for the nurses. Situations, in which personal biases, whether they are explicit or implicit, affect both patients and caregivers, can produce a positive effect on nursing as well as adverse...

Communication Strategies with a Vulnerable Population

Communication during a crisis is essential for both victims and the emergency services. Often, conventional forms of communication are unavailable due to the circumstances of the crisis. In cases like these, alternative methods of communication are required. Unfortunately, not all of them apply to the vulnerable populations, such as older...

Overcoming Barriers to Cultural Competence in Medical Workers

How to Overcome Barriers to Cultural Competence Nowadays, it is wrong to neglect the fact that cultural competence plays an important role in health care. The USA is the country with a considerable increase in the ethnic mix. Its demographic changes create numerous challenges for health care workers. Therefore, it...

Enhancing Safety Checks at Sikorsky Aircraft: A Comprehensive Review

Although Sikorsky Aircraft Company has been known for its trademark quality standard since the day that it was founded, improvements are crucial for the efficacy of the firm’s performance and the satisfaction of the customers (NDT/Quality Assurance Materials & Processing Lab Quality Manager, 2016). Moreover, given the industry that the...

Malpractice and State Nursing Boards

Elements of malpractice and negligence in reference to nursing practice In general terms, malpractice denotes negligence in the way the medical personnel’s actions (or lack of them) inflict harm on the patient. The damage can be emotional, physical, or financial (Meehan, 2011). Malpractice is commonly associated with medical doctors’ misconduct,...

Adaptation Strategies in Modeling and Role Modeling Theory for Effective Nursing Practices

The Concept of Adaptation The modeling and role-modeling (MRM) and the transitions theories have contributed a lot to the development of the nursing profession. These patient-centered models focus on the best approaches that can be used to manage health concerns. One of the outstanding concepts in the modeling and role-modeling...

Evaluating Thintastic Buffalo Chicken Bagel Quality at Einstein Bros

Introduction The following study examines the quality of a product “Thintastic Buffalo Chicken Bagel” which is produced and sold in Einstein Bros. Bagels, a bagel, and coffee restaurant chain. Einstein Bros. Bagels was founded in 1995 and currently has multiple locations across the United States (“FAQs”). The choice of the...

Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile-II: European Version Validation

Introduction The article by Sousa, Gaspar, Vaz, Gonzaga, and Dixe (2015) describes a psychometrical test of the European version of the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Profile-II, also known as the Portuguese Version. The purpose was to measure health-promoting behaviors based on the recognition that individual lifestyles are shaped to a certain extent...

Teaching Literature for ESL Students

Topic Teaching literature in a language course to ESL students has been a topic of a lasting debate. Some researchers argue that, even though there can be certain hazards in the use of literature, it helps students to expand their linguistic knowledge and be exposed to cultural peculiarities of people...

Change Management: Adapting to Modern Business Needs

Introduction The functioning of the modern organization is a sophisticated topic because of the existence of multiple factors impacting its evolution and development. At the same time, modern firms should constantly evolve to guarantee the preservation of their leading positions and their ability to compete with rivals. Under these conditions,...

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations: Key Principles and Immunities

The Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations was adopted in 1961 and has become since then one of the most important international documents regulating international relations and diplomacy; as of today, most countries in the world have signed the Convention. The most important idea of the treaty is that diplomats possess...

Animal Rights: Ethical Considerations and Human Impact on Living Creatures

In his article “All Animals are Equal”, Singer (1989) argues in support of animal rights. He claims that the tendency to view animals as creatures that do not deserve the same rights as humans is just as wrong as denying people’s rights based on their skin color on gender. He...

Understanding Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology

The chapter on cryptocurrency by Greenfield is a comprehensive source of information regarding Bitcoin and the blockchain. It provides the reader with clear and understandable insights into these pressing topics that have been bothering many people (Huumo, Ko, Choi, Park, & Smolander, 2016). The purpose of this paper is to...

Foreign Aid and Migration: A European Perspective

Three years ago, the European Union faced the biggest influx of migrants since the Second World War. At the peak of the crisis, the relationships between European states were characterized by unrelievable tension due to the growing uncertainty as to how to handle the refugees. When wars and economic turmoils...

Interventions to Reduce Pressure Ulcers: Effective Strategies and Practices

Clinical Question The clinical question of the proposed project is as follows: In patients that are identified as high risk for developing a pressure ulcer, does the implementation of a pressure ulcer protocol initiated in an emergency department, as compared to patients who receive usual care, reduce the incidence of...

Adolescent Annual Examination: Physical, Psychosocial, and Biomedical

According to the Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Care (GAPS), it is recommended for all adolescents aged from 11 to 21 to pass an annual examination (Neinstein, Gordon, Katzman, & Rosen, 2009). There are three components of the above recommendation, including physical, psychosocial, and biomedical screenings. Physical and biomedical aspects imply...

Stress Control Measures to Prevent Nursing Burnout

Nursing fatigue is a serious problem that threatens patient safety as the former cannot provide adequate health care services while they lack job satisfaction. The recent studies by Bragard, Dupuis, and Fleet (2015) and Estryn-Behar, Van der Heijden and the NEXT Study Group (2012) indicate the importance of implementing stress...

Starbucks Corporation’s Marketing and Advertisement

Based in Seattle, Starbucks Corporation specializes in a variety of hot and cold beverages, as well as in coffee equipment and accessories. The company opened its first branch at Pike place Market in 1971. Currently, the corporation includes over eight thousand retail branches throughout the globe, with every store having...

Debating the Great Wall of America: Mexico-US Border Issues

Introduction The Great Wall of America between Mexico and the United States has caused and evoked a number of debates concerning its construction and its use. There is a host of people who support the construction of the Wall viewing it as important. Nonetheless, some people regard the Wall as...

Tools to Ease Older Adults’ Transition to EHR Systems

Introduction A shift to electronic recording from the familiar paper-based format can be challenging for employees. Practice shows that older adult healthcare learners are particularly exposed to emotional discomfort associated with the implementation of digital systems (Furlong, 2015). As such, the paper at hand aims to describe two tools that...

The Rockefeller Foundation: Challenges and Possibilities

Introduction John D. Rockefeller founded the Rockefeller Foundation in 1919 with the general aim of promoting the interest and good of humanity. In line with this mission statement, the Rockefeller Foundation has made a tremendous impact on the lives and activities of millions of people throughout the world since its...

AirAsia X as Long-Haul Low-Cost Airline

Introduction Traveling has become an inevitable element of modern people’s lives, and airline companies are the ones capable of making long-distance commuting easier. However, while all of such organizations can offer speed, hardly any of them guarantees cheapness. AirAsia X is one of the newest low-cost airlines providing people with...

Cardiorespiratory Fitness Plan and Its Benefits

Goals The goals of this cardiorespiratory fitness plan include: To enhance the physical fitness of individuals whose age range between 18 and 60 years. To lower the blood pressure and cholesterol levels of the target audience through aerobic exercises. To reduce obesity while strengthening and shaping strong bones through aerobic...

Vice Presidential Debate of 2020: Topics and Results

Vice Presidential debates are an inherent part of U.S. democracy since they help voters understand the policies of candidates and learn about the potential presidents’ learning mates and their proposals. This year’s event took place at The University of Utah and featured incumbent Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala...

UWM Post v. Board of Regents: A Speech Code Case

Introduction One of the most interesting speech code cases I would like to highlight is the UWM Post v. Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin (1989) case, which is related to discrimination and discriminatory harassment code. First of all, it should be pointed out that the code is...

Efficiency and Accountability in Modern Bureaucracy

Characteristics of the modern bureaucracy In my view, the bureaucracy is still too large and lacks productivity and accountability. Governments all over the world are spending a lot of money on salaries and maintenance of their employees (Seif, 2009). Bureaucracy plays a key role in daily public life; this ensures...

Government & Society: Burke, Montesquieu, Tocqueville Insights

The paper will examine an interdependent relationship between government and society. Governmental structure, duties and divisions of administration will be analyzed in comparison to the social norms, needs of people and preferred ways of ruling. Philosophical views of Edmund Burke, Montesquieu and Alexis de Tocqueville will be compared to illustrate...

Probability Theory and Assessing Risk

Probability theory The basic probability theory is a tool that is used in decision making and risk management to solve difficult analytical problems by use of difficult integrals (Durrett, 2010). The results depend on random occurrence of infinite or finite events based on events that occur in a given probability...

Strategies for Leadership Development in Organizations

Value in Feedback This is an interesting exercise. However, I do not see any addition to leadership development in it. Leaders, in most cases, do not get the approval of all the people. This distinctive nature of leaders makes them and their decisions natural. The feedback in this closing exercise...

The History of Finland

Introduction After reading the above book I was able to learn a lot about Finland. The author discusses in detail every topic in the book. The author also uses layman’s language to put across facts about Finland. The following were some of the things I was able to learn from...

Neurocognitive Therapy Techniques for Enhancing Development in Children

Case analysis The study was conducted by Wells, Chasnoff, Schmidt, Telford & Schwartz (2012) with a focus on enhancing the cognition of children diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), and alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder. The study entailed the development of an experimental group that was compared with a control group. The...

Beach-Inspired Design and Maintenance Solutions for Salt Restaurant

The design of the Salt Restaurant that is presented here was created with two major goals in mind: first, we wanted to develop a welcoming image that would resemble the natural landscape of a beach, and second, we aimed to make the design convenient in implementation and use. Knowing the...

Conservatism, Radicalism, Irony in Austen’s “Emma”

Irony Jane Austen (2003) treats Emma, the central character of the novel of the same name, with irony. The most apparent aspect of this attitude is created situationally, for example, through the mismatches that Emma creates, which contrast with her “disposition to think a little too well of herself” and...

Assessing Learning and Test Construction

Evaluating students’ performance is one of the foundations of the learning process. There are several arguments highlighting its importance in education. First of all, assessment is critical for finding out whether learners understand educators’ instructions and determining the extent to which they follow them. Secondly, it serves as a motivation...

Crisis Response in Rural Areas: Fund Distribution & Strategies

While developing a crisis response program for rural areas, it is essential to pay attention to the specific needs of those people who live there because of their limited access to care services and support in case of emergency. Therefore, the equitable distribution of resources and funds in these territories...

Indigenous Perspectives: Comparing Ayala, Mariátegui, and Menchú

It could hardly be doubted that indigenous identities represent a highly important area of concern in social studies. The way people understand themselves, the world around them, and social relations within the society are considerably affected by their cultural background. This statement is especially relevant to indigenous people, whose social,...

Post-9/11 Terrorism Strategies: Tech and Tactics in Iraq & Afghanistan

Inroduction Terrorism remains one of the greatest challenges many societies and nations continue to face today. Different governments have been keen to adopt and implement appropriate measures to deal with this issue. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the efforts the United States and its allies undertook in Afghanistan...

Sociological Theory and Trends in Family Life

Comparison of Gender Stratification Theories The structural-functionalist approach is based on the foundation of the family as the most essential unit in society (Lindsey, 2016). In the family, everyone is assigned different roles to ensure the smooth running of the home. Most functionalists adopt a traditionalist view of the family...

McCarthy’s “Enemies from Within”: Cold War Rhetoric and Fear

On February 9, 1950, Senator Joseph R. McCarthy delivered the famous speech – “Enemies from Within” in Wheeling, West Virginia. The speech was a direct attack on President Truman’s foreign policy, which McCarthy claimed was treasonous because it allowed communist sympathizers to run the State Department. As such, McCarthy warned...

The Concept of Honor

Introduction People experience different emotions on an everyday basis, but the most controversial one is pride. This word has at least three definitions that reveal its double nature. First of all, it is “a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction” (“Pride”). On the one hand, it can be faced by a...

Oak Cliff, TX: Geography, History, and Development

Geographic Level The neighborhood of Oak Cliff occupies “an 87-square-mile section of the city south of the Trinity,” which constitutes about the third of the whole territory of Dallas (Stone, 2015, para. 1). Just like Dallas in general, Oak Cliff has all of the geographic features associated with the area...

The Use of Disguise in “The Odyssey” and “The Metamorphoses”

Introduction The topic of disguise in the works of ancient authors is presented in different contexts and aimed not only at creating plot twists but also at using unique themes that were typical of that era. The works of Homer, Ovid, and other founders of the classical poem genre contain...

Why I Want to Become a Dental Hygienist

Introduction Ever since I was a child, I have dreamed about working in healthcare. There was something very appealing and motivating in helping people overcome their health issues and improving their quality of life. I am convinced that some of my most prominent personality qualities have contributed to the formation...

Personal Nursing Philosophy in Practice

Introduction The healthcare sector is one of the main institutions that guarantee the existence of our society and promotes its further evolution. It provides people with qualified medical services that help them to remain healthy and perform numerous activities vital for the existence of the community. Moreover, the healthcare sector...

Margaret Newman’s Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness

Introduction The application of various nursing models in practice is not only a possible technique of care but a necessity caused by the uniqueness of each patient and the obligation to provide qualified assistance in accordance with a specific situation. One of such techniques is the nursing theory of health...

Transitional Nursing Care Model Implementation

Program Implementation To integrate the Transitional Model of Care into the nursing setting, one will need to plant the proposed technique into the setting of a local healthcare facility. The program will be launched starting with the evaluation of the current extent of success in managing patient handovers and similar...

Self-Care and Adverse Events in Ontario Home Care: Sun et al.’s Study

Introduction Self-care is one of the fundamental aspects of the nursing theory, as it ensures that patients will be able to manage their health conditions. At the same time, the inability to perform these actions might have a negative impact on clients. The selected paper by Sun, Doran, Wodchis, and...

Managing Controllable vs. Non-Controllable Costs in Fitness Centers

Introduction Controllable and non-controllable costs are an integral part of the functioning of any profitable organization. The first group can be defined as those that can be altered in the short term to fulfil current needs. For the discussed case, these might include labor costs, direct materials, and basic maintenance...

Homelessness and Its Primary Reasons

Introduction Every country in the world, no matter how abundant or easy to live in, will have some proportion of homeless people. These citizens do not have a permanent residence for one reason or another and have to spend their nights in the streets or specialized shelters when any are...

US History: Puritanism Analysis

First of all it should be stated, that the key principle of Puritanism is God’s highest power over human matters, chiefly in the church, and particularly as stated in the Bible. On the personal extent, the Puritans highlighted that every person should be repeatedly changed by the grace of God...

Is Mr. Lockwood a Reliable Narrator in Wuthering Heights?

Reading classic literature provides plenty of benefits to the reader such as a better understanding of other people’s feelings and thoughts and the consequences of their actions. Often, the perception of those benefits directly depends on the narrator of a book. Emily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights narrated by two characters,...

When Should We Trust Our Senses to Give Us Truth?

“All we have to believe with is our senses, the tools we use to perceive the world: our sight, our touch, our memory. If they lie to us, then nothing can be trusted. And even if we do not believe, then still we cannot travel in any other way than...

Shawshank Redemption by Frank Darabont Review

As it is well known the plot of this brilliant movie is based on Steven King’s story which he created in abundance. Unlike most of his thrilling and head-breaking works, Shawshank Redemption is not so mystique and fearsome, however, it creates a great deal of intrigue and action. As most...

Review of Works Francis Bacon and Michel de Montaigne

The Renaissance is the period of European history marking the waning of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world: usually considered as beginning in Italy in the 14th century. This period progressed in all countries of the European continent and made its contribution into different spheres of...

Three Major Perspectives in Sociology

Sociology is a relatively new science that has many interpretations and approaches, as any other science. The main complication arises from the fact that sociology is the science about people and their activity, interaction. People are so unpredicted, unexplainable and weird creatures that it is really hard to adopt a...

Hurricane Katrina: Determining Management Approach

There are various approaches to organizational change; among them, we can mark out hierarchical and network models, both of them can be used effectively under certain circumstances. In this paper, we need to discuss their advantages and disadvantages in connection with emergency management. In particular, we may focus on such...

Japoniste Influence on Impressionist Art

The world of the Impressionists was one in which all types of art forms were explored to discover the best means of rejecting the machines of the Industrial age and emphasizing the human emotional reaction to the natural forms and shapes discovered in the non-fabricated world. As a result of...

Consequences of Malaria in Africa

There is a common cry in Africa. Africans are used to the usual cry of hunger and poverty, but deaths of young children as a result of malaria has currently taken over. The research fact of malaria killing 2 million African children in every year has brought about an ever...

Heterosexism as an Act of Discrimination

Heterosexism is basically an act of discrimination or having a biased attitude towards people who have been perceived to be lesbians and gays in terms of sexual orientation. Some of the countries are greatly acquiring the strategy of heterosexism against the same sex bonding because according to them same sex...

School Effectiveness and School Improvement Movement

It is relatively agreeable that SESI is a Tayloristic model and thus its management has to take a hierarchical approach in any education system. The latter approach is essential since management elements need to countercheck how systems and structures with school settings are run to draw new ideas or better...

Emperor Taizong of Tang on Effective Government

To rule efficiently, an emperor needs other people. Engaging these people is necessary because what makes a country is its people. In addition, since a country is too big, the responsibility of governing becomes too demanding for an emperor to rule alone. Therefore, a ruler needs people, both distant and...

Competition Within Intermodal Transportation

Intermodal transportation refers to different modes of transport providing the same transport services. Intermodal transportation also refers to the use of coordinated transportation of freight on a single trip. Inland water, air, railroads, pipeline, trucking companies, and ocean carriers work together to move homogeneous units to offer improved services and...

Formulation of Meaningful Research About Gap Year

Introduction The research questions associated with the gap year for students are mainly based on the concepts of the usefulness, or harm of the gap year, and the consequences of this gap for students, and their communication patterns. However, the regarded aspects do not consider the opportunities of the qualitative...

Orange Is the New Black’: Choices on Characters’ Lives

Choices are inevitable in human life. There are always several options from which people must choose one. Fate determines the outcomes of choices-whether they will be good or bad. In Jenji Kohan’s movie; Orange Is the New Black, most decisions that characters make cause them many problems. The main character...

WorldCom as Example of Ethics

Introduction WorldCom was an American telecommunications company that highlighted the dangers of engaging in unethical conduct. WorldCom’s growth strategy was through acquisition of other companies. Rapid acquisition made WorldCom one of the largest telecommunications in the US. However, the company was secretly engaging in a massive accounting fraud, which created...

Healthcare Problems of Modern Society

Introduction Human health depends not only on medical care, but also on social, economic, psychological, industrial, environmental, and other factors. They all are interconnected and, in recent years, are changing in an unfavorable direction. This led to a significant deterioration in public health and the negative dynamics of demographic processes....

“Obesity and the Growing Brain” by Stacy Lu

Introduction In this article, Lu (2016) argues that, in children, an unhealthy diet and body fat could potentially affect brain function, which ultimately leads to cognitive problems. According to the author, consuming foods rich in saturated fat and sugar could cause changes in children’s brains that impair their impulse control...

The Limitations of Financial Ratios

Profitability Ratios The inflation of prices affects the financial ratios reported by organizations. Companies usually prepare financial reports, either quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. During these different periods, inflation might occur, leading to the distortion of prices (Rashid, 2018). Eventually, failure to reflect real prices of commodities will emerge in the...

Puritanism and Enlightenment Writers

During the Colonial age, American Literature was mainly influenced by religious, gender, and ethnic diversity. Puritanism was a belief-oriented religious movement that was led by a group of English Protestants between the 16th and 19th centuries (Scanlan 281). Puritan writers were guided by values and ideas such as courage, business,...

Ethical Dilemma: Regained Custody Through Legal Action

The dilemma discussed in the present paper deals with a married couple addicted to drugs in the past and rehabilitated later. Since the parents could not care for their daughter, she was placed in a foster home. Her foster parents loved her as their own child, and the girl loved...

Reflection on PBS’s Documentary “Latino Americans”

America is a multinational and multi-ethnic country due to its history and political ideas of the past. Latino Americans have also become an integral part of American culture due to the expansion of the United States as well as its migration policy. However, Latino Americans have a long history of...

Case Law Analysis: Intellectual Property

The following is a presentation of a legal case most relevant to the current operations of the Wixen Music Publishing company. Though the case of White-Smith Music Publisher Co. v. Apollo Co was tried in 1908, its outcome still affects the music industry. Apollo Co, a mechanical piano manufacturer, was...

The Problem of Climate Change in the 21st Century

Climate change is among the top threats facing the world in the 21st century and it deserves prioritization when planning how to move the country and the globe forward. Environmental shifts happen primarily due to advancing human activities. Therefore, there is a need to design holistic approaches to environmental protection....

Performance in Safety Management Systems (SMS)

Study Design The study will employ a cross-sectional research design in examining regulations and technologies employed in the aviation industry to provide a high level of performance in safety management systems (SMS). This research design is appropriate because it is easy to implement, promotes data collection from a representative sample,...

Reasons for High Divorce Rates

Family is the basic institution of society that impacts its functioning and contributes to further evolution. For centuries, it has been associated with marriage as the only possible way to create a family and promote the development of communities. However, today, one can observe the decline in the importance of...

The Movie “Queen and Slim” Analysis

The depiction of harsh reality is one of the most intriguing themes in present-day movies, and “Queen & Slim” is no exception to the rule. In this story, the main characters, Queen and Slim, are dining out on their first date when something unexpected happens. On their way home, they...

The Theory of Capitalism: Hayek’s Arguments

The Authors’ Arguments Friedrich Hayek strove to defend traditional concepts of morality in economics and fought the progressive representatives of the new era who sought to destroy the classical canons. In his book, he compares rationalizers to Christians who tolerate human sinfulness but do their best to prevent it (Hayek...

Social Loafing and Facilitation: Article Study

Significantly, Schmutz, Laurenz, Meier, and Manser’s 2019 article ‘How effective is teamwork?’ focuses on the importance of teamwork in healthcare. According to Schmutz et al., teams are prudent, but healthcare practitioners must apply and combine their unique expertise in different healthcare systems (1). The authors give an example regarding the...

“The Plague” by Albert Camus Critique

The biggest problem of our life is its ending. However, this can happen either when the time comes or undesirable due to some disease. The Plague is a perfect representation of a horror that took many people’s lives. The book represents the circumstances that a town in Algeria had to...

Online Learning and Students’ Mental Health

The accelerated development of technologies made online learning possible, allowing many students who would not have had a possibility to study otherwise, in a face-to-face setting, to continue their education. Access to a number of courses and educational opportunities also has been granted by this phenomenon. Online learning can be...

Changes in the Character of Slavery in North America

Introduction Slavery is a controversial page in human history, and various changes in social life have influenced this phenomenon. Colonial North America became the first continent on which the slave system took root and developed on a colossal scale. The period from 1619 to 1739 saw the beginning of the...

Meta-Analysis and Meta-Synthesis

Meta-analysis is the method that is used to surpass information to the public policy by nurses. The first stage of meta-analysis is getting the research questions and perusing through it. Secondly, there will be reading the available materials found on the research questions. Data collection is the next stage which...

Social and Personal Responsibility of Martin Luther King Jr. in the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The U.S. underwent the development of the Civil Rights Movement that occurred between the 1950s and 60s. It aimed to bring racial equality. Although African Americans have been contesting for their rights and liberties ever since the era of slavery, significant accomplishments in the civil rights struggle were made...

Wal-Mart Company: DuPont Analysis

The DuPont analysis indicates that the company’s return on shareholders’ equity is affected by its operational efficiency, asset utilization, and financial leverage. The analysis assists management to identify weak areas of business. It also allows management to undertake corrective measures to improve the company’s weak areas and enhance its financial...

Hip-Hop in the Bronx and Link to Gentrification

Introduction Hip-hop is usually associated with economically depressed and predominantly African American (Black) neighborhoods. The art form originated in Bronx County, in the City of New York during the 1970s (Knight). From the beginning, it has been masked by mystery, and this is because the genre started on the fringes...

Criticism of Medical Model of Psychological Disorders

Introduction Psychological disorders are one of the global problems of our time. For example, depression has been encountered by almost every person -either in person or in a friend’s experience. Lots of people are continually living with anxiety disorders. Such disorders are generally considered mental illnesses. At the same time,...

Apple’s Technology Effect on Governments

Today, governments should be more receptive to changing government operations, enhancing competence, and providing modern public service. To realize these goals, many government departments and IT firms have to embrace mobile computing gadgets in general, and the iPad and iPhone in particular. Many people, government departments, and organizations are already...

Gender and Racial Socialization

Socialization is the process of internalizing norms and behaviors accepted in a given society plays a significant role in the development of a person’s self-concept. Symbolic interactionist, functionalist, and conflict perspective alike take different approaches to socialization but ultimately agree that an individual only develops a sense of self within...

Day Care Program of Child

My viewing experience has been productive, and I have learned different aspects of mealtime and daycare practices, in general. After eating, children need to rest for some time for digestion to happen effectively as Tai and the others do (Taispot, 2009, 00:08:26 – 00:09:59). I have also noted that children...

The Collection of Short Stories “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri

Interpreter of Maladies is a collection of nine short stories written by an American author Jhumpa Lahiri. This writing presents its readers with stories about the experiences of Indian Americans who learn to live in the conflict between two distinct cultures. Therefore, in order to understand the life of these...

“The Family: Diversity, Inequality, and Social Change” by Philip Cohen

In the first chapter of The Family, Cohen (2018) describes different definitions of family and the major factors that shape roles and decisions within family members. According to the text, three main definitions are considered: personal, legal, and institutional (family as an institutional arena). The first one, according to Cohen...

Quality of Nursing Care: Challenges and Difficulties

Abstract Nurse staffing is very important to the delivery of high quality patient care and that staffing has impacts on quality and safety. Research has established that there are a number of challenges that affect quality nursing care, including the rate of turnover of the nursing staff and nurse shortage....

Long-Terms Goals in Financial Planning

Introduction Financial goals refer to the aspirations in the life of an investor that needs to be achieved when the person invests his money. By setting financial goals, chances of regretting are minimized and it ensures that the desired goal of investment is realized. These goals vary from one investor...

The Importance of Free Will in Three Theban Plays

One of the key concepts touched upon in all three Theban plays completed by Sophocles is the existence of free will and its influence on human lives. This argument should be mostly based on the idea that each person has a predisposition to autonomy. The only responsibility for people is...

Consequences of Using LSD as a Therapeutic Agent

Over the past decades, scientists and psychologists all over the planet have conducted a variety of studies concerning LSD. The uncontrolled use of the hallucinogen has impacted nearly all areas of society, including religion, politics, and the art industry. The research confirms that hallucinogens can be beneficial for curing psychological...

Research Design and Sampling

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals represent a significant portion of modern society, and these people often face numerous social challenges. As a result, various empirical articles address the issue, and the quantitative one by Hatzenbuehler et al. (2017) is among them. The research analyzes how social support for...

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention

Introduction Many deaths in the world today are attributed to cardiovascular diseases. In the United Kingdom alone, stroke and cardiovascular diseases combined claim the lives of more than 150,000 people every year. The disease is attributed to unhealthy diet policies. A continued intake of dairy products including meat and processed...

Task-Based Language Teaching Applied in Elementary Classroom

Introduction The need to provide customized language learning and catering for the individual learner’s needs are two important issues in teaching practice and education policy-making fields. Specialists and policymakers in education have come up with a number of methods, most of which have lasted for a short period. For instance,...

Mental Disorders and Homelessness

Mental disorders can emerge from drug dependency or addiction; paranoia or schizophrenia; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (combat-related and other); neurocognitive deficits; domestic abuse, as well as other types of mental disorders. About 15 percent of people with extreme mental illness were homeless over one year in California (Smartt et al., 2019)....

Trichoderma Reesei as a Mesophilic Fungus

Introduction Trichoderma Reesei is a mesophilic fungus which is usually known for its high ability to secrete cellulotytic enzymes (Hi138, 2006). It is majorly used in many industrial processes especially in the conversion of cellulose to glucose, large scale fermentation, down strain process engineering and the process of developing genetically...

Virtual Classroom Training Challenges

Introduction The given analysis will primarily focus on the virtual classroom training challenges, which is a more specific area in comparison to a broader subject of difficulties of online education. It is important to note that training in a classroom is not comprised of mere information delivery and exchange but...

Colony Nursery and Landscaping Company: Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation

Colony Nursery and Landscaping Company needs to implement an ERP system since it has been unable to share information between existing systems. The target objective is to increase purchasing metrics within the company. Information silo means a management system that cannot communicate freely with other systems set for communication within...

Staffing Problem Solution: HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics

Introduction HE metrics program and workforce analytics will play a significant role at Regional Hospital, especially when it comes to improving quality of care and performance efficiency. According to Kassick (2019), HR metrics “are data (numbers) that provide descriptive detail about given processes or outcomes” (p. 55). Therefore, the metrics...

African American Women With HIV in the United States

Introduction At present, HIV and AIDS are among the burning problems of humanity. Despite opportunities for prevention, the disease strikes many people. National minorities constitute one of the most vulnerable categories when it comes to HIV incidence. In the United States, the situation with African American women with HIV is...

Good Books for Children: “The Hobbit”

Quality literature is an integral component of a child’s upbringing for a range of reasons. First of all, reading develops vital skills, such as literacy, logic, and imagination. Children with an early affection for good books are likely to demonstrate better school preparedness and learning outcomes. At the same time,...

The Great Gatsby: How Money and Class Create and Destroy Relationships

Money and class always played a huge role in the life of any society. Since ancient times, people have been marrying for money, undermining the primary value of love and romance. In The Great Gatsby, possessions and class are the factors that could contribute to the initiation of a relationship...

Interview With Jeanette: Visit to Australia

The relationship among people is a complicated concept that provides the chance to feel secure and value oneself in society. The relationships with friends and coworkers are a significant element in people’s lives because it defines how people might feel at work and assess their interaction with others. The interview...

Importance of Active Listening for Life

Recently, I have held a conversation with a client who was complaining about the delay he has been subjected to in trying to obtain an environmental approval license for his prosed housing project. I was actively listening to the client by keeping myself engaged in the conversation positively. He stated...

“Fordson: Faith, Fasting, Football” Documentary

Fordson: Faith, Fasting, Football is a documentary film about a tight-knit community of Muslim Americans in Dearborn, Michigan, who are focused on their passion and support for the Fordson High School football team. The story begins at Fordson High School, a public school that was once attended by only white...

The Opioid Crisis in the United States of America

Moral hazard refers to a scenario in which a person takes part in a risky activity because they know someone or something will bear the consequences of their actions. A moral hazard can be seen when a person drives a car at a higher speed just because he or she...

Governmental Accounting: Funds and Their Purposes

A fund is a separate part of monetary assets that has a specific purpose. This is a financial instrument that is widely used in economic practice. Besides, it is typically professionally managed in order to allocate resources in a proper way. Such funds are generally supported by taxes, grants, and...

Martini & Rossi: Reinventing Mature Company

For the purpose of discussion, I have chosen the company Martini & Rossi since it fulfills the requirements pertaining to an industry in the mature stage. As it is effectively described by Parnell (2014a), the mature firm serves its clients with sufficient quality and quantity of a product, rarely introduces...

White and Ethnic Groups Segregation

From the beginning of its immigration history, The United States of America encountered successive waves of settlement, especially from Europe and later from other continents. The majority of immigrants were from North and West Europe and established the foundation for the dominant culture so that others had to adjust. The...

Discussion of Career Development Stages

In recent years, the autonomous career development of each individual has been attracting attention in the United States, but this was not the case before. American companies used to manage employee careers uniformly according to age and year of employment, assuming they all have similar needs. However, according to Super...

“C Jam Blues” by Duke Ellington

Duke Ellington, C Jam Blues is based on a 12-bar Blues pattern which uses a succession of various tone colours and hence leads to the different variety of this piece done by Duke Ellington and his Orchestra. At the start, the music starts with a repetitive melody and is mixed...

Indexing Performance Areas: Developing Measurement

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) provides a range of evaluation options that can be used to address vulnerabilities and protect systems. The concept of indexing performance areas refers to arranging the areas of activity based on their importance and input into the overall organizational work. In terms of...

Interest Groups in the United States

The American governmental system provides the legal regulation for interest groups which can influence the legislation passage. The interest groups have influenced the legislation many times throughout history. These groups were created thanks to the constitutional amendments and guarantees of freedoms for every citizen. Interest groups mainly aim to represent...

Jazz Musician Comprehension: John “Dizzy” Gillespie

Jazz is a popular style of music originating from a blend of blues and ragtime. There are many outstanding musicians that shaped the history and development of music. One of them is John “Dizzy” Gillespie, who invented the contemporary trumpet playing in jazz. According to Ulven (2020), Gillespie was a...

Impact of Technology in the Classroom

Abstract The paper discusses the relative effectiveness of different technologies as applied in the classroom. However, it finds that the question is largely meaningless because, while technology is used, it is not utilized fully, and the quality of its implementation varies dramatically between classrooms. Hence, it concludes that the question...