Standard and Nonstandard Normal Distribution in Statistics

The probability or chance of an event occurring is the probability or chance of it happening. In the most straightforward cases, to calculate the likelihood of event A occurring, divide the total number of events by the number of possible outcomes; after obtaining the probability of event A and its...

Human-Environment Interactions Influence Populations’ Health

Three selected readings highlight the global issue of human-environment interactions’ influence on populations’ health. While the world’s population and life expectancy continue to rise, there are many underestimated health threats associated with human activities, consumption, and the exploitation of natural resources. Initially, despite the development and progress of humankind in...

Influence of Mathematics in Ancient Greek Architecture

Introduction Ancient Greek architecture is one of the most iconic in the world, utilizing many elements that are used in the modern day. At the same time, Greek scholars were also some of the most advanced; building on the foundations of Egyptians and Persians, the Greeks made significant advances in...

Rebellion on the Animal Farm: Need to Rise Against Pigs

Rising against unjust oppression is a duty of any righteous resident of the farm. The current conditions in which the animals reside are unacceptable, as the animals in power openly ignore others’ needs and desires. The farm’s resources are occupied by the pigs alone, and they attempt to define truth...

Jumia Nigeria E-Commerce Company’s Analysis

Jumia’s PESTEL Analysis Jumia Nigeria E-commerce Company benefits from the ever-improved market conditions. Improved Africa’s economic performance since the turn of the century lowered the poverty level and enabled the countries to gain when it comes to GDP per capita. The favorable marketplace motivates competitive business that aims at maintaining...

Maintaining the Confidentiality of Personal Data

Information security implies protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. It is one of the biggest challenges for both organizations and individual users in modern society, which is often overlooked. Moreover, many employees neglect the most straightforward security recommendations, although organizations devote considerable material and human resources to protect...

Economic and Financial Analysis of India

Retail Price Index It is important to note that there are several economic indicators that can be used to observe the state of the economy of a particular nation, which, in the given case, is India. The retail price index or RPI is a measurement of consumer inflation. It is...

The Raising of Sea Levels in Lithuania

Introduction Climate is long-term weather that is experienced on earth. Climate change, therefore, is a shift in the earth’s temperatures and weather patterns. The earth has been heating up more quickly since the industrial revolution in the 1800s than ever before. The release of methane, carbon dioxide, and other gases...

The History of Slavery Impact Analysis

The history of slavery is one of the most complex and debated topics in modern research. Unfortunately, in the contemporary world, the issue of human trafficking and enslavement is still relevant. Even though all the forces of international organizations have been thrown at solving this concern, it has not been...

Similarities and Differences Between HIPAA, APA, and Ethics

HIPAA, APA, and Ethics All practicing psychologists are responsible for the healing processes of their clients and their data security. The guidelines on the ethics of practice for psychologies are derived from many sources, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and American Psychology Association (APA) (Jacob et...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Jazz Styles and Artists: Louis Armstrong and Others

Introduction Jazz is one of the most famous music genres, and its influence on various communities of American cities is immense. There are numerous performers from cities like New Orleans, Chicago, New York, St.Louis, and Kansas City who, in their time, managed to reach the souls of their audiences and...

The Aldi Corporation’s Marketing Plans

Introduction Customers have more options when it comes to where they purchase products and services in the more competitive marketplace. For an organization to attain its targets, it should initially discover what shoppers desire and then select the ideal approach to meet their demands and preferences. It might be challenging...

Clinical Decision Support Systems in Medical Institutions

Introduction Clinical decision support refers to the process of providing patients, medical practitioners, staff, and administrators in healthcare institutions with evidence-based information to guide their practice. Thus, clinical support systems assist medical service workers to implement effective clinical guidelines to limit errors and achieve better outcomes. Therefore, the following essay...

Religious Freedom: The Separation Between Church and State

Many individuals are afraid that the country’s Christian heritage is being attacked. Even if the menace is more fictitious than accurate, it has prompted prominent religious politicians and leaders to call into question the separation between church and state. Many conservatives see attempts to divide religion and state as an...

Strengths and Weaknesses of Selection Tools in the HRM

Various selection tools at the human resources management disposal help determine a candidate’s appropriateness for a job. The major selection tools used by human resource managers include personality inventory, background checks, and interviews. A personality inventory selection process evaluates applicants’ personality traits in relation to their potential for future work...

Ethics of Vioxx Withdrawal From the Market

Introduction Merck launched Vioxx in 1999 as a substitute for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications to manage osteoarthritis pain. After research found an elevated risk of major cardiovascular events, including stroke and heart attack, five years later, Merck withdrew Vioxx, one of the best-selling painkillers internationally, from the market. Nevertheless, there had...

The Church Guides on Sexuality and Cohabitation

Introduction Cohabitation before marriage has long been a debate between families and religious institutions. This practice has been a common factor throughout history and the current generation (Balswick & Balswick, 2018). Some people think it is a viable option, and those who do not support this may alter the structure...

Artificial Intelligence in Self-Driving Cars

Introduction Over the past decade, the evolution of self-driving cars has accelerated. Most vehicles on the roads today have some form of automation. Since self-driving cars can theoretically react faster than human drivers and do not get behind the wheel drunk, do not write text messages while driving, and do...

Prevalence of PTSD and PTG in Soldiers From Ethnic Minorities

Introduction One should recognize that PTSD and PTG are widespread diseases that often affect former soldiers from ethnic minorities. According to Fogle et al. (2020, p. 12), these combat veterans are more likely to have disabilities and positive screening results for PTSD. As practice shows, such severe mental illness affects...

Dehumanization of Society as Product of War

The political activism of any state can be linked to the economic outlook that determines a country’s status on the world stage. However, the most revealing aspect can be considered military might, which symbolizes a country’s readiness to defend itself in the event of a threat. In Why We Fight,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Contradiction of Simultaneous Texting and Driving

Introduction In today’s world, thanks to digitalization and technical globalization, alternative methods of communication to the standard one are available to almost everyone. It includes both communication on the Internet and the verbal and non-verbal use of means of communication, which is actively practiced by many drivers while on the...

Medication Error Intervention: Annotated Bibliography

Cohen, M. (2016). Medication Errors (Miscellaneous). Nursing, 46(2), 72.  This article was first published in 1994 and has undergone several publications and revisions and the latest version was published in 2006. The author, Cohen, outlines guidance to healthcare providers in any area. The book can assist providers in both acute...

The Speech “The Destructive Male” by Elizabeth Cady Stanton: Rhetorical Analysis

Elizabeth Cady Stanton delivered her speech entitled The Destructive Male at the Women’s Suffrage Convention. Hence, it was part of a larger political debate about whether women should be granted the right to vote. In her speech, Stanton aimed to persuade her audience that extending suffrage to women was essential...

Risk of Early Pregnancies among Latina Teens

What Experience, Situation, or Subculture Did the Researchers Seek to Understand? The researchers of “A Latino Young Photovoice Project on Teen Pregnancy” sought to understand the community of Pacific Northwest, namely – the tendencies leading to early pregnancies among Latina girls of teen age. The research explored the relationships and...

Corporate Board Governance in Medtronic Inc Case Study

Introduction Business organizations in the contemporary environment face different challenges, which include environmental turbulences and dynamics. As a result, most of the current business organizations develop effective and efficient business strategies. Effective and efficient business strategies play a significant role on development, growth and prosperity. Corporate governance is a vital...

Climate and Weather Concepts

The concepts of climate and weather are closely related to each other; the key distinction between the two is that climate is attributed to a particular region and even a certain season, whereas weather is not (Lutgens and Tarbuck 339). Among the six elements of weather, temperature, humidity, perspiration, atmospheric...

“The Wife of Bath’s Tale” by Geoffrey Chaucer

The wife in “The Wife of Bath’s Tale” dismisses authorities’ criticism on women but also goes ahead to state and refute her own words which make her appear to be contradicting herself and going against her own conviction. For instance, she is eager to know from her husband to be,...

Film Studies: “The Sound of Music” by Robert Wise

“The hills are alive with the sound of music”– this eternal line from the song with which the movie begins echoes through our imagination as we speak of Europe or Salzburg (The Sound of Music). Lush green countryside with snowcapped mountains in the background is a nature lovers’ paradise. The...

Aging Workforce: Discrimination and Diversity Effects

Introduction Following the global tendencies, it is possible to state that the average age of the workforce in companies tends to increase, and today, there are many employees whose age is over than 55 years (Robbins & Judge, 2014, p. 63). This tendency is correlated with the development of a...

Hobfoll’s Conservation of Resources Theory in Nursing

Applicable Nursing Theory Although medicine is a holistic and humanitarian science, in hospital management systems nurses are viewed as human resources. The majority of nursing theories are typically patient-focused and are based either on utilitarian or Kantian ethics. Thus, they are unfit for being implemented as frameworks to support the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Networking at Work: Benefits and Drawbacks

Social networks are often criticized by organizations since those can be one of the major distractions for employees during the working hours. However, the benefits of networking outweigh its drawbacks. Moreover, it is always in your power to minimize the negative effects of social networking and maximize the positive ones....

Ancient Sculpture and Monumental Architecture

Sculpture in Ancient Civilizations The Stele of Naram-Sin depicts Akkadian King Naram-Sin defeating an enemy army. The king is on the top of a mountain, and his army is marching behind him, while the defeated soldiers are spread around chaotically. The clothes and weapons show that the people on the...

Kendall Regional Medical Center: Clinical Obstacles

Introduction The proposed practice change concerns the prevention of complications arising from foley catheter use in surgical patients at the Kendall Regional Medical Center. Available nursing scholarship demonstrates that evidence-based practice changes are often faced by a multiplicity of barriers that reduce the desire of nursing professionals to implement the...

Marijuana Popularity, Its Causes and Consequences

Many people raise their voices claiming that they are forced to drink alcohol and become addicted as they are not allowed to use marijuana which is less addictive and has fewer negative health outcomes. The debate concerning the legalization of marijuana is still ongoing (Caulkins et al. 56). Moreover, it...

Healthcare Barriers Eliminating within U.S. Communities

Introduction There is no doubt that people in many countries of the modern world try to do their best in order to create appropriate conditions for migrant workers and provide them with everything to have a high quality of life. Representatives of countries tend to have different attitudes to such...

Change Models in Nursing Administration

Transcultural Nursing Theory Developer: Madeleine Leininger. Description of the theoretical perspectives The theory emphasizes the importance of examining such factors as culture-related values, beliefs, and other relevant characteristics of individuals for providing effective healthcare. The author of this theory believes that a deep understanding of the patient’s cultural roots is...

Chief Nursing Officer and Nurse-Sensitive Indicators

Introduction A role of a Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) as an agent of change has been long recognized by influential healthcare organizations such as the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the American Nurses Association (ANA), and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) (Clavelle, Drenkard, Tullai-McGuiness, & Fitzpatrick, 2012). By empowering staff...

Early Middle Ages’ Art

Introduction Made of rock crystal and copper, the Lothair Crystal is a vivid representative of the Early Middle Ages (see Figure 1). Its author is unknown, and it was created between 855-869. The Lothair Crystal is a gem representing the biblical story of Susanna, the first girl who was falsely...

Adolescent Personality and Developmental Factors

Introduction The behavior of students is a frequent topic for research because the development of an adolescent’s personality has many peculiarities to discover. One of those concerns is the acceptance of rules and codes of behavior by students, the topic discussed in the paper by Raby (2005). This issue is...

Critical Thinking in the “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr

The ability to review and evaluate texts often depends not only on one’s ability to criticize but also on the ability to be self-reflective and fair. As Harris points out, there is no need to re-represent the text; rather, the writer should translate it from the author’s language to her/his...

Social Program Challenges Evaluation

Abstract The primary challenges which should be addressed by the evaluator to assess the program effectively are the change of program’s aspects, impossibility to develop the evaluation design appropriately, and the variety of strategies to follow during evaluation. Challenges of Program Evaluation Social programs must be effective to guarantee certain...

Canadian Healthcare System Evaluation

Introduction Canada is one of the countries characterized by the most efficient healthcare systems. The Canadian healthcare system is often regarded as a model for reforming the US system of health care. The system has certain downsides and Canadians admit that there are many points to improve. However, the benefits...

Pharmacy and Policy: Inappropriate Prescription of Drugs

Introduction The issue of multiple drug prescriptions poses a significant threat to patients’ well-being. Polypharmacy may have far-reaching consequences and negatively affect individuals’ health through various side effects and other unfavorable drug events. The problem mainly occurs because patients are either prescribed with inappropriate medications or when they refer to...

Municipal Waste Disposal as Social and Ecological Issue

Introduction Nowadays, when the volumes of produced waste emphasize the need for the use of appropriate solid waste disposal techniques, it is considered that waste incineration serves as a good alternative to landfill methods as it decreases the volume of waste and takes smaller space (Hu, Li, Nguyen, & Kavan,...

Galaxies Nature and Frequency

It should be noted that galaxies are the main structural components of the universe, which contain almost all of its substance that radiates in the visible area of the spectrum. Stars are born and die in galaxies, and planetary systems are formed around them. The purpose of this paper is...

Employee Engagement in Safety Improvement

Summary Employee engagement at the workplace is an integral part of enhancing the chances of success because it provides a platform for the employees to build on the relevant changes at the workplace. Employee engagement entails the involvement of the employees in decision-making, which gives them the feeling of ownership...

Islam in Zaid Shakir’s and Reza Aslan’s Views

Introduction In an interview with Bill Moyers, Imam Zaid Shakir, a renowned American-bred Muslim religious leader tried his best to defend the religion of Islam a year after 9/11 changed world history. Shakir was skillful in his defense, saying that Islam’s core values are similar to that of America and...

Low Back Pain: Diagnostics and Treatment

The additional history that should be obtained is whether this episode of pain is similar to the current episode and whether the patient sought medical attention that time; if yes, what diagnosis was made. Previous treatment (medications or other interventions), surgical history, any history of arthritis or osteoporosis, any past...

Why Steve Jobs’ Apple Inspires People?

There is a man who I really admire, and he inspires me a lot. He is Steve Jobs, a successful American businessperson born in 1955. He co-founded the Apple Computer Corporation together with Steve Wozniak, and he is the Chief Executive Officer. Before he attained the age of thirty, he...

Bakers Company’s Business Proposal

Bakers’ inn provides customers with a one-stop platform for cakes, snacks, bread, sandwiches, and other products. The service enterprises ensure that customers get a fresh-baked cake with a fair price and quality. The products of the enterprise vary in design, shape, texture, taste, and size. They meet the varying tastes...

Persuasive Communicators in the Workplace and Life

Introduction Communication is an imperative aspect of humanity. Without communication, people cannot lock their potential for financial wealth, nor would they be able to develop loving relationships at home or professional relationships in the workplace. Interestingly, communication is an aspect of human behavior that many people fail to understand, notwithstanding...

Leader-Member Exchange Theory and Transformational Leadership

The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory of leadership is often viewed as an entirely different methodology compared to other well-known approaches. A unique feature of this method is its focus on the actual interaction process between the frontrunner and followers, and in theory, it is often referred to as a dyadic...

Visual Rhetoric in L’Oreal EverCrème Advertisement

Introduction The growth of advertising has lately been influenced by company’s competition for business and the urge to broaden their market scope. Most companies today are aggressively advertising their products. The use of propaganda and weasel words is very common in advertising. Propaganda influences the attitude of the target audience....

Domestic Difficulties Influence on Early Sexual Debut

​Introduction The periodical that I have chosen for my abstract submission is called the International Journal of Research in Nursing. It is a peer-reviewed nursing journal providing the new authors with the possibility to extend the knowledge about the modern approaches to nursing practice. It encourages new authors to submit...

Interview with Aldo’s Restaurant and Bakery Owner

The Olivieri family immigrated to the United States in 1950, where they first settled in California and opened a small family business in the same year. Originally from the Italian coastal town of Sestri Levante, the Olivieri family like all Italian natives knew the art of making good tasting Pizzas....

Todd McFarlane’s Leadership Approach

The contemporary global business environment dictates which capabilities, talents, and competencies company leaders should have. It is true that expertise and experience are vital to managing organizations well, but they may not be enough. Personal character traits, innovativeness, and inquisitiveness are important for being successful as well. This essay will...

Theodore Roosevelt’s “Who Is a Progressive?” Speech

In his 1912 captivating speech, Theodore Roosevelt discusses the meaning of progressivism coupled with highlighting the essential characteristics that progressives should embody. This speech was given at a time when the United States was undergoing significant socio-political changes that needed progressive minds to ensure social justice and equality together with...

Child Temperament and Its Effect on Family Life

Temperament in children is defined as an individual style of behavior characterized by specific ways of responding to internal and external stimuli. Children develop temperament since being at least two months old, displaying different types of reactions and preferences to specific activities (Prokasky et al., 2017). Some infants demonstrate unusual...

The Concept of Progressivism

Introduction The rise of the Progressives was caused by the impact of industrialization on US businesses. Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most prominent members of the party, and his explanations provided the central notions of the movement succinctly. In 1912, Roosevelt delivered a speech in Kentucky, where he discussed...

The History of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Rights The UN resolution 181 which partitioned the land and created the country of Israel, sought to ensure a peaceful transition and co-existence amongst the ethnic and religious groups. Both Arabs and Palestinians residing in Israel were to be guaranteed full citizenship and civil rights, including the right to vote...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A School-Aged Girl’s Developmental Assessment

Pediatric health and physical evaluation are critical aspects of developmental assessment among school-aged children. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019), there are two major developmental milestones of middle age, between 6 and 8 years and 9 and 11 years. Both stages determine the development of children...

Corticosteroids in Asthma Treatment: Literature Review

Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are among the most significant treatment alternatives in stubborn asthma attributable to their effectiveness in restraining the inflammatory reaction. The medical gains of long-standing treatment with inhaled corticosteroids are constantly highlighted in national (the US and UK) and global directives. Nonetheless, in their study, Loke, Blanco, Thavarajah,...

Moving Away From Globalization: Consequences

Globalization is a continuous process that has been affecting states globally, in both a positive and negative manner. Some recent policies and political disagreements, such as the trade war between the United States and China, led to speculations regarding the idea that globalization can be reversed and the implications of...

U.S. Protectionism and Its Impact on Austrian Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises

Introduction Since the United States is among the largest market players in the world, its economic policies are typically perceived as the factor influencing global trade. The extent to which the decision of the U.S. authorities to go protectionist affects European countries presents an important question. In the case of...

Israel’s Creation and Settlements in Palestine

The rights of the two conflicting parties, people in Israel and Palestine, are listed in the United Nations Resolution of 1947. According to the United Nations General Assembly (1947), Palestine is to be partitioned to form two independent states, Jewish and Arab, with a special international control regime for Jerusalem....

Native Americans and Using of Peyote Issue

Introduction Peyote or mescaline is a hallucinogen derived from a cactus. A group of Native Americans use this regularly as part of their religious ceremonies (Jenkins, p1). Peyote was described in 1560 but it was only in the middle of 19th century that botanists were able to make a study...

Quirky Thoughts of a Library Junkie

Have you ever been in a library and stopped to pause for a moment in between your (tedious!) studying to check out what exactly the rest of the people are really doing? Hmm…I have- countless times I unashamedly confess! And boy, how much fun that usually is. I know the...

Why Should I Be Moral When Is Not in My Best Interest to Do So

Whether a person should be moral or not, is a matter of dispute that many of the writers and thinkers of the world have been asking each other for years. By morality what we mean is that a set of rules passed to us through social and religious experiences which...

American Public Attitudes to Overseas Military Deployment

In modern times, the media, which is popularly referred to as the fourth estate, has witnessed unrivaled growth. Not even a single event can now take place without the media coming in and airing it to the world. All sectors of the media have benefitted from the media boom, which...

Statuettes in “Thinking as a Hobby” by William Golding

Introduction ‘Thinking as a hobby’ is a story written by William Golding where he explained how he considered thinking as his hobby. From the study, it can be revealed that Golding was introduced into the field of thinking by his headmaster who used statuettes in his study. On this basis,...

“A Moment’s Decision” by Glynn Sharpe Review

A setting is a very important element of any literature work. Not only does it describe a place where the action occurs, but it also helps the author to describe his emotions, vision of the action described and his attitude to it. It is interesting to analyze how in A...

Operational and Tactical Dashboards

Dashboards allow organizations to monitor and manage their business processes by processing information and data from multiple systems and departments in a central point. However there are specific characteristics, depending on the manner of use and development, that differentiate dashboards. This essay examines operational and tactical dashboard differences and similarities....

Perpetual Mercy Hospital’s Innovations

Downtown Health Clinic, a branch of Perpetual Mercy Hospital is faced with potential competition from a similar rival clinic slated for opening within its territorial market. A competing clinic within its niche market is a hindrance to DHC’s progress towards achieving its service and profitability goals. In addition, it is...

Boethius and Dante’s Ideas of Friendship

Introduction Boethius, the writer of ‘The Consolation of Philosophy’ was a Christian philosopher of the 6th century in Rome. It should be noted that, Boethius was executed by King Theodoric the Great; after being suspected to be conspiring with the Byzantine Empire. It can further be argued that his work...

Healthy Breakfast and Lunch Program for Schools

Introduction The current obesity crisis facing our youth today is the most unprecedented one in history. In the past three decades, obesity rates have gone up by over 300 percent and come with negative implications in the society, especially among children. This has exposed them to various obesity-related diseases, most...

IT and Competitive Advantage

The success of an organization depends on its ability to secure a favorable advantage over its competitors. The trend of business today is the incorporation of computer technology into the operations of the business. IT resources are expanding the capabilities of businesses; hence enhancing market expansions, increasing processing, and communication...

Elimination of Hazards at Work

Hazard of electrical equipment During the facility’s electrical inspections, the following hazards were noted: Instant access to the service panel is highly limited as it is blocked by various cardboard boxes. All parts of the electrical system should be easily and rapidly approachable for an electrical technician, especially in the...

“Peach Wine and Moonlight” by James Weldon Johnson

Affirmative actions have enabled women to use their skills to change their societies and replace barbaric practices with respect for human rights. James W. Johnson managed to express different viewpoints regarding women and war in his story. This author had vast experience in managing political conflicts, civil strife, and segregation...

Mental Illness and People of Color

Design of the Study This study’s primary research focus is the specific misconceptions and stigmas of people of color that contribute to mistrust and underutilization of healthcare services for mental illness. Therefore, the main research question is: “What are the misconceptions and stigmas about mental illnesses and their treatment among...

Birth Control and Its Ignorance

In the past, women in America had to pay for their contraceptives expenses because many health insurance plans did not provide this cover. However, in 2011, birth control services become free with the signing of the birth control mandate into law by President Obama. Birth control is the prevention of...

Pride Definitions in The Bible and Everyday Life

Pride is a complex word and a concept that can be rather ambiguous. It corresponds to two polarly different meanings, and finding a line between them may be difficult at times. The first interpretation of this term which comes to mind is connected to the one from the Bible, where...

Homeland Security: Organizational Change

Post 11th September 2001 attacks on the twin towers of World Trade Center; the FBI has faced a brunt of a lot of criticism from the public and media alike. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the primary unit in the United States Department of Justice, has designed goals to protect...

The Duality of Societal Prejudice in “Désirée’s Baby” by Kate Chopin

Désirée’s Baby is a short story written by Kate Chopin, one of her most famous pieces. It was written in 1892, a little less than thirty years after the abolition of slavery in the United States. Kate Chopin’s family came from St. Louis, Missouri, where having slaves was considered to...

Arkansas Prison Scandals Regarding Contaminated Blood

Introduction A number of scandals occurred around the infamous Cummins State Prison Farm in Arkansas in 1967-1969 and 1982-1983; the latter scandal was related to the blood gathered from the local prisoners. In this paper, we will discuss a number of issues connected to the blood scandal, as well as...

Market Screening: Review and Analysis

The rate at which the use of computers in Africa is growing so fast. There is an increase in the need for computers plus their accessories in countries like Kenya. Educational institutions, the public, and the private sectors are all undergoing computerization. There dire need for computers to enhance efficiency...

“The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership”: Book Review

The book review on “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow them and people will follow you” is a subject to criticism based on many view points. First, the title of the book stands to be questioned itself; it shows some sense of rigidity and also some form of forced...

Gas Turbines: Definition, Sections, Gas Turbine Process

Introduction Since the end of the Second World War, the world has registered remarkable growth in science and technology, which has led to the development of both simple and complex machines that help humanity in various ways. Among these machines is a gas turbine (combustion turbine). This machine, a rotary...

Supporting Children, Families With Anxiety Issues

Introduction Anxiety is a major challenge affecting most children and families in the UK. It is a condition where an individual’s normal emotional wholesome changes at different stages or times in his/her life. It is closely related to fear. It is also connected with projected fear of something. Terms such...

The Importance of Ethics in Different Fields

Bharat Reddy, M., & Jagannathame, A. (2019). Ethics in media: An overview. International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, 7(5), 1663-1674. Web. The article focuses on the importance and overall societal need of free media as a vehicle of disseminating objective and accurate information. The purpose of the paper is...

Ethan Lester’s Fraud in Financial Statements

Financial misconduct is a combination of the criminal trying to meet their needs match with their ability to steal money. Ethan Lester is a model CPA that deserves a promotion, according to a CEO. However, the man committed a theft of $50,000 to impress a woman. The crime was concealed...

Magnolia Grandiflora: Organism Profile

Summary The following paper is a profile of the Magnolia tree, and it addresses its background, origin, and biological attributes. It will examine the life cycle of the tree in addition to its reproductive system, and carry out a study on the plant’s evolutional history. Under evolution, it will focus...

Brand Overview and Analysis: The Heineken

Introduction Stage The Heineken brand is an example of a product that has gone through the product life cycle over the 140 years it has been on the market. Heineken was first produced and marketed in the year 1864 In Amsterdam under the brand name “Workman’s Ale”. This marked the...

Sports and Organizational Conflict: Articles Analysis

Kicking Sand in the Sandbox There are several sources of conflict that have been described in the article. The first source of conflict is that which exists between Bryant and O’Neal. The two have been great friends for some time but now envy is developing in their midst. On the...

The Importance of Information System Security

Introduction Information systems security remains a significant concern to many organizations since new risks arise as technology changes. To achieve security, organizations need to use proactive methods of identifying and managing these threats to information. Samimi (2020) states that “The concept of risk management also defines a codified process for...

Research Interview Types and Practical Usage

Interviews are an important element of research, which must be given a higher preference when choosing a data collection method. According to Hagan (2017), interviews refer to conversations in which one party, the interviewer, solicits responses from a second party, the interviewee, to gather information. Based on a critical review...

New Patterns of Corporate Power

The platform business model is the goal of many enterprises because it leads to monopolization. Companies strive to reduce costs and gain leadership positions in every way. The article by Rahman & Thelen (2019) presents market research and change over previous years and the challenges faced by the new management...

Glycolysis as a Biological Process

Glycolysis is a biological term used to describe reactions that extract energy from glucose by dividing it into two three-carbon molecules named pyruvates. It is an old metabolic pathway found in most living organisms (Chandel, 2021). The term glycolysis is derived from the root of two words, namely glycol, which...

“Christian Theology” by Millard J. Erickson

In the chapters of his book, Erikson critically examines the nature of Jesus Christ through a discussion of the most prominent theological trends and opinions. At the center of the analysis is the recognition of the historical significance of Jesus as a teacher and a man who managed, nevertheless, to...

Achieving a Goal: Fighting With the Things That Hold Us Back

Children are the most adventurous and curious people, yet their fears are very often inexplicable. Some are afraid of monsters, and others cannot fall asleep with their lights off. I was one of those kids, and while my fear was not necessarily irrational, it did take away from some of...

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Aspects of Money Management

Introduction Managing money, personal, family, or invested in a business is significant work in every person’s life. In some cases, managing personal finances causes difficulties and subsequent stress, negatively affecting psychological and financial well-being. For this reason, money management skills are of critical importance. This paper includes a review of...

Neurons Communication and the Action Potential

The neuron thrives in a fluid environment, extracellular fluid around it and intracellular fluid, cytoplasm, within it. Neuronal membranes play a crucial function in separating the two fluids as the signal that travels through the neuron requires them to be electrically distinct. The differential powers and movement in energy across...

Role of Memory in Modern Human Life

Memory is the capacity of the brain to retain and voluntarily restore information. It is an ability that allows people to recall events that have occurred, thoughts, feelings, concepts, and the relationship between them. Even though the hippocampus is most associated with memory, it is impossible to attribute memories to...

“Atlanta, Police Car Window” Review

The photograph “Atlanta, police car window” was taken in 1963 by a famous American New Journalism photographer, writer, and filmmaker, Danny Lyon, and was exhibited at the Chrysler Museum of Art. The medium that was used is Gelatin Silver print, and the dimensions are 13 in x 8 3/4 in;...

Mental Health When Working With Critical Patients

Introduction The provision of high-quality healthcare services during the pandemic is a critical initiative for guaranteeing the wellbeing of citizens while the needs of hospital employees are frequently neglected. The events of this nature are particularly seen in the area of mental health issues which are typical for personnel due...

Saudi Arabia and Internet Censorship

Introduction The Internet in Saudi Arabia is one of the most restricted, even though this country is among the economic giants thanks to oil. On platforms of sites in Saudi Arabia, propaganda of LGBT minorities and any information dedicated to the movement for their rights is prohibited. Also, the Arabian...

Analysis of the Audiovisual Ecosystem and the Strategies: Walt Disney

Background Audiovisual (AV) is a wide range of devices that transmit information by combining audio and visual media. The application of AV technology in business is what creates an audiovisual ecosystem. The AV includes slide tape presentations, television programs, cinema films, and digital smartboards. To capitalize on this technology, various...

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL): Aims, Priorities, and Actions

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) is a technology and premier nuclear knowledge firm and global leader in developing innovative applications and peaceful nuclear technology. The firm uses unique expertise in restoring and protecting the environment, advances clean energy technology, and its medical breakthroughs continue to enhance people’s health throughout the world...

Celebrating Social Work Month with Angelo McClain

The first episode of the assigned podcast was released during Social Work Month, was established almost 60 years ago and is dedicated to explaining the aims and importance of social work. The guest is the CEO of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW), Angelo McClain. The present paper analyzes...

The #NeverUseTheInternetAgain Campaign Analysis

The problem of the excess influence of social media on modern life is perhaps one of the most important issues of modern reality. Today is characterized by the active use of many digital platforms by people to satisfy the need for permanent content. The consumption of digital information is becoming...

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Fish Carcass Flours in Tapioca Cookies

The article is an experimental procedure to evaluate the various methods used to obtain flour from tilapia carcasses. The results of this experiment were obtained through multiple procedures, and many researchers contributed to the writing of this article. Some of the participants of this article includes; Maria Luiza Rodrigues de...

Discussion and Reflection: Moral Compass

Theories The first theory to discuss is the common good lens. This approach assumes that everyone has to contribute to life in the community, improving it through such things as empathy for others, compassion, and providing help, especially to the vulnerable ones. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (2021) states that...

Sociology of Families in the United States Today

Families are now defined as groups of individuals who commit to living together, forming an economic unit, and caring for any children, and who feel their identity to be inextricably linked to the group. People form kinship networks to help one other get the fundamental essentials of existence, such as...

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Introduction The ocean can be viewed as a renewable energy source used for various purposes. For this reason, much attention is devoted to investigating how to work with wave energy and ensure it is used for specific purposes. Advances in the given sphere will help to address nagging issues. More...

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Healthcare Errors, Risks, and Project Management

In healthcare, project management may be defined as an organizational process designed for the improvement of medical facilities’ functioning. It aims to facilitate current operations at resolving problems related to them, implement policies or regulations that may enhance health care delivery, and establish positive relationships between stakeholders (Gordon & Pollack,...

Social Epidemiology and Theory in Framing Public Health Work

Introduction Social epidemiology is a branch concerned with how society, institutions, and relationships between individuals, systems, and elements influence healthcare. It studies various determinants that affect the distribution and states of health in a populace, and societal influences constitute a significant part of that process (Krickeberg et al., 2019). Therefore,...

Prejudice and Discrimination Against Muslim Americans

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Epidemiology as a Medical Field

Human beings are unique creatures with many strengths but are prone to be affected by various diseases. The field of epidemiology can be defined as the study of health-related factors that can influence specific populations (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2018). Epidemiology explores causes of illness, disability, and...

Legal Modernisation of Colonial Algerian Courts

Legal modernization is a complex and multicomponent process with features in different countries. Algeria and Egypt are no exception, as the legislation of states was significantly changed under the influence of other cultures and the process of colonization. New state norms and institutions were created in both countries, directly impacting...

Thomas Theorem and Interpretation of Situations

Thomas Theorem is a sociological perspective that explains the way people perceive and interpret reality. The theorem states that “If individuals define situations as real, they are real in their consequences” (Bornmann & Marx, 2020; Sack, 2022). The main idea of this concept is that facts are not the same;...

Professionalism in Nursing and Education

Introduction Professionalism to me as a nursing student means providing quality care to patients while adhering to the ethical and legal standards of the nursing profession. It also means being able to work well with other members of the healthcare team to provide the best possible care for patients. Further,...

Environmental Impact of Genetically Modified Crop

Introduction In 1996, the commercial use of genetically modified (GM) crop production techniques had increasingly been accepted by many farmers. These crops primarily include canola, corn, soybeans, cotton, and cotton. It involved the use of genetic engineering, and two traits given to these crops by this technology are herbicide tolerance...

Aspects of Oncology Nursing Issue

Introduction In the research conducted by Özbaş et al. (2021), the topic of morality and ethics in oncology nurses was discussed. The study was published in 2021, meaning the research’s ethical subject is relevant. The research was found in a scholarly database and was published in a European Journal. The...

Signal Private Messenger Application Design

Introduction The research is vital for the technology field Many people registered with the app after the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic Many people joining the demonstrations during the COVID-19 pandemic downloaded the app due to its ability to secure their messages Methods Online surveys Personal experience with the application...

The “Legal Codes and Talking Trees” Book by Jagodinsky

Author Katrina Jagodinsky is a historian whose academic interests concentrate on American Indian studies and history, and the writer expresses her appreciation of Native authors’ nonfiction and fictional works.1 Jagodinsky’s scholarly contributions include her reports in such journals as American Indian Quarterly and Western Legal History.2 Thesis Katrina Jagodinsky’s Legal...

Relationships: Different Views on Gay Marriage

Gay marriage is a topical issue caused by different perceptions and understanding of human nature and interpersonal relations. The approaches towards gay marriage are liberal and conservative. Liberals and progressives suppose that the State should accept and permits gay marriage because of equal rights and freedoms granted to all individuals....

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The Play “Blood Relation” by Sharon Pollock

Introduction Blood relation is an epic play that revolves around the life of Lizzy Borden. Lizzy is perceived to have killed her parents in an unpredictable maze of circumstances that Pollock (the playwright) explains were beyond her (Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia 2). This paper analyzes blood relations by responding to its...

Management: Holistic Response to Client Issues

Holistic approach in responding to clients issues is fundamental in ensuring that one can help the client solve issues in a comprehensive manner. This paper seeks to summarise the holistic response to client issues. The Client/Worker Relationship This relationship starts with communication. Workers should be warm and genuine towards clients....

Inequalities in the Health Care Arena

Type of disparity in the U.S. healthcare system The United States is one of the countries in the world considered to be development conscious. The indicator by United Nations Human Development shows that the general health of the people within the US is satisfactory. This, however, has been discovered to...

Culturally Competent Organizations in Healthcare System

Introduction In healthcare settings, culturally competent organizations entail systems that have developed the capacity to not only provide care to patients with diverse cultural and racial values, beliefs, expectations and behaviors, but also to tailor or customize the delivery of care with the view to satisfactorily meeting the patients’ social,...

Standard 2: Early Childhood Professional Preparation

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“A Jury of Her Peers” a Story by Susan Glaspell

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Investigation the Value of Children

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Miami Community’s Health Strengths and Concerns

Community Resources The findings presented in the report are based on the information retrieved from a diverse range of sources. The primary destination of the inquiry was the information databases of the local, state, and federal scope. The most relevant community resource is the Miami Matters database, an intelligence platform...

The Effects of Climate on the Ways of Life

The current state of the environment is classified as disturbing. Various pieces of evidence prove that the climate change is a real problem facing the today’s society. While some officials still deny the existence of this problem, various weather disasters become more frequent each year, causing changes in people’s lives....

The Fire Code Concept in Albany

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Legal System in the “To Catch a Predator” TV Show

Abstract In this paper, attention is paid to the show To Catch a Predator and its impact on the way of how people understand various legal issues and practices. There are many concerns and discussions about the worth of the show as it promotes different interpretations of “bait” operations and...

Nightingale’s Nursing Theory and Millennium Goals

Introduction By far, one of the most famous people in the history of Nursing, Florence Nightingale, inspired a countless number of people, contributing to the fast-paced progress of nursing and the development of new strategies. Helping nurses build their experience and use it successfully to address patients’ problems, Florence Nightingale...

Intravenous Catheter Insertion Improvement

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Moreno Medical Center from Patient’s Perspective

Selected Incident Careful monitoring of patients’ condition is an integral task of medical staff. At the same time, nurses must monitor specific cases and provide appropriate care. The tasks of the management of medical institutions are to control the junior medical personnel’s activities and to prevent potential mistakes in work....

The Nursing Workplace Practice Changes

Secondary outcomes in clinical studies require re-evidence to advance change in clinical practice. As evidence-based practice is central to clinical practice, the nature of evidence determines the validity and practicability of decisions aimed at evolving change in the workplace. Costantino, Montano, and Casazza (2015) advise healthcare providers to differentiate between...

Freedom in “On Liberty” by John Stuart Mill

Introduction The philosophical work “On Liberty” was written by J. S. Mill in 1859. These are the times of democratic republics’ heyday on the eve of slavery abolition in the US. The main idea centers on the understanding of the concept of individual freedom and the definition of public interference...

Personal Responsibility in Society

Introduction Every human being has a role to play in life. Any role played by an individual may contribute to personal or societal growth. Individuals in the society have different levels of responsibility depending on the hierarchy of the social structure and individuals’ dependent on them (Brown 67). The following...