Population Aging: Benefits and Challenges

While longer life expectancy and more excellent health in later life are among the century’s shining successes in many parts of the world, these changes also pose significant challenges. Trends in longevity impact economic growth, employment, how families run, administrations’ and societies’ competence to deliver adequate services for older people,...

The “On Killing” Book by Dave Crossman

Introduction The book titled ‘On Killing: The psychological cost of learning to kill in war and society.’ by Dave Crossman explores the psychology of the killing art in society. The genre of the book is that it offers an illuminating account of how military personnel learn to kill and how...

Analysis of “Flight” and Flight Patterns by Sherman Alexis

The “Flight” is a novel written by Sherman Alexie about an American teenager who calls himself zits. Sherman wrote this novel from the first-person perspective of Native American youth. Zits is depicted as a foster child who has spent most of his life moving from house to house and contending...

Boeing Firm’s Risk Management Framework Enhancement

Identifying, addressing, and preventing risks observed in the global economic setting from occurring represents one of the main tasks of an organization. Being one of the globally renowned brands, Boeing has been quite successful in its approach to managing risks, mostly due to the incorporation of the contingency framework. However,...

Internal and External Validity in Quantitative Research

Summary Internal and external validity are significant factors in quantitative research and should always be considered before and during the experiment. The former is the level of control of the independent variable on the outcomes of the dependent variable (Cox, 2020). It implies that internal validity is responsible for the...

The Definition of Social Sciences

Introduction The reading response by Andrea McCarrick began by explaining the definition of social sciences through the summary of an article by Ian McLain. Social Sciences are the study of human beings in a society that explains the choices they make and their consequences (McLain, 2018). Next, an article, How...

Social Injustice: Eradication Strategies

The World Day of Social Justice is observed on February 20 with the goal of promoting peaceful and prosperous coexistence between and among countries. “If you want peace and growth, work for social justice” was the theme in the year 2019 (Tobin & Barrett, 2020). A healthy society is critical...

The Use of Websites by Transit Agencies

Online social media platforms offer a communication network between transit agencies and their customers. It can be an effective way to communicate with users and identify their needs as a step toward establishing a client-oriented approach (Hosseini et al., 2018). Federal Transit Administration has several web policies that transit agencies...

Analysis of Cults in Modern Society

Introduction Creating new radical groups is a common social and political activity in many countries today. In the United States, many militia groups develop their ideologies against the federal government to criticize the chosen techniques and policies and impose some threats related to public events (McCarthy, 2021). Some activities are...

The International Market Entry Requirements

International market entry (IME) presents various challenges that companies must overcome to overpower rivals and attract clients. A common aspect that can characterize thriving businesses is having a competitive advantage (CA), which global organizations obtain through acts of innovation that consider both domestic and foreign demands (“Essay 9”, no date)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reflection on “Inconvenient Indian” by Thomas King

Thomas King’s “Inconvenient Indian” explores the subject of native Americans and their lives in North America. The idea of “Dead Indians” and “Live Indians” is one of the critical topics King covers. These two concepts capture the experiences of indigenous peoples and how non-indigenous societies perceive and treat them. King...

International Business Negotiations

The success of negotiations depends on the specific skills and knowledge of a negotiator. Not only awareness of cultural peculiarities plays a crucial part, but also practical experience. Reasonable and goal-oriented use of negotiation strategies also requires particular personal characteristics, such as flexibility. Although this trait can help achieve favorable...

Dealing with Stress in Police Training

Introduction Police officers are trained to handle stressful situations in different ways, and the approach used in their training has been a topic of debate in the recent past. On the one hand, some people advocate for a supportive and collegiate-type police training academy that develops skills without creating artificial...

International and Domestic Market Research

Marketing research involves collecting, recording, analyzing, and interpreting data relevant to the desired business. Through empirical statistics, the entrepreneur can understand consumer behavior relative to the brand, demand, competitors, and other external factors affecting business. In her article, Shaw (2022) states that there is a significant difference between the domestic...

Legalizing Free Downloads Of Music And Movies

File sharing has had a profound impact on the economic gains of the various stakeholders in the music industry. The practice entails providing access and the distribution of information that has been stored digitally. This information could be multimedia (video or audio), computer programs, electronic books, or documents (Zentner, 2005,...

“A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift Literature Analysis

Written by Jonathan Swift (1729), “A Modest Proposal” is an essay with content based upon the lifestyle of Ireland, where the majority who were poor Roman Catholic Believers work as agricultural laborers and lessee farmers. The modes of payment were the produce, and the rates were excessively high for the...

Government Interventions and Information Technologies

Why does the U.S. government need to intervene in international trade by setting up the U.S. Commercial Service? Living in the realm of the 21st century means realizing that the question of the U.S. companies starting to export worldwide by using new information and communication technology is the question of...

Management of Organizational Stress: Positive or Negative?

The negative outcomes of organizational stress have been well documented in the literature, particularly in light of today’s business environment which necessitates organizations to raise the bar on employee productivity, effectiveness, and adaptation to change (Dale & Fox, 2008). I my view, however, the positive outcomes of organizational stress are...

“Manha de Carnaval” by Stam Getz

Introduction Manha de Carnaval is, perhaps, one of the most easily recognizable specimens of bossa nova. Featured in a movie, it was destined to become the staple of the genre. Nevertheless, Manha de Carnaval managed to evolve into a separate musical piece incorporating slow, mellow elements and the ones that...

The Tooth’s Response to the Caries Process

Dental caries is a bacterial infection that occurs on organic matter and hard tissues of the teeth such as the dentin, the enamel and the cementum leading to their demineralization which is as a result of the production of acids by the bacteria (Levine et al. 465). The acids accumulate...

Popular Research Paper Topics

United States Gross Domestic Product Growth in 2014

Several reports provide an indication that the US economy has been improving significantly since January 2014, providing hope to the millions of people and companies that have been affected by slowed growth rates since the end of the recession. In this article published in the New York Times, Cohen reports...

Globalization’ Positive and Negative Effects

A lot of attention is paid today to the process of globalization, but the general public often lacks understanding of this concept and its influence on the world. In general, globalization is expected to modernize communities and provide them with international recognition. Globalization is often characterized by the usage of...

Political Culture in Promoting National Development

Introduction Culture is the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior. It also includes language, taboos, ideas, beliefs, customs, rituals, codes, tools, techniques, works of arts, institutions, ceremonies, and other related components. In political terms, culture can be stated as a set of societal beliefs. It is simply what...

Medicaid Versus No Health Insurance

Medicaid is better than no insurance in terms of diagnostics In many ways, at the moment, the opinions on Medicaid became very radicalized. People sometimes claim that studies showed too little difference between treatment received by the people without any medical insurance and those with Medicaid. However, the intermediate results...

Employment Precarity and Household Well-Being

Introduction The authors of Its More than Poverty focus on how the state of employment has changed over time (Lewchuk et al. 12). Apparently, employers prefer using contracts that do not work with allowances or any form of benefits besides the basic wages. From the report, employment insecurity has become...

Organ Transplantation and Felicific Calculus

Introduction Contemporary society faces numerous moral issues. Organ transplantation is one of those topics that attract much attention of both professionals and the representatives of the general public. Different parties argue whether this medical procedure is the best option that should turn into a common practice or immoral action that...

Corruption in “Motives and Thoughts” by Lauren Hill

The poem “Motives and Thoughts” by Lauren Hill, discloses a distinctive way of life in many societies at present. It is evident that corruption is a significant meaning of the poem. The poet explains that corruption is a vice with deep roots in every human life, “While vice and corruption...

Chinese Immigrants’ Socio-Cultural Group

A Brief History of the Cultural/Socio-Cultural Group Chinese immigrants were first introduced as railroad builders in the American West. Due to an increased influx of Chinese immigrants, the Chinese Exclusion Act was issued in 1882 (Chinese Immigration and the Chinese Exclusion Acts, n.d.). It suspended the immigration of Chinese laborers...

Eliezer and His Father in “Night” by Eli Wiesel

In his book ‘Night’, author Eli Wiesel depicts several dynamics that affect the relationship between Elie and his father. The two characters are confined in a concentration camp during the Second World War after leaving their home in Siget. Like the other Jews in concentration camps, Eliezer (Elie) and his...

Transition in Terms of Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases have become rather widespread. They tend to alter lives dramatically. This paper aims to justify the use of “transition” in terms of chronic disease, give examples of disruptive life events, and consider how nurses could assist in facilitating its impact. Chronic Diseases and Their Impact It is acknowledged...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Leaves from a Slave’s Journal of Life” by Lewis Clarke

Type Although the story is narrated from the third-person perspective, the primary source chosen for the analysis can be defined as an autobiography since the events described in it occurred in the authors’ life as well. Title The autobiography was published under the title of Leaves from a Slave’s Journal...

Religion: “A Crusade for Compassion” by Douglas Todd

In my opinion, “crusade for compassion” is an article whose main aim is to feel the pain felt by other religions when attacked, by those who consider them as enemies. The word compassion, in this article, which is supposed to mean feeling sorry for others, is considered as making one...

The Media and Communication

Why are some media forms regulated by the government? Some media firms have contributed to several ethical concerns. These ethical concerns threaten to destroy the trust and responsibility among humanity. The consequences of these ethical concerns necessitated the establishment of several acts that would offer appropriate control and limitation in...

Observation on the Teacher and Students

The class starts when the teacher greets students and asks them to place their books on the desks. It is an English classroom where students learn how to concentrate and respond to comprehension. One of the teaching methods that the teacher applies is reading the comprehension loudly for the whole...

Effective Leadership Communication Guide

Goals and Objectives Organizational communication implies an interaction between people at different levels. Internal communication allows building the necessary group dynamics, which will be aimed at achieving company goals and objectives. Such a form of interaction involves the exchange of information that is needed for employees to perform their functions...

Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Address

Understanding rhetoric helps speakers deliver a message to the listeners in a practical way by grabbing the audience’s attention and affecting their emotions and rational reasoning. Stanford Commencement address given by Steve Jobs is an excellent example of a motivational speech that has a strong emotional effect on a wide...

Biomimicry: Innovations Inspired by Nature

Introduction The book Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature by Janine Benyus describes theoretical technological innovations that are inspired by nature and natural processes. The author argues that many of current technologies and attitudes are unsustainable (Benyus 13). She draws attention to specific current ecological problems, such as the increasing carbon...

Academic Achievement and College Admission

Making a decision in terms of college admissions has never been easy for the admissions committee – it is a complex process with many variables to consider. Universities and colleges pay attention to many aspects of future student applications in order to determine who will be admitted. The top decision...

Hospital-Acquired Infections and Handwashing Intervention

Introduction Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a prevalent cause of infection, disability, or death in hospitalized patients due to the presence of pathogens in healthcare settings. This results in decreased quality of care and negative outcomes. The PICOT statement for this project is: In ICU/post-op patients (P), what is the effect...

The Role of Microbes and Microbiology in Health

Introduction The moment of the scientific discovery of microorganisms allowed scientists to answer many questions about the origin of life and the processes of interaction of living beings. According to Appana (2018), “microbes play a critical role in the development of both physiological and anatomical features of the living organisms...

Obesity in African-American Women: Methodology

Introduction The problem of obesity in African-American women aged between 40 and 65 continues growing and challenging many nurses and public health workers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2017), approximately 56% of black women older than 20 are obese and required additional medical help to manage...

Shoes as an Aesthetic Object

Shoes can be seen as an authentic object as they reflect the cultural traditions and values of a particular nation, its artistic vision, and its experience. Understanding shoes as an authentic object leads to a distinctive view of the nature of the self which is a challenge to individualist rationalism,...

Food Habits and Dietary Practices: Honey as Food

Culture basically refers to people way of live and is dependent on the norms, values, attitudes, beliefs and cognitive mapping held by people. Societies values and belief systems determines what is acceptable as food and what is not considered as food in the society. Consideration here denotes the quality of...

‘Girl Powdering Her Neck’, Poem by Cathy Song and Painting by Kitagawa Utamaro

Introduction Every poem expresses a certain idea presented by the poet. It could be a personal thought or a story. Sometimes a poem describes a certain scene with certain events. In this case, the poet draws an image. Many poems have paintings to describe their events. The painting helps the...

Modern Racism Concepts and Types

Introduction While racism in society remains a historically painful subject, the gains that have been achieved over the past years even culminating in the first African-American president are huge. Obvious racist actions and remarks are nowadays not common and are only found in extreme cases. However, there still exists discrimination...

Budgetary Priorities and Public Policy Problems

Budgeting is the process of resource allocation to various sectors of the economy. It’s the selection of ends and the means to reach those ends within a country. Budgeting involves the division of resources between the public and private sectors as well as among competing needs and wants. Budgeting is...

Chris Ward’s “Stalin’s Russia” Book Summary

Ward’s work on Stalin’s Russia has seven chapters. Chapter 1 tries to explain the rise of Stalin. Chapter 2 focuses on the assessment of the industrialization campaign that happened between the years 1924 and 1941. Chapter 3 tries to capture the reasons for the collectivization drive that happened between the...

The Four Levels of the Multiverse by Max Tegmark

Introduction The document by Max Tegmark is an assertion that parallel universes by definition are not just imaginations but remain the domain of metaphysics. The discussion on the four levels of the multiverse is explicitly presented by Tegmark. These include level I – Beyond our Cosmic Universe, level II multiverse...

Tsimtsumt in Life of Pi: The Synthesis of the World Religions

Life of Pi by Yann Martel is an account on the adventures of a sixteen-year old Indian boy who spent 227 days with a Bengal tiger on the lifeboat. The narration also determines the religious searches of the protagonist Piscine Molitor Patel where he strives to find the essence of...

Analysis of Special Occasion Speeches

The purpose of the following paper is to critique special occasion speeches using the provided speech evaluation form. The evaluated speeches are presented in the form of video. Each of these two speeches will be evaluated separately. The first speech was made by Matthew McConaughey at the eighty-sixth Oscar Academy...

Shakespeare: “Romeo and Juliet”, the Development of Juliet as a Woman

The style of thinking, reasoning as well as acting changes with time during the process of development. Playwrights have resolved to address the changes or experiences that one encounters during his/her development. For instance, William Shakespeare in his Romeo and Juliet illustrates the process of development through Juliet, the hero...

Darabont’s “The Shawshank Redemption” and “American Graffiti” by Lucas

The two movies “The Shawshank Redemption” by Frank Darabont and “American Graffiti” by George Lucas are a great portrayal of the time they were set in. “American Graffiti” represents the culture of young people, who felt free and liberated. “The Shawshank Redemption” is a glimpse into prison life, limiting freedom...

The Activity of Citizens During Elections

The United States electoral system is highly variable, confusing, interesting, and old as America itself. Do such factors as election complexity and the day chosen for them affect voters’ presence? Although voter turnout among the American citizens has low ratings among developed democracies, and many voters are too busy to...

Socializing Agents and Personal Values

Social and personal values are critical to human development and ultimately influence behavior which, in turn, impacts society on a macro level. Values are provided by a variety of socializing agents such as family, school, religion, and cultural groups. However, sometimes values may clash and it is up to the...

Holding a Limited Amount of Inventory: Advantages for a Grocer

Introduction Having quality and quantities of stock at any one time is a competitive advantage mechanism in retail businesses. However, determination of adequate and appropriate inventory is problematic. There are constant changes in supplies and logistics; coupled by an ever changing consumer need, it makes the business world a constant...

Aromatherapy as a Treatment

Essential oils are considered to be the medicine for everything from headaches to depression; thus, not many bother to research the benefits and contraindications of aromatherapy, primarily to using it. Limited research on the effectiveness of aromatherapy and therapeutic use of essential oils; however, some empirical studies refer to benefiting...

The Mask You Live In (2015) Movie Review

The Mask You Live In exposed the strict gender roles which remain perverse in American society. A fascinating aspect in this thought-provoking documentary is the powerful articulation of the impact of the rigidly enforced expectations that gender roles place on young boys and girls in contemporary society and how these...

Geographic Classification of Ports

A port is a coast facility comprising of harbors. Among the different port types, neither serves best the interest of humanity other than the one that will provide efficiently the shore operations for a particular locality and populace. Ports are built to meet specific overriding need (s). According to Patrick,...

Senator Chris Dodd’s Finance Bill Key Points

Introduction The financial crisis that traces its way back to 2007 led to the collapse of large financial institutions and prompted national governments to bail out many from imminent collapse. The crisis affected other sectors of the economy like housing which led to the suffering caused by evictions and foreclosures....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ideal Experiment Design: Independent and Dependent Variables

Experiment Design According to this well-known saying, the accidental discovering and picking up a penny will result in a lucky day afterward. Thus, the discovery of a coin is an influential factor, and luck during the day is a consequence of this factor. In the experiment, an independent variable is...

Importance of Situation Awareness in Aviation

Introduction Situation awareness refers to the ability of a decision maker in a certain environment to perceive the status of any variables that will affect the decision he/she makes, and project their status after some time. These variables could be environmental aspects associated with space, time etcetera. The essence of...

Plantation Rules: Slave Labor Management as the Key for Production

Alexander Telfair was an American planter who lived before the Civil War, and the end of slavery. He owned Thorn Island cotton plantation in Savannah, Georgia, and left many papers now collected by the Georgia Historical Society, such as receipts, letters, deeds that show how the land was ruled. Thorn...

The Case Study. Controversies Surrounding Refecoxib

Executive Summary The case study about controversies surrounding refecoxib (Vioxx) reveals a number of unethical practices on the part of the firm’s leadership. The first mistake of the top managers of the firm was the decision to release a drug into the market without thoroughly checking its side effects. The...

“Pathogenic Organisms Associated With…” by Hedderwick

Abstract Healthcare workers should uphold cleanliness in the course of their work. Currently, artificial fingernails amongst healthcare workers are restricted in certain settings. The authors of this article carried out research work to determine the premise of this requirement. The article meets the criteria outlined for a scientific paper. This...

Economic Impacts of Global Ban on Tobacco

Tobacco is by far the drug that is highly consumed in the world (Abedian, 2000). The number of people who are using the substance is estimated to be over 1 billion individuals most of whom are located in developing countries (Abedian, 2000). This number has been rising drastically due to...

Reflective Account about the Scrub Placement

For this reflective account, I am going to be looking at the standards of proficiency number 13.1 which requires operating department practitioners to understand the anatomy and physiology of the human body, together with knowledge of health, diseases, disorders, and dysfunctions relevant to their profession (Health & Care Professions Council,...

Prostitution in the United States

Prostitution is a situation whereby a woman decides to practice underproductive sex to be paid in return (Prostitution is not a choice, n.d., para.1). People usually decide to become sexual objects to anyone who can pay them in return. Women are the highest placed victims of prostitution in the world....

Combat Edentulism Among Adults

A Management Program Edentulism is an oral health condition associated with partial or complete loss of teeth. According to medical experts, the problem is most prevalent among older adults from poor populations. As of 2010, over 158 million people suffered from edentulism in the world (Research in action, n.d). In...

Determining Health Care Costs

Introduction Scholarly writers often strive to be objective by eliminating personal bias in their publications. However, some of them fail in this regard. To demonstrate this fact, this paper analyzes the work of White, Reschovsky, and Bond (2014) in their peer-reviewed article titled, Understanding Differences between High- and Low-Price Hospitals:...

Sports Compliance Director’s Ethical Decision Making

I work as a sports compliance director at Elite High School. My role is to ensure that all the sporting activities within the school compound are run appropriately according to the policies governing sports. I also ensure that all the sporting facilities used for different games are well utilized appropriately...

Confidentiality Challenges in Social Field Education Experience

Effective communication is the cornerstone of social work, and it must be maintained throughout the practice. At the same time, it is related to another crucial concept, which is present in the field. Confidentiality is a vital principle to which responsible social workers adhere without any exceptions. It serves as...

Researching of Human Resource Management

Professional personnel is the main resource of a company, necessary for its prosperity. People are the main asset of any company that develops the business. Chapter five of Fundamentals of human resource management gives a full understanding of the fact that the success of a company depends on the quality...

The Position Concerning the Legalization of Marijuana

Both paragraphs argue in different ways for the position concerning the legalization of marijuana. Also, the positions of the paragraphs differ in the approaches to the analysis of this problem. The questions, claims, and evidence presented in both paragraphs are effective, however, do not cover the full range of the...

Cohen’s “The King of World We All Want” Speech

Introduction The article “The Kind of World We All Want: MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, WE CAN STOP THE GREATEST PROPAGANDA MACHINE IN HISTORY” is the speech of Sasha Baron Cohen, in which he addresses a highly disturbing issue of racism, hate, and bigotry. According to the actor, in the present day,...

How Physical Activity Affects Heart Rate

Introduction Physical activity is one of the critical components of people’s lives enabling individuals to remain healthy for a longer period. The heart rate of an exercising person is accelerating as muscles need more oxygen. Good health is associated with lower heart rate during exercise and longer endurance, which is...

Ectopic Pregnancy: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment

Ectopic pregnancy is a condition where the ovum, after getting fertilized in the fallopian tube, implants before it gets to the uterus cavity where it is supposed to implant normally. It can get attached to either the walls of the fallopian or cervix. Pregnancy should and can never grow anywhere...

The Importance of Healthy Communities

The community’s health depends not only on the residents’ genetics but also on the environment in which the residents are located. As such, a person’s health is dependent on the environment in which they live. Hence, a healthy community can be described as one in which residents have access to...

Slavery as a Part of America’s History

More than two centuries of American history were overshadowed by such a terrible phenomenon as slavery when people were divided into white and black. Many articles, films, and books focus on this period of U. S. life. One of the videos of A Biography of America produced by WGBH Boston...

The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist: Special Features of the Painting

The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist is an oil painting done by an Italian painter Caravaggio to depict the execution of John the Baptist. The painting, which measures 3.7 m by 5.2 m is located at St. John’s Co-Cathedral in Malta. Caravaggio...

World History: The Crusades, Humanism, and the Printing Press

A variety of events have shaped the social, cultural, and political dimensions of the world. The significance of most historical events is apparent to date, thus validating the study of history at all levels of education. The Crusades shaped the future of Christianity in Europe, humanism changed how people viewed...

Status and Life of the Samurai in Tokugawa Japan

Introduction The Tokugawa period in Japan was characterized by social class struggles and changes in their value and standard of living. Among the peoples of the Japanese feudal system, the samurai, who remained long at the center of military and political power, suffered the most. They were previously respected and...

Climate Change Prevention Improvements

Introduction Addressing environmental threats is a priority for all countries underpinned by international efforts coordinating activity. They are mainly presented by the organization of conferences, such as COP26, that are intended for making a global change for guaranteeing a safe future for new generations. Therefore, this paper aims to examine...

Business Analysis of SpaceX’s Missions

Introduction The business context of focus for this discussion is SpaceX’s strengths and weaknesses. According to Pandya (2017), the United States is SpaceX’s primary customer with 23 launches. The company has launched various spaceships in its different missions, including geostationary transfer orbits, communications and weather satellites, human remains ships, and...

The Endometriosis Fund of America’s Analysis

Sources of Revenue The Endometriosis Fund of America does not have a diversified source of revenue because there is no stable source of income. According to its Statement of Revenue, the majority of revenue is generated by gifts, grants, medical conferences, and fundraising events, while investment income is less than...

Discussing the Observation Approach and Its Methods

There are multiple approaches to exploring the world and the relationships between its components. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, while a certain research method suits only certain situations and is unsuitable for others. It is possible to combine naturalistic and laboratory approaches to the observation method with their...

The Reconstruction and the Civil War Impact on the US

Background The Civil War and the Reconstruction period had a significant impact on American society and the development of the political and social relationships within and out of the country. On the one hand, the first wave of globalization at the beginning of the 19th century shaped Western Europe and...

Rhetoric Analysis of Jack London’s “To Build a Fire”

Jack London – American writer of a realistic direction. The story To Build a Fire (1908) was written during Jack London’s creative heyday and published in the collection Lost Face. The description of the confrontation between man and nature in the harsh North requires a certain amount of naturalism, but...

Against the Death Penalty in the US

The U.S. assumes first place globally in many aspects, proving its unique and exclusive nature. However, certain elements are ethically biased, including the number of charged death sentences in the country. In contrast to other developed Western countries, America is the only democracy that does not abolish this penalty, and...

The Effects of Discrimination That LGBT Persons Encounter

Introduction The article selected for this proposal is number two in the UDHR. It deals with the issue of discrimination and prohibits harassing other people (United Nations 6). This problem is compelling to me because I know people who face inequality or prejudices daily. Current Knowledge Presently, I know that...

The “Leisure: The Basis of Culture” Book by Josef Pieper

Basic Knowledge The study of rhetoric and the philosophy of communication requires a command of various approaches, concepts, and theories. The notion of leisure is often overlooked in the contemporary world concerned with pressing social issues and more relevant problems. Josef Pieper revisits the importance of leisure for society in...

Effects of Food-Medication Interplay on Recovery

Introduction The impact of food or a nutrient on medication is known as a food-drug interaction. The absorption or metabolism of drugs can be changed by dietary nutrition. Individuals’ diets may affect how quickly or slowly their prescriptions work or even stop one from functioning altogether. Therefore, this essay examines...

The Garden Depot’s Use of the DMAIC Approach

DMAIC is one of the strategies used in management to improve business processes and manage them effectively. It was developed by Motorola company, and now it is a part of the Six Sigma management philosophy. It consists of several stages, including define, measure, analyze, improve, and control, that create its...

Christian History of Brazil From Global Perspective

Brazil has the world’s largest Catholic population, indicating Christianity’s importance in developing this country. The history of this religion’s emergence and development in Brazil is directly related to the European influence on this country. In this aspect, the characteristics of the spread of Christianity are similar to other countries of...

Nurses Burnouts: Self-Compassion in Nursing

Introduction Burnout syndrome is a state of emotional, mental, and physical exhaustion that develops as a result of chronic stress in the workplace; it is a psychological defense mechanism in the form of a complete or partial exclusion of emotions in response to selected psycho-traumatic effects. One of the first...

Love in Paintings and Photographs

Works depicting love can show a range of emotions and settings, presenting the different moments of romantic relationships to the audience. With some works showing great passion and sexuality, others focus on capturing small moments of tenderness and daily routine among people in love. As a result, each painting and...

Romantic Period: Music

Did you know that during Romantic Era, piano music was used to express emotions? Or that composers used to incorporate folk stories into music? Sounds interesting? Then, keep reading to learn more about early and late Romantic Period music! Romantic Period Music: Essay Introduction The 19th century marked a remarkable...

Glaciers Melting and Geological Misconceptions

The global warming and the melting of the glaciers on our planet has been one of the most discussed issues of the last several decades. The effects of the melting started to be noticeable and it began to worry the scientists. After many researches and measurements the geologists came up...

The Development of Communicative Skills

Abstract Problem-solving and creative activities are critical for improving the communicative skills of ESL students. These tasks prompt learners to develop such cognitive abilities as critical thinking, analysis, and formulating conclusions on the basis of evidence; in turn, these abilities enable learners to communicate more effectively. Furthermore, problem-solving and creative...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Food for the Working-class Americans

Factors that limited food choices for the working-class Americans in the 20th century Abigail Carroll’s approach in analyzing the history of food in the United States is intriguing. Carroll argues that money was critical in determining food choices among Americans. However, with the agricultural developments during the industrial revolution, work...

Night by Elie Wiesel – the Nazi Concentration Camps

Night illustrates the life of Elie Wiesel and his father in the Nazi concentration camps during the World War II (Rucco 3). In the concentration camps, they underwent through cruel and brutal situations. The situations affected and changed their relationship in a number of ways. After being taken to the...

Amanda Wingfield in Tennessee William’s “Glass Menagerie”

Amanda Wingfield is the protagonist of Tennessee William’s Glass Menagerie. She is the mother of the two other characters – Tom and Laura. She is a character with admirable qualities and her personality is beyond any sympathy. Her character is that of a dreamer who in the end turns a...

The Father’s Role in Parenting

The challenge of ensuring ample success of children in educational settings perhaps calls for ensuring richness in childcare. Following its research on the extent to which fathers involve themselves in the development of education of their children, Eric Development Team reveals how “Half of students mostly get A’s and enjoy...

“The Tempest” Performance by St. Louis Shakespeare

St. Louis Shakespeare performed a version of The Tempest using a period drama approach to the adaptation of the popular play. Acting and stage presence was the centerpiece of this theatrical performance. The main stage was then used for the majority of ongoing events in the play. The set consisted...

Who Work with Cancer Patients?

Abstract The journal for which the submission is proposed is the International Journal of Nursing Studies. The presented study tested the practice of asking nurses who work with cancer patients to regularly gather for open discussions of their stress-related issues and coping strategies. The proposed practice was tested in a...

The European Debt Crisis: Economic Analysis

The European debt crisis poses a significant challenge to the economic stability of the European Union. Since economic stability is the basis of the European Union, the economic crisis seems to threaten a robust relationship that exists among member states. Currently, the European debt crisis has revived the need for...

Screenwriting: Spike Lee and His Works

Abstract Screenwriting is art of writing scripts for films. Screenwriter is a very important person in the process of filmmaking. This paper studies the works of Spike Lee, a well known and appreciated African-American screenwriter, who also obtains the roles of a director, produces and actor. Spike Lee, the Screenwriter...

Asthma Management in Children and Education

Asthma is a common condition in children. Except for medication, treatment should involve other methods to manage the disease. Asthma management is important to maintain a high quality of life. However, the effectiveness of such control depends on the education of patients. The main goals of this paper are to...

LGBT Community in Chicago

Chicago is considered to be a major center for the LGBT community. The city has a long history of the movement, dating back to the early 1920s (De la Croix 5). Illinois is known for having been lenient with the community even when the country’s beliefs and opinions on the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Public Policy: Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

Introduction Policy refers to a proposed course of action taken by people in power in an attempt to achieve a certain objective. Amnesty for illegal immigrants is at the center of the American public policy since certain criteria have to be employed to assess the legality of granting a pardon...

Breastfeeding Quality Improvement Project

Tending to the needs of newborns represents a particular challenge for a nurse since the specified demographic is especially vulnerable to a vast variety of threats. Therefore, ensuring that the breastfeeding process remains consistent and that newborns are provided with a sufficient amount of nutrients during it are crucial steps....

Oncology Pain Qualitative and Quantitative Studies

Introduction Quantitative or qualitative approaches can be used to attain research objectives. Quantitative research appraises data to allow the generalization of the outcomes of a sample to a large population (Polit & Beck, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to compare information regarding the management of oncology pain as...

The Impact of the “Human Footprint” on World Ecology

Introduction Human beings and the natural environment make up a coupled system – one, in which both constituents are interdependent and integrated into each other’s development. In this way, any changes, such as excessive progress or unforeseen catastrophes, inevitably affect the other elements of the whole. Therefore, the complexity of...

Description of the Falling in Love

How would you describe falling in love for the first time? If you’re about to share your personal experience, check out our sample on falling in love essay! Get some inspiration for your paper with the help of our example essay about falling in love. Falling in Love: Essay Introduction ...

Government Program Termination in the USA

Why are government programs seldom terminated? Usually, if the evaluation of some program shows that its findings are negative, it is terminated. If it becomes known that there was some inefficiency or fraud, the same thing happens. And, of course, in the case of negative benefit-cost ratios, the program is...

Entrepreneur Characteristics and the Entrepreneurial Process of a Venture Idea

The entrepreneur (Is Todd the right guy? Does he have the right staff?) The case study shows that Todd has characteristics of entrepreneurs. Despite any negative action, the ability to keep trust and commitment to a certain idea is one of the key attributes of any entrepreneur (Gartner, Jennifer, and...

The Article “A Trail Across” by Tim Daniels

Environmental planning nowadays is crucial to ensuring the sustainable development of every country. In his article A Trail Across, Time Daniels analyzes the environmental planning in the United States, defining five periods of its formation. The activists of the Progressive era in the early XX century advocated for physical measures...

Leadership Trait Questionnaire and Reflection

My Experience with the Leadership Trait Questionnaire After completing the questionnaire, I found that my traits suggest that I would be an average leader. Despite not finding any of my traits to have a score lower than three, a lot of them returned very average results. I believe that my...

The Silk Road and Its Benefits to East and West

Between 300 BCE and 300 CE, the Han and Roman empires were hegemons of the opposite ends of the Eurasian continent (Tingor et al. 298). However, due to the considerable remoteness, they had rather scarce information about each other. Although the Romans expanded their holdings to the east and the...

Women and Natives in Colonial America

Introduction During the Colonial era of world history, Europeans explored other continents looking for new land, valuable resources, and trade opportunities. Contact between cultures from opposite sides of the globe changed the lives of millions of people and the course of world history. The Colombian exchange made a significant impact...

Theories and Quality Improvement in Nursing

What EBP Activities Have ARNPs in Your Area Spearheaded? The recognition of evidence-based practice (EBP) activities and competencies remain one of the main aspects of nursing education at different levels. Hande, Williams, Robbins, Kennedy, and Christenbery (2017) underline that evidence-based practice is usually characterized by certain challenges and warrants, and...

Consequences of Plagiarism: Punishments and Reduction of Plagiarism

Plagiarism, much like the phenomenon of ghostwriting, has evolved and expanded in popularity over the past few decades. Plagiarism involves stealing other people’s ideas without acknowledging the authors correctly. In the age of the prime value and importance of intellectual property, plagiarism is seemingly becoming a widely recognized disease of...

Positive and Negative Reinforcement

Introduction The question of how to make people behave correctly has always been significant for numerous scientists. Some of them believe that this result can be achieved with the help of punishment, while others consider the effectiveness of reinforcement. This term stands for those conditions, either internal or external, that...

Achilles and Hector in The Iliad by Homer: Comparison

Achilles and Hector are two heroic characters in Homer’s classic Iliad and both these fearless warriors display honour and virtue in their characters. The personal resolve, decisions, behaviour, valour and the commitment shown by these two act as the key to the development of the plot of the book. Both...

Bush Administration’s Aggressive Tactics Toward the Iraqis

Terrorism affects world peace and hinders the development of the relationship between nations. When one considers the war on terror in Iraq, the threat of terrorism is still critical. There is a real need for a complete reassessment of the war on terror in Iraq. According to Ron Suskind, there...

Increasing Physical Activity Among Church Members

Population and Setting. The study involved 889 participants from 303 churches in South Carolina. The participants were at least 18 years old and attended church services at least twice a month at baseline. Individuals (n=889) from 303 churches (170 immediate and 133 delayed) were trained. Theory (or theories) the Intervention...

Acting Out “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”

Cast of characters: Dorothy; Witch; Little Men; Narrator. Narrator: After a terrible cyclone, Dorothy woke up in her house turned upside down in some strange land. It was a country of marvelous beauty. Dorothy stood up to see the land. She went outside her home and began to look around....

Impact of Debt on United States’ Economy

Introduction The United States debt refers to money borrowed by the federal government to finance its local and international operations. This is in the form of securities issued by the treasury and other government agencies (Jeffrey 54). The United States debt consists of two components. The first component is public...

The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test: Controversies

Introduction The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) is one of those issues nowadays that evokes controversial responses from the public. Society is worried about the level of education the children receive as well as the amount of the rest they get along with a load of homework and tests. Moreover,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ethical, Moral and Legal Issues in Assisted Suicide

Introduction In nursing, nurses and practitioners play a significant role in providing care for patients at the end-of-life stage across various healthcare settings. Their role is to provide expert care throughout the continuum of life and towards the end of the patient’s life (Lachman, 2010). They manage the bio-psychosocial as...

“Woman with a Veil” (La Velata) by Raphael

One of the most prominent principles used in Woman with a Veil is balance. The composition of the painting is symmetrical, with the woman’s face being the focal point, and her figure and hands creating a vaguely triangular shape. This composition creates a sense of serenity. Another important principle that...

Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Concussion Initiative Evaluation

The study conducted by Kelly Sarmiento, Jane Mitchko, Cynthia Klein, and Sharon Wong on the evaluation of the Center for Disease and Prevention’s concussion initiative for high school coaches based on a tool kit. The researchers hypothesized that prolonged problems related to concussions might influence the perceptions, remembrance, understanding, verbal...

Stages of Life and Influence of Age in Healthcare

Life occurs in different stages from birth, childhood, teenagehood, youth, and adulthood, after which death occurs as the end of life. As people transition from one stage to another, they interact with the healthcare system to cater to their different health needs. In this process, individuals experience care differently. For...

Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission: Case Study

Neil Gorsuch and His Questionable Appointment In order for the Judicial branch to operate successfully, a strict hierarchy among courts must be in place. The Supreme Court was established through the Judiciary Act of 1789 as the head of all the other courts. Having the ultimate jurisdiction over all state...

How and Why Interest Rates Change Over

The title of this article is appropriate for the writing. Leimberg et al. (2000, p.1) enumerates on how the internal revenue code continually change the interests every month. The valuing process is always much detailed and together with frequent revision of interest rates monthly, and the change of life interests...

Nurse Turnover Quantitative & Qualitative Research

Introduction It should be noted that evidence-based care practices are fundamental to effective care. Qualitative and quantitative research is a tool for obtaining new medical data and results. In the context of this study, an analysis of nursing turnover associated with dissatisfaction with work processes due to stress is provided....

Thinking About Retirement: Perceptions of Retirement

Life expectancy is nowadays considerably higher than it was in the previous century thanks to the development of healthcare and society as such. Today the part of the elderly population has grown due to a decrease in fertility rates in developed countries. In the U.S., almost 15% of the population...

The Financial Environment in US Healthcare

Hospitals Hospitals in the United States typically follow either the non-profit or the for-profit model. As Dewar (2017), the debate regarding which system is better is ongoing with an inconclusive result. Each approach has both advantages and issues, both practical and potential. With that said, regardless of their model, hospitals...

Problems of Prisoners With Mental Illness

American criminal justice system is a controversial subject, and many of its aspects are issues of current interest. The United States has as much as 200,000 women incarcerated – the greatest number among the world’s countries – and the female prison population is steadily rising (Sawyer, 2015). Many of the...

Pediatric Nursing Overview and Analysis

At first, the nurse should mention that atraumatic care is supposed to minimize the physiological and psychological distress experienced by children and their parents (Perry, Hockenberry, Leonard, & Wilson, 2014). In particular, one should consider the impacts of hospitalization on families. Additionally, atraumatic techniques can help George and Martha overcome...

Conflict Management Issues

Husemann, K., Ladstaetter, F., & Leudicke, M. (2015). Conflict culture and conflict management in consumption companies. Psychology and Marketing, 32(3), 265-284. The selected study focuses on the investigation of conflict culture that emerges in consumption companies. The researchers assume that conflict management is an integral element in the functioning of...

Crisis Intervention of an Effective Social Worker

A crisis is an incident that causes an emotional distress that is very difficult to handle. Examples of crises include misunderstanding in relationships, passing on of loved ones, and unplanned pregnancy. A crisis has diverse characteristics, and among them includes existence of danger and opportunity, portrayal of complexity, and anxiety....

Status of Women and Impact on Health and Social Issues in Honduras

Status of women in Honduras ranks very low owing to gender inequality. In social, economic, and political aspects, women are in lower positions than men because cultural factors deny them the opportunity to participate actively in the society as their male counterparts. Culture, norms, and traditions have restricted roles that...

Review of “The Veldt” Story by Ray Bradbury

Like most of Ray Bradbury’s works, the story The Veldt is written in the fantasy genre. The plot develops in the most ordinary family of Hadleys: mother, father, and two children. They live in a modern smart house called “The Happylife Home” that does all the work for them (Bradbury...

Dentistry: Public Health and Clinical Health Care

Health care is one of the most important pillars of any society as it aims to improve the quality of human life and well-being. The institutions of public health and clinical health care, including those in the field of dentistry, are both designed to achieve this goal. However, their approaches...

Concepts and Skills in Modern Management

Know How Management Concepts Relate Expertise, Creative Thinking Skills, Motivation, and Creativity Creativity is the ability of an individual to generate original ideas and new perspectives on existing ideas and find new answers and solutions to problems. From the management viewpoint, it also demands that these ideas are useful and...

Clinical Reasoning in Nursing

Clinical reasoning is a critical practice in every medical practice. The practice focuses on the concerns, preferences, and clinical trajectories of different patients. Caregivers “should use clinical reasoning to form the best medical conclusions or decisions depending on the patients’ expectations and sensitivities to health interventions” (Banning, 2008, p. 179)....

The Bible as a Cultural Object

All people have a cultural object that shapes their behavior and social norms. The Bible is one of the world’s most influential cultural objects that posit fundamental roles in modeling individuals’ spiritual health. Ideally, it is a typical collection of historical events in ancient times held sacredly to the people...

National Competitiveness and Quality of Life

The competitiveness of a country is determined by the competitiveness of enterprises, industries, types of economic activity, clusters, municipalities, regions. However, the company’s competitiveness is affected by the national competitiveness in which it operates. Almost every sector of the economy contains the following five factors of competitiveness, including quality, price,...