Planned Parenthood as a Healthcare Research Topic

Introduction The topic of planned parenthood is an important issue that affects not only social but also healthcare aspects and involves a large number of stakeholders. Although education efforts are ongoing regularly, early pregnancy issues exist, which, in turn, entails a high percentage of abortions. In order to address this...

Philosophical Underpinnings Impacting Educational Practice

Introduction Educational theories concerns with the development process of the student or a child in any education curriculum. They are concern with student’s growth and changes that occur when they are in education institutions. The theories also focus on the impact of change and growth on their achievement on specific...

Copier Rehabilitation Facility’s Customer Service Issues

Introduction The Charleston Copier rehabilitation facility is affected by operational problems resulting from lack of regular time interval for the arrival of copier from distributors. The supply of the copiers to be rehabilitated is in abnormal quantities. Due to these reasons specific time and material planning cannot be undertaken by...

Symbolism in Herman Melville’s “Bartleby the Scrivener”

Herman Melville’s “Bartleby the Scrivener” is the story about a person, who made himself imprisoned in his office. The main theme of the essay is to show the life of most people in New York from the point of view of capitalism which took its development during the time when...

Historical and Political Causes of Structural Violence in Haiti

Structural violence is a word that was first used in the 1960s. Initially, structural violence denoted a type of violence that was practiced by a particular social structure that involved killing people slowly but gradually to prevent them from achieving their potential. This in essence means the destruction of essential...

Why People Work: Discussion

Individuals have different notions regarding work or employment. For many, it is a means to life and survival in society whereas others view it as an excuse to unleash one’s creativity and talent. From firefighters to urologists, from ushers to designers, each has their own views and opinions regarding their...

Wendy’s: Analysis of Building Marketing

Wendy’s in an international fast food restaurant chain and claims to be much better than other fast food places. The commercial shows that even in the height of recession, Wendy’s provide 3 varieties of economical burgers at less than a $1 apiece. The commercial was created by Wendy’s for selected...

Counterterrorism: International Cooperation of the United States

Several strategic partnerships have been forged between the US and a series of nations. Some of them emanate from the Middle Eastern region or other Asian countries that can be viewed as terrorist hubs. This is a step in the right direction because working with governments in such countries sends...

Readings on Slavery and Racial Segregation in the US

There are certain themes expressed in the readings that are too surprising to be true. Many years after slavery was abandoned, the black generation is still suffering its consequences. Despite the fact that some of the black parents have succeeded and are involved in high-profile jobs in the United States,...

The Role of Social Media in Activisms and Revolution

Introduction The role of the social media in the 21st century is of major concern to the mainstream media and social scientist alike. The social media arms people with means of connection in times of crisis. Citizens are able to engage with these tools to create awareness in the country...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Assessment and Management of Pain in Older People

Introduction Overturning barriers to pain relief in older people is an article written by D’Arcy. There are many myths, assumptions and attitudes about pain relieve especially in older people. In this article the writer’s aim is to make more clarification about all believes or myths. The writer discusses some of...

Universal Healthcare for All in America

There are many ideas aimed at improving the overall health and well-being of Americans. One of them is to create a universal healthcare system, which would provide accessible medical services to all Americans. If the resources of the country are distributed wisely and the quality of services is maintained, universal...

Comparison Between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution

Authors use animal characters to bring out themes that affect people in their daily life. The exploit of familiar objects or animals helps readers to understand the ideas that a writer wishes to put across. One of the authors that have used animals is George Orwell, in his novel titled...

Post-Natal Depression as an Affective Disorder

Postpartum or post-natal depression (PPD) is a serious issue that can potentially be destructive to both infant and mother (Leahy‐Warren, McCarthy, & Corcoran, 2012). The prevalence in the community constitutes around 10-15% (Leahy‐Warren et al., 2012). Given the fragile psychological state of a new mother, there is a necessity for...

Company Policy on Cell Phone Usage and Driving

Introduction The use of cell phones while driving escalates the risk of harming other motorists and pedestrians due to distracted driving. For instance, sending a text message when driving increases the car crash risk by 23 times (Carroll et al. 289). A study indicated that the accident severity increased to...

Corporate Management: Tactical Planning vs. Strategic Planning

Understanding differences between tactical and strategic planning in an organizational context is critical for the effective management of resources and the development of a competitive advantage. As a rule, tactical planning offers strategies for meeting short-term goals and emergent issues, whereas strategic planning leads to the creation of long-term strategies....

Ford Motor Company’s Present Stock Value

Trend of Ford shares for the last five years is shown below. Based on the trend of the graph below, I will state that the stock price was fairly stable with little fluctuations except during the period of the financial crisis. From the trend shown below, I will state that...

Examples of CRS Undertaken by Starbuck Corporation

Although organizations aim at making a profit, there is a need for them to act and do business in a way that accounts for the societal as well as environmental impact shaped by the business, this concept has been dubbed corporate social responsibility. There are several examples of CRS undertaken...

Social Determinates of Health

Introduction People suffer many different health or mental issues, and most of the time, the main reason is some outside sources. Although it is true, there are also such aspects as Social Determinates that influence health positively and negatively. One such factor is a family whose problems affect the lives...

Musical Elements in “Over the Rainbow” by Art Tatum

Music is believed to be the art, which may tell a story, create a mood, or evoke certain thoughts and emotions in a listener. The musical elements, such as pitch, tempo, pauses, acceleration, and other characteristics of the melody, play an important role in reaching and influencing listeners. In this...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Modern-Day Influencers and Thinkers in Strategic Hospitality Management

Hospitality is a continuously growing industry, which only recreantly reached its peak. Such phenomena as democratization and mass tourism considerably propelled it (Vainikka, 2015). Thus, new processes, methods, and theoretical frameworks are applied in the industry, including strategic management, which has accumulated a considerable body of literature (Köseoglu et al.,...

The Secret of Bacteria’s Immune System

The Science Daily published on November. 13, 2010 report about the secret of bacteria’s immune system that a team of researchers from the University of Laval unlocked (Science Daily Staff 3). The group was apparently led by Prof Sylvain Moineau of the Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Bioinformatics. The publication...

Public Health Campaign on Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Teenagers

Abstract Sexually transmitted infections account for high numbers of deaths and infections among the youth. A safe sex campaign can be an important initiative to reduce sexually transmitted infections. This essay discusses unprotected sex among teenagers as a public health issue that promulgates the spread of STDs. A large number...

Capital Budgeting Analysis for Trinity Hospital

Capital budgeting analysis addresses the predicament of strategic long-standing investment decisions. It entails analyzing, evaluating and deciding whether resources should be allocated to a venture or not. In addition, it analyzes costs and benefits associated with potential investment expenditure (Pamela & Frank, 2002). This work will attempt to carry out...

Aspects of Global Climate Change

At the beginning of the speech, on the basis of the three articles he has read, Clinton mentions such facts about climate change as the possibility to measure and increase the level of greenhouse gases (methane and carbon dioxide), the past climate change during the last ice age (that was...

Ebola Campaign Implementation in Sierra Leone

The health belief model (HBM) would outline the main framework for implementing the public health campaign. It posits that most people would adopt health-promoting behaviors if they perceive the cost of noncompliance to be higher than the cost of compliance (Westmaas, Gil-Rivas, & Silver, 2014). If we extrapolate this concept...

Contact Dermatitis Versus Atopic Dermatitis

A disease is any abnormal condition of the body usually caused by alien pathogens or viral infections. In other words, disease is any condition that tends to affect the normal functioning of the body. Contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis are both infections related to skin disorders. They also have almost...

Internet-of-Things in the Military and Its Feasibility

Introduction The Internet of Military Things (IoMT) is a unique form of technology under the Internet-of-Things (IoT) framework applied in the execution of military operations. The IoMT has wide application in advanced combat operations and intelligence-oriented warfare processes (Suri et al., 2016). A majority of the highly advanced military units...

Overview and Analysis of Nursing Theory

Introduction A theory is a concept or a group of related concepts that guides the nursing practice by proposing potential actions to be taken. According to Kerlinger, a theory is “a set of interrelated concepts that give a systematic view of a phenomenon especially an observable event or act that...

Trust and Relationships in Contemporary American Cinema

Most American films, to one degree or another, develop the theme of relationships between people. Some filmmakers make it their key focus, problematizing these relationships with an element of lack of commitment. Honesty and loyalty in human relationships are clearly called into question in the comparison of several American films....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Concept of Identification of Potential Risks of Project X

Introduction Risk identification on a project is an important process in Identifying threats or opportunities a project is likely to encounter while in progress. The risk identification on a project usually focuses on eliminating or reducing the chances of a threat whilst raising the likelihood and impact of an opportunity....

Communication Strategies for Virtual Teams

Introduction The COVID-19 forced drastic changes on many companies, which had to close down offices and allocate their staff to work from home. This practice significantly affected the effectiveness of communication strategies and team cohesion. Working from home puts additional obstacles between managers and workers, creating a sense of isolation...

Drug Addiction Treatment & Benchmark Program

Drug addiction is an illness that has no easy cure but instead requires in-depth research to take into account various therapy factors. The drug addiction treatment and psychological health program offered by the Promises Clinic has the focus mentioned above. According to the facility’s main web page, Promises is the...

Cultural Humanism and Exclusion

Frantz Fanon’s chapter titled ‘On National Culture’, from his book ‘The Wretched of the Earth’ relays the ways in which colonization created a distinctly dehumanizing effect on the colonized individuals and societies. Fanon coined the term, ‘colonized intellectuals’, which may seem slightly outdated but illustrates a class of cultured individuals...

Advertising: Impact on the Contemporary Society

Berger turns to the contemporary world, focusing on advertising, or “publicity pictures.” These pictures surround us more intensively than any image in history. “Clients do not always take in all of the commercials people see; designers pass them by, they pass us by” (Berger, 2012). Nevertheless, at least temporarily, every...

Eating Disorders: “Out of Control?” by Claes et al.

Study summary A study was carried out to investigate variations between restrictive and bingeing/ purging eating disorders. Claes et al. (2012) assessed the two types of inhibition, executive and reactive inhibition, using personality and neuropsychological examinations. Executive adaptations are top-down approaches that help a person gain control of their eating...

The Factors Complexity in The Fall of the Roman Empire – Was It Inevitable?

Introduction The Roman Empire is a post-republican phase in the development of the ancient Roman statehood, a characteristic feature of an autocratic form of government and large territorial possessions in Europe and the Mediterranean. The chronological framework of the existence of the Roman Empire covers the period from the reign...

Understanding of the Leadership Process

Background Leadership can be defined, essentially, as a type of management interaction based on the most effective combination of various sources of power for a given situation. In any case present, leader’s actions should be aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals. It follows from this definition that leadership...

The Theoretical Origin of the Concept of Racism

In 1964, an important accomplishment was achieved in the struggle of the black population of America for their rights; the US Congress finally passed the Civil Rights Act, formally prohibiting racial discrimination. However, in the minds of ordinary people, these changes took much longer, and the film In the Heat...

Gun Violence as the Social Justice Issue

Nowadays, people have often faced the manifestation of different social justice issues. One may distinguish many problems. However, one may divide them into two categories. The first category includes international problems related to climate, wars, refugees, and so on. The second one is characterized by internal social justice issues of...

The Neolithic Era: Architecture and Agriculture

The Neolithic era occurred at the end of the stone age and was responsible for several significant changes in the course of human history. Serious improvements were made in social structure, agriculture, architecture, and culture. The change from being hunter-gatherers to farmers and harvesters was so important, that the Neolithic...

Digital Marketing Activities to Sell High-Involvement Products

The consumer decision-making process can be broken down into five stages. For organizations selling high-engagement products, these processes are more pronounced (Chaffey and Smith, 2017). The first stage involves recognizing the need for a purchase, and it is entirely based on the buyer’s wishes. For example, constant image advertisements for...

Being Multilingual Provides Numerous Advantages

Foreign language proficiency has an enormous number of advantages, from memory improvement to confidence in conversations with foreigners. It is a useful tool, which can be helpful for every person. In addition, it is important to understand that language skills are needed almost everywhere nowadays. Even if the person does...

Islamic Perceptions of the Crusade

Introduction The crusades are known throughout history for shaping the relationship between the Islamic and Christian religions. The target regions for the crusade were mainly the Islamic regions of the Mediterranean Basin, creating civil and religious wars for over two hundred years. Various Muslim scholars have written the crusade accounts...

Levine Children’s Hospital’s Work

Atrium Health. (2021). Levine Children’s Hospital. Web. Currency (C). Although the considered page does not indicate the date of its creation, there is evidence for suggestions about its recent update in 2021. The page contains the COVID Safety update, which shows an update not much time ago (Atrium Health, 2021)....

Analysis of “The Material Culture of Lived Religion” Article

In a journal article, The Material Culture of Lived Religion: Visuality and Embodiment, David Morgan refers to the idea that religion is not exclusively a material phenomenon. Accordingly, his reasoning is linked to a concept that it involves all five human senses as well as abstract concepts, such as behavior,...

Video Game Loot Boxes and Gambling

Video games have evolved from simple single-player games for enjoyment into more competitive multiplayer games, with game developers finding a way to gain more profits from their projects. The introduction of loot boxes is now popular among many modern games, mobile or console. The idea is that by purchasing these...

Scriptural Authority and Theological Interpretation

Scriptural authority and theological interpretation are two distinct and different topics. According to Entwistle (2021), scripture is incredibly authoritative, and those who do this place their views on the same level of authority as scripture itself. Theological interpretation takes precedence over psychological interpretation, which a person may have, and a...

Stance Against Communist Russia After World War I

Cold War issues remain relevant to contemporary geopolitical relations between the US, Russia, and Europe. It is a complex topic involving the economy, military operations, and a robust ideological machine that operated both in the USA and the USSR. The Cold War is the heritage of the end of World...

A Business That Is Benefitting or Harming Society

Introduction A business refers to generating money by buying and selling goods and services. In addition, a business also means a process through which people eke out a living. Any form of lawful enterprise or activity is tailored to generate profits. Most people start a business that has separate names...

Dynamic Complexity and 2008 Financial Crisis

Introduction Complexity refers to a topic that many individuals intuitively comprehend. If more requirements or components are added, a system automatically becomes more complex. In the digital era, as internationalization and technology advances establish an ever-evolving world at a rapid pace, it is difficult not to see the effects of...

The Liberal Arts Lenses and Their Applications

The liberal arts are intended to facilitate the development of general intellectual capacities. The first of its subjects is the social sciences, which are academic disciplines that focus on the assessment of human mannerisms as members of society and the interaction between individuals and groups in any given context (Garcia,...

The Pietro Company: Capital Expenditure

Capital budgeting is essential when evaluating a project as it helps determine the viable investment opportunity. Investors ought to have project appraisers and financial analysts who can help analyze the project’s viability. Some of the financial techniques used when evaluating the profitability of an investment comprise net present value, payback...

Good Leadership and Communication Components

Introduction In any business setting, leaders should be able to communicate with the people around them effectively. They can empower their workers to have good expression skills and increase their leadership understanding through communication. Additionally, it is known that good communication is an essential non-technical skill that each good leader...

Kanuri Culture and Nigerian Business Practices

African countries harbor a myriad of vast cultures whose exclusive aspects transform and define their nations. Nigeria is a country in West Africa with a one-of-a-kind collection of ethnic groups, business practices, and languages. The Kanuri culture, in particular, is a dominant culture occupying the country’s North-Eastern region. Nigerians have...

Apathy, the Silent Killer – True or False?

Introduction In light of the plague of the 21st century – stress – apathy deserves special attention. Frequently being only a temporal state, it skillfully disguises the actual dangers that come with a chronic apathetic condition. Firstly, it attacks the sense of personal identity and affects the person’s mental health....

The Time Warner Cable and Dish Network Merger

Introduction Understanding what constitutes a market and what features characterize a market structure is the first step in any market analysis. A market’s qualities that influence the actions and outcomes of the businesses operating within are referred to as a market structure. This essay examines industry concentration and provides recommendations...

The PayPal Website’s Compliance With Standards

Introduction Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is becoming increasingly important in today’s world as more and more people of different ages, backgrounds, and experiences use applications in their daily lives. This is especially true for mobile payment services, for which a direct correlation between high-quality HCI and trust levels has been proven...

Evidence-Based Practice in Healthcare Organizations

Keeping track of different organizations’ approaches to implementing evidence-based practice (EBP) is essential to summarize the role of EBP in service provision. Cleveland Clinic is a healthcare body that received a GHA accreditation with excellence as a medical travel destination almost five years ago, and its website was reviewed as...

Kids of Helicopter Parents Are Sputtering Out by Lythcott-Haims

In the article “Kids of Helicopter Parents Are Sputtering Out” by Julie Lythcott-Haims, she talks about how parents instruct their children on what to do from when they are little to university students. She narrates how a child’s father would have divorced her mother if she had not specialized and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Leasing vs. Buying a Car: Math & Critical Thinking

Often, the buyer is faced with a difficult question as to whether to buy a car or lease it. On the one hand, among the positive features of leasing, one can single out relatively lower investments. In addition, leasing allows you to drive a vehicle that people cannot buy due...

The Eco-Friendly Automobile Debut

The American motorbike business is booming due to recent growth and diversification into the car industry. The media attention is causing the car industry to make changes and improvements to help it progress toward a better and more ecologically responsible future to combat air pollution (Basavaradder et al., 2018). The...

Falls in the Elderly Population: PICOT (Nursing) Question

PICOT Question In elderly patients (P) who are at risk for falls (I), what is the effect of implementing a multifactorial fall prevention program (I) compared to the current standard of care (C) in reducing the incidence of falls (O) over a period of 6 months (T)? PICOT Problem Falls...

Sethe’s Difficulties in “Beloved” by Tony Morrison

Introduction The literature on such a critical issue as slavery is of particular value for study and analysis. The significance of these sources lies in the fact that they provide an opportunity to understand better and realize the challenges that people had to go through. The book by Tony Morrison...

Security Studies in Historical and Contemporary Context

In contemporary society, security is a vital and pervasive concern. Therefore, the need to discuss the field of security studies arises. This discipline delves into the concept of security and the actors responsible for providing it. This essay aims to broadly overview the main topics that concern the subject and...

Internal Self and External Self

The way people are seen by others is likely to differ from how each person views themselves. Nabigon (2006) proposes that an individual can be characterized by two aspects, which are their external (ES) and inner (IS) selves. The word “persona” can be used to describe the former, and ES...

Health Promotion: A Patient Case

The purpose of this assignment is to examine a patient case of a middle-aged man with multiple health issues due to poor lifestyle choices in relation to Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) model. Three strategies will be discussed to assist the patient based on EBP: providing education and evidence-based information, assessing and...

Family Communication Influenced by Technology

The article “Influence of technology usage on family communication patterns and functioning” by Ashwini Tadpatrikar et al., examines the degree of influence of technology and family communication and identifies current patterns of family activities. As part of the study, a literature review was conducted on the relationship between technology and...

The Evolution of Perspectives on Indigenous Peoples

Subject of the Paper Savage, primitive and tribal: Labels and the evolution of perspectives on indigenous people. Benefits of Writing About This Topic The events of the past created many systemic barriers and difficulties for indigenous peoples, which are still serious problems. I aspire to live in a society built...

Christianity and Islam: Their History and Interactions

Origins The monotheistic meaning of religion is to worship one God while rejecting other gods’ existence, and Christianity and Islam easily fulfill this description. Both religions were founded in the Middle East and have a common origin. Christians believe that more than 2000 years ago, in Bethlehem, in the Middle...

Patient’s Violence and the Use of Doctor Force – Medical Ethics

During the administration of medical care, there is always a struggle especially if the patient is a child whether to use force or not when the kid becomes violent during the treatment. The case of Mathilda, the young girl taken for treatment by both of her parents, shows how treatment...

India’s Booming Smartphone Market

The article under consideration, “India’s Booming Smartphone Market” by Sean Mclain (2015), provides information concerning the development of the smartphone market in India while pointing out the tendencies that are bound to cause the increase in the product demand in the region. Description of the Article The article describes the...

Chest Pain: Angina or Acute Coronary Syndrome?

Differential Diagnoses The chief complaint of a 45-year-old MR is a two hour left lower and mid-chest pain radiating to the back. The initial differential diagnoses include: Angina pectoris, unspecified (I20.9) is a frequent type of chest pain that is caused by reduced blood flow to the heart. This disease...

Dell Company’s Supply Chain Management Strategy

Effective supply chain management (SCM) ensures customers get a better value from the business. SCM entails the integration of structures and processes in the supply chain ensuring an effective and efficient flow of goods, services, and information necessary to provide the value demanded by customers (Sridharan, Caines & Patterson, 2005)....

Game Zone Company’s Market Characteristics

Please identify at least 6 competitive factors (factors that consumers consider in making their buying decision). Add-on from multi-media is a major competitive factor that enables game console to perform varied functions like an entertainment box. It can act as Mp3 player, plays high definition (HD) video disks, CD player,...

Neural, Symbolic and Connectionism Learning Models

Neural Network Models In my opinion, neural network models have the potential to become an artificial intelligence that would think like a human. Certainly, it will not be observed in the near future, as there are some obstacles that need to be overcome in order to make such a computer....

Psychosocial Interventions in Family Nursing Practice

Peer-reviewed scholarly articles are regarded as an important instrument to expand the knowledge of researchers and inform scientists about the recent events. It is stated that the quality of articles is an important factor in evaluating knowledge generation at the global level (Ahmadi, & Soori, 2015). The following paper deals...

Health Indicators Analysis

Key Indicators While all key indicators of health may be correlated with some issues in a community, three of them can be outlined as the most pressing problems: The first concern is linked to mental health, in which Healthy People 2020 (2017) includes adolescents with major depressive disorders and high...

Advocacy Strategy for Mental Health: Community Awareness

Introduction: Definition and Explanation The modern healthcare environment has experienced significant changes over the past few years. However, some concerns remain unresolved due to the lack of awareness within the global community, mental health issues being one of the key concerns nowadays (Townsend & Morgan, 2017). The current policy toward...

Community Health Assessment: Obtaining Data

Type of Data A community health assessment can be conducted using different types of data. Primary data is needed to obtain first-hand information that is not biased by the perception of other people. It can be gathered with the help of observations and interviews. Secondary data can be advantageous as...

Socioeconomic Health Determinants in a Concept Map

Figure 1 demonstrates an example of a concept map for the socioeconomic determinants of health (SEDH), which is based on the information from the Healthy People 2020 project (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion [ODPHP], 2014). The map attempts to demonstrate the fact that there are complex interrelations between...

Cross-Cultural Healthcare and Its Implications

Introduction There has been growing awareness among many healthcare providers on the issue of culture and the need for health providers to develop appropriate skills necessary to respond to the diverse health needs of the society. Cultural backgrounds of clients and demographic changes have become some of the areas of...

Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology

Difference between generalized and focal brain disorders Basically, general brain disorders are those that affect the entire part of the brain. Focal brain disorder affects a specific part of the brain due to minor injuries. For instance, when one is injured with a bullet, the damage may be confined in...

Role-Play Counseling: Skills and Stages

Stages of counseling The first step in counseling is problem identification, which is also referred to as social anxiety scenario. In this stage, the issue should be acknowledged and be explained in detail. Moreover, the needs of the client ought to be understood. Identified skills used The skills that should...

Project Risk Management: Prioritizing Risks

Compare and contrast quantitative versus qualitative analysis and discuss two situations that warrant only the use of qualitative analysis. Defining the severity of a risk is essential for enhancing the project viability and addressing the possible issues in a timely and efficient fashion. Consequently, the application of the appropriate risk...

Hot Topic Retail Company’s Success Factors

What makes Hot Topic so successful as a retailer? What makes them so popular with their employees? How can they keep their success going? Hot Topic is an outstanding example of how a unique corporate culture could cultivate satisfaction among employees and promote the companys success. Several aspects make Hot...

Definition of Joy: Venturing Into the Depth of the Self

Introduction: Joy as the Desired State of Mind Being happy and content is what most people desire unconsciously. Although experiencing joy is a deeply personal emotion that is unique for every individual, there are certain similarities in the way in which different people perceive the phenomenon and define it. For...

Primary and Team Nursing Models in Practice

The model of nursing care The observed model of nursing practice is primary nursing that was used in the practice setting. The identification of this particular model was possible due to the observed patterns of practice the nurses utilized. Every patient was assigned a nurse practitioner who was entirely responsible...

Preventing Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection

Methods Study Design This study was conducted using a quasi-experimental design. The qualitative data derived from the academic literature was used to develop several interventions to be tested. The five studies reviewed in the scope of this research suggest two different approaches to reducing CLABSI among patients: by either providing...

The Influence of Reading on Our Life

Reading of great books has, all through the ages, been recognized as the most powerful contributor to the development of an individual’s personality. The great thinkers and the philosophers of the world have often identified the role of good books as an influential reformer of personal life and attitude. One...

Revenge in Wuthering Heights

Since its release, Wuthering Heights has been a subject of criticism for many. The only novel by Emily Jane Bronte, written in 1847, has been put under the spotlight due to its doubtful theme, which is revenge and its causes in people’s lives. The author smartly narrates the story about...

“Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom

Introduction The need for guidance in life is something that people rarely admit, especially when they reach a mature age. The loss of such guidance could explain the fact that people do not appreciate the little things in life that they used to enjoy before facing real-life obstacles. “Tuesdays with...

Petersen’s “Air Force One” and Reed’s “Down With Love”: Comparison

Air Force One Director: Wolfgang Petersen Release Date: 1997 Lead Actors: Harrison Ford, Dean Stockwell, Gary Oldman, and Glenn Close Plot: The president of the United States is en route to Miami, Florida after a state visit to the former Soviet Union to celebrate the capture of Khazak military dictator...

Effect of Attentional Focus on Premotor and Motor Components of Reaction Time

Motor skills play a vital role in everyday activities that involve the movement of legs, arms, and the entire body, which can be grouped as gross and fine motor skills. Examples of gross motor skills include walking, running, jumping, and crawling. On the other hand, fine motor skills include writing,...

US Military Overseas Commitments

Introduction North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is a military alliance which was formed by the signing of the North Atlantic Treaty in the year 1949. NATO headquarters are located in a Belgium city known as Brussels. The association practices a system known as collective defense, whereby its member countries agree...

The Significance of the Ethical Pillars of Jainism

The non-Vedic native Jainism religion has an origination in India and Mahavira is the most prominent tutor of the doctrine of this religion. The main belief of the religion is that Universe is forever it is not affected by time, there is no commencement or an end and it is...

Empires History in Different Periods of Plague History

World history knows the examples of lots of empires, which shocked by their magnificence, and either were ruined by other empires, or the time came for their lost form the map of the world. There is the division of the empires according to the time of their existence: early and...

Disruptive Technological Innovations in the Business World

In the business world, the main objective of technology innovations is to ensure that there is the generation of new companies, and increment of assets and shareholders returns. This research paper will be focusing on innovation and organizational change, and disruptive technologies. Innovation and organizational change entail several activities which...

Whistleblowing: The Ford Company Case

The corporate social responsibility in organizations brings about the aspect of ethics especially when it concerns the safety standards of the products being released to the customers for consumption. The case of Pinto in Ford Company gives a situation where the company failed to observe its moral obligation of ensuring...

How Did the Collapse of Communism Transform Eastern Europe?

Introduction – collapse of communism in 1989 The end of communism in the Eastern Europe was market by the memorable year of 1989. The event definitively set in new democratic form of government in the region in Poland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary by the end of 19889, however, the communist...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Quality Staffing for Success of Company

Introduction Production of high quality products is the aim of all companies that seek to satisfy their customers, putting in mind that the customers always pay attention to high quality products for purchase. Therefore, for any company to survive in the market, quality must be addressed sufficiently and adequately. Many...

New Products: Windows 7 and ABS Avalanche Airbag

Windows 7 This software is neither a new product in the market nor is it a new product line but is an upgraded version of the existing software offered that was introduced earlier in the market by the Microsoft Corporation. This is because it is computer Operating System software, and...

Some of the Problems that Parents Face Today

Parenting is an onerous responsibility that requires resilience, commitment and above all optimum dedication. Contemporary parenting is even more challenging owing to the changing civilization alongside the new emerging trends on family values and practices. To refer parenting role as merely providing for the material needs is an understatement. On...

Prior’s War Neurosis in The Ghost Road by Pat Barker

It often happens that people’s past has its pernicious and destructive influence on their present preventing them from being healed from received injures especially the mental ones. This problem is described in a famous trilogy by Pat Barker. The trilogy speaks about the life of military people during the First...

Maintaining Work-Life Balance in a Nursing Career

Introduction For the most part, everyone has a more or less planned life. However, in some instances, unpredictable situations can happen to every human being. Taking into account the extreme environment where nurses work, there might be factors that influence their work-life balance severely (Leineweber et al., 2016). In order...

Donald Trump’s Supporters and Their Victims

Freedom of speech is a concept that is supposed to be one of the most valuable for the democratic society we are trying to build. We are often told that there are no barriers for anyone who would like to state his or her opinion on political issues provided that...

The US Social Security Program

While the market economy implies that people provide for their needs themselves, there are many cases when additional assistance is required. Many countries have created social security programs aimed to offer help to the most vulnerable populations (such as older people, unemployed, or disabled). The Social Security program of the...

The Nature and Importance of Entrepreneurs

Introduction The prevailing literature asserts that the entrepreneurial character of a person or society is influenced by a myriad of demographic, environmental and personal factors (Hisrich, Peters and Shepherd, 2013, p. 24). The demographic factors impacting on the enterprising behaviour include gender, personal and family background, and the person’s early...

The Key Elements of Zara’s Supply Chain Strategy

The success of Spanish retailer Zara can be measured by the number of its stores found in the most prestigious capitals around the world as well as in comparatively small towns in the middle of nowhere. The brand belongs to the INDITEX group and can be put under the umbrella...

Ethical Issues in Hiring Process

In various circumstances, it is often necessary to consider issues from a moral point of view; hiring is one of the situations when stakeholders sometimes need to make ethical decisions. The task of the HR department is to evaluate which candidate can be considered for a particular position. At the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Role of Nursing Metaparadigms in Treating Diabetic Foot Ulcers Patients

Scientists introduced the concept of nursing metaparadigm to improve the caring practice after patients. Jacqueline Fawcett’s disciplinary system variant is the most accepted and used as a standard in the medical sphere. He categorized meta paradigms into four main components: person, environment, health, and nursing (Bender, 2018). Diabetic foot ulcers...

The Civil War Events’ Description Differences

History is the past experiences that can be reflected by humanity to analyze the present and create a thriving future. However, the interpretation of the same occasion varies, depending on the author’s world perception or the work’s purpose. A historical book might observe the past from a political point of...

“Midterm Break” by Seamus Heaney: Aging, Death and Dying

Introduction Death is notably one of the universal fears that translates to almost every culture, time, and age. All people eventually face death in their lifetime: either their own or their loved ones. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that dying is a widely researched topic in many literary works....

Hansberry’s “A Raisin in the Sun” Play Analysis

A Raisin in the Sun is a highly controversial but critically appraised play written by Lorraine Hansberry and performed for the first time in 1959. It tells the story of a struggling African American family living in the poverty of Southside Chicago and looking for a better future. The play...

Heavy Seas Beer: Marketing and Customer Management

Introduction Heavy Seas Beer (HSB) is a brewery established in the 1980s by Hugh Sisson. The company offers several beer tastes and is known for its unique and colorful packaging (“Commitment to quality,” n.d.). However, this is the brand perception that HSB aims to create, while consumers may view its...

Eliezer’s Image in the Mirror in “Night” by Elie Wiesel

A book called Night by Elie was written out of reflections of events that took place during the Holocaust when many Jewish men, women, and children were killed in what went down as the greatest atrocity in the history of the world. The book is a literary work that puts...

“What You Pawn I Will Redeem” and “War Dances” by Sherman Alexie

Sherman Alexie’s short stories “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” and “War Dances” portray two native American men, who lead different lives, yet whose narratives share common features and explore similar topics. In the first story, the reader witnesses a day of a homeless person in Seattle who spots family...

The Ames Test: Evaluating Mutagenicity of Chemical Compounds

Introduction There are a number of reasons defining the importance of correct evaluation of various mutagenic reactions in chemical compounds. Although many similar tests were designed, at the moment, the Ames test remains to be the most efficient for distinguishing mutagenic activities. Unlike several other options of assessing a mutagenic...

Psychosocial Keys to African American Achievement

The scholarly work answers the problem by using quantitative methods for assessing if psychological variables affect the achievement of high-performing African American students. The researchers utilized rigorous methods for data collection and Pearson’s correlation analysis, explanatory factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis to assess the correlations between the variables. Additionally,...

The Components of the Strategizing Process

Although managers can serve multiple roles within organizations, their nature can be broadly categorized as decisional, informational, interpersonal, and formal status and authority. The managerial roles in the decisional category focus on handling, sharing, and using information. They include negotiations, resources allocation, handling disturbances, and assuming entrepreneurial activities. As negotiators,...

Health History and Physical Examination

Subjective Data Demographic data Name: Kerri Ross; Birth Date: 26/07/1991; Age: 25; Sex: Female; Resident: Colorado; Race: Caucasian; Language: English; Marital Status: Married; Occupation: Office Clerk; Education: University. The reason for care She is overweight and at risk of being obese. Present illness: No illness symptoms or signs. Perception of...

Grants and Sources in Healthcare

Oral health remains one of the most widely important health care spheres because the majority of people find themselves in need of dental care services regularly and repeatedly throughout their lives. Due to the cost of such services, many may not be able to afford them, and it should be...

FASB Codification: International Accounting Standard 18

International Accounting Standard 18 (IAS 18) addresses issues relating to revenue and the various instances whether or not revenue should be recognized. According to this standard, revenue can only be recognized to have accrued to an entity only if it meets a number of key conditions among them being: “..The...

Successful Management and Organizational Goals

Introduction Every leading enterprise is deliberately led by a particular approach, role, or style, ensuring the successful management of the company. Managers are responsible for addressing complex organizational issues daily and, therefore, must keep the business on track to achieve the target outcomes. Mintzberg defined the variety of roles that...

US Gun Policy: Article Credibility and Usefulness

Literature review Masters, J. (2017). US gun policy: Global comparisons, Council on Foreign Relations.  The article “US gun policy” is written by Jonathan Masters, who is an accomplished author with a deep understanding of American society, and the existing gun control regulation policies. In the recent past, the United States...

Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illegal Drugs: Use Consequences

The harm of tobacco, alcohol, and drugs to individuals is a common topic of discussion. However, their abuse is increasing as people continue not to consider them with the necessary seriousness. The influence of external factors – television or the environment – has a powerful impact on the image of...

Should Guns Be Banned From College Campuses?

Topic: Guns should be banned from college campuses. General purpose: To address the issue of guns on college campuses and its negative consequences. Specific purpose: To persuade the audience that carrying weapons on campus leads to an increased risk of violence. Central idea: If a weapon is easily accessed, the...

Prabhavananda on the Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount found its response not only in Christian culture but also in Hinduism. In the text, Swami Prabhavananda presents his vision of the eight beatitudes, presenting them as stages of a person’s path to God and not as a classification (Clooney & Francis, 2018, p. 120)....

Corporate Social Responsibility in Supply Chains

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a model used by businesses for self-regulation to ensure they are socially accountable to stakeholders, the public, and themselves as businesses. This concept has become more pervasive and earned acronym attributes in the circles of interaction. It focuses more on holding business enterprises accountable for...

“A Few Good Men” by Reiner

Are People Always Ready to Handle the Truth? – Many people believe that they need to and want to live a truthful life. Still, not all of them are actually ready to handle the truth and accept it as it is. The movie A Few Good Men directed by Rob...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Biography of Maramoas, Priest of Zeus

Maramoas was the priest of Zeus in Lystra, a city in the Roman Empire, which was situated on the territory of modern Turkey. He was mentioned in the New Testament in verses describing the idolatry in Lystra: “Then the priest of Zeus, whose temple was in front of their city,...

Heterosexuality: Do Lesbians Exist?

The article named Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence was written by Adrienne Cecile Rich and was published in 1986. The author’s thesis states, “Coercion and compulsion are among the conditions in which women have learned to recognize our strength” (Rich, 1986, p. 22). The author supports a critical position on...

Indra Nooyi’s Management at PepsiCo

Indra Nooyi is a businesswoman who used her networking intellect skills to transform her firm and win the hearts and minds of her staff, as well as build a massive system of communication. She utilized several approaches to boost her mental powers and manner of thinking in a short period...

The New Product Development Process

The new product development is a compound process that consists of diverse stages directed to collecting and analyzing the data related to the market and developing a profitable offer based on the research. Each product development process includes such stages as idea generation, idea screening, feature specification, development, testing, and...

Country Performers Supporting Social Causes

Introduction In fact, country is a unique genre of popular music mixed with church motives, blues, and American folk. Country songs have roots dating back to the early 1920s in the Southern and South Western parts of the United States. Such melodies usually comprise dance tunes and ballads with overall...

Bullying and Methods of Solving This Problem

The article is devoted to the causes of bullying among children and adolescents. At first glance, bullying is a particular phenomenon in psychology. However, this term originated initially in the process of studying adult collectives. Bullying develops in almost any closed community — be it an army unit or an...

Social Media: A Distraction in the Workplace

Background Social media has become an important part of most individuals’ daily life regardless of age. It has changed people’s lives in diverse ways, ranging from being a crucial source of information to a platform that promotes social interactions. Companies have also embraced social media as an instrumental tool for...

OneDrive: Installation, Registration, and Security Issues

Installing After I installed OneDrive for Windows, a copy of the installed version was downloaded to my computer and saved in a separate OneDrive folder, later synchronized with the cloud version. After installing the OneDrive for Windows desktop app on my computer, it appears on the OneDrive website in the...

“The Churching of America” by Finke and Stark

The Churching of America by Finke and Stark uses economic theory to illustrate the growth and failure of religious organizations is perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this book. They attribute religion’s gradual increase in vitality to increasing religious diversity created by America’s religious “free market” and the associated failure...

Dismantling Social Barriers Through Table Fellowship

This reflection is dedicated to Chapter 3 in Mission in Acts written by Santos Yao, titled “Dismantling Social Barriers through Table Fellowship.” I found this chapter exceptionally relevant to my faith journey and life experience because of the presence of rigid social and cultural divisions within the present-day community. These...

Cause and Effect of Genetically Modified Food

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were essentially created to make plants impervious to herbicides and insects. Creating GMOs led to the production of plants with tens of thousands of proteins chosen explicitly by human beings in scientific labs. Although there are significant concerns about GMOs, many food industries have used this...

Plastic Pollution: Recycle More or Produce Less?

Introduction Plastic pollution levels in the ocean are growing at an alarming rate. According to Rhodes (2018), “150 Mt [of plastic waste] reckoned to have been released into the oceans over time” (p. 207). The issue lies in the inherent mismanagement of this waste and limited resources like oil; production...

Human Trafficking and Its Use in Historical Lens

One of the most significant and complex problems relating to human rights that affect the entire population, both locally and globally, is regarded as human trafficking. A person is recruited, moved, and exploited in this situation. There exist many distinct forms of human trafficking, but the most well-known ones are...

Comparison of the Jewish Religion

The ancient Jews considered themselves “God’s chosen people.” Their monotheism separated them from all surrounding neighbors, while their faith in God’s covenants offered a positive relationship with the deity and the promise of atonement for sin. According to the Book of Genesis, Abraham left Mesopotamia to lead a nomadic life...

The Internet Origins and Commercial Use

Introduction It is essential to note that the Internet is a system of connection and, simultaneously, an information system of communication between people. At the moment this concept can be defined in many terms. For example, the Internet is a global network that unites a huge number of computers across...

Quality Management: The Case of Deepwater Horizon

Maintaining high-quality performance represents one of the essential goals within an organization. However, the process of identifying key risks and mitigating them respectively so that errors and defects could be avoided is a barely unmanageable task unless a proper quality management framework is introduced into the organizational environment. This paper...

Health Information Technology Role

Review of healthcare terminologies Healthcare terminologies play crucial roles in healthcare institutions in enhancing the interoperability of data across systems. Healthcare institutions could realize the benefits of electronic health records by adopting standard terminologies that are used by personnel across systems. Different healthcare terminologies are developed to fulfill specific purposes...

Family Relationship in “Night” by Elie Wiesel

Introduction In the book Night by Elie Wiesel, the relationship between Eliezar and his father appears to be complex. It is shaped by harsh conditions, religion, deportation, and the interaction between the two and other people. In this essay, the author analyzes how this relationship changes throughout the novel. According...

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment: Ethical Controversy

Introduction In terms of ethics, healthcare and healthcare research issues seem to be among the most complicated ones to tackle. However, when it comes to choosing between the significance of a research and the importance of a human life, the priority should go to the last one. Although the Tuskegee...

Levels of Evidence in Evidence-Based Medicine

Case Report A case report that is also known as a case-controlled study can be referred to as the exploration of a certain phenomenon, family, or a single person. As a rule, the case report integrates quantitative and qualitative methods of research. The information collected as a result of this...